#ebelle lily
pepedro10 · 1 year
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A Nice Christmas Mistletoe Kiss For My Girlfriend @ebelle_lily She Will Allways Be In My Heart :) (And Yes, This Is My 1st Post Here On My Tumblr Account)
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lolliezip · 2 years
radi dan es krim strawberry
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saat itu, aku yang baru berusia 5 tahun sedang duduk bermain boneka dan mengadakan pesta teh kecil di ruang kerja mama. mama mengajakku untuk menemaninya di butik. entah apa yang ia pikirkan saat itu membawa aku yang masih belum bisa apa-apa selain bermain, untuk menemaninya bekerja.
lalu saat aku mulai bosan, aku berdiri dan menghampiri mama yang sedang berkutat dengan beberapa berkasnya di meja.
"mama!" panggilku.
"iya, sayang? lili bosen, ya?" mama menjawab tanpa mengalihkan pandangannya dari setumpuk kertas di hadapannya.
aku menghela napas. merasa tidak diacuhkan, aku pun mulai memanggil mama berkali-kali sambil menggoyangkan lengannya.
aku segera berhenti menggoyangkan lengan mama ketika mendengar suara sesuatu tak sengaja tercoret. mama pun menoleh ke arahku dengan ekspresi yang tak bisa dijelaskan.
"mama.. maafin lili.." aku yang menyesal telah menggoyang lengan mama, menunduk dalam seraya mengucap maaf pada mama.
aku mendengar mama yang menghela napasnya. detik selanjutnya, mama sudah menggendongku dan kami duduk di sofa.
"maafin mama ya lili? lili lagi bosen ya? lili mau ke mana?" mama mengelus pelan kepalaku.
"lili laper. mau mam mekdi! sama es kim ya?"
mama segera mengiyakan dan jemarinya langsung bergerak menelpon asistennya.
"iya, tolong ya. kalo es krim apa aja deh, lili suka es krim apa aja. tapi kalo ada yang strawberry, strawberry aja ya. terus, client yang hari ini mau dateng gimana? udah ada kabar?"
aku hanya mengerti bagian mama yang menyampaikan apa yang ingin aku makan untuk siang ini. sisanya aku tak mengerti sama sekali. kemudian, aku pun memutuskan untuk kembali bermain dengan boneka dan melanjutkan pesta teh kecil tadi sambil menunggu makananku datang.
♡ ♡ ♡
setelah beberapa lama, makanan yang aku inginkan sampai. tentu saja, aku langsung ribut meminta mama untuk menyuapiku. perutku yang keroncongan ini sudah tidak tahan dengan bau ayam yang super menggoda.
"enak sayang?" tanya mama tiba-tiba.
aku mengangguk sebagai jawaban.
mama tersenyum dan kembali menyuapiku.
tok tok.
"iya, silakan masuk!" ucap mama setengah teriak.
begitu pintu terbuka, aku melihat tiga manusia di sana. oh, ada anak laki-laki juga. wah dia lebih tinggi dari aku!
"eh, bu ita, pak herman! aduh maaf, ya, ini saya lagi sambil nyuapin makan anak saya. silakan duduk, bu, pak."
mereka pun duduk di sofa yang berhadapan dengan aku dan mama. si anak laki-laki itu terus memandangiku.
"ih disuapin."
tiba-tiba si anak lelaki itu bersuara. aku langsung menunjukkan ketidaksukaanku padanya. aku menatap sebal. memangnya kenapa aku masih disuapin mama!
"eh.. radi gak boleh ngomong gitu, nak. minta maaf yuk?"
"gak mau, ma."
"gak papa, bu. namanya juga anak kecil, lili nya juga gak kenapa-kenapa kok ini," mama tiba-tiba ikut menimpali, membuat aku semakin kesal. apa nya yang gak kenapa-kenapa? jelas-jelas radi radi itu mengejekku, ma!
aku yang sebal, akhirnya memilih untuk keluar ruangan sambil menangis. teriakan mama yang memanggilku tidak aku pedulikan.
butik mama sangat luas dan memiliki 2 lantai. aku memutuskan untuk turun ke lantai 1 dan berjalan tanpa arah sambil terus menangis.
lalu aku memilih bersembunyi di antara baju-baju tebal yang digantung di pojok. aku menangis di sana sampai aku akhirnya tertidur.
♡ ♡ ♡
"lili, lili!"
aku mendengar suara yang memanggilku. begitu aku membuka mata, terlihat sosok radi.
"ih, amu apain i cini!!!" kataku dengan kesal.
radi mengeluarkan sesuatu dari kantongnya.
"aku punya permen strawberry sama cokelat. tadi mama kamu cari-cari kamu sambil bawa es krim strawberry."
aku memandangi permen yang berada di tangan radi. baru saja inginku ambil, radi sudah menutup tangannya. aku semakin kesal! baru saja aku ingin berteriak, radi mengatakan sesuatu
"kalo lili mau permen ini, lili harus ikut sama aku ke atas."
"lili ebel ma amu! amu ebelin!"
radi terdiam sebentar.
"lili marah ya? maafin aku ya. aku gendong ke atas, mau?"
belum sempat aku menjawab, radi sudah menghadapkan punggungnya. ia mengisyaratkan padaku untuk segera naik.
aku dengan ragu, pelan-pelan naik ke punggung radi. setelah memastikan aku sudah naik, radi pun berdiri dan kami menuju ke lantai atas.
"lili," panggil radi.
"apa!" jawabku.
"lili suka strawberry?"
"lili, kapan-kapan kita makan es krim strawberry bareng yah?"
setelah itu terlihat mama dan orang tua radi yang segera menghampiri kami. mama langsung memeluk dan menciumku. melihatku dari atas kepala hingga kaki, memastikan bahwa aku tidak apa-apa.
"makasih, ya, radi udah gendong lili. lili takut ketinggian soalnya," ucap mama pada radi.
radi hanya mengangguk.
dan setelah itu, entah kenapa aku selalu menantikan saat-saat akan makan es krim bersama radi yang ternyata 4 tahun lebih tua dariku. mama memberi tahuku.
♡ ♡ ♡
ket: 732 words.
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‘Some kind of magical algorithm’= love
Before her, siting on the bench where Scorpius had been, was a snow-white arctic fox with just the same distinct amber eyes as her friend.
He was somewhat larger than Lily's red fox, but with shorter ears and legs. His fur was also thicker and longer, and didn't have any of the patterns or changes in colour that Lily's had.
Somehow, Lily found herself feeling suddenly hot and flustered and for a few moments she just stared at the creature in front of her.
She was thinking about how her father had told her that her grandparents had shared the same patronus; a stag and a doe. Growing up as a little girl in the Potter household, this had never seemed strange at all to Lily because to her, even though she had never met them, her grandparents were so inextricably linked together. They were each one half of a whole; like tea leaves in a tea cup, together they formed a pattern which had defined the past, present and future of Lily's family.
But now that she thought about it, it seemed entirely too coincidental for two completely different people to magically produce the same animal form when there were millions of different animal species in the world. To have the same 'animal spirit', as Ebele had called it, must surely have some kind of meaning. Some kind of magical algorithm which Lily couldn't comprehend must surely be at play.
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aleja-liveblog · 4 years
While I’m here, @lilietsblog send me a bunch of asks a while ago (back in october) that first I forgot about and then I felt awkward since it was months ago. But since I’m still here, I’ll push through the awkwardness i’ve been avoiding since December 
Note they send a bunch, some numbered but apparently the second one is missing. @lilietsblog i dont expect you to remenber after months but if you do...
Also this is so fucking long that im putting a keep reading 
About Catherine and Rat Company (1): these are war games monitored by adults. They are intended to be training, and even though winning/losing also matters, I imagine major breaches of discipline (ie straight up disobeying the person supposed to be your commanding officer, which was Catherine with Nauk incapacitated) would be remarked and punished anyway. In the army it's more important to obey than to be clever or the whole thing can't work.”
No comment since I know nothing about armies but i’ll take your word for it 
(3) You keep suspecting Name shenanigans, but you think if Catherine was a side character and someone else became lieutenant and then led them to actual successes against First Company they wouldn't be cheering that person on and swearing eternal loyalty (until evening anyway)? It's just how people work. Charismatic leaders are a real world thing, not just a story thing. Story can enhance what's already there, but Speaking has been explicitly called out so far. Catherine isn't doing that.”
Really good point. Also consider this, I will suspect Name shenanigans until the day I die. The story will end, I will be in my deathbed, and I will tell my grieving family that it was Name shenanigans in apgte
“(4) The subtler effects of Name shenanigans are mostly in coincidences and luck. What COINCIDENCE it is that Cat was placed in the loser company willing to rally behind ANYONE who gave them even a modicum of success. What COINCIDENCE it is that they went up against First Company, making Cat look even more impressive in context. And, uh, the fact Cat got lieutenant's position is explicitly no coincidence, just Black's fiat. That's being apprentice to the head of the army for you.”
See above for my take on this (also I truly hope in my deepest of hearts that you know its deep Name manipulation because you already read this and am trying to throw me off. Because I would love a story about confronting Tropeworld, please give me this) 
“(5) To bring characterterization together a little bit: remember how Sergeant Ebele in Rat's Nest liked Cat and encouraged her? Remember how Cat fast-talked her way into a rebel group? Remember how she called herself out for being too much of a brave idiot when she went to save that girl in chapter 1? She's just in the exact position to show off and capitalize on these traits that were there from before Black got involved.”
Really good Catherine analyzing and I agree. After all theres a reason Black picked her. BUT it can be Cat being charming and leadering material, AND name stuff. I dont trust the Names and Roles at all. 
“(6) These are TEENAGERS in a WAR GAME. LEEEEEROY JEEEEEEEEENKINSSS!!!!!.... tl;dr it would take a mind-controlling Name to get these children to act DIFFERENTLY in this situation lmao”
Oh yes, holy crap this is just lord of the flies. However,I’m still side eyeing everything
 “ God this will give birth to so many more rumors. Who laughs in the middle of fighting?" this is called adrenaline and I'm not saying ANYONE would but it's at the very least a real thing lmao (if you're of Catherine's temperament~)”
Are you sure? Absolutely sure?  I didn’t want to know that and I’m pretty sure there will still be rumors even if that only makes a small percentage of the ones that will pop up (hell we just seen the Blackguards take Cat in front of her classmates, god the rumors everywhere)
(I am not saying whether there are or not Name shenanigans involved, why that would be spoilers. Just pointing out that it comes together as is, either way)
Name shenanigans  Name shenanigans  Name shenanigans
(the psychological parts come together, anyway. No comment on jumping over rolling logs)
oh yeah we’ve already seen its pretty impossible and it tipped of Hellhound 
and a comment from when I returned last month
I was gonna keep this one to myself but I’m already commented of everything else from lili so why not. thank you :)
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i have... a big pantheon of gods.... based off various minecraft dimensions and concepts...
Dimensional Gods: [REDACTED], Jackal, Kvarzta, Yolanda, [REDACTED], Ebel, Fel, Saeluria, Gaea, Hulmor
Special Gods: Steve, Alex, Herobrine (form 1), Herobrine (form 2), [REDACTED], Mother, Vailorious, Mining
Forgotten Gods: Xathanael, Lily
dimensional gods are just that, gods of various vanilla and modded dimensions. special gods are of concepts that arent dimensions. forgotten gods are dimensional gods whose sources are no longer existent. though, the mod limbo is from has been updated to 1.12.2
(each name links to the mod (if any) theyre sourced from)
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evannalily · 6 years
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Afternoon everyone and happy Sunday to you all I hope the weekend is treating you well. Todays post is a little later than anticipated but its here and its all about ankle boots! I basically live in boots for the majority of the year as I’m not really a runners kind of gal I just find that boots can make an everyday outfit look that bit more special and just add a certain something to it. As we are now in Winter boots are definitely more of an option now as they tend to just be that little bit warmer and wether you like flats, heels, plain or with a little something extra I hope I have enough here to cater for any preferences! I have gone mainly with black because it is the most popular colour and the colour I think people lean towards this time of year from what I have seen at work but I have included a few white pairs as they are still very in at the moment too!
Obviously Black Friday was on last week and some stores are continuing their promotions until Monday so here are the brands from this post that still have promotions on!
Boohoo – 30% Off New Season Limited Time Only
Asos – 20% Off Everything Code Hello20
Missguided – Up to 70% Off Everything
Prettylittlething – Up to 60% Off Everything
River Island – 20% Off When You Spend €100 Or More
I personally love a bit of a heel on my boots just because I’m only 5.2 so I like having a little bit of height and I do wear boots to work a lot so I have definitely figured out what ones are practical for working or not! There are a few pairs here that are really similar to ones I own. I have a pair from a year or so ago from Boohoo that I wear to work majority of the time which are really similar to the patent black River Island pair that I have here which are just a nice plain heeled boot that just adds something extra to my outfits without having to put too much into a look but still look decent for work. There are a few pairs in here from ASOS as they just have really nice stuff in at the moment like the western style sequin pair which I think would be really cute for everyday to just add a pop of colour to a look or look nice for going out when you don’t want too much of a heel but still want a dressy style shoe. I have included three pairs of white boots as well as they are still trending at the moment but a lot of the ones I have seen are a kitten heel boot which are nice but I personally prefer more of a heel and for everyday a stiletto or kitten isn’t really practical so these three have a good blocked or flat heel for everyday use. Again the Boohoo pair are the same style and look as the two pairs I bought last year in black and patent silver so I can confirm they are comfortable and I have got good wear from them both!
I am on the hunt for a proper high stiletto going out boot as well as my favourite pair are starting to look like their glory days are wearing out so I definitely need to replace them! I am also looking for a good thigh high pair as well that (this sounds weird but its the only way to describe it) are more petite size as ones that I have tried are fine until the actual thigh where they just get that tiny bit too big so if anyone knows anywhere that do good tight ones then let me know! For now though I am going back to my Christmas shopping so hopefully this year I will be organised by the time Christmas week comes around!
Happy Sunday!
Ever Yours
        Everyday Boots : Essential Ankle Boots Afternoon everyone and happy Sunday to you all I hope the weekend is treating you well. Todays post is a little later than anticipated but its here and its all about ankle boots!
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retroactivepictures · 6 years
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Vernissage demain, dimanche 15 avril à partir de 15h - Mains d’Oeuvres #EX.PDF : EXPOSER LES ÉCRITURES EXPOSÉES – 5/15 Projet labellisé par la MSHB, en partenariat avec le CELLAM / EA3206, sur une proposition du label hypothèse Commissariat : Ann Stouvenel et les enfants avec Adrien Abline, Julie Béna, Clélia Berthier, Étienne Bossut, Nicolas Chardon, Claude Closky, Claudia Comte, Guillaume Constantin, Antonio Contador, John Cornu, Bruno Di Rosa, Peter Downsbrough, Ivan Liovik Ebel, Christelle Familiari, Michel François, Ann Guillaume & Tom Bücher, Ann Veronica Janssens, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Isabelle Lartault & Michel Verjux, Quentin Lefranc, Muriel Leray, Claude Lévêque, Jonathan Loppin, Mathieu Mercier, Grégoire Motte, Samir Mougas, Pierre la Police, Éric Pougeau, Marine Provost, Babeth Rambault, Francis Raynaud, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Claude Rutault, Éléonore Saintagnan, Yann Sérandour, Agnès Thurnauer, Hélène Travert, Mathieu Tremblin, Capucine Vandebrouck, Philémon Vanorlé / Société Volatile, Christophe Viart _ https://www.mainsdoeuvres.org/EX-PDF-EXPOSER-LES-ECRITURES-EXPOSEES.html Mains d'Œuvres 1 rue Charles Garnier, 93400 Saint-Ouen www.mainsdoeuvres.org 15 – 22 avril 2018 Vernissage le dimanche 15 avril de 15h à 19h
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rinuko · 7 years
A Danish Girl is such a good movie? I fell in love with it the very first time Einar puts on socks. The following scenes with him and his femininity are beautiful and feel very natural. I've always been on the sidelines when it comes to transsexualism just kinda learning from the lgbt community and for most people I saw it with the movie felt uncomfortable or disturbing. I've never seen a full representation of someone's transition and as I've said, this felt very natural and seeing Lili just become herself more and more was enchanting and impossible to look away from. That ending was really hard to take in, but since it was supposed to represent what happened in her life, I suppose it will have to do. Definitely a movie I would watch again.
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diversegaminglists · 7 years
Lesbian and Bisexual Female Love Interests
As with all lists, corrections and suggestions encouraged, still very much a WIP.
Many of these games may be of poor quality and/or written by heterosexual men. No age ratings on these either, 18+ smutty stuff is mixed in with E-rated romance.
I’ve done my best to categorise these F/F romance options into lesbian and bisexual character lists, but in games where you play a woman and have a same gender romance option, often a lot of those women never have their sexuality explicitly stated, so for characters I’m not sure about I’ve listed them as “WLW”.
This list is OBSOLETE and will no longer be updated.
Lesbian options in dating sims:
After the Bell Rings (F/F only)
Akai Ito (F/F only)
Amaranto (F/F only)
Anaheim Girl’s Love Story (F/F only)
Aoi Shiro (F/F only)
Asphyxia (F/F only)
Astoria: Fate’s Kiss (Medusa)
Atom Grrl! (F/F only)
Brilliant Shadows (F/F)
can you say my name again (F/F only)
Castaway! Love's Adventure (Serena)
Flower Garden (F/F only)
From Salt to Sugar (F/F)
Gangsters in Love (Aurora)
My Girlfriend is a Witch! (Madoka Magica fanfic)
Heileen: Sail Away (Marie)
Heileen 3: Sea Maidens (Marie)
Helena’s Flowers (Penthesilea)
Highway Blossoms (F/F only)
Hikōki Fakkubōto (F/F only, possibly not fully translated)
Katahane (The game’s story follows 3 couples: 2 F/F, one F/M)
Kindred Spirits on the Roof (F/F only)
Lilium x Triangle (F/F Only)
Limit Panic! (Not fully translated)
A Little Lily Princess (F/F only)
Lonely Yuri
Love is in Bloom (F/F only)
Madoka Magica: Pure Pink Pretty Lovers (Fanfic)
The Menagerie (This one describes itself as “a lesbian and futanari eroge” so probable warning for trans-misogyny and fetishistic attitudes towards trans women.)
A Midsummer Day’s Resonance (F/F only)
Mondoj (F/F)
Mutiny (F/F only, warning for trans-misogyny and fetishism)
Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto (F/F only)
Nuki Nuki Destiny! (Not fully translated)
The Reject Demon: Toko (F/F only)
Rising Angels Franchise (F/F only)
The Royal Trap: The Confines of the Crown (General warning for trans-misogyny. This game actually has one lesbian option which you achieve by pursuing an alliance with Prince Gaston, and a “friend ending” with another female character. Please also note that there is no way to date the trans woman character.)
Sacrament of the Zodiac: The Confused Sheep and The Tamed Wolf (F/F only)
The Sad Story of Emmeline Burns (F/F only)
Sakura Dungeon (F/F only)
Sakura Fantasy (F/F only)
Sakura Space (F/F only)
Slumberparty (F/F only)
Snow Drop (F/F only)
Sono Hanabira Franchise/ A Kiss for the Petals Franchise (F/F only)
Sour Cherry Twist (F/F only)
Starlight Vega (F/F only)
Strawberry Vinegar (F/F only)
Sugar’s Delight (F/F only, obviously written by straight men, involves having sex with cake, don’t ask.)
why is this dragon so fucking cute?? (F/F only)
Written in the Sky
Yuri no Yume
Lesbian options in all other genres:
Baldur’s Gate 2 Enhanced Edition (Hexxat)
Black Closet (F/F only)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Sera)
Mass Effect 3 (Samantha Traynor)
Princesses's Maid
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Juhani is supposed to be a lesbian, but a bug in the code meant she sometimes is available to male player-characters too)
Violet (This text adventure has a toggle that turns it into a lesbian romance.)
A Wild Catgirl Appears
Bisexual women options in dating games:
Cute Demon Crashers! (Mirari)
Ellaria: Cotton & Cream
Heilleen 2: The Hands of Fate (Juliet, Ebele)
Heileen 3: Sea Maidens (Lora, Ebele & Juliet)
Magical Diary:Horse Hall (Ellen & Virginia)
Bisexual woman in other genres:
Analogue: A Hate Story & Hate Plus
Dragon Age: Origins (Leliana)
Dragon Age 2 (Isabela & Merril)
Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin (Tallis)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Josephine)
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Fallout 4
Fire Emblem Fates (Rhajat)
The Game of Life (Same sex marriage options)
Jade Empire (Silk Fox)
Loren the Amazon Princess (Loren)
Loren the Amazon Princess: The Castle of N’Mar (Chambara)
Mass Effect 2 (Kelly Chambers)
Mass Effect 3 (Diana Allers)
The Pioneer Trail/Frontierville
Stardew Valley (Everyone)
Star Wars: The Old Republic (Lemda Avesta, Lana Beniko)
AIRIS (Everea)
Blue Rose (Erin)
Chrono Day Sim Date (Bianca)
Cosplay Maker (5 F/F routes)
Echoes of the Fey: The Fox's Trail (1 F/F route)
Fatal Hearts (Lucy)
Genjitsukai (Aleisha)
Last Days of Spring (One F/F option)
Life is Strange
Love is Strange (F/F only) (Fanfic)
Love and Order (Dorothy)
Lunar Days Sim Date (Raine)
Number Days Sim Date (Lena)
Queen at Arms (One F/F route)
The Queen of Thieves (3 F/F routes)
Seduce Me the Otome (3 F/F routes)
Serafina’s Saga (Valerie)
Serafina’s Crown (At least 1 F/F route)
Spirited Heart Girls’ Side/Spirited Heart Deluxe (3 F/F routes)
Sword of Asumi
Void and Meddler
Special Mentions:
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - True Love Edition. This is a ROM Hack that swaps the romance options of the original game, so it’s technically a non-canon fan mod.
Loren the Amazon Princess - Karen is only available to a female player character, but she also loved a man. However she is deeply ashamed that she loved him and also tries to kill herself after he dies. I don’t feel comfortable placing her under any of the other options because of this context.
Mass Effect Franchise - Liara is part of the monogender asari alien species, but presents as a woman and is treated as a bisexual option throughout the series.
Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt - You can pursue any NPC in this game as a marriage option, regardless of gender or species (and possibly also family relation, incest warning?!).
Needs More Research:
Abigail (The protagonist is a lesbian, not sure about the rest)
An Otaku’s Guide to Santa’s Reindeer
Choice of Games (need specific examples)
Embric of Wulfhammer’s Castle
Heart of Fire
I Love You
Mahou Shoujo Žižek-chan!
Midsummer Haze
The Milk of Human Kindness
Queen’s Gambit
Sinkha: Atmosphere & Planet of the Clouds
Sound of Drop - Fall Into Poison
Star Story Saga: Renaissance
Starship Inanna (At least one bisexual character)
Transport Troubles
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ninipeony · 7 years
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Flash back from the backstage of a lovely photo shoot for @louisepando wearing my embroidered Lilies. Flashback des backstages du super shooting photo pour Louise Ebel alias Miss Pandora qui portait mes Lys brodés à cette occasion. Photo : @romyryanjamesphotography Assistante photo : @juoutremer Arrangement floral : @menthe_sauvage
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tgr489 · 5 years
30 things...
So I’ve thought about this somewhat and trawled a few sites to see if I’m ahead of the curve on things and below are a few lists that the web throws up. Have added some helpful colour coding as to what I’ve done, not done, or have got part way there. Enjoy…
 Here is your Bucket List: 30 Things to Do Before You Turn 30:
1. Travel somewhere you don’t know the language. 
Going somewhere you can’t easily communicate with other people is terrifying. But not only would it enlighten you and make you savvy to another culture, it would also force you to really learn the language — something we’re rarely forced to do. 
I’d say the majority of places I’ve travelled to, and around, I’ve not known the language, initially. If you’re staying anywhere for anything longer than a few weeks then you need to pick up some local basics, it’s just plain rude otherwise, general pleasantries and basic ordering of sustenance will go a long way to not annoying the fuck out of the person your conversing with. Us westerners can score damn high on the annoyance scale, and I’ve seen the shout loud and slow enough to know the stereotype is true. I know enough to not be without food, beverages and substances in any country that speaks in Spanish (LatAm), French, Dutch, Thai, Malaysian. 
2. Date someone who isn’t your “type”.
You will learn and grow from being around people who are different from you. Maybe the relationship won’t work out in the end or maybe you’ll meet your future spouse. At any rate, you’ll either have a great time or a terrible time, but you will learn from the experience.
I don’t really have type of girl I go for, or I do but I’m less conscious of it and don’t single it out. I lived with this guy back in London who was obsessed by girls with big boobs and would always seek them out whenever we were out, but when it came down to it his obsession for him tongue tied which prevented him from actually getting together with anyone which fit the bill. Such a shame for him 
3. Start your 401(k).
Retirement might be a blip on the map but it will be here before you know it. Do yourself a favour and start saving now. Especially if your company offers matching. Grow money, grow!
This is true. To be smug and somewhat boring I’ve had a pension/super/old age fund since I was 18. That’s what happens when you’re surrounded by family involved with money, and how to grow it and more importantly, protect it. Start early enough and it’ll hopefully be big enough to keep the party going well into your 90s.
4. Take a risk: Go bungee jumping or skydiving or swim with sharks. 
I’m talking to you non-adrenaline junkies and typical stay-at-homers. Get outside, put yourself in the hands of trained professionals, and experience that exhilarating feeling of being this close to staring death in the face.
5. Start investing.
This is a risk in itself. Learn enough to invest some money or have someone else do it for you. No risk, no reward. 
This kinda goes hand in hand with 3.
6. Form your political opinion.
We live in a politically turbulent time. It’s up to us to educate ourselves and advocate for what we believe in. Many people shy away from political discussions but by having them, you’ll come out with new, more well-rounded knowledge and, hopefully, will get to know your own opinions better.
Politics are bullshit. I’ll say no more.
7. Stop holding grudges. 
Past grievances are overrated. You don’t need negativity in your life and you definitely don’t need it over something that happened years ago. If you need to, unfollow of block the involved parties on social media. Don’t “hate follow” someone just for the heck of it. A grudge only affects the person holding it.
8. Start a collection. 
Something fun, quirky and totally you. Be passionate about it but don’t be a hoarder! My collectable of choice is mugs. They take up a lot of space, but they are something I use daily and always bring back memories from places I’ve visited.
This is a bit weird. Reminds me of one of my school friends’ grand parents who had this thing for tea plates. They started out as mere decoration in the kitchen but slowly spread into the dinning room and then hallway in a bid to conquer the house. I do have collections of sorts, things like sneakers and cameras, but I consider these to be practical as I live in one and use the others a lot.
9. Take a cross-country road trip. 
Particularly if you are in the United States. You’ll get to experience many different nuances of the country and you can support local mom-and-pop businesses. Pro-tip: avoid the highways for the best scenery.
Did a US road trip last year with Elise when I moved to Cali, and have done a few in Europe and Australia.
10. Pay off your credit card debt. 
No one wants this to begin with, but you have a chance to start off your thirties with a clean financial slate if you play your cards right (or in this case, not at all). Debt can not only be financially devastating for building the future you dream of, but it can also be tough on your confidence.
I hardly ever use my credit cards but when I do I pay the balance every month.
11. Go see live music you love. 
There’s something so special about seeing your favourite artists live. They aren’t going to be on tour forever, so buy the tickets and make the drive. You won’t regret seeing them live.
I see live music a few times every month
12. Set an annual reading goal. 
I could bore you with the list of benefits of reading, but I won’t (but if you’re curious, we’ve got some right here). Go make yourself a Goodreads account and set yourself a reading goal to accomplish each year.
I think I read a lot already, as in I’ve always got one or two books on the go. Sometimes I read prolifically, other times maybe a couple of pages a week. I think setting a target would put too much pressure on me.
13. Overcome a fear. 
Sometimes your fears hold you back, but don’t let them. Take steps to overcome your fear of public speaking or heights. Once you know you what you are capable of, anything is possible.
The only fear I’m really conscious of is growing old, so overcoming that will I guess happen in time, not something that’ll happen in the next week. I’m sure everyone has this fear at some point because no one really wants to be frail, piss stinking and relying on everyone else to do shit for you. 
14. Get a tattoo. 
Permanence is scary, so make sure it’s something that really represents who you are at this point in your life, particularly if you’re prone to regret. Make up your mind, do your research and go for it. If tattoos aren’t your thing, there’s always fake tattoos you can wear for a few days or a piercing you’ve always liked that you can eventually remove. Check out our Guide to Surviving Your First Tattoo!
Have 4, maybe time for another. Designing that tat for Lily did have me thinking about it for a short while.
15. Join a club. 
And I don’t mean the list of resume-fluffing ones you joined in high school and college. I mean ones that you are really interested in and passionate about.  For example, try and join a running club or a book club. Maybe you’re into intramural volleyball or something else entirely. Either way it’s a fun way to meet new people and spend some time on a hobby!
16. Treat yourself to something really expensive. 
…and pay for it in cash. Whether it’s a trip of a lifetime, a new computer, a Chanel handbag or a weekend away at an upscale resort and spa, you totally deserve it for working hard. If you don’t have the cash now, start saving! Make yourself a savings account called “Treat Myself” and transfer $20 a pay-check until you have enough.
What’s really expensive? 4, 5, or 6 digits, or even 7? This is a relative thing but using the writers theory above would see someone waiting a while to buy anything. Does Vera Visa come out to play and then pay it off by the time you retire? I used to obsess over having a Rolex, a Traveller model to be exact. They’re vintage and not flashy in any way, have no diamonds and they’re not gold, just stainless steel with a coloured green face. Simple and elegant. At that time they were around $20k, would be nice to walk into a shop and lay that wad down. But I do actually have a small collection of watches already, to go along with 8 above, that I never wear, primarily because we are surrounded by clocks and second I can never be bothered to go to the jewellery store to get the batteries changed when they die. So I used to just move on to the next one. Without looking I think I have about 7 G-Shocks, an Ebel, a Storm and a Seiko. The last one is special because it was my fathers and the only thing I wanted when he died, because he was wearing it at the time.Maybe I should look at that Rolex again, or look into some more art.
17.  Be the first person to apologise.
It’s hard to admit when you are wrong. But it’s usually for the greater good. Saying “I’m sorry” is something we learn as children but don’t often implement as adults. Apologise when you’re in the wrong.
18. Run a marathon. 
Pushing yourself physically is not only good for your body but good for your mind. And plus, you’ll feel really awesome with your medal. We’re capable of far more than we think we are — and this is your chance to prove it to yourself!
Not enough time to train for this, but I’ve flirted with the idea, although I have reservations about putting my body through such torture. I know 2 people that have run one and they both say never agin. I guess it’s an epic accomplishment but there are far more things to achieve than seeing whether you can continually run for 26 miles. Climb a mountain is far better especially if you can board down it after!
19.  Forgive yourself for mistakes.
Realising you made a huge mistake by passing over an amazing job offer might seem like the end of the world, but it’s not. Forgive yourself and move on. This goes along with letting go of grudges–don’t hold them against yourself.
This is so true. I beat myself up at the start of the year thinking I’d made a big mistake moving to LA only to be leaving after a few months, and I still kind of hang on to it a bit. I think I feel more pain for the girl I unceremoniously dumped to pursue that dream, even though she’s OK with it now (we are on talking terms and see each other around every now and then).
20.  Learn how to cook.
I’m not saying you should aspire to be Ina Garten; just learn how to make a few fancy dishes for one of those special occasions. They might come in handy sooner than you think. Knowing how to make risotto is a great recipe to always have in your back pocket. It’s easy one you know the steps and can be made in any variation based on the ingredients you have on hand.
I think by the time anyone reaches 30 they know how to cook, if not they must still live at home a la Norman Bates. This is one thing I really love doing, as I use it to de-stress, and the more people I have to cook for the more satisfactory the experience.
21. Eat really expensive food. 
Treat yourself (and maybe your significant other) to a meal at one of the world’s top restaurants. Find out what all of the fuss is about and indulge in food made by someone who invented the cooking method.
I agree. When you go to an expensive restaurant and the food is fantastic with unnoticeable service it’s something to behold. Thing is not everyone like to go out a blow several hundred $ on a meal, no matter how good it may be. Don’t get me wrong I don’t dine out 5* often but I do for those special occasions.
22. Pay it forward. 
Ever had someone help you out when you didn’t ask for it? Even if you haven’t, you can still start a chain of positive events by paying for someone’s coffee or helping them change a flat tire. Positive momentum is a powerful thing, people!
I’ll attribute this to Karma, which I’m a big believer in, help as many people as you can through life and it will pay you back in spades when you need it. Even if it doesn’t, or you don’t believe it does, being kind and helping people is the thing we need to do more of as a species. A story - About 18 months ago I went out for a relatively expensive meal with Elise, which I’d booked because I wanted to impress her, there was a tramp walking towards us as we were making our way home. As we got closer I could feel Elise tighten up as she knew as well as I that he was gonna tap us for some change. As he closed in on us I could see that he wasn’t much older than us, but was obviously freezing cold, it was December after all. I had this sudden feeling that I had to help him, it was cold and I was going home to a warm apartment and comfy bed, he was gonna be sleeping where? I took out my wallet and gave him all the notes I had left, about $100 and told him to find somewhere to get warm. As we walked away Elise was annoyed that I’d given him the money saying that he’ll just spend it on drugs and drink. I hoist told her that may be the case but that’s a reflection of his character rather than mine and I helped him as best I could at that moment in time and I can’t be responsible for him beyond that. She didn’t buy it and just said I’d wasted my money.
23. Attempt to break a world record. 
In the Guinness Book of World Records, of course. There are records for everything, so round up your friends and give it your best shot. Even if you don’t quite break a record, it’s still a pretty cool memory to have.
Can I be the first person to OD on weed? That would be a world record for sheer quantity consumed.
24. Attend the Olympic Games.
Whether it’s Winter or Summer, you’ll never regret being in the presence of the world’s elite athletes and having the opportunity to watch history in the making.
I think if I was in a city when this was on I’d go, but I’m not gonna travel to one specifically for the event 
25. Pick a cause and be passionate about it.
Whether it’s cancer research or clean water, donate and make efforts to help others and advance your cause. Don’t just say you’re interested in a cause, go live it and be it — volunteer your time, fundraise or donate. Change doesn’t happen by sitting at home on your couch.
How to pick a cause when there are so many that need help. I’ve volunteered occasionally in the past and it has been good fun but I’ve never tramped off to some remote location to dig wells or anything like that. One of my friends work for Operation Raleigh and always says how much he loves his job, but whilst he works for a worthwhile organisation he does receive a salary so it’s kind of cheating. I will make this a goal to do  more of especially as the planet is on the brink and stuff needs to be done about it.
26. Make your family tree. 
There is no history more interesting than your own–figure out who your ancestors were and how they impacted the world and your own life. What you find out might surprise you. Take it a step further and record your family’s complete medical history. This will not only come in handy for you, but for future generations are well.
I’m not sure I need to know who my ancestors were, it won’t serve any purpose, unless I’m in line to throne and near the top of the list, but I doubt that very much. What I know about  my family is that both my paternal grandparents died before I was born, he was a doctor and she was a housewife. My maternal grandparents were never together, he bailed as soon as he became a father and she eventually turned into an alcoholic so my mother never spoke to her. Both my parents were only children so there’s no expansive collection of relatives for me. However, I do have 2 half brothers from my dad’s first marriage, but they’re much older than me and they openly dislike me and always have. I’m kinda glad I never see them any more because they are a right pair of wankers. Their dislike of me turned to hatred when my dad left me pretty much everything in his will, but that wasn’t my doing so not my fault. I wonder if it still bugs them or whether thy employed number 7 above.
27. See a Broadway play. 
Or a Cirque show or Blue Man Group.  Put on your best dress or your tux and live it up.
Everyone should go to the theatre more, and I’ll put myself in this camp. I do go a see shows when there’s a story that sounds captivating or an actor I really wanna see, but I don’t go enough. Time to change up.
28. Work a menial job. 
A job where you know you won’t advance but also requires tipping. You’ll gain a better appreciation for people you come across in your future who count tips as the largest part of their salary. If this doesn’t fit into your career plan, try picking up a second job around the holidays — you’ll appreciate the extra income and you’ll gain some eye-opening experience for those who work for minimum wage full time.
I have done so many of these it’s laughable. Packing pineapples, cleaning windows, waiting tables, sorting trash in a recycling centre to name a few. All of these jobs were essential at the time to make money to live and in some of them I met the best people, really down to earth types just trying to make ends meet.
29. Become a connoisseur in something. 
Whether it’s cheese, wine, tea or coffee, your garnered knowledge will always help you make small talk but also enrich your life in ways you haven’t even imagined.
I am a connoisseur of weed and whiskey amongst many other things but they would be my faves.
30. And finally, make a list of 40 Things to do Before You Turn 40.
If only because it’s fun!
I guess I have time to do this so I’ll start it at some point.
Here’s another list I found with a few differences but has the same general theme 
1. Take care of my body 
I think I do this, but I smoke too much weed and probably drink to much, because I binge, so I know I can do better. I do ride my push bike pretty much everywhere, even when I’ve had a few, which is bad and not really taking care of my life. But don’t ride when it’s raining because the odds of accident are increased, then I walk, even if I have to get uptown.
2. Visit Amsterdam 
Yep, everyone should
3. Aprender Español (Learn Spanish) 
4. Take a creative _____ class 
Have started my sewing group thing. The first results are disappointing but I will fulfil my obligation and post a photo of the pouch I made, much to my shame. 
5. Publish an eBook 
These entries are kind of an eBook. My shrink thinks my back story is fairly interesting and sometimes entertaining so I’ll put some of it up as the need arises to provide perspective.
6. Go on a road trip in Europe 
7. Make a cheesecake for the first time 
Yes everyone should try this, then go buy one that is actually any decent, because I’ve never known of anyone to make a great one first time
8. Host a dinner party 
9. Send a postcard from every trip I take 
This is actually a good idea which I do not do any more. I keep postcards around forever. You generally know when someone is away because it’s all over FB or Insta, but postcards are a surprise and a tangible thing that a friend will hold in their hands and possibly stick up somewhere as a reminder of you.
10.  Plant a tree 
11. Have a morning routine 
What defines a routine? I pretty much do the same thing every morning before I leave the apartment, with the odd exception of when I can be bothered to box up any food left over from a previous dinner, I get up, make a coffee, if there’s none, drink coffee whilst staring out of the window and casually looking at newsfeed, chat with anyone who’s around, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, pack bag, go. If the journey to work is included in a routine’ I don’t think I want one. I like mixing up my ride to work along different routes and with some stops along the way for breakfast and more coffee. Isn’t variety the spice of life?
12. Turn off the internet’ 
This is definitely something I need to do. Those days away on the ayahuasca where I had to surrender my phone were amazing, once I’d gotten over the initial shock. But for me that fear was more about the lack of a music player over not being connected to the web. Even when those things are in your pocket they are a distraction, and being without that device really connected me with those around me. 
13. Learn the art of cocktail making 
If you can’t mix some simple cocktails by the time you’ve hit 30 you simply haven’t lived. Surely everyone had a favourite or more, and when you do you learn how to make them, no?
14. Jump more often (and get better at it) 
I have no idea what the fuck this one is about. Jump where? Off, on, out, into anything? 
15. Take a spontaneous trip 
16. See more live music & concerts 
17. Attend more unusual & creative performances 
Does nude neon life drawing count?
18. Read___ 
19. Decorate my bedroom 
20. Try a fast/meditate
21. Write more often in a journal 
That is what this is supposed to be but I think I’m not writing enough, or maybe too much but not enough entries…
22. Explore my own city 
23. Practice photography skills 
24. Take weekends off 
25. Use my hands more often 
Have you ever tried not using your hands as much. Once, after trying to brush my teeth using my feet I realised everything else was going to be impossible so I went back to bed.
26. Buy more souvenirs (for myself and others) 
No No no. No one needs souvenirs. They are tat junk that fill up peoples lives with utter shit. They are generally plastic and will almost certainly end up getting trashed and going to landfill or for incineration.
27. Read more news (but don’t get stuck in it) 
28. Take a trip to visit someone I know 
29. Give a talk or presentation 
I present concepts and tell stories all the time, it’s my job
30. Do 30 days of something! 
I did lent, wahey!
And this is a list I found targeted for the girls
1. Travel solo. 
We cannot stress how valuable this is, even if you're in a relationship. 
2. Take a class to learn a new skill. 
Doesn't matter if it's pottery or pole dancing. 
3. Master cooking at least three dishes. 
And mixing three cocktails. (Without needing to panic-Google the recipe.) 
4. Run a half marathon. 
Or just walk it. Either way, sign up. 
This is a bit more like it, a half is easy
5. Go skinny dipping. 
Do this often. 
6. Learn to speak another language. 
7. Learn how to read a wine list. 
And seriously impress your friends and future suitors forevermore. 
8. Throw yourself a birthday party. 
Because, if you want something done right... 
9. Get private health insurance. 
Because if you don't have hospital cover by 31, you'll pay a loading fee once you finally do get your sh*t together and sign up. 
10. Get your super in check. 
Snoozy, but it's important to consolidate and start making contributions. (Future You will thank you.) 
11. Invest in a good quality bag. 
You carry it every day, so why not? 
Does good quality equal expensive? I treated myself to a lovely smart mulberry satchel bag once in a bid to look a little more professional. Was good until the strap broke whilst I was riding to work one morning and the contents ended up strewn across Madison Ave, with my laptop broken beyond repair. After much arguing Mulberry actually replaced the laptop so the outcome was favourable, but it took months. Now I just use my heavy duty Burton backpack. Has a life time guarantee against wear and tear so this is ideal. Plus as a guy I don’t need a bag as an accessory. The girls I live with have far too many bags, by their own admission, and spending a couple of g’s on something that won’t even fit a laptop seems rather a waste of cash to me. 
12. Take a grown up weekend away with friends. 
Even if you end up getting wasted on the wine supply.
13. Go camping. 
Not glamping, either. We mean legit, set-up-your-tent-yourself-and-suffer-through-the-mozzies camping.
14. Learn to meditate. 
And "namaste" your way to a better life.
15. Learn about politics. 
You should know the difference between the Senate and a socialist.
16. Take a road trip.
Whether solo, with bae, or your best m8s.
17. Pay off your credit card/personal loan/HECs debt. 
The feeling will be priceless.
18. Treat yourself to a fancy dining experience. 
As a reward for 17.
19. Volunteer for a cause you believe in. 
Not just as a one-off, either—make it a regular thing.
20. Live abroad. 
If only for the hot foreign strangers.
21. Cross off some of the classics. 
Add Charlotte and Emily Brontë, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Maya Angelou, Joan Didion and Anais Nin to your reading list, stat.
22. Take control of your sexual health. 
Which means finding the right birth control for you, and making time for regular STD checks, among other things.
23. Do something that scares you. 
Swimming with sharks, skydiving, even just going to the top of a really tall building if heights freak you out.
24. Ask for a pay rise. 
Even if it falls into the above category. Actually, especially if it falls into the above category.
25. Have savings. 
Because having financial freedom is so, so important. (Also money can buy you fun things like holidays and cars and doggos.)
26. Find a mentor. 
If you don't have one in your workplace, reach out to someone in your industry via LinkedIn and see if they'd be open to you shouting them a coffee.
27. Start and finish an educational course. 
Whether it's finally finishing your uni degree, or upskilling yourself in something like coding.
28. Find your 'thing' in exercise. And do it regularly.
29. Be able to ask for what you want in bed. 
Yes, even that.
What is ‘that’ ladies?
30. Start taking your health seriously. Because if you don't, who will?
On the whole the lists show that you need to be taking more control of your life and know what the fuck you’re doing. You should be getting more experiences in your life with some spontaneity added for good measure. I consider myself lucky enough to have achieved more than most, but I don’t want to brag about it. I could’ve sat back, done very little and still been comfortable, but the world is a wonderful place and the people on it can be even better and removing yourself from the comfort zone enables you to be more accepting of everything. I did expect to see lists of some pretty wacky far out shit, which I’m sure everyone has a bit off in their lives, but I suppose turning 30 is meant to mean starting to put the more foolish things behind you. I agree with it a little but I still want to be doing the things I’ve done in my 20s well into my 40s. Call me sad for not wanting to grow up but it’s true, I don’t so I will cling on to as much as possible for as long as I can. Will be making my 40 before 40 list over the next few months but I have plenty of time to write and fulfil.
My birthday is now less than a week away and I’m now starting to review my annual resolutions, which have panned out somewhat different to how I envisioned.
Enjoy the week peeps.
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deezalienz · 5 years
「VICTORIA JUSTICE . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, BLANCHE DRILUTH, a SHAPESHIFTER, has come to join the fight! they’re an TWENTY-THREE year old CONARTIST who’s known for being CAPTIVATING and CONNIVING. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「VANESSA MORGAN . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, GWYNERIA VAUGHN, a VAMPIRE, has come to join the fight! they’re an TWENTY-FOUR year old HUNTER who’s known for being SKILLED and MERCILESS. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「ZHOU JIEQIONG / KYULKYUNG . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, ALULA CORVUS, a DRAGON, has come to join the fight! they’re an NINETEEN year old GHOST who’s known for being EVOCATIVE and MACABRE. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「PEYTON LIST . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, SUNNIVA “SUVI” AUDRA, a HUMAN, has come to join the fight! they’re an EIGHTEEN year old HEIR / SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER who’s known for being VAIN and PARANOID. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「CHOI BEOMGYU . CISMALE . HE/HIM // oh hey, RYLAN DELEVAN, a GHOST, has come to join the fight! they’re an SIXTEEN year old ORPHAN / GUARDIAN who’s known for being COMPASSIONATE and LOST. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「HEO YOORIM / AISHA . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, JESSAMY “ESSA” TOVE, a ANGEL, has come to join the fight! they’re an SEVENTEEN year old GUARDIAN ANGEL who’s known for being BENEVOLENT and OVERBEARING. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「SHIN RYUJIN . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, MARCELINE “MARS” EBELE, a SUCCUBUS, has come to join the fight! they’re an ACTRESS / MODEL year old LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER who’s known for being ENCHANTING and MANIPULATIVE. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「KIM HYUNGSEO / BIBI . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, ZENOVIA “NOVA” PAVLA, a GHOUL, has come to join the fight! they’re an NINETEEN year old SUGAR BABY who’s known for being CONVIVAL and IMPETUOUS. welcome to trhe frontlines! – winnie」
「LEE JIEUN / IU . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, CASTALIA SANCIA, a GHOST, has come to join the fight! they’re an TWENTY-THREE year old GHOST BRIDE who’s known for being ETHEREAL and TRAGIC. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「KIM SAERON . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, ELEVEN QUAR, a DEMON, has come to join the fight! they’re an SIXTEEN year old REAPER who’s known for being PROFICIENT and ASTRAY. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「CHOI CHANHEE / NEW . CISMALE . HE/HIM // oh hey, FABLE WINSLET, a HALF-VAMPIRE/HALF-NYMPH, has come to join the fight! they’re an NINETEEN year old MUSICIAN who’s known for being ARTISTIC and STAGNANT. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「DEVYN NEKODA . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, LORNA ENID, a FAERIE has come to join the fight! they’re an SEVENTEEN year old DANCER who’s known for being ASSIDUOUS and CYNICAL. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
「SON HYEJOO / OLIVIA HYE . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER // oh hey, LILAC “LILI” EYRE, a HUMAN has come to join the fight! they’re an SIXTEEN year old DEMONIC HOST who’s known for being RESILIENT and TORTURED. welcome to the frontlines! – winnie」
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cleliaberthierwork · 6 years
Tumblr media
EX.PDF : Exposer les écritures exposées, Mains d'Œuvres, Saint-Ouen, 2018
Projet labellisé par la MSHB, en partenariat avec le CELLAM / EA3206 Commissariat : Ann Stouvenel et les enfants avec Adrien Abline, Julie Béna, Clélia Berthier, Étienne Bossut, Nicolas Chardon, Claude Closky, Claudia Comte, Guillaume Constantin, Antonio Contador, John Cornu, Bruno Di Rosa, Peter Downsbrough, Ivan Liovik Ebel, Christelle Familiari, Michel François, Ann Guillaume & Tom Bücher, Ann Veronica Janssens, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Isabelle Lartault & Michel Verjux, Quentin Lefranc, Muriel Leray, Claude Lévêque, Jonathan Loppin, Mathieu Mercier, Grégoire Motte, Samir Mougas, Pierre la Police, Éric Pougeau, Marine Provost, Babeth Rambault, Francis Raynaud, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Claude Rutault, Éléonore Saintagnan, Yann Sérandour, Agnès Thurnauer, Hélène Travert, Mathieu Tremblin, Capucine Vandebrouck, Philémon Vanorlé / Société Volatile, Christophe Viart Vues de l'exposition, Mains d’oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, 2018 © The artists Photo. label hypothèse et Claudia Rudge
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ladyonly01-blog · 6 years
Wrist Watch - The Portable Timepiece That Can Remind Us Of Our Spiritual [email protected]
Lily never believed the separation would last for so long. She stored her words to live in this little town and waited for Mark. All that accompanied her were the Cartier Trinity Ring and the flowers she planted in the garden. Yr right after 12 months, Lily waited and Replica Cartier Love Necklace waited, but no letters or messages came. She even did not know if Mark was still alive. If his character is much more outgoing, he may possibly favor a bigger observe. One thing a lot more flashy and showy is a good conversation piece and can lead to a lot of a lot more conversations for the talkative man. The shy buddy may desire to have a smaller sized view with a brown or black leather band. The colors that guys typically desire are both stainless steal, black, brown, and blue. Something other than these colours may be pushing your luck with your male good friend. Be certain to stay away from getting your new boyfriend an observe with a Disney character on the encounter. Watches Fake Cartier Juste Un Clou Necklace have always been critical vogue accessories. This is why so a lot of clothing designers have taken plunges into the world of view design and style. Meanwhile the classic watch designers Tag Heuer, cartier, Ebel and Concord have merely continued to do what they do ideal, and thrive in so doing. These companies have constructed reputations not on the whims and trends of the trend world but on higher good quality engineering, durable elements and beautiful sophisticated style. That is why they stay an essential voice in the fashion globe. They are usually an integral piece of class and permanence on an otherwise buzzy style that could be out by subsequent Tuesday. No matter Cheap Amulette de Cartier Necklace how stylish the items are, notion watches are issues that individuals are often want to explore. An individual might truly feel curious about its identify. Okay, it truly has some special meanings and significance. Now, I introduce this notion watch for everybody. It is named ‘concept’ almost certainly due to the fact that 'ID One particular’ is specially developed with superb innovation. The letter 'I’ stands for Innovation and the letter ’D’ is an abbreviated type of Improvement. Meanwhile, due to the fact this is the 1st edition of this series, it will get the identify 'ID One’. Frankly Trinity de Cartier Necklace Knockoff speaking, I am truly enjoy the new distinctive model, and I decided to share it with you. I hope you will enjoy it also. Looking at my interesting pal, I want to assure her that eventually she’ll get rid of the further lbs of pregnancy. However she’ll by no means have the exact same about herself. Which her very very own existence, now so essential, will be associated with considerably less worth to her as quickly as she has a youthful child. She’d quit in a minute to save the female’s kids, but will even begin to hope for significantly far more replica cartier necklace many years? All this being explained, if you don’t have a Cartier price range you are going to have a challenging time affording a Cartier observe. If you truly like the appear and feel although, you don’t have to acquire a true Cartier Replica Watches, instead you can buy a replica Cartier watch. The observe cheap cartier trinity necklace that we wear is not only functional but tells who we are as a person. Make certain that the view that you decide on displays individuals your real self. Your watch should compliment your arm as nicely as your trend sense. Mother is excellent, use Cartier Necklace to express our enjoy to our mother and hope them can be content and knockoff cartier nail necklace stunning in each and every day. Hope we can comprehend this dream.
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New 2018 Family Home Decor Trends How wonderful it is to start a brand new year with you all! Often I look back and I still can’t believe I started Home Bunch almost ten years ago and I feel this huge gratitude to each and every one of you that day after day come to read my posts and be part of this community. I honestly hope your year is filled with blessings and special moments. Today, I am also very happy to be featuring a beautifully designed family home by Shuman Mabe Interiors, LLC. As you will see, this home features many ideas that we will continue to see in 2018. The interior designers and the builder, The Cottage Home Company, had the pleasure of helping these clients from Wisconsin from start to finish with this newly-built home. The clients have family in Florida that come to stay a few months out of the year, so they wanted the space to be practical and able to accommodate their large family and grandkids! Since the property sits on the inter-coastal, they wanted to keep a coastal Florida vibe, while incorporating a modern and timeless touch. The designers call it modern coastal! Let’s take a look! New 2018 Family Home Decor Trends Siding is Chelsea Gray by Benjamin Moore and trim is White Dove by Benjamin Moore. Front Porch Benjamin Moore Chelsea Gray HC-168 is one of the most popular Benjamin Moore grey paint colors and it works great on exteriors, front doors and cabinetry. Front porch rockers and garden stools are by Grandin Road. ​Accent pillows are William Sonoma Home. Porch Flooring The front porch features natural stone tile. Swing Bed The porch swing bed is by The Porch Swing Company – similar here, here & here. Front Door One thing we’ll see more often in 2018 is dark interior doors, especially for the front door. This one is painted in Iron Ore- SW7069- Sherwin Williams. Flooring: 7″ Aged French Oak Marcantonio. Foyer Foyer features paneled walls and arched ceiling. Mixed metals bring a transitional feel to this classic space. Entry table and art is from Trowbridge Art Gallery via ACP Home Interiors – similar here. Paneling & Trim Paint Color Throughout the House: Valspar Swiss Coffee 7002-16 Sconces are Visual Comfort. Lighting Visual Comfort Medium Darlana Lantern is a best seller and it will continue to be popular in 2018. This lighting is a favorite of mine because it works everywhere, from foyers to kitchens! Kitchen Besides having two islands, this kitchen offers perfect symmetry and classic elements that will stand the test of time. Kitchen Island Dimension​:​ 48″ x 114″ Dining Room Kitchen opens to an inviting dining room with bar. Ceiling is lightly whitewashed tongue and groove with white painted beams. Paint Color Paint Color: Modern Gray by Sherwin Williams. Get the Look: Bar Dining room also features a bar with herringbone backsplash tile and paneled appliances. Backsplash: Soho Field Stone White Carrera (Herringbone Sheet) – similar here & here. Rectangular Knobs Rectangular Knobs: Amerock. Pulls: Amerock. Glazed Cabinets Kitchen cabinets are painted in Swiss Coffee​ by Valspar and the island features a gray glaze. Similar counterstools can be found here, here & here. Lighting Lighting is Restoration Hardware Victorian Hotel Pendant. Backsplash Marble Backsplash: Soho Metrology Carrera Thassos – similar here & here. Grout: Unsanded Warm Gray. Drawer pulls are by Amerock. Cabinet Hardware Kitchen Hardware is by Amerock. Faucet & Sink We will continue to see this year kitchens with mixed metals, farmhouse sinks and faucets that make an statement. Kitchen Faucet: Rohl. Farmhouse Sink: Rohl. Countertop Marble-looking quartz will be stronger than ever in 2018. White marble is always a favorite but not always the best choice for kitchen countertops due its high maintenance. This quartz – Zodiaq Calacatta Natura​, gives you the marble look for less. Notice the coffered ceiling in family room. Great Room Paint Color Wall Color: Modern Gray SW7632 Sherwin Williams. Sofa and Swivel gliders are Four Seasons Furniture with Sunbrella performance fabrics. Coffee table, rug, bench, 2 petrified pieces of wood tables (in between rockers) from RH. End tables and lamps- ACP Home Interiors– Jacksonville, FL. Fireplace Large tiles bring a sleek feel to this fireplace. Tiles are 12×24 Wooden White (Horizontal Stack). Grout: Frost. Lighting Lighting: Currey and Company. Pillows: Mrs. Howard’s Jacksonville Beach and custom lumbars out of Kravet fabric and Kravet trim. French doors open to a study. Paint Color Sherwin Williams Front Porch SW7651 Ceiling: X beam with tongue and groove limewashed. Desk: Restoration Hardware – similar here. Rug: Loloi. Leather Recliner: Arhaus – similar here & here (grey leather). Chandelier Lighting is Restoration Hardware 18th C. Italian Bead Chandelier – similar here & here. Home Office Paint Color Wall Color: Sherwin Williams Modern Gray. Similar chair can be found here. Sconces Sconces are Gabby Home in gold, acrylic and white linen shade. Glass knobs: here. Powder Room Chunky floating vanities will continue to be very popular this year. I recommend them especially in powder rooms, where storage isn’t a must. Floor Tile: 12×12 Evolve Pattern Oyster Art Stone Tile Mirror is Uttermost – similar here. Faucet Lavatory Faucet: Newport Brass. Master Bedroom Paint Color Blue Ceiling Paint Color: Misty SW6232 Sherwin Williams. Wall paint color is Valspar Swiss Coffee 7002-16. Custom window treatments in Kravet and Robert Allen fabrics. Master Fan is by Restoration Hardware. Dresser: RH. Lamps: Visual Comfort. Bedroom Built-in The master bedroom features custom bookshelves beautifully flanking a custom headboard. Bedroom Chairs Existing chairs reupholstered with Robert Allen fabric. Bedding Bedding: RH with custom pillows. Trim on bolster is Fabricut. Master Bathroom The master bathroom features herringbone floor tile and marble subway tile on walls. Floor Tile: Bianco Carrara Polished (Herringbone side to side). Wall Paint Color Wall Color: Crushed Ice SW7647 Sherwin Williams Lighting Clear Bead Chandelier: Visual Comfort AERIN Jacqueline Chandelier. Vanity Paint Color Vanities are painted in Swiss Coffee​ by Valspar. Shower Tile Wall to Ceiling Tile: 4×12 Bianco. Floor Tile: 6×6 Bianco Carrara Hexagon Honed. Shiplap Staircase Is anyone tired of shiplap yet? It appears not! This farmhouse-inspired look will continue to fill blogs and magazines alike! To Get The Look: Use 1/2 thick 5.5″ mdf base, gaped to look like shiplap. I love this look and think it yields a cleaner looking finished product. Beach House Mudroom This beach house-inspired mudroom features plenty of storage and an attractive neutral color scheme. Outdoors The outdoors is all about entertaining with a large pool, spa and kitchen. Cement Tile Cement tile is making its way to the outdoors and I am loving this idea! Similar cement tile can be found here, here, here & here. Bar stools are from Front Gate​. Furniture Dining wicker furniture is by Ebel Inc. via Florida Backyard. Pool This screened pool/spa really makes me miss summer! Weathered Turquoise Weathered turquoise chairs… how charming is that?! Interiors: Shuman Mabe Interiors, LLC (Instagram) Click here to Pin This Post! New Year Deals Pottery Barn: Up to 30% OFF + Free Shipping – Code: CHEERS Wayfair: 70% Off + Many New Items on Clearance! West Elm: Up to 60% Off. Code: BYE2017. Horchow: 20% Off + Free Shipping. Code: NEWYEAR One Kings Lane: Save Up to 60% Serena & Lily: 30 to 70% OFF! Williams & Sonoma: Up to 75% off Nordstrom: 50% OFF Half Yearly Sale. JCPenny: Clarence 80% OFF – Extra 30% OFF on $100 or more. Code: 32FORYOU Neiman Marcus: Up to 60% OFF Pier 1: Save up to $100. Use Code: SAVEMORE Joss & Main: Huge Sales – Up to 75% OFF Price Drop Event. Post of the Week: 100 Best Christmas Decorating Ideas. @mk_interiors_: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: Belgian-Inspired Farmhouse. Wednesday: Christmas Home Decor. Newest Interior Design Ideas. English Farmhouse Home. Transitional Family Home Design. Christmas Interior Design Ideas. Modern Farmhouse Family Home. Inspiring California Beach House Design. Interior Design Ideas. More Interior Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Have a Blessed day, my friends. We’ll talk again tomorrow! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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rejectedprincesses · 7 years
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Amanirenas: the One-Eyed Queen Who Fought Rome Tooth and Nail (c.60 BCE - c.10 BCE)
Okay, for real - I know few of you read the footnotes, but there’s a TON of nuance to this, so please read the full entry here before penning notes of inaccuracies.
Book here. Patreon here. Art notes behind the cut.
Art Notes
The art notes are pretty much all in the footnotes, honestly! Amanirenas’s outfit is a stripped-down version of her carving. It is more likely she would have worn something like a leopard pelt, but I liked the design so much I ran with it.
Kush had cool little pyramids that survive to present day, so I sprinkled them throughout.
It is unbelievably exhausting covering anything even tangentially related to Rome (or WW2), due to the preponderance of armchair historians. Gets even more exhausting when you cover non-Western points of view.
That blue-eyed elephant is named Jumbo. Totally legally distinct.
Good showing this time! Most popular incorrect answer was “Nefertiti.” Also, some people just said “Candace,” which… there were a ton of em. :)
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Next Time on Rejected Princesses (posting around February 8, 2017!)
Will provide hint tomorrow or day after — my books are getting packed away while I move, so I need to see what’s at the library.
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