#ebi hime
blerdyotome · 3 months
Wishlist Red Riding Hood Inspired BL VN, Rain and the Wolf on Steam
Fujin Fam, we have a new BL game to keep an eye out for! Indie publisher, Ebi-Hime launched the Steam page for their upcoming boys love visual novel, Rain and the Wolf, which is inspired by the Red Riding Hood fairytale. Ebi-hime is known for their immersive girls love visual and kinetic novels, but more recently they have been putting out more BL titles–and I am loving it! Follow Rain as he…
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lesbeean69420 · 4 months
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love this silly princess
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goosologist · 15 days
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played it gets so lonely here, a yuri visual novel by @ebi-hime. decided to draw my own version of Gravedigger bc i thought she looked too weak and well-dressed. ended up in butch trance for six hours. please send help.
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arialilies · 9 months
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Merry Christmas Eve and Happy one-year anniversary to Winter Fragments!
Have you guys read it yet? Please give it a try if you're looking for a super cute(and free!!) visual novel to read this holiday season: https://ebihime.itch.io/winter-fragments
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farvn · 8 months
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"In the end, you were always destined to return here."
Ebi-hime's "It gets so lonely here" receives an overall score of: 7/10 GOOD
Read my Steam Review here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Far2close/recommended/2386250/ Follow my Steam Curator here: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34294631/
Store Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2386250/It_gets_so_lonely_here/?curator_clanid=34294631
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cinnabar-rhubarb · 9 months
I've just had the pleasure of playing It Gets So Lonely Here, a sapphic, fairy tale-themed horror VN about girls so pretty it kills you.
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This lovely little visual novel by ebi-hime is only 3-4 hours long, and includes:
A delightfully eerie atmosphere stitched together with the art you can see above and totally original music
The floweriest of prose with enough commas to kill a small animal (I mean this only positively, I love the writing!)
Three(?) pretty girls who will never leave your side, three tragic ways to meet an untimely demise
Being called a good girl
Domestic lesbian bliss
Domestic lesbian stew
It Gets So Lonely Here is also totally free! You can download it on Itch.io or on Steam right here. Do be mindful of the content/trigger warnings on these download pages, though. Nothing graphic is shown at all, but some of the descriptions given could still be upsetting. I hope this can give you a nice helping of toxic yuri.
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thepolishlynx · 4 days
Shut-in Vampire - Landlady is a Goddess!!! [Part 2]
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Sure whatever, I can put ten game in a single post, because that's how many I managed to play since the last one. Only for like an hour each on average, but that was enough to finish multiple of them and decide the others weren't really doing it for me.
Clickolding was pretty good. I don't usually play stuff right when it comes out, but it was a couple bucks and I feel like I can trust Xalavier Nelson Jr./Strange Scaffold to do something interestingly weird at this point. It's the most about sex work anything's ever been without explicitly stating it's about sex work, and it will do its best to make you vaguely uncomfortable about that and the mundanity and boredom and desperation and detachment that can go along with it. It's also about the impact our actions have on the lives of people around us. A decent way to spend like an hour of your time.
I had a bit more mixed feelings about the first DLC for Voxelgram. On one hand it's good because more Voxelgram is good. On the other the larger puzzles don't really make it more challenging or anything, just more tedious. The last couple took me a bit over an hour each, and I saw someone else saying the last one took them significantly longer than that. I think I would've been happier if they were a bit smaller and didn't go on for so long, and they'd also fit on the screen better that way.
Something I didn't have mixed feelings about was Strawberry Vinegar, which was kind of disappointing because I tend to enjoy ebi-hime's stuff even if it's never my favorite stuff ever. This one I just got through the bad ending and stopped though because I had no interest in seeing what happens in any of the other routes. The way the characters were written just didn't feel right to me, like this is not a nine year old girl despite you telling me it is, and the vibes were definitely off. Oh well.
I have mostly positive things to say about Seraphim Slum though. It's very not afraid to get weird with things, and I mean Capital W Weird, not lolrandom rawr xd. A tagline/pitch like "Play as sapphic Lucifer and corrupt angels to fall...in love with you." is a good way to get my attention. It's at least initially on the surface "date cute angel girls", but it very quickly leans heavily into corruption = love = freedom/release/relief. Overall I definitely enjoyed the vibes and presentation and where it went with stuff, and I only have a couple issues with it: one is that some of the auto-advancing text is borderline unreadable on certain backgrounds, which is unfortunate but can be worked around by reading it in the log, and the other is that the routing/structure of it is pretty incomprehensible to me and I have no idea how to get to a couple parts of it I haven't seen yet. Maybe I'll check the DLC guide at some point when I can justify spending more money on stuff.
An Arcade Full of Cats was ok. Not my favorite Devcats game but fun enough that I finished it. As someone who remembers most of the eras it represents (not the DLC ones though) it was fun seeing the terrible cat puns on old arcade games and various other things they snuck in. There was definitely some artistic liberty taken with some of it, but they did a surprisingly good job capturing the feeling of a bunch of stuff I hadn't thought about in a long time in a hidden object game about cats. I feel no shame about using the cheat button for a few things in this one though because some of them were genuinely bullshit. Even after it pointed out a couple of them to me I could barely recognize them because they were so small they didn't look like anything. I don't remember having that problem in Building or Castle, at least not to that degree.
Gorogoa took me forever to finally try out. I really like the idea of it, and they do some clever stuff with the presentation and ways you interact with things that let them do fun stuff with how puzzles work. I don't really like actually playing it though. It does a bad job sometimes with letting you know which things are interactable or in what ways, and as a result I feel like it kept deteriorating into the typical point and click adventure game problem of rubbing every object on every other object until something happens. It's just not very enjoyable to know what the end goal of a puzzle sequence is but have no idea how to get there because it's looking for a very specific sequence of very specific events, and you tried something very slightly different that didn't work, and there's no useful feedback why.
TET's alright though, if a ten minute cooking game about preparing food for Vietnamese Lunar New Year sounds like your kind of thing. It's cute and funny and even includes recipes. Also it makes me want spring rolls. Also also it feels much better to play with a touchscreen.
I was extremely underwhelmed by Muse Dash, which also took me forever to get around to actually trying. The gameplay seems fine. What I saw in my brief time with it didn't really stand out to me, but there also wasn't really anything wrong with it either. What definitely is wrong with it though is that it kept pestering me to create an account even though I was just trying to play by myself offline, and also the UI seems completely unmanageable. Like the song picker would work but be mildly clunky if there were 20 songs in the game. It appears to have hundreds though, maybe more, and it's just really not suited for that. Yeah there appears to be a filter, but it's just a bunch of incomprehensible icons and very inaccessible for a new player. The art and music seemed ok though.
Speaking of ok, there's also Luna's Fishing Garden. It had some better than ok moments, but overall...it's ok. The default/challenging fishing minigame did not feel good to me at all, and the relaxed/easy mode was a bit boring, but I got over it because it turns out you don't actually have to do it all that much once the game gets going. It's pretty chill, and there's some cute pixel art and characters. Shout out to the "you caught a fish" animation in particular for being adorable. Most of the time I felt like progression was pretty well balanced, but toward the end there was definitely a significant amount of waiting around to get enough of certain resources that dragged it out longer than it really needed to. Aside from that though? It's ok!
And then since I said ten at the beginning, uh...Townscaper exists? Let's include that even though it wouldn't be hard to argue it's not a game. I'm pretty sure I got it in a game bundle though, and it's on Steam, so let's just go with that. It's fun to poke at for a little while and see what you can build with it. And that's about all there is to it.
Video games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pinkprettycure · 4 months
some of the games i got i havent finished bc every tim i play i end up getting too inspired lmaoooo i've been trying to get through with eyes of ice for weeks but i kept getting heart eyes over the sound design and stopping to dl sound effects skjdlfaskdf
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blerdyotome · 1 year
Elan Festival 2023 Brings Some Exciting Yuri Announcements
This past Sunday, yuri game development team, Studio Élan announced some exciting upcoming Sapphic visual novels during Élan Festival 2023 hosted by their adorable mascot, Melanie (voiced by Madeline Dorroh)! This is an annual showcase current and upcoming projects from Élan and their publishing wing Bellhouse and trust there is a lot to talk about! So, let’s check out all the announcements from…
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
The Fairy’s Song is now available digitally for the Switch, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series/One. It is also available on Steam and Itch.io.
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Tabitha De Quincey from Asphyxia, who is a lesbian.
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centi-chan · 1 year
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Finished reading My Dear Prince. It was gay as shit. Girls cute, I'm gay as shit. There was a nice little cast of characters, the art is nice and the music was fun. Nothing giga deep but a cute little yuri story is always nice. My 3rd ebi-hime vn, this one is my favorite ;~;
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andrewknightley · 1 year
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Gonna liveblog It Gets So Lonely Here by @ebi-hime​
Going to the village first!! Because i know the others have a mermaid and a princess but no idea who awaits for me in the village! also im running away so a village seems the safest 
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i am feeling this. but also damn what happened to the village??
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omg she is so cute
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oh noooooo
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she said the title.... .
this girl seems nice im sure she wont be evil or anything on the yandere vn
i also like the main chara’s narration that’s like a noble maybe?? and is very judgy of a commoner even if she doesnt intent it to. A+
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im sorry for her but also suspicious of if she really poisoned the people or something.. .. ... how is she the only one alive..... 
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The gravedigger girl didnt ask my story and i wanna know who am i running away from!!!
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i love a non delicate girl that laughs like a horse <3 
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i think she got paranoid i got the illness ayyyyy ;;
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mmmm sudden first person.... or maybe the chara said it outloud but... curious...... 
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im suspecting the narration mmmmMMMMMM
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this is how the main chara talks so... (squints at first person narration)
maybe i was so sleep sick that i sleep for days and that gravedigger thought i died . . . . .oh no 
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OK I will continue the other routes later but!!!!!!!!! noice 
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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by ebi-hime
Price (US): $10.99
Included In: Bundle for Racial Equality and Justice
Genre: Visual Novel
Pitch: A Vocaloid fan is shocked when the virtual idol she adores sends her a DM—and says she's in trouble!
My expectations: Developer ebi-hime has published 39 anime-style visual novels to Itch in the past eight years. I can only see the date they were made available on Itch, so it's possible some were released somewhere else prior to 2015. Regardless, 39 games is a mind-boggling number of games for anyone to develop in one lifetime, and ebi does appear to be a one-woman developer. Okay, but anyone can throw something together at a weekend game jam and call it a game, right? Well, here's where it gets weirder. Many of the Itch listings include each visual novel's word count and estimated time to completion. Among the pages with this information, most hover around either 50,000 words (2-3 hours) or 100,000 words (4-6). At least one game is double that. And people are playing these. ebi has more than 3,000 followers on Steam. Three people I follow on Twitter also follow @ebihime, including one of my close, personal friends. AIdol was funded by a KickStarter campaign that raised $2,872. I'm not saying these are huge numbers, but these games have dedicated fans. I am beyond intrigued.
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Hana is just a boring girl. She doesn’t have friends. Her hair is short. She doesn’t know anything about makeup. She can’t cook. She listens to music. And on top of all that, she can’t cook and she doesn’t have friends!
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Maybe if Hana didn’t spend half of her time repeating this list of unremarkable characteristics to herself, she could develop a personality, but who needs to be a human when they could instead be a fan?
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Her passion is “virtual idol” Aiko, a Vocaloid popstar who performs hologram shows and sells stomach-churning quantities of overpriced merch. She’s basically Hatsune Miku, except the Lyriq corporation has given her artificial sentience for some reason. But something sinister is happening at Lyriq. Aiko’s programmer has been fired. Her code has been changed, and her memory has been erased. Now Hana and Aiko must work together to solve the mystery.
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This mostly involves oops-I-bumped-into-you-and-spilled-coffee meet-cutes and shirtless boys.
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It all bores the heck out of me. After an hour of purple prose and static images of generic anime people, I started skipping dialogue, hoping to get to the end, but I couldn’t even put up with that. Not for me.
+ The intro sequence—lots of quick cuts and effects set to (I think) an original song. It's lively and well produced; not at all what I expect from a visual novel. + There are occasional typos and grammatical errors, but again, it surpasses my expectations for this type of game. + Professional-looking artwork. I don't know how much is original, but asset packs are made to be used. + Ditto, music.
– I brushed my hair away from my forehead. It's hot today, and I hoped it would help me to cool down. Mom thinks I should try a new style, but I don't know anything about hair. We disagree about hair, but I am lucky to have her. Sometimes when I look at her, I think she looks like she's the same age as me, except her hair is different than mine, and I don't know much about hair. Or makeup. I prefer Aiko figurines. I ordered one from AImazon, an online store that is very popular on the idol forms. Other people on the forums can be rude, which is why I'm thinking about cutting back to only posting for 14 hours a day. With my hair away from my face, cooling me on this hot afternoon, which feels as hot as yesterday, I leave the forum and turn my attention to Tumblr. "Now I understand how someone can write 39 visual novels," I write. – Aiko asks Hana to help her find her original programmer. Hana asks the idol forum if anyone knows anything. Then she hops on a train and visits Lyriq headquarters. She doesn't get any information there. She spends a few minutes commenting on every person she sees walking outside. (Throughout this scene, the only things onscreen are her internal monologue and a picture of a deserted city block.) She stops into a café and watches a young man order coffee, with all the pointless detail of that scene from The Room. The man bumps into her and almost spills the coffee. The game forgets about Hana and instead follows the man on his walk to his office, where he waits for an elevator, talks to a co-worker, goes up the elevator, and talks to another co-worker about his experience getting coffee. The perspective shifts again to this co-worker. We learn about her life for a few minutes, and then she sits down to do her work. Part of her job is moderating the idol forums. She sees Hana's post and closes the thread. Back at home, Hana reads every response to her question, until she finally sees that the thread has been closed. She texts Aiko to tell her the bad news. – No.
🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 Bottom Line: Props for making a complete product with decent production value. Anime and visual novels with minimal interactivity don't usually do anything for me, but even if that is your scene, surely there are better options than AIdol.
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farvn · 2 months
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"Nobody makes me happier than you do!" Ebi-hime's Unluckily in Love receives an overall score of: 7/10 GOOD Read my Steam Review Follow my Steam Curator Unluckily in Love Store Page
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