#ebony reznor
commander-krios · 1 year
A Soft Morning
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Damon Reznor/Traveler Rating: Teen Summary: "You can be bad at something and still enjoy it." Astrea Peg'asi helps Damon learn something new. Words: 2937 Additional Tags: Tilaari Traveler, Established Relationship, Fluff, Idiots In Love, Soft Damon Reznor, Anxiety, Friendship/Love, Dancing
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Sunlight streamed through the enormous floor to ceiling windows, leaving the room glowing in its golden warmth. For a fleeting moment, Astrea Peg’asi thought she was in her room on Goldis, the verdant drapery and bedding eerily similar to what her mother had decorated their wing of the castle in, the dark tan stone of the walls a reflection of a world she no longer felt comfortable in. Fear choked her, genuine fear that the Andromeda Six… that her friends, that Damon, had all been a figment of her imagination. The thought was more horrifying than the things she’d already seen, the possibility that the people she’d come to love and trust, the family who knew her better than her blood, weren’t real.
Something shifted behind her, a muffled groan interrupting the terror that held her in its grip.
Glancing over her shoulder, she felt relief immediately at the sight of a tuft of ebony hair peeking out from the sea of green blankets. Astrea gathered the blankets around her, moving to rest on the pillows beside him. When he lifted his head, eyes still glazed over in sleep, she smiled at how beautiful he was.
Damon blinked at her, eyebrows pulling together as he came to terms with his surroundings. Then he shifted to stretch his arms over his head, the soft mattress compressing at the movement, a grin curling his lips. Sighing happily, she snuggled deeper into the comfort of the bed, resting a hand against his bare chest.
An arm snaked around her waist before she was pulled closer into a tight embrace, brain going foggy as cold lips pressed kisses against her neck and collarbone. Blush flared on her cheeks and across her chest, memories of the night before leaving her giddy.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Damon nuzzled his face against the curve of her neck, warm breath ghosting along her skin, leaving gooseflesh behind. “Did you sleep well?”
Astrea inhaled sharply, a shiver running down her spine at his insistent touch. She’d slept extremely well, both because of the bed and Damon’s arms around her. She didn’t know it was possible to be as happy as she was lying there as the sun crested the sky. 
But there was still a compulsion she couldn’t deny. One that said she needed to tease Damon as mercilessly as he did her. So she reached up to brush a finger over the dark circles under his eyes, noting that they were slightly less pronounced this morning. His bright eyes were studying her, pure mischief sparkling in their depths as he read every thought she’d ever had. With a sleepy grin on his face, he attempted to bite her finger until she pulled it away.
Folding her arm so she could rest her head against it, she rolled her eyes dramatically and let out a disgruntled sound. “Not at all. The bed is horrible and lumpy and there was this annoying snoring in my ears all night.”
Damon’s eyes widened, completely awake now, horror shadowing his face as he realized what she was implying. “Me? Snore? I think you’ve gone insane.”
“Hmm. Nope. It was definitely you.”
His eyes darkened, a dangerous look crossing his face as he stared at her. She should’ve been scared. Damon was dangerous, but all she felt was a thrill low in her stomach, knowing that she could ensure Damon’s mutual destruction without much difficulty.
“Take. That. Back.”
Astrea smirked, leaning close enough that their noses nearly touched. She could barely hold a laugh back when she finally spoke. “Make me.”
Damon’s eyes slanted, his hands tensing on her hips. Time passed in a slow heartbeat, then two. When his attack finally came, it was in the form of fingers dancing across her sides, tickling her until she was gasping for air. When he paused his onslaught to let her catch her breath, he waited for her to meet his gaze. “Are you ready to admit your lies?”
“Hmmm.” She tapped her chin playfully, barely smothering a smile. “No.”
Damon grabbed her by the waist and threw himself back against the pillows, pulling her on top of him, her breasts brushing his bare chest. He ducked his head to press kisses along her throat, relentless in his assault against every inch of available skin she offered. Her giggles bit off in a moan and he chuckled quietly, feeling his smile against her neck doing little to calm her racing heart.
When he pulled back, his eyes swept over her face, studying her every feature before his expression gentled, something she still wasn’t used to after the last few weeks together. His finger trailed over her cheek, staring in wonder and with some deeper emotion that she was terrified of. Because if he felt the way she did about him, it meant she still had something to lose.
“You’re stunning.”
She flushed at the words, turning away to hide her face. She felt laughter rumble in his chest as he circled his arms around her, holding her tightly.
“What’s wrong, Princess?”
“Nothing.” Her voice came out in a strangled chirp which only made him laugh harder.
“You’re also adorable when you get embarrassed.” His hands swept down her back, soft and gentle, leaving nothing but burning skin behind. “The skin glow doesn’t lie.”
“Shut up.”
Damon snorted, hands skimming along her sides, tickling her without even trying and she squirmed until she was out of bed and out of his reach. He groaned, head hitting the pillow beneath him but he was grinning when she faced him. “You’re the worst kind of tease.”
“You weren’t complaining about it last night.” Astrea placed her hands on her hips, watching as Damon sprawled among the blankets, refusing to budge from his warm and comfortable spot. It was almost cute to see him so comfortable on Tilaarin, to know that they were safe here away from the K’Merii. She still wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she loved this new side of him. “Are you going to lay around all day?”
He smirked as he tucked his arms behind his head, eyes roaming across her body with zero shame. “What can I say? I have the best view on Tilaarin.”
She shouldn’t let him bait her, especially since he was so good at it, but with Damon, rationality usually took a backseat to whatever she was feeling at the time. So with a roll of her eyes, Astrea grabbed a pillow from the floor and threw it at him. He caught it before it smacked him in the face and laughed, tossing it to the side. 
“You’ll have to try better than that, Princess.”
Another pillow followed the first, this one managing to glance off the top of his head before landing in the windowsill. Astrea covered her mouth, giggles bursting from her at the sight of his wide blue eyes, completely shocked that she managed to catch him off guard. That made two of them.
An evil smile curled his lips and quicker than her eyes could catch, he was across the bed, grabbing her by the waist, his bare chest pressing into her back, his lips at her neck without warning. She shivered despite his warmth, knowing what he was capable of and how impossible it was to say no to him.
He laughed, a sound so free and happy that she couldn’t help but giggle in return when his arms came around her, turning her towards him and pulling her close. She reached out to brush his hair out of his face, smiling when their eyes met. The hard lines of his face softened as their eyes met, his shining with an emotion she’d never seen on him before.
She liked him like this.
“I know of a lot better ways to spend our morning. They don’t include clothing or leaving this room.” He leaned forward to brush his lips against her forehead, breath warm against her skin.
“I need to get ready to meet my sister.” She told him solemnly, hating the way his smile faded slightly. Astrea didn’t like being the cause of him losing that carefree grin. She adored the easy way he laughed with her, the softness in his eyes whenever he looked in her direction, as if she was the only one in the room. She cupped his face, tracing the sharp edges of his face until they smoothed. “But I have a little time before I leave.”
Damon reached up to entwine their fingers together, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. Then he gave her a look that promised many sinful yet delightful ways to pass that time. “I’m open to suggestions.”
She rolled her eyes, flicking his nose, enjoying the shock as his eyes widened. She didn’t take him by surprise often, but when she did, she enjoyed every second of the victory. “We should do something fun.”
“I’m something fun.”
Astrea swatted him on the chest, only getting more laughter in response. “You’re insatiable.”
“You weren’t complaining last night.” He parroted back, squeezing her sides before letting her wiggle away. She reached down to grab her discarded shirt from the floor. At the sight of her pulling it over her head, he groaned, rubbing his hands down his face. “Now my day is ruined.”
With a snort, she threw his shirt at him. He caught it without much effort. “Dramatic much?”
“I can be worse if you want.”
“I know you can.” He pulled his shirt over his head and she felt some regret at losing the view. Sacrifices had to be made, she supposed. Once he adjusted the dogtags he always wore over top of his shirt, Astrea extended her hand to him.
“What’s this for?” Damon asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, but he had so much trust in her that he slipped his hand into hers without hesitation.
“I want to show you something.” As soon as his smirk reappeared, she had to resist the urge to shove him. “No.”
Still holding hands, she pulled with as much strength as she could muster until he finally gave in and followed her away from the comfort of the bed and further into the room where they had empty space to move. 
“There are plenty of other ways to have some fun. You even have a swimming pool.” His fingers trailed across her shoulder and she shivered at his touch, a breathless laugh leaving her mouth. She knew immediately where his thoughts had gone when she turned to face him, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.
She draped her arms over his shoulders, leaning closer to leave a peck on the tip of his nose. He grinned at the gesture, arms circling her waist, fingers dipping below the hem of her shirt, skimming against her skin. “I could teach you how to dance if you’d like.”
His eyebrows shot up at the offer. “Dance? I don’t dance.” He paused, a wicked grin tilting his mouth. “Unless you count when I’m killing people. Then I guess I have something to teach you.”
Her fingers toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck, meeting his gaze with a seriousness she hoped he believed. If the mischief that stared back was any indication, she didn’t fool him at all. “You can probably teach me a lot of things.”
His smile turned wicked, taking it in exactly the way she’d intended. “Sweetheart, tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”
Astrea pressed a finger to his lips, not that it would shut him up if he really wanted to say something, but he waited with as much patience as he was capable of. “Just trust me, okay?”
She knew Damon didn’t trust easily, he had more than enough reasons not to, but when he gave a stiff nod, his jaw tensing almost imperceptibly, she felt a slight stirring of relief in her chest. He trusted her enough to give her this small amount of control and she was grateful. 
“What if I’m not good at it?”
His hands were hesitant on her hips, and for the first time since she’d met Damon, Astrea could see how afraid he was of being vulnerable. Of how much he didn’t like relinquishing control to someone else. With a comforting smile, she placed her hands on top of his, squeezing his fingers gently.
“Hey.” She whispered, catching his gaze, blue eyes wild as he tried to get ahold of himself. “I’m here. It’s just us, ok?”
His forehead met hers, breath catching in his throat as he exhaled. He was nearly shaking, hands gripping too tightly to her waist, eyes shut as he focused on his breathing. “Yeah.”
“We don’t have to do this, Damon.” Astrea’s hands were in his hair, smoothing the raven locks away from his face before bringing him into a hug. She tucked her head against his neck, her heart breaking at how hard this was for him.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled against her neck, his arms locking her against his body as if he was terrified of letting her go. Maybe he was.
“I know you don’t believe it, but you’re safe here. With me.” Her lips brushed along his jaw, her voice quiet even in the silent room. She moved her hands over his shoulders and down his arms before resting them on his chest. “Besides, who says I’m good at dancing?” 
Damon snorted, some of the tension slipping from his muscles. “You expect me to believe a princess is bad at dancing?”
“You can be bad at something and still enjoy it.” Astrea pulled away slightly so she could meet his eyes, unable to stop from laughing at the absurdity of it all. “Vexx always said I had two left feet.”
“Well, it’s a good thing carrot-head is an idiot.”
She wanted to roll her eyes, to defend her friend since he couldn’t defend himself, but gave Damon the win instead. Pressing her lips against his, he relaxed against her little by little until finally his grip on her waist loosened. His chest was pressed solid and strong against her body. His skin was warm beneath her touch, and when she returned her hands to his hair, gripping tightly to the dark strands, he groaned deep in his throat, slipping his tongue between her lips.
The kiss left her breathless when they broke apart, breath mingling between them. Damon’s pupils were blown wide, nothing left of the blue of his irises except the smallest sliver. She wanted to get lost in his gaze, the darkness more beautiful than the entirety of the galaxy around her. She dropped her hand to trail a finger along the curve of his eyebrow, smiling when he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.
She should’ve realized his intentions when his fingers tightened on her hips, but she was mesmerized by the expression on his face and the feel of his soft lips against her palm when he turned to press a kiss there. One moment she was exploring his face, mapping out the hard lines and the soft planes. The next, she was dangling above the floor, her eyes on the ceiling and her silver hair nearly touching the ground. She couldn’t even stop the gasp that left her lips.
Damon laughed a deranged sound as he bent over her, hair falling into his eyes. Swinging her back to a standing position, she had to press her hands against his chest to keep from losing her balance.
“Did you just… dip me?” She asked in a combination of awe and confusion.
“You said you wanted to dance.” He teased, grabbing one of her hands and twirling her, the flowy fabric of her shirt billowing out around her. “So we’re dancing.”
Her brain couldn’t keep up with the movements: the twirling, Damon’s hands on her hips while they swayed in place to no music, a grin lighting up his face where anxiety had been a minute before. The sudden change nearly gave her whiplash.
“What’s… What just happened?” She asked, dazed as he entwined their fingers, bringing her close again, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. 
“This isn’t so bad.” He admitted, blush coloring his pale skin when he glanced away, eyes focused on something across the room. “I should listen to you more often.”
She wanted to tease him for being so flustered, but he was being vulnerable with her in this quiet moment. So she brushed her hand across his shoulder before lacing her fingers behind his neck, smiling up at him. “Are you saying you like dancing?”
He let out a nervous laugh, finally meeting her gaze. The softness he looked at her with always stole her breath and sent her heart racing. “With you, I can like almost anything.”
Astrea bit her lip, tightening her arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug. He held her close, breath warm against her shoulder as he pressed a kiss there. Then his weight shifted and they tumbled backward, Astrea landing on a pile of blankets and pillows, getting buried in the softness while Damon hovered over her. A grin pulled at his lips and she should’ve been annoyed, but all she could do was giggle.
“I’ll remember this.” She threatened, no bite to her words. Damon smirked, dipping his head to trail his teeth against her throat. “Oh, Princess. I highly doubt you’ll remember anything once I’m finished with you.”
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ebonynightclubblog · 2 years
Watch Nine Inch Nails Reunite With Former Members, Cover ‘Hey Man Nice Shot’ at Cleveland Concert
[Ebony Nightclub] Rolling Stone Music News: Trent Reznor welcomes back Filter frontman Richard Patrick, Chris Vrenna, Danny Lohner and Charlie Clouser at Rock Hall event http://dlvr.it/SYz4mS
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jace-the-writer-guy · 3 years
Streamer AU Fun #1
Kuro: *Playing a multi-player game with Ebony* "Damn Ebony, your new updated hair is looking really great. Sakura did a great job with modeling it."
Ebony: *In her VTuber avatar* "Thanks! You should pull it."
Kuro: "Wh-what!?" *breaks out laughing*
Ebony: *Slowly realizes what she said* "W-wait a minute, I didn't mean to say thaaat! Don't clip it, chat!"
Kuro: "Oh that's definitely gettin' clipped."
Ebony: "Nooooo!"
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So Ryder, I heard there were gonna be a few Critical Role costumes at your party? Is that true?
“So, what do you think?” Wynona asked her twin. She presented her adorable puggle pup, Apollo to him, drawing a high-pitched squeal from him. Wynona had dressed her very floofy pupper up in mock armor, having dressed him up like Trinket, the bear companion of Vex’hallia DeRollo. Half-Elven Ranger of Critical Role’s Vox Machina campaign. Wynona herself having dressed perfectly like the Half-Elf herself.
“Oh my god, he’s absolutely adorable!~” Ryder squealed, and knelt down to scratch the adorable puggle’s neck. Ryder’s costume (at least for Salem’s party), was Vax’ildan also of Vox Machina. “Who’s a strong boy?~ Who’s a good strong boy?~ You’re gonna protect my sister aren’t you?~” 
Apollo’s tail wagged, and he gave Ryder an adorable affirmative bark, while he tried to act all tough for his uncle. Though that only succeeded in making him look more adorable. 
“Hey, what’s going-awwwwww!~” Ebony squealed, having seen Apollo dressed as Trinket. The giantess cat Faunus, currently dressed as Vox Machina’s Grog Strongjaw, immediately rushed over to lavish affection on the adorable puggle. 
//I’ll have more Critical Role costumes in store.//
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the-shin-reborn · 5 years
Sakura and Ebony are walking down the street and walk by a pet store
Ebony: ahh~! I want them all~! I want kittens soooooooo bad~!
Sakura: well I know a way we can have some kittens of our own~.
Back at their house.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK~! POUND ME HARDER~!" Saki yelled as Ebony was pounding her cock balls deep inside her in a mating press. "BREED ME~!" Saki said as her legs wobbled in the air as her toes are curled. Ebony moaned as she thrusted into Saki and gave her the biggest load she has ever had. Saki's legs twitched as she was cumming hard from being filled to the brim with her lovers cum.
Sakura rubbing her full stomach: I'll make sure to give you all the kittens you want~
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Sooo I have to ask... Has Jessica ever met a big kitten named Ebony? And how did that meeting go?
Inside Ebony’s team dorm, Jessica was hugged from behind by Ebony. Jessica’s head came just under the big kitten’s well endowed chest. Speaking of the kitten, Ebony’s tail was swishing side to side and a cute smile was on her face as she hugged one of her idols.
Jessica giggled as Ebony started to purr lightly. “Yeeeees I have~. I meet her at a convention that I was hired to work at in Vale. We hit it off pretty well and even exchanged numbers to hang out sometime!She was so shy when she first came up to my booth, but she was in the biggest and cutest Mt. Lady cosplay I’d ever seen!”
Ebby giggled at the praise. “Thank you! You’re one of the reasons I feel in love with cosplay, so that means so much.”
“I’m glad I could inspire you like that. So, wanna get to work on that pair cosplay I talked about?”
“Yes!” In he excitement, Ebony practically picked Jessica up and carried her over to her cosplay materials to start planning. 
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Hmmm... I've been thinking if something for a little while, and I think I'd like to try it. So, some of you may know about all the OCs I have on my other two blogs. I know I said this blog would just be for canon characters, but... I'm wanting to try some cheating stuff with the majority of my OCs. With that being said, here is a list of them all. My OCs won't take over this blog. I'll still mainly do canon character stuff, just with some OC things mixed in if I like doing it. So guys, feel free to check out my OCs in the link, and send a prompt or two. Here are the relationships with links to the characters' bios:
Wave Aideen, Carlisha Sylvana, and Aerial Yaeger
Ebony Reznor and Sakura Hotaru
April Karmine and Star Sieber
Snow Blayze and Aliah Nero
Alyss and Jace Reznor
Aulin Sylvana and Alex Reznor
Raine Daturas and Vivi Strife
Rivy and Ulysses Aideen
Holly Karmine, Iridess Baretta, Vanille Lirra
Kairi Aideen and Indigo Strife-Daturas
These are all the relationships I'll do. There's only two missing, but that's because they aren't smutty at all to begin with so they wouldn't fit here at all. As for single people that could be used:
Kuro Sabaton
Saint Cross
Zarya Cross
All these characters though can be used as if they're single, but the first group is all the canon relationships that could be used.
I'm not exactly sure when I'll get to any prompts for them (big surprise, right?) but I'd like to try some out, and see what I get if you guys want to send stuff for them. I dunno how this is gonna go but like I said, it was something I started thinking about.
Late Edit: Also, they don't just have to be OCs that are the ones on the outside of the relationships, if that makes sense. Like Mercury or someone could fuck Kairi, or futa Yang could fuck Aliah too.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 3 years
Never knew I could love Ebby more. I bet Sakura really loves to suck on Ebby's changes
"Mmm~ Mm~ Mmmmm~" Sakura's muffled moans came through as she had her face buried in Ebony's sizable balls, sucking on them and covering them in her saliva all while stroking the kitten's cock against her face. Ebony moaned and purred with each suck and each stroke, hugging her pillow tight to her chest as her toes curled in pleasure.
"Sh-sh-she really l-likes them~!" Ebony said in almost a squeak.
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jaunes-erotic-world · 5 years
Jennifer sets up a date for herself, Jaune, and Ebony, and ends the night off on putting Jaune's head between their chests for him to drink their sweet and cinnamony milk.
Jennifer hugged Jaune and Ebony tightly, "I missed you both so much." She greeted the two as she stepped off the boat.
"We missed you too," Jaune said trying to breathe. Ebony nodded.
After the pleasantries the three went a fancy restaurant that Jennifer had made reservations at but her meal wasn't the only thing she wanted. Sitting next to Ebony the cow reached over and began to massage Ebony's member, but she didn't leave the young man across the table out of the fun, she slipped her foot out of her heels and rubbed it against the human boy's thigh. The two went red as she played with them, Jennifer soon put her shoe back on and dragged Ebony to the ladies' room. The two were gone a half hour and white splotches were on both girls' faces and dresses. "Don't worry Jaune we'll give you plenty of fun tonight"
In Jennifer's hotel room Jaune was sat between the two girls as they their Giga Milk and Giga MILF shirts pressing his head between the four insanely soft pillows. Jennifer pulled on of her breasts free and brought it to his mouth giving him a drink of the sweet and nutritious aura boosted milk eventually Ebby got jealous and followed suit feeding him her cinnamon milk.
The boy's face got covered in milk as did the girls' clothes and cleavage which the took advantage of and gave him a slimy tit fuck before he pounded their tight holes giving them a belly full of his milk
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Ebony went as Grog Strongjaw for Ryder's party, and not once did she utter the iconic phrase: "I would like to rage"?
Ebony giggled, and gestured to the binding on her chest. Printed on the cloth were those very iconic words the Goliath Barbarian uttered whenever initiative was rolled.
"I would like to rage!"
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the-shin-reborn · 5 years
Jennifer’s asshole getting absolutely destroyed by Ebony, she continues to pound even after cumming several times
(2) Jennifer gave a pill to help with aura healing abilities. She nicked Ebony's finger and saw that her aura healed it immediately. "Yay it worked~!" Jennifer said as she was happy about the results. "Um... Jennifer... I think there is a side effect..." Ebony said as her cock grew a bit and her balls are filled with regenerating cum as well as aura. Jennifer grabs Ebony's hand and rushes to her bedroom. Ebony mewls happily as she pistons get cock in Jennifer's tight asshole. Jennifer is broken as she feels Ebony's thick cock drag and scrape her inner walls. Ebony put her feet on the bed and mounted Jennifer. At this point they have already gone to a more primal state as all they could think about was sex. Jennifer drooled as her body rocked with the bed from the brutal ass fucking she was receiving. Ebony slammed her hips against Jennifer's and began cumming for the fifth time. Jennifer felt bloated and full but that didn't stop the horny kitty to continue to pump in the milfs asshole. The thrusts from the kitty made some of her thick cum get pushed out and made a mess all over the bed. Hours later the pills effect wore off and Ebony and Jennifer past out from the pleasure and exhaustion.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 3 years
Sakura, how much fun is it to squeeze Ebony’s titties?
Ebony's happy purrs filled the room as she was sitting in bed with Sakura in front of her. Sakura was very busy and very focused with what she was doing, which was just squeezing and playing with the massive kitty titties in front of her. It was amazing and extremely fun stress relief for not only Sakura after a long day, but it felt really good for Ebony too. Sakura's hands barely covered any space on Ebony's breasts at all with the sheer difference in size, and that was just another thing that Sakura loved about doing this. Plus she just couldn't get enough of how her hands barely covered Ebby's nipples and areola.
Sakura looked over at you and cleared her throat a bit. "Ummm... Sorry, did you ask something?"
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jace-the-writer-guy · 4 years
Purple Heart Kitty
Tumblr media
Some art for Ebony that I got as my prize for a raffle last month. I love how it came out (even with the mistake for her ears not having white tips), but I am disappointed that the artist couldn't do what we agreed on because of time limitations. I am happy that I have art of her in her alternate outfit and her new boots though.
Also you may notice that she only has one collar instead of two. I have a special little story I want to write sometime to explain that.
The artist's Twitter
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jace-the-writer-guy · 3 years
A change about Ebony
As many of my followers should know, I've written Ebony as a futa with only a penis and a vagina since the beginning, since I introduced her to Tumblr a few years ago. I've decided that while it is unique to her with all the other futa stuff I do, I'm going to change it up. I decided to give her a pair of balls to go along with the other two, making her a full-package futanari.
With this comes a change to how exactly it's a part of her. It used to be that she grew her penis from puberty, but now that's changed to be that she was born with both sets of genitalia. Since having both posed no issue to her health, Jace and Alyss made the choice to let Ebony keep the male genitals until she was old enough to decide if she wanted to keep them or not, or if having both would start causing adverse effects to her health which as we know, didn't happen.
So yeah, there's a the change with Ebony. I also thought it would be cute to for her to have a set of balls too lol.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 3 years
Ebby, did you get an invite to Ryders Halloween party?
"Yeah I did!" Ebony exclaimed with a big grin on her face, "I'm gonna wear my Mt. Lady cosplay I think. I'm surprised I can still wear it! I'm glad it's stretchy around the chest area since my boobs grew that one time and all."
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jace-the-writer-guy · 3 years
Ren asks if e could pet Ebony's cat ears.
"Ebony, I have a question." Ebony heard the normally quiet member of team JNPR say one day as their teams were hanging out in the park.
"What's up, Ren?"
"May I pet your ears?"
Ebony looked at him in surprise after he asked that. Ren was never one to ask anything like that of someone, let alone a faunus considering how personal their animal traits are. That was something Nora always did, not that Ebony or any of their friends minded it. It was just surprising to hear Ren ask that.
Ebony's face brightened to a smile. "Yeah, of course!"
Ebony leaned her head down for him, her ears twitching in anticipation. Ren slowly reached his hand toward her head and gently began to rub and pet the fluffy ears. Ebony quickly began to purr in response to the soft, gentle touches of Ren's fingers. He was very good at petting and massaging them between his fingers, something she could guess was because of his experience giving his friends massages when they needed them. She was quickly finding out just how good his fingers were.
"Ooooh Ren, this feels so good~!" Ebony exclaimed and found herself soon laying her head down in his lap.
Ren nodded in acknowledgement of that and continued petting and massaging the purring, giantess kitten's ears for as long as she let him. And he knew he'd very definitely be at it for a while then.
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