#eclipse faker
uniqcreep13 · 4 months
Drew my boy Eclipse as a in-universe Mobian
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Tried to replicate the Yuji Uekawa style. Didn't do so hot.
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achickennamedcheese · 9 months
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cyber--eclipse · 2 months
First time drawing EXE's beast form wahoo
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Og images undercut btw
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A sonic voice claim of mine I really love : Zeno Robinson (Hunter from TOH specifically) for Eclipse!
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Um. I have no clue how active this blog is but I would like to posit;
Problematic fictive culture is using an alias online to feel comfortable speaking to people without them judging you.
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predictions now that the trailer is out:
the intro makes it look like they go back to sonic's old cave for something. i wonder what it is
they jump out of a plane too. we NEED a "no food or movies" quip
when shadow says "you're a colorful bunch" he seems... confused? like he's not sure what's going on. makes me remember he probably hasnt seen another mobian before AND he has no context as to who these people who look like him are
sonic's getting lied to about what happened on the ark, or just straight-up not told until late in the movie
and dont worry guys we know they're pulling SOMETHING. we see a shot of shadow and gerald over maria's body while soldiers point guns at them so yeah i think the us military still killed her
the chao garden in tokyo seems like a cute ref to there being an actual irl chao garden in japan in sonic x
tom and/or maddie knocked out of commission, which causes sonic to go against GUN and get robotnik. in all the scenes with robotnik/stone there's NO implication that GUN let sonic do this and considering the robotnik family history with the ark....
iirc we saw "i found you faker" on a leaked merch package so let's get that entire scene pls
ivo "because i'm one of the idiots who lives in it" robotnik
as i said in another post, they have jessica mcfucking jones in this movie and her character got ZERO screentime in the trailer and only ONE promo image with her in it. which implies she may be doing something spoilery. like idk being an undercover nocturnal flying mammal
in relation: shadow's either working with GUN traitors or the "gerald" figure. we see missiles heading for team sonic's meeting with the commander, so it's not GUN sending the missiles and robotnik's out of commission soooo where else would shadow get those bombs
shadow: it's just me and my very real and alive grandpa gerald against the world
the totally real and alive grandpa gerald: hey grandson ivo push this button labelled "eclipse cannon" it'll be really funny i promise
also guys he's not robotnik's dad instead of grandpa in this. he calls him "pop pop" that's something people call their grandpas
IF gerald is alive and not an illusion/ai/whatever he's been alone for 50 years and is gonna be sooo sane about it. but we DO know there's a 50yr timeskip considering the last credits scene so it'd be very strange for him to uhhh still be kickin
that quill is becoming metal sonic and the midcredits scene will be a sonic heroes bit
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yandere Faker Sky Headcanons
Faker Sky x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author’s note : I’m slightly embarrassed to say that I wasn’t even all too sure who the character was at first, I literally had to search up the mod.😭 Believe it went quite alright afterwards, though =} I hope it meets up to your expectations, Nonnie~!
Rumours have been going around, to which the darling has heard of a possible creature wandering around the woods. But instead of fearing it for their lives, they have decided on concluding it as a lonely entity and wants to keep it company. But who could have known that such a simple and sweet act was the start of a threatening and vulnerable obsession starting to grow within the being.
Faker Sky/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Gender-neutral darling • Possessive+Predatory behaviour • Emotional dependency • Identity theft • Mass murder • Threats • Stalking • General toxicity • Guilt tripping • Gaslighting • Implied kidnapping
The “faker” part in her name isn’t made from scratch; if anything, her true self isn’t the cute and loveable female she tries to make herself out to be at all. Instead, she is a natural predator, which immediately indicates in having predatory behaviour aswell; she can be aggressive, unpredictable and showcase incredibly possessive mannerisms torwards the things she considers her own property. Which is why we shall stick with the implication that her true appearance would be her Eclipse form, keeping her actual self in the shadows to instead copy the identity of another, shapeshifting in order to fit into the crowd’s liking. But it wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t until you decided to take action upon the news.
You would have carelessly stepped over the owned property, the curiosity pumping through your veins and no thoughts having gone torwards the presumptions of the potential threat wandering around. Having no realisation over the potential danger could actually you have put yourself in. Having no realisation over the eyes who were slowly scanning over your form, much like a hawk would, with utter disgust. Or perhaps, you just didn’t care. Whatever it was, continued to be utterly unknown to the creature watching you, it having been a fine line between both massive confusion and irritation through the inconvenience. Surely the place didn’t look all that tempting for any mortal being out there. What was a human such as yourself doing here anyways?? The creature gritted it’s teeth in annoyance at the presence, she never liked humans much. And she could’ve quickly already felt her patience starting to run out, starting to make up a plan or ten for backup on how to get you out of the picture as rapidly as possible.
And that’s what slowly started creating all the difference.
That was the case until you had begun rambling about the events of your day, almost seemingly talking to thin air. You talked and talked, and the creature itself couldn’t do much more or less about it other than listen. You were a strange one, that’s to say the least. But she had strangely felt herself getting rather intrigued by the calm yet excited nature around you; she’s used to people feeling nothing but paranoid around the place, much less when the rumours had started to go around. So why are you being so peaceful about all of it? Are you truly that reckless to take the risk and spend your time in the woods alone with a rumoured threat running around like it’s nothing? She’s so put off by your confusing behaviour, and she just so happens to be caught even more off guard when you supposedly had left a handmade flower crown among the place, right for the taking. She remembers everything quite literally going in slow motion for her as you slowly had made your way torwards the exit of the woods, rotating your head back to the location for one last time and offering a gentle smile. “I’ll be back tomorrow!”
Over time she can find herself starting to look forward to your everyday little indirect meeting. She’s so used to having heard that humans are those who are judgemental, unfair and lying beings that are unconventionally weak in comparison to her own kind; an understanding darling who doesn’t show the slightest hint of fear is exactly what she desires out of the bunch! To which she honestly does not realise that her hatred torwards them would have much more gone torwards the fact that it’s all been created out of the mere assumptions that’s been made up for them instead of the genuine truth. But even so, she cannot help but feel mesmerized by you and your distinctive demeanour. Your unique perspective and her false beliefs has caused her to be completely hooked in no time
But another thing that started forming over time is how much she falls into extreme distress when her darling human takes too long to show up for the day, even an hour or so would be more than enough to have the entity searching around the place apprehensively for any possible clues for their non attendance. Which also makes the next point a massive cause of her behaviours worsening over the course of just a few weeks alone. One single day of absence causes the creature to feel both unimaginably anxious and betrayed, honestly making her incredibly selfish in a way. Made promises are taken to heart by the entity, and falling ill does not excuse you to disappear for an entire day without urgent reasonings connected to it!; in her mind, atleast. This usually causes her to plan a way to set down a trap or two for the next few days or so just so you wouldn’t be able to leave at the same time like you’d usually do. So surely expect a sudden tree to be blocking the exit when you’re trying to take your leave, or an unrecognisable trap hole to have suddenly appeared around the place out of nowhere. Your absence from the day before has been way too long for the creature already, you need to catch up on it.
In not all too much time she’d want to get to know you more through person. Having you just talk about your interests and daily experiences knowing she may not show herself, but how she’s always listening is lovely to her, but the both of you know you cannot remain in the woods for entire days at a time. She could start noticing herself starting to feel strangely empty, miserable even among all times you weren’t there with her. Your meetups aren’t enough to satisfy her anymore, which immediately worsens the already possessive feelings that were starting to bloom inside the entity. You blur her mind each and every time when you’re not in eyesight, thinking about what you’d be doing without her, if you’re thinking of her and most importantly; which disgusting beings would come in contact with you in the meantime when she’s not around. She’d come to realise that she wants to be with you on longer periods of the day, and unfortunately, she knows exactly how to get her way when she wants something.
Her shapeshifting technique comes in real handy with this one. Seemingly taking the lives of any original being to fit her own benefits, becoming close to you being the only motivation to her at this rate. She’d continue trying to get into your personal bubble in any of her disguised forms all she has to, not caring much for the consequences of the corpse count who were slowly starting to pile up. At first, there hadn’t been much luck when playing herself off as strangers, and she knew she’d have to take some different measurements in order to get to you. She’d stalk and stalk to try and get to know your personal likings as a person better in a few of her many impersonations, which would honestly remain the case until she found it. The perfect one to pose herself as. She wasn’t the “monster” everyone made her out to be anymore. Now; she was Sky. And no one would be none the wiser.
She feels slightly bad lying to you like this, walking around with some other’s identity sticking to her to fill up her own desires; but she’s positive you’d love her just as much like this-! She just isn’t ready to tell you for now, not yet. As for the behaviour in her disguised form, she finally gets to show you the love that has remained in the depths of her heart for such a long time. Using her cutesy behaviour in order to lure you right in and be as clingy as she wants to be. Surely now there also wouldn’t be many issues created if she’d go out her way to threaten those close to you in these forms. The main issue being how she doesn’t pay the consequences for any of her actions, making her all too much full of herself and overestimating her camouflages.
And who knows what she’ll do to you when given that opportunity.
She can, however, also become rather impatient when her efforts for the closure lack positive results. If you’re the kind to hold distrust torwards those who try befriending you out of the ordinary; well. You might have already just dug your own grave. She may become passive aggressive, pushy and even more disturbingly unpredictable when given this occasion for a little while. She’s incredibly assertive with her moves on you and could definitely be written off as forceful with anything she does, also being one to legitimately force herself into your comfort zone. You’d likely get scared off real fast due to how overbearing she can become at times, and because of this; She’s no better than just guilt tripping her way into your life either. Her seemingly innocent and childish nature being more than enough to easily convince those around you, turning them against your protests and gaslighting you into believing you’re the one in the wrong. But even if these wouldn’t cause you to just give into her attempts? You had always enjoyed your times right on the spot beforehand, so you’d leave her no other choice than to drag you back into the woods with her.
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catboy-in-disguise · 6 months
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And yet another not new piece of art, but I still want to share. For some reason wanna post more of my works here LMAO
So like I was bored one evening and thought... Why won't I make my own version of Sky?
So, there they are lol
So, SkyLex is non-binary. It's an entity that can shapeshift and is rather friendly, even when they're in their second form, unlike for example Faker Sky in her eclipse form. They're just tend to get scared or panicked and then shift back into entity. Friends with both Gf and Bf, have no love interest and is asexual probably
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 year
Status report on the state of Faker, Mike?
Stable as of now, no anomalies or disturbance found yet
Are you sure of that, Mike? This is a very delicate project, may i remind you
Yup! Nothing anywhere, checked and it's just 100% healthy!
Good, thank you Mike
Henry?! Henry sir can you tell me something?!
Yes yes what is it, Samantha?
What is THAT crystal?!
Oh that? That's some stone our scouts found for the project, our lead coder Hank dubbed it "The Eclipse Eye" because it looks like an eye when you look at it outside with the sun shining, and also the black coloring
ECLIPSE EYE... sir- are you- are you SURE this is a good thing to do?? That is a stone that could probably destroy more than our enemies, but also EVERYTHING WE KNOW AND LOVE??
Ahh calm your tits Sammy, you know why we're doing this! For the good of the future of the pokemon world! Besides, Arceus can't do all the work and he sorta... y'know, abandoned us? Doesn't respond to prayers anymore, he pretty much forced us to harness god-like power to keep the world at peace, so it's not anyone's fault but his...
Right... for the good of the pokemon world... yeah...
What's up? Any files i should give, Stanley?
Nope, i'm just gonna show you something so you're not getting bored, and so you can learn a little more on our reality
Ooohh!! What is it?! Tell me tell me tell me tell me!!
Snrk- okay okay hold your rapidashes!
What is that?? What photo are you showing me??
This is food, it's something us people and pokemon consume to survive, however what i'm showing you here is just a dish made for humans only
Ooohhhh okaayyy!
This is also food, a bundle of berries on a bush for the pokemon in the wilderness to find and eat!
Oooohhhhh i like how that red one looookss!! I love the stripes on it!!
Haha- this is also food, but more for carnivorous pokemon like Houndoom and Torracats
That's... that's- that's a whole magikarp- don't pokemon feel remorse eating living things like that??
Nope, they don't got the slightest idea of what's right or wrong, no concept of morality or anything like that, only survival and it requires eating. Sorry, i don't got control over that, i'm not god
That's so sad actually! Why should living things have to live at the expense of others?! That's so wrong!!
You don't wanna know how far that goes, Faker...
I don't, i really don't!
Look Faker-
Call me Mirage? Please? I like that name better?
Right... Mirage... look- what we're gonna do is zap your conciousness into this body, a version of you made up of flesh and bone, so that you can get out of the terminal and continue this project. If something goes wrong in the process, tell me and i'll quickly shut down the entire thing, purely for your safety as you are very important for us...
I'm... i'm important..?
Yes, very important... mostly because some of us genuinely care about you, myself included, as you are a very very fun bundle of code to be around with
That's... that's so nice of you, i'm... god- thank you, you're the best parent in the family!
Don't gotta mention it, little dude, you're going to make us very proud one day!
I will! You can count on me on that, Jersey!
Heheh... you're gonna go places, Mirage
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askobjects · 6 months
The Faker in the Eclipsed Moon.
*An object skips around the circus as everyone/anons fall into a deep sleep.*
*A ball with streaks of colors is following it in the sky.*
"Lets have some more fun, shall we..?"
"Indeed, what's your end of the deal?"
*She said as she waited for an answer.*
"Being a fool, as the main character has the spotlight as we cheer them on."
" Then at the beginning of the end, BOOM! Fireworks like lights scorch through the floor.."
*She walks to the door of dusk's domain, to candleton so to say.*
*She puts on a fox mask, as she turns into a new object.*
"Would the side character DARE go behind the main's back..?"
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uniqcreep13 · 7 months
Anyways, since Twitter has officially booted me out, I'll take this opportunity to post some stuff I forgot to include here.
Starting with Eclipse in the twitter trend dress, of course.
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the-sky-queen · 9 months
And, assuming I'm allowed to send a few more numbers, 1 and 55! >:3
(You can send as many numbers as you like! Though for future reference, I'd prefer if it was one number per ask. :) )
“What do you think?” Eclipse asks.
“I think Black Doom still has the same opinion that he’s always had,” Shadow replies. “It’s not fair to you, but there’s nothing more we can do to change his mind.”
Eclipse sighs. “All I’ve ever been to him is your training partner. I wish I could be more.”
“You are more.” Shadow walks over and places a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You’re my brother. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Don’t worry about Black Doom. Someday, I’ll be in charge. You’ll be my most trusted advisor and we’ll conquer the universe together.”
Shadow closed his eyes for a second. A moment later, he opened them and pointed to the top of a tall building nearby. “One is up there.” He pointed out into the street at a sewer drain. “The other is down there somewhere. Which one do you want to go after?”
Sonic shuddered. Not only were the sewers filthy, but they also had their fair share of water. He looked up at the skyscraper. “I’ll take the one up there.”
“Giving me the easy job, huh?”
“What? Can’t handle it?” Sonic smirked.
“Don’t worry about me. Be careful, faker. Don’t be seen.”
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isolaradiale · 1 year
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It's been brought to my attention that, somehow, I accidentally posted the eclipse image to the galaxy blog, and not the masterlist
I have no idea why
So uh
Here's the real eclipse
Ignore that other faker
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Faker Sky is scared of Sick Boyfriend
Faker Sky: hahaha, I finally caught you guys now~
BF, GF, Pico, Nusky, Skyblue, Skychi, Penelope, Yuki, Nan Pengyou, Sick Girlfriend, Bubble Soda, Friendgirl are tied up together.
GF(Ashley) Let us go, Faker Sky!😡
Faker Sky: I'll let you guys go, if Boyfriend dates me!
BF(Cam): Hell no I ain't dating you!😡
Pico: Yeah! He ain't dating you crazy bitch!😡
Faker Sky: Then I'm just gonna kill you all~
Drugfriend: Oh god!
BF(Cam): I take that back!!!(X2)
Pico: We're fucked!!!
Yuki: How did I get myself into this situation?!
Nan Pengyou: I've been asking myself that everyday😑
Bubble Soda: i was just minding my own business
Friendgirl: I am so tired of this whole damsel in distress thing.
Penelope: I don't wanna die😭
Sick GF: Is this sky always trying to kill you guys?!
Pico: Yes, Yes she does!
Nusky: *trying to free herself from being tied up*
SkyBlue: *whimpering*
Skychi: You're not gonna get away with this, Faker sky!
Faker Sky: Oh but I will, Since Boyfriend refuses to date me, I'm just gonna have to kill you all, starting with Skyblue!
Skyblue: Oh come on, didn't i get eat enough?!
*transforms into a monster*
Eclipse Faker sky: Well you're about to be eaten again!
Skyblue: Ah please no!
Skychi: Don't eat her!
Nusky: Wait!!!
Eclipse Faker sky: What?!
Nusky: Does anyone smell that?
Skyblue: the smell of flesh about to be eaten?
Nusky: No not that, it smells like toxic waste and low tide
Skychi: Toxic waste and Low tide? why would you say that?
Eclipse Faker sky: T-T-Toxic waste and low tide?! *mind* oh no...
Skychi: Uh why did you say that like it's a bad thing?
Sick BF: Hey guys, I hear noises coming here what's going on?
Faker sky: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *drops Skyblue*
Skyblue: Ow....that hurt!
*detransforms into normal*
Faker Sky: Call off your friend! Please call off your friend!!!!
Pico: Wait, is faker sky afraid of Sick Boyfriend?
BF(Cam): I think she did...
Faker Sky: Get him away from me!
Sick BF: I don't understand what's going on, *comes closer to faker sky*
Faker Sky: No! don't come near me!!!!
Sick BF: wait what? why?
Faker Sky: Don't come any closer to me!!!!!
Sick BF: *confused*
Yuki: I still have no idea what is going on?
Friendgirl: Should I be concerned about this?
GF(Ashley): *mind* Hehehe I got an idea😈
Sick BF: I'm still confused on what's going on, why are guys tied up and why is faker sky looking like she's scared of me?
GF(Ashley): Hey Sick Boyfriend, I think Faker sky is feeling a little down lately, I think she needs a hug~
Faker Sky: 0_0
Sick BF: Oh a hug, that's it? Oh then come here Faker sky *comes closer to hug faker sky*
Faker Sky: NO, STAY BACK PLEASE, STAY AWAY FROM ME, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *runs away out of the house*
Everyone was shocked except Girlfriend and Sick Boyfriend.
BF(Cam): Oh my god...
Pico: Did Faker Sky just run for the hills?
Skychi: Better question, did Sick Boyfriend just scare Faker sky away?
Skyblue: Yes, Yes he did...
Sick GF: Woah, who would've thought the most evil sky is afraid of Sick Boyfriend?
Penelope: Looks like Sick Boyfriend is her weakness
Bubble Soda: Yay! Sick Boyfriend saved us!!!
Sick BF: Huh? I don't get it, How come she didn't want a hug?
GF(Ashley): Don't worry about it, Anyways Can you un-tie us?
Yuki: Yeah, this rope is really tight!!!
Sick BF: Oh okay then *unties the ropes*
BF(Cam): Woo! Freedom!
Yuki: Thank god!
Nan Pengyou: Thank you Sick Boyfriend!
Nusky: Yeah, if you haven't saved our asses, we would've been food right now -_-
Sick BF: Your welcome but I'm still confused why Faker sky was acting scared of me?
All: Don't worry about it....
This is a short story that I thought in my head.
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visionthefox · 1 year
I do hope nice eclipse and lunar get back to playing games, but just recently Lunar, Monty, Foxy and Earth played Murder mystery it was ok to watch, I just can’t stand earth’s voice. Also the two AIs are ded.
aaaw I rather just watch Nice Eclipse and Lunar gameplays.. like maybe is my dumb ass - cant stand Earth , is just , her character is too annoying, seems like a faker , a liar who will use Sun to maybe gather info and betray them.. idk maybe is just trauma speaking hahah ay - well if she makes others happy , then I dont mind, again I wont watch the show only Nice Eclipse's eps haha and I guess you mean the two AIs in Moon computer? welp, who will miss em anyways? :P thanks for you ask and time!
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littlewalken · 6 months
ap 8
Looking at about 50% totality with the eclipse today so I'll see what pictures I end up with. Remember not to look at the sun without protection. Trust me, I took an astronomy telecourse in 1992 and I own a piece of meteorite.
It's okay to feel depressed and try to figure out why you feel depressed and figure out non destructive ways you can at least cope with your depression but like the past you don't want to live there.
Now that I'm living in a place without a carbon monoxide leak the loneliness of my existence and feeling tired of living this way along with thought cycles and intrusive thoughts will jump in if I don't actively distract myself with an activity or even just telling myself a story or pondering something.
I'm going to get back in to having a regular doctor and walking that fine line of saying I have long term depression but I don't want to harm myself. Hopefully I can get with someone who will believe I could have a spectrum disorder that I mask pretty well. I know people sense there's something off with me and if I deal with them long enough I just say I have a brain injury. Too many people, especially those younger than me, have tick tock faker ideas of spectrum disorders.
In the back of mind I wonder how long it'll be before some of the attention seekers see Chase Hughes' video and think that's all there is to temporal lobe epilepsy and use it to say "I forgot, seizures, lol" to get out of shit.
But if you have absence seizures no one in their right mind is going to let you drive or do anything where a seizure could hurt you or someone else. Anythig involving machinery, fire, bodies of water, cutting instruments, power tools...
And it isn't just one "alter" having a neurological condition, all of them will have it.
For fucks sake, Captain Sensible is as much of an attention whore as anyone else but he has the job skills to back it up.
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