guerrillatech · 1 month
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And of course the availability of potable water is becoming a strain in more and more places. We know that all the drilling and fracking wasted even more. The CEO of PepsiCo declared years ago that water is not a human right but a commodity to be paid for just like everything else. Water.
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humansolidarityday · 2 months
Priorities of ECOSOC 2025 Session - Press Conference.
Press briefing by newly elected President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Ambassador Robert Keith Rae (Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations).
ECOSOC President Robert Keith Rae (Canada) on priorities of ECOSOC 2025 Session - Press Conference.
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europahoynews · 2 months
El nuevo presidente del ECOSOC se centrará en la migración segura y la IA para el desarrollo sostenible
Robert Rae actualmente se desempeña como Embajador de Canadá ante las Naciones Unidas y presidente del Grupo Asesor Ad Hoc del ECOSOC sobre Haití. Sucede a Paula Narváez Ojeda de Chile. El Consejo de 54 miembros también eligió tres nuevos vicepresidentes: Lok Bahadur Thapa (Nepal), Krzysztof Szczerski (Polonia) y Maritza Chan Valverde (Costa Rica). Representan a los Estados de Asia y el Pacífico,…
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Multi-stakeholder round table 9: Data, monitoring and follow-up.
8th Plenary meeting - Round table at the First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22-26 July 2024. Data, including data on financing, is crucial for assessing progress and guiding actions towards achieving th...
Watch the Multi-stakeholder round table 9: Data, monitoring and follow-up!
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widowsday · 2 months
Civilizational values and the UN: Women's Resilience and Empowerment.
Event featuring a conversation with Ms. Lakshmi M Puri, Former Assistant Secretary-General UN Women and Author of the Book 'Swallowing the Sun'.
Related Sites and Documents
Concept note.
Watch the Civilizational values and the UN: Women's Resilience and Empowerment!
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educationday · 2 months
EOSG Special event on Transforming Education.
As we approach the two-year anniversary of the Transforming Education Summit (TES), the Secretary-General will convene a Special Event on Transforming Education on 11 July 2024 in collaboration with the President of the General Assembly and the President of ECOSOC.
Objectives: The Special Event on Transforming Education will consider the outcomes of the TES Stocktake and seek to strengthen support for the advancement of education with the UN's overall agenda. In advance of the Summit of the Future in September 2024 and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development and the World Social Summit in 2025, it will place a particular spotlight on two key issues: investing in education and building learning societies.
Related Documents
Concept Note
Watch the EOSG Special event on Transforming Education!
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worldhumanitarianday · 3 months
How OCHA's Pooled Funds advance meaningful partnerships for innovations in humanitarian response (HAS 2024 Side Event).
This side events to be convened during the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment will seek to reaffirm the need for trusted funding tools such as the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country Based Pooled Funds (CBPF) as pivotal instruments within the global humanitarian architecture for enabling rapid and effective responses.
To enable decision-makers to allocate available resources on the basis of meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people in a timely and effective manner, engage in meaningful partnerships to advance in the most appropriate and accurate picture of critical needs against funding. The mobilization of resources from a more diverse range of actors – and the variety of modalities -- is imperative given the truly unprecedented scale of needs in ensuring humanity is restored to all.
Related Sites and Documents
Concept note
Watch How OCHA's Pooled Funds advance meaningful partnerships for innovations in humanitarian response (HAS 2024 Side Event)!
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United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities.
Watch the United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities!
The United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities is held under the auspices of the General Assembly in line with resolution 32/197. This will be the first Pledging Conference since the adoption of General Assembly decision 75/511.
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criminaljusticeday · 4 months
(10th meting) - 33rd Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ33).
The United Nations Economic and Social Council Commision on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice discusses crime-related matters and adopts resolutions and decisions thereon. It offers States a forum for exchanging expertise, experience and information to develop national and international strategies, and to identify priorities for combating crime.
Watch the (10th meting) - 33rd Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ33)
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indigenouspeopleday · 5 months
(7th meeting) UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 23rd session.
Item 5 (f): Dialogue on Indigenous platforms established within United Nations entities
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a high- level advisory body to the Economic and Social Council. The Forum was established on 28 July 2000 by resolution 2000/22, with the mandate to deal with indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.
More specifically, the Permanent Forum:
provides expert advice and recommendations on indigenous issues to the Council, as well as to programmes, funds and agencies of the United Nations, through ECOSOC;
raises awareness and promotes the integration and coordination of activities related to indigenous issues within the UN system;
prepares and disseminates information on indigenous issues;
promotes respect for and full application of the provisions of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and follow up the effectiveness of this Declaration (Art. 42 UNDRIP).
The twenty-third session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will take place in-person at UN Headquarters in New York from 15-26 April 2024. Theme: "Enhancing Indigenous Peoples' right to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: emphasizing the voices of Indigenous youth".
UNFPPI23 Provisional Agenda.
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unpublicserviceday · 5 months
(1st meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration - Economic and Social Council.
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration will hold its twenty-third session (CEPA23) at UN Headquarters in New York from 15 to 19 April 2024. The theme is "New governance insights to advance the SDGs and eradicate poverty"
Opening of the session
Institutional aspects of the theme of the 2024 session of ECOSOC and the 2024 HLPF
- Expert panel moderated by the Chair Interactive dialogue with CEPA members, Member States, United Nations system and civil society organizations
Together with
- Consideration of CEPA contribution to the HLPF and ECOSOC theme for 2024 by all members 
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) is a UN technical advisory body that studies and makes recommendations to improve governance and public administration structures and processes for development. It assists ECOSOC by reviewing trends, issues and priorities in public administration, notably in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in support of the implementation and progress reviews of the SDGs.
CEPA, 23rd session
Watch the (1st meeting) 23rd session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration - United Nations Economic and Social Council
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arabiclanguageday · 9 months
(Opening) Celebration of the 2023 World Arabic Language Day at the United Nations - Arabic is the language of poetry and art.
Session 1: Opening - 50 years since the adoption of the Arabic language as an official language in the United Nations.
Statement by H.E. Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the General Assembly.
Statement by H.E Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Statement by Prof. Abdullah Al-Washmi, the Secretary-General of The King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language.
Statement by Dr Abdulaziz Alwasil, the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations.
Statement by H.E. Mr. Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud, the Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations, chairmanship of the Arab Group in New York during December 2023.
Statement by Dr. Nasria Flitti, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Observer of LSA to the UN.
Visual presentation on the adoption of Arabic as an official language in the United Nations.
UN Arabic Language Day is observed annually on December 18. The event was established by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2010 seeking "to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six of its official working languages throughout the organization". December 18 was chosen as the date for the Arabic language as it is "the day in 1973 when the General Assembly approved Arabic as an official UN language".
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mostafashrb · 1 year
البصمة الكربونية علي القناة الفضائية المصرية - السفير مصطفي الشربيني
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beiruttimelb · 2 years
الخارجية الإيرانية: الحظر الجائر ضد النساء الإيرانيات خير دليل على كذب أميركا
الخارجية الإيرانية: الحظر الجائر ضد النساء الإيرانيات خير دليل على كذب أميركا
العالم – إيران وفي معرض الرد على التصريحات الأخيرة لمستشار الأمن القومي الأميركي بشأن التطورات الداخلية في البلاد، أضاف المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الإيرانية، ناصر كنعاني في بيان: إن فحص تاريخ ونهج الحكومة الأميركية في الماضي والحاضر يشير إلى أنه ليست هناك مكانة حقيقية لحقوق الإنسان في سياستها وتصرفاتها ولطالما استخدم النظام الأميركي قضية حقوق الإنسان كأداة ولطالما كان له موقفا سياسيا ومزدوجا…
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Multi-stakeholder round table 2: International trade as an engine for development.
The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) will take place from 30 June to 3 July 2025 in Spain. The Conference will result both in an intergovernmentally negotiated and agreed outcome and in summaries of the plenary meetings and other deliberations of the Conference, to be included in the report of the Conference. The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), through its Financing for Sustainable Development Office, and the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will support the Conference and its preparatory process. 
Permanent Representative of Burundi Zéphyrin Maniratanga and Permanent Representative of Portugal Ana Paula Zacarias will co-chair the Committee. The Vice-Chairs of the Preparatory Committee are South Africa, Zambia, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, the Russian Federation, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Canada, and Norway. China will serve as a Vice-Chair on a rotational basis with the other elected Asia-Pacific States.
The Preparatory Committee will hold two meetings in 2024 and a third session in February 2025. The Committee will also convene a one-day stakeholder hearing in October 2024.
Watch the Multi-stakeholder round table 2: International trade as an engine for development!
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russianlanguageday · 8 years
Russian language winners - Global Youth Forum on "Many Languages, One World" 2016.
10 winners of the Russian language multilingual essay contest organized by the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), Department of Public Information (DPI), and ELS Educational Services Inc. met at UN Headquarters. They presented their essays on the role of multilingualism in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The winners are: Ms. Cristina Crăciun, Hochschule Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Romania Ms. Yelyzaveta Dovhinka, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Ukraine Mr. Sheroz Juraev, Bologna University, Tajikistan Mr. Ihor Kasianov, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine Ms. Diana Khasawneh, Yarmouk University, Jordan Mr. Sardor Khusanov, Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan Ms. Kim Ngan Le*, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Vietnam (not present) Mr. Oleksandr Petrenko, Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine Mr. Adrian Savcenco, State University of Moldova, Moldova Ms. Mahinbonu Toshmatova*, Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov, Tajikistan (not present).
The United Nations Academic Impact
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