#ed documentary
bobbie-robron · 2 years
Aaron married his Mr. Right, Robert.
ED documentary, 16-Oct-2022
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xo-bows · 11 months
hey guys!! because my page is semi-pr0 (semi because i’m only pr0 for people who don’t want to r3c0v3r) i am once again thinking about creating a youtube series with tips, tricks, and a special following my journey to lose weight! if this is something you’d be interested in please lmk!
there will also be chances of getting featured! with stories, tips/tricks, as th!n$p0, etc! i have a really good feeling about this project and i hope you’re all just as excited!
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Amazing documentary!!
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filmswithoutfaces · 2 years
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The Princess (2022) dir. Ed Perkins
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i truly thought it’d be a challenge to get a more right wing Labour leader then Tony Blair and then we got Keir Starmer
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hillside-dangler · 9 months
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The depths of Ed Gein's depravity sank beneath the morals of civilized society. His deranged thoughts fed a dark desire, that motivated him to commit unimaginable crimes.
What began as casual Friday night grave robbing soon turned into murder. Gein needed freshly deceased female bodies to create his Corpse-couture. In a town with only 503 residents, freshly deceased ladies were limited. As a result of these dry spells, Gein had no choice but to kill. The laborious task of perfecting his artistry gave Ed Geins' life a sense of purpose and connection.
Gein transformed the family home into a palace of death. He covered wastebaskets and chair seats in a patchwork of hand stitched human skin; Female skulls adorned his bedposts while others were sawn in half and used as bowls. A pair of lips made a window shade drawstring; A collection of noses which he saved for a rainy day and cutlery made from bones. Gein dressed his naked body in skin garments that symbolized female beauty. A corset made from freshly skinned torso empowered the once emasculated virgin. In his new skin lady Gein was born. He assumed the role of 'woman of the house'. Death made it possible for Ed Gein to connect to the world. He gave life to dead bodies by dressing in their skin. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of power and control.
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He worshipped and feared his dominant mother, a religious tyrant who condemned the young Gein as a sinner in his masculine form. After his mothers death, Gein was distraught. He lacked the strength and discipline to live in the world without his mothers control. Increasingly, he craved her feminine power.
Ed's farming upbringing gave him some useful skills in butchery. He'd also dabbled in taxidermy when other kids were playing sport. With his lazy eye, speech impediment and antisocial family, young Ed was regularly picked on at school.
The gruesome nature of Ed Gein's crimes not only captured the collective fear of the public but also created a blueprint for three of the most unattractive antagonists in American cinema history: Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" (1960) was directly inspired by Gein's overbearing relationship with his mother and his habit of dressing in women’s clothing. He kind've became the poster boy for psychopaths; Leatherface in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974) wore the skin of his victims, but stuck to more traditional gender roles; Buffalo Bill in “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991) is a composite of several real-life murderers, including Gein.
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Locals in small town Plainfield described Gein as a quiet man who may have been a little odd, but harmless. They regarded Gein as one of their own. He had dined at their tables and even babysat their children. But this was well before they knew about his fetish for pelt-belts.
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The case of Ed Gein significantly contributed to Criminal Studies & Understanding of Psychopathy: Although Gein was not a diagnosed psychopath, his case has illuminated aspects of disturbed behavior, contributing to our understanding of mental disorders in the context of criminality. For instance, Gein's unhealthy relationship with his mother has influenced theories regarding the impact of familial relations on disturbing behavior. His obsession with female body parts also led specialists to understand more about fetishism and necrophilia.
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Additionally, Ed Gein's case promoted the development of FBI's criminal profiling methods. Robert Ressler, a former FBI agent and one of the pioneers in this field, especially used Gein's case, among others, to understand the motivations and behavior of serial killers.
Ed Gein-The Lost Tapes 2023
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weirdwisconsin · 10 months
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Upcoming Ed Gein docuseries from MGM+ promises "new reveals" and never-before-heard audio recordings.
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roseapprentice · 1 day
Guh. Been feeling depressed for the past couple days. My mood is more up and down since I started thyroid treatment, I think partly because my body suddenly works differently, partly because I need a higher dose of thyroid hormone. Mostly my mood is way up from where it was, but just now is a rough patch.
Anyway. Feeling guilty about being hungry is such bullshit. Fuck the depression-diet-culture industrial complex.
Just imagine I'm inserting a series of screen grabs from the end of this video to adequately express my frustration.
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hiimcanadia · 9 months
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Little doodle I did in class today
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Oh, you naughty girl!
ED documentary, 16-Oct-2022
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soggypotatoes · 4 months
aarrgghh i want to be someone who can relax and enjoy playin a video game so bad but every time i play one, after ive stopped playing i get the worst hangover
i think i just cant convince certain parts of me that it's not a waste of time lol.. i stop playing and suddenly im hit with 'oh god i just wasted so many hours not doing anything productive im gonna die'
not good bc ive been enjoying darkest dungeon again the past few days so the mood swings and anxiety have been very intense.. i like it but i think i need to not let myself game for now lol
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sadgirlautumn · 2 months
In light of people talking about quiet on set, Amanda Bynes, and Dan Schneider I’m really surprised no one has brought up the show What I Like About You which was created by Dan Schneider and starred Amanda as the main character Holly Tyler. Holly (a high school student) moves in with her older sister after their father moves to Japan. The show wasn’t very good and my mom and I binged it while we were both sick during the summer of 2021 and we were both shocked by how often the show had minors dating adults as if it was a totally normal thing or something to be joked about. At one point Holly’s older sister who was in her early 20s knowingly goes to prom with a 17 year old thinking it would work out well for her, and Holly herself went on dates with and had guys hitting on her who were in there 20s when she was supposed to be 16/17. There was also so much talk about weight and both of the main actresses were so skinny and talking about how they need to start working out because they were getting fat. Later on in the show there’s this character named Lauren introduced who is just appalling. Her whole character is centered around being a dumb blonde who is unattractive and can’t keep a man and she was constantly jealous and undermined everyone. I never ended up finishing the show but the show was just insane and I can’t believe that there are 4 seasons of it and 86 episodes.
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bcacstuff · 1 year
I was looking for something to watch and found a series called Crimson Field and found RR is in this series, he is a very versatile actor and i am quite pleased to have found something else he has worked in!
Oh that's an oldie from 2014, but seems worth to watch
I think it is on Prime on Amazon. Though if you search a little you can find all episodes on Youtube as well I believe! (hum)
I've been watching a documentary recently, The Keepers. Quite intriguing! Something worth to watch as well.
Meanwhile I'm looking forward to S4 of YOU (on netflix). Such a good series, if you haven't watched it yet, you really should! And... drumroll, Ed Speelers is in the new season (Yessss!). Coming February 9th
What series are you watching (beyond OL) or looking forward to?
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randomrichards · 3 months
Making the album
Made Michael Jackson a king
Changed pop industry
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Parents PLEASE put your kids in special ed
Your kid isn't "up for a challenge" no kid ever saw something already hard and scary like school and thought to themselves "let's make this 10 times harder and traumatizing"
You might be okay with them falling behind in class but when they realize that they are putting 2 or 3 times more effort than their peers and still get the worse results they are going to become distressed
Special ed exists for a reason please don't deprive them of much needed help bc it has a bad reputation
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ironsaguaro · 4 months
The MOEBIUS documentary - A Life in Pictures!
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