#eddie in crisis
deadnatura11 · 5 months
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Eddie’s gonna end the season/start the next season blond ain't he 😭
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“My platonic soulmate, light of my life; say what you just said again.” Robin gasped, looking at Steve in a mix of confusion and awe. He shook his head, not understanding what she was on about.
“What? I just said was everyone finds people attractive despite gender. So I think a lot of men are hot and would date them if I wasn’t straight. It’s the same with you right?” Steve asked, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t understand her confusion, this was how everyone worked.
Robin put a fist to her mouth, looking like she was trying to hold a laugh. “No, babe. I don’t find men remotely attractive and I would never want to date one. Because I am a lesbian.”
“Well yes because you like girls! Just like I do. I don’t get the confusion here Robs.” He huffed, leaning back on the couch.
They had been having their weekly movie night and bitch fest when Steve had mentioned wanting to date one of the lead guys. He had then lamented how if only he was gay he could.
“So wait, don’t you think you might be gay if you wanna date a guy? Because I promise straight men do not want to date guys.” Robin pointed out, trying to understand.
“Because Robin, you know this! I like girls, boobies!! That makes me straight.” He nudged her, like she just wasn’t connecting the dots.
Robin sat up straighter to look at her best friend. She forgot sometimes with how cool he was with her that this is all new to him. “Steve, have you ever heard of bisexuality? It means you like both men and woman and people that don’t identify as either.” She asked quietly, putting her hand on top of his. He looked at her, eyes wide.
“That’s an actual thing?? Wait I’m not straight then? Not everyone feels like this?” Steve’s brain was racing with all the new possibilities and how silly he had been. Robin shook her head.
“Wait. Holy shit. Robin, I wanna date Eddie. I want to date him so hard, I wanna kiss him. And marry him! Fuck wait that’s not legal. But all the other stuff.” He stood straight up, almost bowling Robin off the couch.
“I’ve gotta go! I got to tell him I’m not straight!” He yelled, grabbing his keys and running out the door. Robin sighed, getting comfy on his couch and drinking the rest of the wine in her glass. Leave it to him to speed run his sexuality crisis and get a partner before her. At least she could stop listening to Eddie whine over being in love with a straight man.
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hawkinsbnbg · 2 months
Eddie: Bad day?
Steve, sighing: Robin’s on a vacation with her family. I just miss her so much.
Eddie: Can I like kiss the sad out of you?
Steve: What?
Eddie: Wrong answer?
Steve: No, no, it's the best one so far. C'mere, kiss me.
(They're not dating.)
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shares-a-vest · 6 months
Update: 29/04/24 Now turned into a 1.9k fic here
Eddie begins making a Hellfire t-shirt and declares it is for Steve.
The Corroded Coffin boys oscillate between teasing and confused horror. Dustin is annoyed that it is Eddie who has managed to convince Steve to finally join a campaign, while Lucas is elated and beyond excited.
Mike and Will of course, do everything in their power to stop such a nightmare, including some ill-conceived scheming that is thwarted at every turn by Lucas.
But they needn't worry.
Because Eddie is just simply making Steve a Hellfire t-shirt to sleep in. It's a size too big. He paid extra for the softest cotton and it has short sleeves and a loose scoop neck so it doesn't scratch Steve's scar.
All so Steve can get a cozy night's sleep.
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pluto-rainstorm · 4 months
Buck: Good thing about date night at home, we have no distractions, it's just us.
Tommy: Perfect, cause that's exactly what I needed after the shift I just had.
*they lean in to kiss and suddenly there's a knock at the door*
Buck *opens it and sees Eddie*: Eddie? What are you doing here?
Eddie *bursts through and sees Tommy*: Oh, good you're here too, I'm having a crisis!
Buck: Okay?
Eddie: I'm seeing my dead wife!
Tommy: As in hallucinations or...
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juiceicicles · 1 year
Steve plays DnD with Eddie and the kids (not Hellfire, none of them are ready for that yet) for the first time and attempts to seduce a dude to get information.
The thing is, Steve’s character is also a dude. When he first asks, Eddie is shocked, the kids are confused because “he’s a man, Steve” and Steve just pulls out some old Harrington charm and sufficiently flusters Eddie and gets the information needed.
Most of the kids are just happy it worked. Will is happy and surprised because apparently both Eddie and Steve are cool with gay people, cool enough to roleplay as them! Mike is having an internal crisis because the lord has a wife but it still worked so is he gay or straight? When asked Eddie just says he likes both, which prompts a small internal crisis. Eddie is a weird jumble of feelings because Steve is flirting with him! But like in character. So is Steve gay? Is his character gay?! What’s happening!
Steve’s flirty remarks make it out of the game and just become Steve flirting ruthlessly with Eddie, but prompts no questioning from the party because “it’s an inside joke”.
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localemofreak · 6 months
Jason: “he’s a vessel for satan!”
The so called- vessel for satan:
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
You know what I want to see, I want to see more of Steve, Eddie, and Robin being 1980s small town kids from Indiana, by which I mean;
Robin is The Source of Gay Knowledge purely because her parents host Hippie Christmas and she managed to sneak away to find a neat bookstore in Indiana once. 
Her knowledge is not in depth. It's patchy, woven together through rumors, stories she heard or things she picked up from her parents' old pictures. She's got a handful of zines, one book, and some movies she managed to order for Family Video behind Keith's back.
She acts like she's Queen of the Queers because in Hawkins she pretty much is.
(Max and El ask her what a lavender marriage is once, something they overheard snooping around. 
Robin confidentially answers that it's code for when one woman dresses up as a man, fooling officials into wedding two woman.
She does not live this down two years later when they find out what it actually means.) 
Eddie doesn't spend every weekend in Indianapolis. 
Gas is expensive, his busiest days of his "job" is Friday and Saturday, and he has no fucking clue what the hanky code is. 
He's wearing that bandana because Metallica front singer James Hetfield has one on all their tour posters. 
Eddie does make it down to a gay bar though, by accident. Rick needed some back up for a shady deal. Promised Eddie a boatload of free drugs to sell if he agreed to just stand there and look mean. 
He was warned the bar they were meeting in was 'weird' and to not 'freak out' --which Eddie thought was hilarious given his nickname and general appearance, but whatever.
He doesn't understand when they get there, because it's just a bunch of hot men with hanky's in their back pockets everywhere.
Then he sees two women kissing and it clicks. 
He can't out himself in front of Rick, but one of the bartenders playfully dresses him down for his own hanky, letting him know all about the code and teasing him through his embarrassment. 
He's got an offer to come back and learn what color and which pocket his hanky should actually be in, a prospect Eddie was salivating at until Chrissy Cunningham up and died on his ceiling.
(He still wore the hanky, because the feeling of that bartender tugging it out and stuffing it back in might be the closest thing he's ever had to sex and he absolutely wants a repeat. 
He's young and horny, sue him.) 
Steve Harrington may not be academically smart but he's not dumb. 
He figured out a while back that the basketball team as a unit probably crossed the queer line more than once--or at least it did before Hargrove came in. 
( Brad Handly for example, went around slamming kids into lockers and screaming slurs like a fucking movie villain one Monday because the varsity team got dead drunk at Laura's party on Sunday and hey, look, there weren't that many girls there, okay?
They all had fucking hands and mouths. Everybody but Tommy was single and hot to trot. Nothing gay about it.
Its not even like they were kissing or treating each other like chicks. It was just Brad's first time and they got to tease him later for overthinking it. 
Dude graduated soon enough after and given Steve was on the team as a sophomore, he hadn't thought about the guy and why he might be freaking out so bad in years.) 
Robin's entire panic attack at Starcourt, and a few more after had Steve replaying that whole incident. Reframed it a bit, and, yeah.
In retrospect that had been extremely gay, actually. 
It sat with him a lot easier than he'd thought it would. Partially because of Robin, but mostly because that's just who he was.
Stranger things had happened to Steve and this one didn't want to kill, maim or otherwise eat him, so it got filed under 'interesting facts he should never tell his parents if he wanted to keep his trust fund' and then he went about his day. 
(Or he tried too, anyways.
It caught up to him when Eddie and Robin somehow figured out the other was queer and dragged him along to some bar Eddie had a standing invitation at, with demands for Steve to do what he did best.
Their magical trip was utterly destroyed when Brad Handly happened to be the very same bartender who had given Eddie the invite.
 Considering Brad's immediate bark of laughter followed by a hug and introducing himself as "Steve's gay awakening", Steve ended up having to speedrun through Eddie and Robin both having a crisis for him.
It didn't help that Steve had politely, and laughingly, corrected Brad with a casual; 
"Pretty sure that was Tommy man, but if it helps I think that tongue of yours gave Matt Burdon a crisis."
--which ended up with him answering a lot more gay sex questions with Brad than he cared too. 
At least he, through Brad, was able to help Robin connect to some local lesbians and--after a second crisis from Eddie regarding how Steve managed to have more sex than "the resident town freak and guy who actually knew he was gay, Steve!"-- even helped Eddie out by catching the metalheads tongue with his mouth later that evening.
The last one landed him a boyfriend, trust fund be damned.) 
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mardyart · 2 years
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mandatory festive steddie
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DM Hen: Chim is your turn to pick a character class. Chim: I wanna be a reverse necromancer. Eddie: I don't think that's a real class. Buck: Isn’t that just killing people? Chim: Semantics.
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I made myself laugh writing this, so I decided to share, in case it makes anyone else laugh:
(this is part of a wip that I have no idea if I'll ever finish writing. in it, Eddie is having a sexuality crisis and this happens)
Eddie was tying up his boots when he noticed Buck approaching the locker room, walking with a slight limp. That is odd. Buck sat down beside him, slowly, a small grunt escaping him at the end. “What happened to you?” Eddie blurted out. “Tommy happened,” Buck answered as he took off his sneakers. Oh?
“So you and Tommy…” Eddie sort-of-asked, waving his index finger in the air, for added clarification. “Yeah, man, we finally did it.” OH. “I see. And… are you ok? You seemed to be limping on your way here…” “Uh, yeah, I’ve been better. It was such a bad idea doing it before a shift, I shouldn't have suggested it.” Eddie squirmed. “Oh, it was your idea?” he heard himself ask, even though he was feeling like running away from this conversation as fast as possible. “Yeah, we've been talking about it for so long, and I was so excited to try it, and we finally had time yesterday, so… But yeah, I should have waited.” “So now … you regret it?…” “I mean… Not really, we had a lot of fun, you know? But, yeah, now I’m really starting to feel it,” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “Maybe Tommy should have gone easier on you, then,” Eddie countered. He just could not understand how Buck was being so casual. “He knows you're new to this–” “Oh, he was going easy on me, but I insisted he shouldn't pull the punches. I'm a big boy, I can take it, so he went for it.” Oh my god! “Hm, hm,” Eddie managed, his voice strangled. Maximum regret level reached. “Oh you should've seen us,” Buck continued, oblivious to Eddie’s crisis, “There was this move he made that–” Oh my god??! “What the hell, Buck? Why would I want to see that?? Or hear about it?” “What? Why not? I thought you liked it!” “Whaaat?” Eddie squeaked, his voice hitting the highest pitch he had ever managed in his life – a record he definitely could do without at the moment. “Don't you watch Muay Thai matches??” “I– what? What that’s have to do– Oh…. That's what you were talking about?” “What else would I be talking about??” Less than a half a second later, the penny dropped and the look of utter bewilderment on Buck’s face was gone. He then proceeded to howl with laughter, doubling over and falling off the bench in the process. Eddie groaned, sliding a hand down his face. “Oh. My. God. You should have seen your face!!!!” Buck managed to let out, in between giggles. “For fuck's sake,” Eddie muttered, “It's not that funny.” “Oh, it really is,” Buck told him, sitting back on the bench. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Eddie grumbled, getting up and shoving his things into his locker. “Sorry, sorry, I’m done now,” Buck said as he wiped the tears streaming down his face. He got up and clapped a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, “It’s sweet of you to worry,” he continued, “but you don't have to. Tommy and I have been having sex for weeks now, and it's going great, no regrets there,” he finished with a wink, before starting to change into his uniform. Eddie cringed so much that he barely managed to control his deep urge to hit his forehead on his locker door. It was going to be a long day.
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artiststarme · 6 months
Steve had spent his entire life trying to be perfect. He tried to be the perfect son with sports and popularity, he even tried his best with his grades which was evident until his first major concussion. He tried to be the perfect friend to Carol and Tommy H., even the basketball teams and other jocks, by providing free rides, parties in his house, and being a listening ear for their teenage drama. He even tried to be the best Steve he could be after the popularity faded and the demons from the shadows of Hawkins emerged. Nothing was ever enough.
He wasn’t a good enough son that deserved not to be ignored or neglected by his parents. He wasn’t a good enough student to be allowed to get into a good college or even a local community one. He wasn’t a good enough friend to the people in High School and that’s why they left him.
Through everything though, he thought he was a good person afterwards. He helped the kids the best he could, he protected them with his life, and he would do anything to ensure the survival of everyone in the Party. He knew he was good at that.
Or he thought so until he saw Eddie wasting away in a hospital bed with handcuffs on his wrists and blood soaking through the bandages on the mauled skin of his chest. He tried his best to be a good friend that could support the Party until Dustin broke his heart into splinters for something he couldn’t predict.
“You were so jealous of Eddie that you gave him the most dangerous job?! You knew how harmful the demobats were and you sent him there for a reason! That’s why you didn’t let him go with you, you wanted Eddie to die!”
After all he’d done to be good, to be the person people could count on, to be perfect; he still wasn’t enough. The kids still looked at him as the mean boy of the town and if the kids did, what did the others think?
Did Mrs. Byers still see him as the teenage dirtbag that got into a fight with her son and got him arrested?
Did Hopper still see him as the scoundrel that drank underage and threw parties that upset the neighbors in Loch Nora?
How did Nancy see him? She was the person who actually saw him at his worst, the one who opened his eyes to his failures. Did she still see him as the guy that he never wanted to be?
Steve had worked so hard his entire life to be what everyone else always wanted him to be. He hid so deeply beneath fake masks and facades that he didn’t even know who he truly was anymore, he didn’t know if he ever had.
All he knew was that after their latest run-in with the Upside Down, he went home to an empty house. He ignored the broken glass and the damage caused by the earthquake. He only focused on the fact that everyone else was currently with their families. His parents were who knows where doing who knows what but they were together, the only family they had ever wanted.
Robin was at her place with her family, her parents probably doting on her after worrying for so many days. They’d let Steve in but he didn’t want to intrude more than he’d already had. Nancy and Mike were with their parents, Jonathan, Will, and El were with Joyce and Hopper, Lucas and Erica were with the Sinclairs and Max, and Dustin was with Mrs. Henderson and Mews II. Even Eddie in a pain-induced state of unconsciousness was with Mr. Munson.
Despite all of his efforts to be perfect, to be deserving of love and pride, Steve was still alone. He’d worked for years to be someone worth loving, hell, someone worth tolerating, and it still wasn’t enough. All he had were his friends in the Party and after his talk, nay the lecture, from Dustin, he wasn’t even sure he had them. If he didn’t have them, what did he have?
Depression, PTSD, chronic debilitating migraines, night terrors, and scars?
What was the point of anything if that’s all he had? Did he really want to stick around to find out just for things to worsen like they always did?
After years and years of trying to be perfect, Steve realized he never truly would be. The night he got back to his house after watching the rest of his friends reconnect with their families, he packed up the Beemer and left Hawkins in the rear view.
He was sick of the expectations, the disappointments, and trying to reach a standard he could never sustain.
He left his heart behind wrought with guilt at leaving the Party without any notice and leaving before he knew Munson would be alright but he had no choice. If he didn’t have the kids, he had nothing and that was something he couldn’t face.
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clownsuu · 1 year
the way you draw howdy and Wally is so euphoric
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they make my brain go brrrrr
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Evenly distributed personality smhhhh
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plutobuckley · 4 months
I wanna see domestic bucktommy. I wanna see them having dinner or enjoy an evening together at one of their places, a night in if you will. And then I wanna see one of the firefam and Co. just show up at the door
Give me exasperated boyfriend's cause their family members are having personal drama and feel the need to tell them!
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Give me an Eddie who thinks he's straight, who doesn't really understand the growing feelings that he has for Steve, who writes them off as admiration because the guy saved his life, you know?
And in the next D&D campaign he introduces a new NPC, a badass female knight who assists the party with their current quest. It's revealed that she's trying to rescue her fiance, a local bard, and the kids start throwing glances at each other.
It's not until they meet said bard, whose description sounds suspiciously like Eddie, that they catch on to what's happening.
After the session Dustin, little matchmaker wannabe, stays behind and says "It's okay if you have a crush on Nancy, you know."
And Eddie looks at him like he's crazy.
"What are you talking about?"
"The knight? Cirice? That's totally Nancy, and you clearly like her if the way you talked about the character means anything."
"It's not Nancy, it's just a character! I just needed an NPC and it seemed like a cool build."
Dustin rolls his eyes. "Right, and this cool build includes the phrases 'flowing locks' and 'eyes flecked with gold'."
Eddie flushes, he knows he got a little descriptive with her introduction, but he shakes his head.
"She's not Nancy, Dustin."
"Then just tell me who she is!" The kid gets closer, and now Eddie feels cornered. He knows that Dustin can be annoying about things like this but he's never had the pleasure of it being directed at him, and it makes him feel a little trapped and frantic.
"Because you obviously have a crush on her that's so bad you have to get your feelings out in D&D, and if you have a chance to be with her then I want to help-"
"It's Steve!" he snaps, just to get Dustin to stop talking. "Cirice isn't Nancy, she's Steve."
And oh. Oh shit.
Eddie's mouth snaps shut as Dustin's drops open in shock, both of them realizing at the same moment that Eddie likes Steve.
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science brain vs hopeless romantic brain, who will win
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