#eden hazard one shot
ggjunkie · 4 months
Heavenly Hazards
Chapter 4
“Why do you have an invite from The Adam?”
You pause from where you’re bent at the waist, attempting to open a pack of water bottles. You’re very obviously losing the battle, the plastic only wrinkling under your grip. At his question, you hesitate, unsure of what he’s referencing, before remembering that damn ticket. An annoyed groan on your lips, you release your grasp on the plastic and quickly straighten your spine with a weak pop.
“I don’t know,” you shrug, exasperation from the stub creeping into your voice. You try to keep it steady; it’s not Aeson you’re annoyed at. “I live near the venue, so I figured…”
From behind, Aeson guffaws in disbelief. For a split moment, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of frustration at his reaction. He doesn’t understand- it’s not like you asked for it. “Dude, he signed it. That’s his signature.”
You finally spin around, taking in his paled expression. He looks as though he’s holding back a laugh, unsure if this whole situation is a joke. At his concern, you begin to feel your walls crawling up. He doesn’t need to be scared. You’re in heaven. Nothing bad can happen to you now…
“Yeah, I’m aware” You snipe. Aeson’s face falls, and so does your mind’s defensive stance. He’s just trying to help. “I’m sorry, I just… I guess he doesn’t usually do that?”
“No, he doesn’t” his voice is softer, as if approaching a scared animal. He’s walking on eggshells and it tightens your throat in guilt. This conversation is teetering towards something serious, and if your sweaty palms were any indication, you don’t like it. “He doesn’t even officially announce his concerts. He expects everyone to just show up– except you, apparently.”
Your mouth starts to feel dry, “Oh. Maybe I knew him while we were alive?”
At that, Aeson actually laughs. “Yeah, sure– if you were alive in the Garden of Eden. That’s Adam. The Adam. The First Man, Adam. How did you even get this?”
A flash of golden feathers crosses your mind.
You ignore it.
Instead, you shrug, the weight of the situation finally weighing on your shoulders like a heavy blanket. You’re hoping if you don’t look it in the eyes, then it won’t be real. Rather, you avert your gaze to the floor, fingers half-mindedly picking at the seam of your robe. It’s only your first week in heaven. Did this mean you were in trouble? If you didn’t go, though, you’d only receive more and more tickets. How did you even end up with one?
“Well,” Aeson draws out, earning your attention. He has more color to him, the once-dulled twinkle in his eye shining as bright as ever. “Maybe we can both go.”
“Oh? Do I get a plus one?” You know it’s wishful thinking, but can’t help the relief that washes in like a comforting wave.
“Nope,” That wave instantly recedes, the metaphorical beach transforming into a dry, disgusting desert. “But I can sneak in under your robes.” You couldn’t help but giggle at that, playfully swatting at his chest.
“Yeah, no.”
“Eh, worth a shot. You should still go, it could be fun!”
You tilt your head, weighing the pros and cons. Pros? Fun concert! Cons? Everything. “Ehhhh, some rando inviting me to his concert? Kinda creepy.”
Aeson nods in agreement. “No totally. From what I hear, he’s an asshole who’ll try to get in any bombshell’s pants. But dude… free concert ticket. Just sneak out before it ends– I can even find something to do nearby in case you need help or something.”
You pucker your lips in thought, not even sure who Aeson would hear that gossip from, before sagging your shoulders in hesitant defeat. “Yeah alright, you got me. However, if I go, then you have to come with me to buy some better clothes and makeup. Your treat.”
Aeson, ever the optimist, beams at the idea of a day out on the town. “Deal!”
You had to learn the hard way that if you give Aeson an inch, he’ll take a mile. And after inviting him into your apartment for a bottle of water, suddenly he decided he can come and go as he pleases.
Safe to say, the pounding on your door shattered the peaceful stillness of your apartment like a sledgehammer through glass. Startled from your sleep, your mind struggled to shake off the grogginess as you reached for awareness in the dimly lit room.
Heart pounding, you sat up abruptly, disoriented and confused by the abrupt banging. For a moment, the fear of the possible intruder gripped you tightly, your pulse racing with adrenaline-fueled dread. But as your senses gradually sharpened, the rational part of your brain came forward.
You were in heaven now, far away from the dangers of the mortal world. Not to mention, even the most polite robbers wouldn’t knock on your front door and wait for you to let them in. With a shaky exhale, you forced your racing heart to slow its frantic pace.
Careful not to make a sound, you slipped out of bed and tiptoed across the room, every step cautious and deliberate as you made your way downstairs, afraid to open the door to a pair of golden wings. As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you paused, hand hovering uncertainly over the doorknob, before swinging it open.
As the door unfastened, it revealed a hyper Aeson standing on the other side, his expression a mix of excitement and mischief. Relief washed over you in waves as you took in his familiar face.
“Come on, we gotta go look at clothes!”
The promenade unfolded before you, offering not only an array of food, but also a variety of charming shops that transformed it into a fanciful mall of sorts.
Amidst the crowd, you couldn't resist the allure of the cute robes on display. They were perfect for providing coverage, while also presenting different cute patterns. That way, you can still look and feel like an angel, but at least an angel with a personality. With a grin, you snagged a few, already envisioning how they would look. You stuffed them into Aesons arms, making him pay for you.
As you kept an eye out and about for a good makeup store, you nearly toppled over someone in your path. With a startled gasp, you moved to apologize, only to feel your expression sour as you realized it was the platinum-haired girl from yesterday. There was a hint of satisfaction in her smirk as she caught sight of your reaction, but it quickly vanished as her gaze landed on Aeson beside you.
“Are you two on a date right now?” she didn’t seem pleased.
“Wh-no!” you were taken aback. “What is your obsession? We’re friends! We do friend activities!”
Tuning out Aeson's playful jabber about how you “called me your friend.”, you were caught off guard by the sudden shift in atmosphere as the platinum-haired girl fixed her piercing gaze on you once more.
“Will you be in attendance for the concert tonight?”
"How did you—" you began, your voice faltering as she cut you off.
"I'm Lute. Adam's Lute," she stated firmly, her words laden with authority, leaving no room for argument. "But you don't get to call me that. You call me Lieutenant.” She thought, before adding a quieter, “We’re friends.”
The air crackled with tension as you struggled to process her words, your mind racing with questions. The most pressing of which burned on your tongue, demanding to be voiced.
"Why do I have a ticket?" you asked, your voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and defiance.
Lute's frown deepened at your question, her displeasure palpable as she delivered her blunt response.
"He thinks you're hot," she stated matter-of-factly, her words punctuated by Aeson's nervous laughter before he wisely fell silent under her withering gaze. "And you have a nice rack. Which I agree. I'll see you tonight."
With that, Lute turned on her heel and disappeared into the throng of people, leaving you standing there, feeling exposed and vulnerable beneath her penetrating scrutiny.
"What a bitch," you muttered under your breath, the weight of her words echoing in your mind long after she had gone.
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artoriarts · 7 months
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borked coloring but Adam & Eve prime. While I’m of the mind that p-3 probably should probably be Lucifer (though it would fit the tragedy if he wasn’t even strong enough to be a prime. Simply a man concerned of his lord’s work damned with the rest. but I’m getting ahead of myself) or another Greek figure to keep up the theme, that don’t stop me from thinking. Cracked lore under cut
Don’t have any specific specifics but my general idea is that, unlike Minos and Sisyphus who remain in the world via willpower, the lovers here do so out of a combination of latent power as the first humans and sheer denial and the simple urge to live. Due to God’s shame robbing them of an explanation, neither of them even *know* why they’re in hell, whatever sin put them there in the first place. They barely even know what hell is. All they know is each other and the eternal torment that their minds reject. This, understandably, left the two bitter and paranoid and angry and, above all, horrified of everything around them, and cultivated their first response to anything being incredible violence, which eventually got them locked up by heaven in their flesh penitentiary or whatever prison synonym we go for. When v1 finally comes along and frees them, they’re barely coherent enough to even give their speech, and they have not a shred of the valiance their fellow primes have shown - they harbor no grudge against the angels, their only wish to be free, but upon registering v1’s presence, the only response they can muster is fear, and consequently try to fight it. Upon their inevitable defeat, the two, again, free of malice, and now drained even of self-defensive anger, can only embrace and cry together one last time.
During their fight itself, I'm imagining that the two are completely animalistic - they move nearly as fast and erratically as v1 itself, dependent a lot more on direct movement than the teleports Minos and Sisyphus work with, their state of "rest" when out of stamina being skating around and peppering v1 with thorns of eden much akin to v2's combat. Their main combos, their "Thy End is Now!"s and "You Can't Escape!"s have the main caveat that most parry opportunities from Adam are immediately either preceded or proceeded by an unparriable from Eve, and fucking up one will usually confirm the other. Other assorted ideas are:
Vine whip that, while also used by them in their movement to redirect their momentum, can be used like a Hideous harpoon. The way they use this most commonly is to spear v1 and then string it up and suspend it in the air, forcing it to either rely almost entirely on dash i-frames to dodge or quickly kb'ing the whip and slamming back to the ground. Also thinking that their power allows them to instate their presence on the world around them, allowing eden to partially take over the penitentiary, making bramble a hazard that they can just, y'know, grab and fling v1 into.
Previously mentioned thorns of eden are hitscan pellets that they can either fire rapidly, like the gutterman's chaingun, or in short, 2-shot bursts akin to v2's revolver. Also like v2, they can shoot coins with the thorns - And speaking of coins, they also have a sort of coin derivative in seeds of eden, which they can throw out in arrays, which will hang in the air for a moment before homing onto v1. They will do nothing but follow until v1 or A&E shoot it, at which point they will explode, ricocheting around all present seeds, ending the chain with the seed closest to the target (v1 if A&E shoot it, vice versa).
The two have three phases, two health bars - The first health bar is a standard prime fight, with their stamina growing and moveset getting a bit more deadly after hitting half heath, gaining the briars seen wrapping around them in the photo as their "crowning" similar to sisyphus gaining his beard and minos his aura, but the second health bar is much more dramatic, with them struggling to right themselves after the damage v1 has inflicted, with eve, in the struggle, managing to pull her half-formed body out from adam's, standing on her own for the first time since becoming a combined prime on a knotted tangle of veins and translucent guts, the two's spirit reinvigorated by the distress of their separation and the physical agony of being mutually disemboweled, then fighting together as two separate targets. Eve takes half the damage Adam does, but is less aggressive, taking most of the ranged role from him and meleeing only when joining in his melee combos, and, due to half her current body mass being vascular system, is also constantly bleeding fresh blood, essentially having a permanent mini-screwdriver in her.
okay that's all i got for now thanks for reading my illness <3
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ladyelizabethraven · 2 years
Spy x family chapter 74 initial thoughts:
Well, for those who are looking for Yor....there she is! Had the hijacking issue been resolved by afternoon and not midnight, we would not be able to see her. But Endo said :"Where's the fun in that?". But still, it's wise that she just didn't buy Eden's BS reason and called her coworker to check.
This may be a Set up for the next arc. Which, if I can still hazard a guess, is a Yor-centric arc.
I wonder how this will affect Yor's character? By the end of the Ocean Cruise Arc, her reason for taking up the blade is to protect those she cherished most. Now, two of the most important people in her life were somewhat endangered in this situation : Anya and Yuri. While of course Yuri got shot in the line of duty, it's not that he can actually say that outright and instead may make up some BS excuse on how he got shot (stray bullet while walking home from work?). Either way, this will most probably make Yor question her ability to actually protect her loved ones.
This may go two ways : 1) Yor seeks the Shopkeeper for answers. I don't think she'll outright question the Garden yet because of her father - daughter like relationship with the Shopkeeper. But she may want to know if how come some loose ends with the Red Circus came to be. 2) She seeks solace with her new friends, the Lady Patriots. It's also a good way to see how Melinda Desmond reacts to the whole hijacking incident.
Anya really has put all her skill points in Wisdom - Charisma - Luck 😂.
But her first reaction after approaching her abductors is "I should've thought what to say before jumping in" is not only hilarious, but also contrasts her to the father Loid/Twilight who forms avenues of conversation flowcharts before jumping in.
The whole conversation of Anya and Billy looks like Anya picking up the most nonsensical line in the conversation wheel but because she passes all her skill checks, her audience misconstructs her words into something else but meaningful.
I don't really know if Anya meant all of those words or just parroting the stuff she heard beforehand + picking up the stuff she mind reads from Billy's head and then saying the things he wanted to hear. But I do hope that she this will someday form her character later on.
Billy finally came to his senses, thank god. But it's still sad to see how far did this military man had fallen to in his grief. He may have surrendered, but I don't think the SSS is going to give him clemency.
WHOOOHOO! Martha to the rescue! So it seems that time that tazers are still not yet around in the market but still a new prototype model from Blackbell industries.
Becky is really Anya's ride-or-die friend.
Bonus points for Master Henderson also for trying to protect Anya and even shielding her from the line of fire. I hope that he personally awards her the Stella.
Loid is still nowhere to be found. I guess Endo is really benching our main man for world building purposes... But still it's nice to see how WISE is going to handle this incident.
Yup, that's all for now. I'll be back afterwards Re reading the chapter lol.
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kissoflightning · 10 months
A Long Way Down
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What were Chris Miller & Gavin Reed up to that night after Hank & Connor took over the investigation at Eden Club?
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Chris Miller & Gavin Reed
Leo Manfred & Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed
Chris Miller
Leo Manfred
Additional Tags:
Leo Needs a Hug
Hurt Leo
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
One Shot
References to Drugs
References to Depression
Suicide Attempt
Gavin Reed Being an Asshole
Chris Miller POV
Series: Carl Dies
A Long Way Down
What were Chris Miller & Gavin Reed up to that night after Hank & Connor took over the investigation at Eden Club?
First half is serious, second half is silly fluff~ Chris Miller gets a POV story like he deserves!   CW: Attempted Suicide
Work Text:
Saturday, November 6th, 2038
Gavin Reed was inspecting the crime scene; the man known as Michael Graham had been found dead at Eden Club. The scene showed the deceased man in a bed with bruises on his neck, and an incapacitated brown haired female Traci android across the room. Gavin examined Michael's corpse closely; the bruising was an indicator the victim had been strangled. "Now the question is..." Gavin speculated out loud as he crossed his arms. "Did the android act with the intent to murder him, or did he just not know when to call it quits? Is the killer a deviant or a defective android that wasn't inspected properly?"
The door to the room whooshed open. As the cop and detective noticed who had entered, Gavin opened with "Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet. The fuck are you two doing here?" He sounded confused.
"We've been assigned all cases involving androids." The android informed.
Oh Reed was NOT going to happy about that! "Oh yeah? Well you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who uhh...got more action than he could handle!" Gavin laughed boisterously.
"We'll have a look anyway. If you don't mind." Anderson told him.
Surprisingly Reed did not complain or cause a scene. "Come on let's go." He told Chris. The detective passed between Anderson and Connor wafting his hand in the air. "It's uhh..." He sniffled. "Starting to stink of booze in here." He purposely nudged against the android on his way out.
"Good night Lieutenant." Chris said in farewell before leaving. The cop did not have any personal qualms with Connor; he was polite and seemed to know what he was doing. As for the lieutenant, Chris held respect for him in the highest regard.
Gavin stormed off to the car and slammed the door shut after entering.
Chris settled into his seat. "Well you handled that surprisingly well." He pointed out.
The detective shoulder checked and pulled out of the parking lot. Once Gavin was on the road, he shouted angrily "It wouldn't have done shit if I had an outburst in there! It's FUCKING BULLSHIT Chris! Every time there's a case involving a fucking android, Drunkerson gets it just because he's been paired with that pretentious plastic prick! I'm SUPPOSED to be working in homicide - but my cases keep FUCKING getting taken over by that obnoxious tin can! At this rate I'm going to get my fucking job REPLACED before I can get a promotion!" Gavin angrily slammed his fist on the dash, and lost his grip on the wheel for a moment before it veered to the side.
Chris' heart rate escalated. In panic he exclaimed, "Shit Gavin! You're going to get us killed! How about we stop somewhere for a bit to chill out."
The detective took a heavy sigh. Chris understood Gavin needed to vent, but none of this was his fault. "Okay...there's a place I like to go when I need to think. We'll stop there for a bit." Gavin declared.
As Gavin drove along Ambassador Bridge, Chris noticed a figure standing near the ledge. "Shit! I think that person's about to jump!" Chris warned.
The detective stopped his car and activated his hazard lights. Thankfully there was not much traffic coming through. "Chris, stay a few feet behind me." Gavin ordered while cautiously stepping out of the car. "Hey, you! What are you doing?" He shouted to the individual standing on the ledge.
As the figure looked back and talked to Gavin, they recognized who it was. "I'm going to jump! Please leave me be. I can't go on anymore!" The man's name was Leo; they had seen working at the coffee shop until a few days ago. Chris recalled the detective complaining that everyone there had been replaced by a 'fucking android'.
"I'm with the Detroit Police Department. As per the law, I can't allow you to do that." Gavin stated.
"Why the fuck is taking my own life against the law anyway? I'm not hurting anyone except myself." Leo retorted.
"Firstly that's likely not true; you're hurting those that care about you. Secondly, if suicide wasn't illegal, there would be no way for us to intervene." Gavin argued.
"You're wrong on the first part; nobody fucking cares about me. Both my parents are dead and I don't have any fucking friends! I'm going through Red Ice withdrawal and I'll never make it out on my own. I'm better off dead."
Gavin's hands were shaking...he seemed really worried. He was probably fond of Leo, as Chris was; seeing the same people on practically a daily basis, you naturally grow attached to them. Despite Gavin being irritating seventy percent of the time, Chris saw him as his friend, and he would despair if something were to happen to him.
"I've been where you are Leo! You don't need to do this! It feels like you have nothing now but...hell my parents are alive, but they're fucking dead to me. I've been through hell and back, but I had the strength to pull myself out!" Gavin exclaimed. Was he really telling the truth? Or was this all part of an act to convince Leo not to jump?
"Well I'm not strong like you Detective Reed! I can't even function without Red Ice! I blamed the android but..." Tears streamed from Leo's eyes. "My dad DIED because of me! I broke into his mansion and stressed him out while I was high on that shit! He died of a heart attack." As Leo broke into a sob, Gavin cautiously moved closer, and Leo noticed. "Don't fucking come any closer! I'll really do it!" The man threatened, but his whole body was trembling.
Gavin took the gamble and gradually inched closer. "Don't do it. We can talk this over. We can get you some help."
"I'm a worthless piece of shit." Leo closed his eyes for a moment and steadied his stance. "I'm better off dead." As soon as Leo closed his eyes, Chris took the opportunity to sprint towards him.
Leo stepped over the edge, and Gavin lunged forward catching the man's right arm. However, Leo slipped off anyway due to the wet terrain resulting from the storm. "Shit.. I'm losing my...CHRIS!" Gavin shouted frantically.
"Help me. I don't want to die!" Leo exclaimed.
Just in time Chris clutched onto Leo's left arm, and Gavin readjusted his grip on Leo's right. "Okay on one...PULL!" Gavin ordered as they pulled Leo back up.
They were successful in their endeavor and in the aftermath, the three men were heaving. After catching their breath, Leo was trembling. "I...I'm so sorry. Thank you for saving me." He gasped with weariness in his breath.
"All in a day's work!" Gavin said cheerily as he smirked and did that weird double wink. For the life of him, Chris had no idea why Gavin thought that was appealing.
"How are you feeling?" Chris checked in on Leo.
"A bit traumatized but better...I think. I'm starving actually." Leo stated.
"Anyone feeling like going to Denny's?" Gavin asked the group.
"I could eat." Chris answered with a grin.
Gavin and Chris were seated in a booth beside each other and across from Leo. The officer was staring at the menu, having flipped through the whole thing over four times. "You decided what you wanted to eat yet, or are you going to continue reading that menu like it's a fucking novel?" Reed complained.
Chris always struggled with deciding what to eat. "Uhh...uhh."
"Just fucking pick something god dammit! I'm starving!" Gavin groaned.
The waitress approached, "Hi, my name is Tabitha, and I'll be your server today! Are you all ready to order?"
"Thank fuck! An actual human waitress! Yes, we're ready to order, right?" Gavin responded, checking in with Chris and Leo.
"Oh yeah! I know what I want!" Leo said cheerily. "Gimme a chicken tenders and fries. Hold on the gravy - your gravy tastes like shit!"
"And what are you having to drink?" She asked.
"I'll have a hot chocolate! Make it extra chocolatey if you can! With marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles." He answered with a cheeky grin.
"Sure I can throw some Oreo chunks on top of it too for no extra charge if you'd like." She offered.
"Oh FUCK YEAH!" Leo chortled enthusiastically.
"What are you, nine?" Gavin ridiculed.
"It's my go-to drink when I've had a rough night, alright!" Leo protested. "Geez for a person who's trying to convince me to continue living, you're doing a terrible fucking job!"
Chris smirked. "That's just the way Gavin is. I think if he went five minutes without being an asshole, he'd spontaneously combust!"
Leo laughed at that.
"I'll have what he's having." Chris added. Chicken tenders and fries did not sound half bad, but the image of that hot chocolate was dancing in his head.
"And you?" The waitress asked Reed.
"I'll have a lumberjack slam with eggs over easy, and rye bread." Gavin ordered.
"And to drink?"
"I'll have a beer, like a REAL man. Pint of Guinness."
After the server left, Gavin stated directed at Leo, "I hadn't seen you at Starbuck's recently. When we were there it seemed to be completely taken over by androids. It's shitty your job got replaced by those fucking things!"
"I wasn't replaced. I was fired. I'm not surprised in the fucking least that the shitty manager wouldn't bother to hire any more humans. Sheryl and I were the only ones left. Some asshat decided to throw hot coffee on her because it 'tasted old'. She ran out crying. I jumped over the counter and beat the shit out of him." Leo explained.
"I'd imagine it'd be hard to keep a job after that." Chris concluded.
"Yeah, no shit. It wasn't the first time I messed up at work. I can't put up with that fucking shit at all without Red Ice. I've only gone 24 hours without it and I'm losing my fucking mind! I can't sober up on my own...I can't do it. And I have no-one...that's why I..." Leo expressed as he seemed like he was about to cry.
"Listen, if you need someone for emotional support. I'll be there. I don't have a fancy place, but you can stay in my apartment for a little while, and give you a chance to go through rehab." Gavin's tone softened to Chris' surprise. What could his ulterior motive be this time?
"Really, you'd let me stay with you? It'd be great to not be alone right now." Leo responded. Tabitha came up to the table with their food. Leo rubbed his hands together as he gleefully shouted "Thank fuck! I'm starving!"
"First the hot chocolate for the cutie." The server announced placing the drink on the table near Leo.
"Hey, what about me?" Gavin protested.
Blatantly ignoring him, Tabitha proceeded, "And the second hot chocolate for the handsome gentleman over here."
"Oh I get it! I must be the hottie then." Gavin assumed.
"And Guinness for the asshole." She deadpanned.
"The...hot asshole?"
"The average-looking asshole." She deadpanned once more before handing over the food. Her tone brightened back up as she cautioned "Careful sweeties, it's hot!" She glared at Gavin, "Except for you, you can burn your hands."
Chris and Leo laughed heartily. "Okay, that settles it! I'm paying for the whole table so I can give you a proper tip!"
Gavin turned to Chris and glared at him as the server left. The detective shook his head and shrugged. "She must just have terrible taste."
"Yeah, you keep thinking that." Chris sassed as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Fuck you Chris." Gavin grumbled.
"No thank you!" Chris replied. Leo belted out laughing.
"What about you, Leo?" Gavin asked as the man was sipping his beverage, pulling away and leaving a whipped cream moustache.
"Huh?" He responded.
"Do you think I'm attractive?" Gavin clarified.
"Oh- yeah I do!" Leo confirmed.
"But I also have a terrible taste in men." Leo added with a giggle. Gavin frowned and Chris laughed.
After taking another sip of his hot drink, Chris stated, "Well your taste in men is nothing like your taste in drinks. This is damn delicious!"
"Can I try it?" Gavin asked Chris sheepishly.
"No. Thought you said men only drink beer!" Chris scoffed.
"Nah! This is all mine! Order your own!" Leo told him.
"Pfft!" Gavin huffed.
After finishing their meal, a familiar Dean Martin tune played on the radio. Lay some happiness on me. Soon the brighter side, you'll see! No more loneliness to be! Lay some happiness on me. Leo started bobbing side to side. "Hey, this old ass song is pretty nice."
Chris expected the detective to make some snarky comment, but instead his gaze was focused on Leo. If the officer was not seeing it first hand, he would never believe that Gavin Reed could actually smile.
Tabitha came back to the table with a tray of dessert. "Three slices of apple pie on the house." The waitress announced as she placed them down. She looked at Reed. "You're actually a sight for sore eyes with that smile!"
Leo had taken a bite of his apple pie and complimented, "This pie is BITCHIN'! Thanks for the free dessert!"
"I'm glad you like it! Here's the bill. Pay whenever you're ready!" She smiled at Chris as she left the statement with him.
"Excellent service! We'll absolutely be coming back." Chris complimented. After the server left, Chris noticed that not only was Reed's gaze focused on Leo, but they were reciprocating with a soft smile. The officer thought back to when he first met his wife; she was a waitress at a diner when they first met and they looked lovingly at each other just like that. Chris looked forward to coming home and snuggling in bed with his beautiful wife. In the morning he would tell her and Damian about how his day went. He took part in saving someone's life today. For the time being, it felt like everything was going to be alright; he had not felt this blissful in a long time.
[The End]
The second two thirds of this became an eating at Denny's scene with almost no actual plot, but I felt so fuzzy when writing this! I hope you enjoyed it too!
If you enjoyed the story, consider leaving a Kudos/Comment on AO3!
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miloscat · 9 months
[Review] Child of Eden (PS3)
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The cooler Rez.
After United Game Artists (the studio behind Rez) was dissolved into Sonic Team, Tetsuya Mizuguchi left Sega and founded Q Entertainment. They made other games with his signature flashy light show style, like Lumines and Every Extend, but in 2011 they followed up his original "synaesthetic" game with another rail shooter, Child of Eden. If you ask me it's a more successful expression of Rez's aims, and a more engaging shooter as well.
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In addition to Rez's eight-target homing shot (which can now get multiple locks on stronger enemies like Kachi's shot in Sin & Punishment 2), there's a new rapid-fire shot which is specifically for destroying projectiles and damaging certain enemies. A strong use of colour coding helps with gameplay readability, so it's clear when there are hazards to shoot down or targets to lock on to, and responding with the right choice of weapon is satisfying. There's also a score multiplier system that turns CoE into a true rhythm hybrid game, as you're rewarded with a score combo when you get full target locks that are released to the beat of the backing track.
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You will want to get good scores as this grants you stars which are necessary to unlock new levels. Again there are only five, plus a unique bonus marathon challenge unlocked after you clear them; I couldn't get more than a third of the way through this but it's a nice extra that hearkens back to Rez's more abstracted visual style. Luckily the unlock stars are cumulative, so you don't have to perfect stages to open up later ones, simply play them through a few times. This felt like a chore at first but I did get into improving my score as I flew through the rich virtual environments.
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While the setting is similar to Rez (a cyberspace world vaguely under attack, an avatar character to save) the levels have memorably stronger theming, such as evolution or technology, and the bump in console generation certainly helps to make more fleshed-out and visually impressive worlds and setpieces. I also found the music landed better with more of a pop and vocal tinge, especially given the story.
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You see, Child of Eden is something of a tie-in to Mizuguchi's house-pop band Genki Rockets, who needless to say handled the soundtrack. Their virtual frontwoman Lumi, played in their shows and this game by Rei Yasuda, is the central character, an AI recreation of a woman born in the far-future year of 2019. Lumi has a constant presence in the game as a live-action integrated FMV character, appearing on menu screens, in gameplay, and in the intro movie as a white-dress-clad personality-less object of innocence soon imperilled.
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I'm not keen on the damsel-in-distress imagery, and I thought the concept would have landed better if she had been rendered in the cool sketchy "Take On Me" rotoscope style as seen in the unlockable music videos (well, you can only watch partial clips of them in the gallery, for some strange reason...). Either way, she provides a central figure to hang the game around which works well enough, especially because the implied player character has reduced presence as the game is presented from the first person perspective.
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While I was underwhelmed by Rez, I found Child of Eden genuinely impressive; it actually is what I was hoping that Rez would be. It's a shame that it's now a lot less accessible than Rez. I suppose it's also worth mentioning that just as Rez Infinite has its VR support, Child of Eden is compatible with the flash-in-the-pan 3DTV technology, as well as having optional Playstation Move motion controls, which seems like it would work pretty well (the 360 version instead has Kinect support, which probably doesn't work as well). I still found it plenty immersive without the gimmicks, playing on a 2D telly with a stock Dualshock 3. Good stuff.
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takenbythebliss · 4 months
❝ there’s a lot i should’ve done and even more i shouldn’t have done. ❞
tugging the oversized shirt she'd pilfered back up onto her shoulders, linny climbed the steps up onto the raised wall that guarded prosperity. strings of bulbs and campfires casting a gentle glow over the settlement
it had taken her a long time to work up the courage to clamber up those wooden steps. for the first few weeks, she'd stuck to the main house and its veranda, shame making her drop her gaze every time a face from the past had looked in her direction.
even when she had felt more comfortable to move around the settlement, she hadn't dared go near the wall or the gates - certainly not the boathouse that was down by the river. nope. she'd stuck to the lawn and spent her spare time tending to the medical garden and helping where she could with other jobs; mending clothes, knitting, crocheting, patching, anything to help pull her weight as best as she could, but all too willing to keep her head down behind the wall.
for the longest of times, months even, she had been convinced that he'd been out there, stalking the tree line and waiting for her to lower her guard. it didn't matter that she'd left eden or that the child she was expecting wasn't his - in aaron's eyes, those things didn't matter. she had betrayed him and eden.
but bit by bit, she'd worked up her confidence and courage to glance out through the main gate, to venture down to the river's edge with others to help wash clothes or forage for plants along the tree line.
and now the corner huts on the wall were some of her favourite places to seek solace in - it was quiet and safe. the fairy lights carmina had salvaged from a bunker cast a multi-coloured twinkling glow along the walls of the west hut.
stepping through the doorway of the little hut, linny took a couple of steps and found him sitting atop a break in wall's raised sections, a rifle slung over his shoulder and his eyes watching the aurora that lit up the night's sky. linny had a soft smile on her face as she tapped eli's shoulder, holding out a cup of cocoa for him to take.
there's a lot i should have done and even more i shouldn't have done
sipping on her cocoa, she let eli's words rest on the still air of the night, waiting to see if the whitetail had anything else to add before she finally spoke.
' y'know, i ain't got much ground to lecture folks about mistakes or regrets, but i'll give it my best shot here ... you'll drive yourself nuts, eli. '
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bracing her hand on the corner of one of the wall's raised sections, linny lowered herself to sit down on the wooden walkway, legs sprawled out as a trip-hazard for anyone else who came strolling along this section of the wall.
' you did the best you could with a bad hand of cards, eli. a lot of the folks here are here now because of what you did back then. '
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emwritesfootball · 2 years
Accidental Confession | Eden Hazard
fighting + angry love confession with eden?
Warnings: a bit of angst, implied sexy times
A/N: made this a bit angsty but also soft; enjoy x
- - -
You let out a frustrated sigh as you read the text that just appeared on your phone. It wasn’t the first time your friend Eden had cancelled on you and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. Lately it had become a pattern with him and you were certain of the reason: he’d gotten another girlfriend.
It was something you were used to at this point in your friendship, but it still stung. Eden would find some new girl to hook up with and you would fall by the wayside until he dumped her and came crawling back to you, apologizing profusely for wasting all the time he had on the girl. Normally, you would accept it - the man could be persuasive and he knew you too well - and everything would go back to the way it was, but you were fed up with it this time.
Right on schedule, two weeks later, there was a knock on the door. You opened it, knowing full well what you would find on the other side of the door. Eden had a bottle of your favourite liquor in his hand, an apologetic look on his face that almost made you want to forgive him. 
“What do you want?” You asked in no uncertain tone, narrowing your eyes at him.
“You. Us. Our friendship back.”
Normally, those five words would make you swoon and you’d have already let him in, but you knew better this time. “And why should I say yes this time, Eden?” You sighed.
“Because it’s the truth.”
You huffed out an incredulous laugh. “As if I haven’t fallen for that line a dozen times already.”
Eden paused, thinking. “Because I miss my best friend?”
You crossed your arms, leaning against the door frame. “Try harder.”
“What?! It’s the truth!” Eden exploded, and you were tempted to let him in so as not to disturb your neighbours but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“I miss you, too, Eden, but I don’t go ditching you every single time I meet a new guy - if I did, you’d never hear from me.” You were bluffing, but Eden didn’t need to know that; after all, he hadn’t been around for the last few months while he ran through girls like candy.
Eden balked. “Wait…you’ve been seeing someone?”
Your stomach dipped at the emotion in his words but you didn’t let yourself seem affected as you said, “So what if I have? It’s not like you’d care anyway.”
“You’re wrong.”
The words are spoken so softly you’re not sure you’ve heard them at first but then Eden’s eyes meet yours and you see all the emotion behind them. 
“Why am I wrong?” You challenge, pressing him further. “Scared I’ve met someone better than you?”
“We both know that’s impossible,” he jokes and you hate that you smile at that. “I just need to make sure he’s treating my girl right.”
“Your girl? Please. When have I ever been your girl?”
“You’ve always been my girl.”
“Like hell I have!” You paused, thinking it over. “Actually, you’re right.”
“I am?”
“Yes, because you’re treating me exactly the way you treat all the girls you fuck, except you’re not fucking me.”
“I do not!”
“Yes, you do!”
“No, I don’t because I don’t love them like I love you!”
The sentence hung in the air, you and Eden staring at each other. 
“Now, why did you have to go and say something like that, Eden?” You asked when you finally found your voice.
“Because it’s the truth.” His eyes met yours and you could tell he was sincere.
“Eden, I-”
“You don’t have to say anything right now,” he said, cutting you off. He said your name with such reverence, you almost felt like crying. “Just know that when you figure it out, I’ll be here waiting. I love you, and I hope that you love me, too.”
“Prove it,” you said, suddenly confident.
Eden balked. “How?”
“Kiss me.”
“No, not like this,” Eden murmured, a tortured expression on his face. He took a step towards you and you took one backwards, pressing yourself against the door. His hand came up to cup your cheek and you sucked in a breath. “When I kiss you, I want to know it’s because you feel the same way.”
His eyes searched yours and you couldn’t deny that he was awakening previously-hidden feelings inside you. For so long, you’d quelled your more romantic notions when it came to Eden Hazard, given his womanizing tendencies, but now that you were given the opportunity to see this side of him - the side that wanted you - you were conflicted.
Without any more hesitation, you leaned in, your lips meeting his in a soft, tentative kiss. You pulled away when he didn’t return the kiss, realizing he didn’t actually feel the same way as he said he did. 
“I…sorry,” you murmured, stepping back.
“Don’t be,” Eden replied, pulling you back into him and kissing you again before you could register what he was doing.
You clung to his shoulders as his mouth explored yours, your tongue tangling with his. 
“So,” Eden gasped, his forehead pressed against yours, “are you going to let me in now?”
You nodded, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him inside, “Show me how badly you want me, Eden.”
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footballxixstars · 2 years
Eden Hazard
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Eden Hazard born on the 7th of January 1991. He plays for ??? and the Belgium National Team.
1 Cliché, 2 Clichés ~ No idea what to get each other for Christmas? Turns out clichés will work just fine
They Fight/Argue ~ The two of you argue about Eden not doing enough around the house and not picking up after himself
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lxndonorris · 4 years
lazy boy - Eden Hazard
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Y/N x Eden Hazard
Theme: Fluff
spending a lazy morning in bed with Eden x
word count: 740+
tagging: @sunslittlesister​
It’s still pretty early in the morning, but the sun is already shining brightly through the open bedroom window, filling the air around you with a comforting warmth. Sleepily, you open your eyes just enough to see the bright blue sky and you hear the sound of birds singing their lovely songs from outside the window. For a while, you lay there, wrapped in a blanket, just enjoying this moment of peace when a loud snore interrupts the melodic voices of the little birds. You turn your head to the side and see your boyfriend Eden lying in the bed right next to you, one half of his face buried inside a pillow, and his blanket is only covering his feet, exposing the rest of his body.
He’s only wearing his favorite black shorts, his hair is messed up and he keeps on snoring louder and louder, making you giggle underneath your breath. Carefully, you stretch your arms and legs before you turn towards him, watching him sleeping gently. Every bone and every muscle in his body tenses with every deep breath he takes until he snores, again and again, his voice partly muffled by the thick pillow. Smiling softly, you keep on watching him for a little while longer, but then, he suddenly stops snoring, hiss face tenses harshly and you can see him barely opening his eyes.
“Good morning.” You say, gently stroking his arm while he buries his face into the pillow again. Eden lets out a huge sigh before he turns his face to you, his eyes still closed as he swallows a few times. “Good morning.” He growls, his voice sounding more guttural than before while he still struggles to keep his eyes open for more than a second. Slowly, you lean into him and place a single, loving, and gentle kiss right on to his lips. “I love waking up to this.” He says, looking at you with one eye. “Is that so?” You smirk playfully, your hand now running down his spine, causing his body to shudder quickly. 
“Your hands are cold.” He grunts sleepily, rubbing his head against the sheets, still breathing deeply. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” You say, pretending to be shocked as he nods slowly. “Is that better?” Before he can respond, however, you start to tickle him wildly, knowing very well that he is ticklish, especially underneath his arms and his tummy. Eden tries to fight you, but in this state, he stands no chance against you and you take advantage of that. “Stop, I’m still sleeping. That’s not fair.” He protests, but it’s no use. 
Even though you have the upper hand, he manages to grab your arms and swirls you around so that he is now pinning you to the bed, his face hovering above yours, looking at you sleepily but angry. “That is not fair, you’re way heavier than me.” You hiss, trying to free your arms but he’s way too strong. Without saying another word, you notice him giving you the look, telling you exactly what he’s going to do next. “Eden, no.” You say, but it’s too late. Now, he starts to tickle you, your belly, your arms, and your thighs, causing you to scream out in agony.
After a few minutes of him tickling you everywhere, he drops onto the bed right next to you, both of you laughing and breathing heavily, desperately trying to catch your breath. You turn your face towards him and your eyes meet instantly. Happy but exhausted, Eden reaches for your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours before he moves closer towards you. You embrace his body as he opens wraps an arm around you, pulling you even closer towards him. “That was fun.” You say, leaning your head against his shoulder while you start stroking his tummy, feeling his chest bulging into the palm of your hand with every breath he takes.
“Yeah, you’re pretty tough. I was ready to surrender.” He giggles and kisses your forehead, tenderly rubbing his head against yours. “I’ll get you next time.” You pat his chest playfully as he growls deeply, seemingly enjoying himself right now. “We will see.” He smiles coyly and plays with your hair while you now stroke his firm chest tightly, feeling his muscles reacting to every move of your finger. For a little while longer you just cuddle with each other, spending this lazy morning together as you’d always do.
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footballfangurl · 4 years
Eden Hazard - Deadlines and Temptation
Hi guys.
Here is the Eden Hazard one shot I wrote today. It’s my birthday so I thought I’d treat you with this. I hope you enjoy.
Words: 719
Warnings: a little bit NSFW, some light smut
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It was early in the day. You had to get up early in the morning because of work. You had a deadline that evening, and you still had a lot of work to do and you couldn't postpone it anymore. So, regrettably, you had to leave a deliciously naked Eden behind in your bed while you had to settle down behind your computer.
So there you were typing away on your computer in your room, focusing on the screen in front of you, when suddenly a bit of movement from the bed drew your attention. Your eyes darted over and your heart skipped a beat when Eden had shifted in his sleep and now the blanket that was previously covering him below the waist had slipped down and was now resting just under his butt. He was laying on his stomach facing away from you and you couldn't help letting your eyes wander over his form and biting your lip.
After a minute, you took a deep breath and tore your eyes away from his form lying there all alone in your bed and refocused on your work in front of you. You really had to finish this article, or you were in big trouble.
 Another hour passed without much movement from Eden, except from when he turned around to lay on his back. This made it even harder for you to focus on your screen and it took enormous self-discipline to control yourself and not join him in bed. At one point you nearly did, and only an e-mail from your boss ensured you didn't. If it weren’t for the fact that Eden was sleeping, you'd swear he was distracting you on purpose.
But then he shifted again, and you looked at him in your peripheral vision. He stretched his arms out above his head, arching his back and giving a little grunt. Your eyes flickered towards him and you saw him turn his head confusedly when he didn't feel you next to him. When he finally located you sitting behind your desk, he smiled and pushed himself up, pulling the blanket with him so that it covered his lap. He leaned back with one of his hands behind his head and the other resting on his thigh on top of the blanket. His back was leaning against the headboard.
"Hi babe. How long you been awake?" His raspy morning voice filled the room and you swallowed, suddenly feeling a bit warmer than you already were.
 "It's been about 2 hours, now." You replied, leaning on your forearms on your desk. Smiling at him, you trailed your eyes down his body and back up again, lingering on the area just below his stomach before meeting his eyes. He huffed silently in laughter and shook his head at your actions.
 "You know, if you want this," he grabbed his crotch with the hand that was previously resting on his thigh, "so much, then why don't you come here and join me in bed?" he suggested.
 You shook your head and replied, "You know I can't, babe. Don't tempt me."
 Eden shrugged and said, "Suit yourself."
 It was silent for a few moments and you assumed he had gone back to sleep. If Eden could sleep in, he would. He really liked to sleep. But suddenly you heard a slight moan from the bed. Snapping your head towards your boyfriend, you found him with his hand beneath the covers. Was he-?
 Your mouth fell open a bit and your heart started beating a bit faster at what he was doing.
 "What-," Your voice cracked, and you had to clear your throat before you continued, "What are you doing?" If your voice sounded a bit higher than usual, that wasn't your fault.
 "Just because you can't, doesn't mean I can't." He moaned as he slowly moved his hand up and down underneath the blanket. He looked towards you and winked with a wicked grin on his face, moaning lather loudly and obscenely and starting to move his hips upwards sensually, knowing it would drive you crazy.
 And it did.
 "Damn you, Eden!"
You slammed your laptop shut before you stood up to go join him in the bed, hastily taking off your blouse whilst his throaty laughter echoed in the background.
tag list: @avsensio​ @football-laeli​ @henrythickcavill​ @no-not-with-out-you​ @rafinasmarco​ @kiki0kitty0queen​ @the-place-to-sparkle​ @theblxefox​ @neymarlionelmessi7​ @del-boi​ @i-ship-it-okay​
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xratedffbarbiex · 5 years
Sweet And Passionate
Day 15 of the NSFW smut writing challenge. Words: 2745 Player: Eden Hazard  Warnings: angst, female orgasm and foreplay, unprotected sex Request?:  N/A
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She can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to what’s been happening that it seems. For two years she’d been in a relationship with Eden. For two beautiful and peaceful years, she’d fallen in love with Eden. She’d grown to know him, loved him, adored him and became completely absorbed by him. They’d moved in together, woke up every morning that he wasn’t away for games. They’d shared their life together, their dreams and ideas of what their future would look like together.
She knew Eden had been tempted to leave his club for a while. He’d wake her up to speak to her about it, they’d weigh up the pros and cons of him leaving, especially when the word that Real Madrid wanted him. How could he not be swayed when one of the biggest teams in the world wanted his name rolling from their tongue, his name on their shirts and his goals on their records?
She couldn’t put it down to his indecisiveness. She couldn’t put the mood swings, the arguments and the way he made her feel down to something like him moving clubs. No matter what mood he woke up in, his tone would change. They’d argue about anything and everything. Over dinner. Over who last did what chores. Something about them had changed. Their lives, that perfect vision they’d created was falling apart before her eyes and she’s not sure what she’s supposed to do next.
Today, news broke about Eden’s transfer. He’d officially signed for Real Madrid. Of course, this was not brand-new information to her. They’d discussed it at great length and knew this was where his head was at. She knew he’d be doing this. She knew the expectation that came with this transfer. She too would have to leave if she wanted to continue with their lives together.
Eden’s had a lot of time to think about his future. His future. And now so has she. She knows he’s home. His car is in the driveway and she can see his movements through the curtains, casting shadows on the fabric. She too has had time to think. She too has considered their future and that’s why this next conversation will not be easy for her.
She enters the house, removes her outwear and slips her shoes from her feet. Eden is in the living room, laid on the sofa, the remote controller in his hand and a drink resting on his knee. He’s in knee length shorts and a plain tee, his hair is damp and she can smell his shower gel from the doorway where she hovers.
“You’re home. Finally.” He doesn’t turn to face her but turns his head ever so slightly to suggest she has a bit of his attention. Nice of him, she thinks and sucks in a deep breath, confirming her decision even more.
“I am.” She chooses her words wisely, wondering how to tackle this conversation in the best way. “The general response to you moving to Spain seems positive.” She plans to shit sandwich him. Good, bad news, compliments. Not that she can see this being something he hasn’t been wanting. Nothing about the way he’s been lately has shown her otherwise.
“Yes, it has been.” He still can’t look at her. She’s not sure what she was expecting to come home to, but it wasn’t this.
“Well, I’m going to go and change. Shower.” It’s not a lie and neither is her reason why.
“Going somewhere?” This gets his attention. Just like she knew it would.
“Out with the girls. I said I’d meet them after work.” His eyes scan over her, she’s already changed, so why would she need to get changed again?
“And you don’t think what you’re wearing is ok?” He asks, muting the TV.
“It’s not that.”
“So, what are you changing?” He feels it. She knows he does. Eden is many, many things but an idiot is not one of them.
“This…isn’t easy for me Eden.”
“Changing your clothes?” He chuckles but it sounds nasty. A scoff.
She hesitates, casting her eyes over the man she’s spent the last few years with, the man who she’d hoped to spend the rest of her life with. The way he looks at her, for some reason, for reasons which she’s wracked her brain for and has come up with nothing, isn’t with fondness. She sucks her lips in and wets them before moving over to the table before him. Her fingers go to her left hand, slipping the engagement ring that’s been there for the past 7 months and placing it onto the wooden surface.
This gets Eden’s attention in ways she hasn’t had for weeks. “What are you doing?” His tone is something she hasn’t heard before. “Why?”
She wants to laugh but not out of spite. No, she’s amazed he’s not come to this conclusion himself. “Eden -”
“I want to know why you’re calling off the engagement.”
“Can you honestly, truly, look me in the eye and tell me you’re happy anymore? Because up until I said I was going out, you couldn’t look at me at all.”
“And you think that’s a reason to call all of this off?”
“Look at how we’ve been recently. Arguments constantly. You’re moving to Spain.”
“I thought we were moving to Spain.” He says, gesturing between the two of them.
“I can’t give up my life here Eden. Everything is here for me.” She doesn’t sound confident as she says it, knowing that this is a weak argument considering all the conversations they’d had in the past.
“I’m having to give up everything too. And you didn’t have an issue when we first discussed it. You seemed happy to go there. You were looking at jobs.” His tone matches his expression. He’s in a state of shock. “and houses an-”
“That was before we started to go downhill.”
“Every relationship goes through this! We’ve been fine up until now.” He’s clutching at the same straws that she is.
“Then why now? Why can’t we be in a room together, without cameras on us, without arguing? And if we’re not arguing, we’re giving each other the silent treatment. This isn’t a good relationship anymore and moving countries to continue to be like this isn’t going to help matters. It’s going to put even more strain on us. I won’t have a job, friends or even speak Spanish. It’ll put a huge pressure on you to look after me financially until I’m on my fe-”
“Baby,” he’s getting up and standing before her, “you agreed to marry me. In sickness and in health. For richer, for poorer. I gave you that ring because I wanted, want, to spend the rest of my life with you and that means I agreed to look after you no matter what. I don’t care if you don’t have a job lined up yet or if you won’t for a year. I want to look after you.”
“That still doesn’t fix us or why we’ve been like this.” She stands her ground with this. She wants answers. Everything else she can budge on but she needs to know why this relationship has gone wrong.
“I…I don’t know. But I know it’s mainly my fault. I know I’ve been an ass. I shouldn’t have. You’re right about tonight. I wouldn’t have looked at you. I don’t even know why. Maybe because I know I’m ashamed of how I’ve been.” He laughs and shakes his head. “I can’t believe it’s taken you taking that ring off to get me to wake up. To realize what’s happening.”
“And what’s happening Eden?” she wants to hear him say it. She needs him to acknowledge how shit he treats her recently.
“I’ve not been a good fiancé to you.” It’s a start but she doesn’t back down. She raises her eyebrow to prompt him to continue. “I’ve taken you for granted and I’ve behaved poorly. I thought I was keeping my problems to myself, but I haven’t. I know I’ve been projecting my stress on you and that’s not ok. I thought once everything was agreed, I’d be able to calm down, but I can’t. I’m nervous and I’m scared. This is a big, big life changing thing but right now, I’m more scared of losing you than I am going there and it not working out.”
She hadn’t expected this. She anticipated him not accepting that the relationship was over without some sort of fight, but not this. It’s not that Eden was heartless, she could never have fallen in love with a person like that, but for the first time in a long time, she saw a side to him that she wasn’t expecting. A scared, vulnerable and emotional Eden.
Her eyes drop to the ring on the table. She’s aware she’s running late now to meet the girls. She knows she isn’t just going to be able cut this short and pick it up again at later point. It needs to be resolved now. Whatever resolution this will be.
“I think we need some time apart to see if this is what we want.”
“You’re not leaving me.”
“It’s just tim-”
“It’s not. We all know that means it’s just a slow break-up. I’m not ready to give up on us yet. Please. Please baby.” He lifts his hand out slowly, gaging her reaction. When she doesn’t move, he cups her jaw, strokes his thumb over her cheek. When she remains where she is, he takes his chance to put his arm around her waist and pull her towards him. “Let me make this up to you.”
“You can’t keep speaking to me or treating me like this.”
“I know, I won’t.”
“You’re saying that because I’m leav-”
“You’re not leaving me.” Eden says firmly. “You’re not.” His thumb strokes over her cheek, his eyes burn into hers. “I love you too much not to fight for you now. I should have done it before, but we all need that wake-up call right? I can’t lose you. I just can’t.”
He looks at the same as he had the night he’d slipped the ring onto her finger. The night he’d asked her to marry him. So full of adoration and of need. It’s a look she’s both missed and craved. His words have had their desired effect and she’s softening. She wants to believe him, wants to believe that they really can begin to go back to how they were.
“Six months. We have six months to turn this around,” she states.
“Can I kiss you?”
When she simply nods, his nose brushes against hers, his eyes flicker from hers to her lips before he finally kisses her. It feels like the lightest of touches against her before he finally applies any kind of pressure when she pushes back against him. Eden kisses her slowly, as he decides what to do next. Her hands run through his short hair, her body moulds to his and she kisses him back with everything that she has; her date with her friends now long forgotten. He runs his hands over her body, his mind torn between wanting to lay her on the coach to try to seduce her or take her upstairs. She makes the decision for him when she utters, “bedroom,” and breaks the kiss.
The moment they’re in the bedroom, pulling at each other’s clothes and climbing onto the bed, he kisses her again. He’s torn between wanting to kiss her as gently as he can and giving into his needs. They’re not strangers to more needy, urgent “fuck me” type sex, but somehow it feels wrong to give in to that side of him tonight. It might have been that way had they argued, but if anything, she sounded more disappointed than angry and yet, here she lays beneath him, her core pressing against him and his skin dampens from her wetness.
He deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth and she eagerly meets his with hers. Adjusting his weight, he trails a hand between their bodies. His fingers glide over her skin and he feels her muscles tightening as he progresses lower. Her legs open further, allowing him complete access while they continue to kiss.
She inhales sharply, sucking his bottom lip between her teeth and bites down gently as a finger enters her. He thrusts it in and out, ensuring she’s wet enough, and her muscles relax before adding a second. She openly whimpers at this, biting down a little more on his lip as she moves her hips against him. She bucks as his fingers drag up her centre and swipe over her clit.
“Yes, there,” she pants before pulling him back into a kiss. As always, she finds him taking over her senses and her judgement. He knows what she wants before she does. He changes the angle of the kiss when his fingers apply a little more pressure. He speeds up the pace of his digits but slows the kiss as she begins to shake beneath him. Her breathing is the only sound in the room, sharp intakes of breath, long exhales as she nears her orgasm.
Eden always knows how to get her there; knows the way her body reacts and what signs to look out for. She nuzzles his neck, peppering kisses over his collarbones, his pulse point and sinks her teeth into the muscle of his shoulder to silence her as she cums. Her legs tremble as it hits, his fingers slow to a stop as she rides out the aftermath of it before laying back into the pillow with uneasy breaths.
When she looks up at him, it’s with hazy eyes, her vision is distorted and her head is ringing. Eden grips the base of his shaft and angles the head of his cock at her core. “Do you still want me?” She knows he’s asking for them to sleep together but the way he looks at her tells her the double meaning. “Yes, I want you,” she runs one hand down his bicep while the other rests in the centre of his chest. He pushes his hips forward and sinks into her until he’s fully within her. Covering her body with his, she wraps her legs around his slender waist and Eden begins to move.
He alternates between long, deep thrusts and short, shallow ones that takes her breath. He dips his head to her shoulder, one hand gripping her hip while he rests his weight on his forearm. He loses himself in her, only tonight truly realizing how close he was to her walking out. He savours the taste of her skin as he kisses anywhere his lips can reach, submits her moans, whimpers and her mewls to his memory and concentrates on how she feels around his cock.
He kisses his way up her neck, along her jaw and claims her lips once more. Between kisses, she says his name and says she loves him. She repeats it as she tightens her muscles around him, trying to pull him into an orgasm as he had given her. Needing his release, Eden picks up his rhythm. His hips snap to hers faster, his pace is off but he doesn’t care. Unable to continue to kiss her with the way that he enters her, he presses his lips to her shoulder, tells her how amazing she feels and like she had, tells her he loves her. He manages to lift his head and look down at her, she’s biting her lip, her eyes closed as she enjoys this moment. With a few more thrusts, he empties himself into her.
He waits a few moments before slowly pulling out of her and lays beside her. He takes her hand and traces his thumb over where her ring should be. “So what are we doing?” He asks after what feels like minutes pass. “I want to put the ring back on and move past this.” She turns, gently lifting a knee over his and rests her head on his chest. She strokes over his abdomen. “I’ll promise I’ll make you happy again.” “I plan to hold you to that.” She smiles. “Don’t think you’re off the hook yet. One orgasm does not make you forgiven.” “But it’s a start?” “Uh huh. For now.”
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Warnings: smut and language, 18+ only please
Request:  Hi babe! If your requests are still open can you write something a lil racy with Eden Hazard 😏😏 maybe a post win thing?? Thanks! 💖
I saved this just for today just for you, my darling, enjoy!!
They’re in a deserted hallway, just outside the locker room, and Eden’s got his hand up her skirt as he grinds against her, spreading her thighs to press his body closer to her. “What if I took you right here, hmm? Could you be quiet?”
"Yes,” she lies. She’s never quiet with him.
His hips roll into her and he smothers her cry with another kiss, darting his tongue past her lips to tangle with hers. His hands dig harder into her flesh. “Sssshhh, they’ll hear you. Or maybe you want them to? Hmm?” He smiles, ghosting his lips over hers with a sinister laugh when she cranes her neck towards him. “You want everyone in that room to hear you scream?”
“Eden,” she whimpers, “If we don’t stop...” Her head is spinning. She’d love to let him take her right here in the hallway, but the chances of someone stumbling onto them are far too great.
"Go back to the hotel, now.” He releases her from his grasp, circling his arms around her, and presses another heated kiss to her lips. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
"Hurry,” she says. She wraps her arms around his neck to pull him in for one last kiss before pushing him away and hurrying towards the door. 
Back in their suite she’s fidgety. She makes sure the curtains are drawn even though they’re so far up no one could possibly see in. She adjusts the lighting, fluffs the pillows, fixes the blankets, thinks better of it and just yanks the blankets off entirely, and when there’s nothing left to fiddle with she starts pacing, switching between checking her phone and fussing with her hair. Finally, after three hours, she gets a text with just one word: “Downstairs.”
She’s vibrating with excitement, feeling like she might actually explode. The calming breaths she’s trying to take aren’t working. She’s never been this excited, never been so proud of him. When Eden finally bursts through the door she launches herself at him, throwing herself into his open arms. His kiss is deep, unrestrained, and he’s got her pushed up against the wall before the door’s even closed.
“Why are you still dressed,” he demands, breaking the kiss to lift her shirt over her head before popping the clasp of her bra and flinging it across the room. He yanks his own shirt off while she strips off the rest of her clothing, barely bothering to kick aside her skirt when he reclaims her mouth with his. “Hours,” he grunts, shoving his joggers down his waist. “Fucking hours of speeches and songs and champagne.” He hikes her leg up around his waist, gripping himself in his hand to slide the head of his cock through her dripping entrance. “All I could think about was you,” he says, and he plunges into her, burying himself to the hilt in one thrust.
"Ohmygod, Eden, yes,” she gasps, struggling to stay balanced as he slams into her, pistoning his hips at a dizzying speed. She’s crying out with relief and yet still more need; he’s hitting her g-spot with every thrust, his lips and tongue covering her neck with kisses. “Eden,” she cries again.
"Fuck, baby, I love it when you say my name.” He pulls her leg higher, thrusting deeper and growling into her neck when she calls out his name again. “Needed you,” he says, “Needed you so bad.” 
The leg she’s standing on his shaking, threatening to give way, but he’s got a firm hold on her and he won’t let her fall. She pushes a hand between their bodies, seeking out her clit to stroke frenzied circles over the sensitive nub, and he groans when she tightens around him. Her orgasm hits her suddenly, a scream catching in her throat as her body goes weak, Eden’s hips slowing as her walls tighten and release around him. She clings to him in desperation, unable to stand through the pleasure coursing through her.
Eden gently pulls out of her and releases her leg, moving her away from the wall and towards the bed. She falls forward onto the mattress, not as gracefully as she’d like but it’s his fault her legs are so useless. She rolls over onto her back, propping herself up on her elbows to look at him as he stands over her. “How do you want me, baby?” 
He tilts his head, dragging his eyes over her naked body as he slowly strokes himself. “Just like this,” he says, and he lowers himself to cover her body with his. He presses a kiss to her lips as he aligns himself against her entrance again, and with a low growl he pushes into her. He’s less frantic now, his pace slower, but his thrusts are deep and powerful and he’s hitting all the right spots. 
“Oh, baby,” she whispers. She rakes her nails over his chest, smoothing her palms over the red marks left. His hips pound heavily into her and his forehead is pressed to hers, his lips grazing over hers as he grunts with every thrust. He’s got one hand gripping her thigh and the other supporting his weight; his eyes are focused on hers but they’re glazing over as his climax nears. She slides her hands over the muscles of his arms and up to sink her fingers into his biceps. “Eden, baby,” she says. “Baby, I want you to come.”
He curses, his hips slamming into her faster and faster until with a shout he’s coming, her name a whimper on his lips as he falls into her. All his weight is on her, but she tightens her arms and legs around him as he comes down. He nuzzles into her neck to place tender kisses on her skin. “Holy shit, that was good,” he says with a chuckle.
“Oh yeah?” She smiles, scratching her nails lightly over his back.
He shifts off of her to roll onto his back. “Yeah,” he replies. He’s still a little breathless. “I think it’s always better in a hotel after a victory.” She’d whack him with a pillow if she could reach one, but settles for smacking his arm. He catches her hand and pulls her into him, wrapping his arms around her, laughing. “Am I wrong?”
“No,” she admits. “Am I a good trophy, then?”
“Better than any trophy,” he says, stroking her cheek with his fingers. “You’re the only prize that matters.” He presses a kiss to her forehead. “What do you say to room service before we go again?”
“Mmmm, now that’s sexy,” she grins. “Yes please.”
“Oh shit,” he says, laughing again. “I thought of something.”
She raises a questioning eyebrow.
“You put the trophy in trophy wife, baby.” 
She finds a pillow to hit him with.
Tag list: @realmadridx13, @tumpaasaye, @footballffbarbiex
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footballerimaginess · 5 years
Christmas As A 6
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E for Eden Hazard please. 😊 26 Days Of A-Z Christmas Imagines  Word Count: 725 You were sitting in the living room, waiting for Eden to come back with all the boys. Eden had made sure he was going out to explore Madrid, while you were resting with the baby. The fourth little boy entered in the world in October. You were surrounded by 5 crazy boys, you were including Eden in this. The baby was laying on your chest, fast asleep and you were catching up on your phone. The front door went and the three older boys ran into the living room. Eden came through behind them all. “Hello darling” Eden said as he kissed you and took your son from you. “Hello, did you have a good time? Hope you got presents” you said as your oldest son crawled in beside you and snuggled. “Yes we had a great time. Don’t worry we did some shopping. It’s probably looking like Christmas now, the tree is looking good. But babe, please relax” he suggested. You nodded. Knowing you had been over doing it slightly. You were starting to feel worn out. “I know, I forgot that I had actually given birth only a matter of weeks ago. But the house felt bare without it. Sorry babe” Eden shook his head, knowing you had to do it. You couldn’t are to sit down and do nothing. “That’s fine, I understand. You are struggling with being alone especially when we are now in Madrid. I know Christmas just makes you very happy” he said to you as Yannis cuddled with you. “Are you excited to have Papa with us for Christmas this year? This is the first year for ages baby” you pressed your lips on the side of his head. “I am excited” The boys squealed as they went and carried on playing in the play room. “I think this will be our best Christmas yet darling, I am very excited for it. My four special boys” he grinned as he cuddled up with you. “Aww,, I do wish I prepared at got some presents I have been a little behind babe. Maybe I will have to online shop” you suggested as Eden took your son from your arms. “That’s okay, I will help you. I am going to feed little man okay. You go and do whatever you need to do gorgeous” he pressed his lips on yours. “You cutie, I am going to have a quick shower and then the boys need to go to sleep” you smiled as you saw Eden holding your little boy. It was the most magical moment, seeing the man you loved so much holding your last ever baby. You really were the luckiest girl in the world. You went for a quick shower before putting the boys in bed. “Boys, come on. We need to get to bed.” You shouted at them as Yannis and Leo jumped into bed. “Mummy for Christmas, will we see nana?” You nodded. “Yes we will, we are flying to Belgium once papa has finished football” You pressed your lips onto the boys head as they tried to fall asleep. “Good night boys, love you” you shouted before shutting the door as you went to say good night to your oldest boy. “boys asleep?” Eden questioned. “Just about. I have my laptop, I’m going to order a few bits for them.” You told Eden as you laid your back onto his body. “What you going to get them?” He asked. “Some Spider-Man stuff, then some craft bits. You know when you aren’t here they love to do all that stuff with me” Eden looked through the website with you as he wanted to see what else could get the boys. “What shall we get little man? I know he is only a few months old so I am not sure what we can get” He smiled. “Hmm I have a few ideas, I think we could get him like sensory toys. He loves the feeling of stuff.” you grinned. “I am so excited for this Christmas, our first one with you. Now I am really happy with our 4 beautiful boys” you smiled as you cuddled up with him. “Me too, its going to be really special as well” you cuddled together for the rest of the evening, until you felt it was time for bed.
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bumblebeereus · 5 years
BBQ Nights and Summer Dresses.
Word count: 2086 A/N: I’m back with this nonsense of me writing stuff. Feedback is always welcome, thanks for reading this. English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any typo. Sorry for the spacing if you’re reading this from your phone. Hope you like it, read it as an anyone’d like. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– There was something about spring nights, maybe it’s the feeling of the summer days getting closer, or maybe it’s the fact that she can mix their favourite clothes together and look cute in the process, who knows. But she loved spring nights and her best friend knew, that’s why as soon as spring begins he arranges weekly barbecue nights and she was always invited to his house to have dinner with him and his friends. She met him at work, she was in charge of the social media team of a brand he worked with and they clicked immediately. He was more than just a footballer, under that façade it’s hiding one of the softest boys she has ever met, she adored him to death and the feeling flows both ways. He was there for her as she was there for him, no matter what. He came to her house at three in the morning because he broke up with his girlfriend and she could call him after a bad date and he’d be there within minutes to make the night better. She hugs him tightly as he said he liked to be hugged and kisses his cheek messing with his hair in the process making him fuss. “Are you looking extra pretty and cute tonight because a certain someone is coming tonight?” He jokes making her sigh out of pure desperation. He knows him good enough to know how she feels about her crush but that doesn’t stop her from lying saying that he’s just a friend “Awwww, rosy cheeks already?” “Do us a favour, go to hell, please.” She shows him her middle finger making him burst into laughter kissing her temple as she tries to pulls him apart “I don’t want your kisses now.” “Well, these are the only kisses you’re gonna get until he arrives.” She’s about to hit him but sadly for her, he’s quicker than her this time. “I don’t know why I keep loving you when you clearly don’t deserve it.” “You’re breaking my heart here, darling. Handle it with care. I don’t know what hurt me the most, the fact that you don’t love me as much as you love him or the fact that you think he’s cuter than me.” He fakes being hurt and she looks at him with a murderous look in her eyes still being cute as hell for him. “I’m pretty sure that you’ll survive through these tough times in your life.” She teases him making him laugh in the process. He handles her a beer and she takes a quick sip of it walking towards the garden. 
She sitting on the picnic table while listening to the last drama he had to tell her, and she rolls her eyes at his exaggerations. He’s indeed the real drama queen of the relationship. She’s about to answer when they both hear the doorbell ringing and she’s already nervous because she knows he’s here, one of their friends sent a message saying that they were five minutes apart from his house. Her best friend runs to the front door to greet his friends and she hears his laugh making her smile almost immediately, why on Earth he has to be that adorable? Not fair at all. She waves at them as soon as they’re on her field of vision. She holds her beer bottle a little tighter to keep her nerves under control, he’s looking better than the last she saw him if that’s even possible. One of her closest friends kisses her temple as a way of saying hello since she met him he became an older brother for her and she’d forever be grateful for having someone like him in her life. “How’s my favourite girl doing?” She smiles warmly at her nickname as she handles him a beer. “Your favourite girl is doing just fine, I can’t complain…I mean I have to deal with this human being daily, could be worse.” He laughs hitting his fist against hers. 
Her eyes meet his and he smiles at her, and she has to control herself from sighing like a fifteen-year-old. He kisses her cheek, his hand resting on her waist and she feels close to fainting but she remembers that she’s no longer a teenager and she has to act like an adult, even around him. “It’s good to see you again, you look great.” He says the last sentence softly against her ear and she feels her spine tingle. “How’s your groin treating you? I haven’t seen you playing in what it feels like ages.” She keeps going to see the team in the home matches but she wasn’t gonna lie, she missed seeing him play, her friends as well but the feeling was slightly different. “It’s going slower than I thought but I’m getting better, I just want to play again. I feel like a five-year-old kid who's not allowed to play football at home.” He jokes seating next to her grabbing the beer bottle she handles to him “What about you?” “Basically working, nothing interesting to tell. That kind of boring life you aren’t used to” She says and her best friend frown as soon as he hears her words.
“You’re lying. You had a date a few days ago, that’s something we didn’t have, some of us, in a while.” He smirks because he gets exactly the reaction he wanted from both him and her. “It was horrible and you knew that. I’m not planning on going on another date for months now.” It was indeed horrible, he was a total jerk and she still doesn’t know how she hasn’t seen that coming earlier. “I told you I could find you the perfect date and yet you don’t want me to.” She rolls her eyes at him making the rest of them laugh. “I don’t trust your “good taste” in men…I’ve seen the women you’ve shared your bed with and…nope, I don’t wanna see the men version of your “good taste” but I love you still.” His mouth takes the shape of an “o” after her words shaking his head both sides. “Don’t worry, your perfect date is still out there, right man?” He says and she’s close to choking when he says that, with a smirk on his face. Another asshole as a friend. “Sure. He’ll show up whenever you less expect him to.” 
The three of them are talking about she doesn’t know what, basically because she’s focused on not falling asleep against his shoulder. His hand is on her waist holding her against his body to make sure she’s still warm, he found himself doing it unconsciously. “Little bird, want me to drive you home? You’re falling asleep on our boy’s shoulder.” Her friend says reaching his hand out for her and she shakes her head. “Don’t worry. I’ll call an Uber, so you three can stay here. Thank you.” She gets up stretching the sleeves of her sweater covering her fist with them, yawning. And if the three of them find her adorable, after that the level of adorableness is over the moon.  She walks into the house grabbing her stuff when she feels a pair of hands stopping her from doing it, and just with the touch she knows exactly who he is and of course, she’s right. “I’ll walk you home, okay? We’re not letting you grab an Uber even if it’s just a five minutes ride.” He leans on the couch, his legs crossed at his ankles looking at her with his head slightly tilted as he smiles at her warmly. “Don’t worry, it’s okay I swear.” She touches his forearm as a way of reassuring her words. “I know it’s okay that’s why I’m walking you home. As soon as you’re all ready, we’re leaving.” She tries to fight him back but she knows him good enough to know that he’s not gonna change his mind.
His arm is around her shoulder as they walk home, the air less warm than a few hours before and she’s thankful for having him closer to her. They’re walking in silence but it’s a comfortable one, they don’t need to talk, things have always been easy between them, they’ve never felt like they needed to talk. “Can I ask you something?” He asks out of nowhere and she’s surprised at his words, she frowns and he laughs touching her frown with his index finger making her smile “Don’t look at me like that.” “You scared me for a second, usually that sentence means nothing good.” She explains and actually, he recognizes she has a point there. “You’re right, but not this time. The whole not going on a date for a while thing…were you serious about that?” She freezes for a second, literally. She stops walking and she looks at him as if he’d grown a second head.  “I…I mean…yes? I don’t know, I haven’t think about it seriously. Why?” She asks back and he scratches the back of his head looking at the pavement for a second to look at her eyes seconds later. “Just asking.” She simply lets out an “oh” and they keep walking in silence but this time, both of their minds are working too fast that you could see smoke running out of their heads. 
She sees her apartment just at the end of the street and for a minute she wishes the walk would last more. She starts looking for her keys when they’re just a few steps away from her house. “I’ll wait until you’re safe inside. And remember to message the boys that you’re safe at home, okay?” His hands are on his back pockets and he’s looking at her warmly, she can see the tenderness in his eyes and she doesn’t wanna see him leave. “Thanks for walking me home, I’m sorry you have to walk alone now tho.” She hugs herself when she feels the cold breeze hits her face. “Don’t worry, I’m all grown up now, I’ll be fine.” He winks at her with a smile on her face reaching his eyes, and she could have died right there, under the city lights he was just stunning. She nods with a smile as a way of finishing the conversation, she’s about to open her door when she hears him calling her name at his back. “I’ve forgotten something important”
She opens her mouth to talk while she turns but he’s not giving her the time to talk because his lips are over hers within seconds. One of his hands is cupping her cheek while the other one is on the back of her neck when the reality finally hits her, she tugs the soft material of his jersey a smile breaking through the kiss. He’s the one breaking the kiss, just to breath and kisses her again when he realizes she’s not gonna run away. He leans his forehead against hers, giggling and it’s the best thing she has ever heard in her life. His thumbs stroking her cheeks when he finally breaks the kiss looking at her. “I could have been the perfect date for you” He softly whispers, as she hits him playfully in the chest, the heat reaching her cheeks as he laughs “If I ask for one…would you say yes?” “Within seconds. I’ve been dying for you to ask me to go on a date.” She confesses making him sigh, he should have done it months ago. “We can have breakfast tomorrow if you want to. I can pick you up at nine if it’s okay.” They don’t exactly when, but now their hands are intertwined and he’s playing with her fingers as they talk and it’s surprising to see how everything flows naturally when they’re together. “I can’t wait…”She whispers before he kisses her forehead wishing her a good night, again. 
He had the intention to leave but his feet aren’t cooperating with him. He can’t leave now after he has kissed her for the first time, he still feels her lips over his and their warmth, how soft they were against his. He’s standing with his lips on her forehead, her hands holding his wrist. “I should get going…”He says more to ensure himself about what he should be doing rather than to explain to her his plans. “You should, yes.” None of them is moving, and he takes it as an opportunity to kiss her again. 
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hozierandco · 3 years
Callum Turner x Reader - After-match, Part One (smut)
A/N: Since I'm very much obsessed with Callum Turner at the moment, I felt it was only fair I give it a go. It gets smutty towards the end, announcing a second part that will be extremely smutty. Read at your own risk.
When Callum's favourite football team is qualified for the final, Y/N has an idea in mind for the after-match. For obvious reasons, set before Covid.
"Chelsea qualified for the Final!", Callum shouted with a large grin on his lips and a tear hanging "Chelsea's in final!"
On the other side of the apartment they shared was Y/N who was watching Vikings on her computer. She shut down the laptop and reached out for her boyfriend of two years, throwing herself in his arms "Yeah! Good job! I'm sure you screaming for most of the game has something to do with it"
"Hey! For once, it's not you who's screaming!" Callum smiled with an even bigger smile, proudly exhibiting his teeth. He plucked Y/N off the floor and kissed her while she was still in his embrace "They're going to that bloody final!"
Y/N who could not resist her boyfriend's smile, joined in and together they started singing Three Lions.
There were four days until the final since the other team still had to get qualified. Although Y/N was not much of a football supporter, when a competition was on, she could not do any other way than to hear about it.
Callum was passionate to say the least. Chelsea in the final of the Premier League was absorbing all his energy. It was a miracle he was in London for it and not on yet another set. Y/N wanted her beau all for herself but a round ball was in the way and she could not compete. Or maybe she could?
Tottenham Hotspur would fight against Chelsea. Callum was more than excited at the idea of such a great game. An ecstatic Callum was even sexier than the usual version of him, which was already pretty damn irresistible.
But anytime Y/N teased Callum, hinting at the fact that he could take care of her, there was a notification popping on his phone: "Harry Kane hurt during training, could remain on the touch", "According to specialists, could be the greatest game of the season", "Bet on Upcoming Games", which distracted him from her.
Callum had been invited by a friend to see the game and eat pizza at his. In the meantime, Y/N would have a night out with the girls.
As Callum was about to leave on the night of the game with a pack of lager, Y/N stopped him as he passed the bedroom. Her too was close to leave and was finishing her makeup as her lipstick was in her hand.
"Hey! You were not going to leave without telling me goodbye, were you?"
"Fuck! You look gorgeous in that dress!", he nearly dropped the beers when he saw Y/N in a black dress made of velvet. The fabric was stroking her lines whereas the tiny straps showed her soft arms.
"I have a deal for you", Y/N offered as she drew a wave of red on her upper lip.
"Oh yeah?" Callum asked playfully as he grasped her hip with the hand that was empty, to have her closer to him. He was only a few inches of fabric away from her nudity and had to fight his urge to remove her dress.
Y/N came even closer as she whispered in his ear "If Tottenham wins, I get to do anything I want with you tonight. But if it's Chelsea, then I'll let you do anything" She went back to seeing him eye to eye "Deal?"
"That doesn't sound fair"
"No... I mean you know nothing about football.. With Kane down, Chelsea stands its chance of winning"
"Who said I didn't want Chelsea to win?"
Callum held back a noise that got stuck in his throat and that ressembled an animalistic growl.
"Y/N... I swear if I wasn't already late, I would have ruined that dress of yours by now"
Y/N smiled and for sole answer kissed Callum on the cheek. Callum's phone buzzed to signal him his cab had arrived.
"I'll see you later, baby!", Callum said on the threshold, ready to hurtle down the stairs.
"Can't wait!"
Callum took the cab he had booked towards Islington where his friend lived. It was not until he was seated in the back that he felt a slight discomfort in the region of his crotch. That bloody dress, he thought to himself, hoping his erection would disappear by the end of the journey.
"Hi!", Melina, Y/N's colleague cried when the latter arrived at the pub.
The parvis in front of the establishment was packed with supporters who in turns had Tottenham's or Chelsea's scarves.
"Hey! How you're doing? Do you think we could go somewhere less crowded?"
"Are you kidding? It's the final. Anywhere we'll go, it's gonna be like that!", Melina had raised her voice to be heard.
"... At least here they serve a great fish'n'chips", Charlotte added.
Well at least she would know her fate for the rest of the night.
In Islington, Callum arrived. The commentators were already getting excited on the telly as Callum could hear from the threshold.
Callum hugged everyone there after he had set the beers on the table. Amongst them were comedians that he had met during film festivals but had not seen in years.
If the whole friend group was loud at first, making small talk and helping themselves to pizza, when the anthem started, they all got quiet.
The pub too went silent. In both the pub and at Callum's reunion, everyone had their hand on their bosom and sang along the players and the stands.
"Welcome everyone! The game starts now!", one commentator explained.
The defence was good on both sides and the tension began growing.
One missed opportunity for Chelsea later, Y/N received a text.
Cal, 9.14 pm: It's gonna be a long night Y/N, 9.16 pm: You have no idea!
Then, the release came.
Callum and his friends echoed the neighbourhood's screams.
"It's a goal for Chelsea!", the commentator exulted in the back though no one was paying attention to him, too busy celebrating the action.
"We'll be back after the break"
Cal, 9.53 pm: You can already take your underwear off. It's coming home, baby!
Y/N, 9.54 pm: Don't wear any...
Callum nearly choked on a slice of pizza when reading his girl's text. It would indeed be a long night.
The game was on again. Was it the excitement winning the crowd over or the humiliation of the goal they could not have stopped but Tottenham marked only seven minutes later.
Y/N, 10.11 pm: Looks like you'll be all mine tonight after all!
Cal, 10.14 pm: Ain't I always?
Y/N was now fully engrossed in the game, on the edge of her seat, careful as not to miss anything from her chosen team.
"You've kept your cards close to your chest. You're into football after all, huh?" Carey, a friend from college teased Y/N.
"Cal and I have a bet for tonight. My life depends on it"
The six friends laughed at the remark.
A session of penalty shoot-out had been whistled by the referee to settle a final result.
Cal, 10.51 pm: Good luck, baby! Y/N, 10. 51 pm: To you too, Cal!
The situation was excruciating. All the attendees in the bar were biting their nails. Callum and his friends had stopped drinking and in fact were competing as to know would hold their breath for the longest time.
The very last shot was for Eden Hazard, on Chelsea's side. If he marked, Y/N would have to surrender to Callum's fantasies. But if he missed the net, she could put to the test all the scenarios she had in her mind for the past few days.
Eden Hazard advanced on the penalty area, breathing in and out. Y/N breathed in and out too. Callum had won the breath-holding contest.
A few seconds later, the referee whistled the end of the game, making cheerful and despondent people in the audience.
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
Thunderteers: Oak and Ivory
Summary: It’s a Thursday in the summer of 1776, and the USS Thunderbird is docked in port in New England. For Virgil, it brings him the gift of inspiration, starting with a rare morning off and a warbler…
Word count: 6.7K Characters: Mainly Virgil, but all the brothers are a part of this one Genre: Slice of Life
A/N: You should not need to read Voyage of the USS Thunderbird to understand this story, as this is a separate one-shot simply set in the same universe. For this AU, the Tracy brothers are all officers on the USS Thunderbird, a merchant ship that sails the seas in the late 1700s.
If you would like still to take a gander at Voyage of the USS Thunderbird, links are here. just note it is in WIP status  FF | Ao3
Enjoy! Thanks for giving this universe a read!   Thanks to @gumnut-logic for the birthday challenge and read through, and @godsliltippy​ and @the-original-sineater​ for listening to me gripe and being ever so kind about it, and finally to my husband who is, as always, my onsite historian and biggest fan (even if he doesn’t get this whole fanfiction thing).  ---
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Port of Eden, 1776 – a Thursday
For a town named Eden, the jagged shoreline up New England in what was the Massachusetts Bay territory boasted more mountainous rock than it did verdant gardens. Past the crags and the low hills, dense forest swathed the land in pine, spruce, maple, and ash, all grown thick, unruly, and uncultivated.
Inland, she was still as wild as she was on the shore, even with the splattering of local settlements along the rivers.  Fishing was robust, lumber was in easy supply, and the townsfolk had even started agricultural trading with their allies.  
It made Eden and her neighboring villages highly contested among the peoples of this land for her vigorous resources alone. Just half a day’s journey nor’east was the trading post along the Machias river, where last year local patriots had captured the HMS Margaretta, and a few months later their prize landed their homes razed under the incensed, retaliatory fire of four British ships.
Though, to be fair, the HMS Margaretta had been intending to bring supplies to the Loyalist troops under siege in Boston, and Patriot ideals this far North were both passionate and pervasive. The ire may have had more to do with that than the resources of the region. But, if the British ever did manage to overtake some of the land, it would be a huge hit to the Colonies.
The nearby lumber also made the towns ideal as centers of shipbuilding – and ship repair. That was why the Thunderbird was docked in Eden in the first place after a brief run-in with the British along the coast landed one well-placed cannonball to the Thunderbird’s portside.
As a merchant ship, they’d only carried cotton and fruits, but the British didn’t know that.
While Alan, their young gunner, had fired back, likely completely missing the ship at that distance, Scott had them re-route and head to friendly waters where they’d get back up if, for some reason, the ship decided to pursue. It hadn’t – the warning shot had been just that – but it left a hole in their bird’s side that was a glaring safety hazard, even if it wasn’t crippling.
The Thunderbird still had her speed. But they’d learned not to take safety concerns lightly ever again. For weeks before Gordon’s accident, the foremast yard had been tilting. They hadn’t fixed it then because doing so would’ve taken them off course completely, and it had seemed so small. Gordon had paid the price, even as careful as he always was when it came to rope and sails and the oak of her foundations. It was the first time the sea had taken something from him. And in doing so, it took something from them all, a spark that would never quite be the same again.
But Gordon endured, and Virgil was thankful they still had their light-hearted boatswain with their crew, even if the lilt in his song resonated through the sails with just a bit more intensity than it did before.
The subject of his thoughts groaned beside him as frigid water streamed through the bed of rocks under his back. Virgil had settled himself on a large rock nearby for the purposes of keeping his sketchpad dry as he drew the outline of the warbler flittering among the stones a few feet away. The side of Virgil’s palm was smeared with the dark color of the graphite rod in his left hand, and it had managed to spread to his cheeks sometime during the transposition of the small sea bird onto the page.  
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