lunar-goodness · 10 months
Started and finished The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix. The juxtaposition of Edgar Allan Poe with modern issues… Rodericks lemon speech! Diabolical! Loved it. Madeline seeking immortality through a new form while Roderick seeks immortality through extended life, both of them knowing deep down that it’s all gonna come to an end no matter what they do. And Carla Gugino as this figure of Death!!!!!!!!! Chef’s kiss! She may be a contender for my favorite Death character in media. Giving them all a chance to avoid a terrible demise knowing they won’t take it. All of them (except sweet, innocent Lenore) digging their own graves and then refusing to believe that’s what the hole is for, like the shovel in their hands is to blame and not them. Ah the poetic justice of it all.
For real though Lenore’s death made me cry. She did not deserve that, but that was the point.
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The sweet Lenore hath "gone before," with Hope, that flew beside Leaving thee wild for the dear child that should have been thy bride-- For her, the fair and debonair, that now so lowly lies, The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes-- The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
Lenore Edgar Allan Poe
1809 –1849
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byronsmuse · 8 months
The sweet Lenore hath "gone before," with Hope, that flew beside Leaving thee wild for the dear child that should have been thy bride-- For her, the fair and debonair, that now so lowly lies, The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes-- The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
Edgar Allan Poe, Lenore
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awigglycultist · 2 years
StarCanWrecked Sexyman Bracket Round 2B Matchups!
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As always here's a reminder to vote based off of tumblr sexyman material and not just who your fave is since this is a sexyman bracket!
Agent Curt Mega Vs Cynthia Houston
Owen Carvour Vs Tatiana Slozhno
Vivian DeMarco Vs Esther
Keith Swanson Vs The Grunch
Scrags Vs Sybilus Silver
Desmond Connor Vs Madison Reynolds
Theo Bradley Pearson Vs Santa
Alvin Vs Mr Darcy
Chester Thomas Vs The Krampus
Paul Gauguin Vs Elmo Keep
Amazon Alexa Vs Doug
Ron Weasley Vs Draco Malfoy
Scarfy Vs Quirrell
Voldemort Vs Batman
Sweet Tooth Vs Dracula
Ford Phillips Vs Ernest Hemingway
Edgar Allan Poe Vs Lenore
George Eliot Vs HG Wells
Farnsworth Farnsworth Vs Brooks Sousaphone
Henrietta Hudson Vs Paulie Tahoe
Brom's Babes Vs Brom Bones
Eugene Trousers Vs Matilda Bishop
Round 1A
Round 1B
Round 1C
Round 1D
Round 2A
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bi4pan-polls · 1 year
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Hello! earier I posted this post from an ask from @faeryglade. They have asked that I delete the post, as they did not want people to think they were shipping real versions of people. They wanted me to clarify that the seris is very detached from reality. The similars between the fictional H.g wells ends with his job and his name, and lenore is not a real person at all.
Anyways for me I will disregarding the poll from the original post. If its like just a fictional character that happens to share a name with h.g wells, then i'd say its fine to include them :)
[ Image ID. An ask from tumblr user Fearyglade that reads "
hi! i would like to submit h.g. wells (not the real author, just a fictionalised version of him) and lenore from edgar allan poe's murder mystery dinner party!
for context, poe party is a webseries made by shipwrecked comedy about edgar allan poe inviting some of his contemporary authors to a dinner party which becomes an actual murder mystery. it's amazing and deserves way more attention!
in the series, h.g. wells is a nervous inventor and lenore is edgar's sassy ghost roommate. h.g. and lenore spend some time together while h.g. is inventing a 'cah-mera' to catch the murderer in the act. they bond and have some really cute moments. i won't spoil anything as the series is on youtube and it may be best experienced spoiler-free, so i'll just say that they have a really sweet relationship and i feel like they balance each other out really well.
while neither of them are canonically m-spec, i headcanon h.g. as pan and lenore as bi. while i don't personally ship him with anyone else, there are some moments that can be interpreted as h.g. having feelings for another man, and with lenore it's really just vibes. she seems like the type of person to either assume that everyone is to some degree attracted to women and take a while to realise she's not straight, or just have always gone, "guys are hot, girls are hot, people are hot!" and have no doubts about her sexuality.
so yeah, i'd love for them to be considered!" then a response to the ask that reads "
Hmmmmmm, Real person fiction sorta makes me uncomfortable (nothing against you just a personal thing) but I dont know this series so I dont feel like I know enough to make a judgement
so uh:" with a poll underneath that reads: Should I let them in the tournament. The options are cut off. End ID]
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wahbegan · 2 years
Just thinking about my one and true lost love.....(Silent Hill 2)
And I can’t get over how fucking good the twist is just from a meta standpoint like....i mean okay think about it.
We have seen this trope one hundred thousand times. It’s as old as....ffffuck, at least Edgar Allan Poe, but i’m sure much earlier than that.
The Lost Lenore.
Or, to be less flattering, the Woman in the Refrigerator
The non-character whose two main personality traits are being the absolute ideal woman love of the male protagonists’ life and being dead. The more sugary sweet the love and the more horrible the death, the better.
And Silent Hill 2 comes along, and this is the main plot the entire story revolves around. Guy with fridged wife seeking some kind of closure at Silent Hill
But then we do get glimpses of her personality! And far from being just the ideal patiently suffering dead woman, she’s....well, chronically ill. Dying. She’s angry, she’s resentful, she’s depressed and self-loathing. It’s not pretty. You get the sense that she and James resented each other, so that’s one wrench in the formula. But of course, it’s just the foreplay for the REALLY big wrenching.
This wife James has been moping about being dead the entire time? He killed her. He killed her and repressed the memory because he was selfish and cowardly. 
It’s funny, when you look at Pyramid Head’s original design, he’s not actually built like a massive beefcake like he is in later appearances. He’s the exact same height and build as James, in fact.  The main antagonist of the game has been you, all along.
It’s such an incredible deconstruction of the whole trope. Now, the only problem is that how fully it commits to this kinda depends on which ending you get, with y’know how much he killed her because he’s selfish and felt burdened by her and how much it was a mercy kill because she was dying in agony seeming to vary, and sometimes she’s much more forgiving than others, 
But regardless, the fact that Team Silent really went “let’s make a guy who killed his own wife because he’s a bastard and then repressed the memory so deeply that we can play it off like she’s hist lost lenore” it’s fucking beautiful. Magnificent
I doubt there was supposed to be a lot of meta commentary involved in the twist because it’s much more focused on the psychological and character study aspect of it, but an interesting metaphor is there if you’re looking for it
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True or false: You have never seen Walker: Texas Ranger
true or false ; ACCEPTING
true!! im actually not very into Big Macho Action Shows fnsdfg
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renas-rp-hub · 5 years
No animal is evil? But what about the platypus?!
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“The platypus? I-I’ve never heard of anypony thinking platypuses are evil...”.
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twxlightbeforedawn · 6 years
Plus Lauren Faust has said that having Twilight succeed Celestia was something she'd intended to do from the beginning.
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I've only read parts of World of Ice and Fire, but one of the things I liked about it is that wrong or not Maester Yandel isn't just a strawman skeptic and that does give legit reasons for a lot of the stuff he says along with qualifiers like "Maybe whoever inspired the Children of the Forest legends really did know some lost arts that we don't understand like speaking with ravens, but that doesn't mean they had literal magic powers and could summon tidal waves and warg into beasts"
Yeah… I guess he’s not a strawman, but Yandel’s just so blatantly wrong sometimes it’s embarrassing. Like, for example:
It was the children who carved the weirwoods with faces, perhaps to give eyes to their gods so that they might watch their worshippers at their devotions. Others, with little evidence, claim that the greenseers—the wise men of the children—were able to see through the eyes of the carved weirwoods. The supposed proof is the fact that the First Men themselves believed this; it was their fear of the weirwoods spying upon them that drove them to cut down many of the carved trees and weirwood groves, to deny the children such an advantage. Yet the First Men were less learned than we are now, and credited things that their descendants today do not…
Archmaester Fomas’s Lies of the Ancients—though little regarded these days for its erroneous claims regarding the founding of Valyria and certain lineal claims in the Reach and westerlands—does speculate that the Others of legend were nothing more than a tribe of the First Men, ancestors of the wildlings, that had established itself in the far north. Because of the Long Night, these early wildlings were then pressured to begin a wave of conquests to the south. That they became monstrous in the tales told thereafter, according to Fomas, reflects the desire of the Night’s Watch and the Starks to give themselves a more heroic identity as saviors of mankind, and not merely the beneficiaries of a struggle over dominion.
Oh, and there’s this especially fun bit:
Claiming to have consulted with texts said to be preserved at Castle Black, Septon Barth put forth that the children of the forest could speak with ravens and could make them repeat their words. According to Barth, this higher mystery was taught to the First Men by the children so that ravens could spread messages at a great distance. It was passed, in degraded form, down to the maesters today, who no longer know how to speak to the birds. […] Ravens are amongst the cleverest of birds, but they are no wiser than infant children, and considerably less capable of true speech, whatever Septon Barth might have believed.
“It was the singers who taught the First Men to send messages by raven… but in those days, the birds would speak the words. The trees remember, but men forget, and so now they write the messages on parchment and tie them round the feet of birds who have never shared their skin.” –ADWD, Bran II
So, in a world where we know magic exists and the greenseers can see through the eyes of the trees, where we know the Others exist, where we know wargs exist, Yandel just comes off as stupid or deliberately ignorant. I mean, it tells us a lot about the Citadel and how their anti-magic agenda warps even curious and intelligent men into this really obvious blindspot, but it’s… sad. Sadly hilarious sometimes, but still.
And IMO it puts Yandel’s historiography in doubt in general, where how can we really believe that anything he says is true? Sure, often he’s just quoting other sources (like Archmaester Gyldayn’s histories of House Targaryen, and works by other maesters), but how many of those sources are missing magical motivations and magical events because the Citadel censored them or encouraged the writers to dismiss them as nonsense?
Furthermore, it’s not just magical things the maesters censored, but political motivations and events, depending on the whims of who they were writing for. Gyldayn quotes Septon Eustace often re the Dance of the Dragons; but Eustace was on Aegon II’s side, and wrote blatant false propaganda like saying Rhaenyra’s arms and legs were all cut up the first time she sat the Iron Throne… even though she was wearing full armor. How much else of Eustace’s words can we really trust? In addition to this, another source for the history of the Dance was Grand Maester Orwyle, who wrote his account to flatter Rhaenyra to save himself from being executed. Not to mention another major source, Mushroom’s account, which was a deliberately scandalous rag full of debauchery that may not have even been written by Mushroom himself. And to make this even more difficult, sometimes the editing of the history novellas (as published) cut out bits where Gyldayn said he was quoting Eustace or Orwyle or Mushroom, so it’s presented to the reader as straight facts!
And then there’s Yandel himself. According to Elio Garcia, when Robert died, and Ned Stark was arrested and executed for treason and the War of the Five Kings began, Yandel realized his recent history, his accounts of Robert’s Rebellion and the Greyjoy Rebellion, had way too much hero Ned Stark and hero Stannis Baratheon in it. (Robert’s best friend and Robert’s brother, after all.) So he cut them out as much as he could, and rewrote. Paragraphs that originally praised Ned and Stannis for their generalship and their success in battle, were heavily edited to exclude them from the narrative after Joffrey declared them traitors. That leads to a lot of awkwardness in those sections, where some readers may go, “wait, this is missing something”… but unfortunately many readers won’t even realize what Yandel did. TWOIAF is “the untold history of the Game of Thrones”, after all! It’s got be true, right?
Although at least Yandel’s writing to please the king is extremely obvious (and odious) in the section of the Sack of King’s Landing, where he says that Tywin’s men fought “the defenders of King’s Landing” (and doesn’t mention the rape and murder and sacking of the innocent populace), and then goes on to say “it is not known” who murdered Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon, and raped and murdered Princess Elia. That Yandel even includes the supposed rumors that Aerys ordered it done, or that Elia murdered her children herself, instead of including any word possibly damning Robert’s father-in-law Tywin… well, that should recognized by all readers, I would hope. (Though considering how much irrational Elia hate there is, I doubt it, alas.)
Basically, Maester Yandel is a very unreliable narrator, and in some places it’s more obvious than others, more or less noticeable by the readers. I mean, it’s excellent worldbuilding, no doubt about that. It certainly deals with the concepts of history being written by the winners, and the problems of conflicting historical sources, and the nature of academia, and everything. But sometimes it still worries me when fans (especially other meta writers) accept these deliberately written-to-be-biased sources in TWOIAF and the history novellas (and eventually Fire and Blood) as absolute truth.
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tricks-up-my-sleeve · 6 years
Happy New Year, Taylor!
((Thank you! A Happy New Year to you and everyone else following as well! I hope 2019 is a good one.))
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🔥 Chuck Norris
what year is this
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renas-rp-hub · 5 years
Platypus venom inflicts hyperalgesia that can leave its target incapacitated for days, weeks or even months. Hyperalgesia means clinical hypersensitivity to pain.
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“But that doesn’t make them evil!”
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bidonica · 7 years
So uh, this is the second time I've seen mention of Margaery being implied to be gay/queer. Can you tell me what the reasoning on that is? Because I'm not seeing it.
eeehhh I’m not the best person to ask because I’m not strong on Tyrell discourse, but the “Margaery is gay” theory has been floating around since a long time. It’s mostly based on how she is constantly surrounded by a close knit group of girls (enough for Cersei to speculate early on whether she would prefer the company of her own sex in the same way as her brother Loras) while, on the other hand, being married to either boys still too young to consummate or to a gay man. While I believe her marriage with Renly was actually consummated at least once, one can take the fact that she’s always paired with men who are unlikely to actively engage in sexual activity as a sign that she (literally) doesn’t fuck with that, both from a Watsonian and a Doylist perspective. Or, you know, it can simply be read as a way to highlight just how her marriages are 100% politically motivated. Same for her only hanging out with girls: we can read it the Cersei way, or see it as the normal way for a girl her age to be social, especially a highborn lady-to-be. But we could flip it again pointing at how, in the narrative, she seems to be the only young lady in Westeros (outside of Dorne) whose numerous female friendship are acknowledged.
tl;dr: I might be missing something, but it’s all speculation, nothing in the text openly supports it but nothing negates it either, and it’s generally a very popular theory in fandom, that’s why I put her in my “can be read as queer but we have no way to know so far” list.
People with a better knowledge of Tyrell matters are welcome to add to this!
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I wonder. We've seen dragons brought back from apparent extinction once by Dany. Could it be that someone, whether the proto Valyrians or someone older, did something similar in the past? It would explain why some of the Targs were convinced they could make stone eggs hatch and such.
If the Valyrians brought dragons back from extinction, it was probably by breeding them from wyverns as Septon Barth theorizes. I think the Targaryens who tried to hatch eggs, after the dragons were dead, did so because dragon eggs are what dragons come from. :)  There was no claimed historical precedent – the efforts were based on the eggs being possibly still viable in Aegon III’s case, belief in prophecy in Aegon V’s case, madness in Aerys II’s case, and prophetic dreams and magical instinct in Dany’s case.
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tricks-up-my-sleeve · 6 years
Okay, here's what you need to do with that guy at the prom. As soon as you see him shove a dead woodchuck with a note attached saying "Unlike this woodchuck my love for you will never die" into his hands. Then wink at him after he reads it. That will impress him.
((oh shit
this is it
the winning plan
and to think i was just gonna have a normal conversation with him while simultaneously trying to get info out of him))
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