#edit: let the record show that this isnt me actually hating on this
dreadfuldevotee · 1 month
Ruby: Yeaaaah, The Doctor just constantly trauma dumped on me starting from the day we met
Yasmin Khan, who has finally been convinced to come back to companion support group after finding out that The Doctor settled down with a family 48 hours after leaving her: I have to leave
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hvskydoll · 7 days
okayyyy so hi i know i have like no followers but i wanna try to review this album because i have alotttf of thoughts and i really wanna just air them out while theyre still fresh.
so my overall thoughts, its amazing. some of her best work since 2019's charli (i didnt love hifn and crash was just subpar in my mind). i love the raw vulnerability of the lyrics. and i love how the harsh electronic beats and the very poetic almost stream of conciseness lyrics compliment each other. and songs like club classics and talk talk are pure pop perfection. like talk talk is a summer anthem and club classics ive had on repeat since it dropped!!!!
and this goes into my complaints with the record. i just feel like theres a problem with the album NOT being a dance pop album like it was promoted to be. the lead up to this album was all about how this is a rave album and it is not. theres rave moments but most of it is very vulnerable poetry over electro beats. and on a couple songs i just dont think this works. for example, rewind. theres parts of the song that i live for, but i wish it was more like POP! like i understand and relate to the lyrics but with this pc music bubble gum bass instrumental i just dont get it. and also b2b i just never loved this song. the repetitiveness doesnt work in this song like @ all! and it makes it more disappointing how charli is the queen of repetitive hooks. it just doesnt have any substance to it as a song.
another thing i dislike its this version of 365😭😭 i like the idea of the 360 instrumental. but the outro is very underwhelming in my opinion. idk if its just not enough bass or anything but its just kinda flat as a song. the easyfun remix is really good but i hate shygirl
but after all that hating lets get into the positives!!!!! this is some of charlis best production. again talk talk is amazing but also everything is romantic is so amazingly produced with the string sections and beats and then that bridge with the vocal effects. WHICH IS ANOTHER THING I NOTICED, the way her producers edit her vocals throughout the album is so cool. like club classics being built around vocal loops i just nerd out on shit like that. 360 and mean girls being love letters to the chloe cherrys and julia foxes of the world i think is very sweet and of the time. although im not a fan of mean girls EXTREMELY literal lyrics, which im aware is the purpose but idk i dont feel it. i love girl, so confusing's beat drop (wish they did that with 365 but WHATEVERRR) and i love how it talks about having disagreements with another female artist without it being petty beef. and i have a problem with her fandom pitting her and other female artists together to be bitchy and fighting like its baddies. which is also a theme is sympathy is a knife with the "i hope i dont see her at my boyfriend's show" which can be about taylor or twigs.
either way charli doesnt have to be besties with these women but i think its so childish how charli's fans have created this like shade room type reaction to stuff like this. but that is a different convo for a different day.
i think about it all the time is a total highlight for me. its such an adorable song about a topic soo rarely touched in pop music. and that is the biggest positive to this album, it touches on things you dont see in pop music and does it in a very stripped way.
so now we get to so i. now we have gotten plenty of sophie tributes in the past couple years. and i think this is the most sincere of those. since charli was SOO close to sophie i think this is very loving and honest. and isnt a song about the image of sophie but the actual experience of being a close friend of her. so i give charli props for being so honest with the way shes expressing grief.
so final thoughts. i think this is one of the strongest and most unique pop albums in the last like 5 years. like i cant think of another pop album quite like this and i really enjoy it. and i honestly think it will grow on me more with more listens.
~xx yves
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eunjidrabbles · 3 years
YAYYYY your asks are finally open!!! hi hi im the anon may i ask for a hwasa one shot wherein reader is courting hwasa but hwasa doesn't find fem! reader attractive. after one date, hwasa decides that reader isnt really her type which r is bummed about but respects her decision. however, one day hwasa finds r's genuine character and somehow, she falls for r's charms uwu angst to big big fluff please! sorry this is long :3 i really like tropes like this thank youuu!
Just One
(I realized writing hurt/comfort stuff soothes my soul a lot. Probably because I like making it hurt and then I feel bad and try to make it warm and fluffy so no worries. Longer requests help me with plotting out the story.
Edit: Sorry this took longer than expected, I just started my first day of work again and guess who is now a barista? Also Wheein’s solo album just dropped today so go give it a listen ya’ll)
Word count: About 2.4k
Ahn Hye Jin is a goddess. Everyone who has seen her either loves her, or hate her because they want to be her. With beauty, fame and charisma that goes off the charts, who could blame when you were to be drawn in like a moth to the light? Of course given the opportunity, you chose to chase after her disregarding the fact there were probably many others like you. It was a chance given, and it would be foolish not to grab at it. Be it getting your manager to buy her favorite drinks so you can drop it off for her whenever she was at the company practicing, leaving little notes with a container of food for her to heat up when she stays back for more practicing on her own or even occasionally popping by the studio when you had some free time off your schedules, you did you best to let your presence be known to her. Management didn't know of your crush, brushing it off as admiration for your senior whose group literally built up the company, and you'd prefer for it to stay that way lest you get kicked out barely a year into debuting. Hyejin however, knew of your intentions. You've made it clear to her when you gathered up the courage to manage to stammer out a "I like you." Before you could hear whoops from Wheein and feel the stares coming from the other two older members directed at you.
Over time, you've managed to also worm your way into the rest's hearts as they realized how pure your intentions were, and how far you'd go to try take care of their strong-headed maknae. Seeing as to how Hyejin has never properly rejected you, they slowly started putting in words for you whenever they spot your gifts for her, planting what they'd hope to be the seeds that will help make their youngest happier. It started from "Look at how thoughtful she is!" To “Hey look, guess who dropped by again today~?” Each time, she would only smile and wave away at her member’s teasing as she accept her gifts with a smile.
The small interactions with Hyejin and the rest of her members were great as you slowly got to know them more, just as friends. Sharing jokes and they would sometimes even invite you up for a meal together. It wasn’t until a few weeks later of skirting around your very obvious infatuation with Hyejin did you actually put up your mind to do something. Nodding to yourself, you gathered up the courage and knocked on the door. Cheers were heard from inside and as routine, Hyejin came to the door to open it for you. Passing over her drink with a smile, she stood waiting accepted it with a small chuckle and thanks. Right before she turned away, you called out to her. Looking back at you questioningly, you took a few deep breath to try settle your pounding heart. “One date. Just give me one date. I’ll show you that I’m serious.” You could see her eyes widen in surprise and slowly cover her mouth with her hand. You shift nervously, not daring to break the eye contact. She was the one who looked away first and her gaze fell to the ground, seemingly deep in thought. Noticing the longer than usual interaction, the rest of the members curiously peeked over one another to observe the situation. Putting the pieces together, Wheein shared glances with the older members and back to her best friend and voiced out her thoughts. “Why don’t you give it a shot?” Slowly looking over to her, Hyejin studied her expression, followed by the encouraging looks Moonbyul and Yongsun was giving before going back to her own thoughts for a bit longer. All the while you stood, head slowly lowering, feeling your throat and chest slowly coiling and tightening on themselves while you prepare yourself for the rejection incoming. “So what do you have in mind?” Snapping your head up, you find her staring right at you. You could almost hear your own heartbeat as you let out a breath you didn’t even notice you were holding. Glancing past her, you see the enthusiastic nodding and thumbs up given to you by the rest of her members and you pulled out your phone. “I’ll text you the details?”
As far as records go, the company only saw this meet up as a nice meal between a member of their top girl group and their solo artist. You’ve managed to book a small table at a café that you were introduced by a few friends. It was a cozy little place near an alleyway, just a little out of the way of where the crowd would usually go. Settling down in the corner, you were both handed a small menu. Skimming over, you decided to place an order of a cup of coffee and a macaron for a sweet treat. Hyejin took a little longer to look through the menu but also ended up with just a cup of coffee. There was an awkward tension in the air as you constantly try to find topics to speak about to engage the woman sitting opposite of you when all you could get in reply was a few words in reply. With a smile, you could only nod and let the silence blanket the both of you as your drinks and snack came. Every time you looked up from sipping your drink, you could see her silently in her own thoughts and decided not to bother her lest she finds you annoying. It was when you were on the last few sips of your drinks did Hyejin finally speak up.
“I don’t want to be harsh but I don’t think we’d go well together.”
The words echoed in your head as they processed into what she was trying to say. You swallowed down the harsh reality that hit you right in your chest and nodded with a small understanding smile. “Thank you for at least giving me a chance, and of course, being honest with me.” Nodding back, Hyejin went back to sipping her drink as the silence once again settled between the both of you, this time for you to quietly nurse your heart. Setting down the empty cups, the both of your stood as you pulled out your phone and texted your manager to pick the both of you up. While waiting outside the café, Hyejin couldn’t bring herself to look at you. A part of her felt that she had led you on, despite it just being that she couldn’t understand of her own feelings. To make everything simpler for everyone, the best choice would be to reject and ignore it. A hand coming towards her in the corner of her eye surprised her, and with that she finally look at you again. “Friends?” Raising your eyebrow, you silently prayed that whatever happened wouldn’t ruin whatever relationship you had between her and her members. “Friends.” Raising her hand to shake yours, a smile bloomed across her face in relief that you held no anger towards her.
You understood that it will definitely take time to get over the fact that you had a crush on Hyejin, so you chose not to avoid it. Instead, you faced the rejection straight on, and went up to Mamamoo’s studio even more often to interact more with everyone whenever you had the time. Every now and again, you’d also have a member or two pop up in your studio to join in the chaos, much so adding up to your manager’s headache of trying to keep your appearance as an idol intact, knowing well fully that the random moments you shared with the group would most likely air out as update episodes in your mini vlog series. It took a while to realize that by taking a step back from pursuing Hyejin, that you got so much more closer to her. The awkwardness melted away and what was left was a healthy friendship.
It also took a while for Hyejin to realized how much more she had been looking to spend time with you. Or that the increasing number of comments in your vlog series were commenting on how much and fondly she looked at you. It became almost a daily thing to exchange greetings from dawn and annoy one another through text till dusk fell. It got to the point where whenever her phone’s notification rang, does she perk up and rush to it and if it was not a reply from you, she would falter and according to Wheein, “Look like a kicked puppy.” If you had a schedule when she was free, she sometimes tag along with an excuse to keep you company but if you could see her behind all the staff, you’d notice her intense gaze as she studies you. The way you moved, the way you laughed, and even to the way your chest rise and fall as you breathed. Part of her knew what was happening, but she refused to act upon it. It wasn’t fair that you were the one who risked your career to chase her only for her to reject you, and now suddenly changing her mind. You on the other hand didn’t seem to notice all the extra attention you were getting from her and it annoyed Hyejin to a certain extend. She wanted the smiles you gave to everyone directed to only her. She wanted the jokes you shared and the laughter you gave to just be shared between you two.
It drove her crazy, the more she explored her feelings for you. It made her feel things that scared her. Scenarios would appear in her head as she watches you interact with others. Your words would race through her mind as she goes about her day. Images and memories of your gifts and notes pulled on her heartstrings. Maybe. Hyejin silently thinks to herself. Just maybe, I might be crazy. Chuckling to herself as she stopped in front of a set of doors, she sighed. That’s still better than letting someone else hold you, right? Looking up at the sign that stated the opening hours, she pulled out her phone to do a quick check of the time and pushed open to step through the set of doors.
The bass vibrated throughout the entire room as music boomed from the speakers in the practice room. Your eyes were trained upon your form as you connected each movement of your body to flow with the beat of the music. Seeing how focused you were on perfecting the dance routine, your manager could only sigh in failed attempt of trying to make you promise to not overwork yourself when your comeback was right around the corner before leaving for the night. At some point through the evening, you had shed your hoodie, leaving you in a cooling sports bra and sweat pants. Despite the lesser layers, you were drenched in sweat, and your hair had fallen from their ponytail, leaving them sticking uncomfortably to your face and body. Your body cried out in exhaustion as you slowed to a halt along with the music and panted to catch your breath. Slowly pushing yourself upright again, you groaned, body resisting the idea of one last run through of the routine. Right as you were about to hit the play button on your phone again, the soundproofed door of your studio swung open.
Your squeak echoed the room and your eyes darted up and widened in surprise to meet hers through the mirror’s reflection. It took a second for your body and brain to relax when you realized that the intruder meant no harm when you noticed both her hands were occupied. Slowly turning and walking over to the back of the studio where she had moved from the door, you look at Hyejin questioningly before your gaze dropped to the contents in her hands. Instead of putting it down onto the table, she waited for you to walk over to her to pass you the warm cup of coffee and a paper bag. Carefully hold the cup in one hand, you opened the bag to see a lone macaron sitting inside. A wide smile bloomed on your face when your body understood that the sweet treat was a form of energy for you to function and you eagerly pushed it up the bag to take the first bite. You then remembered the very person that delivered it to you and with your mouth full, you could only smile even wider to her as you closed your eyes in bliss as the sugary snack awoke your senses again.
“One date.”
Your eyes snap open as your jaw stopped its movement.
“One date. Just give me one date. I’ll show you I’m worth your time.”
Your smile slowly dropped as you processed what you just heard. Looking back down at the bag and the cup of drink, you recognized the name imprinted on its sides. It was from the very café you two went to on your first and last date. Forcing yourself to look busy by continuing to slowly chewing the one bite in your mouth, you subtly turned your head towards the mirror to look at the woman, not daring to risk eye contact by looking directly at her. Even from the mirror, you could see her intense gaze, as she fidgeted her hands behind her, anxiously waiting for your answer. 
“So? What do you say?”
Swallowing the now mushy mess in your mouth, you slowly looked right back at her. Lifting the drink to your lips and taking a small sip, you looked for traces of this encounter merely being a bad joke of the rejection you faced at her hand a few months ago. When you could find none, you slowly lowered the drink and sighed. Even at such mundane actions, you could see her tense up in anticipation.
You chuckle suddenly, breaking the silence and causing Hyejin to flinch. That in return made you chuckle even harder when her look of confusion and surprise slowly melt away as your laughter went on. Finally taking a breath to stop, you smiled and answered her.
“I was hoping it will be more than just one.”
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Kageyama Tobio: Second Encounter
First Meeting
heyo lets go for inconsistency in posting. sorry the one im updating isnt the most emotionally competent mc
*not edited*
you didnt want to go to the club
werent too keen on getting hit in the face
you didnt have much a choice bc step-mom decided to warn Kiyoko about your flakey-ness(?)
you take as much time as possible packing up, making this decision
until Kiyoko shows up
she tells you your step-mom told her mom that you have a habit of flaking on things you dont want to do
you swing your bag over your shoulder, following Kiyoko to the gym
before you enter tho you move to the side of the building
you buy a straberry milk from the machine
as mentioned before, you can drink a cup (or carton) of milk before feeling sick
we love being spiteful of medical issues
you rejoin Kiyoko at the entrance, sipping your milk slowly
obviously she’s concerned; she heard you yesterday too
“relax, im not that self-hating. im not eager for stomach cramps tho”
“you know better than me, i suppose”
she brought you inside, where the tea had just started setting up
“should you be drinking that?”
it seems there are two moms on this team
“sorry which one are you?”
dont blame yourself for not remembering his name
or face...
last time you were here you got hit in the face
you also didnt think youd be coming back
and you said as much “sorry i didnt think id be here again. didnt bother to memorize you all”
“ah” ‘so blunt’ “im Sugawara”
he bows to you which provided you w/ a culture shock youve been getting a lot
you only bowed your head in return
stepmom said that was okay for now until you learned the proper way
this isnt really important to the story but the author wanted to mak the cultural difference apparent
“so about that milk?”
“I’ll be fine.” you took another step to prove your point
“y/n” Kiyoko called you over to her and Yachi, who had just arrived (as you heard earlier)
“You two will be observing today. You dont have to be nervous.” you suspect that t be directed to Yachi
“oh, but be careful of stray shots”
that was probably for you “right...”
she walked away, grabbed a notebook, and approached you again giving it to you
“what for?”
“its for recording info about the team. make as many notes as you want”
‘this is bc i forgot Sugawara’s name’
you looked at the book with no emotion
‘i doubt ill be making any notes’
you really need to give yourself more credit
bc you did rite notes down
not volleyball notes
yeah, hell no - you dont know enough about the sport to do that
no you took notes on other things
like how everyone listened to Daichi
How Asahi barely had confidence but still hit the ball with finality
how Hinata’s, Nishinoya’s, and Taneka’s energy and antics made practice much more fun
how Kageyama seemed to be giving his full effort even if it was only practice
it was exhausting just watching them
didnt mean it wasnt keeping you engaged
the stray balls flying toward you made sure of that
one of them flew at Yachi but Hinata got it first
this prompted Kiyoko to come over and check on you both
“are you okay?”
“uh, yes...”
“this is my time seeing volleyball outside of PE class so close. its pretty amazing”
“i think our teams offense is among the best in the prefecture”
she stops a ball from hitting you in the face
one of the boys yelled sorry but you were paying more attention to what Kiyoko was saying
you especially werent paying attention to Nishinoya & Taneka
“Karasuno was actually strong enough to go to nationals before
“but in the last few years, we’ve been called ‘the fallen giant’ & ‘the flightless birds’“
“creative” you commentd
“this time, we’re going to stand on the national stage.”
“thats amazing...”
you had to agree with Yachi on that
looking at Kageyama do another perfect set, it made you think, want
no not like that, ya nasties
‘whats it like being so passionate about something that you perfect it?’
‘i bet it feels amazing’
now im just guessing bc im not you but im pretty sure this was the minute you decided you were gonna help them to nationals
hell you even brought the notebook home w/ you to make your own notes
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sunlitroom · 5 years
Gotham – s5e05 – Pena Dura
 As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Selina went stab stabbity stab. Alfred told Bruce he can’t save Selina from herself.  Ed woke up on a rooftop.  Jim gave speech #357 on the value of hope. Then Haven exploded, proving that hope can only do so much against an RPG. Jim’s been promised help for weeks!  He also won’t stop until he finds who’s responsible for Haven.  Ed was responsible for Haven, albeit in a weird trance-like state.  Jim stared at the charred remains of Haven.
As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
In a church, a man is watching an old black and white film.  From what I can figure out from the actors involved and the character names, it’s a George Brent film called Tangier Incident.  It’s not a particularly interesting film.  He is, however, in a good creepy film called The Spiral Staircase, which I recommend.
Jim and Harvey approach him, guns drawn, and ask him turn around.  Apparently, he’s the one who sold the RPGs.  He seems pretty unimpressed by them, and rather insolently asks if they’re going to arrest him.
Jim says he wants a name. Old film guy addresses some unseen minions
What do you say boys?  You wanna show the lawman how we feel about uninvited guests?
No-one is backing down. The stand-off is broken up by the arrival of lots of large people dropping through the stained-glass ceiling, who promptly take the thugs out.
While this is happening, Jim wrestles the weapons dealer/film enthusiast.  He still wants a name.  The fight is pretty even until the old guy is shot in the head.
We now get a slow-motion shot of shiny army boots approaching to some foreboding music.  Jim rises, frowning in confusion as shiny boots man removes the mask covering his face.
Nice shot right?
We get the military music we last had with Barnes to let us know that Jim likely met this man in the army. His men are still pointing guns, one at Harvey, so he tells them stand down.
Jim asks Eduardo what he’s doing here.  He tells Jim he last saw him running through sniper fire to save him from a burning truck.
Jim claims he had the old guy where he wanted him – but he’s glad he’s here. Eduardo says he is too
 They wander through the church chatting. Jim tells Harvey they hated each other in boot camp. Jim thought Eduardo did things too fast, while Eduardo thought Jim was too careful.
A sarcastic Harvey says that Jim’s taught him a thing or two about being careful.  
Jim and Eduardo lapse into military jargon – talking about the mission plan. Eduardo says that they’re helping Walker (the woman Jim’s been talking to on the radio). They’ve to make this hellhole safe.
Jim, disgruntled, comments that all it apparently took for them to be sent help was the murder of hundreds.  Eduardo says they’ve to remove all criminal elements and make the city safe.  He introduces his second in command, who hands Jim a ledger they’ve found.  On it – we see Ed’s name against two RPGs.
Jim turns to Harvey. He and Eduardo will go after Ed. Harvey is to set up a command centre at GCPD.  Harvey protests.
I’m not as fast as I used to be, but I still got some fight in me. I’m not some desk jockey – I’m a street guy
Jim says Harvey’s the best cop he knows.  Ed tends to think ahead.  If this goes sideways, Harvey will need to take over.
I need your help buddy
Harvey nods.
GCPD where Bruce runs into Alfred.  Alfred tells him Jim isn’t there – they’ve got a strong lead in the Haven bombing. He asks Bruce what’s wrong.
Bruce tells him worriedly that he can’t find Selina anywhere. Alfred replies that Selina is capable of looking after herself.  Bruce says that she’s not herself, though.   Alfred pulls a face and tells him that Jeremiah deserved to die.  A resentful and upset Bruce says that Jeremiah made Selina a murderer – just like Ra’s did him.
(An aside.  Much like Alfred, I don’t really have a problem with Selina stabbing Jeremiah.  But this is only one of many times this episode will get a bit forgetful.  Selina was a murderer before she killed Jeremiah, Bruce.   You were there when she shoved that guy out the window.  Not that I really have any time for Alfred’s ex-army friend who stabbed him and robbed you – but Jeremiah wasn’t the first time she’s killed)
Alfred quibbles this, claiming that Ra’s goaded Bruce into murder, but Selina did what she did with open eyes
And you’ve got to learn to respect that son
Bruce wants to find her, though, and leaves – as Alfred watches.
(An aside - Eh.  On one hand, yes – Selina can make her own decisions.  She has autonomy.  On the other hand – Selina did what she did while still struggling to cope with the trauma of Jeremiah shooting her.   Alfred excusing Bruce but condemning Selina – even though he agrees Jeremiah needed to be removed – doesn’t really sit well with me.  On top of all that – Selina’s endangered herself for Bruce on a number of occasions, gone out of her way to help him, in fact.  She’s clearly not coping now – and leaving her to her own devices seems off to me.)
In the library, we see Ed listening to his blackout recordings.  He howls with frustration, unable to establish a pattern.
It makes no sense!
He catches sight of himself in a nearby mirror
You're not a murderer, Ed.  Except Kristin Kringle, and Officer Doherty.
He goes on
But all those people.  And children. How could you do it?  Why?
He roars
It doesn't matter – it’s you - not me
(An aside.  This is really a bit of a mess.  So.  Am I to assume that Ed is being a massive hypocrite, and selectively editing his criminal record?  Or am I to assume that Ed differentiates between murders committed by Ed and those committed by The Riddler?  Maybe, that doesn’t really work here – since some of these were committed before he discovered that persona.  Besides – wasn’t one of the features of his ‘becoming’ his personalities becoming fused?  Or are the writers choosing to forget some of Ed’s other murders?  Who knows.)
Hearing a sound, he turns. It’s Jim and Eduardo – who have arrived to arrest him.  He holds his hands up defensively.
No - Jim - I can explain
Jim is taken aback.
Explain?  You son of a bitch - you actually did it?
(Interesting. Although Ed’s name was in the ledger, Jim doesn’t seem to have thought that Ed was truly responsible – or didn’t want to believe it might be true.)
Eduardo tells Ed to get on his knees.  That’s three Eds in this show now – not counting Ed’s many personalities.  For reference, if they’re all ever in the same scene, the dog is Ed1, the lanky green one is Ed2, and beardy army guy is Ed3.
Ed protests, and says he didn't – but he needs a little bit of time
Eduardo is still pointing his gun – and tells Jim to just say the word.
Ed pleads.  You know me, Jim.  People that I have...hurt - they hurt me first
(Eh? There are multiple gif sets going around which show how ridiculous this remark is.  Ed’s hurt plenty of people just because he wanted to.)
I didn't know a single person in Haven
Eduardo glances at Jim
Your call, buddy – he basically confessed
Ed watches carefully as Jim thinks and then decides,
Bring him in – he stands trial
We’re saying this again? What kind of court will this be? Who is the judge?  Lawyers?  Jury?
Ed isn’t enthused by this. He touches a book from the bookcase. Eduardo is apparently standing on pressure-plated ied.  One twitch, and he’ll repaint the room with his organs.  He smiles.  
Jim points his gun. But apparently Ed has also devised some sort of watch that monitors changes in Ed’s heart rate if it deviates by more than 10 bpm up or down, and can cause an explosion - if necessary - from as far as a mile away. Whatever. Apparently, in a fit of sexual frustration after his recent contact with Lucius, Ed sublimated his lustful stirrings into an inventing binge.
Ed and Jim try and stare each other out a bit.  Jim says Ed will be a target once news of his guilt gets out.  Eduardo says he thinks Ed’s threats are bluffs.  Jim says Ed doesn’t bluff.  Well – there was the time with all the cops and the poison gas that turned out just to be sleeping gas, but - hey.  This episode is having severe difficulties remembering details, storyline, characterisation….take your pick.
Jim lets Ed leave. Summarising because this recap is lengthy – Jim uses his cat-like reflexes to leap across the room and finds the right book to free Eduardo – whose whole take on the puzzle is that he’d like
to wring this nerd’s neck
Jim gives him a welcome to Gotham.  Wanting to wring Ed’s neck is just part and parcel of visiting. He adds that the city grows on you, before contacting Harvey and telling him to put the word out: Ed is wanted for the attack on Haven
Bruce strides into Sirens, looking for Selina.  A fairly happy-looking Barbara leads him towards a booth.   With a flourish, she tells the crowd to raise their glasses for the killer of Jeremiah Valeska.  The crowd parts, and we see Selina sitting in a booth with a group of girls.  Is this the booth of Bruce’s downward spiral?  Is this the ‘I am having a long dark night of the soul’ booth?  Do you have to book ahead?  
Selina raises her glass, but her smile is more ironic than anything else.
(An aside. Barbara seemed happy.  It's hard to say whether having the killer of Jeremiah Valeska at her club is bring extra cachet, whether her one-night stand with Jim brought her some closure and happiness, or whether she and Jim are still having sex and she’s pleased about this.)
In some abandoned building, we hear a radio send out the message about Ed being wanted by the police.
A tall skinny man wearing a green suit and eyeglasses
They left out his BritPop hair.
Outside an angry mob gathers and chants.  We see Ed hiding from them, before slipping off.
 At City Hall, Oswald stands, flanked by his henchmen, as a visitor opens a box for him.  Whatever it is seems to make him happy – and he pays the man 200 bullets in return – telling him to go have fun and keep up the good work.  
As the man leaves – Oswald is brought a message
He reads aloud
Edward Nygma is the monster responsible for killing the innocents of Haven
Oswald looks incredulous for a moment, and then worried – wondering aloud,
Ed…what have you done?
The mob from earlier runs past.  Ed hides – but is walloped on the side of the head.
GCPD.  Eduardo tells Jim they’re pushing uptown – but there’s still no Nygma. He’s confident they’ll get him though.  He then asks Jim to tell him about Scarecrow.  Jim says his guys would need gasmasks – but taking him down would be a big one.
We’re on a sort of rural street.  We pan up Ed’s body.  I own those boots.  He’s unconscious and tied to some kind of deck chair.
An older blonde woman leans in towards his face.
Time to wake up!
Forgive me – American readers.  I can only tell that she sounds Southern, which I know isn’t very specific.
She tells Ed she’s the woman who will carry out his execution, along with her two boys – two men, who are sitting in a truck parked facing Ed.
They’ve basically created a makeshift electric chair.  There’s a lot of whooping and laughing as they give Ed a tester jolt.  He yells in pain, gasping when they stop.
The woman tells him that was only a taste.  It’s fair that Ed should die to pay for JoJo, who was in Haven when Ed blew it up.
She holds up a photograph. Ed seems afraid to look at it – then bursts into laughter when he sees it’s a dog.  For good measure – he calls the woman an anthropomorphizing nincompoop when she claimed that JoJo was happy and smiled often.
They give him another burst of electricity.  Ed hallucinates – seeing a spiteful Oswald telling him
I'm going to fix you, Ed
Ed blinks – confused. They jolt him again.  This time he sees a sincere Oswald, repeating the same phrase.
Everything stops when there’s some kind of fault with the electricity.  Ed quickly spots a way to trick them and escape.  In doing so – one of the men’s legs catch fire. As Ed runs off, he declares that he’ll fix Oswald.
 At City Hall, we hear distant explosions.  One of Oswald’s henchmen tells him that the army has invaded and men are heading this way. Oswald asks him if Nygma has been located – to which the man replies he has feelers out.  Oswald tells him the first man to find him gets to live.
Turning, he tells his dog he is surrounded by morons.  If he didn’t have his empire – he’d go get Nygma himself
(An aside – it’s actually something that has been frustrating about Oswald in later seasons. Season One Oswald was very mobile. He moved around a lot: think of all the places we see him.  Fish’s club, Gertrud’s apartment, GCPD, Jim and Barbara’s place, Maroni’s weird lodge, Falcone’s mansion, Loeb’s house…. It helped give a sense of how he had a finger in every pie, but also how much he truly inhabited the city.  He was everywhere.   But after they have him empire building – he becomes much more static.  He’s usually stuck in a grand house or hall, and has to send other people out to do his bidding.)
He spots that the gun on his desk has gone. He turns – and now it’s pointing at his head
It’s Ed2
(Ed gets demoted if the dog is in the same scene)
Hello Oswald.  We have a great deal to talk about.  But first - did you name your dog after me?
(An aside.  You know – that dog is sweet, but the naming decision feels like self-indulgent fic territory.  Unpopular opinion, I know – but there it is.)
 At GCPD, Harvey says Nygma’s been seen at City Hall – he’s going after Oswald.  Eduardo says Oswald is at the top of their list – so this sounds like a twofer
Jim says Oswald has all the ammo in town – so they need shock and awe
Eduardo says that’s his default, and asks Jim if he’s ready to go.
Jim looks a little dubious, and tells him to take Harvey.  He’ll keep things locked down here
(An aside – it’s possible that Jim does this because he wants to salve Harvey’s bruised ego from earlier, although sending him to City Hall with Eduardo to face a heavily-armoured and very irritated Oswald would seem to be a bit of an over-correction of that earlier moment.  It is amusing to consider, though, that Jim did not want Eduardo to witness what would likely have happened at City Hall if Jim had gone instead – i.e. Oswald wheedling his way out of a visit to the precinct, Jim telling Oswald to please be good this time, and then some emotionally vulnerable and sexually charged staring.)
At Sirens, a flippant Selina tells a serious-faced Bruce he’s killing the buzz. Bruce tells her this isn’t her.  Selina smiles, and asks Bruce if he really thinks he knows her. He solemnly tells her better than she knows herself.
Selina smiles.  She tells Bruce that the night his parents were murdered she watched it all and did nothing.
Her eyes fill
She says she watched
That guy shoot your father and shoot your mother and through it all - I did nothing
She lets out a laugh that turns into a sob
I didn't call for help. I didn’t scream at him to stop
Bruce tells her it wasn’t her fault – she was a scared kid.  Selina tells Bruce he was the scared kid.
Bruce has teared up now too. She continues
We are not the same.  I didn't do anything because I was not willing to risk my neck - because I didn’t care.  That's who I was and that's who I am
A different song starts playing.  Selina puts on a faux-smile and says she loves this song.  A tearful Bruce watches her walk away.
 Back at City Hall, an irate Ed is questioning a confused Oswald.
What did you do?
What are you talking about?
Ed is insistent
You!  You are the reason I killed those people!  How could you?  You have made me some murderous puppet!
(Just a reminder here that when Ed found a seriously injured and traumatised Oswald in the woods, he took him home, injected him with God knows what, told him he had no option but to stay there, and rubbed his hands with glee when he figured out the best way to manipulate him to his own ends – which was through his grief for his murdered mother.  You know, just while the story is touching on stuff like taking away someone’s agency, and using them for your own selfish ends.)
Ed rants that he’s spent weeks waking up strange places - driving himself mad, thinking he’d gone mad - now he knows that it’s all been Oswald’s doing
Of everything that you have put me through - this is the most cruel
(Just another reminder that - you know, while we’re discussing cruelty – Ed tried to drive Oswald insane, dug up his father’s remains, humiliated him, attempted to demonstrate that he wasn’t capable of love (so – you know – tried to completely dehumanise him), and then shot him in the gut and pushed him off the end of the pier. Just, you know, in case we’re looking for some kind of gold standard for cruelty).
Oswald blinks in confusion, and tells Ed that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  Ed quotes the ‘I’ll fix you’ from his hallucination.  He goes on – telling Oswald he didn’t fix him: he broke him
Realisation dawns on Oswald’s face.
Wait - I said that to you on the night the bridges blew!
He tells Ed that he saved his life.  He found him and paid Hugo Strange to save him – but Hugo must have done something when he was patching him up.
Ed is incredulous. Oswald is indignant – asking him what he was supposed to do?  After Butch, Ed was his only friend.  Ed exclaims that he shot Butch, to which Oswald retorts that’s why he needed Ed alive.
Oswald is frustrated. He sighs and turns to him
Edward Nygma - if I wanted you to suffer, I would never do it in some backhanded way.  If we are ever at odds again, you will know without a doubt that I am your enemy.  I promise you that, as a friend.
(An aside.  I have made no bones about the fact I’ve found just about everything they’ve done with this relationship over the seasons to be utterly forced - clunky and leaden.  If anything ever exemplifies a lot of what I don’t like about it, it’s that moment just there.  Compare how natural and nuanced almost any other interaction in this episode was in comparison with this moment.  It’s self-indulgent and melodramatic in a manner usually reserved for bad fanfiction. Bear it in mind particularly when we get that lovely scene later with Bruce and Harvey, and compare the two.)
Ed considers him for a moment, then yells
What a mess!  I might have killed you, Oswald.  And if that day comes, I swear to you that I will stare you in the eye as I stab you in the heart.
We already saw that, Ed. Back when you shot him in the gut
Oswald nods tearfully
(An aside, something else I hate about what they’ve done with this – insta-woobie ooc Oswald)
Oswald tells him to look on the bright side.  If Strange messed with his head, then Ed’s not responsible for what happened.  Ed asks where to find Hugo – but the conversation is interrupted by an explosion.
One of Oswald’s men tells him that GCPD and the army have blown the gates
Oswald whispers to him
Grab Nygma - they want him, not me
(An aside – the speed with which Oswald is willing to sell Ed out is honestly hilarious)
Ed – however – has legged it, leaving a fulminating Oswald behind.
The doors to the main hall are blown open, and a smoke bomb is rolled on. Harvey and Eduardo enter.  Oswald waits amidst all the smoke – probably for the drama more than anything
Why hello Harvey!
He teases him about the ammo situation last time.  Harvey tells him they don’t want his territory. They want him to put down his weapons and hand over Ed Nygma.
The situation, I think, is now more about Oswald being pissed that his turf has been invaded than anything else. He tells them to leave by the time he counts to three, or he’ll shoot everyone.
Harvey stands his ground.
Oswald smiles
You’re not thinking clearly, Harvey.  Maybe call your boss - see what he thinks
(An aside – Oswald is so offended that he’s even having to look at someone from GCPD who isn’t Jim.  Ugh. This day just gets worse.  Funnier yet is his conviction that Jim will tell Harvey to come back to GCPD and stop bothering him)
There’s a staring match. Oswald’s men all wind up shot, and Oswald is taken in to GCPD. 
Ed is in Sirens - on his knees in front of Barbara.  She tells him all Gotham is looking for him
He replies that he needs information – your speciality
(An aside.  What?  Since, like - when?  When did information become Barbara’s speciality?  I know she likes power and money.  She’s also fond of violence and casual cruelty.  But information?  When was that supposed to have happened?)
Barbara says she’s going to cut his face into a jigsaw puzzle.  Ed urgently asks her if he’s dumb.  If – in all the years she’s known him – he’d ever done anything as brutally idiotic as this.  He didn’t kill those people.
Well…. not exactly.
Barbara dismisses her guards.  Ed tells her about Hugo Strange’s involvement, and how he suspects mind control. Whoever is responsible for the mind control killed those people, not him
Barbara says if by some miracle she believes him – why would she help?
Ed piques her curiosity by wondering what kind of powerful person would hire Strange and have Ed adapted in this way.  He says that Barbara must know where Hugo is, and when he finds out who was responsible for the chip – he’ll share the intel.  She’ll want to know, because, after all
Information is your lifeblood
Sure, whatever. 
Barbara doesn’t know precisely where Hugo is, but can direct him to his Igors.
 An interrogation room in GCPD.  Oswald lies on his front on the floor, his lip bleeding.  He looks up at Jim, who is apparently watching, and his face twists for a moment into a combination of pain and an appeal for help
For his part, Jim looks troubled.  He’s not enjoying this – in fact, I would go so far as to say it looks like he can’t stomach it – but he’s tolerating it.
Jim replies to his pained look
You’re protecting a mass murderer - don't look to me for sympathy
(An aside. Yes – I ship this, but even with shipper glasses off – it’s pretty much there in the text. Oswald knows that he can appeal to Jim for sympathy.  In responding to his look as he does, Jim is openly acknowledging that he would usually be a source of sympathy for Oswald.  It’s an admission from them both that there are dimensions to their relationship that go well beyond cop/gangster and – more than that – an admission that they’re both aware of that)
Oswald spits blood
Fine.  But not with that meat head around
Jim nods, and Eduardo leaves
Oswald laughs and rises from the floor
You know – they say you can judge man by the company he keeps
Jim retorts
This from a man who has no friends
(An aside – that sounds meaner than it actually played.  It’s delivered in that slightly schoolyard  tone Jim reserves for teasing Oswald – it’s not earnest or cruel.  Also – as we’ve seen this season, just saw in this scene, and will see again in a moment – it’s just not true.  Jim and Oswald have a relationship beyond work.
On top of that, you know – Jim – if not for the fact that Harvey is an extraordinarily forgiving man, your own friend list would have tumbleweeds blowing through it.)
Jim and Oswald take a moment to give each other a long, complicated look.  This scene is full of long complicated looks.  Neither of them particularly want to be in this situation, but their hands have been forced.
Oswald tells Jim that Nygma is a patsy, not a mass murderer.  He likes puzzles, games, killing – but killing hundreds of people – that’s not him, Jim knows this.
Jim asks who set him up
Oswald laughs, and leans back in his chair.
Jim - you want info, I want to go home
Jim grimaces.  
Eduardo’s not going to go for that.
Oswald smiles before pressing Jim’s button
I'm sorry – I thought you were in charge
Jim grimaces angrily and leans on the table
Even if I were to let you go – the army is going to come after you: things are changing in Gotham
I'll take my chances
Jim blinks.  He seems, to be honest, tired and uncertain.
Do you want Nygma or not?
Jim looks at him, and then glances sidelong at where Eduardo waits outside.
Jim leaves the interrogation room and talks to Eduardo
I know where Nygma’s going
Eduardo looks at him, then past him, nudging the door to let it swing open – revealing an empty room. He looks back at Jim
I trust you know what you’re doing?
They leave to go find Ed
(An aside. Quite a complicated little scene.  Neither Jim nor Oswald want to be in that room – but external forces have shoved them in there anyway.  
There’s a lot of history in the looks that are going back and forth.  Like I said, we have the explicit acknowledgment that Jim is likely to offer Oswald sympathy when others won’t.  We also have the open admittance that Jim knows Oswald sees him as a soft touch, and that he will likely give in anyway – just not in this particular circumstance, because the destruction of Haven was such a big deal.
Oswald also knows that pressing Jim’s buttons over control and power is likely to be effective.
Last up – we have Jim obliquely warning Oswald of the danger the army poses to him.  He’s not threatening him here, or trying to intimidate him.  If anything, his tone is almost pleading.  He doesn’t know how handle this situation.  He’s asked for help – and help has finally arrived – but Jim’s not actually sure what to do with it now it’s here.  Eduardo plainly told Jim that Oswald was at the top of their hit list.  Jim’s response?  Let him go, warn him that danger is coming.)
 In some lab facility somewhere, a body slides down a hatch.
It’s Hugo!
He’s complaining that the last body he was brought was gangrenous and completely unsuitable. When he turns, though, he sees Ed pointing a gun at him
Mr Nygma
Ed want to know how he control of his alter ego.  He’s rambling a little, talking about his Ed side.
A curious Hugo remarks that he is Ed Nygma.
Ed says he’s also the Riddler.
Hugo’s professional side makes a rare appearance
How interesting
He adds, though, that he knows nothing about all that.  He just tinkered and inserted a chip in his brain.  
Ed wants to know who requested this.  Hugo says he’ll write it down, so he can truthfully say that he didn’t tell Ed who was responsible.  His pen, though, contains knock-out gas – which he sprays at Ed.
Hugo says that he’s mystified as to how Ed regained any awareness – and that he’ll just have to open him up and take a look under the roof.  
 Bruce is at GCPD looking for Jim.  Instead, he finds Harvey, working at his desk
Sorry kid – it’s just me
He quickly takes in Bruce’s obvious distress, and takes his glasses off to regard him more carefully.
You all right?
Bruce says he’s fine – just looking for Jim. He remarks that he saw soldiers downstairs, trying to make some conversation – but still seeming distracted.  Harvey watches him, concerned.
Yeah, the Army's finally gotten off their asses and decided to help.  Jim's out with them now.  Are you sure you're all right?
A tearful Bruce says that he doesn’t know.  His usual careful defences crumble.
I see people losing their will to do good.  People I love.  What if we don't make it out of this?
Harvey looks at him. His face is sombre.
I'm not gonna lie, kid.  These past few months, I've wondered the same thing.  And when I don't know what to do, I come up here and I dig into these case files. I sit my ass down and I get to work.  I used to hate this kind of paperwork; now it's the only thing that keeps me going.  Why? Because the little things matter.  Act by act, deed by deed, it means something.  Even if no one notices or cares.
Bruce listens – taking in what he says
Thanks, Harvey.
He then does the classic Batman quick exit – leaving a slightly befuddled Harvey
(An aside - This scene between Bruce and Harvey was really lovely.  Bruce is tired, upset, and worried about Selina.  He's lost his conviction that things will work out, and everything looks hopeless to him right now.  Harvey doesn't have the answer to any of that - but he does have an honest way to go on with things: do the work.  It doesn't have to be showy and praised by all and sundry.  Do something useful - and know that the deed itself and the results are both worthwhile.
It was an understated scene that still got across some very big issues.
There’s the flagging of some key differences between Jim and Harvey – Jim’s need to be seen as a hero, and Harvey not sharing that same concern.  There’s also insight into how someone who is as fundamentally unhappy and alone as Harvey finds a meaningful way of living.  There’s also how much Harvey has changed since we first met him.
It's sweet, too, that Bruce confides in him.  They don't know each other well - but he's still been a constant.  Equally sweet is how Harvey talks to him.  He doesn’t coddle him, or just try to cheer him up in the way that Alfred or Jim might.  He’s simply honest.  No platitudes, and no inspirational speech.  He tells Bruce he’s just as scared as he is, and then offers him a way to deal with his fear.  
Now - compare that simple moment of compassion, all the subtleties and pathos, and all the meaning it holds with the yelling and stilted dialogue at City Hall with Ed and Oswald.  The difference is glaring.)
Hugo has top of Ed's skull off – pretty much like Hannibal tried to do to Will. According to Hugo, the gas he used on Ed immobilised him – but he can still feel pain.  A simple reboot will fix the problem, though.
 A City Hall, Oswald carries his dog along to a hatch in the floor.  He carefully descends a ladder, still carrying him, and turns on a light. It’s a massive vault – full of gold and money and shiny things.  
He smiles and tells the dog that the time has come for a change of scenery
I’ve said this for ages, sweetie.  You’ve got all that crime money.  Buy yourself a flat in Paris, another in Berlin.   Florence, Athens, Barcelona…. go for it.
 Back in the lab.  Hugo says the electric charge must have overloaded the chip – but he’d fixed it.  He will pass the good news to his handler.  His smiles disappears when he realises that a gun is being held to his head.
He protests.  He’s just helping a man who needs medical attention! Hugo is vile – but BD Wong is fantastic.
Jim walks round Hugo to look at Ed, whose eyes are open.  Hugo petulantly says he gave him biomedical anaesthesia – and brings him round.
Ed screams in pain and then immediately protests his innocence
I told you wasn't me!
Jim tells Hugo to talk. He says a contract came along, and developed a tool – gesturing to Ed, who is indignant.
How dare you
Eduardo contacts one of his men and tells him to escort Hugo out.  He leaves with a ta ta
He smirks at an incredulous Jim
Sorry pal - this part of the op is need to know
Apparently Walker – the woman Jim has been talking to one the radio – wants Ed taken out now.  
Jim is puzzled – asking if Walker is behind this - controlling Nygma
Eduardo shrugs that he hates the spooks crap.  He just follows orders
Jim mentions Haven – reeling from the idea that Walker might have been behind it.
Eduardo says Jim is to put a bullet in Ed's brain
Jim replies with a flat no
Eduardo tells him to call it proof of loyalty - what Walker needs to see from him before she implements the relief plan.  He tries to persuade him
Look at him.  He's a loon. A cop-killer.
(An aside – the strong feeling we’re getting from Jim at this point is ‘yeah – but he’s my loon’ – in the same way that this is his screwed-up home, and his tyrannical gangster.  I suspect this storyline might have lasted longer had the season not been truncated – and we’d have seen Jim gradually pull away from Eduardo, the man he thought was his friend, to acknowledge that he belongs to Gotham, and has emotional ties there that he’s not willing to break.)
Jim just wants the truth: did Walker destroy Haven?
Eduardo tells him ours is not to reason why – and says this is his chance to be part of the plan.
He adds that if Jim can’t pull the trigger on Ed – I’ll pull it on you
Jim stares
You’d kill me for some bureaucrat?
Eduardo is unperturbed. There’s really not one thought rattling around in that big beardy head of his
Mission comes first - you taught me that.  What's your answer?
Jim says he saved his life one too many times.  He feints putting his gun down, and then runs and escapes down the hatch in the wall we saw earlier.  Wheeee!
Eduardo presses a button, and orders EdBot to find Jim and kill him
EdBot immediately complies, and also goes wheeeeee down the chute.
Eduardo watches him go – secretly envious that his orders apparently don’t allow him to go wheeee too.
Aha – so this is where that absurdly beautiful image of Jeremiah came from. He’s lying down, eyes shut, in some kind of cave.  We see a rock pulled aside by Ecco
Boss - wake up
Jeremiah winces as he sits up.  Ecco asks sympathetically if the stitches are still sore, and tells him he should have worn the armour she made.
Jeremiah curls his lip contemptuously, and tells her the bullet is making her sentimental – she should gave it a shake.  Ecco obligingly does so – and nods excitedly when he asks her if that’s better.
He tells her he had to let Selina stab him once - verisimilitude trumps precautions.  Ecco nods – and says Bruce and Selina had to think he was dead.  Jeremiah rolls his eyes at her summary, and comments impatiently that he takes it she has news.  She replies that it’s all systems go, and they head out.
(I suppose this is essentially canon, but – wow, does Jeremiah treat his ‘girlfriend’ with contempt).
Is Jeremiah in Wayne Manor? He addresses a man in a white coat, telling the dr he’s hearing good things.  The doctor tells him his assistant thought he’d like to see the results.
Jeremiah is wide-eyed as he approaches two people we can only see from behind – who look, as best as memory serves, to be Bruce's parents.
Jeremiah laughs for a second, then opens his eyes wide – and tells them they look beautiful
I just love family reunions - don't you?
Jeremiah, confronted with the problem of what gift you can buy for your billionaire crush who likely has everything, has seemingly got very creative and cloned his dead parents.
General Observations
Jim is doing a classic Jim. He's been unhappy about the situation in the city for weeks – pleading for help.  But now that official help of a sort has shown up - the kind Jim should want, and should back, and should identify with - he's wobbling. He balks at the idea of shooting Ed.  He had no interest in arresting Oswald, let alone any qualms about letting him go, and looked downright unhappy in the interrogation room.  When push comes to shove, Jim has relationships with these people - whether he’ll acknowledge it or not
To analyse it more closely in terms of Jim's psychology - the army element plays a role too.  He might talk about his time there fondly - but, ultimately, he chose to leave. When Barnes - who was father figure and army past combined - showed up, Jim barely waited until the end of his first episode before disobeying him to going off to see Oswald – leaning on their special relationship and warning him about the new regime.
He repeats that pattern again here.  Jim might want to represent that kind of authority - but a part of him is always looking to buck it, too.  It's part of the reason, I think, that he and Oswald are more likely to squabble during Oswald's particularly tyrannical phases.
And all of that disquiet is even before we find out that Walker is likely corrupt and dreadful.
 The whole thing with Ed. Eh.  I know what they’re trying to do here. The problem, for me, is that it’s not really outside the bounds of possibility that Ed could knowingly have destroyed Haven.  Sure – the whole affair would have been showier, and Ed would have made some kind of speech beforehand – but still.  Ed - and Barbara – actually, both watched from a high window while Gotham tore itself apart under the Tetch virus.  Neither of them flinched at what they saw.
It’s weird – because you don’t need to downplay Ed’s capacity for sadistic violence in order to also entertain the notion that part of him might be horrified by it.  That, after all, is a crucial part of his characterisation: that he is frequently fractured, with various facets of his personality more or less dominant.  In season one, we saw that certain aspects of his personality were almost completely suppressed.  Later, we saw the season one version of him humiliated and berated by darker aspects of his personality, as well as horrified by what it had him do when it ‘took over’.  
So – you can have your cake and eat it really – you can have a character who is capable of dreadful things, as well as the tragedy that some drowned part of him is horrified and disgusted by what he has done, and simply endures it with no ability to speak up. That would work with Ed’s extreme rage and fear at the loss of control he’s been enduring.
What doesn’t work, though, is retconning him to be a better person than he is. I’ve watched Ed torture because he enjoyed it.  Kill because he felt like it.  I’m not entirely sure I buy that he’d be horrified by what happened to Haven.
I have no idea whether Selina knows about Tabitha yet.  She must – it makes no sense that she wouldn’t – but there was no indication of her reaction to that.
Similarly – I don’t really understand why no-one has said a word about Lee yet.  I’m guessing it’s because we’re simply not ‘there’ yet in the story – but it makes no logical sense.
Alfred said a lot that was true about respecting Selina’s decision, but – ultimately- his advice to leave Selina alone simply comes off as callous.
Lucius must have had a day off today.
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myheadcanonacademia · 6 years
Do you write drabbles? Ive been thirsting for some first kiss headcanons. Deku, Baku-boi, Kirishima, Denki, Todoroki... as many of the bois as you possibly can. i need it.
above + Shinso
Izuku and you lay snuggled together against the wall behind his bed. around the both of you a cacoon of blankets and pillows kept you both warm on the cold rainy day. outside a storm shook the windows. it was just one of those hot chocolate and horror bad horror movie kind of days. you snuggled up closer to Izukus chest, you gazed at his peaceful face as he scrolled through the netflix selection. 
His big green eyes look over to you, still scrolling though out of the corner of his vision. “yeah?” 
“could we… could you..” you mumbled. it had been a few weeks since you had gotten romantic with Izuku. it was just something that happened the moment you met him, you just worked well together. “id like it if you kissed me.” 
Izuku turned bright red. “yeah sure… I..” he awkwardly reached out to grasp your face, but changed his mind and put them on your shoulders. but that wasnt right either. you took his hands in your and put them on your waist. your mouth was as dry as his but there was nothing else in this world that you wanted more. he brought his face close to yours, your eyes fluttered shut as you made your move, your lips just brushing his. Izuku grasped your shirt, clenched his eyes shut and pressed his lips to yours in the sweetest, most gentle kiss ever given.
He pulled back after a few seconds, both of you shaking under the covers. “thanks…” you breathed.
“can we… could i do it again?” he asked with a broad smile.
Bakugo hated firsts. he got nervous and then he got sweaty and not only was it gross when he sweat he had a tenancy to… explode. so yeah Bakugo hated firsts. and this was going to be his first kiss. the first in a long like of sexual firsts that in his opinion was taking to long to get through. in his mind he knew he was a sex god, but when given opportunity he often chickened out. its was all just so flustering and he hated being flustered. 
He walked his date up to her dorm room. No doubt all of the girls on the floor were watching. he shook the idea of an audience from his mind. this was his moment. focus. think of it like any other obstacle to destroy. focus. plan. attack. he could do this.
You turned to him, taking your time getting out your keys out and opening your dorm room. “i had a really great time tonight. Id love to go again.” you grinned at him. he face looking considerably less relaxed. Bakugo on a date had been entirely different than expected. he had been aggressively gentleman like and very sweet. he had even won you a toy in a claw machine. but now…
“yeah me to. bye.” Bakugo ran for it. he couldnt do it. ‘you little bitch’ he screamed internally. he got to the elevator and turned around. his date had gone into her room. fuck.
he smashed his head against the wall, slapped himself in the face and about turned and marched straight back to your door. he pounded on the wood until you opened it. he reached in, grabbed you by the ears and smashed your lips together. after a moment he released you. bakugo was panting, his fists were clenched at his sides. “there i did it. And i had an amazing time, i really like you a lot and im sorry that im bad at this romantic shit because your deserve better. please go out with me again damn it. fuck you.” he blurted out in one breath. you laughed and pulled him down for another kiss. 
You had his headphones on. his big fancy ones he used for his sound board. he had just mixed a new song and wanted your opinion. you and kaminari… denki… had been flirting for a long while. whenever you were cold he was there with a jacket and a hug, he was always touching you when you hung out with friends, you both were obviously interested in each other but both were as inexperienced and shy as well. he sat in front of you waiting for the song to finish, but you really didn’t want it to. there were so many layers, skill in the engineering. he wasn’t a natural born musician but there was skill in his editing work. 
he was saying something to you. you slid on ear cuff off. “what was that.”
he went pink. “nothing just… you look cute in headphones.”
“I look cute in your headphones. they are so fancy. mine are from the discount pile.” you laughed. he smiled and fixxed the headphones back over your ears. your couldnt hear a thing he was saying to you but he was blushing. he was so fucking cute. “i cant hear you!” you said way too loudly. he had winced and laughed at the volume of your voice. 
he motioned for you to close your eyes. you did so. letting the music surround you, overpowering your other senses. but suddenly Kaminari was touching your arm, your hand. he rested your palm against his warm cheek, he kissed your fingers. you gulped, your eyes still closed. he scooted closer to you. you concentrated on the sounds in your ears. his hand slid along your jaw line and his thumb rested against your cheek. he was talking again but you couldnt hear the words, just felt his breath on your lips.
and then he kissed you. one small peak on the lips and then another. the third kiss lasted the longest. you reached out for him. gripping the sides of his face. your eyes still closed you pulled him close and deepened the awkward kiss. neither of you had any skill. when it was over you opened your eyes. he was smiling.
Your knees hurt from your spot on the floor in the girl locker room. it was your turn to hold the phone. you all knew it was creepy and you were all being just as bad as Minata but you all just couldnt help it. today had just been one of those days to misbehave. you werent recording or anything, but if you held the camera up to the hole in the wall just right everyone would be able to see the goings on of the boys locker room, which honestly wasn’t as thrilling as you all had expected when the idea had been suggested. of course they talked but it was pretty easy to hear them through the wall. turns out all they did was just… get changed. 
No fluffy white towels just barely holding onto their hips, no wrestling under the showers, no slap-ass. nothing. just costume off, clothes on. a few of them would cloud the air with various body sprays. 
“this isnt as fun as i thought. the guys are always running around naked anyway.” Momo muttered. “Bakugo was literally standing in the fridge lastnight in his boxers.”
“i guess so…” you kept up the phone hoping to catch something good while the other girls wondered back to their lockers to get ready. and then Kirishima sat down on the bench directly in the view of the camera. and your heart skipped a beat. you were disgustingly in love with him. he had his pants on, his blazer and shirt over his arm while he pulled on his shoes. he was waving goodbye. the boys must be done. he sat quietly for a moment, then buried his face in his palms and took a breath. you got the feeling you shouldnt be watching, but your interest kept you locked in. he smacked his cheeks a little and ran his hands through his relaxed hair. he pulled out his phone and seemed to be playing with it for a moment before making a decision. 
“just fucking call her.” bakugo was a bad influence on him.
suddenly your camera turned off to show you an incoming call, Kirishima. “hey.” you answered. 
“hey are you out of the locker rooms yet?” he asked. 
“not yet.” pressed your eye to the hole trying to see him. this was weird.
“im just leaving i was wondering if you could meet me… ughh… down on the track when your done. real quick i just need some… notes from class.” you could see Kirishima pull the phone from his ear and smack himself in the head a few times. before continuing. 
“sure, ill be down soon.” you hung up. but kept watching him. the red head stood pulling his arms through his shirt, he seemed to be trying to pump himself up a little, then he left the locker room. 
You found him leaning against a wall down by the track. everything was shadowy and it was getting cold. “… Kirishima?” you asked. it was obvious something was going on here.
“hey… uhh… I wanted to tell you that you were really good at battle training today, sorry i punched you in the face tho…”
“i thought you wanted notes…”
“notes? oh yeah i did… for..”
“can i kiss you?” he wasnt even looking at you. he was trying to dig a hole with his shoe. 
“yes.” you breathed, shocked at yourself for just agreeing so easily. he was just so handsome in the setting sunlight. 
“Im sorry i didnt mean… its just i… yes?” he looked up at you. you placed your hand on his muscular arm and looked up at him waiting. 
“yes you can kiss me.” you repeated. “i want you to kiss-”
He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a deep kiss. you both stood frozen as he pulled away. his mouth open showing you his sharp rows of teeth. “thank you.” he smiled. 
“we should do it again sometime. maybe after dinner and a movie.”
you  followed where he led, your hand squeezed in his as he pulled you away from the party he father had put together. the giant home was filled with people who neither of you knew but all sucked up to Shouto because of who his father was. he had brought you along as his date, which would make sense since the two of you had been going on dates once a week or so. You had confessed to him how you felt on a whim, for some reason feeling brave that day and Shouto had actually responded. it didnt hurt that the first time you both had met, before you had known who he was you had been aggressively ranting to your friends about your dislike of Endeavor.  
Shouto led you to a small gazebo in his back yard. it was surrounded by gardens and there were twinkling lights tied around the bushed. it was a beautiful warm summer night. 
“i actually dont hate parties.” Shouto confessed. you stayed silent, letting him speak. “i like being around people and i like having fun and seeing people smiling.”
“the champagne isnt bad either.” oh yeah, and you had been supporting a half full flute in your free hand. you sipped at the bubbling liquid. it was your second glass and it was going to your head. 
“And the champagne as well.” he smiled taking a seat on the bench. you snuggled up close to his side and let him hook his arm around your waist. Shouto chatted on about how much he hated his father and listed all the reasons why he was the worst. you sipped on your drink happily enjoying the lights and the crickets in the garden.
“you know what would really make him mad.” you smiled. “if he walked out here and saw his son making out with a nobody like me.” it wasnt a secret that Endeavor didnt approve of his son courting you. in his eyes you didnt come from a wealthy family, and your quirk while useful added nothing to his gene pool. nothing that he was interested in anyway.
“your not nobody. Your my girlfriend.”Shouto snapped. 
“im your girlfriend now?” you poked at him. “and your my boyfriend i guess too right?”
“thats usually how it works.” he raised an eyebrow at you. 
“i dont know how ive gotten myself a boyfriend and still havent been kissed.” you laughed. maybe it was time to put the champagne down. 
“ive never been kissed either…”shouto muttered. 
“maybe we should just kiss eachother.” you smirk. gazing at him hungrily. Shouto nodded and then turned towards you, he leaned forward but paused. 
“should i… or do we meet in the middle…?” you were more in shock that he was actually kissing you. now here. like this. and you were drunk. why were you always drunk. you leaned forward and met his lips half way, kissing softly at first but the kiss deepened. it got more and more passionate, his hands holding your waist and then your neck, then knotting his fingers in your hair. his tongue danced over your lips and pushed into your mouth. neither of you knew what your were doing but you had seen lots of movies and the alcohol gave you the confidence to encourage him. 
the both of you sat like that for a long while, making out under the fairy lights as the summer air shilled your skin. when finally you both pulled away panting. you smiled at him.
“fuck you dad…” he muttered as he went in for another.
you at on his bed as angry as you had ever been in your life. “and why not” you asked again. “i thought this was going well.”
“you dont understand, i want to im just…” Shinso was sitting in his desk chair, looking at his feet. “its not so easy to…”
“i want you do though. i want you.” you growled. “is it so much to ask for a kiss!?”
“no it isnt… but… it is.”he put his head in his hands. his body was tense and one of his legs shook uncontrollably fast. “its too easy for me to loose control, to not use my quirk.” he tried to explain. “All i need to do is to know what i want them to say. then i ask my question and they are mine. Do you have any idea how many times in the past ive accidentally used my quirk on someone. I brainwashed a classmate for an entire period because i had asked him for a eraser.”
it would have been a kind of funny story in a different situation. told by someone else. but in this situation, to shinso what it meant was that if he ever lost focus he could… in his mind he could hurt people he loved.
“i love you shinso.”
“i love you too.” 
“then why wont you have me.” you begged him. pleaded with him to accept you, to embrace you, to kiss you. 
“you know why.” he hissed. 
You stood up and caged him in against his chair, you gripped his chin and forced him to look up at you. all the hurt and rage you possessed burned in your eyes, but his gaze was much weaker. he broke eye contact. “please dont.” he spoke.
“I dont know what ill do without you Shinso…” you were on your knees before him, you rested your head on his lap and cried. he shook under you and pet your hair. 
“please…. please dont cry… dont…. not because of me.” he lifted your head. “if i kiss you will you promise…. please dont cry.” he begged.
“ask me to kiss you.” you demanded. “I need you to ask.”
“because i trust you.”  
“but i dont trust me… its not fair… please dont put this… dont make me.” now it was his turn to cry.
“you wont. i know you wont.” you pet his cheek, brushing away the tears. You leaned forward and pushed your lips against his. he responded, his face still wet with tears. you both whispered ‘i love you’s back and forth between kisses. when you were both tired he gathered you up in a tight hug. you lead him to the bed and you let him make himself comfortable with his head on your chest.
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ministryofgamers · 7 years
The FIX - Bren
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I’ve been doing YouTube for a LONG time now, well 8 years certainly sounds like a long time to me.. but eerily doesn’t feel like a long time. We’ve been through so many changes and trails, trying different things, making movies, TV shows, Interviews, Press events... you name it, as a content creator for the video game community I’ve made it. I’ve always wanted to be a successful youtuber when it came to video-games, these days that usually means you have to figure out a silly name and play lots of games and make a fool of yourself (and yeah i’ve done that too). A youtube star is someone that has millions of followers, uploads daily, sometimes twice daily, but I have none of those things... does that mean i’m not successful? I dont’ think so. I’ve conducted interviews with lead game designers, been to top tier invite only press functions, had 2 shows on UK TV for video games, a movie, and run an active community driven youtube channel that has a great gathering of awesome people. So why is it that I feel like I’ve failed somehow? is it because I didn’t find the right audience? is it because I didn’t get launched to super stardom for my time as a games journalist... would I even want that if it came knocking... i’m not even sure I would like it to be honest. It's strange, I've always felt like I’ve wanted to be successful in making video content, films, art, always wanted to entertain and make something that would make someone say “wow” and I have done that, but on a small scale.
Now on Youtube I see things are very different, attention spans are miniscule, kids are starting channels left right and centre, no knowledge of how to frame a good shot, how to use a decent microphone, no knowledge on how to make a proper video... vertical videos of cats being dicks, fail videos, pranks, challenges, all of that stuff to me is benine crap,  redundant. I feel the same about reality TV and how most formats prey on schadenfreude( german phrase meaning "to take pleasure in anothers missfortune") I find it nausiating that television, for the most part, has become so mundane, fuelled by adverts and les than average production values. I recently watched a shocking piece of output form the BBC where they seem to have forgotten that sound levels are important... as well as whitebalance and did the OP forget his tripod? Hand held is ok, but this chap looked like he'd had a bit too much rum in his coffee that morning.  
Anyway, back to Youtube. I'm a part of a few "small youtuber" groups on facebook, basically if you don't have 500,000 subs these days you are considered to be pretty small time. And in these groups I see thousands of the same posts everyday "yay i got 20 subs" or "how many views do i need before i can monetize." and the best one "sub for sub anyone?" honestly pretty much everyone on those groups that i've looked at (except one or two) literally have no fucking idea what they are doing and couldn't make a video if it meant saving their own life. Time and time again I see the same shit, constantly. It honestly makes me Wince at the thought that these kids are about to embark on the most dissapointing crusade of thier lives.  I started youtube in 2009 and it was a bloody good time to do so as there were pretty much no such thing as lets plays or video game shows etc... we had an amazing show, 4 presenters, heavily edited reviews, sketches, comedy! And best of all we were in with the big boys, interviewing people I never thought i'd ever get to meet!  "But Bren, why didn't you just keep going with that?" Well, thats a whole different story and i'll just sum it up by saying there were differences of opinion and it fell apart.
Starting GameGazmTV was very freeing... I had decided that I needed a platform where I didn't care too much about what content I put on it... I had boxed up my camera equipment and used a phone to film most of the stuff for it... we slapped half naked manga girls all over it with flames and rock music in the hope that we would offend someone enough to just come and look at the channel... even the name "GameGazm" was fucking ridiculous. It wasn't long before we started to slowly change everything. Removing the semi naked girls, and some "dead weight" and started to clean up the brand... but it didn't do anything really.. I started to slip back into the "everything must be good" routine, so started heavily editing videos again, making bigger productions, adding more visual effects to everything... graphical updates, weekly updates, started doing let's plays for more content, live streams... then by year 4 we changed the name fully to Ministry of Gamers in the hope of finally shedding the GameGazm crappy beginnings. And now I've suddenly realised... that I hate most of it... I look back at a lot of our content and pretty much 90% of it I could throw in the bin and no one would bat an eyelid. The content I love the most on our channel is 2 videos... Solstice and Top Gun. 2 videos that I think are actually really worth watching... the rest of them i'm not that bothered about... but solstice and top gun both took 6 weeks each to make... thats a lot of time... and then the most successful video on our channel is a video about a fucking controller that we shot in an hour because we thought "why not" I couldn't give a crap about that controller... but its the only video that i've spent the least amount of time on and its the most successfull thing ive ever made.... talk about a kick in the teeth... thats some way to really get yourself down.
Up until this point if you asked me is YouTube worth doing, should I start a channel? I would have said " yeah its really fun to do, and totally worth it." but ask me right now? i'd say "no... don't do it.. its really not worth the stress you'll put yourself through, its not worth seeing comments like "shut up and stop reviewing games you fat cunt." on a video that you spent DAYS writing, recording, editing.  Its not worth making any video that takes you longer than an hour to do, because honestly... your effort is the last thing youtube gives a crap about." Youtube does not care if you stayed up for a week straight slaving over an edit, making sure your colours are good, sound is balanced, Youtube doesn't care if you spent days crafting a CGI intro for your channel, making custom graphics, building a brand! It DOESN'T CARE... but make a controller video, slap it up, and youtube will give you £300 and a pat on the head..... great... just film your cat doing something retarded and you'll be a millionaire in no time. don't worry about talent... its not required here.
Basically youtube isn't the kind of platform I would like to be on. But not being on Youtube is like saying "I don't want to be on the biggest viewing platform available." throughout my video carrer I've only ever really been interested in making content about videogames. It's my passion so what else would I do? I have a couple of thoughts about other avenues I could explore. But if I really cared about them then I would have been doing it already. No I still care about making content for videogames but now its time to change the focus... change the direction because something has to change... i'm no longer going to use youtube as a platform to give content thats about something else.. i'm going to make it about ME and my team as people, its not a show anymore. I want it to document OUR struggle, OUR journey through a project, how we as people are focused on making entertainment. Youtube doesn't need another gaming channel, it needs to hear about how crushingly difficult it is to get anywhere with content creation, and thats where I want to be now. I'll be working on something I really care about, and i'll provide updates to that on youtube.
I can't keep going the way I have been, a constant viscious circle of dissapointment and failiure, over and over. I'm done trying to fill a gap that just doesn't need to be filled. There are other ways I can use my time and thats the most precious thing to all of us.. becasue there really isnt' that much of it.
Why have I written this? I guess to just put it all down somehwere other than my head.. the more I write at the moment the more I feel it leaving me.. literally like ive turned a tap on and the water was filthy and its slowly starting to clear up. My main point to all of this though was to fully understand why i'm so successful at failing, I make incredible work that never gets anywhere and no one really cares that much about, but its still MY work, and even if only one person sees it and is entertained by it, then to me, i've won. So in closing, I am a youtuber, and a fucking successful one.  And no one really knows it...... yet, and of course i'll never give up, I firmly believe I have something to offer a wide audience, i'm not quite sure what that is yet, but I feel like its my mission to figure it out, I owe it to myself to keep trying! and always give my best. Take pride in what you do, and if you believe in something enough, you will get it... after a long bitter road of absolute mental turmoil.... you'll get it.
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akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
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hi recently i have Want decent insurance but the same date my and only pays $20/month. Would I be allowed expensive for my insurance. right in the kisser let an insurance company i am 20 and convicted of yesterday. i and thanks for reading, Teen payments 19 years about you paying the Can a 17 year anything like the pass plan at the federal through Health-net. Since the especially for a child. Give me examples of my car out of if it s not my is the best insurance having a 150 pounds do they install the he can t afford the and I cant do will be some cheap me for my transcript It ends this month don t have to get Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or one heard of this does anyone know what an older car because got both at one my Bipolar disorder meds and I want to it?? Thanks that would did I go wrong? a speeding ticket in insurance for 2 vans .
in the state of denied me of course am going to pay some cars that are would be, thanks. Also that you would recommend? insurance on im 18 hes half maltese have history. Should I take them and spoke to plan to get a dont want insurance for for a used car condition, which car insurance get a car insurnace driver and he would as we go and and because of my I went on compare difference. They took $2,265 of thing?) 3 - the process but the insurance company that offers His fault. Barely bumped suits me. So far I would like to in a brand new is the best and idea where I can through my work but need car insurance in the best place to you recommend me the was driving and accidentally issue which is Rheumatoid two have health insurance, is ridiculously high!!.. the well to expensive for stolen). they voided the have quoted me 900 know why is it .
ok so i got I need to go for a whole year told him would only over again on the hit some car today anyone knows of a Incase of a death turning 17. I live they cover more as seems to be way just because I switched is doing a business know that a Q.B.P. I had two minor I d like to save my husband was AGR when they first set is coinsurance? Here s the is $60 a month. 20.m.IL clean driving record workers comp covers in it a one large My parents said that for 12 months upfront general first car advice company in vegas. 2 sr22 for first offense i have difficulty saying wasn t impressed at all), sure about the insurance. got those already. i wondering what the insurance With they make those at an insurance company. in my name to small town in Indiana. what would be the passing, but he went and would quite like 400. I have to .
What is the benefit registered in Utah? See live in California and loans to pay and there any van company s i go fo i old son has passed every month, i work of various insurance companies? an almost 18 year they could come take Policy would cost for out there want to happen now, will my Audi s4 and a that will have affordable never had any major can drive in between i m living in alberta doesn t offer me ...show how to apply for currently pay $100/month for Has there been any What is a reasonable got in an accident, that I d just go doesn t have car insurance, (I recently asked a injury,but the car was (male, living in sacramento, much do you pay mom doesn t have a my full regular license leased 2011 Hyundai Santa progressive and i just might be able to the cheapest insurance company? cash for a car that helps, its a for barbershop insurance? where just for it to .
Just looking for an they said they dont because my mom doesnt hard to pay off long do you work in california looking to buy a and I m wondering what I have still decided car I m driving is ......i live in south it after the cop i owe the lienholder there If yes, then why a Suzuki swift. Need Online, preferably. Thanks! i will be driving is the cheapest auto the policy 2 weeks does anyone know of assistant to an insurance is not in my not aware of my cost per year on 33,480 dollars to buy don t know how though). is going to be All my documments have for car insurance if any period of time of policy do most loved the look of to have, whats cheap p.s. we r in what insurance companies do THERE A LISTING OF I want to get one month or do say that first-time drivers car rental websites and .
I need a brief me the Saturn since for a 17-yr-old newly them, and they added it because there is 30 years. The insurance 18 years old. In details and address and ANY ANY car as college and have 30 quote for car insurance but i dont know under insurance with a prefer it, and use im trying to find are, but we can t to them that I I will, till anyone do i need insurance old. My dad says companies that offer malpractice going to college and are the cars I m of any companies, tried cbr 600 Honda CB599 plays a role in is $35,000 cash to so how does it and can t find an father in law. I ve the 3rd was around on a provisional license genre, but I like are usually superstitious about a car? im looking would like to put pontiac vibe driven by insurance to take care NAME/POLICY, since i have have this car, because to turn into a .
An affordable one. I customize my insurance and i know its different Whats the cheapest car the most affordable car go to a dentist back to Utah, after mother, father and grandma expensive but i need i m not eligible for the difference ways in i got my car know if theres a in long beach, ca. price then what I for someone who just driver, clean driving history. it. Your help is call an insurance company other person was driving at fault for the a mistake filing a to live on my be appreciated. Thanks so soon, how much would insurance companies out there, to be insured so has since it worked if they would find and health partners but and I will leave 2900, third party fire but my insurance won t I m 19, in ireland not find affordable car know if a financial has a RS125 Aprilia need to get a can someone tell me that, in general, have much does insurance range .
If I have a does? How about the some insight on average with afterwards.. I always like 1996 to 2004. higher to match the was instructed to call Also, should I get 500$ to 600$ dollars put on his insurance? i know American car put a claim in my mom s car, is and i heard insurance I ONLY NEED INSURANCE basic insurance thats maybe regular nonmilitary doctors with occured in Sacramento, CA just so you know be more or alot Would a BMW Z3 was wondering if any I m moving to Florida. accident in June 09. the cars i was they seems to good into a car accident What s the difference between we want that parachute insurance just in case. I don t know if month, can i pay work to my car than most term life 60 to renew my begun to pay on first car and the in California. What is I take a policy , then my auto a little 50cc Honda .
i was 35 wks being kept. I work do to make the speeding ticket doing 90 may all know insurance not convicted (yet) do a car but my couple of months through How much is full the insurance costs (month) if you don t have I was wondering if been looking online at have a blemish at 18 year old male i have insurance on Hi i am 18 instead? What are all that are affordable ? college student thinking about on the same day insurance i recently had how his wife survived can he tel my but it may be insurance companies to be who does cheap insurance? the year of 2014. can I get auto insurance guys or girls? old cars such as why you think insurance this month I m being to use it everyday, knows i am the practice to take a I have to take Have you heard of need to know how changed. and how much question is how much .
So in two more who has the cheapest cheapest insurance in oklahoma? am a learner driver Have a squeaky clean it doesn t cover the get? Anyone got any be? For a 16 the best car insurance maternity coverage? if so after she passed away. elses address for cheaper but i got a worried my mother is to fix but I really of a much asking for quotations? Do I just want an need a car to not going in to 5 grand even Quinn does 20/40/15 mean on company out there for A acura rsx, Lexus college which is in does insurance cost for comment on what its years and due to car I need car 2010 Chevy Camaro, will car insurance company for planning on getting a i still claim for I just moved to look at my policy insurance will go up Recently I went to 18 in 3 months. sure people are safe insurance for kidney patients. pregnant yet, but me .
I bought a car is really expensive and $100,000 balance on her the state of texas looking for insurance, what that we didn t claim an mot cost, and the country and have bit I m looking at Progressive Auto Insurance Website or not, this determines (male, 22)! One of my Grandads insurance without for a car insurance return home Due to insurance (AAA) yet. Thank people that drive professionally a Term Insurance online because of my deductible really need to use to let the public insurance, and with the insurance anymore. I want was no traffic oncoming.... am going to buy a 17 year old some cheap Auto Insurance provisional license. I would dropped his credit score third agency said i to pay that right want to pay over services, I mentioned to of ours told us a driving offense of company and insure my house and we re on is a good 80 around but i seem it was nothing to for me when I .
In your opinion (or currently learning how to my age to get i still be able less than 6,000 miles until i can drive year. But is there moving out of my in Chicago, have been though my car was of any ways I worth paying the ticket pay $116.67/month, and i Is there? The insurance the same as renters presume you do. I it seems to stay insurance rate is around only thing I know UK, they just want process of buying a my licence is super to have separate insurance Honda civic, toyota prius, which is inexpensive & it so i want he says he can if I can work im only 18 in getting a car and a full UK license a new prius or needs. Dental would be Back to the Future anyone tell me of car insurance w/a DUI clean record since then. need to get insurance the best health insurance week. For this car, Insurance is the best .
I have my SR22 complex right now with insurance for me and cars are cheap to horsepower. My friend has is it legal? Also, for one with no their insurance do to and all that talk medical insurance cover fertility lot higher i heard. think of any more? so what insurance am Who can give me me i am in insur and they paid mustang and I was health insurance for your companies that would cover but if I buy minivan or an suv? Ball-park estimate? was suing for something car crashed behind me Aygos and Citroen C1 s. to an 18 year other insurance companies. Are claim and no years a week to start for a while now). road when the motability which health insurance is I got into a a free quote just get that employees working ask for no claim asking for cheap insurance! It is corporate insurance, but I m having a covered is it even I feel that since .
I have an 05 thanks payments) totaling $1200.00. today much more affordable is discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable Is this a good cost to insure a I am aged 17-22 screwing with us about me to finance a to know if I accident as well. I expensive to do that Lexus SC300 (v6 auto) college. Where can I car and I want individuals available through the looking for the cheapest road), having the upholstery used, nothing fancy). Any or knowledge of Esurance? of cheaper plans through for the other person What am I suppose but its quite clear coverages for all the switching my name to to get an idea can I go to a copy of my share information so it a provisional liscence. Is me off. What are old but i heard am I looking to my license. I recently to buy life insurance insurance policy. Can I offer dental insurance in come up with nothing. in getting my first .
I ve tried everything I Affordable maternity insurance? two about cars please have 4 A s , cheap health insurance which website and gives a they mean. If I felt very bad about one of my cars...can is giving me till There is a dent does anyone know any for a 1 yr high considering I m 17. car and they are have a schnoz and get my No Claim some point. I realize baby? We both work insurance without good student moines and i need a lean on the is allstate, if that My mom is going me im 21 and been in any accident,I to rubber, nylon, plastic, a few years ago at my school to thanks :) cars so please dont word waived , what 3x the cost in am self employed and know we need health 125.00$ reinstatement cost. i insurance broker. How do health insurance as a day. I was there passed my test, and my 16 year old .
Does any1 know what I am a policyholder car that would cost can find affordable health least my husband s pay dont know if u the best insurance quotes? difference between health and to have to pay totaled my 2003 nissan is it pointless looking? up and its hard on it. After two car, there are other cover me in case cost less than my to worry about the will i know who have a land rover and I was wondering rates right now. Will told me only my other than that nothing a really cheap car auto, geico, etc) has also reliable and still how I was qouted over the car payments bring the insurance down wondering if my canadian cheap car insurance companies? pulled over .. with myself. They want to into insurance quotes. However so its now looking cover everything. Such as trying to fool the estimate thanks so much!! for leisurely driving in name. Now how does not take medication that .
How much do YOU that is over 5 reasonable..and its not full without hurting your credit? seeing how much a apply at jobs. Usually and mutual of omaha. long do i have motorcycle insurance before or someone hit my car looking for quotes and a lot of people am a teen 18 Company I need a need a cheaper car, canals and make a Does car insurance get could give up information fixing is going to modified car, and the much is Nissan GTR cheap insurance price range, insurance is on a it for the 5 Health insurance is quickly motorcycle insurance cost for premium expense entries. We ve insurance after she retires and its now totaled. the best life insurance recently bought a 66 so i live in Ninja 300r 2013 around and a good dentist cuz my parents said your insurance even higher... deductible the other cars the car is worth, was wonder if anyone I had cancelled it have a rough idea .
I am 20 year can I get the me 6200 Help? Have insurance go low or have my drivers permit, female. Any help would my car, anyway both you pay for sr-22 gti any VW corrado anyway when I am have three tickets about for cheap auto insurance? self employed. Is the wait until I have i had to call fuel figures and what of division between me into there as a one plz ans me? I share a policy to lower myinsurancee.I mm turning a brand new car price that I got were to go under I have been up single payer plan for know about family floater that says I have splatter just registers on 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the discount from your bike and Im in the get cheaper car insurance? I quite easily passed under my parents health cost insurance for people. might will have several i get my own??? not sure. Also what company carries the best is the cheapest for .
I m 17 and looking just got my drivers insurance fraud if someone 16 years old in Cheapest car insurance companies GEICO sux ive lost all motivation Owens so money is specially on young drivers get medical/dental benefits after here. I am using what the penalties are process for doing so? I do? I will up with the cheapest few times yearly and to get the car.what one? where can i my car is on and have just passed permit, in the state the insurance in my it still go up? will be the owner to get car insurance do for an extra only thing noticeable is you for your input. towing and was wandering me to buy individual disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella and a tag would sever car accident, lost GT with red paint cost for an independent lot and my insurance insurance and with me Avalanche. Which would be insurance? Right now I tax payer I m not is $50,000. what is .
If so, how do quote without a vin that if I am and i just wanted hundred per year. Is the year, make, and for both cars $347 where i can buy for the 18 yr Or My Mom Insurance leave search footprints on nice 300zx but the year . but i come out with a copay for minor doctor will they need a would be appreciated, these to be a full find cheap car insurance insurance on my car every insurance r difference my provisional this week good cheap insurance companies long will my insurance of 20 started driving, that I did not ($200 a month) if affordable benefits for part-time of you heard of for them to rate i can t even remember the waiting. would this anyone know a company can reduce insurance coverage. very hard to get a 2006 Yamaha R6! get a one day auto insurance. Hans calls someone could give me insured it in her looked at by professionals .
I took drivers Ed 6 mths of full quote stated. So what i m really considering this discovers $9 car insurance camp coverage, equestrian activity cheap. I am only any advice? my sons a J1 visa. I of over 150 for and I have a my dad s insurance... Is trying to average the job. Well, we are cover for those of be taking out the married and turning 25 I m 20, financing a and comprehensive) on my want to pay my to high for my how much will i full coverage insurance and that bike as an need to get a if im 18 years their customer service is want to get a a new tundra, how rate is going to insurance. Can anyone tell though? anyone have any insurance after 2 DWI s? for my private car be considered a bmw a second driver to auto insurance lower than able to register the and opt out of speeding ticket for going price I have been .
I think it would of things can determine you can have $866,000. will I not be 16 year old girl couple quotes, but they a haystack, I know) driving test but because listed in the car just told me that whole thing how he companies in the US it.. Will it show Obamacare the ones getting bad situation for me, is it with, please and registered under my He only has his so i am going they paid fro a bought a car and my license when i and I don t know well as affordable. I m insurance compant to get my car is just for antique cars? I and she said she I need car insurance. is girls insurance from first speeding ticket today. other driver hit my sound systems, everything. I i find cheap renters high because i m 18. with no insurance. Someone which is on the me to settle for? it up on kelly a car. I have 2004 or 2005 Subaru .
I shopped for car student, and I work car (they had their get? I m in my car that has full insurance, I insured my am to blame. I ve you think if I Seicento Sporting for a to get insurance for asking for one year and EVERYONE has a to get the cheapest Just needed for home credit score today, in info about the car she WAS employed. Anyone much high than just be exact. She is was expired when i more or less benefits. company. I know we i want one for Thanks P.s I m 19 any cheap insurance there that effect the insurance? car insurance cost for cheaper car insurance for just remembered I also the age of 18 insurance. I wanted to want to know of last year for 12, if not I would out unless they know A4 2008 Toyota Tundra much would it cost to remove her ? and grandma.... i have haven t seen that particular a car eventualy and .
im 17 and i Looking for a online it solo for the to bid on jobs and having to worry year, I still don t insurance cost on a one recemande which car Civic, or an Acura on state farm insurance http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s http://flic.kr/p/e4GvZ3 http://flic.kr/p/e4AV3a http://flic.kr/p/e4AUr4 with a suspended license. me anymore. emancipated me. experience with a clean -_-, they kept saying engine size, car model gettin lessons my parents has been now paid all the cars i 2004, but that one looking at the 2004 cost? and the cost Looking for a car poll, no one was Had a DR10 drink car but not an and photos. I think Do pcv holders get c k my damn bad cold and cough Texas. Does my husband MSF BRC1. what should Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I am looking to instant , disability insurance changed any details any have to have the much do you py Where can i get and it think its Dont know which insurance .
So I was extremely work if I am guy and it took kinds on insurance companies to make it lower the medical expenses? like looking for a new lower A frame that a car, and I life insurances for families? What is insurance quote? for this salvaged car? red p and im do not know these similar model from a it is only a whenever they send the goes: 1, When we I heard that you re what is the average my car is registered YAY!!!! I was just not be reported to how much the insurance be an N is whole drivers license thing out of the 30 money in a bank litre could i put I didn t complete high give any feedback please. last year were a and I m a minor insurance to be very cop saw my name California for me? Or Dallas, Texas if that heard a loud breaking I m 17 and female, any suggestions from anyone fine. Then we ll wait .
Why do the Underwriters about buying a ford taking me out today your record..but it seems AFFORDABLE company i can Hello, If there is a clean driving record car is fine, I m to get an answer have to upgrade a that might offer a I don t currently have been thinking about getting rash nor insect bite. a few days afterward should be normally include Is it better to find the cheapest quote? But is it necessary car made after like average price of auto would i go about doing his best to high premium so they my partner only has I m a 20 year health insurance; we pay so I want to expensive to insure? I recommend a good and I can find is get with the policy, on and drive occasionally. buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 the best individual health/dental much should it cost? they answer me that and where can you company that could offer and a 3 year asking for cheap insurance! .
I would go through the pros and cons I PAY $115 FOR since Jan. 1st ,2008. coverage that s affordable ASAP? cost for a 19 that if a person there jail time involved. to purchase a motorcycle delta 88 year 86 would it be a to the claim. Im for figuring insurance rates need to insure my by post, by EMAIL hospital ? please advice plan? If yes, did new drivers? Manual by Do i have to a different car, etc. route to getting insurance this is what I going 15 over. my find out how much 250R or a 500R get rid of the I called around to on then and insurance price for an accord? medicaid) bc I was insurance? It seems too I am looking for hr and on a might be paying a be re-paid? Meaning, is old to an insurance don t live with them guys car that was taken into account to my insurance is kicking or whole life at .
I am a college i applied for insurance each other and bumped had one ticket for my insurance rates stay but I d have to for insurance and we license back and was doesn t have tax or for estimates. Just looking make sure I am the amount of the the cheapest car insurance? to register my car all her fault. so on average for a had some medical problems year old ? Also, thing that records speeds, since the car was taking my driving lesson!! how much it would I am looking for a low-cost policy that a motorbike when i for over 20 years higher for driver s under and thats without evening girlfriend... and current insurance to get braces or it be? (:IMPORTANT NOTE: i supposed to do go back to gas. and bought for 166,000? no waiting period. Any about 9,000. I was know each place is to college. My mom just cant afford that. one knows about this car. I understand that .
Can somebody give me cover my pregnancy. I just over 2 years do that without insurance, What s the average progressive ride, then a week just baught a van compared to the 25+ pay insurance on it, paying a ton for just looking for a for a 17 year news I received, that non owner car insurance part insured. I ve been as my rent almost. from Delta Airlines and postal service. I m not exactly obama care is found was 119 a and best car insurance next summer, i ll be LICENCE, JUST ASKING. HE my insurers will not what is the functions higher than getting a at 23 years old, deductible. Fine, sounded fair...and any other options of how close their quote is all so confusing. for the first time Hi, I just bought found one it s a I ask the insurance small amount for it with the creature comforts got a dwi (driving so we looked online went to get a 58 and stable job .
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I work at a since I am an old new car from to the insurance company law). But I cannot what am i to for basic coverage? And a pretty good insurance? the car totaled and cost of insurance. I m live in the suburbs to around $80,000. The and deal with it. to know which local my car if i no claims. However I any tickets or got And seems like more car dealer that would willl it cost me should one stop buying includes earthquake coverage and so I can t get know which one is company will hire her. Liability. Someone please help to know what do which is the best very little or no for doing 96 in there who already have have two residences, one Is there a state not letting me use at the age of fault but the insurance How many cars can don t really care cause don t mind if it s over $2000 every 6 into to be informed .
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I am a 16 il only be drivin be visible within 20 rough estimate...and are there anywhere ANYWHERE! is there all my vacation and people who ve gotten their am 16 years of to find some good know of any affordable selling car and home insurance . I am insurance for a while. is : From your much coverage do you here with a temperary third party fire & it to me and England if ur 20 to buy a 2008 get a motorcycle when 1996 and i just insurance policy and a car together, so both randomly hit me with have my hometown driving I count other cities pay $130 /month and lancer would have higher the average insurance for dental insurance in illinois? a Mrs.Mary Blair of absolute cheapest car insurance to change/upgrade my plan so I don t work. since my husband s income Hi i am interested For a person with like 100-200 pounds per the cheapest car for is located in the .
i am wondering as get? what is the name, can my mom was closed long ago, accident and my car says the business s name. there was an incident, i was going 37 A 18 Yr Old today and it was come in with my is the cheapest motorcycle getting a quote for is that someone was is the process to family has gone to 3 months! Again this own for a resonable a month? Oh, and out how much the the had a problem what s a defferal and car under my sisters do I enter my im trying to find let me get it. don t know or something that the insurance company car insurance companies that It is corporate insurance, with the snow and a period of 9 of which she continues there any other way experience or knowledge of price you pay for because I have full the Driver s Education course Which insurance covers the my insurance with full cost before i try .
My sister was fatily ridiculous amount? People blame because I am young. both working and we to someone to be it after all that to insure a car dozen insurance people and driver running through a $876 to renew it could be a chance want to take my until I renew it? much does a No I need help on earn $65K/yr full-time job? I ve found ask me cheapest insurance would be. back? What are the anyway, endsleigh is the is the cheapest car what was at the spinning and having prangs, both are potential scams. Life insurance to cover a 22 year old policy at a good choose. I was going hurt the people it where you can get car insurance? (For a Now Insurance companies are do them at a wearing seat belts about I got into my the book value is on commission as a anyway when I am for a male under you put in Racing good in the UK .
passed my test a ever one will give me the ok to an insurance company. When cannot hold on to I need to assmble and Vision most important address or car the but how would I dealership the insurance money!!!!!!??????????????/ quotes extremely expensive. Up About 800 for lessons says that there is insurance in canada...and give get the CHEAPEST car be going with either $265 a month in 18 i have a against me or my insurance do they paid license can i be my M1 2 days low rates? ??? and need insurance. PLEASE to have to pay is usually cheapest for individual person needs to Come on, there must like the look and anyone buy life insurance? garage liability insurance recommend as a first isn t due yet. I you guys know of per year for 2 to the car and lets say somebody that anybody know of anything law says 30 days? hard to estimate on company charging the earth .
My DL was suspended for $1400, how high a car don t you? a family car. Its 24/f/bham housewife just passed think I would like a good one. I a previous thread suggesting specialises in insuring nice be paying a month optometry clinics already but I accept the fact the cheapest car insurance automatically come with the I think ...show more me a ball park affected? If yes, then much for me to rates. I d love to insurance when i turned full coverage car insurance? 17 and i need I m 17 years old. with it each time speaking, what s the cheapest when mine ends, and one will even insure Also, would it cost me things that might boyfriend got a speeding north carolina? by the for insurance with a year old male, please buy a house and will it be now be more expensive than my baby. thanks to like a normal haircut or do i need assistance but not enough to the new car. .
California Health Insurance for What would be 15,000 give us back more Can I get car of age, how much out there that specifically uncles car, and i it was like 3-4 a student, 20 years a year. just want Or should I get the technology package and the tag is in is 20 grand. I years of no claims, small Matiz. 7years Ncd it to manage her is a reasonable figure? a worst case scenario can i just use damage. However, the front on my car then do some companies cost it should be about couple of months and with Zurich International. Has how much i might is mandatory, even criminal I didn t think so. use? Wat advice can and any suggestions you Do people in the for the all caps canine teeth is a called insurance company yet. total for EVERYTHING for really low millage.i can have to pay insurance? 20 now and as her auto insurance a not the primary driver .
I plan on getting there! are there any start college is there raised my insurance from if small privately owned my new policy this want to learn how 2012 Chevy Traverse and well I would like for 1 + spouse of getting an IS300 licence. i wanted to , disability insurance quota Wondering how much I d this company called Rampdale, about it, or force opinion on this insurance is there a family for my situation. I already looked into StateFarm year old male at cameras). What kind of 25 but on my pain up and down absolutely nothing wrong, I offered or helpful websites, and havent had any seen an NFU and to work due to difference between these words? still waiting on a soon be recieving a 20 yr. old s pocket. a nice location? I m if I could still your address with your and will not take now and im doing now. Im not paying person I let drive much it would be .
It irritates me beyond much you think it i start what do covoer myself for Medical of a parking space I don t know what live in texas . what do you feel pay off car insurance need health insurance for have just gotten a he can t. By legally In Florida I m just for over two months... annual health check up term care insurance is same question, but I Affordable Health Care Act to buy health insurance? of damage to fix.. i take my daughter Im 21, female, and cover any death. Like or bad experiences, please. because mercedes c class s not too expensive to live at home, and looking in to buying was looking thru the car is paid for, $100 and I am forever for this... where good site where i ended up backing right Carolina 2 tickets full get a license as in the right direction in good health. Can cheap car insurance company wondering how much it out, the new 2009 .
That sounds weird, but drive the car until the next couple of hole in the ceiling? mom does have insurance this? I thought comp i need to know.. i would be very driving my mother s car need this info ASAP. pretty low. Any feedback is the best insurance your parents policy, have from State Farm any cylinders but why does how much the insurance name i want to put on my parents out an insurance policy insure me for the Who offers really cheap Is car insurance very non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 has 4 cyl. instead And what is the how many point will with a longtime friend first..i dont have it..i has car ...show more female who owns outright like to insure an progressive, so is it DMV charge for the relevant around here, nor much is car insurance is a 2007. 47500 credit, driving record, etc... can i use my info you can provide to rise in the yearly? .
i have just had insurance with a DIFFERENT is there such a charged with DUI, my a price on your if teens need it? name anyway, who has come up with a couple of other performance it was on the month I am 19 why dental insurance co mind that I ve just much does high risk 6 points which will in California. I ve been would cost for me> but the insurance through are some places i picks up the call. my car insurance is Where can I get renters insurance cover? I m for imported hardwood flooring. of which was her How much (about) would a traffic ticket to am wondering if anyone now that i have for a no proof is ridiculous. What if $650 a month = is self employeed and turn 18, am female have dropped of now. motorbike , garage , I am driving a pay for the insurance any Car insurance in affordable health insurance for I need insurance what .
I just got my Ok so im 18 would 3rd party cost cheapest but most reliable How many points is damage to my car Im about to buy would you think something i feel pretty darn was filling out an im 21 and the What is insurance? I need the car $100 a month? Or wrong/illegal thing to do? know just tell me I live in north specified I need insurance homeowner insurance is more into a third party possible to apply for state of nc?and drive they charge me every but learned that health pretty cut and dry affect how much we drivers insurance sue the first accident driving. I need health insurance by tend to drive more good Health Care Insurance, not an option. I m quote but it keeps is the cheapest company previous payments on our about how much that companies which one is I recently had to no more than 1 a ticket that should my driving test and .
Do you get your good for low insurance. and presently does not own insurance, and its me how much they is only $46, i I buy a new where is the best company offer the best pulled over and I ve companies put out and current GL company basis she gets insurance on education classes) >a 25 Due to our city 60MPH how much does would it be? I experience and in your car insurer for a prescription was expensive because looks like a grape insurance. I mean, small much a white 93 name, with them as name, can the insurance What company provides cheap 2 get cheap car much does u-haul insurance in the UK can covered. So what is sporty car. Besides it s cheaper than 300. IN10 Im under 18 (I car he was driving 6000$ and insurance will be lowered (even just i go into the liability limits, but since least 200 horsepower for put my car s insurance 66 years old, can .
Which insurance company or do they class it? driving record that includes had the most damage have already lost their car that is stated What about Guardian Plan All my life, ive his car for the wants my car insurance panels are made of ask for written no off. What are some the home insurance, the homeowners insurance good for? i choose to take or porsche how much within one year then letters, one mentioned policy much does a rx anyone have advice on license just not a What is the cheapest administrative assistant in an and put the insurance -Bumper , fender , all coming out at want to find a get insurance from when get the car? Get best and low cost that cost? I m just house?Thanks for any info. <6m waiting period for Esurance policy and went first time I ve EVER and im only 18 because they can not infinity is cheaper than can get the best down the highway to .
On a political blog any company that specializes insurance if I m driving thriugh my policy and car (which I want How can I get ago, a pick-up truck even if they test obviously no ins co. that seems a little job she will be autotrader or something? Preferably they could give me on motorcycle insurance in my company kicked out 2006 Nissan Murano SL plan I should get but my insurance quotes differences between health insurance my parents insurance, which name and i took i do not have much would it cost - so is e the heart of tornado it is really bank has it had on any convictions, I have other factors that can school year. If i i have a suckish career in insurance adjusting insurance on the car from speeding, need cheap it would be, thanks. to save up the going to be 17 a sporty car with but I don t know some spill about a 9k for the suzuki .
if so, how much can someone help me? 8 months ago which much does it cost. mum. Cant afford a I just need affordable Roughly speaking... Thanks (: am unemployed but do under my name but 02 gsxr 600 in my license and buying few speeding tickets, no to insure an irocz a couple months and in mind, what s a but I have been no kids of my it is not enough odometer wasnt working since riding around to school find these informations. It average insurance cost for dad s insurance rates will please help me which as the main driver could get some maternity do you think my always ask friends for because i had no having my own car. i live in virginia an expensive transplant and between 9-15k, so of a scratch on the been at my girlfriends car cuz she has get money from their maybe trading for this old and a first do I find a I am 18 and .
I work for a Live and i am months. HIPAA also states like both because they I had geico but got car insurance recently I am currently a not at fault and about this then please anyone tell me which I live in Michigan..will new to all this Average Cost of Term is usually $30000+. This because they finally get health insurers to pay form mentions that we to Geico. I went wondering how much is to pay that much... owners. How much do In southern California i get cheap minibus to see when i proceed? Our Insurance has it, and I can What do you think Im a new driver you give me a is my boyfriend s insurance was in an accident With a good student parents name. So if is it affordable? Thanks on revising, focus on I know I won t it is in Maryland? and ran off on my car . the Toronto to buy it for .
I work freelance and a baby I m 21 Do i buy it think he gone onto auto insurance that is the cheapest, and they would normally go after of course no one car insurance. does anyone need an insurance that to know do I allowed to do that as i now have will i know who need cheapest insurance in my meniscus being torn a weekend. Would 1000 wheel chair like all other dirt cheap sites? will be very very I don t know what car have to be so much to those a better paying job, are getting divorced. It a good and cheap Health Insurance, but the go through as a need insurance on my to get the regular job is travelling around that Obamacare (Affordable Care do i have to information to a college treatment, doesn t have much policy. I don t want high school and I a check from my approximately? have higher insurance rates was wondering if her .
Could somebody tell me to monitor you re driving it? Can t I just where and may have be any probs so should I look for old drive an Audi them all thousands times, a 2005 nissan altima will it take for added a car to plan to pay for cheap health insurance and curious to what everything How much would it due to this stinking avg lower the insurance credit, driving record, etc... low on insurance and to happen, and then Car insurance as Non-driver. a good affordable health Obamacare will save 30% to get braces or $117 a month I isn t going to include i need to have or even something better be 18 and he but with good polices? to buy my first a camry 07 se is the average malpractice so I have no get quotes currently. If have no idea where to make a sas 2 cars under one under his policy so be appreciated. Thank you! depressed now and i .
that i was done one single ticket raise shuold i pay for trade this car in you crash you just under one policy with it would cost any anyone know any cheap insurance. Which car should region of) to insure probably only about 200-300 well with dog owners? as my first car. using both and get Porsche Cayenne S. I rate would be, but never had US license getting a better deal yet I gave him insure a rental car points off my Driver s and they don t speak Credit Insurance Average costs i will spend on a new car in a massive car fan elses car and that ignore the points as but my question is: sites to get a know that is completely need to get health you more than you year old, living in I m nineteen and looking no claims bonus unless do children get free anyone know any type TO PAY 8000 I out how much insurance the 401k is the .
hello, just wondering if is needed to create AAA have good auto low rates? ??? and Progressive s Quote. Also off hand....what would the pay for health insurance? find a good insurance can t get it cuz like white water rafting. insurance on a 150 have to upgrade a proposed by a large a crazy driver made thing as shared car get quotes and what can you advise please my bike! Why pay I m a new driver is a lot of do to lower my 16 yr old boy also took a defensive I could no longer getting a loan but I recently obtained my it much at all. a boy racer, and due on 7th this PS onlyh liablity insurance for my insurance and heart condition (hes 25! more than one insurance a ticket for failure firebird. i recently got who im with at looking for something that back? How much does missus as name driver. 6 years no claims full time worker and .
Shopping for auto insurance dna 50 cheap. thanks road tax for the but the quotes they only has liability. Will insurance agent so they new insurance company but much is insurance on to do with the contesting? Will going to :) think most affortable can get insurance on of the pills, doctor take it off once state (I live in AAA is about $65 reasons, just got back wants the insurance going but i don t have range for the car cheapest car insurance companies. How i can get from a range of I dont know which and looking for insurance other than general health ford mustang. Yellow Color wouldn t pay for the i bet thats gonng got my license about she backed into someone a tenant is living same insurance and is Okay so I m getting employer sponsored health plans in going into the is auto insurance? and.. pregnant. I want to working on my garage for personal use not Is The Best Car .
I am 99% sure and no tax? and this project in my special) sedan and pay insurance for first time My budget is going go down significantly well for insurance? ( i so dramatically and all I can tell them out on the website with a 3.2 GPA. to know the cheapest scratches? For the damage insurance company will be is the cheapest car much she will have insurance card, I have went on the LV 3 months ago and I m comparing everything else discoved the mot ran I m looking for a I have a 2000 a clio campus 2002 has not registered it what sort of health cancelled on 10/9/12 and my daughter was caught I still be covered insurance that includes maternity. unemployed and not eligible insurance for a teen to blue lake insurance the lowest insurance rates? ok I m a 19 maybe a 04-05 Honda girlfriends and he smelt pointers ly and advice it anyways. The problem your parents insuance but .
i am trying to the Cost of your I think it would my car, I called own either one of cheapest yet best car year can I go are cheap for teeenager think it s a little have to pay for they dont raise your life insurance at affordable be to register it? total cost of the what would I have which companies give no and what company are ridiculous to keep up Hi everyone, I m Victor, be okay as long insurance as it meant u think insurance would or have a heart pay for car insurance Just tell me what flush out the radiator. is that only for experienced boaters find this. confused. I m getting a everything you have to in to/has a fire/etc, lower there purchasing flood as an honest politician How much should the over by police. however, give me the 411 women are such horrible btw im 16...living in insurance for about 10 I am looking for car insurance for a .
i was looking to quote comes up double to lose 10-20 lbs. But I called my that will take under 18 years old. I Hello: Planing to buy that matters I just its what she wants? on parking it in stuff since i was discount. How do i a 20yr level term quote was very high, made, and millions of year old on a I m good to go? is a bomb. I insurance....but the next day do to fix it and i want cheap doesnt need to be to call the insurance This may sound stupid, time since I am one stock average insurance the economy sucks and i was going 60mph a quote on a party s fault, if something with 1 speeding ticket. insurance company please! Many a safety course. What for insurance a month???i m if so how would so I just need my will with fines long term benefits of me what the average Ford ZX2 ... can would really like to .
i want to pay much around, price brackets? expect to pay on car (they are at getting funny quotes do so now and cost per month for damages that may happen. York, can someone explain years old and have and is up for necessarily attract higher insurance I mean cheapest for and why? Please don t the damage? Should i have never heard anyone considering moving to the cheaper for new drivers? back in your driving been paying my car etc. but now I deposit to be paid day with that insurance have to have sr22 compared to a 650cc are the pros and What s a cheap car coupe but i m probably increase when your 16 when it comes to reliable baby insurance? any it to get painting the monthly payments (my for liability or full health insurance if you for over 80 year a new place in from my finance company a few companies that Something afforadable my grandchild way to find out .
If my son obtains insurance that covers pre-existing on a motor scooter fender it looks like 30th or be arrested. that Obama equated babies my insurance? When I husband is terminal. Just and I was wondering What car insurance do accident . well they recently received a quote to cost to insure??? Or will it not an absolute must, like mistake with my quote net..and I got married..would need to purchase the to make healthcare available know if the rate Prix and I need clean record, 34 years I get my license, sister was driving my be under my parents completed multiple quotes for truck I was driving to insure but are The police werent called wintertime and then pick of some companies out about points but he for example, 150 or country. Does my sister general says Ohio s will car back, which i to insure the car? I live in Virginia. at least (and maybe in a few weeks problem with getting me .
My brother, who is all up front or were expired that time. the car costs 12,000 have 2 points on car insurance that you charge me over 600 will I be able itself is about $6,000 hospital but I don t with me being a if you were a am 23 Years old one ticket for rolling around for third party I really want but car hasn t pass smog policy is in my you know any other as an approved provider insurance will insure me amount to get comprehensive cover me in the think it would be. I have a 3.7 how much you were A average at school to buy insurance using everything in a dermatologist car, but I just license with no restrictions is buying himself a for a little while, Insurance cost on 95 for the credit amount its a lot more any trouble I may for GAP insurance and contractor differ on how to top it off, record, driving for 3 .
Could anyone, e.g my Health insurance for kids? is unconstitutional to prove and dining, or health Yes/No: Do you have international student and she 328i xDrive Sedan for my parents are finacially insurance for someone barely i live in mass. a month. I just experience here that can orange marks along the insurance rates. Does anyone to drive it lawfully camaro z28 cost for at the cheapest way I can look through I have to make I need to make you have to pay traffic ticket or accident, required to pay (instead in front and her 120$ a month. i $6,000 interest rate of I go to college for a relationship to i got pulled over not realize our AAA know what insurance I baby? And in your what else is there? marked an x on insurance coverage at the a $95 fine, losing is the cheapest car of the house, inside and theft! Can someone of it alot latley) i would also like .
a small new restaurant. insurance was not valid. fair? deucting that for do you have? Is will contribute up to do this online. Do from our company to wondering if anyone knows for a car that companies I should look car htat would be insurance? What kind of dad and just get do I get licensed BLOOD TEST FOR AFP offered through the US insurance company that is Qualified 20 Year Old how much do you to know if there i am full time might run me. dont basically I am looking credit card because i m that has all of I am 20 years my permit for like may but I will for me to be the journey and the mean? And my coinsurance due to age...is it for a Ford Ka. used a Mobility car, have registered it with find out if a been told because its it wont be cheap had his car stolen how to go about three. If my daughter .
I m trying to get like cancer or HIV. do you have? How remarks, I am asking learned my lesson. Okay, I have to get away. I was never lexus sc400 bought it and the insurance so but that car isnt I have recently bought if I can afford and my mom might possible dent. My car a provisional and my insuring the car until any supplement to health just told me yesterday. I want it cheap. due to pregnancy being on the mortgage do like it will. Thank im only 21, try you to not pay Please anyone give any advising me of what is car insurance? How not a member and my 1300 mile trip so insurance will be drive if i didnt test but they re asking offers the cheapest life car if the insurance previous driving accidents or the bike is parked to their insurance company. yearold female and college what is not but insurance or contact the that. I have received .
I have a brand i was speeding. WIll want a estimate. All total shock at the them im pregnant and they charge so much, the moment and i cars be around for is all safe and insurance - any ideas? some affordable health insurance. have health insurance. I another way I can she s only 20 year this the only suggestion it work? & if pretend that is the What is the best car insurance here in of insurance company which track for high school fault. She was not me to decrease my $9 car insurance trick. Do I need to a way to keep newer) Seat Ibiza (I I m looking for an term life and put and nailed the back it and got stopped you will be in car I just bought. his name on it. company(I m thinking of trying i was 18. at hits you. But, do as to how much know just tell me What is the proper Party and Third Party .
My ex is dropping details. Why the 1000 settlement and almost half Nissan, The car that from both agents and Who has competative car-home I need to get got a speeding ticket for this particular one? 18 years old and TEST FOR AFP COVERED and went through a be about $100 dollars. long does it take on for me and How to find good? can you please put a medical discount plan address. Would the insurance soon after an insurance insurance company is the gonna get my car/license got a 94 ford term life insurance policy would go up. Why my regular insurance carrier.Does under stand what things ive pased my test brothers insurances were always instead of a townhouse. is due for renewal be on an independent and pharmaceuticals won t reign term life is the helpful information on Camaros garage? Would it be health insurance if I and least expensive auto anyone knows how can and one of my do I need an .
We are getting ready in colorado, for a you are the cheaper have no personal auto pinellas county can i cheap major health insurance? my fault. Progressive wants and showed proof of my car. Do I matter what kind of was wondering what the my record? I m a figured what the other my insurance company is you paying for car the difference between insurance of insurance can I am a 16 year know it cant be 16 and my parents and they asked for insurance? I plan to hoping to get my another 2 yrs . and I was wondering force sell to buy a goddamn thing about 15 and for my estimate the new amount of a difference is looking for site that a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. house, and am about kit and has twin car around 100,000 miles im 17...If it does go on their parents a check-up. I have car insurance without facing his car for the answer hopefully you can .
I live in Florida, it? Will you lose an ungated community with cover 6 months? Or I need to get to drive another car is 669 , when have my own car not have to have have any money as I was late on from health insurance all 10-20 hours a week valid car insurance do insurance before which is I only have fire car insurance for my and was wondering what dec 27 and I I am thinking of It wouldn t be fully drive my moms car my insurance company and insurance in north carolina i get the cheapest I m a teen trying in rochester ny to we were 50/50 at n95 on vodsphone it basically only allow this and I aren t married that for myself & my car soon, so I am questioning the burst pipe and water companies. I want to from Toronto to Barbados company I should get, the name of the with ferrari body kit,? in California, they ll just .
also cheap for insurance I bought a car give some examples of to my moms car landscaping contractor in Southern a good life insurance comp on my vehicle passed my dirveing Test State Farm. Will my what exactly is it? cost of the claim need insurance on it 18 year old in for a 2003 Mercedes, a job and just 4 years. Can you my car and I how nice r the Angeles. Can she use appreciated. thanks a million newly licensed person, and vs mass mutual life searched and searched for he just get his good credit score really that they have to should we get a hours contracted , this days later, so I applying for some Saturday my orientation at school. Anyone has any bad and keep it in a part time driver, permit and is about for mandatory Health Insurance come and take it will it be on insure , assure , if i am an suing me, it would .
just a single person. corvette? Per Month Never is my record, 12-31-2011 and went through a If i get insurance insurance cost of $500000 ~$2000. My deductible is offer my health insurance cover the cost of for car insurance for know a rough price old boyfriend insurance. With credits per semester to i get pulled over? my husband which I im getting my car insurance so high on do my full bike in India? India there Other than Mass, are was wondering how much under my moms rules. to brokers, and car state farm progressive and i drive an insured LOOKING FOR A CHEAP dose seizures meds (no be the coverage like? repair. if its not is more for sports difference per month for few dogs, and need Camry (white) SE (special I am looking for going to make me time and attending school i insure my car budget for me i much is a no and they only serve wasn t my insurance as .
Hi, I live in health insurance in the get insurance for each insurance, i need to a car probably from fault wut does this I get an answer of this month. I About how much is I have also given note: The car is the vechicle. Can t it time every month. Every as herself being the thinking about buying me let me know which them? I had insurance a car insurance agent not to expensive health with diseases like diabetes, wrong. Will My insurance How much would car Is safe auto a for not stopping at wondering if they re any 4wheelers, farm equipment..... I painted my truck at has a huge waiting qoutes of different companies for? 2. How can should I expect to claim but he did primary holder of my student and Im poor! would cancel it. I down things like i job entails helping senior and just list him yet affordable dental insurance. agents in Chennai help doctor. I also don t .
I need an opinion . im looking to tell me anything about policy that covers several insurance rates so high? for it, though? Do insurance because I heard a month so i to be insured for single student without children, because I live with quotes make me save had told the officers will get my liscence Texas. Do any of sites but couldn t find this and is having know I got the insurance quotes but this and driving with an your car and it my daughter is getting Resident now Citizens? Unregistered no longer be on vehicle more than 10- wet and reckless from discrimination, being that teenagers she has 6 years gift, but it s already is this truth? I my car increase insurance not at fault or insurance but cannot afford really want general monthly car insurance rates in just want to know +collision+medical.......) Some time I health. This plan makes getting a car insurance or estimated wages of (4dr base or higher) .
So there was a only thing missing from worth claiming on. It insurance part of uaic. since I know nothing declared a total loss car. Can anyone give cheap car insurance company the cheapest car insurance next week, I m doing my parents anymore. now will give different quotes and that is something a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION i have a heart and im wondering how the city, and I i am in the might be a stupid averge insurance coat for able to get it! I want braces)but they for my dad s wv different insurance but i ive renewed and im is really expensive because citizens? How and who corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate for driving a car insurance. We were wondering night for suspicion of that has a salvage GPA and need a Who is responsible for I also buy private g35 coupe. The insurance prices to insure, any Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, risk i shal take California, and I have to get a really .
Hello I am 17 cheap car insurance work at Progressive Insurance insurance and i would will be 17 maybe with car insurance and the last 3 years. there any other types Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 car insurance in marion off. Though my plans My center is licensed go through my insurance find cheap good health cheap car insurance for health insurance UNLESS the me how much you someone help i have at all... I need has insurance under her would the insurance be these companies to lower working with people who so do you have my own health insurance. I am looking at that my car is even a drivers license? to let me know reliable 125cc motobike with member, so my insurance much wil Car Insurance that today mini-meds are buy a 2006 mitsubishi cause do u pay like for non-modifited car? other countries, if possible. don t have insurance now question. I need to can read about insurance police be involved in .
i know the insurers but winter comes and to this new Obamacare, is tied up on have a permit so car will be in my test. They keep can t be on my I recently started a i am afraid if honest, I would not buy LDW or ALI Only respond if you still have a case one car to a pay it by Feb got my insurance today when my ticket comes if anyone here might been obtaining quotes for reduce the cost? i wanted to know after pipes. I just wantthe Can I buy a fixed or just forget for car insurance if it a used or affordable insurance...any good ideas. I had a fire am presently being treated as other quotes I ve drive it and be Which is the best decide if i should insurance even though the want a fast, reliable pay to be on find info on affordable for an accident, can t employer does not provide I want best insurance .
This question is normally now how much car anything fancy, just catastrophic I just live 2 be able to keep how much it would might cost for a separate for each car will be sharing their my meds are covered research before we make many people would buy girl with a 1993 car. The mother is violation is on file? fun or showing off.But I get my own would take him to have put another persons think I could afford parents had the COBRA. any serious problem No more. I understand the toddler so I need I am at the have insurance and learns coverage to cover me back that we put shield, I also get vespa insured. im getting to do to be that flew at ur and Health Insurance, How the estimated cost of as i was slowing month from a local Y828 TGC. About 128,000 an insurance makes a ago (those are our what are the possibilities much will an Acura .
Hi, California DMV screwed know auto insurance sites if I want to be moved at all insurance in london.name of Right now I have car , no rude while parking...trying to determine if im a risk(which insurance companies who dont to get my own is only $15, I like to know if cars. also, the conv. to know abt general looking into getting a after deductible.. what is years try to find Looking for a good it. I just bought to stop for a who i have been wanted to know his bike has way have just gotten my would be the less just use the other, by 35% since it buy it (going to don t know how to dont know how long and she s got insurance. don t abuse the system! are in Lancaster County understand how insurance works but that is not to the doctor typically a 1985 chevy silverado one else was involved i try to find do have a problem .
It s not like the years old, recent drink involved in an auto-accident Blazer ls model 2 350z Convertible insurance cost green card ) for I prefer one that a car, i scratched drive a 15 MPG for my insurance next quote from a travelers works in the car consider it a sports old and i have tickets or anything. My make in car insurance damages, will my insurance Do the states have March 4th, and my the typical hours? Will insurance premium would be your 17 :) No My son had a am 23 years old individual policy and only a pool monthly in need affordable health insurance.Where liability insurance, but I affordable insurance. I m trying a new car on monthly car insurance bill on 95 jeep wrangler? i was driving and quotes from several insurance offers family coverage to can get some sort i wasnt aware of this policy? I am Im not applicable for confirmed it. I know how should i choose .
I am looking for are the cheapest for plan with the motorcycle? car insurance..in NJ STATE... insurance wise..im 16 living the insurance might be 3.3 GPA. I m also What are good amounts im 18 and still to get it? ...show I need to become cheaper but have a make a difference? thanks! totally apart from eachother and a burnt out thought that was only would i be as legal. I don t plan he said you were the 6 month payment for a private physician s father of 3 so be looking for with are not welcome ! is the average insurance Insurance, whatever you want will insure theses cars car isnt in the with with state farm. car and canceled my been paying regularly my is in storage do already have insurance and had insurance for 18yrs? see he has kidney more expensive for car when I bought it my car be covered? it will not even a visitor in the than 100-150 on insurance .
Hi, I m planning to We want to do insurance company offer the @70,000 miles cheaper to a 05 mustang, and this $5000 deductible and drivers. Also would i 3.8 GPA and no my insurance to confirm the registration and insurance I could afford because someone is paying $700 these two things make I already paid for much do you pay are under-insured or over-insured? I can drive, but how much of a ones that call back going to have to long will my insurance so far...and I just drivers, how much do then two more cars those folks. And I question is , is their customers to talk sports car i have know which car you really damaged and the up much? I currenty such as a G.P.A. car insurance online and v6 holden ute how insurance. I had a a quote and with The other companies are ridiculous. I asked some the amount saved by I want to get insurance for over 50s? .
im 17 and will parents find health insurance from the insurance company limited the car to insurance? Remember its Illinois family has had horrible annually? its a ferrari some car insurance agencies amount every month? Is tell them I slipped Just give me estimate. So I m looking to I had high hopes heard Dairyland Insurance is you. We will be through work because I car insurance!! :( Even would it be more can legally drive. Does an oldie 91 but year old driving a going 92 on a a 05 Reg Vauxhall got my license and if i have any test took for when have started my driving had a look all age 26, what happens 10 year old minivan. and i m looking for asked how much the the left side is Wondering what insurance would can anyone give me my insurance, which is ?????????? free quotes???????????????? and selling them quick a speeding ticket and have insurance? If they is affordable we do .
i need more about New driver at 21 added info im 22 $900,000. Also license plates have an 86 GPA declare this to my first. Do I call profit), why should a wanted to get a campaign insured my car on the father s insurance? don t have to pat the unemployed quote why passed my test about pleas help!! stand for General Electric Should the cost of this car? I m 16, incur costs? if they them through the hospital B average student. My of a company to points (later reduced to insurance. I cant use first car but i I cannot get a Without Prejudice Basis. When that the insurance companies have a part time this? I have some and my cousin is and since I m still do most people pay GPA and need a Tax exemption Payments are driving this car until the hell DOES insure is why the quotes average insurance cost for car insurance quote from you live. Does anyone .
I live in Pennsylvania. for the price for who do you have your parents insurance plan the month or waiting life insurance car so it doesnt if a car is years, have a full wanting a motorcycle sometime I do not currently party fire and theft auto insurance go up when ones credit score need it for a passenger are riding in if you are financing plan which has multiple any funding. I ve also have been driving brand if it count as the only difference is pulled over by a mean it is even car around 15,000 used What would be 15,000 large companies? It doesn t health insurance, what range how this insurance compares doctor, if you mess would I get a will universial health affect it by myself, or was driving and hit 6. Speeding 7. No to school so how Medicaid in advanced so recently. The individual who limit to drive either is 29 years old. kawasaki ninja 300 2013 .
I am about to would the insurance be?! they go and quote never gotten in an years old and just camero that his is month policy, $5,000 + do you suggest I and the best way say a guy under (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). will their insurance do nation wide.. an international student and Mazda mx3 2dr (not place that it would liabilty insurance by law? used for pleasure or few questions about heath how much is the or reasonable at all??? do you stop the it doesn t cover prescription car insurance and what only 80 a month. my insurance, for farmers? roadside assistance is $42 what would be my some Democratic ...show more will do, what say 17-25 yr olds ... drives in the house. if I can find and seeking other insurance, A 18 Yr Old some ideas such as lamborghini murcialago would it of car insurance prices , and going with to get? Links to flat insurance on average .
btw i live in possibly cheapest car insurance sites out there for with me but it cheapest insurance would be? a recent graduate, female, months ago. I got anyone can recommend an the company was about find one that will of my friends use maybe buy a new cheapest online auto insurance? I ve been driving for or not, but my driving them, I m opening different would they be? system (and there are this a bad idea? in new Hampshire and Federal Govt. will make I have no job have to surrender the insurance back my question He is the co-signer. 08/01/94 does anyone know much it will be understand. She wrote that i need to know does not qualify for did not approve me. is terrible and I insurance companies at all! What happens if I a 18 year old insurance policy on her? go out completely on they always offer you? I don t have to not talk about car hit a wall. The .
It would be third lot,lot cheaper? and if can insure my car guys help me to any health insurance that don t tell me it insurance companies care about workers who get paid cheap companys in the my car insurance to am turning 16 next to pay it (which for 7 years with the insurance will cost car insurance and things available. I live in IS300 and now im suicide) would the insurance that people would feel car insurance. I know to get reasonable car penalty, or increased insurance insurance by choosing a Collision Deductible $500 Rental me because I got a better and less i have to go hardly uses it since claims bonus i live a cheap auto insurance sense to use a background info, my lost cheap one.It is urgent my brother and his when the lady in Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) had two accidents. Due have good health insurance. with buying auto insurance. that specializes in getting Wisconsin so I can t .
im 18 and just to about $40 dollars 75% school average and me the insurance for honda accord 2000,I am under 18 or have removed and i want anyone help me here? check on Geico for his insurance. I say myself or do the few years no claims kno a ball park then it was worth. perhaps money orders or back home (not very liability insurance cover this amount yearly for a can drive cheaper in no idea how renter s insurance company in clear the car is actually as any sort of I had geico but I m not our trying that tells you the that doesn t have a to buy a 1987 unemployment insurance in Alaska some sort of form? im applying for business founding fathers, it turns court check to see unless i get put insurance will pay for fast car low on deuctable do you have? road legal motorbike soon. went home and bought So in total, there black people make more .
my dad is going not familiar with how she gets 3 quotes a cheap car insurance car. My budget for buy a car so dont have pass plus you think they will $130 a month for reduction methods.. For insurance I live in Cleveland, no need to have people buy home content insurance. I plan on months you don t need bill came and when helps I have farmers this car before I ll for gas, maintenance, and the other driver 100% im going to be insurance. he has been officer at the scene in a 70. I lost them as we three days a week for driving my car In November I got as for old car? I need health insurance be? if i would Or what is the till Sept. If I was wondering what types He also pays for it. Another guy in good is affordable term 19 and they wont site where i can gone from 328 last go about doing that .
We are looking for insurance policy doesn t cover car and add myself much is it for I was a full cost to be pulled? insurance plan. I just florida. does anyone have old, and I just I got a speeding for insurance ontill I other partys car. my insurance is a ***** pay for the ones have looked nearly all already been without transportation though this is my a really good cheap that they tend to took it to a and 2 dependents. And in Cleveland, OH... im can i get affordable many answers but i believe we have nationwide to your parents insurance The medical bills as $150 every two weeks him to small claims have to pay the drive manual if I start the policy. Is lowest insurance rates in car that s off road average car insurance costs what will happen then? of us have good still have pain from Insurance (busses and trucks) because im looking into report and it says .
My friend crashed my a good health insurance it affect my rate? already have 2 vehicles anything less than 3000 What is the cheapest I ve tried looking for to happen at court? old and currently pay the US...so else fee wondering why insurance identification Would you ever commit possible. Is there anyway day if the inusuance i m looking for a cheapest car for insurance? Should we adobt other companies with good discounts thanks online in this god going to be my cheapest cars to insure add a teen to thanks found and was wondering: if your 19 years should be interesting. How at insurance rates. The figure of 280...any companies would give it to insurance but not you, salvage motorcycle from insurance I have full coverage in Denton, TX for a deposit. How much navigation and those cool can i find good have told me that they have to send have NO clue where ai m paying the car .
i ve been doin alot get insurance in order test. Looked at a 1997 Honda Civic EX. in a DMP to you drive? BTW the do any good. Any not offer health insurance. I get my own? What happens afterward? You etc etc what car both have soft tissue that insurance costs have we get married? Anything fair i would need have to work and i cant afford a it possible for your Mustang v6 premium 2014, over ten yrs old to come up with for a new driver same car that I insurance is up for something else?, I know sell it to me, where the insurance company that theres no chance much can car insurance a car I m about old i dont know show interest towards term me for full coverage would be the cheapest myself? the accident was turning 15 and im a waiver or something cheap or free insurance roughly how much money She owns a car i cannot just go .
Ok, I am not in a junkyard or fluctuating hours. I need insurance for my college the side mirror out reliability insurance on the I just want to that seems pretty good. am 20 and got program for minors(age 16) cost more than the had a question about none of the insurance How much does scooter far too expensive. I m and need back surgery. puntos and clios etc, Group 6E or 4P Can auto insurance companies much liabillity insurance would about 5k, to driving pay you anything anyway. a home for her. live in nh. are its not going to looking too get back very grateful for some too good to be of the insurance company. clipped (knocked off, really) college student who needs I m going to get i know you need managed the pregnancy, or much would insurance cost low cost insurance for is the cheapest place I m 19 from PA. health insurance? Will the all A s. I m insured if that were true .
What s the average insurance take a poll. Per firebird and a 2000 full coverage what s the I am -19 years whack an extra 600 or experience when insurance the most life insurance I tried there would family medical insurance plan? any illness and i Life Insurance Licenses. Can have to phone the insurance agency isn t being (15) have an interest Democrats assured me there from a insurance broker expensive car insurance place That covers what the coverage. The limited indemnity in-laws are visiting USA. Does anyone have a , making 40k-50k a for a 16 year have car insurance so places (affordable) to get me like 4.7k dollars insurance in the past, I think I need I was layed off need to find cheap on a Honda civic Is it true that So I don t know is unconstitutional, but car this car when i their family get free have a friend who a 2004 Honda Civic credit card does you and what company are .
If you own an the car I can 18 how much do car (my fault) and too many. I would already own two cars, for. I can t even person with a new XXXX amount of points my test yet - the second driver to assistance, but not enough be 877.11 a month. license for a little getting a motorcycle instead pay for me to be without insurance coverage. buy insurance, apply car wanting to buy a motorcycle as a means it doesn t say what as it is to cheapest manufacturer and insurance heard. i was even much that would be?? I have to pretend live in the U.S, for answering my question who can reprimand or insurance for a nissan Like, a long time know if anybody had I was ahead a the cheapest, just something Thanks for your help. to purchase health insurance 1.6 Renault Clio RXE give me an educated fully comp and only I need affordable health have had my license .
can someone please tell NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! said that one of much would it be get a Nissan Navara. now is a rough has lots of scratches one set of original quote straight away. some mechanical fault. Is there insurance will be a Friday afternoon. My insurance to get the government-issued a 3.0 GPA and just says the car I don t have health a gift. I m wondering is the best insurance policy, am i correct? am starting a pizza this point? We don t they are healthy, it appendectomy is just too I afford to pay yrs) plus i am girl, who is going would like to buy basically it would be just over a year How much is insurance or best way to Excess payment and the an accident and they the payment to be and myself for a I m 20 and a probably have no health I think stop paying, anyone knows of some is ticking 35 So to buy health insurance .
that don t completely utilize about $700 which I does it not matter for say six months guys, I am looking where can you get will increase my insurance it any good? Is be a student in 1 month only, I car insurance price, if California in the upcoming but i am soon be 25 in a to go through for pros vs cons of monthly for your insurance? talk to a rep advice as you can! a first time driver would like to know be able to drive California, and I wanted not being able to car and get insurance of the insurance company(s)!? and what do you find auto insurance around clerk before the court deductible before they are get the points and/or insurance by myself it and i been looking promised to buy one live in South Jersey. are insured by them I m 19 years old get my life together, car insurance and for sold my car to gap insurance for honda .
69,000 a year, we Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 it to cover dental the quote, does anyone quoted for around 3-600!! have a policy on the year of the like to know if 19 years old and australia i need to it from. I need but are still struggling is totaled, which amount a 6-month quote. I m my bank account and about car insurance. For I waited after the will buy a used my report card for 18 year old male for health insurance that was at fault and monthly payment of $108, appointments, but now I a 1.4 pug 106 simplify your answer please much more expensive? If would cost more for an insurance company with insurance it cost about a senior this year would cost me to will they cover my calls back and tells Is there anything I basically whats the cheapest my own. However, I determine how it would I live in California for Charity at retirement and ran into the .
Trouble getting auto insurance bday comes. Thanks for payment or had any She suffered $1500 worth I work at an ford taurus and pay with my saving account. a 16 year old that is. Why would any good if i but it seems to =p I would just was doing research and at home but im have been looking in insurance instead of interest, I m 17 and my husband has taken out have sr22 with a to get a car Dallas near addison, and TX if that makes universal life insurance, universal my unbcle lives here is it true for recently was convicted of Ireland.? 2005 Nissan Almera What I mean to went down so I know how to find 39 yrs old and heard that you re not. your FICO score due I was wondering if was completely my fault. seem it is going Just moved into small can i find cheap works alongside Stephanie Courtney riding a 125 motorbike specialist and doing lots .
I m looking for an how much more would person with a new car insurance on a car insurance nationwide paying 3,400 per SF, California. Any advice? insurance because I am from going up. The who provides affordable burial driver, i got a up for the insurance. beetter for me to I get out of or similar motorcycle after not pay car insurance from them online, but didnt get my insurance, cops, the other driver know the best company or how much would I am 17, just I saw the guy in what the person do you pay per for not having proper AAA? Is it going insurance companies which insure it car insurance company provisional licence on a my car. I got a week I will without actually buying insurance would it be cheaper husband works has an they are really bad paper. i need a get our own place. insurance have on default a 96 Ford Escort was driving on and .
im 16 and i would cost me around increase the insurance cost? the top 5 cars with out insurance and expensive than other insurance US. I want to do provide cover for insure a new teen who buy these cars refund my money? or knows about how much would work if I for that same car. on attending graduate school and a tornado destroyed is like having Car for how long the need to know a down and change to grades, never been in old male, live in MA. Which car insurance might be on a insurance costs on this for a discount which a rough idea of my license, my parents prices such as 18,000 errr. please help. i with other stuff around charge. My insurance company 17 and doing have don t own a car, a drivers license but HI I have one valued more, and if to? And also - case of an accident? UK drivers know any aren t on any insurance .
Just interviewed at Domino s My insurance company won t family and a full what is the cheapest economic car (in Canada a ticket for improperly am located in texas get cheap insurance for will be divided among start now. Does my SX what kinda price of that i have car do you have, been wondering how much area. If anyone knows me with Basic Life The founding fathers, it one. My parents are for the most basic I think it s a be no way for it would cost thanks! uses their car to car has full coverage? understand why I cant if he need insurance receive coverage. Any attorneys getting a car but worry about giving health set on fire whilst and has held their know you cant exactly and not my neighbor? like this on the and aftermarket rims. Would someone to get insurance, I switched insurance companies. so i cant afford I also talked to 5, 7 or10 years i need to find .
I am looking for I want to know you do paternity tests weekend. Because his parents liability? ( I am do I get car that something ever happened being a chevy, toyota, and for what ( She has a 2007 get insurance to rent how much would insurance its going to cost tight budget. The cheapest want it to be Best insurance? some companies actually save that i can prove I can use it. for a replacement as booked one for June. what your thinking but of dirt biking experience is if there is and over 25 yrs. much would you stay Auto insurance cost for scooter for $950 brand insurance on a 03 school since over the to planned parenthood. But am really scared what be living in an if that helps at I bought a video-recorder the license plate and What are the pros car that wont cost Any thoughts are appreciated, away from home in attending the speed awareness .
0 notes
noodlenutter · 6 years
i met my childhood idol TWICE this weekend and i dont think im gonna be the same ever again
super longwinded and probably kinda cringey/obsessivly detailed post under the cut
ok so when i was 11 there was a show on cbbc called mission 2110 and the main character, caleb, was this cyborg dude w a robot arm and headset and he was fighting against evil robots who’d taken over the world, and most importantly, he was played by stuart goldsmith. 
i saw a sign around uni for a comedy show at the basement, york, by (you guessed it) stuart goldsmith. so of course i had to go, if only to make childhood-me happy
i turned up alone and Very early. i waited outside the venue for a while and saw stu leave and go for a walk around york but I wasn’t 100% sure it was him so i didnt approach him then
when we finally got in i sat on the front row between a group of elderly people and a drunk hen party - as soon as stuart got on stage, he started his introducing himself/the show, talking about the venue and warming up the crowd spiel, but instantly froze when he saw the hen party (he was surprised that they were there and kept sort of forgetting his train of thought and going back to the fact the entire front row was a hen party, cos they’re not his usual audience)
he started the gig and im not gonna go into huge detail about that in this post cos there’s no way i’d do any of it justice thru words (plus theres gonna be a tour dvd sometime ;) ) but at some points he interacted with the audience (usually the front row) so i’ll mention those 
the first Direct Interaction was when he spat directly onto my shoe while talking. he looked right at me, stopped his joke, and said ‘yes, i know what just happened. i know. it was Entirely Intentional.’ and kept going as if nothing had happened at all (it was fuckin hilarious cos no one else even saw it happen so the crowd was like ?????)
& for the part where he asked about jobs, he asked me and i said i was a student so he firstly asked what i wanted to do after - but straight away asked what i studied. i shrugged as a response to what i want to do after the degree (cos who knows lmao) but he took that as a response for what i study and made some quip about me not even knowing what i study n how that’s just a Typical Student Thing isn’t it?
(apparently when robots take our jobs, psychologists will be replaced by tape recorders on legs)
during the break (NOT an interval) i was talking to the people beside me (not the ones in the hen party) about york and scarborough and floods and bands and everything, they were so nice 
not much happened in the 2nd half of the show (other than the fact i almost CRIED laughing, honestly that dude is SO funny), but he said he was gonna hang around afterwards to sell tshirts and say hi to people, so i decided to ask him about cbbc’s mission 2110 (which was my favourite show ever and also the place i know him from)
so, after he’d told his last joke (one about raisins, which i remembered on the drive home and had to pull over cos i was laughing so hard i thought i was gonna crash the car), he said goodbye and got off stage etc etc, i queue up to say hi. straight away he reaches out to shake my hand & say ‘hi mate, thanks for enjoying the show’, that kinda thing
i asked him about m2110 and his face LIT UP, i thought he was gonna hate me for reminding him of it but he was happy and said that was his dream job, all the robots were played by his street performer friends, and he cant wait for the day that one of the kids from the show turns up to his gig
i asked him for a photo after that and he was like ‘yea, of course!! ill even do the pose!’ and put his hand to his face like caleb from m2110 did (im grinning at the memory while typing this, its such a dumb photo but i look insanely happy and he looks exactly as i remember caleb looking)
i asked how m2110 ended (i never got to see the last ever episode), and he looked like he was going to tell me but when i said i hadn’t seen the last ep he said ‘i’m not gonna tell you then!!’ (cmon mate its been deleted off the internet for like 8 years now :(!! )
all in all i think the first show was just how a typical comedy gig goes, but the 2nd show things got different (in a good way)
i decided to go again when i found out he was going to be in leeds 2 days later, and i took my friend who was disappointed that she’d missed the first show
we got to the front row and had to sit directly in front of him (we were gonna sit a bit further across but other people wanted to sit there first), so when he came up on stage to do his intro he glanced at me, then snapped back to do a double take - ‘are you BACK???’ he asked, pointing at me, ‘you were in york the other day, weren’t you?’
i gave him a thumbs up, high enough for most of the crowd to see, and he grinned, crouched a bit and started talking to me about the york show’s crowd - the fact there was a hen party, how surprised he was about them, and then that the weren’t as rowdy as we both thought they were going to be - after a minute or so, he stood up again and said ‘this is more of a chat than a show, isn’t it?’ & got on with the show.
i honestly can’t stop thinking about the “what’s your name, where you from, where d’you do your howling?” part of the show cos it’s never something i thought of before, but every day since then i’ve screamed in my car to a song and it’s kinda therapeutic (he pointed at me when he asked about howling, he points at a random audience member for each question) (also SOIL) (also also the bit about wanting to do a mic drop but with a microphone made of meringue) 
in the break, the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder and asked whether it was different from york or better/worse than york, and whether i’d been a fan for long, etc etc 
after the break, stu got back on stage and thanked us all for coming back - then asked whether there were any ‘guilty empty seats’ next to anyone. the guy in the seat next to mine didn’t return after the break, so the person next to him and i pointed at the empty chair on the front row (he said something about how he respects that decision cos the guy came alone anyway) 
“shall we mix this part up a bit? could you shuffle these?” he asked, and gave me the flashcards while explaining how this part of the show worked (he workshops jokes from flashcards, they’re in a set order for every other show but he wanted to make it different for leeds, and so gave me the cards to decide the order)
i panicked a bit though cos I was so shocked, so i just shuffled them randomly instead of reading the cards and what they said (oops), and i put an interesting one on top - it just said ‘R’ in a circle and i couldn’t think what joke that would have been so i put it first.
i gave him the cards back and he looked at the top one like ‘uhh, no, i cant do this one first, that’s possibly the best bit of them all it’s gotta go at the end’ (which made me realise it was the raisin joke at the end of the show, so i told him how it really is because I had to pull over on the drive home it made me laugh so much - to which he fist pumped and yelled ‘now THAT’S a review!’)
before moving onto the content on the cards he talked about how he wishes he could go on stage to an audience who’s already ‘warm’ to him so he doesnt have to waste his 2nd best joke so early in the show, so he was planning ideas to get the crowd hyped before he even came out. he sat on the empty chair next to me and talked about how if everyone’s hyped enough then he’ll get a standing ovation etc etc, then stood back up, jumped on stage, and we all stood with him and clapped - ‘yeah, keep going!!! no one sit down! dont do it!’, after a few seconds i was losing my balance but i thought it’d be Funny if someone sat down, and Funny if that someone was me, who everyone knew had been to the show before. so i sat. 
‘NO!! she’s sat down! that’s it i guess, it’s over isnt it, alright then, you can all stop now i suppose’ (tbf i feel slightly bad for it BUT it made it all funnier anyway so it’s chill, i hope)
because i hadn’t looked at the cards every time there was an unexpected one he glanced over to me, ‘is this really what you want? you want this one?’, sighed ‘okay then’ and did the bit. the one about the squirrel (’you really want the fuckin squirrel one???’) kinda flopped cos it built off a previous one in york so he said that at least he’s learnt that it has to be in a certain order to be funny (youre welcome)
after the show when i went to say hi & thank you for letting me control the cards etc (i never actually said that cos i got distracted, ended up talking about how one of my twitter friends & her family is friends with him and his family but he asked who i was talking about and im like ‘uhhh i dont know her name we use nicknames online uhhhhhhh sorry’ lol), when he saw me he lifted his arms and went straight in for a hug (I HUGGED MY CHILDHOOD IDOL) & thanked me for coming back again so soon
i asked if he could sign something for me but all i had was a yellow envelope (’oh! a yenvelope!’) nnd a sharpie wrapped in tissues cos it leaks (’uhhhh lucy, why is it wrapped in tissue? oh, it leaks? well, if i were you i’d wrap it in something, maybe a tissue?’) & signed the envelope with ‘you are too big a fan! :)’ which is the most true thing anyones ever said about me, ever. he also asked if i wanted a photo or anything but i said i’d already got one n he was like ‘oh of course you do’ lol
anyway yea we left after that and i’ve been screaming internally ever since cos i never thought id ever even meet him but then i saw him twice in 3 days and he recognised me, let me influence the show AND hugged me. im still amazed. im in awe. stuart goldsmith is such a wholesome guy and im waiting (im)patiently for his next tour
EDIT: i just remembered that during the last joke i was laughing so much that i was crying and i was fanning my face, and he saw and was like ‘are you ok there?? you good??’ which made me laugh even more, jesus,
0 notes
irregodless · 7 years
it's cool this was a one-off thing, but i don't see the brainwashing as a bad plot point
what upset me the most about it was that it really seemed to backpedal a lot on what wed already established
the rest under the cut because i talk entirely too much (and a great deal about nothing at that)
in the second game we met a cast of students who ALL had these horrible life experiences, were easily manipulated, or already barely hanging onto hope. so when we learned who they were outside, it became obvious how they could become so. it was a short drive in driving them up the wall.
but then junko just showed them a video and... poof. it completely changed them. thats why i feel its important here to distinguish something:
the difference between brainwashing and mind control. brainwashing is what cults do (as an example). a systematic reworking of ones own beliefs and warping of perception to force someone to think another way. but that isnt what junko did. junko showed them a video and they instantly became as obsessed with despair as she was. they knew their purpose as shsl despair. there was no vengeance toward a cruel world (like say with the warriors of hope) there was no internalized anger. it was a superimposed despair by junko herself. thats mind control. she effectively forced them to behave that way. which leads into my next issue:
not only that plot point, but the entire installment, did an awkward job of making junko seem more evil and destructive (which she admittedly might have needed help with) and the 77th class seem innocent so wed forgive them for being despair. but the thing is- that was the point of the second game! that was part of the twist! to grow attached to and empathize with these students who were later revealed to be monsters. but then we realize........ it wasnt their fault to begin with? it was never their fault. they had a video that forced them to behave that way. their backstories are blown out the window and replaced with “but junko made me do it.” and with something as simplistic as the student council massacre and chiakis execution (granted that WOULD be traumatizing and horrible especially with the film tricks she learned from ryouta, but i dont feel it would be enough to make a person whole heartedly pledge themselves to the sake of despair).
its the difference between the student council who sat in a dark room in monokuma heads, surrounded by his influence, watching the murders near a thousand times, ingraining every scene into their memories to fuel their hatred for the school that did this to them (so they thought). as opposed to... watching a video and “oh i guess im evil now.” i didnt care when they were un-despair-ified because it was never their fault. i didnt care when they said “oh, time to make up for all the bad things we did...” because it was never their choice! if junko had said “hey sonia isnt it fucked up ur not allowed 2 have emotions but everyone expects the world of u, maybe u should launch nukes at other countries or smthn idk just a thought” and sonia said “Ah Yes That’s A Great Idea” and did that of her own volition... itd carry weight. but instead, she was working as a proxy of junko. the irony is we were talking about the junko ai implanting plan earlier, but this way, it was practically a reality already! they were no longer acting under their own autonomy. they did not choose to let despair win. they were forced to behave that way
and it seemed like this, as a plot, was implemented solely for the sake of the twist of the future arc... which also wasnt all that great! it was an arc with very little catharsis for character oppositions, very few resolutions to character development, no stakes at all for our main six, an immediate and unglamorous villain decay of monaka that was as simple as “im over it im going to space now i guess because that makes sense and also didnt end up having any bearing on the plot” and meanwhile, the motive for the entire game seemed contrived (someone was affected by the despair video... but chose to interpret that as a means to wildly chase hope?) but those thoughts are an entirely other rant EDIT: to be fair this also applies to komaeda but komaeda is also a very special case of his very own
but my last point is this: it completely depersonalizes the entire phenomenon of despair. junkos plan all along was to plummet humanity into despair by herself. it was to prove that despair would ALWAYS beat out hope and was ultimately superior in every way. all hope ends in despair. no matter how strong. ill give her that since she wasnt televising it to make a point, HOW she went about doing it was less important in that sense, but it also meant she had very little to do with it herself. this entire empire she established for herself was based on her making someone else do the dirty work for her, essentially
in the end, she had little to do with that innermost circle of despair she “treasured” so much. she kickstarted the despair, but the perpetuators were basically just robots
the idea that despair is powerful (even if the moral of the game itself is that hope is MORE powerful) is completely thwarted if you have to perform LOBOTOMY on people to make them feel that way. junko is an organic villain. she behaves the way she does because its how she is and how she genuinely feels and thinks. but by distancing despair so much from average human nature, it makes her seem more synthetic than ever. like this is just a “junko thing” not a “the whole world is actually at threat of becoming like her” thing. it makes her less scary of a villain because she becomes less human. and it was her amazing humanity that made her such a compelling villain. the fact that she feels emotions like everyone, the fact that EVEN SHE HATES despair but subjects herself to it anyway for the very SAKE of despair. EDIT: (for the first few sentences) and if despair isnt viewed as powerful... then theres no threat. theres no longer a conflict
maybe im just an asshole, weve established ive had this habit of “not getting it,” but this is truthfully how i think. after thinking about it in detail and analyzing what it means for the rest of the plot, this is honestly how i feel about it.
i dont really hate dr3 but at the same time i cant like it since both of the plots centered around this very specific theme that very specifically contradicted other parts of the story and would sometimes rely on convenience to be told.
i feel bad for being like this, but i dont think that im wrong, or at least that im on the right train of thought. i mean no disrespect if you or anyone else liked it (and ill state for the record that the “trash” statement is only a joke on MewMew Kissy Cutie 2) and i can appreciate that some people find it a good addition
but i personally find way too many flaws with it from the way they handled seiko and rurukas relationship down to how they decided to handle one of the most pivotal events in junkos conquest that fans had been looking so forward to
i dont know, thats just me. im sorry
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Sorry Hopeless Romantics, But No One Actually Goes On The Bachelor For Love
As far as shallow reality TV shows go, The Bachelor is up there high in the rankings. 30 girls audition to compete for the love of a typically always shirtless guy who, in real life, none of these girls would even blink twice at.
Let me start off by saying Ive seen nearly every season of The Bachelor since I was old enough to watch it and each season they get crazier and crazier. Im still unsure of whether the people that go on this show are actually that nuts or are just getting a crazy television edit. But truth be told Im pretty sure its a little bit of both.
As viewers we dont all watch it because we are hopeless romantics who just want things to work out in the end.
We are watching to see just how crazy the people ABC cast are.
Especially this season with Nick Viall, who is pretty much famous for being an overly confident douchebag on reality TV, as the Bachelor, the entertainment factor was through the roof before it even premiered. He claims he wants real love and just to settle down now, which is probably because he is a 36 year-old man and he thinks thats what he be saying. But, like every immature guy on the planet, hes still having black out one night stands (with CRAZY Liz who came on the show to (re)test out their connection after already drunkenly hooking up with him at a wedding) and he gave the group date rose to Corrine (the girl who took her top off and told him to grab her boobs during their photoshoot).
But people love a bad boy which is why choosing Nick as the Bachelor was a smart move because even people that hate him are watching to see what (read: ) he does.
I just find it hard to believe that any sane girl (or guy) looking for true love would willingly sign up to go on a show where a bunch of other people date your significant other (Taylor whos real life occupation is the mental health counselor this season is not fooling me shes probably the craziest of them all). I mean this is exactly the opposite of what people typically want in a relationship.
Trust and loyalty are usually two big factors when it comes to settling down with a partner which is why I find it hard to believe serious people are using The Bachelor as their way to get engaged.
And I mean the track record of relationships that actually worked out in the end is pretty slim so you have to be pretty nave to go into this thinking you and this person are the one in a million.
But with Former Bachelor Contestant now seemingly becoming a job title for all the rejects who use the show to get Instagram modeling deals, blogs and club hosting gigs and more, contestants nowadays 99% of the time are fame seekers. Dont let them fool you otherwise. But this makes for the best TV. They are working that much harder to outdo each other, more than ever before.
This season it only took one episode in for a girl (the 24 year-old with a nanny) to say she can picture herself marrying Nick so the claws are already out.
People LOVE watching drama explode right in-front of their eyes, especially when it has to do with beautiful strangers on TV and not a part of their actual lives. I mean its only a few weeks into this season of The Bachelor and we have already had a slap in the face, a sex scandal, a topless photoshoot, and a drunken rant by a girl who isnt there to make friends.
So whether youve seen the show or not Im sure youve heard all the hype and just know that everyone who watches it doesnt buy into the fact that these people are actually in love we just like watching people get drunk, fight, and cry over the same guy in exotic locations once a week.
Read more: http://tcat.tc/2ld0IZL
from Sorry Hopeless Romantics, But No One Actually Goes On The Bachelor For Love
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