#edsel tag
obsessedwithegos · 1 year
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Wanted to draw some Edsel x Runa stuff so here we are <3 1) Edsel found a shirt that says [Women want me, Fish fear me, Mermaids are confused] so of course he had to get is and surprise Runa with it hdkjhdhdsjkg Edsel is very proud of himself 2) While in public, Runa spotted Bebê, and Edsel, knowing some of what they've put Runa though, got SO pissed that his curse acted up just to protect him <3
general: @emmettnet @blackberry-nightingale
Runaverse: @whumpsday
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Best Eddie First Name
Hey friends! I know that canon gave us a full name on the missing poster but as an Eddie Munson stan I regularly ignore canon. So, poll time!
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woozification · 8 months
i was tagged by @squishy-woozi and @irlvernon to answer some questions, ty kris & max! <3
last song: little pistol - mother mother
last movie: i don't even remember 😭 maybe a rewatch of pacific rim?
currently reading: the monuments men by robert edsel
currently watching: no shows, but i've been watching a lot of animal content on youtube (favorite channels: lindsay nikole, shark bytes, casual geographic)
current obsession: svt (always) + i've been playing cats & soup again recently...it's basically ad watching: the game, but it's so cute...
i'll tag @jeonwonwoo @minzbins @ajusnice @facethesuns @jeongtokkie and @jjaez (if you want! <3 )
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xx0acidicorchid0xx · 3 years
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spinef0ryou · 4 years
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fuckin around on picrew and this kinda looks like the lovechild of wednesday 13 and edsel dope but with better dreads fbbfbdjd
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nuka-nuke · 4 years
Meet My OCs
Tagged by @tarberrymentats, thank you again!! I love these
Tagging: @abstract-apocalypse, @ryu-no-joou, @nukaworldnerd, @leporidaefluff, @nuclearmu5hroom, @southernstar-s​, @mojave-musing​
I was going to do more obscure ones, but I was feeling like just going with the main characters! 
Edsel “Red” Euler - Fallout 76 
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art by @scarecrow-forest
Age - 20 (21 with the Wastelander update)
D.O.B. - December 13, 2082
From - Appalachia, West Virginia
Height - 5′10
Weight - 170ish pounds
Family - His father Ford, his mother Alyce (who died giving birth), his twin brother Elijah, his cousin (pictured) Lorna May, his aunt Jolene, and her wife Emma.
Later in his story: his wife Lena Riggs, and their children Landon, Lindsay, and Winnebago Euler
Hair - Bright ginger, grown quite a ways past his shoulders.
Eyes - Hazel gray/amber
Status - Causing chaos and destruction in Appalachia, just for the fun of it. 
Ilya Valle - Fallout 4, Nuka World
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art by @boshawed
Age - 28
D.O.B. - October 20, 2049
From - Russia > Vermont > Boston
Height - 5′4
Weight - 119lbs
Family - Her mother Olesya and father Ilya Luzhkov presumably died during the Great War. Her husband Nataniel Valle was killed by Kellogg, and her son Shaun Valle died months after she was reunited with him.
Hair - Prewar, she dyed her hair black all the time. Naturally it is a very light blonde, but through radiation and the after-affects of being frozen for 200 years, it lost all its pigment and appears white.
Eyes - Clear blue
Status - Making the minutemen’s lives miserable 
Dizzy Deeks (James Euler) - Fallout New Vegas
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art by @kitt2506
Age - 22
D.O.B. - January 8, 2259
From - New Vegas, Nevada. Grew up in what is now known as Freeside
Height - 6′2
Weight - 130lbs
Family - His mother Neela Alejos, his father Ace Euler, brother Rey Euler, niece Antonia Euler, aunt Luisa Alejos-Flores, her husband Juan Miguel Flores, and their children; his cousins Marie Flores, Sophia Rosa Flores, Anselmo Flores, and Lupita Flores. Also his abuela and abuelo.
He is related very distantly to Red (great x7 grandfather), who becomes a ghoul and is still alive during the same time as him, unbeknownst to either of them 
Hair - Black, long, kept shaved on the sides (even though it makes his ears look even huger than they already are)
Eyes - Hazel green
Status - Living in Freeside, a member of the Kings, stressing his life away
Duke Lanzaro - Fallout New Vegas
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art by @mojave-musing
Age - 24
D.O.B. - November 19, 2257
From - New Vegas, Nevada. Mostly grew up in what is now known as Freeside as well, occasionally traveling with his father’s circus. 
Height - 5′11
Weight - 190ish pounds
Family - His father Lorenzo Lanzaro died when he was 17, so he lives only with his mother Georgiana Lanzaro. He has a half-sister, Antonia Euler, but he doesn’t acknowledge that she exists.
Hair - Black, curly, and meticulously styled
Eyes - Vibrant blue
Status - Living in Freeside, working as a bodyguard-for-hire for the Kings.
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exquisiteagony · 3 years
current wips
tagged by @yours-eternally-ao3
vermillion: three part fic of stalker and serial killer corey. same universe as butcher!weds. corey/joey
miw wip: chris/ricky/vinny/tim skold
breaking the mirror so there’s no decision: three part fic of genderbend!weds/edsel
werewolf shit: acey and virus from dope are vampires but the rest of the guys are werewolves
you left black lipstick on my sheets: wednesday gets drunk and meets joey at a club. wednesday/joey
what’s a bit of bdsm between the homies?: wednesday figuring out kinky shit with help from gen
tagging @dysphorie @skin--slave @ao3user-decompdoll @acidtonguez and whoever wants to do this
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lazerlustt · 3 years
thank youuu for the tag @halosandseeds!!
not my /most/ most recent admittedly, but the most recent would be a spoiler for fwydtm so i had to go for the 2nd rung :p
"Sure, Acey was just supposed to be here as a chaperone to keep Edsel in check and make sure he didn't bleed Wednesday to death. It was almost given that he would end up killing the poor fuck if left to his own devices— and it would only be, partially, out of malice. Being what was effectively a grown man's babysitter didn't mean he couldn't have any fun for himself."
i tag @sinyca-lly, @dysphorie and @mxmaelstrom :^]
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victoriancryptid · 4 years
The lovely @nitrateglow tagged me for this. Thank you so much 💗💗💗
None of these are in any particular order, though I usually remember my favourites and type them first :)
Top 10 movies:
Sherlock Jr
The Lodger
Steamboat Bill Jr
All Quiet on the Western Front
Hot Water
Safety Last
Top 10 books:
The Great Gatsby
The Devil in the White City
The Girl in the Blue Coat
This Side of Paradise
Over There with the Canadians at Vimy Ridge
Death in the Air (book 2 of the Boy Sherlock Holmes series)
Buster Keaton: Tempest in a Flat Hat
Henry and Edsel: The Creation of the Ford Empire
Finding Bix: The Life and Afterlife of a Jazz Legend
Top 10 musicians:
Bix Beiderbecke
Glenn Miller
Annette Hanshaw
The Original Dixieland Jazz Band
Vera Lynn
Claude Debussy
Arthur Fields
The Peerless Quartet
Bing Crosby
The Boswell Sisters
Top 10 TV shows:
Keeping Up Appearances
Three’s Company
I Love Lucy
What’s My Line?
Gilligan’s Island
The Honeymooners
Houdini and Doyle
Dateline (I like mystery stuff, judge me all you want)
Get Smart
Thank you so much for the tag, this was really fun! I’m tagging @silverscene, @lukethewanderer, @classicfilmgemss, @busterverse, and @my-little-kraken! 💗
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endreal · 4 years
posted a selfie and immediately got two sugar daddy bots on it, so here is my question: on a scale from 1-10 where 1 is Seward's Folly and 10 is Edsel, how bad of an idea would it be to respond to one of them do you think
Lemme just put it this way: the scam accounts are mostly boring to talk to, will ask you a lot of invasive questions, and ultimately either try to get you to either make some kind of "good faith" payment (which they will then, in bad faith, abscond with) or try to talk you into giving login credentials for an online banking or cash app account (which is even worse, obviously).
There's no good that can come of it, but it's unlikely to be actively harmful. Honestly until I came up with the idea of my #sugardaddyolympics tag I pretty much just blocked em on sight
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1nd1gnant · 5 years
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Bro is my stuff finally showing up in the tags? Boy I sure hope! Anyway this is Edsel 😔 he’s kinda like a campy 60’s batman rogue n probably hangs out with Jon and Eddie
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xx0acidicorchid0xx · 3 years
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spinef0ryou · 3 years
What’s the post you’re talking about that’s calling them misogynistic?
i dont wanna link it cuz thats how drama can start but its in the bc tag. it was someone criticising the band for using the words ‘bitch’ and ‘hoe’ in snake, one of us, and lanterns.
the post came across as super rude and critical and acting like those lyrics justify someone calling joel misogynistic yesterday, and because of the amount of shit he gets for *checks notes* existing and having adhd the post pissed a lot of people off.
even if bc did have some actually misogynistic songs, lyrics dont necessarily have to reflect someones actual self, otherwise wednesday 13 and the misfits would have a hell of lot to account for, and someone can write actually sexist lyrics (dope for example. even in their more recent songs edsel is using the words bitch and slut, but considering how he went off against tr*pp e*sen last year he clearly respects women) and it has no bearing on their personal opinions.
and a suppose a final point to make is that blind channel used to tour with hollywood undead, and im pretty sure ‘everywhere i go’ is their most famous song, and the band are basically known for having super misogynistic songs, so to call out bc for three songs when their old tourmates have albums of the stuff just seems really weird
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nuka-nuke · 4 years
OC Stats - Red
Tagged by @abstract-apocalypse again: Thank you!! I really like doing these!! 
tagging @southernstar-s​ , @charomiami​ , @tarberrymentats​ , @nukaworldnerd​ 
Face Claim: Like his great great great etc grandson, he’s too weird looking for a face claim. 
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Name: Edsel “Red" Jack Lincoln Euler  
Age: 20 during the beginning of Fallout 76, 205 in Fallout 4
Birthday: December 13th, 2082
Sun Sign: Sagittarius  
Height: 5’10
Species: Human, later on, Ghoul  
Gender: Cis male
Residence: Originally from Appalachia, born and raised, and remained there for most of his adult life. He only began traveling after his wife passed, but he always finds his way back home eventually.
Marital Status: Married to Lena Riggs. After becoming a ghoul, alive for so many years longer than she was and all that, he never remarried.
Alignment: Chaotic – just chaotic
Food: He loves to cook, but most everyone’s favorite thing of his is his opossum bacon. He really loves his Aunt Jolene’s pumpkin pie, and growing up on a peach orchard he could live off of peaches if he had to. He loves them.
Drink: He makes moonshine! He also loves coffee, which he absolutely doesn’t need, and mutfruit juice.
Day or night: Day, he wakes up extremely early so he can have a complete day to do anything. He also thinks sunrises are beautiful, even though it always makes him cry because it’s just TOO PRETTY  
Snacks: He really likes baked snacks, like cookies and cobbler and things like that. But while on the road, he will literally eat anything. Just like. Firecracker berries, while still exploding. Hot dogs found in a 25 year old vending machine. Rocks. Anything.
Pet: He does not have a pet, but his brother Eli has a pet squirrel that he absolutely hates because Eli gives it more attention than he gives him.
Color: Pink and purple, despite his nickname.
Flower: He loves all flowers, but particularly rhododendron. He would collect massive arm fulls of them to give to Lena, because she! Is so much more beautiful! Then all the flowers!! And so she needed them.
Sexuality: Lenasexual.  
Body Type: He likes to run and climb a lot, so he has toned legs and arms. Overall not particularly strong, kind of scrawny compared to his brother. Still says he is stronger than Elijah. Actually isn’t.
Eye color: Gray/hazel.  
Hair color: Very bright ginger red. Fades a lot once he becomes a ghoul, but he never loses it all.
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exquisiteagony · 3 years
tagged by @acidtonguez and @lazerlusttt
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
1: vermillion - three part fic of stalker and serial killer corey
2: spots in hell burn brighter - murderdolls asphyxiation fic
3: i’m back on my bs - genderbend wednesday fic
4: miw wip - self explanatory
5: breaking the mirror so there’s no decision - another genderbend wednesday fic. wednesday/edsel
6: werewolf shit - dope as werewolves but acey and virus are vampires
7: you left black lipstick on my sheets - wednesday/joey fic at a bar
8: horny and self indulgent two electric boogaloo - chapter two of the wednesday/joey/ben fic
9: iowa - third part of vermillion
tagging @dysphorie @skin--slave (hope i tagged the right blog @yours-eternally-ao3 @ao3-silverpoisoning
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URL Song Tag Game
All my main pals @buckyforbreakfast @barnesrogersvstheworld @agentpegcxrter @notimetoblog tagged me and while I love you all for doing so, my url is so long...😕😂 I’ve linked some of my faves.
Tagging: @agentpegcxrter @boysbuiltliketanks @buckybarneswintersoldier @buckysboobear @awesomevietnamesepeople @prodigy-of-fangirling @yeahbutmarvel @buckyssxxhair @pizzarollpatrol @gottalovekidding
Shout Out To My Ex / Little Mix
This Is How You Walk On / Gary Lightbody & Johnny McDaid
Uptown Funk / Bruno Mars 
PDA / Scott Helman 
Immortals / Fall Out Boy
Don’t / Ed Sheeran 
Seeing Blind / Niall Horan & Marren Morris
Warriors / Imagine Dragons
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables / Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables)
A Drop In The Ocean / Ron Pope 
The Rubberband Man / The Spinners 
Empire State of Mind / Alicia Keys 
Rama Lama Ding Dong / The Edsels 
What You’re Made Of / Kayla Diamond 
Everyday People / Sly & The Family Stone 
Asleep / The Smiths 
Rockin’ Robin / Bobby Day 
Invisible Touch / Genesis  
Nobody Compares / One Direction 
Galway Girl / Ed Sheeran 
Dream / Imagine Dragons
Underdog / Imagine Dragons 
Mr. Blue Sky / Electric Light Orchestra 
Brandy / Looking Glass
Desperate Measures / Marianas Trench
Olivia / One Direction 
Rewrite The Stars / Zac Efron & Zendaya (The Greatest Showman)
King And Lionheart / Of Monsters And Men 
She Will Be Loved / Maroon 5
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