#eena writes fic
eenasbabysmom · 2 years
Fighting the urge to write explicit fic for a fandom I only know through reading fanfics. . .
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highgaarden · 5 years
title: in any universe fandom: the vampire diaries, the originals pairing: klaus/caroline words: 6.2k  summary:  Divorce isn’t really an option when you’re immortal.
1. i’ve been making all sorts of bad decisions recently and one of them is posting this up after sitting and writing all 6,000 words of this story in one sitting whilst also being incredibly inebriated (how to spell??) and without even a second re-read (will probably do it now).
2. this is a thirdquel (is this a word??) in the “broken social scene” universe, after (1) anthems for a seventeen-year-old girl and (2) park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor.
3. pLEASE read those two first!
4. this is for @goldcaught, who is never not lovely.
in any universe;
“I’m home,” Klaus announces unnecessarily into the kitchen, where she is, leaning over the island and studying a recipe for jalapeno parmesan-crusted grilled cheese (she really can’t resist the pictures in Chrissy Teigen’s cook book, old as it is now).
These days Klaus likes to announce his arrival to his home, especially since Caroline’s just decided to move into it.
She thought she might as well give in, since half her stuff is at his place anyway, so it made packing easier.
Caroline senses it as soon as he walks into the doorless arch of the kitchen and tries not to show her distaste in her face. She still accepts the lofty kiss Klaus places on her forehead before heading for the coffee cabinet, and with even his back turned tries, really, she does.
They’ve been together for some years now and Klaus still doesn’t know how to hide that look on his face that tells her so much of his latest exploits without having to goad about the least opportune moments – like over dinner, in the bath, or their nightly rehash of their day just before going to sleep, if they’re too sleepy to get kinky (“Caroline sure has a way with words,” Klaus would roll his eyes). She doesn’t want to hear it. Hates that smug smirk of his. Hates that he’s the kind of man who grins when he fights.
Hates that she’s so attracted to it, still.
Klaus is moving with just that more of a bounce to his step as he busies himself making coffee, but the grind of the beans and the way it scents the air around them still can’t overpower the unmistakable stench of blood about his shoulders.
Caroline can’t help it. She wrinkles her nose ever so slightly—
But of course, Klaus notices, because he’s always watching her from the corner of his eye, isn’t he?
“You wouldn’t understand the thrill of the hunt, sweetheart,” Klaus says with a slight tease in his voice. He still voices his displeasure that she chooses to drink from blood bags most of the time instead of getting it fresh from a leaking neck. But he doesn’t complain.
(Not much, anyway.)
“If you love it so much why don’t you marry it,” she mutters while turning a page of her book. She affects a tone of boredom; hopes it masks the scathe lingering beneath.
“Because I’d rather marry you,” Klaus says pointedly, grabbing a mug from the stand. He waits for her reply.
A short “ha” is what he gets.
Klaus puts the mug back and turns to her fully. “I’m serious.”
“Ha,” she says again, more insistently now.
“Just say the word and we’ll head to the nearest City Hall,” Klaus says, already walking briskly out the kitchen, to get his coat she assumes.
“…Ha,” she says, again, except this time it sounds like a question. There’s a tiny squeak of desperation at the edge of her reply that she has to focus extra hard on her book because she knows her neck is getting red now. She’s not even reading anymore, just staring unseeingly at the page.
Out the corner of her eye she spies Klaus, who has paused just outside the room, still looking at her.
Bad idea. He’s scowling at her. In that way of his that says more of her stubbornness than her alleged petulance (Klaus can sure whine), he asks: “Why can’t we be married?”
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Hi can i request some ina x mc fluff? Like a date in park and reading book? I love yours works ❤️
Anon I’m so sorry this took so long, thank you for your patience, I hope you enjoy ❤️
parings: Ina x mc 
word count: 2.1k (idk how to write short fics tbh) 
taglist: @cloud9in (you’re the only ina stan i know 😭)
Impromptu date
 It had been a few days since you last heard from Ina and you felt like she was ignoring you after the incident on Monday. 
“Way to go Bea, you just had to open your big stupid mouth and make Ina feel uncomfortable” you chastise yourself while you lay on the couch in the dorm alone since Zoey had a date tonight and made a comment about ‘not expecting her home anytime soon’. You carry on ranting to yourself about how much of an idiot you are until your phone buzzes and your heart begins to race when you see Ina’s name pop up. 
Meet me here in an hour 
She sends you a map with a red pin drop and you can’t help but feel a little anxious about what Ina’s planning. You feel your palms sweating a bit as your mind goes into overdrive about what to wear and how you’re going to get your makeup done and be where Ina wants you to be in a matter of 60 minutes. Well 59 now. You send Ina a text asking her what you should wear but you only feel more apprehensive when she texts you back. 
Don’t overthink, just something simple. 
I will see you soon :)
You run to your room and begin emptying the contents of your closet looking for something that screams casual. You wish Zoey was here with her fashion expertise right now, but you take a second to breathe, trying to slow down your racing heart. 
“It’s just Ina. She’s literally seen you at your worst when you had no sleep for 3 days straight because of midterms. This is fine . All you have to wear is something simple. And to stop talking to yourself when you’re alone.” You scan your closet and decide to wear ripped blue jeans with a cropped hoodie. You put on some basic makeup, remembering to put on your pink lipgloss which drives Ina crazy and then hail a cab to take you to your destination. 
You pay the taxi driver and as you step out you see that you’re at the front of the park and you see Ina standing with a comically large basket in her hand staring at her watch, chewing on her lip. You decide to sneak up on her, covering her eyes with your hands and lifting your chin up a little to whisper in her ear, “guess who?” 
Ina jumps a little but quickly composes herself again, lulled by the lowness and playfulness of your voice. 
“Bea, I’m glad you’re here. Even if you are” she glances down at her watch, “11 minutes late” 
You nudge her shoulder slightly with yours, “well professor, you didn’t really give me much notice and this is the best I could do last minute” you flash her a bright smile and she can’t help but smile back at you. She looks you up and down, appraising your outfit and you do the same to her. She’s wearing jeans for the first time ever, and a tucked in shirt and this might be the most casual you’ve ever seen Ina dress. “You like what you see?” she fiddles with the frames of her glasses, “I wasn’t sure if jeans would still look good on me” 
You bite your lip, “trust me Ina, you look hot” and she blushes in response to your compliment. 
“And you look as beautiful as ever,” her eyes still trailing against your body until she suddenly holds out her hand to you, “shall we?” You warily stare down at her hand, unfamiliar with such intimacy outside of her office. Ina senses your skepticism in taking her hand, and she wiggles her fingers and hums, “it’s okay Bea, it’s just me” she gives you a small smile, her eyes inviting and you lace your fingers with hers. Once you feel the warmness of her hand sweep into yours, all of your insecurities and doubts wipe away and you feel safe as her hand squeezes yours. You begin to follow Ina as she lightly tugs your hand towards the entrance of the park. 
“So….” you nod your head towards the picnic basket in Ina’s other hand, “are you going to tell me what’s in there” 
Ina shakes her head at your inquisitive tone and lightly swings your arms together as you walk through the park. “Haven’t they ever told you patience is a virtue Miss Hughes?” You roll your eyes at her, sparking a glimmer of humour in her eyes, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
You walk for a while through the grass, as the lampposts brighten up your path, moving away from the crowds of people and moving into the more secluded part of the park and you breathe in the crisp air feeling both content but impatient. Finally Ina slows down her walking as you reach the top of a hill that overlooks the rest of the park and she lets go of your hand and moves it towards the very large basket in her hand, taking out a blanket and a set of pillows and carefully organises them and then settles on the blanket, patting the space next to her, “join me?” 
You let out an airy laugh as you settle on the blanket, your leg brushing slightly against Ina’s, and you revel in the sense of comfort you feel, not only from the super comfy blanket and pillows but also from the ease you feel from Ina being by your side and how right it all feels. 
“Wow, Ina I don’t know what to say, this is beautiful” you nod your head, signalling to the rest of the park in which the crowds look so small from your aerial view and the lights almost look like still fireflies, their twinkle almost as bright as the stars in the night sky. 
Ina lets out a small cough before turning to you and taking your hand in hers, “I only want the best for you, I know after what happened on mon-” You pull your hand away from Ina’s and shield your embarrassed face as you let out a groan. 
“Ina, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have lashed out like that at you. I-” 
Ina raises her hand, her expression looking solemn and the words die out of your mouth, “No Bea, you were right to be angry. I know this relationship between us” she makes a gesture between you and her, “isn’t the easiest burden to carry. The hiding, the stolen moments, I know I ask too much from you. Sometimes I’m still shocked you’ve chosen me since I don’t have much to offer you in terms of dating. I know stealing moments in my office are sometimes not enough, especially since you’re a young woman at college who’s practically throwing away her experience to be with me.” Ina turns away from you, her eyes full of pain, anguish and regret. You reach out and cup her face with your hands, your thumbs brushing lightly against her cheekbones. She averts her gaze from yours, looking down at the ground until you place two fingers under her chin lifting her head until her eyes bore into yours. 
“Ina.. I don’t care about that stuff. I know what I’m sacrificing to be with you, and yet I still choose you every time. I like being with you, even if you are a little boring sometimes” Ina snorts in retort but her lip quirks up a little so you know that she isn’t upset anymore. 
Ina shakes out of her somber contemplation and the small smile on her face shifts into a huge beam, “Well, I think that’s enough depression talk for tonight. Let me show you what I bought”. She ruffles through the basket until she brings out two containers and you grab one squealing with delight, 
“Oh my god Ina you remembered!” you place a chaste kiss on her cheek and open the container, the smell of kung pao chicken infiltrating your nostrils, almost making you drool. 
“Of course I did, it’s your favorite” Ina hands you a pair of chopsticks and you begin to chow down on the food as Ina pulls out a bottle of champagne and pours 2 glasses and places one of them in front of you. “I’m sorry if it’s a little bit cold, it was the last thing I bought but it might’ve gotten cold in the basket.” 
You shake your head, mouth full of food, “Eena iets perwfec,” Ina laughs at you as you quickly finish the food in your mouth, “sorry” 
“Don’t apologize, I admire all of your little quirks no matter how weird some of them may be” her tone dripping with playfulness. 
You gasp, “I have the best idea ever” you pick up a piece of noodle and place one end in your mouth, “we should totally do the lady and the tramp slurp thing” 
“I’m pretty sure that’s only for spaghetti” 
“Come onnnn, it’ll work trust me,” Ina quirks an eyebrow in amusement but obliges with your request putting the other end of the noodle in her mouth. “Okay now go.” You both try sucking hard on the piece of noodle but to no avail it doesn’t move. 
“I told you it won’t work” 
“Yeah, yeah, but would’ve been totally cute if it did though” 
“Maybe this will work instead” Ina fumbles through the basket and brings out a container, “maybe this will bring the romantic ambience you are so desperately craving”. She lifts up the box and you see chocolate covered strawberries and you wrap your arms around Ina giving her the biggest squeeze. 
“Oh my god, this is the best night ever. Here give it to me” she hands you over the box and you open it and take out one of the strawberries. “Let me feed you one”. Ina opens her mouth and you delicately put the strawberry inside her mouth and after she takes a bite you put the other half of the strawberry in your mouth and finish it off before licking your fingers clean. Ina watches you as you wipe away the strawberry juice with your tongue and she shifts slightly in her seat, clearly turned on by what she’s seeing. 
You both feed each other the strawberries and drink the champagne and when the food is finished, Ina packs the rubbish into a plastic bag she brought with her and puts it back in the basket. The wind picks up, making you shiver slightly, but going home is the last thing you want. You lay down on the blanket, placing your head on Ina’s lap and you close your eyes while she lazily plays with your hair. 
“I want to stay like this forever” you hear Ina chuckle before leaning down and placing a sweet kiss on your lips, which tastes of champagne and strawberries and you lean up a little more to prolong the kiss, the tongue invitingly delving into your mouth, and you moan as she bites your bottom lip before sucking on it and then pulling away. 
“I wish we could too, but at least we have tonight.” You lay there, content as the sky darkens more, the stars shining brightly across the sky and you suddenly hear Ina beginning to recite a poem. 
“A moment of happiness, you and I sitting on the verandah, apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.” You hum quietly, feeling lulled by Ina’s low voice as she carries on recounting the poem, “We feel the flowing water of life here, you and I, with the garden's beauty and the birds singing. The stars will be watching us, and we will show them what it is to be a thin crescent moon. You and I unselfed, will be together, indifferent to idle speculation, you and I. The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar as we laugh together, you and I. In one form upon this earth, and in another form in a timeless sweet land.
“Ina” you sit up and stare into Ina’s eyes, the twinkle in them glistening more radiantly than the stars. “That was beautiful” 
“Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi” 
“I’ve never heard of them” 
“He was a poet from the 13th century, but he’s still one of the most famous poets today. I’ve always felt drawn towards that poem specifically and before I wasn’t exactly sure why. But after meeting you Bea Hughes, I’m beginning to understand the true meaning of the poem and the moments we share and how much happiness it brings me.” 
“Crap Ina, you’re going to make me cry” you quickly blink away the tears forming in your eyes and you pull Ina in for a lingering kiss as you spend the rest of the evening wrapping in each other's arms, safe and gratified.
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galvanizedfriend · 5 years
Klaroline Fic Rec Month
The event I made up for myself.
So this month, since I have no more fanfictions of my own to write, I decided I would take a little time to appreciate the amazing works of KC writers. I realize it’s going to be a challenge and I really hope I have the time to complete this, but I promise all the fics I rec here are awesome and worth your time! 
KLAROLINE FANFIC REC MONTH - DAY SIX: Holy water cannot help you now by eena
or @eenasbabysmom
Summary: Caroline likes to credit herself for being able to handle a lot of shit, but the implications of a gift from the scariest, most unstable, and downright evil creature in existence is too much for even her to repress.
Why you should read it: So this story is not going to be for everyone. It's an older one, written in 2012, before The Originals was a thing that broke our collective hearts and that finale came to shatter all our dreams of seeing our OTP finally get their deserved end game finale. So it's not a fluffy story, it's more of a realistic portrayal of Klaus and Caroline's relationship as they were back in TVD season 3. It's set within canon, up to 3x15, I think, and it only takes under consideration what we see on the show, but adding its own little twist.
This is much more of a Caroline story than a Klaroline one per se, and it is a fantastic character study. Caroline is very confused by the way Klaus treats her, how thoughtful and just plain polite he is when addressing her, versus the way he treats everyone else, and it creates this huge mess in her head that she just can't handle. Reconciling the idea of Klaus, the devil, with Klaus, the guy who gifts her diamond bracelets and asks for permission to enter her house even though he's had an invitation, is impossible for her at this point. And she holds on to her morals and principles for dear life as to not give in, making a point of telling him all the reasons why she's not ok with being courted by him - when, in reality, the one she's trying to convince the most is herself. But this is very much what Caroline was back then - still stuck on the idea of a world that was black and white, good vs evil, and that Klaus was the ultimate bad guy, while her friends were all victims of circumstance. This story also has a lot of Steroline, but the platonic friendship kind of Steroline that I used to love before canon came and ruined it. I read the comments and realized almost everyone was super happy about this, saying stuff like 'Oh, we need more Steroline! We need more of this friendship! Hope we get to see more scenes of them together in season 4!' and I'm here smiling to myself thinking 'Oh, you poor children of summer... You knew not what you were asking for'. lol Obviously what canon did to those two season 5 onward made me LOATH the idea of Steroline with all my heart, but their friendship was truly amazing and this made me remember why I liked it so much. The writing here is the type that is straight to the point (and also straight to the heart) and Caroline's voice is so perfect. This is 2012 Caroline Forbes, not 15 years later TO season five Caroline, and I LOVE how there's a clear difference. Also, how the Original siblings are all very interested in finding out Klaus seems to be in over his head with a baby vamp is ACE. Kol's conversation with Caroline is great, but my favorite was Elijah (am I biased? maybe). Seriously, that was probably my favorite scene here. This Elijah was PERFECT. So on point. “And haven’t you angered enough members of my family for one evening, Miss Forbes?” Elijah, cool as a cucumber and unfairly hotter than he had any right to being. Caroline eyes him, half in disbelief, half in reluctant swoon, and thinks she understands Elena’s pull to this guy after only thirty seconds of interaction because damn. LOL YES!!! THIS!!! MY POINT EXACTLY, CAROLINE! It also reminded me that Elijah had been previously invited into the Forbes house, which I'd completely erased from my memory. I sometimes forget Elijah showed up in MF way before Klaus did. Anyway, this is fantastic if you're interested in that sort of story and, like me, gets lots of warm feelings from remembering how nice and full of promise life was back in TVD season 3. All those possibilities ahead... *sigh* 
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edenfalling · 5 years
[Fic] “A Matter of Record” - Chronicles of Narnia
musesfool said: Biography/Autobiography, Aravis! (275 words)
Note: The Ladies Eena and Anaprisma make small appearances in The Courting Dance, where the former is the junior Narnian ambassador to Archenland (and unofficial spymaster for matters relating to Calormen), while the latter has a vaguely defined position in the Narnian court that seems to be half librarian and half intelligence agent.
--------------------------------------------- A Matter of Record ---------------------------------------------
"We need an official court historian," Aravis announced one winter evening, halfway through Cor's first official state visit to Armouth as king rather than crown prince.
Her husband turned from his absent contemplation of the streets and squares of the port city, dimly visible through the thick, uneven glass of the Lady Mayor's townhouse windows, and raised his eyebrows in a wordless request for elaboration.
Aravis set down the gold circlet she'd been inspecting for dents and obliged. "The Great Book of Archenland is all well and good, but it chronicles the whole land rather than any specific person's deeds. Additionally, it's as much a compendium of legal cases as a history in the strict sense, and the textual style is dull as ditchwater, to borrow a northern phrase. If we wish to ensure that our country remembers us for who we are, we need a more personal, intimate record."
"A fair point," Cor agreed. "But do we wish that?"
"When the other options are sycophantic flattery or whatever balance point history reaches between scurrilous rumors and melodramatic ballads, yes."
Cor winced. "Also a fair point. Although it raises the question of whom to hire for the position. There are precious few people I would trust to write an unbiased account when politics are involved."
"As to that, the Lady Eena has mentioned that our mutual acquaintance the Lady Anaprisma, currently assigned to the Cair Paravel archives, might be interested in a long-term posting in Archenland so as to escape Port Paravel's summer humidity," Aravis said. "And no one could plausibly insinuate that a Cat would deign to produce a falsely flattering portrait of anyone."
End of Ficlet
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queen-karnia · 7 years
Omg someone actually tagged me in something lmao. I was tagged by @basically-traash like a week ago. 
NAME: Kachina
NICKNAME(S): Eena, Karnia
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
FAVORITE ANIMAL: Snow leopards!! I love them so much. They’re beautiful. 
FAVORITE COLOR: Blue! All kinds of blue! And teal! 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Maybe like 7? I’ve had better sleep lately since I got onto thyroid meds. Before then, it used to be like 4 lol. 
DOG OR CAT PERSON: Both. Definitely both. But I guess if I had to chose a cat or a dog, I might lean towards cat? 
BLANKET YOU SLEEP WITH: I have like seven lol. But usually, my big white and blue comforter and then my Jack Skellington throw my niece got me.  
DREAM TRIP: South Korea. Europe!! Japan! Um, just a lot of different places. 
WHEN I MADE MY BLOG: Um...I think I made it in like 2011 but didn’t really post on it at all until like 2012? I used to just scroll my dash lol. 
FOLLOWERS: 320-something. Too lazy to find the exact answer. 
WHY I MADE A TUMBLR: My friend convinced me to make one. Which is why I didn’t really get around to doing much with it for awhile. 
REASON FOR MY URL: I had a fan fic character I named Karnia way back when I was in high school and here I am like 7 years later still using it despite the character being long DEAD in my list of stuff to write. Lmao. 
I tag...: @daydreamingoutloud because I haven’t seen you do one of these in forever and... @xxshannondorf because we’ll forever be bonded through questionable Naruto fan fiction. <3
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songsforelia · 8 years
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For Fandom Fic Rec Days: These are some of the best ASoIaF fics featuring Elia Martell as the central character or one of the main POV characters. Please see here for more details of the fics.
@fyeliamartell has already made another Elia fic rec page that can be found here. Go give it a look because most of the recs are very interesting works that didn’t get mentioned in this post!
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken: The Chronicles of Elia Martell by eena:   This is what I call the Elia Martell Bible.
Lady of Dorne by Ramzes: The Rebellion failed. For a couple of years, Rhaegar's reign has been peaceful, until a group of Dornishmen arrive at King's Landing with bad news and take Elia back to Dorne. An extraordinary piece from the series I love most among Ramzes's Dorne ones: superb writing, excellent pacing and brilliant character development. The overwhelming number of OCs in her works may put off certain readers at times, but all of them are fully fleshed out and very well written.
Song of Darkness by Ramzes: The exciting sequel to Lady of Dorne. One thing I love about Elia authors, Ramzes included: Even though they let Elia live, they never let her be this perfect, happy, have-it-all woman in their stories. She is as weak as she is strong, as broken as she is unbroken, she is scared, she makes mistakes and is punished. She doesn’t just get to win.
The Daughter of the Sun by Ramzes: A beautiful interpretation of book events with a few changes. I love the contrast between the Rhaegar/Elia and Arthur/Elia dynamics here. Elia feels really young and innocent here compared to the brave, pragmatic woman in Ramzes's later AU works, who has been put through traumatizing events.
A Farewell by Ramzes: Rhaegar/Elia. Their last farewell.
Sunset and Shadows by Ramzes: Elia and her children are set aside and sent back to Dorne. The political schemes and moves here are marvelous and the interaction among characters a treat to read. Again, lots of interesting, well written OCs (and familiar too if you are also reading other works from the author).
Mending Endeavors  by Failed_to_Deanon: Failed_to_Deanon is one of the very few fic writers I've known to have established their own unique writing style since the beginning. In her case, you either love it to death or give up on it eventually (while still can't deny that she's good): The progress of her stories relies heavily, if not almost entirely, on the characters' conversational interaction and emotional struggles. If you are new to her works, this story may be a great start. It is a wonderful take on Rhaegar and Elia's relationship with flawless, professional writing level dialogues and spectacular characterization. This verse was later developed into two sequels: Efforts in Mending (direct sequel) and A Different Sort of Mending (AU).
A Different Sort of Mending by Failed_to_Deanon:  A continuation of Mending Endeavors. Every POV is a gem, and I particularly love Oswell's.
Changed Circumstances by Failed_to_Deanon: The most anticipated story among the author's works, this intricate web of Westeros political schemes is what the ASoIaF fandom should be proud of. The POVs are simply breathtaking, each differs and contrasts with the others beautifully as if we are looking through a kailedoscope (My favorite POV besides Elia's is definitely Stannis's). And I will forever be talking about that scene between Elia and Jaime in chapter 7 where each person was having an entirely different conversation while speaking to each other. I actually got goosebumps reading it.
Spoil of War  by Failed_to_Deanon: The Rebellion won and Elia is the sole surviving member of the royal family. Failed_to_Deanon can be very wild when it comes to AUs, but the way she build them up is of utter brilliance.
Favorite Book by biohazard603: Modern AU - Oberyn sends Elia and her husband a not-so-innocent book. My beloved modern AU author doesn't need fancy words and complex prose to captivate her readers. She is this friend who sits down beside you and tells a story in the most casual way, and before you know it she got you enchanted. Newlyweds Rhaegar and Elia here truly make a hot couple: they are sultry, fun and sweet.
Onwards by biohazard603: In this Constitutional Monarch version of Westeros, Crown Prince Rhaegar ran away to Dorne with Lyanna Stark, leaving his wife and the rest of the royal family struggle to manage everything under the paranoia of King Aerys. What I love most about the author is that she truly has a knack for characterization. Her characters are vivid and convincingly realistic even in the smallest details of their actions and reactions.
Song of the Rising Sun by Eloisa: A beautiful, almost ethereal song which sings of Elia's story, from her final days in Dorne with her family until the wedding night with Rhaegar in King's Landing.
Same Auld Lang Syne by grumkin_snark @samwpmarleau:  AU where Arthur and Elia are ex-lovers who crossed ways after years apart. The nostalgia captured in this fic is so mesmerizing and touching that it actually got me smile in reminiscence. I think this is the best Arthur/Elia story that Laurel (grumkin_snark) has written to date and my most favorite Athur/Elia story. Lovely ideas for the sequel can be found here.
When the West Wind Moves by grumkin_snark: Five people who loved Elia Martell in secret, and one who told her. Another gorgeous piece of writing from Laurel. Every chapter is a delightful read (and they all are heartbreaking), though I must say I love the first chapter and the ending most.
Malevolent and without form by SecondStarOnTheLeft: An AU where Elia is Queen Regent. I'm always amazed at how much this fic delivers in just a little more than 2000 words. Definitely worth every second of the read.
By The Sun by l_cloudy: AU - Elia and her children survive the Sack. I love l_cloudy's lyrical writing and this one is a great read.
The Death of Kings by  La Reine Noire (lareinenoire): Should we live in modern Westeros, this would be my favorite historical novel even though I do have my disagreement with certain points of this interpretation. I love Elia's voice here - lovely, loud, clear, echoing even after she's gone.
Jenny’s Song by Lifeisnotasong: Beautiful, depressing, heart-wrenching. I actually burst into tears a few times reading about Elia's dreams, they are so sad. This wonderful story has an equally amazing sequel entitled "Princess in need, Princess indeed", though it is on indefinite hiatus for now.
Dornish to the Bone by LuminaCarina:  Elia is Dornish, she plays the game in Dornish way. This is such a terrific story, And I would love to read more on this verse.
A Castle at the Edge of the World by MatchstickAmmonite: A breathtaking depiction of the Rhaegar/Elia relationship. I can never forget what an emotional ride it is reading this from Elia's perspective. My favorite part of the story is definitely its dialogues: lyrical and well-crafted, they sound almost like poems and duets.
With Careful Hands and A Strong Chin by oceanwideopen: The premise of this story is really interesting and was beautifully executed. A story with Elia living happily in Dorne, married to someone she loves and not giving a hoot about the rest of Westeros is always a story I love.
Queenmaker by ohclare: I can't help including this fic because I havea soft spot for Jaime/Elia, be it romantic or platonic. And Willas/Rhaenys is life! This is such an amazing AU.
Not a Sun by patchfacing: Elia's musings on what-ifs.
Burning Heart by PrioritiesSorted: A well constructed, vividly characterized story that tells of Elia and people around her.
The Echo by sunneinsplendour: Elia was given a marvelous voice in this soulful, heartbreakingly poignant piece of writing.
Please consider making a comment to the author if you are interested in their work(s). If you disagree with them and would want to voice your opinion, do so politely!
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eenasbabysmom · 3 years
Wait, NMJ as a girl might be amazing? NMJ clearly SHOULD be sect leader, and NHS sees no reason his big sister shouldn't be the leader, and maybe she is? But things are more precarious, and maybe Papa Nie worked NHS harder before he died. F!NMJ trying to decide what the best way forward is for NHS and the Nie, whether she should marry out or take command
The thing is, didi is bad . . . at everything.
Didi can barely lift his saber, he's never disarmed a sparring partner, and only just recently stopped passing out cold at the end of training. Nie Huaisang is smart, curious, mischievous, and utterly unsuited to the position he holds as sect heir to Qinghe Nie. She is not being unkind when she says this; she is being realistic. Baba had poured himself into Huaisang's education and training and it yielded very little results. How utterly like her didi, to be the heir to their sect and so contrary to everything their sect stands for.
He does try, her sweet little didi. He shows up everyday to the training grounds, green eyes wide and scrawny limbs trembling in dreaded anticipation of what the day entailed. He used to try and hide from his training, squirreling his little body into hard to find hiding spots, sending the servant into a frenzy trying to locate the Nie-xiao-gonzi. He stopped after that last time, when his childish avoidance collided with one of Baba's Bad Days. Nie Mingjue had known with one look at Baba that something terrible was going to happen. Those green eyes, the same as didi's own, were lined with red and she had run to intercept the blow before it could land. She pushed Huaisang back with one hand and raised the other arm to try and block what was coming down.
It broke her arm. Baba might have done more but Shishu tackled him right after and three other disciples helped to hold Baba down while Zonghui-shidi hustled both her and Huaisang out of the throne room. Her didi wept piteously the entire time it took for the healers to reset the bones in her arm and fashion a sling to aid in healing. She tried to comfort him as best she could, pinched with pain and trembling in the aftershocks of fear.
"Be at the training grounds on time tomorrow," she advised him, wiping salty tears off his little round cheeks. Didi was so young then, barely seven; he needed more mothering than she could provide. Nie Mingjue had never been particularly maternal, more enamored of saber work and training than a young lady probably should be. But there wasn't much she wouldn't do for Huaisang, but to and including being the buffer between him and Baba's dark moods.
Huaisang will never be a strong warrior; with extensive work, he may end up being passable. His mind is second to none, easily seen by all now that he no longer hides from his studies. If there is one place where Huaisang will be acceptable as sect leader will be the quiet, administrative parts. Didi will never lead troops into battle and the idea of him going on night hunts is legitimately terrifying. In martial matters, Huaisang will never be up to the challenge.
So Nie Mingjue will be the muscle for her little brother. She builds muscle, cultivates with Baxia until her angry blade fairly bites at others, and quietly, but without opposition, takes over the martial matters of the Nie sect.
Baba's sabre turns against him the year Huaisang turns twelve. It is the doing of that Wen Ruohan, though she has no way of proving it. The less said about those months after, the better. For her didi's sake, she cleans up the explanation to the simplest means. One night, Huaisang goes to bed with an ailing father; he wakes up to the news that he and his jiejie are now orphans. Huaisang cries, because he is still a child, and Nie Mingjue buries her guilt and fears to better marshal her didi into a semblance of propriety.
Sect leaders aren't supposed to cry and clutch at their jiejie's sleeves.
Baba is buried and Huaisang is the new sect leader. Nie elders are more reasonable than most (Xichen-didi has the most frustrating and frankly horrifying tales about Lan elders-Nie Mingjue appreciates the Nie elders more and more after each one). It takes only one short session where she makes a formal request to be Huaisang's regent until his eighteenth birthday and the elders consent before she even finishes speaking.
It is not long after this news reaches the other sects that the first offer arrives. Not one elder protests when she tears the paper to pieces and neither does news of it make it to Huaisang's ears. She has more gratitude than she knows what to do with.
To Huaisang, her regency is a blessed reprieve. He begins showing up later and later to training, eventually missing full days altogether. His sabre is often left neglected in his rooms, buried under papers and paint brushes. Books litter his workplace, no longer texts related to taxations or sect history. Most are novels, some are even fairly tame. The others . . . well, Nie Mingjue is not equipped to talk to her didi about his obvious curiosity and fascination with sex. She makes Zonghui-shidi do it, and it only seems to make things worse. Also, Zonghui-shidi is unable to look Huaisang in the eyes for many months after.
She tries to push her willful, lazy didi back on track. She even asks Lan xiansheng to accept Huaisang early for the Lan guest lectures. Lan Qiren is not only the most respected teacher amongst the sects, he is also Xichen-didi's uncle. She is sure if anyone can get Huaisang back on track, it would be him.
She is so wrong.
"My ancestors are baying for my blood for this failure," she bemoans to Xichen-didi when he accompanies Huaisang back to Unclean Realm after his THIRD failure.
"Huaisang is a spirited, intelligent young man," Xichen-didi assures her, but only because he is a kind soul. His uncle is much the same, because despite the fact that she knows from the other Nie guest disciples that her shameless, useless little brother has set up a black market of illicit goods during the guest lectures at the Cloud Recesses, Lan xiansheng always welcomes Huaisang back.
"It's because he thinks he can get you to marry Xichen-ge if he continues to put up with me," Huaisang squints at her, insolent and teasing as most seventeen year old boys would be. "It might work; he's certainly tall enough to stand next to you."
Nie Mingjue is the young lady of Qinghe Nie, but she is more Qinghe Nie than young lady. Her height in inherited from their Baba, allowing her to tower over most men her age and older. The thick shoulders and muscled arms come from her training, for Nie Mingjue has neglected all of her maidenly lessons and none of her martial ones. She has no interest in embroidery and even less in marriage.
"If you fail again, I am burning all your books," she warns him, before sending him off to Gusu once again. This time she sends along a babysitter in the form of Meng Yao, a newer addition to the sect and a lifesaver in terms of all the administrative work that she had no patience for and that no one could persuade Huaisang to pick up again. Meng Yao promises to deliver Huaisang safely to Cloud Recesses and remove all contraband from his belongings before departing. She appreciates the gesture, but even as she agrees she knows it's futile. For all his uselessness, didi was a mastermind at one particular thing-and that was finding ways to collect and distribute contraband at his pleasure.
Another letter arrives while they are gone; it is the fourth one of its kind. She burns it, even as Zonghui-shidi watches with clear uneasiness.
"He's gotten worse, they say," he mutters, watching as the flames consume the paper, leaving black ashes all over her desk. "He's not letting this go."
"Are you advising me to accept?" her tone is mild, but her eyes tell the truth of her anger. Baxia rattles agitatedly in her sheath, which Zonghui-shidi rather bravely rolls his eyes at.
"I'm telling you this is going to get worse," her shidi shrugs, unconcerned with her darkening mood. "I realize you don't need me to tell you that, but I think we should probably start sparing some time and brain power to how we're going to respond when the Chief Cultivator loses his patience and sends his son ahead with an army to capture himself a Nie wife."
"Is cutting off his son's head and sending it back to him an acceptable plan?"
"I think it's wishful thinking, not a plan. The Wen are becoming bolder; remember your father, shijie. Wen Ruohan might be mad, but he's still deadly."
Baxia rattles again and she swallows the reflexive anger before her sabre decides to paint her office with her shidi's blood. Taking over as her brother's regent had not done wonders for her temperament and Wen Ruohan's constant demands for her to marry one of his idiot sons didn't help.
"They'll have to come take the Unclean Realm first," she swears, still angry and sliding into bitterness. Zonghui locks eyes with her, and does her the benefit of not stating the obvious.
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eenasbabysmom · 3 years
Chengsu fic tidbit:
JC and QS are called “the immortals” behind their backs, in reference to the fact that they fuck often enough that people are laying bets on how many children they will end up having and how long until they dual cultivate into immortality.
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eenasbabysmom · 3 years
I keep rereading your timetravel AU, and I just keep thinking of how truly miserably heartbroken LWJ must have come off to convince WWX that the shidi defiler was at least devoted AND to send him on his shidi defiling way unchaperoned.
Despite his initial misgivings, and not losing his mind when LWJ confronts him in the nature of his love for JC, WWX is also thinking that JC is in love with LWJ. JC is trying to convince WWX that LWJ is a great guy, starts listing off all his good qualities and really gets into it despite himself. WWX is looking at his beloved weirdo shidi, who is at best tolerant of people not of LP and YMJ (and is not always at his best), and thinks ‘hmm, shidi likes this guy-shidi doesn’t like anybody, but he likes this guy-he likes this guy enough to be shameless in the woods with him and shidi is never shameless-is this guy deserving of my shidi’s shamelessness?’
And then LWJ comes into the library, looking like someone told him that all the bunnies are going to be culled from the planet for the greater good. Accepting of this terrible news, but utterly despondent. WWX watches the Second Jade of Lan being emotional (for a Lan) over his brother and decides, yes-this guy deserves to be shameless with my shidi. He was even classy enough to Lan-marry shidi before defiling him, so WWX will give his approval. And if telling him that shidi has run off to Tanzhou means WWX gets to be unsupervised in the Lan Library-well, that’s just an added bonus
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eenasbabysmom · 2 years
ohhhhhh your piece about Jiang Meili was so lovely, I've read it about five times now... I just wanted to ask, what are things like on Sizhui's end? Did he remember and miss his jiejie when he remembered his past? How does their relationship go on after that, given that they still can't really openly be Wens? I can't imagine she would let her didi go after that, though, so... how do they connect and bond even across the distance?
When Lan Yuan is three, a fever takes away his entire life. He remembers nothing, no one, except the faint recollection of a wide smile and a soft hand holding onto his. It is not enough to make a life; Hanguang Jun and Gusu Lan offer him something that will.
He takes it, because he is three and when Hanguang Jun or Zewu Jun place a hand on his head, he feels safe.
Lan Yuan doesn't remember much of what came before his fever, but he knows that feeling safe is better than the alternative.
He meets Lan Zhong not long after Hanguang Jun is sent away into seclusion. Zewu Jun takes him to the bunny fields in an attempt to lighten his despondency. They find Lan Zhong there, a lump of white hiding in the grass of the field. He and Zewu Jun by silent agreement edge closer to the lump to see what is happening. The lump reveals itself to be a child, young like Lan Yuan, crouching low to the ground as if he were a predator stalking his prey.
“Are you hunting our little friends?”
Zewu Jun’s voice is gentle, like the rest of him. The little lump still jumps high, arms flailing like he had been struck. Lan Yuan doesn’t think he should laugh, but the giggles come anyway. Luckily, the little lump doesn't take offence; only smiles widely for his newfound company.
"Sect Leader!" is said perhaps a shade too loud for Lan rules, but Zewu Jun doesn't correct the boy so Lan Yuan doesn't either. "I'm not hunting! I just want to pet one, but they keep running away when I get too close. I thought if I hid and they ended up near me, I could do a sneak petting!"
"Ah," Zewu Jun nods, his smile gentling even further. "Perhaps lunging out of the grass at the little creatures will not endure you to them, Lan Zhong. Have you met my nephew, Lan Yuan? He is an expert in bunny-taming. He could perhaps teach you."
Lan Yuan doesn't consider himself an expert of anything. He is four and too little, but the bunnies do like him and this new boy, Lan Zhong, looks very hopeful. He chances a small smile, not gentle like Zewu Jun's, timid and perhaps a little questioning. Lan Zhong responds with a wide grin, two sets of teeth on full display.
"This one would be most grateful if he would!"
That is the start of them, Lan Yuan and Lan Zhong, two orphan boys who become best friends amidst a field a bunnies. When Hanguang Jun rejoins the sect, emerging from his seclusion after three long years, he welcomes Lan Zhong as warmly as his nature allows. To others, it does not seem like a great deal of warmth. But for Lan Yuan, he can see the emotion for what. Happiness, tinged with sadness, and perhaps a bit of gratitude.
Lan Zhong, after a bit, understands and sees this too. He decides very early on that Hanguang Jun is as much his hero as he was Lan Yuan's. Lan Yuan is not sure that Hanguang Jun knows what to do with this admiration, but it is endured nonetheless.
Lan Yuan is six years old, and he has a father, an uncle, a sect, and a best friend. His life is full and happy, and it is only sometimes in the dark of the night that his heart tells him that for all that he has, he is not complete. That for all his happiness, he is still not whole.
When he is nine, he is given a courtesy name, Sizhui, and a blade, Wenrou Defeng. They are both simple in meaning, soft in intent, and Hanguang Jun will not explain his choice of either, no matter who asks.
Perhaps Zewu Jun knows, because for many weeks after receiving these gifts from his father, Zewu Jun looks to be teetering between sorrow and exasperation whenever he speaks to Hanguang Jun. Even Grand-Uncle seems to have a better idea of what both names mean, but his reaction is harsher than Zewu Jun's. Lan Xiansheng is resolutely unhappy with his younger nephew, though this bothers Hanguang Jun very little. Lan Yuan, fearing an argument (as much as Lans argue), doesn't persist in his questions.
Lan Zhong, Lan Jingyi already for one year now, swings his Yanling in careless disregard to the intended reminder in its name. "Do you ever think Hanguang Jun is your actual father?"
Lan Sizhui shrugs, unsure if such a distinction should even matter. Hanguang Jun is the only person who has ever come close to filling that role-wouldn't that alone be enough for him to be his father in actuality?
Lan Jingyi knows him too well, knows what the brief rise and fall of shoulders implies, and so clarifies. "I mean, you do kind of look alike. Maybe he did the actual fathering, and the name has something to do with your mother. I wouldn't put it past the elders to insist you be labelled an orphan if their Second Jade had come to them with a child born out of wedlock."
"But lying is forbidden."
Lan Jingyi shrugs, finally abandoning his vicious razing of the grass along the path to the bunny field and sheathing his sword. "I think the elders take a certain amount of pride in using reasonable doubt and deliberate vagueness to get around that rule."
"Respect the elder," Lan Sizhui chides his friend gently and Lan Jingyi just laughs.
At seventeen, he attends a nighthunt on Dafan Mountain that unsettles him in various little ways. There is the aftermath of the strange events at Mo Manor, the reappearance of Senior Mo in the trees of Dafan Mountain, and the tense meeting between Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang.
Or perhaps more accurately, the tense meeting between Lan Jingyi and Jiang Meili, the young mistress of Yunmeng Jiang. Years ago, when they had first met the infamous adopted daughter of Sandu Shengshou, Lan Jingyi had insisted for weeks that the girl resembled Lan Sizhui in facial features. Lan Sizhui hadn't put much stock in his friend's observations, as Lan Jingyi often insisted that his theory regarding Hanguang Jun and Lan Sizhui's parentage had merits based on their physical resemblance. And there was no explanation reasonable enough to explain why, if Hanguang Jun would have children out of wedlock, that he would bring only one secret love child home to Gusu Lan while leaving the other in the care of Sect Leader Jiang. The animosity between Hanguang Jun and Sect Leader Jiang had become almost legendary in the years since Hanguang Jun's emergence from seclusion. If there was even a chance that either of Lan Jingyi's theories were correct, Hanguang Jun would have never submitted willingly to allowing the girl to grow up as Sandu Shengshou's heir.
And Lan Sizhui might have even put the matter entirely aside, if not for how uncharacteristically peculiar Hanguang Jun would become at the mention of young Jiang Meili. He has spoken to no one of his uneasiness, because Lan Jingyi needs very little in terms of encouragement and Lan Sizhui doesn't trust his friend not to start a potential blood feud between the two sects because of his tactlessness. But the feelings persist whenever he sees Hanguang Jun stare after Jiang Meili with unrelenting regret in his eyes. Even Jiang guniang's sarcastic form of respect for Hanguang Jun as her elder doesn't deter Hanguang Jun from his regret. Jiang Meili will roll her eyes skyward, make expressions of vague distaste, and bows to Hanguang Jun always with the most limited amount of deference. Sandu Shengshou's daughter has taken the enmity between their fathers to heart, it is obvious to see, and Lan Jingyi argues that since Lan Sizhui is too gentle to take up this fight for Hanguang Jun, he will take it up for his best friend. The resulting feud between both juniors has caused its fair share of chaos at intersect events.
It is still not wise for Lan Jingyi to insert himself into discussions between their seniors, especially not if one of those seniors is also a sect leader in his own right, but such things don't often affect his best friend.
"After all, people say you killed him yourself."
It takes a lot of willpower not to close his eyes in dismay, but only because Lan Sizhui instinctively looks to Jiang Meili and her biao-di Jin Ling. Whatever reaction Sect Leader Jiang has to Lan Jingyi's words, the retribution for it will come from one of those two. And it is never long in coming.
"Hey!" Jiang Meili's eyes, which Lan Jingyi sometimes insists are very similar to Lan Sizhui's own, are flashing with the threat of violence. "Lan Gun Daorou-haven't I told you before to watch that tongue of yours? How many times do you think Lan Tuzi will be able to shield from the consequences of your impropriety? Tell me, do you address all sect leaders with the same disrespect, or is it something you've been taught to do in regards to my father?"
"Jiang Meili-do you interfere in other people's conversations all the time, or only when Gusu Lan is involved?"
"You-!" Jin Ling makes an abortive move forward, but his uncle stops him with a glowering look.
"Do I need two children to defend me, now?"
"Of course not, Baba," Jiang Meili is all teeth with her smile, predatory not sweet. "But dealing with such persons is beneath your dignity. After all, you're not some second young master with delusions of superiority, but a sect leader of one of the four Great sects."
Lan Jingyi practically hisses in agitation, but most of it is lost in the bright flash of Zidian clashing with Bichen in the next minute. Mo qianbei is struck by Sect Leader Jiang's spiritual weapon and no spirit is forced out. All of this results in Hanguang Jun deciding to take Mo qianbei to Cloud Recesses while Jiang Meili emits a steady stream of swear words behind them.
"A-Li! Young mistresses don't cuss like common tavern rats!"
"Yes, Baba. This daughter would apologize, but we both know where I learnt it from."
Lan Sizhui respects his elders, so he doesn't chuckle at the fading argument he hears behind him and he most definitely doesn't say anything about the quiet huff of what might be laughter that Hanguang Jun absolutely doesn't make.
After all, he has Lan Jingyi for that.
"You killed my gu-zhang; you killed A-Ling's father. In the heat of the moment or in cold blood, does it matter? Gu-zhang still died, at your hands. Do we have to forgive why it happened? Do we have to understand? Gu-zhang died, guma died because of it-three thousand cultivators at Nightless City. Why do any of us owe you forgiveness?"
It's heartbreaking in a way, that the softest he had ever heard Jiang Meili speak is in quiet condemnation of a man who should, by rights, be her shishu, if not her bobo. The lack of her normal spitfire way of speaking is jarring, and not in a pleasant way. Jiang Meili stays in her spot on the floor of the Demon Subduing Palace, severed lengths of rope spilling over her crossed legs and onto the floor. Jin Ling kneels behind her, eyes on the floor as shame and anger war obviously within. She has a hand on her biao-di's arm, clutching him tight despite the fact that Jin Ling doesn't seem inclined to throw off her grip.
There is a growing divide in the cave amongst the formerly imprisoned juniors. Some, like Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen, hover around Lan Sizhui, standing at his adopted father's side. Most stand tense and quiet behind Jiang Meili and Jin Ling. Jiang-guniang sits on the dirt floor, ignoring all of it, to quietly condemn Wei-qianbei.
"You owe him your life, even if the memory is long gone from you," Lan Sizhui would have expected more cold anger in Hanguang Jun's voice, the kind he has when dealing with the young girl's father. The quiet reprimand tinged with remorse he does not understand. And he is not the only one, for Wei-qianbei looks as lost as Lan Sizhui feels.
As always, his father's presence riles Jiang-guniang. "My memory remains intact, Hanguang Jun," her eyes are fiery as the poison-laced words spill from her lips. "It is just not as selective as yours. If I owe him my life then, who do I owe my life to now? Who has given me a name, a home, a title, a family?"
"He didn't save your family!" if a Fierce Corpse could express anger, Lan Sizhui suspects the Ghost General would be near snarling now.
Jiang Meili scoffs, nods her head to Wei-qianbei. "Neither did he, in the end."
And there is much more in chaos that comes next, but Lan Sizhui is close enough to Wei-qianbei to hear the soft, wavering "a-Ming?" that escapes him.
He doesn't know why it breaks his heart, just that it does.
It is when, in the midst of battle, that Lan Sizhui looks up and sees Jiang Meili decapitate a Fierce Corpse in a single blow. There is a scowl on her face, her eyes fiery and determined, as she moves swiftly to take out the next target.
Those are Jiang sword forms.
But that is not a Jiang face.
He knows this face, he realizes (perhaps too belatedly). He knows this face because he's seen it many times now. It is the face of the beautiful woman who often haunts his dreams to offer him apples. It is the face he sees just to his right, set into a grey and ashy complexion.
It is the face he sees in the mirror everyday.
All too suddenly, he remembers, utters an astonished "oh", before promptly losing it again.
"A-Ming," he whispers to himself in the flood of relief at the end of the battle. He looks to Jiang Meili, already gathered up in her father's arms, and says again, "a-Ming."
Lan Sizhui feels the phantom touch of a soft hand in his own.
He knows that face.
He knows that name.
He just doesn't know why.
In the spray of blood and rain of Guanyin Temple, Lan Sizhui remembers his sister, Wen Ming, and her didi, Wen Yuan. He remembers his Ning-shushu, his Qing-gugu, and his Popo. He remembers grass butterflies in a Yiling market, dirt running over his legs as he burrowed in next to the radishes-he remembers his Xian-gege and his great beautiful smile.
It takes only one look at Jiang Meili, across a courtyard fairly bursting with cultivators in the pre-dawn light, for Lan Sizhui to know.
His sister remembers too.
Short weeks later, an eternity in and of itself, Lan Sizhui stands on the docks of Lotus Pier, hiding his tears in his sister's neck. He has to stoop just so to do it, because his big sister is now littler than him but who cares for that when she is here for him to hug at all.
"Ah, silly Lan Tuzi," she tuts admonishingly, though her arms remain tight around his shoulders. "Isn't there some sort of Lan rule that outlaws crying?"
There is, do not grieve excessively, but it does not apply here. Lan Sizhui is not grieving.
"Jiejie," he whispers into the soft skin of her neck, now dampened by the wet of his tears. His face feels hot, his eyes sting, and his nose runs in the most unattractive way. He tightens his hold on his sister and cries harder.
"Didi," comes murmured back, tone gentle and loving. "My xiao tuzi-if you get snot on these robes, I'll cut off your hair to sell for new ones."
Lan Sizhui hears two sighs, a soft chuckling one and a loud exasperated one, and laughs quietly into his sister's neck when he listens to Xian-gege approach his own didi.
The sun is so bright in Yunmeng; he tells his sister so.
She laughs and kisses his hair softly. "Aiyah, the sun is normal here, didi. You must have brought this one with you."
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eenasbabysmom · 3 years
I am supposed to be doing any number of things, but I am not:
-continue marking so I can finish my report cards? Not happening
-start writing part five of ‘this past was waiting for me when i came” because the outline is all done and I should just WRITE IT ALREADY? Also, not happening
-finish outlining part two of the chengsu fic? Not today sister!
-go back to the female!JC AU I’ve left floundering since May?! STOP EXPECTING REASONABLE THINGS FROM ME!
And things I AM doing that I shouldn’t be doing:
-plotting out a mdzs AU with no Golden Core transfer because Zidian is actually a person trapped by Meishan Yu in ring form for centuries and this is the first time she’s been in the custody of an unprepared child with no golden core to fuel the suppression spells linked to Yu bloodline and NOW she can talk and influence him like the Faustian wannabe she is-BUT UNFORSEEN COMPLICATIONS (mostly WWX related)
Send help
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eenasbabysmom · 3 years
The JC tag is often a terrible place, but I hope you were around for the reveal a bit ago that Wanyin is the kind of name you give to a bosom heaving Harlequin female lead swooning into her lovers arms. It immediately made me think of your timetravel zhancheng lmao
Poor JC in that fic-he thinks he's living out an action-thriller, but really it's a romance novel and LWJ is holding back from the advertised ravishing with his fingertips and JC just goes around trying his resolve ("Listen, I call you Hanguang Jun in my head for reasons unrelated to romance. Now open your mouth, we about to kiss").
Also, this is great news. Could we have a mdzs version of the Hawkeye Initiative? People produce fanart of JC in traditional harlequin book cover poses-I would pay to see it.
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eenasbabysmom · 5 years
Hi eena! What’s your writing process? I love love love your writing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I want to write as good as you one day!!
Thank you, anon! That’s so sweet!! I’m sorry that I have such a lame answer-but perhaps i dont think of having a process so much. Essentially, some idea catches my fancy and I end up daydreaming about possibilities. Those possibilities work themselves into full blown scenes in my head-scenes I’m dying to write. My writing tends to be geared towards getting me to those scenes than anything else.
Like, my fic, Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken: The Chronicles of Elia Martell, was born out of my obsession with the Elia character and frustration with how she was so much a footnote in the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna. And I imagined trying to give the character a story. Before I ever started writing, I knew what I wanted her last words to be: “My brothers will kill you for this.” And then I just wrote a journey to that moment.
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eenasbabysmom · 6 years
So, I did a thing and wrote doc . . . For the first time in like three years!
Title: even winter must surrender spring
Category: Ned Stark/Cersei Lannister AU
She used to tell Jaime that no one else in the world mattered, except for the two of them. And the fool had gone off and died, leaving her here by herself.
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