#otp: speak my name when you damn me
rocketboots564 · 2 months
Here is part one of my thoughts, notes, and reactions to Red Versus Blue Season 9 as a first time watcher!
Yes, I have heard the news about Rooster Teeth. No I will not let that stop me from binging this series one way or another!
The rest of each individual season will be posted separately instead of being a reblog of the first post… mainly because I saw how egregiously long my post on season 8 was.
Season 9 Part 1:
Epsilon… what do you mean nobody’s called you “Director” in a really long time? Sir, season 8 was probably just a couple months ago… I think…
I don’t know how much time has passed from S8 to S9
Wait… how can you get winded if you’re an AI. I mean I know Epsilon is in a memory unit, but does that mean he relives everything in a human body too?
It does make sense that Epsilon doesn’t really know how to use a Rifle. Sure, Church (or Alpha? Imma stick with church) didn’t know how to properly use it either, but he did know how to adjust the scope.
“Torqued in my pants” pffft…
Erm… what the Metal Gear? I unironically love this stealth mission thing. And knowing South Dakota… I wonder how long it’ll take for this to go tits up…
I’m betting five to ten minutes
As someone who’s had years of experience sneaking past light sleepers in the dead of night for snacks and video games… I could do this better than you South Dakota.
SOUTH THIS IS WHY WE SET OUR SOLITON RADAR!!! I mean motion detectors… sorry I got Metal Gear Solid on the brain
MY GOD THE ANIMATION?! THE TAG TEAMING?! What happened that got South Dakota to eventually abandon North Dakota?
I too could take 50 of them South… in a fight… definitely a fight
Oop I saw that in the background! Who’s that?!
OOH THEY BAITED ME WITH THE BLACK ARMOR! They almost made me think it Tex… it’s actually well… whoever this cyan lady is
Supportive Sarge? He WANTS to hear the blue perspective? He DOESN’T want to command and yell at his subordinates?
GRIF? CLEANING? Actually I could get behind Maid Grif.
“I actually like being talked down to” woah WOAH SIMMONS?! 🤨 real, me too…
I mean… at least Donut’s still kept his accidental yet somewhat intentional innuendos. And, also his diary apparently…
Medics = bad luck. Honestly… yeah for you guys they are.
The ultimate OTP battle: Caboose x Sheila versus Caboose x Email
Listen… Tucker… never in a million years will I ever call you Professor Fuck
Damn the Freelancer Program only has ranked mode? No wonder they’re all assholes
CONNECTICUT? SHE’S CT? Yeah I can see why you’re so mad about your low rank… you’ll get your shit rocked by Professor Fuck of all people. Fuck it… it’s a funny name
So like… you know you’ve got absolutely dogshit rizz when Caboose has a better shot at dating someone than you.
Speaking of which… Caboose is now in my top 5 of the most dateable guys in this show. Like take this quote from him:
“I just really want to meet someone nice. Someone who appreciates me for who I am not so much because I’m pretty but because they really want to get to know me…”
Tucker has NO rizz…
Oh wow Epsilon, just drop the existential dread on your teammates like that with no warning. It is a damn good thing your teammates either don’t understand it or don’t care.
Huh… seems even in a memory unit in which everyone is different fate still finds a way to make Grif lazy and sarcastic again.
Then again, that’s kinda happening with the rest of Red Team as well, minus Simmons and Lopez
Also, LOPEZ IS BACK! And this time is immediately beefing with Simmons… or rather the other way around.
“I’ll show you who’s likable and funny, and who people like” SIMMONS BABY ITS YOU! YOUR THE ONE I LOVE! YOUR THE ONE I NEED!
I just like Simmons… a perfectly normal amount…
Conclusion: this season already fucking ROCKS I LOVE IT! HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME!
22 notes · View notes
khoicesbyk · 4 days
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The Royal Romance. 
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun. 
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry. 
Current Word Count: 16.4K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️) 
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised! 
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 7.) Ripple Effect. Part Two.
The next few days were a blur for the couple. From meetings to openings to speaking engagements on top of chasing after their little ones. The couple had enough on their plates to keep them both plenty busy. And before they knew it, it was time to celebrate their anniversary. 
Being married was a task in itself. But to be married for 8 years with three children under 7? Damn near impossible. But they had somehow managed to make it all work. 
The morning they were to leave for California, Marquise found himself waiting while his wife tried to find an outfit to wear.
“Nope! Nope! Nope!” Shanelle muttered as she looked at herself in the mirror. 
“Why are you making me go through this?” he asked.
“Because it's your job as my husband to help me decide that's why,” she replied before turning back to the mirror in front of her. 
“You've literally tried ten different outfits. Just pick one already!”
Shanelle responded by picking up a pillow and throwing it at her husband. 
“Did you throw a pillow at me?” he asked. 
“And did. So what?” she replied. 
Marquise looked at her. 
“Why must you always choose violence?”
“Because kicking your ass is always fun.”
Marquise arched an eyebrow before picking a pillow up and throwing it at her that she just barely dodged. 
“So that's what we’re doing?” she asks. 
“You started it,” he replied with a shrug. 
And the pillow fight was on. With both trying to outdo the other. Just when Shanelle thought she had the upper hand, Marquiss caught her by the arm and hoisted her up on his shoulders. 
“Put me down!” 
“In a minute. First, you need to learn a lesson in proper manners!” 
That's when he spun her around. 
“Put me down you big ape!” she yelled at him. 
“No, not yet.”
As he continued to spin her around, her yelling got louder and caught the attention of their daughter. 
“What is going on?” Khari asked her parents. 
“Tell your daddy to put me down!” Shanelle told her daughter. 
“Daddy! Put Mommy down!” Khari demanded. 
“You want me to put her down?” he asked his daughter. 
“Put! Me! Down!” Shanelle replied. 
“You heard her Daddy! Put her down!”
Marquise shrugged before launching Shanelle onto the bed.
“Daddy!” Khari fussed.
“What? You said to put your mother down, you didn't say I had to do it gently.”
“I didn't mean for you to yeet Mommy across your bed.”
“You didn't mean for me to do what?!” he asked.
“Yeet Daddy,” Khari replied. 
“What is that?”
“It's a word, Daddy. You don't know it because you’re old.”
“Did you just call—” he started to say before Shanelle tackled him to the ground.
Khari knew then it was no use trying to reason with either of them. 
“Grammy! Mommy and Daddy are being weird again.” Khari said while running out of the room. 
The two wrestled around until both were out of breath and laughing. 
“Do you feel better now?” Shanelle asks. 
“Much. Now let's find you that outfit so we can go,” he replied. 
After finally finding an outfit, and saying goodbye to everyone, The Royal Couple was off. While they were on their way to Lowyn Winery for Shanelle called their California Anniversary, their children were on their way to her father’s duchy. Even though Kylo had questions. A lot of questions. 
“Where doing (going) Bop Bop (Pop Pop)?” Kylo asked his grandfather. 
“We’re going to my duchy, my boy,” Damien replied. 
“What’s dat (that)?” Kylo asks. 
“My house here,” Damien replied. 
Kylo looked back at the residence entrance and shook his head no. 
“I stay! No yike (like) Bop Bop house!” Kylo proclaimed.
“But my boy you can’t stay here by yourself,” Damien said to him. 
“No doe Bop Bop! No doe!” 
“But I’ll be there. And so will Grammy Shantel, and your sister, and also your brother.”
Kylo looked at them before looking back at his grandfather. 
“And look who else is coming,” Damien said to his grandson as Margo and her family joined them at the entrance. 
“Hello everyone. Thank you for inviting us to come with you, Your Highness.”
“The pleasure is mine Margo.” Damien replied before addressing Kylo, “See my boy? Everybody is going.”
“Gammy doe?” Kylo asked. 
“Yes, my love. The whole family is going.” Margo answered as she picked him up. 
“Whole famy (family)?” Kylo asked.
“Yes, my boy. The whole family is coming. So are you ready to go?” He asked his grandson. 
“Let’s doe Bop Bop!”
“That’s the spirit! Let’s be off, everyone!” Damien announced. 
Soon, the grandchildren, their grandparents, and the rest of their family were off to Duchy Toussaint. During the two-hour car ride the children fell asleep. 
“And now, a little peace and quiet,” Damien said with a sigh of relief. 
Shantel chuckled. 
“They’re just like their mom used to be whenever we went to see Mama and Baci.”
“Yes, they are.” Damien said before taking a look at their sleeping grandbabies, “They’re adorable when they’re asleep.”
“Indeed they are. Now are you sure your cousin has everything prepared?” Shantel asks. 
“Yes, dear. I called Stella yesterday and told her to be sure and prepare rooms in the estate for Margo and her family.” Damien replied. 
“Alright. It will be good to be at the estate for a few days.”
“Indeed. Especially now that the renovations are done.”
“What needed to be renovated?” 
“The roof mainly. And I had the kitchen upgraded as well. Also just some basic sprucing and patching up. And while the staff were in the attic they found my mother’s coronation portrait so after having it restored, it’ll be hung up in the foyer.”
“I have never seen your mother’s coronation portrait.”
Damien smiled softly. 
“It’s been years since I’ve seen it. I want the children to see it.”
“I think they’ll get a kick out of it.”
“That’s the point.” 
As they rode along, Shantel became nostalgic.
“I remember when we first came here after your parents died. And we spent a few days there.”
“That was one of the best times I’ve ever had at the estate. We had the whole place to ourselves, excluding the staff of course.”
Shantel smiled. 
When they arrived at the duchy estate, the family was greeted by Lady Stella Quinault. Damien’s first cousin and lead staff member of the estate. 
“Hello! Hello everyone! Welcome to the Duchy Toussaint estate! It is good to have you all here!” She said in greeting as everyone entered the foyer. 
“Thank you, Stella. It’s always great to be here.” Damien replied. 
“Hello again cousin. You look better than the last time I saw you. Looks like you lost a little weight.”
Shantel snorted. 
“I take it that he hasn’t Your Grace?” Louisa asked Shantel. 
“You would be correct,” Shantel replied. 
“And these three precious little ones must be the heirs! Oh, look at them! They’re absolutely adorable!” Louisa gushed over the grandchildren.
“You’re Pop Pop’s cousin?” Khari asked. 
“Yes, Your Highness. Your Great-Grandmother was my aunt. And she named my mother Marlena, as the head of the staff here and I took over for my mother when she got older.” Louisa replied. 
“Is that her?” Khari asked, pointing to Queen Angelique’s portrait. 
“Very good eye, Your Highness. Yes, that's her. That is her coronation portrait. She was much younger then.” Stella replied. 
Khari gazed up at the portrait. 
“I’ve seen that crown before.”
“I’m sure you have sunshine.” Damien replied, “That’s the Imperial Crown Of South Cordonia. Your mother has worn it before.”
“The Imperial Crown?” Khari asks. 
“Yes. It dates back generations in our family. And one day it will be yours.” 
After getting everyone settled in their rooms. Damien took everyone on a tour of the gardens and nearby ponds. That night the children were camped out in front of the main fireplace. 
“Look at them. They're adorable.” Shantel said to her husband. 
“Indeed. Tomorrow we’ll go ice skating and sledding so they can run off some of that energy.”
“I don’t know about you, ice skating cousin. You weren't very good the last time you tried.” Stella teased. 
“Who asked you?” Damien fussed. 
Shantel and Stella snickered. 
“I wonder how our children are doing,” Shantel said. 
“From what Marquise had texted me, they just landed and will be at the winery soon.”
“I do hope they have a great time.”
“As do I, my dear.” 
After Their Majesties landed in San Francisco, they headed straight for Lowyn Winery. Once they were checked in, Shanelle was practically dragging her husband outside. 
“Will you come on?” she asked impatiently. 
“Slow down! The vines aren't going anywhere.”
Shanelle huffed. 
“What's the rush anyway?” he asked, “We’ll be here all weekend.”
“That,” she replied gesturing to the sunset, “you know I love walking while the sun goes down .”
Marquise chuckled softly. 
“Fine. Let's go.” 
The couple spent their first night at the winery walking barefoot amongst the vines. The couple spent the next day touring San Francisco. Including going to one of Shanelle’s favorite spots for Cioppino and walking along the banks of the Golden Gate Bridge. 
That night they had dinner under the stars on the patio. In honor of her grandparents, the couple wore the House colors of Emerald Green. 
“You look stunning, my love,” Marquise said to his wife as they danced slowly on the patio.
“Anybody ever told you that you're a kiss ass?” she asked him.
Marquise snorted. 
“Maybe once or twice. Feels nice when you say it,” he replied. 
“But thank you for the compliment, babe. Even if you always think I look stunning or beautiful or radiant or gorgeous or ravishing or a vision or whatever other verb you have in your vast vocabulary.”
“And every last word I say about you is true.”
“Like I said, kiss ass.”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
“This night has been wonderful. Thank you for this.”
Marquise kissed the knuckles of her right hand. 
“I’m just getting started, my love.” 
“So what are we doing tomorrow?” she asks. 
“How about we spend the day with the little ones?”
“Works for me.”
They spent the next day with their niece and nephews. No trip to California would be complete for Shanelle without seeing her babies. After running around the vineyard with the children, it was time for their favorite game, Cyborg.
“You okay over there?” Shanelle asked her husband. 
“Peachy!” he replied before getting jumped on. 
“Come on boys! We gotta beat Cyborg!” Logi told her brothers. 
The twins pounced on Marquise.
“Yow! I think one of the boys just kneed me in my kidneys.” Marquise said with a groan. 
Shanelle stifled her laugh. 
“Do you give up uncle?” Logi asked. 
“Never!” he replied, “as a matter of fact, gotcha!”
He trapped Logi.
“Ahhh! Boys get him!”
He got the boys too.
“Ha! Got all of you!”
The kids tried to fight out but their uncle was too strong.
“Now do you three give up?” he asked them.
“No!” they replied. 
“Very well. I shall employ my greatest tactic, the tickle monster!” 
“Run boys! Run!” Logi told her brothers. 
But it was to no avail. After several minutes of fits of giggles, everyone was out of breath. 
“Okay, you three. Time to stop beating up your uncle.”
Marquise sat up with a groan clutching his left side. 
“Oof. Definitely got kneed in my kidneys.” 
“You okay?” Shanelle asked him. 
“Yeah. I'll be alright,” he replied. 
After making it to a vertical base, he and Shanelle watched the kids as they started searching for something. 
“What are your three looking for?” Shanelle asked the kids. 
“Our gifts,” Logi replied. 
The couple looked at each other confused. 
“What gifts are they talking about?” 
“I don’t know, this is the first time I’m hearing about any gifts.”
Shanelle turned back to the children. 
“What gifts are you talking about Tinkerbell?” Shanelle asked. 
“The gifts uncle brought us. We have to find them.” Logi replied. 
Shanelle pulled her husband aside. 
“You brought them gifts?” she whispered. 
“No. Again this is the first I'm hearing of any of this,” he replied. 
Logi and the twins looked everywhere. 
“Where’d you hide our gifts uncle?” Logi asked a very confused Marquise. 
“Honey, who told you that your uncle you all gifts?” Shanelle asked. 
“Khari. She said uncle would have a big surprise for us when you came here.” Logi replied. 
The couple stared at the children before whispering to each other. 
“Your Majesty, I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think your daughter just set you up,” Shanelle said to her husband. 
“I know she did.”
Marquise sighed. 
“Come here you three,” he said to them. 
“Yes, uncle?” Logi said as she and her brothers went to him. 
“Unfortunately I don't have any gifts for you because I didn't know that I was supposed to bring any gifts,” Marquise replied. 
“Awww!” the children pouted. 
“Now hold on. How about a compromise?” he asks. 
“What's that?” Brayden asked. 
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands,” Marquise replied. 
The kids closed their eyes tightly and held out their hands. 
He placed $100 each in their hands. 
“Okay. You three can open your eyes now,” he said to them. 
“Whoa! You're giving us money uncle?” Logi asked Marquise. 
“Is that better?” he replied. 
“Come on boys we gotta go show Mommy and Daddy.” 
“Hold it,” Shanelle said to them, “come here you three.” 
The kids went to Shanelle. 
“Look TiTi! We got $100.”
“I see that.” 
“That's a lot of money,” Logi said. 
“Toys!” Branden piped up. 
“Candy!” Brayden added. 
“That is a lot of money. And it's money that you three will be putting in your piggy banks for a rainy day. Okay?”
“Okay TiTi,” Logi replied. The boys nodded their heads yes. 
“Good. But first don't you think you owe your uncle a thank you?” 
The kids nodded their heads before tackling Marquise with a hug. 
“Thank you, uncle!” Logi said to him.
“You're welcome, Duchess.”
“TiTi can we show mommy and daddy?” Logi asked. 
“Sure. Your daddy will get a kick out of it.” Shanelle replied. 
They watched the children run to their parents to tell them. 
“He did what?” Logan asked his kids, “He gave you WHAT?!”
Logan looked at them then looked at Marquise.
“Excuse me for a moment.” 
Logan made a beeline for Marquise. 
“What are you trying to do to me?” Logan asked Marquise. 
“What do you mean?” he replied. 
“You gave them $100 each?”
“Was that not enough?”
“Thanks for upping the expectations of allowance.” Logan muttered. 
Shanelle snickered. 
“Don't be too mad at him, it's not his fault.”
“What do you mean?” Logan asked. 
“Khari set him up,” Shanelle replied. 
“How did she do that?” Logan asked. 
“It goes like this,” Marquise replied. 
Marquise told Logan what had happened.
“Sheesh. She got you good.” Logan said to Marquise while shaking his head. 
“Hook, line, and sucker.” 
“You're no better than he is Lo.” Shanelle pipes up. 
Logan stared at Shanelle incredulously. 
“Excuse me? Unlike His Highness over here, I know when to put my foot down when it comes to my daughter,” he said to her. 
“No, you don't,” Bronwyn added.
“Whose side are you on?” Logan asked his wife. 
“Please you two are a couple of saps when it comes to those girls. All they have to do is bat those pretty eyes and you two are putty in their little hands.” Shanelle said to them. 
“They'll do anything they say. Without fail.” Bron added. 
“Mmmhmm. A couple of punks.” Shanelle agreed. 
Logan and Marquise looked at each other. 
“Are we gonna stand here and take this?” Logan asked him. 
“No. This is an outrage!” Marquise replied. 
“And no less true.” the wives said to them. 
That evening the couple had dinner at their penthouse in downtown LA. They enjoyed the view from the rooftop terrace while Shanelle teased her husband. 
“I can't believe you gave the kids $100 each.”
“You know I don't carry anything less than that.”
“They would've been fine without the money.”
“I know but unfortunately for me, it's like you said, I’m a sap for those kids.”
“Khari has taught them well.”
Marquise snorted into his wine glass.
“Speaking of which, she and I will be having a long conversation about this when we get home.”
“You're not even mad at her.”
“No, I’m not but still, a little heads-up would've been nice.” 
“Fair enough. So what's on the itinerary for tomorrow?” she asked. 
“My favorite animal, horses,” he replied. 
“Works for me.” 
The next day the couple spent the day visiting the Among The Vines Horse Farm. After touring the facilities, seeing some of the horses that were sent from Cordonia to be trained, and meeting a few of the staff, the pair saddled up and rode through the pastures. 
Meanwhile, in Cordonia, their children were enjoying spending time in the library of their grandfather's estate, even learning about the secret passage behind a bookshelf. 
“What's this passage, Miss Stella?” Khari asked. 
“Well, it's said that the Alexandre family, the family who owned this estate before your Great-Grandmother, used this passage during the War of Elderod. It was where they hid when troops came looking for them.” Stella replied. 
“Like the palace?” Khari asked. 
“Yes. Did you know your palace was built on top of the old one?” Stella asked. 
“Yes. Daddy told me. There was a…revolt? I think that's what he said.” Khari replied. 
“Yes. The people became so angry with King Gideon that they overthrew the government and forced him out. Then placed his sister Queen Amarys on the throne after a very heated election.” 
“Daddy said that he…” Khari struggled to finish her sentence. 
“It's alright Your Highness. Take your time.” Stella said in encouragement. 
“Daddy said that he had people slaughtered?” 
Stella nodded. 
“He did. King Gideon Rys was one of the more infamously ruthless Kings in the history of our kingdom.”
“Like my Grandfather?” Khari asked. 
“Yes, like King Constantine. Although between you and me, I think King Gideon would have scared even your grandfather, and my cousin King Edward as well.”
Khari nodded. 
“Shall we take a tour?” Stella asked the children.
Each of the children raised their hands.  
“Very good. And cousin? Do try not to get lost. You know what happened the last time.” 
Damien rolled his eyes. 
“I wouldn't have gotten lost if it wasn't for you.” 
“Whatever you say, dear cousin,” Stella said before opening the passage door, “now let's go see where this leads everyone.”
The tour of the passage started at the library and ended at a root cellar in the main garden. Later that day, the family was having lunch when a guard pulled Damien aside. 
“Your Highness, you have a guest waiting in the foyer.” the guard informed him. 
“I do?” Damien asked. 
“Yes sir.” the guard replied. 
“I wasn't expecting anyone but alright, I’ll be there in a second.” 
The guard nodded before walking off. 
“What was that about?” Shantel asked. 
“I have a guest in the foyer,” he replied. 
“Are you expecting anyone?”
“No. But it's alright. I'll deal with the matter, you all continue with lunch. Okay?”
“Okay. Hurry back.”
Damien nodded before excusing himself. When he got to the foyer, he was greeted by two people he didn't want to see. Edward and Genevieve.
“Well, it's about time you showed up.” Edward sneered at his brother from his wheelchair. 
“Why are you here Edward?” Damien asked. 
“I heard you were here. Without my permission.” Edward replied. 
“I don't need your permission to be here!” Damien said firmly. 
“That is no way to talk to him!” Genevieve snapped at him. 
Damien took a deep breath. 
“As long as you breathe, you simpleton, you will always need my permission to be here!” 
“This is my duchy. I can come and go as I please! Now you’re interrupting my lunch, so what is it you want?” Damien asked. 
“Correction, this is our mother’s duchy!” Edward replied. 
“It was our mother's duchy. It is now mine and you know this! It was awarded to me when she died. You were awarded our father's kingdom, I was awarded our mother's duchy.”
“How dare you speak to me in that manner! I am your superior! You owe me your fealty!” 
“I owe you nothing! Because you are no longer the King! I owe my loyalty to the current Monarchs. You know? The ones you helped to handpick?” 
Edward set his jaw. 
“That's what I thought. Now if you’re finished, you both can leave and have yourselves a good day. I have a family lunch to get back to.” 
Damien turned around to make his exit.
“Don't you ever turn your back on me!” Edward growled as he stood up.
“You mean like you always turned your back on me?” Damien asked. 
“You will respect your brother, Damien,” Genevieve said to him.
“No, I won't. Because he's not worthy of my respect.” 
“Not worthy?! You absolute imbecile! Without me, you would have nothing! Your offspring would just be some random idiotic god-awful American because we both know she'll never be smart enough to be anything else in life! She can't even be a decent Queen!” 
That statement set Damien off. 
Damien’s booming voice could be heard down the hall, where everyone was having lunch. 
“What was that Grammy?” Khari asked.
“I don’t know sweetie. But I'll go find out. You stay here with Margo. Understood.” Shantel replied. 
“Yes ma'am,” Khari said with a small salute. 
Shantel went to see where the noise came from, and when she got to the foyer she found out what all the noise was. 
“Damien? Are you alright?” Shantel asked. 
“I'm fine my dear. I just lost my temper for a second,” he replied. 
Shantel looked over to Edward and Genevieve and rolled her eyes. 
“I can understand why. Why are they here?” she asked. 
“To pester me. Why else would they be here?” he replied. 
“Why my husband and I are here is none of your business!” Genevieve hissed at Shantel. 
“Last time I checked, this was my husband’s duchy, and by marriage, it's my duchy, so why you're both here is my business.” 
“If you ever speak to my wife like that again, I will have your tongue you harlot!” Edward hissed. 
“Shouldn't you be dying from another stroke, Edward?” Shantel asked. 
“How dare you—” Genevieve sneered as she went to get in Shantel’s face but was stopped by Damien. 
“Get out of my way peasant!” she seethed at him. 
“Genevieve, you’re as successful of a fighter as your sister and husband are. Which is to say not at all. You will not lay a hand on her.” he replied calmly.
“We’ll see about that.” Edward sneered, “Guards! Detain that trollop!” 
The guards didn't move from their spots. 
“I said detain her!” Edward yelled at them. None of the guards responded. 
“Edward,” Damien said calmly, “these are the King’s Guards, and as the oldest active member of the Royal Family, they answer to me not you.” 
All of the commotion caught the attention of everyone in the dining room. 
“Pop Pop? Grammy? What’s going on?” Khari asked as she and her brother entered the foyer with Margo in tow. “Why are you yelling?”
“Too youd (loud) Bop Bop! Too youd!” Kylo said to him with his hands over his ears.
“I scared Bop Bop. I scared.” Zyon told him. 
“I'm sorry children. I didn't mean to scare you by raising my voice.” Damien said to them. 
“What are those?” Edward asked, pointing to Khari and her brothers.
“You mean my grandchildren? Specifically your future Queen?” Damien replied. 
“Although I imagine that you two will hopefully already be dead by the time she takes the throne.” Shantel piped up. 
Khari studied them for a second before she recognized them. 
 “I know them. They're the old King and Queen. Right Pop Pop?” Khari asked. 
“Yes, sunshine. This is my brother and his wife.” Damien replied. 
Genevieve was slightly impressed. 
“My! What a bright little child you are! Your mother must be missing you terribly. If you wish to see her again I suggest you behave.”
Khari crossed her arms in a challenge to Genevieve. 
“Lady, I don't behave for my parents. What makes you think I’d behave for you?” 
“Because if you don't I can make very bad things happen to you,” Genevieve replied, taking a menacing step towards Khari.
That's when Shantel got in between them and into Genevieve’s face. 
“Genevieve you take one more step towards my granddaughter and I will knock your head into the fucking stratosphere!” Shantel growled at her. 
“Ooh! The Duchess has a bite! I knew I liked her.” Stella quipped. 
“Enough!” Damien said as he cleared his throat. “My love, take the children into the living room to watch a movie.”
“Mobie (movie)?” Kylo asks. 
“Yes, my boy. You can even pick your favorite one.”
Shantel eyed her husband before setting her jaw. 
“Fine. And oh one more thing Genevieve, this ain't over!” Shantel hissed. 
“For the first time, you and I actually agree on something. This isn't over. And it won't be over until I make you pay for what you did to my sister.”
Shantel scoffed. 
“You expect me to pay for the sins of a whore? Fat chance!”
“Shantel!” Damien warned her. 
Shantel sized Genevieve up before taking Kylo by the hand and leading him and his siblings out of the foyer. When Genevieve saw Margo and Stella, her face soured. 
“It's a shame that Connie didn't kill you when he had the chance,” Genevieve sneered at Margo. 
Margo raised a challenging eyebrow at Genevieve.
“Stella, how is Lady Delilah doing?” Margo asked. 
“Oh, she's doing wonderful! She was here last weekend having tea with me.” Stella replied. 
“Do give her my regards the next you speak to her.”
“Of course, I will do just that.” 
Hearing that name got under Genevieve’s skin.
“Oh, Your former Majesty, you look quite distressed, is something wrong?” Margo asked Genevieve.
“Don't you two ever mention that name in my presence again!” Genevieve replied. 
“You know. ‘Tis truly a shame that Edward married you and not Lady Delilah, the woman he truly wanted.”
“‘Tis a shame indeed,” Margo added. 
“Tell me, Genevieve, what's it like to be the one someone was forced to settle for and not be the actual love of their life?” Stella asked Genevieve. 
“Ladies…” Damien calmly warned them. 
“Very well Your Highness. I shall go help Her Grace with the grandchildren.” Margo said to him before taking her leave. 
Damien straightened his shoulders before addressing his brother and sister-in-law.
“As for the two of you,” he said with a snap of his fingers, “you've wasted enough of my time. So now you can follow the guards and take your leave. And oh! One more thing, unless I have written correspondence announcing your pending arrival, you are to NEVER step foot on my duchy estate grounds ever again.” 
“Enjoy it while it lasts little brother. Because soon it'll all come crashing down. I will make sure of it! Your son-in-law won't be the first of the Rys clan to be forced off of the throne!” Edward sneered at his brother.
“It was good to see you, cousin! May the next time we meet be at your well-deserved funeral!” Stella said as Edward and Genevieve were led out by the guards. 
Damien gave her a lopsided look. 
“What? It's not my fault that your brother has always had a tree trunk stuck up his ass,” she said before walking off. Damien shook his head and went back to his family. However, something about what Edward said started to nag him. 
After spending all day at the horse farm in California, Shanelle and Marquise had dinner at a restored speakeasy in Big Bear. 
“How’d you find this place?” Shanelle asked. 
“I mean I am a Doctor who does research for a living,” he replied.
Shanelle snorted.
“Smart ass.”
He chuckled
“Believe it or not Randall Sr. told me about it. He and his wife celebrated their anniversary there. So I looked into it and thought it would be a perfect backdrop for dinner.” 
After dinner, the pair walked the quiet dark street, occasionally gazing up at the star-filled night sky. 
“It's beautiful isn't it?” she asked him. 
“Yes, you are. And the view is nice too,” he replied. 
“You're not even subtle!”
“Subtlety is a luxury that I don't have.” 
Shanelle shook her head as they continued their walk.
“I love these moments, you know.”
“What moments?” he asked. 
“The moments where it's just us. Don't get me wrong, I love being with our kids and family but sometimes I just want it to be just us,” she replied. 
“I understand that. Because we're always surrounded. Either by family or kingdom business and protocol. So when we get these quiet moments together they feel rare but so meaningful.”
“You will never see fault in anything I say or do will you?” 
“Nope. I never have and I never will.”
Marquise looked at his phone that buzzed in his pocket. 
“We should head back. Besides, it's almost time.”
“Time for what?” she asked. 
“You'll see soon enough.” 
When they got back to the winery, Marquise had Shanelle blindfolded as he led her back to their room. 
“Okay what's with all the subterfuge?” she asked. 
“All will be revealed shortly,” he replied. 
“I don’t like it when you say that.”
“You're right. You love it when I say that.”
He led her into their room then slowly closed and locked the door. 
“Are you ready?” he whispered.
“Yes. Now show me,” she replied. 
He took off her blindfold to reveal their transformed guest room. In the middle of the room were blankets, pillows, several boxes of different sizes, and a picnic basket that was surrounded by rose petals and bathed in a soft light from lit candles.
“Wow. You did all this?” Shanelle asked. 
“The staff did this at my request. That's why our dinner was so long. I wanted to make sure they had enough time to get everything set up.” he replied as he led her to the middle of the room. 
“Now let's see what's in the picnic basket,” Marquise said as he opened the basket. “We have champagne flutes, Lowyn Moscato, chocolate-covered strawberries, eclairs, and truffles from your favorite chocolate shop in Paris. Y’know since the children  all but demolished the ones I got you for Valentine's Day.” 
“So this is dessert?” she asked. 
“Yes. How’d I do?” he replied. 
“Hopelessly and romantically perfect,” she replied as she plucked a truffle from the box, “mmm! Mocha!”
“And white chocolate hazelnut,” he added before popping one in his mouth. 
Shanelle poured them each a glass of Moscato.  
“How about a toast sire?” she asked. 
Marquise chuckled before clearing his throat. 
“Here’s to you. My gorgeous, amazing, accomplished, loving, angelic, wife. To your tenacity as a wife, mother, and a Queen. To you, the dynamic woman who stole my heart and has captivated me. You walked into my life at a time when God knew I needed calm in the chaos of it. You are a beautiful storm, powerful and present. Your natural instinct to be devoted, nurturing, and loving should be studied. I love everything that you are and all that you represent. I love your brilliance and conviction. I love your passion, magnetism, and eternal fire. I love you, Shanelle Dominique Miller-Rys. I always have and I always will. Because all I am is because of you.” 
Shanelle was stumped. 
“Why do you always do that?” 
“Do what?”
“Always make your speeches hard to follow!”
“Because I've been giving speeches since I was three?”
Shanelle rolled her eyes with a smirk.
“I have no idea how to follow that. Because you've made it impossible to do so.” she paused, “We have been together for 9 years, but as of tomorrow, we've only been married for 8 of those 9 years. And every year you remind me why choosing you and continuing to choose you is the greatest thing I have ever done. You said that my natural instinct to be devoted should be studied but so should yours. You have literally kissed the ground I walk on. The way you care for me, the way you constantly and consistently love me, the way you will fiercely defend and protect me. The way you hold me when I’m scared. The way you soothe me. The way you will constantly fall all over yourself for our children. All of it is you are a man and especially as my husband. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m not dreaming or having a delusion of grandeur. You are my husband. My one true love. I love you, Marquise. I will never love another. Only you.”
They clinked their glasses together. After finishing their drinks, Marquise stood up and brought her to her feet. He connected his phone to the wireless speaker and played their Spotify playlist. 
“Dance with me,” he whispered. 
“Happily,” she replied. 
Teddy Swims “Lose Control” played while they danced slowly. 
“Something's got a hold on me lately. No, I don't know myself anymore. Feels like the walls are all closing in and the devil’s knocking at my door.” 
Marquise sang the hook to her. 
“I lose control when you're not next to me (when you’re not here with me) I'm falling apart right in front of you, can't you see?” 
Slowly they swayed together, suspended in time. It was as if they were in their own little world. As they danced through the many different love songs they added to their playlist, they stopped when the song changed to Cascade (Lovers Quarrel
Mix) by Stokely. 
“Now it's time for presents,” he said to her. 
Shanelle raised an eyebrow at him. He gestured for her to have a seat on the chaise lounge in their room. He knelt before her with two black boxes in his hands. He set the boxes down next to her before placing both of her calves on his shoulders. 
He gently took her right calf in his hands and began to place soft kisses all over it. When he reached her ankle, he kissed along it, he then began to focus on her right foot. After slowly slipping her heel off, he left featherlight kisses all over it. Making her shiver. He took one of the boxes and opened it, revealing a diamond anklet. He gently placed the anklet on her right ankle before turning his attention to her left calf and repeating the same process. 
He slid his hands up her dress to her thighs. Slowly massaging them in circles. He stopped long enough to grab another black box.
“What's in that box?” she asked. 
“A couple of custom jewelry pieces,” he replied. 
He opened it to reveal two diamond garter belts. After kissing the inside of her right thigh he placed the garter belt around and secured it then did the same to her left thigh. He stood up and brought her to her feet as well. 
“So is there a theme here?” she asked. 
“Yes. You are the most precious gem in the world. So it's only fitting that you be draped in diamonds. Now this dress you have on is beautiful but it's in my way.” he replied. 
He twirled her around until her back was flush with his chest. He nuzzled her neck as he slowly pulled the zipper of her dress down and let it pool at her feet. 
“The most beautiful woman in this world is you,” he whispered as he slipped off her bra and panties. 
He wanted and needed her to be naked before he continued. Feeling his hands slowly roam her body made Shanelle dizzy. Every curve was accentuated by the candlelight. He reached for another black box and it piqued her interest. 
“What's in that one?” she asked. 
Rather than answer, he opened the box and revealed an intricately designed body chain. He connected it to the garter belts on her thighs and then wrapped it around the curves of her hips. He followed the plains of her stomach and diaphragm. Wrapping the chain around both. He let the chain caress her breasts and sternum before connecting it around her neck. 
He stepped back and marveled at the sight of her draped in diamonds. But he wasn’t done. He opened one last box, inside it were a pair of diamond earrings, bracelets, as well as a layered necklace. 
When he was done, she was covered in diamonds. He held her close, kissing just below her right ear continuing down her neck. The juxtaposition of his warm kisses and the chili from platinum setting the diamonds were in on her skin, sent chills down her spine. 
With the pads of the fingers on his right hand, he traced the body chain down her stomach. 
“Absolutely exquisite.” He whispered in her ear.
“Are you gonna spend all night complimenting me or is this going somewhere?” She asked. 
“You need to learn patience, my beautiful one.” He replied with a boop to her nose. 
“I don’t wanna.” She pouted. 
“When have I ever not given you what you want?” He asks. 
“Fair.” She replied. 
He kissed the knuckles of her right hand  softly before continuing to the inside her wrist. Kissing just above where the bracelet was resting. He continued to kiss up her arm, leaving goosebumps in his wake. When he reached her neck, he placed a suckling bite at the base. She felt him tangle his left hand in her hair and pull her head back slightly. To give him an unobstructed path to her ear. She braced herself by holding onto his arms. 
“Damn…” she breathed out. 
“There's more where that came from but first.” 
“You need to be out of that suit. Abhi will have a stroke if I ruin it by ripping it off of you.” she said as she slipped his jacket off. 
“Don't let me stop you,” he said as she continued to strip his clothes off of him. 
When she had his shirt off she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. She finished taking off his clothes before leading him to lie down with her on the blanket below. 
He hooked his left hand behind her neck and brought her mouth to his. At that moment, the world didn’t matter to either of them. All that mattered was the two of them and the love they shared. The kiss was intense, raw, passionate, and powerful. 
He broke the kiss so he could slowly kiss along her jaw and down her neck. Knowing how sensitive the spot between her ear and her neck was to her, he grazed it with his teeth, making her shiver. He continued down her neck to her collarbone. Switching between gentle kisses and grazing the skin with his teeth. 
The sensation felt like heaven and torture at the same time. She loved how he would be gentle and yet forceful with her. 
She moaned softly as he pleased her breasts. Her back arched as he switched between dragging his tongue across her nipples and nipping and sucking on them. 
With his mouth solely focused on her breasts, he slipped his right hand between her legs. She gasped when she felt his fingers rub against her slick folds, running them from her throbbing clit to her warm entrance. She gasped softly as he dipped his fingers inside her and slowly began working them in and out of her. 
“Shit!” She moaned. He was driving her crazy. His mouth and left hand were focused on her breasts and his right hand was pleasing her very wet center. Her breathing was erratic and her hands were white knuckling the blankets underneath her. 
Her moans, gasps, and whimpers were music to his ears. He wanted her to completely come undone, so he upped the speed of his fingers. Working them in and out of her while pulling on the body chain. 
“Yes! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” She begged. 
He was enjoying being able to make her squirm but he wanted more. He wanted to taste her in the worst way possible. So he went from pleasing her breasts to sliding between her legs. 
“I am about to thoroughly enjoy this!” He whispered before wrapping his arms around her legs and diving face-first into her now hot center. 
She nearly jumped out of her skin when he made contact with her sensitive skin. His mouth felt amazing against her. He sent heat blazing and electricity surging throughout her whole body. 
This man, this gorgeous man was doing exactly what he wanted to her and she didn’t even care. She just wanted him to eat her out with every ounce of reckless abandon that he had in him. Her hips involuntarily rolled, her toes curled and her legs started to spasm as he continued feasting on her. She loved every minute of it and so was he. He was causing her internal heat to burn hotter and her orgasm to continue to rise higher and higher. 
“Yes! Don’t stop! Do! Not! Stop!” She begged. 
She was steadily unraveling. Falling further and further into her orgasm. He caused her orgasm to flood and take her with it when his tongue surged inside her.
“FUCK!” She gasped out loud as she gave into the pleasure. Her body shook as her orgasm consumed her. He let her go even though he wasn’t quite finished with her. 
“Well, that was fun and just know I’m not done with you, my Queen.” He told her. 
“Do you have to be so damn good?!” She asked as she tried to catch her breath. 
“Yes, I do. I have to make sure that you are always satisfied.” He replied. 
She shook her head and said, “Get up here!”
“As you wish.”
He slid back up to her waiting lips. When they kissed he felt as alive as she did. Their connection has always been strong, but he wanted to solidify that connection between them. Holding her in his arms was a high and when he looked in her eyes, his heart skipped a beat. 
“Je t'adore mon amour.” He whispered. 
“I adore you too, my King”
He smiled at her before kissing her again. They were madly in love with each other. He rolled onto his back and had her straddling his lap. To him, there was nothing and no one in the world more beautiful than her. Especially when she was naked in front of him. He trailed a finger down the middle of her chest, causing her to shiver and goosebumps to rise on her skin. 
“Tu es magnifique mon amour.”
“You’d better fucking believe it.”
“Taking control are we? I love it when a woman takes control.”
“No, you love it when I take control.” She whispered in his ear. 
“Yes, I do. I am yours, my love. Do as you wish with me.”
She grinned at him before capturing his lips in hers. She guided his hands to her ass and left them there. He took that cue from her and began to massage her ass. The feeling of his hands kneading, caressing, squeezing, and palming her ass made her dizzy. 
“You know I always love to make you feel good.”
“I want you to do something for me.”
“Name it, my queen.”
“I want you to fuck me!” She whispered in his ear. 
He flipped her onto her stomach and then whispered in her ear, “All I want you to do is arch your back and let me do the rest.”
She did as he told her to do. With his left hand on the small of her back, he lined himself up with her wet entrance with his right. Biting his bottom lip he entered her. She gasped softly and he groaned in pleasure. She felt like heaven to him. He started slow allowing her to get used to him being inside her. 
“You feel so fucking good!” He moaned in her ear. 
She loved this side of him. She loved his dominance as much as she loved his strength and his wisdom. He was gentle most of the time, but it’s when he wasn’t that she loved the most. 
Once he knew that she had gotten used to him, it was time to get down to business. He started to increase the speed and force of his thrusts and it was on from there. Soon, he was giving her exactly what she wanted, by fucking her into the sweetest oblivion.
He felt her muscles tighten around every time he surged inside her. When he began to use his hips to piston in and out of her, she nearly lost it. 
“Yesssssssssss! Don’t! Stop! Just…just like…that!” She strained out. 
“God you feel so fucking good! You’re so wet! That’s it, baby! Take it! Take me! Take it all!” He growled in her ear. 
She didn’t want him to stop. Not when she was dangerously close to her climax. But that’s exactly what he did. He stopped. She cried out in agony and desperation but it didn’t make him move. He just held her in place, not moving. It sent her into a downward spiral. 
“You are mine, Shanelle.” He growled in her ear as his finger circled her clit. 
The heat inside her coiled tightly. She wanted him to finish her. But instead, he took his time. She wanted to scream because he was taking his time. He was taunting her. She was becoming weak from it. But she knew that he was the only one who could finish this and her. Yet, he stopped moving altogether. He left only the tip of his dick was inside of her. She cried out in frustration. She didn’t want him to stop and that’s exactly what he did. 
“Is this what you want?” He asked as he teased her by moving his hips, sinking deeper into her. 
“Yes! I want that!” She shouted, desperate for him to finish her. 
“I’m not so convinced, my queen. I don’t think you want it. So tell me how bad you want it.”
He was feeling playful but she wasn’t in the mood to play. 
“Marquise! Please don’t do this! I’m so close!”
“Then say it, Shanelle. Tell me that you want it.”
She didn’t have time for this. She was right there. Right at her cusp and ready to go over it. But he would not move. He wanted to hear her beg for it. 
“Say it, my queen! Say that you want it!” 
At that point, he could’ve asked her to twerk on Pope Francis. As long as he gave her the release she was craving. To illustrate his point, he gave her a taste of what she wanted so desperately. He fucked her good and hard, bringing her closer and closer to falling over her edge before stopping completely. She bit down on the pillow underneath her in both desperation and protest. But eventually after him not doing what she wanted she gave in. 
That’s when he knew he truly had her. 
Marquise wanted her submission and now that he had it, he could give her what she wanted.
“Say it, Shanelle!” He growled in her ear. 
“I want it! I want you! Fuck me! Please! Make me cum!” She cried out.
“That’s my girl!”
Marquise finally gave Shanelle what she wanted by resuming his pounding of her, and she was going crazy. Not only was he giving her the best fuck she’d ever had in her life, but he was continuously hitting her G-spot with precision. She wasn’t going to last much longer.
“There! Right there! God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
“Yeah! That’s it! Keep saying that you want it!”
The sound of their bodies coming together gave way to the richest form of pleasure that either one of them had ever had. Her moans started to get louder once he started rotating his hips with each thrust. 
“Do it again! Do it again! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She moaned. 
She was getting dangerously closer and closer to her edge again but couldn’t seem to go over it. 
“That’s it, my love! Cum for me! Let it all out! Cum just for me!” He growled in her ear.
Those words were all she wrote. 
“Oh God…I…I…Yes! I’m about to—“ was all she could say before her body and especially her orgasm took over. Stars burst in her eyes and she gave in to the orgasm.
That was it. That’s what did it for him. He plunged deep inside her and buried his face into her neck and growled into his release. 
He shivered while holding her in place as both started to come down from the high. All they could hear was their combined ragged breathing. They were both sweaty, exhausted, and completely satisfied.
He collapsed beside her, grabbed a blanket and covered them both then wrapped his arms around her. 
“I…love…you…” he said as he showered her in rose petals and small kisses on the back of her right shoulder. 
“I have something for you, my queen.” 
“There’s more?” She asks. 
“There’s always more, my love.” He replied. 
He reached behind him and pulled out a small black box.
“What’s this?” She asks. 
“Open it and find out.” He replied. She gave him a side-eye. 
“I don’t know about all this.” She told him. 
“Just open the damn box!” He said to her. 
She took the smaller box, opened it, and nearly dropped it. 
“Oh my God! You didn’t!” She exclaimed. 
“What did I do?” He asked in a not-so-innocent voice. 
Inside the box was a huge Canary Diamond Wedding Ring. She couldn’t believe it. She was just staring at it. 
“You bought me this?” She asks. 
“Yes. Here, let me put it on.” He replied. 
He took the ring out of the box and gently placed it on her ring finger. She was speechless as she looked at it. 
“Why did you?…where did you?…when did you?…how did you?” She struggled to ask. 
“Let me explain. You know that I always get you a new wedding ring every year. This year is no different. I made an appointment with our favorite jewelry shop, and told Silvio to craft the most perfect anniversary ring.” He explained. 
“I don’t know what to say to you. I can’t believe you…I mean you didn’t…” she struggled to say. 
“My love, there is nothing I won't do for you. Always know that.”
She smiled at him as tears started to fall down her face. 
“I love you so much, Marquise. Happy Anniversary.”
“I love you too Shanelle. Happy Anniversary mon amour.”
“Here's to another year of us.”
He kissed her slowly. 
“We are Forever and More.” 
When they got back to the palace the next day, His Majesty had a bone to pick with his daughter. 
Khari looked at her dad who had a serious look on his face. 
“Uh oh!” she said before she tried to run but he caught her by her collar and hoisted her up.
“Not so fast!”
Khari looked at him. 
“What did you tell your cousins?” he asks her. 
“Umm that I love them very much?” she replies. 
“About me bringing them a gift when we went to California.”
“Huh? Oh yeah! I told them that you'd be bringing them a big surprise.”
Marquise blinked at her as her mother died laughing. 
“Okay. Well, why didn't you tell me?” he asks. 
“Would that have helped?” Khari replied.
He let go of her collar and she dropped to the floor. 
That night while having a quiet drink to himself, Damien knocked on Marquise’s office door. 
“Am I interrupting?” Damien asks. 
“Not at all. Come in, have a seat.” Marquise replied. 
“Thank you, son.”
“How was your trip to Duchy Toussaint? Did the children behave themselves?” Marquise asked as he poured his father-in-law a drink. 
“Yes, they did. We had an amazing time. Except for one thing.” Damien replied as he accepted the drink. 
“What's that?” Marquise asked. 
Damien thumbed his glass before downing his drink. 
“Edward and Genevieve showed up.”
“While my children were there?” Marquise asked. 
“Yes. I had no idea they would show up.” Damien replied. 
“I believe you. So what happened?” 
“We were having lunch when the guards informed me that I had a guest waiting in the foyer, and when I got there…”
“There they stood?” 
Marquise nodded. 
“We got into an argument and I raised my voice a little too loudly and it caught the children's attention.”
Marquise poured him and Damien another drink. 
“I see.”
“I assure you, Your Majesty, I did everything I could to shield the children.”
“I’m not mad at you Damien. I've always known that eventually he and his wife would meet them. I just wish I was here when it happened.”
“I understand that. But that's not all.”
“What else happened?” Marquise asked. 
“Edward made an offhand comment about you and your ancestor King Gideon. So I did some digging and found out something big.” Damien replied. 
“What did you find out?” 
“I think…I think…he and Genevieve are trying to stage a coup against you and my daughter. From what I found out they've been quietly amassing support from several noble houses across the kingdom and especially from the Heads Of State of Comery Isle. I think they want to force you and Shanelle out and then install Lord and Lady Gallagher.”
Marquise nodded before downing his drink. 
“You don't sound surprised son.” 
“Because I’m not. I've known for years your brother and his wife never got over losing their kingdom. And when Edwin was forced to resign from his position, that took away their only other access to power. So this is nothing more than them trying to undermine me and pull a power grab.”
“So what will you do?” Damien asks. 
“Although this rumored coup won't get very far, I will sit back and watch. I want to see how this will all play out. Especially when they start to lose the support they've garnered so far.”Marquise replied. 
“What do you mean son?”
“You have to remember Damien, I know where bodies are buried. Literally. I also know which family closet has the most skeletons in it.“
“Very well Your Majesty,” Damien said before standing up with a stretch, “I’m going to head to bed now. Thank you for the drink.”
“My pleasure. I'll see you in the morning Damien.”
Damien nodded before taking his leave. Marquise downed his drink before walking over to his desk and pressing a panel on the bookcase. 
A voice answered. 
“My King.” 
“Start digging up bodies and turning over stones. Report back with everything you find. Spare no detail.”
“By your command my Liege.” 
The voice disappeared. 
“So the peasants want to challenge me? Very well, let them come.” Marquise said to himself, “Besides, it's been a while since something exciting happened in this kingdom.” 
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grassclippers · 1 year
~TW-mentions of suicide, crude language ,and terrible grammer~
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AN-Dude is so fine.His eyeliner do be on fleek!The relationship is already established. ❤︎
         Y/N Pov:
I wake to a boring dull casket that people will look at and think of me if only they new me as the strong independent women I am instead of the whimpering   idiot I was in history books, playbills ,and biographies. Damn, I really love the depression color white on the tomb I was buried in it really shows how much my people care about me. As I slowly awake from my tomb and leave the marble slab that covered my body on the floor. i slowly think of ways to kill myself and wonder if i die would I come back to life the next morning or would it be the ultimate death.                                                                                               Then I realize i have the ~4th King of the 4th king of the Egyptians~ as a husband. Life is good. As i slowly walk out of my cinnamon colored room that is filled with incense ,depression ,and jars that were full of humanly organs. When i leave through the door~I get abruptly yelled at by Lancelot~ My dear lady be careful for the rabid beast called a monkey is beneath your feet.I slowly looked down and a saw the monkey who’s name was dexter spin and twist around my feet. ohh shit~ i slowly feel myself start to fall but feel a two warm hands catch me. I look up and see Ahkmenrah are you okay he asked with a pleasant smile. emotionally or physically because both are deteriorating i say with a weak smile.                                                                                                                                 He slowly lifts me up and brings me up to standing height. He stares in my eyes and slowly moves the hair that fell in my face behind my ear. I slowly blink back to reality when i hear Lancelot scream in the distance as he chases Dexter saying that is not a way you treat a lady and he should have been more gentle with a frail women like Y/N. I just stand there looking at Lancelot with a ~ Bitch how dare you stare~. My love Ahkmenrah said with positivity shall we go on a walk. I mumble yes as his arm takes my hand. My Love tho I truly enjoy your personality why have you been even more depressing than usual Ahkmenrah said.                                                                                                                               I slowly take my hand from his and stare both my hand with such disappointment. I guess i realized that there will be no callback or second chance that all my mistakes are ground with me .That i will forever have to  feel the anguish of all my mistakes and unruly choices. That even though i try my hardest there will be those who don’t have to to try at all and still accomplish more that when the tablet is gone i will fade from existence and all meaning. I said as the light faded from my eyes. I hear a mumble of word coming from Ahkmenrah as he slowly says you speak the truth as he slowly pulls you into a hug. As You both are drowning in each others embrace He whispers in your ear  But at least we are OTP.                                                                                                             You both pull out of the embrace giggling. Ahkmenrah slowly leads you two towards Teddy, Larry, and Lancelot since you see that they are talking probably about dexter. You slowly enter the perimeter of the three to here whispering and mumbling. You enter the conversation with a ~Are you guys talking about Pocahontas~? They all slowly shake there heads no .Immediately you loose intrest in this none Pochantas conversation as Ahkmenrah joins in with the whispering and mumbling. Larry noticing you haven’t talked our stare at any of them them asks Why do you care so much about Pocahntas? And how do you know who Pocahonast is? I make detract eye contacted with Larry and say I saw the picture show with your son and why don’t you care about the slaughter of the native Americans?                                                                                              Knowing you made everyone feel uncomfortable and the air feel awkward you smile. you feel a weight on your back and a whisper from Ahkmenrah saying ~know do you feel better? accompanied with a light kiss on the cheek. As you slowly answer yes.  -🌱✂️
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longeyelashedtragedy · 5 months
granit and uhhhhhhhhh šime 😭
i was legit just thinking about šime earlier today 😭
@colorsofmyseason also asked me granit so i will answer š's here and then tag u in that one!
favorite thing about them: man, of everyone who's made an appearance on my favs list, he is absolutely the most mysterious, both because he is mysterious but also because he would rarely do an interview in a language i can understand (tyoma is monolingual but somehow very understandable anyway 😂). šime speaks spanish and english but would only really do interviews in croatian or italian i feel like. so i feel like i know so little about him! but of course: he has the absolute most beautiful footballer tattoos (that BUTTERFLY!!!), fantastic taste in music, and his sense of style--a little more alternative/edgy than other footballers. he's clearly a guy who did his own thing without seeking a lot of external validation, and it was fascinating how he comes across as very mysterious but very steady at once. he's also very uniquely beautiful--there is that "you can tell a lot about a person based on whether they think šime or dejan is hotter" concept 😂 and the whole tungelr knows where i stand on this, but, damn if šime's slutty pirate/širen self isn't captivating to stare at. i miss him SO much and think constantly about how he essentially gave his whole career to the 2018 world cup without realizing.
something else is how humble and normal he always came across. of course you can only know about these people what they put on social media, but back when he was active on there, he was never vacationing to dubai or ibiza or on some yacht--he'd go home to Zadar and repair old cars with a grungy tshirt tied around his head.
least favorite thing about them: that he knocked up some Instagram Hot Lady and got together with her! and disappeared off social media and is made of literal glass! promise i'm not showing favoritism--i don't think šejan had a dramatic and bad breakup, but i think science kind of proves that the breakup was driven by šime bc dej is persistent as fuck and clearly a very devoted long distance boyfriend 😂
favorite line: omg i can't remember the exact translation of it, but it was during the wc when he was like "you film me doing everything, you'd probably film me taking a piss" and dej was like "THAT'S RIGHT!!!" i mean, the šejan lajvs had a ton of classics that i could go back and find, but i'm contractually obligated to say that one
brOTP: ŠLUKA! i loved their drunk asses together at the Slutty Pirate Party in zadar after the wc
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there's a lotta good photos but obviously this one has širtless content so... I also feel like šime and domo would make a great brotp.
notp (switching these next two around): probs will piss off some section of gen z tumblr saying this kind of thing but...his girlfriend/fiancee/wife/whoever. just...Not feelin the vibe
otp: i mean...
to see šejan, two grown ass men, in hysterical giggles in their own private world, is something else entirely. those 2 really had something going on. they kind of had "read each other's minds and finish each other's sentences" vibes, except they were usually laughing too hard to even finish a sentence. at the same time, šime's calm, even energy was obviously so healthy for dejan's uh, in the words of Mo, stormy head. it breaks my heart that it is over.
(PLUS. when deki said šime should get his name tattooed on him on šime's pornographic workout livestream...)
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(i think all my other photos are on insta somewhere)
random headcanon: i don't think i have one? in mare liberum, i want to figure out the headcanon about how he uh...got Cursed to become...what he is (NO SPOILERS even though i think mare liberum only has one reader lol).
unpopular opinion: idk what would be unpopular? i think that like, his playing when he wasn't injured was super underrated.
song i associate with them: so these are songs i associate with him because i've seen him listening to them:
badr hari by grše | california love by dr dre/2pac | i'm still standing by elton john (LOL) | klinka by jala brat (the song in the background of the Pissing Video).
jgb edit of deixa a gira girar by os tincoãs because i listened to this on repeat while writing 5.VII lol. i think i wrote the entire bathroom porn scene in 1 sitting and i needed something awesome to power me through
and then also... song for the siren by this mortal coil | o meu amor marinheiro performed by carminho (this song makes me cRYYYYyyY...i think it played a big part in inspiring mare liberum)
favorite picture:
ok i know this seems like a copout because it doesn't have his face, but...there's something about it
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skyfallslayer · 2 years
The Daughter of The (Dare)Devil - Story 5
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Series Masterlist
Series Summary: A Series of stories revolving around the MCU timeline of Matt Murdock and his Daughter, Kaila. Being the child of a vigilante can be hard and scary at times, but it doesn’t mean she ain’t going to enjoy the most of it.
(Can be read as Y/N if you’d like)’
Story Summary: Kaila knew she should have made up an excuse and pushed him away, but she knew she couldn't patch him up alone. She just hopes Foggy isn't going to pass out before strangling her father or herself (Set during S1E9 ,E10 & E11, "Speak of The Devil", "Nelson V Murdock" & “The Path of The Righteous” ).
Date: 10/7
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 9941 (Another long one, my friends)
Warning: Karedevil (My OTP); Changing POVs (?); Possible OOC (?); Lots of Blood; Traumatic Moments; Brief mention of Rape; Possible Medical Inaccuracy; Talks of Lying and Betrayal; Lots of Angst; References To Possible Abandonment; Panic Attacks; Talks of Disability; Talks About Dying/Murdering; Matt Being a Bad Dad (?); Slight Child Neglect; Kaila Being Drugged/Kidnapped. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
A/N: So, so sorry this took forever! I wrote most of the story and then I was having a bit trouble editing it. Plus, I just got done having Lasik and is in bed rest, so forgive me if there are some typos.
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Everything was a giant blur from Josie’s to his friend’s apartment.
How he even got there without blacking out was beyond him, and maybe it was just the alcohol controlling his every move and thoughts, but he was burning with sadness and anger at what had occurred hours beforehand. He felt mentally drained. The fact that an innocent woman has lost her life because they told her to keep fighting struck him hard.
But he was not going to give up now. He -They- can’t let Fisk win. 
His fist pounded against the banged up door, hoping his voice wouldn’t quiver too much.
“Matt!” He yells, but the courage dies down as soon as he mutters his friend’s name. “Come on, Matt. I need to talk to you, Matt. Or… Kai, if you’re only there, can you let me in? I gotta… I need to talk to your dad.”
He chuckles nervously, sadly, when he receives no answer, but prays someone’s still there. “We need to keep going, Matt. We gotta nail that bastard to the wall.” He bares his teeth, anger coming back. “We gotta make him pay… for Elena… for everything.”
He heard what sounded like a crash coming on the other side, making him straighten up, spiraling emotions changing to concern. His brows pinched together, mind reeling at what could’ve just happened.
“Matt? Are you okay in there? Kai?” He calls out, and starts fiddling with the door knob, not budging at all.
Damn it! Why did I forget the spare key?! He scolds himself.
He tries one last time, pulling and shouting, “Murdocks?!”
When he didn’t get any indication they were okay, he turns and runs up the stairs for the roof. His heart was immediately in his throat, his palms sweaty, the alcohol induced fog was starting to lift and as the dam of bad thoughts came crashing through. 
He threw open the second entrance of his friend’s apartment, staring down into his pitch black living room. His eyes squinted as he tried to spot any kind of movement, but he was missing some key problems in the house that he wouldn’t discover until later (like the broken furniture and/or missing furniture). 
"Kai? Matt? It's me.” He calls out, cautiously, worriedly. “I heard a crash.” 
He got no answer as he slowly wandered down the stairs, still looking around for any shadows. He was practically gnawing at his cheek, hands shaking as they slid down the railing.
“Not like the fun, sexy-time kind, But…” He continues, getting closer to the bottom. “More like the… I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up variety." He frowns. “Sorry… you had to hear that, Kai, I just—”
On the last step, his foot nearly went straight through the floor. He takes a step up backwards, spotting that the last stair had been shattered by some unknown force. If his heart wasn’t already pounding like a drum then it sure is now. That’s when he starts to notice the out of place things, growing paler as he hops to the floor, frantically looking around.
Worriedly scaredly he grabs his friend’s guiding stick, holding it up like it was a baseball bat. He swallows, and announces, “If anyone who’s in here is not supposed to be, I will mess you up. I’m not kidding.”
He sounded nervous, sure, who else wouldn’t be? There was this potential that he was all alone with—
Then, a shadow from his left grew, and it was groaning quietly. Painfully. He watches as the man from the newspaper comes strolling out of the bedroom, one arm cradling their stomach. 
He surely feared the worst at this point.
"Where are they?” He says, trembling hands tightening his hold. “What have you done to the Murdocks?"
As soon as he said those words, the figure stumbled forward, and collapsed. Still tensed, yet almost surprised that that happened, he heedfully uses the stick to give the figure a couple of pokes, which got no response but he could see the chest moving very, very slowly.
“Shit…” He mutters, dropping his ‘weapon’.
He kept his eyes trained on the figure while he fished out his phone, dialing three numbers, letting it ring. But as the light from his phone illuminates the room, he finally has a real good look at the man in the mask. Besides being covered in blood, he could make out the figure’s five o’clock shadow, with a jawline he felt like he had seen before. 
Whether he was just being stupid, or maybe it was just his curiosity speaking, or his gut was telling him to hang up, but he did. He felt himself drawn to this man, mindfully looking over the injuries as he crouched down. Soon—
He took off the mask.
And that felt like a ton of bricks hitting the back of his skull.
A gasp fell from his lips as he leaned back.
No. No way… He tells himself, his brows scrunching together.
“Matt?” He said, wondering if he said his name out loud that it wouldn’t be true. There’s no way his best friend’s the—
Foggy’s heart skips a beat (and maybe there was a bit of relief hearing her). He lets his head snap towards her way, watching as she looks just as surprised, and scared as she is as she clenches what could be medical supplies in her arms. He makes a quick look over, noting she looked unharmed, just extremely pale and frazzled.
But is she even real? Foggy feels himself blinking a few times, checking if she really was.
“Kaila?” He said, and started looking between the two. There was still no way this was happening. “What… What is… H-How…?”
God, his chest was starting to feel so tight.
The young girl started shaking her head. “F-Foggy. Foggy l-look…” She begins, setting the things aside and coming his way. She makes sure she has his attention. “Look at me. I-I know this looks bad, and I-I promise I-I’ll explain everything afterwards, b-but you have to help me.”
His heart tightened at her words, the desperate tone. The lawyer finds himself between two worlds that were pulling on him hard. His eyes kept going back and forth again with disbelief because he still couldn't wrap his head around this. He wanted to just keep staring at his friend, but his niece was always bringing him back.
“Foggy! Please! Please. I’m begging you. Please.” Kaila pleads, tears in her eyes that he wanted to wipe away (He hated when she cried). “Please, help me. Please.”
Foggy looked at Matt again, it was almost less painful to look at him then a crying child. But still… They were both so chilling to see.
God, Matt. Is this what you’ve been doing to her? He mentally asks, and exhales rigidly.
He blink away the salt building his eyes, before locking eyes with her, trying to be the strong adult here, and says,
“Give me the first aid kit.” He watches her freeze, almost stunned by his answer (Did she really think he wouldn’t help?). “Kaila! The first aid kit!”
She jerks up to a standing position. “Right. Right. Right! Shit! Um–”
She scrambles back to where she dumped all the items, grabbing everything she could again as Foggy started to peel up Matt’s shirt. He nearly gags as the red ooze drips off the fabric, and from the smell of dirty water.
“Uh…” Foggy groans, swallowing the heavy bile in his throat. “Oh… please tell me your dad is just a nighttime swimmer.”
Kaila drops to her knees beside him, also swallowing as she attempts to keep her cool. “Okay, let’s see.”
“Kai, these are extremely deep.”
“I-I know! I Just… uh…” She starts fiddling around for the sewing kit. “I-I think I have enough to sew him all up.”
Foggy’s eyes widened. “What?!” He said, flabbergasted. “You’re not sewing him up!”
“Why not?! I’ve done it before!” Kaila retaliates.
“What?! Since when?!”
“Since my fucking father decided to do this! Now, go get me a washcloth.”
“No!” He yells back, shaking his head. “No, no, no, no, no, no. NO.”
She casts him a look of confusion and frustration. “Foggy?!”
“No, Kai! No! I mean— Jesus! He’s–” Foggy uses his clammy hands to check his friend’s pulse below his ear. There was a tiny, tiny flutter. “Shit. He needs to go to the hospital!”
It was her turn to shake her head. “No! No, He can’t go to the hospital!”
“He needs professional help! Not a quick patch up by an almost fifteen year old!”
“Foggy! He’s–”
“Kai. Hospital. He needs a hospital. Jesus–” He stands up bitterly, pulling out his phone again. “I’m going to call.”
“No!!” Kaila yells, bolting up and latching her hand on his bicep. “Foggy, listen, he… um…” Her eyes widened. “Wait. You said professional! That’s it!”
“What? What’s professional?”
“Th-That uh, that um, lady! The one you call Hottie McBurner-Phone! She’s…”
“She’s what?”
“She’s a nurse! That's why my dad gave her a phone! Just in case! I just need to find it! Um…” She cusses under her breath, gripping her hair as she racks her brain. “Shit, shit. Where did he put it? Um…”
Foggy practically broke seeing how messed up she looks like right now. So beyond scared. So pale and red eyed. This…
This isn’t right. He clenches his jaw, and was a split second of way disobeying her to call an ambulance before–
“Un… Und… Under th-the… f-floor…” Matt whispered out the blue.
“Matt?” Foggy chokes out in surprise.
“Un… under the fl-floor b-board. B-Bedroom…” 
Kaila perks up. “Right. Right! I’ll call her!” She says, and bolts into the bedroom.
“F-F-Foggy…” Matt slurred, getting his friend’s full attention.
The lawyer crawled closer, touching his shoulder gently. “Matt? Buddy? You with us?” He asked, worriedly, but all he got was a groan in response. “Come on, Matty, stay awake. Stay awake until that nurse friend of yours gets here.”
But his friend never opened his eyes. Instead, he just laid concernedly still. Foggy gives him a nudge, calling out his name.
“She’s on her way!” Kaila said, running back to their sides. “How’s dad?”
“Out of it again. He won’t respond. He’s…” Foggy checks his pulse once more, barely getting a flutter. “He’s barely hanging on.” He runs his hand through his hair. “God, he needs a hospital. How long until she gets here?”
“She says she doesn’t live that far. Probably ten, fifteen minutes, give or take.” She replies, voice shaking.
“Well… do you know what she looks like? A name?”
“No?” He sighs heavily. “Jesus Christ. Matt didn’t tell you anything?!”
She hits him in the arm. “Will you stop yelling at me! My dad hardly tells me anything nowadays.”
His shoulders immediately slacked, guilt gnawing at him as he mentally cursed at himself.
Why to go, Nelson. You’re the asshole now. 
He sighs. “I’m sorry. I’m just really stressed and upset, and I’m taking it out on you.” He replies, bowing his head in shame. “But as we’re both waiting, let’s take his shirt off. It’ll make it easier for the nurse.”
“Okay.” She says, nodding. “I’ll grab some scissors so we don’t have to move him too much.”
“Good Idea.”
She starts searching around in the first aid kit, eyes soon finding the shiny black scissors. She hands it over to Foggy who carefully starts cutting Matt’s shirt open. 
“I’ll work on the shirt, you start taking boots off, then work on the pants.” Foggy begins, eyes plastered on his task. “We gotta see if he has any more injuries.”
She does what she’s told, quickly loosening the laces on her father’s boots just enough to slip them off before doing his socks. Meanwhile, Foggy had cut the whole thing open, and was slowly sliding the shredded fabric off his friend’s muscular arms and pulling it out from underneath him. Kaila manages to get the belt off when they hear a round of knocking.
“Go get it.” Foggy said, resuming the task for her. “I’ll finish up.”
Kalia springs up to her feet, running to the door and opening it on the second round of knocking. She was met with a very beautiful woman who had nothing on but some pajama pants and an oversize sweatshirt. She seemed surprised by the quick response.
“Um… Sorry!” Kaila said, opening the door more. “I'm a little out of it. Are you the nurse friend?”
The woman blinks, seemingly confused. “Uh, yes. I’m Claire.” She said with a little smile. “I’m assuming you’re Matt’s daughter?”
The teenager tilts her head. “He’s told you about me?”
“A few times after we got to know each other.” Claire gestures to the inside. “May I?”
“Oh… yes! Of course.” Kaila steps out of the way to let her in before shutting the door. “Now, uh, I must warn you, Miss Claire. A friend of my dad’s is here right now, and um… my dad never told him about his nightly activities. So excuse his outbursts, he’s just… stressed right now.”
Claire nods in understanding. “Sounds like your father.”
“I guess you really know him then.” Kaila gestures for her to follow. “We took most of his clothes off to make it a little easier for you. Hope that was the right call.”
“It was.” 
Foggy looks up from his spot on the floor after discarding Matt’s pants, leaving the beaten man only in his boxer. Claire held back a gasp as she crouched down next to him. 
“What the hell happened?” She asked, checking his pulse.
“I-I don’t know.” Foggy replies, watching her carefully, concernedly.
“I know my dad mentioned something about going after Fisk. But I’m not sure if this is his doing or somebody else's.” Kaila explains, before feeling her Uncle’s eyes on her.
“Fisk? Matt was going after Wilson Fisk?” He asked with anger not towards her. 
“These wounds look like knives. Or swords, maybe.” Claire says, ignoring the obvious tension in the air. “Has he coughed up any blood?”
“Not that I know of.” Kaila replies, thinking back.
“Well just in case he has some internal bleeding, we’re going to turn him on his side.” She locks eyes with the other adult. “Mr…?”
“Foggy.” He says, earning a nod.
“Foggy? Okay. I need you to turn and hold him on his side while I patch him. And sweetheart-” She looks at the teenager. “Go grab some towels for me.” Kaila leaves to do so, while Claire pokes around the near dead man some more. “He’s lost a lot of blood.”
“Do you think he needs a transfusion?” He asked while turning Matt on his side, keeping him still.
“Maybe.” She replies, pulling out her sewing kit. “Do you know his blood type?”
“Uh… A negative.”
“A Negative? That’s a little rare.”
“Got the towels.” Kaila said, kneeling back down. 
“Good.” Claire said, threading the needle. “Do you happen to have the same blood type as your Father?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Okay, then. Be on standby, I might need you to give a transfusion.”
Both Foggy and Kaila stayed silent as she did her job as quickly, but professionally as possible (which they were incredibly thankful for). She cleaned and sewed, and put the gauzes around his wounds. Luckily, no bones were broken, just a few bruised ribs and a few small scraps. She finishes up by rubbing a clean cloth over his skin to soak up any remaining before facing them. 
“Alright, he’s all patched up. Help me move him to the couch.”
They nod, and carefully pick him up; Foggy by his head, Claire by his feet, and Kaila holding his torso up. Like a porcelain doll, Matt was placed so delicately on the used couch before covering him with a thin blanket. Once that was done, they all sighed with a heavy relief.
“So… my dad doesn’t need blood?” Kaila asked, quietly. It was hard to look at nothing but her father right now.
“Not for right now. But if you see one of the bigger wounds re-open or he starts coughing it up, call me and we might have to consider doing that. Okay?” Claire replies, making the younger Murdock nod.
Claire gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze before she slips past her to back up her things. Foggy following close by.
“So, you’re the mysterious burner phone lady.” He said, trying to lighten the mood a little.
She chuckles. “I am. And you're a close friend?”
He frowns. “After today? I’m not so sure.”
She copies his expression. “Listen, I’m sure Matt had his reasons. He sure had his reasons with me.”
“Yeah but… why?” He throws his hands up. “What’s his reason with you? How long have you known him?”
“That is for him to tell you. I’m sorry.” Claire touches his shoulder, whispering, “And go easy on her. Knowing the poor kid, she didn’t have a choice in her father’s… nightly activities.” She removes her hand. “Nice meeting you, Foggy. Take care of yourself.”
She bids the teenager goodbye, and leaves, which resulted in another long period of silence.
Kaila purses her lips, her coco orbs still glued to her father. “If you ask me something, go ahead.” She said, but he just shook his head.
“No. You’re not going to have the answers I’m looking for.” Foggy replies, and turns on his heels straight for the bathroom. 
When the sun was fully up it must have been a queue for Matt to wake up. He grunts awake in pain and discomfort, his fingers twitching under the blanket to snag the sticky bandages against his skin. Kaila snaps her head up from the sound, immediately springing up from her chair. 
“Dad!” She said, stumbling to his side.
He turns towards her, almost surprised. “K-Kaila…?” He gasps, while peeling back the gauze on his lower stomach, checking the damage.
“Whoa, whoa! Don’t do that.”
“Yeah, listen to you kid.” Foggy interrupted from the kitchen, closing the fridge. “Then again, maybe you wouldn’t. The hell do I know about Matt Murdock?”
Kaila frowns. “Foggy–”
“Did you guys stitch me up?” Matt cuts in, almost choking on his words because his best friend was here. His friend… finally knew his secret.
“Nope.” Foggy butts in, taking a long sip of beer as he paced to the side of the couch they were on. “That was your nurse friend.”
Matt’s tensed shoulders relaxed a little. “Claire?”
“Yeah. Kai got a hold of her after begging me not to get you to a hospital.” He continues, sitting down on one of the chairs. “You told us where the burner phone was after she nearly had a panic attack trying to find it.”
“I don’t remember.” Matt frowns, memories still fuzzy. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, well tell that to your kid who covers your ass.”
Kaila’s heart clenched. “Foggy…” She said, watching him stare at the ground.
“She was hot, by the way.” Foggy says, bitterly, adding more salt to the wound. He scoffs quietly. “But I guess you already knew that, huh?”
Matt tries speaking before his daughter could. “Look, Foggy–”
“Just tell me one thing, Matt.” He stares back in his friend’s direction, the hurt stretching across his face. “Are you even really blind?”
Kaila chuckles in shock. “Foggy! Of course he can’t see! Are you serious?!” She asks, as he holds up his hand.
“Kai, I love you, but let this conversation be between me and your dad, please.” Foggy replies, standing up and starts pacing again.
Shortly after doing so, the blind man explains how his vision works, which get’s the other Lawyer all wound up at this… insane answer.
“So, you can see.” He said, running his hand through his hair.
“That’s not… you’re not– Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Matt asked back, a bitterness on his tongue.
“Yeah, world on fire, I got it! But you can see, right?”
“Yeah, in a manner of speaking. But I–”
“No! No manner!!” Foggy yells, waving around his angry fist. He exhales loudly, turning around and flashing an inappropriate hand gesture. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Matt exhales too, ignoring the sharpness in his chest. “One.”
Foggy stands back in shock, shoulders slacking. Kaila could see the gears in his turning; processing all the shit he’s just seen and heard. 
She frowns. “Foggy?” She says, concernedly as he sits in the chair she once occupied. 
“All these years, I actually felt sorry for you.” Was his reply.
“I didn’t ask for that. I never… I never asked for that.” Matt counters back, voice leveling out again.
Foggy’s jaw tightens. “Yeah, I didn’t ask to be lied to. I thought we were friends.”
“We are.”
“You lied to me, Matt, since the day we met!”
“What did you expect me to say, Foggy?” Matt asked, irritated. “‘Hi, I’m Matt. I got some chemicals splashed in my eyes when I was a kid that gave me heightened senses’.”
“Well, maybe not lead with that!” Foggy said, jumping out of his seat, and started pacing. “Jesus. Is that how you told Kai?” 
“I didn’t even tell my dad after it happened.” Matt says, ignoring that comment about his kid.
“But you told that nurse, Claire!”
“Because I didn’t have a choice.” He sighs. “She found me in the dumpster, All right? Half dead. She didn’t… she didn’t tell you?”
“She wouldn’t say anything about all this.” Foggy admits, relaxing a little again. “She seems nice.”
“She is.”
“I liked her.” Kaila whispers, and grabs her dad’s hand; A silent way of telling him she’s still here. 
He gives a weak squeeze back, and listens to his friend wandering towards the window, sighing heavily. His brain was back to spinning like a top. It took him a long time to work up the courage to ask something.
“Did you blow up those buildings? Shoot those cops?” Foggy finally asked, praying that his best friend would say ‘no’.
“Do you really need to ask that?” Kaila asked, irritated as well. How could he even say something like that?
“Yeah, Kai, I think I do.” He plops back down in the chair, becoming all tense again.
Matt’s heart was about to snap at that question, even sparing a small tear down his face. “I-It w-was F-Fis-sk. It w-was all Fisk.”
“He did this to you?”
“He and Nobu.”
“Yeah, I think he’s some kind of… ninja.”
Foggy blinks. “A ninja?”
“I think.”
The man threw his hands up, shooting off his chair once more. “What are you doing, Matt? You’re a lawyer. You’re supposed to be helping people.”
Matt clenches his jaw again. “I am.” 
“In a mask! Do you know what they call that? A vigilante. Someone who acts outside of the law.”
Suddenly there was a quiet ringing of someone’s cell phone.
Kaila immediately perks up, letting go of her father’s hand to grab his phone off the floor, unfortunately she wasn’t quick enough.
“Foggy!” She says, standing up and following him. She mentally curses how short she is as he starts holding the phone obnoxiously high, and uses his free hand to keep her away. “Foggy, please! You can’t!”
“She deserves to know, Kai. And I think you know that.” Foggy replies, which halts his niece a little.
Did she secretly want Karen to know?
“You can’t tell her, Foggy, please.” Matt begs when his daughter stops protesting.
“Is this what you do?” He asks, silencing the phone with a hurtfulness in his voice. “When we call, trying to get you to come out for drinks? Trying to find you when bombs are going off and we’re worried? Is this what you do to me and Karen? Do you ghost your own daughter who’s probably more worried then me and Karen combined? Do you?”
Both Murdocks stayed silent for two separate reasons as they heard the tiny voice on the phone.
Foggy casts a sad look to the device, before looking at the other adult. “Do you just hit ignore?” He asks, and tosses the phone back onto the floor. 
Matt shakes his head. “No.”
On cue the teenager’s phone started playing a song.
[I Dare You,
 To Be Yourself,
 To See Yourself–]
Kaila scrambled to fish it out of her pocket, seeing a silly picture of Karen on her screen. She moves to decline it, but–
“Don’t decline it.” Foggy says, harsher than he wanted it to. 
She blinks. “What?” 
“I said don’t decline it. Tell her what’s going on.”
“But I–”
“Kai, please don’t.” Matt croaked, sternly.
“Matt, for Christ's sake! She deserves to know!” Foggy counters back.
Matt shakes his head. “No… not yet, just… don’t answer it.”
“Matt, come on! She–”
“Foggy, she doesn't! She–”
The two adults started to argue, which seemed to get louder and louder with each syllable. It was suffocating. Confusing. Kaila didn’t even realize that her breathing was getting a bit heavier, and started bringing her hands up to the side of her head. Her chest felt like it was getting tighter, and tighter, and tighter–
The adults must have noticed because now they were starting to panic.
“Hey, hey, hey. Kiddo, hey.” Foggy said, coming over worriedly.
“Kaila…” Matt groans, trying to get up but is shot down by a wave of pain. “Kai. Breath. Make sure she’s breathing, Foggy.”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course. Hey-” He touches her shoulder slowly, getting her dazed expression on him. “Hey, K-Pop. Breath for me, okay? Like this.”
He shows her how to inhale and exhale steadily, encouraging her softly to do so. The teenager begins to follow, chest becoming stiller, panting becoming quieter, hands loosening on her hair. Foggy smiles bittersweetly.
“Good.” He says, patting her shoulders.
Matt sighs with relief. “Oh, thank god…”
Kaila sinks back to the floor afterwards, bringing her knees up to her chest and starts zoning out from the embarrassment. But even zoned out she kept her now silent cell phone close, and out of reach from her Uncle. But the string of calls would never end when another phone started to ring.
“It’s her again.” Foggy whispers, waving his device.
Matt’s frown deepens. “Please, Foggy.”
He almost, almost considers listening to his friend, but when he takes one good look at his Niece, he decides against it. He accepts, and brings it up to his ear. “Hey.”
Karen perked up on the other end of the line, shocked she finally got a call back.
‘Hey. I tried calling Matt and Kai. Where are you guys?’
“I’m at their place.”
‘Is everything okay?’
“No, Matt was…” He takes another look at the Murdocks. “Matt was in an accident.
‘Oh, my god. What happened?’
“He was in a car accident.”
‘Matt was driving?’
She sounded skeptical, way too skeptical for his liking. 
He bites his lip. “No, he, um… he got hit.”
‘Well, is he all right?’
Foggy heard her sigh.
Look, I… I’m coming over.’
“No, stay at the office. We need you there. There’s nothing you can do here.”
‘Okay… Well is Kaila okay? I can get her if you–’
“I got this, Karen. I’ll call you if we need anything.” He hangs up the phone.
“Thank you.” Matt said, just above a whisper.
Foggy fights back angry tears. “Screw you. I just lied to somebody that I care about. I want to know everything. And don’t you leave a damn thing out.”
Matt sucked in a breath, and then quietly said, “Kai, maybe you should sit this one out.”
The tension in the air you could cut with a knife, Kaila could see it. I think really anyone could. And as much as she wanted to play referee, she knows that Foggy wants to know everything. Every little detail about her father’s work; His work that… 
She doesn’t even know half of it. 
And as much as that seems unfair, she decides to leave anyone. She was the last calm thing before the storm.
Is it still eavesdropping if she was sitting in her room? I mean she wasn’t trying to listen to their very important conversation, but it was kind of hard not to when they’re being so damn loud. 
It started off being quiet for the most part, until her Uncle started pacing around, looking for something…
Foggy opens up the living room wardrobe. He moves the top half of the box that was filled with Grandpa Murdock’s boxer robe, revealing some extra knee pads and military combat boots.
“How the hell do you get all this crap?” He asked, watching his partner half upright on the couch, looking sluggish. 
“The internet.” Was Matt’s response, which seemed to piss off his friend more.
“The internet.” Foggy inhales and closes the box and doors. “Thought you long-underwear types stitched these together yourselves.”
“I never learned how to sew.”
“But you learned how to fight. That news footage of you in the alley, after the bombing, the way you were flipping around; Your dad was a boxer. He didn’t teach you any of that stuff, did he?”
“He didn’t want me to fight. You know that.”
“So how’d you get so good at it?”
Matt pushes himself completely up, hissing through his teeth at the pain. “An old man named Stick.”
Foggy scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re shitting me.”
“He found me at the orphanage. Blind like me. Well…” He brings his water bottle close to his lips. “Almost like me.”
“A blind old man… taught you the ancient ways of martial arts.” Foggy raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t that the plot to Kung fu?”
“I know how it sounds.” 
He smacks his lips. “I don’t think you do.”
“He did more than start my training. He taught me that my blindness wasn’t a disability, that…” Matt says, listening as his friend sits down (And his daughter shifts on her bed too). “Sight was a distraction. He helped me understand everything I could do.”
“Define ‘everything’.” Foggy replies, still not buying it. 
“It’s hard to explain, Foggy. M-My abilities… I-I j-just know things, okay.”
“No, not okay. Can you read my mind? Can you predict the future? What? What things do you just know?”
“I know you haven’t showered since yesterday morning. But you rinsed your face in my kitchen sink.” Matt explains, slowly, hearing as his friend sits back in shock. “I know you had onions in your lunch two days ago. I know you’re hungry… and tired.” Foggy stands up, gripping his head. “And I know the more I say, the faster your heart beats.”
Now that got the other lawyer to stop.
Foggy froze, and drew his attention back to the nearly dead man on the couch. “You can hear a heartbeat? From across the room?” He asked, voice cracking at the end.
“Helps to anticipate behavior. When someone’s gonna attack…” Matt frowns, and implies, “When they’re lying.”
“That’s… how you knew Karen was telling the truth… when we first met her at the precinct.”
“You listened to her heartbeat without her permission?” Foggy throws his hands up. “We’re lawyers! Y-You can’t do that! Th-There’s a system in place, and it’s weird and invasive and…”
If you could hear a heart breaking in half, then that’s what happened at this moment.
Foggy’s face morphed into something between pain and betrayal. “Wait. Are you telling me that since I’ve known you, any time I wasn’t telling the truth, you knew?” He asked, his friend looking away. “And what? You just played along?”
Matt nodded slowly. “Basically.”
His face was back to anger. “If you weren’t half dead, I would kick your ass, Murdock.” Foggy said, furiously pointing. “Am I lying about that?!”
“Was anything ever real with us?”
After those words were spoken…
The whole house went into an uncomfortable silence.
The adults couldn’t deny the girl to eat, so at some time after noon she slithered out of her room, back into the lion’s den. Kai was in the kitchen making soup for everyone (pretending not to listen while doing so), while Matt was sliding some comfortable clothes on, and Foggy was finishing up on the phone.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay. Thank you, buddy.” Foggy exits the bedroom, eyes beelining to Matt who was now fully dressed. “That was Brett.”
“What’d he say?” The blind man asked, fixing his wool sock.
“You couldn’t hear, with your… super whatever?”
“It doesn’t work like that. I-I have to concentrate. Focus on letting it in.”
“That junkie that killed Elena… they found him.”
“Brett says he took a dive off the roof, building he was shooting up in. They had to sponge him off the sidewalk.” Foggy cocks his head. “Did you do that?”
Matt heard his daughter’s pulse spike at the question. 
“No.” He said, honestly. “I told him to turn himself in.”
“I can’t hear your heartbeat. Are you telling me the truth?”
“I didn’t kill him, Foggy. It’s Fisk, covering his ass.”
“So, you’ve never… you’ve never gone that far?”
“No. But I… I wanted to…” Another spike. “After Elena…” And another. “After everything Fisk had done, I went to a warehouse I thought he'd be at. I went to kill him.
Foggy clenches his jaw. “It’s not enough playing judge and jury? You gotta add executioner to the list?”
Matt shrugs nonchalantly. “I didn’t think I had a choice.”
Kaila bit her tongue, and squeezed the ladle in her hand. She couldn’t even believe what she was hearing. Her dad… 
Her dad really did want to kill him after all. Why did she even bother with her words of wisdom last night if he wasn’t even going to listen?
She got lost in the tiny waves of the chicken broth as the two adults continued their banter.
“What happened to all that talk about going after him through the system?” Foggy asked, confused. “Making the law work for us?”
“Sometimes the law isn’t enough.” Matt replied, a solemn expression.
Foggy opens and closes his mouth, saying nothing as shakes his head. He ends up going to the kitchen to eat with the kid, which might still be the only sane moment left in his entire life. 
Night time rolled around once more, and the family home felt broken up again. Kaila sat at the kitchen table, attempting to do homework that's due tomorrow; Matt was resting his eyes on the couch, laying in a fetal position; Foggy was zoning off into the billboard across the way. Ignoring as the burning bright lights crossed his brown orbs. He didn’t even seem to mind the sting, it couldn’t be worse than the emotional pain he was feeling right now.
The silence had gone on for hours, and hours until…
“You wanna say something.” Matt said, not as a question but a fact.
“Really don’t.” Was Foggy’s reply.
“Your breathing changes when you’re about to.”
“Now you’re just showing off.”
“Say what you need to say.”
Which would be words he would regret. 
Kaila pretty much broke her pencil from gripping it so hard as their volume started to escalate like this morning. They soon started shouting nonsense, and full on argument returning for another round. She felt her eye twitch when she felt a migraine starting to bloom in her temple.
Why am I in the middle of this again? She wonders, barely tuning into their words. 
“You run around dressed like a fucking moron, beating people up!” Foggy yells, using his hands again.
“It’s not that simple and you know it!” Matt snaps back, sitting up now.
“No. I don’t know shit! Not about this. I mean, how…” He groans. “Okay, so you get these whatever-you-call-thems when you’re a kid. How do you go from that to what you’re doing now?”
Matt took a minute to come up with something. “When I was a kid, before the accident, I’d lay awake at night listening to the sirens. I liked to put stories to them. Trying to figure out what they were for, ambulance or cops, robbery or fire.” 
He shrugs, “I don't know, just a stupid game. But after I lost my sight, after my abilities developed, I… I realized how many sirens there actually were… how much this city suffered every single night.”
“You've been running around doing this since you were a kid?” Foggy asked, sounding more betrayed than earlier.
“No.” Matt said, shaking his head. “I-I tried not to fight… to make my dad proud. To-To block it out. The sirens, the pain, the fear, all strangling Hell's Kitchen. For years, I buried my head and turned away. Then one night right after we quit Landman and Zack, I heard it.”
“Heard what?”
“I…” Matt swallows, before tilting his head in his daughter’s direction. “Kai, maybe you skip this one too.”
Kaila’s shoulders slacked. “What?
“No.” Foggy cuts in before he could speak. “No. She stays. She needs to listen.”
Matt shook his head again. “Foggy, she-”
“She stays. Stop tip-toeing around your own daughter. Out of everyone present here, she deserves to know what’s really going on in your life. She stays.” His eyes flicker to the girl. “Right?”
Kaila takes a deep breath before nodding. “Yeah. I’m staying.” She says, sternly. “Continue, Dad.”
Matt closes his eyes, sighing. He really didn’t want to spill the truth. He really–
“Fine.” He mumbles, and starts again. “I heard a little girl crying in her bed, in a building down the block.” He clenches his jaw. “Her father liked to go to her room late at night… when his wife was asleep.
Foggy shuts his eyes, holding back the pain. “Oh, Jesus.” He whispers, and sinks down into a nearby chair. All while Kaila felt her stomach turn and looked away.
My dad never mentioned… 
“I called Child Services like you're supposed to.” Matt continues. “But the mom, she wouldn't believe it. Said it wasn't true. And the dad, he was smart.” He scoffs. “He made sure what he did, how he did it, didn't leave a mark. The law couldn't do anything to help that little girl. But I could.
“I knew his routine. Waited till he was alone… I beat him, threatened him. Then he spent the next month in a hospital, eating through a straw.” He smiles. “And I never slept better.”
“You say all this, like…” Foggy trails off, trying to phrase this right. “One day you'd just had it with how things are. But to do what you do you had to keep training, all those years since that Stick guy, knowing you would do something like this.”
He learns forward, body stiff. “Maybe it isn't only about justice, Matt. Maybe it's about you having an excuse to hit someone. Maybe you just can't stop yourself.”
There was a brief pause, and both Kaila and Foggy held their breaths as–
“I don't want to stop.” Matt admits, and he could feel their hearts break right then and there.
Foggy fell back in his chair, eyes starting to sting as he held back the tears. He gave himself a minute to finally look at Kaila who seemed torn between many different worlds and emotions. 
He really, really hates seeing her so hurt.
His hands ball up into fists. “You're going to get yourself killed, you keep this up. You know that, right?” He said, voice laced with venom. 
“I can take care of myself.” Was Matt’s flat answer.
Foggy shakes his head. “Oh, really? Doesn’t fucking seem like it. And what about the rest of us? Me, Karen, Kaila, we're a part of this now, because of you. And we didn't get a say in that.”
“What do you think's gonna happen if I give up now, Foggy? Who's going to stop Fisk?”
“Oh, I don't know… the law?”
“Tell that to Elena.” Matt said, making his friend sigh. “If you could have put on a mask and prevented what happened to her… you telling me you wouldn't have?”
Foggy’s fists grew tighter. “It's not fair, Matt.”
“We don't live in a world that's fair. We live in this fucking one. And I'm doing everything I can to make it a better place.”
“‘A better place’.” Foggy bolted up, anger seeping back onto his face. “That kind of sounds like what Fisk keeps saying.”
“Don't say that.” Matt bites back. “Don't twist it around.”
“You tried to kill him, Matt. You told me yourself.” He throws his hands up in the air. “How is that any different than the way he solves his problems?”
“I made a mistake. I know that.”
“Misspelling ‘Hanukkah’ is a mistake. Attempted murder is a little something else.” Foggy chuckles dryly, in denial. “You ever stop to think what would happen if you went to jail? Or worse? You really think that anyone would believe that I didn't know what you were doing? That Karen didn't know? That your daughter didn’t know?!”
That sentence seemed to strike something in Matt, making his lip quiver. “This city needs me in that mask, Foggy.” He chokes out, holding back a sob.
Foggy frowns, eyes getting teary. “Maybe you're right. Maybe it does. But I don't!” He replies, pointing to himself. “I only ever needed my friend.” 
A sob. “Foggy…” 
“You know what, Matt?” Foggy begins, letting a few stray tears let loose. “Go ahead. Do what you want to do. And for that, I’ll make you a promise, not because I feel sorry for you, but I feel sorry for your daughter who by the way, which you probably already know, is crying in the background right now.”
His eyes flicker to the teenager, who’s covering her mouth with her hand, bloodshot eyes staring at the table. Foggy hated it. Matt hated hearing it, but his mind was too cloudy to even manage to say something comforting or useful. 
Foggy sniffles, and looks back at Matt. “So, the promise is this. If you go out there and never come back, I’ll do you an honor and become her guardian. I’ll take her to school, doctor appointments, sporting events, anywhere she needs to go. I’ll be there for her 24/7.”
He swallows, his chest starting to feel achy, but he continues. “Because I love her like she is my own.” He pauses when he hears the two Murdock sob at his proposal. “However, I’m not her father. I’m not you. So for her big moments, like graduation, or her dream job, or walking her down the aisle towards her future partner, all those moments… I’ll feel like a fraud. I’ll feel guilty for being in a spot that’s not mine.”
Kaila shuts her eyes, and Matt chokes on another sob.
Foggy does too, throat closing up. “If I were in your shoes, I would’ve told you.” He said, truthfully because he would have. He would have told his friends, his family that he was doing such a dangerous deed.
“You don’t know that.” Matt said, shaking his head. “You don’t know that.”
“Yeah. I do.” He says, looking one last time at the teenager before grabbing his jacket to leave.
“Foggy. Foggy, wait.” Matt said, trying to get up, but the pain shoots throughout his body, stopping him. “Foggy.”
He heard the door shut, the door frame rattling from the brute force. He sighs in defeat, mentally cussing at himself until–
He hears the dining room chair scratch across the floor, and light footsteps walk past him. He holds his hand out, searching for her arm.
“Kai? Kai, listen to me…” He begs, hearing her stop in front of her door. He could sense she wasn’t even looking his way. “Kai, I just… I’m…”
He could smell the tears rolling down her cheek, and muttered nothing as she entered her room…
Slamming the door.
Matt groaned uncomfortably upon hearing the knocking on the front door. He was not in the mood when he heard Karen’s worried voice on the other side. Seems the universe hates him today. Foggy’s mad at him, his daughter left this morning barely muttering a ‘goodbye’, and now Karen is here, probably ready to ask him 20 questions about his ‘accident’.
Today was not a good day.
When he unlocked the door, he could smell helium and rubber coming from her hand– A balloon, as he felt her eyes scan him from head to toe.
“Oh, my god.” She said, as lets her in. “You look like shit.”
“Then I look better than I feel.” He replies, letting her close the door and walk back to his living area.
“Are you going to sue? We should sue.” Karen said, taking off her jacket and hanging it up. “You know, whoever hit you, we should go after ‘em and…” She trails off when she sees the damages done in his apartment. “What kind of car was it? Please tell me it was, uh, expensive and German.”
“Japanese.” He says, glasses on and hand holding a beer. “And it was my fault. I, uh… should have been more careful.”
“What the hell happened here?”
He clenched his jaw subtly. “If I told you it was Kai just roughhousing, would you believe me?”
Karen raises an eyebrow. “You’re going to tell me your… five foot-four, barely a hundred pound daughter knocked and punched a humongous hole into your barn doors and made your coffee table disappear?”
“So… No?”
“Then don’t worry about it right now.”
She sighs, crossing her arms. “Fine. Where is she anyway?”
“School. Hopefully.”
“Now I’m aching to know, Matt.”
“Don’t worry about it. Please.” He pops the cap to his drink and starts chugging half of it.
“Little early for beer, isn’t it?” Karen asked, underlying concern. It wasn’t exactly usual to see him washing away his emotions with alcohol.
Matt shrugs. “Depends on the kind of day you’re having. You, uh… you want one?”
“Um, uh no. No thanks. So…” She tilts her head, listening closely, turning her investigating skills on. “Where were you when this car hit you?”
“Uh… doesn’t matter.” He replies, coming over to sit at his table.
She nearly sighs at his response, but holds her tongue. “I’m thinking it might… if there really wasn’t a car.”
He groans, throwing his head back. “Karen-”
“Does this have anything to do with Fisk? With your going to see that… Vanessa woman?”
“I told you, it’s my–”
“What about Kai? Is she okay? I know she went with you so…”
Matt’s frown deepens. “She’s…” He looks away. “She’s fine. I think.”
Karen perks up. “You think?”
“We had a fight. Well… Foggy and I did, and…” He throws his open hand up. “She got wrapped in the middle of it, which started something with me and her. That’s all.” He sighs, bringing the bottle close to his lips. “She didn’t even say goodbye to me this morning.”
Karen’s shoulder sag. “So… you and Foggy did fight like I thought.”
“Look, let’s just leave it at that, okay?”
“No. No, not okay.” She gestures to him, to all the bruises and cuts on his face. “Definitely not okay. Look at you. Besides the argument, did someone break in?”
Matt felt his chest grow tight. “No one broke in.”
“And no one beat the crap out of you either, I’m guessing.” She gets nothing but a sigh from him, and decides to join him at the table. “Do you remember the last time I was here?”
He nods. “Yeah, I remember.”
“And I was scared… terrified. But then, you, you gave me your shirt and you made me feel safe. You made me feel like I could trust everything that you said.”
“And you lied to me.” He scoffs. “About having the Union Allied pension file.”
“I didn’t want anyone to get hurt… like Daniel Fisher, because of what I was doing.”
He sighs. “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
“So that’s it?” She asked, hurt. “That’s all you’re giving me?”
“That’s all that I have right now, Karen.” He replies, holding his wounded side as he stands up and walks away, venturing into his living room.
“Well, that's not all I have.” She stands up too, following with determination. If she can’t get him to talk she’ll just tell him what she found. “I found something. Just a scrap of paper at the county clerk’s office… misfiled. It’s probably why Fisk didn’t get sucked into a black hole.”
“What was it?” Matt asked, genuinely interested. 
“A marriage certificate…” Karen explains, watching him take a seat on the couch’s armrest. “For his mother, Marlene.”
“How does that help?”
“Because it’s not to his father. It’s for when she remarried, which was two years after all the reports say she died.”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up. “She’s still alive?”
“Yeah, she’s living at a care facility upstate.” She bits the inside of her cheek, preparing for an outburst. “Now, Ben and I took a drive-”
He sighs once more. “Oh, Karen, Karen. Fisk could have people watching.”
“I know.” She holds her hands up in defense. “I know. I didn’t leave my real name.”
“You should have…” His jaw tightens. “You should have talked to me or Foggy before you ran off like that.”
She shakes her head, looking frustrated. “I tried. But you weren’t picking up.”
Guilt creeped into his gut, and cast his empty gaze to the ground. “Did you speak to her? Fisk’s mother?”
“Yeah. She’s not all there, but…” She shifts in her place. “Matt, what she said about Fisk…” She frowns. “He killed his father. When he was 12. Bashed his head in with a hammer, and then she helped him cover it up.”
Matt shrugs. “Well, he was a minor. It’s not gonna be enough.”
“To put him in jail? No. But it doesn’t line up with everything that Fisk has been saying. Everything that he has altered on the internet, and.. At the county clerk’s. It might be enough to at least get people looking at him more closely.”
“From an old woman who’s not all there.”
Karen scoffs quietly, and crosses her arms. “Well, I’m not hearing you and Foggy come up with anything better.”
“Did you… did you speak to him? To Foggy?”
“Not since yesterday on the phone when I guess he was covering for whatever it is you’re not telling me.”
“Alright, go to the office and… wait for him. Tell him what you found, and Karen, tell him… tell him that I said…” He sighs, second guessing himself. “No, don’t bother. Just tell him what you found. Karen, be careful, please.”
A brief pause between them before the blonde takes a step forward, and cups his cheek softly.
“You know, maybe you should take your own advice. I mean…” Her lips quirks in a sad smile. “You have a kid, and for the sake of her, you shouldn’t get yourself hurt so much.”
Matt felt his cheeks turn hot just as Karen realized her actions.
“I-I.. I got you a…” She stutters, and walks back towards the front door blushing. She carefully takes the balloon by the string, holding it close as she makes her way back over towards him. “It’s a… it's a balloon. I, um…” She takes his open hand, letting him take it. “It’s got a monkey on it.”
He gives her a quick smile before she leaves abruptly. Once the door closed and he heard her traveling down the stairs, Matt let out a sigh.
Maybe she was right. Maybe Foggy was too. He needed to take better care of himself if he was going to continue this dangerous lifestyle. For the sake of staying alive for them, for staying alive for his daughter’s sake, he’s gotta make a change.
But what would that be exactly?
Life got complicated after that. Life decided to take a few beatings at older Murdock.
Claire put a stop on whatever was blossoming between them, patched him up one last time as she threw him a curve ball, claiming she was taking a break from HK. But before she left she made an interesting statement that if ain’t careful with his ‘savior complex’, he’ll end up bloody and alone. 
The interesting conversation with Father Lanthom. His sinking suspension that the Father knew who he was, and which was indirectly confirmed. Matt begged to understand why he had the devil put inside of him yet again, and the Father replied with, ‘Even the devil was once an angel. Maybe he was even set on a path of the righteous’.
Which led to his nightly activity. He managed to track down one of the men affiliated with Fisk, demanding where the devil spawn in a white suit get’s his body armor. And that’s what led him to Melvin Potter, and with a promise to protect a woman named Betsy for him, Melvin agreed to make a durable suit.
Once it was taken care of, Matt slipped back through his bedroom window, praying hopefully for his new suit, one that’ll give him the protection he needed. For himself, and for most importantly, for all the people he cares about. He needs to stay alive for Foggy, for Karen. Hell, he really needs to stay alive for his own kid. 
Speaking of, he knows she’s here. He could smell the lavender soap on her body, and the light rhythm of her heart beat. He could even hear the small rumbles in her stomach, which he could use to his advantage to fully apologize for putting her through all this.
“Kai?” He calls out, slipping his mask off. He starts walking towards the living room. “Kai. Sorry I’m late. If you’re hungry, we can go get dinner if you’d like.”
He hears her coming out of her bedroom like he expected, but what he wasn’t expecting was that she had a duffle bag stuffed full in her hand. He raises an eyebrow, feeling her neutral gaze on him.
“What’s with the bag?” He asked, confused.
“Why don’t you tell me anything?” She asked, her voice unnervingly calm.
“Why don’t you tell me anything?” She takes a giant step forward towards him. “I know I’m your daughter, and I know you want to protect me, but you don’t tell me anything you do in the night!”
He tilts his head, confused by her words. Where was this even coming from? “Kai, what are you… what are you talking about?”
She stays silent for a moment, before muttering something just above a whisper. “You said you were going to kill him. Fisk.”
He tenses. “Kai–”
“We had that long talk last night. We talked about if killing him was logical for yourself. You made it sound like you weren’t going through with it! And now you don’t want to stop at all?!”
He sighs, shifting his weight. “Kai, where the hell…” Another sigh. “Where is this even coming from?”
“Because Foggy has a point!” She spits out, throwing her bag down and stepping a bit closer. “I mean what if you go through with it? What if you get caught and go to jail? Then what? You rot in there for a lifetime while I have deal with the fact my dad’s a murderer?”
He clenches his jaw. “Then I go to jail if I’m caught.” Matt replies, voice trailing off with a bit of bitterness.
“IF you get caught. But if don’t, then what? I have to live with the fact my Dad’s a killer? A secret I’ll have to keep for you?” Kaila scoffs. “And what if your plan fails and you end up in a coffin six feet under? Then what?”
Matt pauses, and even he can’t believe the next words coming out of his mouth.
“Then you live with Foggy.” Was his reply, and even though he couldn’t see it, he knew the look of pain on his child’s face.
Her lower lip twitched. “No.” She chokes, slowly shaking her head as her eyes start to sting. “No. No. No! I don’t want to live with Foggy! I want to live with you!! Always you! No one else could ever replace you! No one! Can’t you understand that?!”
Matt stayed silent, even his face didn’t even wash over with any kind of expression. Kaila’s heart cracked into a million pieces, and she shook her head again.
“Unbelievable…” She mumbles, grabbing her bag again and walks away. That seemed to knock him out of his trance.
“Where are you g-going?” He asked, voice breaking at the end for a millisecond.
“To Karen’s.” She replies, looking back at him. “I need a break. And while I’m gone you need to pull your head out of your ass, and then go make up with Foggy. Even if he doesn't accept your apology, somehow work out for the sake of your business and the sake of Karen who’s caught between this as well.”
Kaila frowns, and adds, “The poor woman’s probably being ghosted by Foggy too. She deserves some kind of answer here, you know. Even if it isn’t the full truth. The two of you need to give her something.”
She retightens the grip on the handle and continues down the hallway for the door. As she unlocks it and pries it open a quarter of the way, she hears:
“Just text me when you get there, please.” Her father replies, his emotion was tricky to decipher. “I know you're mad, but I still want to know if you're safe. Okay?”
Kaila grips the doorknob, closing her eyes. 
A few seconds pass, until–
“I will.”
And the door shuts behind her quietly.
Kaila felt like she was going to start crying again. Or maybe try screaming. Or…
Maybe she could do both.
At this very moment, the poor girl wasn’t even sure what to think about any of this. This whole… vigilante lifestyle of her father’s, the whole lawyer lifestyle, the Nelson & Murdock battle, secrets, lies. Everything! Everything was starting to get to her in ways she wasn’t expecting, something she didn't even think was possible. Something she could only wish would go away.
Is this… it for all of us? She wonders, because this whole family thing started when her father met Foggy at school. They worked together to help raise her, start a business of their dreams, and met another person to call a friend, a family member. But now…
It’s all coming undone in one night. And what could one teenage girl do about it?
Kaila practically sighs with relief when she sees Karen’s apartment coming into view. Her mind was already racing at what could happen, and what she could and cannot say to the blonde. Could she tell Karen the truth? Should she tell her that the mask man who saved her from day one was actually her dad? Or would this ruin everything they’ve all built?
Kaila jogs up the few steps, hand already reaching for the call box. She quickly buzzes for Karen’s apartment a few times, awaiting for a response–
She felt a rough cloth cover her mouth and someone’s arm wrapping around her small frame. Her muffled screams and thrashing started to die down as her nose filled up with the smell of strong chemicals.
She’s being chloroformed.
She started to sag under the person’s arms, eyelids drooping, and praying that maybe, 
Just maybe…
She’s still asleep at home.
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A/N: Y'all know what happens at the end of Season 1 Episode 11, right? *Evil laugh* Sorry if this one was kind of lame, this wasn't exactly my favorite story I wrote.
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spurious · 9 months
vowels, N, Q, and R, please?
already answered E, U, and R sooooo!!!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
McSheppppp, Kokokae (the parallels!), Sylvix and Narumitsu. Leverage OT3.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I don't think so. Probably has put me off some things that I might've ended up getting into otherwise, but not stopped me from anything I already liked.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Shuffled my liked songs and got The Mountain Goats - Isaiah 45:23. First thought: Rodney McKay.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
My eternal lament: why isn't there more doujinshi where Hina tops, god damn it
Speaking of doujinshi I would LOVE to see Stargate doujin, and I SWEAr I used to find it all the time before I was into it but now when I look there is none??? Did I imagine it??????
Struggling to think of a third thing so. I give up.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
"Abandoned" is such a strong word! My past fandoms are merely resting. I guess maybe HP is the only one I'd say I've abandoned, due to...ya know.
Sometimes Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
SO MANY. homestuck, 911, due south, mash, genshin, TLT, mcu, supernatural, good omens (tv)...
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hrokkall · 1 year
I've considered it before tbh but also its fun to come up with different ways to ask for my faves
Speaking of faves~ how about ????
They’re my favorite Hex character too (not counting Rebecha) so I’m more than happy to do this for them
Favorite thing about them: I genuinely love their character design—the use of the missing texture “?” that appears with some engines for their face is really clever (and also I just like “silhouette” type characters in general—a character who is mostly just a black featureless figure but with maybe one or two defining characteristics is my favorite sort of character design. So maybe I’m biased in that regard).
Least favorite thing about them: You can’t see their shoes in Walk? That was one of two parts of their character model that are actually textured—we should be able to look down and see their shoes when they walk too (then again I haven’t played a lot of actual walking simulators so I don’t know if that’s par-for-the-course or not. Still though, it was shown on their 2D model, it should be shown on their 3D model too, damn it!)
Favorite line: I’d love to be funny here but ???, by merit of not having a mouth, doesn’t speak. I will say though I think it’s incredible how they still manage to have so much personality despite not actually having any dialogue. The subtle variation in the length of ellipsis/the text speed was a really cool way of showing that without expressions.
(Though why they didn’t just… write things down though is beyond me—guess the Six-Pint Inn doesn’t have any pens and cocktail napkins).
brOTP: I already talked about this in the Rebecha post, but I genuinely think the two of them would be good friends. Rebecha’s pretty neutral on everyone, it’d be nice if she actually had someone she could talk casually with instead of everyone else talking at her like usual. Plus she’s the only one who actually refers to FPP with a name (even if it’s pretty clearly a placeholder, “Faceless Joe” definitely isn’t something FPP picked personally) and acknowledges their existence outside of extreme suspicion. They interact Literally Once so there’s no real basis for it but I just think they should be friends, y’know?
OTP: I don’t ship them with anyone. (To the surprise of everyone reading this, I’m sure (I say that sarcastically))
nOTP: Haven’t seen any ships for this guy at all. As per usual I probably wouldn’t hate any if I saw them either (provided people aren’t being freaks but I hope that’s a given).
Random headcanon: I’m sure this is a pretty standard headcanon among all 3.5 people who have played the Hex but I generally use they/them for this guy just because I feel they’d want to establish themself as a separate person from just “stand-in for Lionel” and for them pronouns are a part of that—just to say “I’m not Lionel and I’m not really a man either.” I don’t know, it just feels right.
Unpopular opinion: Considering there’s maybe five people total who played the Hex I don’t think there’s any unpopular opinions for this guy.
Song I associate with them: The obvious joke answer is I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers but I’d rather give an actual answer too. I’ll tentatively say Protagonist by They Might Be Giants (which is equally a Lionel song, but it feels like something they’d have to hear about on the daily). And I’ll add Vow of Silence by Lemon Demon too, why not.
Favorite picture of them: There’s unfortunately not many pictures of FPP; I’d love to snag a picture of their model from Walk because that’s my favorite part of the Hex stylistically, but… that’s not exactly feasible on account of the fact that they’re Just Hands. So instead here’s their equally minimalist steam emote.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
my brain is working today!! so!! i will put some ship names here.
like go off u pick whatever u want mwah
Hiii bestiiiie im glad your brain works okay lets go!
Sico - my beloved german twincest. Same person different fonts. Insane abiut them, only saw it done right once by the other C.
Valewis - the definition of meh and consolation prize and "you just want good things for lewis, and really, who wouldnt". Will only read niamh and nailas bcs i know their characterisations and theyre right.
Farawyn - my otp from when i first read lotr. I literally couldnt care less about aragorn and arwen when malewife girlboss pairing was right there. When he speaks to her in the hiuses of healing my heart weeps and so do my eyes.
Gigolas - oooh i love them! Didnt discover them till like 2020?? But i fell in love, and honeatly its mostly the fault of this amazing fic called Sansûkh. Damn i should reread lotr sometime when the mere thought doesnt make me wanna cry like a baby and miss my dad more than i need to breathe.
Sculder - i was hooked from the first episode. Absolute yes. Im teying not to spoiler the show for myself so im refraining feom reading fics but like. Absolute yes. Malewife girlboss. I... may have a type.
Darklina - ... i mean. :) yes. Honestly it makes more sense to me than Malina, which is just boring as fuck. Nobody cares. Go be the dark lady, Alina, maybe then i'd appreciate you more.
Edit: shit i forgot twinklaren! Okay so. I get annoyed by lando very frequently and hes somehow less annoying w oscar? Idk. I have a prompt and im thinking of making it a bit dark. Not sure yet. Im weird abt those twinks.
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quirkthieves · 1 year
tagged by: stole from @ofgravitation
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S)? cracks my knuckles. davai lets go
Nobimaru: Umenobi. If you saw you would know. Hinata: my friends oc, honestly, it really depends more on the other person's muse. Hinata is my special princess and I want her to be happy Monoma: monoshin, monotetsu, monomido... Ibara: kamibara, shishibara, momobara, serobara, jirobara, ibaiida, togabara (PLOT TWIST) (ibaras name is really easy to shipmash damn) Hound Dog: Bloodhound....whatever him and tensei is. Natsuo: him x his girlfriend... shiganatsu i guess? Curious: curious x skeptic Setsuna: Momosetsu, setsumina
for the students, i wont ship them with third years and up. for nobimaru, i'm willing to go up to ~25 (same with natsuo), but i think characters like inugami are way too old for him. characters in their late 20s+ im willing to give a lot more leeway, it's more about the dynamic they have together.
cosigning the "you know when you know". that being said i wont go beyond light kissing with the kids i aint about that. im 21.
it's entirely chemistry-based for me, but i want it to grow organically. i prefer to have a plan beforehand, but i wont force my character to fit the plan if its out of character.
@ofgravitation got me shockingly hooked on monochako. im willing to do monobaku, but good LORD does that need dev. ibara im willing to ship with almost anyone who is willing to handle her everything, same with monoma.
PLEASE let me know if you want to ship i get so so shy trying to ask and never do. theres a high chance im down to at least discuss it. please
more-or-less. its about the dynamic for me-- once again, i want chemistry.
absolutely. fuck it we ball
didnt i answer that up top?? if i had to pick a top fave i guess for each fandom itd be umenobi and kamibara(?) idk. love wins
literally just ask me please. pwease. oh yeah and we have to have at least a few threads & speak ooc that is the other thing.
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
C, M, and W?
Thanks for playing! :3
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
The probably never will is the tricky part. There's pleeenty of NOTPs to go around, but I have also encountered versions of ships I didn't like that made me like them in the end, or there are aspects of the ships that I do appreciate.
So something that I'm really sure of nobody/nothing could make me like and I never liked. Let's go with the very first ship that comes to mind there. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince. Just does not work for me and I'm very sure I'll never come around on it. I also have veeery solid OTPs for both characters too; I'm a multishipper at heart so it's rare for me to have an actual One True Pairing for a character and those are both characters where this rare instance applies, so that weighs heavy in too.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
This is way harder unprompted, like that I'd have to think of a ship too, to say something nice about. xD
Uuuhm so let's go with shippers. Despite not sailing the ship itself, I do like Karadox shippers - Brainy/Kara - because they're a real nice bunch, the ones I've met through the Supergirl fandom? And I also think they're really, really chill.
Because their ship, despite being a major ship for Kara in the comics, was not endgame - or even a brief ship - on the TV show. And they didn't go about harassing actors and fans about it. They're happy with the crumbs they get and while obviously disappointed their ship didn't sail, they didn't get nasty about it?
That just stood out all the more prominently in comparison to certain other shippers within that fandom? Not to name names, but I think if you are familiar with the Arrowverse, you know which shippers in the same situation acted wildly different. *clears throat*
So, especially contrasted by these, it really stood out to me how friendly Karadox shippers are? And generally also more open to other ships, like multishipping themselves or generally accepting that other people may ship these characters with other characters.
(Mind you, I can not speak for all of them, I'm sure there are some rotten apples in the bunch too, but that's always the case. The overall fandom behavior though, and the lovely individuals I've met have given the ship a very good name.)
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Oooh. Huh. Mh. Damn these are very hard when I have to also decide on ships. It's like suddenly my brain remembers not a single ship I have ever sailed... xDDD
Okay, let's go for five ships with different kinks too. Since I, uh, like to pile my favorite kinks onto my favorite ships... <_<
Shadowhunters: Malace + pet-play.
PJatO: Nicercy + praise kink.
BtVS: Spuffy + strength kink? I dunno what you'd call it but you can't tell me that Spike doesn't totally get off on seeing Buffy throw people around and stuff
RotG/HTTYD: HiJack + temperature play
DCMK: KaiShin + Shinichi having a thing for Kaito's hands, I don't know what you'd call that, but I know that's a thing and I'm sure our very talented thief would make that work ;D
Fandom Ask Game
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Out Of Character
Name/Alias: Koya Age: 29 NSFW Personal Preference: I’m comfortable with smut, but I prefer to keep it short and sweet under most circumstances or we can fade to black. Series/Season: S6. Canon Changes: Never turns into a heretic. Activity Level: Mostly on afternoons. Time Zone: EST. RP Experience: 17yrs on various sites. Best Mode of Contact: Discord.
Desired Character: Malachai Parker Age: 22 OTP / NOTP: Malachai x Bonnie Housing: Hyperion Hotel. Room 222.
Interview questions.
01. Give us your thoughts on New Orleans?
☆°•》 "Overrated... Too many tourists and prop magic shops. The parties do get pretty wild though, I'll give it that." 《•°☆
02. Tell us how you feel about your species, and if you could change it what would you choose to be and why?
☆°•》 "I'm a witch with no magic. Do you really have to ask?" 《•°☆ ?
03. Please describe the most important person to you and why?
☆°•》 "Me, of course... I know, shocker." 《•°☆
04. Detail a specific point in time that has detrimentally changed you?
☆°•》 "I think it was more a series of events really. The day I found out I was a siphon, the day my parents and the rest of my coven found out, the day I learned I would never be allowed to merge with Jo, the day I killed my family... y'know.. The usual." 《•°☆
05. Explain (a few) bad habit(s) in detail that you’ve picked up over the years, if you remember when you started it describe that pivotal moment as well as what you’ve tried to do to cope with it?
☆°•》 "Compartmentalization. Which innately my therapist said wasn't such a bad thing. Until around eight years old when I started repressing all of my emotions. Then when mom and dad found out what I was counseling was no longer an option to try and fix me. So, y'know, I didn't really care to cope anymore." 《•°☆
• Blood // Water — grandson • parents — YUNGBLUD • I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE — Måneskin
Paragraph sample.
Malachai was intrigued by the big easy. As far as he could tell it was nothing like Portland or Mystic Falls. Magic seeped from the earth and there was a shop on nearly every corner. He wandered into quite a few, but none held quite the legitimate stockpile of goodies like the Magic Box. & the owner, a petite little blonde thing, radiated something of a magical energy herself. One in which he never quite encountered before, what struck him as odd though is that she hardly seemed bothered by his mannerisms and as she hurriedly made her way into the back room to grab a restock of low inventory items, he briefly thought on how these damned emotions caused him to lose his touch. Minutes after that someone else made their way into the neat little shop, but he was almost too distracted to turnaround. That is, of course, until he heard her voice. & for a moment he stood there almost too stunned to speak. As if struck by some kind of a feeling he couldn't even quite accurately describe to turn around and face her, his heart racing as small beads of sweat pooled at his temples. ☆°•》"Bonnie," he breathed out her name, an inaudible whisper before he managed to muster up the courage to face her now. "Wolfsbane, huh," He mused weakly at first. "Regular fencing not doing its job? You decide to take matters into your own hands and put down that aggressive dog? I could help, y'know.. If you want me to." 《•°☆ 《☆°• 'If you want me to?' He thought. 'Dammit.' The swell of unidentifiable emotions now whirling inside him as he looked down at her, his cobalt blue eyes now bore into her emerald, green ones. Hoping she could see what he was struggling to feel. •°☆》
0 notes
highgaarden · 2 years
a rush of blood to the head
this was written a long time ago and did not survive the mass exodus of my fic (into my dustbin) because i had a menty b and hated my writing ✌️🤪🤘
upon request from @morningstargirl666 i am reposting this. hope you all enjoy x
a rush of blood to the head;
They are, of course, in the other room.
Footsteps come in thundering booms and you might think the thump of a body will follow, a scream, a well-pronounced curse, but Caroline emerges with her bags packed and hat firmly veiled over her curls, and she announces, quite calmly, that she is leaving.
“Where is the screaming?” Rebekah wonders in, quietly appalled, “The orchestra, the pallid strings? The cracked lightning of Nik’s head against a broken mirror? Where are the broken mirrors?”
“Sister dear,” Klaus coos from his spot in the corner of the room, “do shut up.”
“Can you all just be reasonable!” Rebekah stands in the middle of the room, waves her spatula around—she’d been in the middle of making Christmas dessert, for God’s sake—and points a berry-stained finger at Caroline. “You. Throw something.”
All Caroline does is check her lipstick in the still-whole mirror, and all Klaus does is draw, and it’s quite different than the cacophony she usually bears witness to, the hoarse throats and the thirsty crying and the bloodshed, all the blood. Caroline gives herself an appraising nod, Klaus flips a page, and Rebekah, well. Rebekah wants to yell.
“Someone needs to be yelling!” Rebekah yells.
Caroline flicks Klaus a glance. He’s looking back at her rather witheringly. Caroline smiles, “Good bye, you old lard.”
“I hope you remember how the door works. It shuts after you leave.” Klaus’ returning smile is an easy one, and he stands, offering her his hand. “Do you need change for the cab?”
As expected, the jibe is ignored. Caroline ruffles his hair in a show of fondness. “Get yourself a decent haircut for once, alright?”
And then she’s gone and so is her perfume and the oven dings and Klaus goes back to his seat, and the music in the room keeps crooning something chirpy and sweet. There is no crescendo, there is no crash, there is just the sound of the door shutting after Caroline leaves.
“You are a bloody fool,” Rebekah says, resetting the table for two. Klaus puts a cut of turkey in his plate, humming under his breath, but his jaw is clenched and the silverware gripped in his hands look a little bent. “You God awful, bloody, bloody fool. What the hell did you do now?”
The silence stretches to fill the room and Rebekah hardly touches her dinner, her perfectly cooked roast, the glistening plum and raspberry jam, the light biscuit jaconde Caroline always loved layering with dark chocolate. She sucks her wine through tightly pursed lips, placing upon her brother a gaze so severe the clouds outside scatter.
Klaus slops wine into his mouth, chews furiously on his dinner, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He returns her gaze in kind, and the town shivers around them.
At long last, quietly, miserably—
“Must it always be me?”
“And must it always be me,” Rebekah sighs, “the most amazing sister you will ever have, to give you lessons on how to court your own wife.”
Klaus, biting through the neck of a brunette, mutters something incorrigible, which Rebekah elects to ignore on account of him being an idiot. She blows a piece of hair out of her face and taps her foot impatiently until Klaus is quite finished. It isn’t long before Rebekah gives him a thorough dressing down, pushes him out the door and threatens eviction, and he exclaims, “It’s my bloody house!”, but pretends he hasn’t already booked his flight tickets.
When Caroline swings open her hotel room she isn’t surprised to find Klaus there, scowl on his face that matched her own.
“Come home,” is the first thing he says. The second: “Did you really charge five different hotels to my account? How much of a head start did you think that would give you?”
“I will not,” is her first response. And her second: “I was just in the middle of packing, actually.”
But she steps aside and he follows her in, her perfume dizzying, and he realizes with a strange despondency that she’s changed it without him realizing. He pauses just inside the room, leaning a shoulder against the wall, and watches her. Her hair is longer, falling down her shoulders when she leans over her suitcase, but it still held the same curls, moonlit and magicked, he used to say, the way they always caught the light. Suddenly he sees that same hair sopping with blood, matted to her cheeks, his hands pushing them away clumsily, his lips searching, his body hungry—
—and he says, voice thick, “You’re beautiful.”
If Caroline is suspicious he doesn’t blame her, because he had forgotten, and he doesn’t know how he can possibly forgive himself, especially when he notices the bracelet she’s wearing. And he can’t stop himself then, surging forward to wrap a hand around her neck, to press his forehead against the soft cushion of her curls. “I’ve fucking missed you.”
Stiff in his arms she does nothing to push him away, and she sounds puzzled when she says, “It’s only been three days, asshole.”
Mouth still buried in so much her, he says, “You know what I mean.”
She still hasn’t moved. Klaus closes his eyes to the hotness building in them and his hand roves from her neck to the notches of her spine, the slope of her back, coming to rest on her hip. His other hand he uses to bring her fingers to his lips, a soft graze of a kiss. And then he sways her.
“What the hell—“ Caroline falls into step with him after the initial clattering of her heels, “—are you doing?”
“Dancing with you,” Klaus replies.
Caroline frowns. “Why?”
Klaus sighs. “I’m trying to romance you.”
There are about a dozen questions in Caroline’s eyes, he can see: she’s angry, she’s confused, she’s resigned, she’s—she’s nodding, and she’s resting her head on his chest. “I do like to be romanced.”
“And I do like to romance you,” Klaus says. He closes his eyes to the press of her body against his, “I just – forgot. How to. When to.”
“Please tell me this isn’t your entire apology,” Caroline mutters, and he chuckles then, though it sounds thick, clogged and wet in the back of his throat. The urge to kiss her is sudden and suffocating.
“Caroline,” he says, and then changes his mind. “Love,” he decides, and nods – it sounded better, and if his senses weren’t deceiving him he feels Caroline melt easier into his touch. “I’m sorry I’ve been—“
“—a total dick,” she interrupts. “An absolute asshole, a nightmare to share a bed with, when you’re even there to share a bed with—“
He tries again. “I got caught up in—”
“Things that totally do not concern our marriage—adding to New Orleans’ already alarming body count, for example—”
“—business cropping up that required attention—“
“—away from me, and I’ve been nothing but supportive—“
“And overbearing,” he reminds, “and bloody difficult to be with as well—“
“Only because you stopped loving me,” she hisses, and there it is – the cracking in his chest, the clenching of his heart.
He asks, suddenly, desperately, “Do you hate me now?”
“Klaus…” Her eyes shutter and she exhales slowly and definitely. It strikes him in the gut the way her shoulders sag, but not from relief, when she says, “I had to do something, do you know how terrifying, how all-encompassing it felt to share a bed with a stranger every night? I’ve had—this isn’t the first time…” she’s having trouble looking at him now, blinking rapidly, “You stopped loving me.”
“Never,” Klaus says harshly, pulling her so close there is no telling where she ended and he began, “Don’t you dare think that.”
“But I did,” Caroline says so sadly, and her eyes are so big and so wet and he feels the same welling inside him as well, and he can’t help it anymore: he kisses her, tastes the salt of her unshed tears, tastes the blood on her tongue and the syrup of her teeth, the sharp of them. He kisses her with the heat of a fever, feeling the same dam breaking inside him. They fall into bed, him on top of her, her suitcase upsetting itself onto the floor, her hands in his hair, his heart entirely not his own anymore. She cries into his shoulder and he holds her, cries with her, a bittersweet relief seeping from him, regret and remembrance and denial and defeat crushing his insides, but when she lifts her head and looks at him through tear-crushed lashes, when she smiles at him, he feels his heart returning, he feels a yearning for home, for her.
“I love you, Caroline,” he says, burying it with a kiss.
“And don’t you forget that,” she says, or she threatens, but it sounds so sweet coming from her.
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euthoriaz · 3 years
Cleon in Infinite Darkness Ted-Talk
Don't mind me but I want to let this out to y'all.
I've seen the newest Infinite Darkness trailer 10000000 times ( well, duh, of course. I'm there for Cleon moments ) and yet I've realized these all just now. But y'all gotta bear with me because this post is gonna be looong. Like I mean, LONG.
Can y'all see his little smile when he says "Claire?"🥺
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I think that speaks alone of how happy he is when Claire's there out of the blue. It's always nice whenever someone sees a familiar face in their work place. Especially if that familiar face doesn't work in the same place as him and that familiar face is someone he trusts a lot.
I'm sure Leon's expression here means they're comfortable with each other. At least they are. They trust each other and most importantly they support each other. I'm not saying they act like lovers but this could lead to something more than just ordinary friends. Best friend? Could be. Lovers? This also could happen and has lots of potentials since in RE2 REMAKE, he also flirts with her. And it's very obvious that Claire is also into him A LOT ( honestly, who doesn't? ). That fence scene is one helluva big hit, ahem 👀
Anyway, back to Infinite Darkness, I legit screamed that Capcom gives this subtle hint. Maybe I was blinded by my excitement the first time I saw the newest trailer so I didn't realize it. But yeah, homeboy actually smiles genuinely when he calls her name. His expression is like he can't believe she's really there in front of him. NOT TO MENTION HIS HEAD NOD WHEN HE SAYS HER NAME🥺
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NGL, I thought I was tripping when I first saw it. I thought I was blinded by my Cleon obsession so my eyes tricked me🤣. I replayed the scene backward again and again and again (I didn't regret it ofc).
But yes, dear God, my eyes didn't trick me and this is real😭😭. I WAS SO FREAKING HAPPY YET I WAS SHOCKED. I had to pause the trailer to find the right moment to screen capture it.
Beside, c'mon y'all. When's the last time Leon smiles genuinely to a woman that's not Claire? Yeah he smiles to lots of women. BUT it's always a smirk or a teasing one. Never once a genuine smile. But not to Claire. He always genuinely smiles at her. In Re2Make, Darkside Chronicles, even in Degeneration.
Hell, Degeneration is full of Cleon moment even though they only share several scenes together. I'll talk about this in different post so keep your eyes on it!
Look at his left hand. LOOK AT IT.
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I can assure y'all that this is not because of inertia ( one of physics law which makes our body move because of a sudden stop ). Leon is also not gonna grab the damn document in Claire's hand. That's not a gesture someone would make if that were the case.
I'm not sure but to me it feels like he wants to shake her hand? Or maybe hugging her or grab her shoulder? It looks like it because his arm stops mid-air as if he has another intention to her. Not just because he stops in front of her. It's such an awkward movement if there isn't any reason behind it. So, at least, there must be one. I could be wrong or I probably read it too much tho so I leave it to your own interpretation.
Homeboy wanna say something else
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Homeboy with infinite hair wants a conversation 100%. IMO, Leon clearly wants to say something else to Claire but for whatever reason, he chooses not to. Dammit Leon. His body language and the way he doesn't break his eye contact with Claire says it all. There's this moment of silence before he says "don't do anything stupid" to her. And by looking at his expression, it's clear that he has something on his mind but decides to keep it to himself in the end. This is more emphasized by the way his mouth opens a little bit while he slightly leans to Claire. If y'all want more, his face after he tells Claire to not do something reckless clearly states that he actually wants to continue their convo but he has another obligation he needs to fulfill. His smiling face before he goes is like saying "Look, believe me I want to keep talking to you. But you know the drill and how it goes. I'm sorry, Claire. Gotta run. It's great seeing your face tho"
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FURTHERMORE, the fact that he says "don't do anything stupid" to her speaks that he actually knows her well and how she is as a person. He knows what lengths Claire is willing to go to prevent another outbreak. He telling her not to be reckless means he cares about her. If he's not, he can just say "gotta go" to her and that's it. But no. He didn't do that even tho it's clear that he's in a rush.
Claire teases him and he smiles back at her
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Believe me or not but if y'all see his face closely, he actually does respond to her by smiling before it cuts to "A Netflix Original Anime Series" text. Damn Capcom always gives us the subtle hints. And again, I didn't realize this at the first because it only plays for a brief moment.
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Yup. Thank me later because I'm not done yet🤣
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Can we talk that Leon practically jumps and runs on a collapsing bridge? Not to mention, there's a pool of acid below it. Homeboy really gives it all out.
I just love the fact that Capcom highlights this scene before it cuts to Resident Evil Infinite Darkness title text. Like it's something so dramatic.
Want something more?
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Anyway, reason why I ship both of them together is because their relationship is always based on trust. Leon is always sincere to Claire everytime they meet. And it seems like at the end of the day, Claire will always be the person he trusts no matter what. They have such a natural and healthy relationship. Claire never lies to him and has shown great concern to him several times in RE 2 REMAKE. On the other hand, Leon too has shown his concern of her in Degeneration. But let's continue that in other post.
I know this post is veryyy looooong. Please don't mind me because they're my otp for a very long goddamn time, dammit🤣
I lost count of it.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk✨
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odetojeons · 3 years
Hello! If this isn't a bother, what do you think Joshua's biggest kinks are? You did It with Jeonghan and Wonwoo, so I was just curious! Thank you :)
Nooo, it’s never a bother, don’t worry!! It’s the purpose of this account after all hehe
Role Play — Okay, I don’t know if you’re gonna agree with me on this but Joshua’s so into role play. He wouldn’t be too much into the heavy ones though, would like you to wear pretty clothes for him as he wears a suit (why a suit I have no idea, but I can imagine him sitting on the edge of the bed while dressed in a suit, manspreading as he waits for you to crawl over at him and kneel between his legs, big and veiny hands caressing your cheek before he pulls you closer to mouth at his clothed cock).
Over Knee Stockings — Damn it, I just think Joshua gets so turned on with pretty clothes. He would love when his partner uses stockings for him, and if you put a garther too... Oh, he would go absolutely insane. He would pull on the strap and let it snap back on your skin as you sit on his lap, and to be honest he would admire you so much wearing this kind of stuff for him.
Lace Kink — I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST CLOTHING KINK,, I think. Just. You wearing lace. Not much of a explanation other than Joshua loving to see the soft fabric on you. Lace underwear or lace bra, if his partner has boobs or likes to wear bras; any type of lace, really. Especially if it’s a lace choker. Something about your neck looking delicious and extremely inviting with it.
Body Worship — Oooh, Joshua is such a body worshiper. My heart clenches just thinking about it. He would lay you down on the bed, completely naked, and just stay there looking at every centimeter of your skin like it’s his new favorite thing. Would trail his fingers from the tip of your toes, passing through your calfs, knees, thighs, even teasingly brush against your private parts before he goes to the belly button, circles his finger around it to watch your lower stomach clench, and then pinch your nipples suddenly, all in the while he praises you gently. Which brings to the next kink:
Praise Kink — Joshua is all about praising you. Every few seconds he would tell you how beautiful you are, how you look so pretty on the clothes you’re wearing, so stunning falling apart just for him. He’s very gentle with words (emphasizes on words, Joshua is only gentle when he speaks, but his actions says otherwise, whether it’s when he manhandles you around when you’re having sex or fucks you so hard you think the bed might break).
Face Sitting — Haha. I think I might start crying from unholy places very soon. Um. I just think he would love when you ride his face, and it’s actually one of his major kinks. Whether it’s for rimming or cunnilingus, Joshua would want you to sit on his tongue and move those beautiful hips of yours until you’re a moaning mess and coming all over him. He’s all about giving you pleasure instead of pleasuring himself, because every time he sees you feeling good it’s like he’s getting a personal stroke to his cock.
Spanking — His HANDS. They are the reason. Joshua has such big hands, would love to watch them all over you, especially if it meant to have a red mark adorning your pretty ass. He wouldn’t do it for the sadistic part though, but wether to see the flesh jiggle when he slaps it hard, or your needy little whine after it. He would actually feel pleasure to see the print he just left on you.
Choking — His HANDS part 2. Just. Yes. His hands on your neck. I don’t think Joshua would do to the point of cutting your airflow, but rather squeezing at the sides to leave you light headed and possibly make you cry from it. I mostly think he’s a soft dom, but there’s this evil part of him that wants to see tears of pleasure on your face, although I don’t think it’s big enough that I add dacryphilia on this list.
Cock Warming — Oh shit Joshua and cock warning skyrocketing on my list of otps,, in general, his partner on top of him as he tells them what to do is such a turn on for him. Now you sitting on his cock, all pretty and quiet for him, isn’t different. Joshua would even put a movie just so you could cock warming him as he watches it, because he wants to feel the heat of your body close to his in a moment of calmness in which the both of you become one. Does that make sense?
Overstimulation — Joshua wants to pleasure you as many times as you want, so I don’t think he would be much of a edger (since it’s mostly for teasing and punishment purposes). He just wants you to feel so good you don’t know what to do with yourself anymore, be a crying and moaning mess and writhing all over the bed.
Pet Names — Well, not really a kink but I just think Joshua would be so into cute pet names. Such as sweetheart, darling, baby, my love, princess, prince, pup, sunshine, any of that kind. Especially the first two. He just exhales the sweetheart energy, calling you softly by it like he’s not fucking your soul out of your body.
Shibari — Oh yes. YES. I have even written a short imagine about this already (you can search for it on my pinned, if you want) and I think it’s such a Joshua thing. Not all types of bondage, but shibari especially, because he thinks the rope patterns are beautiful and interesting, even more so if they are sitting across your skin. There’s this deep part of him that gives a feral satisfaction on watching you try to squirm away, only able to take what he gives you, but you didn’t hear it from me.
Love Making — Not precisely a kink again, but I felt the need to put this here. I think no matter how kinky things get with him, everything will be done with so much love you sometimes might even feel (positively) overwhelmed. Joshua would tell you how much he loves you all the way through, make sure you’re okay and take care of you, and something tells me his aftercare is so damn loving. As always a gentleman.
The end!! I hope you liked this one too, I really love the concept of soft dom Joshua when it comes to sex JKWSKSK
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A quick analysis of the puppy scene in 3x15, because my OTP is perfect.
This is honestly just a whole lot of gushing and flailing, tbh. Because Kurt and Blaine and their relationship are wonderful and I love them so, so much. So much so that I can write paragraphs on a scene that is barely one minute long. 
This somehow ended up being much longer than I intended, oops. Hope you enjoy it :)
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We start off this scene with Blaine alone at his locker, presumably putting away his belongings from his last class, and you can still see Kurt’s ‘Gay-diddy-gay-gay-gay’ class council election poster on the inside of Blaine’s locker, even months after Kurt lost the election. But Blaine still keeps it up, because he loves Kurt, and if he had it his way, Kurt would win everything. Awww. He appears to be deep in thought, and when Kurt hides behind Blaine’s locker, speaking in the world’s most adorably terrible British accent, it startles Blaine for a second.
And man, does that make me sad. This is a kid that has been bullied, undoubtedly shoved into lockers and pushed here and there just like Kurt was. He hears an unfamiliar voice and immediately flinches back in fear, expecting the worst. 
But it isn’t the worst - it’s the best. Because it’s Kurt, the person Blaine loves more than anything, hiding behind the locker, and it’s Kurt speaking in that cute-ass accent holding a stuffed puppy in front of his face. 
(Side note - I once read that Chris Colfer improvised the dialogue and accent of this scene, as well as coming up with the name for the puppy, which totally checks out since Chris is a huge Anglophile.)
And as soon as Blaine recognizes his boyfriend, his face breaks out into the sunniest smile, and he does his signature “Kurt-made-me-laugh” move, the blushy head-duck (see here for reference). 
Kurt also looks similarly delighted to see Blaine, because Blaine is lovely and Kurt loves him so, so much, and because he’s also excited to show Blaine the gift he got him and help Blaine out with his problems. Kurt really loves Blaine, y’all. He looks so damn proud of the stuffed animal he got for him and equally proud of his own ability to make Blaine laugh with his clever puns. 
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Kurt goes on to explain that Finn won the stuffed puppy while out at the amusement park for Senior Skip Day, along with thirteen others for Rachel, and as soon as he says this, Blaine nods along as if to say - oh, of course, that Rachel - because Blaine is considerate as hell and knows his friends very well. And in honest-to-god Kurt fashion, bb stole the puppy from his brother, because Kurt is the definition of Be Gay, Do Crime, and he also recognizes that Rachel does not need 14 different stuffed animals. 
He pouts a little right then, telling Blaine that he wanted to give it to him so that Blaine would have something, since Kurt wasn’t able to convince Blaine to go with them on the field trip. I wonder how that conversation went. 
Also, pouty Kurt is fucking adorable. Protect him at all costs.
Blaine is melancholy again, telling Kurt that he would have just brought the mood down for the group. And when Blaine says this? Kurt stops beating around the bush and gets straight to the point. 
Sweetly stroking the stuffed puppy, Kurt tells Blaine that he understands him. That he gets that family problems are hard, because they’re hard for him too. He uses himself as an example to try and get his point across to Blaine more effectively, and mentions that he and Finn disagree on nearly everything, but at the end of the day, they love one another and are always there for one another despite their differences. 
I’m also getting so many brotherly Furt feelings from Kurt referring to Finn as “the big lug” and talking about how much he loves him. Ugh. I also cry at the line where Kurt tells Blaine that he only has one brother and shouldn’t give up on that, given what happens to Finn. I wish we’d gotten more of that relationship in canon before Cory’s untimely passing, because they clearly had so much love for one another, both on-screen and off.
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Anyway, Kurt sees the love he has with his brother and wants Blaine to be able to experience the same thing, because he loves Blaine so, so much and he thinks that Blaine deserves everything great in this world. He also brings back the cute-ass accent, and upon seeing Blaine look upset, bumps Margaret Thatcher Dog against Blaine’s cheek to get him to smile again - which Blaine absolutely does; his face is bright and sunny again because of Kurt’s silliness. Awww. 
Kurt tells Blaine never to give up, and Blaine indignantly responds that Cooper is the one who is leaving for a big audition. Kurt pauses, and tells Blaine that Cooper hasn’t actually left him yet. He says that Cooper is waiting in the auditorium, hoping that Blaine will come and talk to him and make things right. This line very strongly implies that Kurt and Cooper coordinated this, and that Kurt made an effort of talking to Cooper to try and arrange a meeting with Blaine - because in a matter of mere days, Kurt was able to glean how important their relationship was to Blaine and wanted to do everything he could to fix it. Give him all the boyfriend awards, folks.
I’m kidding. Please don’t start the Better Boyfriend Olympics again, lol.
Blaine huffs out that talking doesn’t actually work with Cooper, and that he’s tried it to no avail. And Kurt just nods knowingly, as if he was aware that Blaine would say that. And though it isn’t explicitly mentioned, I bet he did know. He then goes on to say that perhaps talking isn’t the best answer for Blaine. Maybe there’s something else, a better method of communicating his feelings that would work more for Blaine. 
Okay. You know what this reminds me of? Flash back a year, to Silly Love Songs. This is (perhaps unintentionally) a direct callback to 2x12. Back when Blaine was still crushing on someone who is not Kurt, he said this to the Warblers about his idea to serenade Jeremiah. 
Blaine (2011): I'm not really good at talking about my feelings. I'm much better at singing them.
And here are Kurt’s words, from more than a year later. 
Kurt (2012): Maybe talking is not the answer. Maybe you need to show him how you really feel in the best, most honest way you know how. 
Can I just stop right here and squeal a little bit? Because Kurt knows his boyfriend so, so well. He remembers the things that Blaine tells him, even things from over a year ago. He holds onto this key piece of information about Blaine, because Blaine is important to him and the things he tells Kurt are worth remembering. And here, in this scene, he puts his memory to good use to try and remind Blaine of his most effective and heartfelt form of communication so that he can help Blaine mend fences with his brother. 
Kurt is so, supportive of Blaine and just wants the best for him, and it just boggles my mind when people claim that Kurt didn’t love Blaine as much as Blaine loved him, because from even short simple scenes like this one, anyone can tell that it isn’t true. 
After listening to Kurt, Blaine stops, and for the first time, genuinely considers it. Prior to this, all of Cooper’s attempts at talking couldn’t get through to him. Blaine still felt the jealousy and resentment from all those years growing up. But after hearing Kurt’s advice, he puts that aside and realizes that some things, like family, are more important, and so he makes that decision to go see his brother and try and express his feelings in a different way. 
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Blaine turns to go meet Cooper, and Kurt watches him go, looking so damn proud of his boyfriend and so, so hopeful...
Y’all know what happens next. Blaine and Cooper, a pair of brothers, sing a breakup song. Yet somehow, it works. Singing manages to communicate all of those emotions that were suppressed before, and opens the doors for real conversation between the two of them. They do successfully patch things up, with Cooper finally recognizing Blaine’s talent and Blaine trying to support Cooper in future endeavors. They are on a path to a close relationship, which is all both of them had ever really wanted in the first place. 
And if not for Kurt’s advice, this may not have happened. Y’all heard that right - Kurt Hummel helped Blaine patch things up with a member of his family because he knew how important it was to Blaine, and he knew how badly Blaine wanted this even if Blaine didn’t let it show. From all the bits and pieces of information we’ve gathered over the years about Blaine’s family, they don’t appear to be all that close, which is why it’s even more important for Blaine that he is able to reconcile with his brother.
(For more of my thoughts on Blaine’s family, feel free to check out this analysis of mine. Yeah, this is a shameless self promo. Deal with it.)
So...what was the point of this analysis? I’m not quite sure. I suppose I just had a lot of feelings about Blaine, Klaine, family, and the way that Kurt shows love. Like I’ve said millions of times, just because Kurt is more subtle in the way that he shows love to Blaine, doesn’t mean that it’s any less powerful. Scenes like this, in which he handpicks Blaine’s own words and uses them to push Blaine towards something he was too afraid to admit he really wanted? Kurt helping reconcile Blaine with his family? This is Klaine at its best, and scenes like this are why I will always, always ship this couple. 
Kurt and Blaine are incredible, y’all. 
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hillnerd · 2 years
Hey Hilly :) Sokka x Zuko for the ship game. And Happy new year! 💛
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? -FOREVER
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -It took time- I think Sokka is the first to recognize it as he has the most self awareness. Zuko is doing something soft or hawt and Sokka is like 'oh....... Wait I don't have those feelings for Zu--- Oh spirits I DO!what? damn!' and Zuko is all 'I have never, a day in my life, known what's going on in my own head for more than about 5% of the time because I repressed that part of my brain-- but I know I like men which father and his ilk said was shameful so I have never, a day in my life, listened to those feelings because I repressed that part of my brain... And Sokka is beautiful and makes me want to be soft in ways I didn't know I COULD. I probably have a head cold... ' So it takes a long time for the two to actually communicate anything- because Sokka is convinced Zuko doesn't like him that way and any of his 'patented moves' to test the waters are not working, and Zuko is convinced no one likes him that way unless they say something or kiss him- so yeah- pining 250k after years of knowing one another Zuko accidentally explodes saying he loves Sokka and Sokka is like 'well then let's do this! I didn't know but I had a spreadsheet of data I was considering!' A Zuko is melting into the floor because feelings.
How was their first kiss? passion, burning, sokka might still have a tiny scar from Zuko's thumbs on his hips.
Who proposed? Sokka- and Zuko did not know it for like 2 weeks
Who is the best man/men? Toph Aang Katara Suki and Mai
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -
Who did the most planning? Sokka- he IS the plan guy- Zuko more complies with the traditions he is expected to so he doesn't disappoint anyone
Who stressed the most? Zuko
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. I'm convinced Sokka would try to keep is small but Zuko is like 'but the priests and council are saying' so it ends up being fancy but without a lot of people bc Sokka and public speaking is not the kind of stress he wants on a wedding day- and I'm pretty sure the fire nation wouldn't be like 'gay wedding? let's make this super public' since they didn't even like DANCING - so yeah.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? ozai and azula (depending on her mental health at the time)
Who is on top? I think they switch it up more when they're younger, but Sokka tops like 75% of the time when they're older
Who is the one to instigate things? Sokka is much more likely to instigate earlier in their relationship as Zuko is so uptight- but as he relaxes and realizes 'no, sokka wants you to do this' he's like- 'oh! okay- well then I'm happy to initiate kissing/more' and it becomes very even
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? like 10-12 minutes or so on average- but other times it's languorous and long, or marathon sessions- they switch it up depending on time and mood
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Try to! Though I think Sokka is very much the sort to be like 'no it's about you tonight' and after Zuko realizes that Sokka does that a lot he's like 'No tonight is about YOU' - and eventually they're like 'ya know what? it's about both of us like 93% of the time.'
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. I see Sokka as having a variety of dirty talks he brings out, and that dueling/combat could be a bit of a turn on- so yeah- I can see it being a bit rough at times :)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. Sokka is a cuddler- Zuko won't do so in public very often.
How many children will they have naturally? 0 or perhaps Mai or Suki helps them out- so 1
How many children will they adopt? 1-2
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? they try to keep it even- but Zuko is better at not being dramatic about it so he will take the worst ones
Who is the stricter parent? Zuko
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Sokka as he's pretty good at precaution vs Zuko is not the best at knowing when something is too extreme as he's like 'i was doing that when I was 5' 'and whose Idea was that?' '...... my father's....' 'and your father--' 'is not an example of proper human interactions or standards.... I know >:( ..... 8('
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Sokka- first off he's the one who remembers most things- and second it's FOOD
Who is the more loved parent? equal
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Sokka- sometimes with a beard- but Zuko would show up too and be like 'why are you wearing a beard'- 'I'm on the board' 'that doesn't explain the beard---' *random person comes up* 'Ah! Mr Fire!' 'That's right. Wang Fire!' Sokka crows in a deep voice and Zuko's jaw hits the floor as horror washes over him as Sokka proceeds to do PTA stuff in a beard and silly voice under the name Wang Fire for an hour.
Who cried the most at graduation? Sokka, with Zuko being like 'why are you crying?' 'she's all grown up and <blah blah blah describes the end of an era etc> *Zuko tears up* 'oh wait, Zuko are YOU crying?' 'WHAT?! NO! I'VE NEVER CRIED A DAY IN MY LIFE *YOU* ARE CRYING- SHUT UP.'
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Sokka loves this stuff- but Zuko usually just firelords it and lets Sokka think it was all thanks to his brilliant gift of the gab
Who does the most cooking? Sokka
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Zuko
Who does the grocery shopping? -Sokka
How often do they bake desserts? -not that often- they more buy it than make it themselves
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -hahahah MEAT
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Zuko getting Sokka his face foods of the water tribe- even though he hates them personally
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Sokka- he loves trying new food
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Zuko in frustration
Who cleans the room? Zuko- did you see how sparse his rooms were? vs Sokka is the sloppy sort who has plans everywhere
Who is really against chores? -neither likes them- sokka hates them more
Who cleans up after the pets? Zuko
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Sokka
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Zuko
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Sokka- he was VERRRY pleased with himself
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Sokka loves long relaxing baths - they also help with the chronic pain in his leg
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -dragon, and Zuko
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -Sokka doesn't do it until he DOES and then he goes HARDCORE- so either there is nothing for like 2 years, or he makes a working moving model to celebrate a festival and goes full extra. Zuko goes along with whatever makes Sokka and Izumi happy
What are their goals for the relationship? -
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Sokka
Who plays the most pranks? Sokka
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