#efecto mariposa
Fuiste el "Efecto mariposa", más grande que he tenido.
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la-intensa · 1 year
Ya pasé mi evento canónico,
Ya pasé mi efecto mariposa,
Ya tuve a mi casi algo,
Ya hice y me hicieron ghosting,
Puedo estar sin miedo a lo que venga.
Superada total
La intensa.
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 11 months
Encanto OC Event Week 3: Efecto Mariposa. One Family
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(Cute inspiration about the twins when they're kids. Alejandra's inspired from Bingo Heeler from Bluey and Francisca's from movie version of Matilda Wormwood.)
🎶Bruno married Mercedes. Now they're expecting 2 babies. And that's how Abuela became an abuela! Let's go! Let's go! 🎶
Mercedes, like canon, spends her pregnancy nauseous and achy. Thankfully Julieta's cooking helps. Even Bruno gets up and makes simple food for his wife. He showers her belly with kisses and gentle taps for good luck. Pepa makes baby blankets. Casita creates a nursery in Bruno's room. Alma's excited to have a new generation who'll make the family stronger. When Mercedes suggests the name Alejandra for a girl, Bruno instantly loves it. He also loves Francisca if they have another. He thinks it's the perfect name for a fearless hero in a telenovela. They come up with Horacio and Inigo for sons. (Their middle names would be Pedro and Armando in honor of their fathers.) Interestingly, Horacio means "Timekeeper" and Inigo means "Fiery."😉
In May, Mercedes feels the beginning of labor late at night, but the contractions are far apart. She doesn't worry remembering how her mother's labor went with her half-sister. Pepa, Julieta and Alma are further in town the next morning. Instead of being alone, Bruno's there the whole time providing comfort. The rest of the family arrives just in time as labor gets stronger and Mercedes's water breaks! Then it gets crazy. Bruno's pushed out of the room. Pepa can't control her worry which causes a storm. Alma's frustrated and takes Pepa out to calm down. Julieta's keeping her cool the best she can. She's helped with deliveries, but she's nervous doing it for her sister-in-law. Bruno can't take it and tries pushing the door down, until Casita lets him through. He's there for the delivery of his daughters. With happy tears, he holds Francisca and washes her while Mercedes delivers a breech Alejandra. The family is overjoyed with two babies. Alma holds back crying, wishing Pedro was there. That night she checks on Bruno and quietly sobs. In the warm candlelight, he's snuggled with his wife and twin daughters; arms protectively around them. It's a bittersweet moment for Alma, but reassured knowing this won't end in tragedy.
Bruno and Mercedes share all the responsibilities of raising the twins. They change diapers, handle colic and crying fits in turns. Mercedes has a hard time nursing and worries she's failing as a mother. Bruno encourages her and stays up for late night feedings. Once she gets the knack of it, he savors watching. It fills his heart in a way he can't describe seeing his wife nurse their children. They develop a favorite nursing position. Cuddled in bed, Mercedes holding one, Bruno holding another against her breast and his free arm draped behind his wife. Their heads gently nudged so Bruno can whisper to Mercedes that he's proud and loves her so deeply.
Julieta and Pepa love being aunts. They spoil their nieces with hugs and smooches. Alma savors being an abuela and watching her grandchildren grow. Bruno's over the moon, the stars and beyond. He doesn't do visions as often and spends any free time with his babies. Even after a terrible day, he feels better seeing them. His favorite thing is to lie in the hammock, twins against his chest and softly tell stories. Their mostly about Mercedes. So we know how the twins were with their mama. How about with their dad? Since Bruno and Mercedes have a healthy marriage and truly love each other, it makes an impact on the twins' lives compared to Mercedes being with Pablo. As they grow, they can talk to Bruno about anything because he's understanding. There's no favorites or expectations.
Alejandra is Bruno's shadow. They love playing make believe games. She's a pile of giggles when Hernando and Jorge show up. She even tries her own versions with her blanket and mixing bowl. When Bruno has to leave for visions, she'll say "Don't worry Papi. All good visions today." When he comes back after a bad day, she'll say "Knock on wood Papi. Tomorrow's better." When she's scared around new people, she'll hide under his ruana. She'll do it trying to surprise him and Bruno plays along wondering where she went. She loves the rats and treats them like babies.
Francisca's still antisocial, but she bonds with Bruno. He actually sees her for who she is and does what she likes compared to Pablo. He reads with her and challenges her with puzzles/riddles. He draws with her while she learns sketching. Bruno's unbothered that she's not a hugger. She learns to write fast and leaves notes to the family about how she loves them. Bruno finds them on his desk and vision cave. Speaking of which, Francisca prefers watching his visions. She's not afraid of them and is curious how they work. She's more patient with animals and doesn't mind Bruno's rats. She can be arrogant, but gently reminded to be humble.
Mercedes and Bruno usually spend Saturdays outside with the girls. Going for long walks, playing in streams and having picnics. If the girls are sick or having nightmares, they're allowed in their bed. Francisca learns the piano young and she has concerts for her family (and the stuffed animals.) Alejandra makes bracelets and necklaces for everyone. For one of their parent's wedding anniversaries, the girls say they have to marry. (They're 3 then.) Mercedes and Bruno comedically reenact they're wedding ceremony. The next year, the girls do a play how their parents met. If Bruno's had a lot of visions requests, he has to deliver vision tablets to townspeople and the girls go with him. Sometimes together or just one. The deliveries aren't as tense with them. Some people have a better reign on their reactions when his children appear. Bruno's eternally grateful for his family and he'll do anything to make sure his daughters don't struggle like he did. He and Mercedes are going to have a major challenge when they get their gifts.
(I think I'll save the rest after the Encanto OC Event. My brain's tired sorting this all out. 😅)
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redddmoon · 1 year
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Pero no pueden porq ni esa, ni otra vida, esta hecha para q esten juntos
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dak-daniel · 2 years
Y mi felicidad nunca volvió a ser la misma desde aquel momento.
El Efecto Mariposa - 2004
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chusxd · 1 year
Si pudiera borrarme de tu vida para que hubieras sido feliz lo haría.
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gigiiis · 1 year
que gran efecto mariposa el de ayer
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talindalalife · 1 year
“Cualquiera puede estar a tu lado en momentos de abundancia, pero no cualquiera en tus momentos de escasez.”
Que contradictorio, el ser humano en sus momentos de escasez casi siempre aleja a la gente que lo quiere ayudar por creer que “Puede solo” y que no necesita la lastima de nadie… aveces tus amistades no se quieren ir, tú las obligas a irse.
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la-vida-es-efimera · 3 months
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The butterfly effect -2004 🦋
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goldenliartrash · 1 year
Se me acaba de ocurrir un pensamiento muy oscuro así que aquí va: Reboot del ministerio del tiempo en el año 2070, la patrulla tiene que infiltrarse en la velada del año iii y conseguir que estopa actúe
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 11 months
Encanto OC Event Week 3: Efecto Mariposa. One Life
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(TW for pregnancy loss. No Alma bashing here either. She hasn't learned her lessons yet.) Decided to edit this. ☺️
Onto the first years! Mercedes eagerly joins the family routines. Bruno's a little more at peace with his gift since something good happened. They're both in marital bliss. Julieta, Pepa and Alma are cheerful. It's a great change in their lives. Then Mercedes starts noticing cracks in her new family. She witnesses more sides to her husband and in-law's bustling lives. She's worried about their health since they overwork. They should have time for themselves. She also hopes to have her art studio and make her hobby a job. Having stood up to her mother she gains confidence and discusses her concerns to Alma. It's brushed off.
Alma explains that Mercedes is now a Madrigal; she has a role and duty. She must be involved in the Madrigal's status and lifestyle. She has to partake with earning the Miracle that found them. She knows it's hard, but Mercedes will have to sacrifice her goals for this busy life.
That's not the only thing Mercedes needs to adjust. She's viewed as Bad Luck Bruno's wife than regular Mercedes as if she's not an individual. Anyone she knew before is avoiding her. There's gossip that Alma married her son off to his friend because nobody would court him. A sad shock is when Maria forces her family to leave the Encanto. Mercedes never sees them again and just when she was getting closer to her stepdad!
It's hard, but Mercedes doesn't regret marrying Bruno and he's her biggest supporter. He gets into debates with Alma about letting Mercedes do her own things than just help the Miracle all the time. Pepa and Julieta do as well. Though Alma loves Mercedes, she feels like she's steering her children, especially Bruno, down a different path than what's designed for them. She and her daughters are upset when Bruno suggests maybe they should have their own place instead of living in Casita full time. Scratch the cottage off their dream list! With these changes, Mercedes grows uneasy about sharing a big house with the family. She and Bruno are more content being alone. She wishes they had their own little house like some couples. It's tradition to live with the family, but they feel boxed up. Casita has their back by adding updates to Bruno's room so it's more like a tiny house. They already had a bathroom, but soon they have a kitchenette, reading nook, hammocks, and art studio. Casita also lets them get out more often when the family sleeps so they can have more alone time.
The couple still share hobbies and activities like before, but it feels closer. Some new things come up. Mercedes takes up back/neck massages for Bruno and it helps his stress. She pretty much convinces him to not shave his facial scruff because she adores the feel when they kiss.
After their 1st year, the worst happens: Mercedes has a miscarriage. It's very early, but that's sadly how she discovered she was pregnant. She thought it was menstruation pains only worse. Only Julieta and Bruno know. Mercedes blames herself while Bruno's hating himself for not seeing. What if he saw this coming and could've saved their child? Of course, there's nothing they could've done. It just happens. (This is the baby girl in that vision Bruno shows Alejandra and Francisca in the story canon. He doesn't realize it here yet.) Mercedes names their lost child Esmeralda. They grieve and hope they have another chance. After the grief, they're baby obsessed and try whatever possible to get pregnant. Nothing. Whenever Mercedes witnesses a family with a new baby Bruno clasps her hand reassuringly. It's not until October, right before they're 20th birthdays, they have a blessing.
Bruno feels an involuntary vision and Mercedes sits with him. The vision shows Mercedes on Casita's balcony and holding a baby! They're stunned, but overjoyed. Then Mercedes realizes she's missed her menstrual by a couple weeks! She already is! The two decide to wait another week or two because this was around the time of the miscarriage. After waiting and Mercedes develops a baby bump, they announce to a thrilled family. It's another short weeks later when Alma comments Mercedes is growing fast like she did with the triplets. 👀
Trying the vision again. It's completed with Bruno appearing with another baby. Twins! A miracle in pairs! 📿♟️
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Mi efecto mariposa sera siempre haberte visto esa vez desplazándote de un lado a otro, con tu hermosa carita seria y con esa sonrisa que cada vez que la recuerdo hace que se me paralice el corazón y le robaba suspiros a cada persona que la veía, con esos ojos llenos de tristeza y soledad que solo provocaba querer abrazarte y cuidarte hasta el último aliento, quien diria que una persona que me lleva casi 5 años me arrebataría mi sueño y despertaría de una manera tan incontrolable mis instintos más bajos, una carita de un angel con sonrisa seductora y mirada solitaria... Ahora entiendo porque los angeles no pueden estar ante la presencia de un vil mortal, uno queda atrapado en tanta belleza y resplandor, que cada movimiento majestuoso que hacias era mas peligroso que cualquier tifón.
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majortom84 · 2 months
El cine me ha enseñado a soltar y dejar ir...
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coffeekidsstuff · 2 years
No es para ti, no importa cuanto hagas.
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brajanjanaresblog · 1 year
Es increíble pensar en que podemos llegar a ser un efecto mariposa irreversible en la vida de una persona y jamás darnos cuenta.
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malditabenditta · 1 year
Si yo era tan maravillosa, ¿por qué dejaste que me pudriera aquí?
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