Y'know considering it's pride month and all I thought it'd be fun and relevant to talk about something that I've had on my mind, after having been with my partner for a year and a half now I've been taught one very vital thing.
That relationships {regardless of whether they're platonic, romantic, or sexual} all rely on Comfort and discussing boundaries.
If you don't quite get what I mean then let me elucidate using an analogy my fellow UK users may be familiar with from their days in secondary school sex ed, though this one ain't just for sex this time mind you!
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Yep, the Tea is back to fucking haunt you.
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If you already know this? Great! Way to go champ, you know how to not be a cunt when being intimate with people! if this is for whatever new information to you, well I'm glad that I've taught you the wonderful and weird laws of "it's not fun till everyone's having fun". Alsoo Ii just wanted to doodle shit about this topic for fun, with the two common guys in here being owned by myself {Spirit - Cat} and @cherrykitkat {Kitzel - weird cryptid thing} who's the aforementioned partner at the start!
Happy pride cunts, learn your boundaries and chat about 'em!
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vampyrluver · 11 months
i found an entire gameplay of ffxvi nd imma watch it, its 27 hours long but it looks fun
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macademia-nut · 1 year
truly habing a woman online moment
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neometalmadness · 1 year
hey neo , what do you really think of that boom guy ? do you actually have some sort of feelings for him ? or is it just .. complicated ?
...Oh, that is a difficult question to answer.
Infact, perhaps Neo doesn't have an answer? It does take them a moments to gather themselves, appearing somewhat puzzled from their minimal body language. Or perhaps even taken aback, slighty? Its unclear...
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"... It's not your business, firstly. Under normal circumstance, you would be ignored."
Okay, of course, Neo has to make that much clear-- this is not a normal circumstance! Hell, they're fumbling through 'organic feelings' ('organic' & 'feelings', both are derogatory) like a bull in a China shop. Neo is only very vaguely familiar with... Processes, rituals, whatever you want to call them-- such as these.
Romantic feelings weren't something they were supposed to be able to feel! Compassion wasn't something they were supposed to feel. They were only supposed to be able to lust for revenge against the little blue rat that had stomped his creators plans, over and over again. But here they are.
And that is to say...
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"Secondly-- I wouldn't describe it as... 'Complicated'. But I wouldn't describe it as... The other thing, either." God forbid they even humour romance. "And that is all."
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wot-tidbits · 3 months
Wheel of Time plagiarized from Dune
With the coming of the new part of the awesome Dune movies, we again witness several people and fans to speculate on the similarities between Dune and WoT. There are many who even step further and claim that Robert Jordan was “inspired” (plagiarized) from Herbert. In that light, I want to bring back to your attention that Robert Jordan has spoken on that topic and he completely denies it.
INTERVIEW: May 19th, 2004 Rome Signing Report - Raven (Translated) ROBERT JORDAN Someone else asked if while writing the Aiel he got his inspiration from Herbert (re: the native inhabitants of Dune [the Fremen people]); he answered that it was not that, that the real source of inspiration is the Cheyenne people, originally shepherds and forced to became warriors and to flee into the desert when the white man came.
INTERVIEW: Nov 11th, 1998 MSN eFriends Interview (Verbatim) TIJAMILISM I love all the similarities between Frank Herbert's Dune and WOT. Was this intended? If so, are you a fan of his? ROBERT JORDAN No, there was no intention to make any similarities between Dune and my writings. And I am certainly a big fan of the original Dune novel. Although I doubt if I've read it since it first came out!
The fast answer to these two quotes is “But of course he is obviously lying!”. To this day we still have no example of Robert Jordan lying to his fans. Moreover Robert Jordan publicly stated about using Tolkien in his writing and had no problem to admit it. Why he will admit about Tolkien but won’t do the same for Herbert? I do not see any reason to not believe Robert Jordan except the obvious “but it must be a lie”.
For first time we also can finally use RJ’s notes as proof that the similarity is coincidental.
ORIGINS OF |THE WHEEL OF TIME by Michael Livingston Aiel. The idea of people living in a harsh desert landscape beside a great chain of mountains is one that came to Jordan early: Altaii has a similar concept, and the Aiel are present in some of the earliest Wheel of Time notes: “They are infantry, in many ways like a cross between the Apache and the Zulu, with touches of Cheyenne. Physically, most are tall, with blonde or reddish hair and blue or blue-gray eyes most common.” To this he added elements of the culture of the Bedouins and the Irish—the latter, he said, at least initially intended as a joking comment against the tendency of novelists to all have the same kind of desert people (see Tuatha’an). Indeed, it’s nevertheless been commented upon that Jordan’s Aiel are strikingly similar to the Fremen from Frank Herbert’s Dune (1965). That similarity, however, is almost entirely the result of Herbert and Jordan using the same source materials of the real world: in particular, the ancient Israelites who wandered in the desert while awaiting their entry into what they believed was their Promised Land. Rand al’Thor plays a role akin to both Moses and, at least within Christian mythology, Jesus (as the Messiah who both splits and saves the Jews). Other notable Jewish parallels include the Aiel Tribes and, somewhat obviously, their name: Aiel derives from Israel. Their connections to Native Americans (particularly Plains Indians) should not be forgotten, however: from their rituals to their clan names, Jordan made frequent recourse to them.
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🛼📚🥐☁️ for the ask game please!!!
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
Art? 🦋🐢💜💙🃏
Writing(as in comic, specifically the chapter/events to come)? 🐢💛🦊🕷️🎇
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
Unfortunately I use my notes app for literally everything, so this is gonna be boring. I'd use a notebook if my mom wouldn't read it and mess with it. But "Email for flight info and itinerary", a reminder that my family sent me all my information through my email
Turtle related? A doodle of bay donnies general plastron shape cuz I always fuck them up
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🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Jorts. Stickbugs. Amogus. I don't really find references funny as much as audios, like for TikTok and vine, and I've been rewatching TWD with a friend lately and giggling so bad
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
This is gonna be a bit sad. I chose it years ago, when I was on iFunny(very conservative echochamber, unfortunately I wasn't a good person and I acknowledge that.) I had an efriend I yapped to way too much. One of the last conversations we'd had was her telling me I should name myself gornack, not bc it exists as anything, afaik it isn't a character or anything, but bc she likes the name gornack. I added the eater of worlds bc I thought it was cute. We drifted apart bc she had actual real friends irl, and stopped talking. I wonder where she is all the time, and my name always makes me think of her and hope she's doing okay. I've used it for so much now, for so long, it's me. I can't part with it. I'll often think in third person and use gornack
I chose TheGreatGornack as a shorter counterpart so I wouldn't have such a long watermark or username for certain sites with a character limit
I had an ai call me Dr. Dornack once, so that's my discord nickname, so I also use dornack:
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(this is all satire)
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00-nick · 16 days
tired of having my efriends living away from me!!!wanda maximoff i get you girl, i too would create a city and block it from the outside world just to have them all to myself and be happy forever
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glagy · 9 months
I should spend the time I spend on tumblr having efriends in real life having real life friends
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hiyorisworld · 1 month
MY NAME IS SOU BUT YOU CAN CALL ME BY ANY OTHER NAME OF MY IRLS !!!!!!!! I am hoping to make lots of friends here ok here's some info under the cut !!
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I'm Sou I'm 14 and I go by he/him!!
I am fluent in English, Greek and some French
I'm an IRL of Sou Hiyori/Midori (YTTD), Toritsuka Reita (TDLOSK) and Matty (WH)
YTTD & SAIKI K!!!!!!!!!!!!, Needy Streamer Overload, Witch's Heart, Hello Charlotte, Omori, Bungou Stray Dogs, Mad Father etc etc
PUNK ROCK!!!!!!!! GOTH ROCK !!!!!!!!!! Destroy Boys, Skinny Girl Diet, Mommy Long Legs, The Oozes, Pinkshift, Newgrounds Death Rugby, Bauhaus, Jigsaw Youth, Slutever, Car Seat Headrest!!!
PSYCHOLOGY!!!!!!!!! PSYCHOLOGY IS MY FAVOURITE THING EVER!!!! Psychiatry, Anthropology, math, literature, music
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gothicprep · 2 months
a pattern I’ve noticed in my life is that there’s a stark difference between relationships I’ve had that were almost entirely facilitated by digital communication and ones the ones that have primarily physical grounding. and the beginning and end of it is conflict resolution.
there’s the surface explanation of “I come off differently irl because, in that context, you have the additional context of my tone of voice and body language”. but that’s really not the whole story. the bigger part is, imo, when you have to deal with people in the flesh, you owe them a little more than a hair trigger or avoidance if you have a problem with them. i don’t exactly love all the people I work with, for example, but we need to be cordial and cooperative in order to get things done. there are exceptions to this – the scenario of an abusive boss comes to mind – but the idea of making a scene or being like “I’m not talking to you!!! I’m not talking to you!!!” is nonsense to me unless a situation has spiraled out of control.
but I really do believe the medium is the message. even when I’ve had nasty back & forths with irl people, we’ve been able to move on from whatever happened after we’ve cooled down. with falling outs I’ve had with people that Ive either exclusively or primarily known digitally, there are key differences. the first is that these are rarely conflicts that involve one of us doing something deeply offensive to the other, it’s mostly petty and abstract. the second is that they’re more likely to softblock, disengage without even having the balls to tell me, something like that, and not hash it out when we’ve both calmed down a little. inciting incidence can be something like a random tweet that isn’t directed at them or anybody.
I have an indefinite embargo on efriends tbh. the ones who are here already can stay, but I won’t be accepting new applicants until god knows when.
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pbd · 1 year
get to know me tag!!
tagged by: @wwwstarnet thank uuu (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
tagging: @9911 @nezu-mi & i forgor who else likes these so. anyone else who wants to
relationship singlé
favorite color red/pink/black
favorite food sushi or borgar
dream trip psychedelics :•) & perhaps usa just so i can visit efriends
song stuck in my head raw raw by k. flay
last song played ufo by s3rl. its p mid im jus catchin up on new releases
last google query "boo" cause a friend asked me if i know of it n i was like No n he never followed up 💀
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ratmans-notebooks · 2 years
spring blloomed in the kicthen again so i crawled out of the wall amd squinting saw upin the stovetop just like id always imagined it more than i could eat my dreams were finally realitymy struggles had a happy ending they mist want to b efriends ;;;!;;!;!;!;
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selkieblood · 6 months
gamed 3 hours straight with my efriend.... yeah pretty much i am the most spiritually rich person on this earth....
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thepinkseashell · 1 year
(guy who just updated the tumblr app for the first time in like 3 months voice) woag... polls :3
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sailor-moon420 · 2 years
hum lets b efriends
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dahianas-readblog · 3 years
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I’m looking for a penpal I can write letters to!
I live in the US, I like books and writing. I wouldn’t mind sending letters outside of the country. please please if you’re interested in being my penpal, hit up my DMs or leave a question on my profile and I will respond!
Also my twitter is @/romadahiana and you can reach me out there too!
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