#egg anon <3
nyxelenios · 2 years
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SPREAD THE MUTHAFUCKINH WORD!!!!!! (they also mentioned that they're answering sum questions on Monday 👀, this is from their last post about tesses outfits)
This is egg anon btw >:]
egg anon!! oh my gosh it's been a while, hello! :D i hope you're doing okay :] btw your profile picture is really cool!
:/ dang, they better have something good for us after making us wait for so long. if they don't have anything good, then there's touchstarved coming soon ;] hehe
— cain.
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squuote · 2 months
okay I know we are all So Excited about the TSPUD Collector's Edition Stanlurine and Jim button but what about the Cow's egg. where's the cow's egg. I was promised a cow's egg with my sequel collector's edition.
(I'm sorry if this seems extremely random, the context is the TSP2 sequel video)
no cow's egg unfortunately. providing an alternative. its already hatched tho
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fallenclan · 17 days
Yewberry sprite, please?
- 🥚 (can I be egg anon?)
here you go! both his elder sprite and his warrior sprite, since you can't see his new scar super well on the elder one :)
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merakiui · 1 year
Mer Eggs Anon back again
Okay hear me out Mera-
The fwb into yandere into parents- omegaverse style
Darling is having so many problems with their heat and strikes a deal with one of (or all 👀 maybe they take turns) octatrio to help, in return you help them out too with their ruts
Slowly overtime it goes from Fwb to one-sided affection to obsession
But one day somehow (we know how) Darling is pregnant, despite being so careful with contraceptives and protection (scheming boys always win) and hides it. the time for their next heat comes and the boy asks why they aren't in heat (they know), and darling has to tell the boy that they are pregnant
Pull the "I understand if you don't want to be a dad-" and darling is promptly cut off by the joy the boys feel, they proudly claim darling as theirs, he will be a great father and all this other stuff.
And darling is too overwhelmed to even notice that the boy seemed a bit too prepared to be a dad... somehow everything seemed prepared already
It all comes crashing down eventually, darling finding out about the sabotage but by then they are too far along and they already have been claimed, so even if they wanted to they are instinctively bound to their alpha (or alphas)
Okay rant over-
Signing off,
Mer Eggs Anon
MER EGGS, I LOVE THIS AAAAAAA!!!!!!! OTL omegaverse with (supposedly) surprise, unintentional pregnancy is so yummy omg omg!!! <3
Imagine after learning that it was all fully intentional and that he sabotaged your birth control you try to confront him because you’re so shocked and upset and hurt and betrayed and disgusted, but he’s being so sweet to you, telling you you’ll be a wonderful parent, that he’s here for you every step of the way, that this will be perfect—don’t you want a family? You want to be a parent, right? Right? And suddenly you’re not sure why you’re so angry anymore… or!!!! Conversely, holding your ground and not letting them lead you astray with so many hypothetical questions and subtle topic changes, but your determination crumbles when he gives you a dead stare and says, completely serious and stern, “You’re keeping the baby and you’re building this family with me.” Or something along those lines, and he purposely releases too many strong pheromones so you’re forced into submission. You have no choice but to drop the subject and meekly agree because it’s an unfortunate biological fact that omegas are immensely weak to lots of alpha pheromones, especially pregnant ones who have already been marked and claimed by said alpha(s). <3
Omg omg omg also that trope in omegaverse where the pregnant omega misses the alpha when they’re not home, so they surround themself with the alpha’s scent (whether by wrapping themselves in the duvet on their bed or hiding away amongst their shirts in the closet or by rifling through the laundry to find an article of clothing that smells a lot like them). Aaaaa it’s purely instinctual that you’re doing this, but he’s so pleased to come home to find you so compliant and weepy for him, unable to avoid omega instincts.
Floyd’s the easiest to deal with (and easiest to charm). But then he’s also really good at unintentionally charming you because he’s just so genuine and loving and helpful, and he wants so badly to be part of the baby’s life. Also he’s so good at pregnancy sex????? You’d think he’d be rough or lose himself in the moment, but he’s eerily soft—arguably the most gentle sex you’ll ever get from him. <3
Jade may be particular about certain things, such as making sure you aren’t doing too much hard work because he doesn’t want you to injure yourself or the baby, but for the most part he’s just pleased to start a family with you. I think you’ll see more emotions from Jade because he doesn’t take as much care to veil all of them. He’s just so overwhelmed with happiness, so he smiles a lot more—smiles that actually show teeth—and he’s practically glowing with joy and excitement. You even caught him humming when he was preparing breakfast! T-T he becomes so fluffy, so one way or another you’ll find yourself charmed. How can you not when he takes such good care of you?
Azul is a bit of a mess (a lot of a mess, actually), so he frets over every little detail. He wants you to be comfortable at all times, so everything he does is for your sake, even if it means he has to sacrifice his own comfort. Azul was ready to repaint the entire kitchen because you (in the midst of a pregnancy mood swing) whined about how the blue makes you think of gloomy, rainy days. :( Azul just wants you to be happy because when you’re happy he’s overjoyed. <3 you only need to exist and he’s the happiest mer in the world, so there’s no need to entertain escape. Not that you’d get very far. :)
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utahlive · 1 year
Hi guys! Thank you for bearing with me during my little break ^_^ There’s an episode queued for today after this post, and I’m going to try to get some more queued in advance in the next few days. So... Hopefully back to regular uploads? Ive also got a fun ...announcement? so thatll happen in the next few days
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is this a demand or a question because I do have a handful of doodles of him
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the classic poker chip  <3 its a hard tie between the 8ball and the spade for second place though
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YASS it took me a few days to get to this but its so good
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What the fuck does this mean
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We’ve got a celebrity among us . Thank you for your service egg boy o7
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ckret2 · 6 months
Can Bill tell Soos anything about Soos's father just to piss off Abuelita? After all, he likes to piss.
Axolotl, I hope this joke isn't too stupid.
Anon, I am eyeing you with the deepest suspicion.
Bill can tell Soos tons about his father.
Bill would never piss off Abuelita.
After Mabel, Abuelita is the one person in the house Bill least wants to piss off. His first full day in the shack, she tried to poison him with a genial, inscrutable calm; and remained genially inscrutably calm when he called her out on it. That's a stone-cold killer. She wasn't afraid to try to kill Bill Cipher and she wasn't afraid when she was caught trying to kill Bill Cipher. He respects her and slightly fears her. So far, she's the only human who's outright tried to kill him since his reincarnation, and he feels there's very little keeping her from trying again.
If that weren't a concern though, he might occasionally make jabs about Soos's dad to him—and why stop there, his mom is a sore spot too—not to piss off Abuelita but just to bully Soos.
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kadextra · 11 months
If you have the chance, could you tell me what the eggxhibit is? I’ve been hearing about but am not sure what it is exactly (I haven’t been able to watch recent streams and such)
of course! :D
over the past few days q!Bad has been constructing a huge museum that’s dedicated to stuff about the eggs, it has 3 floors so far and is located next to the art gallery. His goal is to preserve important things about the eggs here & let any newcomers understand better who these characters are :]
“The Eggxibition” is the name of a floor where each egg is given room to build their own “eggxhibit,” use it to share whatever they want, and decorate to show their personality.
For example Pomme made hers look like a cozy library and is planning to display the journals she writes, Richarlyson decorated his to represent what each of his dads mean to him, Dapper made sections for all of his interests & displayed self-written instruction books about game mechanics to teach the visitors.
Gegg will have a space too, and so will the eggs who have passed on. since they obviously can’t decorate their rooms the parents will do it, Roier loves the idea to make one for Bobby and is planning to work on it with Jaiden soon :D
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chaoticlad · 6 months
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Saw @anonymousfudanshi’s comment and wanted to draw it-
Mario’s hands look silly but I like em 👍
I drew them normally again‼️
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nyxelenios · 2 years
Your birthday got my brain juices running,,,,,, so I'm pretty sure i already sent someone an ask about sages birthday post chapter 11 (i think it was you????) But what about YOUR birthday coming up ;-; and sage made a tiny lil grave for you,,,,he put a plushie that you gave him near it,,,,,he visits it every now and then,,,,,i don't think he'd even tell tulsi about it,,,,,,and shit how would he feel visiting a grave that doesn't even have a body for it,,,,,, i think Ozzy or evanox posted something about how sage might've gone back to bury balsam and lucan so,,,,,,do you think he put you next to them??? I-
....(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) im gunna go ahead and request some post chapter 11 smut from Ozzy for the both of us,,,,,aw shit where are my caTS-
-egg anon
ok first of all this made me feel so sad i had to lay on the floor and cry. second of all i got to this a little late because a lot of stuff happened i hope it's ok eueueue TT can i cuddle with your cats too egg because my cats don't wanna get out of their big cardboard box TT
this, for me, is really really really depressing because my birthday (18 August) is just three days after Sage's birthday (15 August). and,,, and you know how some really close people choose to celebrate their birthdays together when the dates are close to each other? what if Sage planned that, talked to MC about that? because if you ask me i'd give everything just to celebrate my birthday with Sage eueueueueue
Sage goes, hey MC, why don't we celebrate our birthdays together so we have one big party? y'know, so we don't have to worry about celebrating two birthdays in one week? (read: i'd spend every moment of my life with you, my love. each second with you is pure bliss; your presence graces me like cool water washing over me in the summer, comforts me like warm blankets on a cold winter day. you allow me to be weak, vulnerable... things i could never be around others. you're one more to love and one more to lose, but i still love you regardless. what's love without a little pain anyway, a little reminder that good things will come to an end, so one must cherish what they love as much as they can. so i'll love you while we're standing in the same place, under the same moon. i dedicate my time to us both, most especially to you, and the day the universe made you for me. i love you.)
and MC agrees with the same excitement Sage has. they run around town, buying decorations and foodstuffs and whatever else they need for the party. they even manage to convince a tavern owner to rent out their place for the big day. everything is going so well, so good... it's just a day of them running errands and scribbling down their plans and recipes and menus, but it's like heaven on earth for MC and Sage. just the two of them, excited to celebrate their birthdays.
and then chapter 11 happens...
brb gonna cry about this and hopefully make something of it later because this concept hurts really good thank you so much egg anon ily 😭💙
— cain
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13eyond13 · 8 months
did you get my egggs
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peevishpants · 10 months
Hey man, love all the zucchini recipes I've been seeing. Wanted to suggest zucchini brownies, they're like the cousin of zucchini bread but gooey and chocolatey!
Also straight up the healthiest brownie you've had in your life, but you won't care because they're that good.
2 cup flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups shredded zucchini (like 1 or 2 zucchini based on size)
2-5 tablespoons Water
1/2 cup chocolate chips (or as your heart desires)
1/2 chopped nuts of your choice (I love toasted walnuts)
Preheat 350° usually I use a 9x12 baking pan.
First mix all the drys up!
Next (in a separate bowl) mix up oil, sugar, vanilla. Then add the drys to this bowl. Now it's gonna look way wrong, like sand, worry not. That's the way it's supposed to look.
Now add that shredded zucchini! I know I said 2 cups but if you have more you can always add some more. Mix it up and let it sit for like 10 minutes. If it's not fudgy looking at this point add some of those tablespoons of water, but you shouldn't need much if any of the water. The mixture should be really thick!
Okie dokie almost there, just oil the pan you're using and plop that mixture in. Bake that sucker for 25-30 min and enjoy some delicious brownies!
Now add your nuts and chocolate chips!
Hope ya like them, and good luck with the zucchini recipe collecting.
ough!! thank u for the recipe king
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piratefishmama · 2 months
I- uhm. I do not know how to tell you this without sounding like a psychopath, but uh. Egg? Hard boiled. With salt. And strawberry marmalade. Sorry. Love you n your works. Byeeeee-
hard boiled egg and strawberry marmalade? what a fantastically strange combination! i cant say i'd ever be tempted to try it because i'm thee pickiest of bitches when it comes to food, but if you enjoy that then you enjoy that!
Eat all the tasty hardboiled eggies with strawberry marmalade you like 💖💖
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chamoemileclown · 10 months
Hi thinking about your Code Egg again. Can you draw them and Foolish? Maybe them with their final accessory :]
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Thinking about Foolish telling his scary bedtime stories to them...
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merakiui · 1 year
The husband selection gives me ideas👀
I actually think Malleus might put himself up as an option, if he knew his favorite child of man was the bride, because I think the idea of being chosen would be very meaningful to him. Especially if they don’t know who he is, and just want him for him and not his power. Darling would have a time tho, they think they’re getting to marry a friend instead of a total stranger and surprise! Their dorky/mysterious friend is actually the leader of the compound they live in:D
I’m also very curious how picking Floyd would turn out. I want to think Darling and Floyd end up happy to everyone’s surprise. Bonus points if Azul was banking on you not picking anyone so he could claim you during the next bride selection (even as one of the last men in the world tako is still struggling)
-🦩 anon
Omg Malleus definitely would! I think he might put himself up anonymously or he'd put himself under an alias (most likely the nickname you've chosen to call him if the two of you met and befriended one another prior to selections) just so that he won't be immediately recognized. After all, he doesn't want to be chosen and pursued by someone who is only after his status or power. Being voluntarily chosen is quite meaningful and romantic to him! It works very well when you're finally living alongside him because you're much closer now and he won't have to fret over his precious child of man's safety or discomfort in the less luxurious dormitories. Malleus will bestow upon you all of the comforts you could ever wish for; you need only ask and he shall spoil you. He'll be attached to you all of the time, hovering near or around you, his silent, soothing presence a warm reminder that he will always be here for you.
I like to think that being Floyd's bride is very rough in the beginning because the both of you are getting accustomed to one another and this arrangement. Floyd accepts it surprisingly quickly, but his fast-paced, sporadic lifestyle might take his darling shrimpy by surprise. He does fall for you eventually and it's definitely to possessive levels because you're a precious resource that he isn't willing to let go after he's formed such a nice connection with you. He's willing to share you with Jade if Jade likes you enough.
Azul suffering in an apocalypse... orz I'm not surprised. ;;; if he had his eye on you, he would definitely have the foresight to claim you for himself before anyone else can choose you. Though if you are Jade or Floyd's bride, he's certain he can work out a satisfactory deal that allows for everyone to have you. He's desperate, but luckily he can blame such pathetic desperation on the state of the world.
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sinizade · 3 months
how did qih'za's daughter come about? is she somehow biologically gale's, or was she reproduced asexually and hatched like all other gith?
Jaitre came from the egg that we can get from the Gith creche that we can go on act 1, she ended up hatching a few months after Qih'Za and her team of traumatized youngsters managed to defeat the brain
(And I know that canonically the baby in the egg is a boy, but Gale has a lot of girl dad energy)
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skeletalheartattack · 11 months
can i make the yummy sandwich for you?
the yummy sandwich?
this could be us?
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