#egotober wing/ wings
innudoggy · 2 years
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Ego-Inktober 2022, 19: Wing/ Wings & Ponytail
Marvin’s ancestor?
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sentavoarts · 1 year
tober challenges d9
This is another one for egotober. it said antlers so why not draw that one Artem card (list by (i think) TracoButtons on twt or x)
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pretty nice for one of my first times drawing him (shocking) byee
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glitchyartist · 2 years
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Egotober day 19: Wings!
Peacock Marvin is about to carry some poor sap off by their shoulders.
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nightly-productions · 2 years
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Egotober 2022 - Day 13 - Sky     Prompt list by - @tracobuttons
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Egotober day 19: Wings
hehe winged dark go brrrrrr
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lostcybertronian · 1 year
Egotober - Day 5
Prompt: Jar
Prompts by @tracobuttons
The camera sat still and untended, its lens focused entirely on a large Mason jar filled with twigs and leaves. Dangling from one particularly large twig was a cocoon of some kind, lumpy and green. 
From the time stamp in the upper left corner, the camera had been watching this cocoon for some time. Occasionally it’d catch the odd blur in the periphery, or a snatch of conversation.
A few days passed, night and day demarcated by fits of dim. The cocoon cracked, a pair of silky, wrinkled wings emerged, attached to black thorax attached to six spindly legs that scrabbled their way free of the husk to cling to the twig.
It had just begun to unfurl its wings for the first time when a shadow passed over it. The screen of the camera flickered red-blue-gray as a grayed hand reached down, touched the jar with one finger.
The butterfly crumpled, its wings shredded themselves. It fell from the twig to the earthy green curl of a dying leaf, a long way to go for such a small creature.
The hand retreated, color returned to normal, and all was quiet.
Another day passed. And then-
“Our butterfly, Jim!” A pair of hands picked up the camera, reduced the view to blurs of color before it focused on two near-identical faces. The Jim Twins. “Where is it?”
“I wonder if it’s hiding.” One Jim spun the camera back around to view the jar while the other unscrewed the lid and peered around inside. It was only a moment before his shoulders slumped.
“Not hiding. Dead, Jim.” He said, and the Jim behind the camera let out an audible groan. 
“Maybe if we go through the footage, Jim, we can see where we went wrong.” The Jim with the jar suggested. “Let’s go do it now, Jim.”
“Excellent idea, Jim!” Cameraman Jim hefted the camera to his shoulder, catching an excellent close up of Field Reporter Jim’s face as he scooped up the jar. The last shot was another blur as they left.
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altr5312916195 · 1 year
EgoTober Notes and Master List
Hey Gamers! So @tracobuttons has dropped the Egotober prompt list and this year, I'll be writing again. I've been writing for Egotober since it was started but in years past I only got a few out, there was no cohesive story. Last year I actually wrote every day and it got a lot more attention than I expected. Last year I had a coherent storyline, and because all stories were left on cliff hangers I'm going to continue with it during this year.
One thing that happened last year though was a lot of people asking me how my universe worked around the Septic and Iplier Egos and this post will serve as that information post.
So, here is my Egotober Masterlist and notes guide to Raspy Hill!
What Egos exist in my canon?
In the Iplier Manor: Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache, The Jims, King of the Squirrels (Kos, prounounced cause, for short) Yancy, Google, Bing, YandereIplier (Yani, pronounced -yuh-ann-ee, for short), Annus, Heehoo, Actor!Mark (Mark Iplier), really anyone conistently seen post Markiplier TV
In the Septic House: JackieBoyMan, Henrik Von Schneeplestien, Anti, Chase, Marvin, Jameson Jackson, and Robbie.
Where do the Egos exist?
Depending on the Ego they will live full time in Raspy Hill. All of the Iplier Egos are confided to Raspy Hill because of Mark, save for Wilford and Dark who are able to leave the confines for short periods.
The Septic Egos are more of a case by case thing, for instance, Chase and Jackie live in the subdivision of Attitude City, LA (yes that Attitude City) Henrik works in LA as well, at IRIS facilites.
Marvin, Jamie, and Robbie stay in Raspy Hill due to needing its magic to survive.
What is Raspy Hill?
You know that theory that's like "if humans believe in something enough it's real" keep that in mind.
In my canon Mark and Sean do exist. While Sean is connected to the Septic Egos in more of a magic way. They need someone human to tell their stories and connected them to the normal realm. (This is where that theory comes in) Raspy Hill is their inherent home, so if Jack stops telling their stories and fans stop caring they can become confined to Raspy Hill or even disappear all together.
But the Iplier Egos are different, they are anchored to Mark Iplier. Iplier was reincarnated in our Mark, and if his spirit persists so do the Ipliers.
If you're curious about anything else, just shoot me a message or an Ask. :)
Egotober '22 Master List
October 1 - Hoodie - JackieBoyMan (TWs: None)
October 2 - Leaves - Chase Brody (TWs:None)
October 3 - Ink - Jamesone Jackson (TWs:None)
October 4 - Grey - Jameson Jackson (TWs:Anxious thoughts)
October 5 - Water - Chase Brody (TWs: Allusions to car crash and drowning)
October 6 - Doctor - Henrik Von Schneeplestien, Antisepticeye (TWs: None)
October 7 - Peaceful - Chase Brody (TWs: Allusion to car crash)
October 8 - Key - Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 9 - Shattered - Darkiplier (TWs: None)
October 10
October 11 - Game - Chase Brody (TWs: None)
October 12 - Metal - Henrik and Chase Brody (TWs: mentions of dissasociation, mentions of blood)
October 13 - Sky - Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of blood, Allusion to past self harm, falling)
October 14
October 15 - Plant - Jameson Jackson, Marvin the Magnificent (TWs: None)
October 16 - Dragon - Marvin (TWs:None)
October 17 - Path - Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 18 - Wings - Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 19
October 20 - Alarm - Henrik, Chase Brody (TWs:Mentions of blood)
October 21 - IRIS - Henrik, Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of blood and vomit)
October 22 - Buried - Jameson Jackson, Robbie the Zombie (TWs:None)
October 23
October 24 - Creepy - Robbie, Jameson Jackson (TWs:None)
October 25 - Magic - Marvin, Antisepticeye (TWs:Mentions of burning/being burnt, knife mention)
October 26 - Bones - Wilford Warfstache, Darkiplier (TWs:None)
October 27 - Expirement - Henrik, Chase Brody (TWs:None)
October 28 - Purple - Jamie, Robbie, Jackie (TWs: Mentions of burning/being burnt)
October 29 - Ghost - Dark, Wilford (TWs:None)
October 30 - Pumpkin - Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of drugging)
October 31 - Happy Halloween - Chase Brody (TWs:Allusion to falling, dissasociation)
Egotober 23' Masterlist
October 1 - Cape - JackieBoyMan
October 2 - Stone - Marvin (TWs: mentions of blood)
October 3 - Drink - Chase Brody (TWs: Allusions to substance abuse)
October 4 - Happy - Chase Brody (TWs: Mentions of drugging)
October 5 - Jar - Marvin
October 6 - Pillow - Chase Brody
October 7 - Leaves - Chase Brody
October 8- Frame - Henrik Von Schneeplestien
October 9 - Antlers - Marvin
October 10 - Glitch - AntiSepticEye
October 11 - Metal - AntiSepticEye, Henrik Von Schneeplestien (TWs: Implied drugging)
October 12 - Green - AntiSepticEye
October 13 - Mirror - Darkiplier
October 14 - Time - Wilford Warfstache
October 15 - Strong - JackieBoyMan, Chase Brody
October 16 - Cards - Marvin
October 17 - Flower - Robbie the Zombie, Jameson Jackson
October 18 - Rage - Wilford Warfstache (TWs: confusion/dissasociation)
October 19 - Silver - Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache
October 20 - Music - Wilford Warfstache
October 21 - Shadow - Marvin
October 22 - Vampire - Yani, Bingiplier
October 23 - Web - Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache, Mark Iplier
October 24 - Fire - The House
October 25 - Cauldron - Marvin
October 26 - Werewolf - Bingiplier, Yani
October 27 - Orange - Darkiplier
October 28 - Ghost - Wilford Warfstache
October 29 - Fright - AntiSepticEye (TWs: Mild body horror, blood, religious allusions)
October 30 - Witch - Marvin (TWs: Allusion of gore)
October 31 - Happy Halloween (TWs: Blood)
Egotober '24 Masterlist
October 1 - Puppet - AntiSepticEye, Henrik Von Schneeplestien, Marvin, JackieBoyMan
October 2 - Bird - Darkiplier, Marvin, AntiSepticEye
October 3 - Jewel - Marvin, AntiSepticEye, JackieBoy-Man
October 4 - Fluffy - Dark, Wilford Warfstache, Yani, Bing, Chase Brody
October 5 - Calm - Dark, Yani, Chase Brody, Wilford Warfstache, Bingiplier
October 6 - Bubbles - Marvin, AntiSepticEye, JackieBoy-Man, Darkiplkier, Kos
October 7 - Power - Marvin, JackieBoy Man, Dark, AntiSepticEye, Kos
October 8 - Skateboard - Chase Brody, Bing, Yani, Wilford Warfstache
October 9 - Red - AntiSepticEye, Dark, Marvin, JackieBoy-Man
October 10 - Virus - AntiSepticEye, Chase Brody, Marvin, Henrik Von Schneeplestien
October 11 - Book - Marvin, Henrik Von Schneeplestien, JackieBoy Man
October 12 - Portal - Marvin, Henrik Von Schneeplestien, JackieBoy Man
October 13 - Clock work - Dark, Wilford Warfstache, Y/N
October 14 - Blue - Dark, Damien, Celine, Y/N
October 15 - Scarecrow - Yani, Wilford, Bing
October 16 - Mask - JackieBoy Man, AntiSepticEye, Marvin
October 17 - Inky - Jameson Jackson, AntiSepticEye, Marvin
October 18 - Yellow - Bing, Yani, Dark, Wilford
October 19 - Antique - Dark, Wilford
October 20 - Grim Reaper - AntiSepticEye
October 21 - Potion - Marvin, Chase Brody
October 22 - Haunted - Darkiplier, Wilford, Y/N, Kos
October 23 - Eyeballs - AntiSepticEye, Marvin, Chase Brody, JackieBoy Man, Henrik Von Schneeplestien
October 24 - Demon - Dark, Wilford, Y/N, Kos
October 25 - Grave - Robbie, Marvin, Dark, Jameson, Kos
October 26 - Spell - Marvin, Jameson, AntiSepticEye
October 27 - Ghoul - AntiSepticEye, Marvin, Henrik Von Schneeplestien, Dark, Kos
October 28 - Creepy - AntiSepticEye, Marvin, Dark, Wilford, Yani
October 29 - Mummy - Yani, Dark, Robbie, Jameson
October 30 - Purple - Robbie, Jameson
October 31 - Happy Halloween - AntiSepticEye, Marvin, JackieBoy Man, Dark, Kos
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chaseisglitched · 2 years
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EGOTOBER Day 19: Wings
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Egotober Day 16: Cards
Tarot reading might not have been the most flashy kind of magic he knew, but it was still powerful. Plus the cards came in handy for other reasons, though ordinary people wouldn’t know that. It was also simultaneously one of the sweetest and most terrifying forms of magic.
He could easily help bring couples, families together. He could help someone figure out their path in life that would bring them happiness. But he could also see who was dangerous, or in danger and didn’t know it or want to believe it. But the magician couldn’t force people to believe him, so their fate was ultimately their choice. The cards they were dealt could be ignored, for good or ill.
Marvin went around his shop to do a quick restock while things were slow. He’d had a group of tabletop gamers come in and they’d spent almost two hours gathering things for cosplay or the next game. It had been a bit hectic, but in the end everyone had been happy with their purchases.
His shop was only part of his business, he performed magic shows at least three times a week. Let the everyday population enjoy acts of impossibility and wonder under the illusion it was fake. It was a beautiful thing that the human mind was so quick to dismiss the obvious.
Marvin looked up from a shelf as the bell on the door rang. He finished stocking the dice and turned, cape swirling around his ankles. He gave the customer a smile. He got out his deck and began to shuffle it.
“Welcome to my shop, Mystical Magics, what can I do for you?”
What he didn’t expect was the tingle of warning from his magic and the sound of a gun being cocked. His cat like smile didn’t waver as he chuckled. He twirled a card between his fingers as he purred.
“Oh you really don’t want to do that~”
The second he saw the hint of gunmetal he threw the card. The magically sharpened edge sliced clean through as if the weapon was paper. There was a pained, surprised yelp as the attacker dropped it and then was shoved to the floor as Marvin quickly kicked him in the chest.
He set a boot on his chest and leant down, another sharpened card against the robbers throat. The magician’s eyes glowed threateningly as he loomed over the man, fangs bared in a wild snarl like a jungle cat. His power hummed under his skin that blazed with runic tattoos. It danced in the air in swirls of color and licks of ethereal flame around him and almost formed wings like a phoenix had.
“You picked the wrong shop to try to rob. You wanted fortune didn’t you? To try to take what you wanted from someone you thought weaker. Don’t lie to me, I know those like you. Well…let’s see what the cards hold for you, maybe you’ll get out of this alive.”
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boopymooplier · 2 years
Egotober day 19 - wings
Do not repost, reblog only | Commissions | My stuff | Redbubble
Two edits for one prompt :D This one was actually the first one I made
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manebioniclegali · 2 years
Egotober, Day 19: Wing/Wings
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(I had this done and went to post on time but Tumblr had to go and eat the post. Twice. I'm not rewriting this entire thing for the third time, so just have the initial planning sketch:
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kalebsocs · 2 years
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When I saw what I had to draw for egotober today, I ,being as fucking obsessed with wings as I am, I knew that I had to ensure that the egotober drawing had to have THE MOST amount of space. 
As for the gore-tober drawing, I have daydreamed about this sort of thing happening (don’t worry, it’s not anything concerning, just some conflict to make the story interesting) so I knew at least what my concept was for a gore-filled transformation.
And because of current JSEgo lore events, I had to draw little eyeballs in the IRIS formation, with three iris’s themselves. 
Meet Ridge! He’s Vondal’s boyfriend, I told you my OC’s were gonna be LGTBQ. 
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bookwormscififan · 3 years
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Egotober days 16-24
I’m a little behind because of life stuff, but here we are, catching up.
Proudest pieces: Film, Weapon and Skeleton
Clarification: Robbie’s eating a lollipop, the pocket watch is a time theory weapon, I took the Dark prompt figuratively, and Sam has little dragon wings for Halloween.
Prompts by @huffletrax
Please don’t edit/repost! Likes and reblogs appreciated!
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nightly-productions · 2 years
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Egotober 2022 - Day 19 - Wing / Wings
 Prompt list by - @tracobuttons
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lildevyl · 3 years
Egotober Day 1: Hat
Little Ram/Son of a Ram/Second Chance: Schlatt
Summary: Tommy stood there on the Prime Path frozen in front of Dream. Wishing that someone - anyone would come along and save him from this encounter. This silence stretched on for what felt like possibly hours to Tommy until Dream finally spoke.
“You know Tommy, I’ve been wondering. Why do you constantly wear that hat all of the time?” Dream tilted his head as if trying to figure out a really difficult puzzle that laid before him. “You’re not trying to hide anything now are you?”
Inspired by Son of a Ram, Shatter Me
(Prime Path)
It was starting to get late at night when Tommy started to make his way to his house with a small smile. He couldn’t help it, things in L’Manburg - Manburg were starting to turn for the better. Schlatt was trying to be better, which surprised Tommy. Schlatt was trying to sober up, drink less, and listen! Actually listen and take others' opinions to heart. Tommy felt kinda proud of himself. For once, someone actually thought that his opinion mattered! Don’t get Tommy wrong, he still misses Wilbur! But maybe . . . just maybe . . . Schlatt might not be the bad guy? Or at least not all that bad?
Tommy’s not sure, as a matter of fact Tommy’s not sure about a lot of things anymore! Especially with all the damn changes that’s been happening to him! Subconsciously, Tommy pulled the beanie hat that stole from Quackity down a little more.
Horns! Tommy was starting to grow horns! Not only that but Tommy’s pretty sure he might also be growing a tail? The headaches started around the Election Time but then they grew into migraines. At first Tommy had thought that it was the result of all the stress and pressure from everything that’s been happening. But then Tommy felt small little bumps on his head. Okay, so at first Tommy thought it had to be acne or that he possibly hit his head on something. But then the bumps grew more and then Tommy felt the beginnings of horns starting to grow from his head.
Needless to say, Tommy began to panic and kept everything that’s been happening from his brother, Wilbur! It was one of the biggest reasons why when Schlatt offered Tommy to come back to L'Manburg - Manburg, was that Tommy jumped at the possibility! Yes, he’s here to spy on Schlatt and help keep Tubbo safe! But Tommy didn’t know what to do!
What if his brothers found out? Prime, Tommy wasn’t sure. Would they still love him or cast him out? Would they view Tommy differently now that he’s a Hybrid of some sort after thinking and believing for so long that he was human? Which led to another thing that kept Tommy freaking out about. Not knowing exactly what kind of Hybrid Tommy was! He’s growing horns and possibly a tail for Prime’s Sake!
Goat Hybrid? Hey! Tommy and Tubbo could be “Goat Buddies” then!
Demon Hybrid? Okay now, there’s a possibility! Well, everyone kept calling Tommy a “Gremlin Child” ever since he first came onto this Server! Who’s to say that they weren’t wrong? Might explain his quick temper and chaotic nature more. Huh, maybe Tommy should get in contact with BadBoyHalo and Sapnap? Maybe they could help!
Ram Hybrid? Tommy stopped walking as that thought just crossed his mind. There was only one other Ram Hybrid that he knew of that was on this Server. And he was the one that invited Tommy back after exiling him and Wilbur.
Which brought Tommy back to his original dilemma, Wilbur. Tommy didn’t know what to do about Wilbur. There’s no denying it or lying to himself anymore. Wilbur’s gone! He’s been replaced by this - this Doppelganger of Mad Man! Wilbur needs help! A lot of help! Maybe Tommy could convince Schlatt into letting Wilbur back into L’Manburg - Manburg! And maybe force Wilbur to get the help that he needs!
Or maybe . . . or maybe . . . Phil! If there’s one person in all of the Minecraft Universes that Wilbur will listen to it’s Phil! Now how to get Phil here was the million dollar question? Tommy could message him, call him up and explain everything! But would Phil believe Tommy? Or would he just think that Tommy’s being over dramatic and just over exaggerating things due to Tommy being Exiled and scared?!
Techno! Tommy could message Techno! He’ll message Techno under the guise of Schlatt planning something that he and Tubbo aren’t sure what it is (which isn’t a total lie) and that Techno needs to contact Phil to be here encase Tommy or Tubbo’s cover was blown! Techno would message Phil. Phil would come here. Techno would take Phil to Pogtopia and then Phil would see that Wilbur wasn’t doing good and be able to help his two sons! Yes! This was a perfect plan!
With a plan of action in place, Tommy continued down the Prime Path to his home. It’ll work! It has too! Phil will be here and everything will be alright! Phil will help Wilbur. Wilbur will get better. And then they can figure out how to get L’Manburg back from Schlatt!
“Hello, Tommy.” Came a familiar voice.
Tommy froze where he was standing on the Prime Path for there standing in front of him was none other than Dream.
“What the fuck do you want?” Tommy demanded, ignoring how nervous his voice just sounded. No, he wasn’t scared of Dream! He wasn’t! He was a big man! So, not scared of Dream! Not at all! There’s nothing to be scared of by him!
“Well, I heard that you were back in Manburg and wanted to see it for myself if it was true or not.” Dream replied. “Not gonna lie, I’m kinda surprised that Schlatt invited you back and not well, Wilbur instead.”
“Wilbur wouldn’t have accepted even if Schlatt invited him back, though.”
“And yet you did?”
“You know Tommy, I've been wondering. Why do you always wear that hat?”
Tommy shrugged. “It’s getting cold out. And I want to change up my brand!”
Dream tilted his head to the side as if trying to figure out a very difficult puzzle. Tommy stood there silently praying and begging that someone - anyone would come along and save him from this encounter. He really didn’t want to be talking to Dream of all people! It was a long time that felt like hours to Tommy until Dream finally spoke again.
“So, it's not like you’re trying to hide anything, right?”
“Why would I?” Tommy took a step back from Dream subconsciously pulling the beanie that he stole from Quackity down. He couldn’t let Dream see his horns! He couldn’t!!
“Oh Tommy, you’ve never been a really good liar.”
Tommy didn’t see the outstretched hand until it was too late. Dream grabbed the beanie and before Tommy could do anything, Dream tore the beanie right off. Revealing Tommy’s newly growing horns and the start of his ears beginning to change as well.
“So, I was right! You do have something to hide!” Tommy could just hear the smugness in Dream’s voice. “I mean I had a feeling after that little slip up of his! But now this just proves that I was right!”
“Right about what?”
“You know Tommy I’m gonna be real with you. I never thought that in a million years that Schlatt would invite you of all people back. But after that little slip up he made about how he has been looking for his son . . .” Dream trailed off and shrugged his shoulders letting what he just said sink in.
Son?! Schlatt had a son?! What does that mean? Does that mean?
“No, no, no, no! Dream! You got - you got this all wrong man! I mean . . . Phil’s my Dad!”
“Phil’s an Avian Hybrid, Tommy. You would have been sprouting wings if he was your biological father or you would’ve been human if the gene was dormant. But the Hybrid Gene wasn’t dormant in you. And that just leads to asking you one thing Tommy. Why would Phil lie to you? Why would Phil lie to you about who your father is?”
Why indeed?
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lostcybertronian · 5 years
Egotober- Day 18
Prompt: Gold
Pairing: Dr. Iplierst/Dr. Ghost/WebMD
The Host’s library was wrecked; bookshelves were overturned, their contents scattered everywhere, in various states of ruin, pages torn out and spines ripped in half. Paper feathers crinkled and crunched under their feet as they ventured further in.
    They found the Host on the far wall, his wings spread wide, pinned to the drywall like a butterfly in a display case. The Host himself hung limply from them, his wrists tied together in front of him, his legs dangling, toes not quite touching the floor. The slow drip, drip, drip of ink from his torn feathers to the floor was the only thing to permeate the silence draped over the grisly scene. 
“Oh my god,” Blue muttered, as Dr. Iplier rushed forward, his mouth gaping into an “O” of horror for a long moment before his doctor’s instincts kicked in and he rushed forward. “Help me get him down, Blue!”
    Hands were instantly soaked in blood and ink as they worked to free the Host, prying from his feathers blades half-buried until, with a shudder, he fell hard into their arms, enormous wings thudding dully to the floor, the curled parchment appearing gold under the bright glow of Blue’s core and Dr. Iplier’s phone flashlight.
    They laid him down. Dr. Iplier immediately kneeled beside him while Blue freed the Host’s wrists. 
    “It’s alright, Host,” Dr. Iplier murmured, when the Host began to make small, choked noises, his fingers twitching, clenching, clutching at his bloodied trench-coat. He traced gentle fingers over the Host’s wings, examining puncture wounds that were ragged and raw and still oozing ink. “You’ll be- Blue. Look at this.”
    As he spoke he touched one of the wounds, one of the thousands of tiny words scrawled over the delicate paper, black-spattered and damning: Actor.
“You need to get Dark.” Dr. Iplier’s voice was low, kept carefully calm, but as he spoke his white feathers puffed, the edge of fear revealing itself through the hunch of his shoulders and the sudden shake of his hand. He twisted to look at Blue, barking, “now!”
Blue’s machinery hummed as he disappeared, back the way they’d come, driven by a single word, by the horrific reality of the situation.
    Dr. Iplier didn’t watch him go, instead doing what he knew he could, opening his medical kit and getting to work, continuing to murmur quietly to the Host even as he passed out, his head lolling against the splinter-coated floor.
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