iamindebt · 6 months
hey guys it's me tree tone
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Hello there Ehit fans.
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luckystarluminary · 4 days
People When i say im asian And im Not Japanese or Chinese or Korean or Viet 😳😳😳😿😿😿💔💔💔💔😿😿😿😿😿😿😿💔💔💔😿😿
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muxas-world · 16 days
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He is never beting the alletiond ;)
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Photos taken moments after disaster/Photos taken moments before greatness
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heartorbit · 2 years
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i'll dream of a stage filled with feelings
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dokyeomini · 2 years
i think this yarn would be perfect for this
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Kikis: Baby and the Bees
Cubby: (running in circles On her wobbly toddler legs) Kikis! Mama! Dagon! Kikis!
Blake: Kikis?
Yang: Yeah, I'm at a loss for this one.
Blake: What kikis, Cubby?
Cubby: (runs over to the window and points in the flower box) Kikis! Kikis!
Blake & Yang: (look out the window and into the flowerbox where there's a mother cat and her kittens)
Yang: Kitties!
Blake: ......She's be saying kitties this whole time???
Cubby: Kikis!!!
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frogofshadyorigin · 6 months
OMFGs I might have an opportunity to join a maritime excursion on a research vessel for 10 days sometimes in 2024 and I'm so hyped it would literally be such a great step into my future goal of getting into maritime biology OMFGs I'm so hyped right now even though I'm probably not going to get the place ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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bombnails · 2 years
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malocclusive · 4 months
V v v easy to do basic chores like dishes and deep cleaning shit when you're stoned or drunk
Honestly I get my former(hopefully lol) coworkers toking constantly working at trader joes
I had too much pride, but when I know it's me doing dishes or deep cleaning the bathrooms or litter boxes or mowing the lawn with the reel mower what do I fucking care
Shoulda done more in my days off than enjoying Baldur's Gate, could woulda shoulda been sawing the new growth down further in the back yard so I can get the golden reelmower to the front yard/doing even more fucking dishes so the cats don't eat off paper plates
Chores never end and I should could would just get faded as fuck to do it, the house is a shit show because I've been having fun playing video games. And if I get to have fun, that means everyone suffers so whyyyyyy bother
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takekawa · 10 months
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literally don't remember getting so mad about this that i saved a draft over it while severely ill but good god i was right. whyyyyy must i grovel and apologize for my naturally high T levels my health is fine AUYUGGGGGGGHHH
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muxas-world · 23 days
I can understand pecco being angry, fully blaming alex and saying it's all his fault to the media.
but I think there's a difference between "it was his fault, he should have looked, he should have braked and let me through, he should get a penalty, etc" and saying that another rider crashed into you on purpose or that he accelerated to cause the contact...
idk, to me that's a very serious accusation to make... like you said, racing is very dangerous and this crash could have been very ugly so pecco saying that alex crashed into him deliberately...
I get it, and I’m not policing anyone either if people get mad at his comments, because, I don’t know, I’m not going to pretend. When I first saw Alex, as a Pecco fan, obviously, I didn’t like it because I’m biased. ;) But in this situation, both are blaming each other. Pecco might have gone a little too far, but just for context, he went through that accident, and Alex refused to speak to him in the stewards' meeting. Afterward, I think all of that, plus whatever Pecco saw in the data (which, by the way, doesn’t prove Alex did it on purpose or deliberately, just that, like Alex said, he didn’t see him and continued his lap) made him say those things. I’m just giving a disclaimer that, for me, it’s now more like messy drama and gossip, and that’s it. But for both of them, Alex and Pecco, it was a pretty bad crash, and they already have history this season, so yeah, no surprise they’re acting like that in the media ..
Like my argument isn’t that you should never criticize or be mad at Pecco’s comments, but maybe neither Pecco nor Alex are the worst people in the world. They’re just two guys who went through a pretty horrible crash and are upset about it.
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unloneliest · 8 months
sorry for only making bad posts
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m3gahet · 10 months
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staryarn · 1 year
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