#ehm yaps
sketchehm · 5 months
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Look at him awww
This is from LilyPichu's latest video :>
Dream is a constant mention in OTV's videos, it's always a fun suprise hehe
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maybxlle · 3 months
more pictures of the moon
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forget-me-maybe · 2 months
jfc i feel like shit but i’m so happy my period is here
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tohjwcc · 3 months
I got to voiceact yesterday for the first time in my life. I'm at a camp thingy and there I got to try it out. And BRO.. That was literally one of the funniest things I've ever done, like I'm not even kidding! I've wanted to become a voice actor for a long time now, but after actually gotten to try it out, I want it EVEN MORE. When we va'ted Tangled, me and the other person I va'ted with nailed it first try. I was the mother (Gothel? Why do I not know what her name is..?), she was Rapunzel. Gosh, we were so great 😌 And it was a hard scene too, not to brag.
Lmao I gotta stop. Sorry guys haha. Try voice acting. It's SOOOO SO SO SO FUN!!! I wish I could do it when I get home too 😭 In the professional way, not the usual "YouTube va challenges" that I've been doing since I got that interest.
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lovelymel · 2 years
❛ 𝓝ext 𝓓oor ❜
joe “coop” cooper x fem!reader x doug remer
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a/n :: I LOVE BASEKETBALL i literally have watched it so many times + im a coop girl 🤭
warnings :: swearing, coop n remer being coop n remer
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ever since you moved into a cheap little neighborhood in milwaukee, you’ve found yourself concerned with your next door neighbors. just two twenty-something year olds with nothing to do apparently, as signaled by the fact that all they appeared to do was shoot hoops in their driveway and cause a racket with their pets.
although they admittedly dressed like bums, you had a thing for them. how could you not? there was something about them.
despite their good looks, you could not stand the noise they made. their dog growled whenever you walked past their house, the cat hissed and mewled throughout the day, and you could even hear crude jokes from the thin walls of the cheaply built houses.
on one particular summer evening, you decided you had enough of their ruckus as you heard non-stop blowtorch noises.
what are they doing?! you frowned, slipping on your shoes and stomping over to the house next door.
ding dong.
you stood at their door, tapping your foot and crossing your arms. whoever was in there took their sweet time coming to the door. it felt like you had waited there for hours.
finally, a blond opened the door, sporting goggles covering his eyes and a blowtorch in his hand, “oh, hey, we’ve never actually talked before, miss…?”
“y/n l/n. i just wanted to know what you’re doing.”
“joe cooper, “coop”, and uh, just some building.” he says, quickly taking off the goggles and tossing the torch to the side.
you just nod, “ehm, well could you please keep it down? i have work to do.”
“oh, yeah, sure,” coop said, “i never really see you that often. what do you do?”
“i’m looking for a job still…” you sheepishly reply.
coop gives you a tiny smile, “i’m sure you’ll find a job! it can’t be that hard.”
“well, what do you do?”
“i don’t actually have a job either…”
steps from another person were starting to get louder. you could hear another man yapping at coop, who was obviously very embarrassed. his face was dusted with a light pink.
“coop, man! you gotta start cleaning the hairs off the soap bar! and what happened to the la-z-boy? what happened to my baby???”
coop closed the door a bit, “would you excuse me for a sec?”
despite him closing the door, you could hear both guys shouting.
“shut the hell up!”
“you’re the one who decked the la-z-boy!”
“there’s a chick outside!”
a few seconds later, a man with curly hair and a set of glasses opened the door, “hi miss l/n, we’re really sorry for the disturbance. if there’s anything i could do—”
“—we could do.” coop butted in.
you looked down, tapping your foot on their porch, before glancing back up. god, they were attractive. “it would just be great if you guys could keep it down.”
you were turned, facing your house. before you stepped past their driveway, coop called after you.
“hey! you said you needed a job right?”
“uh, yeah… why?”
remer piped up, “we’re making this new sport, and if you want we could pay you to be a cheerleader to promote it. you’d be great.”
“y-yeah. you’d be perfect.” coop chirped.
you grinned at them, noticing how rosy their cheeks were. you told them you would sleep on it before making your way back to your house. it honestly didn’t seem like such a terrible idea…
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murmurmurl · 8 months
ehm this would PROBABLY be their reactions to meeting their virtual singers for he first time btw
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I'm gonna yap down here now :3
Toshiro would be ECSTATIC, they're very much a vocaloid fan and also pretty loud usually, so. Squealing, jumping, shouting out of excitement. When he calms down a little, he's probably gonna have a shit ton of questions, but overall accepts the existence of.. all of that pretty easily, I think?
Matsu would be kinda overwhelmed. While others are going insane somewhat loudly, he's going insane quietly, REALLY trying to process it, even though. Let's be real, this is pretty hard to process. I mean, a whole ass other world? Damn. After he does somehow manage to come to terms with that, he would be SO excited, kinda like Toshiro, he'd ask a billion questions, would try to inspect the virtual singers to figure out if they're a hologram (my boy barely has any concept of personal space btw).
Fumi is very, very skeptical, and tries desperately to rationalize this. Kinda like Matsu, but instead of shutting down for a while, she'd ramble out loud, trying to come up with any possible realistic explanations as to how this is even possible. When after a while they calm down, they would.. still be skeptical. Eyeing Miku (and whatever other/s vs I assign to them lol) with suspicion. It'd take her A WHILE to get used to all of this, and she'd probably keep going on small tangents about how weird all of that is from time to time. She'd be the last one to fully accept the existence of their sekai, and even so, not fully. It doesn't mess with her mind all that much, though, actually, even if she might have a small existential crisis...
Seina! She'd be very shocked, but quietly. Just kinda covering her mouth with her hand and watching. Mostly, as Toshiro goes absolutely insane, circling THE Hatsune Miku like it's the most insane things he's ever seen (it is). Seina accepts this rather quickly, at least externally. She puts a lot of pressure on herself to be the example and calm everyone down, even if she's REALLY confused. She doesn't have that much of a hard time getting used to this, though.
If you think I'm too serious about their reactions and maybe too dramatic, YOU'RE RIGHT LMAO,, I just think I'd have the biggest existential crisis ever if that happened to me, so. It's fun to imagine the little guys' reactions yk,,,,,
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ran-orimoto · 6 months
[ Look, you have to thank @ teclajellymon if today I have remembered to post this here, because, like always, I forgot to do it yesterday at the same Ao3 publishing time and I would have probably forgotten about it forever.
Ehm, *cough*. Today I’m offering you another future Junzumi headcanon of mine in the shape of a very stupid, silly story. The essence of the matter is that I have given them a saluki hound, ok, or better, I have given Izumi a saluki hound who will eventually becomes Junpei’s as well, to his utter joy, I guess ahahah.
Why a saluki hound? Simply because they look like Izumi, I wanted an active, sportive dog for her and, most of all, they are called the singing hounds of the wind. Honestly, my first choice had been an afghan, because her appearance would have clashed even more with Junpei’s and they are the most stylish dogs I have ever seen, no lie about this ahahha. I’ve eventually found a good compromise, though, indeed, the perfect Junzumi dog because of that definition of theirs 🤣💕.
Context: We can place this story after the seamstress one, in spring. Izumi has moved in, has started her life in Venice along with Junpei, but she left a little… Furry problem behind in Japan. ]
• Liù •
People rarely claimed a man and their beloved partner were supposed to look similar, if not identical, -hell, it would have been such a scary world, if that had been true-, whereas when it came to men and their dogs, well, it was just a different story. He had heard and, recently, he had also started seeing all sorts of things, everywhere, and they wouldn’t disappear like mirages in the mist after obstinate rubs given to the lens of his sunglasses.
Therefore, he had started doing the opposite, embracing that irreparably odd reality with open arms and…And quickly regretting his choice.
Staring for too long, with too much intensity, too much curiosity . It wasn’t that ideal when it came to middle-aged women minding passers by’s business, drawn by the beauty of their dog, which, though, -better to highlight it not twice but three times!-, would never be as charming as their own.
That was objectively a bit of a stretch , in his opinion, because that Swiffer broom obediently sitting by her side wasn’t minimally comparable to his principessa . His …No, she was Izumi’s, what was he saying? It had just been a present from him and he hadn’t even been that fully convinced about her peculiar pick back then.
Whatever, in Piazza San Marco the reciprocal introduction of two furry friends, the proud echoes of refined names soon got replaced by very sharp noises. He should have glued his orbs onto the regal four-legged figure next to him, instead of focusing on the stranger’s long silhouette, on how it extraordinarily matched her pet’s.
The pigeons peacefully pecking at crumbs of bread thrown by some tourist immediately took flight at the sound of wood colliding with resistant coconut husk. He couldn’t really blame her, but he wished she hadn’t decided to use the handle of her umbrella to punish his naive irreverence. And then , icing on the cake, a chorus of annoying yapping and more powerful, -modestly speaking-, barks predictably joined the commotion, offering a musical base to a vivacious and incomprehensible ritual of curses.
This is so lovely, He had shaken his head in pain, This is so, so, so, lovely, And it really was, taken in account he hadn’t told Izumi about what he had been up to during that week off yet.
He was aware she had been too busy with her new restaurant adventure to be interested in discovering about that, about his new favourite game in which he was no one but a gentleman strolling through the streets of Venice, along with his elegant dog he didn’t share any resemblance with.
Now that he thought about it, though, every respectable detective owned a loyal companion scampering after them. Perhaps, she would look like him if he made her wear a baggy yellow raincoat.
“I swear, you should have seen her. She had this enormous bob hardly covering her ears and it was so bloated, like a cloud. I don’t know why, but I think she might be a high school professor, even if she was speaking in a heavy dialect. I mean, a high school professor wouldn’t speak dialect like that. Especially in that way. But ok, this isn’t the point. She-“
He unwillingly arrested that blabbing of his only when Izumi placed a hand on his forehead.
“This is where it hurts?” She asked with a worried frown, her green eyes squeezed as the tips of her fingers touched the reddened spot.
“Yeah. And it hurts so much I could pass out, eh eh,” He had never been that skilled at hiding the pleasant and soothing effect any physical contact with her would provoke in every fiber of his being. Thus, his impetuous voice calmed down completely, the waves of chocolate in his eyes turned into a quiet swinging tide, his entire body abandoned itself to the miracle of her beauty…Until the gentle, impalpable wind started throwing sharp knives against him.
“Ouch!” He whined, taking some steps backwards and opening his mouth at that sudden change of mood. It had been so unpredictable and now seemed to be mirroring the shifting sky darkening outside. Her nails were so long and neatly-trimmed, so sleek, utterly perfect from the perspective of a lucky man who could hold those soft hands and observe them in bliss. However, they could also transform into the claws of an angry feline, a feral lynx and hurt without needing her to put that much effort. “What was that for?”
“ Ma io dico,” She hissed at him, her index and its minuscule weapon still raised in the air, near to the scratch they had just teased. They both were there, resting on the thumb that had helped them gain momentum. “What were you thinking…?! I have left you alone for a week, just a single week…!”
His lips protruded in a startled perplexity, he blinked twice before her scolding expression, not sure if he would find a point in coming up with a lie. Actually, there would never be one in her presence. Any attempt to hide something from her through the art of deception would get a vain result, would be an occasion to turn into a clown. It was fine to him, though, because he didn’t like the idea of telling her a fib.
“I was looking at her dachsund,” He explained with a pure externalization of sincerity and now her turn to goggle like he had before, but with even more confusion, arrived.
“At her…Dachsund?”
“Yes, her fur was all black just like her hair and she also had a very long mouth like her face. So, I was actually looking at both the dog and the woman, but I lingered on the latter for too long because, oh boy, I couldn’t believe it,” The more he talked the more it sounded like he was chatting with himself in a comical monologue, occasionally gluing his pupils to the wall of the kitchen or, -more fitting for the core of his spirit-, to a dish full of biscuits awaiting him on a drawer. He was so certain they were doing so, at least.
“Oh,” Izumi would have liked to fade at the sight of him approaching the furniture.
“And I’m still holding onto my theory it is nothing else but some weird urban legend that got way too much attention through centuries,” Only the contours of those patient delicacies finally took him to Earth and reminded him of his interlocutor. Still, Izumi understood she would be the one having to push him even more downwards, to the firm ground.
“It’s not still clear what we are exactly talking about, but what I am sure about is that I would rather have a boyfriend singing,” She managed to pull the dish away from his reach in time. “Than one barking,” And then she put it on the floor, to his puzzlement, bewilderment, utter bafflement.
“I have risked eating dog biscuits…” The realization hit home in a jiffy like a boulder fallen on him. His gaze got lost in a world where the kitchen had melted in a general nothingness. “Izumi, I have risked eating dog biscuits!” After an instant of shock, he brought himself to repeat that by adding his usual bizarre emphasis.
“Yes, you have,” She bursted in a breeze of giggles washing over his concerned expression but surpassing it, ignored. Their gusts failed at stealing his voice and chuckles through that powerful tenor register of his. “You wouldn’t have died, don’t worry. I’ve cooked them.”
“Eh…?” Joining her on the floor, he allowed his exaggerated worry to get replaced by a mixture of skepticism and soft surprise. “You can cook dog food too? You’re-“
“Don’t say that, please!” She promptly raised a palm in front of his nose, haughtily averting her gaze on purpose to make him roast on the grill. When she was sure her steak was ready, she winked at his slightly disappointed grimace. “Or better, don’t say it yet . This is my first attempt and I don’t know if she will like it. I’ve added some slices of strawberries here and there in the mixture because she adores them. Hm…” He instantly shrieked when Izumi reached out to put one of those biscuits in her mouth. Got so close to passing out when she picked another one and offered it to him, seriously proposing him to jump into her absurd sommelier experience. “Here. Taste it and tell me what you think. Is it wet or dry, in your opinion?”
“I-Izumi…! Don’t eat that stuff, c’mon,” He slipped on his backside far from her, near to biting his nails. If he had been a cat, his fur would have been rippled from his head to the tip of his tail. Observing that scene through a more entertained filter, he had to admit their interactions were really reminding him of the ones of a cat and a dog: weirdly, he was being the most reluctant, if not the most repulsed between them, whereas Izumi was the joyful dog…Doing certain kind of stuff without a care in the world.
“Aren’t you the one always telling people, My girlfriend is the most brilliant cook in the world. I would eat anything prepared by her: even, - guess,what-, dog food ?”
“I-I,” He didn’t know if he was stuttering because of her impeccable imitation of his gestures and tone or because it wasn’t her spinning fantasy that was speaking. Yes, he had, he seriously had: naively believing they would never turn up against him, he had pronounced those exact words in his confessions of endless love for her cooking. He had so many times, thousand and more. “Okay…I guess you won. There’s nothing I can do,” He sighed in defeat and extended his arm to her complacent smirk and the snack she was swinging back and forth. Next time he would have to be more careful about his hyperbolic compliments in her regards, -hyperbolic ones to the rest of the world but absolutely realistic to him-. “And after this”, He gave an uncertain glance at her before grabbing it. “Can I be the one calling her after this?”
“Hm, why not ? You two need to bond and I need to bond more with her too, after having…Abandoned her at Mamma’s and Papà’s for months…”
He knew she was still coping with persuading herself that had been the best choice she could ever do for her sake. He had tried reassuring her Liù would have suffered from a more drastic detachment from her usual life, if she had moved in at the same time Izumi had. She would have had lot of trouble adjusting without them around, spending her days alone in an unknown apartment while Izumi was too absorbed in finding her own place in the world of Venice, and he was drowning in rehearsals. It would have been kinda egoistical from their part, so Izumi’s parents had convinced her to leave Liù with them for a while, until they were ready to give her the house and family she really deserved. Now Izumi might be busy with the first weeks of her newborn restaurant, but she wasn’t fretting and rushing any more and could count on Junpei’s support, on the fact he was just at the beginning of another of his adventures at la Fenice theatre.
“Hey,” He chirped a bit too abruptly but with the sweetest intention to cheer her mood up, unnoticed. “Can I do it, now? Like, now, now, now?”
“What are you talking about?” She giggled as he got so close she risked to fall backwards.
“Can I call her now?”
“Oh, that ,” Her precarious pose propped up on an elbow, she pretended to be wanting to slither away from his grip. “Okay, but you need to follow my instructions,” She sneezed at some locks falling on her forehead as he brought her closer with an effortless pulling of his biceps.
“I don’t need those, Izumi. I have got my own method,” Once ensured she was safely sitting upright, he grinned at her sending a shivering hunch down her spine. “Look. No, listen, listen.”
“Junpei, I’m not…” She petrified with her hand opening and closing in the tense silence he created. She was blatantly aware about what was about to happen, but she found herself stuck before the view of a familiar routine of actions, with the exception of that scary ending phase in which he sent his hands next to the corners of his mouth, well splayed.
Oh no…
“Liù? Liù?” Junpei improvised a silly melody she thanked Heavens it wasn’t being chanted in his usual rumbling projection.
“Liù, don’t you want your pappa? Liù ? Where is the bimba? The sweetest bimba ? Liù-Chan?”
His grin didn’t vanish under the might of her irritation. He only hopped on the spot, all of a sudden, having got startled by the glasses of the window being shaken by the howling mistral. To think it was almost spring!
“Liù hates noises and, most of all, hates noisy people,” Not stunned due to his loud song in the slightest, he could easily tell she wanted to slap him. Yet, some unknown force he thanked from the depths of his heart kept her from doing that. “She’s a lady and she needs to be treated as such. Are you listening to me? This is a serious matter.”
“I know it is, but I don’t think she hates noisy people that much,” He dared to shrug and the naughty shimmer challenging her anger gradually tiptoed to his right, accelerating when it felt it was being chased by her glare.
Izumi emitted a gasp, “But…Liù…!”
Silently, on her slender legs, Liù had stepped into the kitchen and closer to the dish. Scompering in that skinny body of hers, structured like a sleek curve culminating in the slope of a luscious tail, she had approached them ,unnoticed, and had sat down in front of the two humans like a well-mannered medieval damsel. Now she was obediently staring at them from her statuesque pose, blatantly trying holding her excitement in her bony bosom but being betrayed by her dashing heartbeat, which was making her ribs expand and contract; by her blonde ears; by her humid nose unstoppably sniffing in the relatively new environment.
In Junpei’s opinion, Liù was the most perfect specimen of female saluki existing in the world, -and also the first one he had ever seen-.
“Maybe she hates people not singing well, I guess?” He sniggered with too much confidence and Izumi gave him a harsh nudge right under his sternum.
“Have you already done this in the past?”
“Of course, I have,” He took a while to recover from the pain she had provoked him, but managed to reply her sooner than both had expected. “I know you had said I needed to learn one thing or two before starting feeding her. And I also remember you had told me she has got her own schedule, but, I mean, Izumi, I was sitting at the table, eating my pasta ai piselli and she was there, looking at me with those deer eyes… What kind of cold-hearted man would do something similar?”
“You fed her with pasta ai piselli ?! “His pupils almost got out of his orbits, noticing the futher point her more vicious elbow was going to take off from.
“No, of course, I haven’t! I searched for her food bags and I poured some food in her bowl. My pasta ai piselli was so full of water, my peas were soaking in a puddle. How could I give her that without making a mess?”
“Do you realize you are implying you would have given my dog pasta ai piselli if you had been a decent cook? !”
He would have started fiddling with his thumbs like a scolded kid, if Liù hadn’t tried catching their attention with a bark, as timid as a polite woman forcing a cough to make someone turn to her.
“You’re right, bimba,” He cracked a large smile at her. Then, he unfolded his stiff legs and clumsily crouched up to talk to the animal at her same height level. “You can eat. Buon appetito .”
“No, she can’t eat yet!” She gave a slap on his broad shoulder, but she eventually gave one onto her forehead as well, a bit disconsolate. At his jovial command, the saluki had gladly plunged her muzzle in her biscuits and she hadn’t been able to do anything about it. “She was supposed to stay. That is useful to teach her how to control impulses.”
“If you ask me, it’s so cruel,” He put his tongue on display, standing up to let the dog have her own meal in peace. She got back on her feet too after having thrown the snack she had been holding into the dish. “Wouldn’t you feel tortured if I told you to sit still in front of a dish of spaghetti alla San Giovanna ? My poor bimba !”
“I-“ What kind of conversation was even that?
“Imagine,” He insisted, dropping a whole jar of theatricality on his tongue, each finger of his flying up and down in an undulating choreography. “The smell of olives and tomato sauce spreading in your nostrils…”
“Oh, let me imagine…” She closed her orbs, mocking his silly game by making him believe she was actually thinking over it. By the time she opened them, he had already disappeared behind her, fumbling with her skein of spikes. “That’s what I already do as a cook. I can’t eat what I prepare. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do…” He mumbled, pensive, caressing her strands in awe, as if he was contemplating some prestigious manufacture sewn by a God. “You know, I think I will get used to this dog owner life, after all. Maybe a maltese dog would have been boring.”
“Oh please…” Her eyelid twitched at the mere memory from the year before, from back when he had announced he wanted to give her a candid ball of fur as birthday gift. She had acted promptly, had taken the reins of the situation by herself by dragging him into an adventure on her motorbike, without revealing him where they were going. From Naples to Pisa, Junpei had let her take him to that mysterious destination up through the peninsula, though he had just come from an exhausting train journey. “Don’t remind me of that ,” She playfully begged and pinched his puffy cheeks peeping out from her golden curtain.
“I know, I know. Besides, a maltese wouldn’t have looked like me, either. So it would have been the same thing. At least, though, when I take Liù out for a stroll,” He gently let some precious threads slip on the back of hs hand and pushed them forward, at the sides of her smooth neck, down her shoulders. “It’s a bit like if I’m going out with another beautiful blonde lady,” At the beginning, he had just intended to play with her, tenderly highlight about how keeping her hair like that, like a frame of gilded waves, would really make her look like a long-eared dog. Afterwards, however, after some seconds spent holding that silky fabric, he had fallen in love with its enchantment and , now hypnotized, he couldn’t just help indulging in his joke. He kept on going on and on, even in a more affectionate way when a cloud passed by her relaxed contentment. She should have been smiling , in his opinion: Liù had greatly appreciated her hand-made biscuits, hadn’t showed any sign of resentment towards her once more. What was she still tormenting herself over? It seemed like if she was fighting against so many forces coming to attack her in unison and he felt the urge to shine over her again.
“Hey, Izumi, do you want to hear a funny thing?”
“It’s not an offence, but you always say funny things. Otherwise you wouldn’t be Junpei, wouldn’t you?”
“But this is truly funny. Funnier than usual, if you prefer putting it like that!”
He tossed her tresses off his head and marched back to Liù, his lumbering steps sounding lighter despite the clumsy landing of his hops.
The dog had just finished eating her breakfast and was calmly cleaning her coat with her tongue. She didn’t seem bothered by the two humans barging into her quiet morning for a second time. Indeed, judging by the shy hints of a swishing tail, she was actually happy to see them again on a full belly.
“Liù, Liù, Liù, la bambina mia che sei tu ,” Junpei’s unique call made her stand on alert with excitement. Rhythmic claps and tappings against the tiles of the floor contributed to elicit even more trepidation in her active muscles. She didn’t take too long before beginning doing the same with her paws, the butterfly-shaped metallic medal of her collar dangling and jingling in the flow of her dance.
Once the right mood had been set, once he was certain Liù would follow him wherever he would go, he beckoned to the saluki to head for the living room. In the contagious heat of the fragment, he bumped into an agape Izumi who was witnessing the exchange between the man and the dog with incredulity.
“No, don’t tell me it is what I think it is,” Stuck in a frozen loop at the door of the kitchen, Junpei took advantage of that absent state of hers to involve her in a fleeting, improvised dance, her limp arms obeying to his eccentric desire, her hands falling in his without resistance and her hips spinning along with his like if they were a couple pirouetting in a carillon.
“No, like I said, it’s much, much better than whatever you think it might be.”
“I don’t think so. At all,” She told him straight into his sunny eyes in a firm whisper. “Your neighbors know well who she belongs to. They won’t come yelling at you if they hear her doing that .”
“Oh, so you know she can do that,” He wasn’t surprised in the least, but it was nice to make her blush in embarrassment once in a while, turn the tables for the life-span of an afternoon nap. “All those stories about her being a proper lady…About her not liking loud people!”
“H-Hey,” She wiggled, oscillated, opened and closed her legs, raised her fists: whatever it took to escape from his tickling trap. “ Being a lady and loving singing are two interconnected qualities. They are not enemies. As far as concerns about those loud people, instead…”
“Instead…?” He prompted, his fingers flitting around her, ready for another round.
“Your opera singing is loud, but it’s a nice loud. I’ll give you that, ok ? And a dog named after the main character of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly can’t be immune to it, I guess,” He saw her nervously cracking a grin at Liù who had hopped on the sofa and was resting on a pillow. Waiting .
“Hey!” Without prior warning, he let her go to her displeasure, no matter if his tickling was more than unbearable. That would be, -to use his own words-, much better than whatever he wanted to do, sitting at his piano and lifting the fallboard with a thud. “You don’t really want to play piano right now, at eight in the morning?!”
“Of course, I want to. I’m not supposed to make a proper lady wait, am I not?” Liù had apparently got used to that term, to the many occasions she had acknowledged humans would look at her while pronouncing it. Therefore, feeling like Junpei had just called her into question, she abandoned the comforts of her pillow and reached him. She licked his hand and gladly accepted the caresses coming in response. Then, on her haunches, she put her paws on black wood and stared at him in fibrillating expectation. “Eh eh, may I introduce you to my new soprano partner? She’s also the Great Detective Shibayama’s assistant, though, mind you! Let’s say this is just the lamest side of our life as ordinary citizens.”
”Ah…Don’t use my instructions howsoever you please, Junpei Shibayama. Honestly…” At the first row of notes propagating in the hall, she sat on the sofa and aimed the bud of a glad smile at the window.
In her soul, she was just so happy he had come to quickly find out it had never been a matter of superficial likeness.
Italian notes:
Principessa: princess
Ma io dico: literally, it means “But I say…”. Still it is just some form of interaction to express disbelief (in a negative way).
Pappa: It’s a terms we use while speaking to babies and animals. It means food, technically.
Bimba and bambina: synonym for “little girl” but we use them in affectionate contexts as well. It’s a bit like “baby” I guess. I became affectionate to bimba thanks to italian dub of Lady and the Tramp. It did stick with me in the sweetest way as possible.
Pasta ai piselli: It’s pasta and peas ahaha
Spaghetti alla San Giovanna: In my family it has always been spaghetti, tomato sauce and olives. Such has to remain to them, please.
Liù, Liù, la bambina mia che sei tu: Liù, Liù, the baby you are to me. Our structures are really not that easy to translate in english sometimes? We can be free in the order of our words, in our dispositio verborum, so we it’s not always easy to translate everything. Yet, it’s just supposed to be one of those silly tunes you sing to your dog.
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cremekraft · 10 days
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Hiya!! I’m Créme (cr-ehm) - She/Her | 18 🪼
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Likes : Summer | The beach | Plants + Flowers | Cats and Foxes | Reading, writing, and drawing | Gaming |Astronomy | The snow + The rain | Baking | Cosplay | Music!
Dislikes : Thunder | Mass amounts of people | Spiders | Math | Ironically really deep parts of the ocean
𓇼˚₊‧꒰ა 🫧 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚𓇼
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What do I write?
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𖦹 I’m a main advocate for the Yuurivoice fandom :) But may also write for other random fandoms I’m in as a palette cleanser. My writing will revolve around:
𖦹 Short stories
𖦹 Head-canons
𖦹 Incorrect quotes
𖦹 Memes
𖦹 SFW | NSFW | Fluff | Angst
𖦹 Overall yapping abt random stuff
𓇼˚₊‧꒰ა 🫧 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚𓇼
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Rules and regulations:
𖦹 No one under the age of 18 to interact or request NSFW pieces on my page, Instant block.
𖦹 Please do not ask anything surrounding SA or SH. I like to keep it light over here!
Side note: My chat box is always open! However, please do not ask for any overly personal information as I will not ask of you either :) (common sense I fear)
𖦹 If I ever close my ask box just know it’s for a good reason! I will re-open it when I feel up to writing again! So please be patient.
𖦹 Sometime in the near future if I seem to not respond to your ask Just assume it is because it had already been asked!
𓇼˚₊‧꒰ა 🫧 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚𓇼
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formulapookie · 2 months
You have my eternal respect for learning french
It's just so beautiful I mean I've always loved France and realising I could actually study french and lear how to speak (still trying to understand argot but I'll get there) always made me happyy
I love reading in french it's like I'm brought to a quiet garden where it's just me and my book, plus I really enjoy listening to french songs/convos in general
I also try to write in french, I am currently writing a ehm Idk how to define it yet, I'd like for it to become a book but...ugh it's so difficult, it's about two girls during French Revolution who fall in love and it's like REALLY angsty I'm trying so hard to get the vocabulary and everything right, I have a dictionary for argot and ancien français on my laptop to write it😭
in all this I just yapped as per usual ahahahahhaha
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exeliy · 5 months
First try to write something down
Well, they said it would help to write things down, and my therapists said that too. I should do it. And what happened?
It's really easy to explain. 8 years ago… I think it was 8 years ago, I got an anxiety disorder. I went to therapy and it got better. For 5 years I was healthy, no problems, I could do what I wanted and go where I wanted. Then January 2024 happened… I had a relapse… but not a mild one. No, I got punched in the face with the anxiety disorder. And damn, that was hard. I'm very lucky that I have friends and family who helped me so much. Because that was the next level. I didn't just get scared of the train and new things I didn't know (that was 8 years ago when I had panic attacks). No, I had panic attacks about everything. Car journey, train, plane, to be home alone, outside, supermarket. EVERYTHING. I thought I was going crazy. So what did I do? I went back to therapy. Because I'm in the last semester of my bachelor's degree…yap…. best timing ever. But I've fighted. And what can I do after 4.5 months. I can drive a long distance with someone in the car, a short distance on my own. Before, I drove a route alone that was 8 hours long…. but I will come back 100%. I can go to the supermarket on my own, I can go outside on my own. Ehm…I can drive the bus on my own again. I can stay home alone, even stay home alone for a few days. But the train…hm…that thing is still damn scary for me. And well, I can't train on a plane because there's no money…
To explain what my panic and anxiety attacks are like, because I've heard that everyone feels about that differently. For me, it's not that I feel like I'm going to die. No, during a panic attack I feel like I'm going crazy and can't breathe. Then my flight instinct becomes very strong and I have to get out immediately. I feel like I'm locked up somewhere and can't just go out as I please. So yes, the problem with the train and the plane… when you have the feeling that you're locked in there…. I also know that nothing will happen to me. But the feeling I get is so awful. My body burns and aches so much that I think I'm going crazy. And to be honest, I'm also embarrassed that I'm going to start crying in front of people.
My anxiety attacks are a little different. I get pain in the centre of my chest. It starts to burn as if I have a bad sunburn there. And my brain just switches off and concentrates only on the fear. My fear is then being alone. That I'll do something stupid if no one is with me. And then my fear of loss kicks in. My fear of loss relates to my mum. She loves travelling and will be going away again soon. I don't want her to worry and I want her to enjoy her holiday. My fear of loss is getting stronger again at the moment. I hope that I can find a good solution in the next therapy session.
Of course I know a lot of things that help against anxiety and panic, but unfortunately I don't always remember them. But I think I'll make a list of what helps me next time. I hope that I will then forget less of what helps me. And maybe it will help someone else too.
So I guess I wrote enough...see ya bye bye
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cataclysmika · 6 months
Oh ehm gee I'm gonna post about my interests now instead of yapping >_<!!
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sketchehm · 6 months
I never properly expressed how many of these guys I have
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nusaindahku · 9 months
Momen Berkesan adalah Momen yang Penting
Momen Berkesan adalah Momen yang Penting
Sob, perjalanan hidup kita penuh dengan beragam momen. Ada yang manis, ada yang pahit, tapi semuanya menyusun puzzle indah kehidupan. Hari ini, mimin pengen banget ngobrolin tentang satu hal yang sebenernya enggak bisa kita lupain: momen berkesan. Yap, momen-momen itu sebenernya adalah kunci kebahagiaan kita.
Gimana enggak, sih? Bayangin aja, gimana rasanya waktu kita pertama kali nyetir motor sendiri. Sensasi bebas, tapi juga deg-degan campur kebanggaan. Itu lho, momen yang bener-bener bikin kita mikir, "Ah, hidup ini asik juga ya!" Gak cuman itu, sob, momen-momen kecil lainnya juga punya dampak besar.
Masih inget gak sama waktu kita pertama kali dapet nilai bagus pas ujian? Rasanya kayak jadi bintang film Hollywood yang lagi ngangkat piala Oscar. Bukan cuma buat mimin yang senengnya minta ampun, tapi juga buat orangtua yang pasti bangga banget liat anaknya bisa ngejar mimpi.
Trus, gimana ya kalau kita ngomongin tentang momen jatuh cinta? Jangan bilang kamu belum pernah ngerasain yang namanya detak jantung berdentum kenceng setiap kali dia lewat. Nah, sob, momen itu bisa jadi obat ampuh buat nyembuhin galau-galau yang ada. Enggak percaya? Coba deh, tengok foto-foto jaman dulu waktu lagi dimabuk asmara. Pasti senyum sendiri deh liatnya.
Nggak melulu soal kebahagiaan, momen berkesan juga bisa jadi pelajaran berharga. Contohnya aja waktu kita gagal dalam sesuatu. Ingat nggak, sob, waktu kita pertama kali nyoba masak sendiri dan hasilnya—ehm, gimana ya biar elegan—kacau balau? Awalnya sih kita kecewa, tapi lama-lama malah jadi bahan tertawaan yang manis. Pembuktian bahwa hidup enggak selalu harus serius.
Terus terang, sob, gak semua momen berkesan itu indah-indah aja. Kadang ada juga momen yang penuh tantangan. Contohnya saat kita harus mengambil keputusan besar yang bisa guncang hidup kita. Meskipun sulit, momen kayak gini justru ngebuat kita tumbuh dan belajar lebih banyak.
Buat mimin, salah satu momen berkesan yang paling diinget adalah waktu pertama kali punya teman seperjalanan. Rasanya kayak dapet jackpot, sob. Temen yang selalu ada buat kita, baik di seneng maupun susah. Momen kayak gini, enggak bisa dilupakan, deh.
Eits, tapi jangan lupa, momen berkesan enggak selalu soal hal-hal besar, lho. Bisa juga tentang kecil-kecilan yang sering kita lewatin begitu aja. Misalnya aja, ngobrol santai sama temen sambil duduk di bawah pohon rindang. Atau mungkin ngerasain hujan pertama kali di musim panas. Sesuatu yang sepele, tapi kalo diinget, rasanya kayak ada yang nyala di hati.
Sob, intinya, momen berkesan itu kayak bumbu dalam hidup kita. Tanpa momen-momen itu, hidup kita bakal kayak makan nasi tanpa lauk. Bosen, kan? Jadi, mulai sekarang, kita coba deh hargai setiap momen yang lewatin. Baik yang bikin seneng, sedih, atau malah bingung sendiri.
Siapa sih yang bisa nolak momen-momen berkesan? Mereka tuh kayak bintang di langit kehidupan kita. Mungkin gak selalu bersinar terang, tapi selalu ada buat ngingetin kita bahwa hidup ini indah. Jadi, selamat menikmati setiap momen, sob!
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pagibunga · 10 months
Bintang Pari Selatan
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Baru banget nih nemu video di explore instagram, ada tulisan kaya gini "ga perlu ke gunung buat bilang Masyaallah, cukup tengok ke atas", wuiiiih relate ga sih buat yang suka mendongak ke atas demi menikmati indah mahakarya Nya? Yaps langit.
Sebenernya bukan dua hal yang bisa dibandingkan sih antara gunung dan langit, walaupun aku belum pernah sama sekali naik gunung tapi pengen banget dong suatu saat diberi kesempatan menapakinya.
Oke, kembali ke laptop. Kapan sih momen favorit kalian memandangi langit?
Kalau aku sih ketika malam hari, kebetulan bagian belakang rumah menghadap ke arah selatan dan cukup bersih dari seng/atap atap rumah, gaada pepohonan yang tumbuh tinggi juga, jadi bersih dan cocok deh buat memandangi langit malam (tapi masih ada kabel kabel listrik yang berlalu lalang wkwkwkwk). Sayang, aku juga jarang banget nemuin bulan muncul di sisi selatan.
Tapi ada benda langit yang hampir selalu aku jumpai di saat langit malam cerah dan tidak mendung. Yaps, rasi bintang pari, hampir selalu kutemukan rangkaian bintang membentuk layang -layang. Ya, setelah aku dengar jembatan keledai tuk mengingat macam rasi bintang (entah ketika SD/SMP) sepertinya satu satu nya jembatan keledai rasi bintang yang paling kuingat adalah "PARSEL" singkatan dari Pari Selatan. Ehm ada satu lagi yang kuingat, "SKOTENG" singkatan dari Scorpio Tenggara 😂😂
Seperti postingan sebelumnya, salah satu fungsi bintang yang ter-mention dalam surah Al Mulk yakni sebagai petunjuk arah, dan rasi bintang pari / layang layang adalah penunjuk arah selatan. Nah selain terhalang atap atap rumah, aku juga masih kesulitan membedakan rasi rasi bintang penunjuk arah yang lain. Kalau kalian gimana? Pernah ga ada momen sedang di alam terbuka yang menyajikan pemandagan hamparan langit luas sambil mengamati rasi bintang dari masing masing arah? 😍✨
Nah buat yang kepo sama rasi rasi bintang penunjuk arah bisa nih nonton di channel youtube majalah bobo ,
27 November 2023
15 Jumadil Awal 1445 H
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tohjwcc · 11 days
I made a mistake? Fine, no problem, it's okay.
I made a SPELLING mistake? Oh boy. My day is ruined. I-I can't edit it? I-I can't fix- I can't- oh man, my sentence has lost all its meaning now!!
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On last year's Yasammyweek, I made this horrible spelling mistake on one of my drawings... It said "sweety"....not "sweetie" like it's supposed to be. And I still think about it to this day. But it was too late. I couldn't change it. And then I saw it being on GOOGLE too!? Oh man.
I can handle making normal ACTUAL mistakes, but I can't with spelling mistakes. I've never had huge trouble spelling. Except when I was a little kid, I couldn't figure out how to spell "I" in "I love you".... I used to make my mom small drawings where I'd drawn a heart and in it it said "I love you" (kinda cute ngl), but I spelled "I" wrong. Alright, keep in mind, I was like 4 or something idek. I guess I wrote like "Aye" or "ai" or something. And mom was like "ehm, "I" is not spelt that way, honey". Idk how I can remember this so clearly still but yeah, I do lmao.
Yapping yapping yapping. Welcome to my yapping party y'all
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arryallizzwell · 7 years
Jalan2 All Izz Well part 11 Perjalanan harus terhenti, beberapa ruas jalan belum ada, kebanyakan untuk menuju kampung yang lain harus menggunakan speed boat atau minimal perahu dayung. #allizzmap #carizonabarumu #caritahu #ujungjalan #backhome #jauhterus #jalanterus #terikmataharitakkanmenghalangiku #test #jalanjalan #menujukampung #street #sky #jungle #notbad #ehm #yaps #pakaimotor #serui #yapen #papua #indonesia #butuhperbaikan #kemenhub #lihatdong (at Yapen)
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