#eiji okumura('s arm)
bananafishmanga · 2 years
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httpsv33 · 1 year
Banana Fish characters with a s/o whose cat never leaves their side.
Okay so this is the first request I received! I really enjoyed writing it since I have cats myself! For that wonderful person who asked for it, I hope it lives up to your expectations!
The requested was the following:
'Okay so can I request something with Ash, Eiji, Shorter, and Yut Lung with a partner that owns a pet cat and when they visit the reader the cat goes to them and just wants to be with them gn reader please if you dont mind'
Warnings: very mild cursing (once), gn reader, fluff, cats, physical affection.
Ash Lynx:
“Just admit it, the cat likes me better,” said the blond with a playful curve on his mouth. You crossed your arms before your chest and refused to say a word, slightly irritated by the constant teasing you had to face every time the boy visited your apartment. “C’mon, don’t be upset” he chuckled, a teasing tone still stuck to his words. “I’m not upset, take the cat so he can live with you since he loves you more than me, who, by the way, feeds him every day”.
To be honest, you weren’t that bothered by the cat’s cuddly manner towards your partner, in fact, you found it kind of sweet, but being a bit dramatic was a common dynamic between you and Ash.
“Come here, dumbass” the boy approached you with the cat between his arms and rested his forehead against your temple “You’re so jealous” he smirked before placing a soft peck on your cheek. You couldn’t conceal the grin that eventually appeared on your face.
“Shut up, you’re insufferable” you muttered sheepishly as you wrapped your arms around him and he placed pecks on the top of your head. Somehow, every time he came over it always ended up with the three of you tangled in your bed enjoying a cuddling session.
Eiji Okumura:
“And… this is it” you said as you opened the door to your apartment “It’s small but I guess it’s enough”. The black-haired boy entered your living room with an amused look on his face “I love the decorations! It feels so cozy in here” Eiji turned to you with a huge grin but he was interrupted by something rubbing against his lower leg.
“Oh, yeah, I hope you’re not allergic to cats-” you chuckled “She seems to like you”. Eiji’s face lit up with joy at the sight of the orange cat “What’s your name, little one?” he lowered his hand to caress her head, your heart melted as your cat leaned in his touch. “Her name’s Pumpkin” you crouched next to them. “Awww, hi Pumpkin, you’re so cute!” the boy spoke with a baby voice. You were enjoying the warmth of the situation until the cat avoided your touch to jump into your boyfriend’s arms “You traitor!”. Eiji giggled as he hugged the cat “Now she’s mine” he walked away with her teasingly as you followed them around trying to get him to give you back your cat.
Shorter Wong:
“Hey baby” the boy smiled widely as you opened the door for him “Hi love” you grinned inching closer to him to give him a warm hug “Oh I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to my best friend Patches, right buddy?” he joked as the cat immediately poked his head from between your ankles to meet him.
“I hate you both” You stared at him unamused and turned around to keep on watching your show “No baby come back, it was a joke, I’m so sorry” he laughed picking up the cat and following you, letting himself fall on the sofa next to you, however, you refused to acknowledge his presence. “Baby, come on” he pouted as he rested his chin on your shoulder, giving you puppy eyes.
“You are a pain in the ass, Shorter Wong” You finally turned to look at him and rested your head against his chest, taking place next to your cat “It’s ridiculous that I have to compete for your attention with my cat AND that I have to compete for my cat's attention with you!”.
Shorter snorted at your comment and he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead “I love you so much” he muttered lovingly against your skin.
Yut Lung:
“What the hell is going on here-” you had just come back from doing groceries, your boyfriend was still sleeping peacefully when you left, but as soon as you entered the house you were met with a rather bizarre scene. The long-haired man, who, incidentally, hated how clingy your cat was with him because ‘his clothes were too expensive to be covered with animal hair’, was calmly sitting on the sofa with your cat purring in his lap as he caressed the animal’s head tenderly.
“Well, good morning to you too,” he said rather playfully “We’re watching the Kardashians, fancy joining?”. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the offer. “I thought you hated my cat, dear” You left the shopping bags next to the door, the situation was too good to let it slide, you’d put the groceries in their place later. “I didn’t hate her, it’s just that there wasn’t enough communication between us” You arched an eyebrow in response to his comment “But we have a healthy relationship now, right honey?” the cat just purred in response, enjoying his soft pets. You giggled as you sat next to him leaning to his side to watch the show with your two companions, “I guess I’ll have to live with the fact that she loves you more than me if your relationship is so ‘healthy’, then”. “Indeed” the boy smiled warmly as he leaned his head on top of yours.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
This was requested two years ago, i'm such a bad writer i'm sorry :')
Ash Lynx x Male!Reader x Okumura Eiji [Angst&Fluff]
Warning; mentions of blood, stab wound, bullet wound, death, surgery and maybe needles (it's implied)
Banana Fish
Requested on Wattpad.
(M/n) was calmly walking, taking a few sips of his still hot coffee and looking around the busy city. He was approaching the library Ash told him to meet up, he was just a block away and even though he knew he was early, Ash was probably already waiting for him.
He smiled at the thought of his best friend, the memory of Shorter flashing in his mind but he didn't let it ruin his calm state of mind, and continued walking, emptying his cup and throwing it away on the nearest trash can he saw.
With the library doors in his field of view, he crossed the street with quick steps, glancing side to side as he did so. He released a breath and walked toward the library's double doors, but before he could even reach his hand out to open it, a flash of blond hair rushed past him.
"Ash?!" He called for him, but Ash completely ignored the calls of his name. (M/n) didn't think twice before following after him, he has been following Ash everywhere since they met, and he wasn't gonna let the blond run off on his own, especially not when he knew how reckless he could be, "Ash!"
He kept trying to call him, but nothing, the blond wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings, running into bystanders that cursed at him for not even apologizing, and right behind him was (M/n), yelling 'sorry ma'am' and 'excuse me sir' as he ran past them as well. He tried to understand why Ash would run out like that, and he noticed the paper he was holding in his hand.
Must be Eiji's letter... (M/n) would've stopped running and let Ash go to Eiji, but something was off.
His eyes caught sight of a male leaning against the wall, his hood up and covering most of his face, but when he turned to look at Ash as he got closer, (M/n) recognized him. It was Lao.
Without realizing it, (M/n) sped up and reached his arms out to push Ash just out of the way of the knife coming at him.
Ash grunted as he fell to the ground after stumbling over his own two feet. He turned around to curse at who pushed him and keep running on his way to find Eiji, but he was left speechless when he saw (M/n) standing where he was just a second ago.
(M/n) had his clenched due to the pain that was slowly numbing, feeling his warm blood drip down and stain his clothes. He was in shock, his brain not fully processing what had happened.
The moment Lao realized he had just stabbed (M/n) instead of Ash, he backed away, pulling the knife with him. His furious eyes looked at Ash who was still on the ground, but he reacted quicker than Lao could.
With the loud booming sound of his revolver echoing in the now empty street, the sounds of people mumbling and whispering with each other changed to gasps and shrieks at the sound of a bullet being shot. Some good woman decided to call an ambulance while someone else called the police.
(M/n) rested on the wall next to him, where Lao had been standing waiting for his ambush, and now he was laying on the ground, bleeding but already dead. He took deep breaths while he pressed his hand on his gushing wound, his body trembling as his vision kept fading in and out.
Ash stood up, almost tripping again as he rushed toward (M/n), applying pressure on his wound over (M/n)'s hand, and he debated what to do now. If the police came, he could be arrested, and so could (M/n), but walking to the hospital would result in the same outcome, but at least, he could hide for a bit while the police investigated.
"Ash..." His thoughts were interrupted by (M/n)'s quiet voice, "We can't stay here, Ash..." The blond nodded and took a deep breath, his heart beating loudly in his ears at the thought of losing another close friend.
"I know, can... can you walk?" He asked, holding (M/n) against his side. The male only grunted and nodded, and like that, Ash took (M/n) to the nearest hospital, avoiding the cops like the plague as they made their way there.
(M/n) had to be taken to surgery and Ash was sitting outside keeping his head down, thinking about what could happen, hoping that (M/n) would be okay, even after the doctors told him how unlikely it was for the male to live after all the blood he lost.
He took a shaky breath and reached for his phone, calling Eiji. He didn't want the Japanese male to hear any bad news once he arrived in his home country, so Ash decided to give him a quick call, just in case the worst-case scenario occurred.
Eiji was next in line to board the plane when he felt his phone vibrate in his hand, Ash was calling him. With a bright smile, he picked up the call, only for his smile to be wiped from his face, replaced by glossy eyes and frowned brows.
"Eiji-kun?" Ibe calls him, but Eiji's ears are ringing, and he felt his body move before his mind could process the information he just received, "Eiji!"
Eiji runs out of the airport, and calls a taxi, mumbling the name of the hospital while whispering to Ash that he's on his way. The whole ride there feels agonizingly slow for Eiji, it felt like hours when it was barely ten minutes, and he rushes out of the car, the driver yelling and complaining, only to receive a wad of cash from Ash, telling him to stop complaining and leave.
"Ash!" Eiji runs toward the blond and hugs him tight, that's when Ash finally lets the tears fall down his face. He feels safe with Eiji, and he can't help but lower his guard around the Japanese male, "How is he...?" His voice trembles as he asks, partially unsure if he wants to know the answer to his question.
"I- I don't know, I'm... I'm scared to ask, Eiji," he let his voice break, the knot in his throat making it hard for him to breathe properly, "What if he- if he doesn't make it? (M/n)- he's all I have, Eiji..." His hold tightened around Eiji, who now feels the need to reassure Ash.
He lifts his hand to his blond hair, and gently plays with it, shooting the pain in his chest for a little while, holding him in a safe hold, which manages to calm Ash down as he hides his tear-stained face in Eiji's neck.
"He's gonna be okay, (M/n) is strong, we know that... He's lived through worse, come on, let's go inside, it's cold out here, Ash." Nodding in silence, Ash held Eiji's hand as the Japanese male guided him inside the hospital, and they sat down on one of the empty chairs in the hallway, waiting for anyone who would tell them how (M/n) was and if he was gonna make it.
During their long wait, Ash fell asleep on Eiji's shoulder, marks of dry tears on his cheeks and Eiji leaned his cheek on Ash's blond hair, his phone vibrated and he looked at the ID. Ibe was calling him.
Well, I can't ignore him forever, he must be worried.
Eiji picked up the call and explained to Ibe where he was and why he was there. Apparently, Ibe had to pick up their luggage and found a hotel to stay in and just now he was able to contact him. Even if they had a place to stay the night, they were probably gonna stay in the hospital until they have any news about (M/n)'s state.
After receiving a warning from Ibe to be careful on their own, he hung up. Eiji put his phone in his pocket and looked down at Ash, who was moving around and a frown on his face.
"Ash?" He gently touched his face, and the blond woke up, frantically looking around before feeling Eiji still holding his hand. And he remembered where they were and what had happened.
He glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed.
"It's been three hours, Eiji... I don't think he'll make it," Ash bit his bottom lip hard to prevent himself from whimpering and starting crying again, but right at that moment, the same doctor that took (M/n) to surgery stepped into the hallway, her eyes meeting Ash's who recognized her immediately, "How is he?"
Before she could say a word, Ash stood up from the chair, but couldn't get too close due to Eiji still holding his hand.
"He's stable, he should wake up in at least 15 minutes," she smiled at them, and Ash let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "He's a tough guy, Ash," both of them frowned when she said the blond's name, but she walked past them, "He's in the second door to the right."
Eiji muttered a thank you and dragged Ash down the hall, turning right and stopping by the door for a few seconds, before slowly opening it.
They were greeted by an awake yet drowsy (M/n) who was playing with the IV on his arm, looking at it as if he was amazed. He lifted his gaze when he heard the door open followed by a gasp, and there he saw the two most important guys in his life. The only family he had.
"Hey, guys~," he lifted his hand as a greeting and he was instantly crushed by two pairs of arms, "Ow, guys, that hurts..." Removing the pressure on his torso, Eiji and Ash held (M/n)'s face gently and pressed a long kiss on his cheeks, making the male giggle and his face heat up at the sudden affection.
"You're not going out unless you're covered in bubble wrap, you hear me?" Ash had tears in his eyes, his jade-colored irises shining like gems, and Eiji's laugh sounding like angels in his ears. Damn, (M/n) was so in love with them, he could barely handle it.
"Alright, alright~, now calm down, I'm okay, you can rest." Eiji grabbed a chair and placed it next to his bed while Ash just made himself comfortable on (M/n)'s bed, nuzzling his neck and closing his eyes with a relieved sigh, "Shouldn't you be on a plane?"
Eiji hummed and shook his head, "I can stay in New York for a while longer, someone has to watch over you and Ash, y'know."
(M/n) laughed but soon groaned at the pain in his abdomen, "You're always right, Eiji."
| Buy me a Ko-fi~? |
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flyboyeiji · 3 years
Mornings with Ash Lynx
Eiji would have a real hard time getting out of bed every morning because Ash would pin him down with his weight and wrap his arms around Eiji's torso in a vice-like grip. He nuzzles into Eiji and tries to persuade him by saying " 's too early. Five more minutes please."
And who is Eiji Okumura to deny the whims of his big cuddle-monster of a boyfriend? Denying the absolutely soft and angel face Ash Lynx first thing in the morning would be crime against humanity.
Eiji feigns annoyance for a second but embraces Ash into his arms and let the latter burrow himself deeper into Eiji's neck.
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jesskatsu · 5 years
And every heart in the room will melt...
It has been a beautiful wedding ceremony. The guests to the reception of the second weeding of Max and Jessica Glenreed have been enjoying the party that has become a celebration of love. Both the groom and the bride have left earlier that night and in the middle of the room there are just some couples dancing.
Most of the people that remains in the venue are looking at a pair of boys who are swaying in each other´s arms. Everybody knows them. Everybody knows that maybe, the following wedding would be the one in which they´ll be declared as husbands.
Ash smiles when he hears some whispers that say the same thing he has been thinking since Eiji caught Jessica´s bouquet in his hands. He would marry the man who´s smiling in front of him. He would marry Eiji Okumura even if marriage has never been a dream of his. But suddenly, there´s a future drawn on Eiji´s eyes. If it´s with Eiji, he would do whatever it takes to keep him by his side.
Ash can see a life together in Eiji´s eyes. Ash can see happy days and passionate nights; he can imagine a little house in a quiet place near the beach, maybe they can adopt a dog since Eiji loves them. Ash can see himself growing old with Eiji by his side, walking streets and fighting new battles. He can see himself falling in love with Eiji all over again. Yes, he would marry Eiji one day and he cannot be surer about it than in that very moment when Eiji´s smiling surely imagining the same things he´s watching in his mind.
“Do I sound like a hopeless romantic if I say that I want to have a day like this someday?” whispers Eiji and Ash smiles tenderly.
“A day for you to be the most handsome man on Earth? That´s unfair, Eiji, you are like that every day in your life”, answer Ash as Eiji´s cheeks fluster.
“That´s not what I´m talking about, Aslan”, says Eiji with a pout.
“What are you talking about then, babe?” asks Ash even when he knows the answer perfectly.
“I want to have a wedding day too. I want the suits, the flowers, and the ceremony. I want our friends to be smiling as I pronounce my vows. I want to throw a bouquet directly into Sorter’s hands. I want photographs, thousands of photographs that Mr. Ibe would take for us. I want a ring on your finger and I want…”
Eiji stops abruptly in the middle of his speech. He has never been afraid of telling Ash what he´s thinking or feeling but this time he thinks maybe he has surpassed a limit. Because maybe Ash is not dreaming of a wedding. Maybe Ash doesn´t have the same wish he has.
“I want that too”, says Ash making Eiji´s eyes sparkle with his answer. “I want to be the groom in all your pictures.”
“This has been the worst proposal ever”, says Eiji before he kisses Ash´s lips softly. “But I´ll make it up to you soon, I promise.”
“The day we´ll get married all the hearts in the room will melt.” Says Ash with a sweet smile on his lips. “Mine will be the first because I´m serious when I say you´re the most beautiful man in the universe and when I get to see you in your groom attire, well, Eiji Okumura, I´m going to have a heart attack.”
Eiji smiles and kisses Ash again, this time deeper and hard. Because even when it has been the proposal he has always imagined, it´s beautiful to know Ash wants to be with him endlessly and forever. Eiji´s happy to know that. Eiji feels his own heart melting at the idea of an eternity that´s called Ash.
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jesskatsu · 5 years
He falls asleep...
Eiji has fallen asleep; although they are on vacation, the nights they have spent together are always hectic and passionate. Eiji never realized at what very moment he surrendered to the exhaustion. He only began to feel all the fatigue of the world in his bones, closed his eyes and let the stupor drag him irremediably into the dream´s world.
A few steps away from him, a young man with blond hair is staring at him. His emerald eyes are shining brightly and there is a smile on his lips. His smile is a mix of tenderness and happiness in equal parts because Eiji Okumura doesn´t know how beautiful he looks when he is asleep. Eiji is there in front of him  with his big dark eyes sheltered from the bright light of the evening sun and his lips half-closed, inviting him to get lost in them.
That´s the minute Ash can´t resist it anymore so he approaches slowly to Eiji and struggles between the urge to kiss him or the wish of watching him forever in that way: vulnerable, and at the same time so strong. Eiji´s so far away from him and at the same time Ash feels that´s the very place where Eiji belongs: next to him.
The seconds pass slowly, inevitably. Ash notices how his body starts to get closer to Eiji because his figure reclining on the sand suddenly seems to invite him to do so many things, yet he only sits less than a yard away from where Eiji is.  Ash continues watching Eiji´s chest rise and fall. He´s alive even in his dreams, he´s so beautiful and so full of life.
However, in that moment, a sweet contemplation is all that matters in the universe for Ash as Eiji is there, he is there and they are together. That place seems to be an oasis amidst the chaos of the world surrounding them.
Without thinking twice, Ash takes his phone out of his pocket and focuses the sleeping boy on it. Ash wants to keep the beauty of that image in a photograph the same way Eiji always does with his professional camera. Ash smiles at the result of his photo, it is good even when it has been taken by an amateur, and then, very slowly, he takes Eiji in his arms trying not to wake him up. Ash moves him a little bit more, so that Eiji´s head is resting on his chest and Eiji remains asleep without realizing anything.
The sun has begun to hide on the horizon and the sea, once bright blue, has started to get darker. Eiji is still asleep and Ash´s stroking his dark hair while humming a cheerful song that seems to fly with the afternoon wind.
“You sing very well,” says a sleepy voice when the song ends which makes Ash laugh nervously.
“Only you can say that,” answers the young man.
“And you can only sing to me.” Eiji answers.
And as if nothing had happened, Eiji closes his eyes, leaving Ash's arms to protect him as he falls sleep again. Eiji´s not dreaming, it has been a long time since he needed to do it because by some absurd miracle now reality has surpassed the most beautiful dream he could have ever had.
Ash sighs and let the young man in his arms continue resting. If he is sincere, last night he and Eiji didn´t do much sleeping. The memories make him laugh as his eyes got caught first in the sunset and then in Eiji's quiet face. Ash strokes his hair again and kisses his lips gently before putting his chin on the crown of the sleeping boy and whispers to the wind:
"Sleep, I´ll protect your dream, this one that you are dreaming of today and the one we will both live everyday..."
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jesskatsu · 6 years
You're the sunlight that keeps my heart going...
There is something Ash has always loved about New York: the sunset.
For him it’s delightful to see the sunlight glowing on the gray buildings. It’s like the concrete comes alive with the light. It’s like burning life coming from an impossible place. It’s miraculous. In that mysterious moment when the sun let darkness take over the city, that’s the exact instant when the sun seems to be more brilliant.
The sun looks invincible just a moment before it has to surrender to the night.
Ash smiles as the sun continues his journey to the west. He likes the sunset for he has always been afraid of the absence of light. Yes, it all started that Halloween´s night when he got lost and trapped in a lonely forest but his fear just keep on growing with him due the fact that awful things always happened to him at night: the fancy dinners where he was abused by terrible monsters who pretend to be good people in the day but became a nightmare for him and other children at night. With the obscurity also came the monsters and Ash thinks that’s why he has always been afraid of it or perhaps it’s simply because darkness has always been inside himself.
“I really like how it looks”, says a soft voice which stops Ash from having that kind of thoughts, the thoughts that always hurt him.
“It’s one of the few things that are worth it to see in New York”, says Ash and he feels a little bit better just by having the warmth of Eiji’s presence next to him.
“The sun that defeats darkness”, says Eiji looking at the sunset for some seconds just before he stares to Ash. “It’s like your name, Aslan. You’re like the sun too.”
“Really?” asks Ash feeling caught in the tenderness and love that Eiji’s words have caused him.
“I know you have already listened to this a million times before but you’re so beautiful, brilliant, strong and invincible… you’re like the sun, Ash.”
Ash smiles again and wraps his arms around Eiji who smiles fondly and holds Ash tight as well. Ash sighs and lets all the bad thoughts get lost in his mind, he doesn’t care about his dark past right now. Because Eiji is there, Eiji lights up the world around him. Ash knows he doesn’t have to be afraid of the night anymore because the light that comes from Eiji is enough to summon an endless day full of light for him.
“If there’s a sun here that’s you, Eiji. You’re the only sun I need”, whispers Ash and the boy knows he has spoken honestly and hopelessly devoted to the existence of Eiji Okumura who has always saved his heart from darkness in the right time at the right moment since the first time he saw him…
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