#either way! there is more!!! genloss is not over!!!!!
Is generation loss like.. over?
Nope! There's still more to come don't worry anon :]
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sussusamogus47 · 1 year
I just wanted to call to attention the board games in the final puzzle room, bc I haven't really seen anyone talk about them all that much.
I genuinely can't tell if they were all deliberately chosen for what they are, or if instead it was a case of what the set designers (of Genloss, not Showfall) could get their hands on, but the relative obscurity/odd choice of games makes me think that for the most part it was deliberate.
Lemme explain, starting with the most interesting one first.
Game One: My 2 Homes
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This game is most notable because it's the one boardgame that Ranboo actually calls out by name, and one of two (if i remember right) that they ever interact with. What's clever though is how it could easily be written off -- Jerma asks the three of them for examples of things in the room, and he provides one. End of story right?
But consider first that the mind control over them has been getting stronger and stronger, and the past few rooms we've been seeing them become more NPC-like, interacting with things less and less, taking less of an interest in other things.
What makes it more interesting in my opinion though, is the fact that the game is meant to help children "communicate and process their feelings about divorce".
What does this mean though?
Well, looking at the verb definitions of divorce, there's two ways it can be taken:
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You could make an argument for the first definition, sure. But just look at that second definition. Separate or dissociate something from something else. Aka Ranboo and reality.
Suddenly Ranboo's calling out of the game looks more like a call for help. To use the game for its intended purpose and say "I'm still here, please help me. I don't want this to continue."
I could be stretching here. But the subtly of it is really good, and imo wouldn't be out of place.
Game Two: Maul of America
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The pun in this one is actually what made me notice the oddity of some of the choices of these board games. For those who mightn't know, the Mall of America is one of the largest malls in the United States.
The premise of this game is simple: You're in a mall during the zombie apocalypse, and have to fight your way out. One player controls all of the zombies, and each other player controls themselves, obviously.
The parallels here alone are honestly astounding lol
But wait, there's more!! Upon rewatching this entire section, I believe this is the only other board game that Ranboo ever interacts with. Even more interestingly, I believe this might be the only game in the room that has its pieces outside of the box and partially set up.
For reference:
Here's an image of the board + some of the pieces, courtesy of boardgamegeek.com
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And here's the closest, best shot I could get of the board:
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Notice the standing pieces, the flipped over ones, and their positions relative to one another. Red is flipped, blue and orange are standing up. One zombie is standing, the rest are flipped. Blue is by red, and orange is by a zombie.
Now I'm sure you know, but for Dramatic Effect ™ I'd like to point out the primary colours of each person's outfit in this room:
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So then, Ranboo, Sneeg, and Austin are obviously intended to be the players here, with either Showfall (or the founder) controlling the zombies. Sneeg's blue token is likely closer to Ran's red one to indicate that they know each other, which supports some of the other theories around that.
But then why's Ranboo's token flipped? And what's with the zombie?
Well this is where we pull into Speculation Station, because I'm honestly not too sure. I'd like to say that the flipped token indicates Ranboo's mind controlled state, but then why isn't Sneeg's flipped too? After all, we all saw him get forcefully controlled by the Showfall Crew. My only other guess is that it hints at the ending, where somehow Austin and Sneeg survive and escape Showfall where Ranboo doesn't, but I feel like that's shaky at best so idrk.
Similar problems occur with the zombie, too. You could say it's Ranboo being mind controlled by the zombie player, but then Sneeg should have one too if that's the case. It can't really be Jerma bc he's well, dead by this point. It could maybe be the camera operator? But we also see the rats behind the curtain so wouldn't they have one too?
I really don't know honestly. But I've been going on about this one for a while lol so I should probably move on.
Game Three: Anti-Monopoly
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This one is basically what it says on the tin: Anti-Monopoly, or a trust busting game where players have to go around dismantling large corporations. Depending on the size of the company, (oligopoly, trust, or monopoly) you need one to three tokens respectively to take them down.
I'd imagine that Showfall is a pretty large corporation, so my guess is that the symbolism here is meant to be Hetch's (or even Ranboo's) intention to dismantle the company. If the former, it could maybe mean that Hetch isn't here to actually help Ranboo, but is instead using him for in order to dismantle Showfall, which would be a twist for sure.
Game Four: Twister Moves
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This seems like a version of Twister with maybe a musical chair-esque aspect to it. Someone plays as the DJ and plays music, and calls out moves to the other players.
If I had to guess, this is meant to symbolize Showfall's control over people, and how they tell them what to do.
Miscellaneous Games
These ones I don't really have much (or anything) for, honestly. I'm mostly putting them here in case anyone has any ideas, or in case they're somehow relevant.
I also have to stop adding images unfortunately bc I've hit the app's limit :(
Battleground: Crossbows and Catapults
Interestingly enough I had this as a kid lol. Used to play with just the lil plastic castles and guys a lot, not really playing the game. Anyway, the premise is you use the rubber-band powered disc launchers on top of the castles to knock down the other team's guys. Apparently hitting their flag gets you bonus lives or something, so maybe that's relevant?
Star Wars 100 Piece Puzzle (1996)
I.. actually really doubt this one's relevant. It seems a bit too mainstream for it to be, and it's also a puzzle. The date could maybe be relevant? Piece count? Or somehow the characters on it (Luke, Leia, Vader) are, but I just can't think of anything that'd work here, so my best guess is it's a red herring.
Classico (??)
I literally couldn't find anything on this one that matched the box, so I'm at a total loss.
Closing Remarks
Well, I hope that was all comprehendable :D I spent the past two hours or so putting it all together, and honestly in the process of doing so found wayy more to it than I initially thought.
And with that, I bid you adieu!
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okay so i don't know if anyone has done this yet, but you know the inauguration for generation loss? well, that was canonically supposed to pick out who would be perfect for the cast. so, looking at the "correct" answers, we get a little bit more insight into the cast themselves!
(note: when i refer to the cast, i'm talking about the genloss characters, not the people that play them)
Question: Which do you prefer, Cats or Dogs? Correct Answer: Cats. okay, this is just a pretty random question, but all of the cast members are cat people. maybe they don't value loyalty as a virtue? because dogs are known for loyalty? again, it's random, so i don't know what true meaning it has.
Question: Which is stronger, Power or Wisdom? Correct Answer: Wisdom. all of the cast members are aware that power is virtually nothing if you have no clue how to use it to your advantage, and thus value knowledge more than power. maybe showfall wants this because they want power over these people, and people that desire power themselves would just get in the way of that?
Question: Which will prevail, Life or Death? Correct Answer: Death. this shows us that every cast member may have a more pessimistic/realistic view on existence. showfall does not want optimistic people because optimism shows weakness.
Question: Who dies, You or Them? Correct Answer: Them. okay, this one says the most about the cast members, as well as what showfall wants in the cast members. the cast members value their own lives over the lives of others, and would kill others without hesitation if it meant their safety. showfall does not want selfless people, nor does it want people who openly wish to die, because that doesn't make for good content in their eyes. (side note: maybe this hints to the idea that gl!niki might not be as nice as she claimed, but that's a discussion for another day)
Question: Are you 100% sure that you're alone, Yes or No? Correct Answer: Yes. this one also says a lot about the cast members, but you have to take it on a case-by-case basis. if they were actually alone the whole time during their inauguration, then that's cool! however, if they weren't alone, yet said they were, this shows us that the cast members would not openly admit to lying, at least not immediately. this might also play into the loyalty thing from earlier; they don't value loyalty in others and other things, so they don't value it in themselves either?
main takeaways for this are that every member of the cast in generation loss: is a cat person, values wisdom over power, has pessimistic views on existence, values their own lives more than others, and may or may not be extremely willing to lie in any situation.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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justyourautarch · 3 months
(These are all theories based on other theories I have)
For context,
Gen 0 = “Current” point in the main story (person who finds the vhs tapes, person on he Chronicle 0 twitter posts)
Gen 1 - ♾️ = The tapes (TSE, the infinite stories)
The founder exists in both the tapes and Gen 0 ( The founder is referenced in the first trailer that is labeled as being apart of gen 0, and also by Hetch in TSE). The founders cut is go in g to be the edit of TSE the founder wants us(in canon audience or actually us?) to see. Consider this, my theory is the Founder is connected to these stories, holding an influence over them in some ways (Hetch says the founder gave him a job. Either Hetch knows he is one story of many (connected to the inauguration?) or isn’t aware of anything. Or a bit of both. Either way, the Founder is giving Hetch orders which makes them connected inside the tapes and outside.) (Showfall is never directly referenced in gen 0, so unless it shows up in another generation (tape) I think it only exists in TSE)
Anyways, I think the founder collects these tapes for themself, and wants “us” to see the Founders Cut version which is the “purest form”. Which brings into questions that only be answered when the Cut comes out. Will it have more details or will it be cutting certain parts out? What makes the cut so pure in comparison to the livestreams? Were we even supposed to see the livestreams?
Another question I really want to know is the timeline and how *whatever organization is connected to the founder* is related to Z (i think they’re called Z, it’s the twitter diary Chronicle 0 person) because i FEEL like they’re connected somehow and I realllly want a timeline for it. Did the founder create the tapes that Z found? Or maybe it’s something even more wild and Z is the founder. Maybe they found the tapes and got the idea to make some of their own. Plus there’s a police report that falls into the timeline somewhere?
I’m thinking the tapes were made, Z found them, unauthorized watching of them commenced, then police yadda yadda. I just neeeed answers to whatever this all is.
NOT TO EVEN MENTION whatever is still going on with the whole “Find (kill) the founder, everything has a purpose” video and how similar it is to the Founders Cut trailer with its “You can’t leave” (I don’t know for a fact that they’re both related, but their vibe just feels so similar I can’t explain it)
WHY are we finding the founder? Is there still some censoring going on within the media that is connected to TSE?? In T_1 I got the initial vibe that there’s one “Entiity” and another “Entity” (I have no idea what to call them, company?). Entity 1 is trying to spread misinformation and censoring things and Entity 2 is trying to stop them, (Don’t conform, learn the history). What does this mean in relation to TSE?? Is the founders cut going to be a real example of The censorship and retelling of a story in the wrong way?
All of this to say, i’m so excited for the Founder’s Cut, it’s going to give me so much more than I already have to think about
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transbeeduo · 9 months
i definitely agree that a lot of boobers are so fucking weird about them, there’s no argument there.
but specifically about the “replying to posts like theyre friends” thing, i feel like that’s just tumblr culture (for lack of a better term) honestly. responding to ppl’s posts like it’s a conversation has always been normal here in my experience.
i will say, i havent particularly seen those replies, so i dont know how far/bad they are when you refer to them, but just generally i think thats the least weird thing they do.
(i dont mean to sound like a “ive been in tumblr 50 years and this is just The Way 🤬” by the way, i mean this completely normally, im just bad at tone)
Hey!! I totally forgot to reply to this beforehand, major apologies. (I assume this is a response to this post? )
But yeah, I can definitely see that! I do know it’s part of Tumblr culture to respond to other people. But I feel an issue with how a lot of replies under Ranboo’s posts do it is that they either
A.) just be really weird (a lot of which are making jokes about Ranboo’s queerness or “joking” about them being transfem or fem-leaning, which they’ve never stated was a thing I’m pretty sure)
B.) Behave as though they’re friends with Ranboo, or refer to them with terms people would normally use to refer to close friends (I see people calling Ranboo a fag under HIS OWN POSTS. I know people call each other faggot in a positive/endearing way here, which is awesome! But like it’s still weird to do it to someone you don’t know, and don’t know is comfortable with the term I think.) People also tend to reply to serious posts in this way, which is fine for the most part, but I feel drifts into being more of a “we’re friends I’m comforting a friend.” Sort of thing occasionally.
All of this, combined with how Boobers also will hound Ranboo about shit on other social medias, (BooTWT is like. Weirdly possessive over Ranboo being their “ideal content creator” and whenever he does something that they don’t like they FREAK OUT. Either demanding an apologies or harassing other people. ConnorEatsPants being harassed about Genloss comes to mind, along with Boobers harassing Tommyinnit a lot of the time as well. And they’re just dicks to a lot of people in general.) people will somewhat mimic that behavior here, although seemingly to a lesser degree than Twitter. And while replying to posts is usually harmless, I feel like people just get too friendly or behave oddly to Ranboo, who’s someone they don’t know, and who doesn’t know THEM. It’s just a lot weirder than the average Tumblr account interaction I think. And while replying to them is fine!!! I have no issues with that (And I’m obviously not going to stop anyone or try to police how ppl interact with others) I just feel like people need to step back a bit and be like “I’m interacting with someone I am a stranger to.” rather than “I know a lot about this person. Therefore we are friends.”
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starry-lemonaid · 23 days
Hiiiii so this ended up so so much longer than I meant it to and I didn’t even write most of them 😭 Sorry im physically unwell about your au lol. Some are definitely only your au specific others are really any teenager au :>>>>>
Team Bolas would carry around a tamagotchi and pass it off every so often. Rn Carre has it >:3
Since you have it canonized that Pac and Mike are neighbors in this, and in canon they were in an orphanage: Adopted and fostercare pac and Mike. (Pac eventually adopted by his foster dad and mom — who happens to be pals with Cellbit’s mom — and Mike still in foster care, but more in a permanent sense)
Like. Have you seen Alexa and Katie? That’s how I picture the two of them with being neighbors. 
Team Bolas will go to roller skating rinks with the sluttiest and most fabulous outfits known to man
I don’t know the status of Skeppy in this story but he’s the kid that everyone on the team (soulfire) knows about without ever having actually met him because of Bbh
Like in canon, Carre almost never talks in the gc (despite being present a ton of the time), but when he does it’s a fucking *hit* (aka he’s amazing) (aka holding out for a Carre mention in either fic /j /lh /t)
One time all of Bolas’ spirit days for their respective schools lined up and they all collaborated to wear gas masks. They do this for Halloween too. 
(I’m a scare actor) Team Bolas goes to Haunted Attractions together every Autumn and each of them are little babies about it in different ways (I have ideas about what types of customers they’d be for the scare actors omg)  
In the Bolas Minecraft server they have builds that relate to Jrwi and Ordem Paranormal (like Cellbit’s castle in canon) (I have no idea how that’d work with Bagi) 
BBQ’s with Foolish and his big family just. Are chaos incarnate 
Slime and Baghera once got really really into karaoke at a hotel and got a noise complaint 
Somewhere in his lore: Child actor slime who used to work with Niki (as well as a buncha other people). The two of them got extremely screwed over by the company — Showfall. (Like, them exploiting Slime’s hypermobility to the point where it genuinely hurts him, or scaring Niki with gunshots just because she’d sit there and take it so’s not to ruin her “nice” cover with skating) (genloss)
I’m still not quite over BAGI AND MIKE being the two to see Cellbit and PAC first after their fight. The two people who care the most about them being the ones to see each other bloody and sobbing and Jesus Christ. Not really a headcanon but. Omg. Trauma? 
TW PARANOIA: Cellbit gets really really bad psychosis and paranoia sometimes that his friends have learned to help him down out of (you’ve written him so so ocd. It’s lovely — not for him, but for us) 
Bpd q!cellbit 🤝 Bipolar q!Pac (in your au) (someday I’ll go into depth about this. That day it’s over for the rest of y’all)
Adore that Tazercraft prankwarring each other is canon in at least one of your series’ fics. I don’t know how their mind link would translate in this buttttttt I think it fits them very well
I also think they’d have a little collection of crap they’ve stolen from different rinks they’ve traveled to 
The seven of bolas have matching friendship bracelets 
(Sorry most of these are just Tazercraft and Bolas. I’m so insanely unwell about them in your au) 
i’m literally right about to go to bed so i apologize if this isn’t coherent but i love all of these so much!
-in thr chat fic Bolas actually has smth like that! it’s name is iris (like their creature from purgatory) and you’re correct in the fact rn carre has it in the irl fic! :D
-that’s how i imagine it to be in the chat fic au! idk how it translates into irl one but in my mind it’s a similar situation!!
-you’re so right for this actually i will be drawing this
-skeppy lore! he’s a hockey skater at the soul fire rink :) i might make a one shot about him and bad soon :)
-i see your head cannon and raise you: they made their own gas masks one year out of monster cans because Phil raised the point if “our actual ones risk breaking if we wear them to school” (i made my own bolas mask out of monster cans lmaooo)
-(that’s so cool omg?) the way i would read the hell outta that- (i’m such baby when it comes to those things so i’ve never actually gone but i’ve always wanted to participate in it)
-Foolish and Phil’s families at fourth of july BBQs? the fireworks are crazy
-lmao i almost put that in the 10th chapter and then didn’t 😭
-I FORGOT ABOUT GENLOSS LORE OMG *notes that down to use later*
:P no regerts (i had to tone it down when i was writing it )
i feel like the fact i’ve written him ocd when i wrote him similar to me says smth…(my psychiatrist said i have ocd tendencies lmaoooo)
im so intrigued about this because i didn’t realize they lined up with that- ngl they’re just me if i got to go feral a little more when i was 11
you know those online friends that you message like every sing,e thing about your day to? like you liveblog your life to them? that’s how pac and mike are! :D
its cannon to the irl!!! if not stated otherwise all oneshots are irl universe (i’ll say what chapter it correlates to if it’s a chat fic one) and they absolutely have stolen things- especially cuz for a while people would bring tradables to comp so the two of them absolutely stole each others trandeables when they were younger
THEY DO!!!! they have multiple!!! rn they all have hand made beaded ones that say “BOLAS” on ‘‘em!
(you’re so right tho i love them and i didn’t even write abiut them that much
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(yes yes I know I made that poll about making a new pinned forever ago but, like, I was lazy and didn't want to do it okay? so this is here now)
Anyways, hello poor traveler! Welcome to the accumulation of all my weird brain things :D
My name is Malt/Malty and I go by mostly any pronouns outside of she/her, this blog is very gay and trans so terfs fuck off!!
This blog doesn't have any sort of main theme, I just reblog and post whatever the hell I want and be insane about very specific things! These may include:
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (orv)
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rottmnt/tmnt)
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun (tbhk/jshk)
Alien Stage (alnst)
DC [comics not movies] (dc)
Shirahama Kyouji (deeply unwell over him sorry)
Hirano To Kagiura/Sasaki To Miyano (htk/stm)
Hanzawa To Tashiro (if you know you know)
Lout/Trash of The Count's Family (lcf/tcf)
Generation Loss (genloss)
Chainsaw Man (csm)
Dungeon Meshi (dunmeshi)
The Quackity SMP (QSMP)
Hermitcraft (hc)
The Life Series
The Case Study of Vanitas (tcsov/vnc)
And so many more I literally cannot bother to list right now
Please be weary of stray spike traps and anvils falling comically onto your dash!!!
any novels, shows, games or manga I've mentioned already are ones I've either finished or keep up to date with so please be careful when looking for certain things around here!!
uh main boundaries are just be respectful, I'm a black poc so if you try any racist shit here I'm publicly executing you, I'm fine with tags and asks so come scream about whatever you want in my ask box or tag me in tons of stuff i don't mind!! people with empty blogs will be blocked and reported as bots sorry yall :)
Other than that, welcome to my blog! Please watch the gluetrap on your way in ;)
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mumza03 · 1 year
Showfall Media Special Announcement Keynote!
I'm losing it rn there are so many ideas I have for this video, its going to be pretty much split in two (each a diffrent font so if you just want my ideas and no recap go to the italic)
Recap time this is a lot:
starts with a white screen with GEN 1 in the top left corner, then it changes to the showfall logo and a little tune like the last video posted.
Surprise! we get to see the man with the box over his face's face! he says "hello! and welcome to showfall media. for years we have provided endless entertainment for families all around this world."
the video does a TV style glitch but its in red, and over the static are the words "hello?"
the glitch stops and cuts back to box man, "we are more excited then ever to bring our influence to a new frontier, with our new live experience, we have spent months developing, researching, and connecting with this new frontier and we are thrilled with the results."
another static glitch, this time with the message "where is this signal going?"
back to the dude, "with out state of the art, brand new technology, we're giving you! The viewer at home, control of aspects of our show."
mid sentence his head starts to freak out, his face is blurry and it moves unnaturally.
then he's back to normal, "your choice will matter so be sure to make the right one or the effects could be devastating for our hero. Our hero will meet a cast of crazy characters, some of who you may recognize." on his left and right two pictures of men pop up both of their eyes and mouths are blacked out.
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this is the guy on the left
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and this is the guy on the right
at the bottom of the screen here are the words "Found them!"
he keeps talking, "which are sure to keep things entertaining and unexpe-" here he get cut off.
the screen turns back and theres red writing on it "is this working?" "I don't have much time" "I don't know what's happening" "i don't know what you are"
"It already found him" background turns to a missing poster from last time. This time its much easier to see who is on the poster and its Ranboo.
"it got everyone" "everyone but me" "I have to save them" "I have to stop this"
and now back to box man, "we are so excited to be showing you this world for the first time, which is why we are not limiting it to just one show. that would be such a waste of this opportunity. be sure to join us for this three part viewing experience. starting on may 24th continuing on may 26th, and concluding with our big finally," his face does the glitty thing like earlier in the video, " on may 28th you can only find it on." and thats where he is cut off.
screen goes black for a second, then box man come back on but his face is featureless, theres static, and GEN 1 is back in the top left. then some new text pops up: "GEN 1: the social experament"
May 24
May 26
May 28
6pm EST
your chosen viewpoint: Twitch.tv/Ranboolive
Here is where the video ends.
in the description box is the binary code reading "let the show begin"
Here are my thoughts on how all of this either connects to past videos or posts and what I think this means for "Our Hero" to reuse this phrase from box man. I strongly believe that Show fall is in control of everything happening in the story, they found "them" and are looking for GL!Ranboo right now. I think that the people that were taken are now apart of the cast, or at least for the most part this is the situation. perhaps the two men in the photos above escaped from Showfall with Ran after learning about a horrible thing that Showfall did. probably relevant to this big project being announced. The two of them look kind of like sneeg and charlie to so I think that they might be involved in genloss as well , but im not 1,000 percent sure, but it would be on brand for them. final thoughts would have to be about the word choice of box man, the fact that he kept saying "this frontier" to me implying that our universe/world/timeline/any other way for showfall to not be apart of this place we are in is some where new to them. However that could be written off as frontier of this interactive video formate. i kinda like my first thoughts over this more.
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We here at genloss-soundtrack-bracket are here for a great time. unlike the sorry fate our hero came to (but we won't talk about that) so we want you to have an easy time making your favourite tune a winner!
about the blog and it's owner
genloss-soundtrack-bracket is currently run by @gay-crows-in-a-trenchcoat (they/them) so if there's anything you'd like to know more about, or chat about, go check their blog (look I'll be honest talking about myself in third person is weird, come talk to me about the songs or some strange thing up with the blog or if I've got something wrong or mistagged (I don't bite, promise))
have any propaganda, or maybe you just really want to talk about this specific part of a song in the soundtrack thats as amazing as that cheesecake? go click on the ask button labeled 'goo goobie' (I don't know why it's that either)
this is all for kicks and giggles, so please don't bring any negativity and hate around these here parts, this means no exlusionary behaviour (terfs, transphobes, homophobes, racists, ect arent welcome here, else we'll just call you a cop, mkay?) and no hate at anyone who may like a song you don't
rounds, generations and more (polls)
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the first round of TSES (The Social Experiments Soundtrack) polls is complete (go look at the results here)
the second round of TSES polls are complete (go check out the results here)
the third round of TSES are complete (go check it out here)
the fourth round of TSES is begining on November 5th, 3pm aedt (check it out here)
the fifth round of TSES will be out soon :)
if there are more soundtracks with upcoming generations the polls will be linked here
other things (FAQ (sort of) and more)
this blog is not run by any of the original generation loss team, it is not our intellectual property (if you have any issues over this blog please talk it out with me (@gay-crows-in-a-trenchcoat) in dms, NOT any of the people or ccs involved in the original media)
"what if I want to know when a poll is out but blog notifications aren't my thing/ I may not see the notification?" just send an ask here or DM/ask me @gay-crows-in-a-trenchcoat! We can set up what you would like to hear about (e.g. new poll, new post, poll results, ect.) and I can DM you when those things are posted!
"I noticed something about the blog that may have been done by mistake/ the owner is unaware of, can I send an ask about that?" you can send an ask or DM about anything you think we may be unaware of! (due to me being quite accident prone I may reblog things onto here that were meant to be on the other blog, if I am aware but the post is relative enough to the blog it will be tagged 'not a poll' sometimes I just don't realise and there's no harm in pointing that out! :D)
"I want something tagged but there's no tags already existing on the blog/I'm unsure if you'll tag it" if there's something you want tagged just ask! unless you're asking to tag things so you can avoid seeing them when they're a major part of the blog there's no tag too outrageous!
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#genloss <- anything involving generation loss, it could be a poll or just a post
#genloss soundtrack <- something to do with the genloss soundtrack
#genloss spoilers <- posts that involve potential generation loss spoilers will be tagged with this (although if you have this blocked I am unsure why you would be looking at this blog)
#round 1 polls <- posts and polls from round one of TSES
#round 2 polls <- posts and polls from round two of TSES
#round 3 polls <- posts and polls from round three of TSES
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oasisofgalaxies · 11 months
Hi! I saw you were looking for song recs. Can I have some more details about the force quit AU so I can tailor song suggestions better, please?
YES OF COURSE! Fair warning this is a long boy post so be warned SLDFKJ
ok so basically the Force Quit AU is a generation loss au that is a bit self indulgent so bear with me here :D! The self indulgent bit is the addition of another character, Marvin! They are an ex stage hand and set designer for Showfall that was able to escape the company's mind control. They now work from inside the company to help others escape, including Ranboo and his friends. I've taken this little detail for myself and labelled it as Marvin's doing. So basically hes a little helper
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ANYWAYS! Force Quit follows canon pretty closely until around the end of The Choice. I have two ways this could go and I havent really decided on which i like better so I'll cover both!
Option 1 is that Marvin sneaks into the control room/heart of the facility as the voting is occurring. Before Hetch makes the call and pulls the metaphorical trigger to box Ranboo, Marvin comes up from behind Hetch and knocks him clean out with a length of pipe. Marvin then gets Ranboo down from where he is stuck and they both run like fucking hell. Both make it out of the facility.
Option 2 involves a little bit of context on some of the ideas I have about Showfall and the Security monsters specifically. So personally I call the Security monsters Taskmanagers! I think its fitting to name it after the computer program.
Additionally, you know Hetch's line where he describes the motionless Showfall employees? He says this: "My best guess is they were once people, and then something moved in and kinda repurposed them to be.. yknow, whatever the company needed."
So I took this and RAN. I came up with a concept that there is a stage before the Taskmanagers we see in Genloss. I haven't come up with a name for them yet. They arent really a "larval form" but more of a base form. Showfall either made a deal with some entity or experimented enough to create these creatures made out of wire and a tar-like substance. They use analog technology as "shells", sort of like hermit crabs. In addition they feed off of electrical signals.
I don't think that they're actively malicious, the company just uses them in an awful way. Anyways the employees will start out as normal people working their jobs. The masks have some filtering and control capabilities but no where as strong as Ranboo's mask since it's not directly connected to the body.
This can change though if the employee discovers something they shouldn't have or if Showfall just wants to do it. An employee can go through a process called "rewiring." There are several degrees to it ranging from a mild degree which involves the process of physically wiring the employee to the mask. This continues until the highest and final degree which is a full rewiring. A full rewiring is when an employee is offered to one of these little wire creatures. The creature, when prompted, will take the employee and inhabit their body. They will feed off of the brain's electrical signals and give Showfall direct control over the host's actions. There is usually no going back from this. This is also inspired by the scene in The Choice where Ranboo stabs an employee and wires come out instead of blood!
For Taskmanagers specifically I think they are originally the result of a botched Full Rewiring process. The host and wire creature did not react well and in turn created the Taskmanagers who are dangerous and actively hostile. Showfall, after accessing damages, realized they could purposefully trigger this botched creation and use them to their advantage, thus creating security.
SO, after that long explaination, onto Option 2! Sorry there's no easier way to explain this, trust me, I've tried.
So Option 2 involves Marvin somehow befriending a "defective" wire creature. Or, alternatively, befriending a defective Taskmanager. I really need to work on a name for the tiny ones gees- Anyways Ranboo is rescued here more by.. uh. Brute force rather than stealth. Here, before Hetch can pull the trigger, Marvin and the wire creature bust through a door or wall koolaid-man style and rescue Ranboo. Admittedly this option makes less sense but I'm still including it because I had the visual of the box beginning to close on Ranboo but two GIANT wire-y hands catch the two sides and WRENCHING it back open. I dont know thats just so cool to me I love big monsters!
Regardless of how the rescue goes, Ranboo escapes and is outside the facility. Marvin in hesitant to join him because of their ongoing mission to save as many people as possible. And Ranboo upon hearing this explains that Sneeg and Charlie are still trapped in there. Marvin is hesitant to believe either of them are alive but Ranboo begs them to at least check. Marvin agrees and returns inside the facility, leaving Ranboo with an address for a place he can spend the night in as well as a small two-way communicator.
Marvin enters back into the facility and discovers that both Charlie and Sneeg are alive. Charlie, however, being wounded by a Taskmanager, has some electronic bits placed into his abdomen. I am working on a design for him at the moment but here's what I'm using for inspiration:
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A green liquid-cooled PC. Please have fun drawing your own conclusions while I work on his design LSKDJF
Sneeg, while attacked by security, was not wounded enough to require any replacement parts. He just has a couple of large scars on his torso. The real damage was done during The Warehouse where he was "reset." When Sneeg was reset, he gained awareness of everything Showfall was doing. He could see the cameras and he knew none of this was real. But this comes at a detriment because while he now has an immense amount of "behind the scenes" knowledge about Showfall, Showfall has the ability to completely control him. I'm unsure if this denotes a full rewire or if Showfall is using some experimental remote technology.
Anyways when he was revived after being attacked by the Taskmanager in The Choice, the revival process messed with what the reset did to his mind. The connection between him and Showfall is a little glitchy now. He still has insider information but sometimes he can accidentally trigger a meltdown where he believes he is once again on stage in Showfall. This either manifests itself as that panicked state we saw him in during The Warehouse where he was given the wrong hat OR how apathetic he was immediately after being reset. His perception of reality is distorted as well. Sometimes he can almost predict something before it happens, almost like a sixth sense.
Ok so where was I?? Sorry I took a hard left into infodumping territory. I mean I already am infodumping but i did EVEN MORE! LSKJDFLSKDF
Anyways the AU from here, in short, is saving each member of the cast! Charlie and Sneeg stick with Ranboo and form their little trio. I'm not sure where Niki, Austin, Vinny, and Ethan fall in the AU yet but I do want them to be rescued as well. I just don't know if they will be in the main group after or not!
Ok hopefully that was coherent and not a boring read! But yeah thats the Force Quit AU I love this thing to death already its been occupying all of my waking thoughts! Yay :D!
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bootwtdoes · 10 months
Meet the Artist: Alex!
If you donate $10 or more to our Tiltify campaign here, you can get some cool art from our wonderful artists by filling out the form in our caard! Over the next few weeks, we will give introductions to them all!
Name and pronouns: Alex and He/they/xe/star
Main social media (drop star a follow!!):https://twitter.com/ale_xdoesart
When and why did you become an artist? I started making art around 3 years ago as I began to get into more online spaces and fandoms, but I originally started digital art because I watched a lot of dsmp from 2021-2022. Now I mostly draw Ranboo/Genloss :D
When and why did you join Bootwt? I joined bootwt in July 2021, because I love ranboo’s content and quickly became a bootwt artist. I stuck around for the silly people I have met and the cool and genuine cc we all love lmao.
Why did you decide to join the BootwtDoes Charity Event?As great as bootwt is, there is always going to be flaws in a community, this charity has brought attention to the issues and found a great way to support community members. I would love to be part of that :D
What is your favorite Ranboo moment? I cant pick just one moment but the whole cult of the lamb stream was really good. Or the driving stream.
What is your favorite bootwt inside joke? Either ‘asleep and transphobic’ or Karri paying for the voice actor of Leon Kennedy to do a cameo for them 😭 Just the general loving-bullying vibe that the community has with Ranboo lmao
Welcome to the team Alex! Great to have you with us!
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lost-in-frog-land · 9 months
If you were in the hunger games and you could only choose one person from either, wtnv, bitb or genloss to form an alliance with, who would it be (all other main characters from these would be against you)
This is like ridiculously hard for no reason omg. I feel like, in terms of the person who could maybe help me survive the best, maybe Cecil? I'm like... 70% sure that man is immortal or something he's defenitly magic in some way. Can make everything magically stop by summoning music and that could come in handy. Rolan from BITB also possibly for similar reasons. Bug powers. Although I don't think he can control his bug powers that well so that might be more dangerous for me. This is so hard I don't know. I can't get over the idea that I would have to kill some of these people. My poor blorbos. <- (Is completely deluded and would in reality not be able to kill anyone ever)
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
i think your anons are exaggerating about ranboo's "projects" a lot of the time, just because they saw one clip where he's talking about maybe doing something in the future or main mentioned it doesn't mean it's like some official project. some things i've seen them describing as "projects" or "plans" were literally one time jokes taken out of context lmao. tbh only real Big projects i could think of rn are genloss (here i mostly agree with progress being really slow for apparently no reason but i also don't care about genloss that much so i don't even notice this most of the time... 😭) and that one new secret thing that he predicted for "end of the year Maybe" anyways, i think?
delays with white noise have been explained (idk if you heard, i didn't go thru your blog much lately, but basically they didn't upload bcs their editor was on vacation after graduating so they wouldn't have videos ready for a while even if they uploaded the ready ones straight away, they're back now), i remember one of your anons asking abt subathon and he mentioned that recently too (had a lot of preplanned travels etc since he moved so he wants to do it when he'll be at home for a longer period of time, hopefully soon™️ kekw)
the youtube thing was also a huge project he mentioned doing several times. at first he was gonna have the vlogs, then the gaming videos, then i think he was gonna make it a edited stream channel? idk, all i remember is he talked about these things like he had a plan and they were going to happen, and then nothing did. with gen loss, that's a huge project he's literally been teasing for over a year and nothing has come of it. we can't act like he "hasn't had time" or is working on something else cause there's no other big project he's been a part of. this new big project i have very little faith in ever happening either because "end of the year maybe" is just screaming a lack of confidence. as for white noise, either find a new temporary editor or just edit it yourself. i watched the first episode and it's nothing revolutionary, there's no way neither ranboo nor sneeg have time to do it. as i mentioned previously, there's not much else going on for ranboo. and for the charity subathon, why promise to do something if you know you won't have time coming up? he knows his schedule. it doesn't make any sense to bring something up and then leave people hanging for months.
another way we have to look at this is in the context of all the little pieces of missed content in the past. remember all the small sub goals that just never happened? i think one anon said they estimated it to be over $25,000 in subs, but considering that's only about 5,000 subs i'd say we're looking at at least quadruple that, if not more. like i said earlier, this is not a one time thing, or an occasional promise left unfulfilled. this is a chronic problem that has plagued ranboo's content since the beginning, and now that he's attempting to branch out into bigger things it's just getting worse
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tirisghost · 11 months
So I have had this huge doc of theories on GenLoss saved to share for a while. So… here it is!
It’s a bunch of realities,and not necessarily related. We may never see Showfall and the now trapped Ranboo again. That story may be over from our perspective.
(Missing tapes will have a star or a theory)
? ? Us. Tapes? ? ? * TSE Next show? ? ? ?
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Two of the missing tapes may be our reality and the reality of the person watching the tapes? And perhaps also the next one we’ll watch (like they got it out to play)? Idk about the others though…
Gen zero specific:
Ranboo was under slight control the whole time. JUST enough for him to see what Showfall wanted. And possibly the mask still had a very slight glow? My younger sibling noticed it.
Partway through, on the first whiteboard is “two plus two equals five.” A famous quote from 1984, which is basically about the government controlling the masses, and always figuring out what’s going on. At the end of the book, the MC is captured and tortured until he believes exactly how the government wants, at which point he is still able to be shot/killed at any minute, having outlived his usefulness.
Did Ranboo get captured by an organization that is basically trying to control what everyone sees? The brainwashing he is going through is to make him exactly what they want from EVERYONE.
Ranboo isn’t dead. Much the way none of our other choices mattered, this one didn’t either.
For one thing (that could just be attributed to not wanting to kill Ranboo irl) the spikes were too short to do anything. Even if they had been long enough, that thick, wide shape would be unable to make it far into the head without a ton of force. And if they did, it would need a LOT more blood, as the head would be ripped apart.
For another thing, Showfall has already shown that they can revive characters that are very, VERY dead. Even if we DID kill Ranboo, this season was far too entertaining to simply kill off a character that may generate a ton of income. We have done nothing but add an extra death to the roster.
A theory I just had not pertaining to the final episode alone, but still pertaining to 1984: part of the torture that the MC goes through is simply to force him to betray his most beloved of people (his girlfriend) and live. So in the You or Them puzzle, as well as when we kill Ranboo there at the end, the whole point is to make us loyal to no one but ourselves, because then we can hurt anyone but ourselves. In the book, it turns out that when he betrayed the other person, they came out alive anyway, because the point wasn’t their death, it was simply to break him.
Is it the same for us? Ranboo is still alive, but they are slowly breaking our own free will, making us easily pliable and convinced for whatever their plans are?
This also makes me think that possibly Ranboo himself went through You or Them, because he was able to kill another person if it would save him, which would be imperative to the show actually working, because if the MC sacrificed himself for a background character, it probably wouldn’t have done too well.
Questions I still have:
Are the different Genloss symbols from different realities, and if so then how does Genloss connect across them?
Will every reality have a Showfall/similar big bad? So they all fight against Genloss and the people related to it? Or will there always be someone who seems to represent Genloss? Is that Ranboo in every reality (including the tapes reality and this reality?)
Is Genloss a group connecting realities? How many of Ranboo’s friends in each reality will be part of said group, or how many are just bait/accidentally dragged into it by Ranboo?
Are we a cannonical part of Genloss, perhaps learning how to work for them through seeing other, past fails and wins? Or is it a memorial across realities to a Ranboo that dies/fails every time?
Is Ranboo the founder, and does that mean across realities he FOUNDED Genloss, or perhaps simply because he FOUND the tapes? If it’s only because he found the tapes, then did he pick TSE first because he saw himself when he turned it on?
Is this the only reality with Ranboo, or will there be others?
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