#ejiro kirishima fic
a-rat-who-writes · 2 months
Kirishima's Alphabet SFW (MHA)
Pls enjoy my lovelies
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): Kirishima is such a sweetheart when it comes to showing his affection towards you. He obviously enjoys the simple hand holding in public or between classes, but he also strikes me as being a sweet talker as well. He LOVESS complimenting you on your quirk and hyping you up every time before you go into training or a battle. On top of that, he also seems like the type to want to spend as much time as he can with you (of course), so he doesn't mind just laying about beside you while you do your homework because of course he neglects his own until the last minute.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): I feel like it would really depend on your OC's upbringing, meaning whether or not you met in high school. For simplicity, let's say you did in UA. In the first stages of showing off everyone's powers, you caught his eye. Since getting in high school, he was pretty sociable, so he went up to you pretty early on and showered you with compliments about your quirk, saying things like how you used it was so unique and he wished he had a quirk like yours. After becoming friends and talking back and forth, he ALWAYYSS wants you to be involved in group activities with Kaminari, Mina, and Sero, the usual group. Like Bakugo, if he needs to DRAG you out of your room to get you to hang out, he isn't afraid to
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): Kiri LOVES a good cuddle sesh. It warms your heart every time you see his hair lying down, and when you guys usually do cuddle you see it like this. There aren't a whole lot of times where you two get to hunker down with each other considering the "rules" in the dorms that people allegedly follow, but on the off chance he can sneak into your room or you sneak into his, it's always a nice time. I feel like he would love resting his head against your chest, nuzzling his nose against it like he's a cat rubbing his scent on you. Kiri I'm afraid is also a bit of a snorer especially when he has had a long day, and although it annoys you sometimes, when it's soft it makes you melt and want to squeeze him to death. He obviously likes to be seen as manly, but he enjoys the occasional moment where you baby him a bit when he doesn't want you to get up or change positions.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): I feel like it is important to Kirishima that you two do at some point settle down and move in with each other or perhaps even get married some time after he goes Pro. It is a big thing for him to spend as much time as he can with you, and having those special moments devoted to the two of you would make him feel like he’d led a happy life with no regrets if he were to lose in battle. I think that he’s a bit of an amatuer at cooking, only knowing how to do simple dishes, but if cooking is something you’re also bad at, he would definitely make that into a little date idea (seeing who can make the best… or rather least burnt dish). Depending on your quirk and role in UA and the Pro world, he would make sure your space is clean, prioritizing it over his (which is usually a bit of a wreck.) 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): It would heavily depend on why you two would need to break up, but I feel like how I’ve written Alphabets for other chars like him, he would try and prolong the relationship for as long as possible to try and make things work, but if they really can’t, then he would let you down slowly. Doing the necessities, making sure you two are alone and are sat down. The manly thing to do would be to tell you his feelings about everything and that he thinks you two aren’t a good fit for each other anymore. Rather than think negative things about you, he would still treasure the time you two spent together and wouldn’t think the time you two spent in a relationship was a waste of time at all, rather an experience that he was able to learn about and hopefully improve himself as a person for his next.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): After his whole mentality change from middle to high school, I think he has gotten over being so hesitant about things, and as mentioned before, he would want to make sure he can have the special moments with you so you two don’t wish you did more with each other if things came to an end. I do think that it would take some time after he became a Pro just to settle into the new life, but he would definitely be the one to propose, crying the entire time he gives his stupid little speech about how he knew you were the one when he first met you and had the conversation about telling each other your names. Honestly I think it would mean a lot more to him if you let him propose to you so he could also show to himself that he is 100% in and devoted to you for the rest of his life.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): Gentle monster. He is such a big teddy bear. Though he does like picking you up and running around with you, he is literally one of the most caring and self aware people that you know. I feel like no matter the situation there’s always this little inkling in the back of his mind of “Am I doing this right?” “Am I being gentle enough?” “Are they uncomfortable?” But of course, you always assure him that he’s being the perfect boyfriend. Emotionally, I would say he can come off a bit forward sometimes, especially if you are feeling down on yourself, but he once more is always big on complimenting you and telling you that you’re enough and what you did today helped everyone smile a little brighter.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): HUGGER ALERT. He loves a good hug. He always likes a good hug or kiss before you depart for nighttime if you two see each other before you do. He always goes under and hugs around your waist (totally not because he likes pressing his face against your neck and feeling your flustered reaction). His hugs are usually pretty gentle, but if it’s after a long battle, this man hugs you like his life depends on it, borderline crushing your damn ribs. If he’s proud of you, (which he always is) he also loves to give you a good, tight hug, or pick you up and praise you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): He thinks inside his head saying this to you A LOT before he actually does say it, admiring how you observe things or the way you act when you’re excited, “God I love them”. I think it’s a bit of a toss up depending on your forwardness, but I think you’d probably say it first, which TOTALLY catches him off guard when you do. “NO WAY, I LOVE YOU MORE!” He would literally SHOUT back at you, startling you a bit. “I’ve been wanting to say that for so long, I just– I didn’t want to mess it up.” He would follow up. You’d shake your head and tell him that there isn’t a wrong time to tell the people you love that, which made him clutch his shirt in how strong of a statement that was. Safe to say that afternoon was a lovey-dovey one.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): I think Kirishima, under all of his newfound confidence and strength, still has that small insecure side to him that we all have, so he would get jealous if you continually hung out with someone he wasn’t well acquainted with yet. On the other hand, if it’s anyone in 1-A like Midoriya or Yaoyorozu, he wouldn’t have any issues with you spending time with them, instead encouraging you to be sociable. I think it’s pretty circumstantial the times he gets jealous, but he knows he can trust you. When he does get jealous he definitely makes sure to show you that he loves you with kisses and touches (like on your waist or holding your hand). On top of this though, he’s always been proud to be your boyfriend, so there isn’t really anyone who wouldn’t know the two of you are together. I think you two are both pretty in love with each other regardless of anyone who tried to come in between the two of you, so it wouldn’t matter much if anyone tried to get in the way because he is definitely sure about his feelings for you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): Kiri’s kisses have a wide range of places and pressure. When things are normal and the two of you are hanging out, he loves to kiss you on the cheek or shoulder randomly to remind you that he’s there with you (but of course, you already know that). I think that one off kisses on the lips would leave him a bit flustered unless he initiated them. Despite how I explained before, this man’s hand placement is immaculate, either pulling you close and holding your lower waist, holding your jaw, or stuffing his hand in the back of your hair, he always makes you melt whether or not that was his intention. I think Kiri loves a good forehead kiss or just a kiss on his head, but anything around his neck would make his ears just about the color of his hair, sucking in breath so as to not accidentally make a fool of himself. I feel like in private he definitely finds kisses on his torso sexy (Bonus points if he’s in his hero costume).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): I think he actually would enjoy babysitting some young grade school kids, putting them on his shoulders, or holding them upside down. In return, I also think kids really like him too! Especially the girls, I think they would fawn over him a little bit which would make him bashful, an expression you don’t see on him too often. He is also very careful with the kids, making sure that they aren’t hurting themselves or each other, instead encouraging them to use their quirks or anger against him because of his quirk. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): I feel that if there was a late night in one of your dorms, then he would definitely not want to get up, keeping you close to him until he was either forced to leave or people got suspicious. I think in the morning times he is definitely the cutest because of how askew his hair is and the tired look in his eyes. I think he is also a very warm person, so he would cling to you for a lot of the morning if there wasn’t anything to do, wanting to also feel your warmth outside of the covers. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): He’s always a bit of a social butterfly, hanging out in the commons with his friends just chatting about the next test or the latest hero gossip. If and when you two are alone in each other's dorm rooms he definitely enjoys staying up with you, coincidentally enjoying the look of how tired you are, letting your guard down around him. Trust is a BIIIG thing for Kiri, so it makes him all warm and fuzzy knowing that he makes you feel safe and that you trust him to protect you if anything happened while you were asleep. I feel he would also enjoy watching movies during these late nights with you, chugging drinks and sharing some food before passing out on top of each other.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): He’s a relatively open book, wearing his feelings and his ideals on his sleeve. Anyone who knows Kiri knows he is a person who admires people who are strong, trustworthy, honest, “manly”, and admirable in general. I think that if you were to ask him anything about himself, he would be pretty open about it all, giving reasonable explanations for why he feels the way he does instead of brushing the question off and ignoring it. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): Hence the whole children topic, I’d think he’s very patient with other people, and less so with himself. He always likes to improve himself so he feels like he’s on the same level as his classmates which makes you a little sad to see how hard he can be on himself sometimes, but he wouldn’t ever say what he says to himself to you or any of his friends. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): I think Kiri’s a little bit of a scatterbrain if he is needing to remember something, but if there is something he knows is important to you, he is set in stone on remembering whatever it is even if he has to constantly put up sticky notes on his walls to remind him. I think there are a lot of random things he remembers about you, for example, some support item you have on your hero costume.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): Headcanon time! So I feel that one night Kiri would mention something about there being a meteor shower and he insisted on sneaking out of the dorms since it would happen late at night and watch it together. You were intrigued by the idea and agreed, the idea of once more spending some late night time together was something you wouldn’t pass up, and now it had a direct purpose, of course, you wouldn’t pass it up. You make sure to stay up until about 1AM, to which you and Kiri quietly meet in the commons and snuck out of the dorms and around the side to lie down in the grassy field behind the school. You both cuddled up next to each other on top of a blanket and as if on cue, the shower began when you both were settled. The sight was actually quite beautiful when you saw how the subtle lights shot across the sky, your eyes widening as each one passed. You raised up your arm at the initial meteor pointing out that it started before laying back down beside Kirishima. You were almost at a loss for words, having not seen something like that before– the night being filled with more stars than usual too. This entire time, there was absolutely no way Kiri could stop looking at you. He watched the way the lights in the sky reflected over your eyes and the expression you had on your face. His throat went a little dry, to be honest at seeing the way you were just.. enthralled with the sight. He definitely was glad he asked you to spend the night with him.. He just couldn’t look away similar to how you were looking at the sky. When you finally noticed him looking at you, he blushed, looking the other way but you pulled him in for a brief kiss as another meteor shot across the sky. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): I think this question is already answered if you watched MHA at all. Of COURSE he is protective of you in every scenario! He would always put you before himself, selflessly protecting you from any villain that posed a threat or squashing any insect you were too afraid to kill. Kiri isn’t really one to ask for help, but he would always ask right after the threat is gone if you’re okay and that he’s sorry he didn’t do enough if you did end up protecting him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): I think instead of coming up with date ideas on his own or.. Surprising you, he would sit down with you or ask in your free time what you would like to do so he makes sure you’re having a good time. You do a little reverse psychology on him by being unsure and suggesting ideas to see what he seems most enthusiastic about, whichever that is you also decide you enjoy the most. I think for anniversaries, he would always take you out somewhere, whether that’s a fancy dinner or taking you back to a memorable place you two spent some time at (ie where your first kiss was, first date, first interaction, where he first knew he fell in love with you, etc). He isn’t anything exceptional when giving gifts, but he does make sure to get things that you enjoy, like tickets to a singer you enjoy, or a pair of shoes/jewelry you have mentioned wanting before.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): For those who follow my OLBA Alphabet, I feel like Kiri is also someone who wipes his hands on his shorts which leave occasional stains on them so he has to keep buying more. In addition, I think he also tends to overwork himself a lot, which makes you worry a little and have to ask where he is if he isn’t in his dorm in his free time. He also, which is a bit of a given, is a procrastinator, leaving his homework or studying to the last minute even if he does haphazardly look over his notes every once and a while.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): Since his little high school glow up, I think his hair is something he usually takes into account most days, making sure to redye it (hc of mine b/c it technically is permanently dyed red) every so often when he sees his roots coming out. A fun hangout between you two is you redying his hair for him while sitting on his lap. He enjoys the physical touch while you also care for him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): I think if you two hadn’t ever met (if the show was what it was) he would become a fine hero the way he would if he had met you, but if you two met and then you left his life after dating or becoming a close friend, he would often think about you and dwell on the things you two didn’t do together. I think if he ever got free time in this scenario, he would spend it searching online where you are nowadays and what you’re doing, at least hoping you’re doing well and are healthy.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): During the middle phase of when you two were talking but not dating yet, Sero and Kaminari would be an absolute PAIN IN THE ASS to Kiri every time you both hung out in the commons or whenever their whole group was out. They would say things like how Kiri seemed so much more “red” than usual, or “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” After you laugh at something he would almost gaze at you as you did. Even after the two of you began going out openly, they would tease you guys at how you two were lovebirds and “...should get a room if you act like that.” 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): Dishonesty, not being true to yourself, not taking care of yourself, or being beyond too immature. He is a playful guy himself, but if you can’t take moments that are serious, seriously, then it would turn him off quite a bit. He is pretty open to learning about why people are the way they are, so he tries his best not to judge anyone for things so physical. As long as you were good at heart and were someone he could understand, at the end of the day he would give it a chance. (This is heavily because of Bakugo and Kirishima understanding that despite the way people present themselves, there is more than what people show.)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?): As I mentioned before, SNORRERRRRR he SNORES. I feel like he also tosses and turns a bit when he’s on his own, somehow ending up at the opposite end of the bed, his feet where his pillow is sometimes. If the two of you are sleeping next to each other, I also think he would cuddle you to the point of you overheating. You’d stick it out for as long as you could until wriggling out of his arms to give yourself a small break before returning back to him.
JEEESSSUUSSSS do making these take it out of me. As soon as I saw my second most recent poll flip and go from Heros to 1-A student fluff I got my ass on here and worked. Kiri is one of my favorite chars if you couldn't tell. T^T
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thezeninclan · 2 years
Kissing Kirishima ?
ejirou kirishima seems almost hesitant in the way he kisses you— as though he’s afraid that he’s doing something he’s not supposed to, something wrong.
he’s shy, so cutely, abashlessly shy, with his splothy cheeks blown red and his eyes ticking nervously around the room, seeming to land everywhere but your face. you’re somewhat surprised by the unexpected hesitation that engulfs him, by the way he seems almost standoffish, holding onto just the tips of your fingers like you’re a butterfly he’s caught but afraid to crush.
you had been so sure that he’d wanted to kiss you, that he liked you, never missing the brassy way his eyes flickered over your lips every time you two spoke, the way his adam’s apple would dribble nervously in this throat as he stood before you.
so when you had closed the distance between your prone bodies and rooted your lips against his, you had expected that he kiss you back, that he return the affection that had unfurled between you since the very first day of your UA entrance exams. but instead you had been met with a quick turn of his head, a furious blush, and a biting stutter that had your stomach churning tumultuously.
but just as you had moved away, tried to flee, his hand had caught yours, palms clasped tight and flush, and as you hesitantly rose to meet his eyes, you had been confronted with a look written over his face was nothing you had ever seen before. it had struck you then, as obvious as the sun was above your head and the earth was beneath your feet, the realization that kirishima had never kissed anyone before, and, like in so many other things, he wanted to be good, wanted to be good for you. 
“ejirou…” you whisper, breaking forward to press your cheek against the naked planes of his broad chest, feeling the way his heart hammers an uncertain staccato against the shell of your ear.
his breath catches, cheeks so red and hot you feared you might be burned as you lean close to press your lips against his fervent skin. “I…” he began, releasing the fists he had long ago clenched at his sides. the hesitancy that had grown between you seems to evaporate within the space of an exhaled breath, and before you know it a kiss is punctuating every word he utters under his breath: “l’ve dreamt of doing that for a long time.”
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bookcluberror · 1 year
I need some good "Kirishima pining over Reader" fluff. Or smut. Or angst. Any recommendations??
Can't believe I'm cheating on my boy Shouto like this, but damn Eiji is really taking root in my brain lately!! Help a girl out, pretty please?
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Hi!! i love your stories and was wondering if you do requests? if not im so sorry to bother you!!!!! and if you do than would it be ok if you could do a bull kiri and bull baku x heifer y/n? again if not im so sorry and hope you have a good day!!
In the Fruit Orchard (Bull!KiriBaku x Heifer!Reader) [REQUEST FILL] 
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Ejirou Kirishima x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you, a heifer girl, get a night with the hottest bull boys on Aizawa's farm after a trip through the fruit orchard.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Animal Hybrid!KiriBaku; Animal Hybrid!Reader; Reader is Fem; Mild Sexual Harassment; Reader Makes First Move; Consensual; Foreplay; Mentions of Milk; Breeding Kink; Deepthroating; Facefucking; Praise; Missionary; Doggystyle; Creampie Kink; Cum on Body; Aftercare; Cuddle Pile
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I got this request a few days ago & had to give it a try. I hope you like it! -Jazz
They were the finest bulls on Shouta Aizawa’s farm. 
And this wasn’t just something said between the farm animal hybrids that roamed the 300 acres. Any time Aizawa had any guests over at his farm, such as fellow farmers, investors looking to buy the farm (which usually never happened) and visitors who took advantage of the farmer’s market he threw every spring, they always made a point to comment on the two bulls. 
“They’re so big and strong!” they’d say, watching in awe as one would toss several bails of hay while the other sharpened their horns on a nearby tree. Usually, every cow on the farm would be staring too, teeming with adoration for the two. “That’s why they’re here,” Aizawa would always say. “Nobody can handle those two but me.” 
And that was the damn truth. There was no one that could handle the brute force, cockiness, or hot-headedness of the bull duo. They first came to the farm two years ago.
Apparently, Aizawa and his husband, Hizashi Yamada, had saved the two from an abusive animal ring where they were forced to fight other bulls. You weren’t there when they arrived at the farm, but from overhearing from your friends, they were coated in bruises, scars, and starved. Katsuki and Ejiro – or “Kiri” – they were named. Since their arrival, they’ve been celebrities on the farm. 
You came to Aizawa’s farm last spring after your last owner died. You’ve enjoyed the rolling fields, endless apple trees, and comfortable pens ever since…but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy Katsuki and Kiri more. You’ll admit the first time you saw them, you were intimidated.
They were big, buff, and beautiful. Similar to centaurs, their upper halves were nothing but rippling muscle, from their thick pectorals right down to their rock-hard abs, while their bottom halves were of a bull––nothing but fine, dark hair covering thick muscles right down to their calves, thighs, and two hoofed feet. They always walked around with their bull rings glinting in the sunlight and steam protruding from their nostrils as they worked, sweat dripping down their skin in the hot sun. 
You never talked to them before. You were more than happy to just watch. You weren’t sure you’d even know what to say to them. You’d probably trip over your words and feel too intimidated because of how big they were and how they towered over your small frame, no matter your size or shape. You imagined that this is why so many cows and heifers loved them so.
It wasn’t private knowledge that Katsuki and Kiri were a hit with the ladies. You’d catch them watching the bull duo with heart eyes all the time along the wooden gates where the cows were separated from the bulls. If they never watched, you’d hear them gossip about the two all day and night, whether during breakfast or at night in your pens. “God, they’re just so fucking hot!” they’d dreamily sigh. “I wish I could have one of them for my own.” 
“Please, I’d take both of them,” another would chuckle. “They’re too sexy to choose just one. If I wasn’t already mated, I’d have them both give me their babies.” The lady cows would laugh while you’d just lay in your fluffy bed in your pen, your best friend and fellow lady cow Mina lying beside you. She’d turn to you in the late night when the pens were finally silent, her golden eyes glowing in the dark. “You’re always so quiet when the girls gossip about those two,” she’d whisper.
You’d shrug, staring up at the starry sky through the window-like hole above your pen. “Because I’m not interested in talking about those two like they’re pieces of meat,” you’d grumble. “Sure, they’re attractive, but it’s not necessary or appropriate.” 
“Fair point,” Mina said, “but come on, you’ve gotta admit that they’re hot as fuck.” She’d smirk at you with her pink lips and snout as she rubbed her big belly that she got from Denki, one of the male cows here. “I would go for Kiri, personally. He’s such a sweetheart. What about you, Y/N? Who'd you go for?” 
You just told her neither and went off to sleep as she giggled beside you, knowing you were full of shit. The truth was you’d choose both of them. You loved how sweet and friendly Kiri was, his bright smile and red locks always filling you up with warmth whenever you’d see him grazing or soaking up the sun in the mornings. But you also were attracted to Katsuki’s gruffness and how aggressive he got to anyone or anything that threatened his home. He once nearly pummeled a crooked investor who wanted to steal Aizawa’s farm from him, prompting the guy to never come back. 
You couldn’t deny the butterflies they gave you whenever you’d see or hear those raspy, deep voices that filled your dreams every night. You knew you had a deep crush, but you weren’t sure if you wanted them to be with you completely.
That is, to breed you. You were the only heifer on the farm so it was quite intimidating and alienating to be the only female cow who wasn’t pregnant, didn’t have babies, or wasn’t with another cow or bull. Plus, you weren't even sure you wanted someone like Katsuki and Kiri. You’d prefer someone who wasn’t on every cow’s mind and perhaps in every cow’s pen at night. 
That all changed the night Aizawa and Hizashi went out of town for the weekend. It was for their 7th-year anniversary and they would be gone until Monday morning. They told you all about it when they gathered the farm animals for a group meeting the beginning of that week during breakfast. “We’re going away!” Hizashi proudly announced. “To celebrate seven years of our amazing relationship!” 
Aizawa blushed when his husband leaned his head on his shoulder, slipping an arm around his waist. “When we’re gone, every single one of you will be on your best behavior,” he sternly said. “I’ll keep the house locked up, but the farm will still be open for visits from the public. Anyone tries to break in, the bulls know what to do. Otherwise, just be good and don’t make a mess.” 
Make a mess, the animals didn’t. But being good? That rule was never going to be respected.
After your owners left Friday night, Saturday night was as wild as one could get on a farm. A party was thrown in the barn house where music, dunking for apples, and drinking from the secret whiskey stash Aizawa stored away all took place. You initially didn’t want to go, but Mina talked you into it. “When are we ever gonna get a weekend where the farmers aren’t here?” she groaned. “C’mon, just for an hour!” 
You begrudgingly agreed though an hour turned into about three insufferable ones. You sat in the dimly-lit barn on one of the hay bails as a stool, watching as Mina danced with Denki and drank her fill of beer. The party was still in full swing, noise and hollering of the animals all around you that made you very uncomfortable. You sat stiffly with your cow-like legs together, your human hands in your lap. You did have to admit that you looked nice in your flowery sundress that Mina forced you to wear. You were secretly hoping to run into Katsuki and Kiri tonight, but so far, you haven’t seen them. 
You sighed, sipping on your iced tea mixed with a bit of whiskey. You wanted nothing more than to leave this place. “Hey, Y/N!” a faintly familiar voice shouted to you. You turned, finding Shindo waving at you as he made is way over to you on his powerful legs with a swing of his tail. He was one of the most beautiful horses you’ve ever seen with the finest black hair along his bottom half like on his head. His top half was just as pretty––nothing but lean muscle and the prettiest, green eyes you’ve ever seen. 
But not as pretty as Katsuki and Kiri. “Oh, hey, Shindo,” you giggle. “I haven’t seen you all night.” Shindo's tail swayed giddily as he looked down at you. “The other horses and I were down by the lake to cool off,” he explains. “It’s a real nice night. You should come out with me for a walk.” 
You blinked up at him, wondering if he was serious. “You’re asking me?” you questioned. No hybrid, especially a male, had ever asked to d anything with them before. “Yeah!” he laughed. “I was just goin’ down the trail to check out the apple trees and I don’t mind your company. Plus, you don’t seem like you’re enjoying the party too much. How come you aren’t dancing?” His smile grew, playfully so. 
You flushed, toying with the hem of your sundress. “I don’t really dance in these types of settings,” you sheepishly laughed. “Too many drunk shenanigans.” As if on cue, one of the cows––that being Sero—flew down the staircase leading up to the upper floor, crashing into one of the wooden tables. 
“Fair point,” Shindo chuckled. “C’mon, maybe we can get some before the drunk crowd does.” He put his hand out for yours, patiently waiting for your answer. 
You looked down at his hand for a moment, weighing your options. What if someone saw you leave with him and got the wrong idea? What if Katsuki and Kiri saw? ‘Who cares what they think?’ your voice of reason hissed. ‘You’re not even mated to them! They probably don’t even know you exist!’ 
“Okay,” you finally giggled. “Why not?” You put you hand in Shindo’s and let him lead you away from the barn and into the summer night. 
Once away from the barn, the night was quiet and peaceful. Only the buzz of insects, the hooting of a nearby owl, and your and Shindo’s hooves clicking across the path could be heard as you both walked along the dirt paths to the apple orchards, all planted by Hizashi. You often went here to relax and enjoy the quiet for a while on warm, sunny days. Shindo suddenly stopped and pointed at the dozens of apple trees in the twilight with the reddest, ripest apples hanging from their branches. “Here, they go!” He exclaims excitedly. 
He skipped over to one of the trees and you followed, giggling. He stopped at one and picked an apple, immediately chomping into it. His eyes close, taken aback by the taste. “Mmm, that’s good. Grab one for yourself.”
You did so, walking up beside him to grab an apple. You bit into it immediately, loving the sound of your teeth chomping along the crisp, juicy flesh. “Wow, this is good,” you hummed. As you ate, the summer breeze caressed your skin and hair, making the apple trees sway. “And it is a nice night,” you sighed, closing your eyes against the breeze. You felt so good. So peaceful. 
When you opened your eyes, you found Shindo starting at you. There was a strange, almost intimate look in them that you couldn’t quite make sense of. “You look beautiful tonight,” he commented. You snorted as a natural reaction, shaking your head at his words. “Really! But I’m sure your mate tells you that all of the time, right?” 
As he flashed a white-toothed smile at you, our heart sank into your stomach. “Uh, no,” you confessed, looking down at your apple. “I-I don’t have a mate. I’m still a heifer.” Even saying it, you felt pathetic. While it was nothing to be ashamed about and you knew you didn’t want any kids right now, you looked around at so many of the girl cows on the farm and wanted what they had: a mate. 
“Seriously?” Shindo asked, shocked. “How’s that possible? You’re so cute!” You flushed at his compliment, looking off into the night. “It just never happened, I guess.” 
“So you’re not with that bull duo all the cows seem to love?” Shindo asked. The farm is sayin’ they’ve got a thing for you.” You stared at him, wide-eyed, your heart pummeling in your chest. “W-What?” you dumbly asked. There is no way that is true. It can’t be. Shindo shook his head, tossing the apple aside. “That’s too bad,” he tutted, “because I’ve got a thing for you, too. I’ve had it for a while now, to tell you the truth.” 
Your eyes bugged out of your skull. “What?” you asked once again, louder this time. Shindo didn’t speak as he began to slowly walk toward you, a sensual look in his forest-green eyes. You began to walk backward, squeaking when you slammed against a tree. “Wait, Shindo…how would this even work? Y-You’re a horse!” 
Shindo just laughed as he drew nearer to you, putting his big hands on your waist. “Interspecies relationships happen a lot around here,” he chuckled. “Didn’t you know?”
His fingers began to slowly slip down to your dress, creeping up above it to lie on your bare fur. “I can treat you way better than those bonehead bulls, Y/N,” he whispered. “You know it, deep down.” He began to lean in for a kiss and you put your hands out to stop him, laying them flat against his bare chest. “Wait, Shindo,” you protested. “I-I don’t even know you that well. We shouldn’t–“ 
“I think she’s telling you no, horse face,” a raspy, familiar voice growled from beyond the trees. Shindo stopped, glaring into the darkness.
Standing there at the end of the path was Katsuki, fists balled up at his sides and steam billowing from his nostrils like in a cartoon. You heart flipped at the sight of him. “You?” Shindo scoffed, smirking at him. “What, you saw me with her and decided to make a move? You’re just too slow, ‘Suki.” 
“Wrong answer,” another raspy yet slightly higher voice said. From behind Katsuki outstepped Kiri, equally as intimidating with his long, red hair and crimson eyes. “We saw her with you, yes, but we’re not here to ‘make a move’. We’re here to stop you from takin’ advantage of this girl when she clearly isn’t interested and then ghosting her like you did to the horse girls on your old farm.” He tapped a finger against his chin, thinking. “And a few heifer girls too, if I’m not mistaken.” 
Shindo visibly gulped, realizing he’d been caught, while you stare at him in awe and rage. Did he see you as just that? A poor, lonely heifer to take advantage of? 
Katsuki stepped closer, his hooves stomping against the ground. “You need to leave her alone,” he growled. “Tonight and after tonight. If I catch you tryna make a move on her again, you better believe these hooves are goin’ straight into your head.” Shindo was visibly intimidated, but he still tried to play like he wasn’t. “Is that a threat?” he whispered. 
Kiri stepped beside Katsuki, crossing his arms over his buff chest. “That's a promise, horse face,” Katsuki simmered. “Now get out of here unless you want me to fulfill that promise right now.” Shindo looked between them and you, weighing his options. Then, with a huff and a swish of his tail, he turned around and galloped up the trail back toward the barn. 
You relaxed against the tree, glad to be away from him. “You alright, Y/N?” Kiri worriedly asked.
You immediately stood up straight, realizing you were here with the farm’s favorite bulls, alone, in the apple orchard. Other than that, you also realized that Kiri said you name. They know your name. You cleared your throat, recovering. “Yeah,” you exhaled, dusting off your dress. “Thanks, but I could’ve handled that myself.” The two chuckled, the deep rumble of their laughter making your stomach flip. “Never said you couldn’t,” Kiri replied. 
“You ain’t the only cow girl he’s tried to hit on here, y’know,” Katsuki added as he ripped off an apple from a branch above him. “He’s known for being a player and with you being a heifer, that only made it worse.” He bit into the apple, taking a big chunk out of the juicy flesh. “You should be more careful. Farm or not, you’ve got some creeps lurking around here.” 
Kiri elbowed him, stomping his hoof. “Don’t scare her, Katsuki,” he hissed before giving you a reassuring smile. “He’s just being dramatic, cutie. Only thing you need to worry about is not ruining that pretty dress of yours.” You flushed at his words, not used to receiving such compliments, whether blatantly flirtatious or not. “Well, we’ve taken up more of your night, so we’re gonna head off.” 
They began to walk off up the path, passing by you as they did. “You’re going back to the party?” you blurted.
Kiri shook his head. “Nah, not our style. Plus, it’s too nice of a night to be cooped up in a barn.” They turned around and began to leave you again like none of tonight ever happened. You found yourself wanting them to stay for a while, especially after that scare with Shindo.
“W-Well, if you want, I was gonna take a walk down the trails here,” you shyly said, piquing their interest. “You two are welcomed to join me, if you want.” 
The bulls turned toward you, looking shocked that you even said anything. But then they each cracked a smile that knocked the air out of you. “A walk, huh?” Kiri chuckled. “We happen to know about some other treats down there the way the others don’t know about. But you can’t tell anyone.” 
You nodded, signaling your silence. “Then let’s quit standin’ here and go,” Katsuki growled, already making his way down the trail though he stopped to wait for you to catch up. The three of you then begin to walk along the dirt trail, taking your sweet time among the summer air. “So you came last spring, right?” Kiri asked. “What was your other farm like, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
There, while walking through the apple orchard, you talk to each other. You tell them all about your  old farm and its beautiful daisy fields until your owner passed from their disease. They told you all about their past too, sparing you any sad details. You also talked about other things you liked and enjoyed, like spending your past time swimming by the lake on the hottest days of the summer and playfully arguing over snow (Katsuki hated the cold). With every conversation topic, you felt yourself becoming more comfortable with them. 
Finally, you three reached the fruit orchard that was blocked by a couple of thorn bushes. Kiri pushed back a couple bushes to clear a path for you, revealing dozens of trees and bushes carrying delicious fruit. “Aaand here we are,” he chuckled. You gasped, your eyes widening at the delicacies that surrounded you. You began to totter through the fruit orchard, ogling at the peaches, mulberries, and… “Blueberries bushes?!” you squealed, gaping at the two bulls who watched you in adoration. 
“And strawberry ones too,” Kiri added, picking a ripe, red strawberry from a bush. All for the picking. Some of the others know about this place, but are too afraid to come down ‘cause it’s too close to the road.” He picked another strawberry and plopped it Help yourself, cutie.” Flushing again from the pet name and his fingers brushing against yours, you took the berry and bit out of it. As soon as the sweet juice hit your tongue, you were in heaven. “Good, isn’t it?” he snickered, watching you. Your eyes fluttered closed at the taste, wondering how the strawberries got so sweet. “Mmm-hmm,” you hummed. 
You turned to Katsuki as you chewed on the rest of the berry, finding him chomping on a handful of blueberries he picked. When he turned to you, you started giggle at the sight of blueberry juice all over his mouth. “What?” he growled. 
Kiri began to laugh too, holding his stomach. “You’ve got some blueberry juice on your lip,” you giggled, pointing at your own mouth. Katsuki’s face turned a stark red as he went to wipe the juice off…but then he stopped. A crooked, mischievous smile suddenly pulled onto his lips. “Well, you gonna get it off for me?” he asked, obviously joking. 
You didn’t know if it’s the full moon, the fruit, or the whiskey you drank earlier, but you were suddenly flooded with confidence that made you slowly walk over to him. His smile faded as you did, wondering what you were up to. You shocked both them and yourself when you reached out to slide your thumb across his lip and suck on the juice from the digit. Katsuki stared at you for a moment, silent. It was enough to make reality kick in for you.
“Sorry!” you gasped. “I-I don’t know why I did that! I-I…” You paused, feeling humiliating overcome you. “I…I need to leave.” 
You began to turn around and quickly run up the trail, but Katsuki stopped you with a hand on your wrist. His eyes were fierce and intense like a raging, hot fire. “No,” he growled. “You finish what you fuckin’ started.” Before you could take a breath, he was yanking you toward him and pressing a rough, passionate kiss to your lips. His lips were soft and tasted sweet and tarty from the blueberries. One of his hands, rough from years of farm work, pressed against your cheek to deepen the kiss, the feeling of his touch making you dizzy. 
You pulled away with a soft gasp when you suddenly felt Kiri push against you, feeling his muscles through his thin V-neck. His hands roamed over your hips while Katsuki busily kissed and sucked on your neck, no doubt trying to give you hickies. Your eyes fluttered at their ministrations, the feeling of them everywhere around you heaven.
“We didn’t wanna say anything after Shindo earlier, but we could never deny how cute you were,” Kiri whispered. His hands trailed up your arms to your spaghetti straps. He pulled one down to kiss your neck, his kisses sweet and less harsh than Katsuki’s. “We’ve wanted you for so long,” he groaned. “We always knew you were the one, but we never wanted to push you. If you want this, we’ll do anything you want from your command, sweetie.” 
He paused his movements just as Katsuki did, his crimson eyes looking into yours. Neither one of them moved, wanting your permission before proceeding. The ball was completely in your court, and unbeknownst to them, you were ready to give them their winning score. You then turned your head to press your lips feverishly against Kiri’s, earning a moan of surprise. When you pulled away, his shocked eyes stared into yours, as gorgeous as the full moon above. “Yes,” you exhaled. “Take me. I want the both of you, too.” 
Joyful smiles curled onto Kiri and Katsuki’s lips. Before you could even breathe, you were suddenly out of your dress, completely naked in the silver moonlight. For a while, the duo played with your breasts, kneeling down to suckle and lick against the hardened peaks of your nipples. You moaned and whimpered to the moon, only that, the stars, and the trees witness to your activity. You knew that eyes could be anywhere––from the passing cars on the street beyond the wooden fence; coming down the trail from the barn party––but you found yourself not caring. Truthfully, the idea of being caught with the hottest bull duo on the farm turned you on even more. Your fantasies got the best of you, and before you knew it, you were suddenly on your knees with Kiri and Katsuki standing over you. Both of them stripped off their shirts and pants, leaving themselves completely naked. Your eyes eagerly drank them in. You didn’t know where to look––at their gorgeous bodies illuminated by the moonlight or their big, fat, thick, veiny bull cocks hanging in front of you. 
“Well?” Katsuki asked, raising a brow down at you. “You gonna put ‘em in your mouth or just stare at ‘em?” You didn’t need to be told twice. You started with Kiri’s cock first, popping him into your mouth while you eagerly stroked Katsuki, the pre-cum dripping down his cock making for some great lube. Then you switched, alternating between each of them with all the eagerness of a good little heifer slut despite how much your jaw ached. They were huge! However, the duo’s soft moans and grunts of pleasure egged you on, making you stroke a little harder and hollow your cheek out more. 
Kiri adoringly stared down at you, watching you take Katsuki’s cock in your mouth. “You’re so cute, sweetie,” he breathlessly chuckled. “Look at you takin’ both of our cocks like a good little heifer girl.” Katsuki moaned in agreement, his crimson eyes blown with lust as he ogled down at you. “Bet you’ve been dreaming about this, haven’t you?” he grunted. “Havin’ us all to yourself.” 
His hips began to slowly rock into your mouth, causing his fur to brush against your face and his heavy balls to hit your chin. You moaned around his cock, your jaw and hand burning from the constant work you were doing.
“Mmmm!” you replied. That was code for “hell yes, I confess”.
To make it clear, you opened your throat for him, allowing him to thrust into your mouth a little deeper. When you felt his cock nearly hit the back of your throat, you gagged. He grunted loudly as one hand moved to grip your hair. “Fuck, your mouth feels so good!” he groaned. “I’ve thought about fucking it so many times.” 
Kiri snickered as he began thrusting into your hand, wet and sloppy with saliva and pre. “So much for romance, but even I’ve thought about that too,” he breathlessly confessed. "Guilty as charged. And she looks way more beautiful in real life than in my dreams.” Katsuki suddenly pulled his cock out of your mouth with a moan, his shaft wet with your spit. You gasped and caught your breath, your body hot and pussy wet. 
Kiri stooped down to press a kiss to your forehead, his hand caressing your sweaty cheek. ”Think you can take us deeper, cutie?” he asked. You slowly nodded, your head dizzy and slightly winded. Though your jaw ached, you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to please them. “One at a time, now. And let us know if you need a break or if you wanna stop. Just give us a tap.” The redhead hybrid demonstrated, tapping his own thigh three times. 
Then Kiri was sticking his cock in your mouth until he hit the back of your throat. “Fuuuck,” he moaned, beginning to roll his hips into your hot, wet mouth. You gagged and sputtered around him, your pussy throbbing in time with his dick in your throat. “Mmm, like that,” he moaned. “So. Fucking. Good.” Each word is punctuated by a thrust that has your throat squeezing around him and your jaw begging for relief. Katsuki thankfully gave your hands a rest, opting for just jerking off to the sight of you taking Kiri.
Then Katsuki was next. His thrusts were rougher and faster as he fucked your throat, urging you to take him deeper down your throat until all you could taste and smell was him. “Yeah, just like that,” he urged, his grip on your hair tightening. “Deeper, sweet pea. Take me deeper!” You did so, whimpering as you expanded your throat as if to yawn to the best of your ability while he was still plunged in it. He looked down at you adoringly, the sight of it like a piece of heaven to you. “Good girl,” he moaned. 
At this, you gushed all over yourself as you hugged your thighs tight against each other. Kiri noticed, stroking his cock to the sight of you on your knees with dick deep in your throat. “Ooooh, I think someone likes being called a good girl,” he chuckled. You suddenly felt his hand creep down between your thighs and moaned around Katsuki’s bull dick as they brushed against your sobbing, wet heifer pussy. “You’re leaking all over, cutie,” he tutted. “That just won’t do. All of that milk has to go somewhere.” 
Katsuki took his cock out of your throat, ready for what was coming next. You took a deep breath and recovered, spit all over your mouth and chin. Kiri bent down to kiss you, never mind that you just had another cock in it. When he pulled away, a string of saliva connected to your bottom lips. “Can we taste you, cutie?” he whispered against your lips. “And we’ll take turns.” He smirked up at Katsuki who looked ready to devour you. 
You slowly nodded, your body begging for release. “Y-Yes, please,” you weakly replied. In the blink of an eye, you were sitting with your back against Kiri’s chest and Katsuki’s face stuffed in your pussy, your furry legs hooked over his muscular back. “Fuck, Katsuki!” you cried out, not at all afraid if anyone or anything might hear. You wanted them to. 
Katsuki hummed appreciatively as he slurped eagerly at your cunt, his long tongue sliding in and out of your tight hole. “There’s so much here for me, sweet pea,” he huffed. “You’ve been wantin’ this too, haven’t you? You wanted this big tongue fucking your pretty pussy?” He continued on, alternating between sliding his tongue inside of you and up to your clit, sucking on it generously. You whined and squirmed against his mouth, not knowing which way was up and which was down. 
Kiri slid his hands to your chest, proceeding to pinch and tweak your hard nipples. “Answer him, cutie,” he teased. “You may look hot squirming around like that, but that ain’t an answer he wants.” He pinched one of your nipples a little too hard, causing sparks of pain and pleasure to mingle and shoot within you. “Yes!” You whimpered. “I thought about this! I wanted this for so long!” 
Kiri smirked, pecking your lips. “Good answer,” he praised. “Make her cum, Kats. I want this cute little heifer seein’ stars.” Katsuki’s crimson eyes peeked through the V of your thighs as his tongue thrashed against your pussy, pushing you over the edge. Your back arched and your voice rang out in the orchard, into the night. ”Cum for me!” Katsuki demanded. "Cum all over my tongue. Do it now!”
And like a good little heifer, you did. Your first orgasm of the night ripped through you, waves of bliss washing over your body as you came all over Katsuki's eager lips and tongue. Finally, he drew back and hungrily stared at you, his mouth shining with your juices. "Now it’s my turn, Kiri announced. 
The two switched so now Katsuki was behind you while Kiri eagerly ate your sensitive cunt, moving at a slower pace than Katsuki due to you just cumming. But you didn’t need it slow. You needed it faster. You needed to get to that second climax. “Faster!” you begged. “Please, Kiri, go faster!” The redhead obliged, moaning appreciatively into your pussy as his jaw worked like it was overtime. Your hand threaded through his red locks while the other gripped his shoulder, moans and whines of pleasure dripping from your lips. 
From above you, Katsuki suddenly moved to your side so the tip of his angry, red cocked was now at eye-level with yours. “Look at what you’re doin’ to me,” he growled as pre dripped from the head. “Just from that voice and this body.”
You didn't reply. You only leaned in and latched your lips onto his cock, sucking on the head. The blonde chuckled and stood on his hips for a better angle, beginning to rock his hips into your mouth. “You need more?” he cackled. “Such a little slut behind all that sweetness. Make her cum, Kiri. I wanna feel how tight her throat can get when she’s gushin’ all over your face.” 
The moon shone in Kiri’s eyes as he looked up at Katsuki mischievously. “Mmm, my pleasure,” he purred. “You can cum for me again, can’t you, cutie?” He dove back in, his tongue fucking your hole until you were squealing around Katsuki’s cock. “Tell us more about how much you wanted this,” he demanded. “Tell us all about that dirty mind of yours.” 
You were more than happy to. You wanted them to know all about the nights you’ve spent touching yourself in your pen, dreaming about them in your bed with you. Katsuki’s cock popped out of your mouth as you felt your orgasm beginning to peak. “I-I’ve wanted to touch you,” you moaned. “Wanted to taste you…wanted to feel both of you.” 
You gasped as your second orgasm flooded through you, Kiri still eagerly licking your pussy and his hands gripping your hips. It was all so good. All too much. “I’ve wanted you to touch me too!” you babbled, delirious from the pleasure as your orgasm rocked you. “Taste me…breed me!” As soon as the words flew out of your mouth, you covered your mouth. Kiri stopped licking you and Katsuki paused from stroking his cock, both of them staring at you in awe.’Oh, shit,’ you thought, panicking. ‘What did you just say?’ 
“You…have?” Katsuki carefully asked, his brows furrowing at you in an effort to make sense of your words. You felt embarrassment flood inside of you, replacing the satisfaction and bliss of your two orgasms. “I…I…” You didn’t know what to say anymore. You were scared to even speak in fear of saying the wrong thing and scaring them off. 
Kiri sat up between your thighs, stroking your stomach comfortingly. “It’s okay if it’s just a fantasy, sweetie,” he soothingly said. “We’re not judging. But if that’s something you want, you know that we’ll therefore be your mates.” Katsuki nodded, his fingers in your hair. “No other male could touch you,” he added, a fierceness in his eyes. “And we wouldn’t let ‘em.” 
“Unless you decided we didn’t work out,” Kiri quickly added to not make you feel uncomfortable. “But even then, you’d still have our kids. Would you be okay with that?” The both stared at you expectantly, patiently waiting for your answer. 
You were silent, your head spinning. Did you want that? Sure, the idea of being filled with their cum and their babies turned you on, but it was just that: a fantasy. Something that turned you on. You wanted to have children one day and finally graduate from your heifer status. You also wanted these two to be the ones to do it. But you had to be rational about this. There would be time for that later. “Maybe we’re moving too fast,” you admitted, still feeling foolish for actually craving this. “I want to get to know you two more.” 
They both nodded though still gave you that eager look like they wanted you to say something more. You sat up to take their hands in both of yours. “But,” you continued, your voice breathless and airy, “maybe we can play pretend? And maybe I can still be your mate without the babies?” You peered up at them through your lashes, hoping they’d agree. 
Their smiles were all you needed to let you know that your proposition was a definite hell yes. “I don’t see why not,” Kiri replied. “Whatever makes you comfortable, cutie.” You grinned happily, your heart soaring. Katsuki rolled his eyes, exasperated and extremely horny. “God, can we stop talking and just get to fucking her brains out?” he growled. 
Before Kiri could respond, the blonde was helping you onto your knees, coaxing you into all fours. “I’m goin’ first since you were too slow,” he grumbled. Kiri just laughed, letting him take the lead. Your body trembled as Katsuki situated himself behind you, his big body nearly covering yourself. His hands gripped your hips while his cock pressed against your entrance that was dripping with anticipation down your thighs. He felt big even now. You knew it was going to be a stretch to take him. 
Ready, sweet pea?” he asked, his gruff voice making you tremble. You nodded, biting down on your lower lip. “Let me know if it’s too much.” Then his cock was sliding inside of you, but just the head at first. Your mouth fell open on a gasp as you felt your pussy stretch around his girth. Thank God for those two orgasms. Katsuki didn’t move. He stayed completely still, waiting for you to give him permission to continue. After a few minutes of slow breaths and readjusting, you felt comfortable enough to take more of him. “I’m okay,” you squeaked. “Go ahead.” 
He slid inside of you, inch after inch of bull cock filling your pussy to the brim. You had never felt so full before. It was an indescribable feeling, especially when he began to finally fuck you hard, rough, and fast the way you craved. The harder his hips slammed into you, the more your pussy gripped him. You were a moaning mess, your voice loud and your breasts jiggling as Katsuki pounded into you from behind. “Harder, ‘Suki, please!” you sobbed. “Fuck me harder!” 
Kiri paused for a few beats, wondering if you were serious or real. “Don’t keep her waiting, Kats,” Kiri chuckled, his cock sitting against your lips. “Give her what she wants.” And the blonde did so. He gripped your hips for dear life, propped a leg up, and plunged his bull cock deeper into your soaking, tight walls that squeezed him tighter than a vice. “Such a good girl,” he grunted. “Takin’ this big, fat bull dick like this. Bet you’ve been thinking about me fuckin’ you.” 
You sucked him in deeper and deeper, causing his cock to glide against your G-spot. You wailed to the skies above, in love with his cock. “Fuck, Katsuki!” you loudly sobbed. “Keep going! Don’t stop!” Kiri chuckled from in front of you, his wet cock sliding against your lips. “You’ve got another big, fat bull dick to take care of, cutie,” he chuckled. “Open your mouth for me.” 
You did so, allowing his cock inside of your mouth. The two then began fucking you at the same time, thrusting into your tight holes in unison that had your body shaking and your mind going blank. Your pussy continued to squelch and clench around Katsuki’s cock, his balls slapping against your clit that was just about to explode. You moaned around Kiri’s cock and popped your mouth off of him, panting heavily.
“’S-Suki,” you warned, “I’m gonna…gonna…” 
“Me too, darlin’,” he groaned. “Your tight little pussy is gonna make me cum.” He then reached over your shoulder to take your chin into his hand, his thumb swiping against your bottom lip.“You gonna take it?” he snarled in your ear. “You gonna take all this cum deep in your cunt like my good little heifer? You want me to make you a mommy?” 
“Yes, Katsuki, please!” you screamed as your orgasm grew nearer. “I’ll take it all! All of it for you!” 
It didn’t take long for you to finally burst around his cock the way you needed to. You came with a long, loud moan that tears out of you as your third orgasm washed over you. The moment your pussy clenched around Katsuki’s cock was the moment he came too. He gripped your hips and swore to the heavens before he pulled out of your inviting, wet pussy. Only lewd sounds of his fist furiously pumping his wet cock were heard before a loud groan left his lips. “Fuck!” he bellowed as he finally burst all over your ass, coating your fur in his cum. 
“Wooow,” he drew out, laughing. “That’s a lot of cum, Kats! I think you ruined her!” “Think you can take me too, sweetie?” he softly asked. Weakly, you nodded, wanting him too. “Good girl,” he praised. “Just get on your back for me.” 
He then swung your legs over his broad shoulders and proceeded to slide his big, fat, hard bull cock inside of you, taking his sweet time and focusing on your body’s responses to him. “Gonna take you just like this,” he huffed as he began to thrust his hips forward, stroking your insides with his cock. “This is okay, sweetie? You still feelin’ good?” 
All you could do was moan, whimper, and sob at the pleasure, too far gone to form words. “If you ain’t gonna use that mouth to speak, you could use it for something else.” You understood immediately and weakly opened your mouth, allowing him to use it as a personal fleshlight. “Atta girl,” Kiri praised as you sucked on Katsuki’s thick cockhead. “Such a good little heifer, aren’t you?” 
You were. You were their good little heifer. You wanted to show them that more than anything, so you continued to hollow your cheeks to tighten your mouth around Katsuki’s cock and lifted your hips to meet Kiri's thrusts, brushing your clit against his pelvis. It didn't take long for your fourth (count ‘em; four) orgasm rose to the surface, threatening to spill over you.
You whined and whimpered around Katsuki’s thick cock, causing Kiri to plunge his cock inside of you a little bit faster. Katsuki leaned down, popping his cock out of your mouth. “You want Kiri to cum in you too?” he asked. “You want him to fill that tight pussy with his babies?” 
You practically sobbed as your orgasm hit you, causing you to cum all over Kiri’s cock without giving you a chance to warn him first. “Please!” you cried out. “Please, please, please!” You didn’t know what you were begging for, but Kiri continued his pace, moaning into the breeze as he chased his orgasm too. 
Katsuki hummed appreciatively for your climax, stroking your hair out of your face. “And after he's done, you’re gonna walk around with our cum deep inside you,” he murmured to you, taking you deeper into this breeding fantasy. "And then in a few months, you’ll be all nice and big with our kids.” His lips pressed to your ear, kissing you below your earlobe. “You’ll officially be ours,” he whispered. 
Kiri panted heavily from between your thighs, his cock swelling and throbbing inside of you, about to erupt. “Fuck, that’s so hot!” he groaned. “I’m gonna cum! S-so hard!”
Whines and moans left his pretty lips as his orgasm finally peaked. You almost were sure he’d cum inside of you until he quickly pulled himself out of you and pumped his nut all over your body. You weakly moaned as you felt his hot cum splash onto your stomach and titties, coating you completely in his scent. 
Your eyes fluttered closed out of exhaustion and bliss, soft pants leaving your lips. For a moment, you thought of all of that cum inside of you, both Katsuki and Kiri’s seed mingling together in your womb until you were completely full with their babies.
‘Maybe some day,’ you thought, and you believed it. It was impossible not to think you could have some sort of future together, especially when the two began to clean you up. They could only use their shirts to sob the cum off your body, but you appreciated it nonetheless. 
Afterwards, they both laid down on either side of you on the grass, trapping you between their big bodies. You laid your head on Katsuki's chest while your back pressed into Kiri's front. You were spooned from both sides, totally warm and comfortable. For a while, you just laid there in silence, enjoying the afterglow and the sound of crickets in the night. “That was amazing,” you finally sighed. 
Katsuki nodded, his big chest rising and falling as his breathing evened out. “Mmm, you definitely were,” he hummed. You felt his big arm cradle your neck, his hand lazily playing with your hair. “We can't wait to have you again…and again…and again.”
He leaned down to peck your lips, slightly sucking on your bottom lip as he pulled away. “Because now you’re yours, sweet pea,” he whispered in your ear. “We’re never gonna let you go now.” His words made your pussy clench excitedly around air, wanting desperately to have all of those “agains” and loving the feeling of being theirs. And them being yours. You were even happier to know that tonight wasn't a one time thing––this was a sure thing.
Kiri pressed his lips to your shoulder, using one arm to prop himself up to look down at you. “How ‘bout we all go down to the lake for a dip?” he suggested with a smile. “After a good cuddle under the stars, of course. Just look at this sky!”
He nodded up at the inky black canvas above you that was coated in twinkling stars. “Wow,” you whispered, in awe at the beauty. A happy, content feeling twirled in your gut as you laid with the bull duo, arms and legs entangled. 
You stared at the sky for who knows how long until the sounds of the crickets and swaying trees began to get you. Before you drifted off to sleep, you felt Katsuki and Kiri both press their lips to your cheeks. Kisses goodnight.
“Rest now, mate,” Kiri murmured to you, his muscular arms wrapping around your waist. “We’ve got you now.” 
You drifted off with a smile. 
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fatkish · 4 months
Hi!!I absolutely love your child reader fics I was wondering if you could do one with aizawa but the reader is autistic and a student at UA??You don’t have to included this but but I had a quirk in mind basically Spider-Man’s powers to put it short :)
(So I combined a request for a Kirishima x older sibling figure reader with this one so I hope you don’t mind. Both were going to be pretty short on their own so I combined them to make them longer)
Aizawa and Kirishima x Autistic Student Reader:
The Spider-Vigilante
The reader is a 2nd year at UA and this takes place a year before the current events
Reader was expelled from the hero course by Aizawa during their 1st year due to him fearing that they would never make it
The reader has the same abilities as Spider-Man and it sometimes leads to panic attacks from overstimulation which is why Aizawa doubted their abilities
Reader has been a vigilante for some time
They mostly do their thing at night since they’re not in the hero course (anymore)
The reader is friendly and doesn’t understand boundaries so they sometimes get too personal with others and over share information
Their friendly with nighttime heroes and have made hero friends like Fatgum
That’s one end of them
On the other end, they may want to have as little social interaction as possible so they just get the job done and run away
Webbing up the criminals and leaving them for heroes and cops to find
One night the reader ends up having a panic attack in an alley due to overstimulation and Kirishima finds them. As well as a villain
The villain tries to attack Kirishima so the reader uses their webs to tie them up and being amazed at the reader’s skills, kirishima begs the reader to teach him
The reader’s parents are dead and they live in a small studio apartment by themselves
They have a part time job delivering food
Kirishima basically begs his parents to let the reader stay the night and they eventually end up adopting the reader after learning about their situation basically, since the reader is almost always there. They even have a small room made up for them for them to sleep
The reader helps Ejiro study and trains him in martial arts and combat
The reader trains in shorts and a tank top since it allows for the hairs on their body to sense things easier
The reader is really smart academically but street smarts and social skills aren’t their strong suit
One night they run into Aizawa as he catches them and they accidentally let slip
“Mr. Aizawa! Uh.. I mean, Eraserhead!….crap!”
This spelled their doom
Aizawa realized that only a student would call him and recognize him as that so he used his scarf to capture the reader and pulled their mask off
After having a thorough talk with the reader who was in general studies since he had expelled them from the hero course, he decided to put them back in the hero course
He realized that his actions wouldn’t stop the reader and that if he can’t stop them then at least he can help prepare them for their future
That night Kirishima frets and worries about the reader all night until they finally crawl in through the window
Kirishima has so much respect for the reader and sees them as his sibling and treats them as such
He even calls them big bro, sis, or just their name
Aizawa helps the reader and trains them as well as tutors them
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
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This is the opposite of how AO3 works and you should NEVER, EVER DO THIS.
If you are talking about the relationship field on AO3, include one and only one if you are the author tagging your own work.
If you're talking about the freeform/additional tags field, there may be reasons to specify other things, like which character tops.
What I think is going on here is that you're doing a text search, but the most effective way to use AO3 to find a ship is via tag filtering. For the latter, you just need to know how the tag is wrangled.
On AO3, the main bakudeku tag that is marked "common"—i.e. that appears in autocomplete—is Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku.
Usually, these main tags are the characters' full names written out, alphabetized by family name in English transliteration/this alphabet.
If you go to the tag page for that tag, you can see all of the current wrangling related to it.
Tag search can also help you figure out what tags total exist on the archive. Searching for katsuki x izuku in the relationship tags gives:
Relationship: Background Bakugo Katsuki x Midorya Izuku ‎(1)
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki x Izuku Midoriya ‎(2)
Relationship: bakugou katsuki x midoriya izuku (friends) ‎(0)
Relationship: BAKUGOU KATSUKI X MIDORIYA IZUKU - Relationship ‎(3)
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader x Midoriya Izuku ‎(0)
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo ‎(1)
Relationship: Izuku x Katsuki ‎(2)
Relationship: katsuki bakugou x izuku midoriya ‎(1)
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku x Bakugo Katsuki ‎(0)
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku x Bakugou Katsuki ‎(2)
Relationship: Midoryia izuku/Bakugou katsuki/Ejiro kirishima/hanta Sero/ Todoroki Shoto x reader ‎(0)
Clicking through reveals that all of those are currently synned to the appropriate main tags with the same meanings.
Literally none of these need to be searched on their own to find a different set of fics.
There are also a bunch of other tags that don't have a category type and that are on bookmarks and a few freeform tags that authors have used, I think all on works that do also have the main tag.
If you go to the 'bumblby' tag on AO3, you will see that it says:
bumblby - Relationship has been made a synonym of Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long. Works and bookmarks tagged with bumblby - Relationship will show up in Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long's filter.
As for how you actually search AO3...
You start from the works page of the ship tag.
From there, you add filters until you find what you want. Since this is a popular ship with well-wrangled tags, you don't search for other random-ass names for the tag. That is the opposite of the point of AO3's structure.
All of those alternate spellings and names will appear in the same filter as the main full names tag.
It's only when you go to the main page and put some words in the search box that you skip all of AO3's most important features and do a plain text search.
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nishiyako · 1 year
Dirty Secret (NSFW)
Pairing : FWB!Bakugo x Reader
Tags : Porn with plot, slight angst at the end, blowjob, hand job, riding, femdom if you squint, forbiden, asshole x asshole, booty-call from reader, lingerie on reader, denied romance, hinted Motorcyclist!Bakugo
Summary : After a breakup with Ejiro (your boyfriend of 3 years), you go behind his back and seduce his best friend Katsuki. Months later, you send your lover a dirty picture of yourself, inviting him to come over.
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It was late, yet that didn't stop you from sending one of your friends a picture.
A picture of you kneeling infront of a mirror, wearing your strapy lingerie that hugged every dip and curve of your body, red silk and mesh pressed against your soft skin, covering what little dignity you had with a text that read "come over?"
"omw" three little letters on your screen sent shivers up your spine.
You on your bed, still dressed in the lacey garments as you kept yourself busy with your phone.
You hear the door unlock, Bakugo used his spare key to enter as he placed his motorcycle helmet and jacket on the kitchen counter.
"Hey, I'm here!" He yelled, as he didn't see you in the living room. You opened your bedroom door, leaning on the frame as you waited for him to make eye contact with you.
Once he turned to you his lips curled to his signature devilish smile as he followed you, like you had a leash on him.
He knows he shouldn't be at your place, not after what you did to his best friend Ejiro.
A few months ago, you broke his heart.
His girlfriend of 3 years was cheating on him almost every weekend with random dudes, when Katsuki went to your place to pick up Kirishimas stuff (Kiri didn't even want to be in the room as you).
Bakugo saw you. Half awake, silky robe exposing your shoulders yet the band clinged tightly to your waist.
Even though it was your fault, you were still so adorable when you were crying, tear drops falling into your cup of camomile tea.
The comfort he gave you wasent the most traditional.
Fucking you over your kitchen counter as Ejiros things were waiting in their boxes.
After that afternoon, he couldn't get enough. Responding to your texts at 2AM, coming over like a victim of a spell.
If you told him you were a succubus he wouldn't be suprised.
You lured him into the bedroom with a kiss, sitting him down in the bed as your hands found the tent in his baggy pants.
Unzipping the jeans as you distracted him with your lips, it then broke when he felt your warm hands alredy stroking him.
You heard him curse under his breath as you got on your knees, Teasing kitten licks on his cock.
His hands taking a handful of your hair, controlling your heads movements.
You took him in, alredy greedy for more.
He watched your cheeks hollow as your tongue teased every gland on his shaft, throwing his head back from the pleasure.
Stealing every thought from his mind, you we're addictive. Every gut wrenching comute he made was worth it.
Your needy whimpers only made it better, sending vibrations through the skin, piercing your influence deeper into his voided mind.
He was on the silky sheets, guilty groans only growing louder the deeper you took him in.
You pulled your head back, sting on saliva on your lips cutting as you straddled his hips lining up your entrance.
He was a fool if he though all you wanted to do was service him, you only call him over to satisfy your hunger. He was the only one who could.
He was also the only one who could handle you. Fucking you until you'd wake up sore, alone in your room not knowing if you had regret or a need for more.
You toped him over, his body so helpless under yours as you sank onto him, a familiar moan slipping through your lips.
You held his hands for support bouncing on him in jolts of energy, his red eyes tracing the lace on your chest, straps falling off your shoulders as your panties were lazily disregarded on the floor.
It was wrong but it still felt good.
Making him hit your sweet spot over and over again making you feel a little dizzy each time.
It took him what little self control he had left to not cum everytime you moaned his name so carelessly loud it threatened to wake up your peaceful neighbors.
Your filthy bounces only edging you on more with a knot that threatened to snap at any moment.
Clenching around Bakugo so nicely, it was like he fainally met his match.
Your eyes watched his various expressions, you rode him faster as you came close to your edge. you treated him like a toy, something to use and you knew he liked it.
Fainally bringing him down a peg as the cocky badass exterior crumbled in your hands, his loud mouth only slurring praises of your name and how good your pussy is.
His watched you in awe as his eyes pleaded for release, knowing he would never admit it.
Your legs started to tire as you felt a knot form in your stomach. You felt him thrusting up, matching your rythim only making him go in deeper.
His grip on your hands only strengthened as a sign of his limits, a glimmer of sweat on his forehead as his blonde hair was scattered against the bed.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head, body twitching from the pleasure.
Your eyes met his, giving him the go ahead.
You leaned lower, your hands pawing at his broad chest as he held your hips controlling your rhythm, he really was a control freak sometimes. Especially when it came to you, you were alredy perfect but the fact the both of you could control and bend eachother to your own willingness added to the allure.
Your breathy moans against his quivering lips, only a slight distance from eachother.
The eye contact was painful, the betrayal he hid from his bestfriend only made everything feel better.
He closed the distance, lips clashing into yours as he reached his limit, joining yours.
Shakey breathes as your body went weak, shivers on your skin as he held you close during the painful pleasure.
You broke from the kiss, burrowing your face into the crook of his neck, your ears picking up on his heavy breaths.
You watched Katsuki fix his things in the living room as you stood in the doorway of your bedroom in the same robe you seduced him with.
A cigarette that laid snuggly in between your fingers as you puffed out the thick gray smoke, "Leaving so soon?" You asked, voice as soft and silky.
"You expect cuddles or something?" Bakugo asked alredy knowing the answer, sure you weren't the type for intamacy but it would've been nice if he atlest considered it.
A strange passive aggressive tone in his sentence as he twisted the door knob.
He left without even looking back to see your hurt expression. he closed the door, like a barrier a reminder that the both of you couldnt be anything more.
You put your cigarette out and threw it on the cigarette tray on your bedstand. You laid down on your sheets, falling asleep only to wake up tomorrow alone, again.
A/N : Thank you for the ask, Anon!
If you guys enjoyed this piece, dw cause there's a lot of Bakugo fics on the way!
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justagirl-with-aphone · 10 months
Just thinking about Bakugo crushing on Kirishima's Hot older sister...
Not proofread WHATSOEVER (I'm too sleep deprived for that shit)
The funny thing is, Kiri never mentioned having an older sister, but here you are.
The first time Bakugoo sees you he has to do a double take. Kirishima had invited the Bakusquad over to his house for the first time when the group knocked on the door having carpooled there. Pretty you opened the door, standing there all dolled up in your tiny dress, ears adored with gold hoops and a matching necklace.
he thought you were gorgeous.
You do a little huff, stepping to the side obviously waiting for someone else.
"Ejiro, your friends are here!" you call out, only to not hear a response from the redhead.
"You guys can chill on the couch for a little, I'll go get him." You roll your eyes at your brother's behavior before stepping out of the room.
Denki lets out a low whistle, and Sero chuckles in response. The redhead soon joined them, settling on the couch. "Well, I can see where all the good Genes went." Denki cackles.
"Huh?" Puzzled by the comment, Ejiro looks over to the strangely quiet blonde. "What're they talking about?"
"Your sister dipshit. You're dumber than you look you know that?"
Their banter continues for a while while Bakugo gets up to go to the bathroom. Only to be met with you, touching up your makeup in the mirror. Glancing over, your eyes shimmer with a curious glint to them.
"Do'y need something?" You hum, placing your lipgloss down and giving your full attention to the blonde in front of you.
You weren't dumb, you're fully aware of the man in front of you basically undressing you with his eyes. You can't deny the fact that he's attractive. But he's just a little too young for you.
"Eyes up here blondie," You laugh as his cheeks flush a shade of scarlet that could rival Kirishima's hair.
"Give it a few years and maybe we can grab a drink together sometime." You brush past him with a sly smile, leaving him enchanted by your smell.
If on cue your obnoxious brother calls your name, announcing that your friends are outside, and with that, you're gone.
Let's just say that that wasn't the last time you saw the blonde.
I had a random spark of inspo and even though I have class early tomorrow morning, I HAD to put this out~ I had one Idea and I tried to add to it, I am trying to get back into writing fanfic so if it's dog water that's mb ToT
-Should I make this into an actual fic?-
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
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(All works will involve f!reader)
Mari (@tomurasprincess​) and I have decided to collaborate on Kinktober this year, splitting the days between us! We're treating this Kinktober like a movie theatre. Each fic we write will fall under different horror genres! Fics will be posted in no particular order, so keep your eyes peeled for upcoming screenings!
p.s. everything will be tagged accordingly, please be mindful when reading the content as you are responsible for your own safety, if there’s something that may trigger you do not read it. also all screenings only admit 18+ consumers.
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𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐀 | Toji Fushiguro | Mari
𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | Mahito | Mari
𝐀/𝐁/𝐎 | ? | Mari
𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐒 | Tomura Shigaraki | Mari
𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎/𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎 | Draken | Luxe
𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐂 | Toge Inumaki | Mari
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐑 | Rin & Ran Haitani | Luxe
𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 | Tomura Shigaraki | Luxe
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𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐔𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | Satoru Gojo & Kento Nanami | Mari
𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄 | Tomura Shigaraki | Mari
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐗 | Draken | Luxe
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𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐒 | Ejiro Kirishima | Mari
𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 | Kento Nanami | Mari
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐗 | Twice | Luxe
𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐆𝐄 | Mikey | Luxe
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𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄 | Satoru Gojo | Mari
𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 | Dabi | Luxe
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑/𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐘 | Haruchiyo Sanzu | Luxe
𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | Toji F. Satoru G. Kento N. | Luxe
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𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐓 | Toji Fushiguro & Megumi Fushiguro | Mari
𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 | Ryomen Sukuna & Yuuji Itadori | Luxe
𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐗 | Zeke Yeager | Luxe
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐌 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐄 | Tetta Kisaki | Luxe
𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐔𝐁���𝐒 | Dabi & Shoto Todoroki | Mari
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Hawks | Luxe
𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 | Shuuji Hanma | Luxe
𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | Toji Fushiguro & Megumi Fushiguro | Luxe
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thesakuragarnet · 9 months
Playing With Fire: A Pro Hero Dabi AU (Future AU) Chapter One
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THIS FIC IS 18+ ONLY!!!!! (Tags below Keep Reading Button)
Summary: Toya Todoroki was groomed his entire life to be his father's successor, only for it to backfire in Endeavor's face. Ranked in the top ten alongside his two closest friends, Hawks and Mirko, the 26-year-old BlueFlame Hero: Dabi is the bane of Endeavor's existence. For half a decade, the trio has been the topic of several scandals involving drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity as they splurge their fortunes on ridiculous parties. Pampered with support items and his family's fortune, Dabi is widely known for his impulsivity and douchebag attitude. However, after meeting his match in a random club, Toya Todoroki has no idea where his life is headed, other than that he wants to spend the rest of it with Sakura and their future children. Now, a year has passed since class 1-A graduated from UA, and, per the Commission, they all serve as sidekicks to various hero agencies (primarily those of Dabi, Hawks, and Mirko).
TL;DR Between pissing off his father, competing with his friends/rivals, trying to start a family, and running his own agency, Toya has absolutely nothing under control, especially his tendency to drink his problems away.
Word Count (of Chapter One): 2,552 words
AO3 link
Tags for fic: Hero!Dabi, Dabi X OC, Bakusquad, Dekusquad, swearing, explicit s3ggsual content, drinking, drugz, Dabi & Hawks & Mirko are best friends, alcohol!sm, implied s3ggsual content, romance, add!ction, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, smvt, sw!tch Dabi, trying for babies
Chapter One: The Introduction
The BlueFlame Agency was conveniently placed right across the street from the Endeavor Agency. After years of hard work, Daddy’s money, and not giving any fucks, Toya Todoroki AKA BlueFlame Hero: Dabi had built his own empire. He had been lucky enough to have Support Items that compensated for his complicated Quirk. With a body built for ice and a Quirk of raging fire, Toya Todoroki was the embodiment of self-sabotage. Here he was, twenty-six years old, in the top ten, with only two real friends: Hawks and Mirko. They were rivals that actually gave a shit about each other. Their agencies were all in the same city: Musutafu. It was a town with a large population, which meant more crime and villain activity. The three of them lived like Hollywood celebrities; they partied, they drank, they slept around, and the cycle repeated. They were always trying to outdo one another while simultaneously always having each other’s backs. 
When his little brother’s class graduated from UA, they were forced to be sidekicks instead of Pros first. The Commission wanted it that way. They were running out of reliable sidekicks, and heroes that gave their sidekicks respect. By training them as rookies and underlings first, they would have the humility and appreciation for their Pro standings as they rose through the ranks. Toya was offended when he found out Shoto chose Mirko’s agency over his own, but he was glad that he hadn’t signed up for Endeavor’s. In truth, Shoto insisted he only applied because it was where his friends were going. The main contenders of the famous “ 2110 Class 1-A” were split between Mirko, Hawks, and Dabi. The BlueFlame Agency housed Katsuki Bakugo, Mina Ashido, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Ejiro Kirishima, and Kyoka Jirou. Meanwhile, the Hawks Agency boasted Fumikage Tokoyami, Yuga Aoyama, Neito Monoma, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tenya Ida, and Mezo Shoji. Finally, Mirko’s sidekicks were Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Koji Koda, and Mashirao Ojiro. It had been a year since they first began their careers as sidekicks, and many of them were becoming anxious and antsy, wanting to step it up a notch.
“He’s late for rounds…again,” Katsuki Bakugo snarls, drumming his gloved hands on his elbow. The sidekicks stand in line awaiting the arrival of their fearless leader: Dabi. They referred to him as many things amongst each other: Hot Topic, Dipstick, Daddy Issues, Shoto’s Psycho Older Brother. He was almost always hungover at every single rounds meeting, and it had been that way since day one. It was no secret that Toya Todoroki had a slight drinking problem that likely started during high school. He, Hawks, and Mirko had made several tabloids very wealthy with their luxurious, salacious parties. Toya had been in several interviews for being an openly neurodivergent Pro, but he hated every minute of them. Once he got away from his father, he stopped taking his ADHD medication. Mina thinks the real reason he stopped taking it was so he could drink as much as he wanted whenever he wanted, but no one really knows. One time, they all came back from a mission to discover him and Hawks contemplating snorting a line of coke, and it was unclear who was trying to encourage or discourage who. 
“I know he’s here. I saw his car out front,” Kirishima frowns, his brow furrowing as he stretches. 
“Maybe he passed out? Should someone go check on him?” Jirou pipes up as she takes off her headphones. 
They all immediately look toward the ceiling, where the sound came from. The floor above them housed Toya’s office. 
“OH SHIT!” Kaminari shouts, preparing to sprint up the stairs. Suddenly, more crashes echo from upstairs…followed by a distinct, high-pitched repetitive noise. 
“Oh…Oh God, really?! ” Sero cringes as he covers his ears. 
“OH NO! OH FUCK! SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME COTTON FOR MY HEADPHONE JACKS!” Jirou panics, her face paling as she squeezes her eyes shut. 
“Aw maaan. How did she slip past us?!” Kaminari whines, and Kirishima jabs him in the side with his elbow.
“Not manly thirsting over a taken woman, bro,” Kirishima shakes his head, and Denki shrugs. The noises get louder and louder, and, suddenly, it’s apparent that there are two separate voices: one raspy and deep, and one smooth and feminine. 
“Screw this. Again?” Mina huffs, her face turning red as she struts over to the stereo and turns the music all the way up. Unfortunately, it does next to nothing. Bakugo is the only one in the room with a blank, uncaring, unfazed stare, and everyone else looks wildly uncomfortable. It’s painfully obvious…Sakura’s here. 
The noises coming from both parties might as well shake the walls, and they can hear the sounds of shuffling furniture in the ceiling.
Inside the Pro Hero’s office, Toya shoves all his papers, keyboard, and phone line off the desk and unceremoniously shoves his wife on it, lying her on her back as he continues to thrust into her. Sakura’s unable to keep quiet as she scratches at the back of his leather jacket. 
“Watch the claws,” He grunts through his gasps as he continues to rapidly pound her. 
“Shut the hell up,” Sakura growls between euphoric moans as her eyelids flutter. Toya smirks and deliberately gives a particularly harsh thrust, making her wince. 
“You gonna keep being -ahhh- ah- a fucking brat ?” He groans, blinking hard to distract himself from the building arousal. He’s determined to break her first, or, at the very least, at the same time. 
“ Y-you’re the f-f-uuuucking brat,” Sakura spits back at him as she grabs a fistful of the black leather, pulling him to her and smashing her lips to his. He digs his fingernails into her exposed shoulders, and it takes everything in him not to rip off that beautiful purple dress she’s wearing. He’d love nothing more than to burn it right off and leave her completely naked, but they had a meeting to attend. It had to be quick. They’d been going at it like rabbits for the past five days ever since they got married. After all, that was the plan that his father placed on his shoulders. Find a strong girl with a strong Quirk. Get hitched. Have a kid. Carry on the legacy. That was his duty as the eldest Todoroki son. It only just so happened that he was actually head over heels for this warrior of a woman. Unlike his father, he married for love and lust rather than for power. They had dated for three years and were engaged for two. It was just by chance that they met. He was drunk off his ass at Hawks’ party, planning on just having a one-night stand with the first sexy bitch that took interest. But then, he locked eyes with this toned, sleek woman with flowing brown hair on the dancefloor. And somehow…he knew. It was only her from then on, no one else. 
Sakura and Toya’s tongues tease each other as the desk screeches back and forth with every motion. Sweat drips down both of them as his hips snap back and forth in fluid, calculated motions. 
“Are you ready for it, baby?” His voice is a gravelly rasp in her ear, and it sends a chill down her spine. 
“Twelfth times the charm,” She sighs with a teasing smile on her face. He would kill to see that smile every waking moment of his life. 
“Fuck…Fuck, I’m coming. Oh, I’m fucking coming ,” The moans tumble out of his mouth as his thrusts become erratic, and he sharply inhales as Sakura’s walls clench around him. Her back arches as he harshly bites his lip and empties into her. Sakura’s legs tremor before they both go still, breathing hard and covered in sweat. Like something out of a movie, they both grab each other’s faces and sloppily kiss one another, overwhelmed with the afterglow. 
“Dabi. The Commission is on Line Four,” Jirou’s voice sounds monotonous and irritated through the phone that Toya shoved to the floor. He growls and rolls his eyes as he breaks away from the kiss. 
“Duty calls, princess,” He sighs before slowly slipping out of her, a breath of relief bursting from the both of them as they separate. Toya shakes himself back into his pants and zips them up, wiping Sakura’s juices off of the outside seams. He leans down, picking up the phone and putting it on the desk as he pulls up his rolling chair. Sakura slowly starts to sit up, scooting to the edge of the desk as she prepares to jump off and grab her panties. Swiftly, Toya stops her, smoothly inserting two fingers inside her, keeping any of the release from seeping out. Sakura freezes as he goes to pick up the phone, and he winks at her before making a “Shhh” gesture with his other hand. 
He presses the button on the landline and picks up the phone, keeping his fingers still deep inside Sakura. 
“BlueFlame Hero: Dabi, speaking. AKA The Toya Todoroki AKA The Amazing Son of Number Two Hero Endeavor AKA The Number Six on The Chart. What’s up?” He leans back in the chair, flexing his finger once and giving his wife a sideways glance as she squirms, desperately trying to be quiet. 
“Yes, Dabi. Are you aware of the Summit this weekend in Hosu City? You haven’t gotten back to us about your attendance,” The voice crackles through the telephone.
“Mirko and Hawks might’ve mentioned it,” He yawns, uncaring. 
“We’ve been sending you and your staff emails for the past month,” The woman explains, and Toya snorts. 
“Oh, yeah. Those,” He mutters in boredom. 
“So? You do understand that you are expected to attend if you wish to keep that Number Six placement, yes?” The woman deadpans, making Toya’s eyes narrow. 
“I’ll be at your stupid summit. Don’t worry your pretty little head. I wouldn’t miss a chance to embarrass my Dad for the world,” He chuckles before he starts pumping his fingers in and out of Sakura, making her tightly grip the edge of the desk and spread her legs wider. He looks over his shoulder at her, a devilish grin spreading across his face as she looks at him with pleading eyes. He can’t tell if she wants him to stop or keep going, and he loves that. 
“Alright, then, wonderful. We’ll be sending details to your sidekicks promptly. We look forward to seeing you there!” The voice says with faux grandeur. 
“Oh, oh. One more thing. The Summit. It’s a whole weekend, right? So, are we getting fancy hotels? Is this like a just me thing, or am I allowed to bring my beautiful wife along? You know, Draconic Hero: Firebrand. Sakura Todoroki. Sister of Ryuko Tatsuma. I’m sure you’ve heard of her,” Toya winks, and the voice at the other end sighs. 
“Yes, you will be staying in a hotel with all of the other Pros invited. The purpose of the Summit is to promote teamwork and set a goal for the year in terms of capturing villains and stopping the drug rings…” The woman continues to speak, but Toya ignores her, mouthing the words “Blah, blah, blah” and rolling his eyes, making Sakura laugh. Her laugh then dissolves into an involuntary loud moan as Toya intentionally curls his fingers around her G-spot. 
“Did-Did you say something?” The woman suddenly stutters, seemingly flustered. A cruel smirk spreads on Toya’s face. 
“Oh, nothing. I’ll be there. We done?” Toya brazenly asks. 
“Y-y-yes Mister Todoroki- I mean, Dabi, sir. Yes, that’s all I needed. Goodbye,” The Commission employee stammers before the phone line goes dead. 
“N-not cool,” Sakura’s voice lilts, and she glares at Toya as he slides his chair closer to her, his fingers still flexing against her sensitive spot. He pushes in deeper so his thumb can run small circles over her clit, and she sharply inhales. 
“Baby girl, we both know I’m cold as ice,” He smugly replies before slowly pulling his hand out of her, making her shudder. He stares at his fingers, noting the dripping mix of their fluids, and grabs a tissue from the box on his desk. He roughly wipes off his hand before throwing the tissue in the trash bin at his feet. 
“I had to make sure it got all the way inside. Can’t get a kid in you if it all seeps out, now, can we?” He chides before picking her panties up off the floor and handing them to her. 
“Now. I believe these are yours?”
“Morning, team,” Toya yawns as he runs a hand through his messy white hair. 
“You’re ten minutes late,” Katsuki snaps, and his friends give him a nervous look. 
“To my own meeting? You can’t start without me anyways. Not like you punks have anywhere else to be,” Toya scoffs, crossing his arms. 
“We didn’t  have  to pick your agency, you know,” Bakugo mutters under his breath, and Kirishima touches his shoulder. 
“Cut it out,” He whispers to his best friend, but Bakugo flinches away. 
“Listen, you’re my favorite, so I’ll give you a pass on the attitude alright. I’ll be on time for the rest of the week, I swear. I had something…important to do,” Toya smiles to himself absentmindedly tapping his foot. Kaminari snickers, and Mina and Jirou simultaneously smack him on the back of the head. The clicking of leather boots echoes in the stairwell behind Toya, and Sakura slowly emerges into the doorway, walking up behind him. She  clearly  is struggling to walk. 
“I’ve got the reports printed out,” Sakura says flatly, handing a folder to Toya. He cracks open the folder and walks up to each sidekick, handing them a sheet of paper. 
“These are your patrol zones for the day. Remember, our goal is to outdo your little friends at Hawks’ and Mirko’s agencies. If you see them, feel free to team up, but be the better hero. If you need me, just call. I’ll have my phone on me all day. I’ve got a meeting with Team Lurkers this afternoon, though. So, I probably won’t answer after four-ish. Got it?” He drones on like a tired drill sergeant. 
“Yes, sir!” They all shout back, except Bakugo, who only gives an annoyed nod. 
“Oh, and whoever can get an embarrassing picture of Shoto fucking up gets a dollar raise,” Toya sneers. 
“What about Deku?” Bakugo raises his eyebrow. 
“The Number One’s prodigy? Ehhhh, maybe like twenty-five cents,” The Pro concedes, making Bakugo smirk. 
“In the bag,” The chaotic sidekick mutters under his breath as he follows his friends out of the automatic doors, leaving Toya and Sakura alone. 
“You…you don’t have a meeting with Team Lurkers at all today,” Sakura points out, raising her eyebrow. 
“Right.  We  are going to a rave with Keigo and Rumi tonight. But, don’t worry. I already promised you, no more hard drugs. But I can’t promise I won’t be doing shots with Keigo,” Toya snickers, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her on the forehead. 
“In the meantime, I think we should pay dear old Dad a visit, considering he didn’t bother showing up to the wedding.” 
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emmaelix · 2 years
There Goes My Life: Eijiro Kirishima x Fem! Reader
Full Title: There Goes My Life: Ejiro Kirishima X Fem! Reader
Y/n: Your Name. Y/H/C: Your Hair Color. Y/E/C: Your Eye Color. Y/S/C: Your Skin Color
Ships in This One-Shot: Kirishima X Reader/ You, Mineta X Trash (I'm kidding but really I'm not)
Your Quirk: Super Strength. Your power is very simple, when you activate it your muscles become more powerful and your stamina is increased. You become weary, and nauseous, and can develop a migraine when you use your quirk too much. 
So I recently posted an MHA boys as dads fic. This is a bit of backstory for that fic, as well as inspired by 'There goes my life' by Kenny Chesney. I might do more of these for the other boys from that post.
TW: Pregnancy
Y/n stood in front of her boyfriend's door, fist clenching and unclenching as she tried to calm herself down. They were eighteen, adults, about to go to college.
And be parents. Y/n wanted this baby, but she had also wanted to be married and out of school first. She knew her boyfriend wouldn't dump her as soon as he heard, but she also didn't want to be a burden. It felt like she was going to ruin Eijiro's life, and maybe even his career.
You couldn't be a Pro if you had a kid. But Y/n thought of Rock Lock and silently debated herself at Kirishima's door. Finally, Y/n knocked. Once, light enough that if Kiri was sleeping he wouldn't hear it. Y/n's nerves got the best of her and she started back towards her own dorm room when the door opened and warm light spilled from Kirishima's open door.
Oh well, running wouldn't be an option now, Eiji would catch up to her. Y/n turned around - albeit as slowly as possible - to face her boyfriend. When he saw the look on Y/n's face he ran to her, hugging her and picking her up to bring inside.
"You shouldn't be out past curfew," Eijiro said, setting Y/n down in front of his couch. "What's wrong?"
Y/n tried to say 'nothing' but the words wouldn't come out. Instead, she hiccuped and started crying as Kirishima quickly walked back to her to hug her again, this time sitting down on the couch with Y/n on his lap.
Y/n buried her face in her boyfriend's chest, his Crimson Riot t-shirt getting wet where her face was. Eijiro took Y/n's face and gently took it away from his chest, looking at Y/n with a worried expression on his face. "What's wrong, Pebble?"
Y/n had a thought, 'Wouldn't he be the most amazing dad?' Kiri's strong arms held her as she kept opening and closing her mouth, trying to figure out what to say. Y/n took a shaky breath. "Kiri, I'm-" Y/n stopped. How would he react? "I think I'm pregnant."
Instead of yelling, throwing her off his lap, or getting mad Eijiro smiled faintly pulling Y/n into a tight hug. He stroked along her back, whispering to her, gently. "Do you need anything to eat, Pebs?"
Y/n started crying again instead of answering him, so relieved by his reaction she couldn't speak for a while. Finally, she said, "What will the class think? Your friends, Mr. Aizawa?"
Eijiro pulled back from holding Y/n in his arms. "If they say anything that makes you feel like they don't like you," he made a slashing motion with his hand, "they can suck it. You're perfect, no matter what you look like."
After about four months Y/n had started showing. People had given Y/n weird looks, but a glare from her boyfriend always seemed to shut them up.
One day in particular she, Kiri, Mina, Denki, and Bakugo were all going to a restaurant to celebrate all of them passing their math test that day. When they got in it was oddly empty, but Y/n chalked it up to being a slower day. It was four pm on a Tuesday, after all.
When they all sat down, a waitress came over and took their orders, smiling at Y/n. Bakugo reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. Mina huffed and slapped it away from him, glaring at Denki, who promptly stopped reaching for his own phone.
"We're here to celebrate. But, Kiri, do you want to go first?" Mina asked, nodding slightly towards Y/n. Kirishima made a noise of agreement, before reaching into his own pocket. Y/n went to stop him, thinking he was getting out his phone, when she noticed he was holding a box.
Y/n stopped in her tracks when her boyfriend opened up the box to reveal a ring. Before Kirishima could say anything Y/n laughed out a yes before wrapping her - fiancé, now - in a hug and kissing him as the food arrived.
Y/n's mother, father, younger sister, and the rest of 1-A all came out from behind tables and chairs, holding streamers. "Don't do that!" Iida yelled when someone started throwing confetti.
Y/n wanted to cry. She had such amazing friends.
Y/n held her daughter in her arms, gently rocking her as she put a single bun in the oven. She smiled in spite of herself, remembering how nervous she'd been the first time she'd told her husband she was pregnant. That was almost five years ago, and now they were expecting a - planned - baby.
Y/n set Sara down when she heard the door open and let her daughter run to greet Kirishima.
This was her dream.
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a-rat-who-writes · 2 months
UA Class Movie Night (Kirishima)
(This is all Pre-S7 to avoid spoilers!)
‣ After some intense training, some of the girls in the class proposed that you all should have a movie night past curfew since the following day was a weekend
‣ Some people were opposed to it since they either broke the rules, wanted to sleep, or simply were just "above" engaging in group activities that weren't important.
‣ After some convincing from people like yourself, Kirishima, Mina, Midoriya, and Ochaco, you all managed to group everyone up and sit them down for at least one movie.
‣ There was the whole debate on what genre the movie should be, some people like Bakugo insisted on some... rather violent movies, some like Denki who suggested a rom-com, and then there were people like Midoriya who hinted at a hero documentary.
‣ Much to Bakugo's irritation and rejection, it was settled on some musical that was voted on. It didn't seem like the most entertaining out of all the options, but the most widely accepted among everyone.
‣ People like Sato and Yaoyorozu were rather pleased with the preparation phases for making food, and some others took the initiative to go out and buy the normal movie snacks.
‣ When everything was set and ready, you found yourself setting down a bundle of blankets on the couches everyone rearranged around a large TV in the commons when you heard Kirishima's voice speak up from behind you
‣ He held himself in almost a shy way which is unlike him, but upon realizing it was only because he wanted to ask you to sit next to him.
‣ It was a little painful to hear him scramble to find the right words to string together to ask in the least conspicuous way, but you eventually just held a hand up and told him you didn't mind and were planning on asking him yourself.
‣ He was relieved and.. honestly a bit jittery when he heard you say you were gonna ask him yourself. You could very clearly see it on his face-- he wasn't the greatest at hiding his emotions, but it made him all the more endearing.
‣ With that, everyone had food passed out and sat down on the couches, mostly sticking to their friend groups. Kirishima had came over as per your earlier conversation, and the two of you shared a maroon colored blanket.
‣ Everything went relatively smoothly, but you could tell Kirishima wasn't the most.. awake. He was definitely more of an action movie type-dude, which you concluded after seeing the way his blinking slowed.
‣ You didn't want to be too forward by telling him he could rest on your shoulder or change positions, so you continued to glance at him, watching the way he began to relax, whether it was due to your presence or because of the exhaustion from training finally hitting.
‣ By the end of the first movie he was already wiped, resting with his head craned back on the back of the couch. A few people left after the movie was done, but most at least wanted to stay for one more, enjoying everyone at peace and laughing together.
‣ You carefully took his head in your hands and leaned him on your shoulder, relieved he didn't wake up in the process. No one else seemed to pay all that much attention, Kaminari and Mineta already having fallen asleep too.
‣ As the second movie played, you couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you glanced down at him. The slowness of his breathing against you and the way he was pressed next to you under the blanket made you want to almost protect him because of how peaceful he looked.
‣ The movie was mostly a blur since you were too distracted with Kirishima. During the credits you were tempted to let him continue to sleep, but Iida was pretty insistent on everyone returning to their respective rooms now that you all were finished.
‣ You carefully ran your hand against Kirishima's far arm, trying to wake him up as comfortably as possible. He stirred a few times before actually waking up. He raised his hand to rub his eyes for a moment before looking up at you. (SHIT HIS SKIN WAS SO SOFT)
‣ OH WOW was he cute. You had seen him tired before, but nothing beat this moment as your hand still kept in contact with his other arm. He looked around and saw most people dispersing before he flushed, looked at the two of you.
‣ You pulled your hand away, afraid of making him uncomfortable, but only then did you realize how warm he was, and jeez-- how warm your face was too.
‣ He laughed quietly when he saw your reaction, you avoiding eye contact. He pulled away which made you calm down a bit more, but also missed the contact. (You had it bad for him)
‣ You had gotten up with him and told him that if there was another time like this, you would enjoy it if you two would sit next to each other again, which he immediately agreed to.
‣ Despite him having fallen asleep for most of the movies, he claimed he came in and out of sleep, catching a few moments of the movies.
‣ Although it was more of a mumble, he added that he enjoyed you being by him the whole time and keeping him warm.
‣ He quickly departed after that, leaving you standing there in modest shock, your heart racing at that last sentence before you also turned in for the night.
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bakugosatoru · 9 months
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(★ Smut / ❤ Fluff / ■ Angst)
My Hero Acadamia
Headcannons / Imagines - MHA Boys Christmas Imagines ❤ ╰┈➤ Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki x Reader - MHA Boys Comfort Headcannons ❤ ╰┈➤ Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero x Reader - MHA Boys in Bed ★ ╰┈➤ Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kaminari, Kirishima, Hawks x Reader
Short Fic - You and Ejiro Adopt a Puppy ❤ ╰┈➤ Kirishima x Reader - You and Bakugo Adopt a Kitten ❤ ╰┈➤ Bakugo x Reader - Damn Idiot ❤ ╰┈➤ Bakugo x Izuku
Longer Fics - Pretty for the Press ★ ╰┈➤ Dabi x Hawks (4.5k Words) - Off the Clock ❤★ ╰┈➤ Bakugo x Izuku (2k Words so far) ┈➤Part 1 ┈➤Part 2 ┈➤Part 3
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bugs-for-bugs · 1 year
Fic Prompt
NSFW Pet Dragon Kirishima/Barbarian Bakugou
TW: CNC, Sex Slave, Voyeurism
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Being brought by Barbarian Bakugou as a slave. brought to his hut to be thrown into a giant cage, being left alone as he leaves to do his guard duty (IDK). Later Bakugou walks in followed by a giant 7ft tall scale covered Kirishima. Being fucked by Katsuki and forced to give him head as soon as he sits in his throne (just a big chair for a big guy). Then being locked in the cage with Kiri and used as a cock sleeve for his own need (spring). Then to be expected to cook and clean on top of being fucked by Ejiro when he wakes up from his sex induced comas.
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n1ght0f-nyx · 10 days
mha fic masterlist
my hero boys asking you out 1, 2, 3
mha girls asking you out 1, 2
mha boys pregnancy 1, 2, 3
katsuki bakugo
Platonic sibling! bakugo
izuku deku midoryia
shoto todoroki
denki kaminari
ejiro kirishima
fumikage tokoyami
mezo shoji
koji koda
shota aizawa
all might
tomura/ tenko shigaraki
touya todoroki/dabi
himiko toga
mina ashido
kyoka jiro
Ochako Uraraka-
eye of the storm- Ochako Uraraka x gn villian!reader
tamaki amajiki
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nishiyako · 1 year
-Requests/Asks : Open!
(Please specify if you want NSFW, Fluff, or Angst cause I mostly write smut in default)
Things I won't write : (list is still growing)
Incest (stepcest is fine)
Character x Character
x Male!Reader
Anal (pegging is fine)
Feet stuff
(Kiri, Iida n Izuku fics coming soon (asks))
-My Hero Academia-
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Izuku Midorya :
Distractions (Collage!Deku) [nsfw]
First Cigarette (Smoker!Reader) [sfw]
Bakugo Katsuki :
Dirty Secrets (FWB!Bakugo) [nsfw+angst]
Cats (Married to you) [sfw]
Ejiro Kirishima :
Behind the Scenes (PornStar AU)[nsfw]
Iced (ice play + Bodyworship)[nsfw]
Denki Kaminari :
Private Party (RaveBoy!Denki) [nsfw]
(Private Party 2 (RaveBoy!Denki) [nsfw]
Satisfaction (Unsatisfied!Reader) [nsfw]
Spoiled (RichBf!Denki) [nsfw]
Denki drabble [nsfw]
Tamaki Amajiki :
Sex Addict (Hypersexual!Tamaki)[nsfw]
Stoned (Stoner!Tamaki)[sfw]
After Party (DJ!Tamaki) [nsfw]
Tomura Shigaraki:
Intoxicated (Incel!Shiggy) [nsfw]
Ganked(Somnophilia) [nsfw]
Shouta Aizawa :
"Bad day?" (Ask) [sfw]
After hours (Actor!Aizawa) [nsfw]
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Toru Oikawa :
Vulgar (Degration)[nsfw]
Yuu Nishinoya :
Panties (3rdYear!Nishinoya)[nsfw]
Other :
Ultraman Rising (Kenji Sato)[nsfw]
Kenji & Doggy Style (Drabble) [nsfw]
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