#ek meta
ohmerricat · 7 months
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holy blocking batman. on the nose? sure. a shot that seems to have been composed specifically so a dropout former film student like me can exclaim ‘wow this is cinematic’ and probably talk circles about the symbolism… jack with his back turned to the camera, a statuesque silhouette towering over the cowering gwen — on her knees before something of a an idol, a demigod, an impossible hero, some christ figure risen from the dead but at the cost of the corpse lying prostrate like a sacrifice beside him. somebody to take her by the hand and lead her to a transfigured world in which nothing will ever be the same.
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arriving like an angel of death after defying it — come with me and leave of the land of the living behind. come with me too, gwen cooper, your turn
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death note fandom… you guys know that misa did bad things of her own accord, right? not just under light’s influence? is this a new concept to some of you?
because to me, it seems like some parts of this fandom seem to love not holding misa accountable just because she’s a more cute and endearing character than light.
like, correct me if i’m wrong, but most people who defend misa say that it was all light’s fault and that he was the toxic one, but that’s just wrong in so many ways. there is no “toxic one” in yagamane. they’re both shitty people. light plays judge jury and executioner to kill off anyone he wants and misa killed innocents and stalked light by buying his information and forcing him to date her. but people always ignore the stuff that misa did because she’s a girl boss who can do whatever she wants without light.
and yes, she CAN do things without light. she kills, she stalks, she does horrible things because of her own selfish desires! light does the same! you can’t demean one of them and praise the other when they both did horrible things for the same cause.
another thing is that misa (and rem) manipulated light into their relationship. sure, light manipulated her into staying, but there’s a huge difference. the difference is that misa literally TOLD light to use her. light didn’t consent to ANYTHING. their whole relationship is commands upon commands with no end.
i’m just upset about the fandom’s views on their relationship. i made a post about this a while back, but i felt like i had to make another one because oh my god this BOTHERS ME.
misa isn’t your perfect girlboss. get that through your head before you start to call people misogynistic for suggesting that light isn’t the only one in the wrong.
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One thing that I think a lot of Disco Elysium meta misses (likely because a lot of it is very clearly written by young Americans writing from an intensely American-centric cultural perspective without even really realizing it) is that one of the singular and central themes of the game is massive-scale generational trauma in a home that is economically collapsing as its resources and people are being drained by an occupation.  People have noted that no one tries to help Harry, despite the fact his mental illness is incredibly obvious to everyone around him.  He tells Kim that he completely lost his memory, and Kim politely asks him to focus on the work.  He tells Gottlieb that he had a heart attack, and Gottlieb tells him that if he’s still alive it couldn’t have been that bad.  That he’ll drop dead sooner or later, but then so does everyone.
And that’s the most important thing: so does everyone.  Look at Martinaise.  Look at the world in which Harry lives.  It is not our own, but it is adjacent to ours.  More specifically, it is clearly adjacent to the states of the Eastern Bloc: overtaken and occupied by a faraway government that clearly doesn’t care about Revachol or its people.  And that is obvious in every tired face, every defeated citizen, everyone trying to eke out a little happiness or meaning in spite of the overwhelming trauma and damage around them.  The buildings are still half-destroyed.  The bullet holes are still in the walls.  The revolution was decades before, but it still feels to the people there like a fresh wound.  The number of men of Harry’s generation who are not alcoholic or otherwise deeply fucked up are very few.  Some, like Kim, hide it better, but the deeper you dig into his history, the more you realize how damaged Kim is.  He’s more than a little trigger happy, and hates that about himself, but he is a product of his environment: Kim’s entire life is seeing people he cared about shot and killed, so his instinct now is to shoot first himself, to protect those few people left who still matter to him.
Harry is not unique in his trauma.  He is a distillation of an entire culture of people who tried to rise up and make something beautiful, and were instead routed and occupied.  He is trapped between the occupation and the people on the ground, along with all the rest of the RCM.  Their authority comes from the occupying government, but it is implied that they were formed out of the remnants of the citizens militia which sprung up from Revachol itself as a way to try to mitigate some of the horrors being committed on its streets.  The Moralintern sure as hell wasn’t going to get their hands dirty, so they happily conscripted (and therefore could better control) this group, who are only recognized in certain places, and whose authority mostly amounts to giving out fines.  The RCM is corrupt, but it is corrupt in the same way its culture is.  Bribes are considered standard with them, not a moral failing, but a necessity, so long as those bribes are correctly logged as ‘donations’.  It’s how the RCM stays afloat, and the rest of Revachol completely understands that.  Everyone would take a bribe if it meant they kept eating.  Everyone would take a little under-the-table money if it meant keeping a roof over their heads.  The officersof the RCM certainly don’t make enough to see a doctor.  They have an in-house lazarus, and if he can’t fix them they just die.  Mental health care?  What mental health care?  Harry doesn’t get it for the same reason no one else does: it doesn’t really seem to exist.  There are no counselors, no psychologists, no psychiatrists.  How would they even start?  If the world is what is broken, if everyone is suffering a similar catastrophic amount, it makes sense that Harry’s trauma would simply get rolled up with all the rest.  Kim asks him to get on with the job because Harry’s suffering is not remarkable in Revachol.  He is one of an entire generation who have an astronomical number of orphans from the revolution, and so many younger people are left more or less orphans as their parents drink themselves into oblivion like Cuno’s father.  So Harry’s truly unique attribute is embodying all that trauma, having it all inside of him, filling him to bursting.
To really engage with the themes of the game, engaging first and foremost with the reality of Revachol is imperative.  Imposing our own reality onto Revachol, particularly if coming from an American perspective (which tend to have the habit of both viewing the world through an American lens and not realizing they’re doing it because they’ve never experienced a different lens), will always feel shallow to me because of this.
All that is to say, I would love to hear some more explicitly European meta about this game, and especially Eastern European meta.  If anyone can point me to some good, juicy essays from that perspective, I would be grateful!
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daenerysstormreborn · 15 days
Going thru a breakup so I shall be absent for a time but one more thought I need to eke out here is that I think a lot of disagreement comes from the difference between people analyzing what’s likely based on THEMES and ARCS and stuff from a meta perspective versus people analyzing things based strictly on lore and what is present in text. The Nettles Valyrian debate is a prime example of this. Based entirely off of lore and lore alone, sure, we don’t really have a good reason to say that Nettles has no Valyrian blood. And if you’re coming to conclusion based only on the lore, placing your point of view inside the story, of course you’re going to be confused about why people are so insistent that Nettles isn’t Valyrian. But if you consider what it would do for the THEMES for her to be Valyrian or not, place your point of view inside George’s head, conduct analyses based on speculation as to WHY George decided to remark on certain things and what he was trying to say. Then you can start to see why we think George didn’t intend for Nettles to be Valyrian. It’s like. If a character in a story has a pet bird and the bird suddenly starts making noise in its cage. You could find evidence in the story about this bird making noise and things in the environment that the author created that might have spooked the bird. Or you could consider why the author decided to have the bird vocalize. I don’t really know where I’m going with this. Just thoughts from a tired tired brain after a great deal of crying
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vexedsystem · 1 year
Term Coining Post - Memory Writing
Noun - [eks-oh-mem-wahr]
A written record of (exo)memories from outside the current timeline that the body did not experience.
Noun - [soo-doh-mem-wahr]
A written record of false (pseudo)memories that the body did not experience.
Noun - [met-uh-mem-wahr]
A written record of memories of metaphysical or spiritual nature.
Credit to co-coiners Butterfly Houses & Morpho Collective!
Terminology Derived from...
Memoir - Noun
A written record of a person’s knowledge of events or of a person's own experiences.
Exo- - Prefix
Outside, outer.
Pseudo- Prefix
Meta- - Prefix
1. Occurring later than or in succession to, after. 2. Situated behind or beyond. 3. Change, transformation
Other Sources Used
Pluralpedia - Exomemory
Pluralpedia - Pseudomemory
Pluralpedia - Metagenic
Pluralpedia - Spirigenic
Pluralpedia -Parogenic
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mah-o-daryaa · 10 months
The Cycle Repeats: Part II
One of the key themes of the ATLA franchise is the concept of the Avatar; master of all 4 elements, the fusion of humanity and Raava, the spirit of light and order, whose sole duty is to bring balance to the world, and be the bridge between both the physical and spiritual realms. Along with this comes the idea of reincarnation, which is the premise of the Avatar Cycle, the idea that the Avatar reincarnates in a cyclic order in any of the four nations (fire, air, water, earth). Another concept related to the Avatar Cycle (although originating from the fandom) is the idea of the Avatar fixing the mistakes of their past life, which is often indicated in differences in both habitual circumstances and personalities between both predecessor and successor, and therefore differences in morality.
But what if I were to tell you that the saying "history repeats itself" is also true among Avatar incarnations? Not exactly going the same way, but rather parallels between the lives, personalities, and accomplishments (and failures) of past lives?
In this series of metas, I will be going over parallels (or in some cases, foils) between certain pairs of Avatars that lived decades, or even centuries apart, and yet could not have ever been more similar.
Elemental Foils: Avatars Aang and Kyoshi
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"Aang was an Air Nomad born in 12 BG and the Avatar during the Hundred Year War, succeeding Avatar Roku and preceding Avatar Korra. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. He was also one of a select few Avatars and one of the first in many cycles to learn the ancient art of energybending as well as the first Avatar known to have actively used the technique."
"Kyoshi was the Earth Kingdom-born Avatar immediately succeeding Avatar Kuruk of the Northern Water Tribe, and preceding Avatar Roku of the Fire Nation. She died at the age of 230, making her the oldest confirmed human, and was also an exceptionally tall woman, towering over most people. Kyoshi was born to two criminals: Jesa, a renegade Air Nomad nun, and Hark, a thief from an impoverished family of Earth Kingdom actors. She inherited her later signature outfit from her parents, adopting her mother's golden headdress and metal war fans and her father's daofei face paint."
Similarly to the previous post, I listed the first paragraphs of both Aang and Kyoshi's respective Wiki pages, and you can clearly see foils between them both and balk at the idea of any connection between them whatsoever (aside from Raava, ofc). However, Kyoshi is actually very similar to Aang in terms of their heritage and relationships with other people, second only to her predecessor Kuruk overall in terms of similarities with Aang.
I will first list the differences between the two. Aang is an Air Nomad; Kyoshi is an Earth Kingdom citizen (what is the citizen name for the EK?). Aang's native element is air; Kyoshi's is earth, its natural opposite. Kyoshi believed in absolute justice (which, yes, included murder, although she never killed someone out of boredom--she only killed when necessary); Aang was taught that all life is sacred (which conflicted with his duty to kill Ozai).
Underneath these skin-deep contrasts, however, lie striking similarities between our protagonist and his daofei past life.
(WARNING: There will be possible spoilers for both The Rise of Kyoshi and possibly The Shadow of Kyoshi. If you do not wish to be spoiled, I suggest not reading any further and scrolling past this post until you have finished reading both novels. You have been warned.)
The first point I will make is their heritage. In The Rise of Kyoshi, it is revealed that Kyoshi's mother, Jesa, was a rogue Air Nomad, and a nun at that. Meaning both Aang and Kyoshi have Air Nomad heritage (although Kyoshi's native element was earth, not air, which I will get into later). Both Kyoshi and Aang grew up travelling, without staying in one place for a long time. In Kyoshi's case, her nomadic lifestyle prevented her from being discovered as the Avatar early on. However, like I mentioned earlier, they have opposite native elements; Aang's is air, Kyoshi's is earth.
And yet, they have similar capabilities in both elements. Kyoshi is the only known Avatar to struggle with her native element, and seems to favor airbending in combat (which could be linked to her heritage as a part of both cultures). Likewise, Aang is stated to be an airbending master at just 12, while earthbending was the element he most struggled with (as Aang struggled with learning to face his problems head-on, instead of running away from them). Ironically, although according to the fandom, Kyoshi would despise Aang for running away from his Avatar duties, Kyoshi has also run away from her duties when it became clear that she was Kuruk's successor, not Yun.
The second thing is their relationships with other people. Yes, Kyoshi befriended a group of daofei (The Flying Opera Company) and an immortal assassin who taught her the secret to immortality (Lao Ge/Tieguai), but she has a similar dynamic with the Flying Opera Company that Aang would have with the GAang centuries later: A motley crew of runaway misfits who work together and understand each other as family, and see you as your own person instead of the Avatar. It certainly beats having unsupportive "friends" who consider you the Avatar first, disregarding your own identity (looking at you, Team Kuruk--except Nyahitha, he's approved in my book). Speaking of which, both Kyoshi and Aang's father figures (Kelsang and Gyatso) were Air Nomad monks from the Southern Air Temple (like Aang), who influenced their young proteges' bending affinity. Both Kelsang and Gyatso were also companions to Kyoshi and Aang's predecessors (Kuruk and Roku respectively, completing one Avatar Cycle of each element). Kelsang was killed by Jianzhu (another former companion of Kuruk) and Gyatso took down at least 50 FN soldiers during the Air Nomad Genocide (orchestrated by Firelord Sozin, Avatar Roku's childhood friend) before laying his own life (there's a popular theory that Gyatso used suffocation to suck the air out of the room suicide-style).
Kyoshi and Aang have also hid themselves behind masks. Kyoshi donned her mother's headdress and fans, as well as her father's daofei makeup (to hide her facial expressions and to appear more intimidating to her enemies) as a part of her iconic appearance. Aang, on the other hand, went through two brief masks during the entire series: His stint as the elderly Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis III in The King of Omashu (Book 1: Episode 4) and his stint as Kuzon in The Headband (Book 3: Episode 2).
Another thing they have in common is the fact that they were both struck by lightning (Kyoshi by Xu Ping An; Aang by Azula), which mortally wounded them (Kyoshi has lightning scars all over her hands; Aang has a scar on his back where the lightning entered his body, and an "exit" scar on his foot where it left his body). Ironically, in Kyoshi's case, the lightning helped her enter the Avatar State, while for Aang, it locked his chakras, preventing him from being able to access the Avatar State.
Also, both Kyoshi and Aang's love interests are from the same nation as their successors (Rangi is from the Fire Nation, Katara is from the Southern Water Tribe). Kyoshi, however, had a brief crush on False Avatar Yun, and I prefer to ship Aang with Toph, both being earthbenders. (I also have two separate theories that both Yun and Katara are descendants of Avatar Kuruk, but that's for another time.)
The final similarity between Kyoshi and Aang is their age--more specifically, their age at death. Both Kyoshi and Aang lived to be extremely old, with minimal physical ageing (Kyoshi learned to stop herself from ageing and lived to be 230, while Aang was trapped in the iceberg for 100 years). However, Aang died at a relatively young physical age at 66 due to the heavy toll on his body after freezing himself in the Avatar state for a century (still higher than Kuruk, tho), while his chronological age was a still mighty 165 at death. Roku, by contrast, lived to a relatively normal 70 years old.
In conclusion, despite their differences in morality and overall journey in becoming fully realized, Kyoshi and Aang connect in their shared heritage as Air Nomads, as well as their ability to disguise in unexpected places. This is proof that history doesn't always repeat, but it often rhymes. In the next part, I will explore how their predecessors, Kuruk and Roku, act as foils to each other.
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starvels · 1 year
Cw: Fatphobia, body shaming, disordered eating, suicidal ideation
We talking about that “””banter””” in Marvel’s Avengers when the team bullied Tony about his weight and he talks about being on a juice cleanse?? Because I hate that so, so much. Like. Tony was depressed! and isolated for 5 years!!! And like, Not Doing Ok!
@blossomsinthemist was talking about it and like :(((((( https://www.tumblr.com/blossomsinthemist/721606463816105984/nat-may-claim-she-never-broke-cover-to-help
Plus the fact that it’s heavily implied Nat, that takes part in the bullying, KNOWS Tony was depressed and suicidal https://www.tumblr.com/blossomsinthemist/721588267817025536/i-need-more-fics-out-squareenixs-steve-coming-to
And like you said, he is still thin in the game, but like, so what if he wasn’t? Tony can be any shape and he wouldn’t deserve that! He could still be any shape and still kick ass in a literal power suit. Like. :(
(I kinda liked how I’m the game Tony seemed to have a bit of a hunch to him, man’s a workaholic that is either typing or leaned over a work table and I liked seeing that in a character design (tho it might just be a bad rig and all the characters have it, it’s just hidden under their costumes), but -11000099999 points for the ““banter””. EG Thor all over again)
yeah! that is what i was referring to in this post. as i'm watching playthroughs to make MA content for STG, i found this scene so off-putting and it reminded me of a lot of other ones i've seen in comics. & feeling just the general vibe reading a comic that i am never gonna get to see fat people be heroic. especially not at least, without emphasizing that they're a fat person sure, but they are still heroic, don't worry!
fat heroes' heroism always comes as a caveat to their body shape and weight.
but yes blossoms' point here abt tony and perception of self and internalizing a lot of judgement values about his appearance and how fun it is to explore that are so apt!
blossoms always handles tony's relationship with his own body in such compelling and intricate ways that are very tender and vulnerable. and i agree! i also like exploring these themes and playing with how tony relates to being a public figure, as well as how he relates to himself and the ways in which he feels pleasure or contentment or beauty or pride.
to blossoms+anons second point, abt nat knowing, yeah. if you read it just in-text, it can be really complicated by their own individual and combined relationships to trauma and processing and how much info they are sharing between them. that's always very interesting to eke out of interactions w the two of them -- two people who can guard their hearts and heads so intensely.
but taking a meta-textual approach to it, i flat out think when people ascribe their own -isms to characters, they are not thinking about how it fits a character's personality or interpersonal relationships.
we, as the fans, do the labor of asking how it can be internally consistent for a character that grew up without bodily autonomy, that knows intimately how loss and trauma affect your bodily functions, who knows exactly how tony fights and what it takes to do that, who knows that bodies are only one tool in a whole box -- makes fun of someone who trusts her, on her team, for potentially gaining weight. we hypothesis and convolute the relationship and infer from the absences of a canon text. the writers don't have to do any of that work. and that more than anything generally proves to me how shoehorned in all the -isms people apply to characters are.
they're not thinking three levels deep. and to be honest, i like our collective 3 level thoughts better than there, so ! phooey on them!! they don't get a seat at our table.
it literally doesn't matter what your body looks like if you're designing a metal suit to go around it that is based on non-physical input to function. and tony's found family should abso-fucking-lutely not be (even jokingly) shaming him for disordered eating and suicidal ideation, esp not during a battle lol. but yes, tony should have a hunch and neck problems and whine and use a heating pad and tiger balm too much <3 beloved greasemonkey sun.
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usagimen · 1 year
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 ( hc // meta )  Like most shikomi’s, Sayuri was given the option to utilize her strengths. While some girls would learn to sing, dance, perfect the art of tea ceremony, she excelled in dance. Under the rigid guidance of her aunt, Sayuri became renowned in her apprentice years for moving with an ethereal nature. Most dances that a shikomi will learn && then transition to maikohood will work on the smaller muscle reflexes, fine tuning them, thus while the movements appear slow it takes a great amount of dexterity for a maiko to appear floating or weightless. Just because she is a dancer does NOT mean she is weak, in fact, prior to martial arts that is where her strength came from.
   Coming from a sheltered world, Sayuri found joy in music, she liked the angsty alternative scene && pop music that made her feel connected to those around her. The bright yet flashy clothing, glamorous idols, but most importantly the intense movements that were far different from what she was taught. Plastic Love is a homage to just that, the freedom behind such current trends && the ever shifting landscape of everything disco / pop. Heels are integral for her, the first set she ever wore were basic mary-jane style in black with a modest pump. Her cursed energy flows downwards as she will vocalize, how she harmonized her body to react is that of water, everything shifts into the balance as she breathes && feels each emotion within the gut.
   Her CT is that to be shared && represents the integral core of who she is, unlike her inherited technique that distorts reality to bend all perceptions. In the Past Arc, she sheepishly explains that PL synchrinizes to whoever she is with, when paired together, they will have a five percent critical hit. How does Sayuri know this? Simple, she is proficient in mathematics enough to be considered a walking calculator. This was not done because of her own desires but to utilize every second, minute, to hour in combat for the most efficient yet sure route. Due to the nature of her bound hounds, it caps the limit, when they are free from constrictions && harmonized with a dance partner, PL will increase by 10 percent. In JJK0, she demonstrates there is no need for a partner, she can use it solely to boost herself, but it’s fun to dance together. The drawback? This made her an extremely attractive ally in the Culling Game, which didn’t end well for anyone who thought she was easy to use.
      Unlike the training grounds she lived in while honing her body, Sayuri practiced endlessly by merely spinning, moving, dancing as much as she could - it is the life that brims within her. Her passion && natural beauty that ekes through, PL is very much the soul of the God Hand Sorcerer, she feels free whenever her body moves. The genre style will also change to fit her partner’s preferred style of dance, it’s extremely rare to not see her smiling when synching together, one can also feel the residual energy from her. That bright flame that is so scorching but feels warm, like the midst of a summer day that is never ending, pleasant && pure. Altogether, her CT did stem from the genuine desire to connect, her benevolent nature && the natural playfulness she carries.   Just for fun, this is the version (ex.) of Plastic Love that Sayuri enjoys the most.
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ahaura · 1 year
scream 6 is not like. objectively a bad movie. that being said i hated it. im just so over the whole meta-film self-referential thing. like how many more movies are they going to eke out of this old raggedy dishrag. how many more ~surprises~ and ~twists~ are they going to *spring* on us before they give up and move on to something else. i just. ive had ENOUGH. it feels like a cardboard cutout of a movie rather than a real movie and i feel like in an original setting with the new cast it could have been something awesome. that might be my inner hater talking but this could have been sent in a email.
that being said. i adore the new cast. they bring fresh good energy to the set and even though the story felt uninspired and lackluster the cast made up for it. i think mindy and chad should have had at least a half hour more of screentime.
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makaleajans · 1 year
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Web sitelerini geliştirmek ve daha geniş kitlelere ulaşabilmek için tercih edilen SEO Hizmeti nasıl yapıldığını da pek çok kişinin merak ettiği konulardan biridir. Aslında bu işlem profesyonel SEO uzmanları tarafından yapılıyor. Aynı zamanda site içi ve site dışı SEO olmak üzere iki farklı kriter üzerinde durulur. SEO uygulamalarında site içi SEO genel anlamda web sitesinin içerikleri ile ilgili olarak düzenlemeler yapılır. Site içi SEO çalışmaları şu başlıklarla düzenleniyor; , - Anahtar kelime, - İçerik kalitesi, - URL yapısı, - Web sitesi hızlı, başlıklar ve meta etiketler, - Web sitesi teması, - Görsel optimizasyonu düzenleniyor. Site dışı SEO çalışması da şu başlıklar altında düzenlenir; - E- posta tanıtımları, - Backlinkler, - Sosyal medya yönetimi, - Dijital pazarlama faaliyeti.
SEO Getirileri
Uzun vadeli getiri için SEO danışmanlığı tarafından alınan hizmetler sonucunda oluşan avantajlar şu şekildedir; - Daha iyi kullanıcı deneyimi, - E ticaret ve işletmelerinin satış artışı, - Marka bilinirliği ve güvenilirliği artışı, - Reklam maliyetlerinin düşüşü, - Web sitelerinin organik verimliliği artışı, - Başarı getiren dijital pazarlama, - Rakip firmalardan bir adım önde olma, - Dijital dünyada kimlik oluşturma, - Dünya genelinde tanınırlığın artması, - Yeni kitlelere çok daha kolay bir şekilde ulaşmak SEO getirileri arasında yer alır. SEO nedir?SEO, bir web sitesinin veya diğer dijital içeriklerin stratejik bir şekilde optimize edilmesi ile ilgili bir kavramdır. Türkçe karşılığı "arama motoru optimizasyonu" olan SEO, web sitelerinin arama motoru sonuçlarında daha üst sıralarda yer alabilmesi için yapılan bir uygulamadır. SEO'nun en temel amacı web sitesinin trafiğini artırmaktır. SEO ne işe yarar?SEO, web sitelerinin görünürlüğünü artırarak daha geniş bir kitleye ulaşmasını sağlar. Bu kavramdan yararlanarak, bir işletme veya kişi kendi fikirlerini yaymak veya kar amacı gütmeyen bir sivil toplum kuruluşunun sesini daha geniş kitlelere ulaştırmak gibi hedeflerine ulaşabilir. SEO nasıl yapılır?SEO genellikle profesyonel SEO uzmanları tarafından yapılır. Site içi ve site dışı SEO olmak üzere iki farklı kriter üzerinde durulur. Site içi SEO çalışmaları, anahtar kelimeler, içerik kalitesi, URL yapısı, web sitesi hızı, başlıklar ve meta etiketler, web sitesi teması, görsel optimizasyonu gibi konuları içerirken, site dışı SEO çalışmaları, e-posta tanıtımları, backlinkler, sosyal medya yönetimi, dijital pazarlama faaliyetleri gibi konuları içerir. SEO'nun getirileri nelerdir?SEO, web sitelerinin daha geniş bir kitleye ulaşmasını sağlayarak işletmelerin trafiğini artırır. SEO danışmanlığı ile alınan hizmetler, uzun vadeli getiriler sağlayabilir ve işletmelerin çevrimiçi varlıklarını güçlendirebilir. Bunun yanı sıra SEO, işletmelerin web sitelerinin kullanıcı deneyimini artırmalarına yardımcı olur ve müşterilerin web sitesinde daha uzun süre kalmasını sağlar. https://makaleajans.com/google-harita-kaydi-nasil-yapilir Read the full article
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mizemediaagency · 1 year
Üretken Yapay Zeka Reklam Araçları, VR Dünyası Yaratımı İçin Bilgi İstemleri Geliyor
Üretken Yapay Zeka Reklam Araçları, VR Dünyası Yaratımı İçin Bilgi İstemleri Geliyor
Üretken yapay zeka hızla gelişiyor ve her teknik gelişmede olduğu gibi Meta, kendi yapay zeka araçlarıyla birlikte harekete geçmeye çalışıyor, metaverse’ye olan ilgi azaldıkça şirket için artık daha büyük bir odak noktası haline geliyor.
Demek istediğim, bu zaten büyük bir trend olmadı çünkü metaverse, Zuck and Co. tasavvur etmek, bu aşamada herhangi bir işlevsel biçimde mevcut değildir. Ancak, şirketin artık en azından kamuoyunda VR dünyası hakkındaki tartışmasını azalttığı ve çevrimiçi ortamda alaka düzeyini korumanın bir yolu olarak diğer trend projelere baktığı görülüyor.
Bu da üretken yapay zekaya yol açar ve bugün Meta, bu yılın ikinci yarısında reklamverenlerin promosyonlarını uygulamalarında farklı kitleler için özelleştirmeleri için ek yollar sağlayacak yeni üretken yapay zeka reklam oluşturma seçeneklerini kullanıma sunmak istediğini açıkladı.
Meta’nın Baş Teknoloji Sorumlusu Andrew Bosworth, Nikkei Asia ile yaptığı bir röportajda şirketin yapay zeka araçlarıyla devam eden çalışmalarını ve şimdi bunları nasıl farklı unsurlara dönüştürmeyi planladığını tartıştığı bir röportajda planları açıkladı.
Bosworth için As:
“Bazılarını görmeye başlayacağımızı umuyorum [generative AI ads] bu yıl. Birkaç ay önce yeni bir ekip oluşturduk, üretken yapay zeka ekibi; Onlar çok meşguller.”
Bu, gerçekten, büyük bir vahiy değil.
Şubat ayında Meta, otomatik Advantage+ reklam paketine gelen en son güncellemelerden bazılarının ön izlemesini yaptı. Advantage+ yaratıcı standart geliştirmeleriBİR Her kampanyanın performansını iyileştirmek için parlaklığı, en boy oranlarını ve metin yerleşimini ayarlamak gibi reklam geliştirmelerini otomatik olarak uygulayacak yapay zeka tabanlı süreç.
Meta tarafından açıklanan Ace:
“Standart geliştirmelere sahip bir reklam oluşturduğunuzda, tek bir resim veya video ve çeşitli metin seçenekleri ekleyebilirsiniz. Farklı metin kombinasyonları, medya geliştirmeleri ve kompozisyon değişiklikleri ile reklamınızın varyasyonlarını otomatik olarak oluşturacağız. Her kişiye yanıt verme olasılıklarının daha yüksek olduğu varyasyonu göstereceğiz.“
Meta ayrıca kısa bir süre önce video analiz sistemi için patent başvurusunda bulundu. video kliplerin viralliğini tahmin etmek yaratıcı öğeleriniz hakkında size tavsiyelerde bulunmak için.
Yani Meta bir süredir reklamlar için yapay zeka araçları geliştiriyor, ancak sürecin bir sonraki yinelemesinde Meta’nın üretken yapay zeka aracılığıyla tam yaratıcı kapasite sağladığını göreceksiniz; Meta’nın sisteminin kitle hedefleme dahil tüm kampanyayı sizin için oluşturmasını sağlayın.
Gerçekten de Bosworth, yakında reklamverenlerin Meta’nın reklam sisteminden kampanyalar için resimler oluşturmasını isteyebileceklerini açıkladı. tüm ağır işleri yapmak için Meta’nın sistemlerine daha fazla güvenerek, farklı izleyicilerle uyumlu.
Bu biraz riskli gelebilir, ancak sistemler belirli kitleler arasında neyin en çok tepkiyi oluşturduğunu analiz edip buna uygun kampanya öğeleri oluşturabilirse, Meta’nın Advantage+ paketi ile bu, giderek daha etkili bir değerlendirme olabilir.
Ve Meta’nın otomatikleştirilmiş kampanyaları şimdiden iyi tepkiler alıyor. Meta, kullanan reklamverenlerin Advantage+ alışveriş kampanyaları, reklam harcamalarından elde edilen gelirde %32’lik bir artış elde ederken, diğer otomatikleştirilmiş öğeler benzer, çift haneli performans artışları sağladı.
Daha alakalı reklamlar oluşturmak için basitleştirilmiş araçlar sağlayarak, daha olumlu bir kullanıcı ve reklamveren deneyimine yol açarak reklamcılığın geleceği olabilir.
Üretken yapay zeka, şimdilik meta evrenin yerini alarak Meta için daha fazla odak noktası haline gelirken, aynı zamanda aynısını VR dünyasında nasıl kullanabileceğine bakıyor.
Bosworth ayrıca, gelecekte meta veri deposu alanında oluşturmak isteyen kişilerin bunu yalnızca yapay zeka istemlerini kullanarak yapabileceklerini belirtiyor.
“Öyleyse daha önce, bir 3D dünya yaratmak istiyorsam, çok fazla bilgisayar grafiği ve programlama öğrenmem gerekiyordu. Gelecekte, yaratmak istediğiniz dünyayı sadece tanımlayabilir ve büyük dil modelinin bunu üretmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. dünya sizin için. Ve böylece içerik oluşturma gibi şeyleri daha fazla insan için çok daha erişilebilir hale getiriyor.”
Yine, meta veri havuzu henüz işlevsel bir şey değil (bazı abartıcıların size söylemek istediklerine rağmen), ancak Meta onu gerçeğe dönüştürmek için hala önemli kaynaklar harcıyor.
Ve bir gün, yalnızca metin veya ses girişleriyle VR dünyasının yaratılmasını kolaylaştırabilir.
Bu cephedeki olasılıklar önemli ve metaverse kavramı henüz yakalanmamış olsa da, bunun gibi gelişmeler neden Zuck ve Co’ya karşı bahse girmeyeceğimin altını çiziyor. bu cephede
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heroheart · 2 years
@wristful​ / lena.
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supergirl - kara, she reminds herself harshly, whip quick and burning like a lash across her skin, as it always does - pokes at lena's very delicate and very detailed and very difficult to build kryptonite extractor with a bulky, idiotic finger, gormless expression in place and lena seethes.
"no. not like ghostbusters."   she rounds the pack with a scowl and brisk strut.  "because ghostbusters is a movie and fictional and nobody sweats it out in a robotics lab trying to combine biological signatures with physical meta-metals from other planets. because it's not real."
(she pretends not to notice alex mouthing yikes at kara or the face nia makes.)
okay, so... not like ghostbusters. lena’s made that pretty clear. the hair threatens to carve a straight line across her cheek, and she’s so close that kara can almost feel the rage simmering beneath her skin. sheesh, tough crowd.
“right. sorry. not... not like ghostbusters then.”     but it is... like ghostbusters, right? (she almost wants to say that to alex, but holds her breath anyway. no use poking a bear that’s already starting to bare its teeth.)
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            “either way, it’s... cool.”    cool. in the face of scientific genius and totally unprecedented skill, all kara da.nvers can eke out is a cool and a heavy breath. very smooth. nothing to see here, kids.
         “thank you. lena. i mean it, this is — wow, this is incredible.”
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largetechs · 20 days
Malware-as-a-Service: Büyüyen Bir Tehdit
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Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS), siber güvenlik alanında önemli bir tehdit olarak ortaya çıkmış, teknik bilgisi sınırlı kişilerin bile gelişmiş siber saldırılar düzenlemesine olanak tanımaktadır. Bu model, meşru Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platformlarına benzer şekilde çalışmakta, siber suçlulara karanlık ağda önceden paketlenmiş kötü amaçlı yazılım çözümleri satın alma veya kiralama imkanı sunmaktadır.
MaaS'a Genel Bakış
MaaS, siber suçluların fidye yazılımları, bilgi çalıcılar, yükleyiciler, arka kapılar ve botnetler dahil çeşitli türde kötü amaçlı yazılımlara erişmesine olanak tanır. MaaS ekosistemi tipik olarak üç ana gruptan oluşur: - Geliştiriciler: Kötü amaçlı yazılımları oluşturan ve güncel tutan bireylerdir. - Güvenlik Açığı Bulanlar: Bilgisayar sistemlerindeki zayıflıkları kötü amaçlı yazılım enjeksiyonunu kolaylaştırmak için tespit ederler. - Yöneticiler: Hizmetin sorunsuz işleyişini sağlar ve fidye ödemelerinden elde edilen karın dağıtımını yönetir, sıklıkla fidye yazılımı vakalarında komisyon alır.
Sunulan Kötü Amaçlı Yazılım Türleri
MaaS modeli altında dağıtılan en yaygın kötü amaçlı yazılım türleri şunlardır: - Fidye Yazılımları: Kullanıcı verilerini şifreler ve şifre çözümü için ödeme talep eder. - Bilgi Çalıcılar: Enfekte olan sistemlerden hassas bilgileri toplar. - Yükleyiciler: Kurban cihazına ek kötü amaçlı yazılımlar indirir. - Arka Kapılar: Saldırganlara enfekte sistemi uzaktan kontrol etme imkanı sağlar.
Erişilebilirlik ve Etki
MaaS'ın yükselişi, siber suçlar için giriş engelini düşürerek, kapsamlı teknik bilgiye sahip olmayan kişilerin bile karmaşık planlar yürütmesini mümkün kılmıştır. Siber suçluluğun bu demokratikleşmesi, yeni başlayan korsanların bile minimum çaba ile karmaşık planlar yürütebilmesi nedeniyle çeşitli sektörlerdeki saldırılarda artışa yol açmıştır. İnternet ortamının sağladığı anonimlik ve kâr potansiyeli, bu yeraltı pazarına yeni katılımcıları çekmeye devam etmektedir.
Eğilimler ve Güvenlik Zorlukları
MaaS modeli evrim geçirmekte, yeni kötü amaçlı yazılım varyantları sürekli olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Örneğin, son raporlar RedLine stealer kötü amaçlı yazılımının oldukça popüler hale geldiğini, dolaşımdaki bilgi çalıcıların önemli bir bölümünü oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca META stealer gibi yeni varyantların tanıtılması, MaaS peyzajındaki devam eden yeniliği vurgulamaktadır.Siber suçlular MaaS'ı kullanırken, geleneksel siber güvenlik savunmaları artan zorluklarla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Siber suçluluğun metalaşması, kolayca erişilebilir kötü amaçlı yazılımların yaygınlaşması nedeniyle, kolluk kuvvetleri ve siber güvenlik profesyonelleri için izleme ve atıflandırma çabalarını karmaşıklaştırmaktadır.
MaaS, yalnızca siber saldırı hacmini artırmakla kalmayıp, siber güvenlik peyzajının karmaşıklığını da artıran büyüyen bir tehdidi temsil etmektedir. Kuruluşlar, MaaS'ın sağladığı erişilebilirlik ve kötü amaçlı yazılımların evrimsel doğası nedeniyle devam eden risklere karşı tetikte olmalı ve savunma stratejilerinde proaktif olmalıdır. Read the full article
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techvandaag · 30 days
Meta en Spotify stellen dat 'complexe' AI-wetgeving van EU groei belemmert
Meta-ceo Mark Zuckerberg en Spotify-ceo Daniel Ek hebben een gezamenlijke verklaring gedeeld waarin ze de Europese regels over opensource-AI-modellen bekritiseren. Ze stellen dat de wetgeving onduidelijk is en dat groei en innovatie daardoor belemmerd worden. http://dlvr.it/TCMPyG
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leontiucmarius · 1 month
Mark Zuckerberg sare la atac împotriva UE. El reclamă că noile reglementări întârzie dezvoltarea companiilor de tehnologie
Mark Zuckerberg și Daniel Ek critică vehement Legea europeană privind Inteligența Artificială. Miliardarii din SUA și, respectiv, Suedia, spun că Europa ar trebui să îmbrățișeze tehnologia de Inteligență Artificială open-source. Lui Meta i s-a spus să amâne antrenarea modelelor sale de Inteligență Artificială folosind conținutul distribuit public de adulți pe Facebook și Instagram. Fondatorii și…
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philosophys-world · 2 months
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What meta said aout one sided love and what Parvin Shakir think "ek lamhe kī tavajjoh nahīñ hāsil us kī
aur ye dil ki use had se sivā chāhtā hai.
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