#el hoyo Netflix
13replik · 2 years
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netflix film sözleri
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tengomilpalabrasparati · 11 months
Cumpleaños 🎂
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¡Feliz cumpleaños! Daniel Brühl cumple hoy 45 años
Políglota, cercano, sobrio y europeo. Muy europeo. A esos rasgos que han marcado su carrera como actor hay que añadir su magnífica habilidad para transitar tan airoso por el cine independiente como por las superproducciones. Daniel Brühl cuenta con una de las carreras más suculentas dentro de los actores de su generación: en su currículum hay biopics, cine comprometido, blockbusters, cintas arriesgadas… Y hablando alemán, castellano, catalán, inglés o francés con sus compañeros de reparto en algunas de las mejores películas de superhéroes.
Si hay un punto de referencia en la carrera de este actor, es sin duda el de 'Good bye, Lenin'.
Esta película le otorgó la fama mundial dada la relevancia que alcanzó la película estrenada en 2003. Nominación a mejor película de habla no inglesa en los BAFTA, a los Globos de Oro, 6 premios del Cine Europeo, etc.
A aquel joven actor veinteañero ni se le pasaba por la cabeza que en pocos años estaría trabajando en una de las películas de Quentin Tarantino, concretamente en aquella producción tan multicultural y más europea de todas: 'Malditos bastardos'. Junto a Brad Pitt
El hecho de manejarse en varios idiomas le ha ayudado a trabajar en producciones de distintos países. De ahí que haya estado en producciones más limitadas, hasta llegar a entrar en las películas del Universo cinematográfico de Marvel.
El actor, de padre alemán y madre catalana, ha compaginado desde bien pronto las producciones de fuera con las de aquí. Unos años antes de su incursión en el cine tarantiniano, protagonizó 'Salvador (Puig Antich)', papel que le otorgó su primera nominación a los Premios Goya. Después han aparecido en algunas de las mejores películas españolas del siglo XXI: 'The Pelayos', 'Eva', y el que estrenará en 2023, 'La contadora de películas', una coproducción hecha entre España, Chile y Francia dirigida por Lone Scherfig ('An education', 'Italiano para principiantes', 'One day') y en la que Brühl estará en el reparto que incluye nombres como Bérénice Bejo o Antonio de la Torre entre otros.
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'Rush', la cinta que retrataba la adversidad entre Niki Lauda y James Hunt, protagonizada junto a Chris Hemsworth. Howard mostró la rivalidad entre las dos figuras de la Fórmula 1. Brühl hasta perfeccionó el acento austriaco para ser el famoso piloto de automovilismo.
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'Capitán América: Civil War' no sólo es la entrada al género de cómic para el actor. También hace su primer villano oficial en el cine. Los Russo contaron con el actor, dado su acento alemán, para ser Helmut Zemo, un coronel sokoviano vuelto terrorista que está obsesionado con derrotar a los Vengadores. El actor ha repetido el personaje en la serie disponible en Disney+ 'Falcon y el Soldado de Invierno'.
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La serie sobre crímenes de un asesino en serie en el S. XIX junto a Luke Evans y Dakota Fanning tuvo mejor acogida. La producción de Netflix se ambientaba en el Nueva York de finales del siglo XIX. Un periodista especializado en crímenes, John Moore (Evans), se unía al psicólogo Dr. Laszlo Kreizler (Brühl) para investigar los crímenes de un asesino en serie que mata a prostitutas. A ellos se les unirá Sara Howard, una impetuosa secretaria de la Policía.
En 2023 se estrenará 'La contadora de películas', película protagonizada por Bérénice Bejo y Antonio de la Torre. Basada en la novela de Hernán Rivera Letelier, retratando al Chile de los años 60, un homenaje al cine pero sobre todo al arte de narrar historias. También tiene otros proyectos en marcha, como el que dirige Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia ('El hoyo'), que contará con Brühl, Rosamund Pike y Macaulay Culkin para su nueva historia, 'Rich flu'.
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Brühl, que como muchos otros actores mantiene su vida privada fuera del foco mediático. Sale desde 2010 con Felicitas Rombold. Fueron papás de un niño en diciembre de 2016.
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noahnakamura03 · 1 year
Hola! Mi nombre es Alondra pero me agrada más que me llame Alo o Noa (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) soy de México B.C.S y tengo 20 años. Mis pronombres son Ella/Él/Elle (no tengo preferencia por ningún así que pueden usar el que gusten y no me molesta eso).
Este blog fue hecho sobre todo para mostrar mi arte, mi vida cotidiana cómo es (sin montajes, simplemente seré yo), moda, libros, bullet journal, mis oufits y música; también puede que en algún momento hable de mis sagas favoritas, películas, series; como heartstopper, Teen wolf, Está bien no estar bien, Gray's Anatomy y más.
1• Soy fan de Twenty one pilots |-/ y mis álbums(?) favoritos son Vesel y Blurryface también escucho mucho a Seafret.
2• No soy él mejor dibujando pero es algo que me gusta mucho hacer.
3• Un día dije que quería aprender a dibujar como Dani hoyos xD y lit me puse a ello, eso fue hace 6 años así que sólo se dibujar mandalas y flores jsjs.
4• Me la paso todo el tiempo en Youtube, Netflix o Star+ xD sobretodo en Youtube últimamente viendo a Reah una Youtuber y streamer Española.
5• Soy Pansexual y Género fluido/identidad fluida (cómo le llamen) si es algo que les interesa saber.
6• Soy una persona con trastornos del espectro autista por si también les interesa eso xd (supongo que en el blog también hablaré de ese tema)
7• Amo los dinosaurios y peluches suaves.
8• Siempre uso mis audífonos
9• Mi sueño frustrado es ser modelo o que usen mi aspecto físico para algún vídeojuego jsjsjs xd
10• Nada, sólo quería llegar al número díez jsjsjs xd, eso es todo, adiós (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Instagram: @alo._.2002_
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Y pues una fotito mía, nomás porque sí xd sjjsjs
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graminhani · 2 months
El Hoyo (Espanha, 2019): 😀 [2020]
O filme Netflix do momento faz você pensar sobre as agruras da sociedade. O que mais assusta é que, mesmo aqui fora onde não há apenas criminosos, também não se conseguiu até hoje fazer chegar comida até o fim do poço. Seria ele muito profundo?
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moinelo · 3 months
Fue la película española más vista en Netflix y tiene secuela: El 'thriller' de ciencia ficción más esperado se estrena este año
Este año vuelve ‘El Hoyo’ from Al final de la Eternidad https://ift.tt/IyXdk2j via IFTTT
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karenarella22 · 8 months
Capítulo 10
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La puerta del baúl se cerró sobre su cabeza dejándola ceñida en una completa oscuridad, más allá del motor del auto que era encendido en ese momento, podía oír el sonido de su corazón galopando a mil por hora dentro de su caja torácica, la adrenalina bombeando por sus venas abriendo paso a una nueva energía que no tenía hasta el momento.
Por más odioso que ese momento fuera, estaba tranquila e incluso un poco contenta, no por ser secuestrada, sino que por que aquello le resultaba una confirmación de que iba por el camino correcto dentro de su investigación y se encontraba más cerca de resolver el porqué de aquel horroroso día que no puede quitarse de la mente.
El auto comenzó a moverse con lentitud dentro del complejo, se quitó el pañuelo de la boca escupiendo sobre el pequeño espacio, no sabía que fármaco era el que estaba en aquel pañuelo pero la amargura que le dejaba en la boca poco a poco iba haciendo efecto en su sistema.
Aeryne sabía que tenía que salir de allí lo más pronto posible o las cosas no terminarían bien ya que una vez que pasara la barrera de seguridad a la salida del complejo y estaría perdida sin saber a donde la estaban llevando. Tanteó el tapizado del baúl tratando de sentir algo que pudiera ayudarla a cortar con las ataduras que le rozaban las muñecas comenzando a quemar el área. Sabía que tenía poco menos de 1 minuto para que el auto llegara a la salida del estacionamiento, si es que no había tráfico dentro del mismo eso podría hacer que tardara un poco más, pero en horario de temprana la mañana como aquel realmente estaba bastante deshabitado.
Comenzó la cuenta regresiva en su cabeza.
60, 59, 58, 57….
Arañó el costado derecho del mismo luego de encontrar un hoyo en el tapizado, con el poco rango de movimiento que le daba el espacio, tiro de la tela lo más fuerte que pudo rasgando gran parte de del forro del maletero y se tomó su tiempo buscando con las manos, no podía confiar en sus ojos cuando casi no veía nada.
Le tomó casi cuarenta segundos despegar el borde completo de la carcasa de hierro de la que estaba hecha el auto mientras sentía la sangre escurrirse sus dedos, la alfombra estaba tan pegada que se rompió las uñas quitándola del lugar, pero  incluso eso no la detuvo, la adrenalina le ayudó a seguir adelante. Cuando quitó al fin la tela que parecía cuero vio algo que podía ayudarla a salir de allí con vida, una pequeña abertura dejaba entrar la luz iluminando un poco el interior del carro  y sintió alivio del aire fresco de otoño golpear su rostro.
10, 9, 8, 7…
El auto se detuvo en el peaje de salida, donde el detective entrego su identificación para ser anotado como cualquier otro oficial de salida.
-Buenos Días oficial- el chico sonrió cansado, según los movimientos que Jason estudió durante semanas, el oficial Jake Bunsen debería estar cursando sus últimas horas de trabajo como oficial a cargo del ingreso y egreso del personal en el garaje cosa que se notaba por sus pronunciadas ojeras.-¿Noche agitada?- espero con impaciencia que le devolviera sus credenciales.
-Un poco señor- tecleó unas cosas en la pantalla. El ruido incesante de unos golpes le llamó la atención, giró la mirada de un lado al otro e imaginó que aquellos ruidos venían de la película que estaba viendo por Netflix en el computador.
Formó un puño con las dos manos y golpeó el vidrio que cubría en parte la abertura por la que entraba luz. Sacó una mano moviéndola en el aire, sabía que todavía no había salido de la estación, solo tenía que llamar la atención de alguien lo suficiente como para que detuviera el auto.
-¡Ayuda! Por favor que alguien me ayude, el detective Johnson me tiene secuestrada, ¡ayuda!- pateaba desesperada el techo del incomodo baúl.
El oficial Bunsen había oído los gritos claramente pero estaba tan nervioso que no sabía cómo reaccionar, tenía sueño y hambre, no una muy buena combinación cuando tienes que pensar con claridad y rapidez. Le tendió una ficha y una lapicera al detective, decidió que lo mejor que podía hacer en ese momento era demorarlo lo suficiente para que llegara la verdadera ayuda que él no podría brindar a quien quiera que estuviera allí. Fingió tipiar distraído mientras miraba la computadora “concentrado” en su trabajo, en tanto, enviaba una alerta de seguridad general a las computadoras principales de la comisaria. Recibió los papeles firmados por el detective y los dejó a un lado llevando las manos al cinturón que reposaba sobre sus caderas.
-Mis credenciales oficiales…- la voz del ahora secuestrador se tornó cada vez más desafiante. La doble barrera no se levantó e inmediatamente Jason supo que lo habían descubierto. Pudo escuchar a lo lejos el grito de Aeryne a lo lejos, pero supo mantener la postura al menos por un tiempo.
Pudo llegar a percibir una patrulla estacionar del otro lado de la calle, estaba atrapado.
-Detective, le voy a pedir que apague el motor del auto y deje las manos sobre el volante donde pueda verlas- Vio como el novato desenfundaba el arma en tanto salía de la cabina dirigiéndose junto al auto. Empuño el arma 9 milímetros apuntando directo a los miembros superiores, no tenía en mente matar a su colega aunque fuera un maniático que tenía a alguien encerrado en el maletero de su auto.
-Sabe que eso no va a suceder oficial…- miró al frente sosteniendo el volante con las dos manos, sopesaba las opciones que tenía, las cuales no eran muchas. Pronto logró entender que no saldría de aquel lugar con Aeryne, no vivo al menos, por lo que tomó la decisión más sensata que pudo obtener dentro de su intrincado cerebro. Si no salía de allí ella tampoco lo haría.
Con unos pocos movimientos logró dar marcha atrás estrellando el baúl del auto contra la camioneta de traslado que se encontraba esperando en la fila detrás de él para poder salir.
Aeryne Wolf se encontraba adolorida por el primer impacto, sin saber lo que sucedía no logró cubrirse a tiempo y dando un cabezazo de frente al borde del maletero. La sangre ahora también corría por su rostro. El latigazo del segundo golpe llegó demasiado tarde para siquiera notarlo, no sabía como pero parte del maletero se había desprendido y tenía la pierna cruzada por una barra metálica de un lado al otro.
Un grito desgarrador se oyó desde el maletero por lo que el oficial Bunsen decidió hacer lo más sensato y dio la voz de alto para luego abrir fuego contra las llantas del carro el cual pudo detener antes de que diera el tercer golpe al auto de traslado a sus espaldas.
Maurice Williams llegaba al estacionamiento en el momento que retumbaban  los disparos de arma de fuego en el lugar. Corrió pendiente abajo acercándose a la escena esperando ver a la chica.
-Salga con las manos en alto ¡Ahora!-Bunsen gritaba al que luego de esto sin dudas se convertiría en ex detective, este rogó que estuviera muerta, no podía dejar evidencia de aquel delito. Bajo perezoso del auto con las manos en alto, lo despojaron de arma reglamentaria y su placa mientras él se dejaba ser sin oponer resistencia.
Maurice se acercó a la cajuela sin escuchar movimiento alguno, por lo poco que pudo apreciar de las imágenes que recibió en su computador su oficial subalterna se encontraba en grave peligro, pero aún con vida antes de los impactos. Pudo observar por un momento el estado del maletero sintiendo que lo peor se materializaba frente a sus ojos. Llenó el espacio entre los dos autos y con una palanca que un compañero detective le acercó pudo abrir aquel cajón de muerte.
La chica apenas podía mantener los ojos abiertos luego del segundo golpe, el dolor en su pierna izquierda se había dispersado al punto en que la extremidad parecía haber desaparecido del espacio. Las lágrimas ya no bajaban de su mejilla pero seguro que habían manchado cada centímetro de su piel detonado lo tanto desesperante que había sido esa experiencia para la pobre.
Sintió las caricias de una mano callosa sobre su cabello.
-Ya casi termina Aeryne, ya casi...-
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biscuitdoeshorror · 1 year
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The Platform/El hoyo (2019) - Directed by: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia "In the future, prisoners housed in vertical cells watch as inmates in the upper cells are fed while those below starve." The message of this film is that, if each person took just enough to get by and survive, there would be plenty for everyone. But selfishness often blinds people. This film is set in a vertical prison, with 333 floors measuring at about 2,000 meters (or 6,660 feet). There is a huge social commentary aspect to this movie, specifically about greed and wealth classes, to an extent. People on the higher floors get fancier food, they are allowed to eat as much as they want, as well as they want, bu when the platform goes down, each floor is left with less and less food, sometimes scraps and sometimes the selfish higher-level prisoners defecate or urinate on the platform, leaving a lot of the food inedible. Another key aspect to this film is shown when the main character 'Goreng' tries to take an apple for later as he wasn't hungry at the moment. This is a bad decision as any food kept on your current floor results in the overlords either raising or lowering the temperature of the room to a fatal level until the food is returned. Goreng decided to enter the program by choice, for six months in order to quit smoking, and to receive a diploma as everyone who finishes the trial does. Each person is allowed to bring one personal item. Goreng brings a book, and his cellmate Trimagasi brings an "As seen on TV" knife that "never gets dull." I would suggest watching this in its original language, European Spanish. The English dub is quite terrible and removes a lot of important dialogue and removes a lot of the emotion behind the film. It's on Netflix, give it a shot. 9/10
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coversbeat · 1 year
Alejandro de Hoyos forma parte de “El secreto de la familia Greco”
El actor es parte de este avasallador thriller que estrena hoy por Netflix, sobre una familia dedicada a secuestrar gente ricaAlejandro de Hoyos también participa en uno de los episodios de la nueva versión de “Mujeres asesinas”CDMX, noviembre, 2022.- Alejandro de Hoyos está de estreno por partida doble. El actor participa en dos de las series de suspenso más esperadas y novedosas de la…
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almomentoqueretaro · 2 years
La estafadora de Tinder; enamoraba empresarios y luego les robaba
La estafadora de Tinder; enamoraba empresarios y luego les robaba
Redes.-Consuelo Estrella Rivero Hoyos, una mujer con nacionalidad boliviana, es acusada en Perú de usar la aplicación de citas Tinder para estafar a varios hombres. Rivero Hoyos, usaba el mismo método de engaño de Simon Leviev, el «estafador de Tinder», criminal que se hizo famoso gracias al documental “The Tinder Swindler”, producido por la plataforma Netflix.
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giorgiastastes · 4 years
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El hoyo (2019)
"The message needs no carrier" (spoiler: it actually does)
"There are 3 kinds of people; the ones above, the ones below, and the ones who fall. "
I've just watched this small masterpieces and here's my own interpretation.
Obviously the whole movie is a big metaphor. Both an analogy about our society and one about the Afterlife are present.
First of all, in my view, the place they're kept into is like a Purgatory between heaven and hell. The protagonist entered there voluntary because after the six months trial he would have expiated his sins and would finally be ready to enter Heaven. The old man is an accidental killer, therefore he doesn't deserve Hell, but definitely can't go into Heaven either, and his punishment is longer than Goreng's because he did in fact end a life.
Also Goreng is referenced multiples times as the Messiah, and his travel towards this purge tower is quite similar to Dante's one.
Each prisoner wakes up the first day of the month in a different position, which represents our birth. Some are born in better environments, families and countries and all of it is just luck, fate.
Then, since everyone knows that each of higher floors will likely take advantage of their position, our selfishness takes the best of us.
The higher floors know that the lower ones will literally eat their leftovers, while the ones under know that they better take as much as they can, otherwise they won't be able to survive. There's no altruism or generosity in the society.
You're placed high, you sh*t on who's below. You're below, you dream to reach above.
Each of the characters represents something.
The first roommate, the old man, is someone who's very aware of their surrounding, who's tired of fighting and knows very well how the world works because he's been in a better as much as a worse situation.
The lady coming from the Administration is a middle class representative, trying to change the world but also completely unaware of what's happening right under her nose.
The fact that she keeps on saying that a baby cannot be there and there are 200 floors is just further proof that we blindly lie to ourselves that things can't be that bad, that the world isn't that evil and the rules are respect, being delusional of course, to help us sleep at night. That's why when she hits lower than what she was told was possible, she killed herself.
She's also a vegetarian, with a big love for animals. She obviously represents both an activist that is trying to tell others that they shouldn't eat more than they need, because that means that who's lower won't have anything left, which is such a big innuendo to climate change, but at the same time she's also a privileged person who's never been lower than a certain point and thinks that anyone can easily "just eat less" without caring about other's issues (it reminded me of some vegans who cannot accept that veganism is not accessible or sustainable for the majority of the would population)
The last roommate, the one with the rope represents a religious person, who endures the hardship without giving up because of his faith.
Another pragmatic sequence in my opinion was the one where the two, while descending the tower, met an ill man with a companion with the Down Syndrome (I'm sorry if I'm sounding insensitive is just that I don't know how else to better describe the scene to make it recognizable to you) who said that he will proceed to suffocate his cellmate to also eat what went into his stomach even while being no more hungry himself, I mean, can you better descrive greed than this sentence?
Now, coming to the final scene, which left many of the viewers disappoint or confused, here's my idea.
The deranged girl who claims to have a daughter is definitely crazy, but not completely gone. I do believe there is a baby there, and the Administration is probability unaware of that because there's someone higher than them, and they're being lied to, also. But I don't think the protagonist actually saw the little girl.
I think that he reached such a place of histeria that he convinced himself that the baby was alive, hallucinating, to have a last strand of hope as he was dying. Notice how the baby is perfectly clean and well nourished, that would be impossible. The little girl is long gone and dead God knows in which floor but he convinced himself that he saw her as a way of also hoping that some kind of humanity is still left, that they wouldn't kill and eat an innocent and innocuous creature. But that's not the case.
Notice how he reaches the 333th floor and then walks like he doesn't even have a scar. Now multiply that number for each room residents, which are two. He's dead and has now reached Hell. There he finds his first roommate who's also in Hell since they both damned themselves letting their selfishness take over. The lady is obviously absent, since she never hurt a thing or specifically ate someone's flesh.
The baby was all part of his imagination and she doesn't reach the 0 level, simply because she was never there in the first place.
The girl could have been the message if she reached the top, since it would have proven how flawed the system is, but she never will. Some people claimed that it is not possible to reach the top because of how fast the platform goes, that it will just crash on the ceiling. I do not agree. There's no point in letting the platform crash each time so it will probably slow down enough to reach level 0, in facts we don't even know how tall level 1 is.
Someone also claimed that it's impossible that no one else ever reached the top through this method, which means to go all the way down to then come back up. First of all, it could have happened and that person could have been sent back down, but what I find most reasonable is that no one knows how deep the hole is, probably up to hell, and no one is brave enough to do it because no matter how bad your situation is, you're still afraid of having it worse. It's a suicidal mission which led to crazyness and then death even our brave characters.
Another reference I've loved is when it's mentioned that usually the poorest kill each other's to survive, while the richest have the highest rate of suicide. Why is that? Easy, they have nothing to endure, to live for, they have everything, they're not longing for the hope of food plus there's frightening in knowing that the next month it can only worsen.
So now the question remains: What is the ending then if the baby doesn't reach the top? The finale guys was right in front of our eyes, around the middle of the movie. Remember when the chef complains to other cooks about the hair in the pannacotta? That's the real ending: the pannacotta reaches the top (further proof that the platform won't crash) as the message but instead of being interpreted as a statement of insurrection, the level 0 workers believe it was sent back because there was a hair in there. This is the ultimate slap in the face, the final proof that those people are so out of touch, so blind towards what's happening downstairs that they think that was the issue, the hair in the pannacotta, without realizing that people are literally eating each others down there.
So, there was actually a satisfying finale which gave us answers, it's just that the finale was not at the end as usual.
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annefraid · 4 years
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The Platform/El Hoyo dir. Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
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karivem · 3 years
Favorite TV Shows & Movies I watched in 2020
In chronological order, divided by month.
Anne with an E Season 3
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What a beautiful season! I loved Anne’s character growth and her relationship with Matthew and Marilla. This season had so many interesting storylines and compelling characters. I always love the life lessons and women empowerment this show presents. The romantic aspects of the season and the kiss in that last episode were perfect.
Parasite (2019)
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This is a masterpiece. I watched it with my family on cinemas and we all loved it. The acting was great, there was a perfect combination of comedy and drama and the ending was amazing; it was depressing yet very realistic that it hurt my soul.
Ragnarok Season 1
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Never thought I’d like a show about Thor, but this take on norse mythology was amazing to watch. I loved the protagonist and the setting of the show. This is a Norwegian fantasy show and all the actors are very talented. The characters (although weird) were very unique and the ending left me so excited for season 2.
Altered Carbon Season 1
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This is not only a show, is an experience. The cast, the setting, the plot and the relationships are fantastic. It has many action scenes I enjoyed, it has mystery and a great protagonist. The world building is so rich and interesting. I love Joel Kinnaman and Martha Higareda, they did an amazing acting job and their chemistry was wonderful. Everything about s1 was so great but, don’t watch s2, it is terrible. You can just watch season 1 as a mini series and be happy.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
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This movie broke my heart but also made me laugh so hard. I love the characters and the actors. The soundtrack was brilliant and the development of the story was so well done. It has many remarkable moments and quotes I loved. I never thought I’d like a movie about the second world war this much but I did. This movie deserves so much more recognition because it is fantastic, one of my all time favorites.
Elite Season 3
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Not the best season of the show but it was great. It was one of my most anticipated season premieres and I binge-watched it like crazy. I love the characters and the relationships, I’m so invested in all the stories and the vibe of this show. The new characters were the weakest part of the season but overall there were many amazing moments I loved. Even Kevin McHale made a cameo!! Can’t wait for season 4.
The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy (2005 - 2010)
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I watched these movies after reading the book series and I feel in love with the characters. I love the Pevensies so much, Edmund is my favorite but I love them all. The lion the witch and the wardrobe is my favorite movie out of the 3 but they all are great movies in my opinion. Caspian is also a fantastic character. The magic and the meaning of the stories are amazing and timeless.
The hunger games saga (2012 - 2015)
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I rewatched this saga with my sister and we loved it. We cried and suffered throughout Mockingjay part 1 & 2 of course. I love this world so much, it is vast, interesting and full of epic moments. Katniss is a queen and Peeta is my beautiful soft boy. I love Finnick, Haymitch, Effie and many other characters. The social commentary of these movies and the rebellion are very impactful aspects the saga achieved.
El hoyo (2019)
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This movie is disturbing in many ways but it is so great. This is a dystopia that talks about the worst aspects of society. It’s hard to see people’s behaviors and attitudes towards each other but you know they are realistic. The movie shows many things you can reflect on. The acting was great, the characters were interesting and the tone was grimm and mysterious.
Outer Banks Season 1
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Teenage drama, summer setting, a hidden treasure and many adventures. The characters are interesting, the cast is gorgeous and the found family relationship of the group is beautiful. This show feels so fresh and exciting, the plot is very fun to follow but it also deals with hard topics like toxic relationships and abusive families.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 (2010) & part 2 (2011)
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I rewatched these movies after reading the book and I fell more in love with the world, with Harry and with the conclusion of the story. I love part 1 a little bit more but both movies have such an epic feeling to me. I love the anticipation for the Battle of Hogwarts and the exciting fighting scenes. The ending always makes me cry, I love it.
The imitation game (2014)
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This movie is so important, everyone should watch it. It is based on true events and Benedict Cumberbatch is amazing in it, his performance was stunning. I loved the protagonist, the story and the side characters. Upon this rewatch I noticed more how everything was remarkable, there were a lot of well written dramatic scenes and the moments near the end broke my heart.
Gotham Season 5
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I love Gotham so much!!! This season was amazing but so short, I needed more. I love Bruce and seeing how he became Batman was an epic experience. I love the heroes, the villains, the dynamics between many characters and the humor of this show. I will miss Gotham and the many great episodes and adventures it gave me. Also, I love Oswald and Nygma together and for me they are married and in love.
Dark Season 1 - 3
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I rewatched the first 2 seasons in preparation for the third one’s premiere and I watched s3 in a day. I was so obsessed. This show is so brilliant, it plays with your mind and it deals with a lot of existential topics. I love it so so much, is one of my favorites forever. Season 2 is my favorite but overall the show has so many great things to offer. It has drama, great characters, shocking plot twists, an ideal amount of romance and the weirdest, most complicated family tree ever.
Star Wars Original trilogy (1977 - 1883)
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I’m surprised I finally watched these movies, and I’m even more surprised I loved them! Luke is a fantastic protagonist, Darth Vader is an epic villain and the world is so immersive. I want to be a Jedi, I want to have adventures around the galaxy. I love Han and Leia’s love story and I love R2, C-3PO and Chewie. 
Star Wars Sequel trilogy (2015 - 2019)
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These movies for me were amazing, well episode 9 not so much but overall the trilogy was great. I love the new characters and all the references to the original trilogy. Episode 7 feels so nostalgic to me even though I watched the whole Star Wars saga this year. I love the character development of practically every single character here and I love the epic feeling of the fight scenes. In my opinion this trilogy is worth watching, you can’t change my mind.
Barbie and the magic of pegasus (2005)
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I’m a sucker for old Barbie movies and this year I made a rewatch marathon with my sister. This one was the one that stayed on my mind for many weeks. I love the magic of the story and the relationship between Annika and Aidan.
The truth about the Harry Quebert affair Season 1
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Amazing actors, intriguing premise and a well written mystery. I love this show and its book so much, this is an awesome book to tv adaptation. The plot is brilliant, the setting is beautiful and the characters are interesting. I love Harry and Marcus’s relationship, I love Nola, I love how the pieces fit together so perfectly and how there are no loose ends. This show is very underrated, it deserves more recognition because it’s fantastic.
The baby-sitters club Season 1
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This show is so cute and funny. I love the cast, they’re perfect for their roles. It has quite a simple premise but it talks about many important topics of today’s society. The aesthetic of the show is so beautiful, is perfect to watch with you family and it has great pop culture references. I love the vibe of the show and I’m so glad it got renewed for a second season!
The umbrella academy Season 2
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I watched this twice and I liked it better the second time around. I still can’t decide which Hargreeves I love the most, they’re all amazing in their own way. This season was great, it had many beautiful moments and great action sequences. It also had baby Pogo. Do yourself a favor: watch it and listen to the soundtrack.
House of Anubis Season 1
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I rewatched one of my favorite shows of my pre-teenage years and I loved season 1 a lot, s2 is not that great and s3 doesn’t exist for me but s1 is perfect. I love the mystery, the boarding school setting, the teen drama and the characters so much. Fabina forever!!!
The truman show (1998)
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This movie is FANTASTIC. It has comedy, drama, romance and sci-fi elements with a concept that makes it an instant classic. This was the first time I watched it and I’m amazed by how brilliant it is and how many references to spirituality and capitalism it has. It has a great villain and a protagonist whose character arc is wonderful to watch. I loved the iconic Truman Burbank quote and the ending was just perfect.
A series of unfortunate events Season 2 & 3 
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Rewatching and old favorite always feels so great. I have no words to describe how much I love this series and the Baudelaire siblings. This show is perfect, it has a hilarious sense of humor I love. I love the drama, the tragedy and the ridiculous schemes Count Olaf plots. It also has music and a cast of actors I adore. Season 1 is also amazing but my favorites are 2 & 3.
Tinker Bell and the great fairy rescue (2010)
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I made a marathon of all the Tinker Bell movies with my sister and this one was a surprise. I never thought I’d like it because my memories of it weren’t particularly good but wow, this movie was so cute and full of heart. Everything you hope to see in a fairies movie is here. It’s entertaining and very magical.
Julie and the Phantoms Season 1
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BEST SHOW EVER! I’ve been screaming my love for jatp everywhere, I even made a video about it. This show came to save my 2020. I love the characters, the cast, the ships, the MUSIC, the plot... Every single thing is amazing. I can’t recommend it enough, please watch it and you will see the great masterpiece Kenny Ortega created.
The rocky horror picture show (1975)
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I rewatched this movie for Halloween and I realised how much I enjoy it. I love it. It is weird and very sexual but it’s brilliant and has awesome songs. The characters are unique and the situations are bizzarre, the plot starts being simple but it ends in full science fiction madness. Now I need to go to a screening of the movie.
Lost Season 4 
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I mention only season 4 because with this rewatch I realized it’s my favorite but ALL SEASONS are part of my best tv shows of the year. Lost is a show that changed my perspective on tv and gave me so many great life lessons. It is a masterpiece. It has an awesome cast of characters, drama, comedy and mystery. This show is superior to newer shows in many ways, it is so well done and the season finales are always packed with action and emotive moments. It uses foreshadowing, flashbacks, flashforwards and many other brilliant narrative devices that make the show a unique experience. Worth watching even after many years after its ending.
Gravity Falls Season 1 & 2
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Another rewatch. This is my favorite animated show. I love it so so much. Dipper Pines and me are practically the same person, I relate to him a lot. I love the mystery of the show, all the supernatural creatures, the science fiction and the plot twists. This is more than just a show for kids, this is a masterpiece of storytelling and animation.
Alice in Wonderland (1951)
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I decided after re-reading the books to give this movie another chance because I didn’t use to like it. But oh boy, this time I loved it. I loved the songs and the madness of Wonderland. I get now why is many people’s favorite.
The queen’s gambit Season 1
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I guess I love chess now, like every person who watched this show. The acting was superb, the characters and the plot were very well written. The pacing, the soundtrack, the setting, I loved everything. Anya Taylor-Joy is a queen, I have no doubt of that. I loved the ending, I was so proud of Beth Harmon!
A Christmas carol (2009)
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My sister has always loved this movie but I wasn’t a big fan. This year I read the book, and watching the movie again made me appreciate the story a lot. I’m a big fan now, I think this movie is unique because it has motion capture animation, a timeless story and Jim Carrey acting multiple roles. A true gem in my opinion.
*the end* thanks 4 reading
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