#el padre my husband
rurivu · 1 year
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ultravioletqueen · 4 months
Some time ago my sister introduced me to the world of the video game Hades and its sequel, all the lore and references to Greek mythology fascinate me (I'm a Greek mythology nerd, it's my weakness), I didn't think there would be anything that would bother me about the game Well, except one thing, ODYSSEUS.
Odysseus is by far one of my favorite heroes in Greek mythology, not only for his cunning, gray morals and determination, but also for his immense love for his wife and son, that made him different from the rest of the Greek heroes for me. ,that he was a genuinely loving father and a truly devoted husband even with the situations with circe and calypso, which to clarify, NEITHER OF THE TWO WAS CONSENSUAL, it was extortion and sexual abuse, Odysseus did not want to be with either of them.
For this reason it made me sad to see that Supergiant showed Odysseus as an unfaithful man (when in the Odyssey this man is the personification of simping) who is separated from his wife.
Even if I find the idea interesting that he is lying and Penelope is and working from the shadows like the partner in crime that they are, I have another idea:
After what happened with Circe and Calypso, he thinks that he no longer deserves Penelope, who according to his words "was waiting for years for an unfaithful man" and that is why he separated from her and calls himself "unfaithful" even though both situations were far from his control.
He loves penelope,he loves telemachus,he waited for years to meet them again,but the calypso and circe incident make him feel DIRTY(wich is common in victims of sexual abuse) and not deserving of the love of penelope and penelope in general.
using the lies about being unfaithfull could be a form of trauma block to avoid thinking about the incident,but at the same time it makes him feel WORSE because he thinks he betrayed the WOMAN HE LOVES,HIS SOULMATE AND LITERALLY HIS OTHER HALF.
Im not okay guys...i just want them to be happy again.
Hace tiempo mi hermana me introdujo en el mundo del videojuego hades y su secuela,todo el lore y referencias a la mitología griega me fascinan(soy una nerd de mitología griega,es mi debilidad),no pensé que habría algo que me molestaría del juego,bueno,excepto una cosa,ODISEO.
Odiseo es de por lejos uno de mis héroes favoritos de la mitología griega,no solo por su astucia,moral gris y determinacion,sino tambien por el amor inmenso hacia su esposa e hijo,eso hizo que para mi fuera diferente al resto de heroes griegos,que fuera un padre genuinamente amoroso y un esposo realmente devoto aun con las situaciones con circe y calypso que para aclarar NO FUERON CONSENSUADAS NIGUNA DE LAS DOS,fue extorsion y abuso sexual,odiseo no quiso estar con ninguna de las dos.
por esta razon me puso triste el ver que supergiant mostro a odiseo como un hombre infiel (cuando en la odisea este hombre es la personificación del simping) que esta separado de su esposa.
incluso si me parece interesante la idea de que esta mintiendo y penelope trabajando desde las sombras como los partner in crime que son yo tengo otra idea:
que después de lo ocurrido con circe y calypso piensa que ya no se merece a penelope que segun sus palabras "estuvo esperando por años por un hombre infiel" y por eso se separo de ella y se denomina a si mismo como "infiel" aun cuando ambas situaciones estaban lejos de su control.
El ama a penelope,el ama a telemaco,el espejo por años para volver a verlos,pero los incidentes con circe y calypso lo hicieron sentir SUCIO(que es común en víctimas de abuso sexual) y no merecedor del amor de penelope y de penelope en general.
Usar las mentiras sobre ser infiel podría ser una forma de bloqueo traumático para evitar pensar en el incidente, pero al mismo tiempo lo hace sentir PEOR porque cree que traicionó a la MUJER QUE AMA, SU ALMA GAMELA Y LITERALMENTE SU OTRA MITAD.
no estoy bien gente...solo quiero que sean felices otra vez.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
I took long doing this one, I know💀🥴 also not proofread
Also known as Gender Reveal (9)!
Birthdays -P.G6
Summary: It's Mateo's first birthday meaning craziness in the Páez Y/L/N household
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"Do we have the balloons?"
"The cake?"
"The food?" Pablo hums nodding
"Do we-"
"We've got everything, amor" Pablo interrupted you as you sighed
"Do you think he'll enjoy this little party?"
"I'm not sure if little is the right word" Pablo admired the work you, mostly, did.
"It's not half of what we did to Lena, so I'm considering it little" Pablo laughs softly "I just want him to enjoy his first birthday ever"
"And he will, even though, he mostly won't even know what's going on but loves being cuddled and kissed" You smiled softly pushing your head into his chest
"Just like his dada" You whispered
"His dada loves being cuddled and kissed by his momma" You smile giggling and lifted your head at the same time Pablo leaned down and your lips met
"They'll be here any moment" You said after the kiss "We better hurry up with the final touches and get dressed"
"You look gorgeous like this" You blush grabbing the teddy figure with your son's name printed on it.
"Gracias, mi vida" You got into the small ladder but forgot about the tape "Pablo, amor. Pass me the tape, please"
"Aquí tienes. Cuidado te caes" (Here you go. Be careful)
"Lo tengo" (I got it)
"I'll help you" His hands went to your ass as you laughed freely
"I'm just helping my wife over here!"
"Quit your hands!"
"No. They're comfy and this way I make sure you won't fall" You laughed.
You couldn't lie, you enjoyed his hands on you.
"Alright, this is done" You said getting down with Pablo's help. "We're such a good team"
"We are" Pablo agrees "You mostly did all the job, though" You shook your head smiling
"You inflated most of the balloons" Pablo laughs "Team, amor. Equipo" You said before turning around "I'll take a quick shower, get dressed and ready. In twenty they'll be here"
"I can shower with you?"
"Only shower. No funny business"
"Those are for later in the night. Come on, let's go"
"¡Papi! ¡Mami!" Helena came in running, Pablo crunching down and lifting her in his arms
"This is gorgeous" Belén said smiling as she came with Mateo
"Thank you" You said smiling "I truly hope they weren't that bad"
"Never" Pablo, your dad-in-law, said; shaking his head "El pequeño se parece a su padre hasta en lo más mínimo" (Babyboy is alike his father even in the smallest things ever)
You looked at your babyboy in your arms as he was inspecting everything around him.
"¿Qué les puedo decir que no sepan?" (What can I say that you don't know already?)
"Hey" Pablo said as you all laugh
"Mat, hijo" You called him "Wanna go for a swim?" He laughs and kicks his feet, making you smile "Let's go then" You said seeing how the pool was starting to be used by your closest friends.
You pass Mateo to your husband as you go to the bathroom to change out of your floral dress. You helped Lena who followed you to change her out of her shorts and t-shirt.
"Look how pretty that girl is!" Your mom smiles already inside the pool with a drink on her hand as Helena smiled and laughed letting go of your hand to run towards her grandma
"¡Cuidado!" (Careful!) You said jogging behind her as your mom met her at the edge of the pool
"I got her, mi vida" She said getting out of the pool with Helena on her waist "You enjoy and get ready to serve everyone in here"
"None of that miss. The only ones I'm serving are you, Pablo, my in-laws and my kids, other than you they can do self-service"
"I love you so much, dear"
"I love you too, mom" You smiled and kissed her cheek watching how she pulled Helena underneath the water to prepare her for the pool.
"¡Mamá, mamá!" Mateo called you as you turned around to see him with his dad and a ball before he let it fall and splashed both boys. You laughed before you felt yourself being pushed
"Hijodetu-" You said inmediately as you went out to find Fermín and Pedri laughing "¡Mira tú-!" (Look, you-!) You cut yourself off spitting some water that had entered your mouth making them laugh harder "You'll see"
"Hey! Leave my wife alone!" Pablo said serious and Mateo throw them the ball
"Mamá" He yelled out with his dad's best feature, the frown
"Yeah, he's also asking you guys to leave his mom be"
The guys were laughing when Pedri and Fermín were suddenly pulled into the pool as well. Behind the prank, your mom and your mom in law were laughing
"Nobody messes with my daughter!" Your mom said as you got out of the pool drenched and high fived her.
When the guys started jumping over the pool and soon enough everyone was inside it, laughing and joking. You were with your mom, Belén, Aurora, a few WAG's and Mateo who had fallen asleep on your chest, sat chatting about everything whilst the guys were playing some football or handball.
The party was going nice, the gift box was over the top and everyone was enjoying the pastries you and your mom had made for your baby's birthday.
Soon, it was time for the cake, Mateo had to be woken up and in his face you could see he was very sleepy, you lifted him on your hip while Helena was on Gavi's and everyone started chatting the birthday song.
Mateo, even while sleepy, loved the attention he got from his grannys, who had their phones up to record everything with big smiles on their faces.
While blowing the candles, you and Pablo helped Mateo without him noticing and when he thought he had done it by himself, he had the biggest smile on his face.
You had grabbed two balloons for Lena and Mat, for them to keep and play around in the house with. Mateo, who had been up and electric now, was running with Aurora's babyboy, Javier and Ferran's little boy, Jeremías in the little park, you had settled up for the kids.
After a while, you went to see your babies, Helena was jumping up and down the inflatable as Mateo was playing with his cars in the floor "¡Mami, mami! ¡Ven, brinca conmigo!" You smiled taking off your shoes and bringing your babyboy into the mix.
When Pablo went to find you to tell you everyone had left, he smiled watching the three loves of his life be happy around each other
"Can I join in?" The three of you turn your heads to him
"¿Dejamos que papá se una?" (Should we let papá join in?)
"Yes!" Helena screamed and so did Mateo and by the time they said yes, Pablo was already inside the inflatable
"¿Qué tal están?" (How are you guys?)
"We're perfect and together, dad" Lena answered with a smile as Mateo nodded
"Just like what we'll always be" Pablo said kissing both Lena and Mateo's cheeks and then he leaned forward to kiss your lips winning an "ew" from the kids "What do you mean by "ew", eh?" He said launching forward to Mateo but wrapping his arms around Lena bringing her to him as he kissed them all over their faces, your kids laughter filling your heart with warm and love "AND LET'S NOT FORGET ABOUT MOM!" The three of them attacked you as you laughed receiving their kisses
"I love the three of you, so much" You said when Mateo yawned "But I think it's time to go home, don't you think babyboy?" He nods softly burying his head in your neck "You liked your birthday?" He nodded as you got out of the inflatable and picked the things up to get them in the car
In middle of pulling the things in the car, Mateo and Lena both fell asleep as you and Pablo smiled at your kids.
"Wish they stop growing up this fast" You said leaning on his chest seeing them in the back of the car
"I do too, we gotta enjoy every single little time we can before they get older" You nod "However, I meant it when I said we'll always be perfect and together" He kissed your temple, you smiled and wrapped your arms against him
"I know you did. I know it as well"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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Jewish Song of the Day #31: Avram Avinu
Posting this song today because I can't get it out of my head, it's too catchy, I've been listening to it on repeat
Question for any Sephardi folks: is this a really "big" song in Sephardi nusach? Because when I went looking for Ladino songs, I kept finding version after version of this one song lol.
Here is another excellent version (although it uses an alternate name it's the same song as far as I can tell) and has an excellent explanation in the description:
Vocals & arrangement by Farya Faraji. This is a song from the Sephardi music repertoire; the Jewish community that was expelled from Iberia at the end of the Reconquista, and settled around the Mediterranean, developping diverse regional styles based on where they settled. This specific song is from Tangiers, Morocco, and was written by an anonymous author in 1890. Different songs using this text, or similar ones detailing the birth of Abraham have existed during the centuries, but this one in Maqam Hijaz is the most well known one. My arrangement pays homage to the Moroccan-Spanish background of the song by mixing a Moroccan string section, percussions and oud with a Spanish guitar chord progression similar to Flamenco’s.
Lyrics in Ladino: Kuando el rei Nimrod al kampo salia mirava en el sielo i en la estreyeria vido una lus santa en la juderia Ke avia de naser Avraham Avinu. Chorus: Avraham Avinu, Padre kerido Padre bendicho, lus de Israel. Luego a las komadres enkomendava Ke toda mujer ke prenyada kedara si paria un ijo, al punto la matara Ke avia de naser Avraham Avinu. La mujer de Terah kedo prenyada i de dia en dia el le preguntava (or demandava) "¿De ke teneix la kara tan demudada?" Eya ya savia el bien ke tenia.
En fin de mueve mezes parir keria iva caminando por kampos i vinyas, a su marido tal ni le descubria topo una meara, ayi lo pariria En akella ora el nasido avlava: "Anda vos, la mi madre, de la meara, yo ya topo kien m'alechara, Malah de sielo me acompanyara. Grande zekhut tiene el senyor Avraham, que por él conocemos el Dío de la verdad. Grande zekhut tiene el senyor parido, que afirma la mitsvá de Avraham Avinu.
English translation: When King Nimrod went out to the countryside He was looking at heaven and at the stars He saw a holy light in the Jewish quarter [A sign] that Abraham, our father, was about to be born. Chorus: Abraham our Father, beloved father, Blessed father, light of Israel. Then he told the midwives That every woman who was still pregnant If she gave birth to a male child at once he will be killed because Abraham our father was about to be born.
Terach's wife was pregnant and each day he would ask her "Why do you look so pale?" She already knew the blessing that she had. At the end of nine months she wanted to give birth, She walked through fields and vineyards She didn't tell her husband anything, She found a cave; there, she would give birth. At that time the newborn spoke: "Walk away from the cave, my mother I have already found someone who will take me away. An angel from heaven will accompany me Because I am a child of the blessed God."
After twenty days she went to visit him. She saw in front of her a young man leaping, Looking at the sky and (looking carefully/noticing everything), In order to know the God of Truth.
Great merit has honorable Abraham Because of him we recognize the true God. Great merit has the father of the newborn Who fulfills the commandment of Abraham our father (circumcision).
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junebugclaremontdiaz · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @firenati0n, @itsmaybitheway, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @14carrotghoul @wordsofhoneydew
This is just gonna be a lil ficlet but:
Oscar is attempting not to let a smile take over his face, and Ellen wishes she shared his humor, “Mijo, come on, we can go find Tía Lupe and Bug.” Alex’s face screws up as he ducks into the pews, “No!” 
Instead of scooping up their wayward son he lets out a scoff, "Beto is busy offering the padre shots, and Luz Alba is busy pretending she doesn't know her husband cheated on her, we are fine El."
Her eyes are going to bug out of her head if she lets the, “Oscar,” she hisses
“What? It’s true.” 
They follow Alex down the next pew, but before she can grab him Ligia slides into the pew next to him. “Tita!” 
He lets her pick him up, immediately snuggling into her side, “Ay, mi Alejito. Ven acá.” 
“Mamá, we’re trying to get him settled,” Oscar sighs. 
Ligia simply shakes her head, “He is a good boy, my Alejo, no?”
tagging: @ninzied, @guillermosfamiliar, @kiwiana-writes @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @cactusdragon517 @thedramasummer @magicandarchery @indestructibleheart
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daiyruki · 1 year
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To give context, it turns out that Julie and her father are a wealthy family, Dukes to be exact, where her mother should and Julie is an only child, so over the years Julie's father noticed a woman who is also noble who had a son, this would be Wally but the woman wanted to separate from her then-husband because who she was with because she had cheated on him, then since religion was deeply rooted in those days it would be frowned upon to announce a divorce and a new wedding. Julie's father and Wally's mother will decide to keep a relationship hidden from the public eye since they are both noble, Julie did not like it the idea of her father starting a new family because her mother's death affected her so much that she resented him, she had lost her mother at the age of 5, plus she had already gotten used to being just her and her father in their mansion obviously with the servants and so on. In this part, Julie is meeting the son of Julie's father's then Girlfriend and well, the poor thing was traumatized hahaha they made her believe that they put a madman in her house D of her:
Don't judge me… I never wrote stories, the truth is, I was inspired by "Cantarella" because if it had a history in ancient times, it could be said that Julie and Wally in this version are stepbrothers obviously NOT BY BLOOD sdajdklajklkjl
Para dar contexto, resulta que Julie y su padre son una familia adinerada , Duques para ser exactos, donde su madre falleció y Julie es hija única, entonces con los años el padre de Julie se fijó en una mujer que también es noble que tenía un hijo , este vendría ser Wally pero la mujer quería separarse de su entonces esposo porque con quién estaba porque le había engañado, entonces como en esos tiempos la religión era muy arraigada sería mal visto anunciar un divorcio y una nueva boda. El padre de Julie y la madre de Wally decidieron mantener una relación a escondidas del ojo público ya que ambos son nobles,Julie no le gustaba la idea de que su padre forme una nueva familia porque la muerte de su madre le afectó tanto que lo resintió, ella había perdido a su madre a los 5 años, además ya se había acostumbrado a ser solo ella y su padre en su mansión obviamente con los sirvientes y demás. En esta parte Julie está conociendo al hijo de la entonces Novia del padre de Julie y pues a la pobre la traumó jajaja le hicieron creer que metieron a un loco en su casa D:
No me juzguen … nunca escribí historias la verdad si me inspiré de Cantarella porque si tenía historia en la antiguedad, se podría decir que Julie Y Wally en esta versión son Hermanastros obviamente NO DE SANGRE sdajdklajklkjl
Pdt: English isn't my first language
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zaenight · 4 months
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Silent promises CHAPTER 1 (BACKSTORY)
TW: ableism , racism , abuse , sexism , child forced to watch a murder , etc. (most of these topics will be reaccuring thoughout future chapters , if you are not comfy with these topics , this is your warning , and welcome readers to silent promises.)
A baby was born , a beautiful little girl ,to a african-american mother and a mexican-american father.
And oh how happy they were , until the hearing test was failed , and suddenly the most happiest day of their lives turned dark and cold.
And so after being released from the hospital , she was left at an old church , and they were gone when the doors open.
As an elder nun opened the door she looked out and as she was about to close it , she gasped looking down , a chid , no a baby , in nothing more than a cardboard box , laid on top of blankets ,she was crying and quivering,the cries were slightly silent the nun noticed,it wasn't until she saw a note taped to her onesie that she realized.
All it said was that she was born deaf , her race and ethnicity, and a name , a beautiful name , the Nun picked up the child who calmed down , eyes wide with curiousity.
"Rosaleigh Leora , what a beautiful name." She said as they went into the church.
After she turned two , Rosaleigh was placed into foster care , multiple homes.
"Can't you fucking hear!,Listen to me!"
"Why won't you speak!,Say somthing , your deaf not mute."
"At least make a noise , don't just stand there!"
"What are you? , I mean your not fully black , yet you ain't fully mexican either."
From the ages two to ten that's all that was said , in that time she would learn sign language and the only reason she knew what was being said was because she learned how to read lips , the ways they moved , or body language , the gleam in their eye's , twitches of the body , soft or heavy breathing , chest heaving,she learned this from reading books from the library , the librarian was a good woman , april , she gave the child free books as she came in everytime she could.
She enjoyed reading about both the african and mexican culture , she learned how to read spanish , and while reading lips , she learned how to know if it was english or spanish being spoken.
Wearing no shoes wasn't practical , however she preffered it , she might not be physically able to hear noises , however she can feel , feel through the vibrations.
However not many people were as nice as April was , at ten she ran away when they tried placing her in a new home , so she stayed on streets , bathing and food were also somthing april had offered , however she couldn't always go to the library so , the dirt and sweat building up all because one stupid cop that hangs out near there was determined to take her back and give her to the system.
The street's of Santo padre were not for the weak , you have to survive , to fight , to steal , because of the cop hanging at the library , that's what she had to do , and she did it pretty damn good.
Ok at first it was a bit rough , her first steal was a big piece of steak from the meat shop ,Carnicería Reyes , oh she got that meat all right , but she was still working on the whole feeling the vibrations on certain surfaces , being chased by a broom was not on her list , and man that old guy could run.
"Maldito niña robó un filete y casi atrapa al pequeño ladrón también." Felipe reyes grunted , his wife behind the counter , letting out a laugh before going to her husband.
(Damn kid stole a steak , almost caught the little thief too.)
"Déjalo Felipe, el pobre bebé debía estar muriendo de hambre, no podía imaginarme a los niños pasando por eso, y que lo persiguieran con una escoba no era necesario mi amor". Marisol Reyes stated with a raised brow as she wrapped her arms around Felipe.
(Leave it Felipe , poor baby must've been starving , I couldn't Imagine the boys going through that , and getting chased with a broom was not necessary my love .)
"Lo sé, lo siento querida." Felipe said huffing as Marisol laughed.
Rosaleigh found a place under the bridge , where the homeless or druggies slept , hookers were also in the area , getting picked up by John's , tents , barrels of fire , singing drunk people , good enough for her.
During that time she encounterd both kind and bad people , However that didn't stop her , since she was the only kid there , she gained the nickname Rosie Posie , and on music night , She might've not heard it , but oh she felt it , her happiness and joy made this dark world shed some light.
She was able to see April again , that cop gave up , all of her books got lost , but the one April gifted her , she would never let go of , it was the little red riding hood.
A girl has to take a basket. of goods to her grandmother , only to discover that it wasn't her at all but a wolf!
At age eleven she met two new people , Serenity "Cookie" Jones , she was one of the new prostitutes , she always had diffrent wigs and her clothing was a bit different than the other girl's , however the small bruises that somtimes lingered on her face made it clear , her pimp wasn't a good man , when he came around , Cookie had her hide untill she or one of the others got her , Serenity would never let any child go through what she did.
But she was more closer to Bobo , his full name Bobby "Bobo" Morgan , he was crazy , but in the good way , sometimes he was a bit high , however that didn't stop him from bringing a smile to her face with his crazy dances.
Him and Cookie also did her hair , almost wanted to have a heart attack when they saw it for the first time.
Where they the best people to care for a deaf eleven year old , no , but they did the best they could when they were able too.
During that time Her and Bobo got closer , Cookie's pimp died in a shoot out , That's when she opened her eyes and decided to
start fresh , she opened a bakery , She took the name Cookie and made it her own , they get free stuff when she visits.
It was going good untill that night , the night she took a life for the first time .
Rosaleigh was running back to the bridge , rain pouring and books tucked under her arms.
Bobo said he had learned somthing new , said she was gonna be exited.
A big smile was on her face until she saw somthing that would scar her for life , a few feet away from the bridge there was Bobo , but he wasn't alone , a man that usually stayed under the bridge was arguing with him , he would always spit at her , and curse her for being there , And right now as Rosaleigh ran up to them , it was too late , as the man's arm went back , His hand held somthing sharp , a knife , right into Bobo's stomach , Rosaleigh stared eyes wide , head spinning as the man ran off , running to Bobo she put her hands over his stomach.
Blood , so much blood , he was coughing , she couldn't scream could she? would they hear it?
Can they hear her silent whimpers and her sobs as the man she saw as a brother laid dying.
"Hey Don- Don't cry Rosie , Im gonna be good , this ain't noth- ing , Stupid man tried to take it , but I woul-wouldn't let 'em." Bobo , No Bobby , said as he was choking , but what Rosaleigh saw made her heart break even more , little red riding hood , her book , her stupid book was the cause of this.
"I got it Back , look I-I lied im not gonna be ok , I have to go now kay , but- I have somthing to show you , look what- I learned." He said choking up more tears streaming down Rosaleigh's face as He made a gesture , it wasn't good but it was decent.
He signed I love you , he was learning , for her , and her stupid book was the reason he now took his final breath , as her body shook she grabbed little red , and closed the eyes of her brother one last time , a kiss on his forhead.
The people under the bridge never saw her eyes so dark as she ran towards the park a few blocks away , where the mean man also rested , a broken bear bottle in hand.
There he was sat on the bench , his body language was calm , how the hell could he be Calm.
It was dark , just her and the man , no camera's , no one would miss the red neck anyways , it was known that he had no family.
But he took her's , and he couldn't get away with it.
So she stood infront of him , he scoffed telling her to go away , before making a face and covering his ears , making faces as he mocked her , and her tear stained face became one of rage .
It was red , the blood spilling out of his neck , of course it was , was it wrong yes , but did she feel any remorse , no.
Taking the bottle she ran to the bridge , People were with Bobo's body , getting ready to place him in the burial , you see cops never went near there , nor did they care about them , so they made their own graveyard , sick , natural , murdered ,that's where their peole go , because no one else cared.
Cookie , She had tears in her eyes , Rosaleigh was the person who brought her and Bobo together , he was like an annoying big brother you couldn't help but love , he was only twenty - six.
"Oh my god." She said rushing over to the bloody eleven year old.
"Come on , come on ." Serenity said taking the bloody bottle , bloody clothes , anything covered in blood , and burned it.
Serenity "Cookie" Jones has seen many things in her life , but this , this was somthing that would stick with her and the bridge people forever.
Wet rags and clothes that some of the older people brought to change the girl and clean off the blood.
Except the book , Bobo died for it , his blood stained it , no way in hell was she giving it up.
And on that night , Rosaleigh "Leora" Morgan was born , and The nickname Rosie Posie , became Bloody Rose .
amandla stenberg as Young Rosaleigh
Marlon wayans as Bobby "Bobo" Morgan
shannon thorton as Serenity "Cookie" Jones
Embeth davidtz as April greene
Welcome to the begining of Silent promises.
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
Hi, I asked for your Belios thoughts and I wanted to do so again for another villain. Who is Ophelia and what are your thoughts on her ? Go as visceral as you want
**cracking fingers** Lets see-
Odalia is a very good representation of a narcissistic parent (IN MY OPINION) not only because she is a clearly privileged woman with a great self-image, but because it is the only thing that matters to her.
Narcissistic parents usually make their children have to EARN their affection, which is precisely what Ofelia does with Amity, either with good grades or advertising their products (which is more like being on their "good side" but it is equally abusive), Ofelia makes this look like something "fair" with her typical phrase that "a Blight always keeps his end of the deal" which is just a way of justifying his horrible way of parenting, based on negotiations, rewards and PUNISHMENTS .
deal- good grades, do what I tell you, be the best
Reward - you have my favor and love
punishment if you fail - can range from breaking your property (like the tamagochi Amity had to talk to Luz), directly/indirectly harming people who make you reveal yourself (expulsion from Hexside, using Luz for the test), etc.
It is honestly DISGUSTING how she even forces Amity (a 14 YEAR OLD girl, her DAUGHTER) to look like her by dyeing her hair, removing a trace of her important identity just so she can live through her. Although this is more obvious (and said as is in the series) with her obsession with the emperor's coven, a dream that she could never fulfill, so she forces her daughter to fulfill it for her, she lives through her.
This already makes her a character worth hating, but if we go deeper, for example, her toxic relationship with her husband Alador is even worse, since she practically has the man so obsessed with his work and so IDIOTIZED and accustomed to her controlling way, that the poor man lacks a real personality since he has been with Odalia (when he was young he seemed much happier, although in general being with a narcissist drains all your energy).
(even more flavor if we consider the theory that Darius and Alador were friends but because of Odalia they broke up).
overall I'm glad she wasn't redeemed, because NO abusive parent/partner deserves a happy ending or to be forgiven for what they did, other than in character, they are VERY unlikely to change.
In general, Odalia is made to be hated, and she succeeds. I like their concept and how they worked it so well despite their few appearances.
Ofelia es una muy buena representación de un padre narcisista (EN MI OPINIÓN) no solo porque es una mujer claramente privilegiada y con una gran imagen de si misma, sino porque es lo unico que le importa.
los padres narcisistas suelen hacer que sus hijos tengan que GANAR su afecto, que es justamente lo que hace Ofelia con Amity, ya sea con buenas notas o hacer publicidad a sus productos (que es mas bien oara estar de su "lado bueno" pero es igual de abusivo), Ofelia hace ver esto como algo "justo" con su tipica frase de que "un Blight siempre cumple su parte del trato" que es solo una forma de justificar su horrible forma de paternidad, basada en negociaciones, premios y CASTIGOS.
trato- buenas notas, haz lo que te digo, se lo mejor
premio - tienes mi favor y amor
castigo si fallas- puede ir desde romper tu propiedad(como el tamagochi que tenia Amity para hablar con Luz), dañar directamente/indirectamente a gente que te haga revelarte(la expulsion de Hexside, usar a Luz para la prueba), etc.
Es sinceramente DESAGRADABLE como incluso obliga a Amity(una niña de 14 AÑOS, su HIJA) a parecerse a ella mediante teñirse el pelo, quitandole un rastro de identidad importante solo para poder vivir atravez de ella. aunque esto es mas obvio(y dicho tal cual en la serie) con su obsesión con el aquelarre del emperador, un sueño que ella nunca pudo cumplir, asi que obliga a su hija a cumplirlo por ella, vive atravez de ella.
esto ya la hace un personaje digno de odiar, pero si vamos mas profundo a por ejemplo su relación tóxica con su esposo Alador es aun peor, siendo que prácticamente tiene al man tan obsesionado con su trabajo y tan IDIOTIZADO y acostumbrado a su forma controladora, que el pobre hombre carece de una personalidad real desde que esta con Odalia(cuando era joven se veia mucho mas feliz, aunque en general estar con un narcisista te drena toda la energia).
(aun mas sabor si consideramos la teoria de que Darius y Alador eran amigos pero debido a Odalia ellos se separaron).
en general me alegra que ella no fuera redimida, porque NINGUN padre/pareja abusivos merecen un final feliz o que se les perdone por lo que hicieron, aparte de que en personaje, es MUY poco probable que cambien.
en general Odalia esta hecha para que la odies, y vaya que lo logra. me gusta su concepto y como lo trabajaron tan bien pese a sus pocas apariciones.
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
Btw, i will take longer than expected with the Request bc i will adopt a new dog soon! But i think i'll be able to publish something this week. Love ya ❤️
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kuramirocket · 1 year
‘You Mexicans shouldn’t be here’: Man killed neighbor in front of his kids
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Lonnie Ray Holcombe
A 54-year-old man in Texas was arrested over the weekend for shooting and killing his 49-year-old neighbor in front of his son and daughter.
Lonnie Ray Holcombe was taken into custody on Sunday and charged with one count of murder for fatally shooting Carlos Gonzalez, court documents reviewed by Law&Crime show.
According to a probable cause affidavit, Gonzalez on Saturday was hosting a large family party at his home in the 900 block of Hoke Smith Drive in Dallas to celebrate his granddaughter’s sixth birthday. Police said the party continued after the children slept.
As the festivities continued, Gonzalez’s son returned to the residence in his pickup truck with another man. Police wrote that the pickup truck was also playing music loudly.
Holcombe, who lives in the adjacent house, sat on his porch when the pickup truck pulled in front of Gonzalez’s home. Police wrote that Holcombe grabbed a BB gun and “fired multiple shots at the pickup truck, hitting it and causing damage.”
The man with Gonzalez’s son was also struck by at least one of the BBs Holcombe shot.
The shooting took place at about 1:15 a.m., police said.
The son and the other man then went to Holcombe’s residence to confront him about shooting the BB gun. During the confrontation, Holcombe allegedly struck Gonzalez’s son, prompting Gonzalez to leave his home and go to Holcombe’s.
During a physical altercation "suspect Holcombe pulled a .9mm Taurus handgun out of his pocket and fired it one time, striking [Gonzalez] in the chest."
Both men then returned to their properties, and several people called 911 to report the shooting and request medical assistance.
Gonzalez was transported to Methodist Central Hospital, where he died. Holcombe told officers that the BB gun and handgun were on his front porch, and he consented to both being seized, the affidavit said.
Speaking through a translator to Dallas Fox affiliate KDFW, Gonzalez’s daughter said that her family had feared Holcombe for some time. She also indicated that race and national origin may have played a role in Holcombe’s alleged animosity towards Gonzalez and his family.
“He actually told them, ‘You Mexicans shouldn’t be here. You Mexicans shouldn’t be here. You need to go back to place,'” the translator reportedly told the station.
Holcombe is being held in county jail on $250,000 bond.
The family has set up a GoFundMe:
Hola mi nombre es Abigail y en la madrugada de mayo 14 la familia Hernández perdieron a un padre, esposo y protector por motivos de racismo. Carlos era trabajador y quería una buena vida para sus hijos y nietos aquí en los Estados Unidos. Fue buena gente con todos y quien lo conocía sabían que no era una persona de problemas. Por proteger a su familia el perdió su vida en las manos de us americano racista. Queremos justicia y ayuda por los gastos del funeral y otros gastos inesperados por esta tragedia. Cualquier cantidad ayuda por favor de tener la familia en sus oraciones.
Hello, my name is Abigail and in the early morning of May 14, the Hernández family lost a father, husband and a protector due to racism. Carlos was hardworking and wanted a good life for his children and grandchildren here in the United States. He was a good person with everyone and those who knew him knew that he was not a person of problems. To protect his family he lost his life at the hands of a racist American. We want justice and need help for funeral expenses and other unexpected expenses from this tragedy. Any amount helps please keep the family in your prayers.
All funds will be going to the family affected (my cousin) her name is Iveth Hernandez. Daughter of Carlos Hernandez. I am coordinating this on her behalf.
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rurivu · 1 year
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°°°°meet my baby Dolce°°°
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ultravioletqueen · 11 days
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My love for gravity falls was reborn thanks to Bill's book and rewatching the series, so I decided not only to make my human Bill design but also to make my own ocs from this fandom.
My design of Bill is quite inspired by Satoru Gojo and a showman, I wanted to do something different with his eyes so I made him have them the same color as his parents' (for potential angst) and that's why he hides them. I don't have much more to say about my design and now I will talk about my ocs.
Elinor Blomgren or simply Elin is a woman who is in the process of separating from her abusive husband Edgar and decided to go live with her sister in Gravity Falls with her two children Hector and Angie.
Elin is a sweet, motherly woman who can be a little complacent from time to time, but she has a mother bear instinct and if you do something to her children she will throw her fists (or a frying pan, the closest thing she has within reach), She is the type of neighbor that when you move in she brings you a gift basket as a welcome gift. (yes, I will ship her with Ford and will do a post on these two soon).
Hector is a problematic child who in some ways is also the most sensitive child on earth. He loves his mother and sister and wants to protect them, but his angry attitude and pyromaniac tendencies make others see him as an antisocial child. Hector has a great love for animals and truly appreciates his friendships and would be able to follow them to the end of the world.
I can't say much about Angie because she is a baby less than a year old, but I can say that she is very curious and cries when people shout around her.
Mi amor por gravity falls renació gracias al libro de bill y a volver a ver la serie, así que decidí no solo hacer mi diseño de bill humano sino también hacer mis propios ocs de este fandom.
Mi diseño de bill esta bastante inspirado en satoru gojo y un showman, quise hacer algo diferente con sus ojos así que hice que los tuviera del mismo color que los de sus padres (para potencial de angustia) y que por eso los oculta. No tengo mucho más que decir de mi diseño y ahora hablaré de mis ocs.
Elinor blomgren o simplemente elin es una señora que está en proceso de separarse de su abusivo marido edgar y decidió irse a vivir con su hermana en gravity falls junto a sus dos hijos hector y angie.
Elin es una mujer dulce, maternal y que de vez en cuando puede ser algo complaciente, pero tiene instinto de mamá osa y si le haces algo a sus hijos ella lanzará puños(o una sarten, lo más cercano que tenga a su alcance), ella es el tipo de vecina que cuando te mudas te lleva una canasta de regalo como obsequio de bienvenida.(si, la shipeare con ford y haré una publicación sobre estos dos pronto).
Hector es un niño problematico que de alguna forma también es el niño más sensible de la tierra, el ama a su mamá y hermana y quiere protegerlas pero su actitud enojona y tendencias piromaniacas hace que los demás lo vean como un niño antisocial. Hector tiene un gran amor por los animales y realmente aprecia sus amistades y sería capaz de seguirlos hasta el fin del mundo.
De angie no puedo decir mucho porque es una bebe de menos de un año de edad pero puedo decir que es muy curiosa y que llora cuando la gente grita a su alrededor.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi!!I have a request. So reader is watching something in bed just having a lazy day and then Gavi comes home with a bouquet of flowers 💐 and then he says happy mother’s day and reader is like but i’m not a mother lol but Gavi says you will be the mother of my kids someday and i know you’ll be a great one so i need to start giving you flowers in advance. you can add more before and after cuz this is a super specific random thought but I love your writing so i had to ask if it’s possible to write
In Advance - P.G6
Summary: Your boyfriend starts celebrating a certain date because he knows you're it for him.
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"Happy mothers day" You lifted your head from the book you were reading to see your 2 years boyfriend, stood in front of you with a bouquet of flowers into his hands and a big smile on his face
"I'm sure Belén will love those. You don't have to practice, amor" You smiled at him before returning to your book
"No. These are for you"
"¿Disculpa?" (Sorry?)
"You're forgiven" He smiles
"For me?" You ask as he nods
"Happy mothers day" He repeats as you shook your head
"Amor, I'm not a mom. I'm not even pregnant" You said shaking your head
"But you will" He said as you looked at him raising your eyebrows "In a couple of years"
"We need to get married before that, cariño"
"Yes, in a couple of years" You smiled shaking your head
"Are you really doing this?"
"La la la, do the flowers look fake? Is my love for you that bad? C'mon, linda" You stood there looking at him with a smile on your face "You'll be the mother of my kids someday and when that happens, you'll be the greatest mom ever... And wife, I know it"
You left your book aside and stood up wrapping your arms around Pablo's shoulders as his went around your waist
"Eres precioso" (You're gorgeous) You whispered in his ear "Te amo" (Love you) You kissed his lips several times "Y tú serás el mejor ejemplo para nuestros niños... El mejor esposo, el mejor padre, el mejor de lo mejor" (And you'll be the best example to our kids... The best husband, the best dad, the best of the best) You whispered against his lips pecking them a few times as you felt his smile.
"Then happy moms day, futura mamá" (Future mom) You smiled laughing, you accepted the flowers and gave him one too
"It's not fathers day but... Feliz día" You said as he smiles accepting it "I promise to give you a proper gift on fathers day though"
"You better, I'll be waiting for it"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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freya-captain · 2 years
siéntase libre de traducir!
Estoy sentado a la mesa junto con los empleados de Jace. Conozco a Erryk, por eso siempre es el primero en recordarme citas como ésta o en ponerme al día sobre la rutina de mi propio marido. Sin embargo, no sé el nombre del secretario ni de nadie sentado en esa mesa.
No hablamos de trabajo, ahora me pregunto por qué, pero ya sé la respuesta. No he hablado de otra cosa. Me da curiosidad ver a todo el mundo hablando de la vida cotidiana, rodeado de una jerga que no entiendo y siempre ensalzando la bondad de Jace como jefe.
Imagino que es un jefe ejemplar. Imagino que está incluso mejor que el abuelo en esa silla. Pero no lo sé.
Le veo subir al pequeño escenario. Observo los detalles de su traje: nuevo y bien cosido. Sus padres están en la otra mesa con sus familiares, no me miran y si lo hacen no sienten la necesidad de llamarme para que me siente con ellos.
Su sonrisa se ilumina desde arriba. Intento parecer alegre. Aunque todavía voy por mi tercera copa de champán, me siento lo bastante tonta como para poner los ojos en blanco ante los aplausos.
Me da las gracias por todo. Hace promesas sólidas. Describe cosas que no entiendo. Hace bromas que me cuesta entender, pero acabo sonriendo al unísono con los demás. Jace hace una pausa, me sonríe y me pongo nerviosa al sentir que las miradas de la sala se desvían hacia mí.
- Quiero dar las gracias a mi marido, Aegon, sé que no podría hacer nada de esto sin ti. Haces que cualquier lugar se sienta como en casa, incluso después de dos años de matrimonio.
Antes de que pueda pensar en otra cosa, suelto una carcajada. Veo que se pone pálido, pero sigue hablando como si no hubiera visto nada. Las miradas se disipan y me pongo en pie.
Ni siquiera se acuerda. Quería sentirme sorprendida, pero me duele, porque en el fondo sabía que él ni siquiera sabe cuántos años llevamos casados. ¿Podrían haber sido dos años una patada? ¿Recuerda siquiera cómo nos casamos? ¿Su familia debe saber que existo?
Me voy en silencio, sintiendo que me arde la espalda y casi llorando por los susurros ahogados.
Nuestro conductor ya está en la puerta. Me quedo mirando. Como si pudiera entenderlo, empieza a andar y yo le sigo.
- ¿Chocolate, Sr. Aegon? - Me lo ofrece mientras subimos al coche.
- Llévame a casa.
So they are not related (I originally thought Aegon was outcast from the family and the only one who still talks to him is Jace)
I love when Aegon giggles at all inappropriate occasions and ruins everything marvelously.
Thanks for allowing me to put the translation here! (So I could read it again jajajaja)
From amazing anon:
feel free to translate!
I am sitting at the table together with Jace's employees. I know Erryk, so he is always the first to remind me of appointments like this or to update me on my own husband's routine. However, I don't know the name of the secretary or anyone else sitting at that table.
We didn't talk about work, now I wonder why, but I know the answer. I haven't talked about anything else.
I'm curious to see everyone talking about everyday life, surrounded by jargon I don't understand and always extolling Jace's goodness as a boss.
I imagine he is an exemplary boss.
I imagine he's even better than Grandpa in that chair. But I don't know.
I watch him walk up to the small stage.
I look at the details of his suit: new and well stitched. His parents are at the other table with their relatives, they don't look at me and if they do they don't feel the need to call me to sit with them.
His smile lights up from above.
I try to look cheerful. Although I'm still on my third glass of champagne, I feel silly enough to roll my eyes at the applause.
He thanks me for everything. He makes solid promises. He describes things I don't understand. He makes jokes I struggle to understand, but I end up smiling in unison with the others. Jace pauses, smiles at me, and I fidget as I feel the eyes in the room turn to me.
- I want to thank my husband, Aegon, I know I couldn't do any of this without you. You make any place feel like home, even after two years of marriage.
Before I can think of anything else, I burst out laughing. I see him turn pale, but he keeps talking as if he hasn't seen anything. The stares dissipate and I stand up.
He doesn't even remember. I wanted to feel surprised, but it hurts, because deep down I knew he doesn't even know how many years we've been married.
Could two years have been a kick? Does he even remember how we got married? Does his family even know I exist?
I want to scream: IT'S THREE YEARS.
I leave silently, feeling my back burning and almost crying from the muffled whispers.
Our driver is already at the door.
I stare at him. As if he can understand, he starts walking and I follow.
- Chocolate, Mr. Aegon? - He offers it to me as we get into the car.
- Take me home.
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bessamanu1986 · 2 years
Los pequeños Peter Gargery-Pirrup y Gavroche DeLorne-Fields (anteriormente tenia el apellido Thénardier) son el sobrino de Philip "Pip" Pirrup y Damien Thorn y el hijo adoptivo de Christophe DeLorne y Gregory Fields, quienes además son mejores amigos a pesar de la disputa entre sus familias 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇨🇵🧑🧑
Peter en mi fanfic es el único hijo del matrimonio entre el herrero Joe Gargery y la ama de casa Elisabeth Pirrup, por lo tanto es el único sobrino del periodista Pip Pirrup y del político Damien Thorn, Primer Ministro del Reino Unido. Peter vive con sus padres en un apartamento en Kensington y Chelsea, Londres, donde también vivía Pip, hasta que este se mudo a la Mansión Thorn con su marido Damien. Peter quiere mucho a Pip, a quien considera como su hermano mayor pero esto comienza a cambiar cuando Peter y sus padres empiezan a convivir con Damien.
Peter es un adolescente muy malcriado y ingenuo, más ingenuo que su tío Pip, ya que cae fácilmente en la influencia y tentación de Damien, quien le regala mucho dinero y dulces a cambio de algunos favores que le hace, convirtiéndo al niño en una especie de conejillo de indias humano, esto hace que Pip se preocupe mucho por la actitud de su marido hacia su sobrino.
Peter esta inspirado en el personaje de Peter Reynolds de la tercera película de The Omen, "El Conflicto Final" (1981).
Gavroche esta inspirado en el irónico personaje de Gavroche Thénardier, de la novela de Les Miserables de Victor Hugo (1862).
En mi fanfic él es un niño abandonado que es hijo de una joven llamada Collette que es una mujer enferma y sin techo y de un padre incompetente y borracho que los abandona siempre.
Este pequeño es muy amigo de la pareja de Christophe y Gregory (quienes después lo adoptan como hijo) y que ademas dice que cuando sea grande quiere ser un gran militante político y revolucionario como Christophe, a quien admira mucho y lo considera un héroe o un padre-hermano mayor ya que él lo cuida mucho mientras su madre se siente muy mal. Gavroche a pesar de que es menor de edad, trabaja para intentar ganar dinero porque quiere curar la enfermedad de su madre.
Durante un tiempo la pareja de Gregory y Christophe llevan al niño a su estadía en Londres para cuidarlo y alli Gavroche empezará a ir a un colegio de la ciudad inglesa y embarcará una relación amistosa con Peter, que lo ayuda a convivir en el colegio de Westminster y lo protege de algunas burlas de varios bullies.
Little boys Peter Gargery-Pirrup and Gavroche DeLorne-Fields (formerly Thénardier) who are the nephew of Philip "Pip" Pirrup and Damien Thorn and the adopted son of Christophe DeLorne and Gregory Fields, who are also best friends despite of the dispute between their families 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇨🇵🧑🧑
Peter in my fanfic is the only son of the marriage between the blacksmith Joe Gargery and the housewife Elisabeth Pirrup, therefore he is the only nephew of the journalist Pip Pirrup and the politician Damien Thorn, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Peter lives with his parents in an apartment in Kensington and Chelsea, London, where Pip also lived, until he moved to Thorn Manor with his husband Damien. Peter loves Pip very much, whom he considers to be his older brother, but this begins to change when Peter and his parents begin to live with Damien.
Peter is a very spoiled and naive teenager, more naive than his Uncle Pip, since he easily falls under the influence and temptation of Damien, who gives him a lot of money and sweets in exchange for some favors he does for him, turning the boy into a sort of as a human guinea pig, this makes Pip very concerned about his husband's attitude towards his nephew.
Peter is inspired by the character of Peter Reynolds from the third film of The Omen, "The Final Conflict" (1981).
Gavroche is inspired by the iconic character of Gavroche Thénardier, from the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (1862).
In my fanfic he is an abandoned child who is the son of a young woman named Collette who is a sick and homeless woman and an incompetent and drunk father who always abandons them.
This little boy is a close friend of the couple of Christophe and Gregory (who later adopt him as their son) and who also says that when he grows up he wants to be a great political and revolutionary activist like Christophe, whom he greatly admires and considers a hero hero or a father-older brother since he takes care of him a lot while his mother feels very bad. Gavroche, despite the fact that he is a minor, works to try to earn money because he wants to cure his mother's illness.
For a time the couple of Gregory and Christophe take the boy to their stay in London to take care of him and there Gavroche will start going to a school in the English city and will embark on a friendly relationship with Peter, who helps him live in the Westminster school and protects him from some taunts from various bullies.
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yaretsblog · 1 month
Necesito un buen esposo que esté dispuesto a apoyarme y cuidarme en mi y que esté listo para estar conmigo y luego ayudarme a apoyarme y que me sea fiel que me ame solo a mi ese hombre será mi hombre el padre de mis hijos especial y el amor de mi vida para siempre ❤️❤️‍🩹❣️💋 @hamdan-fazza @yaretsblog
I need a good husband who is willing to support me and take care of me and who is ready to be with me and then help me support me and be faithful to me who loves only me that man will be my man the father of my special children and the love of my life forever ❤️❤️‍🩹❣️💋
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mediaevalmusereads · 4 months
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The Hacienda. By Isabel Cañas. Berkley, 2022.
Rating: 2.5/5 stars
Genre: historical fiction, Gothic
Series: N/A
Summary: In the overthrow of the Mexican government, Beatriz’s father is executed and her home destroyed. When handsome Don Rodolfo Solórzano proposes, Beatriz ignores the rumors surrounding his first wife’s sudden demise, choosing instead to seize the security his estate in the countryside provides. She will have her own home again, no matter the cost.
But Hacienda San Isidro is not the sanctuary she imagined.
When Rodolfo returns to work in the capital, visions and voices invade Beatriz’s sleep. The weight of invisible eyes follows her every move. Rodolfo’s sister, Juana, scoffs at Beatriz’s fears—but why does she refuse to enter the house at night? Why does the cook burn copal incense at the edge of the kitchen and mark its doorway with strange symbols? What really happened to the first Doña Solórzano?
Beatriz only knows two things for certain: Something is wrong with the hacienda. And no one there will help her.
Desperate for help, she clings to the young priest, Padre Andrés, as an ally. No ordinary priest, Andrés will have to rely on his skills as a witch to fight off the malevolent presence haunting the hacienda and protect the woman for whom he feels a powerful, forbidden attraction. But even he might not be enough to battle the darkness.
Far from a refuge, San Isidro may be Beatriz’s doom.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: disturbing imagery, rape, blood
OVERVIEW: Even though I was lukewarm on The Vampires of El Norte, I was intrigued enough to want to read more from Cañas. So when I saw this book was available at my local store, I snatched it up. But just like the first book I read, my reaction was a little mixed. While I love Cañas's imagination and some of the spooky descriptions of the hacienda, I ultimately felt like this book lacked strong characterization and didn't so much build suspense as it did whack you over the head. So while I enjoyed the Gothicness of the story, the quality of the craft puts it at about a 2.5 or 3 star read for me.
WRITING: Cañas's prose is not as smooth in this book as I would have liked it to be. There seems to be an imbalance of showing versus telling, and Cañas leans a bit too heavily on rhetorical questions in order to drive suspense. She also repeats a few key phrases often - things like "I was a general's daughter" and "I was going to die in this house." It wasn't always bad, but it was enough to draw my attention.
The narrative also flips between Beatriz's and Andrés's points of view, but because Andrés's chapters are so few, the shift felt a bit random. I think the entire book could have been from Beatriz's POV with more things about Andrés's past revealed over time, or else a more even distribution of chapters.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows Beatriz, the 20 year daughter of a Mexican General who marries her political enemy for security. Beatriz's husband brings her to his hacienda, where Beatriz meets his sister, the staff, and a mysterious priest named Andrès. But when her husband departs for the capital, Beatriz becomes plagued by a malevolent spirit who seems connected to the history of the house.
I really loved the Gothic vibes in this book. The hacienda was unsettling and the power play between Beatriz and Juana was all the delicious stuff of a great Gothic story. I also really loved the blend of Catholicism and witchcraft that made the "magic" of Andrés's family feel complex. Cañas also has a knack for creating disturbing images associated with the supernatural, and I loved all the creepy moments.
However, I do think Cañas kills the suspense of her narrarive in a few ways. First, Cañas goes from 0 to 100 fairly quickly so that rather than building up this mystery associated with the house or causing the reader to doubt what Beatriz is seeing, we pretty much understand that the hacienda is haunted and unsafe right away. Second, events didn't seem to build very much, and moments of tension were interrupted by moments of downtime that killed the buildup. For example, there are multiple instances when characters see something scary or get hurt, but instead of motivating them to act right away, these events are followed by things like cooking or going out to hold unrelated mass.
Finally, I thought the romance was rather weak. Without spoiling too much, I will say that I think the lack of chemistry is due to the writing style and one character not being very agentive. Honestly, the romance could have been left out and the book could have focused on family ties - that might have felt more cohesive.
I also had a hard time being engrossed in the plot because character motivations and actions were never quite clear. For example, Beatriz is so afraid of the hacienda that she can barely sleep; but she never seems to consider leaving for her own safety, and she's not stubborn or agentive enough as a character to convince me that she stays in order to show the ghost who is boss. Juana's motivations are equally baffling; though I understood her end goals, I couldn't see how her actions were supposed to align with them.
On top of that, I felt like the central mystery of the house was something of a letdown. Given all the focus on race and colonialism, I thought some of those themes would play out (and to be fair, sometimes they did), but in the end, the big reveal was a bit underwhelming.
TL;DR: Despite some delightfully creepy images and a good Gothic base, The Hacienda doesn't quite deliver due to its lackluster characters, tell-heavy prose style, and bland central mystery.
CHARACTERS: Beatriz, our main POV character, is a little hard to root for. Though I'm sympathetic to her plight, there wasn't enough to her character to make me want to see her succeed. She states that she just wants stability and a house represents that, but when she encounters the supernatural, she's not exactly stubborn or determined to get to the bottom of things. Instead, she seemed to flip back and forth between wanting to run away in terror and wanting an exorcism, and I couldn't quite pin her down the way I wanted to.
Andrés, the priest/witch, was a little more interesting in that he had family ties to the area and grappled with his abilities. I liked how Catholicism and witchcraft were blended together seamlessly, and I liked how Andrés struggled with the responsibility of being his grandmother's heir. However, I also didn't feel like his motivations were as strong as they could have been, though this was probably due to the writing style.
Side characters were kind of confusing. Rodolfo, Beatriz's husband, seemed poised to be the "dark love interest" from Gorhic fiction, but he is barely present enough to feel like a ge uine threat. Juana, Rodolfo's sister, has moments where I liked her contention with Beatriz for authority, but towards the end, I felt like she disappeared for a while and then came back acting nonsensically. My favorite supporting character was Paloma, the housekeeper's daughter. Though she didn't exactly have an arc of her own, I appreciated the kindness she showed to Beatriz and the love she had for her family.
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