#eleanor knightley
slytherinsomniari · 1 month
On a Visit to Anne Sallow
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Upon meeting the young Anne Sallow, Eleanor knew immediately that her curse was a dreadful one. However, ever perceptive, she treated Anne no differently than she did anyone else. Even she knew Anne didn't want to be pitied. She was more than her illness
From what she heard, Anne was a mischievous girl much like herself. Looking for trouble anywhere, even within Hogwarts castle. She had that fire in her just like Eleanor did—a kindred spirit. Though, today she is different and that is what Eleanor noticed right away. Anne no longer had that same fire she used to have all those days ago when she played with Sebastian and Ominis. It was as if the fire in her soul had died out. Anne's fire needed no kindling because she resigned herself to her fate. She did not want to find a cure but to live in quiet solitude until the pain or curse itself ended her existence. So, putting away her fire and all that made her fun and unique, Anne lived a quiet life in Feldcroft with her uncle. That was something Eleanor could not understand. How could you resign yourself to such a fate when there had to be a cure somewhere? She knew they tried St. Mungo's as well as other places, but surely there had to be a cure somewhere. The notion of giving up made no sense to her. What happened to the girl so full of life and fire she heard about from Sophronia and Sebastian? It was like she no longer existed. Eleanor would never let herself become like that. She would never be meek or resigned and would instead work her absolute hardest to break through any barriers or obstacles set in front of her. If she was sick, she'd travel all over the world for a cure, pain be damned. No one was going to take away her fire. No one. Because if one thing was made clear from the visit, it was that Eleanor's fire burned even brighter afterwards, as if in challenge. She dared anyone to take away what made her her, making it known that she was no English flower—she would not wilt just from a little bit of hardship. Not now, not ever. Eleanor's flame will rise higher and higher, blazing through the sky in eternal glory.
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Eleanor Tomlinson (26) & Keira Knightley (33) in Colette (2018)
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istanblogs · 1 year
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Hopeless sad eyes of Ladies..
Atonement- Cecilia Tallis
Titanic - Rose DeWitt Bukater
Little Women - Jo March
The Other Boleyn Girl - Anne Boleyn
Poldark - Demelza
Anna Karenina - Anna
Victoria - Queen Victoria
Marie Antoinette
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curiousb · 9 months
The Mansfield House Yearbook: Volume IV
Back to school - or uni - today! And it's a bed-hopping bonanza, I warn you.
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Let's start with a game of whose buttocks are these, shall we?
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To put you out of your misery, they're Elliot's. And Olivia, I thought you were with James (as much as anyone is)?
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Well, these two look quite cosy together, so I guess Olivia has moved on, not wanting to compete with three other girls for James's attention?
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The next day, she decides it's time to put a ring on...
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James! OK, well - I guess you know your own heart best. Perhaps Elliot was a just a rebound thing?
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I think Elliot's expression says it all.
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Martha is none too pleased either - she thought she had first dibs on James - but Olivia swiftly puts her in her place! Semi-resident Llama Guy thinks it's the perfect time to celebrate with a school cheer though.
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But before I know it, Martha has already caused a rift between Olivia and her intended (I didn't see exactly what happened here), and seems rather delighted with herself as a result.
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It's not all about romance - sometimes there's some studying too! Actually, I lie, it is.
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When Eleanor drops round, Hester seems bent on creating domestic strife too.
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And Eleanor looks like she could very well be tempted to stray from her long-term partner Esther. I guess Esther's persistence in trying to tie Eleanor down is perhaps having the opposite effect, and driving them apart.
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James doesn't seem too concerned about being estranged from new fiancée Olivia, and hooks up again with Henrietta at the first opportunity.
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Disenchanted Olivia seeks solace with Elliot once again.
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And I just have no idea who is with whom any more!
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bethanydelleman · 9 months
New Year's Resolutions for Jane Austen Characters (mid-novel)
Emma Woodhouse: Find a new man for Harriet Smith No more matchmaking! Admit Knightley (and his brother) were right. Meet Frank Churchill, finally.
George Knightley: Just feeling thankful for everything I have. I don't think my life needs to change.
Mr. Woodhouse: Finally convince Isabella to live at Hartfield instead of with her husband. Poor Isabella!
Harriet Smith: Marry Mr. Elton 💗💗💗 *unable to read tear-stained writing*
John Knightley: Spend more time at home with my beloved wife. Why do people invite us places???
Elinor Dashwood: Find a way to get over the most perfect man I've ever met.
Edward Ferrars: Find an honourable way to get out of the engagement with Lucy (same resolution he's had for three years now)
Robert Ferrars: Build a magnificent cottage
Marianne Dashwood: Marry the most perfect man to grace this earth with his beautiful presence, John Willoughby. Also, read more poetry.
Colonel Brandon: *stares at the paper in despair because he cannot bear to give form to his ambitions which seem already impossible*
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't really think there's anything I need to improve about myself. I'm really a great judge of character.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Remember that duty comes before ephemeral feelings of affection.
Jane Bennet: Find a way to get over the most perfect man I've ever met.
Charles Bingley: Buy an estate (resolution submitted by Caroline & Louisa)
Caroline Bingley: Encourage Charles to finally buy an estate (not in Hertfordshire), get Charles and Georgiana Darcy engaged, get engaged to Mr. Darcy, attend a party with at least three members of the nobility... (too many goals to record here)
Anne Elliot: find a way to be less awkward around Captain Wentworth... Prepare myself for Captain Wentworth to marry Louisa... Try to endure Bath with a smile
Captain Wentworth: Get out of the obligation to marry Louisa Musgrove by any fair means. PLEASE GOD I AM BEGGING YOU
Captain Benwick: Mourn Fanny for eternity Marry Louisa Musgrove
Catherine Morland: Henry Tilney 💗💗💗💗 Henry Tilney, Northanger Abbey 💗💗💗💗 Henry Tilney & Mrs. Catherine Tilney 💗💗💗 *doodles ideas for wedding gowns*
Eleanor Tilney: Marry the love of my life (same goal for the past three years)
Henry Tilney: Keep being awesome
Frederick Tilney: Keep being awesome
General Tilney: Have all my children disposed in marriage to wealthy individuals (goal since Frederick turned 21)
Mrs. Allen: Purchase some very fine lace
Fanny Price: marry edmund Be as unnoticed as possible
Edmund Bertram: Marry Miss Crawford
Mary Crawford: Marry Edmund Bertram
Henry Crawford: Promote William Price, marry Fanny Price. Rub my excellent treatment of Fanny in the Bertram's faces.
Tom Bertram: *never wrote anything down, never does his years are always awesome*
Mr. Yates: Finally put on a production of Lovers' Vows third times the charm!
Mrs. Norris: Save more money than last year by furthering economy. Keep Fanny in her place. Become more necessary to the Bertrams.
Lady Bertram: sew a cute little jacket for Pug
Lady Susan: Keep being the best Gaslight Girlboss *kisses paper*
(if Christmas happened within novel, I tried to place the resolutions around it. If not, I made up a time)
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firawren · 8 months
Austen siblings: the best of the best
Please vote based on their depiction in the books, not the movies. (I'm looking at you, fans of 2005!Darcy and Georgie!) Other than that, use whatever criteria you want. Sibling goals? Most loving? Most entertaining and fun? Most realistic? Up to you!
These are in alphabetical order by last name, so read the whole list before voting!
I have a worst Austen siblings poll too.
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"Best" is left up to interpretation
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Welcome to Austenland! (Rising Sign)
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Aries Rising - Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): Aries Rising individuals are known for their independent spirit, assertiveness, and quick wit. Elizabeth Bennet embodies these traits with her strong-minded nature, confident demeanor, and spirited conversations.
Taurus Rising - Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility): Taurus Rising individuals are often practical, reliable, and grounded. Elinor Dashwood exemplifies these qualities through her sensible and level-headed approach to life's challenges, as well as her steadfast loyalty to her family.
Gemini Rising - Emma Woodhouse (Emma): Gemini Rising individuals are known for their wit, adaptability, and sociability. Emma Woodhouse reflects these traits with her lively personality, love for matchmaking and socializing, and her ability to engage in clever and animated conversations.
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Cancer Rising - Fanny Price (Mansfield Park): Cancer Rising individuals are often nurturing, sensitive, and have a strong sense of family and home. Fanny Price embodies these qualities with her compassionate nature, deep emotional connection to her loved ones, and her appreciation for a stable and secure home environment.
Leo Rising - Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey): Leo Rising individuals are charismatic, confident, and have a flair for the dramatic. Catherine Morland showcases these traits through her vivacious imagination, natural charm, and her ability to captivate others with her storytelling.
Virgo Rising - Anne Elliot (Persuasion): Virgo Rising individuals are typically detail-oriented, practical, and possess a keen eye for perfection. Anne Elliot reflects these traits through her conscientious nature, careful decision-making, and her attention to the details of social propriety.
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Libra Rising - Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice): Libra Rising individuals are known for their diplomacy, charm, and sense of harmony. Jane Bennet embodies these qualities with her graceful demeanor, ability to see the best in others, and her desire for harmonious relationships.
Scorpio Rising - Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility): Scorpio Rising individuals are often intense, passionate, and have a deep emotional nature. Marianne Dashwood reflects these traits through her romantic ideals, emotional depth, and her ability to experience life's highs and lows with great intensity.
Sagittarius Rising - Mr. Knightley (Emma): Sagittarius Rising individuals are adventurous, open-minded, and have a love for exploration. Mr. Knightley embodies these traits with his well-traveled background, broad perspective on life, and his willingness to challenge Emma's misguided judgments.
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Capricorn Rising - Eleanor Tilney (Northanger Abbey): Capricorn Rising individuals are often disciplined, responsible, and possess a strong sense of duty. Eleanor Tilney showcases these traits with her composed demeanor, practical approach to life, and her commitment to fulfilling her societal obligations.
Aquarius Rising - Colonel Brandon (Sense and Sensibility): Aquarius Rising individuals are typically independent, unconventional, and possess a unique perspective on the world. Colonel Brandon reflects these traits through his quiet strength, intellectual nature, and his ability to challenge societal norms.
Pisces Rising - Anne de Bourgh (Pride and Prejudice): Pisces Rising individuals are often dreamy, sensitive, and have a gentle disposition. Anne de Bourgh embodies these traits with her reserved and ethereal nature, delicate health, and her tendency to withdraw from social interactions.
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Please note that the associations provided are based on general character traits and archetypes associated with each rising sign. Individual variations and interpretations can exist within each rising sign, and characters in Jane Austen's novels are complex and multifaceted, embodying various qualities beyond their rising sign traits.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
xoxo J.
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village-skeptic · 9 months
I was tagged in this "get to know you" meme by both @booksandabeer and @stars-inthe-sky - but it has slightly different questions! I've synthesized them, LOL. Thanks for the tag, you guys!
last song: "The Letter," The Box Tops, followed by "The Letter," Joe Cocker. No one make me choose! The former is a perfect, crisp, driving little pop/soul gem; the latter is a live performance that you've probably heard so often that it's easy to forget just how good it is. It feels like everyone on that recording is operating at the height of their powers, and the result is this towering, ecstatic, howling, joyous track that will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day if you're lucky.
currently reading: a manuscript for work that I wouldn't pick up if it wasn't for work, LOL. Last few books, though: Eleanor Catton, Birnam Wood (def recommend, I keep thinking about this one); Thomas Mallon, Fellow Travelers and Up With The Sun (sometimes you have Questions about an author and the only thing to do is to read more of their work; more on that eventually maybe).
last film: Never Let Me Go. Quite simply, I had trouble entering into the spirit of the thing (the concept doesn't really hold up upon examination and I'm not sure I buy the larger analogy), but the book is supposed to be fantastic, of course. I did enjoy baby Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan, and Andrew Garfield though.
currently watching: The final season of The Crown, more out of curiosity than anything else. I'm finding it very...mid? Is that what the kids are saying? The show peaked a while back, but Elizabeth Debicki's performance as Diana continues to be shockingly good and worth the price of admission. Also, as per my recent reads, watching Fellow Travelers, on track to finish up next week. Waiting to say more about that til I've seen the whole series, but I will say that I have gained a lot of respect for Jonathan Bailey!
three ships: I feel a bit like I'm between fandoms right now, but I can always be talked into reading some good Betty/Jughead, Steve/Bucky, and, uh, *looks at her bookmarks* Crowley/Aziraphale.
favorite color: purple!
currently consuming: About to consume some homemade spinach tortellini soup. (Well, okay. Mostly homemade. The tortellini isn't my own. There are limits.)
relationship status: old married :D
first ship: Hmm! I guess maybe Rachel/Tobias, way back to my preteen Animorph days? Although I certainly did not get into fic for shippy purposes, as @stirringsofconsciousness can verify.
currently working on: desperately needed post-holiday cleaning, honestly. And a bunch of little art projects!
tagging (as ever, with no obligation): @lurker-no-more , @jandjsalmon , @pantsaretherealheroes, @ballroompink
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smolfangirl · 2 years
I'm nothing but a cheater so here's a poll that I could decide on
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slytherinsomniari · 4 months
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I did another Hogwarts Legacy drawing! This time it’s of my oc Eleanor Knightley! 😊 the shading sucks and so does the background (because I decided to add it at the last minute so it’s really bad). It was supposed to be hills in the background but I’m too lazy to fix it lol
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I found this cycling outfit (1895?) on Pinterest and immediately thought of Eleanor. I’m so happy I got to draw her in it! It’s girly but it’s also practical, fitting for her adventures.
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Eleanor Tomlinson (26) & Keira Knightley (33) in Colette (2018)
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top portrayals:
[12] Lily James
[9] Keira Knightley, Jennifer Lawrence
[5] Imogen Poots
[4] Maisie Williams
[3] Sarah Bolger, Jenna Louise Coleman, Romola Garai, Bella Heathcote, Amber Heard, Saoirse Ronan, Emily VanCamp, Alicia Vikander
[2] Rose Byrne, Nina Dobrev, Taissa Farmiga, Sarah Gadon, Karen Gillan, Eva Green, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Anna Kendrick, Katie McGrath, Leighton Meester, Sophie Turner
[5] Matthew Goode, Jared Padalecki
[4] Jude Law, Aaron Paul
[3] Nathaniel Buzolic, Bradley Cooper, Hugh Dancy, John Krasinski, Landon Liborion, Miles Teller
[2] Jonas Armstrong, Justin Bartha, Douglas Booth, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Sam Claflin, Charlie Cox, Chace Crawford, Charlie Day, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Martin Freeman, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnum, Jake Johnson, Harry Lloyd, James McAvoy, Mads Mikkelsen, Julian Morris, Colin Morgan, David Morrisey, Dylan O’Brien, Evan Peters, Michael Pitt, Eddie Redmayne, Andrew Scott, Bill Skarsgard, Ben Whishaw
[ 3 ] Astrid Berges-Frisby, Bella Heathcote [ 2 ] Sarah Gadon, Felicity Jones
[ 8 ] Michael Fassbender [ 8 ] Keira Knightley [ 7 ] Tom Hardy
[ 6 ] Emilia Clarke, Phoebe Tonkin [ 6 ] Jensen Ackles, Richard Armitage, Henry Cavill
[ 5 ] Emily Blunt, Nina Dobrev [ 5 ] Nathaniel Buzolic, Sam Claflin, Luke Evans, Chris Hemsworth
[ 4 ] Jenna Louise Coleman, Michelle Dockery, Margot Robbie, Emma Watson [ 4 ] Ben Barnes, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, Liam Hemsworth, Jared Padalecki, Bill Skarsgard, Sebastian Stan, Toby Stevens
[ 3 ] Candace Accola, Natalie Dormer, Jessica Brown Findaly, Claire Holt, Scarlett Johanson, Freya Mavor, Katie McGrath, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Emma Watson [ 3 ] Robert Carlyle, Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Jaime Dornan, Theo James, Joseph Morgan, Julian Morris, Evan Peters, Aidan Turner
[ 2 ] Chloe Bennet, Shelley Hennig, Lena Headey, Amber Heard, Lily James, Leighton Meester, Emilie de Ravin, Krysten Ritter, Sophie Turner, Evan Rachel Wood [ 2 ] Aneurin Barnard, Douglas Booth, Charlie Cox, Charles Dance, Hugh Dancy, Scott Eastwood, Mark Gatiss, Tom Hiddleston, Michiel Huisman, Harry Lloyd, Richard Madden, James Norton, Colin O’Donoghue, Daniel Sharman, Milo Ventimiglia
[ 7 ] Natalie Dormer [ 6 ] Romola Garai [ 5 ] Emma Stone [ 4 ] Crystal Reed, Holland Roden [ 3 ] Karen Gillan, Rosamund Pike, Emilie de Ravin, Eleanor Tommilson, Charity Wakefield
[ 5 ] Ben Whishaw [ 3 ] Billie Piper [ 3 ] Dylan O’Brian, Colin O'Donoghue [ 2 ] Alexis Bledel, Laura Carmicheal, Sarah Paulson, Lara Pulver, Taylor Swift, Anna Torv [ 2 ] JJ Field, Freddie Highmore, Josh Hutcherson, Gabriel Mann, Dan Stevens, Max Theriot
2: Cava Delevingne, Zoey Deutch, Phoebe Tonkin, Lea Seydoux, Kristen Stewart, Suki Waterhouse, Emma Watson
3: Tom Hiddleston 2: Daane Dehann, Chris Hemsworth, Luke Mitchell
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curiousb · 2 years
The Pemberley College Yearbook: Volume VIII
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Since Isabella and Samuel have rather jumped the gun when it comes to intimacy, I decided it was way past time to send them on a first date. (There seems to be a craze amongst the Random Dormies for grey hoodies and black leather jackets.)
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Serial monogamist Isabella takes matters into her own hands once again!
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Who could resist such pretty brown eyes?
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Or a ring in their favourite colour?
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Not Samuel it seems!
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Elsewhere in the club...
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...Ricky Cormier and Meadow Thayer - with their matching noses - are having their first kiss.
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And back at Pemberley, Esther and Eleanor are getting to know each other better too.
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Much better!
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Smartest thing each JA protagonist has done?
I find it kind of hard to define "smart", but I would stay standing by your principles is both intelligent and right.
Catherine Morland refuses to lie (or lie by proxy) to Eleanor Tilney, despite being encouraged to by the Thorpes and her own brother.
Elizabeth Bennet refuses to marry two different men because she doesn't esteem them.
Elinor Dashwood never allows Lucy Steele to drag her down to her level.
Marianne Dashwood won't let her sister be insulted by others..
Anne Elliot visits her poor friend when they have a prior engagement despite her father's disapproval.
Fanny Price refuses to marry without love and respect, even though her position is highly unstable.
Jane Bennet... I'm glad she finally understands Caroline's character by the end. Love you, Jane!
Emma Woodhouse... smartest... thing... moral thing... well she is prepared to accept Mr. Knightley marrying Harriet if that is what he really wants. That was big of her.
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persephonyed · 10 months
♡ — i'm finally chilled out and caught up after the big wedding weekend, and now i really want to get some new threads going with everyone, and also maybe meet some new writing partners! i've tossed some muses under the cut that i've been really wanting to write with since i've been back, so feel free to give this a like if you want a starter / want to plot with any of them. i'm down for all the dramatic, angsty, h*rror-y, crazy stuff you could throw at me, and also am including some canon/canon inspired/supernatural muses because the itch is there right now. pick your poison!
here are the ocs my muse is begging to write!
aylin ozdemir; 28, bisexual, she/her, bakery owner & witch. aslihan malbora fc.
blair bennett; 22, sometimes closeted bisexual, she/her, university student. katie douglas fc.
camille st. clair; 24, bisexual, she/her, aspiring actress. jessica alexander fc.
catalina "lina" velasco; 30, bisexual, she/her, flight attendent. melissa barrera fc.
eleanor "nell" tolly; 34, bisexual, she/her, children's book author. rebecca rittenhouse fc.
flora zhang; 26, bisexual, she/her, grad student & aspiring author. havana rose liu fc.
indigo edmunds; 26, bisexual, she/her, corporate recruiter. grace van dien fc.
ingrid edmunds; 36, straight, she/her, cardiothoracic surgeon. amanda seyfried fc.
imogen edmunds; 32, often very newly out bisexual, she/her, elementary school teacher. elizabeth olsen fc.
isabella "izzie" eriksen; 26, bisexual, she/her, paralegal or celebrity pr manager based on verse. alisha boe fc.
jude landry; 28, bisexual, she/her, law student. maddie phillips fc.
natasha voigt; 27, she/her, bisexual, actress. lili reinhart fc.
nora giuliani; 27, she/her, lesbian, paranormal & true crime podcaster. victoria predretti fc.
ruby brodsky; 25, bisexual, she/her, grad student. gideon adlon fc.
sawyer klein; 24, bisexual, she/her, professional figure skater. grace van patten fc.
sebastian hernandez; 31, straight, he/him, inspired by the musical repo man. sean teale fc.
and here are the canon & various characters i really want to write rn!
ginny weasley; harry potter 24, lesbian, she/her, professional quidditch player or student depending on the verse. abigail cowan fc.
jacqueline "jackie" knightley; historical 27, bisexual, she/her, writer & member of nobility. sophie skelton fc.
leila owens; leia organa coded 32, bisexual, she/her, princess. laura harrier fc.
lily evans; harry potter 26, bisexual, she/her, potions shop owner or student depending on the verse. kennedy mcmann fc.
nissa; very acotar compatible 28, queer, she/they, fae royalty. jessie mei li fc.
pansy parkinson; harry potter 30, bisexual, wizarding world fashion designer or possibly have taken over rita skeeter's column undecided yet. sofia carson fc.
rhiannon wynne; 26, bisexual, she/her, witch. ellie bamber fc.
harry potter canon fcs i often write as if hogwarts were university / if they went to a magical university instead, or write them post-hogwarts and just living their lives now. and over all, most verses for everyone are flexible and can be added to or bent whatever way within the realm of staying true to their characters. feel free to throw any kind of plot at them all fr!
ps i’m also suuuuuper open to making new canon characters for anyone i vibe with i’m such a ship chaser please come to me with your canon muses!
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