#eli anon
lennjamin-o7 · 2 years
Just wanted to say that I love your story and I especially love that you made it Techno-centric. Don't get me wrong I do love a Tommy-centric dark sbi but Techno just has a special spot in my heart and not many people write Techno-centric.
I have given it the highest honor I can in that it has joined my collection of tabs that never get closed.
I love all Dark Sbi so much! It is my fave category. But I am the same as you in the sense that TECHNOBLADE is my fave character, and I want to read more stories with him.
But while there are some AMAZING Technoblade centric Dark Sbi, there ks not enough in my opinion. Which is why this one exists. I needed MORE. Which means I needed to add more myself lol.
I recognize the honor you have bestowed upon me. I am so happy you like my fic that much 💚💚💚💚💚💚
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hawk x sensitive!reader where even after he becomes all "tough" and "badass" he's still gentle with reader. I just need fluff and everything is so sickly sweet like I want my teeth to rot.
- ♠️
(again i forgot which one it was)
YES OMG ☹️☹️☹️☹️ ; I'm screaming and crying were gonna fight wtf ; thank u for requesting some cobra kai stuff love u bae ; also sorry ab this cause I had no idea what to do here
HAWK MOSKOWITZ ; the one i love
summary ; while hawk is off becoming mean and badass, he's still nice to you, knowing you're kind of sensitive, and he doesn't want to lose his s/o
warnings ; language, talk of physical violence
track ; dedicated to the one i love, the mamas & the papas
word count ; 849
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Eli, these past few months, had changed. A lot. You didn't know whether you liked it or not either. He wasn't even Eli anymore, he was Hawk.
He'd taken on karate, got a new haircut, and completely changed his demeanor and personality. You couldn't lie, he looked cool, especially while showing off his moves, but what wasn't cool was him getting into unnecessary drama.
You'd seen some things online, though you tend not to stick around for any of it. You were caught up by Eli himself, considering you did online school. The bullying from Sam LaRusso and her friends had gotten too bad long ago, forcing you to hide away for the rest of your high school career.
You considered this transition good for Eli, as he was turning a new page in his story. He was able to defend himself, he was confident, and he wasn't being bullied anymore. But, at the same time, he was unrecognizable.
It wasn't in a bad way, not yet, at least. But this "Hawk" guy, wasn't your boyfriend, Eli. You fell into the arms of Eli Moskowitz, not Hawk.
Thankfully, he knew how to retain his relationship. Thank God his standards didn't raise, nor did his ego, as he changed.
You were slightly sensitive, you'd say, kind of emotional, mentally thin, maybe.
You had a bad day, though. That's all that mattered in this second.
You were trying to deep clean your room because it was nasty, and you were already mad. Nothing was working how you wanted it to. Your grades were dropping because you were becoming depressed and unmotivated, and you just wanted to see your boyfriend again. But of course, he'd been busy with karate and working out.
You yell out of pure frustration as you throw a pillow across the room toward your door before crashing onto your bed.
You quickly look up to see Eli standing in your doorway, having been hit by that pillow.
"Fuck, sorry" You mumble, proceeding to hide your face in another pillow that lays on your bed.
He slowly and cautiously steps in your room, picking up the thrown cushion. "What's wrong?"
"...Bad day"
He frowns, "What's wrong?"
You look up at him, spiky hair immediately catching your attention. "Can you wash out the gel before talking to me? You're intimidating looking like a badass"
He chuckles with a nod, "Yeah, I'll be right back"
You couldn't stand the mohawk. It intimidated you, like you were gonna be the next victim of his karate moves. He understood as you'd been honest about it long ago, and would often wash out his hair in the sink and use a towel to then dry his hair.
Now, his roots were dark brown, while the midsection to ends were bright blue. You'd helped him dye it, the reasoning why the bathroom sink was just barely stained with blue in the bowl.
He re-enters the room, his hair now damp, but un-styled. He sits on the bed beside you, allowing you to sit in silence with a pillow pressed against your face.
You slowly pull it away, looking up at him. You flop your back onto your mattress, staring at the ceiling.
"What's up?" He asks, his eyes gazing upon your tired and stressed expression.
You shrug, sitting up. "I hate online school, I have essentially no friends or hobbies, my proctors are shoving thirty assignments on me while I'm depressed and I need to do a million fucking other things-"
He quickly pulls you into a hug, silencing you. You accept his hug, arms draped around his shoulders as you rest your head on one of his shoulders. He does the same for you, his arms slung around your torso instead.
You groan, hiding your face from the light.
He lightly rubs your back, just trying to show you some comfort.
He speaks up after a solid minute of silence, letting you calm yourself down. "Do you want to get into karate? Or at least meet my friends? A lot of them would really like to meet you"
You shrug, unsure.
"It's okay if you don't want to"
You shrug again, your words mumbled from between his shoulder. "What if they don't like me cause I'm not like them?"
He smiles, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "Trust me, they're not gonna make fun of you or not like you in any way unless you give them a reason. And that in itself is pretty much impossible"
You nod, "Thanks"
"Is there any way I can help with your school stuff? What needs done? What can I do for you?"
"Calm down, Eli. I'll be fine. It's just when there's a lot on my mind, I stress out for no reason I guess. Like, I know everything'll be okay but... I dunno" You shrug, pulling away from his arms. "But thank you"
He nods, laying down on the bed beside you. "You tired? I am"
You nod with a smile, pulling him close to cuddle with him.
"Agh- your grip is insane!"
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
The Crew Heads with Reader: Board Games
G/N. Silly. 4 small scenes. (Jake Kim, Eli Jang, Johan Seong, Samuel Seo)
Bro Code | Dinner | Shopping | Television | Gacha | Board Games | Suits
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"What the fuck?" Samuel glares at Johan who returns it with equal hostility.
"It's a word." Johan spits, arms crossed and defiant.
"Use it in a sentence."
"I'm going to kilp you."
"Johan will kilp you," Jake chimes in.
"Samuel will be kilped by Johan," Eli adds.
"Almost," you say, "But Johan I don't think that's a word-"
"3 to 2, overruled!" Jake grins, totting up the points from the Scrabble board. "Ok so that's triple word score too for God Dog. Fuck... he's in the lead."
"I just said you can't play a +2 on top of a +2 card!" Jake moans, looking at the stack of cards in the middle.
"Says who?" Johan asks, because that rule is stupid
"It sounds like bullshit but-," Eli scrolls on his phone, looking for a source. "Uno officially. The cards can't stack."
You lean over his shoulder, read the rule with your own eyes but disregard it anyway. "The fuck do they know."
"5 to 0, draw your cards asshole." Samuel leans back, smug when Jake add another 6 cards to his hand.
"You're cheating!" You screech as Jake freezes like a deer caught in headlights.
"No I didn't!" He holds up both hands in surrender. He absolutely did not cheat.
"You grabbed an extra 100 won, I saw you!"
"I didn't!" Jake protests his innocence.
"I saw him too," Eli says as Johan and Samuel both nod vigorously.
"What, owning most of the properties on the board isn't enough for you?" You say, jabbing a finger in Jake's chest. "And now you're cheating?!"
"But I didn't-"
"I don't want to play anymore!" You throw your cash in the air, standing up and stepping over the Monopoly board as the rest of the guys follow suit.
"But... I didn't." Jake mutters, looking at the mess of cash around him.
Ok. So he didn't cheat. In fact, you know for certain that everyone else did. It's just expected with a game like Monopoly. No-one becomes rich fairly with capitalism.
Poor Jake however, did play fair and square, ended up lucky with the community chest and chance cards which led to him owning the majority of the properties.
All of you, getting more pissed off by the minute but not wanting to admit defeat, slithered your way out of it by accusing Jake and throwing him to the wolves.
You promise to make it up to him, somehow. But you are not losing at Monopoly.
"Are you blind?" Johan growls when Samuel's hand comes down on the 9 that landed on top of the 6.
"Fuck off," he mutters, retreating and putting his own card down - an 8.
"I think Snap might not be for Samuel," Eli grins, placing a King face up, as Jake agrees that Math isn't Sammy's strong suit.
"Easy mistake," you shrug, rising to his defence. You have definitely done something similar many times. Not with these guys though.
You've never played Snap, that simple card game, with them. For good reason-
"Snap!" Jake shouts, hand slamming down after he places another King on top of Eli's.
The table legs creak, then with a sickening crash, collapses under the force of his power. The four crew heads and you are left sitting around a mess of splintered wood, spilled drinks and ruined cards.
Samuel rolls his eyes. "Well done, moron."
-And that's why you don't play Snap.
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
i’m not good with angst but i try🥲
bully!hawk making sweet larusso! reader cry. she’s telling him how he’s starting to scare her, how he’s so mean and he’s not the boy he fell in love with. hawk doesn’t get it, how could reader not like it? he’s finally cool and confident. he tells her she doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she doesn’t understand him, he’s never been happier. reader quietly says she wants to break up, that she’s not gonna be the girlfriend of a bully, and hawk doesn’t know what to do. he yells at her to go, that he doesn’t need her, that she’s only slowing him down and how he could have thousands of better girls. of course hawk doesn’t mean any of this and regrets his words immediately, but it’s too late. reader is already running out the door and starting her car. the matching heart locket that had each others photos broken and thrown out on the lawn with hawks photo staring up at the sky.
🍎 anon
LaRusso!Reader went over to his house to talk to him about his bullying of others and hoping he'll listen to her. However, she's surprised by his attitude over the whole situation and it causes an argument between them. They're fighting back and forth, he's arguing his reasons for doing what he did and she's just begging him to not be a bully.
When she realizes she's not getting through to him, she starts getting upset because there's only one other option: break up with him.
She tries avoiding it but the more she tells himnshes scared of him acting like this and she doesn't know him anymore. He's asking her what the fuck that even means and is offended by her lack of confidence in him. "So what? You liked me better when I was a fucking loser?"
"What? No, you weren't a loser-"
"Oh, come on! You're really gonna look at me and try to feed me that bullshit!?"
After a few more go rounds of arguments like that, she finally breaks and says, "I can't do this anymore! I-I can't be with you if you're like this!"
"So you wanna break up? Fine! Fine! I don't need you anyway. There's thousands of other girls out there better for me than you!"
It hurt already to say what she said, but when Reader hears that, it utterly shatters her heart. She chokes up and struggles to pull her locket off, her hands shaking so bad. Her initial idea was to throw it at him, but she's stumbling and fumbling to get away from him at the same time. She runs out the front door crying because why were they even together if he thinks there are better girls than her. The locket falls from her fingers in the grass as she rushes to her car, trying to make a speedy exit.
Hawk follows her, regretting everything he's said during their whole conversation. However, he's only able to see her pull out of his driveway and get out of there as fast as she can. He stands there, hurting and upset that this is how things have ended. He's waiting to wake up from a nightmare but he's not. It's over and it's awful.
The worst part is when he sees a glint on the grass. He walks out there and finds his own image looking back at him and he feels the tears begin to prick his eyes. He picks up the locket and tries not to cry, his chest hurting with the realization that it's really over.
He remembers the day they got the lockets, his own hanging by his bed, open so he can wake up and see her picture every morning. He got them for them and he picked the pictures, gifting her the pretty heart shaped necklace on their anniversary, after he got the confidence to even have or take pictures taken of himself. It had been a really sweet day. They were each other's hearts.
He doesn't know what he's going to do because while he might have said there were other girls, there isn't. There's never going to be other girls. Not a single one. Reader is it. Now what?
Meanwhile, Reader is at home locked in her bedroom crying her heart out. She won't even let Sam in to comfort her because she doesn't want the comfort... she just wants Eli back.
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Hey! Im trying to find a fic where Derek is single father to Eli and starts dating stiles. Eli hates stiles and tries to get rid of him but it doesn’t work. Eventually Derek breaks up with stiles for Eli but is like so depressed and sad and Eli can’t stand it so he gets them back together. If anyone can find this fic, I know you can!!
Hi @bouncy-dog-funeral! Anon and @istalsworld says it's this one.
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5 times Eli tried to get rid of Stiles and 1 time he asked him to stay by TalesoftheEnchantedForest
(1/1 I 6,844 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek loves his son, Eli, but he also loves this new guy Stiles, and Eli knows. Only one of them can stay.
Aka, Eli doesn't approve of his father's new relationship, and somehow, he still ends up being the one to stitch everything back together.
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ren-054 · 5 months
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cenpede · 1 year
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Trips and falls and all my metal gears fall out of my pocket…
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a018233 · 4 months
My original idea was that the reader only became a rental partner because they were inlove with a host that influenced them to join the industry. But I wanted it to be more open so people can self project on the reader, so I scrapped that.
I'll spoil you some of the asks I got:
Luca is one of Andrew's friends, he got too suspicious and went through Andrew's cellphone and found out that reader is from a rental service. He thinks it's funniest thing ever, in his humble opinion. He kinda figured you were out of his league. So as a joke he decided to rent reader out but now he can understand why Andrew is always bringing you up in every conversation and creepily mumbling your name under his breath.
Ithaqua is one of your very first clients, he only rented you out because a fancy indoor rock climbing place offered a couples only get in free event, and he really wanted to go. But then he found himself enjoying your company, so he keeps renting you out. You guys had more a friend relationship that formed out of the rental service, he gained a crush on you and had a close relationship with you, but soon his jealousy catches up with him and he realizes he wants more and doesn't want you to a be rental anymore.
Joseph is also one of your longterm clients and also formed a relationship with you out of the rental service. It's more of a sugar daddy situation. He's one of the few yandere's of the harem that *isn't* delusional.
Eli just got out of a longterm relationship, and Norton cheers him up by letting him use his rental date with you, and quickly Eli finds himself booking you time and time again where the the lines are blurred between what's real and what's not. He actively believes your into him just as much as he is into you.
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blushblushdrabbles · 4 months
Alrighty seems like the majority of people would like a list of blush blush boys who would like to be called daddy! So here it is!.
Boys who would like being called daddy: Logan, William, Myx, Anon, Seth, Dmitri, Haru and possibly Eli though they are genderfluid.
Boys who would automatically melt and perish from being called daddy: Cole, Cashew, Nimh, Poe, Aki and Fuyu
Boys who wouldn't like being called daddy: Volks, Scale, Stirling
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dentiststoothfairy · 4 months
hello there!💗
can i request a Norton and eli with an s/o that has a pet dove and Crow that are like guardians for there s/o
so like the Birds would always follows there s/o in the manor and in match's and would not leave there s/o side, at first they thought it was a normal dove and crow but that quickly changed after a match,so like there s/o was running from the hunter but accidentally trip, making there
s/o hurt there leg , they saw this but they couldn't do anything as the hunter was close so they just had to watch, suddenly there s/o command there Crow and dove to teleport them away and so the dove and crow transformed like this:
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[both are about 7'1ft tall in this form]
and so the Bird's teleported far away from the hunter with there s/o and the Birds may or may not gave there s/o magical healing abilities and gave there s/o the ability to see the future…whenever they wanted soo yeah]
[i hope this isn't too much for you😅]
🎀🦷 𝙷𝚊𝚑𝚊, 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚕𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚂/𝙾𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐.. 𝙸'𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚜!
🍩 Norton Campbell 🍩
🦉 Eli Clark 🦉
with bird lover S/O!
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• Norton's grown a distaste for birds during the games, not gonna lie to you. We can thank Nightmare for that one, chief.
• Besides, it's a little awkward when you're trying to do something sweet for your beloved and their fucking birds decide to watch you.
• He's definitely attempted to seperate you from your birds to see how far they'd go.
• On an unrelated note. Thank god he has a hat covering his head. 🐦
• They have probably shit on his shoulder when flying away from him too. I just imagine him and your two birds just can't get along 😭
• Then there was.. THAT match.
• He had assisted you as much as he could, but he knew he couldn't help you forever.
• especially when you rolled your ankle. First? Ouch. Secondly? Fantastic....
• Norton knew he'd be going for a rescue so he quickly runs off, and hiding himself so he could. But when he proceeds watch your animals grow incredibly in size and take you away?
• His jaw?? To his TOES.
• He barely had time to register the hunter changing target he just. Was in shock.
• Yeah he gives them the crumbs off his donuts now...
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• Eli is a natural with animals of all kinds. Especially with birds.
• Brookerose and your two darling feathered friends got a long well so it was only natural that you two did too.
• Brookerose seemed to know there was more than meets the eye that came with your companions and Eli got that sense too but he mainly kept it to himself.
• However, you two are REALLY cute together. Little cute bird couple and their nests of flight chickens <333
• When the Hunter began to lock onto you, he already had his beloved owl ready to aid you. But for some reason, Brooke wouldn't leave his side.
• This was the first time she had ever disobeyed him. Truly. He was more nervous than upset. Until he saw the sight.
• Two massive birds.
• Wow.
• Least to say he was AMAZED.
• He healed you, your birds were smart enough to bring you to him. But he couldn't stop blubbering.
• he was just gushing over you, over your pets.
• You two are cute together.
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t0bey · 4 months
Hey, uh, I just saw your recent artwork and I'm kinda confused about the lore between Pheonix and Moonblessed (I wasn't around during the event). Care to tell me the lore please?
its elaborated on most in the halloween 2022 event (probably footage of it on youtube) but long story short phoenix and moonblessed were childhood friends but phoenix was secretly a demonic underling for the god of death who was trying to sabotage the church they were both raised under, and over time the god wore away moonblessed's sanity to make her also bend to his will in order to break free from the seal the church placed on him
eventually phoenix himself felt guilty about it so he put a stop to the god but at the cost of exposing himself as the traitor of the church along with moonblessed so were sentenced to death by the grand oracle (who also raised phoenix)
but apparently during the process of dying, phoenix used his own heart to save moonblessed from dying along with him by literally giving her his heart, and that resulted in her becoming a mix of both witch AND demon. he disappearerd after resurrecting her (but confirmed to be alive by the 2023 event) but its been over a century since that time and moonblessed was given immortality by the heart, but also forced to watch everyone she knew and grew up with die over time. so phoenix is really the only one she has left in the world so she's determined to find him
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heyacris · 1 year
Asking them what's their body count:
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yuellii · 10 months
🪼AWWWHH the neuvi and furina one SO CUYUTE but do you think theyll even get past practicing the kiss scene if it does happen 😭even if they manage to get in.... theyre both getting KICKED OUT they cannot remain composed!!! its ok tho ID GIVE THEM BOTH A KISS ON THE CHEEK ANYDAY FOR REAL THEY JUST HAVE TO ASK U DONT EVEN HAVE TO ASK JUST COME UP AND ILL DO IT 4 FREE!!!!!!!!!
neuvillette x reader x furina is so real 2 me,, anon you are the only one that understands me ever i think…
i’d like to think the first time furina ever gets cast as your love interest in a show, she IMMEDIATELY jumps to “let’s practice the kiss scene!!” during rehearsals. she’s so confident and excited going into it but during the actual practice, she practically becomes a dazed tomato that she has to recollect herself every time before moving on with the scene.
however i’d like to think that she can only practice that scene once, because she gets too flustered with the mere facts that 1. oh my god, she just kissed you, and 2. everyone is watching — ergo she realizes she needs to calm herself down before she can even practice that again.
neuvillette on his part is really not experienced first-hand with these types of theatrical things, so he observes them as if this exchange ( including furina’s immediate jump to practice that one scene right away ) is totally normal. there’s not any meddling jealousy in his head or anything, because to him, there is the full disclosure that “oh, this is just a rehearsal, no strings attached;” as well as “im happy to see lady furina be so excited about musical theatre again!” — which kind of leads him to not realize that the feelings furina carries for you are quite similar to his.
needless to say, he’ll keep trying to rehearse with you. cutting into your practice time ( time in which furina mostly steals you for, as well ) just so he can sit there and listen to your voice. he’ll say it’s under the guise of “observing and learning” — which isn’t completely off, since he really is new to this — but he really just wants to see you practice.
furina is definitely the more jealous one of the two of them, often purposely stealing you away to practice. neuvillette is just here to see you and have a good time, and to watch you.
however if there is ever a fourth party, in which neither of them get the role of your love interest and someone else does — then trust me, both of them would work together to to make sure you don’t like this other person
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
🍎 anon here:3 i’ve been thinking of this for a bit, i imagine it’s where robby’s in cobra kai but also it could have bully hawk who’s in miyagi do instead
sweet and innocent larusso!reader who’s tired of all the fighting and just wants everyone to get along like they did before. she hatches the plan to throw a party, inviting both cobra kai (except kyler ofc he’s gross) and miyagi do to come over and talk it out. she’s so naive, bringing out board games and snacks, thinking it will help connect people but ofc she’s wrong. hawk is the first to come over, always having a crush on reader and thinking this would be a great opportunity to hang out. then miguel who doesn’t really wanna be around hawk but will deal with it for reader. tory is next and starts to cause a scene with hawk and miguel. tory doesn’t like reader, has reader even done anything wrong though? course not, all she’s ever done is be her sweet self to tory and tory hates it, the perky bubbly little larusso beign hated simple because of her surname. the only reason tory came was for free booze and the chance to beat the snot out of someone. once robby arrives all hell breaks loose, kicks and punches and soon there’s a hole in the wall. reader pleads with them to stop, explaining the reason for them all being there and looks at them with pouty lips and teary eyes. they all sit on the large couch huffing and puffing.
cut to them all taking their anger out on poor little readers fat wet cunt and pretty drooly mouth 😽
As soon as they see her pout, they're all thinking the same thing: she's too cute and innocent for her own good.
But then she starts rambling about why she brought them all here and how they should all be friends instead of fighting each other. She addresses a few things, like Miguel and Hawk's dislike of each other because of Hawk's bullying that he brought over from Cobra Kai and how Miguel and Robby should get along because they have more in common than they think. It doesn't defuse the situation at all. Especially when she brings up how she wants to be Tory's friend because they haven't really gotten to know each other all that well and she'd love to do just that.
Hawk is the one to get things started because he's had a crush on her for so long. He probably says something a little mean about how her little dreams are gonna be nothing more than that because none of them are gonna be able to get along. Then he says, "kick these lovers outta here and you and I can definitely get to know each other a lot better."
She's a little confused by that until he kisses her in front of the rest of them, showing them he wants her and that they can't have her. Tory gets a little too upset about that for supposedly not liking Reader LaRusso at all. She walks up behind Reader and circles are arms around her thick figure to grope her fat tits. Reader let's out a startled moan into Hawk's mouth, but she isn't all that opposed to the attention.
Miguel and Robby watch as Tory and Hawk kind of fight for where they get to grab and pull Reader toward them, arms crossed over their chests as they sit on opposite sides of the couch. They're getting uncomfortably hard while too angry to look at each other, but then Reader's top and bra comes off thanks to some sort of collaborative effort made between Tory and Hawk.
As things get a little more intense, Reader shyly suggests they go to her bedroom and they pull her away. Tory leads the way with a tight grip on Reader's wrist while Hawk makes a point to Robby and Miguel: "You two coming or are you two just gonna stew there while I fuck that sweet little smile off Reader's face?"
Miguel and Robby look at each other and that anger isn't gone, but damn do they don't care about one another while they think about that. They do push each other out of the way to get to Reader's bedroom.
Cut to them all on her bed, Hawk balls deep in her once-virgin pussy as she's sat on her knees. He's behind her while she's leans against Tory, who's sucking on her fat tits and marking them up. Miguel's to the side taking Reader's mouth while Robby is playing with Tory's pussy.
One of Tory's hands wanders down to Reader's pussy and starts rubbing hard circles on her clit, smirking at her as she whines and shakes. From behind her, Hawk is pounding her tight, fat cunt by pulling her back into his thrusts. His fingers dig into her fat waist, surely to bruise her tender skin.
"Is this what you wanted?" Tory asks condescendingly. She continues to "bully" Reader's clit while her other hand is squeezing her tit hard. "For all of us to get along, right?"
Robby scoffs as he kisses Tory's neck, watching Reader's body bounce which each smack of Hawk's hips into her ass. She's moaning around Miguel's cock as if to answer them but she can't pull away to say anything because his hand is on the back of her head while he fucks her throat. Between moans, she's doing her best not to gag.
Then Hawk starts muttering about how "this pussy is mine. Mine, mine, mine," and everyone knows he's close. He gets rougher, pulling her away from the others and pulling her back against his chest. Tory fights it for a moment before sitting back and watching Hawk bust and fill the innocent LaRusso's pretty little pussy. Reader's already come twice at this point but the feeling of Hawk's dick throbbing in her cunt sends her over the edge again and she's a shaking mess, crying out for him.
When he pulls out, some of his cum dribbles out and slides down her thighs. She's never done this before and is a little shy, trying to close her legs, but Hawk keeps her from doing so. He growls in her ear, "Don't fucking do that. I want them all to see you're mine."
Miguel shoves him. "Shut up, man. Just because you fucked her first doesn't mean shit."
Tory beckons Reader closer and she crawls forward while Hawk and Miguel bicker. Tory moves out of the way to reveal Robby's hard, throbbing, needy cock to her. "Suck him."
Reader innocently looks at her, lips swollen and droolly. "I don't know how."
"Fuck, just take him in your mouth and I'll tell you how to do the rest," Tory grunts.
So Reader bends down, still on her knees, and takes Robby in her mouth. She braces her hands on his thighs as he sits back watching her. She's totally unaware her messy fat cunt is on display for the other two behind her and Miguel takes the opportunity to finally get off, having been so rudely interrupted before when Hawk pulled her off of him.
She moans around Robbys tip as Miguel starts fucking her, giving her no tike to adjust to his girth. Tory is talking to her the while time, directing her on how to suck dick and do it right. She's following the orders as closely as possibly, making Robby roll his eyes back. Tory isn't satisfied though and puts a hand on the back of Reader's head, pushing her head down until she's gagging. Spit and drool sputter out of her mouth as she fights to pull her head up, Tory eventually letting her and she coughs, still getting jostled by Miguel behind her.
"Hurry up," Tory commands and Reader's pussy clenched as she slowly learns she likes getting bossed around by the blonde.
So, Reader takes Robby again and sucks him off. It's sloppy and inexperienced, but oh so amazing. Behind her, it doesn't take long for Miguel to come and give her a second filling. Robby fills her mouth and Tory tells her to be a "good girl and swallow", so she does.
Then Tory is telling the guys to get off the bed so she can flip Reader onto her side, slot herself between her legs, and make an even bigger mess out of her overfill, leaky pussy. She scissors Reader with one of her fat thighs held against her chest, leg thrown over her shoulder. Reader is tired and overestimated, being driven up that cliff once again as Tory rolls her hips into Reader's and makes sure their clits constantly meet.
Over her, on wither side of her, Robby, Miguel and Hawk fist their cocks as they watch her body jiggle and bounce. She holds onto the bedsheets tightly and tries to move with Tory's hips, but she doesn't know what she's doing. Then she's shaking and coming again and Miguel us shooting his cum all over her face. Once Tory comes, she pushes Reader onto her back and watched Hawk and Miguel come all over her body. Reader lays limply as she gets coated in all their cum, legs shaking and tired from the whole experience.
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Thoughts on the Baxter being black or white discourse?
Funny you send this ask anon because I won't lie to you I was LITERALLY Planning on making this post on my own one day when I got the time to. But uhhhh looks like you just sped up that process so let's just get down to it then.
First starting with a history lesson. All starting and going way back to 1984 when Baxter was born. (Well. In our world at least. Cus in actual comic continuity he was born in 1948.)
After the first issue of TMNT was a success, Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird of course got to work making another comic so it can be an official series. And when you have a new hero or heroes, you gotta have more villains for them to fight. And that second big baddie happened to be Baxter.
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We can see here in this image above us that during his designing phase, Baxter funny enough had 2 different designs. One white design & one Black one. Showing us that it actually would have been an either or decision with how he would have ended up as. But of course, the 2 men obviously settled on the black one
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And for a good couple of years that's just how it always was. At least until the 87 cartoon came out & we were re-introduced to Baxter looking noticeably different..
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Baxter in his first outside comic book appearance had been one of the first of many POC characters to have been whitewashed (those unaware, whitewashing is when a character of a certain ethnicity/race is portrayed or designed as a Caucasian). And the reason for this massive change is STILL, to this day is a bit of a mystery. Like you & many suspected, why not go up to Kevin & Peter themselves & ask them why this happened? Or if they even had a role in it? From every source I could find & the only answer I really got was that Kevin & Peter had no idea why they changed him either! BUT they actually didn't really mind or care because if we go back to Baxter's concept art, he was ALMOST Going to be white anyway so if anything the show just made their "what if" choice a reality. At the end of the day, they didn't really care & I don't blame them since Baxter's race wasn't really a key part of his character. But I'll get to that in a minute.
Another consistent answer or rumor I hear about this change is because the showrunners didn't want the risk of being labeled as "racist". Because Baxter's role in the first cartoon was simply a "Weak subservient henchman who constantly refers to his boss as "Master" ".
*winces teeth* yeaaaaa I can kinda see what they mean by that looking bad..
But hang on now, then what about Bebop?
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Before his mutation, he was noticeably black & he was turned into a pig that's ordered around & takes tons of verbal & physical abuse from his master and even called him that once yet nobody's batted an eye about that??? (Plus said Master is Asian Soo)
Well my personal best guess on why Bebop is overlooked could be for the following reasons:
He's a mutant. Yes he started off as a human being. But for the rest of the entire series aside from 2 instances to my knowledge, he's a mutant warthog. And not exactly a brown one either.. So for people starting off watching TMNT, they probably have no idea he was human or even black for that matter.
Some people don't even know he's black! Again. I imagine most people's first introduction to him was from a random episode & they never saw what he looked like as a human. And it's not like his voice actor was convincing of being otherwise either. Barry Gordon is obviously not African-American nor did he sound like one like most modern non black voice actors. In fact Bebop's voice is far from it. As a black person who has grown up in multiple areas of NY. Including the bad parts where thugs like Bebop reside. I can say. I have never once met or even heard another black person talk or sound the way he does.
Oddly enough, Bebop has actually been whitewashed himself two times. In the Archie comics & even in one of his first action figures to which again I personally chalk this up to people just not knowing he was black
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3. And finally last. Rocksteady. Bebop is just tweedleDee of TweedleDumb. Rocksteady is his just as stupid best friend & are rarely to almost never seen separated from each other. So he's given the same treatment as Bebop & written just as much the same. You can't really tell the difference between the two. Or I can't really since I don't know or care much about their 80s counterparts. They're pretty much the same character. Henchman/Comic relief goons not really meant to be taken or thought of that seriously. And it's because of these reasons why I think Bebop is pardoned from receiving racial backlash. He's just a funny mutant goon & like Baxter, being black's not really a big key part of his character. Which again. I'll get to.
Back to Baxter. Whether it was because of avoiding backlash, or because they wanted to give his mirage concept art a chance, or they just wanted to cash in on Back to the Future.
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Baxter Stockman was now a white man & that was just the way it was for a VERY VERY long time.
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In fact, I came across at least 5 80s & 90s kids that GENUINELY Thought Baxter was ALWAYS a white guy. The damage had already been done that severely until 2001 teased what would eventually be the 2003 series & Baxter had at long last returned to his true African-American roots.
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And it's been the go-to norm ever since (with a few occasional slip ups)
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But it's because of these slip ups that a little bit of controversy started regarding Baxter's race. Especially with the possibility of turning him white again in a random adaptation. Most people prefer it while others are strongly against it especially on account of the fact that TMNT completely lacks black characters to which, they are not wrong about. At all!
Aside from Baxter & Bebop. The only black characters in TMNT we had for the longest was Angel & Xever (He's Afro-Brazillian before you idiots come at me) & it's opened up a pretty collar tugging realization the only black characters in TMNT all seem to be bad guys. It's honestly no wonder why people want to make more original ones like Sunita from Rise & make April Black like said Rise & Mutant Mayhem. April herself actually falling into this similar category as Baxter because she's actually had a bounce back & forth from being black & white in the mirage comics. (But I am not going to get into that because that whole thing is honestly ITS OWN Very confusing can of worms that literally anybody else can cover if they want to)
From what I've seen & gathered, Baxter remaining black is a big deal for most people because it branches out the black diversity in the TMNT mythos & it's just a core part of his character. Which I'm finally going to get to.
The thing is... It's really not.
Yes Baxter Stockman is an African-American man. But. That's not ALL he is. He's a super genius, he's intimidating, he's only looking out for himself, he doesn't care how much stronger or powerful you may be than him, he'll find a way to take you out or use you for his own benefits. Any piece of technology in his hands equals horrible news! He's your textbook definition of an evil genius! He just HAPPENS to be black! It doesn't matter what color he is, Baxter Stockman will always be Baxter Stockman. I feel like he would have been the same character regardless if Kevin & Peter DID go with his white design way back in 1984! Realistically, what difference would it have made?
In every single adaptation that Baxter's appeared in, in every single story focused on him, where he himself is the main character: His race has never ONCE been brought up.
Not a SINGLE TIME has him being a black man affected his life, development or any other aspect of his livelihood. Of all 20 interactions that Baxter has appeared in. Not ONCE. did he ever bring up being black. Nor did somebody else bring up that he's black. Not a single time, has that ever been a focus or key part of his story. For the same reason why any other characters like him or not like him haven't. The same reason why Dr. Robotnik/Eggman being white isn't brought up or focused on, or why Medic (TF2) being German isn't focused on, or even Willem Viceroy iii (Randy Cunningham) being a black scientist himself isn't even touched on! Their races aren't their characters, it just happens to be a fact about them! And the same should go for Baxter! Especially when you take in & remember the fact that he was almost never gonna be black in the first place.
Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about him being black or white, or that him being black shouldn't matter to you. I know from experience that we see ourselves in some fictional characters, good guy or bad guy. Especially if they share the same skin color as you. I probably wouldn't have latched onto Baxter like I did if it wasn't for him reminding me of my then afro wearing, nerdy 12 year old self at the time, but I know he's more than just his race & that's what I do want the fans to see when it comes to talking about him.
Now because I know I'll get this question either later on or in the comments of this post I will answer it beforehand.
Do I like Baxter better as a black person or a white person?
And to be completely & Brutally honest with all of you: . . . I genuinely don't mind either or. 🤷🏿‍♀️
I honest to God. Don't mind what Baxter looks like. I WILL admit, I do heavily prefer he be black. But if he happens to be white, then I don't mind it tbh. To me. When it comes to an adaptation of Baxter Stockman. The only thing that really matters to me is how he's written. As long as he's written well I don't mind or care at all what color he is. But again. I would prefer him black, still either or is fine by me.
What about you guys tho? I'm genuinely curious/interested about how YOU 🫵🏿 prefer he look like? Do you guys like him better being black? Or white? Can be any reason why. Could be cus you relate more, or you grew up with him being that way. Just as long as it's a reason. Be fun to discuss 🤗
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hedwig221b · 1 year
Hi hi! I’m SO excited you’re taking prompts! You’re on my favorite sterek authors!! Prompt: Stiles is a few months pregnant with their second child and Eli, he’s maybe 4 or 5, is making his day very difficult and it all boils to a point where Eli tells Stiles that he hates him. Stiles takes it to heart and doesn’t know what to do with himself while Derek tries to reason with him “Stiles, he’s 5 years old, of course he doesn’t hate you”
sorry for making you wait 84 years, anon
Eli was a smart boy.
Of course, he was, with Stiles’ brain and werewolf superior genes his and Derek’s child couldn’t be anything but amazing. He was four and a half but could already read his favorite tale — a werewolf-friendly retelling of the Little Red Riding Hood. There was a brief period when all he would read was this tale, and no amount of Stiles’ whining could sway him.
The stubbornness came from Derek, for sure.
And lately, something changed in Eli’s attitude. It was gradual and not something Stiles noticed at first. Eli was healthy and bubbly and happy most of the time, a perfect overly energetic and curious child, but sometimes he just gave Stiles this studying, almost suspicious, long stare and pursed his little button nose, as if thinking very hard about something.
Today was one of those days.
“Love you.”
“Love you, too,” Stiles chirped and happily received a quick goodbye kiss from his gorgeous, fantastic, but, alas, busy husband.
Derek stroked Stiles’ belly and smiled upon receiving a mischievous kick, then turned to look at Eli, who watched both of them very carefully.
“Say goodbye to Daddy, pumpkin,” Stiles grinned at him.
“Bye, Daddy,” Eli murmured, frowning a little.
Derek chuckled. “Are you sleepy still?” Eli shook his head, prompting his dad to catch his hand and tug him toward himself.
“Love you,” Derek said and smacked a kiss on Eli’s cheek, which, thankfully made him giggle.
“Love you, too,” Eli answered a bit more cheerfully, glanced at Stiles and ran away into the living room to take the TV-remote hostage for his morning cartoon time.
“Are two of you bickering again?” Derek arched an eyebrow.
“No. I don’t know, have to investigate,” Stiles sighed.
“Good luck.”
Upon not receiving any answer, Stiles put the plate gently back into the soapy water and turned his head. Eli had somehow managed to sneak into the kitchen unnoticed and now stood right beside Stiles. His little hands clutched the TV-remote, as he picked at one of the buttons.
Eli looked up at Stiles with a slight frown. “I love you.”
Stiles lifted his eyebrows, but despite the surprise, the smile still tugged his lips up.
“I love you, too, honeybun,” he chuckled.
Eli continued staring at him, as if waiting for something.
“Everything okay?” Stiles asked slowly after some time, keeping his voice light. “Want some snacks?”
“No,” the child muttered, turned around and went back into the living room.
Stiles stared after him. Thoughts started buzzing in his mind, as he cataloged everything that might have happened. When he eventually came up with nothing, Stiles left the dishes, wiped his hands and tottered into the living room.
The TV was on, but Eli was staring down at the remote, picking the same button, with a pout on his face. Stiles walked to the couch, biting his lip, and sat down, swinging an arm around Eli’s small shoulder and tucking him into his side.
“Pumpkin, what’s the matter?”
“No matter.”
“Then what’s with the long face?”
Eli looked up at him. “Do you love me?”
The question made Stiles freeze, because he told Eli about his love every single day. Did he not believe him?..
Stiles’ heart sped up uncomfortably. “Of course I do, sweetheart,” he stroked Eli’s wavy chestnut hair. “Why do you ask? Did I do something wrong?”
Eli, however, stared at him. Finally, after not getting whatever he was waiting for, the pup chucked the remote down on the floor.
But his little wolf was already running to the stairs.
Stiles cursed, as he slowly stood up and hurried as fast as he could, keeping a calming hand on his bump.
“No! If you hate me then I hate you, too!” a small distant voice echoed through the hall.
Huffing and puffing, Stiles climbed up after him, but was greeted with a closed door. Suddenly, he had so much respect for his dad and his, as it turned out, never-ending patience.
Despite Eli’s cranky efforts from the other side, Stiles managed to squeeze through, which made Eli growl.
“Hey, mister, no growling at Tata,” Stiles pointed his finger at the pup, but Eli didn’t listen. He jumped on his bed and hid under the covers. “I’ve never said I hated you, Eli. Where did that come from?”
Eli stayed silent, just wiggled a bit to get comfortable.
“Eli, sunshine…” Stiles begged.
“Come out, pretty please?”
“Okay,” Stiles muttered under his breath. It was one of those stubborn episodes, then. The pup needed to chill.  “Okay, you stay there and calm down and think about what you said. I don’t hate you and…”
“You hate me!” Eli snuck out of the covers; his hair was mussed up and his face was red, whether it was from anger or from sadness. “Daddy loves me, and you not!”
“I do.”
“Do not!”
Then Stiles remembered he was arguing with a four-year-old. He couldn’t not argue, though — his child had somehow got into his little head that his Tata hated him and that was downright illegal for him to think.
With something heavy and bitter forming in his throat (damn those fucking hormones) Stiles went downstairs, picked up his phone and called his savior, his anchor and sometimes his only voice of reason.
“Yes, baby?”
“He hates me,” Stiles sniffled.
Derek went silent for a couple of moments. “… no, he doesn’t.”
“But he said so,” god, now his voice was wobbling. Great.
“He is four, Stiles. He also swore to both of us he saw his dinosaurs move at night. He doesn’t hate you.”
Stiles swallowed and blinked rapidly. “It’s just… I can’t believe he thinks that.”
Elias was his son, his baby boy, his sunshine. He was a miracle — one he and Derek didn’t even know they could have. It was a total surprise from non-other than Stiles’ spark magic. The greatest gift of a lifetime. Eli could literally do nothing wrong in his eyes.
Derek sighed over the phone, hearing his stuttered breathing. “Can both of you make it to lunch? I’ll come home and make him talk.”
“Okay,” Stiles answered, breathing out in relief.
Derek will make everything okay. He always did.
Upon arriving home, the werewolf kissed Stiles on the cheek and went straight upstairs.
Stiles looked up after him, but after not hearing anything went to sit on the sofa. The remote somehow found its way into his hands; it took him a couple of absent minutes to realize he was picking at it, which made him immediately throw it aside.
At last, his anxiety-inducing depressive thoughts were interrupted by a sound of steps.
Stiles swiveled his head. Derek was walking down the stairs with Eli nestled in his arms. His poor baby was clutching at Derek’s shoulders; his face was pink and — Stiles’ heart jumped — wet with tears.
Apart from that, though, he was smiling.
Unable to understand anything even the slightest bit, Stiles turned his pleading gaze to his mate, who was also smiling softly.
“Eli and I had just found out,” Derek sat down on the couch with Eli still in his hands, “that you are a little silly, Tata.”
Stiles blinked at them. Eli giggled.
“Wh— I mean, of course, I am, but why?”
Derek tsked playfully and leaned to whisper into their son’s ear. “See, pup? Completely clueless.”
“Queue-s,” Eli giggled again.
“Shall we show him?” Derek asked and, after Eli nodded, turned to Stiles. “I love you.”
“I love you, too?” Stiles arched his eyebrows.
Derek leaned down and kissed him lightly on the cheek, then turned to Eli. “And I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Eli said with a grin and squeezed his eyes shut as Derek smooched him on the cheek.
Derek then turned to Stiles and lifted an exasperated eyebrow at him. “Now your turn, Tata.”
Stiles blinked at both of them. “I love you, Eli,” he said slowly.
“Love you, too, Tata,” said Eli and, as usual, waited for something.
And oh. Oh.
Stiles was really very silly.
He quickly cupped his son’s full pink cheeks and descended upon each of them with loud kisses. Finally, finally Eli blessed him with a bright laugh.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Stiles sniffled, taking his pup in a tight embrace and closed his eyes when he felt tiny hands wrap around his neck. Eli gave him a soothing pat (just like Stiles did to him sometimes), making him laugh.
“Do not forget it many more, Tata,” Eli leaned away and made a fake scowl at him, shaking his finger in Stiles’ face. “You say love you and you kiss me.”
“I won’t forget, sweetheart.”
Eli nodded to himself and laid his head back on Stiles’ shoulder, satisfied with his lesson.
Stiles looked up at Derek with glistening eyes. The wolf chuckled and swiped a thumb against his cheek.
It was the unsaid, undiscussed ritual, so old and automatic, it became an instinct: when one of them was leaving somewhere, they made sure to say ‘I love you’ and seal it down with a kiss. In child’s uncomplicated brain this declaration of love always went in pair. After all, he’d seen it so many times from his parents. So it’s no wonder he got confused, when all he received was ‘I love you’.
Never more will his child spend a day without a kiss.
Blinking left-over tears from his eyes and softening under the gaze of his mate, Stiles put his lips against the soft skin of Eli’s neck and blew a giant raspberry.
Eli screeched in giggles, trying to squirm out of his hold.
Their home was filled with laughter once again. As it always should be.
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