#eli reviews
seadem-on · 3 months
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[letterbox review for The Good the Bad and the Ugly (1966) by user BrainSatan saying: “On recent rewatch something that really stuck with me was Blondie and Tuco connecting over a shared sense of loneliness. While they’re at each other’s throats, they’re the closest thing either has to a friend in this world.
Tuco : That's so... even a tramp like me, no matter what happens, I know there's a brother somewhere who'll never refuse me... a bowl of soup
Blondie: And after a good meal, there’s nothing quite like a relaxing cigar..
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festeringmoons · 6 months
overall I think it’s fine to not like Marcella(you cannot be expected to like every fictional character ever, and she obviously is nowhere near a perfect person; far from it) but if you hate her because she took up space in a book the author has stated is specifically about women reclaiming power and you wanted to see more of your homoerotic serial killer boys then you should reevaluate your fucking biases <3
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helyiios · 5 days
mission:impossible dead reckoning part 2 : the legend goes on
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lykomeraki · 9 months
Teen Wolf: The Movie
ok, I just finished the Teen Wolf movie. My expectations weren't high, but boy was it bad.
the three redeemable parts of it were:
Eli Hale
Coach Finstock (cause he's just awesome, and the definition of chaotic good)
Allison returning (I missed her, but they also could have done it better)
Aside from that, it was just poorly done. bad writing, bad effects, and everything seemed over exaggerated. Aside from a few points, the overall story just didn't make sense, and there were too many things that changed over the last 15 years that weren't properly explained. New relationships, breakups, why they decided to keep the jar containing the Nogitsune in a restaurant rather than the Hale vault. things like that. Also Harris made no sense whatsoever.
Also they just really needed Stiles and Kira, even Ethan. I get that Allison was killed by the Nogitsune, but Stiles and Kira were the key parts of that storyline. and Aiden was killed by the Nogitsune, so he definitely had a larger stake in this fight then Jackson, Liam, or Hikari. However I totally respect the actors' decisions to stay out.
There were a few gems in there and a couple of cool shots that'll be fun to draw though
I'll leave it here, mostly because if I go any further down this rabbit hole this post will be 10 feet long :)
Sheesh, it seems that whenever I'm writing on Tumblr it's to complain about a tv show or movie. I'll post some art or something soon
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shapeshiftersvt · 9 months
Hey! I had a couple questions. One, have you gotten any bad reviews? What were they about? I'm just hoping for a larger frame of reference if possible. Also I'm thinking about ordering a binder, would I measure while wearing a bra or not? The ladies tend to, uh, sag I suppose? Without support and it tends to change the bust measurement
Sure! Let's see, I think we got about one really angry bad review per year for the first six years, mostly for our refusal to accept returns. In the early years (when we were on Etsy and Storenvy) we had one person I remember who I should've offered a full refund to and didn't, because the mistake was on my end and I didn't want to admit it. (I wish I still had their contact so I could fix it now.) And we had one person who sent back a pair of cigarette-stinking binders and demanded a full refund, I think they wrote bad reviews on three websites when I didn't do it.
The latest one was just before COVID. They were upset that after a refit, they found stray threads in their binder hems. The strays came out in the wash.
More broadly, the negative feedback we've gotten has been that we're expensive and that the back-and-forth of fitting is difficult. Both of which are completely true. We're custom-making clothing in Vermont and trying to pay our people enough to make it worthwhile, and tailoring at long-distance is always difficult. We're doing our best to make it as simple as possible, but the lower limit is still pretty hard.
As for your other question, go ahead and wear a bra, or lie on your back. To fit for a binder you should use the largest chest measurement you can get, and for those of us in sag town that usually means having some support.
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ueberdemnebelmeer · 6 months
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i don't think i'll watch anything else before the year ends so here are my favourite first watches in 2023 !
had quite a hard time paring this down to a top 10 so have a top 9 with honorable mentions: the sales girl (2022), call me chihiro (2023), i'm a cyborg but that's ok (2006), trois couleurs: bleu (1993), hero (2002), bound (1996), oldboy (2003)
please @ me if you see this and would like to share yours 🫶
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Vicious and Vengeful Duology by V.E. Schwab
After finishing The Darker Shade of Magic series and longing for more of her work I decided to give this set a go. I have to say this is probably one of the most interesting stories based in on a super-hero/super-power premise I've read.
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I should note here that as a reader, I tend to be very focused on characters and their development (or lack thereof). Yes, plot, worldbuilding, etc... are always important and a big part of any story. But for me the characters are always going to be the most important component of the story and I can forgive a lot of things in a tale if they are written well. That being said, the most notable thing in this whole story for me is the lack of a clear hero. It's a Super-Hero book with no actual "Hero" No black and white with regards to morals. No "Good Guy". Only various characters who operate in shades of shifting greys.
NOTE: I'm not going to re-hash the summary of the books on here - you could go look that up anywhere. I'm planning to focus my efforts on discussion/personal observation for this blog, although I intend to avoid spoilers whenever possible. Seems like a fine line, we'll see how it goes.
When we meet Victor and Eli we are shown right away that not only are these two intensely brilliant guys, but that both are just a little "off-kilter." Turns out being ambitious, competitive, not quite mentally balanced, and possibly a genius is a recipe for disaster in a world where developing "Extra Ordinary" (EO) powers is possible if you are brave (or reckless) enough to force yourself to have a near death experience (or really actually die for a second and then somehow come back).
From the start my brain was trying to balance the two, attempting to make assumptions about who to root for, even as it's clear thru Victor's overwhelming jealousy (and later, revenge) and Eli's weird self-righteousness that neither have moral high ground. So, it's an interesting exercise in where exactly to draw the line between intention, motivation, and actions.
The true characters of Victor and Eli are shown more thru their choice in companions. Mich is such fabulous character - I just love the use of the underrated smart but big guy who everyone assumes is a thug. And of course, Sarena, an EO who can convince anyone to do anything she asks (while possibly an overused character type) is always going to be a frighting ally for any villain to have. Add in to the mix Sydney, the betrayed little sister to Serena who can resurrect the dead (and the dog she resurrected), a recovering addict vet who can move outside of time, and a whole city of brainwashed police officers and it's quite a showdown.
The second book gives us more of Eli's backstory and a further understanding of his religious mission to rid the world of EO's (except himself of course) and also his intelligence and patience. Victor is burning thru potentially helpful EO's in a misguided (or maybe just poorly motivated) attempt to just stay alive. Also, we get the rise of a new team of characters under Marcela, a slighted mob wife (mostly) murdered by her husband. Also, the police stand where exactly in all of this (because they are a present entity here too)?
I found it a refreshing change that instead of a "Good vs Evil" face-off that we typically get especially in a super-hero story, we get a 3+ way tangled up mess of a climax where you aren't really sure who will end up with how much of what in the end.
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sexcromancy · 2 months
re: LRB something that I have noticed continuously in discussion of the Ali Hazelwood books and similar/darker booktok popular romances is the widespread derision towards repeated tropes in books. Goodreads reviewers et al. seem to believe that because Ali only writes huge man/tiny woman, obviously she must be completely uncreative and have no new ideas. it was pretty immediately apparent to me that what is actually going on is that she has a size kink, or at the very least is writing fiction that leans into size kink (also readable as monsterfucker kink), regardless of her actual personal preference. but I think as in LRB, there can be a huge blind spot in literary criticism/analysis of romance+smut of identifying kink and understanding kink as a neutral element of the book. it has to be that the author is lazy, or sick, or personally condoning incest/staying with your abusive husband/poorly negotiated kinks. I think a lot of publishing leans into this by having authors market their personality as well as their books, leading to a very permeable barrier between authors and the characters they're writing - the taylor swift model, in many ways. anyway to get back to the idea brought up in LRB, that kind of criticism seems to be completely based in a moral superiority over any kind of expressed sexual preference or fantasy. the knee jerk reaction of, oh, this is cringe/stupid/dangerous/weird/insert other negative adjective that means nothing, it all swerves around any actual discussion of the implications or origins of a particular kind of fantasy, why it might appeal, what the author is trying to accomplish by including it.
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jimsmovieworld · 7 months
THANKSGIVING- 2023 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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A riot breaks out at a supermarket in Plymouth, Mass and several people are killed. A year later, a masked killer returns for revenge on those he deems responsible. All will be carved. And there will be no leftovers!
Brilliant new slasher. Insanely fun from start to finish. The whodunnit element of the killer felt lile a good throwback to 90s slashers. The killer had a great look, was a bit goofy but actually really worked. Excellent killer reveal. Liked the group dynamics. Very fun light hearted movie but still had some tense/scary moments or chase sequences like at the school or the diner. Brilliant kills. Loved the opening at Black Friday it was so over the top and cut to a great title card. Excellent way to start things off. What an excellent film, one of the best of the year.
Based on the fake trailer Eli Roth made for Grindhouse that came out back in 2007.
Directed by Eli Roth.
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itschoujintime · 6 months
Choujin X 46 - Thoughts!
Whatever Ishida is smoking, I want some of it.
I gotta say, I love this thing where with each arc, the story takes the time to let the characters take part in hijinks, adding to characterization and just, overall fun. While the chapter did not necessarily bring the story that much forward, it did provide us with some information:
we now know what Nude's choujin powers are!
we know that Nude cannot be trusted yet
we got some characterization of Palma and Elly, as well as development of their relationship
Now, unto the details of the chapter:
My boy has gotten so tall 🥺 he's taller than the doorframe. Baby I love you so much also what is that shirt
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Also, I love how right after that serious talk about how Elly doesn't trust Palma, but wants to trust her, we get them playing cards. They are such goofs, and I really hope Palma gets incorporated into the protagonist trio of Tokio/Azuma/Elly, and they become a protagonist quadruple. She's a fun character and I really like her interactions with the trio. Also, she's cute and a bad liar
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Right after this, Elly says "Yer too easy to read..." - maybe this fact will help her gain trust?
Next up, Nude shows up, and we see his choujin power in action!
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It seems he shuffles through cards, with different cards having different effects on people. What type of card he pulls seems to have a certain degree of randomness, as he says "c'mon, I need another good card" right on the next page - so he's not fully in control of which card he gets.
That's a bonkers power, and it really has lots of potential for future hijinks.
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Micro-Tokio taking revenge for getting flushed down the toilet. This is ridiculous and hilarious and I love it
I'm also glad that something as seemingly insignificant as the god damn package choujin gets a return, though I didn't catch Elly taking his power. I really need to reread the older chapters
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It was nice to get a chapter of hijinks like that, a bit of a breather after the very dark chapters we have gotten lately. Looking at the last page, it really seems to me like Ishida is pushing towards Palma liking Tokio? Which I don't mind, though I would really like to see her gain confidence and grow into her powers - while staying the goofball that she is. Elly and her could be goofballs together. However, knowing Ishida, all of this will end in some kind of tragedy, and knowing myself, I will thank him for that.
On that note, I feel like this is likely to be a sort of "calm-before-the-storm" chapter. I doubt Ishida is keeping up this light hearted tone for long, and I am looking forward to how Tokio, Elly and Palma (and Nude) will work together in the next chapters to find the poppy fields.
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Night - Elie Wiesel
"Born in the town of Sighet, Transylvania, Elie Wiesel was a teenager when he and his family were taken from their home in 1944 to Auschwitz concentration camp, and then to Buchenwald. Night is the terrifying record of Elie Wiesel's memories of the death of his family, the death of his own innocence, and his despair as a deeply observant Jew confronting the absolute evil of man. This new translation by his wife and most frequent translator, Marion Wiesel, corrects important details and presents the most accurate rendering in English of Elie Wiesel's testimony to what happened in the camps and of his unforgettable message that this horror must simply never be allowed to happen again."
Read Date - May 2024
Length - 120 pages
Genre - Nonfiction, Holocaust, Biography
Rating - 8/10
Notes - I was given this book in school and took it home. whoops. that was well over six years go, and i’ve never gotten past a majority of the book. I’ve dedicated myself to re-reading it because history doesn’t have an age bracket, and honestly, it’s a very short book. i mention this, because that means its very approachable. The way it’s formatted is very well done, and it makes it easy to perfectly picture the horrors of what happened to the people in these stories. In history. It’s easy to forget that this is a true event because Elie Wiesel did so good at depicting the imagery. It’s horrifying and heart breaking. the anxiety thats induced by the writing is fantastic for me, because i can imagine reading this in school and having the full effect of what happened during the holocaust really hitting me as i’m learning. I was SUPPOSED to learn this in school. I didnt, and so it hits me even harder now. Like a missed opportunity that i could’ve had. 
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vilf-lover · 10 months
i need aaron
but he’s gonna be dealing with the elliott situation 🙁
i just miss my husband
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lserver362reviews · 6 months
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I too would kill for Gina Gershon. This gave me such I Know What You Did Last Summer vibes. When hot old Patrick Dempsey said "dinnah" I laughed. A lot of the heavy accents made me laugh, really. I was surprised there was no casual use of the R-word, that really would've sent it over the top Masshole-wise. Some of the editing felt sloppy at first, but for the most part it was well paced and kept me in the story. The sound editing really shined for me in places, like when a scream turned into car tires screeching. Also I must must say that I thought Nell Verlaque was excellent. Bring her into the Scream franchise please. Speaking of which, was the cat, Dewey, a shout-out? I feel like this is how you balance anti-consumerist messaging into a slasher, and can we just point out how the men in this movie exhibit a lot of healthy conversation skills? These were good characters! For what it is, I really enjoyed it, even though I did convince myself that Milo Manheim was a son of Ray Romano. Makes me wish Barbarian (2022) was written by Jeff Rendell.
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blackcatfilmprod · 8 months
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Hi Guys,
Fangirl Reviews is back tomorrow to do another react video for our fans. Tomorrow we react to Fright Krewe Trailer here. See you all then! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaBFxHq2XqQ via YouTube
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rayssion · 8 months
So in the last 24h I read:
Ms ice sandwich by Mieko Kawakami.
Grief is the thing with feathers by Max Porter.
Night by Elie Wiesel.
Small things like these by Claire Keegan.
Letters to a young poet by Rilke.
Crush by Richard Siken.
The tell-tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe.
And it's safe to say that I'm in an emotional rollercoaster, I don't know how I'll be sleeping tonight.
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i-didnt-hate-it · 4 days
I didn't hate The Watchers, it was really interesting!
For an unabashed nepo-baby movie, The Watchers is actually pretty solid. Produced by M. Night Shyamalan and written for the screen and directed by his daughter Ishana, the film doesn't hide from the fact that it's a family affair.
I won't go too deep into the plot so as to avoid spoilers, but I will say it kept my attention throughout the whole film. Being a Shyamalan film, there are a couple of nice twists, not too crazy but not horrible either.
The effects aren't the best, but definitely not the worst either. Ishana does a good job of using CGI, and her monsters, in moderation.
There are three main aspects of the film that I really enjoyed. First is the music, it's deep, gritting, and swelling. Very orchestral, and it elevates the whole film. Abel Korzeniowski is definitely a composer I'll be listening to more often. Second is the cinematography by Eli Arenson. I mean, the whole movie is basically an excuse to show off fantastic mirror shots. I'll be honest, I haven't seen symbolism through camera placement and cinematography in general like this in a while. The third thing I really loved was the location. In case you don't pick up on it, the movie takes place in Ireland. They let you know that, loud and clear, but it's worth it just to see the gorgeous landscapes. I can't wait to see beautiful screenshots and gifsets from this.
The performances were all pretty solid, nothing to complain about, but no significant standouts, at least not yet. I mean, I've thought Dakota Fanning has been amazing since War of The Worlds, and she doesn't disappoint here.
If there's one thing I've learned from the last two movies I've watched, it's don't go into the forest. Ever. For any reason. Alone, or with a bird, or with a group of friends. If the undead fireman sam version of Jason doesn't get you, The Watchers will.
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