storyknitter · 2 years
Eli'anara: Can you give my baby sister six months of her life back?
Valkorion: Well... No, but—
Let me tell you, I legit CACKLED when this ask came in! 🤣 That is 100% how Ellie would be in the "she somehow ends up as the Outlander" AU.
Valky-pants after six months trapped in Ellie's head, with 4.5 years to go before she gets out of carbonite:
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keldae · 6 years
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The lovely Eli’anara for the equally lovely @storyknitter! Thank you for the kofi! ^_^
Feed the Jawa’s KoFi addiction
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sayurinitta · 7 years
If you feel like drawing a chibi version of my snarky Mirialan smuggler Eli'anara, she's all yours! (I'll send you a link to her picture in a moment, her tag is mostly writing.)
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storyknitter · 2 years
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The ever-dashing Captain Eli’anara Nabeshin and her younger cousin, Alliance Commander and Jedi Knight Vassanna Nabeshin by the lovely and talented @sbeep / @damarlegacy
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storyknitter · 3 years
OCs as poisonous flowers
I stole the open tag from @elveny and took this quiz here for Sanna and Ellie
Vassanna -- Lily of the Valley
This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once.
Eli’anara -- Belladonna
This is the poison of falling in love. You taste it and your heart beats fast. Your eyes dilate, you fall into deep delirium. You may be a bit dramatic and impulsive, and it gets you into trouble sometimes, but you just can't help yourself. It's in your blood. You love because it is the truest beauty you've found in this harsh world. Even when it's hurt you before, when it's poisoned you, you still find a way. They may call you naive for still believing in it, or vain for making yourself and your surroundings so meticulously lovely. But to love like this is brave and noble, and I hope you find the beauty you seek. Chances are, it's within and all around you already, if you know where to look.
Open tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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storyknitter · 2 years
OC Rage Language - Ellie
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(art by @theoasiswinds​) Tagged by @starknstarwars​ like a month ago Thanks for the tag!
Take this uquiz to find out what your oc’s rage language is…
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I mean, yeah. That tracks. :D
Open tagging, since it’s been so dang long and I’m not sure who’s been tagged already
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storyknitter · 3 years
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Stealing this picrew that @queen-scribbles posted yesterday. Look at how cute these girls are!
If you see this, consider yourself tagged and go make your ocs!
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storyknitter · 4 years
Tagged by @elveny and @starknstarwars a little bit ago for this picrew. Tagging in @greyias​ @keldae​ @kunoichi-ume​ @commanderlurker​ @km-fullmoon​ and YOU!
Here’s Sanna! (The rest of my avocados are below the cut)
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Captain Eli’anara “I’m about to cause trouble On Purpose” Nabeshin
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Corey: *long-suffering sigh* then “Kick his ass, babe, I’ll hold your flower.”
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Followed by Rineth “Literal Ray of Sunshine Cinnamon Roll” Nabeshin-Iresso
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And last--but certainly not least--we have Amareesa “Snark-that-rivals-her-father’s” Nabeshin, daughter of Sanna and Theron
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I love all of these dorks so very much!
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storyknitter · 4 years
For the emoji head canon 😳😤 please, for any ship you prefer! 🎶 ~
A confessing headcanon: A couple of nights before she and her crew headed out to Wild Space to search for the Emperor, Sanna stayed at Theron’s apartment. She had a bad dream prompted by Ziost and -- in her sleep -- threw him across the room with the Force. Luckily, she caught him before he got hurt, but that was what prompted her to confess everything that had happened while she was captive on the Emperor’s Fortress and why the search was so personal for her. (If pressed years down the road, Theron will admit that that night was the first time he truly understood the phrase “a blinding rage.” He was ready to tear apart every person who had even looked at her, consequences be damned. He’ll also admit that he had no idea why he felt so protective, so... attached.)
A jealousy headcanon: While the Snuggler Dorks were “on a break,” Ellie learned how to dance -- and really damn well, if she says so herself. The first time after they kinda-sorta got back together, Corey saw her dancing with someone else and was not a fan. So, instead of staying jealous every time the crew went out to the bar, he snuck off and took some dance lessons so he could at least keep up. (She thought it was quite endearing.)
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storyknitter · 4 years
☁️💥 for Ellie and/or Corey?
A soft headcanon: Corey will help Ellie when it comes to fixing the Star Chaser but half the time, he’s just staring at her with heart-eyes. (I’ve been told, “Hey, intelligence and competence is hot. Especially if it keeps us from blowing up in space.”)
A fighting headcanon: Ellie’s an impeccable shot, but she’s also got a devastating right hook and a few well-placed kicks to the lower half of a person’s body isn’t beneath her :D
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storyknitter · 4 years
30. things I wish you’d said for Ellie
Mirial, 8 ATC
Eli’anara slowed the speeder to a halt before a building that had been her second home growing up. Leaving the engine running--this wouldn’t take long--she hopped out. Her cold-weather gear mostly protected her from Mirial’s frigid winds and the goggles, though less than stylish, kept the sand from irritating her eyes. 
(They stung and burned enough from tears she stubbornly refused to shed; she didn’t need flying, frozen sand making things worse.)
Reaching into the back seat, she pulled out a medium-sized brown box. The name scrawled on the top in her neat handwriting was still fresh enough that she caught a whiff of the marker she’d used earlier today.
The box was neither large nor heavy for all the memories it contained: an odd assortment of men’s clothing, an old book, a handful of datapads, photos, a key. On top of these items lay an old hooded sweatshirt that, despite its age, had been one of her most prized possessions. It was massive on her--the sleeves hung inches past her fingertips if she let them and it may as well have been a dress on her petite form--but it was the softest and most comfortable item of clothing she had ever owned. That thought brought her up short: she’d willfully stolen it from Cor-- from him all those years ago and it had been worth every raised eyebrow and smirk it had earned her. Tucked inside the front pocket of that hoodie was a small, pale blue box that contained an assortment of jewelry that had once adorned her body: necklaces, earrings, a dozen bangles she’d received for her birthday, Life Day, just because he thought they’d look good on her... and one ring. A ring now stained with broken promises and tears. She would certainly miss its weight on her hand, but she would miss the person who gave it to her more.
With a sigh, she marched up to the outer foyer of his family’s home, the wind dying with the protection of the high walls. Carefully dropping the box on the doorstep, she paused, her finger hovering over the doorbell.
Eli’anara, my dear, come in out of the cold! It’s nearly time for dinner and we’d love for you to stay. You know you’re always welcome here. Why don’t you go visit with Corran? He’s missed you so much and--
Snapping herself out of her daydream, Ellie shook her head and tried to focus on the task at hand. “Get it together, Nabeshin.” The scarf wrapped around the bottom half of her face muffled her curse and she gave one last, sad look to the box at her feet. Heaving another sigh, she whispered, “Goodbye, Corey.”
Ringing the bell before she could lose her nerve, she pivoted sharply and marched back to the waiting speeder. Hot tears finally spilled, pooling at the bottom of her goggles, but she didn’t look back once as she drove away.
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storyknitter · 4 years
OC Questionnaire Meme
Tagged by @starknstarwars -- thank you for the tag! I answered a very similar meme for Sanna a while back, so I’m going with Ellie!
Tagging: @actualanxiousswampwitch @keldae @grumpyhedgehog @queen-scribbles and anyone else who wants to join in! (Seriously, I mean it!)
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I will also use awesome art by @commander-sarahs-art ! :D
name: Captain Eli’anara Nabeshin
alias(es): Ellie, The Republic’s Greatest Outlaw Hero, Voidhound, Hey You Come Back Here With My “thing she stole”!, Lia (only briefly and when she was transporting questionable goods)
gender: female
age: 39 as of the current story timeline (born 13 BTC)
place of birth: Mirial
spoken languages: Basic, Mirialan, Smuggler’s cant (though she can understand binary & Shyriiwook)
sexual orientation: straight
occupation: Smuggler extraordinaire, part-time privateer for both the Alliance and the Republic (and sometimes the government of Mirial)
eye colour: Bright blue
hair colour: Black with dyed blue & turquoise streaks
height: 5’2” if she stands up straight
scars: She has a small scar on her cheek from an accident when she was around 13-14 (she still won’t go in water deeper than her ankle), various little scars from a life of fixing ships and playing rough with boys as a kid
burns: There’s a scar from a blaster burn on her outer left bicep and the right side of her ribcage
overweight: No
underweight: No
colour: Pink
music genre: pop, dance
movie genre: action
tv show: she doesn’t really watch too many shows
pastime: Dancing, drinking, playing sabacc, karaoke
food: whatever the gffa’s version of chips and queso is
drink: caf (black), whiskey (neat)
book: she’s a sucker for trashy romance holonovels, especially the historical ones
passed university: she didn’t do university per se, but she did complete all the requisite education on Mirial, including family histories so boring she dozed off
had sex: Yes
had sex in public: Well, wouldn’t you like to know?
gotten pregnant : No
kissed a boy : Yes
kissed a girl : Yes
gotten tattoos : Of course! She’s got traditional Mirialan tattoos pretty much everywhere, though the most noticeable are on her face, hands, and arms
had a broken heart : I mean, there had to be a reason for her to leave her family and friends behind to become a solo smuggler, so yeah.
been in love : She’s been in love with Corran since she was … 12? 13? It was a rather low-key crush at the beginning, but then things just grew from there
stayed up for longer than 24 hours : Yes
a virgin : No
a cuddler : Yes, until it’s time for sleeping. Then, Corey has his side of the bed and she has hers
a kisser : Yes
scared easily : No
jealous easily : not really
trustworthy : sometimes. always, for family
dominant : It depends on the day and whatever idea pops into her head ;)
submissive : See above
in love : Very much so
single : Very much not
have they harmed themselves : Not purposely, but she didn’t take as good care of herself as she could have at the beginning of the smuggler storyline
thought of suicide : No
attempted suicide : No
Wanted to kill someone : Yep (and did!)
rode a horse : No
have / had a job : Yes. She repaired ships in a shipyard on Mirial around 9 ATC and was a merc (with a crew and everything) before that for a couple years
have any fears : water, drowning, dying painfully
sibling(s) : Yep, an older brother and sister
parents : Kirana Nabeshin & Arekk Saretti
children : Thanks but no thanks. She and Corey are happy as they are; besides, there are so many cousins for them to spoil
pets : a Gree Companion Cube (that she absolutely painted a pink heart on)
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storyknitter · 4 years
☁️ : A soft headcanon for Ellie 🌟 For Ellie
A soft headcanon: though Eli’anara may not be much of a snuggler when it comes to sleeping (there are two sides of a bed for a reason!), she does very much love to snuggle with her dork of a husband during movies holovids. She’ll even cuddle up at the bar or in the booth of a restaurant. Hells, she’ll snuggle up mid-sabacc game! (and that has absolutely zero implications that she may or not be cheating)
A secret wish headcanon: Ellie really would love to be able to surprise Corey with a gift. She’s usually found the “perfect gift” for whatever the occasion and is just SO STINKING EXCITED that she can’t keep it a secret for longer than a day or so. Ironically, this is coming from the woman who can fleece just about anyone out of credits one way or another.
(Basically, she’s taken to just... giving him his gift whenever she acquires it, whether or not it’s the actual holiday it’s for. He thinks it’s hilariously sweet.)
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storyknitter · 5 years
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I snagged this commission of Ellie from @commander-sarahs-art​ AND JUST LOOK AT HER!!!! 😍
It's always a pleasure to commission Sarah and her art is just gorgeous, as per usual. Thank you so much!!!
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storyknitter · 4 years
Love Quiz: Eli’anara
Tagged by @starknstarwars​ - thank you!!! (art of my snark-monster by @lovonne​)
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How do you need to be loved?
Casually, the same way you love to breathe
You want someone who will see your favorite flower and will give it to you, without even thinking about it. You want someone who will remember all the little details about you, the things so seemingly unimportant but that matter more than you thought they did. You want someone who will still be there, thirty years down the line, holding your hand while the two of you do two separate things. You want the intimacy of being known by someone who makes you feel safe. You don't want expensive dinners or grand proposals. You want someone who will love you consistently.
Tagging in: @starknstarwars​ (I know you’ve got more OCs!) @captainderyn​​ @empireswraths​​ @erinmccomics​​ @frozenabattoir​​ and @commanderlurker​ (as always, only if you can/want to!)
Also, look. I know I always leave a tag open, but seriously: take it if I haven’t explicitly tagged you! I mean it! I’m bad at tagging and keeping track of who’s been tagged and who hasn’t and all that jazz.
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storyknitter · 5 years
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Meanwhile, Corey is standing next to her, shaking his head and resigning himself to their fate.
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