#elizabeth alpha of dragons
percontaion-points · 4 months
EAOD chapter 7
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Chapter 7
I now realized Sophia had her hands behind her back because they were tied there. Her torso was also bleeding; it wasn't healing. I looked closer. She had a barbed wire wrapped around it. Her consequence of not figuring out her test. [Note: they had to do two tests, one for intelligence, one in the arena against each other. No, we never saw Liz doing that first test.]
I’m starting to wonder if maybe the low birth rates of the dragons isn’t nature trying to correct itself from *gestures broadly*.
"She lost the baby." 
I thought about everything he'd revealed the other night. Her devastation that she could never have a child. 
How the ghoul had almost eaten her alive. 
And the look on her face when Hunter broke the bond. 
She was truly devastated. She did love him, in her own twisted way.
Right. I get that she’s upset and that she’s gone through a lot.
But holy fucking shit girl. She tried to fucking murder you. On multiple occasions. 
I hated her as much as she hated me.
The problem is that Liz wouldn’t have given a shit about any of this if Sophia hadn’t tried to murder her. 
And then I understood. The necklace wasn't the source of power but rather the way to direct it. The real power came from me, a descendent of the Moon Goddess, Luna. 
If the strongest desire of my heart was filled with hatred, would the necklace turn me into a powerful monster? What if Garrett got a hold of it. What could he do with it?
Bitch, you said not even two pages earlier that the necklace was simply a TOOL to better help you direct the power that was already inside of you. 
If Garrett got a hold of the necklace… Literally nothing would fucking happen that he isn’t capable of doing already. BECAUSE THE POWER TO KILL AND BRING PEOPLE BACK RESIDES ONLY IN LIZ. 
His hardness pressed against his pants, straining to be released and I wanted to relieve him of that problem. I bit my lip. "Please, Easton." 
His eyes met mine. "Please, what?"
I would simply like to remind everybody that it’s been like… 3 or 4 hours since she was so high on pain meds that she was having quadruple vision. Probably an hour or two since her fight with Sophia, in which she openly admitted that she’d broken ribs and spine. 
Supped-up healing factor or not… Slow the fuck down girl. 
"Except, I'm giving you my notice. I'm putting in for a transfer. I want to leave the team."
Chapter 7 summary: Liz walks out into the stadium, where she sees that Sophia’s hands are bound, and there’s barbed wire around her waist as “punishment” for failing her intelligence test. But that’s of little matter, and she quickly frees herself. They fight. Liz eventually spots a fake scale over her neck, so she aims for that spot. 
Her vision of her mother made her determine that she comes from the direct descendents of the moon goddess (who gave the wolves their power), so she uses this power to kill Sophia. But then she feels bad about it, claiming “this isn't who I am. My parents would be disappointed in me.” So she uses the power to bring Sophia back to life, forces her to shift back into a human, and then uses her wolf-teeth to bring Sophia to her literal knees. 
Later, Easton asks Liz about the darkness inside of her. He said he recognised it because it’s also inside of him. They bang; I don’t care. 
The next day-ish, Aria holds a power transference ceremony to officially “crown” Liz as the new alpha of Sophia’s clan. But she also makes Liz in charge of… Aria’s own clan? I have no idea who the last names are attached to. I kind of don’t care. Aria gets angry when Liz says she wants to go home and deal with her werewolf clan, claiming that the matters of the dragons are more important. After that part is done, Liz has to go to each of the boys and claim them. But somebody stands in for Avery, who has been on the run ever since the end of the previous book. 
Easton takes her home, where they bang for pages and pages. I’m so goddamned done with this nonsense. The next morning, Avery comes in. But I guess his time away from Liz has given him some perspective, and he basically tells her that he’s done playing part 1 of 4 in her reverse harem. He also tells Easton he’s done with their team, too. (And here I was hoping that the next book would be resolving the werewolf shit.) 
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
Do ypu have HR with the hero having this animalistic MINE MINE MINEEEE!!! I know all of them have them but there are some taking it to the next level
Weeeellll lol not all of them tbh. Because we are surrounded by pearl clutchers as of late.......
I'm obviously relistening to Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas, her most underrated banger imo, and when Kev finally gets with the program and sneaks into Win's bedroom all he does is cover her mouth with his hand and go "YOU'RE MINE" and she realizes it is THE FUCK. ON. And then he rails her for like 48 hours in his little fuck cottage, yay!
The Bride by Julie Garwood is the quintessentially MINE MINE MINE romance novel. Medieval border marriage book. Alec Kincaid literally drags Jamie up to a window so his people can look at her, and when someone asks him in Gaelic "what do we call her?" He goes "YOU CALL HER MINE". (He does not realize that Jamie also speaks Gaelic, which is embarrassing for him, but also beneficial because she's like "OH".)
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin... I forget how much the hero says "mine", but he does tattoo the heroine with his symbol (consensually!) and it's soooooo possessive and erotic and emotional. And he's a villainous hero, so he's very like "YOU BELONG TO ME NOW"
Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale has a very alpha hero who suffers a stroke at the beginning of the book. The heroine helps him as he recovers (after some big asylum trauma) and he's always calling her like "my maddgirly" (her name is Maddy) and he's SUPER territorial over her and I love it.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale is also a very "MINE" romance, but it's mutual because Allegreto is a horrible villainous alpha who happens to like it when Elena gets rough in bed. However, he also gets his "MUAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE ALL MINE NOW" moment. Allegreto is crazy. *Obligatory Shadowheart's First Sex Scene is Noncon Warning*
The Wolf and The Wildflower by Stacy Reid! Wolf Duke is VERY possessive. Because he spent years in the Yukon living with wolves. (Really.) (He sniffs her crotch a lot.) (Shouldn't work but it sure does.)
Stephanie Laurens writes super possessive heroes because they have THE CONQUEROR'S BLOOD and are very alpha as a result. Scandal's Bride is my favorite I've read of hers thus far *obligatory "she drugs him for the first encounter" note* and Richard, lunatic of my heart, literally refers to Catriona as his snack (which he must have every morning or he will be very annoyed, and then he needs like a follow up snack thrice more throughout the day). But like. EVERY Cynster hero is a mine mine mine guy.
Elizabeth Hoyt knows how to write a mine mine mine. The Leopard Prince is an underrated one imo, because like Seduce Me at Sunrise it's one where the hero almost forces himself to give her up but at the last minute he's like "OH NO NO NOOOOOOOOO" and snaps and like, fucks her until she's screaming within earshot of her brothers and the guy who wanted to marry her.
Duke of Midnight proooobably has her most possessive hero, Everyone's (My) Favorite Douchecanoe Maximus Batten. I don't know that there are many romance heroes who get quite as MINE as Maximus fucking Artemis while talking about how he's gonna keep her trapped in like a special hunting lodge and kill elk for her and feed her the tastiest morsels, and it's honestly a real "oh girl it's like that huh" moment because she's a vERY rational woman and she's like "yeah tell me more about it keep going" lmao. Some of my favorite deranged dirty talk of all time.
Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie brothers are super possessive. Like, even the "oh ho we have a fun time" ones (Mac from Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage and Cameron from The Many Sins of Lord Cameron") are still very "ALRIGHT NOW. CALM TF DOWN" if someone looks at their wives for too long lol. Ian (The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie) literally needs Beth around to feel complete and Hart from The Duke's Perfect Wife, another "Everyone Else Thinks He's Too Much But Iiiiiiiiiii Like 'Im" hero is sooooo possessive of Eleanor. Wasn't even in his own book yet and he still made time to put money down her bodice to remind her that DADDY STILL HAS CASH.
Monica McCarty's Highland Guard series is basically entire made up of "mine mine mine" heroes lol. The Chief has a MAJOR alpha hero. The Recruit is big on it too, especially since she tries to keep her accidental pregnancy from him and he feels the baby bump by accident and goes all *INFANT. DETECTED.* and is like "NO BABY OF MINE IS GONNA BE A BASTARD!!!!"
Though it's a funny moment, I still think the hero of Tessa Dare's Any Duchess Will Do making the heroine recite his courtesy titles while he bends her over his desk is both hilarious and ridic dumb possessive hot.
The Earl I Ruined by Scarlett Peckham has a very consciously dominant, "whose pussy is this?" type hero, which we love to see.
Joanna Shupe has very possessive heroes--Preston from The Bride Goes Rogue comes to mind, especially when mY BOY the Duke of Lockwood is like, vaguely making friends with Katherine, because Lockwood is so hot that every other hero in the series is like "You wouldn't fuck him??? OH PLEASE DON'T LIE TO ME I WOULD FUCK HIM" and gets very jealous lmao. Fwiw, Lockwood is possessive of Nellie in The Duke Gets Even. He's always like "I'm keeping you" and biting her tits to leave bruises and shit. Which is what Joanna Shupe is allowed to get away with in a trad historical in 2023 lmao.
Obviously. Derek Craven from Dreaming of You. McKenna from Again the Magic.
If you're up for something dark and angsty, A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart has a very intense YOU'RE MINE NOW YOU WENCH thing, but uhhh check your triggers. I loved it!
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
So they seem to give Aemond all the best traits of Daeron but what about Aegon? Didn't Ryan said that Aegon is "grey" but then give him the worst possible interpretation while giving Aemond the best interpretation they could give to any character? Are they planning to make Aegon the villain of the green when it's was Aemond in the canon source material? What about daeron too ?
I think that the original Sapochnik plan was to make Aegon the "Joffery Baratheon" of the series - if you've read the Sapchnik treatment of Season 2 and heard Tom Glynn-Carney's panel than you know that Aegon was going to be a monster in the Sapochnik run Season 2.
In the treatment for Season 2 there is a scene in which Aegon uses Sunfyre to murder a bunch of Small folk at Rook's Rest while Aemond watches on helplessly. Glynn-Carney also said that Aegon was gonna "Menace" Alicent and perhaps force her into doing ... things, by the sound of it.
However, since the Sapochnik's treatment was rejected and then he walked out - probably because Warner/Discovery wanted a different tone for the show - GRRM and Condal did a complete and total rewrite of Season 2 ...
So, I'd probably listen a lot more to what Condal has to say than Glynn-Carney, cause, Condal knows what is in the new Season 2 scripts and TCG can only speak to what he talked with Sapochnik about before he got shit canned.
As for Daeron? I mean I can't speak to it. There's all sorts of rumors. The earliest rumor was that they were looking for a Daeron since October and that they were looking for someone that looked like Olivia Cooke's male twin but was "Iberian featured" as to match up with Fabian Frankle. But that was in October ... when shooting was supposed to start in November 2022.
Now, your guess is as good as mine.
However, I don't have any faith that they're gonna do Daeron justice - cause this is 2023 and you can't have a straight, heroic, and honorable, alpha male character. I mean, fuck, Sapochnik axed Daeron from season one - and the show - cause his character made the Greens seem more heroic and would make Rhaenyra look bad later on in the story when the war comes down between Daeron vs. Rhaenyra at the end of it.
I'm sure they'll make him weak willed or led around, or they'll keep everything but make him gay so that they can say that Alicent and Criston sent him away to - conversion therapy - to make Alicent and Criston look bad and homophobic ... despite GRRM saying that Alicent nor any of her children are gay.
GRRM even said once that Daeron had a secret wife - Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV style - but he never clarified if he was talking about "The Daring" or "The Young Dragon" ... and still hasn't
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chaoticallycosmic · 2 years
Meet the love of my life...
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Name: Atalanta Rhea Variel Official Title(s): While her mother is Queen and she is the princess of her kingdom, her full title is; Her Royal Highness Princess Atalanta Rhea Variel of Allasegno. When she ascends to the throne it changes to; Her Royal Majesty Queen Atalanta Rhea Variel of Allasegno. Nickname(s): Many of her friends/colleagues call her Lanta, and she will let people know if they can call her that or not. Her grandparents adoringly call her, Ata. Lucian Bole is the only one allowed to call her Lanty. Species: A shapeshifter | witch - meaning she can shift into any animal she wants/chooses. She will have to shift during the full moon. Unlike other shifters though, she can change her eye and hair color at will. She can perform magic with something they call a stele and with hieroglyphics. Age: 30 - 35. Date of birth: June 15. Zodiac: Gemini Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 5'10" Eye color: Naturally hazel-green Hair color: Naturally dark brown General Appearance: Atalanta is tall at 5'10" with a slender build. With her hazel eyes and naturally dark brown shoulder-length wavy hair. Distinguishing Features: Her lips and her ever-color-changing hair and eyes, which are always changing depending on how she feels that particular day, thanks to her shifting abilities. Atalanta can also sprout magnificent wings - a gift from the deity her people call Alpha, the first shifter to ever exist when she was twelve. Tattoos: Atalanta has five tattoos: One on her right arm: reads: Joy, vertically. The second one is almost beside her right breast and it is a crescent moon. The third is on her left foot and it reads Balance - a bit of an inside joke with those who know and her clumsy ways. The last one is on her left shoulder blade - the words Live Free with a picture of seven birds in flight. The fifth is a tiger that spans from her left hip to her left thigh, a tattoo she got with Waverly Greene, her best friend. Birthmarks: There is one on her right shoulder blade in the shape of a crescent moon, which marks her as Alpha's first and only heir. Parents: Elizabeth Nymeria Variel & Jonathan Emeric Variel. Siblings: Aerion Xavier Variel (Older brother). Grandparents: Paternal grandparents; Marie and Wilfred Variel | Maternal grandparents; Alma and Nathaniel Waneta. Friendships: Atalanta's friendships vary, she has very few close friends, however, but she is friendly to almost everyone who is friendly in return. Personality: Witty, carefree but a little cautious, blunt, speaks her mind at all times, honest, not very trusting unless she knows you, loyal, studious, and a bookworm at heart. Has a short temper. She is a hit-first, ask-questions-later type of person. Drinks | Smokes | Drugs: Occasionally | Rarely | Never Health: Considerably well Injuries: As a child, Atalanta broke many bones, as she is a wild soul, and as a child, she was always going on adventures; climbing trees, exploring caves, and diving into the ocean. Hobbies: Reading, exploring different cultures and countries, cooking and baking, gardening, studying all she can about magical creatures but mostly dragons, learning any new languages possible, star gazing, trying to explore as much as the ocean as possible, extreme sports.
Notes: I will play her in the supernatural genre, as well as the normal one - where she isn't a shifter or magical person but she will be human and the princess of Greece. I am world-building her first novel.
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My W.I.P.s
Vladmire had founded Haven's Nook under the idea of creating a place for other Supernatural folks to build a community. A home of their own, even. It was a place to raise their own families without fear of being chased or lynched.
And, centuries later, that's exactly what it has become. Between the local werewolf pack and witch coven, there is no safer place for the supernatural. There was little capable of threatening their peace.
That is until Vlad's family finally finds him. His parents and siblings have decided to visit Haven's Nook. Their excuse? His long term lover, Aerin, has finally proposed.
Now Vlad must ensure his family does not destroy his home and life's work while planning his own nuptials.
Main Characters:
Vladmire Skoll (Vampire; Founder of Haven's Nook)
Prince Aerin (Fae Prince)
Side Characters:
Arthur and Damien McClellan (The Vampire twins)
Craig Ethan (Alpha Werewolf)
Aaron Stevens (Craig's 2nd in Command)
Tabitha and Sean Schmidt (Werewolf Couple)
Russell Kwiatkowski (Tabitha's Human Nephew)
Meredith Lusk (Spiritual Leader; Coven Leader)
Telly Migdal and Charmaigne Bolvick (Witch Cousins)
Stand Alone Novel
Urban Fantasy; Romance; LGBT+
Currently being Written
The Dragon's Suitors
Weylan, the current Settlement Dragon of Sylian, has five suitors. Becoming a Settlement Dragon's Spouse is a great honor after all. And now it is time for Weylan to choose her own.
Main Characters:
Weylan Drake
The 5 Suitors:
Catherine- Local Baron's Daughter
Iris- Son of the advisor for the Local Duke
Vesper- Renowned Blacksmith
Astor- Heir Apparent
Tildy- The King's Bastard
Stand Alone Novel
Fantasy; Romance; LGBT+
Currently being Written
Into the Black Forest
One hundred years ago, a witch was chased into the deep, dark wood after the villagers assumed she cursed them. The curse never lifted and now, the newly knighted Amos will venture into the Black Forest after the witch. If she's lucky, she will kill the crone and finally break the curse.
However, she can honestly say she wasn't expecting a small cottage surrounded by a beautiful garden. Or the beautiful young woman taking care of it all.
Main Characters:
Amos Plume- The Knight
Harland- The Witch
Standalone Novel/ Short Story (Undecided as of yet)
Fantasy; LGBT+; Romance;
The Planning Stages
Crowning the Princess (Working Title)
Princess Chalice, First in line for the throne; Only child to Queen Consort Lita; The Royal Family's Genius.
Chalice has three younger half siblings to her father, the King, and his Concubines. She's never resented them, they are her siblings. They didn't choose to be born, after all. While she's always been polite to them she has never really associated with them. And they've never had reason to seek her out either.
But then, Ellen, the oldest of her siblings, starts stepping into Chalice's role where she has no reason to be.
Mild mannered and quiet, Chalice may be, a pushover she is not. As the first in line and eldest, Chalice must put Ellen, as well as her mother Elizabeth, in their places. All while dealing with her own marriage negotiations.
Main Characters
Princess Chalice
Duke Elias Pace
Side Characters
King Ida
Queen Consort Lita
1st Concubine Elizabeth
Princess Ellen
2nd Concubine Judith
Prince Victor
3rd Concubine Beth
Princess Adelaide
Standalone Novel
Fantasy; Romance; Drama
The Planning Stages
Delphine had been thirteen when her younger sister, Cressida, was born. From the get go, her family easily began comparing every facet of Delphine to her infant sister. Their parents leaving less and less room for her as time went on and Cressida grew. Eventually, as she came of age, Delphine chose a lackluster arranged marriage in favor of staying anywhere near her birth family.
Her time in Atria manor was not particularly the best, but the staff respected her and she did have a few friends to call her own. Her brother-in-law Percival included, even if he did leave for war.
But twelve years since she last had a single bit of contact from her birth family, Cressida has sent her a letter demanding to be taken in and going as far as to show up unannounced. Just in time for Percival to return from the warfront.
Main Characters
Delphine Atria
Percival Atria
Side Characters (Currently)
Mason Atria
Cressida Lowry
Standalone Novel/ Short Story
Fantasy; Victorian Themed; Romance; Drama
The Planning/ Scribbling Stage
The Twins
Jistor moves from the Mage's Tower, following her twin brother, Isidor to the capital with his lover, Charles. Isidor is also entering his apprenticeship with the Royal Mage. She knows he will be amazing. He always is.
Meanwhile, Charles provides her with all the knowledge and training she could possibly want. And then some. Including pressing his niece to teach Jistor how to survive Court Life even with her surly attitude.
Main Characters
Jistor- MC
Isidor- Her twin Brother
Charles the Lion- Isidor's BF
Side Characters
Sylvia- the Niece
Beau- Isidor's Rival/Friend Apprentice
Remy- The Prince
Richard- The King
Liselle- Queen Consort
Victoria- Richard's Sister
Lindor- The Royal Mage
Xander- Charles' Older brother, Sylvia's Father
Tabitha- Xander's Wife, Sylvia's Mother
"Your magic always picks the best time to fail."
Siblings being awesome together
Falling and getting back up no matter what.
Standalone Novel or Short Story
Fantasy, LGBT, Family, Found Family
Currently being written
Welcome to Space, Dear
Madeline had been a soldier for most of her life, in private security for another large chunk, and now she is leaving Earth behind to live in the colonies with her girlfriend, Jules. Madeline doesn't know much about living in space, but she is sure Jules will teach her what she needs to know.
Main Characters
Madeline Marsac- MC, Human, Earther
Jules 'JJ' Jones- LI, Altered Human, Spacer
Side Characters
Sizzle- Alien, Living Star
Bentley- Human, Spacer
Andrea- Altered Human, Spacer
Standalone Novel/ Short Story
Scifi, Romance, Slice of Life, LGBT,
The Planning Stage
See You Soon
Ira's Life from the moment he meets Barnaby, until they meet again.
Main Characters
Ira- MC, Elf
Barnaby- LI, Half-Troll
Aloysius- Ira's little Brother, Elf
The (half)Troll is the hero!
Homicidal Elves!
A love that never dies.
Standalone Short Story
Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Tragedy, War
The Planning Stage
Drank Last Night
Jodi drinks to forget. Also because she can. It's not like she's hurting anyone; she doesn't drink and drive or do drugs. But then her work starts suffering. Her friendships are struggling. She has very little to look forward to. When she ends up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning, she is forced to go to a program and counseling.
Main Characters
Jodie- MC
Side Characters
Astrid- Her Childhood Friend
Keegan- Her College friend
Remy- Group Counsel Friend
Shiloh- Her Group Counsel Friend
Standalone Novel
Drama, Found Family, Recovery,
Triggers: Alcohol/ Substance abuse and Withdrawal, Mental Health Issues
The Planning Stage
The Witch Doctor
Rodney is the local medicine woman, or witch doctor depending on who you ask. She has given up many opportunities to continue serving her charges.
But they've started taking her for granted in the face of a charming snake oil merchant. It doesn't help that they're also her sister-in-law. That's another issue though.
Discouraged, Rodney chooses to take some time off to go visit a neighboring village per her younger brother's suggestion. While there, She meets a stoic former War Mage, Deacan. Despite his grim demeanor, he is still a kind soul. So she brings him home with her when she returns.
Main Characters
Rodney- MC, Medicine Witch
Deacan- LI, Former Way Mage
Side Characters
Nickolas- Younger Brother
Lucas- Nick's Husband, Brother in Law
Lilian- Lucas's Twin, Sister in Law
Standalone Short Story
Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life
Currently Scribbling
Prison! In Space!
Peyton made a mistake. And now her sister is also paying for it.
Shenanigans in space prison.
Main Characters
Peyton- MC, Human
Casey- Little Sister, Human
Ell- LI, Alien
Standalone collections of silly stories
WARNING: This story will not be serious!
Scifi, Comedy, Romance
Started scribbling
Seers Eyes
Street kid Dahlia is brought in for fist fighting in the streets. Detective Nicks is entrusted with her case. But Dahlia is not just some street kid. She's the local convent's Seer. She's run away.
Main Characters
Richard Nicks- MC, Detective
Dahlia- Seer, Runaway
Standalone Short story
Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Drama, Tragedy
The Planning Stage
Cog of Time
Victoire accidently stumbles into a magic circle. She gets sent back to the turn of the century and found by a down and out, yet very kind, young man named, Clarence.
Magic is outlawed for anyone not employed by the royal family. Victoire must figure out how to get home without getting Clarence thrown in jail or worse. If she decides to go back at all.
Main Characters
Victoire- MC, Elf
Clarence- LI, Human
Nadine- Clarence's Little Sister, Human
Standalone Short Story
Victorian Themed Fantasy, Romance, Drama
The Planning Stage
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lcgerdemain · 2 years
Test Post For Tags
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bonniebird · 4 years
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Halloween Event
Read early on Wattpad
Read early on AO3
“Great! The blood-sucking Brady Bunch!” - Jacob Black
“Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?” - Stiles Stilinski
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” - Jace Wayland
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open -minded.” - Tate Langdon
@joeynihil​ and Peter Rumancek’s Halloween ~ Moodboard
“You don’t know much about magic.” - Nick Scratch
“When you turn to a bat, where do your clothes go?” - Spike
“And now it’s time to send in our cute little secret weapon.” - Ivar Ragnarsson
Halloween with Eric Coulter {Moodboard}
“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” - Ivar Ragnarsson  
“What an excellent day for an exorcism.”-  Peter Hale
“Blah blah, vampire emergency, blah” - Rebekah Mikaelson & Theo Raeken
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!”  - Hvitserk Ragnarsson
“So is the devil, Halloween Santa?” - Lucifer Morningstar
“I’ve got the devil in me!” - Lucifer Morningstar 
“I always wonder if it’s better to bury two bodies in one place or spread them around. I’m sure there’s a right answer, but I never want to meet the person who knows it.“ - Maze / Lucifer Morningstar
“What is this guy, Witch-ipedia?” - John Constantine 
“You only have one super power, and it is your breasts.” - Elijah Mikaelson 
“It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” - Eric Northman 
“Stop calling it a haunted house. It’s not even scary.“ - Seeley Booth
“I know you’re joking, but on the off chance you aren’t, no.” - Victor Zsasz 
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” - Eric Coulter
“Those guys at the impound. Did they really smash my car?” - Dean Winchester
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - Eric Coulter
Halloween with Theo Raeken moodboard - Theo Raeken
“You can’t commit crime on Halloween!” - Barbara Kean
“I do believe in killing the messenger. Know why? Because it sends a message.” - Mick Rory
“It’s so sweet. He looks just like a little entrée.” - Ripper!Stefan Salvatore 
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.” - Harley Quinn
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you!” - Eric Coulter
“So, what can a teen wolf do?” - Cora Hale
“It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” - Aziraphale {Good Omens}
“The witches are coming.” - Bonnie Bennett
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - Nick Scratch
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.”  - Madison Montgomery
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.”  - Eric Coulter
“Aren’t you worried that, one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back?” - Jacob Black 
“Bitch, I will eat you!” - Spike {BtVS}
“You know how I think Halloween is for jerks? Well, this Halloween, I was the jerk. I’m sorry about tonight.”  - Leonard Snart
“You really are a witch.” - Jace Wayland
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - Jace Wayland
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.” - Klaus Mikaelson 
“Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires … How avant-garde!” - Klaus Mikaelson
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Stefan Salvatore 
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - John Constantine 
“Are you ready for some Halloween fun?“ - Eric Coulter
“She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard.” - Eric Coulter 
“I’m supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?”  - Peter Hale 
“Can someone kill him again, please?”  - Kol Mikaelson
“I’ll be a good little witch.” - Theo Raeken
“I just think a lot of undead roaming the streets could lead to problems. For instance, farmers’ markets selling actual farmers.” - Theo Raeken 
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Theo Raeken
“There’s a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?” - Jasper Hale
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.” - Eric Coulter
“You really are a witch.”  - Geralt of Rivia
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.”  - Eric Northman
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you!”  - Barbara Kean
"This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.” - Rosa Diaz
“Well, as someone at a high risk for a spook-related death, thank you.”  - John Constantine
“Dear Diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today.” - Klaus Mikaelson
“I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ.“ - Gina Linetti
“You’re horrific and you are hired.“  - Jerome Valeska
“I am commanding. Calmly, but commanding. No more witchcraft.”  - Maze Smith
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.”  - Eric Coulter 
“Have you picked out a costume yet?“ - Maze Smith
“Well, as someone at a high risk for a spook-related death, thank you.”  - Harvey Bullock
“I’m just sitting here. Feeling like the devil.” - Damon Salvatore
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Eric Northman
“No, you weren’t part of this. Get back over to the loser side, loser.” - Winn Schott
“I need help carving these pumpkins.” - Temperance Brennan
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - Anakin Skywalker
“This is ridiculous! What could be scarier than one of us?” - John Shelby 
“There’s no such thing!” - Elizabeth Swann
“I am, what psychiatrists call, alpha male.” - Gina Linetti
“Bitch, I will eat you!” - Victor Zsasz
“Okay, all right, now. Come on, no one died, alright? Look, there may have been some maiming, okay? A little mangling, but no death! That’s what I call an important distinction.” - Zelda Spellman
“She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard.”  - Barbara Kean
“Yeah, well, you being happy isn’t really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me twenty times with knives.” - Victor Zsasz
“It’s kind of ironic. The more care you put into a murder, the harsher society judges you.” - Jerome Valeska
“No, it’s not! That’s just something mortals say to make themselves feel better.” - Lilith / Madam Satan
“Welcome to my nightmare, I think you’re going to like it.” - Jerome Valeska
“Stop calling it a haunted house. It’s not even scary.” - Ava Sharpe
“I died in a trapeze accident?” - Jake Peralta
“Okay, all right, now. Come on, no one died, alright? Look, there may have been some maiming, okay? A little mangling, but no death! That’s what I call an important distinction.” - Lucien Castle
“It’s Halloweek. I do the full seven days.” - Rosa Diaz 
“If this is a joke, I’ll kill you!” - Jason Todd
“Vampires are real. They’re usually not the cape-wearing, "mwah-hah-hah-ing” types, but rather people with ordinary jobs who just happen to consume blood.“- Jasper Hale
“We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.” - Eric Coulter
“I always wonder if it’s better to bury two bodies in one place or spread them around. I’m sure there’s a right answer, but I never want to meet the person who knows it.“ - Elijah Mikaelson
Roman Godfrey Halloween ~ moodboard
@joeynihil​​ and Sabrina Spellman Halloween ~ Moodboard
“Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?”- Derek Hale 
“I need help carving these pumpkins.”- Derek Hale
“Those guys at the impound. Did they really smash my car?” - Dean Winchester
“We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.” - Rebekah Mikaelson & Theo Raeken
“I see something in your future. Something… frightening.“ - Bonnie Bennett
“There’s a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?”
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” - Ripper!Stefan Salvatore
“No, it’s not! That’s just something mortals say to make themselves feel better.” - Jace Wayland
“This is ridiculous! What could be scarier than one of us?” - The Mikaelson Family
“If I have to hear doppelgänger one more time, I’m going to have to learn how to spell it.” - Elijah Mikaelson
“In this whole wide wicked world the only thing you have to be afraid of is me.” - Kol Mikaelson
“Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.” - Gina Linetti
“You only have one super power, and it is your breasts.” - Rosa Diaz
"I have never met a vampire personally, but I don’t know what might happen tomorrow.” - Theo Raeken
“You seem to be doing so well without witchcraft.” - Nick Scratch
“I always wonder if it’s better to bury two bodies in one place or spread them around. I’m sure there’s a right answer, but I never want to meet the person who knows it.“ - Halfdan the Black
“You know how I think Halloween is for jerks? Well, this Halloween, I was the jerk. I’m sorry about tonight.” - Lydia Martin
“They’re embarrassed about their spells not working anymore.” - Malia Tate
“Blah blah, vampire emergency, blah” - Bella Swan
“Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?” - Peter Rumancek
“Can someone kill him again, please?” - Peter Hale
“I have a heart. I keep it in a jar on my desk.” - Katherine Pierce
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - John Constantine
"It’s the witching hour somewhere.” - Jughead Jones
“People think if they put on a costume they can just get away with anything they want. Halloween is Christmas for jerks.” - Ray Palmer
“Please tell me you did that for dramatic effect.” - Jacob Black
“Can someone kill him again, please?” - Emmett Cullen
“I must go in. The fog is rising.” - Arman the Dragon
“I knew something came through the portal.” - Ivar Ragnarsson
“Well, we can’t start killing people. We’re getting life back to normal. And killing people isn’t normal, sweetheart.“ - Nora Darhk
“Are you eating raw pumpkin with a spoon?”  - Sweet Pea
“You know what they say about (Town). No one who dies here ever really dies.”  - Jughead Jones
"I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood." - Sweet Pea
“I'll come to the party, but I'm not dressing up.”  - Sweet Pea
“I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.”  - Sweet Pea
“Hand over the candy, old dude, or we egg your house.”  - Sweet Pea & Jughead Jones
“Time for the real Halloween show to begin.”  - Sweet Pea
“Should I be concerned about you causing me any trouble?“ - Sweet Pea
“Danger doesn’t lurk at every corner. It’s just hanging out, waiting for fear and horror to show up.”  - Jughead Jones
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”  - Sweet Pea
“Time for the real Halloween show to begin.” - Dorcas Night
“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” - Dorcas Night
“Who hired you? Who do you work for, the pizza man?” - Damon Salvatore
Halloween with Jughead Jones {Moodboard}
“Are you possessed? Again?” - Stiles Stilinski
“Does my costume look spooky to you?” - Sweet Pea
“I need help carving these pumpkins.“ - Tommy Shelby
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Theo Raeken and Rebekah Mikaelson
Halloween with Vanessa Ives {Moodboard}
Halloween with Samantha Stephens  {Moodboard}
Halloween with Toni Topaz {Moodboard}
Halloween with Sweet Pea {Moodboard}
Halloween with Cheryl Blossom {Moodboard}
Halloween with Betty Cooper {Moodboard}
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.” - Seely Booth
“Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires … How avant-garde!” - Eric Northman
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - Amaya Jiwe
“You seem to be doing so well without witchcraft.” Clary Fray & Allison Argent
“First rule of witch club: don’t talk about witch club.” - Madam Satan / Lilith
“Who hired you? Who do you work for, the pizza man?” - Zari Tomaz
“She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” - Peter Rumancek
“Happy Halloween, asshole!“ - Rosa Diaz
“Hello, something scary happening!“ - Kyle Reese
“We sent (Y/N) to the Ghost World to save the day again.” - Allison Argent
“If she realizes that we’re killing people for food and not for God, she might not like us anymore.” - Vampire!Ivar Ragnarsson & Roman Godfrey
“We can have our own Halloween here.” - Roman Godfrey
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!” - Ivar Ragnarsson
“Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?” - Sweet Pea
“How was I to know? It was just floating by.“ - Sweet Pea
“It’s Halloween! Everyone gets a chance to be someone else, let their hair down for awhile.” - Sweet Pea
“You only have one super power, and it is your breasts.” - Elena Gilbert
“Yeah, well, you being happy isn’t really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me twenty times with knives.” - Sweet Pea
Halloween with Marko {Moodboard}
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - Sweet Pea
“I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.” - David (The Lost Boys)
“I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.” - David (The Lost Boys)
“I’m supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?” - Sweet Pea
“Aren’t you worried that, one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back?” - Sam Emerson
“Good. No fangs yet. You’re doing fine. Your ears aren’t even pointed yet.” - Scott McCall
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!” - David (The Lost Boys)
“Yeah, well, you being happy isn’t really a big priority of mine, since you stabbed me twenty times with knives.” - Brett Talbot
“Are you possessed? Again?” - Peter Hale
“We don’t like you. Now, shut up and help us.” - Eric Northman
“What is this guy, Witch-ipedia?” - Eric Northman
“Shh, I’m Googling sex spells.” - Nick Scratch
“Vampires are real. They’re usually not the cape-wearing, "mwah-hah-hah-ing” types, but rather people with ordinary jobs who just happen to consume blood.“ - Dorcas Night
"This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.” - Tommy Shelby
“Hasn't anyone told you, second hand smoke kills.“ - Prudence Blackwood
“I know you’re joking, but on the off chance you aren’t, no.”  - Klaus Mikaelson
“We sent (Y/N) to the Ghost World to save the day again.” - Theo Raeken & Rebekah Mikaelson
“Just because it's a love story doesn't mean it can't have a decapitation or two.” - Klaus Mikaelson
“You seem to be doing so well without witchcraft.” - Allison Argent & Nick Scratch
“You are too precious for words, why I could just… eat you alive!” - Damon Salvatore
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videogamequeens · 3 years
Ooh, then I wanna ask, who are some of your favorite ladies on those classic systems? I was a total Nintendo kid myself, so I’m curious. 😯
Sorry for delayed answer I seldom get to check this 😔
There are SO MANY! Brace yourself
Hilda from Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War, Dark Queen from Battletoads, Madam Woe from the Power Rangers fighting game, Blaze and Electra from Streets of Rage, Jetta and Shadow from Eternal Champions, Annet and Restiana from El Viento, the Vortex Queen from Ecco the dolphin (lol if she counts?), Mizuki from Samurai Shodown, Kitana and Sindel from MK2 and 3, Elizabeth Bartley from Castlevania…oooh almost forgot Dominique from Double Dragon and Bai Meiniang, Schirach and Undine from Romancing Saga series…
Pretty much all the Tekken gals (Nina, Anna, Michelle, Jun, Kunimitsu), Master, Shizuku, Cuiling, Miss Til and Zola from Toshinden series, Melissa from Parasite Eve, Helen and Jennifer from Clock Tower, Sarah, Leona, Viki, Lorelai, Hellion, Lotte and Eileen from Suikoden, Aeris, Jenova and Edea from FFVII and VIII(respectively), Rose, Pullum and Blaire from Street Fighter Alpha and EX Plus Alpha, Cecilia from Wild Arms.
Cupido from Toshinden Remix, Dural and Pai from Virtua Fighter, Nagi from Last Bronx, Grace and Candy from Fighting Vipers, Poison from that Final Fight game.
Pagan from War Gods, Black Orchid fromKiller Instinct
Freya from Dark Seal, Dora from Golden Axe, Chaos from Martial Champions.
I’m sure I’m forgetting tons more…🤗
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caramelo7dulce · 4 years
All fics have been linked to the author and given credit
Minors Do Not Interact!!!  18+ ONLY 
Please let me know if any links don't work :)
Let me know if you have any recs you want to see!
Masterlist HERE 
Irondad & Spiderson (Platonic / Anti starker) 
Izuku Midoriya & Shouta Aizawa (Platonic) from “My Hero Academia”
Izuku Midoriya-Centric from MHA + Others
Rey/Kylo Ren(Ben Solo) from “Star Wars” series
Clarke/Bellamy from “The 100”
Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion from "The Witcher"
Jackie/Hyde from “That 70′s Show”
Sakura/Kakashi from “Naruto"
Saukra-Centric from “Naruto” + Others
Hermione/Harry from “Harry Potter” series
Zack/Ray from “Angels of Death”
Miriam “Midge” Maisel/Lenny Bruce from “The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel”
Daryl/Beth from "The Walking Dead"
Fezco/Lexi Howard from "Euphoria (2019)"
X reader fics
Katara/Zuko from “Avatar: The Last Airbender”
Annie Edison/Abed Nadir from “Community (2009)”
Parker/Eliot Spencer from "Leverage (2008)"
Sherlock Holmes/Joan Watson from "Elementary (2012)"
Keith/Pidge from "Voltron: Legendary Defender"
Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow from "The Flash (2014)"
Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper from "Sherlock"
Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy from "Pride & Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
The Asset/Elisa Esposito from "The Shape of Water (2017)"
Jupiter Jones/Caine Wise from "Jupiter Ascending (2015)"
The Doctor/Rose Tyler from "Doctor Who"
Rick & Morty (Platonic) from "Rick and Morty"
Warren Peace/Layla Williams from "Sky High (2005)"
Iki Hiyori/Yato from "Noragami"
Agnieszka/The Dragon | Sarkan from "Uprooted by Naomi Novik"
Anzai Yuuki/Taira Tsukasa from "Devils' Line"
Iwatani Naofumi/Raphtalia from "The Rising of the Shield Hero"
Casey Cooke/Kevin Wendell Crumb (/Dennis) from "Split (2016), Glass (2019)"
Cameron Hicks/Rachel Pirzad from "Alphas (2011)"
Andrew Clark/Allison Reynolds from "The Breakfast Club (1985)"
Johnny Martin/Penelope Wilhern from "Penelope (2006)"
Pam Beesly/Jim Halpert from "The Office (US)"
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percontaion-points · 4 months
EAOD chapter 6
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Chapter 6
"What the hell? Just tell her to take it off." 
Christian. "Don't you think I've tried to talk her out of it? She says the Queen told her to keep it on at all times." 
"How is she supposed to fight without a fucking leg? It doesn't even make sense."
You see, the second that shitfuck queen openly LAUGHED in Liz’s face over her misfortune, how she said she almost DIED… I would have yeeted that thing directly into her face. 
I am now of the opinion that Aria doesn’t actually want Liz’s help… with fucking anything. That she’s trying to kill Liz, but to make it look like a freak accident simply so that her hands would be clean. 
I’m not quite sure what the ring has to do with anything. Hunter’s poisoning? How did he get poisoned if he’s not wearing the ring? How the random guy in the woods shot Liz, when she never even saw him. The only thing that makes sense is the plants, because you can say that magic called to magic. 
"So we're in agreement. This was an Authority hit. The question is, why did they fail? No way an Authority assassin would miss their target, even though she was shifted at the time." 
Holy shit. My chest rose up and down in short spurts. I was pressing my fingers into my hands so harshly that they were bleeding. I couldn't hear another word they said. 
Someone in the Authority was trying to kill me. 
Girl, why the fuck are you surprised?
This morning, I'd figured out the power of my mother's necklace. And I knew that once I shifted, I was shifting to Beast Mode.
Chapter 6 summary: Instead of getting better, Liz actually got worse. Which I think surprises literally nobody. She overhears Christian on the phone with the others, who are demanding that he march into Liz’s hospital room and force the ring off from her finger. Which is fair, if they think that it’s the cause of 100% of her problems. 
However, Christian also believes that this wasn’t random happenstance, but an arranged hit. But he’s confused as to how the official government assassin fucking MISSED. 
James comes in and tells Liz this story about how a girl once broke into Sophia’s school dorm and slashed her throat with a magic knife. The other girl was sentenced to death, but Sophia suffered an un-healable injury because of this. James claims that he saw it in her medical files before she “paid to have them changed”. 
Later, Liz has a fever dream (Christian claimed she had a temperature of 119F!!) of her mother. She tells Liz that for all her father yapped about his shifter ancestry, she also inherited her ancestry from her mother as well. And that the goddess will favour her. 
Then we skip ahead to Liz being in the arena. I don’t know how we ended up here, but she’s so out of it and high on pain meds that I think it’s safe to deem her an “unreliable narrator”. The audience cheers as Sophia goes out into the ring. The boys beg Liz to call this entire thing off, but she refuses. She then runs out after they call out her name, and she shifts. I feel like I fucking missed something here, because the last I heard, they were going in human form. But unreliable narrator and all that. 
0 notes
mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
okay now I really want to know what HR books (or otherwise) do have "dom daddy undertones" if not To Sir Phillip With Love
Also, LOL calling Phillip "Captain Von Arugula"
Phillip is… not a dominant guy at all…. And I would actually say that quiiiite a few HR books do have pretty sexually dominant heroes who are also like, kings~ in life.
Off the top of my head, I actually just read The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham in which the hero (tho a bit young for the role, which is one of my only critiques of the book) is an explicit dom. There’s also of course several Kleypas heroes I can think of—Derek Craven in Dreaming of You, Rhys Winterborne in Marrying Winterborne, a surprising case with Leo in Married by Morning, Kev in Seduce Me At Sunrise. Kleypas heroes are USUALLY kinda dominant, old school—they kind of have a ~teaching vibe with the heroines on a sexual level. This is actually a pretty heavy trope with Kleypas imo; she’s really into heroes like, explaining how sex works to heroines.
Alec Kincaid in The Bride by Julie Garwood. Very old school, very dom.
Moooooost Kerrigan Byrne heroes—Dorian Blackwell in The Highwayman (who also explicitly engages in some light bondage), Christopher Argent in The Hunter, Ash in The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo, even Cutter Morley in Seducing A Stranger. Pretty much every Byrne hero is an alpha and dominant; she doesn’t really do betas.
Maximus in Duke of Midnight by Elizabeth Hoyt FOR SURE lol. Edward in The Raven Prince. Moooost Hoyt heroes outside of like, idk, maybe Apollo and Winter Makepeace.
Bourne in A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean; Cross in One Good Earl Deserves A Lover.
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breaniebree · 5 years
List of ASC Original Characters
Question from fanfiction.net from DetroitNate -- Thanks for this story, it is one of my top five hands down. Also, I agree with you about blvnk, that has always been how I've seen Harry and Ginny. Thanks for a refresher course on Zee's parents sometimes it is difficult to remember who is who, which brings up another questionis there somewhere that I could see a list of your OCs, kind of like your brief explanation of Misha and Sorcha? Either thanks for the story it continues to be wonderful.
Thank you!  I do have a lot of original people I have introduced, in passing or to give characters to them.  I literally have an entire document saved ASC Character Lists to help me keep track.  I will post it here the way I have it written.  It’s a LONG LIST!  Most may have just been mentioned, but it helps me keep track in case I have to go back and like oh right, that person did this!
Zahira Zelena Zacarias (Zee) - 9th April, 1964:
Zee’s family is as follows:
The Jacksons:
Colten (Muggle) and Florence (Pureblood witch) Jackson, Grandma and Grandpa
Daughter Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (deceased) married to Michael (Misha) Zacarias with one daughter: Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Zacarias’:
Ivan and Anya Zacarias Baba & Deda (Muggles - Ivan was the soldier in WWII with the motorbike) 
1. Michael (Misha) m. Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (d) m. Sorcha Brown Zacarias, Papa and Grandmama
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
2. Olga Zacarias Petrov m. Dimtri Petrov
(a) Mikhail Petrov m. Ana Ivanov
(i) Yuri Petrov
(b) Mila Petrov Sokolov m. Nicholas Sokolov
(i) Nastasia Sokolov
(ii) Dinara Sokolov
3. Sasha Zacarias Blok m. Yerik Blok
(a) Tanya Blok Fedorov m. Alek Fedorov
(i) Eva and Irina (twin girls identical)
(b) Tatiana Blok eng. Iosif Kuznetsov
The Browns:
Callum and Fiona Brown
Brian Brown m. Jocasta Fitzgibbons
(a) Dougal Brown m. Ellen Smith
(i) Jenny Brown
(ii) Ian Brown
Sorcha Brown m. Misha Zacarias
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Weasley family tree
Arthur’s parents — Septimus and Cedrella nee Black Weasley
Bilius Weasley m. Lucretia NLN
(a) Septimus Weasley eng. Bianca Sousa
(b) Gaius Weasley m. Jillian Kinders 
(c) Marcus Weasley
(d) Tiberius Weasley
Alphard Weasley m. Maureen NLN
(a) Caradoc Weasley m. Holly Gibbons
(i) Jeffrey Weasley
(b) Valerius Weasley
(c) Gabriel Weasley eng. Susan Appleby
(d) Maximus Weasley
(e) Marius Weasley
Arthur Weasley m. Molly Prewett
(a) William Arthur Weasley
(b) Charles Septimus Weasley
(c) Percival Ignatius Weasley
(d) Frederick Fabian Weasley
(e) George Gideon Weasley
(f) Ronald Bilius Weasley
(g) Ginevra Molly Weasley
Althea & Xander Papakonstantinou:
(a) Niko Alexander & Nilo Alexander Papakonstantinou
(b) Phoenix Nikolas Papakonstantinou
(c) Basil Kai and Bryony Iliana Papakonstantinou
(d) Calla Gallina Papakonstantinou
Apollo & Medea Castellanos 
(a) Daphne Grace Castellanos
(b) Circe Althea Castellanos
(c) Cassandra Medea Castellanos  
Lady Lucrectia Dettweiler
Lord Marcus Bulstrode
Lord Tiberius Ogden
Lord Aaron Mackelbee
CWM Norton
CWM Anderson
CWM Himmler
Adrian Roberts (Alpha of Southwestern England)
Echo Simpson (Alpha of Northwestern England)
Ethan Simpson (son of Echo)
Maia Roberts (wife of Adrian)
Hawk Roberts
Emily Roberts
Nikita Roberts
Odin Roberts
Rafe Roberts
Clara Roberts (deceased)
Conan NLN
Volk NLN
Ivory NLN
Cami NLN
Daimon NLN (Alpha of Southeastern in England)
Rune NLN (Alpha of Northeastern in England)
Romeo NLN
Summer NLN
Other Random Mentioned Characters:
George & Margaret Morrison - Sirius’ next door neighbours (Zee’s cottage)
Persephone - name of Sirius’ owl
Greta Catchlove - Sirius’ ex in school
Glenda Chittock - Sirius’ ex in school
Sarah Anderson - Sirius’ ex in school
Darcy Floras - Wizengamot Administrative Office
Professor Dragomir - Durmstrang Dark Arts professor (Althea’s old prof & confidant)
Robyn NLN - ex lover of Remus
Annalise Zuszack Davies - ex lover of Sirius
Veronica Riley - ex lover of Remus, Accidental Magical Reversal Squad
Persephone NLN - bridesmaid at Althea’s wedding, ex lover of Sirius
Connor McGee - Tonks’ ex boyfriend
Amanda NLN- ex lover of Remus
Carolos Santorini - head of dragon reserve in Sicily
Sareena Sahadi, curse breaker in Roman catacombs 
Jonathon Pepper - Tonks’ ex boyfriend and lover
Jennifer Berry - real estate agent who sold Zee her cottage, ex lover of Sirius
Phillipe Montgomery - professor on werewolf mythology
Ava Montgomery - wife of Phillippe Montgomery and werewolf
Ferryweather - ex member of Hogwarts Board of Governors (who Sirius replaces)
Tripp Forrester - Agent of the DRCMC
Brandon NLN - 7th year Hufflepuff student in Harry’s second year
Will Matthews - Seamus’ first boyfriend
Maggie Cumberland - woman who speaks and outs Lockhart on stealing memories
Na’eemah Hickey - Egyptian Mind Healer who helps Ginny
Mary Raffigan - historian in the Department of History; professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts
Agent Minnow - Being Division of DRCMC
Kata Novak - Croatian pureblood kidnapped by DE’s
Harley Mills - Harry’s ex girlfriend
Tucker - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Calvin - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Trotsky NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Aims NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Santana NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Juliette Léandre - Département de Coopération Magique Internationale 
Madame Simone Richelieu - President of the Ministère des Affaires Magiques del la France
Jericho Jones - International Confederation of Wizards
Katherine Thomas - International Magical Office of Law
LiMei Lee - Ambassador to Hong Kong Mófǎ bù
Liam O’Kelly - journalist for Irish Prophet
Leonoardo Fanucci - Rome’s famous fashion designer
Dimo Radkov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Andrei Ankov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Professor Penkov - Durmstrang history professor
Iglika Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Desislava Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Boyana Krum - Viktor’s mother
Kosta Krum - Viktor’s father
Danny Evangeline - editor of the Daily Prophet
Princess Sapphira - Mermaid from Greece
Agent Barrow NFN - beast division of DRCMC
Elizabeth Walters - werewolf support services
King Taliesin of the Fae
William Clovenfield of the Vampire Confederacy of Europe
Henry Jacks, personal assistant of Ludo Bagman
Tripp Forrester, Agent of DRCMC
Bura Visnjic - magical creature reserve near Fiordland National Park in New Zealand
Abioye NLN - magizoologist from the reserve
Zhang NFN - magizoologist from the reserve
Henry Richardson - Head of the Department of Education
Dmitri Horvat - Balkan Auror, friend of Dumbledore
Miranda Jameson - Head of the Department of Magical Cooperation
Board of Governors:
Sirius Black
Lucius Malfoy - ARRESTED - replaced with Richard Macmillan
Marcus Bulstrode - ARRESTED - replaced with Charlotte Ogden
Julius Abbot
John Matthias
Josephine Fawley
Bernice Caulder
Octavius Greengrass
Augusta Longbottom
Castor Parkinson
Elphias Doge
Lucretia Dettweiler
Crann Bethadh Cabinet (Tree of Life Cabinet aka CBC):
Amelia Bones (Minister)
Albus Dumbledore (ICW rep)
Zahira Zacarias (DRCMC rep)
Walter Barrow (DRCMC rep)
Adrian Roberts (Wolf rep)
Echo Simpson (Wolf rep)
Rune Rogers (Wolf rep)
Daimon Adams (Wolf rep)
William Clovenfield (Vampire rep)
Alice Langdon (Vampire rep)
Jericho Jones (ICW rep)
Katherine Thomas (magical law rep)
King Taliesan (Fae rep)
Brigit (Fae rep)
Colleen Sanders (Veela rep)
Hugh Arnett A3
Natalie Atwell A3
Gregson NFN - deceased
Bishop NFN - deceased
Lewis NFN - deceased
Davis NFN - deceased
Jane NFN - A2
Campbell NFN - A2
Leonard NFN - A2
Higgins NFN - A1, Tonks’ partner
Hogwarts Students in Harry’s Year:
Gryffindor Girls - Sophie Roper, Natalia Monroe
Slytherin Girls - Ophelia Rowle
Students in Ginny’s year:
Gryffindor Girls - Maisie Wendall, Imogen Landers, Katherine Joy Alcott (KJ), Freya Sloane
Gryffindor Boys - David Gunderson 
Hufflepuff Girls - Edith Carlyle, Francesca Wood (Oliver’s cousin)
Ravenclaw Girls - Chloe Cunningham, Morag Campbell, Dinah Fox, Bettina Addersworth
Third Year Students in 1995:
Hufflepuff - Mr NFN Donovan, Miss NFN Payne
Ravenclaw - Mr NFN Sahni, Miss NFN Jameson
New Students 1995-1996 school year:
Slytherin Boys - Julian Norton
Slytherin Girls - Mila St James - half-vampire, Ciara Casey - half-fae
Ravenclaw Girls - Sari Danson - wolf
Gryffindor Boys - Maximus O’Ryan - wolf, Jack Wolf - wolf 
Hufflepuff Girls - Tara Brady - half-fae
Bellarosa Zabini Husbands:
Signore Antonio Zabini, Baron of Sardinia
Siegneur Tristian Beauchamp, Comte de Marseille
Lord Stephen Barkley, Earl of Suffolk
Sir David Sanders
Lord Jason Stanford, Earl of Kent
Hope this helps!  
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booksandwords · 4 years
Realms and Rebels: A Paranormal and Fantasy Reverse Harem Collection
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Read time: 102 Days (Intermittent) Rating: 4/5
Contains Stories By: C.M. Stunich, Elizabeth Briggs, Margo Bond Collins, Laura Greenwood & Arizona Tape, L.C. Hibbett & N.M. Howell, Lena Mae Hill, Eva Chase, Julia Clarke, Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon, Amy Sumida, Chloe Adler, AJ Anders & Amanda Perry, Angelique Armae, Joely Sue Burkhart, Caia Daniels, May Dawson, LA Kirk & Lyn Forester, Jackie May, Cecilia Randell, Erin Bedford, Catherine Banks and A.E. Kirk
Overall It took me a while reading this to figure out what was frustrating about it, primarily the stories are first stories or prequels. I would have preferred more stand-alone stories. It is not impossible to create a world in this shorter space but it seems that authors have used it to provide fanservice and some background they wanted but had not written previously. I really hope most of these get published as individually, especially the 1st stories. This is a reasonable collection if you like reverse harem and want something to break up your other reading, none of the stories are taxing. And there is something for all tastes.
See No Devils by C.M. Stunich Disclosure: See No Devils is why I bought Realms and Rebels. I have written a full review which I will post when and if C.M Stunich publishes the story individually. I'm glad I bought it See No Devils is a fast-paced fun ride with brilliant characters that engaged me and made me theorise the significance of characters, of situations. Any story that can do that in 10 chapters is impressive. I loved the characters and the writing, both are amusing and intelligent. This is definitely a series I will be keeping an eye out for. 4.5 stars.
Light the Fire by Elizabeth Briggs Light the Fire is a prequel in the Her Elemental Dragons series (1st book Stroke the Flame). It's not a series I have read but this does make me want to read it, as any entry in an anthology should. The lore is brilliant, there are reverse harems woven into the world, the mythology and I like the fate angle that was used. What really struck me reading Light the Fire is the feeling of fan service, Calla and her men appear in Her Elemental Dragons as supporting characters this feels like something that fans wanted, had asked Ms Briggs for. (Full review is available here.) 4 stars.
Her Big Bad Wolves by Margo Bond Collins Another story with editing issues. Days and names were wrong sometimes. Liam was originally Seth I think and there is one instance where that wasn't changed. And there are continuity issues in the timeline. It is a helluva into a world with decent lore. I would love to spend some time getting to know, James, the pack historian. He is the brains trust and after the alpha the best person to introduce a reader to the world. Has the feel of a prequel if or when the series continues I don't think this will be a necessary read just a pleasant addition. But it did it the nail on the head to a degree S's options are a complete, balanced man. This is common in a reverse harem. (Full review is available here.) 3 stars (.5 loss due to bad editing)
Fifth Soul by Laura Greenwood & Arizona Tape Fifth Soul feels like a lost opportunity. The harem is 3 men and 1 woman centring on a bisexual protagonist. It is a situation I had thought of but never seen in a stand-alone. Given the authors have a series for this universe (Dragon Soul, Torn Soul protagonist Holly makes an appearance) it could have been published left on its own and done very well because that is a situation that is a fantasy for some. It is lost in here this anthology. It's also odd, the lore isn't explained well, the writing isn't consistent and there is too much focus on a single relationship. It's rushed and disappointing because of that. I can't even make this 2 stars. 1.75 stars
A Nightmarish Mystery by L.C. Hibbett & N.M. Howell I have never read any of the Cats, Ghosts and Avocado Toast series, that put me at a distinct disadvantage reading A Nightmarish Mystery. This story fits between A Vet Vanishes (book #2) and A Devilish Disappearance (book #3) and is admitted fan service, though not the kind of fluff one expects from fan service, this is heavy and dark. It can be read as a stand-alone though that is not its intention. I give props to the authors for creating a situation that allowed for fans to get what they wanted but didn't mess with the continuity of the series. I know from the authors note that A Nightmarish Mystery is different to the series but reading this first does not endear me to the series, does not make me curious to read it. Might that defeat at least part of the purpose of the story? 2 stars.
Twisted: A Fairy Tale Mash-up by Lena Mae Hill Another 1st book in a new series unlike the others though this one is explicitly aimed at the YA market. From the time I read it's intended audience I questioned its place in this anthology, Realms and Rebels seems to be aiming at a more mature audience. But Twisted had more sexual intimacy than a few of the others and some seriously dicey consent. Twisted has a well-executed setup Little Red Riding Hood meets Three Little Pigs. Having the leading man be not particularly likeable was a good thing in the scheme of things but Cayenne frustrated me a combination of her Red Riding Hood nature and her attempted modernity, it rubbed me the wrong way. My biggest issue was the questionable consent she sort of assented to their actions but not strongly enough for my conscience. (My full review of Twisted) 3 stars.
Raven’s Fall by Eva Chase Raven's Fall plays with Odin's raven Muninn, the raven of memory and the idea of shapeshifting. When Muninn transforms she appears as standard with a gorgeous black dress. What I really like is the use of the phrase "what in Hel's name" this is possibly the origins of the curse used now, Hel guardian of Helheim the Norse equivalent of the underworld. The language in Raven's Fall is fantastic, it is beautifully descriptive. The raven, the rogue, the healer and the charmer. They are an intoxicating combination. Muninn's innocence/ naivety is endearing because it is understood, she isn't human she is an immortal who has never experienced humanity's joys. Her men share easily, but their stories broke my heart. Mythology is always a whole lot of fun, make it Norse and it becomes even more bloody and vindictive. Reading Raven's Fall certainly made me interested in reading more of the Their Dark Valkyrie series.
Charms of Attraction by Julia Clarke Fantastic characters. Charms of Attraction focuses on the relationships the protagonist has with not only the men in her life but her sister. The portrayal of the sibling relationship between protagonist Katerina and sister Ana is particularly good. I really liked one date in particular. There is potential in the series, as with so many in the anthology though polyandry in the norm in the society. I will say though this story does really need a warning for those sensitive to domestic or psychological violence situations, violence plays a major role in Katerina's past and is discussed in some detail. 3.5 stars
Hell’s Calling by Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon The first book in the Infernal Descent series re-imagining Dante's Inferno. I enjoyed the characters and the plot definitely looking forward to reading more. This story establishes the word, the characters, some of the internal relationships but stops short of anything drastic physically. Hell's Calling does for me what an entry in an anthology needs to do It makes me want to read more in the series. I want to know what happens to Ciera, Maro, (Cer)Beres, Plutus & Tris. 4.5 stars
Twisted by Amy Sumida What a brilliant take on the Wizard of Oz. It just works for me, nothing feels out of place. The origins are obvious and the twists are so clean and logical. My full review of twisted
Inconceivable Origin by Chloe Adler I read two chapters and stopped. I found the protagonist insufferable, she rubbed me completely the wrong way. Also, I have major issues with rape, I'm sure that there the author finds a way to write her way out of it (we are talking about magic here) but I can't do it.
On The Edge Of Forever by AJ Anders & Amanda Perry WTH just happened? So much promise, so much build. It was so rushed at the end I got head spin. Actually, the story felt incomplete, there is nothing confirming the status of the story as a first or a prequel, it just ends. I was so happy reading the start of this. It has an interesting lore that the authors did their best to explain as briefly as possible. The men having a pre-existing relationship helped for succinct writing as they could talk among themselves rather than just to her. The protagonist is badass and her familial relationships are brilliant. but their end is disconcerting. It's still a 3.5/4 star story.
Eclipse by Angelique Armae Bastet is a fave deity. I had to attempt to put aside some of my own issues to read this, I try to stay away from titles with any BDSM elements, even light ones. Spanking is part of the makeup of Eclipse. So this is an alright read if you don't mind your mythology being butchered. I liked the characters, to a degree I liked the lore but I cringed at the use of Egyptian mythology it just wasn't working for me. The truly appealing aspect of this story was the relationships, the reader meets the immortal daughter of Egyptian Goddess Bastet, Marcus the Lion, Lucius the Tiger and Horatio the Panther in present-day Manhattan but their relationship has existed since 30 B.C. It is an established, happy relationship. There are intimate moments with two of the three men but not the 3rd that was disappointing. 2.5
Queen Takes Jaguars by Joely Sue Burkhart Absolutely gorgeous. So much sex-positivity. I really loved the confidence and the owning of womanhood. I definitely made want to read more of the series (despite it having a different perspective). There is a whole scene in a hotel which is both hot as hell and emotionally devastating. I really liked the characters and the lore. (Full review is available here.) 4 stars.
Sovereign of Soul by Caia Daniels 3 chapters in I gave up. it didn't grab me and had done an awful job of explaining the lore and wtf was going on. Essentially it felt like a combination prequel and fanservice piece, despite only being a prequel. The series does have an interesting basis for the harem creation though.
Ugly Magic by May Dawson This is one of the stories I skipped for no real valid reason. I stopped 4 chapters in one day and didn't pick it up for about 5 weeks. By which point I was completely lost and it just made more sense to skip it.
At Water’s Edge by LA Kirk & Lyn Forester To me At Water's Edge is more a journey of self-discovery than a typical reverse harem, it feels like it's more about her than her relationship with them. The ending is just gorgeous. The story is quite self-contained. There is a lack of explanation that didn't detract from the enjoyability, I get the feeling there is some serious lore in play. I really like the portrayal of the neriads is perfect, they are quite bratty, teenage girl. 4 stars
My Soul To Keep by Jackie May A nicely written, pleasant story with lovable characters in an interesting setting. The protagonist is window-able, she is quite easy for you to see yourself in. Fairy-tale but in the best possible way. A shared trait to Her Big Bad Wolves by Margo Bond Collins with day by day dating to try and choose a man. 4 stars
Blinded Beauty by Cecilia Randell Odd, not bad just odd, it wasn't gripping for me. Blinded Beauty makes decent use of fantasy themes. it doesn't get bogged down in the lore it just gives you tid bits. Polyandry relationship is a non-issue is just happens, which works well. I quite like the characters though. 3 stars
Indebted to the Vampires by Erin Bedford I skipped this one. I just couldn't. it's short the synopsis just didn't appeal. I can see a way to make it not dangerous but it would be difficult.
Moon Academy by Catherine Banks Again the skipped because the premise really didn't appeal. It is possible it might have worked but by the time I got to Moon Academy I was done. I might come back to the 4 (?) I missed but I don't know.
Demon In Distress by A. E Kirk Demon in Distress is a definite book one, or possibly the working base for a book one. It just comes to a dead stop. After reading it I felt like it shouldn't be in here, I really hope they publish it stand alone. It is a dissatisfying end to the collection. It isn't awful but it does just stop with a clear indication of the future direction. I didn't enjoy it, I did enjoy See No Evil which faces the same issues. 2 stars.
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alleiradayne · 6 years
AlleiraDayne’s Supernatural Writing MP
Series and their One-Shots
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The Road to Elysium (AO3)
Theseus and the Minotaur (in development, a prequel to The Flight of Icarus)
An alternate ending to Season 14 and setting the stage for The Flight of Icarus as an alternate Season 15. Theseus and the Minotaur will focus on Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, and Rowena during Hell’s invasion in Harlan, Kansas. In Chicago, Natalie Murphy and Elizabeth Andersson face down a few old enemies that escaped Harlan, putting them on the path to Venice, Louisiana.
The Flight of Icarus (in development, rough draft 75%)
Elizabeth and Natalie dive into a heap of trouble when Sam and Dean Winchester find them stranded on the side of a deserted county road after a hunt gone wrong. Despite the strange coincidence of the two most infamous hunters in the world stumbling upon them, Elizabeth and Natalie decide they can team up with the Winchesters and their angel, Castiel… for now. Between alphas, demons, and angels, their newly found family is tested, pushing the limits of their trust, integrity, honesty, and respect. And least expected, they each find little love along the way. The Titans of Tartarus (in development, outlining)
It’s five months after The Flight of Icarus, and life in the Midwest couldn’t be more... Midwestern. Aside from the occasional local hunt, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Natalie, and Elizabeth are living out their days as semi-retired hunters. It’s smooth sailing until a fateful day in Ohio on an old, unsolved case upends their lives. Literally.
One-Shots in The Road to Elysian Universe
Preview - A head canon for Dean x Elizabeth
Hold On Loosely - A one-shot between Dean and Elizabeth for @atc74‘s        Fierce Females in Fanfiction Challenge. Very NSFW.
Reprisal - For @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog‘s RomCom Fluff Challenge, where I chose the line “I’ll have what she’s having” from When Harry Met Sally. Natalie x Sam.
Curing The Cursed - A one-shot between Sam and Natalie that kind of popped into my head and I just had to write. NSFW. Uses sex-as-a-cure trope.
Bourbon, Rum, and Brandy - A one-shot for @sorenmarie87​‘s Christmas With Challenge. Fluffy and cute and a little tiny NSFW-fade-to-black.
The Prophecy - A one-shot for @myinconnelly1​‘s 400 follower challenge.
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The Way Things Ought To Be
Innuendo (Complete; Updated 7/25/2024) - If you asked Castiel, something was definitely wrong with Dean. Of that, he had no doubt. Whatever bothered him, Castiel also knew that if he were to get to the bottom of it, he must tread lightly. Press too hard on Dean Winchester and he'd bottle up tighter than the lid on a pickle jar. But when the possibility of a hunt distracts them, Castiel is forced to put his concerns aside and focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately for them both, the case reveals far more about themselves than they ever anticipated.
A Touch of Evil (Complete) -  When Dean and Castiel are left to clean up a mess in the archives, they accidentally release an incubus from his 1000 year imprisonment. To regain his power, the incubus takes up residence within Dean and Castiel, influencing their most intimate moments. But they quickly learn that the incubus is draining their lives from them, and if they do not satisfy the demon soon enough, they will die. Do they sate the incubus’ lust? Or will they find a way to exorcise him in time?
In Baldur’s Gate, Dragons Dungeon You! (Complete) - Charlie shows up at the Bunker quite unexpectedly requesting room and board while she researches a curse for a friend. While helping her unpack, Dean happens upon her D&D book collection and when he asks if she’s still playing, she suggesting running a quick campaign for them. Dean immediately rounds up the family and they begin the story of The Scrivener’s Tale, only for the old adage to prove true once more: Life is stranger than fiction.
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Sons of Boston
Four-Leaf Clover (Complete) -  After six months in prison, Dean Winchester turns state's evidence against his mob boss, Francis McGill, and cuts a deal. Assistant District Attorney Castiel Novak is tasked with organizing a case against McGill, and through that, he meets Dean. Together, they analyze Dean's statement, and with each interview, they unravel not only what appears to be a coverup, but a romantic spark between them that neither had anticipated. Can the ex-criminal and the attorney navigate their relationship while juggling the case? Or will their incongruent pasts prove insurmountable?
Luck Strikes Twice (In Development) - A sequel Four-Leaf Clover, working title.
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Other Series
Rx: Physical Therapy (Complete) - Dean Winchester begins his new job at the local hospital as a physical therapist, where Dr. Castiel Novak is the surgeon responsible for his patient list. A non-hunter Destiel AU.
Bang a Gong (Complete) - Once upon a time in November of 2018, I met a man named Jared Padalecki in downtown Minneapolis.
Unconventional (Complete) -  Meeting Jared and Jensen at the convention was a given, but you thought it would be at the convention. Not your hotel.
There’s Something Strange (Complete) - When Y/N Y/L/N escapes to the upper Midwest for a weekend of inspiration to begin her tenth paranormal thriller novel, she never imagined the source of that inspiration to be her own life. Between the old mansion, two peculiar men posing as antiquers, and the mysterious death of the heiress of Hill Manor one-hundred and fifty years ago, Y/N learns the truth about far more than the paranormal.
Cowboys and Angels (Complete) -  Filming for the last season of Supernatural is underway and Y/N, long-time set photographer, finds herself the center of attention for two of her co-workers, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. A roller-coaster of emotions ensues over the year as the three of them attempt to balance work, the end of an era, and experimental love.
Long Jacket (Complete) - Over the last few years, I’ve seen some of the craziest shit hunting with the Winchesters and their angel, Castiel. But this story right here? This isn’t about monsters. This isn’t about the battle between good and evil, heaven and hell. I understand all that. It’s people I don’t get. People are crazy. And we do crazy things when we’re in love.
The Midnight Ride (Complete) - Long is our list of ghost stories laid to rest. But when the dark rider returns thirty years after his exorcism at the hands of the Winchesters, Sam, Dean, and I are faced with the possibility that we’ve been wrong about one thing. Some urban legends never die.
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SPN Kink Bingo 2019 Master List - Follow along with my SPN Kink Bingo writing this year as I attempt to blackout this card.
SPN Fluff Bingo 2019 Master List - And, as if I haven’t overcommitted myself this year at all, follow along as I attempt to black out my SPN Fluff Bingo card as well!
SPN Heaven & Hell 2019 Master List - Check this out for lots of demons, angels, and everything in between.
SPN Broment Bingo 2019 Master List - For all your Sam and Dean needs, whether it’s angst or fluff or laughs, you’ll find it here (no wincest)!
SPN Song Bingo 2019 Master List - Music! Such a major facet of Supernatural is the music, and I try to incorporate it into my fanfic. So why not do Song Bingo?!
SPN BTZ Bingo 2019 Master List - My Break The Zone (comfort zones) master list.
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Random One-Shots
Reader insert or SPN characters only. No OCs. (AO3)
Movie Night - for @chaos-and-the-calm67‘s 80s Writing Challenge, I picked Back to The Future for Sam x F!Reader
A Sign - for @atc74‘s 2k Celebration, I was assigned a gif of Eileen signing “thank you” on video chat. Features Sam x Eileen.
A Prayer For You - for @oneshoeshort‘s Feeling 30 Birthday Challenge. I chose the feeling “morose” for Sam x Reader.
Easier To Be Me - For @impalaimagining‘s Sing It Supernatural Challenge I chose Easier To Be by Lifehouse because it’s my favorite band. Reader x Sam, Dean heavily featured.
You’re a Shy One, Mr. Winchester - A reader x Sam piece for @atc74​‘s Cards Against Christmas challenge.
Little Tree Topper - Random drabble about Castiel’s hate for angel tree toppers based on the art in the post.
Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animals - For @katymacsupernatural‘s 6k Golden Challenge, I wrote this piece based on image #10 of her challenge.
Bridge Burning - for @spnsecretsantaficexchange​ by @negans-lucille-tblr​, I wrote this one-shot for @miss-nerd95​, Dean x Reader.
Roll Away Your Stone - for Gabriel Reverse Bang 2022, I was pared up with @foofsterroonie​ and her gorgeous art! Gabriel and other angels during the time of creation.
Updated: 07/25/2024
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mateushonrado · 5 years
Power Rangers Ultraverse teams 49-64
Status Post #8396: Folder | List
49. Space Squad (same name as Japanese version but this one is an Ameritoku version)
Ryan Steele / VR Alpha
Kaitlin Star / VR Beta
JB Reese / VR Delta
Sam Collins / Servo
Jo McCormick / Red Striker Beetleborg
Dex Stewart / Masked Rider
Jack Landors / SPD Red Ranger
Elizabeth Delgado / SPD Yellow Ranger
Andros / Red Space Ranger
Karone / Galaxy Pink
50. Astro Rangers (Rangers comprising of science fiction characters)
Adam of Eternia (He-Man) / Red Astro Ranger
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) / Green Astro Ranger
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) / Orange Astro Ranger
Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) / Blue Astro Ranger
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Voltron) / Black Astro Ranger
Jaylah (Star Trek) / Purple Astro Ranger
Ladios Sopp (The Five Star Stories) / Gold Astro Ranger
Nova Maxwell (Power Rangers) / Silver Astro Ranger
51. Dino Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of dino-themed Rangers)
Jason Scott / Red Tyranno Ranger
Kira Ford / Dino Thunder Yellow
Koda / Dino Charge Blue
Nelida Valensis / Brave Charge Black
Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger II
Eric Myers / Quantum Ranger
52. Ninja Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of ninja-themed Rangers)
Adam Park / Blue Wolf Ranger
Shane Clarke / Ninja Storm Red
Leanne Omino / Thunder Storm Yellow
Sarah Thompson / Ninja Steel Pink
Delphine / White Aquitar Ranger
David Trueheart / White Ninjetti Ranger
53. Titan Rangers (Rangers comprising of Young Justice/Teen Titans)
Timothy "Tim" Drake / Red Robin Ranger
Conner Kent / Black Superboy Ranger
Bart Allen / Silver Impulse Ranger
Cassie Sandsmark / Gold Wonder Ranger
Anita Fite / Purple Empress Ranger
Greta Hayes / White Secret Ranger
Cissie King-Jones / Crimson Arrowette Ranger
Grant Emerson / Orange Damage Ranger
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle Ranger
Kiran Singh / Yellow Solstice Ranger
M'gann M'orzz / Green Martian Ranger
Virgil Hawkins / Navy Static Ranger
54. Mutant Rangers (Rangers comprising of New Mutants/X-Force)
Danielle "Dani" Moonstar / Blue Mirage Ranger
Samuel "Sam" Guthrie / Orange Cannonball Ranger
Xi'an Coy Mahn / Pink Karma Ranger
Roberto da Costa / Red Sunspot Ranger
Rahne Sinclair / Crimson Wolfsbane Ranger
Douglas "Doug" Ramsey / Yellow Cypher Ranger
Amara Aquilla / Gold Magma Ranger
Illyana Rasputin / Black Magik Ranger
Russell "Rusty" Wilson / Orange Firefist Ranger
James Proudstar / Silver Warpath Ranger
Evan Daniels / Silver Spyke Ranger
Laura Kinney / Tan Wolverine Ranger
55. Sentai Strike Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Captain Marvelous / Gokai Red
Nanami Nono / Hurricane Blue
Ian Yorkland / Kyoryu Black
Luna Konokoe / Midoninger
Ryan Mitchell / Lightspeed Titanium
Ashley Hammond / Yellow Space Ranger
Robert James Finn / Purple Wolf Ranger
Sydney Drew / SPD Pink Ranger
56. Sentai Elite (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Tsuruhime / Ninja White
Masato Jin / Beet Buster
Yuri / Time Pink
Akira Nijino / ToQ 6gou
Leelee Pimvare / Vampire Black
Conner McKnight / Dino Thunder Red
Veronica "Ronny" Robinson / Overdrive Yellow
Merrick Baliton / Silver Wolf Ranger
57. Avatar Rangers (Avatarverse)
Aang / Avatar Orange
Katara / Avatar Blue
Sokka / Avatar Navy
Toph Beifong / Avatar Green
Zuko / Avatar Red
Suki / Avatar Emerald
Korra / Avatar Cyan
Mako / Avatar Crimson
Bolin / Avatar Teal
Asami Sato / Avatar Indigo
58. Voltron Rangers (Voltron Alliance)
Keith Kogane / Voltron Black
Allura Aquilla / Voltron Red
Lance Azul / Voltron Blue
Katie "Pidge" Holt / Voltron Green
Hunk Garrett / Voltron Yellow
Acxa Nova / Voltron Purple
59. Netflix Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Netflix animated originals and films under Dreamworks, Wonderstorm and other animated studios)
Callum (The Dragon Prince) / Red Netflix Ranger
Rayla (The Dragon Prince) / Green Netflix Ranger
James "Jim" Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia) / Silver Netflix Ranger
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia) / Pink Netflix Ranger
Jake "Stretch" Armstrong (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters) / Blue Netflix Ranger
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) / Scarlet Netflix Ranger
Adam (The Hollow) / Black Netflix Ranger
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) / White Netflix Ranger
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania) / Gold Netflix Ranger
Miko Kuroda (Devilman Crybaby) / Silver Netflix Ranger
60. Cartoon Network Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from CN, Boomerang, WB Animation, Hanna-Barbera and Warner Animation Group shows and films)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) / Green CN Ranger
Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10) / Blue CN Ranger
Lion-O (ThunderCats) / Red CN Ranger
Cheetara (ThunderCats) / Yellow CN Ranger
Jack (Samurai Jack) / White CN Ranger
Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) / Purple CN Ranger
Jonny Quest (Jonny Quest) / Black CN Ranger
Kiva Andru (Megas XLR) / Silver CN Ranger
Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) / Orange CN Ranger
Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin) / Pink CN Ranger
61. Disney Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Disney Channel, Disney XD, Jetix, Fox Kids, Disney and Pixar animated shows and films)
Goliath (Gargoyles) / Black Disney Ranger
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles) / Orange Disney Ranger
Mason "Dipper" Pines (Gravity Falls) / Blue Disney Ranger
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) / Pink Disney Ranger
Jacob "Jake" Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) / Red Disney Ranger
Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible (Kim Possible) / Indigo Disney Ranger
Robin Hood (Robin Hood) / Gold Disney Ranger
Fa Mulan (Mulan) / Green Disney Ranger
Charlie Landers (Aaron Stone) / Silver Disney Ranger
Alita (Alita: Battle Angel) / Navy Disney Ranger
62. Nickelodeon Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Nickelodeon, Nicktoons and Paramount Animation animated shows and films)
Daniel "Danny" Fenton (Danny Phantom) / Black Nickelodeon Ranger
Samantha "Sam" Manson (Danny Phantom) / Purple Nickelodeon Ranger
Mahad (Skyland) / Red Nickelodeon Ranger
Lena (Skyland) / White Nickelodeon Ranger
James Isaac "Jimmy" Neutron (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) / Blue Nickelodeon Ranger
Bloom (Winx Club) / Pink Nickelodeon Ranger
Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot) / Silver Nickelodeon Ranger
Casey Jones (TMNT) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Charlie Watson (Bumblebee) / Yellow Nickelodeon Ranger
63. Sentai Showdown (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Sokichi Banba / Big One
Remi Hoshikawa / Five Yellow
Hayate / Ginga Green
Rin / Houou Ranger
Chad Lee / Lightspeed Blue
Vesper Vasquez / Black Hyperforce Ranger
Ivan / Dino Charge Gold
Clare Langtree / Gatekeeper Purple
64. Sentai Prime Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Kaoru Shiba / Princess Shinken Red
Gaku Washio / Gao Yellow
Hyoko Hayase / Sieg-Jeanne
Masumi Inou / Bouken Black
Emma Goodall / Megaforce Pink
Ziggy Grover / RPM Green
Kiya / Blue Omega Ranger
Tyzonn / Overdrive Silver
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hellogoodbye741 · 5 years
Finally tracking my book challenges for the first time this year can ignore
I was supposed to be doing this on the reg, but I was being lazy. Whooooppss
15 romance novels  about bad boys, MC, mobsters, etc:
Royally Bad
Filthy English
Bad Stepbrother
SEAL Stepbrother
Bad teacher
Kenzie and the guy next door
Engaging the Billionaire
My Wicked Prince
Bad Guy
Alpha’s Danger
The Geek and his Bad Boys
His Miracle Baby
A new genre every month
January - Memoir, and Autobiography: Reading Lolita in Tehran
February - Romance: The Prince’s Omega Nanny
March - Science, and Technology: Post Mordem
April - Graphic Novels, and Comics: Calamity Jack
May - History, and Biography: 1776
June - Middle Grade, and Children’s: Winnie the Pooh
July - Humor: Noir
August - Science Fiction: Errant Prince
September - Nonfiction: Diary of Anne Frank
October - YA:
November - Poetry:
December - Fantasy:
A - Z:
Read a book that’s title starts with every letter of the alphabet
A: Al Capone Throws Me a Curve
B: Black Leopard, Red Wolf
C: Crazy Rich Asians
D: Da Vinci Code
E: Eragon
F: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
G: Grumpy Monkey
H: Hidden Figures
I: In Another Time
J: Juno Valentine and the Magical Shoes
K: Knights vs Monsters
L: Library of Ever
M: Mr. Popper’s Penguins
N: Noir
O: Other Words from Home
P: Post Mordem
R: Reading Lolita in Tehran
S: Seizure
T: Terminal
U: Uni the Unicorn
V: Virals
W: Winnie the Pooh
Y: Yertle the Turtle
Z: Zombie
A Funny Book: Noir
A Family Member’s Favorite Book: Da Vinci Code
A Book with a real city in the title: Reading Lolita in Tehran
A Book with No Romance: Whipping Romance
A Book you wouldn’t normally read: Fire and Fury
A ‘free’ book: Bride in Disguise
A Book you’ve been meaning to read: Hidden Figures
A ‘classic book’:
A book or author with an alliterative name: Crazy Rich Asians
A translated book: The Little Prince
A Book with a terrible cover: The Geek and his bad boys
A ‘random number’ book: 77 Shadow Street
A book whose author shares your initials:
A book over 500 pages: 1776
A book with a strong female lead: Civil War pt 2
A book that takes place at sea:
A book set in the past:
A book everyone seems to love: Crazy Rich Asians
A spooky book: 77 Shadow Street
A book by a POC or LGBTQIA+ author: Number One Chinese Restaurant 
A book you’ve never heard of: the house that Lou built 
A ‘Top of 2019’ book: Black Leopard, Red Wolf 
A book set in another country/culture: Crazy Rich Asians 
A memorable book: Whipping Boy 
Read Les Miserables
Another book by a P.O.C or LGBTQIA+ author: Crazy Rich Asians
Color-Coded/Read it Again Sam:
Books with color on the cover or in the title/re-reading books (17) you’ve read in the past
A book with ‘blue; or any shade of blue in title/on the cover: True Blue
A book with red/any shade in title or color: Black Leopard, Red Wolf
Yellow: Yellow Wallpaper
Green: Prodigal Summer 
Black: Black Leopard, Red Wolf 
Any other color: Color Purple
A book with a word that implies color in title or on color (polka dot, rainbow, plaid, etc): rainbow fish
Re-read: Da Vinci Code
Re-read: Rainbow Fish
Re-read: House on Mango Street
Re-read: Whipping Boy
Re-read: Red Scarf Girl
Re-read: Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson
Re-read: Eragon
Re-read: Winnie the Pooh
Women Reading:
Books written by women/about women
Mystery/thriller by a WOC:
Woman with a mental illness: Yellow Wallpaper 
Author from Nigeria or New Zealand 
About or set in Appalachia: Prodigal Summer 
Children’s book: the house that lou built 
Multi-gen family saga 
Featuring women in science: Hidden Figures 
A play: Raisin in the Sun 
A novella: House on Mango Street
About a woman athlete: Who are Venus and Serena williams 
A book featuring a religion other than your own: Reading Lolita in Tehran 
Lambda literary award winner: 
A myth retelling: Song of Achilles 
A translated book published before 1945: Little Prince 
Written by a South Asian Author: The Lowlands 
By an Indigenous woman:
From 2018 Reading Women Award Shortlist:A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza 
Romance or love story: Second chance thing - lennox 
About nature: How to be a good creature 
Historical fiction book: In another Time 
Book bought/borrowed 2019: Second Chance Thing - Elizabeth Lennox
Book you got because of the cover: the house that lou built
YA book by a W.O.C.: Children of Blood and Bone 
Book by Jesmyn Ward: Sing, unburied, sing 
Book by Jhumpa Lahiri: The Lowlands 
Modern Ms. Darcy:
A book you’ve been meaning to read:Hidden Figures
A book in the backlist of your favorite author: Noir
A book recommended by someone with great taste: Sweet Surrender
Three books by the same author: Virals
Three books by same author: Seizure
Three books by same author: Chaos 
A book you chose for the cover: Hunting Prince Dracula 
A book by an author who is new to you: Number One Chinese Restaurant 
A book in translation: Little Prince 
A book outside your (genre) comfort zone: Fire and Fury
A book published before you were born: Little Prince
Pop Sugar Challenge:
A book becoming a movie in 2019: Sun is not a Star
A book that makes you nostalgic: Whipping Boy 
A book written by a musician: Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl 
A book that you think should be made into a movie: Virals 
A book at least with 1 million ratings on Goodreads: 
A book with a plant in the title or cover: How to be a good Creature
A reread of a favorite book: Da Vinci Code
A book about a hobby: the house that lou built 
A book you meant to read in 2018: Crazy Rich Asians 
A book with “pop” “sugar” or “challenge” in the title: Hop on Pop A book with “pop” “sugar” or “challenge” in the title: Hop on Pop 
A book with a item of clothing or accessory in title or cover: Red Scarf Girl
A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore: Song of Achilles 
A book published posthumously: The girl who played with fire 
A book set in space: Little Prince
A book by two female authors: 
A book that contains “salty” “sweet” “bitter” or “spicy”: Sweet Surrender 
A book set in Scandinavia: Girl who played with fire 
A book that takes place in a single day: Sun is also a star
A debut novel: The Help 
A book published in 2019:  elizabeth lennox 
Book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature: Claimed by a Dragon 
A book recommended by a celebrity that you admire: A place for us (jennifer garner) 
A book with “love” in the title: 
A book featuring an amateur detective: Hope Never Dies 
A book about a family: 
A book by an author from Asia, Africa, or South America: House on Mango Street 
A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title: The Birth of Venus 
A book you see someone reading on tv or in a movie: Wuthering Heights 
A retelling of a classic: 
A book with a question in the title:
A book set on a college or university campus: Royal Academy
A book about someone with a superpower: Civil War 
A book with multiple POV: Crazy Rich Asians
A book that includes a wedding: Crazy Rich Asians 
A book from an author with alliteration: Crazy Rich Asians 
A ghost story:
A book with a two-word title: Hidden Figures 
A novel based on a true story: Hidden Figures 
A book revolving around a puzzle or game: Code 
Your favorite prompt from a past popsugar challenge: The Color Purple 
A ‘climate fiction’ book: 
A “choose your own adventure” book: 
An “own voices” book: Children of Blood and Bone 
Read a book during the season it is set in: 
A LitRPG book: 
A book with no chapters, unusual chapter headings, or unconventionally numbered chapters: The Errant Prince 
Two books that share the same title: From Here to Eternity - Caitlin DOughty 
Two books that share the same title: 
A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom: 
A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent: Da Vinci Code 
Read Harder Challenge:
A Epistolary Novel: Color Purple
An Alternate History Novel: Stalking Jack the Ripper 
A Book by a woman/AOC that won a literary award in 2018: Hunger: A Memoir of (my) body 
A Humor Book: Noir 
A book by a journalist or about journalism: The Girl who played with fire 
A book by an AOC set in or about space: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor 
An #ownvoices book set in Mexico or Central America:Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel 
An #ownvoices book set in Oceania: 
A book published before Jan. 1st, 2019 that has less than 100 reviews on Goodreads: 
A translated book written/a book translated by a woman: 
A book on Manga: 
A book in which an animal or inanimate object is a POV character: Fox 8 by George Saunders 
A book by or about someone that ID’s a neurodiverse: 
A cozy mystery: 
A book of mythology or lore: Song of Achilles 
A historical romance written by a AOC: 
A business book: Chocolate Wars: The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World’s Greatest Chocolate Makers by Deborah Cadbury
A novel by a trans or nonbinary author: 
A book of nonviolent true crime: The Spy Who Couldn’t Spell: 
A book written in prison: 
A children’s or middle grade book (not YA) that has won a diversity award since 2009: 
A comic by an LGBTQIA creator: Through the Woods by Emily Carroll 
A self-published book: 
A collection of poetry published since 2014:
Current number of books read: 631/900
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