#ella the backyard cat
slafkovskys · 10 months
Finding a dog on the side of the road and going up to Mason in the living room like Congratulations you’re a dad again her name is _____. & he’s just so confused
“mase, babe?” you call out sweetly as you walk into the kitchen. the puppy in your arms lifts her head at the sound of benji’s paws thumping towards you, “can you help me with something really quick?”
“what’s up?” he calls out and you make your way into the living room, holding ella closer to your chest. you spot fred asleep in his cat tree and mason tuned into some football game, “paying you no mind as you walk up behind him.
“i need you to help me get some things out of car,” you gently scratch at the puppy’s head and she nudges up into your hand, “some things for your daughter.”
“for my- you’re fucking lying,” he tilts his head back then and when he spots you with the boxer puppy in your arms his face falls, “y/n, not again.”
“she was on the side of the road. i couldn’t just leave her, baby,” you crone and he narrows his eyes.
“like you couldn’t leave benji with the neighbors or feed at the shelter?” he asks and you hum. he sighs, “can you just for once let me know when you’re bringing home an animal? please?”
“and give you the opportunity to stop me? i don’t think so,” you excitedly round the couch and take a seat beside your boyfriend who’s staring at his newest child with curious eyes, “her name’s ella. she’s really shy, but we met a dog about the size of benji when i took her into the pet store and she loved him.”
benji noses curiously at ella and looks at mason who shrugs, “i don’t know, dude. this was all your mom.”
“she’s gonna fit in perfectly. just like b and fred did.”
he rolls his eyes, “i can barely fit in our bed because they already sleep in it. she’s seriously going to have to sleep in her own bed.”
you glare, “you not being able to adapt to certain circumstances sounds like a personal problem, do not single out our daughter. c’mon benji, let’s go show your sister the backyard while dad unloads the car!”
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a day in the life of ella- matching sweater with her cat leonard, working very hard to not be the worst painter in the history of art, and stargazing in the backyard with astrid
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Questionable Advice- Steve Harrington x OC
Steve Harrington x Ella Warner
Description: When Dustin and Steve come to Ella for the nail bat, it ends with her giving the younger boy advice when Steve offers him some questionable ones.
Word Count: 2.3k
Ella had desperately hoped and prayed that after everything that happened with the Upside Down and the Demogorgon, it would all end. It had been one of the most stressful and terrifying experiences of her life, and one that she shouldn’t have been in in the first place. But, thankfully, she was able to help the rest of the Hawkins gang (which also included her now boyfriend Steve Harrington) get rid of everything.
After the Demogorgon was banished back to the Upside Down by that girl, Eleven, everything went back to as normal as it could be. Will Byers returned and began therapy, Barb was confirmed to be dead, and everyone else was sworn to secrecy about everything they’d seen and done. Ella thought that would be the last of it, but apparently she was wrong.
She had been cleaning up around her house when she heard her doorbell ring. A small huff left her lips as she’d been right in the middle of cleaning the kitchen. For a moment she considered not answering, but then the doorbell continued to ring almost incessantly, which meant she couldn’t ignore it. She groaned loudly as she walked towards the door.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming,” she yelled irritably as she reached it. Upon opening her door she was met with one of the most unlikely pairs standing on her doorstep: Dustin Henderson and her boyfriend standing behind him. Ella was visibly surprised by it, but before she could say anything, Dustin spoke.
“Please tell me you still have that spiked bat that you fought the Demogorgon in,” he begged, tone bordering on destination. She was now taken aback.
“Uh, yeah? I’m pretty sure I put it in the shed,” she answered slowly.
“We need it,” the younger boy said, trying to push her way into her house. Ella was quick to step in front of him with a stern look.
“Not until you tell me what for,” she retorted flatly. Dustin groaned loudly.
“I thought I found a brown leaping frog in my trash can so I brought it to my house and took care of it but turns out it wasn’t a frog, it’s a baby version of another monster from the Upside Down and he ate my cat then escaped his terrarium and we need to find him before he hurts anyone else but we need the bat to protect ourselves in case things go wrong,” he said in one breath before finally getting inside. At first Ella could only watch him in shock while Steve also stepped inside. She was quick to snap out of her senses when Dustin turned to look at her expectantly.
“Alright, but I'm coming with you,” she responded simply, beginning to lead the boys to her back door.
“Wait, what? No, absolutely not,” Steve said quickly, grabbing her wrist.
“It’s not up for debate,” Ella informed him as she stopped to face them. “The more people to help, the better. Besides, I’m the one with the bat. No me, no bat. Think about it.” She shot them a pointed look, watching her boyfriend mull over his options. Finally Dustin nudged him with his elbow, offering him a look that basically said she was right. Steve sighed heavily, then nodded.
“Alright, fine.” Once she got the okay, Ella grabbed the shed keys from the hook beside her back door and walked out to her backyard. It didn’t take her long to locate it, though she did have to climb up a ladder to get to it.
The second story of the shed was given to her by her father when she was a kid. Their house wasn’t really big, and she wanted more space to call her own. Nowadays, that’s where she went when she wanted to be alone. She’d decorated it accordingly and even got a mini fridge and microwave for it when she was older.
“What, do you have a person living up here?” Steve asked jokingly once he and Dustin were also in the second story of the shed. The girl rolled her eyes in response as she moved to the back of the room, where the bat was hidden.
“I’m saving it for when you come crying for a place to stay the night again,” she answered flatly as she moved a few storage boxes aside before finally spotting the wooden handle. She grabbed it and held it up for inspection before facing the boys. While Steve looked unsure about the situation itself, Dustin looked happy to have located the weapon. The admittedly adorable smile on the younger boy’s face made Ella also grin.
“Alright, what now?”
Almost half an hour later, the trio were walking along the train tracks as they readied to set the bait for Dart (which Ella later learned was the creature’s name thanks to Dustin). While Dustin and Steve elected to walk in the middle of the tracks, Ella had elected to try to walk on one of the rails. She had a light grip on her boyfriend’s hand to keep her steady as the three of them continued their trek.
“Can I ask you something, Henderson?” Steve suddenly asked, making both of them look at him. “If you knew that that thing was dangerous after it turned your cat into chow, why did you still keep it?” Ella silently reprimanded his insensitivity to the Henderson’s cat, but she was also curious about it. She’d been thinking that ever since he went more in depth to everything that happened since Dustin had found Dart. The younger boy looked down, suddenly shy.
“Do you promise not to tell anyone?” He asked after a moment. Steve and Ella shared a confused glance, but ultimately agreed.
“I did it to impress a girl,” he explained, sounding very embarrassed.
“A girl?” Ella repeated, earning a nod from Dustin. “Uh huh. And would this girl just happen to be the one that we’re about to meet at the junkyard? What was her name? Daisy Mae?” The younger boy’s head shot up at the mention of Daisy Mae’s name.
“How did you know?” He asked, horrified.
“I remember you and Lucas talking about her when I was with Nancy the other day. So I’m right, then?” The boy’s red face was all the answer she needed. “Aw, Dustin,” she cooed. That made Dustin’s blush deepen and he looked away.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, honey,” Ella said, sounding apologetic for embarrassing him.
“Yeah man, you don’t need an interdimensional monster to impress a girl,” Steve added, finally speaking up for the first time since he’d asked the fated question.
“What do I do, then?” Dustin asked. “You’re good with girls. What’s your secret?”
Well,” the boy trailed off thoughtfully. “You just have to act like you don’t care, wait for the electricity and with special girls, you need to be a ninja.” Ella’s eyebrows shot up as she faced her boyfriend, looking unimpressed.
“Is that how you think you got me?” She questioned aloofly before looking at the younger boy. “Don’t listen to him Dustin, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But I do have to agree; you don’t need something like Dart to impress a girl. You need to just be yourself and the right girl will come along, whether it’s Daisy Mae or not. Girls love nothing more than when a guy shows her his authentic self so she knows for sure that she likes him for who he actually is and not some character he’s trying to portray. If she likes you, it needs to be for you. And if she doesn’t like you, that doesn’t mean that you should change yourself. It just means that she wasn’t the right girl. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Dustin took a moment to process her words, but he ultimately nodded with a small smile.
“But, it also wouldn’t hurt if you looked your best. If you look your best then you feel your best. I’m sure Steve can help with that part. He’s the best at just sitting there and looking pretty,” she added jokingly. Her boyfriend shot her a sarcastic grin before.
“I know you probably meant that as an insult, but since you called me pretty I’m just going to take it as a compliment,” he said before facing Dustin. A thoughtful expression appeared on his face as he tried to figure out what advice to give the younger boy.
“Do you want to know the secret to having flawless hair like mine?” He finally asked, earning an eager nod from the boy.
“Yeah.” Once Steve got confirmation, he leaned in dramatically as if they were in a movie.
“Farrah Fawcett hairspray.” Both Ella and Dustin were surprised about his remedy, and the girl couldn’t help but laugh.
“Wait, you’re telling me that the oh so sacred secret to your hair is to use Farrah Fawcett’s hairspray?” She giggled out.
“You laugh, but you can’t deny that my hair always looks great,” Steve retorted defensively, rolling his eyes before looking at the younger boy again. “Do four pumps of Farrah Fawcett hairspray when the hair is damp – not wet, damp - and your hair will look great. You tell anyone about it and you’re dead.” The threat at the end was obviously empty, and so it caused the other two to burst into another fit of giggles.
Almost a week later Steve and Ella had volunteered to drive Dustin to the Hawkins Middle School’s Snow Ball. The girl was pleasantly surprised (and a little amused) to see that the Henderson boy had taken Steve’s advice and styled his hair with Farrah Fawcett’s hairspray. He looked great, and both she and Steve had made sure to remind him when they arrived at the middle school. After giving him one more boost of confidence and reminding him of her girl advice, they watched him walk into the school’s gym with his head held high.
They sort of just hung around Ella’s house for a few hours before coming back to pick Dustin up. When they pulled up they got out to go look for him, but she was quick to stop Steve when her eyes landed on the boy.
“Steve, wait,” she said quickly, grabbing his arm so he wouldn’t walk any further. He shot her a confused look, but she just pointed to where she spotted Dustin. The younger boy was standing by and talking to Daisy Mae Thrum beside what they assumed was her mom’s car. Both of them had smiles on their faces as they talked animatedly, but then they both turned when the girl’s mom said something that Steve and Ella couldn’t hear. Daisy Mae turned back to Dustin with an apologetic smile on her face and said something to him, likely apologizing for the interruption. The boy just shook his head with an understanding look then, to his (and Steve and Ella’s) surprise, the girl suddenly leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Ella couldn’t suppress her excited gasp as a giddy smile formed on Dustin’s face.
She and Steve watched as he helped Daisy Mae into her mom’s car, wishing her a goodnight before closing the door for her. He waved at the car as it pulled out of the parking lot then turned to face the couple. Ella giggled as he all but sprinted over to them, the same excited smile on his face.
“It worked,” he exclaimed happily, almost tackling Ella to the ground when he hugged her. “Ella, your advice worked!” A small laugh escaped her lips as she patted his back.
“I’m glad to hear.”
“It was like magic,” the boy gushed as the three of them climbed into Steve’s car. He went on to tell them about how a slow dance had come on during the dance and he got the courage to ask Daisy Mae to dance with him. While they danced, they got to talking about their likes and dislikes. They ended up spending the rest of the dance together until her mom got there. Being the gentleman he was, he walked her out to the car and they continued to talk until her mom said it was time to go.
“And guess what?” Dustin asked eagerly. “I asked her if she wanted to hang out and she said yes! We’re gonna hang out at the arcade tomorrow!” Both Steve and Ella cheered once he finished his animated explanation.
“That’s great, Henderson,” Steve responded, mimicking his friend’s excitement. The boy leaned back in his seat with a pleased smile on his face.
“I’m so proud of you, Dustin,” Ella added, looking back at him. “You were yourself and Daisy Mae liked you, just like I knew she would. I hate to say that I was right, but…” she trailed off, looking at her boyfriend smugly. Steve, in turn, rolled his eyes with a small huff and shook his head.
“Yeah, I get it. There’s no need to rub salt in the wound,” he retorted flatly. Dustin and Ella shared a laugh at the boy’s expense as he pulled into the Henderson’s driveway.
“Alright, get out.” That earned one last laugh from the duo before Dustin wished them goodnight before climbing out of the car. Steve and Ella waited until he was safely inside before leaving.
“He’s a good kid,” the girl commented softly.
“He is,” her boyfriend agreed. Ella glanced at him with a small smile.
“So are you.” Her statement earned a playful scoff from him.
“I’m not a kid,” he responded, shaking his head. She rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her fond smile when he reached over to grab her hand with his free one.
“Keep telling yourself that, Harrington.”
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coolocgod · 11 months
Im tired as heck so you get zen rambles
So me, my sibling and my mom were at my grandmas house cues its my mom's birthday and my grandma's cat(named ella) came over to me and basically just let me give her pets and attention and idk why i suddenly remembered we had 2 stray cats that visited us when i was younger at 2 different houses so uh imma tell some stories about them, the first one was a orange tabby cat which kid me named Margaret(yes little me liked daniel tiger) and she would stop by once in awhile she did seem to trust me the most out of my family hiding from anyone who wasnt me(atleast from what i remember i dont remember much cues i was like 3 or 5 when margaret visited XD) and one day i was inside looking out a window and margaret came up with i think 2 little kittens which was wholesome, but uh after awhile she stopped visiting which kinda made me sad and uh the second cat was a black cat who at first we named raven but our neighbors named him magic so we combined the 2 names into mavic, and mavic first started visiting in like summer and sense my family didnt want him to overheat we started giving him water, food and some pets, but uh my dog very much disliked him XD so he would skitter off alot, he did come and visit the house for food and water and then leave but uh one day his little tuna dish was full(yes i know tuna isnt good for cats but we didnt fully know this) which worried me cues like he stopped by alot even if none of us saw him and he didnt come by for like a week and i still dont know where he is, which now that i think about these 2 cats again i miss them alot like sure we have alot of stray cats visiting our backyard now but like idk maybe my tired brain is just making me miss them but uh thats mainly it XD
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truitt-story · 2 years
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#/kim voice/ maybe if you had a business that you were passionate about you would know what it takes to run a business
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Tiana barely had time to process whatever the hell that dream had been when she saw the note from Aurora. Her stomach dropped. Suddenly, none of that even mattered anymore. Aurora was missing, she was maybe sacrificing herself (?!) to save the town, and... this was what they were supposed to be avoiding all along, wasn’t it? They had to do something. They had to save her.
Tiana snatched the note and tore through the house, shouting Ella’s name, for once not even thinking about disturbing the dog or Willa. Lolly appeared alongside her quickly enough, and by the time Tiana found Ella, she had tears in her eyes. “Did you see this?” she said, shoving it at Ella. “She’s-- she’s gone.” Tiana couldn’t hold it in any longer. She burst into tears.
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As the afternoon went on, though, things started to pick up more, and Tiana needed an extra hand in the kitchen. She pulled out her phone, humming along to the tune of Cyndi Lauper’s familiar wailing. 
“If you’re lost, you can look, and you will find me...” Tiana typed out a text to Angie, who was running late. They were never very formal with each other, and Tiana’s giddy mood had her feeling more chaotic than usual.
BABE. Can you pleeeease get your butt over here. Need you NOW 😩 
And, send.
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A Cat So Clever | Tiella
Lately, a cat had started prowling around the backyard. Tiana was keeping an eye on him, because she didn’t want any of Aurora’s garden to be dug up, even if it was winter and not much was growing. It was a pretty cat-- a gingery brown color, with little stripes all over. Privately, she had started calling him Turnip in her head-- that was the part of the garden he tended to frequent.
Tiana was in the middle of making lunch when she spotted Turnip by the door. “Oh, you’re hungry?” she said, like she was talking to a friend who had stopped by for tea. She scooped some of the sweet potato she was putting on a salad into a bowl and was just opening the door when, to her surprise, Turnip walked right in. “Oh, alright then.”
She put the bowl down, and Turnip was just starting to dig in when Tiana heard footsteps. Oops. Semi-adopting a stray cat was... probably a conversation you should have with your roommates, Tiana thought. “Okay, I can explain.”
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When she reached out to Barbie (she still had her number from that pirate dream all those months ago), Tiana was surprised that Barbie invited her over for tea-- she had figured they could just meet up in Hatter’s for a quick chat. But Tiana kind of preferred this. This could get emotional, knowing Tiana, and she didn’t really want to break down in Hatter’s. 
Photo tucked safely in her pocket, Tiana knocked on Barbie’s door and waited, buzzing with nervous energy. “Hey!” she said, smiling when Barbie opened the door. “Thanks so much for doing this. Seriously. It means a lot.”
24 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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ellaofoakhill · 3 years
The Person Child
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“I’ve a ferocious craving for onion,” Ella said. They were finishing breakfast. Havel was up enjoying a cup of tea with the family.
He set his cup down. “I could grab some from the garden for you, Master,” he said.
Ella shook her head. “I’d like to go for a stroll. It hasn’t happened much lately, what with,” she patted her swollen belly, “and my live-in nurse.” She gave Meline a playful glance.
“I wanna go!” Meline resisted the urge to glare at Selva.
She sighed into her cup. Ella was three months from term; the baby could come at any time. Ella’s leg had also healed more slowly than Meline liked; the bone density was lacking, and with the added laxity of her ligaments in the last several months, heavy exertion was out of the question. They were butting heads with increasing frequency on this issue, with Meline narrowly coming out on top. Ella was uncharacteristically sulky after these arguments.
According to Havel and Vaness, who had taken to riding about the yard to check on things in Ella’s place, things had been quiet the last little while. Nasicus’s grandserpents were behaving themselves, and no spiders, newts, or monsters had been sighted in the area.
“I suppose,” Meline set her cup on her plate, “we could take a walk to the garden. So long,” she raised her voice before anyone could celebrate, “as everyone is on their best behaviour. Including you, El.”
Ella set a hand on her heart. “Me? Misbehave?” She grinned. “Whyever should I?”
Meline growled, reached over, and grabbed her cheeks. “I love you, dear—”
Ella pecked her on the nose. “Love you, too.”
“—but I will hogtie you until you go into labour if you do anything reckless tonight.”
“Ooh, that sounds—” she registered Meline’s look. “Yes, Mel.” There was a suppressed snort from somewhere around the table; Meline suspected Vaness.
“Now,” Meline said, looking about the four of them, “Ella and I can get dishes washed and put away. Havel, you and Selva can saddle Coarser and Vernon. We can bring Vesi and Owen with us, too. Vaness, if you could bring the saw and other supplies so we can cut some onion?”
“Sure, Auntie Mel.” The trio set their plates in the sink and rushed downstairs. Ella started the water running. Meline washed and rinsed, Ella dried and put away. She’d recently gotten strong enough to get around without the use of a cane, and Meline happily noted the absence of that soft thump.
“Hey, um…” Ella said as she reached up to put away a plate, “I know I’m more… all over the place, than usual. And I know you’re trying to keep me and little Flossy safe. So… I’m sorry if I make you worry.”
Meline stopped washing Havel’s mug. She turned around. Ella was right behind her. Meline jumped, and dropped the mug on her toe. She bit back a curse, and bent forward at the same time as Ella did, smacking her forehead into Ella’s nose. Ella reeled back, clutching her face as Meline hopped back against the counter.
“Bleeding at all?”
After a moment, Ella lowered her hands. Tears streamed from her eyes as she wiggled her nose. “Don’t think so.”
They looked at each other. Meline started laughing first. She gave Ella a hug, and her belly a gentle squish. Ella held her, one hand pressing Meline’s head into her shoulder. They stayed like that until Ella’s belly trembled with a little kick.
“Come on,” Meline said, pulling back and giving Ella a kiss, “Flossy thinks we should be going.”
 Ella had always liked to walk with Coarser about her lands. She patrolled regularly, yes, but patrolling was not a time when she could simply be. On a peaceful summer night, she was the wash of hot wind in her face, the grass about her waist, and the stars above. With her injury, and so close to her due date, she found her world shrinking a bit. That was not so bad, but it was nice to expand sometimes, to breathe deep of life’s sweet fragrance.
And now, it was not just Coarser, who walked in the lead. Havel and Vaness were behind a short ways—Ella heard their soft chatter as they discussed one thing or another—and Vernon and Vesi just ahead, tearing chunks off the succulent grass as they walked by. Selva darted about, her movement clear with the rustle of the grass. Owen and she chased each other back and forth. The calf was by far quicker, but Selva had the exuberance of childhood, and the innocent wisdom to not stake her happiness on winning and losing.
Meline was at her side, one hand in hers. She had let her hair grow since their wedding; it was past her waist now. She had taken to braiding it in three long plaits. The occasional streak of silver glowed in the waxing moon’s light. Her staff gently thumped the turf with each step. She seemed deep in thought.
The people had erected a tall wooden structure inside the rows of trees. Woodsmoke permeated it, but even years after its construction, Ella could smell the paint and the poisons that had gone into its making. They gave it a wide berth.
They came to the oaks, passing the stump where the person left his offerings of milk and honey.
“Auntie El?” Ella felt a tap on her shoulder. Vaness was pointing to a lump a short ways to their left in the undergrowth. “Is that a cat?”
The group stopped. What Ella had taken for a rock the person had pulled from his garden shifted. A head with two huge triangular ears rose. Eyes the size of heater shields opened, settling on them. Ella felt Meline’s hand twitch.
“Evening, Celsi,” Ella called. He yawned, stretched from nose to tail, and padded over.
“How many times must I tell you,” Celsi said as he sat before them, “that my full name is Sir Paracelsus Praetorius Vercingetorix, and to refer to me as such? Especially,” he regarded their little entourage, “before those whose acquaintance I’ve yet to make.” He nodded in Havel and Meline’s directions; they bowed.
Ella grinned. “My apologies, Sir,” she said, bowing also, “but our prior history overrides my usual attention to decorum.”
“Ah, that,” Celsi said, flicking an ear, “I’d as soon not have described again before fey or creature.”
“Of course, of course,” Ella said, “and I do apologize for not arranging an exchange of pleasantries sooner. I have been indisposed.”
“Indisposed indeed,” Celsi said. “You’re so heavy with kit I can smell the colour of its hair.”
“Oh?” That piqued Ella’s curiosity. “And—”
“Strawberry blonde,” Celsi said. Cats, she had noticed, tended to insist far more heavily on receiving proper etiquette than giving it.
“I shall take your word for it,” Ella said, bowing again. “Shall I commence introductions?”
“Please,” Celsi proceeded to lie with his paws curled beneath him.
“First,” Ella extended a hand to Vaness, who took it, “this is my niece, Vaness of Sycamore Rill.” She curtsied.
Celsi’s tail twitched. “You faced the dragon.”
“Y-yes.” She looked like she was still comprehending a cat this enormous. And orange.
“Few enough have and lived to tell of it.”
“She stuck it with a knife!” Selva said from somewhere behind Vernon.
Celsi’s ear twitched. “I was under the impression fey kine were mute.” Cats only smiled with their eyes; Ella doubted anyone else caught it. “Regardless,” he returned his attention to Vaness, “to survive a dragon means you might be interesting one day. Do stay alive so we may find out.”
“Thank you…” his tone had been ambiguous; entirely normal when it came to Celsi.
Vesi, Vernon, and Owen came next. Celsi had scented them some time ago, but had not yet been introduced. “My bones and joints grow old, you see,” he said as he licked his shoulder, “so it’s only on warm nights I see fit to venture out.” He flicked his whiskers. “There’s another here, or my nose is a liar.”
“No lie,” Ella said. She turned her head. “Selva?”
There was a squeak from behind Vernon. Ella did not see anything. A small hand clasped her own.
Celsi lowered his head. “There’s a bit of magic, here.” He sounded intrigued. “I cannot see this one, but her footsteps are clear enough.” He turned to face Meline, and Ella saw his whiskers brush against Selva. “Ah, there you are.”
After a half-choked giggle, Selva popped into view. She had a tight grip on Ella’s hand.
“Selva, this is—”
“Dragonsong?” Selva squeaked higher. Celsi shifted his paws. “Given how many watched a fairy child turn aside dragonfire, it’d be surprising if I hadn’t heard of you.”
Selva looked about to duck behind Ella. “Sir Paracelsus is a civilized cat, Selva, like most creatures. He’d never eat you.” Ella looked up at him. “She’s a bit shy, sometimes.”
An enormous rumble emanated from Celsi. Even if he had wanted to, Selva would have been barely a mouthful. “You’re quite right about the civility, though comparing myself to most creatures is stretching things a bit.” He looked about him. “What brings you out this way?”
“I’ve a craving for onion, and we were about to satisfy it.” Ella gestured to the tools and rope Coarser had in his saddlebags, and the wagon Vernon was pulling.
“I see,” Celsi eyed their equipment. “I’ve no use for vegetable matter myself, but I’ll certainly not stop you from taking a leaf. Do watch out, though, my human has his—”
He was interrupted by a thudding footstep, followed by several more, drawing closer by the moment. Before they could conceal themselves in the hazel, a small person ran into view on the rabbit path. The word “small” only occurred to Ella because she knew how much larger a full-grown person was. This one was easily ten times Ella’s height, hair streaming out behind her. She had a smile on her round face, and size aside, seemed quite unthreatening.
She came to a stop when she saw Celsi. “Whatcha doin’ over here, Mr. Fibbles?” Ella still felt her footfalls through the ground as she approached. Her eyes widened as they alighted on the little group, and she let out a gasp. She squatted down on the path, crossed her arms over her knees. “Hi!” Her voice was much softer, though still extremely audible. “Are you fairies?”
“What’s she saying?” Meline whispered in Ella’s ear.
“She greeted us, and asked if we’re fairies,” Ella said. “Shall I interpret?”
“… Sure.”
Ella took a half-step forward; the sudden grip on her arm stopped her, and Meline advanced instead. “We are.” Ella passed the message on.
“Grampa said there’s fairies here.” The girl was wriggling with excitement. “Do you do magic?”
Meline shot Ella an inquiring glance. Ella smiled, gesturing for her to speak. “A bit here and a bit there.” She drew herself up. “We don’t see many people out this late, you know.”
“I’m camping tonight with Mr. Fibbles,” the girl said, pointing to the cat. His lambent ire was lost on her. “Grampa ‘n’ Gramma said I could.” She gave the group a quizzical look. “You talk funny.”
“Funny… funny how?” Ella said.
The child considered for a moment. “It’s pretty, but… soft? Why d’you talk like that?”
Ella chuckled. “Because we speak Feyish, child. I learned your tongue just in the last few decades.”
“What’s a decade?” Her eyes goggled when Ella explained. “You must be almost as old as Grampa!”
Ella tried not to laugh. She interpreted; the others would have laughed if this had not been their first close encounter with a person. “Child,” she said, “your grandfather could live three hundred lifetimes and not match my age.”
“Oh! That’s old!” She changed tack. “Why’re you all out tonight?”
Meline answered through Ella. “We’re out gathering onion from the garden.”
The girl sprang to her feet, making everyone who wasn’t Ella jump. “I’ll get some!” She was away before anyone could object. Ella could see her searching through the moonlit garden.
“This is… strange,” Vaness said. “How is anything that tall?”
Ella smiled as she shifted the tools on Coarser’s back, and climbed up; her back and feet were done walking. “People are a long way from the biggest things on Gaea, Vaness. There used to be creatures the size of hills, when Meline and I first crossed over, and there are still many that make a person seem small.”
It wasn’t long before the girl thundered back. In her hand was a whole onion. The corm was nearly Ella’s height.
“Here you go!” She set it on the ground.
Ella went to dismount, but Meline put a hand on her leg. “Let Vaness and Havel load it up.” Ella was about to argue, but Meline flashed her a sweet, terrifying smile.
It still took Meline pushing with her staff too before the onion rolled over the lip of the cart with a hefty thump that almost upset the whole operation.
“I can carry it,” the girl said, as she watched them tie up the leaves.
“That’s alright,” Ella said. “You saved us half a night’s work getting it out of the ground.” She inclined her head. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” The girl hunched down more. “Fairies only come out at night, right?”
“That’s right,” Ella said. It was a bit more complicated, but that was the general rule. “Part of why fey and people don’t see each other much.”
The girl scrunched down more. “I’m scared of the dark.”
Ella tilted her head. “You’ve been running around happily enough.”
“Yeah, but the moon’s out,” she pointed up at it. “And I’ve got Mr. Fibbles with me.”
Ella almost laughed. What was it about people that kept them from understanding creatures? “‘Mr. Fibbles’ is a wise guardian. I’m sure he’ll watch out for you.” A thought occurred to Ella. “If that isn’t reassurance enough, I should tell you I’m the lord of these lands.”
“Oh,” the girl said, “all of them?”
“Just the yard and about the fence,” Ella said. “And since these are my lands, they are under my protection, as are all who live here. Including you.”
“So no bears?”
“No bears.”
“No skunks?”
“Skunks aren’t so bad once you get to know them,” Ella said, “even if they are a bit smelly. But no, no skunks.”
“No monsters at all?”
Despite obvious differences, Ella was drawing strong parallels between this girl and Selva. “No monsters at all.”
She nodded. “Okay.” She let out a huge yawn. “I’m gonna go sleep in my tent, now.”
“Would you like to see just a bit of magic before you go?”
The girl’s eyes, which had grown heavy, snapped open. She gasped, and huddled back down. Ella took out her knife. She looked over at Meline… who gave a resigned sigh, and nodded. Ella spoke a word of power, and the knife began to glow. Brighter and brighter, until the grass and bushes about them were cast in brassy light. She spoke another, and the knife floated up above her head, dancing in elaborate arcs and sweeps. A green light joined it. Meline stepped forward, the tip of her staff aglow. Bright lines crisscrossed the ground of the path. A gout of flame joined them, as Selva puffed, forming her flowers and leaves. It seemed to Ella that they formed an impressive display.
The girl covered her mouth. When they finished, she clapped and giggled. “That was magic!”
“Yes it was,” Meline said once Ella interpreted; she sounded mollified, “and now we must go home.”
“Aww!” the girl managed to sound both disappointed and happy. “Will I see you again?”
“Maybe,” Ella said with a shrug, “I don’t plan on leaving.”
The girl pointed back through the trees. “You live in the big oak, right?”
“That’s right,” Ella said. “We’ll be nearby.” She bowed. “Sleep well.”
“Okay.” The girl got up, and, of all things, bowed back. “You too.” She turned to Celsi. “Come on, Mr. Fibbles.” A few titanic steps, and she was gone.
              Ella turned to Celsi. “—”
“Not a word. Ever.” Celsi’s tail lashed. “Humans, as we all know, are terrible listeners.”
 “That was…” Vaness trailed off. Halfway back to Oakhill, Meline thought she could see where the girl had her tent.
“She was huge!” Selva said. She walked beside Vernon as he hauled the onion. “She must’ve been bigger than that dragon!”
“Taller, yes,” Meline said, “but I’m sure that dragon was longer and heavier.”
“Elmum, how do people get so big?”
Ella rubbed her chin. “I don’t know. It wasn’t always the case; when I first came to Gaea, I was only a little shorter than most people. But the connections between our worlds change, and as a result we change, in ways none but the great powers fully understand. I’ve heard of people stumbling onto Fey, and they’re usually fairy-sized there.” She shrugged her shoulders. “We fey wield magic, but that certainly doesn’t mean we understand it.”
After a moment, Meline tugged on Ella’s pant leg. “Yes, Mel?”
Meline didn’t respond for a moment. She leaned her head against Ella’s calf. “I thought you were going to walk right up to that person without a care in the worlds. So…” she pressed her cheek against Ella’s leg, “Thanks. For being a bit more cautious.”
Ella laughed, grabbed Meline by her armpits, and hefted her up into the saddle. “Hey! What! No, I just thanked you for—” Ella’s kiss brought her up short.
“Of course I’m going to listen to you,” Ella whispered in Meline’s ear. “You’re my wife. I wouldn’t have married you if you weren’t worth listening to.”
Meline felt her face flush. She rubbed her head into Ella’s shoulder, and looked up at the late summer stars.
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hotchnerxo · 2 years
The chances you take: Chapter 5
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x single mom!reader
Summary: You're able to join a team gathering for the first time ever!
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: none on this chapter
A/N: Thank you so much for all the feedback, it helps a ton! This chapter is adorable and I had so much fun writing the sweetest boy Jackers and Aaron being so proud of his boy. Also little kids are so much fun to write. More to come soon <3
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Chapter 5: Sunday Brunch
“Honey, you gotta stop that” you tell your daughter for the sixth time as she still keeps kicking the back of your chair with her feet. She can barely reach it from her car seat, but it’s getting really annoying as your chair shakes slightly with every kick. 
“Are we there yet?” she asks for the 8th time and you’ve only been on the road for a little over 10 minutes. But that’s pretty much the norm with her, no matter where you’re going; the store or grandma’s. Thankfully there isn’t much longer to go. 
Today is the first day you’re able to join a team gathering. The team has a habit of getting together outside the office at least once a month. Sometimes it’s a night out at a bar, a long dinner or something active. Today happens to be a brunch at Rossi’s place, who you’ve heard to be an amazing cook. But you’re mostly excited about seeing how the man actually lives. He’s mentioned a mansion but something in you is doubtful of it. 
But after a couple more minutes on the road, your GPS tells you’ve reached your destination. You pull up to a massive gate. Within seconds, the gate opens and the deeper you drive into his driveway, the lower your jaw drops. The house really is a mansion. It has a beautiful white stone exterior with dark brown wooden columns as a nice contrast. It looks both rustic yet fully modern at the same time. It’s gorgeous and you doubt the man no longer. 
There are a few cars neatly parked on the spacious front yard and you leave yours right beside them. Once you get out of the car you look around the yard. It’s in perfect condition and you wonder how Rossi has time to keep it in such order. He possibly hires help for it. Rich people are confusing. 
“Mommy!” Ella screams from the backseat impatiently, and it makes you snap out of your thoughts. You rush to open the backdoor and help her out of her seat. “This isn’t granma’s!” she pouts in disappointment as she realizes the surroundings don’t look familiar. 
“We’re not seeing grandma today, Ella. We are going to go have lunch with my friends” you explain to her once again. Once she’s at a safe distance from the car, you close the door and lock it. “Let’s go inside dear!” you take your hand towards her, waiting for her to hold on to it. Although not pleased by the place you’ve taken her, she grabs your hand – or more like two fingers – and walks beside you to the front door. You hear her mutter ‘But I want granma’ silently to herself as you knock on the door. 
It doesn’t take long for the big door to pull open “Amate! So glad you could make it” Rossi pulls you in for a hug and kisses your cheek. “And who’s this beautiful princess behind you?” his eyes light up as he kneels down to the floor in order to talk with Ella. But she hides behind you, the shy side of her taking over. She presses her cheek to your thigh, too intimidated to look at this new person in the eye. 
You laugh and ruffle your daughter’s hair with one of your hands. “This is Ella. But I’m pretty sure the cat’s got her tongue” Ella looks up at you through her thick long lashes but turns back down quickly and suspiciously eyes Rossi. 
“That’s alright” he assures both of you and stands back up “Very happy to finally meet you, Ella. I’m David, a friend of your mom’s. I’ve heard great things about you, kiddo.” He has a warm smile on his face and he moves out of the doorway “Please, come on in. Everyone’s in the backyard”. You let him lead the way and follow him close behind as Ella tightly squeezes your hand to get rid of her nerves. 
You look around the big hallway and kitchen area as you’re walking through it towards the back door. The ceiling’s high and nothing is misplaced. It is beautiful, but it doesn’t feel much like a home. Only the pictures on the walls and books on the shelves tell you that someone lives in this space. But as a wave of laughter echoes from the yard, you quickly forget the emptiness of the rooms. 
“Heyyy!” almost the whole team shouts towards you, raising their glasses that are filled with orange juice – and possibly champagne. Everyone is gathered around into a big group, chatting and catching up with each other. Behind them is a round table with a big variety of foods, drinks and decorations. 
Not far from the adults, there are two young boys playing ball together. Both of them are having an absolute blast together. You recognize one of the boys to be Jack, Hotchner’s son. He has lovely, dirty blond hair that was possibly neatly combed earlier, but has been now messed up due to running around all morning. The other one is a couple of years younger and his blond hair is naturally more curly and therefore reminds you of a cloud. You suspect him to be Henry, JJ’s son. 
“Are we late?” you ask, stepping outside as well. You see everyone’s already arrived before you.
“Not at all, just in time” Derek says and hands you a glass of orange juice. It’s a beautiful, rich color and it smells heavenly. Ella squeezes your thigh with her small hands, clearly a little overwhelmed by so many new people. 
“We were just talking about Derek’s new crush!” Penelope tells you and gets a mean look from the man who thought had just dodged the subject thanks to your arrival. “Apparently they’re neighbors. You totally should have brought her with you”.
Derek raises his hands up slightly to his defense “It’s still really too early for any of that!” 
The team laughs again yet continues their teasing. It’s so lighthearted and free, it feels wonderful to be so carefree together for once. But in a moment, a young voice beside you catches your attention. The older one of the kids has walked to you. 
“Hi” he greets you with a wide smile. His eyes are like a copy of his father’s deep brown ones and as he smiles, you notice one of his front teeths to be missing. It hasn’t been many nights since the tooth fairy's visit. “What’s your name?” he asks you and you kneel down next to your daughter and get to his level as well. 
“I’m (Y/N). What’s your name?” you admire his curiosity and courage. There was no way you’d go around meeting new people like him once you were a kid. And Ella’s definitely gotten your shyness as well. 
“I’m Jack”.
“Very nice to meet you, Jack” his eyes go to the girl next to you. Ella’s beside you, not exactly sure what to think of this situation. “This is my daughter Ella. Ella, this is Jack.” you look to her and try to encourage her to come out of her shell. 
Jack thinks of something for a moment. His light brows draw closer together as he’s in thought, much like his father’s does. He presses his lips together into a tight line. But in a moment, like a light bulb, an idea comes to his little mind. “Would you like to come and play with us? I could be your friend. And Henry, too”. 
The little girl’s eyes sparkle at the request and you feel her grip loosen on your arm. She turns to look at you for approval, and of course you nod your head. And in no time, Jack sprints back towards his awaiting friend and Ella tries her best to keep up with her much shorter legs. 
As you turn towards your team, most of them are still trying to pry information out of Morgan, but you notice Hotch looking at the kids with a wide smile on his face. Pride shines through his eyes as he watches his son. As he should be. 
You tune into the conversation and try to catch up on the details of Derek’s newest girl. Apparently her name is Savannah and he seems to actually really like her. He’s acting all smug about it, but the whole team knows there’s more to it this time. This isn’t just a fling of his, he’s actually serious about this lady. Has to be quite a woman to get Derek Morgan to act serious. 
In about 10 minutes, Rossi lands a plate of different kinds of cheeses on the table and calls for everyone to gather around and eat. Just as you’re about to call for Ella, Hotchner beats you to it and calls for his son. And once Jack’s attention is on food, all three of them storn your way. Ella sits by you, Henry and Jack go to their parents. 
The brunch is delicious. There’s so much of everything: pasta salads, bread, fresh juice and everything in between. A big variety of cheeses and crackers, and champagne of course. You wished you had been by yourself and not driving so you could have properly indulged in the flavors, but that’s saved for another time. 
“Mommy?” Ella pokes your arm beside you. 
“What is it, honey? Do you want something more?” you lean towards her and see her empty plate. You’re glad she’s eaten properly as well, so you don’t have to fix her anything the moment you’re home. She points at the cracker on your hand. “You want to taste this? It’s pretty strong. I don’t think you’re going to like it, hun”. You look at the cracker on your hand and the chunk of gorgonzola blue cheese on top of it before hesitantly handing it to your daughter. 
She takes a sniff of it and you can feel the whole table looking at her with amusement and curiosity. Suspicious, she takes the smallest bite of that cracker and cheese and spits it out on her plate almost immediately. “Yuck!” she scrunches her face in disgust and hands the cracker back. Derek’s the first to crack up and you’re snickering as well, the others are trying to keep a straight face. 
Soon, the kids get too impatient after they’re finished eating, so they go and continue their earlier games. It’s so great to see how well Ella plays with the older boys and how inclusive they are to their new, smaller friend. 
After some time, Spencer gets up from the table as well and goes to entertain the children. You’re not sure what he’s doing, but whatever it is, he’s getting a lot of “Ooh’s” ja “Aah’s” from the trio. Magic tricks? That would be so like him. 
Another hour passes by and you realize it’s a little after 1pm already. The table’s been cleaned, only juice and water bottles remain on the surface. The team’s gathered into smaller groups: JJ, Will and Penelope have headed to the kids and enjoy their laughter as Spencer amazes them with small tricks. Hotchner, Rossi and Derek have stayed with you at your seats. 
“Have you settled into the new rhythm, (y/l/n)?” Morgan asks as he leans back on his chair. 
“It’s a tough one for sure” you say, emptying out your glass “but I think we’re making it work. But there’s no way I could do it without my parents. They’ve been a lifesaver”. 
“Is her father..?” Rossi joins in, although leaving his question open ended. 
You look down to your hands and sigh slightly “He’s not in the picture. But that’s okay. We’re great without him”. The men nod, not sure how to respond. You can tell they all have opinions on the subject, but none of them feel it’s their place to voice them. You look at Hotchner, who’s clearly zoned out for some reason. He’s watching the kids play, something’s made him fall deep in thought. 
You don’t get a chance to ask him what’s in his mind as Ella comes to you “Mommy” she calls for you as she makes her way to you. You can tell she’s exhausted, just by the way she walks. It’s past her naptime and she’s been playing and running around all day so far. 
Once she is within your reach, you lift her up in your arms. “I think it’s time for us to head home” you tell the team as Ella’s head lays down on your shoulder. “It’s been a wonderful time, thank you so much for everything”. Everyone tells you their goodbyes and see you tomorrows and like the magnificent host he is, Rossi walks you to the door and makes sure you have everything with you. He also insisted on you taking some of the leftovers home with you, and who are you to say no to all those delicious breads and salads. 
“Was great to have you over. Drive safe. Have a good nap, princess” he tells your little girl, who is already dozing off on you. 
“Thanks again” you tell him genuinely and raise the bag of food he gave you “for everything”. 
You make your way to your car and gently lower your girl down onto her seat. The moment she was secured on her seat, her exhaustion took over. You can’t help but smile at your little princess as she sleeps. You take in the moment before you close the door and enter the car yourself. 
Once you’re on your way back home, you feel so content. You feel like this is what a family and friends is supposed to feel like. So accepting and welcoming towards the both of you. That is the family you wish your daughter could finally have. 
Taglist: @shyhotch @ahouseforhermitcrab @sinamew @lukeclvez @thebaileybugle @louderfortheback @skyler666 @lejlapvlc @14buddy22 @kleff03 @anlin2058 @pandorasdreamings @newlydevouthotchgirl @whoreslovehotch @mrslizzyolsen @wheelsupkels @ssamorganhotchner @lilozg-123 @uraverage-virgowh0re @suhke3 @sarahfortin6201 @chaoticconnoisseurgiver @scargarcia-magshotchner
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
What happened to Badun children:
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Summary; There use to 8 Badun children. Now there's only two. Trigger warning; child abuse and child death. This is fairly dark.
Not many people knew that there use to be 8 Badun children instead of just two. And the ones that did? Well, they just simply didn't talk about it. For a multitude of reasons. Mainly because every time some one dared to, It brought down the wrath of the de vil cousins and the two remaining Badun children (along with any friends they had) upon them in under a second. Those kids were scary when they wanted to be on their own, let alone when they were working together. So, no one talked about the Badun children.
At least not around said children's family and friends. Or in public. No one ever dared to risk talking about them in public, even if they knew they were risking the de vil wrath just by talking about it at all. No, instead, they would talk about the fallen children behind closed doors and in whispers. Talk about the 3 little Badun girls and the 3 little Badun boys who no longer wandered the streets, laughing and brightening up the isle.
They talk about the first born Badun Boy, James, and how fiercely protective of his siblings and cousins he was. How protective of the de vil cousins he was. They'd whisper to their children and friends and younger siblings about the boy who once punched Shan Yu's oldest son in the face when he had spat out some rather foul words in Hunter's direction when he was only 7, despite the 12 year old's protests.
They'd talk about Horace's first born son, Hendrick, who'd always scrunch up his nose and insist they call him Henry. They'd whisper about the boy who followed James and Hunter around like a dog but who had cat like reflexes. They'd whisper about the boy who once made medicine for the isle and sold it for incredibly cheap. The boy who at 6 years old decided that he was gonna become a doctor and take care of the isle, even if they didn't deserve it.
They'd talk about Jasper's daughter, Jacqueline, who was born two years behind her brother. They'd talk about the girl who wrote furiously to Auardon nightly, telling them off for sending Hunter and Ivy and her brother to the isle. Telling them off for ruining the life of her brother when he was 1 and didn't deserve to be there. They'd talk about the firey young girl who threw bottles at Auardon cars and vandalized the posters. They'd whisper about her blog, that had horrible spelling but made great points.
They talked about Joseph who was born a year behind his cousin, Henry. The boy who was an angel who'd never commit a crime in his life. The boy who took on all of his siblings, friends, and cousins' chores when they allowed them to. The boy who made flower crowns and passed them around. The boy who'd fix anything that was broken free of charge. They whispered about Harley Badun, the older of Horace's daughters who never reached her first birthday. Harley Badun who was just a bright happy baby with the strongest pair of lungs you'd ever heard. A baby that had disappeared before it ever got to grow up along side her siblings and cousins. She had been born the same year as Henrick.
And finally, they talked about Mable Badun; Harry Badun's twin sister who didn't look a thing like him. Mable Badun who loved dogs and cats, and fashion. Mable Badun who was almost as good as Cruella where fashion was concerned. They whispered about the girl who followed her brother everywhere, laughing and smiling and caring for every small child and animal she saw. They whispered about the girl who had been the only person to ever call Cruella by her true name. About the girl who had dared to call Hell Hall's Matriarch "Auntie Ella". They talked about the last words anyone had ever heard her say before she disappeared. 'Don't be so Cruel, Ella'
No one talked about the Badun children. Or about the flower beds in Cruella's backyard that seemed to be one of the only fertile places on the isle that seemed to pop up every time an animal or Badun child went missing. No one talks about how Jace and Harry Badun don't live at home anymore or how they refuse to ever see their fathers. No one talks about how their mothers and stepmothers had mysteriously disappeared. No one talked about Jace and Badun's new interest in documenting and fighting crime on the isle. Because no one wanted to admit the truth. Because no one wanted to swallow that pill.
When they got to Auardon, that rule suddenly changed. And the Baduns and de Vils were the ones to change it. They'd tell anyone and everyone that would listen of the Badun children. Of Fearless James who'd be 23 if he was still alive and how at 13 he had made a mistake that cost him his life. The mistake of trying to protect a 17 year old Hunter from one of Cruella's many violent outbursts. Hunter would even chime in occasionally--saying how the whole thing had seemed to slow down when Cruella reached out and shoved James hard-- sending him flying down the long, spiraling stairs. How the entire world had gone mute the moment James had jumped in front of him and how it came flooding back when a loud, sickening crack rang through the air following a faint thud.
He always got a haunted look in his eye when he brought it up, but it never stopped him from doing it. He'd even tell how he remembered his aunt Cruella always threatening Hoarce and Jasper, saying she'd hurt them if they kept messing up. And well she kept her promise. "I don't think she ever really meant it, though. I think her killing the Badun kids was an accident most of the time-- happening in fights of rage" he would say, staring off into space. Ivy would mention how she remembered her aunt screaming at Harley to stop crying one night whole Hoarce and Jace were out and how after about 2 hours of Harley crying, it had gone quiet. "That was the last time I ever heard Harley cry. It's also the last memory I have of anyone other than us talking about her" The woman would recall with a shaky voice that didn't fit her at all.
Diego usually chimed in around this time, looking much older than his years and more serious than anyone had ever seen him. "I don't have any proof but I'm positive that she killed Henry. Horace had accidentally turned her furs pink somehow and she had been pissed. More pissed than I had ever seen her and she dragged Henry off from where we had been playing after she had sent him out to get more fur. The next thing I remember is finding him face down in the tub and how she didn't even react. I'm pretty sure that's why my dad moved out and why me and him had to live out of a tent until he died. But I'm glad that we did move out, because I honestly can't even sleep under the same roof as her. Not when I can still remember that cold look in her eye and how unbothered she looked about a 9 year old boy's death"
Carlos usually spoke up after Diego. Reminding everyone what had happened to Joseph. The only one who had ever dared to try on Cruella's furs. The boy who lost his life at 6 because he had wanted to see why they all liked fur so much. Who had lost his life when the fur hadn't even been damaged. No one forgot his screams. No one forgot about how much blood he had lost or how it still coated the traps in Carlos's room.
Jace was always the one to bring up their mothers and step mothers who had all disappeared after confronting or standing up to Cruella. How their faces all blended together now because there had been so may. So many women who wanted to know what she had done with their children/step children. He'd remind everyone of how Jacqueline had slapped Cruella for how she treated everyone and how they still hadn't found her body. About how they didn't even know If there was still a body to look for or if it had been burned with all her things.
And then Harry would speak up, startling everyone because they usually forgot be was here at this point. He'd ask if they knew why he became a detective and when they'd shake their heads no in response, he'd go into the tale of his twin sister. About a petite little girl who looked and acted too similar to Antia Radcliffe. About a little girl who called Cruella out on her bullshit and held her when she cried. About a little girl who called her Ella. And about how one morning when he was 7, he found her dead in their room-- murdered in her own bed, just a few feet away from him. He'd tell them how her head was filled with bald spots and her face unrecognizable. How that was the day he decided he was done living with his father who didn't even seem to care anymore. He'd tell them how he founded his business with Hermie and Jace with the sole Hope of making sure no one was forgotten like his sister was and preventing similar occurrences from happening when possible.
They all wanted Cruella and the people responsible for the isle held accountable for these deaths and the many others that had occurred on the isle. And after these accounts were shared, many people agreed with them. The Badun children would not be forgotten. Because now everyone was talking about the Badun children. And they'd never stop until they got justice, because the kids deserved that much. No, they deserved alot more than that to be frank, but there was nothing that could be done. Not anymore.
James would have been 23. Henry and Harley would be 22. Joseph and Jacqueline would be 21. Mable would have been 17 right alongside her twin brother. But they weren't because they had never gotten to grow up. They weren't because people only started listenin' when they were already dead. And because of that, the world was down a royal guard, a doctor, an angel, a seammister and handyman, a reporter, and a fashion designer. And because of that, Auardon's hearts were heavy.
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aurora--briar · 2 years
True Love {Princess House}
Sometimes faced with True Love, any curse can be broken. And maybe a few memories can be unlocked.
When: May 7th
@truitt-story @cinderellaashbourne
How It all started: A Second Too Late {Princess House} At a Moment’s Notice {The Knights}
The Summer Promenade was going wonderful, her kids were running around with the others, her husband was off showboating but he looked good while doing it. And Aurora needed a few moments away from all the woman that she was entertaining.
It was the only reason she was in the middle of a clearing, in heels and a fancy maxi dress. Still dressed to the nines, showing off, Aurora knew she needed to get back soon. At least until she heard ruffling in the bushes.
“Come out of there. You should not be lurking, my family is around the corner and will assist if someone is wondering around without warning!” Aurora called out backing up toward the rest of the order. If it was a magick they would deal with it quickly.
The sunlight hurt Tiana’s eyes. Suddenly, it wasn’t midnight anymore– what had she stumbled into? It must have been some kind of strange magic, connected to the vines, maybe… Tiana just hoped she and Ella would be able to get themselves (and Aurora) out of here eventually. 
“Rora?” She looked different, and not just because she was dressed for some kind of garden party. There was something in the way she carried herself, in the way she spoke. “We’ve gotta get out of here– not that I really know where ‘here’ is, but something really weird is going down and I’m worried.” She glanced at Ella for backup.
Ella squinted into the light, raising one hand to shield her eyes until they had adjusted. She took in as much of their surroundings as she could – the clearing, the sound of laughter just a little ways away, the gentle breeze moving through the trees. Ella wasn’t sure where they were; presumably still in Enchantra, but if it was Enchantra, she wasn’t sure where. 
But, far more worryingly, then there was Aurora.
How many times had Swynlake provided them with those strange dreams, thinking they were someone else? This had to be like that, except for some reason only Aurora was the one caught up in the magic, leaving her housemates on the outside. Ella looked at Tiana, and tried for a reassuring smile. “Aurora - you know us, don’t you? We’re your friends. We have to go, we can’t stay here.”
They spoke her name, used a nickname only Phillip and the boys used for her. It just meant they had been keeping an eye out on her. That they were dangerous. Even if they were just women.
“Don’t come any closer! Why do you know my name and what do you want with me. My husband, my brother, they are all around the corner!” Aurora challenge holding up her hand as if to keep them back, but in this world, in this dream she had no magic. 
“I know where I am, and you two need to leave.”
Tiana still didn’t really get it. But she could tell Aurora was under some kind of spell. And it was up to her to get her out of it. Because this was… sort of the Aurora she knew. But not fully. The real Aurora would never speak to her like that, she knew it.
“Rora, you’re one of my best friends. You live with us– you taught us how to grow basil in the backyard, remember?” Tiana didn’t know exactly what was going on, but it seemed that Aurora maybe had some memory issues. Tiana wanted to remind her just how important she had been in their group of friends. “You know? The herb garden we have in the window? The veggies in the backyard, that the cats always get into?” She glanced at Ella for backup. “You’ve gotta know what I’m talking about.”
Her husband, Aurora said, with so much conviction, as if he were real. As if she had a whole head full of memories of this family, a life well lived, even if she wasn’t very far through it yet. Ella almost felt bad for her, for how they would have to rip her away from what probably felt like a wonderful life, a safe haven. But they had to – this wasn’t their Aurora. This wasn’t real.
“Lolly,” She said, hoping it would bring back some kind of memory. “Your service dog, do you remember?” she searched Aurora’s face, hoping for some kind of recognition, any sign that their Aurora was in there, under the fog of this fake life. “And Willa - you planted daffodils for her. She calls you her aunty - you’re her family. We’re your family.”
Aurora blinked at the names, at the memories of the girls that called themselves her friends. This wasn't right.
She could hear a young girl’s laughter, see the bouquets of flowers.
But Aurora had never seen them in her life before. - So why was it she could picture what Willa looked look, she could see her smile. The same smile Noah had as a child. 7 years older than her brother she could clearly remember him running around picking flowers just for her.
Why could she see the three of them sitting down and sipping wine, gossiping like she would gossip with the other wives. 
Setting her hand on her head Aurora shook her head as the leaves on the trees shook a little with her. 
"I don't understand. There's two stories in my head."
Two stories in her head. Tiana could understand that. All the knights could. There came a time when you had to sort out what was really real to you, and what parts of yourself you would fight for. Aurora had helped Tiana with that, actually. So maybe it was fitting that Tiana was returning the favor now.
“Rora, this is going to sound a little crazy, but we fought together against people who wanted to take over our town. We were knights together. It was a… magic thing. Long story. The point is, I remember there was a time when I had these memories in my head put there by magic, stories where we were enemies. But I knew that wasn’t true. You helped me remember the truth, that you’re my housemate, one of my best friends. Do you remember that?” Tiana looked at her pleadingly. “Come on, Rora, I know you can do it.”
Aurora shook her head the trees continuing with her movement. This didn't make any sense. Stories put there by magic! That was something the order would never stand for. Something that would get her in trouble.
And yet it was something that brought her the feeling of family and completeness. It didn't make her scared or worried.
Just like how these two girls made her feel.
"You're lying you have to be lying." But even as Aurora said it she knew it wasn't true. They weren't lying.
“We would never lie to you, Aurora.”
That much Ella knew. She didn’t know what all this was, how they had gotten here, what Aurora’s magic had done to get them here, but she knew that she would never lie to her. Not to one of her best friends, someone she would trust with her life. Ella could see the cracks starting to form in Aurora’s resolve, as she realised that they were right. She didn’t want to upset her, but she knew they had to keep pushing. Deepen those cracks, until the illusion shattered.
“I know it’s scary,” She said gently, “But you have to remember. You have to remember what’s real.”
They wouldn’t. Aurora knew it deep down. Just the way she knew her family would. In fractured pieces Aurora could put together her parents abandoning her, saving her yes, but also leaving her and holding onto Noah. He was only a baby when she had left and Aurora had forgotten him completely.
The way she had forgotten about the Order.
None of this was fake.
Deep in Aurora’s heart she knew it wasn’t, not on either side.
Setting her hand on her chest, there was no curse, and if there was no curse, she wouldn’t have left. She would have grown up here. She would have hidden the fact she was a sorcerer or risk being thrown out again.
Aurora’s name was called out but not from the girls, from her family- from her brother - this world asking her to stay, just a little longer. This is where she belonged. This is where she should have belonged. Where she would have been.
And even though she didn’t want to, it was Aurora that needed to step away this time. She had to walk away by her own choice. 
Afterall she would choose her found family in Swynlake, the girls, the knights, her magic over this world.
It was harsh to think because in this world, she had a family, she had children. But she knew this dream wasn’t real. She knew Phil and Tom and John were. But not these versions of them.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as Aurora lifted her hand, branches and leaves growing thicker until the three of them were covered and hidden.
“Aurora?!” Even if she could hear her brother's voice and wanted nothing more than to protect him. He hadn’t chosen this life, the same way Aurora hadn’t chosen to leave. Swallowing deeply Aurora nodded turning back to face the girls slumping on the ground exhausted from the clashing memories.
“Did I do all of this?”
It never failed to amaze Tiana, her housemate’s magic. Even now. Even when it scared her a little bit. Even when she worried Aurora was in danger. Tiana wished she understood more, but she didn’t. All she could do was watch, her eyes wide in surprise.
And then the danger struck her— they needed to get out of here.
“I don’t know— I don’t know if it was in your control,” Tiana said, looking around at the branches and vines growing around them. “Do you know if you can get us home?” 
Aurora didn’t know, she wished she did. But what she did know is she could feel her magic in ways she had never felt it before. All this time she had been walking around with weights on her limbs.
There might have been a second that Aurora thought she could fly.
She had never felt this light, she had never felt this powerful, the earth that had once grounded her now fueled her, powered her and Aurora could taste it, smell it, sense it. This dream was of her making. Her magic swirled around it.
All she had to do was tug at it.
To the other girls it might not have felt so immediate, they were still covered with vines protecting them from the knights, but Aurora could feel each of the swords as they fought the vines. Her magic had seeped into the ground around them and as each tendril returned to her and a vine retreated back into a small plant wrapping around a tree or a bush and Aurora felt that rush of power again.
The light and airy feeling that made her think she could fly, that she could accomplish anything. That she could live.
Glancing up at the girls from her seated position and to the knights that had come running Aurora smiled at them. She was right when she came here Swynlake was exactly where she belonged.
Aurora Rosewood was curse free.
Or well Aurora Briar was curse free. But that was a story to figure out another day.
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stolen-kisses-a · 3 years
The Night Ali Disappeared ~ A PLL Night of Terror ~
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In other words, the night Ali had too many people against and after her and she almost got murdered for it. 
 *most info comes from a PLL site if I can’t remember every little detail so I rewrote the majority of my version of events and copy and pasted some parts along with some of the pictures, so credit goes to them for putting it altogether for us.
Link:  https://prettylittleliars.fandom.com/wiki/Sequence_of_Events_-_Alison%27s_Disappearance#The_Day_Alison_Went_Missing_-_September_1 
Lets take a trip down memory lane shall we??? This is gonna be a long one. Read it if you want to or read it from the link as well :)
1. The morning of: Alison went to Hilton Head to meet up and be with Ian to get her mind off of - A. And at the same time Melissa was there with Ian but in separate rooms. Melissa showed up in Ian’s room and was angry with Ian for knowing Ali is there with him and he tells her that Alison means nothing to him, that’s when Alison finds Ian’s creepy pedo videos and it happens to be one of Toby and Jenna. She gets a copy of the video and then leaves.
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2. Alison checks into the Lost Woods Resort under her Alias Vivian. Sparia also found out she checked in another time. But the dates are confusing. This will be explained later on (#23).
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3. Alison then dressed up as Vivian Darkbloom and had Duncan fly her from Hilton Head to a field near Philadelphia 6-7 hours before the girls believed her to arrive (I’m not sure if it’s true or not). She then was going to meet A face to face finally after having a newspaper convo back and forth with them, but supposedly that never happened. They were supposed to meet nearby of what looks like a creepy doll hospital (cuz Mona loves dolls), supposedly Alison called the police that same day near the street where the hospital was - not sure what for if this was true as Alison never confirmed it.
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4. Alison then goes visits Jenna in the hospital, to show her the video of Jenna and Toby together as blackmail, because she thought Jenna was A. Turns out to be false as A sends her a death threat right after leaving Jenna’s room. 
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5. That afternoon: Alison then “returns home” from Georgia with bags looking very tan and saying her arms are sore. One bag had a tag on it from Hilton Head, Spencer obviously questions it and Alison asks her “why so many questions?” and reiterates she can’t spill every detail and tells the girls to “wait for it” repeatedly.
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6. Alison returns home and finds a gift from her mom with the infamous yellow top and she turns around after changing in her room and sees a threatening message from A on her mirror.
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7.  That same day, Alison bought a storage locker to hide Ian’s videos before stopping by to see Emily and flirt with her some to then give her a snow globe with the storage locker key inside the bottom of it. Alison then leaves for a “prior engagement” although it was never revealed who she went to see next before coming to Spencer’s barn for the sleep over.
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8. Before heading over to the sleepover. Alison returns home again and runs into her mom (on the phone with Radley because Bethany escaped and Charlotte escaped as well to go after her). Her mom wanted to Ali to stay in for obvious reasons even though the excuse that she just didn’t want to her going out. Alison then fights back by saying she planned this ages ago and was told it was ok to do. Then she mentions about Spencer being a bully and that she took care of it (really, Spencer a bully?). Then Ali’s mom remarks to Ali “She knows things about  that family Ali doesn’t know” and Ali asked curiously “Really, like what?” Ali’s Mom responds that she’s seen what they are capable of and reminds Ali’s that she can never turn her back on a Hastings. -Which is exactly what Ali did after her and Spencer fought again #12). Alison then pretends to go to her room and sneaks back down to go into her moms purse to grab some sleeping pills while her mom was distracted on the phone again- what does Ali need those for? Oh, we’ll find out soon.
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9. That Night: Alison arrives at Spencer's barn and pranks and jumps to the barn doors and scares the girls. Heading inside, she gets a text from Toby to meet her. The girls hang for a bit and gossip about Beyonce’s new song and then Ali throws some shade at Emily for liking it too much (totally not homophobic am i right??). She then spikes the girls drink with her moms medicine to knock them out. Aria drinks first and Spencer jokes to Aria to not drink to much or she’ll tell them all her secrets. The Ali ironically says “Friends shares secrets, that’s what keeps us close. Drink up”.;)  We can only assumed Emily, Hanna and Spencer drank afterwards. After the girls fell asleep, she then meets Toby outside of the barn doors so he can thank her for getting Jenna to leave him alone. Toby then gives her his sweater because she was cold.
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10. After speaking with Toby, Alison leaves Spencer’s backyard to meet up with Ezra. *cringe*.Toby also saw this as well (Although this was never even mentioned by Toby either -plot hole-).Ezra is clearly mad at Ali since she lied to him about her age and then he ends things with Alison in a not so nice way..
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11. *Spencer wakes up and notices Ali was missing, so she waits for her to return.*  
Alison then goes to meet Ian at the kissing rock after speaking with Ezra. (flashback moment: (I know you wanna kiss me”). this is where they fake Ian hurting Ali in the video later discovered. Alison then threatens him with his videos to make him leave her alone, Ian then says not tell anyone or else people will get hurt and then ironically “storms” off.
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12. Alison returns to the barn to find Spencer awake waiting for her. Also she didn’t have Toby’s sweater anymore. Where did it go? (plot hole - only to be planted in Toby’s room to frame Toby for Alison’s murder at some point.)
They go inside Spencer’s house and have a fight about Spencer telling Melissa about her and Ian again. It gets heated and Spencer tells Alison she is sick of her games and told her, "You are dead to me already. “ Alison leaves and then Spencer runs after her. (Charlotte and Alison’s mom witness the fight and pays Charlotte off not to say anything - which is weird to pay off your own daughter). Spencer wants to continue the confrontation with Alison and Spencer grabs a shovel acting as if she was going to hit Alison with it and Spencer collapses to the ground in the midst of Alison trying to stop Spencer. Alison then discovers Spencer had been taking ADHD meds (not to mention the sleeping pills mixed in her system from Ali already) and Spencer begs Ali not to tell anyone and she agreed and then sends Spencer back to the barn with the shovel in head and Ali  then waits for her to fall back asleep. (Melissa also sees the fight and sees Spencer walking away with the shovel)
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13. Meanwhile, Ian, Garrett and Jenna all meet up in Alison’s bedroom to look for the videos she stole. Melissa comes in furious looking for Alison in hopes to confront her about Ian and Ali hooking up. Garrett and Jenna leave Melissa and Ian alone to talk it out and go outside in the backyard. Alison comes up to them and then Ali reminds Jenna of the promise she made to her earlier that morning,(”If you ever come back to Rosewood, I’ll bury you”) so Jenna and Ali get into a cat fight, Ali knocks Jenna to the ground and she comes back up with the infamous now burned in Spencer’s fireplace (thanks to Mr. Hastings) field hockey stick in attempt to defend herself. Garrett takes the hockey stick from Jenna and proceeds to attack Ali with it and hits the tree next to Ali, she then falls to the ground next to the tree telling Garrett to hush with her finger. Garrett and Jenna flee the scene, with Jenna thinking Garrett killed or hurt Ali badly.
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14. Garrett comes back to check on Ali to see if she’s ok (even though she wasn’t even hurt), but then notices she was talking to someone and proceeds to listen and watch to see who it was. Byron (Aria’s dad) came to speak to her about not exposing his affair to Ella because he didn’t have anymore money to give her to keep her quiet. Alison says "If you don't pay for your mistakes, how do you become a better person?" Byron replies back "You say all these grown-up things, yet you're still a child." Alison smirks and says "You know what I'm capable of." After Garrett makes some noise, Byron starts to leave and Alison threatens him again saying it's his last chance to save himself. Byron turns while he is leaving and replies, "Yes it is," presumably meaning he was going to tell Ella himself (which he obviously doesn’t). Alison then screams to him "You made your bed Mr. Montgomery,"  
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15.  While Byron was leaving, Byron turns back when Alison spoke about his bed (LOL) and sees Melissa coming out from Alison’s back door on the phone with someone and says to them, "What do I have to do, call 911 to get your attention?" This is the part where we never found out who she was talking to, but it was important enough to show it to us.
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16. Jason (out of nowhere) came outside to grab a drink of water from the watering hose since he was drunk and high and notices Melissa and presumably Alison talking to each other and calls out Ali’s name and then he sees Charlotte talking with Melissa instead, although this is false and never really confirmed who it actually was. As Alison and Bethany were wearing the same outfit that night, not Charlotte. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be Bethany talking to Melissa since she arrived much later, and Alison never confirmed this information either. So who knows what Jason really saw. So right after seeing them, he passes out on a lawn chair. Sometime after this, Garrett or Jenna, or both, slipped a note to Jason that says "I know what you did", in order to make him believe he hurt Alison, since Jenna thought Garrett had killed her.
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 17.  Alison returns to the barn watching the girls sleep some more and waiting to get another text from A, in order to rule them out. As some time passes, Alison decides to head home thinking she won since A didn’t try to kill her. As she was walking back to her house, she sees her mom obviously angry at her through the window for sneaking out and then all of sudden. BAM!! Charlotte hits Alison over the head with a rock only because she presumed it was Bethany since she was wearing the same outfit. Her mom then proceeds to bury Alison where the gazebo spot would be (pilot episode).  She is screaming to Charlotte, "What have you done?! What have you done?!" Alison attempts to tell her mom she is alive, but cannot move or speak due to temporary paralysis. After Ali’s mom buries her, she then calls Detective Wilden and pays him off to give Charlotte an alibi and sends her back to Radley.
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17. Not long after, Alison dug her way up reaching out of the ground for help/to get free, and who was there to grab her hand? Mrs. Grunwald of course, as she sensed something was wrong with Alison and had to come see what was going on and found her hand reaching for life. She then takes Ali to the hospital to get help, but then Ali runs away.
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18. Meanwhile, Bethany finally shows up at Ali’s backyard, and so does Mona who was finally ready to confront and to kill Ali. But just like Charlotte’s mistake, Mona only saw the back of Bethany and presumed it was Alison and hit her over the head with the same shovel Spencer had earlier. This is when Bethany’s head gets hit so hard that it makes an indentation on her skull and she falls unconscious next to where Ali was previously buried. Mona then flees the scene.
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19. Shortly after, Melissa shows up and sees Alison (obviously presuming it was her without checking) and assumed Spencer killed her based on the fight she witnessed they had earlier that night. She then proceeds to bury Bethany who was still alive in order to protect Spencer (”this whole time”)
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20. And then we come back to the Pilot opening scene where the girls wake up to find Spencer and Ali missing from the barn. Spencer comes back to them and says that she looked everywhere for her and she thinks she heard her scream - which we know was probably from Bethany.
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21. Later on that night, we see Alison walking on a random street after leaving Mrs. Grunwald’s aide. She is dazed and confused, hurt and traumatized by what she just went through. And who to pull up beside her? Mona. (I wonder what Mona’s plan was since she thought she killed her). 
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So Mona takes Ali to the Lost Woods Resort and checks in under Vivian Darkbloom’s name for Alison. Mona proceeds to clean Ali up and Ali tells Mona what  happened and about A who tried to kill her. So smart and cunning Mona persuades Ali to fake her death so A could leave her alone for good.
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22. The next day: Mona helps disguise Alison in a Vivian like wig so she can disappear. She then gives Mona tips on how to become popular and then Ali takes a car and leaves showing Mona with a eerier grin as she drives away, thinking she finally won.
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23. Which comes back to the last bit of information involving Alison checking in again on 9/6 at the Lost Woods Resort 5 days later as she already checked in the night she went missing and she left the next day. So this had to be Mona checking in as her again or a plot hole in plotting clues in the storyline of Alison’s disappearance that ended up not making sense.
It’s crazy how many people Ali saw the night/day she went missing and was almost killed. Like this girl clearly attracts trouble and drama and shit she shouldn’t be into at 15 years old.
Well, I hope you had fun reading this tale of terrors with me (if you made it to the end and didn’t go to the link lol) as much as I had fun putting it altogether and reminiscing on how it took the show 4 seasons to tell Alison’s disappearance story.
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sdktrs12 · 4 years
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( Days 1 - 8 ) ( Days 9 - 16 ) ( Day 17 ) ( Day 18 )
(Yes, I’m a day late. MOVING ON.)
Sometimes Beth wonders if Mick knows...
Well obviously, he knows things, but she wonders if he knows everything.
Every sordid detail of every intimate conversation. Of every lingering touch. Of every violent encounter.
Annie and Ruby know the bare minimum, and only because they’d forced it out of her one night after plying her with drinks, but she doesn’t ever really...talk about him—them.
She wonders if he’s the same way, if he keeps the bits and pieces of this fractured thing between them close to his—well, close.  
And really, the very thought of him discussing any of it with Mick over drinks like she would with the girls...it’s truly absurd.  
( It makes her stomach flutter. ) 
They’re sitting at the picnic table out back of the store and Beth’s watching them both closely, Mick’s rifling through the various boxes while he talks quietly with Rio, who types something out on his phone as he nods.  
And she’s about to casually bring up the Halloween party, because neither one has confirmed they’ll be there, even though she’d specifically hand delivered both their invitations, and what better place to see how they really interact and what they talk about, where there will be booze flowing freely...
But movement in the shadows by the fence catches her eye and she turns to look, watching as a small black cat slinks out and comes trotting over.  
“Hey, baby.” Beth coos, bending down and scooping it up when it’s close enough. She scratches behind its ears, smiling as it purrs and bumps its head against her chin. “What’re you doing all the way out here?”  
“Where’d that come from?” Mick asks, and Beth glances up, surprised by the nervous set to his tone.  
“Usually it hangs around the backyard, but apparently it followed me to work today.” She says as it curls up in her lap.  
“What I tell you, ma?” Rio says, leaning over to squint at the cat in the dark. “How you even know that’s the same cat?”  
“It’s got a little spot behind its ear.” Beth explains, gently stroking over its ears as she points to the small white spot.  
“Los gato negro. Ella es una maldita bruja.” Mick starts muttering in Spanish and Rio watches him with a look of pure amusement on his face as Beth glances between the two of them. “What? What am I missing?”  
“A full moon and a black cat are bad omens.” Rio answers easily, like he’s enjoying whatever it is that’s going on here.  
“What?” Beth says, laughing a little, because surely that’s a joke, but...Mick doesn’t blink, facial expression stony, and honestly, that’s not far off from the norm anyway. 
“Mick’s abuela told us stories growin’ up—”  
“Not stories, cabrón, history.” Mick interrupts and Rio’s eyebrows shoot up as he lifts his hands in surrender.  
“Okay so what, full moons and cats? Those are just superstitions.” Beth points out, shaking her head slightly.
“Nah, familiars are drawn to kindred spirits.” Mick shoots back, then pauses for a minute as he looks Beth over. “Cunning and malevolent folk.” He adds and—really?  
Beth scoffs as she rolls her eyes, petting the cat a little harder and it shifts and she softens her touch. “You’re kidding...” There’s a pause where they both just stare back at her blankly. “Okay, you’re not kidding.”
And then Rio is saying something to Mick in Spanish as he laughs, repeating that word from earlier, “Bruja.” and Mick eyes Beth suspiciously.  
Beth rolls her eyes again as she sets the cat down and Mick shifts back, but it walks right past him to Rio, headbutting his legs and rubbing up against him.  
“Are we done? I wouldn’t want to press our bad luck here.” Beth mocks as Mick glowers. 
They finish up and it’s not until Mick’s back in the car and Rio’s turning to leave, that Beth’s curiosity gets the better of her.  
“What does bruja mean?” She asks as casually as possible and Rio grins.  
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Deep Water | 05. October
Summary: With fame comes pain. A fact that Caitlyn knows all too well. But when she is the one thrust into the spotlight instead of one of her relatives or friends, she struggles to keep her head above water. Especially when her frenemy Harrison is destined to become her co-star in an animated version of her favourite book. She has to hide her family’s past. He has to hide his feelings and truth. They can’t trust anyone not even each other and if their secrets ever come out, they’ll end up in deep water. This Story follows the trials of the three Watson sisters as they battle to keep part of their past secret.
Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Slight mentions Torture and Swearing
Character Page          |          Masterlist
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OCTOBER 5th: Brenten
“It’s Spooky Season Bitches!” Jasmin yelled at us walking into the school building toward us.
“Too early,” Harry muttered, his head in his locker.
“What’s with him?” She asked me.
“I couldn’t sleep. I was worried about something,” He told us.
“At this point, you have to change your code for Cat. We’ve broken it,” I told him.
“I don’t care if you’ve figured it out,” Harry muttered.
“Is that a hickey?” Jasmin asked him, looking at the purple-blue mark on his shoulder.
“No, I hung out with Cat and she was watching over one of Ellie’s play dates and Ellie now has a suction cup bow and arrow that leaves hickey looking marks,” He told me.
“That’s either the best or worst thing I’ve ever heard,” I laughed.
“Fuck you mate,” He said.
“How’s Cat handling everything? I feel so sorry for her, it’s just getting worse and worse the more time that goes by,” I asked.
“She’s doing alright, she’s trying to protect Dot and Ellie from it all,” He said.
“It’s taking up most of her time and energy. With Alice on tour, Bea on set and her mum working hard, she’s the only one between them and the media. Her cousins are busy too,” Jasmin said.
“It’s like a nightmare come to life. Do you guys even know what happened?” I asked.
“Her dad was a dick and he reportedly killed someone,” Jasmin said. “But she doesn’t like to talk about it.”
“Why was he released?” Harry asked, “All she told me was that he was released because of reasons.”
“The main witness to the murder charge was in a coma and the trail wasn’t fair for the victims. He was only put away for abuse, only a few years and good behaviour but the murder trial is restarting,” Jasmin told us.
“Fuck, Cat. She needs a lot of help,” Harry complained.
“And you’re going to have to help her. She needs you, she needs all of us but she needs you to stop being a dick at any point in time. Ever wonder why she hates you being a dick so much?” Jasmin said.
“Wait, Cat needs him?” I asked.
“Oh right you don’t know,” Jasmin said, getting a look from Harry, “Mark,” She simply said to me.
“Oh my god,” I said realizing the reason Harry started wearing make-up on his neck. “You and Cat?”
“Shut up man. I just want to live my life and we came to an agreement,” He said.
“That you’d broken before you came up with it,” Jasmin said.
“Don’t tell that to Cat, please. She doesn’t need that on her plate as well as everything else,” Harry begged.
“Too late,” Jasmin muttered.
“It’s going to be a long day,” I muttered as the pair glared at each other.
OCTOBER 12th: Jasmin
“Ready, Jas?” Mum asked me from my doorway.
“As I’ll ever be,” I said grabbing my suitcase.
“The first of many, I hope,” She said, “Your uncle will pick you up at the airport and if he’s not there call me and I will kill him.”
“Why do I have to go to the airport with Bea?” I asked her.
“Because I have to get to work and she’s on the same flight as you,” Mum told me.
“Alright. I’ll miss you,” I said giving her a hug.
“We’ll miss you too. I’ll make sure no one goes into your room while you’re away,” She said, “Love you, make sure your uncle’s nice to you and don’t get caught up in a scandal like Caitlyn and her sisters.”
“I’ll try but that wasn’t her fault,” I said, stepping through the front door.
“I know. Now go, go toward your future,” She smiled as a car pulled up. Perfect timing as always Watsons.
“Bye,” I waved going to the car.
“Bye,” She yelled back as I got in next to Bea.
“How’s it leaving your sisters when your all back together?” I asked her.
“Scary. I’m the only one not there and they’re going to make a statement on the whole thing next week and I’m going to be in LA,” She said.
“It sucks, everything about it sucks,” I told her.
“It does but we have to keep marching forward rule 23,” Bea smiled.
“How would have thought your grandmother’s rule book would come in handy?” I laughed.
“I know. All that time spent memorizing them, thinking they applied to a long-dead world and in fact, they help us with fame,” She smiled.
“She knows her stuff,” I said.
“That she does. How are you? With all the stuff going on at home I hadn’t thought to ask for a while,” She asked.
“I’m good. Not going the best but not nearly as bad as you guys. I just feel for Cat and you guys, none of this is your fault and yet they blame you for it all.”
“They need a villain and sadly for years, they’ve decided that Alice is one and that any side she’s on is the bad side, even if she is truly the victim. She’s accepted it, we all have. Sadly the media hates women and sure she’s not always the victim but she is this time,” She said.
“Well, as long as I live I’ll defend Cat and you guys,” I said.
“Thank you,” She said, “I’m sure she’d love to hear it.”
OCTOBER 19th: Harrison
“I’m here,” I said running through the Watsons’ backyard and into the house.
“Yay, my saviour,” Cat said sarcastically.
“Everyone ready?” Cat’s mum asked.
“Why do we have to do this mum?” Ellie asked.
“Because the people with Cameras are being mean about your older sisters and you,” I told her, getting a smile from Cat.
“Everyone?” Her mum asked again.
“Yup,” Four of the five sisters said.
“We’re here,” Arya said, referring to her sisters and parents, “With Grandmother.”
“Let’s do this,” Cat’s mum said.
Cat grabbed my hand and squeezed it whispering in my ear, “Thanks for coming and standing with us.”
“Brenten wanted to come but his parents wouldn’t let him,” I said as we walked out of their front door to the sea of press.
“Hello everyone,” Cat’s mum started as everyone stood behind her, Cat let go of my hand before anyone could notice that we’d been holding each other’s hands. “Thank you for coming today. I just want to start off by saying to every member of our family, by blood or not, that’s here with us. I also want to say that Florence wanted to be here but couldn’t due to work.
“I also want to say that the way you’ve all been covering this is shameful. You blaming my darling daughters for what they had to endure is just another show of the way the media victim blames women. My daughters had to put up with that monster for years, so for them to try to pretend that he doesn’t exist anymore is an entirely rational response to the trauma they went through.
“They shouldn’t have to explain themselves for protecting their images to the public. They didn’t want to be seen as victims, not because that is inherently bad but because they don’t see themselves as such.” She breathed trying not to raise her voice, another of the rules Cat talked about. “I know want to pass this over to my eldest daughter to talk about her experience.”
“Hello everyone,” Alice said, “I don’t want to comment on whether, or not my father hurt me but I have to not for me but for others. He did hurt me. He hurt all of us. Not just physically but mentally. Ever wonder why I can’t keep a boyfriend, now you know,” She joked getting a few laughs from her family and the media. “He is and has always been (Dot, Ellie cover your ears) an asshole. For as long as I can remember my mother has done her best to protect us and I’ve seen that some of you blame her and that’s wrong. She is a survivor and a badass single mother of five who looks out for her daughters and family, encourages them to follow their dreams and supports them. I’ve never met someone that I’m so glad to be related to. Liv,” She said handing it to Cat.
“Screw all of you for what you’ve said about us. We never said that he died like many of you have reported. And for any of you who claim that I’ve been fired from Disney, I’ve got news for you I haven’t and I’ll be around for a long time, so get used to this face. I can’t put it as well as my older sister, words are her job, not mine. But I can tell all of you the truth. I love my family and I’ll do anything to protect them, their the real world not you. I don’t give a damn about my reputation or what you write about me as long as I have them. So I’m sorry if I’m not your darling anymore but I don’t care,” She said keeping a smile on her face the entire time. When she turned around her grandmother gave her one in return, showing some sort of emotion and I’m not sure it was happiness.
“We will not answer questions or anything. Now please politely get off my property,” Cat’s mum smiled as she said it.
“You did good Cat,” I told her.
“I think I just shot myself in the foot,” She said back making me and Alice laugh.
“Better the foot than the head,” Her grandmother spoke coming to stand near us, “That was good Caitlyn but next time, less foul language.”
“Alright,” Cat said as we walked into the house to celebrate.
OCTOBER 31st: Caitlyn
“Ready to go trick or treating mini-me?” I asked Ellie, popping my head into her room.
“I’m ready!” She smiled, “Lola and Willa are coming too?”
“Yup and Kenna, she wants candy,” I laughed.
“Space Cowboys unite!” Lola yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
“Space cowboys!” Ellie yelled, running down the stairs. While her and Ella started talking about school I walked down the stairs toward Lola and Kenna.
“So Cat, how are you?” Lola signed.
“Better but I worry about Ellie and tonight,” I signed back, knowing that if we were going to talk to this we had to do it in sign language if we didn’t want Ellie and Willa to hear what we were talking about.
“Can we go?” Willa asked us.
“Sure,” Lola said to her little sister. “Let’s go!”
“CANDY!” Kenna signed rapidly.
“CANDY!” Lola and I yelled.
“CANDY!” Our younger sisters yelled.
“I’ll drive,” Lola said trying to grab my keys.
“My car, I’ll drive,” I said keeping my keys out of her reach easily.
“Trick or Treat!” The two six-year-olds shouted at one of the doors.
“How lovely, two cowboys,” An old lady said from the other side of the door. “And three older cowboys.” She smiled at us. “Are these your sisters?” She whispered to Willa and Ellie.
“Yes,” They whispered back.
“Well, would you all like a candy?” She asked.
“Yes!” The two of them said.
“Well here you go,” She said handing them each a chocolate bar and then handing us one each. “It’s nice to see your generation taking care of your younger siblings. It’s a good skill to have.”
“Thank you,” Lola and I said, while Kenna signed, “They’re not my sisters but thank you.”
“You sign?” The lady asked both aloud and in sign.
“Yes,” Kenna signed back.
“My husband’s deaf, since the war and he was a boy,” The lady explained again in both sign and spoken.
“It’s nice to know others are out there, I’m the only deaf person at school and only one teacher speaks sign language. So, Lola and Cat here have to translate the classes,” Kenna signed.
“I’m sorry about that,” The lady signed.
“It’s alright. I can hear some but I like going to normal school,” Kenna signed.
“I bet you do.” She signed to Kenna before turning to Ellie and Willa. “Take care kids, it’s a full blue moon on halloween. There could be creatures out there,” She told Ellie and Willa.
“What does she mean creatures?” Willa asked.
“She means that there are werewolves, vampires and witches are out under the full moon!” I told them spookily as we walked to the next house.
“Ahh!” They said, not at my voice but at the two boys approaching us.
“Happy halloween!” A jester/christmas tree clad Harrison said.
“Back off demon!” Willa yelled.
“Hello to you to Willa,” He responded with a laugh.
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monstrosibee · 4 years
hi kat mwah mwah
HELLO ryann how is ur day. i am watching my aunts cats ella and grace and watching birds in her backyard!
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windwardstar · 5 years
things i did today:
+ woke up at 4-fucking-45 in the fucking morning because I went to sleep early and my brain was like “Well, you got enough sleep, time to wake up” and made myself chai tea + milk + ice in a water bottle
+ orientation at work + got my schedule for the next two weeks
+ forgot my house keys and got locked out of the house, couldn’t open any of the gates because those were locked too, so after walking A WHOLE ASS BLOCK to get to the entrance to the alley, I walked down the alley to get to the back of the back yard, fought with the gate there but someone put a padlock on THAT gate too, so I squeezed through the missing boards in the fence the cats used and dropped down like 10+ft from the retaining wall to get into the backyard and then went in through the back door and confused THE FUCK out of my dogs who immediately ran to the front door.  (mind you, I’m wearing a flowy lavender dress shirt and dress pants and dress shoes bc I had just come from work)
+ finally got gelbri-fucking-ella to pass inspection and renewed her plates. So my car IS GOOD TO GO until next year
+ went to a sonic and told them to give me the largest size strawberry slush they have because my car has no AC and it was HOT
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riley1cannon · 5 years
Tagged by @kathrynthejaneway708090 Thank you!
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better!
1. Nicknames: Family persist in calling me Becky. :shrug: What can you do? 
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries
3. Height: Just shy of 5′8″
4. Hogwarts House: Absolutely no idea.
5. Last thing I googled: Probably some book that turned up in a rec. 
6. Favorite musicians: Uhh... Michael Buble, Linda Ronstadt, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Spencer Day, Loreena McKennit, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, The Beatles. 
7. Song stuck in my head: Lord I Hope This Day Is Good - Don Williams
8. Followers: prefer not to say
9. Following: prefer not to say
10. Do you get asks: I didn’t used to get any to speak of, maybe one or two a year, but that has changed of late. 
11. Amount of sleep: Five to six hours.
12. Lucky number: Don’t have one.
13. What are you wearing: Jeans and a blouse.
14. Dream job: Best selling author, as long as I don’t have to do readings and stuff like that.
15. Dream trip: Ohhh... Everywhere. Along with being that best selling author, because you can write anywhere, my dream life has always been to travel the world, and just keep going until I’ve seen and done everything. Not practical, but hey, that’s why it’s a dream.
16. Instruments: I play piano, though not well.
17. Languages: English only. I took Spanish, French, and German, and have retained enough Spanish to get by. Without being able to use the other two, however, they have largely gone by the wayside. Would love to be proficient at more.
18. Favorite song: Too many to list.
19. Random fact: I have no sense of direction and can, and have, gotten lost in my backyard. The ‘backyard’ in question was a large, open field full of brush and berms and boulders and all, but still. Although momentarily confusing, it can also be a fun adventure. (Related to that: I cannot comprehend the point of a compass, and have driven my brother mad with this inability. As I explain to him, the whole point of being lost is that I don’t know where I am or how I got there, so what good will it do me to know that way’s north?)
20. Aesthetic: Worn and weathered. Books. Notebooks and pens. Glasses. A cat. Late afternoon. Lilacs, gnarly trees, and wildflowers. A soft breeze. A cup of tea. Jeans and a cardigan. Quiet.
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ellaintrigue · 5 years
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I always think, to never take anything for granted. My father warned me of that years ago as a child. I listened to him. My dad has always scared me a little and with fear came respect. My childhood was rocky, but not bad.
I ran and played with neighborhood kids, and my long term friend Sarah. I didn't always see Erin that often so Sarah was my main childhood friend ages 8 to 11. She would spend the night with me and sleep in my double bed. Back then you didn't think about LGBT possibilities, for the most part kids were kids, and as predicted there was nothing un-platonic about our friendship. However I was mean and dumped ice cubes down her pajama top once.
Adulthood came and prevailed, my childhood friend moving on with her own life. I worked for years, I got sick, I got mixed in with a mentally ill man you all know the story to. I became haunted. I explored further, played it safe, met a nice normal boy, became even more haunted when he disappeared, somewhere between lies and getting his brains caved in during a construction accident.
You can't base your life on the bullshit of others, right? One night I woke up and my mentally ill ex, my senior horse my dad had to shoot, my ex's three year old cat who died painfully, were all standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me. I woke up from that dream fast.
I told the nice lady I worked for in Ocean City about it, she said "oh Lord, Ella..." I reckon I didn't have anyone else to tell such to at the time. Who do you tell that shit to, anyway? You sound more psycho than those that you encounter.
After my health worsened last year I worked for that lady one last time, I had done her yard for almost 4 years. I was out there pulling weeds and she pulled her car out of her garage to take it to the car wash. She drove it back in. Backed out. Pulled back in. Backed out. She told me she was too scared to go to the car wash. I have my own issues so I did not judge. However I got sick midway through the gardening with the sun reflecting off the ocean. Told her I would finish the rest later and went home.
That night she texted me, accusing me of doing nothing at all. Since she had responded to my labor ad on a local cork board I had often split jobs. Usually it took two days to hand weed her yard and I would complete totally every time. I was taken aback and weirded out honestly. I ended up in the hospital with the heart ordeal the next week. She never forgave me for the supposed slacking nor me getting too sick to work at all. I left her behind when I got a new phone and opted for a new number, along with the coworkers at my store job. What good did any of it do me? I was a hypochondriac and slacker in all of their eyes.
My health has not been great since but all doctors can do is shrug at me, despite the obvious disease I face. So, once again, I cough up pus and leak blood for a week... two weeks (does it matter anymore?). I am now faced with my grandmother's slow death.
A weak person, I have had Erin and my father go with me for visits due to my discomfort of medical buildings and elevators. A regular pussy. My grandmother means more than any fear or weakness, so why are they so hard to tackle? But now I wonder, will she haunt me like the rest do?
Last night I woke up to Sarah laying next to me. She lay there right in the same spot she had slept as a child on our sleepovers. This time she turned to me and said "it isn't like you thought it would be, is it?"
I then realized that I had pissed myself at some point during the night. Never done that in my sleep, but my heart had acted up bad for two days, had a fever. Hope it doesn't happen again like that.
Between awake and slumber at night I can still see all of them at the foot of my bed though: The horse, my mentally ill ex, the one that got his head caved in, the little kitty, and Sarah, all staring at me. I suppose that more will join them until I join myself.
Yesterday I sat on my grandmother's back porch that my ex had built, eating lunch. The sun bounced off of the veronica in the backyard, and once again I remembered my father's words: never take anything for granted.
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