#ellie and tess
elliespuns · 8 months
The more I think about it, I can't get over the scene with the cops at the beginning of the game; it's so powerful, real, and raw. There is so much happening in just one minute.
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First, Ellie knows her 'infection' is going to be revealed. She needs to act quickly, and even though it's against her nature, she must do this. She doesn't want to, though; it bothers her. It says a lot about her as a person when, a few seconds before stabbing the guard in the leg, she apologizes to him. The guards are there to probably kill them, and she says 'sorry' before hurting one of them out of fear. The kid is unbelievable.
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Then it's Joel and Tess, so ready to immediately fight back, moving quickly and efficiently without hesitation. They are used to this; it's not the first time they have had to deal with something like this. They know there's no other way than to use violence, making Ellie realize what kind of people she's been sent on a mission with.
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She can't handle this. She feels sick; she doesn't enjoy seeing people being killed—not even the bad guys. She's a good kid; violence is the last thing on her mind. This is one of the reasons why I'm not fond of the whole "Ellie has a violent heart" thing in the show.
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They really messed up with this. Making such a sweetheart of a character someone who enjoys seeing a man being beat up to death only to excuse Ellie's ptsd behavior in Part 2 is not exactly wise. The Ellie we all know was not 'activated' by Joel's aggression, quite the contrary. She was shaken to see this kind of violence.
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boilingcowboy · 1 year
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I wanna talk about this scene cus it's really interesting to me how both Tess and Joel are a parent who lost their child young are instantly "okay parent mode on" when Ellie is with them even if they don't really realise it or want it their brain just knows (also the way these two communicate and have silent conversations blows me away).
Okay so context Ellie, Tess and Joel trying to get to the fireflies and they discover that their "long way" or their "safe way" is not safe anymore and that's where the scene begins.
Also needed info a few scenes before Joel and Tess where discussing which way to take long way or short way and then Tess said something along the lines of "it's either long way or we are fucking dead way" referring to the short way and then Ellie says something off "well based off that I say short way".
So in right before the first pic is when Ellie asks what they are gonna do now cus obviously they can't go through with the plan before anymore and she is still putting on a though face (I didn't screenshot idk why) and then when she realises she asks in a scared voice "short way ?" meaning the dangerous way and that's the first pic and you can see there that she's scared and worried because from what she knows that's the "we are dead way" and like she's literally a kid who just got told she could save the world 3 WEEKS!!!!! 3WEEKS AFTER SHE JUST LOST HER EVERYTHING quite literally so in a way she's scared of death not death itself but the things that bring death, the infected who she lost her only person she loved and cared for to and after she asks that in a scared kid voice which is when in pic 2 Joel looks at Tess and then we have pic 3 where Tess looks back at Joel then pic 4 where she looks at Ellie and then pic 5 where she looks at Joel again and after that pic 6 Joel says "Museum".
And in those few pics where they look at each other they have that silent conversation of "this is obviously a very scared kid how the fuck do we fix this" because they both have that parental instinct because they had a kid before and even tho they both haven't realised it yet that they both care about said kid especially Joel (and maybe they don't even know they were both parents once but I feel like they do in a way). That's when Joel says "Museum" in a way of trying to comfort Ellie because he introduces a new path a possibility safer path to Ellie.
Yeah idk I just wanted to talk about this scene
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moonxnite · 1 year
Yeah my life might be complicated but at least me and [fictional character] are living our best lives right now.
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be-an-echo · 13 days
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✨ girl dad Joel ✨
made for @kokureno
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mymycorrhizae · 2 years
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The Last of Us - S01E02
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attackoneyebrows · 2 years
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that's how we show love.
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abisexualidiotstuff · 2 years
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I feel a knot in my stomach
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magnetic-rose · 2 years
at the end of episode 3 when joel and ellie are getting their supplies from bill and frank’s house, they find a box labeled “woman’s shirts.”
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tess is the only woman they’re friends with, which means this box was for her. so whenever they’d go to the clothing boutique, they’d find something for her and set it aside for when she visited next time.
i just - they loved tess. they cared about her. they thought about her even when she wasn’t around. they’d go to their little boutique and pick out clothes for her that she could take back home to the qz. “paying attention to things is how we show love.” “i leave you all of my weapons and equipment, use them to keep tess safe.”
and bill talked a bit more about tess in his letter but we don’t get to fully see it:
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“... and she decide you’re...”
also bill’s telling joel some wine pairing for food that he can share with tess, probably because one of bill’s love languages is cooking and he thinks joel should wine and dine her. how cute is that.
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cordycepspog · 2 years
There’s something horrifyingly beautiful about Tess’s final moments. In the midst of the most dire chaos, as she waits for her death to come rushing past so she can blow it sky high and give cordyceps a big fuck you one last time, one of the infected stops. It looks at her, really looks. Her own mortality is personified in this infected. It’s death that’s looking at her, and it sees her. She looks her own death in the eye, and the suspense is so high as it approaches. But then, it doesn’t bite her throat out like we all expect it to.
It kisses her. What’s more, it kisses her gently. And I think it was a brilliant choice on the writers part, because it reminded me that the infected aren’t supposed to be evil. Sure, they’re scary as hell, but really, they’re just trying to survive. They’re connected to one another, they can feel each other from miles away. They seek out and want to be close to their own kind, just like the human survivors do. And when they do find each other, they kiss hello.
And after so long apart from a loved one, someone you know and trust with every instinct in your body, wouldn’t you want to kiss them too?
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elliespuns · 1 month
This moment. Ellie feels so bad when Tess tells Joel he needs to take her to Tommy's. She's so fucking sad. Because Tess is going to die now, and she feels like it's all her fault. Ellie realizes that if it weren't for her and her condition, this would have never happened. Ellie needed a bear hug in this scene and words of assurance that none of this was on her, and no one gave her either. It hurts me to see her like this.
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I can’t claim this “The Last of Us” analysis, but I wanted to share it here because it’s a fascinating thought:
Bill in the game was a cautionary tale. He was a model for what Joel should avoid becoming, which was a closed-off, selfish loner who managed to push away the person he cared about the most.
Bill in the show is Joel’s inspiration/model. He is the one who puts into Joel’s head that he needs to stop being a closed-off, selfish loner and that he must do whatever it takes to save the person he cares about the most.
And what’s cool about this is that, even though both Bills are different, they both served the same purpose regarding Joel’s character.
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djo · 2 years
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THE LAST OF US 1.02: Infected
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calkestis · 2 years
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#that’s my ellie 
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myersesque · 2 years
all those emotions aside - something i liked about episode 3 was the emphasis on surviving vs living.
you have people like bill who are survivalists. he's resourceful, stubborn, and self-sufficient - bill knows how to survive, he spent his whole life pre-outbreak preparing to survive. he's not a people person, he doesn't like relying on other people, and he can survive just fine by himself.
then he meets frank - and frank is the kind of person who knows how to live. frank eats meals like he's at a fancy restaurant, and spends just five more minutes in the shower, and sings songs out of key on bill's dusty old piano. he repaints the walls, and waters the flowers, and grows strawberries in the garden just so he can watch bill hide his giggle behind his hands when he tastes them. he uses bill's radio to make friends, and throw little garden parties, and he makes a code out of nostalgic old songs.
the reason bill and frank lived as long and as happily as they did, despite the outbreak and the solitude and frank's health - it's because they had that balance. yes, survival is important - you can't survive an apocalypse without bill's resourcefulness, or joel's construction knowledge, or tess and frank's networking - but surviving isn't living. bill lived and died happy because he let frank in past his (incredibly literal) defenses, because he let him paint portraits and grow flowers and hold him at night.
i saw a youtube comment earlier that i think got it right; in the game, bill was an example of who joel would become if he kept shutting people out, if he didn't allow himself to live. in the show, bill is an example of what joel could have, if he just let himself live and love, if he realised that all his walls and defenses mean nothing if he never has anybody to share it with.
for bill, that person was a husband. for joel, it just might be a daughter.
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lizzybizzyart · 2 years
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What about the kid?
ellie williams i would also die for you
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mymycorrhizae · 2 years
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The Last of Us - S01E02
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