#ellie williams werewolf au
goldenlikedayl1ght · 1 year
season of the witch - j. miller
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a/n: first joel fic! got super into this one, and it's super long. uhhhh hope you enjoy and happy october! also want to give a huge shoutout to @luveline for her au writing and her luna lovegood!reader which was a huge inspiration to this fic. love you jade!! warnings: spooky themes, kissing, mentions of yearning, don't think too deeply about the dialogue sometimes i kind of hate this ok, ellie and reader being best friends, dana struggling, like kind of horror stuff, some angst, burns, mentions of murder word count: 5.1k summary: you've lived in the small town of everbrook for a while now, and you thought nothing could shock you anymore. you're wrong. paring: monsterhunter!joel x witch!reader now playing: season of the witch - donavan "you've got to pick up every stich/oh no, must be the season of the witch"
Ever since you moved to Everbrook, you could tell everyone around you thought of you as odd. You were twenty-two, what were you doing living in a small old cabin outside of town? Didn’t you want to go to parties, do drugs, whatever it was that kids did these days?
Maybe that’s why you loved Everbrook, it felt like time had stood still even now, years after you had visited as a small child. There was something charming about it, as if you had stepped into a fairytale. Only fairytales had less gossip than Everbrook did.
You had frequented Everbrook every Halloween as a kid. Your grandmother had lived in your cabin once, and much like you, she had a house and a mind full of secrets and spells. Your grandfather died before you were born, and that was when your grandmother hauled all her things to buy this cozy nook of Everbrook.
And every Halloween, she would whisk you and your siblings away to celebrate. The town loved Halloween and was known for its fairs and parades. And it’s dark corners.
To tourists, just like you were as a kid, whispers of vampires, ghosts and witches were just silly ways to get them to buy merchandise.
But your grandmother swore by these stories, telling you to be careful of how you spoke ill of the supernatural. And it was only on your fourteenth birthday did you truly find out why.
You could never describe it, why your grandmother showed up on the dark and stormy night that was the eve of your birthday. It was like she knew something was going on, something bigger than just turning fourteen.
When you woke up the next morning, you couldn’t control anything. Things flew off your shelves before you could fully grab them, candles lit with nothing but a gentle blow of wind from your mouth, and when you went to school that day, an infamous bully had decided to pick on you the wrong day. You just glared at her, telling her to “eat frogs.”
As the first frog hopped out of her mouth, you stood horrified. Then the next one came. And the next one.
You didn’t stop running until you got home, where your grandmother sat, swirling her spoon in her cup of tea. Her hand didn’t touch the spoon. She told you that day of the truth. That every other generation, a child is chosen to become a witch in your family. Your father missed it. And she told you the story of your grandfather, a monster hunter sent to kill her. But something had happened on that mission, something no one could explain. They had fallen in love.
And for years, your grandfather was able to tell the entire hunting community that she was off limits. When he died, he told her to move to Everbrook.
“Why Everbrook?” You had asked, and she looked at you, with this mischievous smile.
“Surely you understand, my dear.” When you said nothing, she chuckled. “There’s magic there. Magic that keeps hunters from going anywhere near the place. That’s why there are so many monsters there today. Witches, like me and you, we’re harder to find. But vampires, ghosts, demons. They’re all real. And a lot of them live on sacred land like Everbrook.” She explained. “That’s why we must go, and I must teach you how to control your gifts—”
You stood up, seemingly horrified by this idea. You weren’t some kind of freak; you were totally normal. You had no reason to go with her.
“I’m not going with you! I’m nothing like you!” You stormed off to your room, inclining her to drop the topic for now.
Time and time again, your grandmother would encourage you to let her teach you. Instead, you sheltered yourself away from the world, focusing on maintaining the abilities you had. They terrified you. You were just a kid, how could you be a scary witch, something that was made up to scare small children into behaving?
So, you never went to your grandma’s house again. And you didn’t celebrate Halloween, and for a long time, you pretended. Pretended you were normal, when you went to college, in your relationships.
But the past eventually caught up with you when your grandmother passed away. She had left you her house in Everbrook, as well as a small sum of money. She had written you a letter, begging you to move there, to read her old books and to embrace who you were.
It took you almost a year, but you did.
That was a long time ago, and yet, it was also yesterday.
You lived a peaceful life in Everbrook. You learned how to at least properly manage your magic, not yet totally mastering it. You planted a garden and made sure your vegetables and herbs were always taken care of.  
You made friends with various groups of monsters, your favorite being a ghost that haunted your favorite coffee shop in town. You live a good life, one devoid of people chasing you and trying to kill you for what you could do. You were simple the village crazy person, always on the outskirts of town in your own little world.
Sure, Everbrook was a small, quaint town. A little too small at times, but you loved your small crazy time. Nothing went exceptionally wrong here.
That is, until you meet a monster hunter named Joel.
• • •
Okay, you don’t know he’s a monster hunter when you meet him. He doesn’t know you’re a witch, so what did it matter?
He had moved to Everbrook with a kid, Ellie. You wondered why. Why a man in his late forties, early fifties, would adopt a teenager, and why they would move to this strange little town, away from everything.
You meet him in the bookstore. You, in between tending to your garden and learning spells, are determined to learn how to bake. You’re a good cook, but baking doesn’t come nearly as easily to you.
He’s shopping for comic books when you see him. You note everything about him, letting your head tilt to the side as you examine him. He wears this green and black flannel, appropriate for this time of year. His jeans are this dark blue, and his boots have leaves sticking to the bottom of them. The roots of his hair, and small pieces of his beard, are gray.
You bite your tongue.
You’re suddenly seventeen years old, with your first real crush on a guy. He was your older brother’s best friend. You suppose you’ve always had a thing for older guys, then. It was just a habit you’ve picked up on. Not that you weren’t of an appropriate age, but there was still a gap.
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you it was rude to stare?” He asks, not looking up from the comic he’s inspecting. Your head turns, trying to tell if he’s talking to you or someone else. Besides the bored employee at the front counter, you’re the only two people in the store.
“How’d you know I was staring?” He chuckles, looking up to you for the first time, and he’s struck by your appearance. You’re wearing these dangly crystal earrings, with lavender flowers sticking out of your belt. You wear boots too, although they’re much less dirty than his, and sticking out of them are bunched up woolly socks. You’re holding a basket, with a loaf of bread inside, as well as a jar of jam and some chocolates. Your shirt is this deep purple, and the sleeves become nice and flowy after your elbows.
“Just had this feelin’, darling.” Your cheeks flush at the nickname.
“This feeling?” You mutter to yourself, not really asking for clarification. You take a few steps forward, flipping through the comic books. You don’t look at him. “Looking for anything specific?”
“Comics for my... for a friend. Turnin’ fourteen, figured I should get her something.” He tells you. You cringe at the age, remembering your horrible fourteenth birthday.
“You have a friend that’s a fourteen-year-old girl?” You question, a light teasing tone to your voice. He gives you this look, one of sarcasm and disbelief, without a touch of annoyance or anger.
“Will you just give me a suggestion, or are you going to keep asking questions?” He asks.
“Touche.” You say, before pulling out a cool sci-fi one that had been recommended to you. “Here, get her this one.” You hand it to him, and he examines it for a few minutes, seemingly trying to get a grip on what it is and what the plot was. But, he figures his friend will enjoy it, so he glances back at you and smiles.
“Thank you,” He pauses, asking you for your name without asking for it. You tell him, and he still has this small smile on his face. “I’m Joel. Joel Miller. Am I gonna be seein’ you around?” He asks. You shrug.
“I live on the outskirts of town, in this little cottage. I only come into town every so often.”
“The old brick one with the overgrown garden?” You frown. “I live in that area, in the cabin with the blue mailbox.”
“My garden is not overgrown, Mr. Miller, it’s just full!” You defend. But it perplexes you, no one except introverts and people who want to stay hidden live in that area. You wonder what Joel Miller could possibly be hiding but convince yourself for the moment that Joel Miller is just an introvert. After all, that’s what you tell people when they ask about you. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“Then I’ll see you around, Darlin’.” He hums, and nods to you, “Thanks for the help.” Then he goes to the counter to pay for the gift, and then he’s gone. You must have this perplexed look on your face, because the woman at the counter, Angela, just smirks as she rings you up.
“He’s handsome, huh?”
“The guy you were talking to.”
“Well, I can’t say he’s not handsome.” Your face flushes. She laughs, although not maliciously. \
“Even fairies who live on the outskirts of town like you deserve love.”
“’m not a fairy...” You mumble as you make your way out of the shop, head turning down the sidewalks to see if you can spot Joel. When you can’t, you begin your long walk home, disappointment stabbing at you the whole time.
• • •
The next time you see Joel, you go to his house.
You don’t go to see Joel, but you made these homemade chocolate chip cookies, and they turned out a lot better than you expected. You want to share your creation with someone, so you head to the cabin with the blue mailbox in hopes of finding the young girl he lives with and giving her them as a birthday present.
You decide, on the off chance that you do see Joel, to wear this cute dark green jumper, with a black layered skirt, as well as your standard black boots. You put your hair up with a bandana and head over to your destination. It’s colder than it was the other day when you met him, but it’s nice.
In your basket, you keep the cookies, as well as a bundle of flowers from your garden. You knock on the door, and a young girl answers, her hair pulled back. She wears ripped jeans, an Adventure Time tee shirt and a long-sleeved black shirt under it.
“Uh... Can I help you?” She asks.
“Hi! Does Joel live here?” You’re sure he does, but you want to make sure just in case. The girl gets this smirk on her face, and you feel your ears go red.
“You’re the one from the bookstore.”
“…He told you about me?”
“Won’t shut up about you. I’m Ellie.” She smiles, and opens the door further, inviting you to come in. “He’s upstairs, I can grab him for you—”
“Uh, I’m actually here to see you.” She stops and looks at you. “He told me it was your birthday, and I decided to give you these.” You pull out the cookies and the flowers and hand them to her. She gasps at the sight of the cookies, delicately putting the flowers down before grabbing a cookie. She hums, looking to you.
“These are amazing! I haven’t had good cookies in so long, Joel isn’t much of a baker,”
“Neither am I, honestly. I’m still learning, but I figured it was your birthday and you deserve some.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” She hums, finishing her cookie.
From the top of the stairs, you hear a familiar voice yell out, “Ellie, who was at the door?”
“Come down here and find out, old man!” You laugh, but quickly stop laughing when he comes down the stairs. His hair is wet from the shower. You want to scream at how good he looks. He just stares at you, and neither of you says anything until you decide to go first.
“Uhm, I brought cookies.” You say, “I’m sorry for the intrusion.”
“No, no, you didn’t intrude... I just, wasn’t expecting you is all.” He says honestly. You begin to look around a bit at your surroundings and realize that Joel and Ellie have been living the bachelor life, and there aren’t many boxes. You wonder if they had any boxes to begin with, since it seems they’re close but there’s something off about the whole dynamic. You can’t put your finger on it, but you see that Ellie clearly isn’t here against her will.
But who are you to judge? You live a witch’s life, and that isn’t something you share on a first date.
“Well, help yourself to a cookie,”
“Hey! You said these were my birthday cookies!”
“Ellie!” Joel scolds, looking back at you. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“Sure, that would be nice.”  You smile, and he gets you one. “Would you like to go outside to talk?” You ask softly, and he just smiles and nods, grabbing a cookie before going out with you and your coffee. You lean against the porch railing, sipping your coffee. You wait for him to begin the conversation, suddenly quite nervous.
“So…How long have you lived in Everbrook?”
“A while. Are you gonna be here for a while?” You ask.
“I think so. I like it here, nice, and quiet.”
“Yeah, it’s nice.” You hum. “How’d you wind up with Ellie?”
“I uhm… I adopted her. Knew her folks.”
“Oh, I’m sorry...”
“’s alright...” He smiles gently and sips his coffee. “She liked that comic book you recommended, so thanks...”
“No problem. She’s a nice kid.” You smile.
“So, what’s your deal, Darlin’?”
“My deal?”
“You’re always dressed in these crazy outfits, and you have this dazed look about you. Like a little bunny.” Your face flushes, and you laugh.
“I just like living the simple life. So, what if I dress a little eccentrically? You dress like a lumberjack all the time, am I gonna see you chopping trees?” You tease, smiling gently. He laughs and it makes you all warm inside. Maybe he really likes you.
“No, no chopping trees for me.” he said gently, leaning against the banister.
“Well, what do you do for work?” He pauses and stares out into the forest ahead of him.
“I used to be a hunter.”
A chill runs down your spine, and you begin to think. It would make sense, his sudden showing up in Everbrook, his interest in you. But how does that connect back to Ellie? Why would he adopt a teenager in his line of work?
Why hasn’t he killed you, then?
“Yeah. My grandfather was a hunter. Until he met my grandmother, then he couldn’t do it anymore.”
Joel stays silent, sipping his coffee.
• • •
About a week goes by, and Joel shows up at your door. The top part of your door is swung open and you’re cooking dinner when he walks up the path through your garden. He calls your name into the open door, and you quickly appear. You grin at him, and then you notice the bouquet of wildflowers he holds in his hands.
“These are for you.” he says softly, and you take them, a large grin on your face.
“Thank you. They’re gorgeous.” You tell him.
“Pretty girl like you deserves pretty flowers.” He says, and your cheeks flush.
“Please, come in.” You tell him, opening the bottom of the Dutch door. He steps inside, and notices how warm it is. Not temperature wise, but there’s this feeling to it. Warm yellow lights, plants everywhere, the smell of dinner cooking on the stove. Somewhere from deeper in the house, music plays.
“What’re you cookin’?”
“Oh, I’m making chicken parm…Do you want to stay for dinner?” You’ve never asked anyone to stay for dinner, it’s a bizarre feeling.
“I’d like that.”
“Alright, good. Then set the table, and then we can eat.” You tell him. He hums and goes to do as he is told. Eventually, you manage to plate and serve dinner, sitting across from him. You watch him for his reaction to the food, and after a few bites he just hums lowly, and looks at you, pointing to the dish with his fork, not saying anything. You grin. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Thank you for having me for dinner. I came over to apologize, really.”
“I didn’t mean to tell you I was a hunter. I know how off putting that could be for someone, to hear I hunted animals.”
You can’t confirm your suspicions that he was hunting more than just animals. So you let it go, in favor for him not pushing you and finding out that you were a witch.
“It’s alright, Joel. Everyone has to make a living somehow, right?” You hum. He smiles and nods. “So, where’s Ellie tonight?”
“Eh, I wanted to give her some time to herself.”
“Good man.” You smile, continuing to eat your food.
“Where’d you happen to come upon this little cottage?” He asks you, tilting his head.
“I inherited it from my grandmother.” You told him, a soft smile on your face, as there always was when you thought of her. “She was a good woman. She passed away when I was twenty-one.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He tells you, and you can tell by this look in his eyes that there’s something more to his sentiment. That this is a man who has known grief well and is haunted by it. You wonder if he toured the country killing people like you before or after he became good friends with grief.
“It’s okay. I got to move here and live a good life.” You confess, and this makes him smile again. Then, you can’t help but ask. “Why’d you move to Everbrook, Joel?” He tenses at your questions. You can tell he’s contemplating what to tell you. You know whatever he tells you will only be a half truth no matter what.
“Ellie got into some trouble where I used to live. Figured a place like this would be good for her. Safe.” You can tell it’s not a lie, but you aren’t satisfied with it. That’s when you realize you have to know. You do know that all hunters have the same tattoo, right above their inner elbow on their biceps. It’s always a bow and arrow, with the hunter’s initials incorporated into the arrow. You also know the tattoo is protected by some sort of seal that burns most creatures to the touch. You have to know. So, with a wave of your hand, subtly, the glass of wine Joel drinks from spills all over his flannel, and he huffs.
“Oh my god, here,” You start handing him napkins as he attempts to clean up the mess. He glances up at you, and his eyes have this look about them. Like he knows you were the reason it spilt. Then, he starts to unbutton and pull off his flannel before he suddenly remembers that you would see his Hunter’s mark. You realize he knows your plan and stand, going over to him and dabbing his flannel with your napkin.
“C’mon Joel, take the flannel off.” You sigh, and he says nothing. He slowly begins to pull off the flannel, but before you can really look for a tattoo, his hands are on your waist, pulling you between his legs.
He leans up and kisses you before you can see the tattoo. You put your hands on his cheeks and kiss back, bringing yourself closer to him. He hums into the kiss, standing up and walking, so that you’re up against your counter tops.
His hands are roaming your sides, and you groan softly into the kiss. The desperation you’ve had since you met him, it all comes to a head. Your hands first go to his hair, where they play with his hair, including the grays that threaten to push you over the edge.
Despite your suspicions that he wants to kill you, you want him desperately. You groan as he bites your lip, tugging it a bit, and you just moan. Your hand runs down his arm, because just for a moment, you forget the context of the kiss.
You pull away when your hand starts to burn, letting out a yell.
He looks terrified that you’ve found him out. Tears prick your eyes.
“I knew it..” You whisper softly, turning to run your hand under cold water. Joel’s tattoo glows, as it always did when anything supernatural touched it. “I think you should go.”
“Darlin’, I—”
“Go, Joel! I don’t want you here, just fucking kill me when I’m walking home from the market! Don’t kiss me like you want me when you’re here to kill me!” You snap, tears running down your face. He doesn’t say anything after that. He steps forward and kisses your shoulder gently.
He turns and leaves, and even though you tell him to leave, you turn back hoping to see him.
The worst part is that nothing makes sense anymore. He’s stronger than you. If he wanted to kill you, he could have. And how does Ellie fit into the situation, why would he move to a magical town with a teenage girl?
You’re frustrated, and your hand is burning. You cry some more as you attempt to clean the spilt wine, frustrated that it stains the rug that the table stands on. You were such an idiot, why would you let him kiss you? Why would you kick him out after?
You decide a cup of tea will help clear your mind, but you don’t stop crying all night.
• • •
The full moon looks beautiful tonight. You’ve charged your crystals and have done your monthly rituals to enable a prosperous month ahead. So, at around midnight, you go for a walk through the woods. Even though you know how dangerous it is. The woods, on nights like tonight, are full of werewolves. But most of them live in their own woods across town, so you don’t expect to have any problems.
As you’re walking, you’re thinking about Joel. You can’t help it, your kiss has you yearning for more, and you’re just desperate for him. You’re too deep in your thoughts to hear footsteps behind you, until someone grabs your arm and you’re pulled behind a tree.
And when you see Joel, you’re even more mad at him.
“What’re you doin’ here?!” He whisper-yells, and you glare.
“What are you doing here?! I’m allowed to go for walks whenever I want, you aren’t the boss of me!”
“Always so damn in your own mind, could you consider for a moment that I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay?!”
“You’re here to kill me!”
“I’m here to make sure Ellie doesn’t kill anyone or get herself killed!”
You stop.
“What...?” That’s when you hear it, a howl. It sends a shiver down your spine. And that’s when it all clicks. Joel isn’t hunting you; he isn’t here to kill you. Ellie isn’t a kid he adopted from a friend, she’s someone he’s assigned to protect. He used to hunt, but not anymore. “She’s a werewolf.” You look at him.
“And you’re a witch, are we all caught up now?”
“How’d you know?’
“Before the mark burnt you and you spilled my wine? I just knew. I hunted people for years, but you witches, you always have these cabins in the woods, and you’re always baking, and you always have flowers. It’s like y’all are one big stereotype—” He’s cut off by your lips on his, and his hands are on your hips again, pushing you against a nearby tree. You hum before he pulls away, starting to kiss down your neck.
“Joel...” You say softly, your hands in his hair.
“I’ve got you, sweet thing...” He mutters, biting down on your neck, leaving a mark.
Ellie howls again, closer now. It snaps you both out of your trance and you look to each other. He grabs your hand, and you make your way through the woods, back to your cabin. He’ll make sure you get home safe, and then he’ll continue to look after Ellie. But he hears it before you—Panting, pattering steps behind you.
“Run!” He tells you and you both take off. Twigs scrape the bottoms of your legs and your arms as you run, never letting go of Joel’s hand. Your skirt catches on one of these branches and you topple over, letting go of Joel’s hand. Before he can reach you, Ellie is on top of you—She’s smaller than other werewolves you’ve encountered but the weight of her fur is too much. She has you caged in, and she has this snarl on her face.
Then, the strangest thing happens. She starts to sniff your skin, as if trying to figure out who you are.
“It’s me, Ellie. It’s just me, ‘m not gonna hurt you, honey.” You tell her. And it’s as if a lightbulb switches inside of her head, and suddenly she’s licking your face, happy you’re here. You groan at the slober, and gently push her head away from you.
She backs off, letting you get up. You kneel back down to scratch her head.
“Why were we running if we knew she wouldn’t kill me?” You ask.
“Didn’t know that. She doesn’t attack me, but she’s attacked others.” He tells you. You hum, picking up a stick and waving it in front of her face, before throwing it as far as you can. She runs off to get the stick. It makes you laugh.
You stand fully now, glancing back to Joel.
“I gotta finish looking after her. She’s my mission now.” You nod, stepping closer to him.
“Well..” You start, your hands on his shoulders. “You could at least kiss me again.” He grins and leans down, kissing you softly before pulling away.
 “Like that?”
“Hmm, I was thinking something with a little more passion...” You shrug. “It was okay, I guess.” You tease, and he smiles, then brings you in for a longer, deeper kiss.
You spend all night with Joel, looking after Ellie and kissing until dawn. When the morning comes, you go out in search of Ellie on your own, a blanket and some pajamas in hand. Joel’s searching the other way. You find her, cold and alone, huddled up by herself. You frown.
You crouch beside her and wrap the blanket around her, frowning softly.
“Sorry I licked you.” She says softly. You recognize the tone of her voice. Her shame in who she is. You empathize with it, remembering how horrible it was to be fourteen. You smile and hand her the clothes.
“Don’t worry about it.” You turn so she can get dressed, but the blanket remains wrapped around her shoulders. You realize she doesn’t have shoes on. You frown and pull off your boots, kneeling in front of her. You gently put your socks on her feet, and then your boots. You lace them up, and make sure they’re nice and tight. “There. Nice and warm.”
You glance back up to her, and you see tears running down her face. You frown and bring a hand to cup her cheek. She doesn’t have to say anything, you know she feels ashamed and embarrassed of her newfound abilities.
“Oh, honey… You don’t have to apologize. I was bitter and angry when I became a witch, and it destroyed me. You come from a very long line of werewolves, and—”
“I’m the first one. I got bit six months ago.” You frown. That’s why this wasn’t Joel’s first time watching over her on a full moon. And you’ve heard of werewolves biting kids before they’re fourteen and starting a new line of the creature.
“Then I’ll teach you. How to live this life, how to be happy in your own skin. It won’t be easier, but embracing who you are is so much easier than ignoring it. I’ll be here every step of the way, and so will Joel. We’re not gonna leave you to deal with this on your own.” You tell her, and when you stand up finally, she hugs you tightly. You smile to yourself and hug back.
“You two okay?” Joel asks when he finally finds you two. Ellie wipes her tears and smiles at him.
“Yeah, let’s go home. I’m sick of these woods, and I want breakfast!” she declares. You laugh, rubbing her back and beginning your walk to their cabin.
This is it, you decide. This man and this girl, they’re it for you. They are your happy ending, your family. Sure, it’s not the most conventional family, what, with a werewolf, a witch, and a monster hunter. But it’s yours, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t thrilled to have them.
You have spent so many years longing for someone to see who you are and love you despite your freakish abilities. But all along, you were meant to be around freaks who are just like you. You are designed to be each other’s family, and you were always destined for the fate of your grandmother—To fall in love with a monster hunter and live a quiet life in Everbrook as you perfect your spells.
Joel looks back at you for a moment with this perplexed look on his face.
“Darlin’, where the hell are your shoes?”
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astralnymphh · 4 months
Werewolf!Ellie? Her all primal n shit? OH MY GOD
I'd die.
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.⋆✮───she is FERAL, and she is PRIMAL, and she is HAIRY. that's random compared to the preceding terms, but it is TRUE. and i think she's the most horndoggiest hounding-your-backside type of girl. and has a breeding kink. but mostly, i want to yap about those sharp pearls of hers, and how she uses them. no bounds are found shackling her impulses— nor her capricious teeth. in the midst of getting down and dirty? bites. feral bites. from neck to ankle, the pits of her teeth have engraved your skin numerous times, in moments where her pleasure reined over every process of thought. she'd be humping her wetness into your bare thigh: lost in the sweat, biting and tugging lips over teeth, digging the fat of your thigh in the cleft of her nails, huffing, "fuck, s'good to me, so good.." when your own fingers softly trace the grooves and hairy trails of her body— and suddenly, her beady clit would drag against in such a delicious way, her fucked out demeanor would grow wayward. she lowers herself and immediately finds her teeth a home on your collarbone, sinking in as her pelvis continues bucking and eventually climaxing on your thigh. it draws blood, "ah— shhhit," tugging a hiss from your lips; her sound of reward. quiet growls brim your ears, until ellie unsheathes her bite and laps her tongue over the fresh wound. puckers her lips next, and presses them over the lunar shape of it, the corners of her mouth slightly stained in that crimson delight. so when her head perks to gage which face you're clading: satisfaction, or left in want, her strawberried smirk turns out to be wreathed in more red blotches. that satisfies you. "got your fill, baby?" you speak softer than a new-mooned night, plowing your digits through her hairline, and into her scalp. denial shakes beneath your palm. "mh-mn," hummed she, snaking the head of her tongue out to smear one of the blood stains drying her lips, "again?" looking so fucking eager with brows pinched and eyes carefully ashine. a newfound pressure slips between your thighs— fuck, she wants her fingers inside you. simultaneously.
trickery strums her a giggle as lips come to nudge at your shoulder; a request— or a promise, duly known as, "gonna bite you here, mhm?" but in reality, that won't be the last of her bites. no, not with ellie. rarely, an end is found with her bites.
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crxmxnzl-c0rpzes · 5 months
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Chapter 6 of The Wolves is done and posted 🥰 Here's a preview:
Sleeping bags in hand, Joel and Ellie walk through the hospital until they find the stairs that lead up to the building’s roof. 
They get a few weird looks from the Fireflies patrolling the hallways but no one attempts to stop them. Joel’s fierce glare certainly has nothing to do with them keeping their distance. 
Once they climb four floors, they reach the rooftop access door. Ellie tests the handle. 
“Gimme some room.”
Ellie takes a few steps back and watches as Joel rams his shoulder against the door, snapping the lock and sending the heavy metal door crashing open. 
Ellie tries to whistle in appreciation but it comes out strangled. He has the grace not to tell her that if she hasn’t been able to figure out how to whistle by now, it’s probably a lost cause.
The rooftop is barren. Weeds grow out of the cracks in the concrete. 
Joel closes the door behind them. 
“You just wanted to show off.” 
“You got me. I live to impress fourteen year olds.” 
Ellie throws her sleeping bag down, “Fifteen actually.” 
Joel whirls around. His heart squeezes painfully.
“Since when?”
Ellie plops down on her bag, crossing her legs. She flicks loose gravel across the concrete. 
“A few days ago.”
Joel places his sleeping bag next to hers and sits down. 
“Why didn’t you say anythin’?” 
Ellie shrugs, “It’s not that big of a deal. The only one that celebrated it with me was Riley and she’s— it really doesn’t matter.”   
Joel chooses his words carefully, “You’ve mentioned her before.”
Ellie looks up at the night sky. 
“I bet I can find more constellations than you.” 
It’s obvious that Ellie isn’t ready to talk about whoever Riley was. Joel wants to push, but—
“That’s like me sayin’ I bet I’m taller.” 
“Well sorry I’m not a fucking giant like you. Besides, I still have time to grow.” 
“That’s why I keep insistin’ you eat more. And you know, it works better if you chew with your mouth closed.”
“Shut up, that’s a fucking lie.”
“Take your chances if you want. I’m not the one that’s gonna need a step stool to reach cabinets.”
Ellie shoves him. And then fails to stifle a yawn. 
“Seems like we’ll be able to sleep better out here.”
“‘M not even tired.”
“Yeah okay. Get in your bag. It’s still chilly out.” 
Joel turns to unzip his own sleeping bag when Ellie’s arms wrap around him, hugging him from behind. 
Warmth wells in Joel’s core. He tries to move to pull Ellie closer but she’s already drawing back. Embarrassment dusts her cheeks in red. 
She quickly slides into her sleeping bag and very consciously keeps her eyes trained on the stars above.
“Thanks. You know, for not leaving.”
Ellie has somehow mastered the art of punching him in the gut without lifting a finger. 
Joel swallows down everything but the promise he’ll keep repeating to her until she believes it. 
“Like I said, I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
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aphroditesdoll · 11 months
faiiry’s fic reccs!
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disclaimer: these are mostly nsfw/smut, you’ve been warned. mdni.
characters: abby anderson, shane mccutcheon, ellie willams.
a/n: i think all of these writers are amazing but i’ll rate my top favorites at the bottom! :)
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆˚
abby anderson 🐇🍒🍀
- suprise visit by atomicami
- sweeter than candy by elsdolly
- will you let me show you by angels4abby
- loosen up by ourautumn86
- size kink abby by wrtinginblood
- dating bestfriends sister! abby by millersaurora
- bsf! abby anderson by dollyhao
- my kind of love by zombholic
- trash talk by gracieheartspedro
- pregnant w/ abby (can’t remember by who)
- texts w/ doctor! abby by eightstarr
- come over by ourautumn86
- you’re gonna forget she ever existed by sxyiva
- lavender haze by angelkhi
- 30 minutes by ourautumn86
- special snapshot by atomicami
- yes ms anderson by abbysvictim
ellabs & reader 🐇🍒🍀
- vampire! ellie x werewolf! abby by coeurify
- pretty little things by angelkissiies
- ex! ellabs x fem! reader by beforeimdeceased
- nerd! abby gf! ellie x fem! reader by abbyscherry
- ellabs hogwarts au by savannahsdeath
ellie williams 🐇🍒🍀
- 1 million subscriber special by catfern
- try it on by moncherellie (w audios)
- crybaby by beforeimdeceased
- you love it when i play with you by ourautumn86
- god forgive me by baptismbaby
- one of your girls by lovelettersfromluna
- consume by beforeimdeceased
- sweet tooth by beforeimdeceased
shane mccutcheon 🐇
- rich stress by ourautumn86
- puppy love by ourautumn86
my top 3: suprise visit, sweeter than candy, and puppy love!
a/n: WE NEED MORE SHANE!! why is ourautumn86 the only one i see writing her??? i wrote some of these usernames so much they’re saved in my keyboard now. anyway i mainly wrote this so i can go back to my favs! will be updating probably constantly <3
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elliesmainhoe · 2 years
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TLOU2 / Older Ellie
Feminine!Reader Part2
Sugar Mommy!Ellie
Knight!Ellie X Princess!Reader
Knight!Ellie X Princess!Reader Part2
Period comfort
Bodyguard!Ellie X Singer!Reader
Dealer!Ellie X GoodGirl!Reader
Tattooist!Ellie Part2
Hockey!Ellie X Cheerleader!reader
Vampire!Ellie Part2
Hip-Hop Dancer!reader
Introvert!reader X Introvert!Ellie
She calls you mommy
Goth / grunge reader
Reader with ADHD
Ellie on her period
Reader is Maria and Tommy's daughter
Reader with OCD
make-up artist!reader X streamer!Ellie
Older sister!Reader
Deaf/ hard of hearing!reader
having a baby with her (biologically)
You deserve more
Summary: after you caught your boyfriend making out with another girl at a bar, you call Ellie for a ride home. (MODERN AU)
Summary: While working, Joel comes in and tells you that your girlfriend, Ellie, was injured on patrol.
Summary: After sneaking out, Ellie protects you from some unwanted attention. (KNIGHT!ELLIE X PRINCESS!READER)
New Year's Day
Summary: You and Ellie host your first ever New years Eve party, and as you both clean up the mess your friends had left in their wake.
Can I take a picture? (Out soon)
Summary: You, an architecture student, decide to spend yor three months off for summer break exploring and visiting classic Victorian houses, seeing beautiful structures and meeting eccentric people. (VAMPIRE!ELLIE)
PROFESSOR - Pt 2 - Pt 3 ✓
Summary: After Dina forced you to go to her new physics teachers public lecture, you start developing feelings for the professor. (PROFESSOR!ELLIE X STUDENT!READER)
PLAYER TWO - Pt 2 - Pt 3
Summary: A series of imagine entailing the chaos you and streamer!Ellie cause together. (STREAMER!ELLIE)
Summary: You become your girlfriends physical therapist. (BOXER!ELLIE)
Summary: it was bound to happen sooner or later. I mean Joel slaughtering all the fireflies seven years ago was a pretty hard secret to be kept quiet- but you still wish it never reached Ellie's ears.
Phone S*x NSFW
Summary: You send Ellie a nude when she's abroad on a business trip. (SugarMommy!Ellie)
Play for me
Summary: After Ellie lost her fingers she longed to play the guitar again, so you played for her.
Jackson's Love Hotel NSFW
Summary:Your favourite customer needs to relax after a very stressful patrol and comes to you for some relief. (Brothel Worker!Reader)
Ask your daughter
Summary: Eventful late night escapades makes Ellie a no-show for patrol. (Maria+Tommy's daughter!Reader)
Miss me sugar?
Summary: After three months of deployment, Ellie finally returns home. (Military!Ellie)
Tattooed on my heart
Summary: Ellie's always loved when you doodle on her arm, leaving behind traces of you. She loves them so much she wants them to stay forever.
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
Summary: wasting a Friday night on a first date with a boy you've never met in person was a dumb idea- and surprise! it all goes to shit- but Ellie's there to make sure you have a good time! DAY 2 OF SAPPHIC SUMMER
Summary: Ellie pulls up outside of your house, ready to take you on a first date. DAY 3 OF SAPPHIC SUMMER
Rescue Remedy
summary: you call Ellie to come and rescue you from a bar after having a few too many drinks DAY 4 OF SAPPHIC SUMMER
(strictly texts and insta posts)
Texts with Ellie
Part 1
Part 2
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(Nothing here yet)
Summary: Although you stopped Abby from killing Joel, Ellie still wants to seek her revenge.
Sundress Season NSFW
Summary: A picnic date can really only end one way~ DAY 1 OF SAPPHIC SUMMER
Summary: you've fallen sick, and you don't want Abby to get sick too- she says it's just hay-fever. DAY 5 OF SAPPHIC SUMMER
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(Nothing here yet)
Summary: After helping Ellie down from a panic attack, she calls you Mom for the first time. (MotherFigure!Reader)
(Nothing here yet)
Happy Mothers Day
Summary: The first mothers day Ellie has ever celebrated and she's going to make sure that it's amazing. (MotherFigure!Reader)
coming soon
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I write for:
Ellie Williams (Romantic + Platonic)
Abby Anderson (Romantic + Platonic)
HBO Ellie Williams (PLATONIC)
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vampyan · 7 months
☾  ꕀ  𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰 & 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼
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minors and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight.
this blog is dom!reader x sub!yandere!character only. you can find sub!reader everywhere else so don’t come looking for it here.
all gender identities are welcome but this blog mainly caters to fem/afab!readers.
this blog is yandere-centric and will be littered with dark content, though all of these things will be tagged.
anon hate & rude asks will be deleted on sight cus idc.
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𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓲 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻
❧ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓾𝓼
ellie williams ˖  abby anderson
❧ 𝓴𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓼𝓾 𝓷𝓸 𝔂𝓪𝓲𝓫𝓪
kyojuro rengoku ˖  obanai iguro ˖  tengen uzui & wives ˖  shinobu kocho ˖  sanemi shinazugawa ˖  shinjuro rengoku ˖  zenitsu agatsuma ˖  inosuke hashibira ˖  tanjiro kamado ˖  genya shinazugawa ˖  muzan kibutsuji ˖  akaza ˖  gyutaro ˖  gyokko ˖  hantengu clones (sekido & urogi preferred)
❧ 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓭𝓾𝓻'𝓼 𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝟑
karlach ˖  lae’zel ˖  minthara
❧ 𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮
vi ˖  silco ˖  sevika
❧ 𝓼𝓱𝓮-𝓻𝓪 【 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓹 】
scorpia ˖  catra ˖  shadow weaver / light spinner ˖  adora
❧ 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓷
john doe / joker ˖  edward nygma / riddler ˖  harvey dent / two-face ˖  harley quinn
❧ 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵
goku ˖  vegeta ˖  broly (dbs only) ˖  frieza ˖  frost ˖  beerus ˖  android 17 ˖  android 18 ˖  zamasu ˖  goku black ˖  jiren
❧ 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶 𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼
mizu (blue eye samurai) ˖  sidon (loz botw & totk) ˖  john doe (visual novel) ˖  victor van dort (corpse bride)
❧ 𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼
coming soon!
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𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼
requests aren't guaranteed and might take me a while (especially since i run another blog as well) but i'll try to finish as many as i can >:3
yandere!character is the main focus of this blog, but yandere!reader is also acceptable!
all characters aged up to 18+ if applicable
please be specific and have a concept instead of sending something like ‘kyojuro x reader smut’ i’ll be more likely to write it if you know exactly what you want :)
𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮
✓ fics, headcanons, and quick thirsts/drabbles.
✓ dom!reader x sub!yandere!character (top! or bottom!reader so long as they are dominant)
✓ fem or afab!reader for nsfw. fem or gender-neutral!reader for sfw. (pls specify if you’d prefer a gn!reader bc i will usually default to fem)
✓ non-sexual non-con, dub-con, non-con touching/affection, stalking, controlling behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, blood & gore.
✓ polyamory, threesomes, and harems (examples: ellabs x reader, ellie x reader x dina, uzuren x reader, obamitsu x reader, inotan x reader, kamaboko trio x reader, scorptra x reader, catradora x reader)
✓ a/b/o dynamics. alpha!reader x omega!character preferred, but will write for dominant omega readers (ex: prime omega!reader)
✓ monsterfucking/teratophilia, monster/cryptid au yanderes (ex: werewolf!ellie, cryptid!kyojuro, eldritch horror!yandere)
✓ kny demon pet au (@/invertedphantasmagoria, @/phantasmiafxndom), hybrid au, catboys, puppyboys, bunnyboys etc...
𝔀𝓸𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮
✘ sub!reader x dom!character
✘ male or amab!readers.
✘ kink no-no’s: sexual non-con, incest/stepcest, daddy kink, piss play/watersports/omorashi, foot fetish, maledom.
✘ forced pregnancy, miscarriages.
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163 notes · View notes
sheluvslani · 7 months
sheluvslani’s masterlist:
✅: Smut, fluff, angst, fem reader, masc reader Literally will write anything like the normal fanfics you see on here. G!p is a maybe.
❌: incest, pedophilia, rape, cnc, zoophilia, alpha/omega, WEREWOLF SHIT, FURRIES, stuff like that. No non-binary or male reader. I will not write for any of these at all. I have the right to refuse any requests, don’t send me weird shit in my asks.
I just want to make this clear, idc if minors read my blog. It’s a piece of writing, not a porno. And I obviously have warnings in all of my fics in case yall don’t fw them.
some of these guys are underage, so obviously they’ll be aged up‼️
don’t be afraid to request for someone else! I can totally switch things up and try someone new! 🤷‍♀️
fanfics⬇️ hearts and reposts are appreciated, but not forced!! 💋 But I don’t consent to having my work copied, you can take inspo but not word-for-word 🌝
smut - 🍒
fluff - 🥭
Angst - 🥥
Headcannons - 🥝
Drabbles - 🍓
Personal Favorites/Most Popular - 🍑
Anon List: 🍘🍭🌹🍓🎸
Jenna Ortega: Requests Open
Jenna Ortega:
Jenna Ortega Characters’ Favorite Music Artists And Songs 🥝
Real Or Not Real (Hunger Games AU) - coming soon
Tara Carpenter:
Tara Carpenter Math 🥝
Tara Carpenter Headcannons 🥝
Behind Chad’s Back - Coming Soon 🍒
Brat - Coming soon 🍒
I Trusted You (Ghostface reader series) - coming soon
Wednesday Addams:
Are You Gonna Let Me In? 🍓
Cairo Sweet:
Inexperienced 🍒
Knuckle Deep 🍒🍑
You’re A Mystery - coming soon🥭🍒
Vada Cavell:
So High - Coming soon 🍓
Lorraine Day:
Church Mouse - Coming soon🍒
Good Luck, Babe! 🥥🥭
Mikey Madison: Requests Open
Mikey Madison:
Tired - Coming soon🥭
River (All Souls):
At All Costs - Coming soon 🥥
Max Fox:
Makeup Session 🥭
Amber Freeman:
Not What It Looks Like Pt. 1
Not What It Looks Like Pt. 2 🍒
Scream 1-6: Requests Open
Ghostface: (no specific one)
cooking up in drafts
Ethan Landry:
cooking up in drafts
Quinn Bailey:
Quiet - Coming soon 🍒
Mindy Meeks-Martin:
cooking up in drafts
Jill Roberts:
Drunk In Love - coming soon 🍒
Mean Girls 2024: Requests Open
Regina George 2024:
Is That a Threat or a Promise? 🍒🍑
Fake Dating - coming soon 🥭
Karen Shetty 2024:
When I Have You🥭
Joey Tribbiani:
Pottery Date - Coming Soon🥭
Monica Geller:
cooking up in drafts
Rachel Green:
She’s Her Lobster - coming soon 🥥🍒
Ellie Williams (TLOU):
Linger - coming soon 🍒
Fatal - coming soon 🥥
Paige Bueckers (UCONN Women’s Baskteball):
Red Dress - coming soon🍒
Deena Johnson (Fear Street):
Are We Still Friends - Coming soon 🥥
Miguel O’hara (Spider-Man ATSV):
cooking up in drafts
132 notes · View notes
ladygrit · 3 years
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every day... i think about them
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 4 years
Update to the list of arthurian books, now there are 668 books
I finally updated the whole list of arthurian books! While I am pretty confident of part 1, part 2 and part 3, the new part 4 is... a tentative list, because nowadays everyone can publish anything.
PART 4 (the new one) is now here
the rest of the update is under the cut
1954 - Half Magic (Edward Eager) [gr] 1967 - Page Boy of Camelot (Eugenia Stone) [gr] 1976 - A World Called Camelot (Arthur H. Landis) [gr] 1979 - Gawain and the Green Knight: Adventure at Camelot (Y. R. Ponsor) [gr] 1981 - Three Romances: Love Stories from Camelot Retold (Winifred Rosen) [gr] 1982 - Bride of the Spear (Kathleen Herbert) [gr] 1995 - The Sword of Camelot (Gilbert L. Morris) [gr] 1998 - Fang the Gnome (Michael G. Coney) [gr] 1998 - [1-4] Macsen's Treasure (Kathleen Cunningham Guler) [gr] 1998 - Quest for Camelot: Digest Novelization (Gardner, Vera Chapman) [gr] 1999 - The Lovers: The Legend of Trystan and Yseult (Kate Hawks) [gr] 1999 - [1-5] Merlin's Descendants (Irene Radford) [gr] 2007 - [1-10] Sir Gadabout (Martyn Beardsley) [gr] 2008 - Arthur and Guen: An Original Tale of Young Camelot (Koons, Igor Oleynikov) [gr] 2009 - [P] The Quest of Merlin (Richard Hovey) [gr] 2009 - Carnal Camelot (Anny Cook) [gr] 2009 - [AU] Two Knights in Camelot (Charlene Teglia) [gr] 2010 - [P] The Marriage of Guinevere (Richard Hovey) [gr] 2010 - [1-2] [AU] Shades series (Carol Oates) [gr] 2011 - [AU] King Arthur and the Dragon of Camelot (Frances Collier-Iovell) [gr] 2011 - [AU] A Hard Day's Knight (Simon R. Green) [gr] 2011 - Vampires of Camelot (Joanne Padgett) [gr] 2011 - Romance at Camelot (Mervyn Whittaker) [gr] 2011 - The Other Side Of The Mist (Kristi Lavery) [gr] 2012 - [1-5] Camelot Prophecies Series (Lady Antiva) [gr] 2012 - Arturius - A Quest For Camelot (David F. Carroll) [gr] 2012 - Shard of Galahad: The Camelot Prophecies (Lady Antiva) [gr] 2012 - Full Moon Over Camelot (Edward G. Talbot) [gr] 2013 - [1-3] New Camelot Series (Torie N. James) [gr] 2013 - The Crownless King (Phil Williams) [gr] 2013 - A Visit to the Kingdom of Camelot (R. L. Greenwood) [gr] 2013 - The Fearless Coward (Phil Williams) [gr] 2013 - Erotic Nights of Camelot (Lana Swallows) [gr] 2013 - Christmas in Camelot (Brenda Jernigan) [gr] 2013 - Mordred (Justine Niogret) [gr] 2013 - Countdown to Camelot (Bruce S. Hart III) [gr] 2013 - The Shadow of Camelot (Wendy Leighton-Porter) [gr] 2013 - The Werewolf of Camelot (Peter Joseph Swanson) [gr] 2014 - [1-3] [AU] Forever Camelot (J. Lynn McCoy) [gr] 2014 - Camelot Shadow (Sean Gibson) [gr]   2014 - The Prince of Camelot (Napoli St. Croix) [gr] 2014 - [AU] The Keepers of Camelot (Cheryl Pierson) [gr] 2014 - [AU] Time and Again: The Round Table Reincarnated (Jeremy Hone, Aadland) [gr] 2014 - [AU] The Quest for Camelot (Angela Schroeder) [gr] 2014 - [1-4] Legendary Saga (L. H. Nicole) [gr] 2014 - [1-3] [AU] Albion's Circle (Jessica Jarman) [gr] 2014 - The Robed Pretender of Mordred Castle (Fred La Lone) [gr] 2015 - Camelot's Enchantress Book One: The Blacksmith (Alexandria St. Claire) [gr] 2015 - Murder Comes to Camelot (Tim Ellis) [gr] 2015 - [AU] Blind Devotion: The curse of Camelot (McKendrick) [gr] 2015 - King Arthur - A Pantomime Adventure in Camelot (Paul Reakes) [gr] 2016 - Finding Camelot (Arthur - The Story of a King, #1) (C. G. Rucker) [gr] 2016 - [1-5] [AU] New Camelot (Sierra Simone) [gr] 2016 - [1-4] Britannia Series (Ana Alonso, Pelegrin) [gr] 2016 - [1-2] Camelot Returns (Heather Cimino) [gr] 2016 - Morgawse (Lavinia Collins) [gr] 2016 - The Once and Future Camelot (Felicity Pulman) [gr] 2016 - [AU] Once Upon a Time in Camelot (James Patrick Hunt) [gr]
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whatamonsterousau · 4 years
~Valve Monster AU~
Howdy, I figured I would go into detail about the characters considering that’s probably really important for people to know! In summary before we begin: monsters are real and make up basically the whole cast in this au, currently got two games in the mix, might add more someday. Let’s begin!
Gordon Freeman : Demigod, not something he’s entirely aware of, nor is he aware of whatever kind of power he might have as a result of this. Which means as a result almost nobody else is aware of this.
Eli Vance : That’s a Human Person! That’s just a fuckin’ dude!
Azian Vance : Kitsune, spends like 90% of her time in a human form. Not that she prefers being human, more that she’s worried other humans would prefer her as human. Most in the lab knows though, they all trust each other.
Alyx Vance : half-kitsune, Magic is weaker than her mom’s but she’s stronger (among other things) than a regular person and can make weak illusions at a moment’s notice. So overall, seems human at a glance, 100% not human. (Or would it be 50% not human?)
Barney Calhoun : Not directly recognized as a monster, but his lineage used to have Valkyries which are considered nonhuman.
Isaac Kleiner : Witch!! Potions on the side of science!!! Finding where the “normal” laws of the world end and where “magic” begins! Still pretty scatterbrained tho.
Lamarr : She’s a will-o-wisp and Kleiner’s familiar! She’s very lovely but isn’t afraid to spook people by taking surprising forms. Especially Barney. love Iand magic) is stored in the flying fireball!
Gina Cross : A pixie! Not the kind with wings or anything, she’s just very short and some nonhuman qualities about her. And maybe magic at her fingertips that she’s more than willing to apply to experimental items. Also, by proxy, she can’t be possessed, which is good for working with ghosts.
Colette Green : Decended from giants!! She’s tall and durable, but careful when she has to be. It doesn’t get in the way of her throwing herself into her work, but it can be tiresome.
Arne Magnusson : A tommyknocker, overall he’s much more comfortable underground. Likely nocturnal too. Overall not a fan of cities.
Wallace Breen : This man is also a human person, just a shit one.
Adrian Shepherd : Changeling, though this wasn’t discovered until he joined this military. Bit of a shock to his family.
G-Man : Ghost, and a powerful one at that. Might be acting under someone or something as a representative.
Left 4 Dead
William “Bill” Overbeck : Undead of some kind, technically always falling apart and decaying. Hates it, but can’t seem to die, so it’s better to just recooperate and keep going.
Coach : Selkie, and balancing a life out of the ocean with his husband and son and in the ocean with his family. He’s having a nice time. At least until the au really kicks off but ehh—
Francis : A ghost, more specifically some kind of vengeful spirit? Well, he tries to be nice but it isn’t his fault he catches on fire sometimes.
Nick : Vampire! Overall he. Probably gives the most general difficulty to the team just trying to vibe by existing but that’s okay they love him anyways.
Louis : Witch! Nephil though they’re not allowed to learn too much magic and too powerful magic because of the nephil thing. Too much magic misuse makes the half-Angels fall, even if there are good intentions. :pensive:
Rochelle : A flower Nymph! Seeing as she is a walking plant, more or less, she’s probably the most obviously not a person, which sucks for her but she can manage.
Zoey : Jersey Devil, the cryptid. In the au there’s more than one, probably not just really centered to any kind of Jersey, and she’s one of the younger ones. She can take a human disguise kind of form that works on anyone who can’t see through magic.
Ellis : Werewolf, in a pack with his friends. He doesn’t have any obvious bites, but he’s not a born werewolf. Here, lycanthropy is a really easily spread disease, so if you like. Donate blood or something that could lead to infecting someone else.
Thank you for reading if you took the time to read and I hope you liked it ^^
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astralnymphh · 5 months
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werewolf!ellie would be hairy as fuck— to put it plainly. if you asked me to be more explicit about which parts exactly, I'd tell you that every single crevice of her body zipped away from the all-seeing daisy— the bright eye of day— is bristly with appeal, and meant for no curious touch but yours. scaling over the rigid sill of your open window on crescent-mooned nights (with clear-cut consent texted beforehand, of course), ellie allows those fingers curling with excitement one could feel throbbing in the tips of to explore those crevices. hell, she encourages it— viva voce, "touch me there. mhm, you got it. don't think about takin' em off, just shove it down there— fuck," pressing a moan through her dense breath as the hand you've wedged between your stood, hotly grinding bodies combs its way through a thick and scruffy bush and lands upon a beating bead, you know the one. "god, feel how wet my pussy is? fuck— babe, know why i'm here now?" cooed she, softly spoken questions against the little growls she branded into your collarbone, her tongue ironing the indents. once your digits formed an orbiting motion on her needy, needy clit, she couldn't resist the reflex to buck any longer. each and every strand— that of her happy trail and pubes— brushed along your wrist, delighting that odd fixation with her unshorn bod you'd abandon all morals to continue tangling knuckles in.. forever.
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