oopsallsyscourse · 10 months
Anyway since I wanna get my fucking rage out here's my response to elmani- I mean grain o salt.
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And now time to cuddle my boyfriend! See ya!
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Anyway block dancingpuddle
Posts on elmani: 1 2
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mimigoey · 1 year
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my drawing of Sarga :3
Last night before going to bed I finished reading 'Fins above' by Miroymon @elmani . I wanted to post an appreciation for this great novella. This is the greatest work of xeno-fiction I've ever read. After H. P Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu I haven't been able to find something equally interesting. It's about a young catfish named Sarga and his story of revenge against the deep shoal that's responsible for his wife's death. There are different shoals in the sea that are at war with each other. The salt shoal is suffering from pain and loss that the deep shoal has inflicted upon them. Sarga's conflicting identify is part reason why he had to go through a lot of struggles. He is a siren, he's rejected and exiled. He murders the one who killed his wife olila and the one who raped his friend silvur. He sides with the deep shoal as their spy to deceive them and save the salt shoal. Sarga feels no remorse for his actions and hopes that they will save future generations from threats. From my POV Sarga's revenge had a meaning. Later Clayfin makes him realise that revenge is not the solution for his troubles. Because of him, Sarga is brought back to calm and they uncover the meaning of the prophecy of blue flame together. Due to Anchor's death Marlene's rule comes to an end and Agir ascends the throne as kingpin. Though Sarga couldn't become the kingpin he's welcomed back at the salt shoal, where he was brought back to life by shell belly and sponge. Salt shoal is peaceful once again and Silvur has a new glider. Briny is also back with her but that singing voice from the deep shoal calls for another investigation.
Finally a question remains. What is the meaning of the human and merfolk symbol in the castle? Agir asked Marlene but she has no idea what it is about. That is a story to be told another day.
I recommend this novella to everyone, my friends online and offline. I enjoyed it thoroughly, it's fun to imagine each detail about the events and the characters. The author's writing style is what I'd call, savoury. The journey from the beginning to the end was delicious and I even recall certain lines and images when I'm engaged in something else. It has left me with a huge hangover. The description of the shoals and fish, their clay beds, crystals and fishy smell attracted me. I thank the author for making this available to read. There are supporting content like a map of the sea shoals, the wars, character info etc. So take a swim in this ocean of fantasy!
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scarsmood · 1 year
U not speak bad about Scar >:( he doing his best at infection alright /j
He is BAD at it.
Someone has to say it! He has to know!! How else will he improve! Its tough love but maybe one day,,,it can go from 0 to 1
Thanks elmani lol
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twelvesaints · 2 years
Twelve Saints: The Story So Far
Twelve Saints #1
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In Twelve Saints #1 we learn how and why the Kingdom of Elmany was divided into North and South in a flashback, and jumping forward in time we meet both the Council of Saints and Zeila Newton. The Council is meeting in preparation for the next day’s Apostle Exams and discusses recent events nationwide, while Zeila has breakfast with her family and talks about her desire to become a Saint like her idol, the Saint of Light and de facto head of state, Marie Adonai. She leaves for the library to study and crosses paths with the mysterious and reclusive Saint of Darkness. The Saints of Fire and Water. Juno Soleil and Alice d’Arnaud meet at a café to talk about Juno’s predecessor— and the legacy he left behind.
Twelve Saints #2
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In Twelve Saints #2 we meet Tini Charre, the orphaned daughter of the previous Fire Saint who has ignored all attempts by her home Church of Fire to reach out to her. We flashback to the day her father died to see how it unfolded, and who was responsible. Back in the present, she flies to the site of the 24th Apostle Exams and joins the other candidates including Zeila, who is instantly enamored with her. Inside, they have a short conversation where she rebuffs Zeila’s advanced coldly before they both take their seats in their exam rooms to start the written test.
Twelve Saints #3
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In Twelve Saints #3 we open after Zeila has just completed her written test. She is joined by three other candidates who finished earlier: the cool Decapre, the rambunctious Max Faraday, and Tini Charre, who is still cold towards her. They all become acquainted. At the arena where the practical exams will be contested by the top 50 candidates from the written exams, the Twelve Saints and a few of their Bishops mingle as the crowd fills. Juno’s Bishop William Sterling takes an interest in Isaac’s Bishop, the mysterious Curie, and we learn more about her past. Light Saint Marie Adonai announces that the practical exam will be a Battle Royale.
Twelve Saints #4 out Winter 2022!
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pencilcelsus · 2 months
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Administrative Divisions of the Transelman People’s Republic.
apr 30-may 2 [482-484]
Transelman People’s Republic
The People's Republic of Transelmany is a country in the south central regions of Kedavaara. It is almost equal in size to its northern neighbor Ciselmany, but still the smallest country on the continent, being only very slightly smaller. It has a wide range of climates, from dense jungles in the northern mountain regions, to desert in the eastern border it shares with the Velsh Union. It is unique in the fact that all of its borders are natural, the Voromir Rivers make up the entirety of its western border, the Haqimi Desert delineates its eastern border, and the Elman Mountains are its northern border. It was once part of the Kingdom of Elmany, but a seven year-long rebellion led by Yemisi Fayowa against the Royal Elman Church in the southern half of the kingdom resulted in the Treaty of Haal, signed pre-emptively to avoid a Civil War. The treaty redefined the former province of South Elmany as the People's Republic of Transelmany, with the rest of the kingdom in the north renamed as the Kingdom of Ciselmany.
Elmany is the oldest continuously inhabited society on Kedavaara. It can trace its history back to the year 0 AL (Anno Lumens, the year Lumen appears) when the first Saint, Lumen, is said to have been visited by the Lord of Light, and bestowed the power of Lumination, a connection to the flux that manifests as the ability to generate, refract and emit light waves and particles. Lumen was a nomad about whom little is known. But he created the Church of Light, and gained numerous followers. His visitation is said to have occured at the peak of the Elman Mountains, and as such it is sacred ground for Elmans. Lumens made a pilgrimage from the peak, following the River Elin down until he arrived at an inland lake. He found a small village closeby, and joined them. He amazed them with his miraculous Lumination, and this village became his first followers. Lumen organized and grew the village, and it would eventually become the city of Øfa. Lumen's Church was not a kingdom, and he was not a King. Øfa practiced collective leadership, and were able to subsist on agriculture and fishing. As time passed, the descendants of Lumen and his followers would come to adopt the practices of their neighbors in order to defend themselves from aggression, creating armies and commodifying land and the crops that were grown on it in order to participate in regional trade (to afford those armies). By 140 AL, the North fell into regional war. It would last for twelve years until Rodrick, the king of a city called Haal, was able to defeat the other armies and bring them under his charge. When Rodrick's army arrived at Øfa, they surrendered and were incorporated into his new kingdom. Lumen was long dead by this point, but his descendants had all inherited his Lumination. One of them was Amina, who would fall in love with Rodrick. He would take her back to the capital of his new Kingdom, Haal, and marry her there. As Queen, Amina would make the Church of Light the seat of Rodrick's power, and convert the majority of the Kingdom's subjects to what became known as Lumenity.
Their son Kevin would inherit the same powers as Amina, but an especially powerful variation of it. When Rodrick died in 170 AL, Kevin would become King. He would begin the campaign to expand the Kingdom of Elmany, as it was now called, southwards from the Elman Mountains down to the Kylan Ocean. It would take him twenty years, but in 230 AL he succeeded in conquering the entirety of North and South Elmany, with the exception of the Green: a dense jungle inhabited by followers of an ancient spiritual religion also known as the Green. They wielded a connection to the flux that manifested as the ability to control plant life, and natural toxins. Rodrick tried to invade the Green twice in 232 and 233 AL, but his expeditionary forces were completely destroyed both times. In spite of this, Rodrick had more soldiers, and the ability to dam the Voromir River that was vital to the Green's sustenance. In 236 AL they agreed to become vassals of Elmany, paying tributes and relinqushing control of their borders in exchange for Elmany promising not to dam the river. At this point Elmany had become by far the largest country on the continent, and was able to develop rapidly thanks to its abundance of both natural resources and arable farmland. It was also able to achieve a prolonged period of peace thanks to its natural, highly defensible borders. Other countries would eventually achieve unity and stability, but Elmany was almost two centuries early.
By 640 AL, Elmany under King William had entered into an advanced stage of the societal decay that Hagios of the West Plateau had written about centuries earlier. The monarchy was wasteful and the country had experienced extremely uneven development, as future monarchs after Rodrick had neglected the even-handed approach he brought to policy, focusing on wealth accumulation and extravagance in the capital at the expense of the rest of the country, especially South Elmany. The Green at this point were a notable exception, being de facto independent once again, as the agreement allowing Elman Royal Deacons to be stationed within their territory had been allowed to expire a century ago because Elmany did not bother to enforce it. Their new leader Qa'ri loathed the monarchy, but was keen on avoiding an armed confrontation with the Kingdom. The rest of South Elmany was badly mismanaged, and rife with corruption. Royal authority in the region was weak, and several parts had fallen under the control of wealthy nobles, such as the Lake Lords in the southwestern Riverlands province. This situation was clear even to members of the Royal Elman Church, as Lumen's once humble following was now known. The King ruled Elmany in the Church's name, and it employed a vast network of agents known as disciples, who served as the country's primary security apparatus. The elite force was maintained by conscripting youths with powerful connections to the flux, varied in rank from Disciple at the bottom to Archbishop at the top, and the most powerful flux users in the Church were Bishops or higher. However, its large size meant that it was very prone to factionalism and subversion, with numerous scandals relating to both corruption and attempted treason. Accountability was hard to come by, and the people of Elmany were often the victims of brutal repressions and abuses of authority at their hands. The Royal Deacons were a special company of disciples in the Church who had special administrative authority, serving as vassals for the King. The majority of territories outside the capital province were governed by Royal Deacons, who commanded their own detachments of Church disciples.
But not all royal disciples were as ruthless. Yemisi Fayowa was a Bishop in the Royal Elman Church, serving in the capital. Already bitterly resentful of her society, that resentment turned into total disillusionment when a series of very harsh discriminatory measures against users of 'dark' flux by King William was enacted later that year. She would spend the next eight years researching the history of anti-monarchist activity all over the continent: research that would lead her to Hagios of the West Plateau and his seminal work On Monarchy. By the end of the decade, she would publish her first book, Deadline, in Elmany. It detailed the decay brought about by the monarchy and predicted a hard deadline of 10 years before Elmany would collapse unless a full-scale revolution abolished royal authority nationwide and replaced it with a people's government directed by the workers and peasants of the country, through a vanguard in the form of a New Elman Church which would rule according to hagioist principles. Despite the fact that most of Elmany's population was not literate, it still managed to spread far and wide; eventually reaching even beyond Elmany's borders and being translated into other languages. This was an act of open treason by a sitting Royal Bishop, and King William put a warrant out for her immediate arrest after banning the book from legal circulation. By this point, Fayowa had recruited fellow Bishop Gordon Alastair to her side, laying out a plan for what she called a Protracted Rebellion in South Elmany that could establish dual power alongside the Royal Authority before eventually smashing it with mass uprisings of radicalized workers, students and peasants in a deliberately slow process that would avoid a full-scale war that would undoubtedly destroy them. As they were about to leave Haal for the mountain, they saw that a Deacon, Zainab Garba, had been arrested for distributing copies of Deadline in the capital. They returned to free her from prison, before escaping together to South Elmany. They were also joined by seven-year-old Princess Marie Adonai, heir to the Elman throne, who had read Deadline in secret and followed her friend Gordon in the hopes of joining the Protracted Rebellion. She could not follow them that night, but Garba arranged for her to be smuggled to them once they established a base of operations in the South.
In 650 AL, inside a small encampment on the south face of the Elman Mountains, Yemisi Fayowa, Gordon Alastair and Zainab Garba created the Transelman Church of Saints and promoted Zainab to the rank of Bishop within it. Just one year later, now with a network of several hundred new apostles, and thousands of students & workers in their vanguard, the hagioists would liberate the nearby city of Muntbatten in the northeastern Altus province of South Elmany: which was home to the Royal Academy and a literate student population already familiar with Deadline, since censorship was much harder to enforce in the South. On 12 Sasanka AL the Muntbatten hagioists successfully defeated the Royal Bishops stationed there, capturing their Royal Deacon. The hagioists immediately begin the work of occupying Muntbatten, seizing authority from all former nobility and royalist sympathizers, handing it over to the allied peasantry. Fayowa declared the foundation of the Transelman People's Republic later that day from the provost outlook of the Academy, with her Church as its central governing body. In line with the hagioist theories described in Deadline, several new organs of power are created to establish dual power with existing royal institutions: the Council of Bishops; functioning as the highest level of central authority, and workers' councils called basilicas that would inhabit regional power, and give confidence to the Council of Bishops. By 658 AL, the entirety of South Elmany had come under the control of the Transelman Church of Saints, and more than half of its cities and towns had established governing basilicas. Transelmany would also gain formal recognition from its northern neighbor later that year when the Treaty of Haal was signed by Sofie Adonai, the younger sister of Marie Adonai who had inherited the throne in her stead after King William's death.
The young nation would be plunged into war only one year later, due to factionalism in the Council that resulted from the protracted approach the rebellion took. At that time, the TCS temporarily split into three camps who disagreed over how the new nation should be administered: the Sofiaraka, led by Victoria Windsor, wanted a mode of decentralized federal government that would give more ideological flexibity to local authority; the Voromiraka, led by Yemisi Fayowa, preferred a unitary system that concentrated authority in a single body as described in Deadline; the Lumenists, led by Leona Lumenosa, did not believe that organized government was possible in the prairie region. The Lumenists took a defensive non-aggressive stance, so most fighting was between the Voromiraka and Sofiaraka. The Green did not participate but Qa'ri had made an agreement with Fayowa to restrict entry to Sofiaraka apostles while allowing the free movement of her Voromiraka apostles through her domain, a massive logistical advantage for the mountain-based troops. By the summer of 661 AL fighting had reached a stalemate along the prarie-mountain transition line, but several key urban centers in the coastal region established Voromiraka control and opened new fronts in the Sofiaraka rear. After the Velsh Union intervened in the war from the east to aid the Voromiraka (repaying the favor her apostles had done the VLB years earlier when they offered training and soldiers in the revolution against the Velsh Kingdom) the war came to a swift conclusion on the battlefield. The war officially ended on the second day of the year in 663 AL after Qa'ri agreed to incorporate the Green into the Transelman People's Republic as a special autonomous diocese that would maintain its existing internal political structure while sending delegates to the newly-created Transelman Basilica (made up of delegates from the regional basilicas). Residence would remain invite-only, but all Transelman citizens would be allowed to visit. The country's capital was moved from the wartime seat of voromiraka power, Karasili (renamed after the war as Yemisiilu after Fayowa), to the coastal city of Sylens, a hagioist stronghold that had liberated itself without TCS intervention during the Protracted Rebellion and maintained a heavy Voromiraka presence ever since. All the new facilities for the Transelman Basilica and the People's Commissariats (departmental agencies staffed by Transelman Basilica appointees, responsible for specific areas of national importance such as labor, agriculture, information and education) were built there, but to avoid internal disruption and with the historically uneven development of South Elmany in mind, the city's population was strictly controlled.
The country entered into a prolonged period of stable development after that. Its official ideology was reclassified as Hagioism-Fayowaism in the time after the Civil War ended and the newly renamed Council of Saints (with all its Rebel Archbishops— as they had become during the war— now promoted to the rank of Saint) & Transelman Basilica successfully implemented a series of successive five-year plans for the country that greatly accelerated its development. The dioceses of Transelmany are the primary territorial divisions of the country. Similar in nature to the provinces of a kingdom, Transelmany's dioceses are designed to allow regional authorities take administrative policy decisions specific to their area. Yemisi Fayowa, Gordon Alastair and Zainab Garba formulated the administrative structure of the Transelman People's Republic in 658 AL after the Treaty of Haal. The country would be divided into 10 dioceses (not counting the autonoumous Green) within three national subregions roughly corresponding to the local geography and prevalence of flux alterations: Gravity, Time & Space in the mountain region; Poles, Lightning, Stone & Wind in the prairie region; Water, Light & Fire in the south coast region. Each diocese would contain enough parishes to encompass each of its major population centers. Workplaces and collective farms within each parish are governed by councils of local workers, known as basilicas. Each local basilica sends delegates to to their city/town basilica, which in turn sends delegates to their diocese basilica. Each diocese basilica works within their respective Church, holding regional authority alongside Church apostles. The Transelman Basilica is the national-level worker council, made up of delegates from the diocese basilicas, who will work with the Saints and Council of Commissars (the second-highest authority in Transelmany after the Council of Saints, made up of the leaders of each People’s Commissariat) to enact national policy and represent their regional basilicas. In times when the Saints are in their dioceses or on field assignments, the Transelman Basilica carries out administrative duties. This structure remains virtually unchaged today, with the addition of the new Church of Darkness carved out from the Church of Space in 677 AL being the only update.
Transelmany now remains peaceful and prosperous, but like the UVHE still faces occasional violence and terrorism from groups that oppose hagioism. Transelmany outperforms the Kingdom of Ciselmany in several key metrics, and every single population center now has a higher population than it did before the Protracted Rebellion. Yemisi Fayowa died in 678 AL, six years after an assassination attempt left her critically wounded and unable to work in the field as she once had. Her old friends Zainab Garba and Gordon Alastair led the council jointly in her stead until she died, at which point Garba ceded sole responsibility to Alastair. Alastair became the de facto leader of the now twelve-person Council of Saints for a relatively short transition period before ceding the leadership role to a now fully-grown Marie Adonai in 683 AL. At her initiatve, Transelmany has seen several notable changes to longstanding policies, a gradual shift that has led to the characterization of her leadership by outside observers as embodying a new hagioist ideology known as Marie Adonai Thought, largely defined in contributions to hagioist theory she made as a Bishop between 676 and 680 AL.
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cosmocitypk · 3 months
Welcome to CosmoCity, your one-stop destination for all your beauty needs! Explore our wide range of top-notch products from leading brands like Keune, Gabrini, Elmani, Skin Doctor, ICY Mont, and Impala.From luxurious haircare by Keune to vibrant makeup options by Gabrini, we've got everything to keep you looking and feeling your best.Treat your skin to the best with dermatologist-approved solutions from Skin Doctor, while ICY Mont offers refreshing grooming essentials. Complete your look with professional nail care from Impala. At CosmoCity, we're committed to providing you with the finest beauty products that are sure to dazzle and delight.
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insertsyscoursehere · 8 months
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To: Cambrian and Elmani
From: Nezumi, with love <3
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objectcrushsuggestions · 11 months
Elmani is that you?
Idk if this is directed to other anons or us (we are not Elmani?)
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444names · 2 years
quenya names BUT including "an"
Admostanwë Airrónani Airyatanor Alaiands Alanderul Alanil Alanor Alcanaxë Alcand Alcandë Aldaneno Aldangamin Aldanyata Aliornanyë Allanca Allangwa Almandises Almangs Almanto Alphannaxë Amandlem Amantura Ambarant Ambindian Anandayel Anatandi Ancando Andilin Andilling Andoressë Andoron Anelya Anictuamor Annamandë Annands Annórind Antauromen Anturcamo Apandë Arandari Arandel Aranden Arandil Arandin Arando Arandor Aranna Arantay Aranwincar Arcardan Arfanitern Artani Arvand Astanyároc Ataman Atandórë Atanon Atatandil Atatany Aulanyar Aulendanë Avandana Avanya Avyhantië Awarannar Axandë Axango Basano Bastand Beatan Beavang Bindilmand Birnando Blanden Blontan Brianya Calahani Calana Calandúna Calanna Callan Calman Calmang Calmanin Candon Cangar Cannanweld Canwar Canáravars Carmanya Casanóred Cassarman Chander Chradfans Cilmands Ciryand Ciryanyaf Ciryondang Clownfang Coplandil Cordiévan Cormano Cánange Damandinwë Darónan Datalands Demmacant Devanamitë Devandacar Elarantë Elcanónar Eldamando Eldamanil Eldanyar Eldavand Elenyanda Elflan Elflyanna Elmand Elmandil Elmani Elmanár Elvehtan Elvestandë Endando Endanel Ennaxany Enquanifin Erucandë Eruirrana Essandë Essëang Estalangs Etyarman Eäranë Eärwhanong Faiantë Falaithan Falantë Falanyë Falman Fandalmë Fandandi Fandil Fandon Fangeman Fangwed Fannat Fastan Fatafancë Fattana Feavan Finangs Findiantir Flanwë Foanyar Foldandë Foreanyar Forianatta Foruhang Foryanys Frannon Frianwë Frimman Fëanyárage Galmandórë Garandis Glorgeman Gnolanna Golliandú Grandëa Grianótë Hallan Hanastrem Hangassin Hantiming Hanárë Heavan Hilmanwë Hoottang Hoplan Horeavand Hranord Hraxan Hyanata Hyandinë Hyands Hyandúnë Hyanwë Hyanyata Hyarantir Hávantál Ilinandil Ilmindandi Ilwanwits Ilúvandë Inalani Indolanwë Irincandi Isiman Isinyang Islandë Istwan Itander Jewearmang Kembarcan Kintanta Ladfancava Lainguanya Laityanory Lalanyar Lamanária Lamitande Lampands Landin Landiénels Landon Landondern Landur Langolion Lanissë Lantarcar Lantárien Lanámo Lanárassë Lanórigher Lanótë Lastafanië Latano Lauran Leavanto Liandorigh Linanië Linquandë Litane Liévan Lofanyar Lonant Lownfany Lámangot Lámantar Macirdan Mahant Manairëa Manalimer Mandanië Mandil Mandistays Mandië Mandon Manduruong Mandúna Manelwer Mangth Manielpin Manistur Mantirin Mantorya Manárë Maranil Mareanë Mariandë Marmantalm Meldannat Mentant Mettan Mightarman Mindanossë Mingalan Mingoland Mornanórëa Mortaran Moryafand Mottóland Máhando Máhants Mámandië Márilman Míriana Nahandel Nanalmans Nandëa Nangolday Nannaráto Nanson Nanyar Nanysh Naraurani Narmant Naxandil Nimanta Noblanwë Noldands Nollandmo Norröan Nyanollon Nárianwë Nóriantar Núnaned Ohtandë Ohtaniel Oiondanna Ollianorde Ontandë Ormantron Orröandē Ostandë Outsimant Outyans Paland Pantule Parand Parantast Pellanoron Pitaman Plandandë Polanarë Poonang Poungwantë Praityand Quenanilmë Quendanita Raitanë Randil Rannata Reando Repvancë Rinaranyë Roangazed Roardaney Rocana Roossana Royannië Russantult Rómendëan Sanacil Sandern Sanduressë Santum Savano Searnan Shandi Shandil Shanwen Shanyelpë Shanárinyë Sicans Sinyshanwë Sornanlan Southand Spandë Stands Stanition Stannórë Stantar Stanwë Stanávaró Stlandil Swandë Taliman Tanaity Tanatars Tandilda Taneles Tanerion Tangwë Tantamar Tanyaráma Tanáva Tarant Tarmancar Tastantion Tatalance Tatantely Tataranda Telyantië Telónani Terland Theantirë Thlananto Thlannar Tilman Timantar Tinyastan Towvanwë Treanien Turanwë Tyando Tyanglië Tyarávan Tyatyant Táriando Ulmand Ulmantano Umbaran Umbarian Undanyávë Unmanwë Uruanni Uruliandë Valacande Valandar Valanders Valanwë Valanórë Valiandi Valiman Valman Valmantar Valmanya Vandambë Vandowme Vanduir Vanduron Vaniel Vanilmo Vanily Vanimo Vanárë Vastlandel Vindandur Vormannary Vëandider Waltanen Wanyar Warklyand Wavanna Weltanna Wervanta Westalan Westantë Wetanya Wilmanta Wrangolair Áranalia Árissantin Ëannar Íringaian Ñgoliévan Úmandust Úmanto Úmanyárëa
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jaquandor · 5 years
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Cazenovia Creek in Elma #cazenoviacreek #elmaNY #wny #autumn #nature https://www.instagram.com/p/B32VYK8g63L/?igshid=hb4hxlxcy22p
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oopsallsyscourse · 6 months
Who was elmani? I can't find much about them.
Basically, a tumblr user who dabbles in syscourse and did some shitty things. They consistently change their url/delete their blog, so it's hard to block them or even warn others about them.
Some shitty things they did off the top of my head.
1. Wish that our system was infertile
2. Sent anon hate to us after calling another user out for saying a slur
3. Made "kill the anti endo inside of you" merch, which with the accompanying text, bordered on a threat of physical violence.
4. Compared slaves adapting a religion they were forced to have (christianity) to tulpacourse.
5. Called another user (a tibetan buddhist, no less) a "token asian" for speaking out against the use of the term tulpa.
I ask that any further asks on the matter be sent to @plain-sailing-weather
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plain-sailing-weather · 2 months
So I have good reason to believe that elmani is back yet again. I'm not gonna do my usual shtick of calling them out in a meme since it seems like they're avoiding syscourse as of recently. I will however be dming their url upon request for those who wish to block them. Anyway stay safe everyone.
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kjservices23 · 5 years
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Nightmare project over, had a great night sleep hahaha. Scroll to see the before during and after! #nightmareproject #over #accomplished #done #cabientpainting #painting #KJServices #beforeandafter #call #book #now #upstate #elmany #ny #buffalo #thehelpyouarelookingfor (at Elma, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YOSdfBeZR/?igshid=aap08x3m5dml
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marykatewiles · 7 years
Come along with me and the good folks of @shipwreckedcomedy as we do our best to brave the LA heat and get into the autumn spirit at Underwood Family Farms!
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pencilcelsus · 2 months
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Major Contributions to Hagioism Before Yemisi Fayowa
apr 20-23 [472-475] // may 3-7 [485-489]
Hagios of the West Plateau (414-486 AL)
Hagios of the West Plateau was an academy lecturer who lived in the Ankylan Capital Region city of Seliana. A pious Lumentian, he was infamous for denouncing the rule of monarchies in both Elmany and his home country Ankylosante. His work On Monarchy would inspire Yemisi Fayowa into starting the first ever republican movement on Kedavaara, synthesizing his theories on societal decat under monarchy with her original ideas on political economy, coining the term Hagioism to describe her new ideology. Today, thebworks of Hagios are studied in Transelmany, the UVHE; and Vistok as part of the regular school curriculums as well as by scholars all over the continent.
Theodore of Ludwigberg (430-516 AL)
Theodore of Ludwigberg was a librarian from the city of Ludwigberg in the West Plateau of Ankylosante. He met Hagios while attending a lecture he gave and quickly befriended him. They would begin writing numerous anti-monarchist treatises, eventually attracting the attention of Anyklan King Adam, who branded them fugitives, and forced them to flee the Capital Region. As their writing spread, they began to travel across the continent to carry out academic work in secret. He would publish most of Hagios’ work after his death. Theodore coined the term ‘socialism’ to describe a hypothetical system of governance that would replace the monarchy.
Ju’nir Jufan (503-585 AL)
Ju’nir Jufan was a radical extremist from the Green who traveled to Elmany to assassinate then-King Timothy. Unlike most of her compatriots within the Green, she always took great interest in outside events and harbored great resentment for the kingdom that subjugated her nation for centuries. She would encounter Theodore of Ludwigberg in Elmany and become a student of his teachings. She only wrote one work, a pamphlet called The Resolution of the Question of the Green where she applied the analysis of society Hagios & Theodore espoused on the Green. Years later, Yemisi Fayowa and Qa’ri would incorporate the Green into Transelmany based on many of her ideas. She escaped from prison several times, eventually settling in the Velsh Kingdom until her death.
Kazelle Kitani (550-632 AL)
Kazelle Kitani was a noblewoman from Øfa, Northern Elmany. Born into a life of wealth, she resented the bitter inequality that characterized Elman society. She would attend the Royal Academu at Muntbatten and meet Ju’nir Jufan during one of her secret lectures. At those lectures, Kazelle would learn about the socialist writings of Hagios and several other academics. Eventually, she would return to the far North and join the Royal Elman Church. She rose through the ranks, eventually attaining the post of Archbishop in Soumis. She would write several Hagioist [retroactively described as such by Yemisi Fayowa] critiques of world events at the time, but towards the end of her life she began to denounce both the Church and the Crown more openly.
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