niadinet · 2 years
Jenis-Jenis Tanaman yang Cocok untuk Kolam Koi
Jenis-Jenis Tanaman yang Cocok untuk Kolam Koi
Sadamantra – Jenis tanaman air seperti apa yang cocok untuk kolam ikan koi menjadi aspek penting untuk dipikirkan. Terlebih, tanaman-tanaman itu bukan sekadar sebagai penambah keindahan, namun juga mampu menambah kualitas kolam koi. Tak bisa sembarangan, pemilik kolam pun perlu memerhatikan spesies tanaman yang cocok untuk hidup berdampingan dengan ikan koi. Selain itu, letak penanamannya juga…
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aquaplant · 7 months
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I’m obsessed with this fish! He’s so pretty and colourful. I read a lot about bettas. Did you know they are in the gourami family? And that they are some of the only fish to show parental care until they are free swimming.
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noneun · 2 years
Era il 21 Novembre quando...
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...decisi di riempire di terra un vasone 100x40 cm per avere in terrazzo qualcosa che potesse assomigliare il più possibile al giardino che non ho. E siccome nel mio ipotetico giardino ci sarebbe sicuramente un laghetto, ecco che ci ho infilato una vaschetta di plastica e due medaka nati nel mio mini pond. Il fil di ferro è ovviamente una protezione anti-gatto, per evitare che il vascone venga usato come lettiera o che i pesci vengano predati (sì, Luna, sto parlando a te).
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Nonostante l'intenzione mai cambiata di lasciar crescere le piante che fossero germogliate spontaneamente, un mese dopo ho deciso di interrare i bulbi di narciso trombone (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) e di Zafferano maggiore (Crocus vernus).
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Due mesi dopo era spuntato solo qualche ciuffetto di centocchio (Stellaria media), complice il freddo che aveva anche congelato parte della superficie del micro-laghetto.
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A fine Febbraio il centocchio aveva già colonizzato quasi tutto lo spazio ed era fiorito, e qualche bulbo aveva iniziato a spuntare.
Ma era solo il preludio all'esplosione di questa prima metà di Marzo:
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I pesciolini vivono tranquilli all'ombra del centocchio, ma l'acqua è un po' torbida. Ho provato ad aggiungere dell'Elodea densa, una pianta acquatica che assorbe nitrati e fosfati e rilascia ossigeno. Spero che inizi a crescere e a fare il suo lavoro.
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randomthunk · 11 months
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I have been wanting to draw my D&D group for a while now, but as with everything I needed the spark and over the weekend I got it. Clockwise from top: Craiac the aarakocra paladin, Tropos the air genasi rogue, Elodea the human druid, and Vashti the aasimar bard (my character).
There are reasons for everything being how they are, except for all of us being white haired anime protagonists. Didn't see that one coming.
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babygirlcowboy · 1 year
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I've always wanted to fu k her
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11thplace · 1 year
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Sold my old aquarium n used the money to set up a little planted tank
pristella tetras are seriously cute 💖
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precambrianhottopic · 11 months
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looking fuckin great tonight
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Botanical Names Part II
Names you can choose for your characters. Taken from the little signs in a botanical garden. So they are names of plants.
More names!
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marsuuna · 2 years
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recent oc redraws
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Word List: Water
beautiful words with "water" to pour into your next poem/story
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Backwater - an isolated or backward place or condition
Firewater - strong alcoholic liquor
Meltwater - water derived from the melting of ice and snow
Rosewater - affectedly nice or delicate; having the odor of rose water
Water flower - scum formed on the surface of a body of water by a bloom of plankton
Waterborne - upported, carried, or transmitted by water
Waterbuck - a stocky antelope (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) of sub-Saharan Africa that commonly frequent streams or wet areas
Watercourse - a stream of water (such as a river, brook, or underground stream)
Watercraft - skill in aquatic activities
Waterleaf - any of a genus (Hydrophyllum) of perennial or biennial North American woodland herbs with lobed or pinnate toothed leaves and cymes of bell-shaped flowers
Waterlily - an aquatic plant (such as a water hyacinth) with showy flowers
Waterscape - a water or sea view; seascape
Waterside - the margin of a body of water; waterfront
Waterweed - any of various floating or submerged aquatic plants (such as elodea) having usually inconspicuous flowers
Waterworn - worn, smoothed, or polished by the action of water
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Word Lists
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niadinet · 2 years
9 Tanaman Air Penghasil Oksigen untuk Akuarium dan Kolam
Sadamantra – Menambah kadar oksigen dalam air untuk akuarium maupun kolam salah satunya dapat dilakukan dengan menghadirkan tanaman. Ada beberapa tanaman air hias yang bukan hanya bisa menghasilkan oksigen, sehingga membuat lingkungan akuatik lebih sehat. Kehadiran tumbuhan-tumbuhan itu juga akan menambah keindahan akuarium dan kolam. Jika ditinjau dari jenisnya, terdapat beberapa jenis tanaman…
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vyeoh · 8 months
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Some dnd art from the funger themed campgin im in! Character of @elodeas
[Commissions open]
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rudegobbo · 4 months
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Elodea from Trine 4
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werewolfcave · 7 months
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Panther redesign as is legally obligated <3
I took inspirations from the following redesigns:
@kantr 's redesign that gives Ann short sleeves
@hurricanesunny 's very in-depth redesign which inspired the high collar (to match the boys) and the jacket having a design on the back
@gavalaa 's Icarus AU redesign of Ann which gives her that fabric wrapped around the waist (which I believe works as a good substitute for her tail which note-ably gets in the way according to Mementos Skits)
@redesignyourfave 's redesign of Ann that gives her those perfect little teeth on her mask and the sort of jumpsuit look
@theloversarcana 's redesign which had that perfect flare of Carmen on the side
@elodeas 's redesign which tbh has such a killer look but specifically inspired the jacket
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starlightmango · 22 days
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Princess Elodea, one of the PC's from a Fabula Ultima game I'm playing in.
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azure-recesses · 3 months
hey! could i possibly get some childe/tartaglia rentry graphics in blue? thank you!
Hope these are okay! Sorry for taking a while and thank you for requesting 🩵
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AC @/elodeas
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