#elsa forte
tenshichan1013 · 4 months
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frozen germany what a pleasure
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29JAN2023, SUN.
It’s been so long since I’ve watched a decent action movie and whaaaat daaaa F!!! This is absolutely good!!! I really loved it!!! Hats off to the writer, director, and of course, Elsa Pataky!! 🙌🏼💪🏼 I googled her and she’s 46??! With that body and physicality to be able to do her stunts?? Not to mention with 3 kids too?! NFW!!!
Watch Interceptor on Netflix you guys!!! Highly recommended!!
PS. Wait for that one arm monkey bars scene!! I’m like, you go girl!!! And oh, Chris Hemsworth’s cameo lololol
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lostoneshq · 2 months
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Notas OOC antes da leitura:
Vocês ainda podem e devem jogar na parte I do evento.
O evento encerra, oficialmente, no próximo Sábado, dia 20/04, às 23h59. Usem os próximos dias para continuarem as suas interações e, se quiserem, abordarem o que aconteceu no plot drop em interações novas.
Vocês podem fazer interações após o baile: no dormitório, em suas casas, onde quiserem... Contanto que não se precipitem e façam nada "no dia seguinte", até porque o evento vai ser finalizado junto com uma orientação sobre os ânimos no Reino dos Perdidos após o que aconteceu.
Qualquer dúvida, perguntem na inbox! Mas como sabem, o divertido é ter mistério, então algumas coisas não serão respondida propositalmente ;)
Espero que gostem!
WELCOME FESTIVAL capítulo 1, parte 2: os caídos e os escolhidos.
Você estava no salão de baile, no Palácio da Magia, quando tudo começou a ruir. E se eu falar que foi literalmente, você acredita? Calma, respira. Eu vou narrar a história direitinho... Não é isso que eu tenho feito? Eu diria que sou incrível contando histórias! Melhor até que— Enfim... Onde estávamos? Ah, sim...
Você está no salão de baile cercado de seus novos amigos — se é que você pode chamá-los assim... Só se passaram cinco dias. Você se diverte ao som da trilha sonora de Bridgerton, digo, ao som da orquestra mágica que tem ritmos muito parecidos com músicas populares do seu mundo. A comida é incrível, a bebida não acaba nunca... Esse baile é definitivamente o melhor open bar da sua vida.
Você decide ir até o jardim e interagir com as estrelas. Você sabe que elas não só deixam cair o pó delas em você e iluminam o seu caminho, como elas também cabem na sua mão? Elas descem lá do céu, não como bolas de fogo destruídas, como pequenas formas geométricas que você está acostumado a usar para representar estrelas.. E elas deitam na palma da sua mão. Brilham, brilham, brilham... Até se apagarem, como se tivessem ido dormir. É um momento lindo, essa conexão entre um humano e uma estrela.
Então é claro que você estranha quando chega no jardim e elas não estão por aí, caindo ou piscando no céu. É onze da noite, de acordo com o relógio da Fada Madrinha que deu onze badaladas há pouco (essa é uma informação importante, mas você não vai descobrir o porquê hoje). As luas são tudo o que você vê lá em cima, e você não sabe se isso faz parte da magia do local ou se as estrelas desaparecendo significa algum tipo de mau presságio. Você procura alguém que possa saber a resposta e encontra aqueles figurões importantes da Academia da Magia olhando para o céu espelhando a sua confusão. A forma que até Merlin parece aturdido gera certa comoção, claro que gera... Aos poucos, perdidos e habitantes clássicos se aglomeram no jardim; todos olhando na mesma direção.
"O que está acontecendo?" Você escuta a voz de uma mulher. Ao se virar na direção dela, percebe que se trata de Chapeuzinho Vermelho. Você a conheceu mais cedo, na Socialização. A avó dela também.
"É um aviso." Merlin responde, mas ele não dá nenhuma explicação; nem quando a Rainha Legítima, Guinevere, pede por uma.
"Todos para dentro." Merlin pede uma vez, você não sabe dizer se ele está bravo ou calmo. Nervoso, provavelmente. Ele levanta a voz na segunda: "Dentro. Agora."
Com tantas pessoas presentes naquele baile, as ordens do Grande Mago acabam sendo um pouco... caóticas. De repente, você está pisando no vestido de Elsa, tropeçando em Robin Hood e empurrando os pombinhos Romeu e Tadeu. Isso sem falar na Astrid que acabou de te dar uma cotovelada que com certeza vai deixar um roxo.
No fim dá tudo certo, porque a magia do reino é forte o suficiente para que o lugar esteja em expansão à medida que vocês se acomodam de volta no salão. É uma sala infinita, algo digno do País das Maravilhas. Aliás, você encontra o Chapeleiro Maluco procurando o chapéu dele que caiu na confusão e pensa se deve ir ajudar.
Você não tem tempo de ir porque primeiro, há um estrondo. É como o início de uma construção ruindo. Depois, o céu clareia. Não como o amanhecer, mas como se estivesse pegando fogo. Você fecha os olhos quando o clarão de luz atinge o salão de baile. O estrondo se torna tão forte que você precisa cobrir os ouvidos...
Então vem o silêncio. Todos olham ao redor, procurando por qualquer sinal de que algo mudou. E o engraçado é que, aparentemente, nada mudou. Tudo permanece o mesmo e até as estrelas voltaram a brilhar. Você vê alguém perguntando ao Dr. Frankenstein se "isso é um fenômeno científico", mas nem o cara da ciência desse mundo consegue responder.
"Pride Lands..." Você escuta a voz de Nala. Os olhares dividem-se entre ela e Merlin, porque é com o feiticeiro que ela fala. "Foi Pride Lands, não foi? Eu consigo sentir..."
"Me desculpe, Nala..." Merlin estende a mão, mas a mulher recua.
Simba e Sarabi carregam o mesmo pesar em seus rostos e até Scar respira pesadamente.
"O que está acontecendo, galera?!" Jane Porter repete a pergunta de Chapeuzinho Vermelho mais cedo.
Você procura as faces dos outros figurões daquele mundo que talvez tenham respostas também. Arthur, Guinevere, Morgana, Fada Madrinha, Jafar, Glinda, o tal Feiticeiro aleatório... Mas ninguém mostrar entender. Ninguém além de Merlin e Rumpelstiltskin, que partilham o mesmo olhar.
"O reino de Pride Lands caiu, destruído pelas forças que estão mexendo com esse mundo." Direto ao ponto — você talvez começasse a gostar mais de Rumpelstiltskin por isso. "Não há nada que possa ser feito."
"Nós não sabemos ainda." Merlin intervém, mas você não sabe se pode confiar no cara. Todo poderoso, né? Então cadê as soluções? "Mas, sim. O reino de Pride Lands—"
"Haviam pessoas lá!" A grande rainha-mãe Sarabi interrompe. Ela pode não estar em sua forma de leoa agora, mas se porta como uma. "Você prometeu que elas ficariam seguras. Você prometeu que o nosso reino—os nossos reinos estariam seguros!"
"Isso é maior do que o meu conhecimento, Sarabi." Merlin ergue o tom com ela. "Estamos tentando. Estou tentando." Antes da sua aventura naquele mundo, você nunca imaginaria que deuses poderiam ficar nervosos e serem vulneráveis... Mas, é claro, você nunca leu Percy Jackson; uma falha de caráter sua.
Sarabi deixa os ombros caírem e recua. Merlin se volta na direção de Lancelot, o chefe da Defesa, e dá uma ordem simples: "Procurem por sobreviventes em Pride Lands." Depois, ele olha para Morgana, referindo-se à Academia: "Aumentem a proteção nos outros reinos. Usem a magia escondida."
Magia escondida? Epa, calma! Assunto para outra hora!
Você não sabia que pessoas haviam sido deixadas para trás nos reinos, até porque esbarrou com vários desconhecidos-figurantes-aleatórios por aí. Mas faz sentido que alguns tenham ficado, é claro, porque os reinos não poderiam ser abandonados... E você aprendeu que, embora os grandes livros foquem em alguns nomes específicos, o Mundo das Histórias é rico em magia, em histórias individuais, em vida... Pessoas nasciam lá, cresciam lá, tinham vidas à parte das história da Branca de Neve e da Rainha Má, do Robin Hood ou de Howl.
Conforme a Defesa e a Academia começam a agir sob as ordens de Merlin, um grupo partindo para cada lado, o Rei Legítimo se faz ouvido. "Todos vocês: vão para as suas casas! Não se preocupem quanto a sua segurança, há uma barreira protetora nesse reino e nós providenciaremos proteção para todos os outros. Por favor, descansem! O nosso trabalho não irá cessar, mas Rumpelstiltskin estava certo, por mais que eu deteste concordar com um lagarto das trevas." Rumpelstiltskin dá o dedo do meio para o Rei. Você definitivamente tem um favorito. "Não há nada que vocês possam fazer agora."
Você aprendeu em seu curto tempo naquele mundo que a palavra de Merlin é essencial, mas a de Arthur é lei. Pouco a pouco, as pessoas ao seu redor começam a se dispersar; cada uma mais chocada que a outra. Muitos param para desejarem as suas condolências a Nala e Simba. Se você não vai dormir esta noite tentando digerir tudo o que está acontecendo, imagine eles: um rei e uma rainha sem um reino. Sem os seus súditos.
Antes de sair do salão de baile e voltar para o Centro de Contenção de Crise pelo mesmo caminho iluminado que o trouxe até o Palácio da Magia, você escuta algo que não deveria.
É a voz de Peter Pan. Ele conversa com alguém.
"Algo aconteceu no outro mundo também. O que Nala sentiu, eu também senti. Mas sei que não foi sobre a Terra do Nunca."
"O que pode ter acontecido?" Você não reconhece a voz, mas chuta que é Clarion pelo tom.
"Não sei! Não é como se eu pudesse sair daqui e descobrir, não é?" Ele está amargurado por isso, é nítido.
"Não, Peter, você não pode. Mas eu conheço algo que pode." Com certeza é a Rainha da Fadas, sempre disposta a resolver problemas... Menos os do seu relacionamento, pelo que as más línguas dizem. "Não fale com Merlin sobre isso. Não fale com ninguém. Não queremos piorar a situação e causar ainda mais caos."
Bom, você sabe! Que engraçado, não é? E o que você deve fazer com essa informação? Engolir e fingir que está tudo bem? Mais uma vez, você tenta sair do Palácio, dar o fora dali de uma vez por todas para pelo menos tentar pensar no que fazer, mas algo o impede.
Você sente uma dor aguda na palma de sua mão, como se alguém estivesse cortando a sua pele. Você grita, mas ela não para. Ao olhar para a sua mão, você vê algo escrito. Uma única palavrq rasgando a sua pele.
Ela desaparece logo depois que você lê, mas a dor permanece pelo resto da noite.
Mais tarde, você descobre que não é o único que recebeu uma tatuagem demoníaca do além. Seu colega de quarto e os outros perdidos com quem você se comunicou também. Todos concordam que não devem falar com Merlin ou os outros figurões sobre isso: vai que decidem colocar a culpa em vocês ainda mais que já estão fazendo!
Mas todos vocês foram marcados.
Todos vocês foram escolhidos.
Escolhidos para o quê?
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brokehorrorfan · 10 months
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The Universal Classic Monsters Collection will be released on 4K Ultra HD (with Digital) in digibook packaging on October 3 via Universal. Designed by Tristan Eaton, the eight-disc set is limited to 5,500.
It includes 1931's Dracula, 1931’s Frankenstein, 1932’s The Mummy, 1933’s The Invisible Man, 1935’s The Bride of Frankenstein, 1941’s The Wolf Man, 1943’s Phantom of the Opera, and 1954’s Creature from the Black Lagoon.
All eight films are presented in 4K with HDR10. The Spanish version of Dracula is also included. Special features are listed below, where you can also see more of the packaging.
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Dracula is directed by Tod Browning (Freaks) and written by Garrett Fort (Frankenstein), based on Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel. Bela Lugosi, David Manners, Helen Chandler, Dwight Frye, and Edward Van Sloan star.
Dracula special features:
Alternate score version by Philip Glass
Dracula (1931) Spanish version directed by George Melford
The Road to Dracula
Lugosi: The Dark Prince
Dracula: The Restoration
Dracula Archives
Monster Tracks
Trailer gallery
Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula bends a naive real estate agent to his will, then takes up residence at a London estate where he sleeps in his coffin by day and searches for potential victims by night.
Frankenstein is directed by James Whale (The Indivisible Man) and written by Garrett Fort (Dracula) and Francis Edward Faragoh (Little Caesar), based on Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel. Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, and Boris Karloff star.
Frankenstein special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Rudy Behlmer
Audio commentary by historian Sir Christopher Frayling
The Frankenstein Files: How Hollywood Made A Monster
Karloff: The Gentle Monster
Universal Horror
Frankenstein Archives
Boo!: A Short Film
100 Years of Universal: Restoring the Classics
Monster Tracks
Trailer gallery
Dr. Frankenstein dares to tamper with life and death by creating a human monster out of lifeless body parts.
The Mummy is directed by Karl Freund (Dracula) and written by John L. Balderston (Dracula). Boris Karloff, Zita Johann, David Manners, Edward Van Sloan, and Arthur Byron star.
The Mummy special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Paul M. Jensen
Audio commentary by Rick Baker, Scott Essman, Steve Haberman, Bob Burns, and Brent Armstrong
Mummy Dearest: A Horror Tradition Unearthed
He Who Made Monsters: The Life and Art of Jack Pierce
Unraveling the Legacy of The Mummy
The Mummy Archives
100 Years of Universal: The Carl Laemmle Era
Trailer gallery
An Egyptian mummy searches Cairo for the girl he believes is his long-lost princess.
The Invisible Man is directed by James Whale (Frankenstein) and written by R.C. Sherriff (Goodbye, Mr. Chips), based on H.G. Wells’ 1897 novel. Gloria Stuart, Claude Rains, William Harrigan, Dudley Digges, and Una O'Connor star.
The Invisible Man special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Rudy Behlmer
Now You See Him: The Invisible Man Revealed
Production Photographs
100 Years of Universal: Unforgettable Characters
Trailer gallery
A scientist finds a way of becoming invisible, but in doing so, he becomes murderously insane.
The Bride of Frankenstein is directed by James Whale (Frankenstein) and written by William Hurlbut. Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Valerie Hobson, and Elsa Lanchester star.
The Bride of Frankenstein special features: 
Audio commentary by film historian Scott MacQueen
She’s Alive! Creating The Bride of Frankenstein
The Bride Of Frankenstein Archive
100 Years of Universal: Restoring the Classics
Trailer gallery
Dr. Frankenstein, goaded by an even madder scientist, builds his monster a mate.
The Wolf Man is directed by George Waggner (Operation Pacific) and written by Curt Siodmak (I Walked with a Zombie). Claude Rains, Warren William, Ralph Bellamy, Patric Knowles, Bela Lugosi, and Lon Chaney Jr. star.
The Wolf Man special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Tom Weaver
Monster by Moonlight
The Wolf Man: From Ancient Curse to Modern Myth
Pure in Heart: The Life and Legacy of Lon Chaney Jr.
He Who Made Monsters: The Life and Art of Jack Pierce
The Wolf Man Archives
100 Years of Universal: The Lot
Trailer gallery
Larry Talbot returns to his father's castle in Wales and meets a beautiful woman. One fateful night, Talbot escorts her to a local carnival where they meet a mysterious gypsy fortune teller.
Phantom of the Opera is directed by Arthur Lubin and written by Eric Taylor (The Ghost of Frankenstein) and Samuel Hoffenstein (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). Claude Rains, Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster, and Edgar Barrier star.
Phantom of the Opera special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Scott MacQueen
The Opera Ghost: A Phantom Unmasked
Production Photographs
100 Years of Universal: The Lot
Theatrical trailer
An acid-scarred composer rises from the Paris sewers to boost his favorite opera understudy’s career.
Creature from the Black Lagoon is directed by Jack Arnold (The Incredible Shrinking Man) and written by Harry Essex and Arthur A. Ross. Richard Carlson, Julia Adams, Richard Denning, Antonio Moreno, Nestor Paiva, and Whit Bissell star.
Creature from the Black Lagoon special features:
Audio commentary by film historian Tom Weaver
Back to the Black Lagoon
Production Photographs
100 Years of Universal: The Lot
Trailer gallery
A group of scientists try to capture a prehistoric creature luring in the depths of the Amazonian jungle and bring it back to civilization for study.
Pre-order Universal Classic Monsters Collection.
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juliebmlog · 2 months
Hear me out
I've been in the Helsa fandom for only three months now, I'm basically the new bitch here, but I cannot understand how NOBODY THOUGHT OF DOING A FANFIC ABOUT ALL IS FOUND
I literally found today that the book exists because I'm nosy and like to see old posts, but THE POTENTIAL?!
I would love to write a continuation of Coronation Day, like exploring Elsa's feelings and analyzing why was Hans in her dream, and all of that would lead eventually to Helsa (I haven't fully thought about it)
The problem is, I cannot write, seriously I am a mess at it, not my forte
But you absolutely amazing people who have been long in the fandom and are blessed with writing abilities, what are you waiting? This is pure gold opportunity
So just... think bout it
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mybabygirlelsa · 6 months
Elsa in Frozen III / IV
I've been thinking about Frozen 3 and 4 a lot lately (surprise, surprise) and while I am beyond excited about the epicness we're promised, what I really want to see (and hope they will show us) is Elsa being the dork we all know she is. Don't get me wrong, Frozen 2 did have such moments; but now Elsa is truly, actually, properly, fully free to be herself. And just thinking about it makes my heart burst.
Like, I imagine this idiot being absolutely unhinged.
She does competitive swimming against the Nokk, and cannonballs into piles of snow/leaves with Bruni. She takes naps with the Giants, and dances with Gale. She goes around the Enchanted Forest singing songs and having snowball fights, which she loses because she plays fair. She races barefoot against Honeymaren and Ryder while they're riding their reindeer. She makes horrible puns that she delivers with winks and finger guns, she sets up silly pranks that everyone finds twice as amusing because of her blissful maniacal gremlin giggles. She plays hide-and-seek with the Spirits, and climbs trees just to land cat-like behind Anna to spook her when she visits the Forest. She makes snow slides for the children, and they have so much fun with it, that she joins in the game, too. She sends thousands of letters to her sister to tell her about all the new fish and birds and animals she's encountered, and then makes forts in the Castle Library to read all about them. She brings new flowers for Anna's study every week, which she spent days picking because she wanted only the best for her little sister. She's still terrible at charades but now she jokes about it. She talks to Kristoff about reindeer endlessly, mentioning the names that she assigned to those in the Forest, leaving him confused but happy to converse with his sister-in-law about something that he loves. She brings the Northuldra chocolate. She gets up every morning to watch the sunrise, and stops whatever she's doing to watch the sunset. She hides little snowmen all around the castle for Anna to find when she's having a bad day. She counts how many leaves fall from Olaf's favorite tree to help him keep track. She sneaks carrots to Sven. She randomly lies on the ground to sunbathe. She makes bets with Anna about where it will snow first, and whoever wins gets to put the carrot on the snowman they build wherever it snowed.
She's this sweet, fun-loving, mischievous, and happy person that everyone wants to be around, because she's so fucking interesting and fun and smart and kind. She's the person she was forced to hide. She's having the fun she missed all those years, and she does childish things just because she can, because she's finally free; free to explore the world and learn new things, free to feel her emotions. She's finally free to show herself.
And she's overjoyed to be alive.
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nemosisworld · 4 months
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Suffit-il donc que tu paraisses
De l’air que te fait rattachant
Tes cheveux ce geste touchant
Que je renaisse et reconnaisse
Un monde habité par le chant
Elsa mon amour ma jeunesse
O forte et douce comme un vin
Pareille au soleil des fenêtres
Tu me rends la caresse d’être
Tu me rends la soif et la faim
De vivre encore et de connaître
Notre histoire jusqu’à la fin
Louis Aragon
Ph. Leon Herschtritt_les amoureux Paris, 1962.
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marchsfreakshow · 5 months
Stranger, Lover. (Dandy Mott Imagine)
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Imagine being a person on the streets, and finding yourself watching a Freakshow through the peek's of the tent.....
I was tired from walkin'. There were lights ahead of me, so I kept going, kept pushing despite my legs wanting to give out right now. I ran. I ran and ran.
Elsa's Cabinet Of Curiosities, the sign said. I knew I couldn't pay for a ticket, so I sneaked. I snuck around until I peeked my head through a hole, and watched. A two headed lady. The Tattler Twins the police searched for, a few weeks back. Dwarves, Lobster Boy, Amazon Eve. I was happy to be sitting, and watching in the corner.
A tap on my shoulder made me stand up immediately. "What are you doing?"
"oh, uh. Nothing sir. I'm sorry sir...you see."
"calm down." His voice was sharp and quick. I could only guess where he was. "...come with me."
"I can't see you.." I replied sheepishly, but he grabbed my hand and took me around the back, where we found a working carousel. No one was on it. In the light I saw his face. A handsome man. "A carousel? Why here?"
"I think, you need some fun. None of the freaks are interesting. They cast me out."
"Cast you out? Why?" I asked, as he helped me onto a horse. The strange man just joined me on the back of the horse, holding onto me. I guess because there was no where else to hold.
"Because they don't think I'm one of them." Music sung in the air quietly. It was an amazing feeling, riding a carousel.
"Oh, why I'm sure you are though." I giggled. While i think he smiled, the carousel came to a stop almost immediately. The man got off and helped me off after. Lobster boy was infront of me. Two handsome men, I felt fuzzy. Embarrassment came over me, I wanted to run. Running away from my problems was my solution for everything. Flight over fight everytime.
"Lady! Don't go anywhere. Why are you here? With Dandy of all people." His accent was smooth. It stopped me from running, and I turned back around on my heel.
"I...uh, couldn't afford a ticket. Ticket lady wasn't there, so, I snuck in and..watched."
So, the man who rode the carousel with me was called Dandy. I didn't want to look away from his face, he didn't look away from mine. We exchanged smiles, before dandy carried on answering. "I personally, was walking around and happened to see this young woman here. I find you freaks boring. I wanted to show her a better time."
"Scram!! Right fucking now! Dandy you dont belong here, you know that." Lobster Boy continued.
"I hate you!!" Dandy screamed. He took my hand and we ran. Again. Back to running. The pain in my legs became obvious again. Darkness over took me, leaves crunched underneath us. The Freakshow disappeared behind us.
"please! Stop! I feel weak..." I wheezed, sinking to a stop and onto my knees. Everything hurt. I needed water, but I doubted I was gonna find any in the woods this dark.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt pretty lady?" Dandy asked. Pretty lady? That's a compliment.
"No...just..tired. My legs feel like jelly. I'm shaking. I've done nothing but walk and run for the past 3 to 4 hours. I think."
"Oh. Well, build us a tree fort. We can sleep in there."
I raised an eyebrow he couldn't see at him. "It's fine. Do it."
So I built in the dark, leaves, twigs, branches, anything and everything was used. As soon as I was done, I grabbed Dandy's hand and pulled him into the cozy shelter. He was practically ontop of me. "Are you okay to sleep like this?" I asked. He made a face in response.
"No, but It'll have to do."
We slept. He slept ontop of me, almost making me lose my ability to breath. But it was nice. Human comfort and company. Especially with a handsome man like the one on top of me.
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Haii, I literally just had a dream about this, so I wrote it cause it was gold lol. It's not proof read, and it's a quick write. I hope you enjoyed!!
@babygorewhore @slvt4jamesmarch @taintandviolent @tatelangdonsweater hi tag list! Enjoy this imagine 💜
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disneyfan103 · 5 months
Happy new year everyone! Chapter 2 of A Retelling of Frozen II is up
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52396078/chapters/133319446
Fanfiction.net : https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14309034/2/
Or read it below:
Chapter 2 - Secrets
The crackling fire filled the room with a warm glow as Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven gathered for an exciting game of charades. The lightning round began, pitting the boys against the girls, and the atmosphere was electric with laughter and anticipation.
Kristoff, always quick-witted, seemed to have a knack for guessing Olaf's actions before time ran out. With each move Olaf made, Kristoff's eyes sparkled with excitement as he confidently called out the correct answer.
Meanwhile, Anna, known for her competitive spirit, grew increasingly frustrated. Olaf's ability to contort himself in unexpected and comical ways made it seem effortless for Kristoff to guess correctly. Determined to outsmart her opponents, Anna furrowed her brow and intensified her focus.
As the small bell rang, signaling the end of Olaf's turn, Kristoff's cheers were met with a threatening look from Anna. Arms crossed, she voiced her frustration, saying, "I don't think Olaf should be allowed to rearrange."
Anna cracked her fingers, exuding confidence, while Elsa nervously hugged the couch cushion. "Doesn’t matter, this is gonna be a cinch! Two sisters, one mind.” Anna boasted.
As Elsa gathered her courage, Sven playfully swiped the cushion away. He then offered her a card from the basket. Elsa took a deep breath, drew a card, and saw the word "proposal" written on it. Her eyes met Kristoff's, and they exchanged a knowing smile.
Little did Anna know, Elsa and Kristoff had been planning this moment for months. They rehearsed together, with Olaf's help in teaching Elsa the art of charades as they quickly discovered that family games weren't Elsa's forte. At all.
Trembling with nerves, Elsa took a step forward, her hands shaking ever so slightly. She traced a circle in the air, symbolizing a ring, hoping Anna would catch on. Anna watched closely, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Hmm, love! A heart! Circle! The world! Sitting on top of the world!" Anna guessed, her excitement growing. But Elsa's shy smile and gentle headshake indicated that Anna's guesses weren't quite right.
With a fluttering touch, Elsa placed one hand over her heart and widened her eyes in surprise. Anna's guess of "I love you!" was close, but Elsa gently shook her head again. She wanted to direct Anna's attention towards Kristoff.
Using a quivering gesture, Elsa pointed towards Kristoff, her eyes filled with affection. "I LOVE YOU TOO!" Anna exclaimed, and it elicited a chuckle from the ice harvester.
Elsa took a deep breath, her hands still trembling as she got down on one knee. Anna watched intently, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Hmm, kneeling? Praying? Oh, I know! Proposal!" she exclaimed, standing up, brimming with excitement.
But as Anna turned to celebrate her correct guess, she froze in her tracks. Her eyes shifted from a smiling Elsa to Kristoff, who was now down on one knee, holding a small velvet box. Tears welled up in Anna's eyes as she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.
Kristoff's voice quivered with emotion as he said, "Anna, you are the most extraordinary person I've ever met. I love you with all that I am. Will you marry me?" The room held its breath, waiting for Anna's response, and her heart swelled with pure joy.
Overwhelmed by emotions, Anna nodded vigorously, tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks. The room erupted in applause and cheers, celebrating the love shared between Anna and Kristoff.
Elsa, brimming with pride and happiness, rushed forward to embrace her sister and soon-to-be brother. "Congratulations, Anna! I'm so incredibly happy for both of you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement.
Olaf, unable to contain his excitement, bounded over to join the embrace. "Congratulations, Anna! This is the best news ever!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike enthusiasm. "I'm so happy for you and Kristoff!"
Amidst her tears, Anna laughed and pulled Olaf into a tight hug. "Thank you, Olaf.” she said, her voice filled with gratitude.
Elsa, sensing the perfect opportunity to give Anna and Kristoff some time alone, glanced at the grandfather clock, pretending to check the time. With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she turned to Olaf, who was beaming with excitement.
"You know, Olaf," Elsa said playfully, "I think it's about time we get going."
Olaf's carrot nose wiggled in delight. "Okay!"
"Hey, where are you going?" Anna asked, her tone curious, as Elsa headed towards the door.
"I promised Olaf I'd take him to the library to find another book. Apparently his last one decided to go for a swim in the pond.” Elsa replied, giving Anna a knowing look.
Anna nervously chuckled. "Oh, those sneaky ducks and their book-stealing ways! Heh."
Raising an eyebrow, Elsa couldn't hide her amusement. "Hmm, yes, those sneaky ducks indeed. Alright, Olaf, let's get going.” She took Olaf's stick hand. Elsa exchanged a knowing look with Kristoff, their unspoken understanding passing between them. A chuckle escaped from Kristoff's lips as he nodded gratefully, appreciating Elsa's thoughtful gesture.
As Elsa made her way down the corridor towards the library, Anna's excitement bubbled over. She quickly turned on her heels, rushing back into the drawing room with a skip in her step. Without hesitation, she launched herself at Kristoff, wrapping her arms tightly around him in a warm embrace.
"Oh my goodness, Kristoff! I still can't believe it! We're engaged! Like, seriously engaged! Can you believe it? I mean, it's like a dream come true! I'm so incredibly happy, I could burst! I've been waiting for this moment forever, and now it's finally here!”
Kristoff chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Slow down, Feistypants! Take a breath. I'm excited too, but let's tackle one thing at a time. So, any ideas for the wedding?"
Anna pulled back slightly, her hands still grasping his shoulders as she spoke rapidly, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Okay, okay! So, picture this: a Summer wedding, flowers everywhere, in every color imaginable. And maybe we could have an ice sculpture of us? I'm sure Elsa won't mind. And a grand entrance with a horse-drawn carriage, just like in those fairy tales! Oh, and the menu! We should have a buffet with all our favorite foods, and the wedding cake can be carrot cake!"
Kristoff looked adoringly at Anna.
Anna paused for a moment, catching her breath before continuing with newfound enthusiasm.
"And the music! We’ll have the band play all our favorite songs. I want to dance with you all night long, Kristoff. We'll twirl and spin under the starry sky, lost in the magic of the moment. It'll be like a fairytale ball, but even better because it's real!"
"I love it already." said Kristoff, his voice filled with love and excitement.
“The wedding will be incredible! The grandest affair Arendelle has ever seen! We'll have royal dignitaries from far and wide, and the whole kingdom will be buzzing with excitement!" Anna said.
Kristoff smile faltered.
Anna continued, her voice filled with anticipation, "Kristoff, you won't believe all the fascinating people you'll get to meet! There will be ambassadors from neighboring kingdoms, prominent figures from across the land, and even some esteemed guests from distant lands."
As Anna continued to chatter excitedly about the elaborate details of the wedding, Kristoff's discomfort grew. He shifted uneasily, his brow furrowing ever so slightly. He loved Anna with all his heart, but once again, the thought of all the royal pomp and circumstance made him uneasy. However, he couldn't bear to dampen her spirits.
Anna, oblivious to Kristoff's inner turmoil, continued to paint a vivid picture of their wedding day. "And the decorations, Kristoff! They'll be absolutely breathtaking! We'll have flowers cascading from every corner, and the ballroom will be transformed into a fairy tale wonderland. Can you imagine?"
Kristoff forced a chuckle, trying to match Anna's excitement. "Yeah, floral wonderland. Can't wait to see it."
Anna took Kristoff's hand and looked at him with adoration. "So, what do you think?”
Kristoff nervously grinned, "I love it, I love you! And you know what? I can't wait to dance with you under the starry sky. It'll be a moment we'll cherish forever."
_ _ _
A few hours later Anna entered the grand library, the scent of old books and parchment filling the air. She found Elsa sitting by the window, her gaze lost in the distance. Olaf, sat nearby, engrossed in a pile of books. Anna approached them with a gentle smile but couldn't hide her worry. She hadn’t forgotten about Elsa's odd demeanor earlier that day, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.
"Hey, guys. Mind if I join you?" Anna asked, as she walked towards Elsa.
Elsa jumped a bit, surprised by Anna's presence. She hesitated for a moment before nodding and motioning for Anna to sit down. Trying to hide her troubled expression, Elsa asked, "Where's Kristoff?“
Anna smiled gently, understanding Elsa's attempt to change the subject. "Oh, he went to check on Sven in the stables, say goodnight and all that.” she replied, taking a seat next to Elsa. The room fell into a brief silence, and Anna could sense that whatever had happened earlier was still bothering Elsa.
Curiosity getting the best of her, Anna finally spoke up. "Elsa, what's wrong? You seem a little off today. Is something on your mind? You know you can always talk to me, right?"
Elsa looked up, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. She hesitated for a moment, her habit of keeping things to herself conflicting with her newfound ability to confide in Anna. Elsa then sighed heavily, realising her sister wouldn’t let this go even if Elsa wanted to share or not. "Something happened in the council meeting today.” she admitted, her voice tinged with unease.
Anna leaned in closer, her concern evident in her voice. "What happened, Elsa?“
Elsa took a deep breath, twisting her fingers nervously in her lap, "Councilman Falsen made some remarks about how he thinks I'm not fit to rule, that someone else should take over.”
Anna's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? How could he say something like that? You've done so much for Arendelle, Elsa." Her protective instincts kicked in, fueling her anger on behalf of her sister. "Why are you letting his words get to you? It doesn't matter what he thinks. What matters is what you think."
Elsa flinched slightly at Anna's sudden outburst. Their eyes locked, and Elsa shook her head ever so subtly, as if confessing something.
Anna's jaw would have been on the floor if it wasn't going a mile a minute. "You agree with him!" she accused. "You think he's right!?”
"Of course I think he’s right!" Elsa said vehemently. "Under my rule so far Arendelle has suffered an eternal winter and a blight! Who knows east could happen next?” She took a breath and quietly muttered, “Being a queen feels like a role that I've been forced into, but one I can't fulfil. I keep messing up, I constantly second-guess myself, I’m not cut out for this.”
Her hands trembled with anxiety as she continued, her voice filled with vulnerability, "Public appearances... they terrify me. The weight of expectations, the scrutiny of every word and action. It's suffocating. And those council meetings... I dread them…and Arendelle, there’s still some who fear me.”
Her voice cracked with emotion as she confided in Anna, "If I can’t fulfil a role I’m born to do then…who am I? What am I doing here?”
Anna was taken aback. “What?"
“I have everything a person could ever want, but all I feel is . . . is trapped and wrong. I close my eyes at night and all I can see are the mistakes that I've made, the disappointment... I just want them to go away, I don't like it. A lot of the time, I don't even like myself. I don’t like who I became.”
"Elsa…how long have you felt like this?”
"Y-years…and it scares me because people don't really change, I'm afraid I'll be stuck like this...That I'll never truly belong here..." Elsa trailed off.
Anna’s voice softened. “You're just stuck because you won't allow yourself to get unstuck and because you don't believe that things can change."
"People don't change." Elsa said bitterly.
"Yeah, they do. The only reason you're stuck is because you refuse to let go. You need to move on and leave the past behind. It's in the past, Elsa. It's not as important as you think."
"But it is important! It's me! It's all I have, and if I let go of that, then I don't know who I'm supposed to be. Where am I supposed to be? I've tried, Anna. I've really tried, but no matter how hard I try, I can't change who I am. This isn't my life, Anna. I don't belong here as queen. This is just somewhere I was told to be."
"Come on, Elsa, you need to snap out of it. We’ve talked about this, we all make mistakes, and we all have moments when we doubt ourselves, but constantly dwelling on the past won't change anything. You're capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for, and everyone thinks you’re a great queen.”
"Not everyone." Elsa said darkly.
"A small minority's doubts mean nothing. You can't win the hearts of everyone."
There was a silence after that, Elsa looked down, feeling disgusted as her fists frosted over once again.
"I remember when you used to dream of being queen, before all the secrets and closed doors.” Anna said quietly.
Elsa nodded slightly but refused to look up.
"You wanted to be like father. You wanted to take care of Arendelle. You wanted to be queen, and I would be right by your side. Look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't changed, Elsa. You have to believe in something."
Elsa stayed silent.
"If you can't believe in yourself, at least believe in me. Trust that ill I’ll be there for you until you can find yourself. Please?” Anna reached out and gently placed her hand on Elsa's, offering comfort. "Elsa, listen to me. You're an amazing queen. You've brought so much joy to our people. Don't let one person's opinion shake you. We're in this together, and I believe in you."
Elsa's gaze dropped to Anna’s hand she slowly unclenched her fist and interlaced her and her sisters fingers together. A soft smile formed on Elsa's lips as she finally looked up at Anna. “What would I do without you?"
Anna's smile mirrored Elsa's as she replied, "You'll always have me."
After a moment of silence, Elsa expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for always being there, Anna."
Anna squeezed Elsa's hands affectionately. "Of course, I love you."
Elsa smiled warmly. "I love you too, sis." she replied, returning the squeeze.
Elsa gently rubbed her thumb across Anna's ring, "So, Princess Anna Bjorman of Arendelle, huh?"
Anna smirked playfully. “Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"Ha, it does.” she agreed.
Just then, Olaf excitedly ran up to them, shouting, "Elsa, Elsa! I finally found one!"
"Oh, good.” Elsa took the book from Olaf and examined it closely. After a moment, she looked up at Olaf, her curiosity piqued. "I've never seen this book before. Where did you find it, Olaf?"
Olaf replied casually, "Oh, in the secret room you guys have behind the sliding bookshelf."
Both sisters exclaimed in surprise, "The what?"
Olaf innocently responded, "Oh... you guys didn't know about that?"
Anna, intrigued, asked, "Can you show us?”
_ _ _
The bookcase glided open with a soft creak, revealing a hidden room adorned with stacks of papers, documents, books, and chests. The air was thick with the scent of aged paper and the room seemed to hold countless secrets within its walls.
Anna's eyes widened in astonishment as she whispered, "Woooaaahhh."
Elsa, equally amazed, remarked, "Look at all this."
"I'm looking." Anna replied, her voice filled with wonder.
Both sisters cautiously stepped into the room, their eyes darting from one intriguing object to another. Elsa paused by a bookshelf, her fingers tracing the spines of the books. Her gaze fell upon a particular title: "Magical Arts: Dangers of Dark Magic."
"Father was studying magic." Elsa murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and realization.
As Elsa continued to explore the room, her attention was drawn to a journal resting on a nearby desk. She picked it up delicately, the pages whispering secrets as she flipped through them.
Meanwhile, Anna's curiosity led her to a trunk. With a sense of anticipation, she opened it, revealing her mother's shawl. A soft "aww" escaped her lips as she gently touched the fabric.
Elsa let out a small gasp, her voice barely above a whisper. "He was studying me too."
Anna turned her head to look at Elsa, her eyes filled with confusion. "Wait, what?"
Elsa showed Anna the journal, her voice trembling slightly. "This is some sort of journal. 'I can find no record of a human with powers like hers but for the ancient myths with their tragic fates.'"
Anna peered over Elsa's shoulder, her eyes scanning the journal's pages. "Wait a minute, this isn’t father's handwriting. It's mother's."
"These next pages are in English but also... Northuldrian?" Elsa questioned, her brow furrowed in puzzlement.
"Northuldrian? But that language is forbidden. Why would mother know it... or dare use it?" Anna wondered aloud.
Both sisters read the next passage together, their voices blending in unison. "'Whatever e-evil my people did... Whatever darkness still roams our forest... I can no longer turn my back on the past.'"
The sisters locked eyes, their hearts pounding in sync with the weight of their discoveries.
"We need to see Lord Sworsin." Anna declared, determination shining in her voice.
Hello, I hope everyone enjoyed chapter 2, it had a lot of rewrites I won’t lie, I wanted to make sure everyone was in character and I wasn’t going to OOC. One thing I missed in Frozen 2 was Anna’s change in character, I missed the peppy rambler she was in Frozen so I wanted to portray that here but also keeping her more mature side from Frozen 2 when speaking to Elsa later on.
I’m not sure if everyone will be happy with Elsa spilling everything out like that in front of Anna but I figured after 3 years she can confine in her sister about stuff like this.
Also credit to who I believe is ‘wandering-bard-from-the-id’ on tumblr (please correct me if I’m wrong) for the idea of kristoff and Elsa teaming up with the proposal idea. I loved it and wanted to incorporate it here.
See you in the next chapter :)
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jerzwriter · 9 months
Hi Elsa!
I saw this on Instagram and thought it would make for a fun ask.
Your LI says, "If you could have me for 24 hours and I couldn't say no, what would we do?"
How does your MC respond?
Hey Cari!
Oh, this one is a good challenge! lol
Ethan x Kaycee: Kaycee would have him doing all sorts of silly, fun stuff he would normally not be interested in. They'd have some spa treatments, and she'd probably drag him to a musical - and nothing high-brow - I'm thinking Little Shoe of Horrors-esque. They'd listen to her favorite songs all day (heavy on Taylor Swift and Harry Styles). They'd have sugary cereal for breakfast, and at the end of the day, they're totally building a pillow fort in his living room. Ethan would spend a good portion of the day rolling his eyes, but he'd find he actually enjoyed some of it (I'm thinking the spa treatments most of all.) lol
Tobias x Casey: OMG, this one is so hard because like WHEN does the man say no to her? lol I'm really trying to think. He rarely says no to her. You know they'd be doing all sorts of kinky shit, but it's not like they wouldn't be doing this anyway. 😂😂 I guess this time, everything would just be Casey's choice unless, of course, she didn't want it to be and handed him the reigns. Also a distinct possibility. 😏
Casey x Jess: Jessica is from Colorado, and she's a Rockies fan. Casey if from Philly and loyal to the Phillies. She'd wait until the Rockies were in town, and she'd make Jess dress head to toe in Phillies gear and post it all over social media. All anyone who knew Jess would ask is "What did she do to lose this bet?" lol
Eli x Zoe: This would depend. If he had been being a nudge leading up to the day, she'd probably want to torture him a little bit. She'd have him doing all sorts of silly things with her. Think the post-apocalyptic version of karaoke and stuff lol But if he was behaving, she'd want to do her favorite thing in the whole world. They'd go out on the motorcycle, and he'd just drive as she held him tight. They'd stop somewhere they deemed to be safe and lay in the grass, prob make out a bit, until they rushed back to Olympus so they could continue that in private.
Trystan x Carolina: So the funny thing is, I can see her dragging him all over NYC - doing all of her favorite things - and she'd have him like her manservant. Like holding her purse while shopping, carrying all her bags, catering to her every whim. She'd be doing int for fun - but the funny thing is - he has ZERO problem with this and would prob do this for her all the time (but she doesn't want him to.) After a long day of teasing, they'd head back to his place and let go of all that pent-up energy - then she'd happily let him make her dinner. lol
Thank you for the fun ask! :)
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fallcnfromgrace · 1 month
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Essa é uma lista de ideias de cnns para a Mulan no rp The Lost Ones. Não quer dizer que existem só elas ou que elas precisam ser assim. Tudo pode ser criado e adaptado conforme for necessário para os plots, é só falar comigo.
O contexto que MULAN e DAVID ( @davidcharmoso ) se conheceram é variável, mas o importante é que não conseguem viver sem o outro. Conversam sobre absolutamente tudo e são muito íntimos - de uma forma que não se constrangem por praticamente nada.
"A flor que desabrocha na adversidade é a mais rara e bela de todas."
Sempre que MULAN está procurando algo pra fazer, é para ZARINA ( @estreladopo ) que ela liga. Já vivenciaram alguns momentos bastante constrangedores juntos, mas costumam dar muitas risadas deles.
"Seja forte como um vendaval, firme como uma montanha."
MULAN não é necessariamente próximo de TIANA ( @nabocadasapa ) e JASMINE ( @descrtmoons ), mas uma encontro casual durante um momento de frustração/tristeza de um deles fez com que um desabafasse com o outro. Atualmente, costumam se ligar quando precisam de conselhos ou apenas um ouvido amigo.
"Quem é que você realmente é por dentro?"
Os assuntos entre MULAN e VIOLET ( @violincepirate ) não costumam variar muito e usualmente giram ao redor do que os fez se aproximarem. o interesse pode ser um hobby, um trabalho, uma aula ou uma habilidade que ambos têm.
"Nunca subestime o poder de uma determinação inabalável."
ELSA ( @rainhaletitgo ) é aquela pessoa que geralmente consegue por algum juízo na cabeça de MULAN, mesmo que por um curto período de tempo. Elx, que está sempre de prontidão pra tirar a amiga de problemas, é como se fosse o anjo no ombro de dela.
"A bravura não está na ausência do medo, mas na coragem de seguir em frente apesar dele."
MULAN não é uma pessoa que gosta de se arriscar e prefere, assim, ficar na sua zona de conforto. Não é muito de sair e suas diversões são bem mais caseiras do que as de OLIVER ( @meowhile ), que quer fazer com que o/a amigo/a seja um pouco mais impulsivo e irresponsável.
"Se eu esconder quem sou, nunca saberei o quão longe posso ir."
Os motivos para que a amizade seja secreta são muitos, mas eles escolheram deixá-los para trás e iniciar uma amizade. Se encontrarem um ao outro na rua (ou quando estão com familiares/amigos), não se cumprimentarão e possivelmente farão algum comentário negativo para disfarçar.
"Cada um por si, até o fim."
MULAN tem algo que MUSE almeja e, assim, decidiu se aproximar de dela para usar a amizade para conseguir o que quer.
"Não sou definida pelo que os outros veem, mas pelo que meu coração sabe que sou."
MULAN nunca foi de sair de Xia. Talvez tenha sido isso que fez com que ela se encantasse por MUSE e as histórias de onde ele vinha e havia conhecido. Foi uma admiração que rendeu em algo como um romance de verão, mas que acabou quando elx teve que partir e ela seguir seu destino no exército no lugar do pai.
"Em você, encontrei a coragem de ser eu mesma"
Ela não sabe quando isso começou, mas se tornou uma rotina que SOL ( @solamais ) direcionasse flertes e brincadeiras em sua direção, algo que ela nega e afasta constantemente, mesmo que haja uma certa faísca entre eles.
"Com a força do dragão, vencerei qualquer batalha."
MULAN ama seu marido. Ainda sim, brigas são inevitáveis em qualquer relação. Deveria ser algo normal como sempre aconteceu. Ainda sim, durante um desses desentendimentos, ela acabou se aproximando de MUSE e desenvolvendo certo interesse com o tempo. Ainda que isso exista, ela nega constantemente e se culpa por pensar esse tipo de coisa.
"Um passo de cada vez, mas sempre em frente."
Pode ser que MULAN e MUSE nem saibam porque se odeiam, mas existe uma rivalidade entre eles/as desde que se lembram. Costumam competir por absolutamente tudo e, mesmo que um não esteja interessado em algo, é só saber que o outro está para automaticamente querer o mesmo.
"Cada batalha é uma oportunidade de mostrar quem eu realmente sou."
MULAN e MUSE nunca tiveram uma conversa decente, mas algo fez com que não se gostassem logo de cara.
"As cicatrizes da batalha são marcas da minha coragem."
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innytoes · 1 year
Winter/X-mas Prompts
“New year’s resolution? No, you misheard. This is my New Year’s Revolution.”
Pressing your cold nose against their neck
“You got me a stocking?” - “Of course, you’re family.”
Warming up someone’s hands between your own
“You have whipped cream on your nose.” 
Pretending to be a dragon when breathing out steam in the cold air
“If you’re cold they’re cold, let them in.” - “That’s a raccoon.”
You came to help me up after I slipped on the icy sidewalk and immediately slipped too
“This is the most romantic gift anyone has ever given me.”
I miscalculated how far and fast this sled would go and crashed into you/your car/your yard/your house.
“I knit you a scarf.”
Some jerk convinced the kid I’m a Big Brother/Big Sister for that Santa wasn’t real and they’re heartbroken so I need your help with an elaborate plan to make them believe again because they can’t deal with any more heartache this year
“You got socks for Christmas and you’re happy about it?”
I got a little carried away for the charity toy drive and you’re the very overwhelmed but happy volunteer
“You have a fever.”
You caught me building a snowman over a fire hydrant because some jerk keeps plowing them down with his car and you decided to help
“I’d like to jingle his bells if you know what I’m saying.”
Taking every small child you know to see Santa at the mall because you have a crush on the Hot Elf Helper
“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
I thought I was alone in this blizzard so I was pretending to be Elsa and singing Let It Go and then you started harmonizing with me
“Oh, this is definitely landing us on the Naughty List.”
Snowflakes stuck to eyelashes
“That is the ugliest sweater I have ever seen.”
Slow dancing in the kitchen instead of doing the dishes after a holiday party
“If you keep following me around with mistletoe I’m punching you in the face.”
Cozy pillow fort snuggles
“Have you been good this year?” - “I only got arrested once.”
Falling through the ice immediately after saying ‘See? It’s fine!’
“I made you soup because I love you, you dense piece of sponge cake.”
Hiding under the covers because the fireworks set off their PTSD
“How did you manage to set fire to yourself with a sparkler?”
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adrianomaini · 4 months
L’esperienza personale come fonte per un romanzo in terza persona: Moravia e Morante
Come Tempo di uccidere, anche La Storia di Elsa Morante e La ciociara di Alberto Moravia devono molto all’esperienza diretta dei loro autori. Si tratta di due casi assunti come esemplificativi di una categoria ben più ampia – comprendente senz’altro testi anche più rappresentativi; su tutti, quelli di Primo Levi, da porre in realtà su un livello diverso perché implicanti un’idea molto forte di…
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siena-sevenwits · 11 months
Okay, just for fun, let me tell you all what Once Upon a Time is. I have never watched this show beyond very brief and scattered clips years ago, so this is mainly drawn from cultural osmosis and friend mentions. Let's see how badly I butcher this.
Snow White and Prince Charming get their wedding interrupted by an Evil Queen, and she's walking up the aisle with all the castle/church shutters slamming shut as she progresses, like Snape walking into class. And she's all, "Ha, I'm very evil, and you offended me somehow, and I'm going to steal your future daughter!" ...or maybe it's the daughter's christening, which would make the threat a lot more palpable. Or maybe it's not about the daughter. Maybe she's like, "Mwahaha, I am going to send you both to the REAL WORLD!"
One of the above.
Anyhow, their daughter is named Emma Swan, and she ends up living in Fort Langley - ahem, Storybrooke. (Sorry. At one point I lived not too far from where they film the real world scenes, and had friends who would sometimes spot the cast, though I never did.) Emma is cynical and jaded, and remembers nothing of her fairytale origins. But she has a son, Henry (adopted?) who is a cinnamon roll, and loves fairytales, and is a true believer and optimist.
I think the Evil Queen (Regina) raised Emma, and she's evil for a season or two or three but then gets a redemption arc, and we get motherhood stories both around Snow and Regina.
Meanwhile Snow and the Prince are questing for a way to find their daughter and defeat the evil queen, and eventually they get to Storybrooke, and possibly there's a memory wipe involved? At any rate, they obviously don't recognize the grown up Emma as their daughter at first, but they get to be close with her as a friend. Meanwhile, Henry is catching on to what's going on a lot faster than some.
Now there's also Belle, who is involved in a love/hate (but more so love) relationship with Rumpelstiltskin, who is a manipulative magic user in the fantasy world, but is also present in Storybrooke under the name of Mr. Gold, the pawnbroker/curiosity shop owner? Also still a manipulative magic user? This guy is constantly starting on/completing redemption arcs only to make evil choices again and it frustrates the fans because sometimes it seems like the writer's can't commit rather than they're pulling off a really complicated arc? But people enjoy him/find him fascinating.
Now there's a weird dynamic where more and more of the characters make their way into Storybrooke, but their stories are also featured in the fairytale world. This show is either super into flashbacks, or we're dealing with alternate timelines and time branches. Other people who get into Storybrooke? Red, who is Little Red Riding Hood in an incredible cloak that all the closplayers wanted at one point, and who now works as a waitress as a diner and has some encouraging words for Belle when she's having trouble with Rumple. BUT RED DIES TRAGICALLY! (Don't ask me how, or in which world.) There's also Captain Hook, who is all guyliner and longing looks and trying to be witty - but he also trades the Jolly Roger for Emma, and it's a huge sacrifice, and they have true, true love. He has the unlikely name of Killian in Storybrooke. (Come on - his name is James Hook!)
With the introduction of the Neverland Storyline (which is a cool storyline?) we move away from fairytales proper and just start including whatever Disney properties we want. Frozen gets shoehorned in there, as do Mulan and Brave. In Arendelle, Anna's preparing to marry Kristoff and tries on her mom's wedding gown which Elsa found, but then the trolls have some kind of bad news. Elsa gets sucked into a vase and transported to Storybrooke, where she accidentally freezes the town. Also Elsa's aunt Ingrid is there, secretly using her ice powers to run an ice cream parlour.
Meanwhile Anna's trying to get her back, and goes into the countryside where she meets Snow's Prince who now has long hair and is enslaved to Bo Peep and this is emphatically a different storyline than the other storyline(s) he's featured in? Maybe a curse made it this way? Anyway, Anna teaches. him to use a sword and stand up for himself. Then she and Kristoff go to the castle to research or something, and Elsa's there (maybe this is the backstory of how Elsa got to the real world?) and they find out about a spell that causes shattered sight (you only see the worst in other people, or maybe in the people you truly care about.) The spell is based on that mirror in The Snow Queen where a bit of flawed glass gets in your eye. Anna falls under the spell, gets resentful for the way Elsa treated her in childhood, and traps her in the vase (yes, this is definitely backstory!) Later Anna ends up in the water in a sea chest and somehow gets to Storybrooke?
Ingrid explains to Elsa that she wants a perfect family because her-non-magical family treated her like an outsider, and she wants Elsa to be part of her magical family. Elsa is appalled and resolves to fight her. Later, everyone in Storybrooke realizes the shattered sight spell is coming, and they all lock themselves in the jail or something so they don't tear each other apart. It doesn't affect Anna and Elsa though. But most notably Snow and her prince are fighting, and it's awful! They somehow got it all figured out in the end...
Many curses happen.
At some point Henry is the only believer. (In what? Magic? Love? their true fairytale identities? Who knows?)
There's an Author, and he's a scum, and maybe behind a lot of what's going on?
Merida shows up, and Emma goes through an arc where it looks like she might turn evil (the Black Swan? The Dark Swan?) and they go underground and stuff.
Eventually there's a musical episode, because Snow in the fairytale world wished for magic to help defeat the Evil Queen, and love expressed through song is super powerful. They sing a duet about how cool the singing is, and the fans are shocked that they're both great singers. Something evil happens, and they go in search of Hook, who's at a tavern and sings a big musical number about how he wants revenge on the crocodile for taking his hand, and he's backed by a wonderfully over the top chorus of pirates. (I have in fact seen this clip multiple times, because it's very fun.) Turns out the Crocodile he's talking about is the Dark One, who is Rumpelstiltskin, who is currently locked in Snow and the Prince's dungeon. Um... things sort out.
Eventually Emma and Killian have a wedding and it's a very climactic episode. There's a later season made, but we don't talk about it.
Best I got, folks.
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amandabe11man · 1 year
the swede being gay-coded makes so much sense, not just in the way chris heyerdahl portrays him, but also in the HOW-verse itself...
a lot of it you just have to see for yourself by watching the show, but first and foremost, the swede is an outcast who nobody likes when we first meet him. he’s a chronic schemer, hounds people for taxes, makes life hard for others because he can etc. but another reason for him being so hated by pm every other character could very well be that he’s gay and not bothering to hide it. this being the 1800′s, of course he’d get some looks. of course he’d get judged. but when we first see him, he’s durant’s right hand man and thus in a position of power. naturally, no one’s dumb enough to fuck with him (until an opportunity arises)
even after being tarred and feathered, he still returns to HOW because where else could he even go? he’s humiliated, loses his job and has to start from the very bottom again, and despite his slightly humbled attitude, he’s still disliked and doesn’t even have the luxuries around him anymore to help him pretend he’s not an outcast. all this, coupled with him not learning from his mistakes and instead letting his fall from grace validate his victim mentality, makes him even more dangerous; a disaster waiting to happen. and oh, he WILL make it happen... hell, not even when he steals bishop dutson’s identity and leaves for a whole other town do people like him. not even when he tries to lead the people at fort smith do the folks there seem to like or even respect him. they don’t question him much because they think he’s the bishop, but it’s still clear everyone’s like “wtf is this dingus doing”. see the tragedy here? even when he pretends to be someone else who’s supposedly benevolent, (in an entirely new town, no less) people STILL don’t like him. once again, he’s an outcast, and the only other person who respects him from that point on in the story is brigham young’s son phineas, who he also ends up using for a petty revenge-plot, because from all these years of being side-eyed, hated and humiliated, the swede has given up on (forgotten) how to love and care for his fellow man.
the only true companion he loves unconditionally (and who loves him back just as much) at any moment in the show is oslo the dog; a stray who’s uncared for by the others and, just like the swede himself, is a social outcast. with oslo, he allows himself to love and care about someone else again for the first time since andersonville... with this little dog he just happened to meet and who doesn’t judge him for who he is or what he’s done. unfortunately, the swede doesn’t allow himself the happiness of disappearing and starting over somewhere else with oslo; so stuck in his years-long victim-mentality that he leaves oslo behind to try to take revenge on bohannon once and for all. the swede’s neverending grudges are a story for another time, though.
lastly, we get a glimpse of how he was back during the war, which ironically seems to be the last time he was happy and at peace before he met oslo. he’s accepted by his comrades in the army, he has friends and feels like he belongs somewhere... at least on the surface. is he really, truly, being himself in the flashbacks we see? there’s something wistful about his smiles in those scenes. something that says “i am happy....but it could be better”.
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he talks about some girl named “elsa”, but does elsa really exist, or is she something the swede made up in order to be accepted as one of the guys? trying to live as a comp-het man indeed did get him friends, but in the end, all those friends died and one tried to cannibalize him out of desperate hunger, so maybe the trauma and bitterness born from that made the swede finally act out against a society he knew would never accept him as he was?
because after andersonville, he no longer cared about being accepted. he was craving respect from others, but having people’s fear-based respect is not the same as having those people accept you. he stopped putting on his comp-het act, and so gave people around him just another “reason” to ostracize him. he tells himself he doesn’t care about being an outcast, because look what happened last time he befriended people (they were killed). therefore, it’s simply emotionally safer to keep others at arm’s length, so he won’t bond with someone and have them die on him again. it’s a cruel world for gay people sometimes, even more so in the 1800′s and earlier, and one can hardly blame the swede for ending up a cruel person in the end. the “they think i’m a freak? okay, i’ll BE a freak and they’ll all be sorry”-attitude really comes to mind when I think about the swede’s journey as a character. as stated before, he doesn’t find another human that accepts him for who he really is, not truly. bohannon is the one that comes closest-- is the only person to see the swede for who he is--, but that’s not real acceptance either. bohannon sees him, acknowledges him, hates him but still cares enough to avert his eyes and shed a tear as he watches the swede’s execution-- but bohannon was never gonna accept him after everything he’d done. perhaps in another life, if they both had made better choices, they could’ve been friends... lovers, even. oslo the dog, however, accepts him and is the one to finally bring out the swede’s long dormant capability of love into the open. and OH, how he showers his little dog with love and attention (and food, because he knows all too well what it’s like to go hungry). we get a glimpse of who the swede might’ve been if he’d made better choices and if he hadn’t been reviled by others at almost every turn.
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again as stated before, unfortunately, he can’t let go of his grudge against bohannon. with oslo, he’s clearly still capable of love, but the hate and bitterness he feels about society and his fellow man is simply too strong, so he leaves after a loving goodbye to his dog, and in the end, even if the swede came to terms with his fate and his past, it was too late at that point. the hateful society that never accepted him + his own actions because of it brought him to death’s door and-- uh-
there’s a point about gay allegories and why thor “the swede” gundersen fits them all in here somewhere
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bonus: then there’s the literal “evidence” too of course. for one, the swede tends to be very touchy-feely with men, and only men. for example:
when he oversees bohannon’s and naomi’s marriage, he puts his hand on bohannon’s head, but not naomi’s
in fact, especially when pretending to be bishop dutson, the swede can’t seem to NOT put his hands on bohannon
bohannon isn’t the only one the swede likes to touch, though. it seems when he’s manipulating someone, tenderly touching the other guy looks to be the swede’s go-to method. he won’t hesitate or think it’s weird to take another man’s hands, to touch their shoulders, and (in phineas’ case) even stroking a man’s cheek and putting their foreheads together as if they were about to kiss
hell, even on the rare occasion where he’s not manipulating someone, the swede seems to still find a way to touch the most random of guys he happens to be talking to. in an extreme example, after his first murder, he tenderly strokes the man’s cheek and coos at him as the guy bleeds out
i can think of only one scene where he touches a woman, but that’s during prayer where he’s simply holding onto the woman’s hands while also holding the hand of her son ezra. and then of course when durant asks him if he’d “ever had his heart ripped out by a woman”, the swede just answers very nonchalantly that his apparent ex-wife didn’t break his heart, “but she did steal his cuckoo clock”. in other words, he couldn’t care less if his former wife left for someone else. arranged marriage much?
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erikxphantom · 2 months
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obs.: é canon que Erik é bastante recluso, isso está mudando agora com as circunstancias atuais do mundo. entretanto, deixarei um número menor de amizades nesse primeiro momento.
ELSA  ⇨ amizade de outras vidas, talvez? ao menos essa é a sensação que Erik tem quando está com Elsa, que se conhecem faz tanto tempo que ele nem lembra quanto. Elsa, é uma das poucas pessoas que não parece ligar para a história popular de Erik, julgando-o apenas pelo que conhece dele e não pelo que dizem por aí. O que particularmente é ótimo, faz com que Erik se sinta a vontade e seja genuíno com ela. ( closed )
SOLANGE ⇨ Todos precisamos de alguém que nos tire da zona de conforto em alguma momento e foi assim com Sol. Erik não esperava conhecer alguém assim, ligeiramente invasivo numa primeira impressão, como alguém espaçoso que chega e vai movendo e trocando tudo de lugar. Apesar de achar incomodo em alguns momentos, Erik precisa admitir que sente falta se Sol passar muito tempo sem aparecer. Criou uma afeição familiar para com outrem. ( closed )  
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MUSE C. ⇨ assim como MUSE A, o que Erik tinha com MUSE C era uma amizade muito próxima, como em outra vida mesmo. No entanto, de uma hora para outra MUSE C começou a deixá-lo de lado. Rik ainda tentou reaver a relação, saber o que se passava, mas não obteve sucesso. Até hoje não sabe exatamente o que aconteceu para que outrem se afastasse, mas sempre que se encontram sente vontade de confrontar-lhe. ( open )
HUNTER. ⇨  eles até que poderiam se dar bem, afinal existe mais coisas em comum entre eles do que divergências, ainda assim, Erik não sabe explicar o motivo de sentir tanta aversão a Hunter. (  closed  )
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obs: vejo a necessidade de deixar claro que nenhuma cnn é garantia/obrigatoriamente um ship. não fecho conexões de ship sem desenvolvimento de dash, com isso digo: jogos onde seja possível ver a dinâmica dos chars, hc's, dentre outros.
MUSE E. ⇨ bastou que colocasse os olhos em MUSE E para que Erik soubesse, estava completamente fodido! A história parecia se repetir. MUSE E sempre atraiu olhares por onde passava, era natural que o mesmo acontecesse com Erik, o que ele não esperava de forma alguma, era que fosse perder seu foco tão facilmente por conta de MUSE E, basta que estejam no mesmo espaço ou que elu entre em seu campo de visão e pronto, lá se foi a concentração do homem, ele esquece tudo que estava fazendo. Ainda não conseguiu revelar seu crush, nem sabe se um dia conseguirá fazer, mas é certo que MUSE E o tira do eixo. ( open )
MUSE F. ⇨ o que começou como uma boa amizade, acabou evoluindo para algo mais. Porém talvez nunca devesse ter acontecido. assim como todas as histórias de Erik, o fim era iminente e ainda assim não deixaram de se envolver, mas acabaram por considerar que sempre foram mais amigos do que outra coisa. ( open )
GRETEL. ⇨ foi, seguramente, o relacionamento mais intenso de Erik - e aqui vale ressaltar que ele nunca foi muito bom em relacionamentos, devido a tudo que viveu anteriormente -, o qual terminaram e Erik começou a sentir-se vazio. É seguro afirmar que ele ainda tem sentimentos fortes e confusos por Gretel, basta ver como se comporta perto dela. (  closed  )
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