#elu things
chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
the idea that thingol would allow celegorm to forcefully marry luthien is one of the stupidest takes i've seen from this fandom and i've seen some pretty fucking stupid takes. thingol is such an overprotective dad that he's initially not willing to let luthien be involved even with someone that she does love and does choose. and you think he would let celegorm breathe near her? thingol would throttle that man with his bare hands
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Why doesn't Thingol just give the Silmaril to Fëanorians?
One thing I find curious about the discourse around the Silmarils and their ownership issues is how it seems to often simplify the Sindarin and especially Thingol's perspective. I mean, Thingol giving the Silmaril Beren and Lúthien stole from Morgoth's crown to the Fëanorians is framed as somehow easy and obvious option. But I don't think it really is?
It's not even about whether Thingol is right or wrong to act as he does, it's about why his actions are justified from his point of view (and why it is more believable than him being compliant to Noldor).
1. Noldor disrespected and antagonised Thingol from the start. They have given him little reason to be nice or helpful.
When the Noldor arrive in Beleriand, they immediately start to do their own thing, and disregard Thingol, the local sovereign who is regarded as the overlord or at least respected and revered by the Elves native to this region. But Noldor (and Fëanorians) do not attempt to gain his friendship and alliance, they don't establish diplomatic relationships, they bring no gifts (which would be expected in this kinda medieval based society) and neither do they ask for help as Exiles, they don't let Thingol know where they are going to settle down or ask whether it's convenient but grab lands whether the locals like it or not, they don't recognise his position even as a friendly gesture, they don't disclose the nature of their expedition, withhold important information, and most of all, they bring violent trouble to his backyard. This must seem deeply and outrageously insulting to Thingol, especially because these princes are children and grandchildren of Finwë, Thingol's close friend - and yet they treat him without an ounce of respect.
Thingol is no less proud or particular about his position than Fëanor or Fingolfin is. He probably has not had it challenged or ignored by anyone except Morgoth's servants. Also he may see it as indicative of general Noldor prejudice/disdain against Sindar.
Whether Noldor had justified reasons for the way they act upon landing in Middle-earth, you can't deny that they don't do even the bare minimum to win the locals over. Yeah, you could argue that bringing reinforcements at the time when Morgoth returns and becomes active in Middle-earth again is something, but this is still not a way to treat potential friends and allies.
2. The Kinslaying of Thingol's people and kin at Alqualondë and the burning of their ships.
Obvious, really. He may see himself as standing in for Olwë, and regards the Silmaril as weregild for slain relatives and friends - people he himself probably knew before Teleri were sundered. Also why would he respect Fëanorian property rights when from his point of view, Noldor don't give a damn about Teleri or their rights?
Thingol may also judge that the Kinslaying and burning of the ships disputes the Fëanorians' right to the Silmarils and their moral high ground to a degree where anyone brave and cunning enough to reclaim even one of them becomes a rightful owner. Obviously he is biased in Beren and Lúthien's behalf but it would be weird if he was not? After B&L's efforts and their suffering, and quite literally achieving the impossible, he may be of the opinion that they have more right to the Silmaril than Fëanorians who seem more invested in competing Morgoth for land than for the Silmarils. Thingol may share the same attitude as Dior has in one of the drafts: there are two more Silmarils in the same place where the one in his possession came from, so why don't the Fëanorians go get them first?
3. Celegorm and Curufin.
I mean, after the way Lúthien was abused and attacked by the two brothers, Thingol could be holding on to the Silmaril out of pure spite. His daughter never gets any apology for how she was treated, and Thingol has no reason to believe that C&C's actions - and the attempt to force Thingol into an alliance - were not sanctioned and approved by the rest of the brothers. These people have been consistently terrible at everyone Thingol loves and cares about, so why should he help them in any way?
4. The Silmarils mess with your brain.
It's clear that the Silmarils have an unwholesome effect on almost everyone who possess them. Time and again Tolkien describes how characters fall prey to this greedy, possessive lust for the Silmarils. I mean, Fëanor and his sons are ready to spill blood again and again just to get them back. There is something about the jewels that, if you desire them for their own sake, kind of enslaves you to them. Thingol won't give up the Silmaril to Fëanorians because he can't.
5. The Doom of the Noldor compels him.
It's explicitly stated in the Doom that while the Oath will drive the Fëanorians, it will never yield its objective, and the Silmarils will elude them. As soon as Thingol names a Silmaril as a bride price for Lúthien, he becomes involved in the Doom and what it dictates, limiting his control of the situation. Because of the Doom (and the effect the Silmaril has on him), Thingol is not free to give it to the Fëanorians.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
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xiphoid-processing · 2 years
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some small line of Melian (+ Thingol) doodles
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surrealsunday · 2 years
10 Things I’ll Tattoo on You
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10 Things I Hate About You AU
It’s a terrible idea from the start. Eliott knows that. But when presented with the possibility of a date with a cute boy for a generous sum of much-needed cash, could anyone blame him for taking resident-asshole-Charles-Munier up on the offer? Well, yes. Lucas Lallemant could. But there’s no need for him to find out about the arrangement. A date and it’s done. Easy enough. Or it would be... if Lucas wasn’t... Lucas. Head-strong, stubborn, cheeky, and everything Eliott didn’t know he needed. In conclusion: He’s fucked. 
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nin-varisse · 1 year
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Little sneak peek for my design for young king Elwe!
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erdarieldraws · 2 years
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My king! Oh what have you done!
Thingol and Melian, after a photograph of Finrod the rock opera
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I just finished chapter 15 of the silmarillion and what? what is going on someone help. like, did thingol really just ban quenyan because.... because what? "oh by the way my uncle killed a whole bunch of ur family" and you ban a whole fucking language? that's a bit of an overreaction, don't you think? there's a fucking reason galadriel didn't tell melian about the kinslaying, curse, and burning of the ships. goddamnit
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3416 · 5 months
emma my beloved which skam s3 version is your favourite and why. personally my favourite is the og evak because its so tender and sweet and silly but i also love fr because to me its just a slight bit more emotionally intense (i suffered more with lucas than i did with isak). would love to hear your input
ngl i loved all the isak seasons the most bc i'm a sucker for the tortured artist and sexuality crises and mess <3 evens are my GUYS (and girl i love u joana)(isaks are also my guys though i trulyjfnfj am whipped), but my absolute favorite is wtfock hands down. don't miss all the discourse and constant comparisons, but wtfock s3 will always always hold the most special place in my heart bc i got to watch and live it real time and 🫶. SANDER DRIESEN!!!!!! eternal bbg, i will never hear a david bowie song again without an intense reaction i fear. i like them all for different moods too so 😭😭 it's prob wtfock > og/fr > esp/druck for isak seasons. i need to do a rewatch this summer.
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bbchlow · 2 years
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Still thinking about them 😔​😔​😔​
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
i have to laugh about people complaining about how Bigoted and Disrespectful thingol is to the noldor as if he doesn't:
remain friends with finrod and tell him the location of nargothrond, which finrod goes on to be the king of - meaning thingol is fine with there being a noldorin elven ruler in beleriand
outright state that he will not cut ties with fingolfin and his followers, who do participate in the slaughter of his brother's people, merely because he sees that they've atoned for their actions
host galadriel in doriath and make no objection to her wedding with celeborn, his own grand-nephew - meaning he is also fine with noldor staying in his court and marrying into his own family
the only noldor whom he openly dismisses and dislikes are the fëanorians, who participated in the aforementioned slaughter of his brother's people, insult him, and refuse to acknowledge him as a king despite him having maintained his kingdom in beleriand since before they were born and certainly long before they came there. but that's just it isn't it. fandom can't handle someone in-universe disdaining their precious innocent war criminals and that's why everything bad that happens in the first age is thingol's fault. or the fault of his grandson for not giving the silmaril that his parents nearly died to obtain to the people who disrespected his grandfather and tried to rape his mother. or the fault of his great-granddaughter for not giving the silmaril to the people that sacked her home, killed her entire family including her brothers who were children, and made her a refugee as a toddler. it is definitely not the fault of the people who decided to do all the ambushing and attacking, no absolutely not. that's nonsense, they're just victims of tyrannical close-minded racist elu thingol and his equally entitled descendants :DDD
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teleri-tale-teller · 10 months
I think Thingol did no wrong aside of not listening to Melian enough. But he tried, so it counts too
(maybe one day I'll talk more about my feelings about the Silmaril related Doriath stuff here. Like "fuck the jewel" stuff so be ready haha)
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
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xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Nelyar
this took me almost ridiculously long bc i lost inspo halfway thru lmao anyways
Name stuff under cut!
Early, middle, and late Quenya = EQ, MQ, LQ. Primitive elvish = PE. early, middle, late Sindarin = ES(Gnomish), MS(Noldorin), LS. anything with a ? is unknown or debatable
Enel [PE] - Three (Masc.)
Enelyē [PE] - Three (Fem.)
Turuksrawā [PE] - Strong-body
Kalþexē [PE] - Bright-Eyed
Airomālō [PE] - Friend of the Ocean
Ayphel [PE] - Sea Foam
Phānagorē [PE] - Clouded Mind
Kalnauthē [PE] - Bright Imagination
Nē̆nsak [PE] - Water-Drawn
Uklā [PE] - Gloomy
Wanwakhīnā [PE] - Lost Child
Esteler [PE] - Person of Hope
Walamai [PE] - Well Fortuned
Khūer [PE] - Cursed One
Túramo [PE-MQ] - Great One
Rilyalitsë [PE-MQ] - Glittering Sand
Tanoquetië [EQ-LQ] - Word Smith
Laureóma [EQ-LQ] - Golden-Voiced
Melian [?ES-LS?] - Dear Gift?
Elwë [?PE-LQ?] - Star?
Singollo [EQ-LQ] - Grey-cloak/Greymantle
Olwë [?MQ-LQ?] - Dreamer?/Becomer?
Alhonda [EQ-LQ] - Fair-Heart
Maiwehlón [EQ-LQ] - Gull-sounding
Mélamo [EQ-LQ] - Loving One
Elmo [?EQ-LQ?] - Star-person?
Elentir [EQ-LQ] - Star-Gazer
Lindaiwë [EQ-LQ] - Song-Bird
Filwalepë [EQ-LQ] - Thin Fingered
Lúthien [MS-LS] - Daughter of Flowers (also Wanderer or Enchantress in earlier versions)
Falasto [EQ-LQ] - Foam, Surge
Henkalino (Hencalino) [EQ-LQ] - Bright-Eyed
Éllindo [EQ-LQ] - Star-Singer (a play off Elulindo, a stated theoretical son of Olwë)
Luinpempë [EQ-LQ] - Blue-lip
Eärwen [EQ-LQ] - Sea-Maiden
Alquahéri [EQ-LQ] - Swan-Lady
Galadhon [MS-LS] - Tree
Malengôf [ES-MS] - Yellow Fruit
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surrealsunday · 2 years
10 Things I’ll Tattoo on You
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10 Things I Hate About You AU
It’s a terrible idea from the start. Eliott knows that. But when presented with the possibility of a date with a cute boy for a generous sum of much-needed cash, could anyone blame him for taking resident-asshole-Charles-Munier up on the offer? Well, yes. Lucas Lallemant could. But there’s no need for him to find out about the arrangement. A date and it’s done. Easy enough. Or it would be... if Lucas wasn’t... Lucas. Head-strong, stubborn, cheeky, and everything Eliott didn’t know he needed. In conclusion: He’s fucked.
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reikunrei · 2 years
wip wednesday is a thing, right? how about a little lumax in my hsm au :3c
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