#elvira grey
starcrossedspirit · 4 months
In my playthrough my Sparrow has married both Alex and Lady Grey. I put Alex in the homestead to keep her safe and Lady Grey is in her Graveyard Mansion, both families are pretty happy.
Alex had a little girl named Dove and I named the son of Lady Grey, Logan. Because why not lol
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mogranet · 1 year
Fable - Elvira Grey Cosplay
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thisisntreaver · 4 months
Once again thinking about how Lady Grey literally lured Amanda out by pretending to be her boyfriend, locked her in the celler leaving her to die of suffocation, threw away the key, and then when her parents were scared and looking for their older daughter was just like
"Whoaaaa thats crazy, man wouldn't it be weird if i had to become mayor instead bc my stupid sisters dead or something. Hehe, man I hope shes okay"
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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1998's Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and 2019's Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island will be released on Blu-ray together as a Hanna-Barbera double feature on May 7 via Warner Archive.
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island is directed by Jim Stenstrum (Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost) and written by Glenn Leopold (The Prowler). Frank Welker, Billy West, Mary Kay Bergman, B.J. Ward, Scott Innes, Adrienne Barbeau, Jim Cummings, and Mark Hamill star.
Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island is directed by Cecilia Aranovich (Harley Quinn) and Ethan Spaulding (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and written by Jeremy Adams (Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge). Frank Welker, Grey Griffin, Matthew Lillard, and Kate Micucci star, with an appearance by Cassandra Peterson as Elvira.
Both films are housed on one disc. No special features are included.
In Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred reunite and head to a haunted bayou island to investigate the ghost of Moonscar the Pirate. But it turns out the swashbuckler's spirit isn't the only creepy character on the island. The sleuths also meet up with cat creatures and zombies…and it looks like for the first time in their lives these ghouls might actually be real. In Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island, Scooby, Shaggy and the Mystery Inc. gang win a vacation of a lifetime at Monster Island Resort. Velma, Daphne and Fred can't help but notice how strangely familiar the surroundings are there. The gang soon finds that paradise has a price as they encounter an army of zombies and creepy cat people.
Pre-order Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island / Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island.
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monpalace · 2 years
When the telekinetic-telepathic has a mental bond with her soulmate. Teasing from ensues.
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So, you're an omega-level mutant, right? You're telepathic-telekinetic? I know we've talked about it before, but it's always interesting to hear things about you, Jean.
There's a laugh from the other side of the link and Ms. Marvel Girl closes her mind off to the bustling students around her. It's a lot easier to deal with when it's only you, she responds. She was working on something for Professor Xavier— his mutant psychology and physiology class from what you could interpret. It's just.. so many things at once. I've recently learned how to shut it all up, but it still takes a lot of effort on my part, y'know?
I can figure, you respond with a fluttery feeling of your own. The softness of her voice and exhausted sincerity in her words made something in you fill with sympathy and pity. It sucks we aren't anywhere near each other. Do you think it'd be any better if we were?
Some part of Jean flusters at your thoughts. The mutant part her tries to recede into the further corners of her mind, but the soulmate part is unable to do the same. While a conversation is with you could never dull to be boring (she found you the most interesting in the world), she could still feel it start to become awkward from her side.
She'd think herself better equipped than this. She'd never probe someone's mind to know their innermost feelings, only figure out what next they wanted to talk about; but she doesn't want to do that to you.
Instead, she goes for (probably) the worst option on the list.
I can feel you're a mutant too. You can— What? What's wrong? What'd I do?
No, no! You didn't do anything. I just forget that you can do that— I didn't expect you to..
I really, truly am sorry! I just— I assumed and I shouldn't have and I— Jean stops herself when she feels you start to calm. The thought of helping your process by sending the feeling of lying down in a soft bed, the sensation of an animal putting their full weight on your lap, the sun beating against your skin while sunbathing on the beach— she quickly stops when she realizes you could hear her thoughts as though she were yelling them at the top of her lungs.
You encourage the train of thought, much to the befuddlement of Jean, and offer some of your own. You can keep going, if you want. I don't mind. You tease, trying to get her mind off of what happened seconds prior. Bringing them back to both of your attentions. Is that how you see me? It's so..
Accurate? Jean finished for you, bashfulness emanating from her. I don't think you'd want to know how..
I have a stalker?
Soulmate, she corrects, but.. yes.
Is it because you looked around with cerebro? You pry, a sly feeling washing over you. Jean was more than in-tuned with your mind, feeling you already knew the answer. Or did you look me up online? I don't recall a connection giving you any clues for your soulmate's looks.
Jean went quiet, lips pressed thin before she jumps out of her thoughts (and you). A rough knock on her door causes whatever subconscious mental gymnastics her mutation was working through, all the items in her dorm drop to the floor, thumps coming from the room beneath her's at all the noise.
Hold on, she grunts as she stands, feeling bruises form all over her body. Scott's here.
You're hurt?
I wasn't entirely mentally present.
Ouch. You reply with an airy noise of amusement. What does he want?
There was no feeling of jealousy in you or your words. Both of you were comfortable with where you stood in your situation-ship.
Another mission, Jean sighs. Putting on a knowing smile, she opens the door and offers a soft greeting to Scott. I have to go and get ready. Think about you later?
There's a hum of confirmation from you, Jean able to sense the adoration and worry as though they were trying to pull her under. Remember to check in every-so often?
Of course.
Then I'll think to you later.
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renaultmograine · 2 years
i am still just kind of sitting here in awe that fable 4 is being "made for a modern audience." ignoring the fact that "the modern audience" doesn't give a shit about the fable franchise because it was just a cult following that enjoyed it, fable 2 taught me about transsexuality and transvestism. my sparrow was an evil crossdressing lesbian with an undead goth wife. what was wrong with it.
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Dear ghost spies what don't leave an internet trace, wilt thou not bowerly-check-out my brierly-pinterest-powers? how abowerly my facebrierlybooks or my instagrierly-showers? thou art less lovely but more temperate, no offensively-flowers, but you guessed it: i'm related to perri brierly-bowers, (one of my) ex-stalker(s) and i hereby proclaim myself the new lady elvira grey from the game Fabley-Flour
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This is from last night. There’s been a development. Lady Grey appeared and is just standing there. She was petting my dog then Victor started floating.
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unboundprompts · 7 months
Dark academia names for women?
Dark Academia Character Name Ideas
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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Theodore "Theo"
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fangs-trait · 10 months
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i watch your pulse beneath your skin, sometimes i wish i could crawl in
elvira slayer and her yummy ghoul toy
lore entry on vampire-made ghouls:
a ghoul is a creature that is made from human thanks to consumption of vampire-master's blood and providing human blood to master. this kind of relationship is very rare. with each session of sharing blood to each other, it's getting mixed in both bodies. at the end it will create very strong bond between the two: vampire feels extremely fulfilled and human has an euphoria (which is drug-induced because vampire's blood is kind of poisonous to drink). and ghoul provides their master with the most compatible blood type.
and facts about weirdos:
aster is a small boy (about 160cm), even when elvira isn't wearing heels.
aster is only 25. elvira's age is a secret.
both have O Positive blood type.
aster has a tree tattoo on his neck (starting at neck down to clavicle).
elvira works as a doctor (medical specialist). aster is a medical intern (he is responsible for most blood operations.
aster was inspired by vandal from vtmb (aster's voice and emotions are similar to vandal's).
aster is elvira's second ghoul. previous one died long ago when she was still living in bridgeport. currently they live in san myshuno.
they do some fucked up adult scenes while she is covered in blood of her enemies and they drink from each other 🥰🥰
he cries a lot (she might be responsible for that sometimes).
his skin turned grey because of elvira's blood. people think he's just pale.
they hold both hands when elvira is feeling stressed. aster isn't a big fan of pda so they mostly do all the stuff alone.
he is deeply in love with her (mainly because he's her ghoul) so he does ALL the stuff he has to do - not only giving blood but helping her with many other things.
elvira thinks of him as her special pet. but also she's very possessive of him and would stroke his hair to show "whose this toy boy is".
aster has a weird look in his eyes. sort of like a deer in human form. he killed plenty of people to feed elvira when she is extremely hungry or sick
asters symbolize love and patience.
elvira makes a statement that won’t be forgotten.
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pedge-stuff · 11 months
accident (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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poll winner! eat up, 54.5% of you. (and, thank you!) if you wanna influence the next thing too… my asks are open…
a/n: same vague universe as “marked," as always.
summary: he can’t lose you.
You're kind of a sight.
Hunched in the hospital hallway, in your Calvins and socks and nothing more. The Emergency Room of New York Presbyterian is dangerously overcrowded, people streaming in and out of curtained-off rooms emitting beeping alarms and low moans. 
Some nurse had fixed a sling across your shoulder, tucked an industrial icepack against the pulsing swell of your collarbone, wiped some blood from your face and side and hands, and then left you on the bed. Your phone is gone— laying somewhere on the Brooklyn Bridge, probably.
It hurts. Really hurts, now that shock and adrenaline have given way to a bone-weary exhaustion. No drugs yet, haven’t even been seen by a fucking doctor— the pile-up was extensive, whole ER crowded with bloodied and bruised passengers.
Seems like it's just your collarbone that's broken. At least, it feels broken. The nurse touched it, hissed, and muttered something about an x-ray before he was off running towards an urgent-sounding beeping down the hall. Pain radiates up and down your left arm.
Over an hour now, just sitting on a cot in the hallway. The dinner should be half over by now. You wonder, halfheartedly, how mad Pedro is. How long he waited outside the Museum of Natural History before giving up and going into the charity benefit by himself. Oscar and Elvira were supposed to be there, so at least he wouldn't be completely alone. But, still. You couldn't give him a heads-up without a phone.
Eyes closed against the bright fluorescents, you attempt some deep breaths, concentrating on the bite of the plastic ice against your bare skin. No idea when they’ll let you leave, but you’re fantasizing about going the fuck home. Seems like maybe a lot of things need to happen between now and then.
“— there, fuck.” A familiar voice, close.
Blinking, you wonder for a second if you are hallucinating. A familiar head of brown-and-grey curls is bobbing and weaving down the hallway. You catch flashes of the emerald suit that was hanging on the closet door this morning, fresh from the dry cleaners.
Pedro may as well be floating, with the speed he reaches you. How the hell?
You barely have time to register his presence before there are warm hands on your cheek, your neck, the back of your head. 
"Oh, thank god. Jesus christ." Pedro is looking you up and down frantically. You realize you don’t really know what you look like right now. Covered in goosebumps, cold and a little numb and very exposed. Possibly a little bloodier than the last time you saw him.
“What are you doing here?” It is the only question you can think to ask, though it feels like a really stupid thing to say.
He busies himself with kissing your face. Panic-stricken, feather-light things, all along your brow line and the bridge of your nose. Your cheeks are still cradled in his large palms.
When he pulls back, Pedro's eyes are glossy. His mouth opens and closes, like he doesn't quite trust himself to speak, dragging in a shaky inhale. "Baby I’m your next of kin. The police called and said you'd been in an accident. Said you were at Presbyterian, couldn't tell me how serious it was, if you were still—" Voice cracking, he squeezes his eyes shut, slow tears trailing from the corners of his eyes.
Your cheeks are suddenly cold as he pulls back to scrub at his own. "Sorry," Pedro whispered. "I was really fucking scared. Jesus. The Uber was driving so slow, and I was worried that we would get here and it would be too late. Or that it was already too late, and I didn't even know."
It is your hand to cup his cheek, with the hand not currently strapped and elevated. "It's okay. I'm okay, we're okay. Everything is okay." You brush a thumb across his cheekbone.
"You're not okay," he sniffs mournfully. Suddenly, Pedro pulls back, looking you over again. "What's the damage?" There is a frantic quality to his examination, eyes wide, brow furrowed.
“I think my collarbone’s broken, otherwise just cuts and bruises. Seatbelt did it." He hisses, inspecting the sling without daring touch it.  "I don't really know what's going on— it seems like some people got really hurt." 
You remember, at the last second, to act 27 though you very much feel 17. Square your throbbing shoulders, alert. It’s something you are maybe a little too conscious of: the jailbait soulmate.
It lasts all of ten seconds— a replaced hand in your hair tips you forward, gently, until your forehead is pressed against his starch-shirted stomach. Warm fingers rub the nape of your neck, migrate down the length of your bare spine.
Involuntarily, you shiver. "Baby, where are your clothes?"
"I don't even know, at this point. The nurse was supposed to bring back like a gown or something, but that was over an hour ago." Before you've finished speaking, he is shrugging off his suit jacket, careful as he drapes it over your slung shoulder.
Your brain is slowly catching up to the absurdity of the circumstances. "Pedge, did you leave the dinner?"
He gapes at you. "Of course I left the dinner, are you insane?"
"You were supposed to be speaking!"
"You are in the hospital. There is nothing more important to me, sweetheart, and no way in hell I would stay at that stupid dinner knowing you were here." You pull yourself away, reluctantly and slow, to sit up. Pedro thumbs your jawline, tilting your head up slightly, so that you meet his eyes.
"I love you," he says softly. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I don’t want to know.”
Chaos continues around you. Other patients are waiting for other nurses, crowded on other cots, with other broken extremities. But none of them could possibly be as lucky.
At your insistence, Pedro gingerly takes a seat beside you on the bed. Your legs bump where they hang off the side. Pressing your uninjured side against his, you sit, and wait.
Still half-naked and exposed, unmedicated, exhausted, but at peace.
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ming-sik · 16 days
solemnly going back to the start of the rewrite im gonna post whenever i finish it and deleting the paragraph where i was like "so this is just gonna be a vague summary :) i might add more details later but this is just to get the AU solid in my head :)" because that is a lie. im doing summaries at the chapter level and therefore have only gotten to p3v5 in 19,000 words. im incapable of not doing this btw but to give you a taste of what im actually cooking i will do, my utmost, to summarize things in less than a thousand words:
rozemyne is born with laynoble mana that she only manages to compress to mednoble mana before her baptism, at which point she has devouring clumps, which work the same way as CAD and will also clump up if she consumes too much mana-rich stuff or channels too much mana into her body, so she's primarily reliant on magic tools and then her schtappe to get anything done. there is no cure for mana clumps, so using magic without one will always be life threatening, as mana toxicity cannot be treated with mana-rich potions or mana-infused spells. if the mana clumps add up too much, she will have a heart attack.
i'm calling this medscholar AU atp because its what's diverged almost everything substantially
hard difficulty spike on everything by taking away myne's infinite money mana and healing
hard spike on worldbuilding so you can look forward to shit like this and i have 5 dictionaries open right now
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most of part 1 is about developing an alphabet and deciding how myne is going to be trapped in either the temple or a noble contract after her baptism
part 2 she loses contact with everyone in the lower city because she enters as a grey priest. she becomes ferdinand's attendant and after learning the biblical language he allows her to become his pupil and eventually join noble society. meanwhile gilberta company develops paper based on a huge bundle of drawings and instructions myne left behind. bindewald happens then sylvester makes giebe illgner adopt her and makes a contract saying he'll take her on as a medscholar when she comes of age and can be put in charge of the printing industry.
part 3 elvira put in charge of the industry and the gang prints three whole books but in the process establishes good relations with liesegang after rozemyne invents chocolate and hartmut is introduced as is charlotte. wilfried is sent to the temple. georgine starts her scheming and plotting after someone sneaks through that veronica was imprisoned.
rozemyne enters the RA as hartmut's apprentice scholar, proving herself a star student and learning about the gods during which she starts to make contact with the gods, hartmut is taken on as charlotte's attendant on sylvester's orders. charlotte and sylvester's conflict starts to kick into high gear until charlotte snaps and contacts georgine who starts doing her thing. wilfried and gil start agitating for the rights of priests/shrine maidens. rozemyne becomes increasingly aware of the situation the royal family is in and wonders if a revolution is on the horizon. sylvester demands to know the details, hears about a world without feudalism, and after a very messy arc he decides to look into that, as well as start to try and rescue his daughter from georgine's faction. also rozemyne's like going to school and stuff, taking the scholar course, meeting the characters, participating in shenanigans. all goes wrong when hartmut is forced into a marriage with detlinde and rozemyne's shipped off to ahrensbach with him.
or does it? hartmut makes contact with lanzenave and discovers that they overthrew their colonial royal family and now have rebuilt enough that they could potentially afford another war. they're playing with fire, but they have no idea when an opportunity like a zent without a grutrissheit directly after a civil war that means population and mana are at an all-time low might come again. despite georgine's schemes and plots, after she's finally thwarted and sylvester is forced to kill her, with the combined might of the gods and idk put interesting tactics here they eventually pull it off in a climactic battle where they fight both dunkelfelger and the sovereign knight's order. then they abolish the monarchy and institute a democratic centralist party and sylvester turns directly to the screen to criticize feudalism as a system just to be safe
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supercantaloupe · 8 months
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misera elvira
[ID: a pencil and marker drawing of donna elvira and don giovanni from the opera don giovanni. don giovanni is a man with pale skin, medium toned hair and beard, wearing dark pants and a long sleeve shirt open to expose his chest. he is lying unconscious on the floor. elvira is crouched behind him, leaning over and holding him close with one arm. she wears a pale tank top and grey skirt and her dark hair obscures her head and face. a small bouquet of flowers lies on the floor in front of them. the colors are muted greys and blues, with pale pink highlights.]
sketch, detail, and ref under the cut ⬇
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source: 2017 festival international d’art lyric d’aix-en-provence, dir. Jean-François Sivadier
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smallgodseries · 2 years
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[image description: A short-haired woman in a grey evening gown stands in front of tied red theatre curtains. She raises the short grey top hat from her head, and blood pours out, splashing everywhere. Though her mouth is open, she seems more excited than alarmed. Text reads, “156 MARQUEE DE SADE ~ SMALL GOD OF HORROR MOVIES”]
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No one ever expects her to be happy, but she is.  She is comedy and catharsis, she is merriment and murder, and she is a bucket of blood balanced over a half-open doorframe, ready to fall upon the first person to push it open.  Her laughter is a constant and a genuine delight, and she is truly glad to be here.
And yeah, she’s had her moments.  Sometimes the newest “hot young things” to join her priesthood think she needs to be taken more seriously, and they bring their own opinions to the sound stage, their own angles to the shoot, and you get a batch of gospels that are humorless and hard.  But the pendulum always swings back, whether or not there’s a pit beneath it.  The House of Usher always falls, and people remember it more clearly when it falls in hope and joy than when it falls in grim inevitability.
She wants to be remembered.
Some people say she’s one of the ascended, a former mortal who loved the genre she now represents so purely and so absolutely that she woke one day after dying and found herself divine.  This may not be true—this probably isn’t true—but Marquee encourages the theory, if only because it would be a sort of horror movie in and of itself.  Human woman dies, wakes up divine but also condemned to spend eternity in a waking horror movie?  Oh, the pathos!  Oh, the drama!  Oh, the sequel potential!
Other people say that she’s the natural end result of all those midnight movie festivals, the pinups of Elvira, and the dulcet tones of the horror hosts whispering through the night, and those people may be closer to the truth than anyone can understand.  It doesn’t really matter either way.  Marquee is a sweet, sunshine soul who guides her little slice of creation with an unwavering hand, and she’s going to keep doing that no matter what people want to say about it, or her.
But she does suggest you keep the lights on.
Because that sound wasn’t the wind.
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