#elvis. com
septembersghost · 1 year
people have been so mean about EP's looks and health later in life but something I loved in the movie was how it points out his voice. his voice was almost too powerful. even though he was suffering, he kept singing with all his might.
that part in the movie is when i fully break (if i can dream breaks me for different reasons 💖). that old voice rang out, and he sang with all his life. he is singing for his life. he's singing for everything, with everything he has. the film underscores this for us with such frankness and compassion. it was love. all along, it was love.
i have an excerpt saved somewhere about his voice and how he worked to keep expanding and improving it, how its tone got even more rich and full, the golden qualities it took on. since i can't find it right now and that's going to bother me, i'll use some others!
sherrill nielsen (the gospel tenor who sang backup for e with the imperials/voice) said it really well: "He got even more maturity in his voice as he got older; I was often amazed at his range, just as one singer listening to another. He could sing anything. I've never seen such a versatility, and in fact I don't see it today. Usually a voice can sing one way, but he had that ability about him, and he helped me to learn the importance of communication with an audience. He had such great soul. He had the ability to make everyone in the audience think that he was singing directly to them. He just had a way with communication that was totally unique."
if you listen to him sing from that later period, there are these aspects of his voice that go from like honey to thunder, bell to timpani. all the romanticism and sensuality from when he was young matures into that embrace of aching soulfulness, and yet he could still be sweet and light, and funny too. the spiritual songs feel even more inspired. the love songs more warm and yet sometimes more sharp-edged all at once, the robustness of his voice threaded through with tender melancholy beneath it. you said his voice was almost too powerful, and what remarkably softens its power is that infusion of humanity, hurt to humor. he might be too overwhelmingly powerful, except he's still elvis, and his gift was connection. the heart he laid into his music doesn't become more guarded, but less so. he's right there, giving all he has, and that's for us. (okay, the audience at the time, but it's still for us too.) he'd sing, and then he'd get that deceptively innocent grin and almost dare them - do you like it? you wanna hear me sing it better? - and then he would. through everything, whatever battles there might have been...music was the sanctuary to lay the armor down. he gave that with every part of himself and with such love for the people who'd rapturously share it with him and reach out for what he was offering. it's as though his spirit got closer and closer to the surface, and etched itself in every song.
these quotes are all sort of asides, that came up when i tried to google the actual thing i was looking for, but they're so <333
"I am reminded of a comment made shortly after the death of Elvis Presley by a musician he had worked with. He pointed out that despite an impressive vocal range of two and a half octaves and something approaching perfect pitch, Elvis was perfectly willing to sing off-key when he thought the song required it. Those off-key notes were art." - Patrick H. Adkins
"His personality was also extremely endearing, his interviews were very self-effacing, and he came over as gentle and was generous in his praise of others. He had a natural, technical ability, but there was something in the humanity of his voice, and his delivery." - Ian Gillan of Deep Purple
"The guy had a thousandth-octave range, and a variety in his vocal styles and approach, he could make more vocal tones, with just his voice, than a guitar player with 50 pedals and gadgets. If you never even saw the guy, you could plain feel, not just hear, the emotion and passion in his voice, and you are immediately taken in, one hundred percent." - Country singer Roger Wallace "He was the most commercially successful singer of rock and roll, but he also had success with ballads, country, gospel, blues, pop, folk and even semi-operatic and jazz standards. His voice, which developed into many voices as his career progressed, had always a unique tonality and an extraordinarily unusual center of gravity, leading to his ability to tackle a range of songs and melodies which would be nearly impossible for most other popular singers to achieve."
"Presley brought an excitement to singing, in part because rock and roll was greeted as his invention, but for other reasons not so widely reflected on: Elvis Presley had the most beautiful singing voice of any human being on earth." - William F. Buckley, Jr.
"The voice is so melodious, and - of course, by accident, this glorious voice and musical sensibility was combined with this beautiful, sexual man and this very unconscious - or unselfconscious stage movements. Presley's registration, the breadth of his tone, listening to some of his records, you'd think you were listening to an opera singer. But…it's an opera singer with a deep connection to the blues." - Jerry Wexler, co-founder of Atlantic Records.
"Elvis' range was about two and a quarter octaves, as measured by musical notation, but his voice had an emotional range from tender whispers to sighs down to shouts, grunts, grumbles and sheer gruffness that could move the listener from calmness and surrender, to fear. His voice can not be measured in octaves, but in decibels; even that misses the problem of how to measure delicate whispers that are hardly audible at all." - Lindsay Waters, Executive Editor for the Humanities at Harvard University Press
the quote i shared the other day, saying he could go from "nearly infinite sweetness, to ferocity, to spirituality, to tremendous power," it's extraordinary how accessible that sensation still is, how vibrant in recordings, studio or live, in film footage, professional or barely visible from old cameras. @joons (who probably could explain this better or add more to this than me!), sent me this the other night:
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it's like he existed to fulfill every purpose of what music is meant to do - thrill, inspire, mourn, rejoice, storm, caress, devastate, uplift - whatever a song could require, he'd meet it. it's why he was a rock and roll sensation and yet so revelatory with the gospel music too. it wasn't this separation of the profane and holy for him, it was ALL sacred in its own way. and as someone who believes music is a miracle and exists in many ways in a realm that's bigger than us (us not even being only humans! animals are touched by music too, for many reasons. it's beyond speech, beyond boundaries, beyond feelings we can form into words). it was all his soul reaching the souls listening. and nearer the end of his life, that took on richer qualities. i know my unabashed favorites are the american sound recordings, and the whole period from like '68-'72, where i feel like he was at that gorgeous cross-section between where he'd begun and where his voice would go, he's at this crackling range of technical strength and emotive finesse, but sometimes the music from later washes over me like a wave when i listen to it.
i talk a lot, but this was a perfect thing for you to send to me today, because we can look back and remember and celebrate this:
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i think about him saying he was just a little guy with a shaky leg, and the tremendous talent he honed so innately and beautifully, and the incalculable impact that had on the world of music, on countless artists, and continues to have to this day. an unchained melody.
he sang as he always did, with all his heart and soul.
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xxanaduwrites · 6 months
pairing: austin butler & oc: rianne solace WARNINGS: this story contains some heavy cussing. yes, our lead gal has a bit of a mouth on her. but rightfully so. taps into some heavy themes that revolve around adult-like shit — and to spice it up some sexual content along with some anxiety and depression. if that's not your cup of tea, this may not be the story for you, but if it is — proceed. summary: Anyone who has met Rianne Solace can tell you that she has the most interesting sense of humor, you'll ever come across. But, it's honestly the only thing that keeps her afloat. Not even the stupid tooth pick umbrella in her drink at a party can keep up. Because Rianne is just Rianne. What happens when she unexpectedly meets, what she describes as a 'gorgeous-lifeguard-ken doll-greek god-super model?' The list goes on - truly. Only for her to find out he's not just some shy, random, and overly attractive guy she met at a party. But the one and only Austin Butler. Like child actor to grown actor actor Austin Butler. Who not only plays the guitar, but also the piano too. Will she push him as far away as the rain, or will he merely become her downfall?
LINKS: da cast da playlist
da trailer da chapters this is my first story on here, so please be gentle with me! trying to figure it out as i go :) is comedic angst considered a thing?
the iconic wattpad cover.....SLAY!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
Sin in Snow White Taffeta and Latex
It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (Part One)
Part of the Yes Daddy Verse
Prequel Series: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6
Yes Daddy: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8
Adventures in Toyland: Introduction
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: Nothing really, sorry guys this chapter is all fluff! Swearing, feminization, drug use, a little grinding and kisses but this is just a happy fluff chapter 🖤 Rating: PG-13
Neither of them had ever been the type to plan things out. No, they were wild at heart and deficient of attention and a little mental at times. Perhaps that was why even though they'd been engaged for over a year and desperate to claim each other in every way possible they still weren't married on paper. They'd made plenty of jokes, the idea of running away to Vegas came up constantly or just going to the court house, but Dom thought Colson wanted something showier and Kells was positive his Dominic wanted to dress up. They were both so terrified of disappointing the other that they never even asked and it just got swept under the rug over and over again. That is until some of their friends took it upon themselves to get the boys absolutely shit faced.
It was interesting because though their friends were around each other frequently they hadn't exactly intermingled, which is why it took so long for any of them to realize the two gave about the same amount of fucks as to how they got hitched, they just wanted to be together. Mod had asked Tom to help him with a video shoot and while editing they'd begun to talk. It didn't take long before they were complaining about their respective boy problems, how their best friend was constantly whining about still just being engaged. For Dom it was sadness and worry over actresses trying to steal his man for arm candy and for Col it was self hatred for not doing right by his bitch but ultimately they found they faced the exact same problem. They needed better friends.
No, they realized neither cared how it happened, they just wanted the end result and it got the two from bitching to calculating to actually setting something up. Of course it would have to start with lots and lots of alcohol.
That's how Dom and Col found themselves three sheets to the wind and window shopping little white chapels under the painfully bright lights of the Strip. They were dressed to the nines though they barely remembered how they got that way and stumbling over themselves. Mod was attempting to be the designated decider and Tom was leading them, his back to the world as he snapped booze soaked memories for when they couldn't recall a thing later. They were all buzzing with excitement and worried at the pain they might cause other people but the wedded pair-to-be had been kidnapped and couldn't change a thing- yet another calculation. They both knew they'd thank their friends for it later. No matter what they said it was a personal experience and they didn't need anyone else watching.
"Daddy look!" The boy slurred, pointing one of his white latex covered fingers at the perfect chapel. It was hot pink and precious with a rock n roll vibe and there was an Elvis impersonator smoking a joint on the steps. It felt like a sign to his liquor addled mind and he jumped happily in his platform ivory creepers.
Col laughed and pulled his lover close, giving him yet another once over. The all white still made him smirk but it was the sluttiest wedding dress he'd ever seen. Honestly it's what he pictured strippers wearing at stag parties. Bone pale fishnet clung to his skin in a long sleeve top, barely covered by a ripped to shreds and safety pinned tee. The tutu was cute though, he had to admit and more than anything he just wanted to bend the punk over and see what panties he picked.
He was dressed much more relaxed but no less on point, a red suit to match his baby's hair and a white button up underneath, with his patent alabaster docs to finish it up. Dom had actually drooled when their friends took the blindfolds off, they'd meant to leave them on until they were in a church but they were both getting too frisky in the car and it was almost impossible to lead them around even with their vision working. "It's perfect doll." He sighed back, trying to pull his princess in for a kiss but his BFF stepped in and yanked the punk away.
"Shit guys, we're literally feet away. You can wait. Come on babe you can walk with me." The rocker tugged at Dom's shiny white palm and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He got them a few feet in front of the grumbling rapper and whispered- "You look beautiful. Thank you for taking care of him." The kid sniffled, holding back his emotions because he refused to mess up his makeup and while he didn't completely agree with the statement, he could admit they took care of each other. That's what it was all about though wasn't it?
The King impersonator choked on a toke when they stopped in front of him, his brows going high behind his glasses. "Holy sh- Mama!" The man caught himself halfway through cursing and tried to pull his facade back. Kells reached to shake his hand and steal his weed. "What can I do for y'all?"
Colson arched a brow as he took a deep drag, teasingly looking between the chapel and his bride. "Here to buy a car obviously. What do you think?" It wasn't his best sarcastic line, he was a little too drunk but the guy laughed nervously anyway which was good enough for him.
"Play nice luv, it's our wedding night." Dom pouted trying to curl himself around his daddy but Derek pulled him back, grumbling about needing child backpack leashes on them both.
"Oh, awesome!" The Elvis grinned, seemingly giving up on the act. "Come on, I'll give you guys the full package on the house!" He pulled his leather jacket up to reveal a sleeve of music themed tattoos. A few that made them realize he was probably acting so flustered because he was a fan and some that implied he was definitely batting for their team. "Seriously, I'll take care of you. You guys fucking rock! Can I just say..." He started nervously. "I totally called this from your first video!" Kells chuckled and his bride-to-be agreed.
"You're not giving my bitch the full package kid." Colson joked, giving the actor a wink when he blushed and Dom tried to swat him.
"Don't fuck 'is up. You give 'im a 'eart attack who's gonna marry us?"
"Then let's fucking go. Wanna fuck you already." Col whined back, the poor officiate was blushing so hot he was probably sweating. The neon above made him look cherry red.
"Charming. That's exactly wha' a bride wants to 'ear." Dominic rolled his eyes but honestly he was flattered, he always was. He loved how much his daddy needed him. After all, it was just as bad for him. Already he could feel his lace thong a mess of precum and he felt pussy wet as his very soon husband liked to say.
The impersonator led them inside and Mod kept them separate as best he could until they reached the main room and he dragged the rapper away. "Literally two seconds and you'll be back together. Fuck you guys, you're obsessed." He chuckled as the doors shut behind them and Dom was left with his best friend and the camera he hadn't put down.
"You look beautiful." The man smiled, lowering his hand and reaching to fix the singer's veil with the other. It was attached with a cute little tiara, marking him the princess Col called him all the time.
"Yeah?" He asked, his eyes misting and his heart racing in his chest. They didn't need to talk much, they knew each other better than that and Tom was one of the only people the punk could just be quiet with. "Fank you for 'is. Not sure we ever woulda figured it out." He huffed, fidgeting with his skirt.
"No shit." He thought he caught the man sigh but it was so quiet he let him grumble to himself and he laughed when his friend offered his arm. "Someone has to give you to the bastard. Might as well be me."
He could tell Tommy was more emotional than he was letting on, he always was. He was right though, it shouldn't be anyone else. "Course it would be you." Dom beamed. "You kept us together luv." It was true, he knew the photographer had been pulling their puppet strings almost since day one. Tom was the one who told him he had to do the collaboration, he told Colson to go to London when the singer wouldn't answer his phone, he texted the rapper to join them on tour when Dom was feeling too bad about everything, he helped them with their entire relationship really and without him they wouldn't even be in Vegas. "Ain't no one I'd rather 'ave wiv me."
They were so wrapped up in their moment they both startled when the music started up and the door opened. Right inside was a drag queen who looked like a pin-up model and she handed Dom a bouquet of black and red roses before disappearing again. Yeah, this was the perfect place for them. Jade eyes took in the room, four empty pews and a little stage at the front. It was small and kitschy, something akin to an old rock club mixed with a disco and he couldn't help but wonder if they'd let him shoot a video here someday but nothing else mattered when his gaze found his lover. Everything went quiet and he felt himself calmed. It felt like his whole life led to this.
Kells smiled when their eyes met, his fiancé was perfect and he just wanted to get this over with so he could get his boy back to bed where they belonged. Of course he wanted to be married but he didn't care about the showy part all that much, he just wanted to call his bitch his. Derek was next to him, playing an electric guitar he found somewhere and the Elvis was on his other side, still shaking like a leaf.
Dom knew he was supposed to step carefully and slow but he'd never been either of those things and he wasn't about to start. His arm linked with Tom's and his fist gripped the flowers tight and he stomped down the aisle the same way he entered Col's house all that time before. Tom huffed but was smiling so wide, for once his camera laid forgotten around his neck. He could take more pictures after, this he wanted to be present for, not live through a lense. The closer they got the better Dom felt and when he was finally at his partner's side he could only think of one thing to say. "'Ere's me Machine Gun."
Kells felt his eyes burn with unshed tears, fuck his baby knew exactly what would get him. The whole trip he'd been thinking over their relationship and remembering the story of how they'd met. It felt like it all started with that, 'Where's the Machine Gun?' and their night would end with Dom being his Mrs. But first Tom had to actually give the kid away. He held his hand out as the officiant stuttered through the script but he barely heard a word. Everything felt like a blur around him but that boy he loved so much.
"I do." Tom sniffled when asked who gave Dom away and with one last squeeze to his hand and a kiss to his cheek that Colson growled about he let his friend go and handed him over. "Always trusted you with him."
That made the rapper grin and he nodded his thanks but he couldn't take his eyes off his queen. He looked like sin in snow white taffeta and latex and he felt his cock jerk in his too tight crimson pants. Those raven painted lips mouthed 'I love you' but when he moved in for a kiss he was stopped by a flash from Tom's camera.
They were both calmer than they thought possible and unable to look anywhere else but somehow as drunk and needy as they felt they recited everything they were told. When the fan paused and asked if they had their own vows Dom blushed but nodded fast, of course tradition wasn't enough. They hadn't been conventional since the day they were born and they wouldn't start with something so important. For the first time that night the punk felt truly nervous. How could he sum up everything his lover meant to him?
His breath shook and he handed the impersonator his bouquet, curling both his palms in his fiancé's. "I didn't fink I'd ever learn 'ow to love. Wiv 'ow I grew up I fhought… I fhought I weren't worthy. I craved belonging so bad I started a bloody band." He laughed wetly, he couldn't stop the tears anymore. He just hoped his eyeliner held up. "I fink I were in love wiv yas from the moment we first met. You… you give me wha' no one else can. I feel complete wiv yas. You make me feel safe and loved and accepted and… fuck I barely know wha' to say tha' I don't tell ya all the time. You keep me sane. You… you 'elp me love me'self and when I can't do it you do. You the love of me life Colson. You every'fin."
Kells cleared his throat, fighting the lump that threatened to choke him. He didn't want to cry like a bitch but he didn't know if he could help it. His hands shook with pent up emotions and Dom squeezed him tighter, his pillow soft smile and heart eyed stare gave him strength. "I didn't have anything to live for before you stomped into my life and took up all the fucking space. No one shines as bright as you baby, nothing makes me feel as much. All this doesn't matter to me but I'd do anything to make you smile at me like you are right now. When shit gets tough you're what keeps me going. You inspire me every fucking day, and when I need it you kick my ass just right. You ground me when nothing else does and I just… you know I didn't have anything growing up and I thought I couldn't love right… that something was wrong inside me. You showed me my heart bitch. Without you I'm nothing and fuck I just… I just want to start our lives together and have a family with you. You're it babe, you're everything."
Dom didn't know how he made it through all of it without bawling but he stayed mostly composed until their friends produced two simple platinum bands. This whole night had obviously been carefully planned out down to his undergarments even and while maybe they both didn't think they understood love until each other, they knew they had been deeply loved for years. He took the larger one with trembling fingers, glad for the grip of the latex or it would be lost and he slid it carefully on his lover's hand, hearing the two most important words his man would ever say to him. "I do." When the question was turned on him and Colson was trying to work the glove off his hand he couldn't help but giggle.
Col almost growled when his boy slipped the latex between his teeth but he bit down on the fabric and held tight. His hand quivered as he took the ring and slipped it on his baby's finger, the first tear breaking free when his boyfriend repeated those words and he felt it like a brand on his soul. "I do."
They beamed at each other as Elvis finally exclaimed- "You may now kiss the bride." They even laughed at the cornily added "Huba huba, thank ya very much!" but Col was already scrambling to get the veil up and spit the glove out of his mouth. Dom went up on tiptoes as Colson bent down and when their lips met the universe went quiet and warm around them. They swore the world held its breath. They couldn't keep it chaste of course and Dom felt his daddy's touch ghost down his spine before his palms were groping hard at his bare ass and he was pulled flush against him. His lips parted on a gasp and their tongues explored, they knew every inch of each other but somehow it still felt new. Different but so much the same.
They broke apart panting and the four people present clapped, the poor Elvis seemed even more flustered than when they first met but he stuttered out- "May I present for the first time- Mr. And Mrs. Machine Gun?" His voice went up at the end like a question and Kells nodded. Dom giggled and swat playfully at his man's shoulder.
"I'll allow it for tonight but I don't know if I'm taking ya name luv." The boy rolled his eyes and yanked him down closer again. "Guess wha'?"
"What darling?" He hummed back, his voice a drawl as if just being around the actor made him take the accent on. He trailed kisses over the punk's cheek and held him close. He didn't think he'd let him go again all night. If ever.
"You me 'usband." His voice was almost a squeak he was so happy and with the revelation Col's heart skipped a beat. His palms tightened and he lifted as Dom hopped until strong thick thighs were wrapped around his waist.
"Shit you're right. Wife." He purred back, his gaze searching the chapel for somewhere they could hide away for a quickie.
"Mmm, 'usband say it again." Dom's breath hitched, his dick twitching in his too tight white lace thong.
He was so tempted to make a Borat joke but he could feel the bulge pressed against his belly and he was desperate not to ruin the mood. "Wife. Fuck need to find a place to hide for a few so I can make you a momma too." He teased with a wink.
"Guys! Hotel! We got you a fucking hotel not five minutes from here." Mod groaned, hooking his finger in the neck of Colson's jacket. "Tell the nice Elvis thank you and keep it in your pants for just a few more minutes please?"
They giggled together but did as they were told, both shaking hands with the impersonator and drag queen and they promised to tag them if they posted any pictures. It didn't take long but it still felt like eternity until the desert air was on them again and Tom was leading them down the Strip. "We'd ask if you wanted to party but…" Derek trailed off but they were barely paying attention to anything but each other. Colson truly didn't know how he was even walking straight with Dom almost grinding against him.
"Oh we'll party just not with you, no offense. Maybe breakfast?" He shrugged, his voice going thready when his husband started nibbling his ear. "Shit- brunch!" He corrected, his breath coming faster. He could make it though, he knew he could. They'd get to the hotel and spend their first night of wedded bliss buried deep in each other. He knew his words were probably a lie, they may not come out for days and they all knew it. No, it was the first night of the rest of their lives and they planned to spend it exactly as they always hoped to be, part of each other.
Author's Note/Tags: @triplexdoublex @manicpixiedreamb0y @jaxbreaker @hollywoodxwhore @cole-way-iero28 if anyone else wants tagged let me know and if there's anything you want to see between these boys just ask! My anons are always open but I never judge 🖤 This is my first pure story chapter and I meant to keep going but I thought it deserved it's own part. I hope it was still enjoyed and don't worry, the wedding night is still to come!
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thegalleonsnest · 2 years
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There was a penguin aarokocra that appeared on my twitter feed yesterday and many people informed me right away and I had to draw this magnificent penguin.
Lowkey kind of rushed this, so not my usual polish, but he was on my mind all day lol.
Link to the original post from where this bird came from. https://twitter.com/impossiblesnail/status/1587136499954454530?s=20&t=5upRLCvfNozfYXZwegyKww
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valkaryah · 1 year
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elvinnho · 2 years
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astracapone · 6 months
It’s release day for WOULD I LIE TO YOU, and if you’ve thought about grabbing a spicy rollercoaster of emotions to read, I’ve got you covered. British charm meets American sass in this wf/rom-com! Free if you’re subbed to KU. Check it out!
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Welcome to the Poly!Plasticsverse!
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collab with: @yungpoetfics (my fav bubs in the world)
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Regina George
@queenbgina/@callmereginald (she/her)
North Shore's Queen Bee
Soft for her girlfriends
The mom of the group
Basically a sugar mommy for her girls
Lifehack Geek
TikTok hater
Has rational fear of werewolves
Will fight a bitch
Victoria's Secret girly
Female rapper stan (Doja, Cardi, Megan, etc.)
Gretchen Wieners
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@thegretchenw/@greatgretsby (she/her/it (only if ur special))
The second mom of the group
Softest human
Loves playing with her girlfriends hair
#1 Twilight hater
Has a letterboxd account just to leave bad reviews
The level headed one usually, but will snap when she needs
Cuddly as fuck
Loves Fleur du Mal lingerie
Stubborn as Fuck
Wine drinker/expert
Loves vintage music (Elvis, Elton John, etc.)
Karen Shetty
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@karebearz/@karensheetty (any pronouns)
Loves Spongebob
Plant Parent
Knows Britney Spears and Lady Gaga choreo
Kpop girly (Blackpink, BTS, etc.)
Lettering expert
Has Funko Pop collection
Squishmallow lover
Cady Heron
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@cady_heron/@defnotcaddy (she/her)
The third mom of the group
Whispers when angry
Carries bandaids at all times
Always has snacks
Lactose Intolerant (but LOVES cheese)
Cries at Rom-Coms
LOVES hugs
Cannot handle spicy food
Sleeps with a teddy bear
Happy to be here
Friends with everyone's parents
Token vanilla of the group
Has diary (with a heart shaped lock)
Aaron Samuels
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@aaronsammy/@atomicaaron (he/him) or (ho/mie)
1/3 of Terror Trio
Y/N's best friend
North Shore's resident Himbo
Will do anything if someone says "I dare you"
Impulsive buyer
Has one brain cell (shares it with Y/N)
Overuses 💪 emoji
Usually confused
1/2 Golden Retriever duo
Can skateboard
Uses Axe body spray
Co-founder of Stuntmares
Dreams of grabbing a teddy in a claw machine (bucket list item)
Ass man
Owns too many grey sweatpants
Kisses his homies (homiesexual)
Has never watched Harry Potter
Watches lifestyle coaches on YT
Can play the ukulele (really badly)
Loves Eminem and Harry Styles (would fuck Harry Styles)
Writes Larry Stylinson fanfics
Kissed Y/N once (regretted immediately)
Damian Hubbard
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@hubbarddamian/@damianishubby (he/him/they)
Learned how to sew from Janis
Does drag and has a YT channel (Anita Dick)
Huge Adore Delano stan
Will fight anyone who hurts Janis
Doesn't like Rupaul as a person, but is a religious Drag Race fan
#1 Poly!Plastics fan
Has an 8 step skincare routine
Cameraman for Stuntmares
Lies about having curfew to go to sleep early
(Lowkey wishes he was a Slytherin bc it's the "cuntiest house"
Him and Karen watch The Bachelor
Fav movie is Dirty Dancing (did the lift with Janis)
Learned how to twerk from Y/N
Janis Imi'Ike
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@janiisimiike/@imiikenough (she/they)
Secret Barbie girly(live action and animated movies)
Will go straight for Ryan Gosling
Feral chihuahua of the group
Hozier stan
Pain in Regina's ass
Anger Issues™️
Secretly loves Olivia Rodrigo
Mentally Ill friend
Emotional Drunk
Karaoke Queen
Tits girly
Leather Jacket lesbian
Getting piercings > therapy
Has a suit collection
Loves her friends
Dog person (secretly)
Quotes niche memes
Kinky af
Middle Child
Y/N Y/L/N (FC: Chrissy Costanza)
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@thisbeyn/@reginaslefttit (she/he/they/it)
2/3 Terror Trio
2/2 Golden Retriever duo
Has matching fried egg tattoo with Aaron.
Co-Founder of Stuntmares
"Hi, I'm Y/N and welcome to Stuntmares" *jumps off roof into pool*
Cuts her own hair
Blooper Reel Queen
North Shore's resident stoner
AUDHD (autistic + ADHD)
Playlists range from Beethoven to ashnikko
Plays electric guitar
Has slight speech impediment
Gremlin of the group
D&D Dungeon Master
ALWAYS falls asleep during movie night
Power Nap Addict™️
Monster Energy Drink Enthusiast (collects the cans)
Oddly good at Origami
Tweets everything she thinks
Has been banned from Fortnite and Roblox
Married to Gretchen on The Sims (regina and karen were sad)
Anger issues
✨Spicy✨ Latina (do not fuck with her people)
Matching rings with her gfs
Def had one night stand with Cady
Shane Oman
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@shaneomann/@omantastic (he/him) or (dumb/hoe)
Loves Old School Rap (Biggie, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, etc.)
Hates Y/N at first but comes to love her like a sister.
Only person who can outsmoke Y/N.
Has a dropped truck with red LED lights under it.
Blasts music walking down the halls.
Always has the zoomies.
Orange cat friend.
Has elevator music playing in his head 24/7.
Challenged Damian to a dance off. (He lost. But he had girls simping over him)
Posts thirst traps on TikTok. (Regina's mom is his #1 follower)
Has a frying pan tattooed to match Aaron and Y/N.
Always on Stuntmares trying to create new world records.
Or eating a bunch of weird combos.
"Oman! Not again!" *proceeds to eat a marshmallow and spam sandwich*
Ralph Lauren man
Whenever the polycule argues, he's a "fuck this shit, I'm out" person.
Professional party crasher
Dine and Dash expert
Has nipple piercings (Aaron and Y/N dared him to get them)
Curses like a fucking sailor (Half of his lines on Stuntmares are just censor beeps)
Talks way too fast.
Knows Italian and Spanish (Him and Y/N talk shit in Spanish)
His ringtone for Aaron and Y/N is the remix of the Windows error sound
Loves t-shirts with offensive prints (Regina tries to make him dress normally)
Has gc with Aaron and Y/N called "Hoemies"
Would fuck Aaron
Major gossip (Him and Gretchen meet once a week to talk shit)
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stvolanis · 8 months
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( so far )
Elvis: ❥ All Dolled Up PT.1
❥ All Dolled Up PT.2
❥ All Dolled Up PT.3
❥ Broken heartstrings
❥ Pretty Stars
Stranger Things: ❥ Don’t Wanna Grow Up. (Jim Hopper)
❥ Nancy Wheeler (Drabble)
❥ Strawberry Kisses (Nancy Wheeler)
Scarface: ❥ LOVE GAMES (Tony)
❥ soft lovin’ (Tony)
Saltburn: ❥ Farleigh Start Drabble
❥ HOT & HEAVY (Farleigh Start)
❥ Toxic! FWB! Farleigh Start
❥ Vixen. (Farleigh Start)
❥ lover<3 (Farleigh Start)
❥ Mean! Farleigh Start
❥ Love & War (Farleigh Start)
❥ Farleigh Start x Innocent! Reader
❥ Farleigh Start w/ size kink
❥ Farleigh Start x Hybrid! Reader
❥ Intruder Alert! (Farleigh Start)
❥ Hearts & Kisses (Farleigh Start)
❥ last saltburn related post (reposts excluded) :’)
THE LOST BOYS: ❥ supernatural S/O
GUNS N ROSES: ❥ Pink Roses. (Axl)
HAZBIN HOTEL: ❥ Now I know you better (Alastor)
OUTER BANKS: ❥ Rafe Drabble :)
❥ Another Rafe Drabble..
❥ jj Drabble
❥ summer lovin’ (jj)
❥ Rafe & his hybrid!puppy gf drabble
❥ rafe & his praise kink Drabble ;P
❥ dbf!Pope drabble
❥ rafe w/ his housewife drabble
❥ subby john b drabble
❥ mean rafe drabble
❥ jj w/ his prince albert piercing :)
❥ stepbro! rafe
❥ best friend! rafe
ON MY BLOCK: ❥ Spooky w/ Bimbo!Reader
❥ Spooky x reader fluff
TAG LIST: @elvisalltheway101 @epthedream69 @claire-elvisgirl @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @luxuriouslokistan-3 @sapriao @xiyingly @jazminsjaz @likeits2002 @www-interludeshadow-com @khxna @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @floredaqueen @hockeyrat @rafeswhorejjsslut @peterpan-neverfails @sunflowerskenz @lemonadygirl @newavenger @bloobewy @hewwokitti3 @vogueprincess @theoraeken
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 9 months
Random Leon headcannons ♡
Leon listens to 'The Neighborhood' and 'Arctic Monkeys'. He occasionally throws in a little Elvis, too. His favorite songs are Void, Pretty boy (he secretly adores it when you call him that, he will never tell you though) Why'd you only ever call me when you're high, 505 and Devil in Disguise.
He loves, LOVES early 2000s rom coms. Think legally blonde, the proposal, 13 going on 30. It's such a guilty pleasure for him. Luis teases him about it a lot but Leon knows the shit Luis watches is way worse. (Luis is a hallmark movie enthusiast, fight me) 
He is very insistent on a weekly game night with you, Ashley and Luis. Chris and Claire show up too, from time to time. He's such a sucker for boardgames, but if he loses... don't except kisses for the rest of the night. Most of the time he can't help himself though, he just has to kiss you. He seriously crumbles so fast when he's with you.
The biggest snorer out there. He has given you a heart attack or two at night. You gently nudge his leg and usually  he'll roll over and stop, pulling you close. He feels so, so guilty when you walk into the Kitchen with the darkest rings around your eyes because he kept you up with his snores. You assure him that it's fine and you'll just take a nap later. You're just happy that he's getting sleep.
His favorite season is summer. He loves going to the beach and swimming.(it's totally not because you wear skimpy summer clothes) Has played mermaids with you before, may have gotten a little handsy and made it the explicit version of mermaids. Lemon sorbet is his favorite summertime refreshment. He has definitely given you head after he had ice cream and put you on cloud nine. 100% collects shells for you.
He's such a dog person. It has to be a big dog, though. Like a Bernese mountain dog or a Newfoundland. He loves squishing their cute little face. Is the best dog daddy ever, he's so excited when he gets to cuddle with his fluffbuddy, and you of course. Having a dog gives him a feeling of domesticity that he's always longed for. He wouldn't mind a cat, he likes them and never passes on an opportunity to pet one but he's a dog person at heart. If you get him a puppy, he's the happiest man in the world.
Loves to have little kitchen dates with you, aka you cook dinner together and he twirls you around the kitchen and sways with the music. Usually a glass of wine is involved too. You're also wearing matching Pajamas.
Has such a sweet tooth. He looks like a BBQ chips kinda guy but he loooooves sweets. If you like baking and do it frequently he's on his knees. Refuses to eat any other baked good ever again because "they can't compare to yours". Do not leave your baked goods unattended, they will be gone by the end of the day.
Oddly, he enjoys going grocery shopping. He will always push the cart for you and pay. You have tried everything to convince him to let you pay but he straight up refuses and shuts it down immediately. He will spoil you to the high heavens, even if that means just paying for veggies lmao.  Again, there's something so domestic about going grocery shopping with you, it makes him so happy and fulfilled.
Huge Sleeper. Sure, if he has to get up early for his job or run on just a couple hours of sleep he can manage that just fine but he'd sleep for the whole day if you'd let him. On the Weekends, he does not get out of bed before 2 pm so won't you. He will have such an iron grip on you, leaving the warm embrace of the bed is impossible.
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stoplickingmyneck · 2 years
fuck it. ronance wedding headcanons
- they def had an unofficial lil backyard “wedding” with the party back in the 90s. like, jeans and tee shirts and 15 dollar rings and eat hot dogs around a fire pit unofficial
- they kept those cheap ass rings on 24/7, and when they finally rusted and crumbled and were absolutely unwearable they put them in nancy’s ballerina trinket box, the one robin’s still fascinated by after all these years
- when they bought their first house (they move to indianapolis so nancy can work for the star btw, i feel like robin would be some sort of counselor too?), the first thing robin did was take a big ol bulletin board and nail it right to the bedroom wall. for the next twenty years it became their dream board, where they’d pin magazine clippings of suits and dresses, rings and bouquets and venues, dreaming of the day it could be their turn for real
- they have a record player in their kitchen and play cheesy slow music, elvis and frank sinatra typa stuff, while they cook or eat dinner or do work at the counter. every time a song that nancy likes comes on she begs robin to slow dance with her, and she grudgingly agrees every time. and robin fucking sucks. tripping over nothing, not knowing where to look or put her hands, getting flustered at every little move her girlfriend makes. nancy jokes that robin better not be like this during their first dance, and robin grumbles back that she’d rather hire a stunt double than suffer through this (she secretly loves it tho)
- attending weddings is so hard for them. not that they’re not happy for the couples, but because they know they might never get one of their own. when they get. home from max and lucas’ wedding, nancy breaks down in robin’s arms, sobbing that it would be so much easier if she were straight. robin holds her tight and reassures her so gently, and after she calms down they pull out the stack of wedding inspiration books they’ve acquired over the years, put on an old rom-com, settle side by side on the couch and stay up until 3 am gushing over ideas
- in 2015, the moment the announcement comes out that the supreme court legalized gay marriage, nancy speeds home from work, like, 20 miles over the speed limit and finds robin on the front steps, sobbing her eyeballs out, a big dumb grin on her face. nancy gets down on one knee right there on the driveway, not caring that it’s pouring rain and she doesn’t have a ring and and she looks like she just stepped out of the goddamn upside down. robin drops to the ground in front of her and kisses nancy harder than ever before
- nancy wants a traditional wedding. robin wants fun and unique, none of that “old-fashioned bullshit”. they butt heads over it constantly during the planning process, but slowly grow to adore each others’ styles and compromise on every detail
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the invitations ^^^ they have a cute lil spring wedding right before their 50th birthdays😇
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robin’s suit n nancy’s dress ^^^ nance would absolutely be the typa girl to wear karen’s old dress and robin would want the most basic, no frills suit to ever exist
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their shoes ^^^ robin can barely stand on her own two feet so heels were out of the question. nancy spent weeks and weeks learning how to embroider just so she could surprise her fiance with cute flowered converse at their bridal shower. robin cried
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their hair ^^^ idk what to caption this with lol
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their flowers ^^^ ruth n rose colors, Nancy thought it was fucking hilarious when robin suggested it so it stuck. the idea of robin in a boutonniere makes me drool too
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the ceremony n reception ^^^ nance wanted to get married in a big white church like she saw in movies when she was a little girl, robin wanted someplace quaint and cozy to spend the night surrounded by her best friends. worked out perfectly
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their rings ^^^ adorbs
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the cake^^^ robin would 100% take nancy's last name bc she worships her wife and fuck stereotypes
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^^^ i like to think steve jokingly suggests they serve ice cream, a lil nod to their scoops days, not expecting robin to adore the idea and immediately write it down
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best men steve and jonathan ^^^ they wouldn't have bridesmaids cuz what other women do they need in their lives tbh👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
other stuff:
-being apart for like 3 hours while they get ready is torture. before the ceremony they do that first look thingy where they're standing back to back on opposite sides of a wall and they're holding hands and they're so nervous and giggly and then they do a countdown and peek around and both of them just stand there in shock. like they just watched the sky open up and an angel fall to earth. and then nance throws her arms around robin's neck and they start bawling cuz they realize their 20-plus-year dream is coming true UGH. when they step back robin runs a finger through nancy's curls and whispers how she's as beautiful as the first time she laid eyes on her and nancy melts
-they walk down the aisle hand in hand, exchange long sappy handwritten vows, and fall so perfectly into place when they kiss. it's like a scene from a disney movie. not dry eye in the damn building
-at the reception, there's lil charcuterie boards at each table, and they serve wood-fired pizza cuz it's what they ate on their first date (plus it's robin's fave)
-steve and jonathan bring the HOUSE down with their best men speeches. steve's is full of embarrassing jokes about robin that make her face turn red, and when he brings up how she peed her pants in the russian lab she jokingly (kinda) threatens to slit his throat. jonathan's is so sweet and tender and you can tell he still loves nance so so much
-after the speeches robin excuses herself outside and comes back 5 minutes later with a guitar. she plays a song she wrote for nancy. it's generous heart. because maya is robin in this world and doesn't exist and tbh i don't care. it's incredible
-their first dance song is first day of my life by bright eyes
-i hate ted and idk anything aboutt robin's dad so they don't get dances whoops
-nancy cuts the cake because robin with knives is a death wish
-the ice cream cart is a huge hit (steve brags about it for years). robin's a chocolate girl and nancy's a lemon sorbet lover
-they drink champagne and dance to 80s music until the ceiling spins. around midnight nancy grabs robin's hand and pulls her through the crowd to the balcony. they sway there together under the stars, foreheads pressed together, pressing an occasional kiss to the other's cheek. in that moment, they both agree nothing on their dream board could be as good as this
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-ALSO instead of a honeymoon they take a road trip, driving route 66 to california, stopping to take pictures at every little landmark and singing at the top of their lungs for hours💘
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imninahchan · 3 months
Nina, como seria os meninos com uma leitora que tem espírito de velha? Que adora costurar, ver filmes/novelas, usas casacos de lã, ficar em casa, dormir cedo, ler livros a torta e a direita, cozinhar tudo que der na telha (especialmente doces, biscoitos e bolos) e ouvir músicas românticas (tipo Can’t help falling in love do Elvis e put your head on my shoulder do paul anka)?
literalmente tudo que o enzo quer, né? ele é bastante caseiro e reservado, trocaria qualquer rolê pra ficar em casa mesmo contigo e fazer coisa de gente velha igual ver novela e falar mal dos personagens como se eles fossem gente. super te ajuda a cozinhar as receitas, mas prefere ficar na parte de ler as instruções pra ti e depois lavar a louça. antes de dormir, estão vocês dois deitadinhos na cama, lendo cada um um livrinho, ou compartilhando o mesmo, ele fazendo carinho no seu joelho até o sono chegar.
às vezes, por causa da rotina corrida, não dá pra fazer um café da tarde todo dia, mas pelo menos aos finais de semana vocês gostam de ir pra um cafézinho superfaturado só pra tirar fotinhas e fofocar. se tem uma coisa que mais combina com o enzo é ouvir música antiga e dançar naquele balançar simples sabe? que move os pezinhos pra lá e pra cá, sem muita coisa. adora ir contigo à sebos, lojas de antiguidades e de discos.
agora, o matías pode surpreender. quando você conhece ele, acha que seu jeito mais caseiro poderia confrontar a personalidade dele, afinal se conheceram numa baladinha, entre os amigos, mas o argentino é bastante caseiro também. festinha é uma vez a cada trinta dias e olhe lá, tem que ser algo muito especial pra dar vontade de tirar o pijama dele. é mais daquele de só ler as instruções das receitinhas que você quer fazer e encher a barriga, porque não leva jeito pra cozinha e morre de preguiça. não acha muita graça em ficar colecionando discos de "música chata e velha", mas fala que é um rap ou rock dos anos 80/90 aí pra tu ver se ele não compra até o último exemplar. imagino muito ele com o braço no seu ombro, segurando um cervejinha na outra mão, enquanto vocês dois assistem um slam na pracinha, depois o pessoal fuma um e fica conversando, andando de skate.
vocês tem noite do filminho. é sempre no mesmo dia, fixo, mesmo horário. cada semana um escolhe o filme do dia, e o matí passa no mercado, compra pizza e algo pra beber.
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dinodontwait · 4 months
Some things, you know, are meant to be
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Pairing: Choi Vernon x afab!reader
Genre: Office au, Rom-com, fluff, full of fluff
Summary: A workplace comedy that unfolds amidst stapler shenanigans, coffee-stained kisses, and the unexpected melodies of a love story written in the margins of office chaos.
Word Count: ~3k
Inspired by:
Like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things, you know, are meant to be
- “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley
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The fluorescent lights flickered above my desk as I furiously typed away on my keyboard. Meet deadlines, exceed expectations, that was my mantra. Vernon, the resident laid-back charmer, was stationed at the desk across from mine, seemingly unfazed by the whirlwind of papers around him.
"Hey, Y/N, have you tried this new relaxation technique?" Vernon flashed a grin, waving a stress ball in the air. "It works wonders."
I rolled my eyes, suppressing a smile. "I'll stick to my to-do lists, thanks."
Seungkwan, my best friend at work and partner in crime, shot me a knowing look. "Y/N, you need to loosen up. Look at Vernon here; he's like the office zen master."
I scoffed, glancing at Vernon who was now juggling stress balls effortlessly. "I'm here to work, not join the circus."
Mingyu, the charming office heartthrob, strolled by. "Y/N, you're missing out on all the fun. Vernon's stress ball circus is the highlight of my day."
Ignoring Mingyu's teasing, I turned my attention back to the computer screen. Little did they know, behind my focused facade, there was a secret crush brewing for Vernon – the guy with a grin that could disarm even the most stressed-out soul.
One day, as I meticulously organized my desk, Seungkwan leaned in with a mischievous grin. "You know, Y/N, I heard Vernon is single. Maybe you should consider letting loose a bit?"
I scoffed again, a little too loudly. "I'm not looking for love; I'm looking for a promotion."
Seungkwan raised an eyebrow. "¿Por qué no los dos?"
Our boss, Seungcheol, walked in, eyeing the lively atmosphere. "Can someone explain why there's a stress ball juggling act happening in the middle of a workday?"
Vernon, quick on his feet, quipped, "Just promoting a stress-free environment, boss!"
Seungcheol sighed, shaking his head. "Just get your work done, people."
Little did they know, the real circus was happening inside my head – a swirling mixture of deadlines, spreadsheets, and an unspoken crush on Vernon, the stress ball virtuoso.
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Days turned into weeks, and my secret crush on Vernon continued to blossom like an office plant thriving on coffee spills and forgotten snack crumbs. Seungkwan, my ever-curious accomplice, kept pushing me to confess my feelings.
One afternoon, as I reached for a printer jam, Vernon appeared beside me. "Need a hand, Y/N?" he asked with that disarming smile.
"N-no, I'm good," I stammered, my fingers fumbling with the paper tray. Smooth, Y/N. Real smooth.
Seungkwan, sensing the tension, waltzed in. "Vernon, have you tried Y/N's favourite stress relief technique? It's called 'awkward small talk.'"
I shot Seungkwan an annoyed look, but Vernon chuckled. "Actually, I'm quite the expert in that field."
As the days went by, Vernon and I continued our friendly banter, oblivious to the silent romantic tension building up. One day, Mingyu, the office heartthrob, decided to play cupid.
"Seungcheol is throwing a little office gathering this Friday. You should come, Y/N," he suggested, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
Seungkwan, overhearing the conversation, grinned at me. "A little birdie told me Vernon might be there."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going for Vernon; I'm going for the free snacks."
Friday arrived, and the office was transformed into a makeshift party zone. Soonyoung and Chan, the resident party planners, had outdone themselves. The atmosphere was lively, and mingling was the order of the night.
As I casually hovered near the snack table (as promised), Vernon sidled up. "Hey, Y/N, mind if I join you?"
My heart raced, and my well-rehearsed response escaped me. Seungkwan, ever the opportunist, popped up from behind a potted plant. "This is your chance, Y/N!"
I shot him a death glare, but before I could say anything, Minghao, our boss, took the stage for an impromptu karaoke session. The crowd roared with laughter as Minghao belted out a surprisingly good rendition of a popular song.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua joined the makeshift karaoke stage, turning the office gathering into an unexpected talent show. Amidst the chaos, Vernon leaned in, his voice barely audible over the laughter.
"Y/N, do you mind if I steal you away from the snack table for a moment?"
My heart skipped a beat as we slipped away from the cacophony of mingling coworkers. Little did I know; this office gathering was about to take an unexpected turn.
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Away from the karaoke chaos, Vernon and I found ourselves on the office rooftop, a hidden sanctuary above the hustle and bustle of the party below.
"So, Y/N," Vernon began, leaning against the rooftop railing, "what's the verdict on Seungcheol’s karaoke skills?"
I chuckled, grateful for the brief escape from the office madness. "Surprisingly good! Who knew our boss had hidden talents?"
Vernon grinned, his eyes meeting mine. "Speaking of hidden talents, have you discovered any exciting stress-relief techniques lately?"
My cheeks flushed, and I laughed nervously. "Well, there's this one where you, um, take a deep breath and... forget about stress for a while?"
Vernon raised an eyebrow, "Sounds intriguing. Mind showing me?"
As I attempted to demonstrate the 'forget about stress' technique, our hands accidentally brushed against each other. A jolt of electricity shot through me, and I couldn't help but feel that maybe Mingyu's party suggestion wasn't all about the snacks.
Just as the moment was getting more intimate, Seungkwan's voice echoed through the rooftop door. "Y/N, Vernon, you won't believe what Seokmin is attempting on that karaoke stage!"
We exchanged an amused glance and headed back to the party, the rooftop escape lingering in the air like an unspoken secret.
Days turned into weeks, and the office dynamic shifted. Vernon and I found ourselves collaborating more often, whether it was on projects or sneaking away for a coffee break. The once-careful balance between professionalism and unspoken feelings began to blur.
One day, as I was drowning in a sea of spreadsheets, Vernon appeared at my desk with a cup of coffee. "Thought you could use a break, Y/N."
I smiled, touched by the gesture. "Thanks, Vernon. You always know when to save me from spreadsheet-induced insanity."
Vernon chuckled, "Just doing my superhero duty."
As he walked away, Seungkwan, ever the observant friend, nudged me. "Y/N, if Vernon's your superhero, maybe it's time to let him rescue more than just your sanity."
I sighed, realizing that maybe it was time to acknowledge the switch in my feelings. Little did I know; the office drama was far from over.
Embracing the subtle shift in dynamics, I decided to take Seungkwan's advice and let Vernon in a little more. As days passed, we found ourselves sharing stories, inside jokes, and even embarking on a few collaborative projects that had nothing to do with work.
One day, as we navigated a particularly tricky task, Vernon flashed that signature grin. "Y/N, who knew work could actually be fun?"
I smirked, "Well, considering you've turned our office into a circus more than once, I'd say fun is your specialty."
Vernon chuckled, and for a moment, our eyes locked. The unspoken tension between us was palpable, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the moment to address the elephant in the room.
However, fate had different plans. Mingyu, the office charmer, decided to play cupid once again. "Guess what, lovebirds? There's a team-building retreat this weekend. You two should totally go together!"
I shot Mingyu a glare, but Vernon seemed unfazed. "A team-building retreat, huh? Sounds like a great opportunity to strengthen our professional synergy."
Seungkwan, who overheard the conversation, nudged me with a sly grin. "Looks like Mingyu's doing your job for you."
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The weekend retreat was a mix of team-building exercises, trust falls, and awkward icebreakers. Vernon and I navigated through it all, trying to maintain our professional front. However, as the evening bonfire flickered to life, the atmosphere changed.
Under the starlit sky, surrounded by the laughter of colleagues, Vernon and I found ourselves drawn to the warmth of the flames. It was then that Mingyu, ever the matchmaker, suggested a round of sharing secrets around the fire.
Seated next to each other, Vernon and I exchanged hesitant glances. "I'll start," Mingyu declared. "I once accidentally sent a love letter to the office printer."
The group erupted in laughter, and the ice was broken. Colleagues shared embarrassing stories, dreams, and even fears. As the circle neared us, Vernon looked at me, his eyes reflecting a hidden vulnerability.
"I've got a secret," he began, "I'm not as carefree as I seem. There's more to me than meets the eye."
The sincerity in his voice struck a chord, and I felt a surge of courage. "I've got a secret too," I admitted, my gaze locked with Vernon's. "I never thought I'd find someone who could make me question my to-do lists and deadlines. Until now."
A hush fell over the group, and Mingyu, grinning like the ultimate cupid, whispered, "Looks like we've got a love confession in the making."
Vernon's eyes widened, and a smile played on his lips. The unspoken tension finally surfaced, and in that moment, surrounded by colleagues, deadlines, and the warmth of the bonfire, our secret crushes were no longer a secret.
The confession around the bonfire sparked a change in our dynamic. Colleagues became enthusiastic cheerleaders, and our interactions took on a newfound sweetness. The retreat ended with a subtle shift, leaving us on the brink of exploring a different facet of our relationship.
Back at the office, the atmosphere buzzed with playful teasing and knowing glances from our colleagues. Seungcheol, our boss, couldn't help but join in on the newfound workplace romance banter.
"Looks like we've got our very own office love story," he quipped during a team meeting, causing everyone to burst into laughter.
Vernon, ever the cool customer, took it in stride. "Guess we're the talk of the office now."
Seungkwan, who had become our unofficial relationship coach, couldn't resist chiming in. "Don't worry, you two. I've got a list of rom-coms we can use as a guide. First on the list, 'Office Love: A Spreadsheet Affair.'"
I rolled my eyes, "I think we can figure this out without consulting Hollywood."
As days turned into weeks, Vernon and I continued to explore the romance budding between us. The office dynamic remained lighthearted, with playful banter and camaraderie. Our desks, once separate islands in the sea of cubicles, were now like neighbouring countries, sharing secrets and stolen glances.
One day, as we worked on a project together, Mingyu sauntered over with a mischievous grin. "You know, there's a team-building workshop next month. More trust falls, more icebreakers. You guys up for it?"
Vernon and I exchanged a knowing glance, and he chuckled. "Why not? We've survived worse."
The workshop became another chapter in our evolving story. Trust falls turned into shared laughter, icebreakers transformed into inside jokes, and by the end of it, the unspoken romance had solidified into something more tangible.
As we navigated the workplace romance waters, our colleagues became our biggest cheerleaders. Soonyoung and Chan, known for their playful antics, organized a surprise 'office engagement' celebration, complete with streamers and confetti.
Vernon and I shared a glance, realising that our love story had taken a turn neither of us anticipated. Amidst the laughter and playful celebrations, the office had transformed into a haven of love and camaraderie.
In the midst of it all, Seungkwan, the unsung hero of our love story, grinned. "Who knew a stress ball circus could lead to all this?"
As the celebration continued, I couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected journey from unrequited feelings to a full-blown office romance. Little did I know, our story was far from ordinary, and the chapters that awaited us were bound to be filled with laughter, love, and the occasional office-related shenanigans.
And so, our office love story continued, each day bringing new adventures and discoveries, proving that sometimes, the best stories are the ones we never saw coming.
The end.
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Amidst the lovey-dovey glow of our budding romance, the office continued to be a hotbed of humor and shenanigans. Soonyoung and Chan, the dynamic duo of mischief, were determined to ensure our love story had its fair share of comedic moments.
One day, as Vernon and I were engrossed in a serious discussion about a project, Soonyoung burst into the room, wearing an oversized cupid costume complete with wings and heart-shaped arrows.
"Lovebirds! Cupid is here to spread the love!" he declared dramatically, shooting imaginary arrows in our direction.
Vernon burst into laughter, "Soonyoung, did you steal that from a costume shop?"
Soonyoung winked, "Let's just say they were happy to contribute to the office romance fund."
As cupid Soonyoung made his dramatic exit, Seungkwan appeared, holding a boombox blaring romantic ballads. "Cue the romantic background music, because love is in the air!"
I couldn't help but shake my head, "Are you all on a mission to turn our love story into a rom-com?"
Seungkwan grinned, "Of course! Every great love story needs a touch of drama and a splash of comedy."
The office antics continued, from surprise romantic dinners (courtesy of Mingyu's questionable cooking skills) to impromptu karaoke sessions led by Seungcheol. Each day brought a new twist, and our colleagues reveled in turning our office romance into a daily dose of entertainment.
One day, as Vernon and I enjoyed a quiet lunch in the office breakroom, Mingyu approached with a sly smile. "I've organised a team-building scavenger hunt. You two are partners, of course."
Vernon raised an eyebrow, "A scavenger hunt? Is this another attempt to set us up with more office romance drama?"
Mingyu winked, "Consider it a test of your teamwork skills."
And so, armed with a list of bizarre items to find around the office, Vernon and I embarked on the scavenger hunt. Little did we know; the items on the list were carefully curated for maximum comedic effect.
From finding the boss's favourite mug to retrieving Mingyu's missing pen, the scavenger hunt led us on a wild goose chase through the office, with our colleagues cheering us on and occasionally throwing in unexpected challenges.
As we raced against the clock, laughter echoed through the corridors. The scavenger hunt not only tested our teamwork but also became a hilarious adventure that further cemented the lighthearted spirit of our office romance.
In the end, we returned triumphant, armed with the requested items and a bag full of new inside jokes. Mingyu, grinning from ear to ear, declared, "Teamwork makes the dream work, especially in love!"
Our colleagues erupted in cheers, and as we caught our breaths, I couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected bonus of laughter and camaraderie that came with our office romance.
And so, amidst the office shenanigans and comedic chaos, Vernon and I embraced the joyous journey of love, proving that sometimes, a touch of humour is the perfect seasoning for a budding romance.
The real bonus, it seemed, wasn't just the love story but the incredible cast of characters who made our office romance an unforgettable and laughter-filled adventure.
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In the midst of our blossoming office romance, fate decided to throw a comical twist our way. Chan, the youngest member of our close-knit work family, found himself unintentionally at the epicenter of a lighthearted office drama.
As Vernon and I sought a moment of solitude for a stolen kiss, little did we know that Chan, armed with his characteristic youthful enthusiasm and penchant for timing, happened to be passing by. A sharp gasp from him caught our attention, and we quickly pulled away, glancing at each other with a mix of embarrassment and surprise.
The mischievous gleam in Chan's eyes hinted at trouble. "Caught you two in the act," he declared, brandishing his smartphone.
Seungkwan, never one to miss an opportunity for teasing, chimed in, "Looks like our baby Chan here just became the official office spy."
Chan, visibly annoyed but also reveling in the attention, shot back, "I am not a baby, and I was just passing by!"
Jeonghan, in his usual sarcastic tone, crossed his arms and looked at Chan with faux anger. "Oh, Chan, our innocent little baby. What have they done to you? You've been tainted by their lovey-dovey vibes."
Chan, with an eye roll, muttered, "I am not innocent, and I am certainly not a baby. Stop calling me that!"
Jeonghan continued in mock frustration, "Well, I hope you're happy now, Y/N and Vernon. You've officially corrupted our 'baby' Chan. Congratulations."
Chan, now slightly exasperated, grumbled, "I'm not corrupted, and I'm not your baby!"
The playful banter continued, with colleagues suggesting that Chan should be the official office witness for romantic moments. Mingyu, always ready for a bit of mischief, proposed a weekly "Chan's Chronicles" during team meetings, where Chan would share his accidental discoveries.
As the teasing persisted, Chan, despite his irritation, couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Fine, fine, make fun of me. But I'm not a baby, and I definitely didn't ask to witness their love drama."
And so, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, the unexpected witnessing by our 'baby' Chan became a quirky tale in our office romance saga. Chan, despite his protests, inadvertently added a touch of humour to our love story.
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hefestotv · 1 month
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Bem-vindos ao TOPTVE onde cada melodia é um convite para se apaixonar, eu sou Eros e vou te fazer flutuar nas nuances do amor até o final do programa!
Ah, o amor! Quem nunca se perdeu em um olhar ou encontrou poesia em um simples gesto? Nosso programa de hoje está recheado de MVs e dicas de músicas que vão aquecer seu coração e te fazer suspirar. Vamos embarcar juntos nessa jornada musical que nos lembra que, mesmo nas noites mais escuras, sempre há uma canção para nos guiar.
Semideuses, convido vocês a se prepararem para cantar junto comigo, dançar coladinho com a pessoa amada ou simplesmente deixar que a música leve você para aquele momento especial com alguém que você ama. No TOPTVE, o amor está no ar e, com certeza, na sua playlist! Basta apontar seu celular para o QR code que aparece no cantinho esquerdo de sua tela, sim, do mesmo lado onde fica seu coração, e mergulhe comigo nessa experiência. Então, aumente o volume, abra o coração e deixe o amor entrar.
Love is in the Air: Para os apaixonados clássicos! Aqui você encontrará as maiores letras românticas do mundo mortal. Nomes como: Lionel Ritchie, Elvis Presley, Elton John, Whitney Houston, Cindy Lauper e muitos outros!
I Will Survive: Para os corações quebrados, para aqueles que sentem que o amor está em seu momento mais difícil e precisam se recuperar de uma perda. Deixe que Troye Sivan, Olívia Rodrigo, Sam Smith, Lewis Capaldi e muitos outros acalentam seu coração... pois você não está só!
My Dirty Secret: Ah, a luxúria! O amor não é apenas calmaria e tranquilidade, é também fogo! Paixão! Luxúria! Aqui você encontrará Anitta, Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, Camilla Cabelo e muitos outros para embalar sua noite sexy.
Arrasta!! O chifre no asfalto: Como nem tudo são flores no amor, também temos uma programação especial para os... cornos. Não há jeito melhor de dizer isso. Para os que a testa está coçando e o cotovelo doendo, também vamos dividir a atenção com Priscila Senna, Marília Mendonça, Matheus e Kauan e outros sofredores!
Fallin' for each other: E claro, para aqueles que ainda estão no caminho para se apaixonar. Onde tudo é novo e bom, onde o mundo parece cor de rosa e o sentimento é tão jovem que tudo o que você consegue fazer... é flutuar nesse amor. McFly, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Meghan Trainor e outros irão te guiar por esse arco-íris fantástico.
E o melhor de tudo? Você pode nos enviar sugestões que elas serão adicionadas às playlists do programa! Ouça tudo e respire fundo pois O Amor Está no Ar!
ATENÇÃO: Para não atrapalhar a dinâmica, o conhecimento dos casais que estão em encontros são apenas em OOC, em IC, os personagens só sabem quem foram se os colegas contarem.
Alina e Raynar: Campo de tiro ao alvo
Fahriye e Alexander: Cachoeira mágica
Sawyer e Victor: Lago com pedalinhos
Evelyn e Leonardo: Corrida de Pegasos
Kerim e Candace: Jantar perto do lago
Styx e Charlotte: Observatório Astronômico
Donna Jo e Stevie: Passeio no lago
Kitty e Veronica: Arena
Marlowe e James: Anfiteatro
Junho e Kit: Campos de morango
Pietra e Liam: Cozinha
Olivia e Amarantha: Canoagem
Indigo e Yeon: Observatório Astronômico
Estelle e Bishop: Caverna dos deuses
Hwon e Brooklyn: Cerâmica
Tadeu e Sasha: Passeio a cavalo
Aurora e Duncan: Riacho zéfiro
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maddiescinema · 4 months
I need help myself. I read this fic where the reader was an academy driver who became an F1 driver. She was in her twenties and her parents had disowned her when she was 15/16. She meets Max and he instantly becomes close with her and has her spend the holidays with him, Kelly, and P. The love interest in the series is Arthur Leclerc and it starts with the Vegas gp where she wears an Elvis inspired clothes
i scrolled A LOT but i still didn’t have any luck, so sorry anon BUT if anyone knows where to find it PLEASE let us know in the comments, my inbox or my dms!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
“Audere Est Facere (To Do Is To Dare)” by @fangirl-dot-com
(thank you sm to everyone that helped find this fic, all the love to you guys!)
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idollete · 2 months
fala quais músicas vc acha que definem o Enzo. não precisa ser só música da tay
OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤓☝🏻 licença dona bradshawcity que você acordou um monstro adormecido hihihihi. só vou fazer um adendo aqui que vou citar músicas que não necessariamente tem a ver com a letra, mas com a vibe também
salvatore, lana del rey
maroon, taylor swift
the 1, taylor swift (obgda nina 🙏🏻)
nothing's gonna hurt you baby, cigarettes after sex
palavras no corpo, gal costa
starry eyes, cigarettes after sex
moon river, frank ocean
piledriver waltz, arctic monkeys
corcovado, elis regina e tom jobim
cherry, lana del rey
beauty school deftones
dark but just a game, lana del rey
modinha, elis regina e tom jobim
fotografia, elis regina e tom jobim
cruel summer, taylor swift
'tis the damn season, taylor swift
false god, taylor swift
music to watch boys to, lana del rey
red, taylor swift
yayo, lana del rey
million dollar man, lana del rey
let's get it on, marvin gaye
at last, etta james
don't blame me, taylow swift
lucro (descomprimido), baianasystem (pq na minha fic de enzo baiano ele escuta baiana)
fascinação, elis regina
eu te devoro, djavan
can't help falling in love, elvis presley
não olha assim pra mim, outroeu
quando a chuva passar, ivete sangalo
hoax, taylor swift
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