drawbauchery · 7 months
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squid-nerds · 1 year
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Alphonso is @spicyet ‘s oc!
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B1 for Twice with the outfit meme??
he got fashion advice from magne and dance lessons from toga and dabi :)
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ask-chef-teruteru · 10 months
Aaah I've been gone for a while and I was waiting for a perfect time to tell you but there's never a perfect time is there so might as well just say it now or I never will; I got another boyfriend!! I wanted to tell you about him as soon as you got back but I felt like it should wait and then I just kept putting it off fdkfdjgdfkgh
His name is Zayne and he's suuuuuper pretty and nice and sooooo cool!! I'd love to bring him by the diner to meet you sometime soon but he's super busy and lives pretty far so I don't know when that'll happen but
I just wanted to tell you!!! I love him very much!!! And I love you very much!!!!
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“Fine fella like yourself, I’m surprised ya weren’t a regular Casanova by the time y’all moseyed along to the diner, swept me off my feet! Then again, bless your lil’ heart, you’re so shy. Even in tellin’ me ‘bout your great news! And it is great news, sugar! I’m happy as can be for y’all!”
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“It’s wonderful to see y’all ‘round here again! World’s always a bit brighter with you in it, so I hope y’all been doin’ well! I appreciate y’all stoppin’ on by to keep me up to date on your date— you silly lil’ thing! Y’all coulda told me ‘bout him any ol’ time! Any time is the right time to talk about the people you love! I coulda no sooner stepped foot in the diner ‘fore you ran at me sayin’ 'Teruteru, you look at this boy I done landed, ain’t I so lucky!?' and I woulda been excited for ya then and there!
I am thrilled to bits for y’all, my darlin’! I’m hopin’ I get the chance to meet him too, but I understand how bein’ busy goes.
Congratulations on the happy relationship! Zayne ain’t the only one who’s pretty n’ nice n’ cool, n’ I’m glad y’all found each other!
I love y’all too, o’ course! Don’t go bein’ a stranger waitin’ on the perfect time to talk to me again a’ight? You n’ yours are always welcome!”
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hungry-game · 2 months
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teddy-beloved · 7 months
1, 7, 8, and 10 for Wally Darling (or Chucky if you only want to answer for primaries)
"What tropes does your relationship fall into?" yandere, enemies to lovers, soulmates!
"Who has the most power/control in your relationship? You or your F/O?" this is,, a bit of a hard question to answer. Wally is the yandere in our relationship who brought me to the neighborhood with the intention of keeping me there and has the ability to do just that but, on the other hand, he's doing that for me and I could definitely take advantage of that obsession easily.
"Does one of you ground/tether the other or are you both equally (un)stable?" we're both pretty unstable in our own ways unfortunately!
"Does your F/O know all the messy, dark, “undesirable” parts of what makes you who you are? Do you know theirs? If so, what was the aftermath of its revelation?" at first, Wally attempted to hide everything about himself that he thought would be viewed as undesirable but eventually stopped seeing the point pretty quickly. On the other hand, on my side? No, he doesn't. He knows nearly everything about me as it is and I'm going to try and keep what I have left private.
(ask game)
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c0smicjayy · 7 months
16, 21, and 42
(ask game)
16. I'll love you if you spend a lot of time with me! I'm easy to please what can I say
21. hmm.. I've always liked my green eyes a lot, if we're talking physically
42. ramen and eggs!
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basbearship · 1 year
Tengaku (angry Freddy is a crazy thought, so I had to ask), Love Love Sugar, world execute (me), please!! This ask game has some absolute bangers 🤌
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-Tengaku: What does your F/O act like when they are angry, no, enraged, no, absolutely fucking feral and fuming?
So I hc that it's real hard to get Freddy angry, irritated is possible if you're persistent but outright feral rage? Something extreme to the nines has to be happening, because in a potentially scary show of sentience he will completely override his coding.
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If he's that mad it's probably because there's a major threat to the children at the Plex, or some kind of permanent fatal threat to his loved ones.
At that stage, he would prioritize their safety over any other procedure. You don't get asked politely to leave, he's running at you full force ready to do whatever it takes to remove you as a threat. He doesn't want to harm or kill anyone but uh...he will if he has to.
He'll give one warning, an enraged, wordless scream as he gears up to run the threat down, and if that doesn't work then whoever or whatever he's pissed at is getting charged at.
He loses track of his processes and systems, focusing solely on the problem, the closest he can get to "seeing red", and he loses track of his own strength if the situation escalates or drags out for any significant length of time.
He's horrified he's capable of all that after the fact, even if any damage he does is minimal.
the other two are under the cut just so this post doesn't get annoyingly long to scroll by!
-Love Love Sugar: Just gush, but in the most over-the-top yearning way you possibly can. Please overuse the heart emojis if possible.
I'm trying to shake off being embarrassed about this still but I'll do my best-
I just think he's neat, I really love how friend shaped and visually calming he is, he makes me very happy just to even see, I keep a few pictures of him on my phone and my laptop just in case I need em, and my desktop background has been a pic of us for about 6 months already 👉👈 my lockscreen isn't but my phone wallpaper is a different pic of us.
I love his lil ears and his nose, I love wearing his hat and playfully threatening to steal his bowtie. His eyes are so vivid and pretty, despite everything he has such gentle hands and words, I wanna hold his hand all the time forever.
He's not soft and squishy like a lot of other people's partners but he doesn't have to be, we build up nests of pillows and blankets so we have flecible means to cuddle and be close and it makes my heart weepy every time i see him in rest mode or just.. relaxed, away from the busyday at the Plex. Just getting to wind down and not have to perform.
I'll stop there tho or I will get i n c o h e r e n t
-world execute (me): What is the saddest song that still suits your F/O?
So avoiding FNAF fansongs lol, "Leave me alone" by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
Can't be good being the star of the show all the time...
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drawbauchery · 9 months
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profiction-edits · 8 days
Would you make some Mime Jr icons with the Gendercute flag?
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(this one)
They’re right here for you!
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squid-nerds · 1 year
I know a lot of your guys™ are separated from most of the Splatoon Lore, but do you have any Salmonid OCs? Or Salmonling thoughts?
Outside of Rocco and Emilio’s whole story, I do try to keep Yuuto and their whole squad as close to the lore as I can! Even for the current comic, I was googling “does splatoon have alcohol in their lore” before coming up with the concept LMAO (apparently they do, btw! Flow lists drinking as one of her interests)
As for Salmonid OCs, I don’t have any but it sounds super fun!! Especially to bring into Yuuto and the squad’s whole story! If not that, I’ll prolly doodle some random stuff haha. I do love seeing people’s Salmonlings, so maybe I’ll try it out!
I don’t have much thoughts on them though, other than I think they’re neat :) love the hybrids too!
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syrupsyche · 1 month
Enjolsette siblings au, when they're running from Javert and end up in the convent.
How does Valjean manage to get two kids over the wall? He struggles enough in the brick with just Cosette, and barely makes it, but now he's got Enjolras too. :O
I doubt there's enough time for him to pull one up and lower the rope to do the same with the second, so does he tie them together? Or have one cling to his back while he climbs? (Probably dangerous af, but if you're in a pinch it could probably work)
Idk this could be really fun to explore the possibilities :0
Okay so this was one of the parts of canon that, when I first started jotting down my AU, I decided to pointedly ignore because the logistics of figuring it out was CRAZY. Your ask got me thinking about it again though, and after rereading the chapter I decided to write a drabble on what I would think might happen. Is it realistic? Probably not, but this is my sandbox and I shall play with it however I want :3
Drabble under the cut below! Parts in italics are from the original text.
P.S. for those confused as to who Eugène is; that is Enjolras' real name in my enjolsette siblings AU, from the OFEAverse! 😎
“Eugène,” said Jean Valjean in barely a murmur. He was untying his cravat. “Reply softly. Have you learned to tie a knot?”
“Yes sir.” The young boy said quietly. He had not yet begun calling the man father. “I tie the horses to their stables.”
“Take your cravat off. Tie the end of it to mine.”
As the boy set about his task, Jean Valjean’s despairing glance fell on the street lantern-post of the blind alley Genrot.
Jean Valjean, with the energy of a supreme struggle, crossed the street at one bound, entered the blind alley, broke the latch of the little box with the point of his knife, and an instant later he was beside the children once more. He had a rope.
When he returned to the dark corner, Eugène had the long strip of fabric in his hands, staring up at Jean Valjean.
“Father,” Cosette said, her small hands clutching the back of her brother’s coat. “I am afraid. Who is coming?”
“Hush!” replied the unhappy man; “it is Madame Thénardier.”
Cosette shuddered. He added:—
“Say nothing. Don’t interfere with me. If you cry out, if you weep, the Thénardier is lying in wait for you. She is coming to take you back.”
Thoroughly frightened, the little girl threw her arms around her brother, her face buried in his shoulder. Eugène looked just as alarmed but kept still, an arm around his sister while his other still held the cravats out.
“Lift your arms,” Jean Valjean instructed quietly, taking the tied cravats away from the boy.
The children complied. Jean Valjean wrapped the cravats around their bodies under the armpits, and fastened it to one end of the rope. He took the other end in his teeth, pulled off his shoes and stockings, which he threw over the wall, stepped upon the mass of masonry, and began to raise himself in the angle of the wall and the gable with as much solidity and certainty as though he had the rounds of a ladder under his feet and elbows. Half a minute had not elapsed when he was resting on his knees on the wall.
Cosette and Eugène gazed at him in stupid amazement. Cosette’s arms had returned to hugging her brother closely, the name Thénardier having chilled her blood.
“Eugène,” called Jean Valjean in a very low tone. “Put your back against the wall.”
The little boy did so at once.
“Are you holding onto your sister?”
“Yes sir.”
“Hold onto her for your life. You must never let her go or you shall lose her forever, do you understand?”
Fear clutched the poor boy’s heart. Still, he nodded bravely and tightly embraced his sister.
“Yes sir.”
And the children felt themselves being lifted from the ground.
Before either could scream or cry, they were on the top of the wall.
At once, Jean Valjean grabbed the children and pulled them next to him. With his knife he slashed the cravats around their bodies, pulling Cosette onto his back and holding her two tiny hands in his large left hand.
“Lie low,” he said quietly, pressing his right hand down on Eugène’s back til he was flat on his stomach. “Crawl to the slope and stop. Move carefully. Do not speak.”
Eugène nodded dumbly and began crawling with the swift agility all young boys possess. Behind him, Jean Valjean crawled towards the cant as well, Cosette clinging to his back.
As he had guessed, there stood a building whose roof started from the top of the wooden barricade and descended to within a very short distance of the ground, with a gentle slope which grazed the linden-tree. A lucky circumstance, for the wall was much higher on this side than on the street side. Jean Valjean could only see the ground at a great depth below him.
He had just reached the slope of the roof, and had not yet left the crest of the wall, when a violent uproar announced the arrival of the patrol. The thundering voice of Javert was audible:—
“Search the blind alley! The Rue Droit-Mur is guarded! so is the Rue Petit-Picpus. I’ll answer for it that he is in the blind alley.”
The soldiers rushed into the Genrot alley.
Jean Valjean pressed a finger to his lips, staring at the wide-eyed boy next to him. Moving in front of Eugène, Jean Valjean allowed himself to slide down the roof, still holding fast to Cosette, reached the linden-tree, and leaped to the ground.
He placed the young girl down the moment they landed, who curled up at his feet clutching his trousers. Whether it was from terror or courage, Cosette had not breathed a word.
Jean Valjean then looked up at the boy still atop the wall. Erasing all traces of fear from his face, he smiled gently up at him and held out his hands, his palms facing up.
Eugène, understanding what he meant, immediately turned onto his back and slid down the roof, stopping himself at the linden tree with his feet. Wrapping his arms around the tree, he quickly scampered down, where Jean Valjean scooped him into his arms at once. Bravado finally leaving that tiny body, the boy pressed his face into Jean Valjean’s shoulder and released his shuddering breaths that came close to tears.
“Hush now, child,” Jean Valjean murmured into his ear, shifting his weight so that he sat on his right arm. Bending down, he slipped his shoes back on and picked Cosette up with his left.
With both children now back in his arms, Jean Valjean turned around to find himself at the beginning of an enigma.
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ask-chef-teruteru · 10 months
TERUTERU!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I wanted to come in SUPER early today to be the FIRST to wish you a happy birthday! And of course give you a present!
*Places a very small cake box on the table and inside is… A Cake! Sort of… the icing doesn’t seem to have set right and is mostly liquid. The cake itself, despite having multiple layers, I’d rather thin, and just a tad underdone*
I’m.. not good in the kitchen, obviously, but I thought something store bought isn’t personal enough and I’d already gotten you flowers plenty of times and I can’t sew or knit to make anything So! I hope this is enough to show my love for you! And how happy I am that you were born, so that we could meet!
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“Aaah! You— honey, you—you! You’re so sweet n’ good to me! You really went through all the trouble o’ makin’ this just for lil’ ol’ me?”
He takes a closer look at the birthday cake, lower lip beginning to quiver and eyes threatening to grow misty. In an instant, his arms are thrown around his partner in a tight hug. To the chef’s credit, he only blubbers a little.
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“You—you— you hush with that 'obviously' nonsense! You think I ain’t been in the kitchen long enough t’see when somethin’ was made with love? Weren’t born yesterday— several years ago to this day in fact!— y’all can’t go sellin’ it short on how much work makin’ a cake can be! Even more so if y’ain’t experienced! I love it, n’ I love you too! Havin’ a precious darlin’ like you in my life at all’s gift enough, so this is just a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ extra if y’all ask me!
Thank y’all so very much, Emile!”
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olliesneweyes · 2 months
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Guess who made a sequel to his Emil redesign! All self indulgent stuff! Also it's ok to tag as kin/me/ect :D
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
I absolutely adore your ruby gloom s/i and her entire gender shes so cute oh my god tell me about them PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE I know you already said it was inspiration but she reminds me SO much of the mummy girl from The scooby doo ghoul school and i LOVED THAT MOVIE SO MUCH AS A KID i just gotta know all about this s/i off design alone
She is like a PEAK little girl gender to me, it's what younger me would have wanted.
Now I don't know if you've actually SEEN Ruby Gloom but it is THE Baby Goth/Emo/Scene show. As in it is a show about and for Baby Goth, Emo, and Scene kids. There are hijinks and shenanigans and mild dark humor and usually no moral at the end of the episode.
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She's a mummy, probably. The show is about like Monster Kids but what they are and where they come from never comes up. There is no plot, just kids being friends.
I imagine she can't talk with all the bandaging, and this show isn't the type to bust out actual sign language, so she just mimes and charades her way through conversations, like Doom Kitty. And like Doom, it has varying results. Skull Boy and Ruby can usually figure her out and Misery has a knack for charades and basically always knows what she's saying, but Iris can basically never figure it out, and Frank and Len and Poe all just Assume they know until someone else corrects them.
Sense she can't talk, and her bandages cushion her steps, she tends to accidentally sneak up on people and startle them, mostly Scardy Bat. There's an episode in my head where she keeps startling him, so he puts a bell on her so he can hear when she's coming.. and then she drops the bell somewhere and doesn't notice until it's completely unraveled her, and no one recognizes her unwrapped, so her and Scardy Bat have to backtrack the entire mansion together, avoiding getting seen by anyone else, to find where her bandage trail starts to rewrap her.
She's a lot stronger than most anyone else in the mansion, and can pick up and carry pretty much everyone with ease. Sense Skull Boy's commonly precariously up high and Iris is always seeking wild thrills, this strength is mostly used in catching those two specifically when they fall, though sometimes Poe ropes her into doing hard work for him.
I self ship with Skull Boy with her but they're probably not actually dating in current canon. He, She, and Ruby are in this Love Triangle situation where they all three have a crush on one another, and they're also all like 8-10 so navigating romantic feelings is really hard. So they're all still friends, and will probably stay that way till they're all a bit older.
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Flynn: Well.. we did live somewhere very similar for three years, and even before that I just liked the place. After all those years with Fannar and Arlo, it kinda feels like home more than anything else. -looked at Emil in his little familiar form- It's also a calm nice place, and yes, the veil feels thinner here, so hopefully it means I can figure out how to visit. 
He was hoping to find a way, to make visitations between them easy as he missed and worried a lot about his twin. He especially feared that his twin would be lonely sometimes, if Arlo would do that thing where he seemed to just escape into his own world for a while. It hadn't happened in a while before they left, but it was a small worry for him that it could leave his twin "all alone". 
Flynn: Besides, what would  you do if I lived too far away, you'd miss me! 
River chuckled.
River: I’d just portal my ass there to give you a puntastic weekend, and you know it. So we wouldn't be away. 
Emil chirped listening to the two and finally they flew off Flynn's hands, landing on the floor as they slowly reverted to their form. They flexed their fingers and then placed a hand over their chest, trying to listen, to focus, as they felt it, the heartbeat, not their own, but Flynn. They smiled.
Emil: It worked. I can feel you! -and they smiled brightly at Flynn, taking his hands and kissing them- River: Good to know! Now, how about you cover your butt? Without a tail there's nothing left for the imagination.
Emil blinked at River who grinned playfully. Flynn was about to answer his father when he noticed Emil change, and he was happy to hear them say that they could now feel them. He could sense Emil too, so it seemed the bond was as it once had been. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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