#emily adomestic
tagged by @ratgf !! thank u ^^
favourite colour: deep reds like maroon and crimson
currently reading: mdzs book 2 and shonen note book 1
last song i listened to: vape nation by mom jeans lol
last movie: the matrix 4
last series: mob psycho 100
currently craving: ice. crunch
currently working on: almost finished crocheting my first blanket >:)
tea or coffee: tea, specifically lemon ginger with honey
tagging @cloudheaded @buggyeyes @emily-adomestic @asymmetryestablished !!
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lesbianbottoms · 4 years
I just had sex for the first time and I always assumed I was a bottom and now... now I know
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Do we know where the show is set? I’m genuinely curious, IDK why lol
Pretty sure it’s set in L.A. I know they mentioned it in at least one of the episodes i just can’t remember exactly which one hahaha sorry :) 
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emily-adomestic · 7 years
Growing up fat is never owning one of those Lulu Lemon bags that everyone carries everything in
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astroxnot · 7 years
Damn you almost DIED when you saw that Pride puppy but you're a kitten person????? Jesus do you explode when you see a kitty????????? Dude I super wanna go hang out at an animal shelter with you haha
YES!! i think there’s one in stouffville?? also it was between kitties which means smol and doggos which usually means bigger and i like smols but if it was kitties and yappers then i wouldnt be able to choose help
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illyyria · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you!
heck yea i love these things 
1. springtime (when everything is blooming and it’s warm outside)
2. my school (it has a building that resembles hogwarts what else could you ask for) 
3. Re-discovering music that I once loved but forgot about
4.Tattoos, i love the self expression it allows
5. My friends- my friends never cease to amaze me with their kindness and general willingness to put up with my bullshit 
I’m lookng at you @dogsandkittens and @emily-adomestic
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therandommeerkat · 7 years
Don't they speak Greek in Macedonia? Or are the languages just incredibly similar? I have an aunt who is Macedonian but she's basically culturally Greek and she speaks Greek
well being neighbours and all that, but the official language is actual Macedonian
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rockyhorrororg · 5 years
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Rocky Valentines 2019, part 1!
Originally from this post http://emily-adomestic.tumblr.com/post/74346532172 by @emily-adomestic but Tumblr’s idiotic algorithm flagged it as porn & we can’t appeal someone else’s post so we had to recreate it.
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regularsizedrudys · 7 years
Also Gene's keyboard or Gene's megaphone?
make me choose between
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officialjanetweiss · 7 years
24, 12, 11, 10
24. Describe your ideal gaycation?
International: I wanna go back to Spain sooo bad. I love it there. There are a bunch of other countries in Europe I wanna go back to as well bc I didn’t see enough of them on my school trips. But Spain is my numero uno. Also when I was in Madrid, I think, there were so many couples being cute w each other in public and I wanna be part of that!
National: Someday when I have a gf I’d like to take her to PEI if she’s never been there and hang out on the beach, and eat ice cream, and do everything Anne of Green Gables related.
12. Who’s your favorite historical lesbian?
Marie Antoinette was most likely bi, not gay, but she’s the first one that comes to mind.
Also! This reminds me that I’ve been meaning to look up Queen Christina and watch the movies about her.
AND. I don’t think Alison Bechdel counts as “historical” necessarily but her story and her work are v important aspects of lesbian culture and history.
11. Do you want to have kids?
Yes!! I’ve always wanted to have kids. It’s like my #1 dream. I want three kids probably.
10. Do you want to get married?
I think so yeah. It’s not something that was ever a big deal to me growing up. Probs cause I didn’t know I was gay for so long. I never knew why getting married didn’t interest me but now I’m realizing it’s bc I thought for so long that the only option was marrying a boy, and I didn’t want that. 
But I think I would like to. Weddings are really fun. But they’re suuuch hard work and so expensive I may just elope.
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got tagged by @fever-dreamxo :o
tag game is to post 10 songs you can’t stop listening to and tag 10 people!
i’m not okay - my chemical romance
full metal black - the royal they
sound judgement - malcom brown
flesh and electricity - camp cope
cross of lorraine - christ vs. warhol
nasty majesty - off the hook
the outsider - marina and the diamonds
not i - i fight dragons
sylph set on fire - phemiec
twin size mattress - the front bottoms
i tag @buggyeyes @emily-adomestic @cloudheaded and that ends the list of people i’m okay bugging with this lol
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sunday-eve · 6 years
I was inspired by your most recent headcannon
Andy and Ollie are in the living room watching Mulan while Pesto’s doing dishes in the kitchen, where he can still hear the movie. He’s been pretty good at ignoring them. But then. He hears those first few notes. He puts the dish in the sink and runs into the living room. He slides on his socks as his singing begins. “LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS”. He almost slips and loses his balance, but catches himself to continue. “TO DEFEAT” He does two air punches. “THE HUNS”. He sings the rest of Shang’s parts of the song while Andy and Ollie sing as everyone else. Meanwhile J Jr, who is upstairs trying to do his homework just sighs and cranks up the music on his headphones.
oh my gosh this submission has probably been sitting for quite a while in my inbox, and i can’t believe i’ve never noticed it until now :o i’ve realized that i’ve been MIA and i’ve only really been letting some stuff that’s been queued get posted on this blog, so i’m really sorry for the late notice! i should rlly start being more active and continue writing pesto hcs again — it’s been so so long
YES, this would be totally how it would go down in that household — just a bunch of grand enthusiasm for disney from the twins and jimmy himself (and i love how jimmy’s able to almost slip and fall while trying to give himself an entrance, like,,,, nice one man). the amazing part about this whole fanfare is that while jimmy junior’s sighing (in kind of a light-hearted way, almost like, ‘yep,,, should’ve known’) & trying to drown them out, we sorta realize that the same amount of dramatic effect that we see here would also happen during one of jj’s footloose and high school musical jam-out sessions (& jimmy p would then be the one to sorta sigh about it light-heartedly). and what’s also great is the whole idea that the pesto family’s apartment is never quiet b/c of this
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astroxnot · 7 years
My real life crush is super cute and fun and she likes musicals. She's from my uni and I hung out with her for the first time on her last night in Ottawa until school starts again. Afterwards I was so smitten that I asked her out for a date in September!!!!!! And she said yes!!!!!!!!! We're currently texting and I hope it goes well
ahhhh em!!!! that’s amazing!!!!!! im so happy for you!!!!! go get ‘er ❤️
(also are u coming to york pride next weekend? imyyy)
it’s sleepover saturday!
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w-nderlxnd · 7 years
20 questions
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers/people you’d like to get know better.
tagged by: @creativeruin​
nickname(s): steph/finn/bitch 
zodiac sign: Sagittarius  
height: 5′5 
orientation: gay™ 
nationality: I come from a land of snow and ice  
favorite fruit: anything tropical 
favorite season: autumn bc im at full power 
favorite book: Looking For Alaska 
favorite flower: skull roses 
favorite scent: sandalwood  
favorite color: maroon ftw 
favorite animal: wolves  
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: coffee as black as my soul 
cat or dog person: don’t make me choose 
favorite fictional character: will grayson (the gay one) 
# of blankets you sleep with: like 5 idk 
dream trip: iceland w cin 
blog created: in the distant year of twenty-twelve 
# of followers: like 110? 
random fact: coca cola was invented before the refrigerator so it was originally meant to be drunk warm. pepsi was invented afterwards so it was meant to be drunk cold. dumbasses refrigerate both 
why would i drag anyone else into this? all my friends on this hellsite already do these so whatever @emily-adomestic @hugegeekandbiggerfreak @glasssonion
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therandommeerkat · 7 years
Hey are you Jewish? I read the thing you reblogged about the difference between Jewish appropriation and appreciation, and I just have one quick question. My uncle is Jewish and he bought us a menorah and gave us the prayers and asked us to practice Chanukah. Is it ok then? Or should we deny his request?
Hey, I’m not in fact Jewish, I just blog about Jewish issues a lot since this blog is a small contribution, I hope, in the relief of People Who’ve Got It Pretty Bad (which includes Jewish people). 
I will direct you to @grampa-lion, who is in fact Jewish, for a better answer, but from what I’ve understood in my toe-dip in issues of appropriation, being actually invited to participate in a cultural practice isn’t appropriative at all. If your uncle decided to urge you to join in the celebration, it most likely means that he considers it acceptable, even if you’re not Jewish.
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getting increasingly personal meme tagged by @@skittythegreat​ one insecurity I fear that my one true talent is screwing things up. two fears Hornets. Time. three turn-ons Tall. Striking eyes. A smile as bright as his mind.
four life goals Become a successful actress. See the world. Be happy with myself. Publish a book of poetry. five things i like Crisp autumn days. Books. The smell of HHN fog. Animals. Road trips. six weaknesses Social awkwardness. Lack of filter. Conflict. Accepting things I can’t change. Believing in myself. Mood swings. seven things i love (things not people) Old(er) cities. Theme park food. Reading anything. Movies. The ocean. Hot apple cider. Live theatre. tag eight people @inkbleeder @rhaella @of-smoke-and-sun @maidenpool @seraphskies @emily-adomestic @eruthiawenluin @notafraid-ofvirginiawoolf
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