#emily is a good sister fr
oddball08 · 5 months
so how do you casually tell your ex that you wrote an 11 page lesbian farmer x haley angst fic with smut based on her in the middle of the night, for so long that your arms have begun to cramp and your back feels like hell but you just keep typing because the writers block decided to leave and now the juices (In more ways than one wbjewnjwenfgi) are flowing and this was supposed to be a silly little fic based off of all the Good luck, Babe animations on tiktok and now you've got this.............Asking for a friend
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crazyk-imagine · 2 months
Flickering Lights and Butterflies
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Pairing: Paul Lahote x Enhanced!reader
Characters: Enhanced!reader, Paul Lahote, Sam Uley, Emily Young, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Embry Call, Quil Atera V, Jared Cameron, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea, Reader's sister (briefly mentioned), Unnamed Aunt (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Paul being a butt, pack loves reader, I'm making it canon (for myself) that Quil is the shortest one of all, the guys tease the youngest members a lot, Emily is my iconic queen, I love writing for them, the pack is a wholesome and chaotic crew, this would have been so long so I broke it into two parts, I like adding Brady and Collin because they're my fun extras, my babies are causing themselves issues, literally don't know how involved I got with this, Sam knows when to listen to his luna
Word Count: 2,040
You close your eyes and throw an arm over your head, covering the upper half of your face.
You can feel the energy from the person sitting beside you but don't move.
The crunching of the grass raising the hairs on your arms causing you to inadvertently shiver from the goosebumps.
"Are you ever going to come back inside?"
"Why should I?"
"First off, I don't want you to get a cold."
You sigh, "Emily-"
"I'm not pressuring you to come back inside but I don't want you to be cold. I don't want to lose another girl to hang out with because she was stubborn."
You scoff through your nose, lips twitching as you fight to keep your emotions in control. You push yourself up and stare up into the sky, blowing out a breath, seeing it disappear into the wind.
God it's cold.
"See, it's cold enough for you to see your breath which means it's time to come inside."
You smile at her concern, something you haven't heard in a while. "I'll be right behind you."
The knot in your shoulder tightens and the burning, tingling sensation is back. "I don't want to talk to him."
He huffs, "I'm not the bad guy here."
"You don't sound like the good guy either."
"Says you."
You push yourself off the ground and rush past him.
He grabs your arm, pulling you back.
You gasp in fear, grabbing at his hand; worried for his safety. "Get off me."
"Not until we talk."
"I don't want to talk. Let go of me." You avoid staring into his eyes.
"Give me five minutes. It's not going to hurt you."
"Let go of me."
"Look me in the eye and I will."
You shove him away and run inside. You lock yourself in the guest bathroom.
Emily runs in, glancing around in search of you. "Bathroom," she mutters.
The others enter, seeing their luna knocking on the door.
They turn to Paul who glares at the door with his arms crossed.
"What happened?" Embry asks.
"Little miss stains ran off into the bathroom."
They can see the play back in their minds and wonder what happened.
You hold your head in your hands, pleading to freak out. "No, no, no."
You raise your head, staring at the ceiling. "Please don't."
You can hear her pleading and assume the others are talking about you in a bad way.
You hyperventilate, unsure of how to calm down.
You hold your breath and rub your chest, mentally telling yourself you're okay and need to calm down.
The lights pop.
You don't want to go out.
"Sweetie. I need you to open the door. I need to see that you're okay."
Sam steps towards his fiancée. "What's happening?"
She places a hand on his arm. "Sam as much as I love you, I need you and the boys to stay in the kitchen."
He wants to ask more but can see by the look on her face, he won't get any. He nods and steps away.
She sits beside the door, "they're in the kitchen. I told them to go away."
"Emily," you whine, embarrassed.
"It's okay. If you come out, then we can take care of this."
You unlock the door after a few moments. "I am so sorry."
"I know," she opens her arms to hug you.
You immediately throw yourself into her grasp.
Paul catches slight movement from the corner of his eyes and smells the saltiness of your tears, furrowing his brows.
You two make your way back into the kitchen.
You glance at them from the corner of your eye, sensing the concern of Sam about his fiancé.
You lower your head.
Emily breaks away from Sam, mouthing that she's got this.
She places a gentle hand on your shoulders. "Do you want to go home?"
You raise your head and stare at her with a wobbly lip, tears trailing past your waterline.
She offers a gentle smile. "I'll stay with you tonight. I won't leave you alone."
"You promise?" Your voice cracks, breaking everyone's heart, namely Paul's.
She gives you an affirmative nod. "I promise. Have you ever known me to break a promise?"
You can't hold back the choking sob that escapes when you laugh.
She wraps an arm around you and pulls you out with her, heading into her old truck.
He follows behind.
As soon as you settle into the passenger seat, he tries to make his way to you. "Can I-"
She shakes her head. "Not now, Paul. She's- today's not good, okay?"
"What's wrong with her?"
She shakes her head, "I know that's not what you mean but I can't answer that because we need to go."
His eyes follow the truck as she backs out.
You look up and catch his gaze, his shoulders sag at the sight of your broken-down face.
You wake up and stare at the ceiling with the moonlight lighting the living room.
Emily lays asleep on the longer end of the couch, curled into the blanket since tonight's colder than it has been all week.
You push yourself up and think about everything that happened earlier in the day. You don't know whether you wish it didn't happen or if it happened sooner.
You wander into the kitchen and get yourself a glass of water.
After drinking as much as you can, you glance out the window and stare into the forest, always finding it peaceful since you were a kid... back when you two were friends.
You sigh, remembering how embarrassed you were, it was stupid but then your parents got into an accident and your sister was taken to live with your aunt in California while you were left in the care of Emily because she was your godmother and wanted nothing more than to keep you in Folks.
She tried all she could to keep you two together, but your mom's sister fought harder for your sister.
You know Paul probably doesn't even know why you were so upset or what happened since a proper funeral didn't take place, you don't even know if he knows.
You blink and you’re back to reality, no longer stuck in memory lane and find a wolf near your house.
It's him, you know it.
There's no other reason a wolf would be nearby at this time of night, intensely staring at your house or you.
You turn away, unsure of what to do about everything that's happened.
You step back into the living room, checking on Emily, smiling when you see she's still asleep.
You wipe the stray tear that trickles down your cheek, thinking back to when you and your sister would stay in the living room for your sister hangouts.
A shadow moving near the door alarms you, causing you to turn and investigate.
You jump, placing a hand over your heart, wanting to curse him out.
You carefully unlock the door and step outside, making sure to grab your key beforehand, in case you get locked out.
The last thing you need is Paul to try and get you back inside and/or scare the daylight out of Emily because of him.
You sigh, crossing your arms. "What do you want?"
His eyes are drawn down towards your chest at your movements before trailing back to your annoyed expression, something he finds himself falling more and more for.
"If you’re just going to oogle me like a piece of meat, I'm going back inside."
His hands grab your wrist, stopping you before you can step closer to the door. "No- I- I didn't come here for that."
"What did you come for?" You snatch your wrist back from him.
The porch light buzzes, you pray this doesn't take long.
"I wanted to talk."
"Then talk."
"Could we skip the attitude?"
"The only one here with the attitude is you."
"Says the one who keeps running when I open my mouth."
"It was a bad idea coming out here to talk to you, just go, Paul."
He sighs.
The light pops, breaking above you.
You flinch, raising your arm to cover your face and slowly dropping it so the pieces of light don't cut your skin.
He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you away from the mess. "Hey, hey," he cups your cheeks. "Are you okay?"
You avoid making eye contact with him.
"Stop fighting me and look at me."
You turn your head and find his concerned expression to be the most breathtaking thing you've ever seen.
His eyes are drawn the red line across your cheek. "Your-"
Emily opens the door, staring at the two of you and looks to the side, finding the mess. "You two get inside so I-"
Paul shakes his head, "I'll do it. You take care of her."
"You need to tell him."
"I don't have to tell him."
"He's your best friend."
"Was my friend but then he started growing up and became a butthead."
"Boys who like someone are mean to them because they have the emotional capacity of a stick."
You owlishly blink, listening to the phrase she said. "Yeah, I know. He's prime example number one."
"Not all relationships are perfect."
"That's true and we're not in one."
"Maybe he can help you?"
"With what?"
"Your issue."
You shake your head, "no. He's not helping me."
"He's the only one who doesn't know."
"The other guys don't know."
"I think out of all the boys, other than Sam, Quil might know what happened, other than that they don't."
"And I don't know them."
She sighs, "is this really the attitude you're going to have towards the one the universe decided was yours?"
You pretend to think about it for a second. "Yep."
You step out of the hall, watching him try and remember where to put the broom. "Give it." You put it back in its place. "Thanks."
"It was no big deal. I didn't want you to get hurt."
You roll your eyes. "That."
"Why do you keep doing that?"
"Why do you think?"
The question holds no attitude even though the phrase seems like it.
"I don't know because you won't talk about it."
"Do you- nevermind."
"No, tell me."
"I don't want to do this right now, Paul. Please, go home."
"No," he stands his ground, tired of you pushing him away. "What happened with us because one second we're friends and the next we're not."
"Did you ever think maybe you acting like a dick was reason enough?"
"You're blaming me?" His shoulders tense up.
Emily notices and eyes him from the couch.
"I didn't make fun of my friend and get the other kids to join in on the tormenting, you did that easily enough."
"I didn't mean to. I told you-"
"That was not joking around, and you blatantly made fun of me."
"I- I didn't know any better. I was a kid."
"Just because you were a kid, doesn't mean you didn't have a brain, you just had to use it. You know those kids are ruthless and mean then you joined in with them."
"I didn't think they were close to me."
"They hated me."
"Everyone hated everyone, girls were gross then."
You scoff, looking away to hide the fact that that day was the beginning of the end for you as you tear up. "I don't want to talk to you anymore," you tell him wiping your cheek.
"Why are you crying?"
"Do you even know how long that stupid nickname has stuck around, even now because you still use it?"
"It's cute."
"It's annoying. I don't like it and you still bully me."
"It's not bullying if it's endearing."
"Try the opposite."
"Okay," he sighs, "I'll stop using it."
"I'm happy the two of you are acting like your friends again but it's almost two in the morning and I'm tired."
"I'm off patrol and it's raining."
"Convenient," you mumble.
He smiles, staring at you as you plop beside Emily. "The lights are still working."
"I noticed." She places her hand on the back of your head and mindlessly pats your head.
You fight to keep your eyes open, listening to the two talking while you're becoming more and more relaxed.
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@kmc1989 @gilbertgirl13
Continue to: Part II
Paul Lahote Master List
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mystic-writings · 1 year
almost perfect | jess mariano
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PAIRING — jess mariano x fem!gilmore!reader
REQUEST — Anon - Where Emily and Richard have a kid a year older than Rory (they had her before Lorelai got pregnant with her) and she’s sent to love with Lorelai around the same the same time jess moves to town? And they meet all cutesy and shit 🤭
SUMMARY — you move to stars hollow to live with your sister, lorelai, and end up falling for the one person who understands you - and the one person your sister doesn't like
WARNINGS — angst, familiy arguments, odd family dynamics, confessions, fluff
WORD COUNT — 3,461
NOTES — this idea has had me in a chokehold fr thank you anon
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Moving to a new town and starting your life at a new high school with only two years left before graduation was difficult. But moving into your sister’s town, and going to a school where her daughter was a former student, and everyone already knows who you are, is infinitely worse. 
You supposed that being semi-close to Rory as kids was a good thing, because if it weren’t for knowing her and, by extension, knowing Lane, you’d be wandering these halls completely alone, and doubly more confused. 
Dean and Lane were angels, helping you with every piece of much needed information on what teachers were good or bad, who to avoid at every chance, and where to not sit during lunch. They promised to do their best to help, but Lane’s mother was as strict as a dictator, and Dean often worked after school, so beyond sitting with them in the classes you happened to share, there wasn’t much they could do. 
Still, Rory walked you to the doors before heading off to catch the bus to Chilton, taking extra care to make sure you were okay before leaving. It was nice, the relationship you had with her despite everything. 
Lorelai wasn’t too happy that you were staying at theirs, but she understood why you had to leave your parents behind. Or, more realistically, why you were forced to walk out. It’s why she left them 17 years ago. 
Despite the age gap between you and your sister, Lorelai was all too aware of why you were born. Of how your parents treated the both of you, and the fact that no child should’ve been raised under the Gilmore name. She was never really close with you, considering you were only a few months older than Rory, but you understood. No 16 year old should be raising a kid while her parents are raising a baby themselves. 
But, she was kind enough to open her arms, and redecorate her spare bedroom, to fit you in. She got you a place at Stars Hollow High, settled you in with the townspeople, and did anything in her power to help. 
However, there was no helping the bundle of anxiety in your chest as you headed from your locker to homeroom. The school was small, of course. Not small enough to have a graduating class size of under 70 kids, but small enough that people knew who was attached to your last name. Small enough for people to start asking questions. 
Homeroom itself was fine. Lane and Dean had different homeroom classes, and people whispered when your name was called during attendance, but everything else was fine. The boy you sat next to seemed entirely unbothered by the environment around him, clutching a pen as he wrote in the margins of the book he carried - On The Road, by Jack Kerouac. Rory had lent the book to you not even two weeks ago, and you mentally appraised him for his literary taste. 
Of course, you should’ve known that trouble would’ve found you not long after your first day. 
Between second and third period, you’d been standing at your locker, supposedly the one Rory used to inhabit - and one you’d already decorated with stickers of bands and movie references - switching out your books when three girls approached you. You were already not prepared for any unexpected interactions, but these girls spelled trouble, just from the way they were all blonde, pretty and primped at 9am, in a small town high school. You expected it from the Chilton girls, sure, but not here. 
“You’re Y/n Gilmore, right?” The one in the middle said, her mouth upturned in something like a grimace. 
“Yeah, why?”
“Well we saw you during homeroom and we were wondering,” the girl on the left spoke, her gum popping annoyingly as she chewed on it. “If you’re, like, a Gilmore, does that make you Rory’s sister?”
“Yeah, we didn’t know Rory had a sister.” 
“How come we’ve never seen you before? I mean, you both should’ve gone to the same school, right?”
“Oh, my God, are you not her sister? Or were you just like, in rehab or something?”
“Oh my God, are you a drug addict?”
The girls continued to chirp at you, and among themselves, endlessly thinking up possibilities of how you could be Rory’s sister and still not go to Stars Hollow High until now. You didn’t even know they had that much brain power, let alone that they could jump to that far of a conclusion so fast. 
Suddenly, from behind you, someone spoke. “Why don’t you girls leave her alone, huh?” 
They stopped, almost freakishly in sync, and grimaced at the person behind you. 
“Seriously, Barbie, why don’t you go fix your makeup or something.” He scoffed, stepping up to stand beside you. “And honestly, if she was a tweaker, do you really think she’d even be allowed in the school?”
“Just go away,” he complained, and the girl in the middle scoffed. 
“Whatever, Jess. Just trying to get to know the new girl.” She rolled her eyes.
You didn’t stop yourself from looking at the trio in disbelief. “You sure have a funny way of doing it, then. Why don’t you make up rumours about someone else and leave me the hell out of it. Or have you gotten bored of doing it to everyone else?”
It was amusing, watching the shock make their jaws drop before they managed to saunter away. When you turned to look at the boy who helped save you from that awful experience, you found the person who sat next to you in homeroom. 
“No problem,” he shrugged, a slight smirk playing on his lips, and you noticed that his hands were shoved in his front pockets. “Trust me, those girls do that to everyone. Y/n, right?”
“That’s me. And you’re Jess.” 
You stood silently for a few moments, staring awkwardly at one another. Just as you opened your mouth to speak, the warning bell rang, and the noise level around you picked up as students rushed to their next classes. 
“See you around, Y/n.” And just like that, Jess disappeared into the crowd of students, leaving you to gather your things and head to calculus, one of the few classes you shared with Lane. 
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It’s been almost two months since you moved to Stars Hollow, and you found that adjusting was a lot easier than you first thought it would be. Despite having Lane and Dean at your side, you also seemed to be one of the lucky few to catch and retain Jess Mariano’s attention. He was, to everyone else, the loner who barely came to class and had no interest in being in the town in the first place; but he seemed to take a liking to you, the reason for which was still unknown to everyone but him. 
He was quick to become your best friend, and the only person in town who you gave a detailed description of your family background to. Somehow, the rumours that the girls who forced you into conversation never made it outside of their circle, but at some point the truth about your relationship with the Gilmore girls was spread around town, as you assumed would happen at some point. 
Still, no one minded that much, and found that your closeness to Rory and Lorelai meant that you were close to everyone in Stars Hollow. The welcoming warmth and sense of community was something that you had never felt in Hartford. 
Jess, of course, found it annoying, but you liked to tease him about it, and you knew he meant well. No one else seemed to want to care about him like you did, like Luke did. Including Lorelai, who was less than pleased that you chose to befriend him out of all the other supposedly stand-up kids in town. 
It wasn’t uncommon for you to have Jess over while Lorelai and Rory went to Hartford for Friday night dinners. In fact, it was what you had in mind for your plans as you watched the mother-daughter duo scramble around the house to get ready. 
Rory was, as usual, ready to leave exceptionally early, and had bid you a cheerful goodbye as she headed out to the car to wait for her mom, who was marching her way down the stairs while struggling to put in earrings. 
Lorelai caught sight of you on the couch, curled up and channel surfing, and smiled. “So, what are your plans for tonight? Partying hard, I hope. Remember my rule, no bikers and no drugs past 8pm.”
“Funny, Lorelai,” you smiled, craning your neck to look at her as she shoved items from the side table into her purse. “I’ll probably just order in and call Jess. He’s never doing anything on Fridays, and it’s better than being alone all night.” 
Your sister paused in the hallway, fidgeting movements indicating that she was contemplating something. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
Lorelai turned fully, and took a few tentative steps toward you. Her iconic awkwardly polite smile stretched across her features, and you looked her up and down. “Why do you hang out with Jess so much? Sweetie, I mean, you’ve gotta see how bad of an influence he is.” 
“He’s not a bad influence, Lor. If anything, I’m being a good influence on him.” You said, sitting up straighter, leaning on the arm of the couch to properly face your sister. “Besides, he’s nice. He just doesn’t like a lot of other people in town.” 
“So you’re trying to tell me that he’s nice to everyone but you?”
“Yes, and I don’t exactly see what’s wrong with that.” 
“Well, hon, I mean, don’t you think that maybe that’s a little, I dunno, odd?” Lorelai suggested, her fluster clearly underlining her tone. 
You shrugged. “I don’t think so, no. He’s my best friend.” 
“Yes, I know that, but-” Lorelai tapped her foot, trying to find the right words to say. “I think you’re spending too much time with him, Y/n, and I just think it’s gonna end up with you getting hurt somehow.” 
“Hurt?” You scoffed. “Lorelai, how in the world would Jess be able to hurt me?”
Lorelai sighed, stepping closer to you. “I think you like him, Y/n. I think you have a crush on him, and I don’t think he likes you back. I just don’t want you to do anything and then end up being heartbroken and losing Jess as a friend.” 
You? Having feelings for Jess? It was something you could barely wrap your mind around. Lorelai’s accusations, even if out of some sort of motherly-type concern, were out of line. There was no way you liked Jess like that, right? And besides, even if you did, she didn’t have the right to try to stop you from doing or not doing anything about it. 
“Why are you so concerned about this all of a sudden?” You asked, furrowing your brow. “I mean, I’ve been hanging out with Jess one on one for a while, it’s not like all of a sudden I’ll catch feelings for him or something.”
“I understand that, but I’m saying that it seems like you caught feelings a while ago, Y/n.” Lorelai said, exasperation clear in the speed at which she was talking. 
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Why won’t she just drop it? “I’ve got it handled, Lorelai, please, just leave it be and go to dinner. You’re gonna be late, and you know how much mom hates that. Especially when you’re late.”
Lorelai scoffed. “I have plenty of time before we have to go. Now will you please tell me why you have such an attitude about this? I’m just trying to look out for you. Jess isn’t good for you, and I just want to-” 
“I get that Lorelai but I don’t need you to.” You snapped, swiftly getting to your feet. “I don’t need you to protect me, or look out for my best interest, or be motherly toward me. I get that you’re trying to make up for the fact that you couldn’t protect me as a kid and I ended up getting kicked out or whatever, but you’re not my mother.” Your blood was boiling. You didn’t know why, but it seemed that something within you just… snapped. “I don’t need you, Lorelai.” Your words pierced Lorelai’s heart with every bit of enunciation you placed on them. 
“And it doesn’t matter what kind of influence Jess is on me, because our mother made sure to ruin me beforehand. You of all people should understand that.” 
Lorelai stood, shocked at your outburst. She’d never seen more of herself in someone before, and still, she was heartbroken. Tears brimmed her eyes as she realized that, despite what you just said was more than likely teenage hormones kicking into gear, it was the truth. She tried, as hard as she could, to protect you as a kid. Harder than she tried to get herself out of that house. But she failed, because Rory came first, always. You didn’t need her anymore, not to raise or protect you. 
“You’re right,” Lorelai nodded, clearing her throat before blinking away her tears. “You’re too grown up to need me anymore. I just… wanted to make sure you knew I cared. That I was worried. But you don’t need me, so go ahead and make whatever decisions you want to. It’s not on me.” 
You watched Lorelai turn and walk out of the house, the door rattling the house as it swung shut. And suddenly, the silence pressed in on you, weighted with the realization of what you’d just done. Months of trying desperately to repair your relationship with Lorelai, of further building your relationship with Rory, only to have it torn down in seconds by your stupid teenage denial and anger. 
The weight of your actions came crashing down, and soon you were sitting back on the couch, sobbing into your hands. 
You don’t know how long you spent stuck in that spot until the house rattled again, and Jess was calling out to you, telling you what he forced Luke to make for the both of you to eat during your hangout tonight. 
Jess barely heard you crying on the couch until the food was on the table and he turned to find you there, back to him, curled into yourself as you sobbed. His voice faded instantly, his legs making long, quick strides in order to reach you as fast as he could. Jess’ mind was a flurry of confusion and worry - you sounded fine when he called you an hour ago. 
As soon as you were within reach, Jess’ hand gripped your shoulder, refusing to let himself lose the grasp he had on you even after he manoeuvred himself to sit next to you. He shuffled as close as he could get, and it was those movements that forced your head up from where it rested on your knees, enclosed by your arms wrapping around your legs. 
“Hey,” he said, trying his best to soothe you, but Jess wasn’t one to do that sort of thing often. “What’s wrong?”
“I am,” you croaked, followed by a sniffle and a shaking breath. “I’m so stupid, Jess.” 
Jess’ hand moved down your shoulder, until it squeezed your forearm comfortingly. “No, you’re not. And you’re obviously not okay. Tell me what happened.” 
As soon as the words left his mouth, you shook your head. Telling Jess that you argued with Lorelai over him would just make things worse with her, and telling him it was about your feelings for him would ruin things altogether.
“I can’t.” You said quietly. “It’s nothing you need to worry about, okay, Jess? I was just stupid and it’s my fault, I don’t wanna drag you into this.”
“No, I do have to worry about it, Y/n.” Jess said, his words firm. You could see his brows furrowing, eyes darkening. His emotions were brewing, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop it. “You’re my best friend. Hell, you’re my only friend, and I don’t know how you managed to do it, but I care about you. I actually care about someone for once in my life, and it’s you. So tell me what happened, drag me into it, because I… I care.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit. Sniffling once again, you moved yourself to wipe some tears from your cheeks and put your hand on top of the hand Jess laid on your forearm. You stared at your hands and soaked in his warmth as you spoke. “It was Lorelai, we fought and-”
“Of course it was,” Jess scoffed.
You rolled your eyes. “Jess, just let me-” 
“No, she always has something to say about- about everything.” He said.
“Let me finish, please.” When Jess didn’t speak again, you continued. “I told her you and I were gonna hang out for the night and she sort of… well, she mentioned a few things and I got angry and we fought. I was an idiot and I yelled at her for trying to be my mother because she didn’t protect me as a kid and it just… it was a disaster.” 
Jess scoffed again, pulling his hand back and scrubbing his face, leaning into the couch. “Of course, she had to say something about you being with me. What, does she think we’re gonna rob a bank as a fun casual activity? I mean, seriously, she’s had it out for me since day one.”
You leaned forward, re-initiating the touch by resting your arm on his shoulder, your hand just barely grazing the back of his neck. “She doesn’t think we’re good for each other. At all. But she’s wrong, I know she is.” 
“Me too,” Jess sighed, looking over at you. 
The silence that filled the space between you, and your stomach was churning. Lorelai’s words came back to you, and as much as you didn’t want her in your head right now, you knew, deep down, that what she’d said about your feelings for Jess were true. 
Before you could stop yourself, you pulled away and the words came tumbling out, awkward and choppy and full of anxiety. “She was right about one thing, though.” 
Again, Jess scoffed an almost playful smirk lifting the corners of his lips. “Oh yeah, and what was that?”
“That I… have feelings for you.” You said, following it with an awkward and bashful smile. It was now or never, you supposed. “I mean, I didn’t even realize it until just now so don’t yell at me for keeping it a secret or something but she is right. You’re the only other person besides her and Rory and Luke that I care about and even then I care more about you than them and all I almost ever think or talk about is you and it sucks and I don’t want to keep it to myself. If you don’t want to be friends anymore I understand because it’s weird to have a friend who has feelings for you, trust me, so you can just leave now if you want-”
Jess’ lips crashing onto your own cut off the breathless ramble you had found yourself in. Your brain nearly completely shut down, complete peace silencing all the anxious thoughts in your head as you closed your eyes. By the time you registered that you needed to kiss back, Jess was pulling away, but you refused to let the moment end. He barely made it inches away before you were chasing his lips, placing a hand on his jaw to guide him back to you. 
The kiss was simple, but it was as if it sparked something within you, and every nerve in your body felt the emotion within you. You never imagined you’d be kissing a guy like Jess. Hell, you never imagined you’d find someone like him, someone so damn near perfect for you, in your lifetime. But you did, and he was kissing you, and you couldn’t give a damn about what anyone else would think when they found out. Because right now, it was just you and Jess, and no one else knew, and things were almost perfect, and that was what was important. 
You’d fix things with Lorelai tomorrow, and you weren’t sure you’d ever truly fix things with your parents; one day you’d try, just not yet. But for right now, all that mattered was yourself and Jess.
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forever taglist: @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @queen-asteria04 @heliads
jess mariano taglist: open!
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remuslupinschocolat3 · 5 months
My stardew valley headcanons because no one can stop me!!!!!!!
Part one
In alphabetical order
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💎Hates children
💎In a Polycule with Sam and Sebastian
💎Shares a braincell with Sam
💎smoked weed once with Sebastian and threw up afterwards
💎has random beef with Haley that Haley isn't aware of
💎gets piercings just to spite her dad
💎was only good in English class in highschool
💎regrets being on 2020 alt tiktok
💎 secretly vandalizes their father's yoba shrine (he thinks it's Sebastian doing it)
💎their gay awakening was Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean (she just like me fr)
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🏈the definition of comphet
🏈gay man/lesbian alliance with Haley
🏈his first crush was the team captain of an Opponent's school gridball team
🏈 doesn't drink alcohol because he's scared to be like his father
🏈he had a pathetic crush on Elliot when Elliot first moved to the valley
🏈has a bottle of the perfume his mother used to wear and sprays it on his pillow when he's sad
🏈used to go to a gym in Zu City but stopped after a boy there asked him out
🏈dated Haley in highschool for half a year until both of them came out to the other in hopes to let the other down gently
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🍃not a single thought behind those eyes
🍃fell out of love with Pierre ten years ago
🍃grows marijuana plants in her tea house (have you seen her two heart event?)
🍃dyed her hair green once when she was 15 and never tried a different color again
🍃has a few secret tattoos
🍃the necklace she wears is a gift by Rasmodios
🍃best friends with Jodi and Robin
🍃loves to gossip, she knows everyone's business
🍃almost became an almond mom but stopped before it could affect Abigail in the long run
🍃she has no enemies, everyone loves her but hates her husband
Clint (it's red cus he's a red flag)
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🔨4chan user
🔨used to tell his mom to make him a sandwich
🔨called his parents by their first names
🔨knows the Irish dance (I don't know what it's called lmao)
🔨can't have friendships with women because he always thinks they fall in love with him
🔨hasn't exercised since he finished highschool
🔨stalks Emily (that's canon) (stay away from her)
🔨can you tell I hate him yet?
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🧪is the reason his first marriage failed
🧪controlling and possessive (Maru's two heart event)
🧪so boring
🧪thinks missionary is the only way to have sex
🧪I know people headcanon him as autistic but I think he's just petty
🧪 arrogant, thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he knows science
🧪was actually an okay step father to Sebastian until Maru was born
🧪him and Robin are not compatible but neither of them want to go through a second divorce
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🦀 gay and proud
🦀in his mid thirties
🦀 can't swim
🦀 used to write star trek fanfiction as a teenager on fanfiction.net
🦀so fucking tall
🦀went through three separate gender identity crisis before realizing that he just isn't comfortable expressing himself as a stereotypical manly man
🦀demi romantic
🦀gay man/lesbian alliance with Leah
🦀sees Leah as the little sister he never had
🦀 isn't really broke, he's a trustfund baby who wanted to experience what it's like to be a starving artist (thinks it makes his art more valid)
🦀Leah beat him up when she found out
🦀 obsessed with his hair (I'm so jealous of his luscious curls 😭😭😭)
🦀so dramatic (used to be a theater kid for sure)
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🔮the character I headcanon as autistic
🔮 pansexual and asexual
🔮they/she, trans
🔮dating Sandy
🔮knows everyone's zodiac signs
🔮names her plants
🔮gets the zoomies after work (at night)
🔮Haley hates it
🔮Haley's biggest supporter
🔮thinks of Clint as a genuine friend (save yourself girly pop)
🔮calls Sandy the weirdest nick names "hello my cuddle bear" "it's been too long since we last saw each other my strawberry jam"
🔮suckles on Pennies (she just like me fr)
🔮reads books about crystals for hours on end, Haley has to take the book away from her and drag her to bed sometimes
🔮has befriended the junimos
🔮Sandy sells the clothes she makes
🔮hates the taste of strawberry in candy and stuff
🔮would vape if vapes existed in stardew valley but not in a I'm a thirteen year old boy way but in a I like the taste and I enjoy making smoke rings kinda way
🔮you can't tell me that she's not a pothead
🔮knows Haley is a lesbian years before her sister figures it out
🔮besties with Shane (refuses to sell him alcohol at the Stardrop saloon)
🔮gets extremely flustered around people she deems as attractive
🔮is really bad at doing her own makeup (Sandy or Haley do it for her)
🔮has a huge tattoo that covers almost her entire back
🔮her energy is contagious
🔮high School was very hard for her but college was the best time of her life
🔮wants to buzz her hair so bad but has enough restrain to keep herself from doing so
🔮loves to make cocktails (she makes Gus try them and he always loves them and puts them on his menu)
🔮makes Shane, Sandy and Haley cosplay with her (none of them want to but they can't say no when Emily looks at them with that wide eyed grin of hers)
🔮unleashed a group of rats in JoJa mart because Shane complained once (1 time) about his working conditions, the store closed for two months
🔮can you tell how much I love Emily?
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astralpenguin · 3 months
tagged by @its-tea-time-darling 💜💜💜
1. Best book you've read so far in 2024
so let them burn by kamilah cole
it's a jamaican-inspired fantasy following two girls: the chosen one and her older sister. except five years have passed since they helped liberate their country from oppression and it's turned out that the aftermath of war and child soliders and teen queens isn't quite so simple to navigate after all. then the chosen one's sister forms an unprecedented soul bond with a dragon and dragon-rider belonging to their old oppressors. the chosen one's gods tell her the only way to keep her people safe is to kill her sister, but both sisters care about each other way too much for killing each other to be an option.
if you like: siblings who'd burn the world for each other, dragons, soulmates who hear each other's thoughts, possession, gods who do not understand humans to the point that it causes Big Problems for everybody, and stories that explore what happens to the chosen one after the story is done, then you might like this book as well! also both sisters are queer (one is a lesbian and one is demi) so if you're looking for more queer books to read that aren't the same handful that always get rec'd first then here's one <3
2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2024
does the sunshine court count as a sequel? i'm gonna count it. that one. it's probably not Technically the best sequel i've read but it's added to the aftg brainworms that i've had for many years so
3. New release you haven't read yet but want to
dear wendy by ann zhao (two aroace uni students are enemies online due to their rival dating advice columns while becoming besties irl) and road to ruin by hana lee (bisexual polyamorous mad max fury road which also happens to have been written by a twitter mutual of mine)
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
compound fracture by andrew joseph white!!! which i have an e-arc of and will be the next thing i read because i've delayed enough already
5. Biggest disappointment
wranglestone i had such high hopes for you but i have ended up with NOTHING nice to say except that the cover is pretty. don't read this book it's so terrible in every way and everyone involved in shortlisting it for an award should be ashamed of themselves
6. Biggest surprise
i've had the abyss surrounds us by emily skrutskie (and its sequel) sitting on my shelf for literal years and i finally picked them up a couple of months ago and they were excellent??? like it turns out they weren't getting hyped on booktube ~2017 just because they were sapphic ya sci-fi at a time when there was very little of that, but because they're also genuinely very very good, which was definitely a surprise to me. i was expecting to like them well enough, not to love them like i ended up!!
7. Favourite new author (debut or new to you)
i've read all three of zoe hana mikuta's books this year so let's go with her jksdfhgk her books are very cool, though the prose is often unnecessarily dense (she loooves her purple prose) which can make it a little hard to understand what's actually happening (which she leans into hard in her wonderland reimagining, to the point of near-incomprehensibility, which she gets away with solely because it's wonderland), but that clearly didn't annoy me too much seeing as i still read all her books lmao. something i really like about her books is the way that she centres platonic relationships and platonic love just as much as she does romantic relationships and romantic love, and also isn't afraid of letting the platonic relationships be just as toxic and fucked up as the romantic ones can be
8. Newest fictional crush
i don't get crushes on fictional characters
9. Newest favourite character
if i solely look at books i haven't mentioned yet, i also read interview with the vampire for the first time this year (i will get to the show At Some Point) and how anyone can read that book and not come away from it having a lot of Thoughts and Feelings about claudia i do not know
10. Book that made you cry
none, but i don't cry very easily
11. Book that made you happy
the garlic duology by bree paulsen!! they're cosy fantasy middle grade graphic novels about garlic, one of many vegetables that have been brought to life by a small town witch to help tend her garden, and how her life changes when a vampire moves in to a nearby empty castle
12. Favourite book to film adaptation that you've seen this year
my mother is OBSESSED with bullet train, and i do really like it as well, so whenever we're in the same place we tend to end up rewatching it. it slaps. don't watch it if you can't handle bloody scenes, death, or the threatened death of a child, but if you can handle those things then i very strongly recommend it
13. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
sigh. wranglestone. though tbf some of the fairyloot books i got this year before i cancelled my subscription are gorgeous too
14. What books do you need to read by the end of the year
compound fracture for sure!!!!!! then i just really need to make some kind of a dent in my unread e-arc collection lmao
15. How many new books have you read so far
according to goodreads i have read 48 books so far in 2024
i'm gonna tag @itsthemxze even though tea tagged you already (ha get double tagged), @fili-is-gone, and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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shatterthefragments · 4 months
8, 14, 22 and 25 for those music asks from hours ago haha
No worries at all for it being from hours ago!!! They’re still fun to get!! 😁
8. Is from an artist I’ve listened to for a while
Like. I remember getting their first CD and playing it and just Fix Me indeed 😌 (disclaimer that I did not get it as it first came out. I don’t know for sure but I feel like I saw their music video probably for shake tramp or celebrity status or cross my heart on MTV and idk convinced mum we should get their cds (they’re canadian after all!) and so we did? I think mum liked ever after? I don’t really remember very well anymore. It’s definitely a bit of a nostalgic band for me and I adore them (even if my honest opinion is that he’d probably sound a bit better live if he stopped jumping up and down all over the stage so much. Still an amazing experience though)) i am now taking this and running with it (i am listening to Marianas trench rn)
Alternatively I mean. Nickelback has been around for longer than I’ve been alive. And by virtue of Canadian radio having to play a certain percentage of canadian artists on radio I’ve been listening to them as long as we’ve driven places. My immediate thought is Just To Get High or the entire The Long Road album but of my liked more recent songs I would choose Sister Sin.
14. I’d make everyone listen to
Ok ok so. Once upon a time [2021 I think] I was driving to [camping spot] and played Polyphia the ENTIRE DRIVE (it was only like 2-3 hours but the longest drive I’ve ever done at the time so I NEEDED the Polyphia to do this (my longest is now 4-5 hours? And I’m still amazed I am fucking amazing for being able to do this I didn’t think I’d ever be able to drive and here I fucking am?!?!)) and uh. Apparently my cousins can’t tell the difference between songs despite me actually playing through their discography instead of looping one song over and over like I usually do. So. Technically,, I already have made everyone in my vicinity listen to:
The Worst Polyphia 😘
Except. Except. It’s actually Abelha Emily Hopkins 😘 like??? On a HARP?!? If I had time and money she makes me want to learn the harp and collect a ridiculous amount of effects pedals 😍💖🥰
22. reminds me of a character
Gosh …I really want to say the entire Sleep Token discography and the characters they play on stage haha ✌️✨
I also can’t help but think of Afraid by The Neighbourhood bc it was on a Sam Winchester 8tracks and launched me into loving them after hating how overplayed Sweater Weather was (I love it now btw) (I saw them live maybe 2019 and it was great but I was much more paranoid about getting a secondhand high/weed induced psychosis off the weed there than I am now)
Also Citizen Soldier’s Scarecrow and the characters we all play in our day to day lives.
…and also the Marianas Trench Masterpiece Theatres where “this is just a part I portray” and other lyrics are just EXACTLY IT.
25. I want to hear in a grocery store
As somebody that works in a grocery store: literally anything that’s not on the fucking playlist they use haha
…actually Love Shack is on the playlist and it may stay bc it is JOYFUL and a reminder of my first and so far only pride parade where I was with all my friends in the shade on the float. So may the Abba songs. And a couple others that I’ve been surprised to hear. But generally I don’t notice the songs very much unless I hate them or the oven is off and I can actually hear.
But I’d love to hear literally any Sleep Token song. Most of them even have no swears or explicit sex references which makes it better than some of the stuff our clientele/coworkers are scandalized by!!!
Or like. Any instrumental math/jazz rock would be AMAZING. also thinking of Polyphia and Ichika Nito here, but I am NOT picky about it give me the good good sounds 🤩💖
Because I start before we open for an hour or two I just play my own music from my phone out loud from my pocket (not allowed to wear earbuds which is kinda fair since I’m fresh food) recently it’s just been looping Nazareth. But I’ve also played sleep token and bad omens albums as well. As well as looping just whichever song I’m vibing with. Notably Abelha and I’ll See You When The Night Comes.
I frequently sing parts of Jaws or Euclid to myself when I’m alone. 🥰
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livvyofthelake · 8 months
post season 1 lost character rankings <3 post is about to be long as fuck btw. heart
jack… i’m such a jack girl sorry for being predictable but he’s exactly my type of character… he has a hero complex and big brown eyes filled with tears he can’t save everyone but he has to try…
kate of course!!! blueprint for emma swan in many ways…. the coolest girl on lost island… her cunty 2000s layered tank tops and low rise bootcut jeans in exodus went crazy also but that is neither here nor there i just didn’t get a chance to mention it before. anyway. literally you always wanna run away katie!!!
sayid <3 THE it girl of lost island. he’s like if The Smart One was a heartthrob. you knowwww i’ve always been a sayid girl (ok yes naveen andrews was in ouat but my love for sayid is only like. 40% coming from that loyalty ok) he’s so. he’s the tech guy he’s the soldier he’s leading hikes he’s triangulating the signal he’s sooo kind he’s obsessed with the worst woman on the island he’s literally besties with kate he looks SO GOOD in his tank tops and i love him…
claire and YES i will acknowledge my emilie de ravin bias. it doesn’t matter what claire as a character is like, that’s my friend belle from the tv from middle school, we were in the trenches together, i love her always, claire makes the top five and that’s FINAL. peace and love <3 also she’s like basically mary from the bible for real
sun… she’s just cool and nice and lovely and her husband suckssss but she loves him and wants him to love her like he used to and she’s growing a garden and helping jack with medicinal stuff and everybody likes her cuz she’s just cool and nice!!!
shannon. and i ask you. did she really do anything wrong? don’t answer that. i’m a feminist. she’s like. there is flop in her slay eras and slay in her flop eras. and she’s soooo sad right now and she needs to keep all of her brother’s things because she doesn’t know how to exist in the world without him and she’s folding his old clothes because she’s anal and she speaks french but only barely because she knew this guy and she wants to help but she’s been a princess her whole life and she doesn’t know how to change but she has to and she’s maybe overcommitted to her zigzag hair part because she thinks beauty is her only currency and now she’s taking care of this kid’s dog because he picked her because he thought it would help her and she won’t say it but she loves these people so much and she doesn’t know how to show it and she doesn’t know what she’s doing and she doesn’t know how to carry it all!!!!!!!! i’m normal about her.
charlie has consistently been a favorite of mine but i’m just anticipating the inevitable season 2 heroin relapse storyline and i hateeeee it. but i do love charlie <3 i like how he has this insane devotion to claire for no reason other than he just wants to be nice and help her. he’s just a lovely guy…
walt and his cute little kid swagggg. his henry mills realness seriously. he’s about to be like. severely written out rip but we LOVED him here <3 when he gave his dog to shannon…. oh my god….
boone gets to not be near the bottom even though he was a total freak because well. no one else gave me joke material like him… he fucked that old man fr…. and then he died… and frankly those episodes on his death and leading up to it were so crazy i can’t not just forgive him for the freak shit. sorry for being an apologist for the guy who was in love with his sister. i mean be real though i’m a cassie girl i’m predisposed to forgive worse shit like that. maybe he only projected love onto her because she’s the only woman he knows. and he’s gay. idk. it doesn’t matter anyway who cares
jin. i actually kind of like jin now i like his dynamic with michael a lot and i think in season two he’ll get over the whole oh boohoo poor me i got roped into the mafia and i can’t tell my wife even though it would be good for our relationship to not have secrets. i forgive him. i hope michael or someone else tries to learn korean to better communicate with him though i don’t just want it to be jin having to learn english. like don’t act like michael wouldn’t try at least…
which of course brings us to michael. i like michael but he’s also kind of just not as interesting as the other characters. i imagine though that the 2004 writers room was overwhelmingly white and therefore just did not do as well writing the characters of color, so i’ll grant michael that forgiveness. i do like him i think the situation with walt is crazytown
hurley. not even my ouat bias could save hurley from being third to last. i don’t have a problem with him it’s just. he’s the comedic relief yk. and he IS funny, but like. idk. kinda like what’s going on with him and the numbers i hope that gets cool in s2
locke. booooo locke. an enemy of jack’s is an enemy of mine!! we’re gonna have a locke problem!! also i’m literally still upset about how he handled the boone situation. imagine you have trauma from your dad hurting you to help himself and then you meet a younger guy who looks up to you as a sort of father/mentor figure and you end up hurting him to help yourself and you have zero self awareness about it. kill yourself old man. your ass is not breaking the cycle.
sawyer. just. ….😒 remember when shannon was having an asthma attack and could have died and sawyer made it seem like he had her inhaler and told kate he’d give it to her if she kissed him. which is already icky. and then kate did it. and then he was like oh yeah btw i don’t have the inhaler haha! like. can you kill yourself.
and if i were asked to name my favorite episodes of the season? well most recently i loved do no harm, but all jack’s episodes were great to me so also white rabbit and all the best cowboys have daddy issues. and deus ex machina was crazy as well. and the moth. and exodus part one specifically but all three parts were pretty great too. born to run was also good! and can i be frank. can i say something we might not like. hearts and minds was a great episode… yes it’s the incest episode i know i was there… but speaking from a standpoint of like. what makes a tv episode a Good TV Episode, it kinda went crazy. i mean did we see the twist coming? for sure not! that’s tv! sometimes the point of tv is to make you go 😟 and well. hearts and minds did that…
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momochimchim · 1 year
Can't sleep... Thinking abt FNaF while listening to music, Good aanimatics in my Mind...
Writing thingies (Will probably edit this as I listen more)
Chop Suey -system of a down /Mike Afton (Young) hell yeah
Cuarteto de Nos - Habla tu espejo /Mike Afton, All his life I think
Cuartetos de Nos - como pasa el tiempo /Mike Afton (after the traumas) and Henry Emily
Crime and Punishment - Hatsune Miku / Evan Afton/CC and Fredbear Plushie/Cassidy (shh my theory), some parts dedicated to Mike
The avalanches - frontier psychiatrist / EVAN FR FR SDJDKLSDNALDMFK well all of them but y'know
Current Joys - New Flesh (just the Time when It says "no one gives a shit abt my life, till I die") /Evan Afton/CC 😔
Romantic Homicide - D4vd /Evan Afton or Mike, even William it has so many meanings...
Dumb Dumb - Mazie /The Missing Children, Charlotte Emily :(
Cuarteto de Nos - Así soy yo / Shadow Bonnie lmao
Cuarteto de Nos - Invisible / Cassidy, Charlie, The Missing Children?? Idk, some thingies...
Ena remix - Allergic to People / Missing Children with their mixed memories after dead :(((
Cuarteto de Nos - Insaciable / >:( William Afton, this bitch
Cuarteto de Nos - Ya no sé que hacer conmigo / Mike Schmitt (after the traumas)
Jack Stauber - Choice / Mike Afton / the Children, like, When he's working really hard to free them sjdjfkgn hard to explain
Jack Stauber - Dinner is not over / Afton Family
Jack Stauber - Oh Klahoma / Mike while Evan is in comma, and after Evan's death :((
Labrinth ft Zendaya - All for us / Charlie
Lorde - Buzzcut season / SECURITY BREACH 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I think? Well it works in most fnaf games, in my mind
Iroha Sasaki ft Kagamine Rin - Meltdown / Cassidy or Charlie, one of the two
Messages of the Stars /Fnaf 2 gang lol
MSI - Dissapoint /Young Mike probably, his rebel teen era, before the disaster
MSI - Due / William, i think? Some things, that crazy old bastard, Nono wait- maybe not... Henry? IDK AAAAA
MSI - Evening wear / WILLIAM, before turning into Springtrap, when he was successful and an untouchable bitch
Lots of MSI songs fits Monty actually.... Yes.... 😈
MSI - Revenge / THE TOYS LMAO, They're all sassy
Misery Meat / Evan :( dead CC
Mother mother - Neighbour / Fredbear Plushie lmao
Mother mother - Pure Love / CB / Elizabeth Afton 😭
Mother mother - Worry / Charlie/Puppet
Muse - Dead Inside / Cassidy (?) maybe, i mean they're all dead but Cassidy... Killed her inner self, her innocence left, her humanity ?
Muse - Thought Contagion / Security Breach with the hacks and everything
My singing Monster band - Cold Island / Sister location guys :3
Pomme - Soleil soleil / Moony to Sunny 🥹🥹🥹💖💖💖
Jun Towaga - Suki Suki Daisuki / Toy Chica
Michael Bublé - Sway / Freddy definetely 🥺 The android obviously, before posessed, he's charming 🥺
Syko - Brooklyn blood pop / ToyBon, Bad influence
System of a down - Toxicity (Cover by Violet, Halocene and Lauren) - Goldie, hell yeah the little guy is metal af
Taco - Puttin' on the Ritz / Freddy again, ah the pretty man, and Fredbear too
Takayan - It's okay to envy / Monty yeee, And Roxy too probably 🤔
Punishment Game - Hatsune Miku ft Gumi (i think) / Cassidy (Goldie) vs William (before and after the springtrap thing)
Mafumafu ft Kagamine Rin & Len - Dystopia / Charlie & Cassidy
Meiyo - Nothing's working out / Evan
Billie Eilish - When the party's over / Mike trying to cope over Evan's death :( Like allucinating and everything, remembering, regretting... Just in depression 😭 Ooooo I'm sad thinking abt it
Billie Eilish - Birthday favors / y'know, the "I'm Sorry to do this on your birthday, happy Birthday btw", Mike to Evan
Tom Rosenthal - Home / All the children😭😭😭😭
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faeriemarie · 2 years
a guide to SOME my drs
contains: harry potter (golden era), marauders, stranger things, dash & lily, x-men, a few fame drs, and a 1900’s historical dr
harry potter
ravenclaw who is best friends with cho
like literally inseparable
we are the hogwarts “it” girls and everyone is obsessed with us
they want to dress like us and talk like us and be as stunningly beautiful and intelligent
so many people have a crush on me
including but not limited to: hermione, ginny, harry, ron, roger davies, neville, luna, and george weasley
i’m going into my 5th year as a ravenclaw at hogwarts
was never friends with the marauders (save for sirius)
always really good friends since 1st year
and we became practically like siblings
when he ran away, he runs to my house
and my parents welcome him with open arms
give him his own room and make him do chores
it’s like we’ve been siblings forever
then he introduces me to his friends
and remus and james both have crushes on me
and think i’m sirius’ real sister
love triangle ensues
stranger things #1
og female member of the party since 2nd grade
and will is basically my brother
i’ve known him longer than mike has
not so secret crush on thee mike wheeler
i play as a monk in d&d (although i’m not sure that role even existed in the 80’s)
eleven never crushes on mike and only has a friendship with him
when she meets me, she idolizes me and wants to BE me because i’m so cool
i become friends with max first
and stalk for the guys
devising plans with will on how to force lucas and max together
basically just tween fun time (with monsters ofc)
stranger things #2
teenager era starting in season 2
im a loser and friends with jonathan byers
im a major theatre kid and we became friends when he took pictures for our school musical
and ofc im friends with robin because she’s in pit
accidentally get involved with demodogs things when dustin recruits me to go with him and steve
i get to bond with steve and our romance starts
but nothing actually HAPPENS until season 3 over the summer
after he’s gotten over nancy and robin can force us together
stranger things #3
popular!marie x loser!mike
cheerleader who’s new to hawkins
i befriend lucas and he invites me to hellfire club
of course i join!!
i used to play d&d all the time with my cousins in new york
when i walk in, everyone is suspicious of me
but mike is so whipped
eddie doesn’t believe i even know how to play
but i bring out my character sheet and im literally at a higher level than him
… he is mildly impressed
so i’m allowed to join
and i bond with the guys
and mike walks me home every day (even though he’s still dating el)
will i come between them and break them up?
i am the drama fr
dash & lily
i’m lily but i have a different name, face, etc.
mostly the same personality tho
it follows the basic plot
i put the notebook between franny and zooey
we exchange dares
dash gets back together with sofia
my bully is an oc instead of annoying ugly-ass edgar
we meet
i get drunk
we get together
yadayadayada you get it
x-men (prequel series)
i attend xavier’s school where my bestie is jubilee
i have chlorokenesis but i can control my powers the best of anyone
half dating peter maximoff but not really
he flirts with me all the time and i pretend like i hate it
everyone ships us tho
especially kurt and jean
2000’s actress
my resume includes…
cecilia in the virgin suicides
bianca stratford
lana in the princess diaries
louise in gilmore girls
elizabeth in pride & prejudice
rose in doctor who
emily in the devil wears prada
sophie in mamma mia
giselle in enchanted
summer in 500 days of summer
and more
early 2010’s fame dr
famous for a few cult classics like
sam in the perks of being a wallflower
or nicki in the bling ring
but i was also clara in doctor who
and i dated a couple notable celebrities
toby regbo… james mcavoy… thomas brodie-sangster
oh and i’m trending on 2012 tumblr
because i single-handedly revived indie sleaze
and had a flirtationship with alex turner
pretty much the whole am album is about me
dating finn wolfhard fame dr (heavily influenced by the posts of @wheelcr)
angsty and edgy poet and playwright
who graduated high school at 15 and has a bachelor’s degree in linguistics by 19
start dating in 2021
and fans are so obsessed with me
they even jumpstart my poetry career
and some high schools / colleges get the rights to my plays
so cool
ballerina for royal ballet
i started with them when i was very young
getting cast in the nutcracker as a party guest
and i work my way up
i debut with the professional company when i’m 15
with my debut ballet being romeo and juliet
i go on to star in mayerling, onegin, cinderella, anastasia, coppelia, sylvia, swan lake, sleeping beauty, don quixote, giselle, la bayadere, and sylphide all before i turn 25
plus i’m nursing a minor film career in the off season
just small movies like
phantom of the opera 2004 as christine
or atonement as cecilia tallis
i’m just an icon honestly
1910 small town america vibe
the vibe of our town and tuck everlasting
i’m just a small town girl and the brightest student ever seen
i get the highest grades and the town loves me
my parents are highly respected and educated citizens
plus 3 different guys are courting me, including:
a childhood friend who’s loved me for years
college boy studying to be a doctor
and a young reporter and assistant to my dad at our local paper
how ever will i choose?
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shoyoist · 2 years
rekha!! beloved!! do u have any classic lit recs for someone who want to start reading classic lit?? i dont know where to start n im kinda scared bc im not used to reading a lot of classic literature but id love to explore em !! i think itd be a neat way to get out my comfort zone and improve my writing :D any advice or rec you have is more than welcomed !!! 💕
oh omg yes<33 if you're a beginner it's always best to choose the most popular classics first. that's what i think, because starting with the best is what really hooks you in— you read something amazing and when you're done, you need more so you read more. and if you like the writing style of a particular author, it is very much worthwhile to check out their other books! a little bit of advice tho, some classic lit has a way of casually introducing disturbing themes here and there, so it's good to look up any tws beforehand.
as for recs, some really popular books (that don't drop something disturbing out of the blue imo) i enjoyed are:
emma by jane austen
jane eyre by charlotte brönte (sister to emily brönte, author of wuthering heights which is also great)
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde (SO GOOD FR! fame very much deserved)
frankenstein by mary shelley
dracula by bram stoker
persuasion, also by jane austen
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vacantgodling · 2 years
hi hello I'm a little late but I or A for the oc alphabet soup?? - @magic-is-something-we-create
hi!! never too late promise <3
like all my other ones i'll do all the ocs i have for both i & a!
iberis gunn (paramour) - one of hya's elder siblings and the researcher/doctor of the bunch. is having an affair with his sister narci's husband myrtus lol (also has a wife himself pff)
officer izak harrison (tlss -> donut wip/noi, alone) - one of the officers investigating what's going on at the unnamed college that juls/noi go to. is definitely an asshole and kinda racist :/
lady illiana aegos (tcol) - the stepdaughter of the current reigning duke & kiba's step sister. spoiled and haughty, but she has a good heart under her upbringing somewhere.
IIARAN (tcol) - goddess of creation among other things
IISIDIA (tcol) - goddess of creation and magic among other things
izul (celestial weddings) - one of dagmar's partners of the seventh realm, mukhiru. they're the fifth eldest of the royal family.
ire (god eater) - one of the seven deadly sins (wrath) aka one of the first demons of the under (just not The first, that's ava).
itri or thumbs (thumbs and the giants) - mc of the thumbelina retelling i'm working on. he's good with his hands, thus the nickname thumbs.
A (this will have a lot so i'm sorry in advance)
amon (paramour) - beloved boy. hya's butler lol.
aloe anvil-gunn (paramour) - hya's youngest sibling, an angel. wants to become a priest.
antoinette rouzet-blanc (vampires don't take roadtrips) - darren's cousin; daughter of his uncle laurent and his late wife emily.
agenor rouzet-blanc (vampires don't take roadtrips) - darren's grandfather on his mother (liz)'s side. deceased.
awilda haelathem (vampires don't take roadtrips) - one of vlad's close friends & cousin of the leader of the coven he's been hidden at corsel haelathem.
andres seymour (tlss -> donut wip) - juls's best friend
altair nocturne (tcol) - an alchemist who was apart of jihi's team when he first joined guilds. has been missing for at least 10 years.
grand duke aran lathsbury (tcol) - kiba's father and the current reigning reagent of lathsbury until kiba is old enough to become king.
duchess arietta lathsbury (tcol) - kiba's aunt and presider over the city wish of palanthia.
arian bloom, guardian of love (tcol) - evondra's former lover who was killed by jealous suitors. was made a guardian at his death.
anele of kairos / anele lightfoot (tcol) - historical character. the first ruler of the newly established kingdom of lathsbury after the civil war.
aidan "di" absyna (lukewarm rejection) - main character of LR and the rhythm guitarist of the group. doing his best fr.
amiya abada (lukewarm rejection) - groupie, tour bus driver & di's best friend.
adelise absyna (lukewarm rejection) - di's mother and an emotionally absent parent towards siobhan, but was very close with di growing up.
alona (nad) - the third pov character/main character. college student who starts working at a sketchy company.
axel heights (nad) - one of the experiments that nyseah ends up adopting.
aenlin (celestial weddings) - one of the hopefuls from the first realm lesedi & dagmar's final love interest in a suprise twist of fate. second born of the royal family.
almine (celestial weddings) - one of dagmar's love interests from the third realm zali. fourth child of the royal family.
azab (azab and the hero's shade) - mc and the chosen one that's been reincarnated over and over. feral boy.
avarice "ava" (god eater) - one of the seven deadly sins (greed) and the first demon manifested in the under.
apathy "path" (god eater) - one of the seven deadly sins (sloth) and one of the first demons manifested in the under.
aurora o'rion (gothica) - main love interest. serial heartbreaker and head smasher. got some weird power thing going on.
agatha reuter (gothica) - one of lennon's roommates and a snitch pff.
alessandra (shrouded in darkness) - mc & the youngest princess of the kingdom of darkness who still has her sight. agrees to marry into the empire of light to kill them all.
amelia rottney (noble) - noh's former best friend and comrade; was the JACK in their JACK&JILL unit.
amehana (train master chidori) - chidori's ex-gf and best friend. works for her family's restaurant as a delivery driver.
arden (???) - he's an old oc from the remnants of cardia but idk what i'm doing with him yet.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Andromeda by mikeaftons
Gabriel sighed and rubbed his temple. "He's the face of my brand, Em. I love you, I love Adrien. But I need my brand to keep you both safe, to keep you content."
"He shouldn't be the face of your brand. He's not even four yet! He's not old enough to model for you, or anyone. I think, I just need to step out of the spotlight for a second. You don't have to," Gabriel's lips purse and Emilie picks Duusu from her shoulder and cradles him in her palms, "but I need to, for Adrien. I need to raise him someplace other than photoshoots and designer clothing. We don't have to make a big deal out of it. I can make public appearances with you, and Adrien can visit, but I want him to be normal, Gabriel. I'm going to the country, my sister said she'd be fine lending me a family estate, Nathalie, and Philipe will come with me."
"Just go, Em. Please. I expect you to be gone by the end of the week, no?"
She grits her teeth, and nods, "You won't even have to spare me a second thought."
Or, Emilie divorces Gabriel and takes Adrien, Nathalie, and Gorilla with her.
Words: 2434, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Emilie Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Duusu, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Amélie Graham de Vanily, Félix Graham de Vanily
Relationships: Emilie Agreste/Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Emilie Agreste/Gabriel Agreste, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard & Nathalie Sancoeur, Emilie Agreste & Amélie Graham de Vanily, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Félix Graham de Vanily
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Baby Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Parent Nathalie Sancoeur, Protective Nathalie Sancoeur, Emilie Agreste Lives, Good Parent Emilie Agreste, Fluff, Parenthood, Angst, Peacock Miraculous, Graham de Vanily Twin Rings, emilie and nathalie are so gay, gorilla's real name is philipe, who fr leaves ur assistant msgs when ur dying, like begging her to save ur son, when ur husband IS RIGHT THERE, took my own spin on the sentimonster adri theory, Sentimonster Adrien Agreste, Childhood Trauma, Twins, Sentimonster Félix Graham de Vanily, Divorce
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42992553
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wandagcre · 8 months
The amount of updates to the game is kinda crazy, my friends had to explain everything to me 😭 but I got a dog! A wolf?
I didn’t know it was getting a movie! The plot still works even if the characters are older so I need some of them back! Honestly Rami Malek has to back for his part, he plays mentally ill characters so well 😭 literally no one beats him for me
But at the same time I don’t have much faith in game adaptations-
Sam and Emily being your favorites is so real!! Ppl who don’t like Emily 👎 just say you’re boring!! Seeing Ashley get her shit rocked!? 🤭
I saved Mike, Matt and Ashley! Got Sam killed at the very last part!! She’s my 2nd favorite 😞 it goes Mike, Sam, Josh, Emily, Matt, Jess, Chris-Ashley! Idk I didn’t like either of them
I still haven’t seen gameplay for none of them surviving so definitely have to get on that!
I feel like I would’ve been more immersed in the game if I hadn’t been playing with ppl watching me 😭 my siblings had me play bc they knew I couldn’t do it fr BUT I also guessed the whole game without like half of the clues!
Literally when scares started happened I was like “I hope this is Josh fucking with them” even after he ‘died’! Sometimes being delusional pays off 🤧
really? i haven't seen any minecraft gameplay lately. last time i've watched was during pewdiepie's peak of playing it... was it pre-pandemic? i forgot 💀 it's a wolf though! they're adorable 😫
sam is a good person and she's so charming! i forgot that the legend hayden panettiere acted for her omg and emily is so sassy, she lightens up my mood with her lines <3 you having chris and ashley tied for the bottom is so real! they're meh. it's sad you got sam killed at the end 😭 and YES rami malek! he's such a great actor. he always delivers!
no survivors is plain cruel 😭 wendigo's devouring them all is so??? definitely go for a replaying the game! the scares made by josh was unreal. i didn't expect that at all from him but it also made sense why he's gone crazy enough to do all of that. those poor sisters honestly it gave me nightmares
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paleclementine · 9 months
Here is my diary entry for the new year. Later I want to make a post of my ten favorite songs and reasons behind them. But for now here's my year.
I started this year off strong with the 2nd worst existential crisis I've had within the past 5 years of my life. Very depressed and lonely all throughout winter, but it was somewhat okay because I was anonymous in my apartment and didn't have anyone constantly judging me (compared to now). I definitely was afflicted with the trans fever, probs as a result of new discovery, and kinda made it my thing for all those months. Anthony made me food every night and we always hung out together. I entertained the notion of going to Oregon for school but changed my mind once I found out how much it costed. then I wanted to do van life, and I still have that commitment. Tbh, I still have trans fever, but it's less about ftm than it is just hating being a girl. I got really into cosplay and watched new shows like Monster and Fullmetal Alchemist. And I also rewatched Attack on Titan and gained a new love for indian food. That winter was the coldest and snowiest yet. I finished my final draft of my book, Sharper than Silver, but decided I want to rewrite the whole thing before I decide to query it. In its stead, I started writing a long fic for Bungou Stray Dogs, which I am still continuing to this day (80,000 words so far).
Then I moved back home and was immediately not just depressed, but in despair. It was a severe adjustment to go from living on my own for two years straight to living with my parents and family. It was a really rough start with fights with my sister and arguments about getting high with emily and drinking alone.... womp womp bad decisions but i had already decided that summer would be my alcoholic arc!!!!!! it low key helped me cause now I don't super like drinking anymore unless it's worth it. anyway-- I saw taylor swift, dyed my hair ginger, cut my bangs, cosplayed Chuuya, got high with bonnie, got violently high with emily, binged markiplier fnaf and Unus Annus, hung out with emily jensen, and ummm. yeah. I did spend a lot of time outside too- specifically the forest behind our house. I visited anthony one week and that was a fr relief, esp because it was an impulse thing after a fight with Hailey. I actually thing I booked it after that crazy argument with my mom where she threatened to stop funding my college. any fucking way . summer came and went. Through it all, my hatred only grew. That summer was very bitter, I think...
Then me and mom drove back to school and thus starts that ordeal. The road trip was good but boring. i met my roommates, and at first it was fine because i was a victim of the "freshmen friendgroup." I had a brief partying phase but quickly came to realize that my roommates are shallow and easily leave people out if you don't follow them like a lost dog. Then three more girls moved in with us and I slowly drifted away from all of them. Classes were also really boring. I ghosted a girl who was low key obsessed with me. I went on a road trip to southern Utah with my dad and saw the eclipse and it was low key miserable but I'm glad he got to make those memories. Emily flew to Utah and we went to the convention together and the salt flats and logan and it was so fun :) but Sam was so cruel to her for it and I really started to hate him then. Anthony was sweet than sweet to me throughout the semester, but halfway through we decided to stop eating dinner together because we were spending an obscene amount of money of food. This was when I started my "diet," which is actually a wannabe eating disorder. I lost 7-10 pounds from it. I'm actually super proud of myself for it. But amidst these things was a growing hatred for my roommates, who I still can't stand. I tried in vain to sell my lease and move apartments, but no one offered to buy it so I got stuck there. Then I left for Christmas break and me and Anthony went to NY with the fam and then I went home home.
And that was my year. It didn't seem like I did that much, but it genuinely feels like it's been an eternity since last January. I've changed so much. I think I've gotten... not more sure of myself, but more comfortable with being uncertain. I also grew the balls to actually put in the work and lose weight. and I am more comfortable with my gender, whatever it may be, and don't burst into tears when I get drunk and think about it too hard. And this whole year was the year of Taylor Swift, Ginger Hair, Bangs, Pale Skin, and writing, writing, writing. So much more has happened and there have been so many more changes, but that is all I can think to include in this post.
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ironmansnips · 2 years
i wanna see the bau team with a Marten Riggs type reader
realistically they'd take it very seriously but that's boring so we're ditching that idea
like in the first episode of lethal weapons he walks into the hostage situation with a fuckin pizza
the team looks away for maybe 5 minutes tops and suddenly you've gone off skipping your way twords the homicidal maniac carrying a goddamned thin crust pepperoni pizza
⏬Marten Riggs clips on YouTube ⏬
they're so fucking funny you gotta watch them😭
they p a n i c
for shits and giggles let's say that you're a newbie
a probie if you will
so they're not close to you yet but they still don't wanna see you get murdered lmao
istg Reid nearly faints when you pull the gun closer to your head
or when you walk into that warehouse whistling Andy Griffith?
his skin paled so much it could've rivald Casper the friendly ghosts
Garcia loves you but threatens your life regularly
stop putting yourself in life threatening situations when you don't have to you little shit👺
they don't let you talk to mentally unstable unsubs cause your sarcasm would escalate the situation 🤷🏻‍♀️
let's be honest Reids in love with you☠️
an enemies to lovers perhaps?👀
fr tho mans a simp for you
listen this is very self indulgent so i'm imagining the reader has brightly hair and is goth punk and like 19😗
(i'm almost 18 and i hate it 💩)
this is the early seasons btw so Reid is like 24
since you're so young dad! hotch mode is not activated 🥺
Gideon thinks you're a cool kid
and in the newer seasons with Rossi he fuckin loves you man
he treats you like your his own kid
they scold the holy hell out of you when you pull that shit
like hotch has put you on desk duty and threatened to take away your badge
but you're really good at your job ig cause you still got it ☠️
Derek is literally your older brother
like you guys had sibling arguments all the time lmao
he'd die for you tho
they all would
jj is like your older sister
she gives the best advice fr
and Emily would do anything for you she loves you so much
you're like her kid 🥺
if you're anything like me and say dude, bro, and man religiously you're gonna get the hotchner glare 😵
like no he's sir or hotch thanks very much
Rossi thinks it's hilarious
until you hit him with a "bro"
then you get a Rossi stare down
Derek just lifts a perfect brow at the name of " endearment "
also! his eyebrows look just like this thing ~
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like you guys see it too right?😭
this is getting too long i might post on it again later tho
i haven't gone back over it so it probably doesn't make sense lmao
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elvendoodles · 2 years
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Of course I wouldn't make a tierlist without filling it out! I'll explain my S ranks and my D-F ranks:
S Tier:
How I Lost My Mother: This was the first appearance of all five sisters! While we already know Skyra and Emily's Grandma (while older), we had only known about the other three in passing. This episode brought back what was mentioned all the way back in Unite the magic and tied Quartzine into the current conflict of the season
Making Waves: I feel that this was the strongest of the elf on guardian episodes. While Cyclo and Liska were superficially miffed by their elves, Naida and Cory had a legit conflict of interest that I WISH was expanded upon more. Naida standing up against who's likely the most powerful water magic user for the sake of her friend was great to see. Cory and SoE!Cronan's perspective on Emily's human heritage has me very interested in what Elvendale at large thinks of humans
Magic Within: While Emily using magic came a little out of nowhere, I like how her elf heritage was finally brought up in-universe. Her first successful go at using magic is explosive, almost as if she put in too much magic due to inexperience. I also wonder if Lumia had her death planned all along, and was only putting it off because she didn't have a successor... Nice lore and exposition, a little weak at the end, but still good
The Shadow World Part 3: This made me cry fr bro. Such a high emotional climax with an easy coast down. Even without seeing much backstory you can tell just how deep Lumia and Noctura's history is. The melancholy from Lumia and the shock from Noctura, i was :0 right along with the rest of the cast
D and F Tier:
Goblin Talent Show: It was funny at parts, but otherwise not really necessary
Sophie's Point of View: I've come to the conclusion that this is Sophie daydreaming about her and Emily's roles being reversed and how SHE can be the hero. But as presented it throws away continuity like the majority of S3 webisodes
Goblin Intern: Could have maybe worked as the first webisode in the season, but not the THIRD TO FINAL webisode. It adds very little to the narrative and probably only exists to promo the Goblin Village set
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