#emma swan mention omg
sweetronancer · 8 months
i have a big fat crush on emma swan.
once upon a time is making me think about my knight!robin au or js fantasy au i need helpppp
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screwhope · 3 months
@freezegirl : a question for the lovely writer behind this blog: what's your favorite emma swan look and why? <3
omg. loaded question. i can't just pick one. the costume design for the whole show is crazy good. there are so many. this is gonna involve a lot of pictures.
so , fundamentally , i always picture emma in her red leather jacket. i think it's fundamental and sentimental to her. i'm glad they gave it an origin story. i personally didn't like them giving her like 20 different leather jackets in season 1 specifically but i understand wanting her to look different. but then again she's supposed to be living out of like 2 boxes. it would make sense for her to have 1 or 2 jackets.
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i'm a sucker for the pilot 'bait' dress. i think it really shows off like ... her using her assets for her job and being confident in that. she never wears dresses like the rest of the show (aside from like ballgowns and that time she had to dress up in fairytale clothes) and i understand she's not like comfortable in them nor does she like dressing up, but i do think it really flatters her and she found a niche that really worked for her. luring people in to dates and booting their cars? a+
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speaking of dresses tho. the camelot arc is so aesthetically pleasing. i dont remember a whole lot of the plotline, but ?? pretty.
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personally , i'm a real big fan of when emma's arms are out. i think it's such a good reminder that she is a tough bitch who has had to take care of herself her whole life. she's not the dainty princess. she actively works out and can do 50 pullups. mostly it just shows how low effort she is. like she's not going all out. she's comfy. it's also just ,,, so gay.
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speaking of 'emma looks like a badass' looks , i very much loved her enchanted forest pants look. some people hate it but she looks like a ... hot knight rogue u know. like hide your princesses. she's dressed like flynn rider and thats hot.
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speaking of hot EF emma -- this photoshoot was purely promotional and im not sure it was used anywhere but in magazines. but warrior emma ??? MMMM
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basically her whole wardrobe from 3.12. you can tell regina made these in her little 'au where emma is inexplicably rich enough to afford a nice apartment in manhattan with henry and doesnt wear jeans and a tank all the time.' like these outfits scream regina. love that. bitch has style and knows what would suit her.
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i also think her ballgowns were always really nice !! like !! ouat never slept on elegance.
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her winter outfits were also really cute and cozy.
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and then finally , the bar wench outfit. i just ,,, muah.
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honorable mentions !
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 4B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- I think the life she always wanted was for you to not be evil
- Camelot mention
- Okay that’s actually kinda nice
- Rumbelle travelling together would be so cute
- Robin… stop brooding and get a DIVORCE
- When is Marian Zelena? Waiting for my girl to come back
- Wow that’s cool of Marian
- Still annoying though
- Yeah… don’t call me grandma
- A dalmatian… Cruella?
- Oh no she got kidnapped!
- Bye Robin lol
- You kidnap my girl, you will die
- “Why do you care about me?” “… I don’t” HE WAS GOING TO SAY I LOVE YOU
- Rumple getting exposed…
- This is making me so anxious omg
- Oooh belle with the dagger
- Omg she’s gonna command him to cross
- “Your true love is power” omg nooooo
- “Everyone deserves their happy ending” except rumple apparently
- I LOVE this interpretation of Cruella!
- Her animal control powers are so cool and I love the green smoke like in her movie
- Regina is mayor again… don’t know how that happened
- What if… I don’t want them to be released
- Her name in the land without magic is still Cruella??? Isn’t that suspicious?
- Get in loser, we’re going to storybrooke
- Not the drive thru…
- She taped the picture back together… can’t she just magic it back together?
- Is that chernabog?
- He also used to give me nightmares
- Loving all the fantasia content this season
- “Is there a dwarf called Evilly?” Lol
- The charmings have a juicy secret
- Cruella’s matching phone case… iconic
- “Is there a problem sheriff chiseled chin?” Lol
- Ooh maleficent is pregnant! (I remember that lily is her daughter)
- Omg the rattle
- Maleficent’s modern outfits are so slay
- She has a similar style to Zelena
- Since when was there a train in storybrooke??? It has to be in the town lines obviously
- Using a sleeping curse concoction to get high lol
- Did young regina borrow one of rumple’s outfits? It looks like it
- Rumple is going to beat up will so hard lol
- Noooooo I hate there not being Rumbelle
- YASSSS August is back!
- Ursula has the exact same backstory as Ariel
- But I do like the idea that she used to be a mermaid
- I have a feeling that’s not actually Robin
- Oh it was a dream
- Sometimes the cgi in this show is downright scary
- Not the growing nose
- Loving these villain backstories
- Awwww Ursula redemption
- “It’s you” AWWWWWWW
- I love captainswan
- Omg young emma ripping snow’s heart out
- Ooh they’re setting up the dark swan arc
- THATS THE AUTHOR (I remember him)
- Ugh I hate Isaac
- That’s actually so sinister (the charmings stealing maleficent’s baby)
- And to ‘ensure Emma’s goodness’
- Like maybe just raise her right???
- Rumple stop being evil I’m begging you
- Oh that’s how ursula and cruella ended up in TLWM
- Kinda ironic that the thief gets stolen from
- Not the taxes
- “If this is new york I’d hate to see the old one” lol
- Not rumple having a heart attack…
- Hopefully this means my girl Zelena is coming back soon
- “That’s not the marian I know” foreshadowing
- Even when she’s threatening rumple
- Her plan to disguise herself as marian is 10/10
- She’s so smart
- Not Cruella’s mom using dalmatians to threaten her
- Fun fact about me is that I don’t like dogs at all (I’m a cat person)
- Cruella being able to control maleficent as a dragon is so cool
- Noooooo rumbelle should still be together
- not Will…
- Regina literally stop
- You’re supposed to be redeemed but you’re literally leveraging belle (who is innocent) against rumple
- Doesn’t seem like a very heroic thing to do
- “I know a nice quiet spot where we can… talk” seems a little serial killer-y
- All the little details in this show are perfection
- Like Cruella’s favourite song being the Cruella de Vil song from the movie
- FaceTime ransom
- Ooh emma doesn’t trust her parents
- Noooooo not the mom
- Ohhhhh yikes backstory
- I like how they sympathized/redeemed Ursula and Maleficent but when they got to Cruella they were like nope she’s just a psychopath
- Emma’s going dark omg just about to punch that guy
- Ooh rumple is going to beat will’s ass
- “Alright scrappy” lol
- Emma should have mentioned that she knows her birth mother
- Nooooo that is so sad that Emma never got a good family as a kid
- She got copped out so many times (Ingrid, these people)
- Nooooo rumple saying will is going to protect belle’s heart
- Okay the fact that Zelena tricked Robin into getting her pregnant is very yikes
- Yikes I forgot Regina sterilized herself
- The ogres are back!
- I love hero!rumple
- Would he be called ‘the light one’???
- “Come on Henry please be dead” lol
- Isaac is literally so stupid he can’t even remember the story that HE WROTE
- “Hi ho boys, it’s off to work we go” that sounds so funny when you say it ominously
- Villain!snow >>> hero!regina
- I said what I said
- Omg Snow actually being in love with James???
- I just noticed charming’s guyliner lol
- He is called the light one!!!
- I love a good stop the wedding plot
- “I don’t love Will” YASSSSS
- Aaaaaaaa I hate stuff with black eyes
- Ooh dark swan set up
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena, Hook, Emma
Like: Cruella, Belle, Ursula, Maleficent, August
Neutral: Rumple (it pains me to put him here), Lily, David, Snow, Henry, The Apprentice, Will Scarlet
Dislike: Regina, Robin
Hate: Isaac
Season rating: 6/10
I really like Cruella, Ursula, and Maleficent! I think the writers made really cool interpretations of their characters. I was not a fan of Rumbelle not being together, Regina and Robin getting a lot of focus, and Isaac. I HATE ISAAC. The season was pretty engaging though. Probably would have rated it lower if not for the villain girlboss trio (and Zelena).
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tang0mang0 · 2 years
#9 and 20 for the ask game?
9. That (s) is very frightening because there are quite a few. I’ll just rant about the top one for now though. Most disliked would probably have to be Captain Hook. I think the only reason people like him is for his “good looks”, which, imo, blinds people to his actual personality and how gross and disrespectful he is. He has no regard for anyone’s personal space, for one, and he also creeps on every woman he looks at and its downright cringe-worthy. I don’t understand how this character is loved so highly. On top of this, he also goes through some fake redemption arc, where he is almost suddenly treated like he has made up for all of his misdeeds, but then, continues to be the same person? Continues to conduct misdeeds and be like “Ohh, I’m a better man now love, *smooch*. Did I mention I have a ship, the Jolly Rodger?”. No Killian. You are not. He has not once redeemed himself for any of the shit he has done, and any chance he gets to be malicious he hops at the opportunity, like the 3 or so times he went to Rumple to ask him to do something morally wrong? And during this, he still goes on about how much he has changed and how he is a good person now, without it being ironic in the slightest. Dead faced straight up stating lies and believing them despite them never being resolved. It’s really off putting for me honestly.
However. NOOK? New hook is literally the best rendition of Hook EVER. I LOVE HIM. Who knew that taking the sexual predator mindset of Hook out of the equation would make him a likable character? Crazy idea I know. Also, the whole plot of him just wanting to be with his daughter, who is one of my favorite characters since her presence in season 7, but not being able to because of the curse put on his heart. He literally would do anything for Alice, and he does in the most impactful way possible which I won’t spoil but omg. I love you Nook so much.
20. Absolutely Swan Queen hands down. Without a doubt. Emma and Regina have such immense chemistry that perpetrates through EVERY scene that they are together, and even in ones where they aren’t but can’t stop thinking about one another. Swan Queen is quite possibly the greatest queer-bait the world has ever seen (Although I don’t watch a lot of shows lol). Them being canon is all I could ever ask for, even though it will never happen. I just wanna see the Swan Mills family living happily ever after, they are soo cuteeee.
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lizardthelizard · 3 years
Omg I was just reading a bunch of your messages with that anon about august not being at Emma’s wedding / not being around to help when she was the dark one lmao. I forgot that rumple made him an adult again tbh so I was thinking like “um maybe bc he was like 10?” Lmao but then I remembered that whole thing w the queens of darkness happened and I was like oh shoot yes he was an adult for dark swan AND the wedding lmao. But that’s so odd that he wasn’t there for either……. Disappointing now thinking back bc I really did love emma and august (platonically and romantically bc I’m a firm believer that there should’ve been smthn there ngl) 🥺💖🤍
(hi renee 😊💗)
Exactly!!! Tbh I almost feel like the writers forgot that he wasn't a literal child anymore. If they had actually bothered to care about his character, he probably would have been there.
I've said this before and I'll say it again but I genuinely think that a big part of the reason they didn't include August more in the later seasons was because they didn't want to deal with another love triangle. I mean, they'd already done the whole emma/neal/killian thing and were all set for cs endgame, (which I have nothing against btw, even though it's not my personal taste), so why go through something like that again?
Not that they would have had to of course. Because, in the real world, men and women actually are allowed to be close friends without there ever being anything sexual or romantic beneath the surface. But in the world of TV (especially OUAT (although NOT OUATIW, my beloved)), that's something that's so rarely the case. And you just KNOW that he would have been too much of a threat to the cs pairing if they'd allowed him to have a bunch more scenes with Emma.
And not even because they'd even necessarily make August a love interest (I mean, they might have) but it was more because there would always be that 'what if?' in the background. They shut it down pretty quickly in the show (Killian asking if Emma has a fondness for men in leather jackets (lmao) and Emma having to assure him that he was her (supposedly) closest friend since Lily (okay, fine but then why didn't she talk to him like,,,EVER aftewards if they were such besties)) So, you can already feel that he would be too much of an underlying threat to their relationship if Emma kept hanging out with him.
And it breaks my heart!! Because I ADORE their dynamic so much. They're both witty and sarcastic and closed off in such a way that they can see through one another's bullshit. Not to mention, August is, you know, literally Pinocchio, and Emma has this built in lie detector talent! They make such a great duo and August was always really sweet with Henry which could have opened up for some really lovely little scenes. Just............i'm sad :(
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spartanguard · 4 years
even death won’t part us now (4/?)
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Summary: Two covens, both alike in dignity, / In fair New York, where we lay our scene, / From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; / Whole misadventured piteous overthrows / Do with their death bury their sires’ strife. (Captain Swan + West Side Story + vampires. But not as sad. Probably.)
rated M | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | AO3 | 5.8k words
A/N: Happy Labor Day, friends! (If you’re in a place that celebrates it) (if not, then Happy Monday!) It took me a bit to figure out where this chapter would end and the next one would start but I finally got it, so here we are! This chapter is a bit more lore/world-building than CS, but it features Zelena and Belle, who are a lot of fun to write. Hope you enjoy it! Eternal thanks, as always, to @optomisticgirl​​​ for being an awesome beta; to @thesschesthair​​​ for her amazing art (THIS ONE IS SO COOL OMG); and to @kmomof4​​​ and @cssns​​​ for putting this event on and pushing me to continue this story!
have some OBC—and check out that sweet late ‘50s choreography!
part four: you got some high times ahead
Perhaps if Killian was less of a romantic, less dramatically inclined, he would have remembered the best way to get to Granny’s without being noticed by David would have been to stay on the rooftops. As it was, he had to sprint several blocks in the other direction after bidding Emma adieu to ensure her father didn’t catch him in the neighborhood when he hardly had a reason to be there.
Who knew that, at 270, he’d be sneaking out of his girlfriend’s place to avoid her parents? He hadn’t even done that at 27. (Also, who thought that, at 270, he’d actually be using the term ‘girlfriend’? Was it too soon for that? Was it immature? Did he care? No.)
But, thanks to his superior age and therefore speed, it was no challenge to detour all the way to Hudson Yard and take in a bit of sea air before heading back into the city, eventually hopping across apartment buildings to better avoid being seen, and landing gracefully in Granny’s back alley. He was late, but he didn’t have it in him to care much.
He didn’t want to let his friends down, though, so he didn’t hesitate to slip in through the rear door of the diner. Frankly, that entrance got just as much use as the one on the street did; not only was Granny’s a neutral site as far as vampire gang warfare went, it was something of a liminal space in the middle of the rush of the city: how many 24-hour diners catered to the tastes of all manner of nonhumans? Fae conducted business here on the regular, Bigfoot was known to make the occasional appearance when he was down from the Adirondacks, and the owner herself was a werewolf.
The woman in question gave him an appropriately feral grin as he entered the dining room; normally, he’d take the time to flirt, but the meeting had clearly started without him. Robin and David were seated on opposite sides of a small table, with their teammates around them—Henry and Will, another younger vampire (well, comparatively) were with Robin, and David was backed by that Graham guy, Jefferson the weird milliner, and Zelena, who he knew was close with Cora (and had been plain annoying as far back as he could remember).
“Switchblades?” Robin said; they’d clearly made some decisions without him. That might make it a bit harder for Killian to quash this.
“No; swords?” David countered.
“Icicles of holy water,” Killian interjected into their back and forth, somehow making them jump. “Sharpened stems of garlic. How many cliches can we hit on here?”
Robin looked appropriately chastised, but David just glared.
“What did I miss?” he asked Robin, but David answered for him.
“Rumble, tomorrow, same time as now. Under the highway. Winner gets control of territory between 42nd and 43rd. We were just deciding weapons.”
“Are you all mad?” he blurted out. “That’s a fine way to draw the attention of half the NYPD and blow the entire supernatural world’s cover. You may as well take out a billboard in Times Square.”
The ensuing silence told him they knew he was right. But he could tell tensions were too high for him to convince them to call it off entirely; he could at the very least minimize the potential damage. 
“Back in my day,” he started, immediately ignoring the huff of frustration from Will, who had been subjected to any number of such stories in the past 30 years, “we settled these disputes one-on-one. A duel, if you would. I see no reason why such a tradition has to die.”
Again, he was met with silence; he took the lack of protest as agreement.
“One on one,” he continued. “The most evenly matched from both sides fight it out until blood is drawn. No weapons, no teeth.”
Jefferson looked incensed at the idea, and he could tell Will was angrily shifting behind him. If they wanted to duke it out, they could do that on their own; Killian’s days of fighting were well behind him and the sooner this was over, the better.
“I can agree to that,” David eventually said.
“Aye,” Robin replied, and they shook on it.
Graham stepped from behind David and pointed at Killian. “I’m going to enjoy drawing your blood, mate,” he threatened.
Emma hadn’t mentioned it, but he’d gotten the impression that Graham was the preferred suitor. But frankly, he found him irritating. “Oh? Are you 250 years old?”
“No; 160,” he answered, slightly deflated (which gave Killian a tiny, immature thrill).
“Then I believe you’re perfectly matched with Robin here; he’s 168.” He slapped Robin on the shoulder for emphasis.
Robin stood and inserted his hand between Killian and Graham. “Looking forward to it,” he bit out.
Slightly bewildered, Graham accepted Robin’s hand, but was still glaring at Killian. 
They verified the details, gave it one last shake, and then Coroza was quick to leave. Which was just as well; Killian didn’t need any daggers, real or metaphorical, shooting in his back while he was drinking.
The four of them congregated at the counter and were promptly greeted by Granny. “That smelled like trouble,” the old wolf stated plainly, but leveled a too-sharp eye on all of them. “Should I be worried?”
“Your establishment is perfectly safe, milady,” Robin assured her. “You know we’d never dare risk the loss of your hospitality.” Though the mortals were somehow unaware of the fact, she’d been running some sort of eating establishment in the same spot as far back as Killian could remember, though back then it was a public house and she was merely the Young Mrs. Lucas (the title of ‘Granny’ didn’t come for another century). Not only was it neutral ground, but it was too beloved for any one group to let it fall into any crosshairs.
“Damn straight,” she grumbled back, then got their drink orders ready.
Henry and Will quickly fell into conversation, so Killian turned to Robin. “Why wasn’t Regina here?” He’d fully expected it, given that she’d been part of this for...well, ever.
“She decided to sit this one out. Figured it didn’t make for good negotiation if Nolan was involved.”
“Good call.” But then a pang went through his unbeating heart at the recollection of what Emma had been telling him—about why she grew up an orphan, and who was to blame. He’d known Regina quite well by that point in time, and had no idea why she’d attack a couple like that—especially all the way in Maine. It didn’t add up.
But then, how much of this petty rivalry did?
Robin went on, not noticing Killian’s discomfort. “Aye, especially with Zelena there. You know how they are.” The rivalry seemed especially bitter between those two for reasons that Killian had yet to glean. 
Granny gracefully distributed their drinks in a feat of dexterity that was obviously superhuman, and they clinked a toast—though if Killian’s was less than enthusiastic, the others didn’t notice.
They continued to chat about whatever—the Yankees, the Mets, Liverpool FC (three of the four of them were Brits, after all, even if two of them predated the club), construction at Hudson Yard—until Killian noticed that Henry had given up trying to down the god-awful blood-spiked beer Will had foisted on him (the man had been a punk in the ‘80s when he was turned and never quite grew out of some tastes), and was instead staring longingly at another patron’s burger. Killian hadn’t had a chance to assess just how recently Henry had been turned, but that confirmed it was a very new thing; it took surprisingly little time to forget a taste for mortal delicacy.
He leaned over and whispered to Henry, “If you ask nice, Granny will make one extra rare for you.” Henry jumped again, clearly still getting used to his new senses, but perked up at the idea. 
“So fresh, you can still hear it moo,” the old wolf commented from behind the counter. The hungry grin that accompanied it would probably be unsettling to most, but Killian had known her far too long to see anything but good humor (and more than a smidge of flirtation) in it. 
“Ah, a quiet meal,” he quipped back. “Most of mine tend to be rather...talkative.” The group shared a chuckle; perhaps that joke was a bit dark, but when you could only go out at night, that tended to happen.
Unfortunately for Henry, he didn’t get a chance to try the meal before Will was dragging him out (something about videogames, apparently; that was one trend Killian had never much caught onto). Robin followed shortly, heading for for Regina’s, leaving Killian alone at the counter with Granny.
“You know that battle’s not gonna be the end of it, right?” she said as she placed another shot of bloodrum in front of him and poured one of her own.
“Aye, but it can’t hurt to try.”
“No, I suppose it can’t.” She held her glass up to him; he clinked his against it and they downed the shots together. But she continued after they swallowed. “You do know about the prophecy, though, right?”
He looked up in surprise. “The what?”
“I don’t know the details, but I’ve heard it’s the only way to settle things once and for all. If you really want to end this rivalry, you’re gonna have to go to the top.”
He wanted to ask more, but she wouldn’t go into further detail, instead going to serve a pixie at the other end of the bar. He racked his brain; he couldn’t recall ever hearing anything about a prophecy, and few had been around as long as he had. Hmm; perhaps he had a visit to make later. 
But first: Granny had left the bottle of rum on the counter, and he needed a few more shots before he could truly unwind from what had been a tumultuous night. 
Before he did that, however, he did dig out his phone to call Gold and appraise him of the situation. Honestly, it probably wouldn’t mean much to the man—given that neither he nor Cora were involved, it might not even be official—but still, he should know.
To Killian’s surprise, he took the news in stride. “Fair’s fair; if that’s what everyone agrees on, I’m fine with that, and I’m sure Cora will hold up her end of it, too.” Killian was less convinced of that but if Gold was, he wouldn’t argue. “Extend my best wishes to Mr. Locksley, will you?”
“Of course, sir.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Actually…” It was probably stupid, but Killian needed to know. “Sir, are you aware of a prophecy?”
The other end of the line was so silent, he feared they’d been disconnected, until Gold’s voice returned with a hard edge in it. “Where did you hear that?”
“Just a rumor,” Killian lied; it was easy to over phone. “I’ve only heard of its existence, but not what it’s about. Do you—”
Gold cut him off. “Whether or not a prophecy exists is of no concern of yours. Just make sure Locksley wins that fight.” And then the line truly went dead.
Killian stared at his phone in confusion for a moment; just what had that been? Gold didn’t just sound angry; he almost sounded scared.
Which meant that whatever was in that prophecy, it was important—and if Killian wanted to put an end to all this, and ensure he and Emma had a chance at a life together, he needed to find out what.
Emma had just gotten out of a (rather long) shower when her dad and the crew arrived back at their place. Not that their townhouse was any sort of official Coroza hangout; the Nolans were just the most hospitable—something to do with David growing up on a Midwestern farm—and always keen to invite people over.
Either the meeting hadn’t been that long, or she’d been bathing for a while—both were likely, because she’d taken her time in making sure Killian’s scent was washed off of her. It’d be noticeable, especially if they’d just been in his presence. 
Right after she’d gotten out, before she’d even gotten dressed, she had gone to text him to ask how things went—until she realized she still didn’t have his phone number. Dammit. But the voices she could easily hear in the lower level of the house would tell her everything.
She was a little surprised to see that Jefferson had joined them; he was something of a loner, even though he’d been around for a couple hundred years and was reasonably close to Cora. 
Closer still to Cora, though, was Zelena, who was sipping a glass of bloodwine off to the side of where the guys were gathered on the sofa in the living room. She always seemed to pop up out of nowhere; honestly, it would creep Emma out if she didn’t know that she was one of the oldest vampires in town.
“Emma! There you are.” Emma jumped at the frantic way Snow blurted the greeting, and had to rely on her superhuman reflexes to grab the wine glass that was shoved at her (honestly, if she’d been able to react at even a fraction of this speed when she was alive, maybe she’d have lived up to her last name). “It’s drinking time.”
“Did the meeting go that bad?” she asked, watching as her mom took a long drag from her own glass.
“Actually, it was rather refreshing,” Zelena said drily. “Historically, at least one person ends up dead in these sorts of things. And I really didn’t feel like washing blood from this blouse tonight.”
Snow just took another long, panicked drink. Zelena was never known for her tact (although Emma did have to agree that her green v-neck was gorgeous).
“So what did happen?” Emma had never been that great an actor, so hopefully her feigned indifference was convincing.
Zelena caught her up on the plan—a one-on-one fight rather than an all-out brawl. It was still more than Emma would have liked but certainly not as bad as it could have been. 
“It was headed that way,” Zelena responded to her comment, “except for Jones apparently being the only one with any brain cells still alive in Aurum.”
“Jones?” she blurted, unable to hold back at mention of Killian. Shit.
But thankfully, they read it as confusion; being one of the youngest vampires in the coven had its perks. “He’s the one you were dancing with,” Snow murmured.
“Oh,” she said, pretending to be ignorant (and that she didn’t know what his kiss tasted like).
“It was his idea for single combat. Makes me wish we had a soldier on our side—or just, you know, anyone with any sort of battle strategy. Humbert here was ready to tear his head off at the suggestion, even though it was a good one.”
“Are they the ones fighting?” Emma had to ask; it was the one time she’d let her mom think she was showing concern for Graham.
“Humbert is, but he’s facing...oh, what’s his name—Robert? Robbie? Something like that.”
It took effort not to look too relieved, so she hid her reaction in her drink. 
“I’m just glad it’s not David,” Snow said, having emptied her glass. 
“Then why are you drinking so much?” Zelena sneered.
“Because this was my night to get drunk! Aurum can’t take that from me.” And without another word, Snow disappeared back to the kitchen; Emma was pretty sure she heard the liquor cabinet open, where she was pretty sure a bottle of sanguiria was hiding.
Which left a slightly awkward silence over Emma and Zelena while the boys continued to lecture Graham on fighting (what good would that even do at this point? How had he not made it a century and half without knowing these things?) She rolled her eyes at them. “At least this’ll be the end of it, right?”
“We’ll see,” Zelena answered and took another sip. “I don’t see how something dating back 400 years will be settled by two assholes in a parking lot, but they can certainly try.”
“This rivalry seriously goes back that far?” She’d been told vague stories of the bad blood between the covens, but they all started with cliches like “many moons ago” and “once upon a time.”
“Ugh, I swear—we need to make this part of new vampire orientation or something,” Zelena complained. “Cora and Gold used to be lovers; he’s the one who turned her.”
“Holy shit.” Emma had not seen that coming. She’d have believed it if one of them had killed the other’s family or something—and Killian’s story wasn’t far from her mind—but actually lovers? “They must have had the worst breakup ever, then.”
“Something like that,” Zelena confirmed. “Gold—or Rumplestiltskin, as he was known back then—” (which was a revelation all on its own—) “meddled with Cora’s family in a way that was unforgivable. He took one of her daughters.” 
“Cora had daughters?” God, how many bomb revelations were going to be dropped on her tonight? (And was separating kids from their parents just an Aurum thing or what?)
“Two. And you’re talking to one of them.”
Emma’s dropped jaw had to suffice as a reply to that. Hopefully, her mom had saved her some sanguiria. “Wait—so he...did he...you…?”
“Did he turn me? No; I practically begged Mum to once I got of age. But Gold stole my sister and that caused the rift, among other things. So I really don’t see this little kerfuffle solving anything.”
There wasn’t much to say to that other than hum in agreement; no wonder things got so heated. Emma still thought it was silly, but having a frame of reference helped. She didn’t know if that made her predicament easier to deal with or harder, though.
“And it’s too bad, really,” Zelena continued. “I’d love to see my sister again, and then you could be with Killian.”
For the first time in 15 years, Emma choked on blood. “Um, what?”
“Darling, I’m 383 years old; you’re probably safe from anyone else here noticing, but I can still smell him all over you; he positively reeked earlier. And I hardly blame you. Frankly, you two might be our only hope.” Emma really wanted to ask what that meant, but was too busy mentally panicking and praying no one else heard this exchange. “Don’t worry; your secret’s safe with me,” Zelena promised, handing Emma her now-empty glass. “Just don’t be an idiot about it, alright?”
“All—alright,” Emma stammered.
“Good. Well, I’m off,” she said casually—and much louder; Emma hadn’t even realized they’d been whispering. “Good luck tomorrow, everyone,” she called as she headed for the door, but her eyes were locked with Emma’s before she made her exit.
Quickly, Emma finished her wine—just in time for Snow to refill it (with some claret; honestly, she didn’t care what it was as long as it had blood and alcohol. She would have settled for finding a drunk frat boy outside a party if that was what it took). That was...a lot to unpack in one night, and she had never been very good at that—side effect of being a foster kid. 
She wondered how much of it Killian knew; he had to know at least some of it, right? And what had Zelena been talking about—how were they the “only hope”? (What was this, Star Wars?) She didn’t want to be any sort of savior; she just wanted to jump her vampire boyfriend’s bones without causing a gang war. And, you know, the happily ever after stuff her mom was always talking about.
The two of them wordlessly continued to share the bottle of booze and stare out the window as the sun’s early rays started to brighten the buildings across the street. At some point, Jefferson and Graham had left, which helped Emma relax but didn’t remove the tension.
Outside, the moon was starting its morning fade; she’d be counting the hours until it made its evening appearance—‘til she could see Killian again.
Killian only just made it into the library before the full sun was shining on the entrance. He’d have to steal an umbrella or something when he left, but with any luck, it would rain like it was supposed to this afternoon and he’d be fine. 
He loved the library—the scent of ink on paper, the quiet hush of knowledge being shared, the occasional squeal of joy—but all was quiet and still at this early hour, especially since they weren’t technically open. (But he knew which door was usually unlocked, and if he didn’t show up on any security camera, then what was the harm?)
He would have loved to linger in the stacks, and might yet later, but he was on a mission, and instead made a beeline for the rare book collection and archives—the one place without windows, where a vampire could actually work in peace.
He made little noise as he pressed the heavy door open and stepped inside the musty room. It was pristine—not even a dust mote swirling in the lights.
“Unless you’ve somehow managed to make an everything bagel with blood, we’re not open,” the petite librarian called out from somewhere in the recesses of the space. Of course she heard him.
“I was never much of a baker, love,” he replied. “But how about some bloody earl grey?”
He’d only just moved his arm to the side, ensuring the safety of said tea, when a small but solid form was wrapped around him tightly. A few seconds later, it was slapping his chest.
“Killian Jones, you fils de pute! You didn’t tell me you were coming back!” Belle chastised, even though she was grinning.
“What, and ruin the surprise?”
She rolled her eyes, but chuckled. “Merde, but it’s good to see you,” she said, pressing up the few inches her heels didn’t cover to press a kiss to his cheek. “And you, too,” she added, but this time directed towards the tea. There was exactly one Starbucks in the city that catered specifically to vampires, just a couple blocks from here; hopefully, corporate never investigated the contents of the extra “red syrup” the undead staff kept stocked, though considering neither the location nor staff had changed in at least 15 years, they were likely in the clear.
“Why do I get the impression this is more than just a social call?” 
She knew him too well; he supposed that was to be expected after 150 years. “Perhaps I just came here to help one of my best friends; had you considered that, eh? What are you up to today?”
“Digitizing, as always, and I think there’s an appointment later to see some old Broadway posters. And whatever it is that’s brought you here, obviously.”
“You wound me.”
She glared at him as she took a sip from her cup—surprisingly menacing for one so seemingly docile, but it was also hard to believe that the dainty woman before him was a 200-some-year-old creature of the night. (Though it certainly took that amount of practice to run around a library in platform heels the way she did.) “Just what are you up to, Captain?”
He took his own drag of tea as he studied the aging leather spines in a glass-locked cabinet on the closest shelf, noting that the two of them were both likely older than the tomes, and yet showed no such signs of wear and tear. “It’s not anything hugely important, just a bit of gossip I heard, but figured you would be the one to confirm or deny it.”
“And what’s that?”
“With this whole ageless coven war, have you ever heard of any sort of...prophecy?”
He turned his head to look at her; were it not for the way she licked the tea off her lips, he’d think she was a statue. “Where did you hear that?” she finally murmured.
“Granny.” He couldn’t lie, and Belle wouldn’t judge.
“Yeah, she’d pick up something like that,” Belle had to admit. “Sharp old wolf.”
“So it’s real?”
Belle nodded. “It is, but no one’s said anything about it in...gosh, at least a hundred years. It goes back ages, though; I believe to the start of all this.”
“Does it say anything about how to end it?”
She sighed. “Yeah, it does. But let me finish my tea first.”
He truly had come to see her—not just for information; they’d first crossed paths sometime during the 1860s in Australia and been fast friends ever since. Killian couldn’t even remember what Gold had sent him there for, but Belle had come back to New York with him on one of his trips and stayed in the city ever since. She was originally from France, but after being turned (and losing her family) during the Reign of Terror, she fled the continent for England and hopped on the first ship out of Europe—to a penal colony on the other side of the world. Thus her odd combination of French curses and Australian accent. (Though after long enough, most vampires developed hard-to-place accents on account of their nomadicity; his likely only identified him as British due to his recent time spent there. And it hardly mattered in New York.)
She caught him up on anything he’d missed in the last decade that Robin hadn’t already, but didn’t betray the one thing he’d been hoping she’d mention: whether or not she was currently with Gold. He kind of hated how well they’d hit it off when he introduced them, but in the intervening decades, he’d lost count of how many times they’d broken up, made up, married, divorced, or just been “on a break” (it wasn’t a stretch to say they were a real-life Ross and Rachel; her apartment even had a purple door). They were freshly divorced when he’d left, but that didn’t mean much.
While she was taking a last, long dreg of tea, he had to ask. “And how are things with Gold?”
Suddenly, the cup was flattened and thrown with some precision to the trash bin near the door.
“Excellent, I take it?”
“More like completely done. Forever.”
He’d heard that before, but wasn’t about to contradict her. “What now?”
“Believe it or not, that’s one thing you haven’t missed—we haven’t gotten back together since you left.”
That had to be a record. However, he sensed that wasn’t all. “But?”
“But he’s tried on numerous occasions,” she sighed. “I’ve had enough, though; the shady dealings, his weird hangup over Cora, acting like king of his own empire. I’m not just another one of his playthings for him to control—oh, sorry.”
It wasn’t unusual for Belle to forget who she was talking to while ranting; however, “I’m not going to refute any of that, you know.”
“I know, just—I know you don’t have a choice.”
“Few have one.”
“Well, someone might—which brings us to the prophecy.” 
She started off for the back of the room, where the oldest books were kept; he had to jump to keep up with her (not like it was hard, though).
“Have you ever heard the legend of the Dark One?” she asked as she grabbed an ancient-looking set of keys and knelt in front of an even older-looking case.
“It sounds familiar,” he replied, though he couldn’t pinpoint anything solid about it—just a name, almost a fairy tale, that had popped up over the years. 
She pulled from the case what looked like a journal in a very fragile state and quickly moved it to an exam table (or whatever it was called—he didn’t spend that much time back here). “According to all the tales I’ve heard, the Dark One is the most powerful dark sorcerer in the world. Not only are they immortal, they lay claim to their power by murdering their predecessor. The story goes back centuries, and continues today.” As she told this, she carefully flipped through the pages of the book, which was written in an old language Killian only vaguely recognized. 
“So you mean to tell me the Dark One is alive and kicking, even now?”
“Well, alive is a loose term. Also, he’s here in the city—and he’s your boss.” She stopped on a page near the center, and despite the aged parchment, the drawing on it bore more than a passing resemblance to Gold. “Not only has he held the title the longest, he was also the first vampire to lay claim to it. His existence is...I hate to say unprecedented, given how long he’s been around, but it’s definitely unique.”
How had he been unaware of this? True, there had always been something sinister about Gold that Killian hadn’t been able to put a finger on, but he just assumed it was because the man was an utter conniving bastard and had centuries to perfect being so. Not that he was also in possession of the darkest magic known to man. Few had any extra sort of magic—Cora was the only other one he knew of, and she wasn’t shy about it. Gold, apparently, was, though.
“How on earth did you find that out?”
“Well, he told me.”
Yeah, something like that would probably come up in pillow talk over the course of 150 years. “And he, what, gave you his notebook of devious schemes?” Killian asked, nodding at the book.
Belle snorted. “Not quite. I tracked this down myself about a hundred years ago.”
“So he doesn’t know about it?”
“Nope,” she confirmed, rather satisfied. “At least, he doesn’t know I have it. It was after our first divorce. See, he’s also spent plenty of time trying to hold onto that power and I, in my ire, decided to see if there was a way for him to lose it. Turns out, there is.”
She carefully flipped another few pages to one with just a few lines of text, in an older English, but easy enough for Killian to read:
Only one without creator live Can destroy the dark and survive. At truest love’s closing hour Will they eliminate the power
“And what exactly does that mean?” he wondered; he’d never encountered prophecies in the real world, but Harry Potter certainly seemed to have nailed their ambiguity.
“In simple terms, that only an orphan—someone without living parents—can kill him and end the line of Dark Ones. He did some awful things to orphanages years ago.” Belle shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cool temperature. “But ‘creator’ is a bit nebulous, especially with our kind,” she went on. “For us, it could also mean someone without a living sire. He’s also been known to target those.”
“Aye,” and it was Killian’s turn to shudder; he certainly had that kind of blood on his hands, although he’d usually been given a reason when taking out a hit on Gold’s orders. It was generally hard for anyone to get away from their sire—you couldn’t exactly kill someone when they had the ability to simply tell you to stop. The Nolans were an exception (one he still wanted to talk to Regina about); in fact, the only one he really knew of was… “Emma,” he breathed.
“Emma? Is that the girl whose scent is all over you?” Belle teased.
“Yeah, it is,” he told her, a bit sheepishly, but he had no time to stammer. “She doesn’t have a sire; she killed hers right after he turned her.”
“Impressive. I already approve of her.” Not that he needed Belle’s approval, but other than Robin, she was the closest thing he had to family—and that felt good.
“Even if she’s with Corona?”
“You know I don’t bloody care. Hell, I might like her more, then.”
That made him chuckle, but he needed to know more about the subject at hand. “What’s the rest of it mean, then?”
“Honestly, anything. ‘Closing hour’ is up for even more interpretation—could mean marriage, could mean death.”
“But we’re already dead.”
“I know. So I’ve no real clue. But I can spend some time on it, if you think she’s part of this.”
“It’s worth a shot; whatever it takes to end this feud.” Which gave him another, almost terrifying thought: “Does Cora know this?”
“That I don’t know. But I got the distinct impression it was part of why he turned her.”
“So she couldn’t kill him?”
“I think so. She was after power, whatever she could get; I think that’s why they got together in the first place. She was still mortal, then, and something of a witch, which...you’re already aware of. Turning her was always part of the plan, I gathered, but I think he moved up the timeline on it when he found out about the prophecy.”
“If she did find out, I can see why that might cause a legendary rift.” It would explain a lot of things, really.
“Precisely. And given my own dealings with the man, it’s easy to see why that went south.”
“At least you were already immortal,” he said knowingly.
“True,” she agreed, patting his hand. 
“What about you? Where’s your sire nowadays?”
“No clue. I saw her my last time in Paris but that was 50 years ago. And trust me—if I could kill him, I would have by now.”
They shared a laugh, but Killian was more laughing at the idea that she’d be willing to off him; despite her rage, he knew she still loved him, deep down, even if she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore.
She put the book away as methodically as she’d taken it out, locked the case, and glanced at the clock. “Well, I’d love to hear more about this Emma, but I suppose it’ll have to wait for another day; my appointment is in 20 minutes and I haven’t pulled anything yet. But maybe we can get some tea again in a couple days?”
“Sounds perfect, my dear—and thank you for your assistance.”
“My pleasure; hope it helps.”
“Anything does at this point.” He gave her a parting peck on the cheek and began to walk away, hoping it was still early enough he could stick to the shadows of the skyscrapers just fine, but then she called out again.
“Oh, and tell Will to call me, would you?”
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her; surely she was joking. “Will? That wanker? Why?”
She shrugged. “I guess that’s one of the things I didn’t tell you from the last 15 years.”
thanks for reading, friends! let me know if you want/don’t want a tag! @kat2609​​​ @xpumpkindumplingx​​​ @shipsxahoy​​​ @amortentia-on-the-rocks​​​ @mryddinwilt​​​ @cocohook38​​​ @annytecture​​​ @shireness-says​​​ @ohmightydevviepuu​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​​ @wingedlioness​​​ @word-bug​​​ @distant-rose​​​ @wellhellotragic​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​ @let-it-raines​​​ @pirateherokillian​​​ @bleebug​​​ @its-imperator-furiosa​​​ @fergus80​​​ @killianmesmalls​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​ @ineffablecolors​​​ @laschatzi​​​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​​​ @nfbagelperson​​​ @stubblesandwich​​​​ @lenfaz​​​ @phiralovesloki​​​ @athenascarlet​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​ @snowbellewells​​​ @idristardis​​​ @scientificapricot​​​ @searchingwardrobes​​​ @donteattheappleshook​​​ @lfh1226-linda​
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snidgetsafan · 4 years
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
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Rating: T 
Summary: What happens when you put two drunk cops and two aggravated siblings in a room with only one bunk bed? Cuddles, revelations and amazing maid of honor and best man speeches.
A twist on the “omg there was only one bed” trope. But not on the ending. (AO3)
Notes: Me being my usual dumbass self. But hey, I wrote! Hey, I finished a WIP from 2018! Did I mention I wrote?
Thanks to @shireness-says for her amazing beta skills!
Wordcount: 4.6k
“To Killian and Emma, the best bloody bail bonds people on the East Coast!” Liam toasts, raising his green monstrosity of a cocktail in the air and clinking it against Emma’s pint. David has the same concoction in hand, the result of a bet with his partner that they couldn’t handle the barman’s specialty, a cocktail by the name of Teakerbell, a chalkboard behind the bar declaring it “a one way ticket to Neverland, sure to give you happy thoughts and make you see stars!” The only ingredients listed were “tequila, gin, vodka and a pinch (or four) of pixie dust” - an apparent play on a Long Island Iced Tea. Clever. Emma doesn’t know what gives it its obnoxious shade of green, and she doesn’t want to know. 
She can feel Killian’s shoulder shift against her own in the cramped booth as he raises his glass of soda to give his own toast. “To David and Liam, the biggest mother hens anyone could wish for!”
Emma laughs as the two Joneses start to squabble like children, sharing an amused look with David at the two men’s antics, and finally relaxes. It’s been a hell of a day. 
Killian and she had set out from Boston early that morning after an informant had called them; Jake Hillehide, one of their most elusive skips, had finally reappeared in Rockport, a small town on the coast. Once they’d arrived in town, it hadn’t taken them long to find their man, tracking him down to a decrepit building near the docks. He had proved trickier to subdue than they had anticipated, but after a short struggle that left everyone involved with bruises and Killian with a cut on his cheek, they’d managed to cuff him, ignoring his insults and threats.
It was just as they were getting ready to leave that the door had been kicked open, and both Liam and David had burst into the room, guns drawn and ready to rescue their siblings, only to find they were late to the show. 
Apparently Mr. Hillehide, under different names, was wanted in eight states for drug trafficking and numerous acts of violence. Both police officers, worried that Killian and Emma had been walking into something they couldn’t handle, had rushed upstate instead of, you know, calling them. 
“As if you’d have listened,” Liam had scoffed when Emma had reasonably (at least in her own opinion) pointed that out. 
And now here they are, sat in the town’s tourist bar (the Jolly Roger , of course Killian wouldn’t resist) after handing Hillehide over to the local police and filing the paperwork to make sure they got their check (their hefty check). Liam had insisted on Killian seeing a doctor for his cut to make sure he didn’t need any stitches. He didn’t, but it would probably scar; at least, that’s what the pretty doctor had said while standing unprofessionally close to her partner (in Emma’s completely unbiased opinion). David’s quip about “chicks digging scars” hadn’t helped in the slightest.
They’ll have a drink or two, get to the hostel, book another room, and head back to Boston first thing tomorrow morning. Simple.
“Think of the happiest thiiiiings, it’s the same as having wiiiings!”
As she hauls her drunk brother down the corridor towards her and her partner’s room, Emma almost, almost lets him fall as he stumbles for the umpteenth time, too focused on his warbling to look where he is going. This time, he almost manages to trip her up too, making her swear in exasperation as he sings about being able to fly. If only; she’d let him float to the ceiling and leave . him. there .
“You alright, love?” Killian asks as he drags his own sibling, who – while just as drunk – is mercifully quieter, his mumbling too low for Emma to understand what he is saying.
Propping a now yawning David next to the door, Emma uses the key card to unlock it, pulling on her brother’s arm to make him enter the small room, closely followed by Killian and Liam. 
“Oh no no no, you don’t,” she says as David starts trying to climb the ladder towards the upper bunk, his foot fumbling for the first rung. “Lower bed it is for you, buddy, I’m not explaining to your fiancée how you broke your neck in a hostel in Rockport.”
Ignoring her brother’s whining that he always takes the upper bed, she steers him towards the lower bunk, sitting him down to take off his shoes, not listening to his protests that he is not tired as he fumbles to take his jacket off. Sighing once again, Emma straightens up to help him, being careful not to bump her head on the metal frame. 
Not tired, my ass , she thinks as she witnesses David, Boston’s 15th precinct’s best detective, lie down and snuggle a pillow with the drunkest smile she has ever seen.
How the hell did we get here , she thinks as she sees Killian struggle with his own cuddly brother out of the corner of her eye.
Nothing had been simple. David and Liam, despite their builds, had shown that neither of them, in fact, could handle their Teakerbells, leaving Killian and Emma to drag them back to the hostel. The plan had been to book either a second room or a bigger one, but once they had gotten to the hostel, they had been told that no other room was available in the building, or even in town, as some cheese festival was taking place that weekend and everywhere in the area was swamped. Killian and Emma had actually been lucky to get a room this late, according to the receptionist. Emma fails to see the luck in cramming four grown adults, two of them hammered, into a tiny room with a twin bunk bed, but oh well.
Running her hand through her hair as Killian wrestles a rambling Liam in bed next to David, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. There’s only one bed left for the two of them. A single bed. For two grown adults. Who will have to squeeze in to fit.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, she thinks desperately to herself.
Killian chooses that moment to turn around, his eyes immediately finding Emma’s as snores start to sound in the room. As usual, her partner seems to read her without her having to say anything. Scratching behind his ear, he tells her, “Take the bed, love, I’ll get a few blankets and a pillow and settle on the floor for the night.”
Emma’s spine straightens as she stares at the man in front of her, exasperated by his ridiculous notions of chivalry. “As if I’d let you sleep on the floor,” she scoffs, putting her hands on her hips.
“I assure you, Swan, it’s quite fine. I’ve slept in worse conditions.”
“Oh, have you?” she asks, taking a step towards him so they don’t wake up their siblings.
“Of course I have. Don’t you remember last Halloween?” he retorts, quirking his eyebrow as he slightly leans forward.
“I do, Jones. I do remember you sleeping on the floor in the living room. What I don’t remember is you sleeping right under two drunk guys who will probably want to puke their guts out some time during the night.”
This gives Killian pause. “Ah.”
“‘Ah’ indeed, genius. Now, if you want to be in their line of fire, feel free to ask reception for blankets. If not, then get ready for bed and up to safety in the upper bunk.”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, love,” he insists, scratching behind his ear.
“You won’t, I’m the one proposing we sleep in the same bed.”
“Well, in that case, if you’re sure…”
“I am, otherwise I wouldn’t be suggesting it. You should know that by now, Jones.”
“Aye, Swan, I know,” Killian says, a soft smile playing on his lips. Before the moment can become more than a simple conversation between two colleagues who are about to sleep in the same bed, Emma grabs her bag from the desk in the corner and goes to the bathroom to prepare for the night. She’s glad her emergency overnight bag includes sweatpants and a T-shirt as night clothes, and not her usual shorts and cami. She’s already going to have to cuddle up to Killian for a whole night; she doesn’t know how she’d handle skin to skin contact. 
She has known Killian for five years now, since he got discharged from the Navy and came to live in Boston near his brother. She had met him after he had been hired by Robin, her boss. They had clicked professionally from the start, forming “quite the team”, as Killian had said early on. On a more personal level however, she had kept walls between them, not letting him get too close. She had known from the start he was a dangerous one, with his smoldering blue eyes and smooth voice. A guy like that could only mean trouble. She’d been there, she’d done that, and she’d regretted it.
But as years passed, and as she’d come to know him, he’d managed to slowly slip through her walls, and before she’d realized what was going on, her attraction for him had turned into unshakeable feelings. Unshakeable feelings that she’s managed to keep to herself until now; she can’t let them cloud her judgement, too much is at stake here – not only her work relationship with Killian, but also their friendship. She values it too much to put it at risk.
Once she’s finished with both her nightly routine and with her thoughts, she exits the bathroom to find Killian waiting for his turn to use it. With a quick smile they switch places, their arms brushing in the small space. Emma checks on the two drunkards, who are either asleep or passed out, laying there in uncomfortable-looking positions. She finds she is too annoyed with them to care. As long as they are still breathing, she’ll consider them to be fine. Once she has put her bag back on the desk (against the wall, as far as possible from the two idiots) and adjusted the trashcan Killian had already placed next to Liam’s head, she climbs to the top bunk to wait for Killian to join her.
She can do this, she totally can.
She can’t do this, Emma thinks, staring at the wall twenty minutes later, her spine ramrod straight and her shoulders stiff in an effort not to touch Killian. Her efforts are in vain, though; even if their skin isn’t touching, she can still feel the heat of his body under the covers, radiating like a furnace. 
She had previously imagined sleeping in the same bed as Killian, but certainly not under these circumstances: awkwardly, in a cramped twin bed and with both of their brothers sleeping right under them. One of them – probably Liam – is snoring, making it close to impossible to fall asleep.
Oh, who is she kidding, even if the room was completely silent she wouldn’t stand a chance in hell of getting a wink of sleep tonight.
Get a hold of yourself, Swan , she thinks determinedly. Are you really going to spend the night like this?
“Killian, you asleep?” she asks over her shoulder, adding a little shove with her elbow to punctuate her question.
“I don’t see how that would be possible with the power drill sleeping under us,” comes the droll reply.
Emma snorts at that, relaxing marginally. At least she’s not alone in her suffering. She shuffles around, turning to face Killian where he lies on his back, his arm behind his head. Propping her head on her fist, she looks down at him, the blue of his eyes visible in the dim light coming from the half-open bathroom door, so our dear brothers can run towards the light when they need to ‘ puke their guts out ’, as you so eloquently put it, Swan . 
A particularly loud snore echoes through the room, making both sorrowfully awake people close their eyes in aggravation.
“Who do you think it is?” Emma asks, her eyes still closed. 
Killian snorts. “Oh definitely Liam. That tosser has always snored loud enough to make the walls shake when he gets hammered.”
Emma chuckles, and they fall into a comfortable silence. Once again, the blonde’s eyes are drawn to Killian’s face, and she spots the cut on his cheek, held by a couple of butterfly bandages. He’d gotten it while pushing her out of the way of one of Hillehide’s punches – which had not been necessary, as she had seen it coming. The distraction had helped them subdue their target, though, as he had tripped, allowing Emma to cuff him as Killian held him down. Quite the team indeed.
Emma slowly raises her hand, thumbing at the cut, ignoring the way Killian’s breath catches. It’ll probably scar , she thinks absently. Out loud, she says, “You didn’t have to push me away, you know. I know how to duck.”
“Aye, I know,” Killian whispers back. “Doesn’t mean I won’t do anything in my power to make sure you never come to harm.”
“Such a gentleman,” Emma teases.
“Always, Swan,” he smiles back, before sobering. “I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you, love.”
All the ar whooshes out of her at his declaration, because that’s what it is, isn’t it? The meaning of his words, as well as the way he’s turned his head away, scratching behind his ear as he licks his lips in a frustrated way; he clearly thinks he’s said too much. But he hasn’t. Emma realizes in that moment that she’s not the only one who has been concealing their feelings.
And yet, has he, really? All his little gestures, the compliments he constantly showers her with, never expecting anything in return. And the smile that she’s never seen him direct at anyone else but her. She had thought she was imagining it, that it was simply wishful thinking, but with those few words, he’s just revealed it wasn’t. 
Uh, so she’s not the only one with feelings. Figures.
With that realization, Emma feels joy fill her. No, not joy, elation . Before she can second guess herself, she cups Killian’s cheek, turns his face towards hers and leans down to kiss him.
Emma is surprised by how soft Killian’s lips are as she caresses them softly with her own for a few blissful seconds before leaning back. Her partner is staring at her, his mouth slightly agape as his eyes search hers for an explanation of what just happened. Did she make a mistake, did she misinterpret the signals? she thinks with growing panic.
Before she can question her actions even further, Killian pounces. There is no other word for it, honestly; he surges up, sliding his hand into her hair to cushion her fall as he pushes her onto her back, hovering over her as his lips devour hers. It’s like a dam has burst, all his passion and pent-up desire sweeping over her as their mouths meld together. She’d be happy to never have to come up for air, she thinks as his tongue asks for entrance, a request she happily grants. 
Emma slides the hand still cupping Killian’s cheek into his hair, her fingers stroking his scalp, causing him to groan in her mouth. Her other arm loops around his waist, her fingers scratching down his back. Her partner retaliates by nipping her lower lip before soothing the sting with his tongue. 
She can’t get enough of him, she thinks frantically as she urges him closer by tightening her arm around his waist, taking advantage of the occasion to – finally – grab a handful of his glorious ass, squeezing it and eliciting another groan. She should have known he’d be as much of a talker in bed as outside it. They separate when the need to breathe becomes too much, but Killian doesn’t seem ready to let her go, his lips trailing down her cheek before he burrows his face into her neck, planting kisses down it. His position gives her the opportunity to do something she has wanted to do for months, nibbling on his earlobe before scraping her teeth across that spot behind his ear that he always scratches when he’s flustered.
At that action, Killian lets out a loud moan, his hips twitching against her thigh. They both freeze, suddenly remembering they aren’t alone in the room. But the snores continue uninterrupted as they listen tensely. They’re in the clear, Emma thinks after a few seconds.
The pause gives them a moment to cool down a little bit. Killian raises his head, trailing his nose up her cheek before leaning his forehead against hers, their noses touching. 
“That was…” Emma breathes, not finding the words to describe what just transpired.
Killian chuckles, nudging his nose with hers. “It was, wasn’t it?” 
She can’t stop touching him, now that she can. He doesn’t seem to be doing much better, as his fingers keep carding through her hair, the tingles his movements create spreading down her spine.
“I’ve wanted to do that for years,” Killian confesses, his nose gliding along Emma’s as he makes no move to roll off her. Not that she minds.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Emma asks, because really, the man is a well of confidence.
“Well, you didn’t seem to feel the same, and I didn’t want to risk what we had, love. I just… couldn’t risk it.”
Emma’s heart swells as she hears her earlier thoughts repeated back to her. We’ve been stupid, haven’t we , she thinks amusedly, looking at Killian in the half-light and seeing the smile bloom on his face as she says as much. Her partner doesn’t answer her with words, though, leaning down to kiss her once more instead, letting her taste the smile on his lips.
This kiss is much softer, even if still as intense as the first. Emma has a feeling that all their kisses will be like that, that they’ll never stop being breathtaking. She’s surprised to realize that thinking of her and Killian in the future doesn’t scare her one bit; quite the contrary, she can’t wait. It’s the last thing she thinks before every thought leaves her mind to be replaced by Killian and heat and more . 
Killian seems to be of the same mind, as he lowers himself on top of her, one of his thighs between her own, creating delicious friction that sends sparks flying through her whole body as they continue to kiss, this time making sure to be quiet. Hands start to roam, finding their way under clothes and stroking skin, lighting a fire under their skin that can only be quenched by more . More kissing, more skin, more shared breaths.
Just as Killian finally, finally inches his hand over her breast, softly stroking her skin as he goes, a moan that comes from neither of them rends the air, making both lovers freeze in guilty dread as Liam jumps out of bed, rushing for the bathroom, loudly knocking the trashcan to the floor and causing David to grumble unhappily. 
If the sudden movement and noise hadn’t killed the mood, then the sounds of Liam retching clearly do. With a heavy sigh, Killian removes his hands from under Emma’s shirt, before rubbing his nose against hers one last time.
“Guess I better go make sure the git doesn’t die,” he says with a rueful smile that widens upon hearing Emma’s whine.
“Do you have to?” she asks, pouting dramatically as she clutches harder at his back.
“Yes I do, think of the paperwork otherwise, darling.”
Oh, he’s playing dirty, he knows how much she hates paperwork. Emma relents, dropping her arms to the bed, still pouting.
(Doesn’t stop her from staring at his ass as he goes to the bathroom.)
The next day dawns brightly a few hours later. Even though they only slept for a few hours, Emma wakes up refreshed and full of energy, despite the fact that she hasn’t had her coffee yet. 
Waking up entwined in Killian’s arms probably helps. Turning her head to look up at him and finding him already awake and staring at her with a dopey smile doesn’t hurt either.
(She knows she has the same smile on her face, but she’ll never admit to it.)
“Good morning, love. Have a good night?” her partner asks, stroking her cheek and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I did. You?”
“The very best.”
They smile happily at each other for several moments. But can they be blamed? Not even twelve hours earlier, Emma would have never hoped to be where she is now, safe and warm in Killian’s arms after a night spent together. If he hadn’t made his feelings known by accident, they would never have dared taking a leap of faith with each other. Now that they have, Emma can’t understand why they didn’t take it sooner; she doesn’t think she’s ever been this happy, and it hasn’t even been a full day.
A snore interrupts their moment once more, reminding them of the presence of their brothers barely a few feet below. It’s only a matter of a few moments to get down, and the vision that greets them has Killian and Emma struggling to stifle a laugh. David and Liam are still dead to the world, but they’ve moved during the night. David is now spooning Liam, his hand resting comfortably on his pectoral, and both men sport happy smiles, even if Liam is drooling onto his pillow.
In true sibling fashion, both Emma and Killian take pictures before Killian wakes up the two men while Emma films. And oh boy, were they right to record it. 
David is the first to wake, his first instinct being to scoot closer to Liam, rubbing his shoulder and mumbling about Mary Margaret’s archery practice giving her amazing arms before realizing that he’s not holding his 5 foot 5 fiancée but his 6 foot partner. His reaction is golden, as he shoves the elder Jones out of the bed, swearing profusely before clutching his head, his hangover catching up to him.
Liam’s befuddled expression as he wonders how he got on the floor is even better.
“Aw man, my maid of honor speech is going to be awesome,” Emma crows triumphantly. Seriously, these thirty seconds make up for the last night, puking included. She’s never going to let them live this down.
Emma’s good mood continues onto breakfast, where her cheese-covered hashbrowns taste even better with a side of karmic justice. Liam and David are positively miserable, heads bowed over their plates, David hugging his coffee mug while Liam chugs down Coke like his life depends on it. The older Jones had only raised his head to glare at his brother when he’d asked for the third time if he wouldn’t prefer some iced tea to soda so early in the morning. 
“It’s Alice’s iced tea, brother! That way you can move from Neverland straight into Wonderland! No?”
The fact Killian’s leg is pressing against her own under the table might also add to her good mood.
The end of her good mood coincides with the chiming of Liam’s phone. It’s a text from his “just-a-friend” Elsa, his neighbor and totally-not-anything-more. (The routine would be more effective if they hadn’t been caught making out in dark corners. Multiple times.)
And Killian has to open his big mouth.
“Tell me, brother, how does the dear Ms. Arendelle bear with your completely obnoxious snoring?”
And that’s when Emma sees it. The most wicked, vindictive, vicious grin appears on Liam’s face, as he keeps his head down. Uh oh.
“I don’t snore, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really? Because half of the hostel last night could tell you what I’m talking about. Bloody hell, I thought the bed was going to collapse under the noise alone.”
The grin gets wider, takes on a triumphant edge as Liam finally raises his head to meet his brother’s gaze, with a quick look towards her. Why – oh no.
“Funny you should mention that, brother , I thought the same thing last night. You and Emma were making quite the ruckus, weren’t you?”
Oh no. No, no, triple fucking no this can’t be happening. No!
“What?” Killian says, clearly caught wrong-footed.
“What?!” David erupts, emerging from his hashbrowns like Brotherly Fury Coming Out of His Well of Gravy.
Emma doesn’t say anything, too caught up in the horror of what has become her reality. Liam knows. Liam was not sleeping.
Liam is still talking, the complete bastard.
“I woke up feeling queasy last night, and before I could get up, can you imagine my surprise at hearing you speaking about your feeeeeeeeelings with the object of your affections. At last! I thought, proud to know that my baby brother’s balls had finally dropped after 29 years, just before I was treated to the sappiest, most saccharine declaration ever. So sweet, little brother, that it literally made me sick.”
Since Killian is too busy imitating a fish out of water next to her, it falls down to Emma to react before Mount David erupts. She has to deny it all, tell him it was a drunken dream, she has to tell him –
“You were awake this whole time, and you didn’t say anything? You – you perverted fuck! What the hell, Liam?!”
– not that.
Not that, because the asshole, no, the monster sitting next to her purple-with-rage brother turns his gleeful smile on her, clearly enjoying the fuck out of himself, his hangover all but forgotten.
“But it was so touching, Emma! How could I block the path of true love? After all, like my brother said, he’s ‘wanted to do that for years’.” answers Liam, before turning towards his partner. “And oh, they did, Dave.” Another “ what?!? ” escapes David’s mouth, who’s now taken to staring at Killian like he’s just killed a puppy in front of him.
“Oh my god, Liam, shut up !” Killian and Emma exclaim in unison, to the elder Jones’ delight.
“Aw, look at you two, already in sync! What was it you were saying this morning Emma? My best man speech is going to be awesome. ”
Hell fucking no .
2 years, 3 months and 17 days later.
  “...And so let me conclude with a toast: to Killian and Emma, the most nauseating couple on the East Coast!” Liam crows, raising his glass of champagne as the whole room does the same, laughing at the bride and groom’s mortified expressions.
The jackass did recount the whole story in front of their family and friends, even daring to take credit for their relationship by pushing them to share a bed. As if passing out on the bottom bunk bed had been deliberate, Killian had groused, his ears tomato red, as Liam had talked over him to the amusement of everyone.
And yet Emma can’t find it in her to be truly mad at her new brother-in-law, a small thrill coursing through her everytime she catches the glint on her left hand or on Killian’s. Her husband .
There’s also the fact that her dear, dear brother-in-law’s own bachelor party is coming in two months’ time, and that she’s managed to wrangle the recipe of the Teakerbell from the Rockport bartender. 
And Elsa has asked her to be a maid of honor.
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x06 The Bear and the Bow
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David and Hook fighting the knights is a cool scene but why didn’t they just send Merlin in first?? Or Belle could have hit them with her books.
How did Belle find the exact right page?!
Belle’s got a point; Rumple was a victim of the darkness as much as Emma.
I can’t unsee that OUAT recap where Regina and Belle got high off that mushroom in this scene and Belle says she can hear the walls breathing and that nothing is real, then walks into a table and says “f***k you table! You’re not real!” xD
Gotta break his beloved cup. That cup has been through a lot. Rumple has a thing for that cup, I know it.
Holy cow! She hit Belle hard! She keeps knocking out Rumbelle!
Emma! That is freaking evil ordering Merida to kill Belle! I thought Belle was Emma’s friend?? I completely forgot about this. How comes this is never mentioned again? Does Belle forgive her? Did she ask for forgiveness?
Only two of the actors who play Merida’s brothers are actually brothers in real life. Guess that’s part of the reason their faces are covered.
Zelena! I missed her!
Regina feeding Zelena only greens lol.
I think Zelena’s the only one that calls her the Dark Swan. Is that actually the name she goes by?
Do not eat those onion rings, Zelena!
Gosh Emma, speeding up her pregnancy could have hurt the baby!
Oh yeah. I remember when I roleplayed as Zelena, I use to make her call her baby ‘Baby Robin’ and then that actually turned out to be her name xD. I can see into the future! Broaden your minds. Use your inner eye!
I can literally never forgive Emma for trying to kill Zelena and intending to leave her baby motherless. It upsets me so much. Yes, I know Zelena has done terrible things, but I’m biased because I love her, okay?
Hang on, how did Rumble end up in the lift? Are the mines connected to the place beneath the library? I thought the library was the only entrance to the lift. 
I just caught Merida checking out Belle.
Merida is an incredible archer
Holy cow!
You know, Emma could have just ordered Merida to shoot near Belle and frighten them. She didn’t have to tell Merida to shoot an arrow through her heart!! Belle could have died!
That is terrifying! That arrow came so near to Belle!
Cooking mushroom soup
Arthur probably should have taken the mushroom with him, cause it’s kinda obvious he put it on the fire.
Quick thinking Belle! But do you know what would have been smart? To have taken her freaking bow and arrows and destroyed them!
Belle is bananas wanting to stay in the town while someone is relentlessly trying to shoot arrows at her.
And now she’s gonna walk back in the dark when she knows someone is trying to kill her. What the hell, Belle??
She’s really obsessed with the idea of being a hero.
Well you know what Rumple, you had every right to be scared after hearing that prophecy, hearing about so many dying and seeing so many injured. War is stupid. I don’t think he should feel bad about not wanting to fight in it.
Belle, this is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done. What are you gonna do, catch the arrows?! Come back here, right now, young lady!
What a surprise, she bumps into Merida.
That transformation looks painful!
That is a big bear.
Run Belle! Run!
Belle, what drugs are you on, girl?! Merida needed that potion!
That shot Merida just took was amazing!!
Aww. She’s got her little brothers back!
Omg Belle is fast!
That was a cool scene!
Shouldn’t he have taken the magic potion or dust out of the pouch for it to work?
Now take her bow and arrow, for goodness sake!
How did Rumple catch up to them?
Merida and Belle are definitely flirting.
That’s the second time Belle has looked longingly as she departs from a Disney princess at sea to romantic music. Belle is not straight, y’all.
Why squeeze her heart before putting it back? Stop being mean, Emma! I thought all she wanted was to free Killian from the darkness. She doesn’t have to hurt people along the way, but I guess that’s the darkness having its way.
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mayquita · 4 years
Damn You For Making Me Love You (13/15) - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
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Thank you so so much, for your likes, reblogs, kudos and comments. It means the world to me.
Beta-Reader: Thank you so much, @ultraluckycatnd​​​ I couldn’t have asked for a better beta. Thank you for all your effort, your suggestions, your advice and for always being there when I needed you.
Special mention to @saraswans​​ and @onceuponaprincessworld​​​, thank you so much for your perpetual support and for believing in me and in the story. Thank you again to the moderators of the event, @captainswanbigbang​​​ for giving us this opportunity and making this possible. You all are the best :)
Summary: Emma Swan and Killian Jones are close friends and co-workers. And both are in love with each other. The problem? They keep their feelings secret not only to the other but also to the rest of their friends. When Elsa, Emma’s best friend and Liam, Killian’s brother and Emma’s boss find out, they decide to form an alliance and work as a team with a clear goal, to get Emma and Killian to take the next step in their relationship and confess their love for each other.
Rating: M
Word count: ~ 6600 (98k total in 15 chapters)
Ao3 / FFnet
About this chapter: What might happen when you put six people together in a cabin to celebrate New Year with all those simmering feelings around them?
Chapter 12:  Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Emma - December 2019
Emma could barely contain her excitement as they approached their destination.
They had been so busy the previous week that she was looking forward to enjoying this well-deserved break for everyone. Not only because she would be able to really rest and disconnect for a couple of days, but also because this trip would allow her to spend time again not only with Killian but with the most important people in her life.
Christmas week had been crazy. The number of clients did not stop growing, which meant not only an increase in their income but also an increase in work. During the past few days, she had spent more time helping behind the bar than taking pictures.
The prominent success of The Kraken was also reflected on different social media platforms, as they gained new followers every day, while the number of comments that these followers left was increasing. Even the poll to choose the song on Saturday had been a resounding success, getting a lot of participants who not only dedicated themselves to voting but to give their opinions not only on the songs but also on the singers themselves.
The corners of Emma's lips rose as she read through the new comments that had appeared in the last hours on her phone. They had a passionate audience, no doubt, to the point that they had even started shipping Emma and Killian together, with non-subtle comments about it.
Omg! Their chemistry on stage is awesome. Can you imagine that one day they surprise us with a kiss after singing? I'd die if that happened. The Kraken is my favorite bar and I go there every Saturday. And now with even more reasons to go. I love Killian and Emma duets. They're fantastic together. Killian is the best singer ever, but with Emma by his side, they manage to create magic. Are they really together or does it just seem like it? I think Memories has been their best performance together so far. It was amazing!!! And I love the songs participating in the new poll. I’ve already voted, looking forward to seeing them sing together Don't Stop Believing. I believe in them.
"What's so funny?" Killian asked as he stretched his neck to try to take a look at her phone screen. 
They had decided to travel in one vehicle, with Liam the one designated to drive, since it was his own car. The passenger seat was occupied by Elsa, while Killian and Emma were relegated to the back seats, although this time Killian didn't seem to mind in the least.
"Stuff about The Kraken," Emma explained, handing him the phone. "People seem to ship us," she continued in a lower tone as she glanced forward to make sure the other two were not paying attention to them.
They hadn't told anything to anyone about the new level reached in their relationship. Not that there was much to tell, she had tried to convince herself. They might have shared several kisses but they hadn't talked about feelings, not really.
Well, to be honest, since she had asked him to be patient they had shared more than just chaste kisses. It was as if, even though the armor around her heart hadn't yet disappeared completely, she was having serious difficulties in curbing her physical attraction to him once she had been able to taste his lips — and remember it.
He was a hell of a kisser. Of course he was, she wasn't surprised at all. Still, she had only succumbed once more after Christmas, in a steamy moment shared minutes before Killian took the stage last Saturday. She had followed him to the office to grab the guitar and jumped on him the moment the door had closed behind them, leaving him breathless, flustered, and with his hair completely disheveled just before going on stage. His performance had been the best so far, to her delight.
She was surprised that this new level of intimacy with her best friend had not caused an awkward atmosphere between them. Perhaps her fear that everything would change between them slowed her down before giving him her heart entirely, but the truth was that their first kiss had awakened a wave of sensations swirling inside her, offering her a glimpse of what it could be to be completely with Killian, in both body and soul.
Emma cast a last sidelong glance at Killian, who was staring at her phone screen, a gleeful expression on his face. Then she turned her head in the direction of the car window and focused her gaze on the landscape they were going through, finding snowy fields, large trees on the roadside and the mountains in the background drawing an idyllic picture, giving her just a taste of what they would find when they reached their destination.
The cabin was everything they had expected and more. It was located in a clearing between mountains, surrounded by trees and endowed with an aura of peace and tranquility. The interior was quite cozy, decorated in stone and wood, with large windows that offered a privileged image of the surroundings, and a large fireplace that occupied a prominent place in the living room.
Anna seemed to have conveniently forgotten to mention one aspect though. There were only two bedrooms, each including a king-size bed.
Since both Anna and Kristoff had been there since the weekend, they had obviously already chosen a bedroom, the master suite, which not only had a giant bed but also included its own bathroom, a fireplace, and direct access to a small private porch overlooking the snowy mountains.
"Isn't it a wonderful place?" Anna could barely contain her enthusiasm while acting as a proud hostess, showing them every little detail of the cabin. "We can watch the sunrise while we lie in bed."
"Yeah, it's fantastic. But Anna, do you realize that we are four people and there is only one more bed?" Elsa was the one who decided to address the issue that really mattered to them while everyone else exchanged furtive glances.
"Oh, that's not a problem at all," Anna answered with a dismissive wave of her hand. "The living room couch is actually a sofa bed with room for two people. Kristoff and I have thought that you two guys can share the sofa while the other room would be for the girls."
"Unless you decide on a different room arrangement, of course," Kristoff added, raising his eyebrows with a not so subtle smirk adorning his lips.
"We'll manage," Liam hurried to answer as he scratched behind his ear, revealing with his gesture that he was nervous. At least in that regard, the two brothers were very similar.
This time Emma didn't even bother to protest about the distribution of rooms.
In fact, if she hadn't been one of the people involved she would have found the situation quite comical, four people in their thirties avoiding looking at each other and appearing clearly uncomfortable while thinking, surely, that, if the circumstances were different, they would have preferred a different bed partner.
Emma had to suppress a nervous laugh as an idea began to set in her head. They had come to this place not only to disconnect from the big city, but to have a good time with friends. She had at least placed many expectations on this trip since they had everything at their disposal to make those two days unforgettable in every way.
One thing was clear, she did not plan to say goodbye to the year with uncertainty in her heart and doubt in her mind. She had better find a moment to have a conversation with Killian that she should have had a long time ago. But she wasn't going to let another year go without confessing her feelings. And if for that she had to resort to certain unorthodox measures, she wouldn't hesitate to do so.
She cast a sidelong glance at Killian before accompanying Elsa to move their belongings to the assigned bedroom. The burning gaze he returned had the ability to make the butterflies in her stomach flutter furiously. He raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side slightly, as if he were asking, without words, what she was up to, proving once again how well he knew her. In response, she bit her lower lip and then mouthed a simple later, before turning around and heading to the bedroom.
When Emma was left alone momentarily with Elsa, she was tempted to question her friend about her possible relationship with Liam. They had been so busy in the past few days that they had barely had time to chat beyond the normal conversations generated due to living together. But Emma was really dying to know Elsa's true feelings. She had remained quite reserved about it since she started whatever she had with Liam.
"So, are you ever going to tell me what's really going on between you and Liam?" Clearly finesse was not Emma's forte.
To her credit, Elsa's face remained almost impassive, only a faint shadow of surprise crossing her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Emma. He and I are just friends, you know that." Her blank expression suddenly changed, giving way to one of defiance. "I guess you're used to that term, friends, aren't you?"
"Well, I'm not the one who kissed a Jones in front of everyone last week." Emma's voice didn't even tremble as she counterattacked. Technically she wasn't lying, but the truth was that she had devoured Killian's mouth just a few minutes before the mistletoe incident.
"Oh, I'm well aware of that, believe me. Of you not kissing a certain Jones under the mistletoe, I mean. Such a wasted occasion." Elsa let out an exaggerated sigh as she shook her head in an attitude of false resignation.
Emma raised an eyebrow as she snorted, surprised by that unusual sarcastic side of Elsa. Even so, her attempts were not enough to divert attention. "What I hope is not a wasted occasion is this getaway. For any of us."
"I hope not, really. I have the feeling that we are about to enjoy some unforgettable experiences around here. We deserve this, you know. Right, Emma?"
Emma simply nodded as she offered her a smile of appreciation, her heart fluttering in her chest. They totally deserved it, not only she and Killian, but also Elsa and Liam. The most selfless and kind people she had known deserved to reach their piece of happiness and if this happened with them together, so much the better.
Elsa had ended up being right. They had only spent a few hours there but Emma and the others had managed to have a glorious time. The memory of their previous trip to Storybrooke crossed her mind several times throughout the day, since although the experiences had been quite different, the feeling of contentment had been the same on both occasions.
They had laughed until their stomachs ached while playing in the snow like little children. They had savored a delicious homemade meal in a small and cozy establishment located in the nearby town. She had even enjoyed playing a board game — Monopoly— for the first time in a long time. The fact that she had always been good with finances probably had something to do with the fact that she had managed to beat Liam, the expert businessman.
The only thing she had missed during the day had been the chance to spend more time with Killian. In fact, they had not had the slightest chance of having a moment of privacy even for a minute, so they had to settle for longing glances, accidental touches or promising smiles, something she should have already been used to but that now, given their current circumstances, was no longer enough.
Still, she hoped to solve this little problem soon, if all went well with the plan she had begun to forge. She just needed to find the best occasion to carry it out.
That opportunity would soon arrive, to her delight.
After the last Monopoly game, Anna and Kristoff had retired to their bedroom, alluding that they were tired, although Emma suspected that their early departure was nothing more than an excuse. Either way, she wasn't going to complain, especially since it would make her plan much easier to carry out.
The others, Emma included, decided to watch a movie since none of them seemed in a hurry to go to sleep. Emma strategically placed herself on the largest couch, the one that would be turned into a bed, dragging Killian to her side, so the other two had no choice but to settle on the other perpendicular sofa.
Before they started watching the movie though, Elsa decided it would be a good idea if they made popcorn, so Liam quickly offered to help her. It was as if the stars had lined up in Emma's favor, because this unexpected moment of solitude would allow her to inform Killian of her crazy plan.
"Are you ready to fall asleep in a few minutes?" Emma muttered as she cast a sidelong glance in the direction of the kitchen area to make sure the other two weren't listening.
"We haven't even started watching the movie, Swan. I hope we stay awake for at least the first hour." He smirked at her and then placed an arm on her shoulders and pulled her close.
"I'm not talking about really falling asleep, but pretending to fall asleep. We already have experience in that. Sort of."
Killian's eyes narrowed in confusion and then widened, as if he had realized the implications of his plan, his lips drawing a naughty smirk. "Are you planning to sleep with me here, in the middle of the living room? That would be scandalous, Swan."
"You're an idiot." She patted him on the chest, earning a silent chuckle on his part. 
She tried to convince herself that it wasn't a big deal, but still, she couldn't help a blush crawling up from her neck to her cheeks. Maybe her original idea was to force Liam and Elsa to share a bed although that would also imply that they would have to do the same. Emma was no longer sure which of these prospects she was most interested in. "You just need to go along with me. We'll pretend to be asleep until those two have no choice but to go to the bedroom and hopefully share a bed," Emma explained between whispers.
After her previous conversation with Elsa, Emma had found her friend quite receptive to the idea of being in a relationship, although she hadn't made any direct reference to Liam. Still, it didn’t hurt if they were given a little push to send them in the right direction.
"I just hope they don't decide to wake us up this time." Although Killian maintained a neutral expression, his tone implied that this possibility didn't excite him at all. Well, at least they were on the same page. "It's unlikely, though, given our tendency." He winked as he bumped her shoulder with his.
Her retort died before leaving her mouth as Liam and Elsa made their appearance again at that moment, holding two bowls of popcorn. So she did the only thing she could do at the moment, she settled back on the sofa, waiting for the best opportunity to carry out her plan.
They did watch the movie, at least during the first half-hour. When Emma cast a sidelong glance at the occupants of the other couch, she couldn't help smiling. They kept their eyes fixed on the television screen but Liam was circling Elsa's shoulders with his arm while her hand rested on his thigh at knee level. They seemed totally at ease with each other. Perfect.
The show was about to begin.
She leaned slightly toward Killian, who, in response, raised his arm and placed it on her shoulders, drawing her to him. After a few seconds of adjusting to the new position, she rested her head against his chest and pressed his thigh discreetly. She cast one last glance in the direction of Elsa and Liam to make sure they weren't paying attention, and then she closed her eyes, starting her stellar performance.
She didn't have to make many efforts to pretend to be asleep, really. The atmosphere that surrounded her certainly invited her to sleep, with the room dimly lit, the warmth emanating from the fireplace, and the rhythmic beat of Killian's heart against her ear acting as a lullaby. Emma felt a kind of drowsiness taking hold of her, making it increasingly difficult to stay awake. Just when she was about to succumb to sleep, she heard the first whispers.
"Liam! Look at these two. They've fallen asleep. Again."
"Why doesn't that surprise me?"
"Do you think we should wake them up?"
Emma held her breath trying to remain still as she prayed that her slow breathing would be convincing enough.
"Hell no. Let them sleep." Emma suppressed a sigh of relief when she heard Liam's reply. They remained silent for a moment although Emma detected some noises, as if they were moving and then heard another more concrete sound, a camera shutter followed by a giggle from Elsa.
"Shhhh, lass, we don't want them to wake up, do we?"
"I wonder how many photos we have of them in that position." After a brief pause, Elsa continued in an even lower tone, so Emma had to make an extra effort to capture her words. "At least this time they haven't needed any set up from us."
"I'm starting to doubt our abilities as matchmakers, love. Nothing seems to work with these two."
Emma's body tensed involuntarily at Liam's words. What the hell were they talking about?
"What will we have to do next? Lock them in a room together?"
"It's not a bad plan, lass. In fact, this house has a pantry that could work. At least they would have food and liquids to survive until they finally decide to confess their feelings to one another."
They know. 
Emma was surprised to realize that Liam was also aware. Not only that, but they had been working behind their backs to push them together.
Her heart began to beat frantically in her chest as a feeling of unease settled inside her, making it difficult to keep pretending she was asleep.
Although they continued to speak in soft whispers, Emma was no longer sure she wanted to keep listening. She noticed how Killian's body had also stiffened, but given their current situation, she couldn't check his reaction to Liam and Elsa's unexpected dialogue.
"It's a bit frustrating, to be honest," Elsa muttered. "They are so in love but they are so afraid that sometimes I feel like shaking them to make them react."
"Aye. Killian ... I've never seen him so in love, not even with Milah. Sometimes I wonder how I could have been so blind these past four years when the signs were so obvious."
Killian loves me.
Killian loved her.
For some reason, the realization of that fact, far from making her burst with happiness, caused the feeling of unease to increase, making her feel overwhelmed and having difficulty staying still when her whole body screamed to jump away from him.
"Emma is an expert in masking her feelings. But I think she is reaching her limit, really. I have a feeling that this getaway will bring us more than one pleasant surprise."
"Aye. For starters, everything seems to indicate that the two of us are going to end the year sleeping together. I mean, in the same bed. Well... I can always sleep on the floor, or stay here on this sofa..."
"Oh, shut up, Liam. We'll share a bed. It's not a big deal."
"As you wish."
In other circumstances, Emma would have felt happy after that little exchange. On this occasion, however, she couldn't wait for them to get out of there.
"Speaking of which, why don't we go to sleep too? I can barely keep my eyes open."
"Just give me a couple of minutes to make sure to extinguish the fire in the fireplace."
Emma kept her muscles tense while listening to several muffled noises, which she supposed came from Elsa and Liam making sure that everything was fine before going to sleep. After what seemed like hours, she felt a warm and fluffy fabric sliding over them. Liam, or more likely Elsa, had placed a blanket over them to make sure they kept warm after the fireplace went out.
The long-awaited silence fell on them a few seconds later. Emma remained motionless though, ignoring the pull of her body until she was sure that they weren't going to be discovered. After mentally counting to ten, she couldn't resist it anymore, literally jumping off the couch.
She was freaking out. Deep down she was aware of it but seemed unable to stop the escalation of feelings that had taken hold of her. She began pacing up and down, feeling like a caged animal.
She suspected —no, she knew, she corrected herself —that Killian had feelings for her. She had stopped having doubts about that after sharing their first (second) kiss. But love was a meaningful word. She hadn't expected to hear that word so soon, even though her feelings were mutual. She hadn't expected to hear about it in such an unusual and impersonal way either.
"Emma? What's wrong?"
Emma chose to ignore Killian and focused instead on trying to control the contradictory thoughts that clustered in her head and to pull herself together. She wasn't even able to put into words everything that was going through her mind at the time, which only increased her sense of frustration. Still, she forced herself to take a deep breath to calm the rapid beat of her heart.
He loved her... How on earth would she be able to deal with that confession when she hadn't yet assumed the implications of their first kiss?
The other revelation wasn't easy to accept either. All these previous weeks, all those unexpected plans had been nothing more than the set-up attempts by her two friends. Emma felt as if, somehow, the escalation of feelings towards Killian had been forced instead of flowing naturally.
This is a mess ... she thought, unable to face Killian right now while avoiding his gaze at all costs.
"Emma, look at me." She was so absorbed by her turbulent thoughts that she hadn't realized he had risen from the couch and was right in front of her. "What's going through that head of yours?"
His voice didn't denote annoyance, rather concern and a hint of curiosity. In other circumstances, she would have admired his composure, but this time she wanted to be mad at him. They were both involved, why did she feel like boiling inside when he remained perfectly calm?
"You heard them, right? This is... this is too much." She waved her hand as if encompassing the space between them. She was scared of what she would find when she looked into his eyes but showing off an unusual display of courage, she finally looked up, searching for his gaze, finding a stormy expression, and a special glow in his eyes.
"I've listened to them and honestly, I wasn't surprised by any of their revelations. I wonder why it has affected you so much. Isn't everything they have said true?"
"That's exactly the reason, Killian!" she hissed, looking away again as she felt like a wave of frustration washed over her, seeing herself unable to explain how she felt. Killian, always so perceptive, reached out tentatively and began rubbing her arms gently, as if trying to calm her down.
"Emma, love, you need to calm down."
Although reluctant, she did what she was told while taking a shuddering breath in a new attempt to pull herself together. His reassuring gesture worked as she noticed how her tension level gradually decreased. Only when he made sure she had calmed down enough did he nod in her direction, encouraging her to express her feelings.
Before speaking, she shook her head feeling ridiculous about her overreaction, while noticing how her cheeks blushed in embarrassment. Even so, after letting out a heavy sigh, she finally decided to explain herself.
"I know it's ridiculous, but I feel like with their stupid setups they've forced us into our current situation, instead of the feelings between you and me developing naturally." She knew that her speech made no sense, but still she felt the need to expel those thoughts away.
Killian opened his mouth as if he wanted to reply, but she lifted a finger and pressed it to his lips gently as she gave him an imploring look to let her continue. "Besides, I feel robbed. First, with our first kiss that we barely have a memory of and now with that revelation. Such confessions should be one of the milestones to reach in a couple. The first kiss, the first I..." Her voice trailed off, as she looked away again, feeling unable to express those three words out loud. Not yet.
"Emma..." The way Killian pronounced her name, in an almost reverent manner, caused a chill to run down her spine. He then touched her chin and pressed gently, forcing her to lift her head and look him in the eye. A feeling of vertigo seized her when their gazes met again. There was pure honesty in the blue depth of his eyes, along with something like devotion and, above all, love. 
"I love you, Emma Swan. I've loved you for a while, actually. My confession may be hasty, but at least it serves, I hope it serves to reach one of our milestones as a couple. Because, believe me, love, I intend to reach each and every one of them. Together."
He loved her.
She gasped, unable to react, her breath caught in her throat as he continued speaking. "As for my brother and Elsa's alliance, these unexpected plans may have gotten my feelings towards you to increase, but they are real. So real and intense that sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but in a good way."
She loved him.
She loved him for many reasons, including his way of acting towards her and his ability to always find the right words to reassure her.
"Besides," he continued in a lighter tone, "haven't we been doing the same with them? Acting as matchmakers? In fact, we're in this situation right now because of your idea to try to push them together, Swan."
He was right, again. Still, she had the feeling that the other two had taken it more seriously than them. At least the other pair had developed a much more detailed action plan than their poor attempts.
"We're idiots," she groaned as she covered her face with her hands. Now wasn't the time to feel embarrassed, she told herself, but to assess their actions and learn from them, as any normal adult would do, right? She dropped her arms, looking back at Killian. "But at least it worked, didn't it? I mean, look at the two of us, finally having this conversation, while they are sleeping together. Thanks to me." She raised an eyebrow while she grinned at him. Okay, maybe acting like an adult wasn't her forte after all.
"Okay, I'll give you that, but you must admit that you were wrong when you said they were dating in secret."
Killian chuckled, the sound causing her stomach to flutter. She was hopeless in regard to this man. That reminded her that she still had more confessions to make. Still, she was grateful for that brief pause that had served both to lighten the tension and to reassure her in some way, since at least so far in their new relationship, the banter and the teasing between them remained intact.
"I'm terrified," she blurted out, without giving herself time to have second thoughts. Perhaps if she dared to express her concerns aloud she would be able to see them from another perspective that would allow her not only to face her fears but to overcome them. "What if this doesn't work between us? What if we, I don't know, we don't work in bed? What if there's no spark?" She hated the vulnerability of her voice a little, but he deserved honesty. "You're my best friend, I can't... I can't lose you."
The corners of his lips rose drawing a reassuring smile. "I know how you kiss, Swan, and if that is indicative enough, we shouldn't worry about that other regard, believe me." He accompanied his words with a suggestive move of his eyebrows causing her cheeks to start burning. Then his expression changed to a more solemn one. "I'm not going anywhere, Emma. If you want us to remain friends, I'm going to accept it, but that won't change my feelings for you."
Just when she was about to reply, his eyes widened as if he had remembered something while he pressed his fingers to her lips. "Also, I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you. Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you."
"Did you just use the lyrics of a song in this conversation, Jones?"
His lips curled into a bright smile as he shrugged. "I have a feeling that nothing's gonna stop us now ."
She huffed while shaking her head in disbelief. She should be used to it, after all. It was one of the consequences of falling in love with a musician, that music was always present in one way or another.
She was in love with him. And he deserved to know it.
"I love you," she suddenly confessed, without giving herself time to think. The way in which his face lit up as his gaze intensified was enough reward for her. After such a long time of suppressing them, those words sounded a bit strange when said out loud, so she forced herself to pronounce them again to get used to saying them. "I love you, Killian," she repeated, in a much more convincing voice. 
"Good," he muttered and then pressed his lips against hers. It was a delicate kiss where Emma could feel all his affection and devotion towards her, the softness of his lips on hers causing all her worries to melt away while her heart finally broke free of its protective barrier.
They kissed languidly for a few seconds until their kisses became more passionate, as if they couldn't get enough of each other. She was so consumed with desire that she barely noticed that they were moving until Killian's calves hit the couch and he dropped on it, dragging her along.
She straddled his lap, her mouth never leaving his, while she felt an overwhelming wave of lust invading all her senses. It was as if, after so much time of repressed feelings and emotions, those very feelings had finally found their freedom. Such was their intensity that she found herself unable to restrain them. Not that she put too much effort into that restraint, honestly. Not when she felt so fucking good in Killian's arms as she was devoured by his demanding mouth and his hands began the first tentative exploration of her body, leaving a burning trail in their wake.
The delicious friction of his prominent arousal against her core was driving her crazy. When his fingertips tentatively brushed the curve of her breasts for the first time, she thought that she could combust at that very moment. She moaned against his mouth as she moved her hips with a clear purpose.
She could have continued just like that for hours, lost in the intoxicating sensation of his lips on hers, while she felt her skin burn under his touch. But Killian decided to break the kiss, parting a little from her and looking for her gaze.
He looked wrecked, the blue of his eyes almost gone, his hair completely disheveled, his lips swollen. A wave of pride seized her at the realization that she was the cause of his current condition. Just when he was about to say something, she deliberately moved her hips again, earning a loud groan from him.
"Emma, love. We... We need to stop," he finally managed to say in a raspy voice. "We're in the middle of the living room."
He was right, of course he was. She was internally grateful that he had had some lucidity because in her case, she had difficulty forming coherent thoughts. After such a long time of repressed feelings, now they ran wild causing her blood to boil and her mind to cloud. Letting out a huff of annoyance, she buried her head in his chest, reluctant to get away from him.
"I'm totally claiming the other bed for tomorrow," he grunted, earning a giggle on her part.
"Well, we can always turn the sofa into a bed and cover ourselves with the sheets. At least we'll have some privacy," she suggested, looking up as she raised an eyebrow suggestively. She did not want to miss the opportunity for intimacy with Killian now that there was nothing that stood in their way.
"Are you thinking of having your way with your best friend, eh Swan? Without even taking me on a date?" he joked, an expression of feigned disbelief on his face.
"Well, we have actually had plenty of dates, if we consider all those crazy plans of your brother and Elsa."
"If you put it that way..."
The light conversation had managed to cool her impulses somewhat, yet the desire for him remained latent, waiting for the best occasion. When they got up from the couch, Emma couldn't help directing her gaze at his crotch, finding a more than obvious tent in his pajama pants. She licked her lips and then let out a quiet sigh trying to redirect both her thoughts and her gaze to something less tempting, such as helping Killian turn the sofa into what would be their bed for the night.
Once the bed was ready, Killian turned off the light of the only lamp that remained lit and then they got into bed together, covering themselves with the sheets. Both instinctively turned towards each other, finding themselves in the middle of the mattress and entangling their limbs.
An idea crossed her mind at that moment, something she had completely forgotten after that first shock a few minutes ago. "So Liam knew about your feelings?" Emma asked in a soft voice, gently stroking his cheek while trying to glimpse his features despite the darkness that surrounded them.
"Aye," he admitted, then placed a soft kiss on her lips. "He has known for a couple of months. Do you remember the weekend we had free?"
"I also confessed to Elsa that weekend," Emma said slowly, as the memory of that night came to her mind, causing her cheeks to blush. She was grateful now that Killian couldn't observe her features in detail due to the darkness.
"What the hell happened that weekend?"
Emma was tempted for a moment to respond evasively using any excuse, but in the end, she decided to be honest with him and confess how she had felt. She didn't want to hide that information, especially because she had the suspicion that that night had been the beginning of what would lead them to their current situation.
"I... I might have been a little jealous," she muttered and bit her lower lip while waiting for his reaction.
"Jealous? Of whom?" Even in the dark, Emma could observe how his eyes widened when he caught the meaning. "Of Belle?"
"I know, I know. It wasn't just Belle, but... you could have chosen any other girl from the bar." She tried to explain herself but was interrupted when Killian captured her lips with his in a demanding kiss, one with the ability to make her head spin.
Killian broke the kiss a few seconds later, resting his forehead against hers as they both tried to catch their breath. "I have another confession to make," he muttered, his warm breath caressing her lips. "I was also jealous, Swan. I thought your strange behavior was because I was interfering in some way, in your search for a one-night stand."
"Really?" His answer caught her off guard. "God, we're two idiots," she muttered while hiding her head in his chest. He circled her with his arms, pulling her to him and causing their bodies to press together.
She loved him.
She wanted him.
She wanted him so badly that, for once, she decided to act on impulse, without fear of consequences, determined to just feel.
Killian slipped a hand under her tank top and began to trace delicate patterns on the skin of her back, while she did the same on his chest.
"You were stunning in that dress that night, Swan. Bloody hot, pure temptation," he purred, his velvety voice sending liquid heat directly to her core. "And then you had the audacity to wear it again to dinner at that restaurant. It was torture."
"Maybe I did it on purpose," she admitted, causing him to utter a guttural sound as his hand slid dangerously toward her lower back until he reached his target, giving her a light squeeze on her ass and pushing her further against him.
T wo could play this game , she thought as her fingers began to trace a path following the line of hair on his torso, descending slowly and tortuously. "I wonder if you needed to do something about it, take the matter into your own hands. You know what I mean." Her hand ended its descending path while she emitted the last words, palming his length over his pants with a clear purpose.
"Bloody hell, woman." He flinched at her touch as he let out a heavy breath. Far from being intimidated, she continued her exploration, internally thanking him for wearing pajama pants, allowing her better access. She did not hesitate to slide her hand under his clothes and then she wrapped her fingers around his length, exerting a tentative movement at first, but gaining security with the soft sounds that came from him. "Emma, love, we shouldn't... someone can appear at any time."
"Let me give you at least this, please."
"We're definitely claiming the other bed tomorrow," he growled before searching for her lips and starting to kiss her thoroughly. Emma took that as an invitation so she continued with her movements, the mere sensation of him pulsing and powerful under her touch sending electric shocks of pleasure up her spine and down to her toes. It was a beginning, something promising and exciting, a glimpse of what was to come.
Maybe the road to get here had been long, but looking back, she wouldn't change anything they had experienced in recent years. Especially when the path they took meant they would end up in this situation, finally giving rein to their passions in an idyllic place with her favorite person by her side.
"Emma," Killian pronounced her name with a mixture of devotion and plea.
"Don't stop, please."
"Never," she muttered against his lips.
And we can build this thing together Standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now
 Killian was definitely right when he used the lyrics of a song to describe their relationship.
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think :)
We're reaching the end, just one more chapter to go, plus the epilogue. It's time to celebrate the new year, and as long as they're together nothing else matters.
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malreginamills · 4 years
My Take OUAT Villains Part 1
Regina - An intimidating personality with softer side and capability of empathy and selflessness . She was a fine mom before Henry started to see that she was a mean boss of the town . Then she became more strict with him BUT when fairytale stuff came to play , she became a  bad parent and she almost became her mom when her magic returned before she realised that she has done too much evil  .  He was not a good son either . As EQ , she was a  feared villain with max body count ONSCREEN not OFFSCREEN . I assume that there may be only few who outdid her .  She has a life full of crap and is a pawn of others all the time before she  came back to being a hero . She is a better hero than Emma and as good as Snowing .  She is only villain who used to be a hero .Regina as a hero is even more dangerous adversary than EQ . Unlike other villains , she and Rumple did true to resist temptation for evil  until Rumple himself made things worse . As a villain , she is delusional . She is  the most scary of them all but there can be villains as bad as her or WORSE  . She has crossed many lines BUT if there are some lines she won’t cross . I doubt she would like to have a child with David to piss Snow .
Rumple - A complicated guy whose favorite passtime is creating villains out of his students . He was a coward BUT he was also a father . He is incredibly selfish and makes big plans  when he can achieve his goal by smaller plans as well , a trait also seen in his students . He was a teacher of Regina for a longer time and made sure of the fact that she became a monster . WEmmaonce said about WRumple that he may be razing villages so , it is safe to say WRumple did stuff like that in the past since I doubt he would be razing villages in lockup  for 30 years . If WRumple did that so , it means real Rumple also did it . I doubt Rumple raped people BUT he  tricked them  . I think he stopped mass murder when  Belle was around but continued with being a trickster  and mastermind . He was relatively saner than Regina sometimes since he used brains more than she did as a villain . As a hero Regina was the saner one .  I think that Charmings were too nice to him in S2 and too mean to Regina in S2 . In S4 , they were really nasty to him BUT they were not heroes nor villains that season . He became likeable in S6B AND S7 . He did have lesser pain than Regina since spinsters were actually  nice guardians  to him and he was not always that much troubled  and tortured
Cora- Deliciously evil woman who cares for her daughter BUT her morals warped with Rumple's shadiness is what  is really what turned Regina evil . She made her daughter's life way worse than hers and Rumple's . She scared the hell out of me BUT I was sad when she died . UW Cora was more likeable .  I remember her as a redeemed villain than a hero.  She was more cunning than Regina and as cunning than Rumple . If she lived longer than Rumple , she would have been worse .  Also S3 shows her daughter Regina as her own antihesis .  She is literally heartless and sees love as weakness . Voldemort anyone ?
Hook - He was fine in S2 and WHook was likeable in S7 BUT from S3-7 , org Hook was all about Emma and CS . He lived longer than Regina , Cora and Zelena so , he should be as bad or worse BUT they whitewashed him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH that even Snow's half heart had more darkness than that in S3 and in S6 . He himself talked about destroying villages in his song  and it shows that he is as bad as the Mills ladies . He likely was into rape and he had many one night stands that even Regina would be aghast .  Also his revenge is not justified or reasonable and it makes Cora look justified in hating Eva and Regina reasonable for hating Snow. It was he who separated Rumple and Milah and then in S5-6 he acted that Rumple was worse . Regina had really good reason to loathe Rumple  yet it never looked like that she was in mood to dance on his grave since she believed that life is precious .  He was also a homewrecker .  I think that he is worse than Rumple and can be as bad as Cora . His DO self showed us his true evilness . At least Regina would be trying to restrain herself from all that  DOness .   He did not take time to become a  full fledged villain as compared to Regina , Cora  and  Rumple .  It took him seconds to do that .  He was definitely done dirty in later seasons . I still love HOOK’ s past self more . 
Greg and Tamara - WHY ? They are foreigners  . They do not make sense to me  . Other villains have done way more evil  than they can dream of though they were almost  about to commit mass murder  BUT they are delusional .
Pan - IDK how many he killed, how much evil he did  BUT apparently , he  must have done a lot of that . Even Hook finds him demonaic and treacherous (although he did the same for Rumple ) . He was more twisted than all the others  mentioned before .  He utterly lacks any decency . He seems to be vain , self seeking  , power hungry  , immortality loving , uncaring , callous person  . If he succeeded , even Cora and Hook would  look  tame and humane .He is a  narcissist . Its like Disney Mother Gothel , Disney Ursula and our  Rumple together as one person . He was not only an evil power seeking overlord like Rumple and Cora but also he  was sick  and awful . He was both terrifying and terrible .  It was the best  culmination of fairytale evil with real life evil .
 Zelena - She makes me like Pan sometimes . At least Pan , Cora , Regina , Rumple and Hook did not start the system of brands . According to her  villainy needs to be branded like footwear and clothes . She  is  awfully competitive. In fandom she aroused a need of debating on who is more powerful . Every time she boasts  about being more powerful , she needs to be punched on her face . OMG Regina literally did that .  She branded herself as wicked and branded her sister as evil . She  does not terrify me BUT she is perhaps the most devious one of all . For someone who has undergone pain , she sounds like a spoilt brat  who whines like all the time . Everytime Regina is tired of her life problems , it looks like that she is in pain . In S2  Regina did a lot of whinning BUT she did not sound like this  sick brat . Regina did seem like someone who has undergone a lot of crap  .  I think that Zelena as a spoilt princess of Oz who was pissed about her true heritage  and ditched her adoptive family and killed them would make more sense and would do justice to her S3-5A personality . In 5B-7 , her softer side was apparently a bit forced and so was her new relationship with Regina but it was more true to her backstory  and her S3-5A self BUT it was like having Regina in earlier seasons back sometimes .  Her  WWW wardrobe should beas good as EQ’s . She should also have more hairstyles as WWW . I think that Zelena is also arrogant and narcissistic as compared to anyone else . She is incredibly self obsessed .   Regina was a mass murderer and rapist  . Rumple was self serving , selfish and power hungry  magic addict . Hook was a s*x addict  and a mass murderer   . Cora was a power loving mass murderer and a heartless .  Pan was relatively less self obsessed .  Quite many seem to come from a sadder place BUT she looks life she came from a posh life . Even young Snow and young Eva were not that bratty even though they are actual brats . Her rape of Robin to have a child with him to piss Regina shows how twisted she is . She also feels like an awkward addition since   she has never said the iconic villainous line , “LOVE IS WEAKNESS .”  She tries to outdo REGINA so , she must have tried to be more evil  and she must have killed even more since she is like Regina killed 1 guy , I would kill 10 . 
Ingrid - A short term villain but she was basically another Regina . She was also xenophobic towards muggles due to her bad experiences but later , she came to her senses . She was an unintentional succcessful attempt at making another  EQ and Cora . I wish she stayed longer . We also got a dark Elsa . Her subtelty  was awesome  . She was basically my fav beside Rumple , Regina and Cora .  I still wish if Regina was one of the people she wanted as a sister along with Emma since I do not want  Emma to be left behind either . She is way better than Zelena . I think she should be nicer to memory of Helga at least . 
Maleficent - We heard things about her more than we actually saw her do stuff .  Since Regina has more  some traits of Org Maleficent than her .  Kristen did a fine job with her and did make her scary in the way Mitchel made Ingrid scary . BUT I never saw her interrupting gatherings . Regina did that one .  I never saw her  plotting and being cruel . I never got the mistress of Evil . I never saw the woman she really was  when it came to Briar Rose. What was her foul temper like ? She was redeemed quickly .  I think I was better off with one redeemed Maleficent and now there were 2 of them  .  I wanted her evil at larger scale .  Maleficent did show some wickedness in S4 and it was awesome  BUT I think I preferred REGINA , CORA , HOOK , RUMPLE  , INGRID and even ZELENA level villainy  . Maleficent , these are the experts  .   Maleficent was  more a victim than a villain . Most of others were both . She may be a fine chracter BUT she was a poor villain . 
Ursula - Don’t ask . She hardly came in before she went away . 
Cruella- This is a good villain . Only born EVIL person besides Pan before 6*19 came up . She is better than Zelena and Maleficent  combined . I would love to see Cruella at her worst . I think this character demanded to be explored more .  She does not have standards at all . She tries her best to be the evilest  and can succeed . No wonder Issac had to stop her .  We can only imagine that her villainy would be the worst of worst . 
Issac - He is soo sick and awful . Can’t say anything more . He is rebirth of Greg and Tamara who are just meh . 
Dark Swan - What is this monstrosity ? I would prefer Zelena  and Maleficent over this . Apparently , I think “Black Swan” would be better  than what this name is  . And also , we all hoped that Emma would dabble into some Cora , Rumple , Regina , Past HOOK and Ingrid level EVIL and have a maniacal laugh .  We may have had EQ back . It would be good to see Snowing’s faces when Emma becomes New EQ . We wanted mental issues , rage problems , broken heart , betrayal problems , trust issues , past issues  driving her mad . Trying to convince WickedGoldenHookedQueen to join her in her delicious rampage with only Zelena joining her . Zelena the brat and Black Swan a psycho  teaming up  . BUT instead we got an unhealthily obsessed woman who got Robin Hood killed unintentionally . SHE MADE DARK HOOK .  She caused mayhem in Camelot and Storybrooke just because of Hook ? If it was really her , she would have let Hook die instead of making him DO .And after she stops being Dark Swan ,she drags her family to UW ? What is this ? High level character assasination . OH WAIT , Emma’s potential for darkness , her capacity to be Evil lies with Lily . Why they made her Darknessless . It makes sense that she is not that evil  . I think this should be resolved .  In my headcannon , she got the potential for evil back when she was sent to WR since In WR Cruella never left  so ,  WR Maleficent never lost Lily so , WR Emma still has darkness . If they continuede , we could have had Evil Emma back . For now , Dark Swan is terrible , not terrifying . I find her name Emma ironical now since she is not whole .
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
What do you think are the most underrated glee songs? Like, they’re awesome and why doesn’t fandom love them more?
Oh this is such a neat ask! Let’s see, I think I’m going to list performances that I think are pretty good, but I don’t see people talking about as much.  You’re not going to see much Klaine on this list -- mostly, at least around these parts, I think their performances do get the recognition they deserve.  
Season 1: 
Push It (Showmance) - It’s really quite funny
Bust Your Windows (Acafellas) - Mercedes first gets to shine
Maybe This Time (Rhodes Not Taken) - Lea and Kristen Chenoweth kill this one. 
Dancing With Myself (Wheels) - I just like this Artie solo
Smile (Mattress) - I think both versions in the episode are pretty good, and one is a rare Finchel duet I enjoy
Hello (Hello) - Lea and Jonathan Groff are amazing together
Open Your Heart/Borderline (Power of Madonna) - I just wanna talk about all the Madonnas in the hallway
4 Minutes (Power of Madonna) - Kurt and Mercedes get their sexy on, and I don��t feel like that’s appreciated enough
Run Joey Run (Bad Reputation) - I mean, you guys, this might be one of the funniest things they show ever did, and the fact that the point was missed by so many made sure the show rarely did straight up comedy numbers again
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Dream On) - Artie w/Tina and Mike dancing, it’s cute and bittersweet
Season 2 
Sing (Duets) - It’s a super cute duet between Tina and Mike
Forget You (The Substitute) - Idec that it’s Holly, I love this one
Make ‘Em Laugh (The Substitute) - I don’t think Matthew Morrison gets enough credit for how talented he is.  
Just the Way You Are (Furt) - I’m not a huge fan of Finn’s singing - so I kinda of like to acknowledge when he does a good job, and I really like this one. 
The Living Years (Special Education) - The Hipsters rock it, man
Only Child (Original Song) - It is what is, okay?! 
Jesus is My Friend (Original Song) - I’m giggling just thinking about it
Bubble Toes (Night of Neglect) - Mike’s dance number is fantastic
Ain’t Now Way (Night of Neglect) - Merecedes’ numbers end up in the worst episodes, and it’s a shame, because sometimes they get overlooked. 
I’ve Gotta Be Me (Born This Way) - this song gets forgotten among the true gems during this episode, but it’s a nice Finn and Mike number
Nice To Meet You, Have I Slept With You (Rumours) - This is another hilarious original song done by April and Will often forgotten. 
Friday (Prom Queen) - As a boy band song, it really works
Season 3
Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do (The Purple Piano Project) - it’s truly amazing -- especially for an unknown guest start that’s basically one and done. 
Spotlight (Asian F) - Another Mercedes solo that I think flies under the radar. 
You and I (Mash Off) - Will and Shelby duet, the adult stuff often gets overlooked I think. 
We Are Young (Hold Onto 16) - It was probably over played on the radio at the time, but I think they did a fantastic job with the cover, and it works well as a group number. 
We Found Love (Yes/No) - Wemma gets a bad rap a lot of the times, but I think this actually really works, and is a nice scene
The Rain in Spain (Choke) - You guys, it’s a heavy metal cover of a classic song, I’m not the only one who finds that hilarious, right? 
Mean (Props) - Beiste and Puck singing a duet that fits their story well, but since we don’t talk about these storylines much, this rarely comes up. 
Starships (Nationals) - Unique is on fire, and I liked VA’s set more than ND’s.
Season 4
Call Me Maybe (The New Rachel) - idec, I love it and find it amazing and it energizes me, shut up. 
Busters Get Popped (The New Rachel) - still giggling
Chasing Pavements (The New Rachel) - I think Melissa Benoist got a raw deal having to be paired against Lea Michele, but I think she has a lovely voice, and really brings this one alive.  
Everybody Talks (Role You Were Born to Play) - it’s a nice song and a nice duet between Kitty and Jake
Whistle (Thanksgiving) - okay it’s not a good song, but my god does it make me laugh every time I hear it
O Holy Night (Swan Song) - Clearly, I’m not putting Rachel songs on this list, but this one -- I’m giving her this one.  This is beautiful and fantastic in all the right ways, and one of my favorite Rachel solos of the series.  One of the few times she’s not over emoting a serious song, and it’s a nice relief. 
Don’t Dream It’s Over (Swan Song) - It’s a bittersweet song that I think really works for the tone of the moment.  
Torn (Naked) - what another Rachel solo?? Yeah, visually, the duet with herself is really striking
Not Getting Married Today (I Do) - Let’s give Jayma Mays a second of recognition for her ability to do this one.   
You’re All the World to Me (Girls and Boys on Film) - Will and Emma duet that is notable for the choreography alone
How to Be a Heartbreaker (Feud) - the cinematography and choreography is unlike anything else on the show, so I find it fascinating. 
I Still Believe/Superbass (Feud) - I mean, let’s give Jane Lynch credit for spoofing Nikki Minaj, I mean, c’mon
Everybody Hurts (Lights Out) - I don’t like Ryder, and I really don’t like the actor who portrays him, but this acoustic version of the song is really fantastic. 
Superstition (Wonderful) - Mercedes, Blaine, and Marley on this Stevie Wonder classic that, again, flies under the radar a bit
Rainbow Connection (All or Nothing) - Glee snuck in a cover done by a third party participant at Regionals that’s really good, and you probably didn’t even know it. 
Season 5
If I Were a Boy (End of Twerk) - A lot of the newbie stuff gets (understandably) overlooked, but Unique’s version of this is emotional and haunting and often forgotten about
What The Fox Says (Puppet Master) - I don’t think this is as bad as everyone would have you believe.  
Away In a Manager (Previously Unaired Christmas) - I rarely give props to this episode for anything, but this was really well done, and the only song from this episode that I’ll listen to. 
Don’t Rain on My Parade (Frenemies) - Yes, it’s a jazzier/pop version of the song, but I think Santana does better with it than people give her credit for. 
Hold On (Trio) - I freakin’ love this group number.  It’s amazing. 
Toxic/Defying Gravity/Valerie (100) - lumping them together because I actually enjoy all of these better than the originals.  Oops. 
Loser Like Me (New Directions) - Yes, the lyrics are terrible, but I love this arrangement of it
LoveFool (Opening Night) - Omg, another Rachel solo - this one is also hilarious
Season 6
Tightrope (Homecoming) - Jane can really sing, these new newbies bring it
Home (Homecoming) - I think it’s a super tight group number that doesn’t get mentioned often, but really works. 
Bitch (Hurt Locker 1) - There has never been a more perfect Sue song.  Not sure if it’s underrated? But wanted to point out that it’s notable. 
At Last (A Wedding) - really the best part of that ceremony 
The Final Countdown (Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester) - It’s nice that they included one last comedic performance
Listen to Your Heart (We Built This Glee Club) - I’m glad Rachel and Jesse got one last number together
Take Me to Church/Chandelier/Come Sail Away (We Built This Glee Club) - I think the New New Directions last competition set list was pretty good! 
So, uh, yeah - didn’t see it on here? I probably really loved it and everyone knows that or I don’t think it’s that great to be remember, lol 
What are your favorite underrated songs? 
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rogueninja · 4 years
Okay so we all know who your top ships are... who are your unpopular ships? Or obscure ships? What characters from what series do you think about often in either good or bad ways? Who is a character that you hate that others love? If you could rewrite a story or part of a book, what would it be and what would you do differently?
Ok I am digging through my brain right now bc if I’m not able to hyperfixate on something then I tend to forget I even liked it. Ok buckle in bc this is gonna be long af. YOU ASKED FOR THIS, REG.
I’m putting a readmore so as not to torture my followers lol
Thinking about Veronica Mars. About Veronica/Logan. Do they have a ship name?? But I love that show and i was THERE for them. They were kind of a surprise ship for me, in that when they got together I was like, wait, WHAT? Like I was totally caught off guard. But there first kiss is, like, sooo romantic to me haha. It’s my fave scene in the show. But Logan is suck a prick sometimes. And they break up like every five minutes. And every season Logan gets accused of murder which of course he ends up not being the murderer. And they get back together eventually and I’m like really? But deep down I am rooting for them lol. I really enjoyed the new season of Veronica Mars that came out last year, actually. The ending made me SO SAD THO.
I also used to watch Supergirl and I thought Kara and Mon-El were adorable. He was very Carswell Thorne-esque, RH, I *think* you would like him. I never watched past season 3(?) though, and he shoots off into space and I never caught up so a few months ago I actually googled what happens and [spoiler] he ends up marrying someone else in the future or something so I was like, ok I’m not investing any more time in this show lol. (Also I had to google Mon-El’s name just now bc i forgot which is a bad look BUT I WAS REALLY RIDE OR DIE FOR THEM FOR A WHILE lol). Also I loved Martian Manhunter in this show, he was my favorite character. But the CGI for him was awful, omg. He had practical makeup at first, they should have just stuck with that.
Speaking of Martian Manhunter, I also used to watch Young Justice and loved Miss Martian/Superboy. Am I basic??? lol oop. But I love basic love stories. Anyway, I thought they were super cute. In season 3 though they’re kind of on the rocks. I haven’t watched season 4. I also loved Artemis/Wally West, but of course that had to end tragically.
Also, let’s talk about Nightcrawler. Allow me to set the scene. Little Kat is 13 and just rediscovered the cartoon she saw a few times as a kid called X-Men: Evolution. And thus, a weird obsession with the German, blue demon boy began. I loved Kurt Wagner. In the cartoon he starts a relationship with Amanda Sefton and I thought they were a-dor-a-ble. She accepted him for who he was, and they had a really nice healthy relationship. A lot of ppl shipped him with Kitty too which i am honestly all for idec I JUST WANT THE BLUE BOI TO BE HAPPY.
Can we talk about A:TLA too??? Like, obviously Zutara, amiright? Power couple. Like, Kataang is.. fine, but its probably my least favorite part about the ending, haha. Also, consider: Tokka. Toph is bae and can get anyone she wants, and she clearly had kind of a crush on Sokka and I think they could have been awesome. It actually kills me that they never say who Lin and Suyin’s father is in LoK. I had a whole theory that it was that kid The Duke from Jet’s band based on like 2 scenes from the series. There’s a tumblr post I made about it somewhere in the ether lol.
I also just remembered Tahnorra (Tahno/Korra) from Legend of Korra. It’s hard for me to explain this one. It’s a weird combination of being hyperfixated on the first season of the show when it came out, and I think I stumbled upon some fic or something???? And I thought Tahno was hot or something??? And FUN FACT, he was voice by Rami Malek BEFORE HE WAS COOL. So like before Rami really got big I knew who he was. He also basically played the Avatar in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 and I thought that connection was hilarious. It was kind of a problematic crack pairing but there was one author in particular whom i follow to this day hoping she’ll update her Tahnorra fics…. *sigh*
Okay one last ship…. I used to be ride or die for Outlaw Queen in Once Upon a Time (aka Regina/Robin Hood). Like, before TLC, I had a personal tumblr renaissance for that ship alone. My only existing published fanfic is for that ship. Taylor Swift’s 1989 came out that year and I related every dang song to that ship. I loved Regina so much and I just wanted her to be happy. That show is a dumpster fire, though, and spat all over my hopes and dreams. *sigh*
Also, lightning round for obscure pairings I ship and/or never talk about:
Frank Castle/Karen Page (The Punisher) ok this one isnt that obscure but I never talk about it… but the pining, oh god the pining
Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (GoT) THEIR 5 SECONDS TOGETHER ARE THE ONLY WORTHY PART OF SEASON 8. everything after that never happened
I already listed Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye (FMAB) as a top pairing previously but I feel the need to mention it again bc it was for real my OG OTP… LIKE U WANNA TALK ABOUT PINING…. *sobs*
Percy/Annabeth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) This used to be my fave book series and i loved how their relationship developed over the course of the books
Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) ok can we TALK ABOUT THIS??? They were both badass misfits and they were perfect for each other. But noooo JKR has to announce they marry some nobodies…. this is the only change the last movie did right
Midna/Link (Zelda: Twilight Princess) I honestly have no explanation for this lol
Qui-gon Jinn and Shmi (Star Wars) CAN U IMAGINE if anakin had a proper father figure and didnt have to abandon his mother to slavery
Obi-wan/Satine…. (Star Wars: The clone Wars) we know whats up
OK, to answer some of your other questions: character I hate that others love. HMMMM…….
This one seems too easy/obvious but Professor Snape? Like obviously there’s already a ton of discourse surrounding this but he was gross, mistreated his students for years, committed atrocities, couldn’t get over his high school crush, and we’re supposed to believe he’s a hero in the end and HARRY WOULD NAME HIS SON AFTER HIM….. uh no. “Always” is gross.
I’ve literally been wracking my brain for days and I can’t think of any more characters for this. OK I did some googling and I remembered some LOL.
Ross from friends…. I literally can’t stand him. He’s so entitled and just the worst. He tries to act like he’s the nice, sensitive guy, but really he is so full of himself. Joey on the other hand is portrayed as a womanizer but is actually super sweet and I love him
Archie from Riverdale… I have only seen the first 1.5 seasons ish but he is the worst…. we’re supposed to believe he’s some easygoing musically gifted football player but instead he manages to pull off being bland as heck and actually kind of a terrible garbage person
Nick from chilling adventures of Sabrina. I hate characters that are like hitting on the main character even though she has a bf and are like dark and broody and sexy blah blah blah…. I liked Harvey way better. I never finished season 2 tho
Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time? Idk she was fine she just got old after a while
If you could rewrite a story or part of a book, what would it be and what would you do differently?
HM. First, Harry would name his son Remus Rebeus Potter LOL. Ok but real talk there was a headcanon floating around forever ago that Harry should have become a professor at Hogwarts instead of an auror and I am 100% on board
Ok, ok….. what abouuuttt…… OK, is star wars when Han and Leia get together. I like them as a couple, but the entire first half of the movie Han is being such an ass. And when they kiss the first time, he’s being SOOO creepy. It’s like so quintessentially 80s romance. and HERE’S THE THING. They actually filmed (or maybe just wrote?) a version of that scene that WASNT CREEPY. And i’m like WHY DIDNT YOU USE THAT?!? So I like to pretend that’s the version that actually happened.
This part is way harder than the shipping portion. If I think of anything else i’l dm you. I HOPE YOU ENJOY READING THIS NOVEL LENGTH POST OF ME RAMBLING ABOUT MY FIXATIONS OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS. If anyone actually read this far, you deserve a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket
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moonb-eam · 5 years
Ok I have a fic question if you’re willing to answer: what did Eliott say to Manon? I wanna know soooo bad!! (What Manon mentions in ch3 of sk8er boi 😅😅)
ahhhhhh omg this is so cute!! 🧡🧡 thank you for asking!!
okay, so i love this question so much that instead of just telling you, i wrote a little scene about it??? i hope it satisfies your curiosity!! 👀
(takes place ~ two weeks after ch. 3)
“Can I ask you something?”
Manon looks up at him from where she’s cutting Daphné’s birthday cake into perfect, even slices. She smiles. “Sure.”
“What did, uh…” Lucas runs a hand over the back of his neck, focusing his gaze on where the F in Bonne Fête has been sliced in half. “Remember when you told me you thought there was something going on between me and Eliott? Because of something he said?”
Manon pokes her tongue into her cheek. “Yeah, I remember.”
She looks like she’s trying not to laugh, and Lucas would normally rather chew tinfoil than give her the satisfaction of being right, but it’s something he’s been wondering about for weeks, and he’s desperate. He drops his head to the counter. “Ugh. Just, what did he say?”
Manon presses her knife back into the cake, cutting another even slice. “I don’t know, Lucas. Maybe it was said to me in confidence. Do you want to break your boyfriend’s trust?”
She outright laughs now, reaching her free hand over to ruffle Lucas’s hair. “I’m just kidding. I’ll tell you. Although, I should warn you it’s not going to be nearly as juicy as you’re thinking.”
Lucas turns his head to the side, freeing one eye to peer up at her.
“So,” she starts. voice low and warm, “this is months before you two started dating, but it was the sort of thing that just…made me pay attention, you know?”
Months before. The back of Lucas’s neck feels hot. “Okay.”
“It was—well, do you remember that week of classes you missed?”
Lucas does. It was a week at the end of May, when Lucas’s mom had a bad episode, and his dad had called him from Monte Carlo, asking is Lucas could check in on her because he was too busy. Lucas had already been having a stressful month, too preoccupied with his assignments, with the stress of trying to pay rent, with whatever the fuck was going with his heart whenever Eliott Demuary was in the room. He’d become so anxious that he was barely sleeping, and when he went to go see his mom, and saw how poorly she was doing, he went pretty well over the edge. So, he took a week off. He slept for an entire day and spent hours with his mom at the clinic, and got his homework assignments from Yann. It had been a rough time for him, a breaking point from building stress, but it had also been, as the school counsellor says, an important step in him confronting stressors in his life, and healing.
All he says is, “Yeah, I remember.”
“Eliott asked me about it.”
Lucas snaps his head up. “What?”
“Yeah. I ran into him that day when I was leaving school. He was going to the skatepark or whatever, I don’t know.”
Lucas smiles without realizing it, fond.
“I go over to say hi to him, and we’re chatting about classes and whatnot when out of the blue, he asks me, ‘Where’s Lucas?’” She laughs, her imitation of Eliott’s voice exaggeratedly deep and seductive. “I was a bit confused, so I didn’t say anything, and he kept going. He said, ‘He just hasn’t been around this week, and I was wondering if he’s okay.’ And I think that’s nice, so I say, ‘He’s okay, he’s just dealing with some family stuff.’ That’s when he gets kind of shy, you know? And he says, ‘Does he need anything? Can I bring him something?’”
Lucas blinks at her.
“And I’m still kind of confused, but,” she raises an eyebrow at Lucas, “I think I’m starting to get it, so I tell him that he’s sweet, but he doesn’t have to do anything, that we’re all helping you. Because I think you would have lost your shit if I sent Eliott to go check on you.”
Lucas is sure he would have had a coronary, if in the middle of all of that, Eliott Demaury had shown up at his doorstep with a can of soup, or something.
“That was probably a good call,” he tells her.
Manon grins. “I thought so too.” She picks up a stack of paper plates and serves out slices of cake, passing them to Lucas to set aside on the table. “But this is the real thing that made me think. After I tell him that, he seems happy, but before I leave, he says, ‘It seems like Lucas is always taking care of others, doesn’t it? I want to know that someone is taking care of him.’”
And Lucas. He freezes, holding onto a paper plate with a Princess and the Frog design on it, pink icing smeared onto his thumb. “He—” He pauses, swallows. “He said that?”
“Mhm.” Manon takes the plate from him and walks it to the table. “It was the way he said it, too, like he never believed anything in his life more, but he was also so nervous. It was like, just speaking your name, that made him shy. Lucas, from that alone…” She shrugs, rips open a box of plastic forks. “I knew he liked you. Or more than that, I knew he cared about you. At first I thought it was more than you cared about him, but then I saw the way you looked at him. And Emma and Yann started a bet on how long it would take you to bring him up in conversation.”
Lucas makes an undignified sound, a hand coming up to his chest. “They what?”
“You’re not subtle, Lucas. But really, neither is Eliott. You two are made for each other.” Manon turns to face him, holding two plates in her hands. “So, there you go. Now you know what he said.”
Lucas nods. His face is burning, and he’s biting down on the inside of his cheek. “Yeah. Thank you.”
Manon nods, and swans out of the room.
Lucas stays in the kitchen for a while alone, leaning back against the kitchen counter and staring at the wall across the room. He thinks about that week back in May, when everything had been too much for him, and all he wanted was for someone to hold him and say, Lucas, it’s going to be okay.
He hadn’t known that Eliott wanted to be that person the entire time.
I want to know that someone is taking care of him.
He pushes away from the counter, wheeling out of the kitchen and into the throng of people in the hall, some dancing to a remix of a Dolly Parton song, some drinking on the sofa, some standing by the bar, but where is he, where is—
He’s near the stairs, talking to Arthur and drinking a can of Cherry Coke, listening to a story intently, one that involves a lot of hand gestures from Arthur, and is resulting in Eliott laughing so hard his eyes crinkle into little half-moons.
Lucas marches up behind him, making a face at Arthur when they lock eyes, but not stopping until he’s close enough to touch Eliott, close enough to wrap his arms around him from behind, burying his face between Eliott’s shoulder blades.
Eliott startles, then melts back against Lucas, running a hand over his arms. “Hi,” Eliott says, and his voice sounds like the most comfortable bed Lucas has ever slept in.
“Hi,” Lucas mumbles into his back. He kisses him though his t-shirt. “Hi.” He repeats, and kisses him again.
Eliott laughs, craning his neck back. “What’s going on?” When Lucas still doesn’t move, his voice becomes tinged with concern. “Are you okay?”
I want to know that someone is taking care of him.
“M’fine,” Lucas says, smushed into Eliott’s back. “I love you.”
Neither of them have said it yet, both tiptoeing across a tightrope wire of do you? i do for weeks. Or at least, Lucas has. He hopes Eliott has too, but even if he doesn’t. Lucas just wants him to know.
“Oh.” Eliott whispers, stilling.
Lucas peaks over his back and sees that Arthur has subtly ditched them for the dance floor, where he’s now grinding back against Yann to Jolene.
Then Eliott is turning in the circle of his arms, and Lucas’s vision is filled with nothing but Eliott: Eliott’s broad shoulders, his narrow waist, his green t-shirt, soft under Lucas’s hands, his beaming smile, his wide, grey eyes.
“Lucas,” Eliott says, and he’s leaning down, pulling Lucas into a searing kiss that makes Lucas’s head spin, makes his knees feel like the melted icing of Daphné’s cake. “Lucas,” Eliott repeats, pulling back. “I love you too, fuck, I love you. Oh my god.” They kiss again, but Eliott is babbling into it, and their teeth clack together. “Lucas, oh my god, I’ve wanted to say that for so long, but I wasn’t sure you did too, and I didn’t want to—”
“I know.” Lucas interrupts him, smiling so wide his face hurts. “I was scared to tell you too, but I...I love you. So much.”
Eliott laughs, pressing their foreheads together. “God. Why are we like this?”
“You know, Manon says we’re made for each other.”
“Does she?”
Lucas nods, tilting his head back so he can see Eliott’s eyes. “She told me something else, too.”
And it’s only a second, but he can see a tightening around Eliott’s eyes, like he’s nervous all over again. “What did she tell you?”
“Something you said, a while ago. It’s okay, I just…” Lucas holds Eliott’s face in his hands, stands on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”
Eliott exhales against him. “For what?”
“For taking care of me.”
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konako · 4 years
Hallo, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever. Do you want to cry and scream a bit? Because, well, you made me think of all the Red ships all at once. Including the minor ones like Red Swan. And then I had to think about a world where they all happened.
And it’s funny how depending on the genre you’re in, the same situation can be so wildly different. Because at first I giggled, since I thought about it as a comedy. Like when Snow has calmed down that Ruby had sex with Emma, she’s also “well, I mean, if my daughter has to have sex with someone… at least I know it’s someone who… well, can take care of her…. like *that* and makes sure it is actually pretty damn fun”. And they compare notes and omg Red is so good at finding all their weak spots. It’s not like she has this playbook she uses on all of them, oh no, every seduction is personalized. Damn, that’s sexy.
But what if this is actually the greatest tragedy of Red’s life?! Hm? HMMM??? Wanna think about that?!
Because Red’s first kiss is with Peter. And she has all these fantasies about the one true love and running away with him and building a life and finding happiness. Because True Love and Happiness are THE biggest trademarks in the Enchanted Forest.
Yep, well, so that didn’t happen. She eats him. Oops. At least she is running away from home. But with Snow. Whom she crushes on. HARD. And there are nights they snuggle up. And okay, some kisses and all. Wow, even more. Guess this is the sinful lifestyle Granny talked about. She didn’t mention that this was fun! They never define what they have, but it makes them feel good.
But it ends when Charming enters the picture. Red isn’t actually jealous or truly hurt. It stings a bit having her life changed, but there is war and she is here for Snow. And her shot at happiness is something to fight for. (Red’s is dead, right?)
Then they are cursed and Ruby’s existence revolves around everybody calling her a slut - including Granny - because, yeah, okay, her clothes are provocative, she likes her boobs and cleavage and heavy make-up and flirting and all the attention. But there is never a relationship or anything. Ruby wants to leave town one day to find that. There is nobody really interesting enough for her here.
And when the curse does break, wow, what whiplash. Her style changes a bit. Dark, heavy, layers, more covered up, but not hiding all her curves. And she has to get used to the wolf all over, but omg isn’t Belle the sweetest darling? Who herself is trying to get over a bad relationship. Gold… pffffffff….. so Ruby and Belle get very close. It’s nice. Awkward dates in the library they keep calling “just hanging out”. The first tentative kiss while walking through the park at night, because there’s a meteor shower. And Ruby wishes to freeze this frame.
But wow, who could’ve known, Gold does change. He does noble shit, sacrificing his power. And Belle is so happy for him. What could Ruby do except to push Belle towards the happy ending the fairy tales promised her. When her beast can be free. Because surely she wasn’t the right beast, her curse is permanent, no kiss can take the wolf away (not that she really wants to).
Red’s shot at her happy ending is dead. There is no one true love. There’s only the distant memory of a very random hook-up she had with Emma during the curse and now they never speak about that, because it would be too awkward if Snow knew. Yet, such a random hook-up might help her get over losing Belle. (She was never hers anyway, it was spelt out from the start, right?)
And that is how she finds herself nursing a drink on the porch of the B&B, when Regina walks by. She is upset after an argument with the Charmings and tries to walk it off, instead of just poofing back home. A bit afraid she might crash her car. Ruby catcalls her and an empty bottle of scotch and an hour later they have raw hate sex upstairs.
Regina understands. Fuck, this whole thing started because Daniel died. Regina’s big true love died and everybody had to pay the price. Ruby feels pity, because Regina didn’t have those blissful years of forgetting it all. So she gives her a few moments of shutting her brain off due to orgasms. It’s such an unhealthy coping mechanism.
So they break it off, because they both get a bit too lost in this. Too much pain and misery and using each other. And Regina is trying to be better. To be part of a family. Ruby can’t keep calling in the middle of the night, climbing through Regina’s window and fucking her unconscious.
There is no place for Ruby to go. Whatever she has lost, it isn’t here. And she says tearful goodbyes without any kisses and months later Mulan rescues her. Oh Mulan, that beautiful hurt soul. Ruby talks herself into needing a wolf pack and she brings Mulan along, because that girl needs a purpose just as much.
It’s not as tragic as it is with Regina, because nobody died. But the night when Mulan finally confesses that her heart broke because of Aurora, Ruby holds her for hours and lets her cry. Mulan carries this weird sense of shame and Ruby could never be more tender than she is when she spoons up behind Mulan, gently stroking her arms, her stomache, just showing that human touch can be so wonderful. And never before has she so directly asked permission to kiss someone. And it’s amazing when Mulan says yes.
But there is this problem. What even are they doing? They haven’t found werewolves. Nowhere close to a lead. Mulan has her own home that she has been avoiding for so long. The land they are currently in is foreign to them both. They long for a place to settle, but both are incapable of forming roots. They just don’t know how and they are alone out here, even if they are together. It’s so scary. Mulan seemed a bit happier in Dun'broch, Merida might have a place. Ruby is still too mad at the witch to follow.
Red killed Peter. And in fairy tales there is only one true love. She never had a chance… right?
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saltlamp · 4 years
what are some book recs? I want to read a new series 🤩
thanks for asking!! 🙈 get ready for some basic recs and hopefully recs you haven’t heard before! gets less basic and more pretentious (?) as u go down, i think,,, also sorry this took me so long to post! i’m the worst, bless you for putting up with me. the list and my descriptions are under the cut!
1. The Shatter Me series is pretty good so far. It’s a YA series that has eight books, and it’s completed, but I’ve only read the first three. So far, it has a lovelyyy enemies to lovers romance that is very reminiscent of ships like captain swan (and reylo, just for you, kat. there’s a scene in the second book that reminds me so much of the throne room scene where rey is debating joining kylo ren). It’s about a girl whose touch is lethal and her growing into her power and doing some badass stuff. She’s a little annoying because she’s horny the entire time but all in all, I’d highly recommend it, especially considering your tastes!
2. I always always always have to recommend the Six of Crows duology, if you haven’t read it yet. It’s objectively the best ya series around and is a sequel series to the Shadow and Bone trilogy, but reading that first isn’t necessary. It’s about a heist and the group of six criminal teens who try to pull it off, and the found family trope is strong with this one. I would die for every single character, and the plot is twisty and so so good!! The romances are all perfectly angsty, too.
3. Another ya classic is The Raven Cycle series and its spinoff, The Dreamer Trilogy (which only has one book so far). It’s extremely difficult to describe but the found family is good here too. It’s about a group of friends in Virginia who are looking for a dead Welsh king. There’s lots of supernatural things and dreams and psychics and dead people who are alive and alive people who are dead. It’s so odd but so endearing and unique and reading it makes me so nostalgic for some reason.
4. Onto non-ya but still basic! The Goldfinch is one of those books that you read because everyone says you should and then suddenly you’re crying over the last 20 pages and overthinking the meaning of life. It’s a coming of age story about a boy who steals a painting after his mom dies in a museum bombing and deals with the guilt and repercussions of this theft for the next decade or two. It can be a bit problematic (as I find with Donna Tartt novels) but it’s mostly good.
5. The Great Gatsby is a good one, especially if you (like myself) had to read it in middle/high school and didn’t actually read it. And then you go back and read it and realize it was actually really good! Basically: guy simps for girl, his neighbor narrates the whole thing, and there’s death and a roaring 20’s aesthetic and ~ s y m b o l i s m ~
6. The Inkworld Trilogy (starting with Inkheart) is a childhood favorite of mine and I just remembered by looking at my bookshelf omg. It’s about a girl and her dad who can read themselves and other things in and out of books, and there’s a specific obsession with this book called Inkheart. Super unique and lovely aesthetics and nostalgia, especially if you grew up reading books! It is middle grade, though (or at most early YA). Speaking of middle grade, if you haven’t read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, you must.
7. Till We Have Faces by the guy who wrote Narnia is a retelling of the myth of Eros and Psyche through the eyes of the oldest sister who is so ugly she has to cover her face with a veil (or so she’s convinced). Her ‘ugliness’ is a big plot point, contrasted against Psyche’s beauty. She loves her sister more than her own life and is convinced that the beast who takes her in is actually evil. But who’s the real villain of the story? Who’s the real hero? Hmm... It’s such an interesting take on the myth and no one ever talks about this book!!!!! The last two chapters are a trip, but CS Lewis considered it his best work (and I agree!)
8. Any and every Shakespeare play. Specifically Much Ado About Nothing, it’s an easy read and has the funniest plot: Two exes ‘hate’ each other and people are tired of them fighting so they set them up. Side plot where girl’s cousin has to fake her death to defend her honor. I’m a shameless Shakespeare nerd. Ignore this one if u want lol, or watch the Emma Thompson movie!
9. If you actually are a Shakespeare nerd, I’d recommend the dark academia murder mystery novel If We Were Villains. It’s about a tight-knit group of seven pretentious young actors in their final year studying at an acting conservatory. This year, the casting list for a particular performance is different than usual, and it causes drama between the characters and eventually leads to one of them being murdered. It uses themes and plots from Shakespeare plays such as Julius Caesar, King Lear, and more, and there are scenes where characters’ actions off-stage match or contrast their actions on-stage, and it’s super cool if you’re a NERD like me.
10. Red White and Royal Blue is like every rom-com you’ve ever watched with every cute (fanfic) trope you could think of! What if the first son of the United States hated (read: was secretly in love with) the Prince of Wales? They’re rivals until they bond over Star Wars (there’s more than that, but, mood). They are so dramatic and the writing is wonderful. Covers absolutely everything I could ever want from a story, honestly. It has the best cast of side characters, too! 
11. The All for the Game trilogy is no easy read, it’s very gritty and I’d recommend reading the list of trigger warnings before opening the books. But, if you’re up for it, it’s a good story involving a fake sport and a bunch of college students from rough backgrounds who play said fake sport and eventually bond over trauma and such. Also, it’s set in my state with an orange paw-themed sports team... hmmm familiar
12. It was at this point that I wondered if I should recommend the Shadow and Bone trilogy. It’s getting a Netflix series this year (!!) and it’s the series before Six of Crows, mentioned earlier, but it’s not as good. Many people complain about the ending (even though I liked it) and Leigh Bardugo’s definitely found her style since writing these. Also, the character development is lacking. That being said! It’s a good introduction into the Grishaverse and it helps you get a feel for the magic system and all that. It’s not a terrible series, it’s just cliche and Alina makes me want to rip my hair out :))
13. Classics promo ok... if you haven’t read all those (specifically greek) classics that were on the english syllabus that were ignored or sparknotes’d, now’s the time to read them to enjoy them! My personal favorite is The Iliad.
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laschatzi · 5 years
oh, man, the fav fic thing is so damn hard. like I still remember how happy and melty Blown Fuses made me but I also love Never Hurst so much. AND you write some of the best Hook/Snow and I adore A Teaspoonful of Love. BUT The Past and All Its Scars has got to by my favourite because it was just so. damn. needed and it's so emotional and real and just, ugh, I love it so much. You need to write some more fix-it fics, woman!
OMG my fanfic soulmate, you are the best??? Thank you so much for mentioning all these, and because some of them are old and there are newbies in the fandom, I’ll shamelessly include all the links and make this a self-promo post.
Blown Fuses Modern AU in 2 parts: Emma Swan and her son Henry are on holidays in a secluded beach house at Cape Cod, away from people, just like she loves. Unfortunately, there are other beach houses for rent, too, and Henry has taken a liking to their temporary neighbor.
Never Hurts Modern AU in 3 parts, based on a prompt: We are coworkers who hate each other, but on the staff Christmas party you drunkenly confessed your feelings for me, and now I don’t know how to act around you (except, Killian knows exactly how to act). This is also a Christmas fic.
And a Teaspoonful of Love The first Christmas Day dinner at Emma’s and Killian’s new house, and Killian and Snow get into a fight over the perfect recipe for Christmas Pudding. Will this end well?
The Past and All Its Scars After his return from Neverland, Killian finds that Emma has already packed away his belongings, and he’s upset. So much for always believing the best in him. A post 6x17 fix-it fic.
Tell me which one of my stories is your fave?
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