#for which I am the trashiest of trash
alexandraisyes · 2 months
Glamrock Fronnie (Glam freddy x bonnie): They are absolutely couple goals fr fr I always love the idea that they have a son(gregory) and doing their best to raise him. Glam Bonnie often gets himself into the most dumbest of situations and freddy just sighs while he replaces the # of days Bonnie has stayed out of trouble.
Hipporville (mr.hippo x orville): Mr.hippo loves to rants about so many things and orville just listens to all of it. They also have great communication skills even if Mr.hippo does most of the talking. Mr.Hippo especially loves to talk about orville to others whenever he can. They both love to travel and trying out new things.
Glittergolf (sun x monty): This is the first one where I actually thought "You know, What if these two kissed?" I will forever cherish this ship, tsams will never ruin it for me (I'll never ship those two in tsams) These two are just fucking chaos when they're together! They always hype each other up on anything except for competitions. They both would be so fucking competitive where they get so obsessed on winning that they insult/sabotage each other during games and if one them looses they get really salty (but they always make up after). I also like to have the dca as two separate beings so moon is usually just exploring the pizzaplex making friends meanwhile Glittergolf make out.
Also I wanna say that you are a really amazing and chill person! You absolutely make me feel more comfortable in this silly little fandom. I have scopophobia, it often makes it hard for me to have convo with others despite me sometimes wanting to, which is shitty but it is what it is. So I'm really thankful that you are able to make a safe space despite the assholes.
Also I wish you the best on fixing your sleep schedule, you silly trash goblin!
Hi Otter anon!
I love Fronnie they are THE husbands. They 100% adopt Gregory (after Bonnie gets fixed) and I love to think that Bonnie has phantom pains and Freddy massages them away. And yeah, Bonnie is forever in situations (tm).
THEY'RE SO CUTE! You're the second person to talk to me about them and I approve so hard they're the married old couple that's lived their whole lives together.
Most of my ships start with "What if they kissed" so I get that. (Or rather, what if they held hands, and it escalates from there). I bet Moon teases Sun about it 24/7. "The gator? The bar really isn't set high with you, is it Sunny?" (But in a playful way).
Ajdfklja;fsd thank youuu 🥺🥺🥺 I know that it has just been THE WEEK for this fucking fandom when it comes to discourse I'm somehow involved in and I don't know how many times I'm gonna apologize for even giving them a second glance, nonetheless INTERACTING with it. Holy fuck hindsight is 20/20 and I really wish I had just let them be angry in silence.
Also, I did fix my sleep schedule. And I am the trashiest of goblins, it's true.
Ask Game - Send Me FNAF/DCA/TSBS Ship Headcanons
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justicerikai · 5 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #96 Bravery
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
Labor Thanksgiving Day is an annual public holiday in Japan. More on our beloved source Wikipedia. 
The five of them: !?
(Iori and Rikai grappling on the floor)
Terra: What’s going on!?
Sarukawa: Oooh! Io’s riding Rikai like a horse!
The five of them: Hold it, wait, what is it…!?
(They tear off Iori & Rikai from each other)
Ohse: What’s the matter? Rikai-san
Rikai: Nothing is the matter. I simply am doing what I think is correct.
The five of them: ?
Rikai: Ahem. 
Rikai: Everyone! Today is the 23rd of November, which means it’s…?
Rikai: That’s right! Labor Thanksgiving Day!
Rikai: Therefore we all bundle up our feelings of gratitude for Iori-san, who is always devoting himself to housework. 
Rikai: And then spend the whole day individually taking care of all our own affairs regarding all housework such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry!
The four of them: Eeeeh~ No way~~~~ I dun’ wanna~
Fumiya: Just let the slave take care of it
Rikai: No! Everyone does it themselves!
Iori: Rikai-kun I said it’s fine. I am a slave FYI, all I have to do is obey to everyone’s demands
Rikai: Then please allow me to make my own.
Rikai: We will take care of all the housework, so rest easy today, Iori-san
Iori: ….!
Rikai: Okay, let’s do these chores!
(Everyone grumbling as they disperse)
Everyone: Eeeh~ C’mon~ Geez~
(Iori franctically squirming)
Iori: ….!!! ……….!!!!!!!!!
(Fumiya being clueless about the washing machine)
Fumiya: Hmm~... This is…. Was that wrong, huh~?
Terra: Outta my way, Terra-kun’s gonna do laundry
Fumiya: Hey, don’t cut the line
Terra: I’m not, Terra-kun gets priority no matter where he goes.
(Two of them pushing each other with their behinds) 
Fumiya & Terra: ….!!! ….!!!!
Terra: Enough!
Fumiya: ….
Terra: What are you doing?
Fumiya: …. 
Terra: Hmn?
Terra: Oh-hoh~? Don’t tell me Ito Fumiya doesn’t know how to use a washing machine?
Fumiya: !
Terra: Wow~ So lame~ So embarrassing~ Someone’s still an anklebiter, pupupu~
Fumiya: Shuddup, do you know then or what
Terra: Nope
Fumiya: What’s wrong with you
Sarukawa: The hell you two doin’, yer both slow, lemme do the laundry
(Sarukawa making a mess, Fumiya and Terra hurrying to stop him)
Fumiya & Terra: Stop Saru, cut it out, what are you doing!? Hey! Stop!!!
Rikai: Don’t fight! Cease at once!!
Iori: Get out!! I’ll do it!! Leave it be!!! It’s more trouble than it’s worth!!!
(Water spouting out)
(Amahiko scrubbing the bathtub with a smile)
Amahiko: (scrub scrub scrub scrub).... (scrub scrub scrub scrub)....
Amahiko: (scrub scrub scrub scrub).... (scrub scrub scrub scrub)....
Amahiko: (scrub scrub scrub scrub).... (scrub scrub scrub scrub)....
Rikai: I’m collecting all the trash~ Separate everything properly~
Rikai: ?
Rikai: Hey! Who did this! Leaving behind a trash bag in this kind of place!
Rikai: Geez~ Put in the effort to throw it out~
Rikai: …..?
(Ohse’s face peeking out of the bag)
Ohse: Rikai-san
Rikai: WAH! O-O-O-Ohse-kun!? What are you doing!!
Ohse: Cleaning
Rikai: Why did you get in the trash bag though!
Ohse: This shitty sore loser is the trashiest of all trash.
Rikai: Wha-!?
Ohse: Please throw me out, Rikai-san
Rikai: No no no
(Ohse clinging to Rikai’s legs)
Ohse: Please heed my call! Such a piece of shit isn’t needed!
Rikai: Let go, Ohse-kun…! Your trousers are slipping off…! Ohse-kun, let go!!
(Ohse breaking free)
Ohse: Ah
Ohse: Where was the garbage dump again
Rikai: Don’t go, Ohse-kun! No! You can’t ! Ohse-kun! Stay here!
Ohse: Please let go off me
(Sarukawa wielding the vacuum cleaner)
Sarukawa: Woooooo~
Terra: KYAAA-!!
(Fumiya chasing after him for some reason)
Fumiya: Hahahaha
Rikai: !? What are you doing Saru!
Sarukawa: Cleaning, cleaning! Ahaha!
(Rikai getting swept up)
Rikai: Dwoaugh!! Aaaaah, aaaah!!
Ohse: Ah, perfect timing! Sarukawa-san suck me up too! This piece of filth!
(Everyone scattering trash around)
Iori: AAAAHHH!!!
Iori: I’ll clean up!!! You’re all making more of a mess!!!!
Iori: GYAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Amahiko scrubbing the bathtub with a smile)
Amahiko: (scrub scrub scrub scrub).... (scrub scrub scrub scrub)....
(Amahiko slips)
Amahiko: Oh, close call. “Even monkeys fall from trees” “Even the Minister of Sexy Affairs slips on the bathroom tiles.”
Amahiko: Juuust kidding.
(Amahiko scrubbing the bathtub with a smile)
Amahiko: (scrub scrub scrub scrub).... (scrub scrub scrub scrub)....
(Ohse restlessly moving around)
Ohse: (shuffle shuffle)...
(Ohse opens the fridge)
Terra: Ghost-kun
Ohse: Aaaah!!
Terra: You’re hungry, aren’t you~
Ohse: S-sorry
Terra: Wonder if we have anything
Ohse: There’s one piece of tart left
Terra: Tart? That’s probably mine, I’ll eat it~
Sarukawa: Oi! That’s mine!
Terra: Hah? Terra-kun hasn’t eaten any yet though
Sarukawa: I haven’t eaten one either
Ohse: Ah!
Terra & Sarukawa: !?
(Fumiya chewing)
Ohse: Fumiya-san, how many have you had by now
Fumiya: …
Fumiya: Three 
Terra & Sarukawa: WHAAA--!?
Fumiya: What, I’m not allowed to eat three pieces? Why?
Terra & Sarukawa: OBVIOUSLY YOU CAN’T!
Fumiya: Oh, there’s one more, lucky~
(Ohse hitting Fumiya with his hands)
Ohse: Chop! Chop chop!
The three of them: Chop chop chop chop!
Fumiya: Ow, ouch
Rikai: HEY~! Stop fighting! Violence is bad! Ohse-kun you too! I said to stop!
Iori: I’ll make more!! It won’t take too long!!!
(The stove bursting out in flames)
(Rikai taking Amahiko away)
Rikai: There’s other things to do…! Amahiko-san!
Amahiko: I refuse, I don’t want to do anything besides cleaning the bathtub. 
(Amahiko being pulled by Rikai)
Amahiko: No, no! I wanna clean the bathtub!
Amahiko: The bathtub! Clean the tub!
 (Amahiko being teared off)
Amahiko: NOOOOO!!!
(The five of them throwing all the laundry)
Rikai: HEY! STOP IT!!
Iori: After I finally washed it too!! Enough!! I’ll do it!!
(Clothesline toppling over)
(More noises of violence and destruction)
(The living room being in complete shambles)
(Iori clutching his headà
Iori: Aaaa….!! aaaaahghjjhf… !!!
Rikai: What do you think you’re all doing! How do you plan on dealing with causing Iori-san more trouble than it’s worth!
Rikai: Okay, do it all over from the beginning!
Iori: Haaah~!?
Rikai: I can’t believe it, geez~
Iori: Wait, Rikai-kun! It’s seriously fine!!!
Rikai: Iori-san, by all rights housework is something everyone ought to do.
Rikai: And despite that we depend on you to the point everyone has become incapable of lifting a finger.
Iori: No that’s not it! Although Rikai-kun might be right here! 
Rikai: …? Of course I am, what would I be if not?
Iori: Nothing went well!? Don’t you realize I’m the one that keeps things going smoothly here!
Iori: I’m sorry but YOU’RE the one that’s the biggest nuisance here!
Rikai: EEEH!?
Rikai: ….! Eh, I am….???
(Everyone on the floor dying from hunger)
Sarukawa: Io, food…
Terra: I’m starving…
Fumiya: Gonna die…
Iori: That’s right, what should I make
Sarukawa: Fried rice…
Iori: Okay!
Terra: Pizza…
Amahiko: Fried oysters…
Iori: Leave it to me!
Ohse: Sorry, anything is fine
Fumiya: Custard pudding….
Iori: Roger wilco! I’ll make it at once! Hold on a little longer!
(Iori making food at an amazing speed)
The five of them: Woah! Thanks! You saved me! Amazing! What a slave!
Rikai: ….
(Rikai down in the dumps)
Rikai: …..
(Sound of knocking on the door)
Rikai: Yes?
(Door opens)
Rikai: Tora-san? You’re still…
(Torahime clapping)
Torahime: Man~ Well done Rikai-san, you were amazing.
Rikai: …Eh?
Torahime: No matter how much you think you’re in the right, it’s not something you can normally say to others in their face.
Torahime: I believe that kind of bravery is magnificent
(Rikai looking a little happy)
Rikai: …Not at all
Torahime: Ah, that’s right. I did as you said and properly talked to my girlfriend.
Rikai: Oh, really now!
Torahime: Everything went well.
Torahime: It’s thanks to you teaching me all about what is the right thing to do, you have my gratitude.
Rikai: No, no, don’t mention it! Either way I am glad, I wish nothing but the best for both of you!
Torahime & Rikai: Ahahaha… ahaha…!
(Torahime talking with Nakagami on the phone)
Torahime: (Sensei, there’s one person we might win over to our side.)
Rikai: Okaaay, let’s do our best! Righteousness is glorious!
Rikai: Rikai-oniisan won’t back down!
Torahime: (It’s Kusanagi Rikai)
Torahime: (...Heheheh)
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welllpthisishappening · 11 months
I’m going through a “reading all the CS fics I can” phase and I JUST remembered you’re ao3 account and when I tell you that you are THE BEST. like you are unmatched and I don’t think I have come across an author I love more. You’re fics are so magical and Iove how you characterize Emma especially. I just started Out Of The Frying Pan and it’s so cute!!
Anyway, I just think I just wanted to ramble about how you’re the best. Also I saw that you wrote a Bridgerton fic and was wondering If you’d ever write in that fandom again? (no pressure to actually write more bridgerton btw!! I was just curious<3 )
anon, i showed this message to my husband. that's how nice it was. and also partially why it's taken so long to answer. the other reason (and the answer itself, really) is that... i would love to write more bridgerton. or... anything. ever. i live in want of the time and/or desire to finish that ouat time travel/pirate/soulmate fic i was writing and posted the first chapter of and then just stopped. same for the bellarke big bang i just never posted. and, like, all those blue line stories. there are so many blue line stories, anon.
the (mostly) short story, my dear anon, is that a little over a year ago, we made our second multi-state move in the last three years and then, about, four months ago i moved into a much bigger, time-consuming role at my job that we moved all those states for. which leaves me here: working a sometime 9-5 but also a job that revolves around sports, which happen on nights and weekends and traveling sometimes and i absolutely love it, but i also am very tired, like, all the time now, and really my only creative ability when i'm not getting paid to be creative is to read the absolutely trashiest trash i can find on kindle unlimited.
so, for now — the answer is probably no. but it warms the cockles of my very soul that people are still reading the words i shoved at the internet and enjoying them and sending very nice messages.
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olivieblake · 7 years
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New Post:
Chapter 12: Real AF [ AO3 ] | [ ff.net ]
"It's 'rude'?" Draco echoed, scoffing. "Granger, we're fucking spies. I don't chat about the weather before I kill someone - "
"Shh," Hermione warned, glaring at him. "I just don't feel good about it, that's all."
"Well, marvelous," Draco said, as music and laughter continuously carried from the ballroom downstairs. "But we don't have much time, so save your crisis of confidence until after we're done, would you?"
"I just don't know if there's much logic in this," she pressed nervously. "Just because her family clearly has money and influence doesn't inherently make them more likely to be involved, does it? I mean, your family's rich and old, and--"
Draco spun on the stairs, whipping around to face her.
"Yes, they are," he agreed sharply, "and my father was the devoted follower of a villainous, amoral cult, and on a good day, I'm just an assassin."
Hermione sighed.
"Point taken," she permitted weakly.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
anti LO anon opinions:
(1) I don't know if anyone cares but LO has been released on Naver Webtoon, which is big since it's the first non-Korean work on the site. Problem is it's being ripped apart by the Korean readers. The ratings aren't great (i know 9.25 is still an A, but compared to other comics on there it's very low) and even the highest rated comments are ripping it apart as overtly sexual and crass, and how inaccurate it is and how creepy they find Hades and his actions. Also it's translated very badly too. Welp.
(2) If DashCon were held today LO would absolutely have a BDSM themed panel that should be 18+ but isn't with a grown man cosplayer who can't seal their bodypaint getting way too handsy with one of the underage "persies" and then one of the Hades cosplayers would repo the ballpit. Someone please tell me i'm wrong.
(3) It's very unlikely given how she made Aphrodite obsessed with Ares while he couldn't give two shits about her, but i'm so scared if Smythe ever finds out about Hermaphroditios. They're a very complex figure, especially in modern times that would be used to be a positive intersex, trans, or nonbinary figure, but judging by her handling of sex, sexuality, and gender in comic, it'd be way more likely she'd make them a stereotypical sex-obsessed freak who can't stop showing off their chest.
(4) I was looking through one of the oldLO Instagrams & you know how in the current run Persephone talks to Hades on the phone post-assault & her only concern is making him like her? In the original run there’s no assault & instead they spend hours talking about her passions & schoolwork, so they were actually shown building up a healthy bond & showing her intelligence instead of her wanting to impress him. It made me sad to see what was removed from what could have been a fresh take on Persephone.
(5) Unpopular opinion but LO Persephone's character is just so bland, plastic and barely even one-dimensional whose only traits are her curvy fertile figure and her crazy murder tendency. She is often either beloved or hated by those around her. She's supposed to be intelligent but lacks basic knowledge of how to use technology. And her anger tantrum of culling the village just made her seem like she has split personality and irredeemable as a character despite her being "the protagonist"
(6) Lore Olympus was one of the first webtoons I read because of the popularity and the art, but then as the story progresses it got really slow and unbearable. But Persephone is too bland and babyish whose only traits are her curviness and her Mary Sueness. Now I find Lore Olympus as one of the most trashiest webtoons ever, the story and plot are absolute garbages but yet I can't stop reading it and complaining about everything done terribly for it. 🤣
(7) I don't know if anyone cares, but you know the hairclip LO Hades gives Persephone that she's shown to care about because it's a gesture of love from him? Yeah in the latest episode she's pawning it off for money. What a great sign for the actual relationship lol
(8) I am really shocked that people argue that LO and punderworld are “accurate” and “faithful “ to Greek mythology and that they show the greek spirit perfectly. I am beginning yo hate anything greek myth related now because we get trash and people defend it no matter what.
(9) The fact Smythe calls LO "a deconstruction of myth" is ironically too real. There isn't even any form of myth left. Rather like a demolition site, it's just a pile of rubble now. Disney looks like an legit academic source in comparison.
(10) This isn't just an LO problem but why do so many of them imply it's a "forbidden romance" like only Demeter "disapproved" of it because no one gave her the heads up??? Surely if they asked for her okay on it she'd be fine with it??? No one else on Olympus was disapproving of it though??? They're not this grand epic romance and that's just the facts 😤 
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fullmetal-analysts · 4 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know/catch up with
Thanks for the tag, @greedfromfullmetalalchemist! a delight to drop in and see this in my notes ^_^
let it be noted: I’m a trash hamster running this blog for my three friends who do not know how to tumblr but whose podcast/liveblog of FMA is excellent and a thing I thought tumblr would enjoy—so, my opinions aren’t the official Fullmetal Analyst Podcast opinions :P
3 ships*: RoyAi so, I am personally deeply confused to find myself not just liking but thoroughly and actively shipping a het ship? like?? when and how and why??? (I will tell you why—because their story is beautiful and nuanced, the respect running so deep it turns into a bedrock of loyalty and trust, not unconditional but instead foundational, which will always be more meaningful to me.) and ohman, so FMA is the home of all my favorite Dynamics™ but not very many of my ships? apparently? So.... erm..... I do love Greedling, but I am very new to it and mostly just into it because Greed is my trashiest trash son and I want him to have love and happiness. hmmmmmm and maybe Envy/Greed?  I haven’t seen any content of them and idk what their ship name is/if they have one, but they are the two humunculi who actually seem to have pretty intense issues about their own identities, and I would be fascinated to see the backstory on their relationship over the centuries. they definitely seemed to have ~issues~ worth working out. for sure not as any sort of endgame, just like, yeah I would read fic of that.
*alternatively, 3 “oh I could watch these two on screen all fucking day and never get bored” dynamics are— Olivier + Mustang (they are!! so catty!!!! it is THE ACTUAL BEST!!!!!!!), Greed + Ling (I know I said I ship it, and yeah, probs, but mostly it’s just LOOK AT THEM SASS IT IS PURE GOLD), and okay, hear me out, but I fucking love Hohenheim + Father?  Like, either character, on their own, can go and eat an entire basketful of sharp rocks, but when they are together it is just two exasperated, tired gods bickering and that is the shit I live and breath for :P
Also obvious Ed + Al, but that goes without saying
Last song: Don’t Try So Hard - Queen
Last movie: Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) dir. Taika Waititi
Currently reading: Borne by Jeff Vandermeer and having Way Too Many Feelings about it ;-;
Currently watching: I’m showing my girlfriend Dirk Gently’s Hollistic Detective Agency, though as soon as that’s done I’m going to take her on her first ever watch of FMAB, keeping time with the podcast! mostly watching OSP and ExtraCredits on youtube outside of that, because New Content™ is hard on my brain atm xp
Currently consuming: frozen pizza was lunch/dinner, followed by some prosciutto and cantaloupe for dessert-ish
Currently craving: sangria, which me and a friend will be making tomorrow! ^_^
I tag @royai, @later-slayer, @borkthemork, @rizaisthesuperstar, @presumenothing, @humming-fly, @fma-facts, @chewytran, and @the-shrimp-alchemist
If you see this and you weren’t tagged, feel free to do it anyway!!
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slow-burn-sally · 4 years
1, 2, 5, 6, 19? :D
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it? @palavapeite also asked this one, so I’ll answer both here:
I have two WIPs going right now. One is my amnesia Good Omens fic, Forget Me Not, which has just been fun, because I get to write those boys meeting and falling in love with zero history. I am looking forward to the ways I’ll write them getting their memories back, and the flood of 6,000 years worth of shared experiences hitting them both at once. It’s been fun, but slow going. 
The other is a Childercelles modern day AU. Which is the trashiest of the trash, because that ship is utter trash to begin with, but now, it’s modern day, and it involves Lascelles sending Childermass a dick pic (thank you @shoreslip for that delicious prompt). So trash squared?? I adore writing for this ship because it allows me to play with all the kinky, nasty, ridiculous, over the top porn I can’t quite bring myself to write for johnsquared. Before I fell in love with Childermass/Lascelles, I’d never written hate sex before, and it allowed me to stretch those muscles. Now I am sort of addicted. I have this yen for those two, being horrible to each other while they rip each other’s clothes off. And a modern day AU means I’m free of trying to keep it period piece specific. It’s surprisingly joyful to use words like “wanker” and “mobile” and “auto mechanic”.
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
For Good Omens, an anon told me about a dream they had where I wrote an AMAZING late 90s rom com about Aziraphale running a shelter where washed up, ex rock star Crowley goes for rehab/AA/NA meetings. I adore the plot and absolutely plan to write it. I am assuming this is part of what nonny intended by telling me about it. 
For JSAMN, I am just looking forward to describing Lascelles’ penis in his dick pic to Childermass and Childermass’ reaction to it, because I am a sick fuck and love kinky things. 
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Haha! in JSAMN, embarrassingly, it’s Norrell. I have so many anxieties surrounding change. I hate travel. I don’t like new things. I am a bit of a traditionalist. I am a wet blanket. I don’t trust fairies and think we should be VERY CAREFUL when using or discussing fairy magic. I identify with Norrell to an upsetting degree. As I’ve often said IRL, I do not like fun. Many of my friends will tell you that I am fun. I have a great sense of humor and can be very charming and have lots of friends, but everything scares me, I’m lazy and I hate new experiences. 
Also Crowley. I strongly identify with him. I have far too many black clothes. I was raised by demons. I have a very wicked/dark sense of humor and I am in love with Aziraphale. 
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
All of them? Favorites might include Crowley, because he’s a walking pile of anxious limbs. And Segundus, because...you know...blushes. He’s so soft and nervous and sweet and squishy and I just AHHHHHHHHH. Sorry. Had a minor cinnamon roll attack there. 
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
Oh yeah. Definitely. You’ll see a lot of the words “heated” and “gleaming” and “bloom”. I want to do an exercise where I write a one shot and try to use all new words. I don’t want to get stuck using the same descriptors or describing the same actions the same ways. I am always so impressed by the ways certain writers find to say the simplest things in the most profoundly different ways. Something to work on. As for tropes, I love ALL OF THEM.
Thank you for the ask! These are probably the most fun I’ve run into for the asks things that have been going around. :)
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thefudge · 5 years
in your opinion, when it comes to "problematic" ships, what are the biggest differences between quality trash and bad trash? i know you've talked about why chuck/blair fails as a trash ship before but do you have any other qualifiers? i am studying the art of trash ships for my own writing rn and i'd love to hear your opinion since you're pretty much a connoisseur of sexy garbage ships lol
omg i feel pressured now lol but thank you! i hope this makes sense: 
for me, quality trash is introspective and self-aware. c/b doesn’t work for me because they never really LOOK at each other and understand what they are and why they behave the way they do. just saying “uwu we’re bad for each other” but “only you can love me as bad as i am” is NOTHING if you don’t really delve into it. in that sense, c/b is very tame no matter how “shocking” their shenanigans get because they’re not brave enough to examine what they have. they always go back to “family values” and “being there for my man” and “i believe in you chuck uwu”  like in some 50s dish soap ad. hell, the series ends with them blissfully married and popping out kids. that’s not to say happy endings by default are bad, but it rings hollow for them, cuz it means that all the “turmoil” when they were kids was just a “phase” and now they’re ready to join society like the ambitious aristo leeches they are expected to be. ANYWAY enough about those two (i know ppl still get lots of mileage out of them, and i don’t wanna fault them for it. like what you like. sometimes we just like some dynamics, and we can’t explain it, or rather we like what we would want to add to them. it’s fine.) 
so like i said, introspection and examination are key. but the second ingredient for me is challenging systems of power. really good trash isn’t about ppl challenging each other. i mean sure, that’s part of it. but the “bad” boy making the “good” girl uncomfortable about her limits and her preferences and her perfect princess life is not the point (i literally rolled my eyes writing that). the point is to make each other question the systems of power that surround them, systems which make them act the way they do. and not shame each other for still believing in fairy-tales or whatever. character A isn’t there to show character B how gritty the world is, it’s to show them why that world isn’t THE ONLY alternative. character A may unlock hidden darkness in character B and tell her/him to indulge or let go and live in that darkness for a while, but always ALWAYS there must be a bigger point. even if it’s indulging for indulgence’s sake, it must say something about the overarching mentality of that world (for example, how hedonistic desire is forbidden in a utilitarian world where you must only be useful and productive). even the darkest, trashiest ships must directly or indirectly challenge some assumptions about the status quo. this isn’t to say every such ship must be overtly political, far from it. sometimes trash is just trash, and you have lots of fun. but even the most basic trash, if good, will spark some kind of tiny revolution, even if it’s just about the freedom to have fun on your own non-normative terms.
and okay, trash doesn’t equal dark ships (sometimes it can). trash is also CAMP. and ppl tend to forget this. good trash can be ridiculously over the top and it can get away with it PRECISELY because it understands the world in which it operates and critiques it. you can be the dumbest trash ship alive and still strike a chord.  in fact, the campiest always do.
finally, the fourth ingredient is honesty. since you told me you want to write these kinds of dynamics, you have to try to be honest, sometimes painfully so. really good trash exposes every little weird thing about us as people. they can be gross and uncomfortable and just overwhelming emotionally, while also being very fun. your characters will have to strip (and hey, literally too if you want to) away some convictions at one point, will have to be naked (again, literally or not) to each other, really naked. i think this is what separates good trash from plain abusive and mediocre dynamics. i’ve read my fair share of fics where the author just wanted to subject the heroine to horrible behavior so that when the shitty dude stopped torturing her it felt extra special. and the premise of such a fic isn’t the problem, it’s the way you go about it. i don’t feel the author is being honest about what she really wants here, and the characters do not feel real either. the abusive behavior is the mindless aphrodisiac and not a springboard for something more vulnerable and real between the two characters. 
anyway, hope this gives u some food for thought! 
(as an aside, this is why i sort of fell out of love with reylo, cuz i was hoping it would manage to get at least one of these right but ehhh, i’m not so sure anymore…)
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andsmile · 5 years
what are your favorite gay ships in rvd?
welcome to my gay agenda!
kevin/moose are the only canon gay ship that i adore even with all the flaws. i feel like ras wants that so he put more effort into writing them and it’s the only kevin relationship that has been meaningful. i will wait until s9e23 when moose comes back from the war or whatever and marries kevin in the last second even if they don’t have any scenes leading up to this.
however, if these writers were braver and went kevin/reggie, BOOM! all the other ships would explode. imagine how iconic, how well written this storyline could’ve been, note that reggie never bullied kevin, how much it would bring to their characters. sighs BE BRAVE @riverdalewritersroom 
still on the very heavy reggie-is-bi!topic, i have a hard time shipping archie/reggie because i feel like they’re too in love with veronica to do anything without her, but in a threesome or ot3 with her, i’m in.
i do ship munroe/reggie too because i think it would be the non-stale version of archie realizing his two boyfriends now like each other more than they like him (kinda what happened with archie and bughead but that was sort of boring)
cheryl/veronica would be a DREAM COME TRUE, because this girls just light up around each other and veronica is the only person who cheryl couldn’t overpower and even though i am varchie or die at this point, i would like to see it, not in an endgame situation, but yes, yes, yes.
josie/valerie wecouldhavehaditall.mp3 but instead we got cheryl being a creeper and josie running for her life. listen, i was never a huge josie fan, but i adored valerie and i always felt like there was something between them.
sweet pea/fangs even though i tend to stay away from all things serpents i cannot deny that they were married and that sweet pea never loved anyone more.
betty/veronica i have a very specific headcanon for beronica, in which i would rewrite s1 so veronica kissing betty would make betty question her sexuality and she’d spend a long time thinking she was pining for archie when she was, in fact, pining for veronica. with that, it would open the way for a slight controversial ship that i kind of dig too, which is betty/toni. i can also see beronica as a forbidden romance in “another era”.
fred is bi and since i still haven’t accepted his death, i will forever ship him with whoever would make him happy.
edit: i forgot to add elio to the list of the gays and i would love to see him with kevin in some fun storyline.
that being said, i do not ship any of the following gay ships: choni (i just hate the way they’re written), kevin/fangs (eh), joavin (joaquin was the trashiest trash), lopaz (i just can’t see it as a ship) and it’s hard to me to ship archie with anyone but veronica, so that counts for bi!archie too, but i could see him living his best tinder life swiping boys and girls right.
anyway, just as a conclusion:
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veliseraptor · 6 years
sirjohnsmythe replied to your post: one reason I really need more people to read the...
Feel free to scream at me about the trashiest of trash ships.
OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY since you asked (though it’s got some steep competition in my ship arsenal for “trashiest” I must say)
so the thing is. let’s, uh, see if I can make this coherent.
They’re mirror images. There’s the obvious contrast in their physicality (emphasized again and again) is one thing, but there’s also the contrast in presentation. If Lymond deliberately obfuscates his motives and masks himself usually in ways that make people think the worst of him, but is specifically very clear about the fact that there are walls up, Gabriel’s mask is one of openness - he pretends to be transparent and straightforward. The reason that Gabriel’s mask works on so many people - other than straight up charisma - is that he doesn’t seem like he could lie, or would want to. He’s just An Honest Guy, whereas Lymond is very much Nobody Knows Me or My Motives and You Won’t If You Try. 
In general Gabriel presents a much brighter face - the man of the faithful, the beautiful, glorious, and of course perfectly moral Knight of St. John. That’s how he shows himself as a leader - he’s sculpted a reputation for himself as pious and upright, which means people aren’t inclined to be skeptical of his motives. 
Lymond has a disreputable history and to some extent a disreputable present. He’s a mercenary, as many people point out, and he functions as a leader of mercenaries, which doesn’t tend to breed trust in someone’s moral aptitude. He makes good soldiers - very good soldiers - but he never pretends to be an idealist. If anything, he is very skeptical of idealists. And not many people like a cynic.
Everyone sees Gabriel as the civilizing force to Lymond. But of course that isn’t true. And that kind of mirroring, and those kinds of reversals, are a lot of what can make a dynamic very compelling. It’s what makes them such good enemies.
But the real deal when it comes to shipping them - Gabriel spends most of a book basically trying to seduce Lymond to his side, and growing ever more frustrated when Lymond is basically the only person who doesn’t immediately succumb to his charms, and not only that but repeatedly gets in the way. They’re playing this very close and okay, I’m gonna say it, intimate game and only the two of them know they’re playing it up until the very end. 
Gabriel is used to people believing him, used to being able to control everyone around him, but he can’t control or deceive Lymond and that is what makes him so determined to win, but also what makes him so determined to pull Lymond over to his side, but also why he’s so determined at the end not just to win but to make Lymond suffer. 
I think there’s a deep combination of satisfaction in having someone he can match wits against and also a deep rage at not having the easy victory he expects to have. And that is just...mmm. That’s the good shit. See the bit in Disorderly Knights when Gabriel is flogging Lymond (which, again, hot, no you can’t stop me):
“For how long, thought Nicolas de Nicolay, had Graham Malett longed to do just this thing? For twelve long months Lymond had held out against him. For a year he had resisted the mightiest blandishments known to man; returned all Gabriel’s advances with raillery; obstructed all Graham Malett’s confident plans and finally, shown a courage and a stamina under constant, devious attack that must have maddened this great god of a man, so contemptuous of his fellows.”
And like...the way Gabriel talks to him is just - it’s nuts. Like, the entirety of their fight in Disorderly Knights is SO MUCH, I wrote down every endearment Gabriel calls him in a few pages while also trying to kill him and my god if that scene wasn’t written specifically for me
and then the bit in Pawn in Frankincense with Gabriel calling him “my swan” and saying basically “I’m not going to kill you, I’m only going to hurt you” and saying ‘My God: my god: why alone are you not my slave? Why do you not adore me[…]?’
anyway I can’t handle any of this and I’m just gonna lie down and scream about how Dorothy Dunnett is personally targeting me and I’m mad about it (I love it)
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The Days I Forgot
How do you remember the days you have forgotten?
I was going into eighth grade, and that summer my mom got us evicted from our luxurious double-wide trailer in a fairly trashy neighborhood. This meant it was time to initiate yet another move, out of how many? I am unsure at this point.
We moved just down the main highway, within a fifteen minute walking distance, into an even trashier neighborhood that contained the trashiest single-wide. That wasn't even the kicker. The single-wide trash hole smelled of urine, lacked any central air system, was growing black mold, and still contained the remnants from the disgusting tenants before. The worst part about all of this, was we lived in southern Georgia where summertime was sweltering, and we had to clean out this trash pit with no air conditioning.
I loved to clean with my mom growing up. I was her little shadow. We would always throw on some old raggedy clothes and blare my mom's "Cleaning Beats" mixed CD that she burned illegally. So when my mom told me we had to clean the new home I had already grown to loathe, I somehow overlooked the disdain and threw myself into the cleaning project that was set before me.
Fast-forward two days' worth of cleaning, and the trailer was ready to move into. This meant that my mother, my four brothers under the age of seven, mom's boyfriend James, and our room mate Bethany would have to throw all of our belongings onto an open trailer and move down the street. This is where I began to realize the reality of our situation.
Once we were settled in to the new trailer, all of the adults (this included me, as I was an adult starting at the age of seven) sat down in the living room and began to discuss the draw-backs to our new home.
Lack of Air Conditioning
Black Mold
Broken Washer and Dryer
No Running Water
Pee-Stained Carpets
Sewage Back-Up
All of these words were thrown around like they were common household terms. My mother wiped the sweat off of her brow as she heated up hot dogs and took a long drag from her Camel Light. The twins screamed because Kaden kept bothering them. Andrew sat by the window, sucking his thumb even though he was five, whining in a high-pitched voice about how hungry he was.
We were all hungry.
My mom was allotted $600 in Food Stamps, roughly, and sold part of that allotment for drugs. What was left had to sustain us for a whole month, and with eight people in the household that wasn't much when my mom loved to buy a 24 pack of Mountain Dew each week.
All of these things were a lot for any normal human being. I was going into eighth grade. It did not help matters that I was the weird kid out of my collection of peers. Since I had started middle school, I had worn ridiculously professional attire (heels and all), crayon-equivalent outfits, and bright make-up. The rest of the girls my age wore Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropostale, and Hollister. I wore Goodwill. The other girls wore drugstore makeup their parents bought for them, with stipulation. I wore Dollar Tree eye shadow and my mother's hand-me-downs, with no discretion.
I was young, and I was forced to address very old concepts of adulthood.
When reality had addressed me with it's clinging stench of uncertainty, I was overcome with a feeling unknown until this point in my life. I lost all ability to see, my chest was tighter than the knots that held my false sense of hope in place, and my face began to dampen with the tears resulting from the crashing reality that showered above me.
My first anxiety attack led to my first real loss of memory.
Somehow, I transported to my very-empty bedroom from the overstuffed living room that now housed all of my fears. Then, suddenly, my mother was in the room.
This is the part where my mom was supposed to hold me and tell me, "everything is okay". I would curl up in her arms and sob until the rivers of uncertainty drained and all that remained was the feeling of numb acceptance. Somehow, my mom would soothe me and remind me that there are people who are suffering more than me and my precious siblings were.
This did not happen.
Instead, my mom approached me with a handful of pharmaceuticals that apparently held the solution to all of my worries. I didn't want a band-aid to cover up the hole this pain and fear had created in my always-empty tummy. She wanted me to stop crying. This resulted in an ultimatum: take the pills, or she would force them down my throat.
What choice does this leave me? My mother had never meant to harm me, she always did things for my safety and overall happiness, right?
I took the pills, because I knew regardless I would wind up swallowing a pharmaceutical concoction of unknown toxicities that would result in who-knows-what.
Following this, I curled up in a ball on my twin-sized mattress that had yet to be placed on my canopy bed and stared at the wall with nothing but fear in my mind. Fear of the unknown, fear of my future, fear for my brothers whom had no clue what our new situation contained, and fear for my mother whom had no idea what she had done.
Or maybe she did.
I do not recall the preceding three days. All I know, is I groggily removed myself from my now assembled bed to use the restroom. This resulted in a trip to the kitchen, where I once again blacked out and resumed reality seventy-two hours following the initial loss of memory. I cannot account for what I did, nor anyone else in the household, for a total of seventy-two hours.
How do you remember the days you forgot?
Do you survey the environment in which you know you were in and hope to recall something from the lost time, or do you accept the loss and move on? I moved on.
That is all I ever did, I accepted and moved on from every instance that I questioned as a young woman. I never turned on my mother, but I always internally suffered from the negligence.
Now, I look back and fear for the young girl who was forced to drug herself because she felt fear for once, the fear her mother forced her to once again suppress. She does not know what she did, or what others did to her. She very well could have remained in her bed until she recovered from the overdose. She never spoke of it, until much later in her life when it didn't matter. Had she told someone, her entire life would have crumbled and she would have lost the one thing that mattered most to her: her brothers. She was scared.
I am not that scared little girl any more.
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ace-malarky · 6 years
Meet the Writer
a handy, handy tag :3
tagged by @alyssamayo (over on cap, admittedly, but I’m taking some liberties)
Rules: Answer the 10 questions, write 10 questions, then tag 10 people.
1. Your main character is designing their own Dream House. What does it look like? 
 She likes the idea of just a townhouse - two up, two down, kinda middling big, the sort her parents live in
 After her wings she expands that out to like... a top floor flat kinda thing? She wants height and views and sprawling space
2. What is the weirdest thing that has ever inspired a WIP? 
A lot of mine do... vaguely come from dreams that I remember? They occasionally spawn weird, I guess
3. Which character in your current WIP is the most fun to write, and why? 
Kari is! Sorry, Ifernia, I’m writing about the wrong doppelganger lmao. I have a... weakness for punchy and straightforward I guess?
4. Choose an 80s song for your main character(s) theme song!
 So I just had to look up songs that came out in the 80s for this
 She Bangs the Drums by The Stone Roses
5. The characters in your current WIP are in high school. Who gets voted “Most Popular/Most Likely to End up In Jail/Friendliest” etc? 
You know, they are in high school
Erith is most popular
Zelt... probably end up in jail
Saich would be most likely to succeed
Urart is most likely to go out in a blaze of glory
Miroth is friendliest
Ifernia... whatever she would’ve been voted was not what happened. “most likely to have a quiet life” or smth lmao
6. Tell us a place in the world that you desperately want to visit, and why.
 listen I am a person of few travelling wants. Mostly I want to go where my friends are, and the only one I’d move countries for is in America
 Admittedly I would absolutely go back to Japan in a heartbeat. I spent one week there and it was beautiful
7. What is the absolute trashiest TV show that you’ve ever watched?
 Listen what even counts as trash? I occasionally watch Strictly? I started watching Sugar Rush but never got around to finishing it?
8. Hollywood comes knocking, wanting to put your life story on the big screen. Who’s cast to play you? What about your nemesis/love interest? 
I question their belief that my life would be anywhere near interesting on the big screen, for a start
 But I wouldn’t mind Kelly MacDonald?
9. Favourite flower(s) and why?
 I don’t know that I have one? one of my old friends once compared me to an English rose and I took offence lmao. Maybe lilies, though, since they’re... sort of my namesake?
10. Is there a genre that you’d love to break into in the future?
 I want to try some of the more -punk genres? they always seem like fun
tagging... @hepiit, @gooseandcaboose, @raevenlywrites, @authordai, @toboldlywrite, @elliewritesfantasy, @avi-burton-writing, 
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gargoyles42 · 6 years
Ok dude, two years ago I feel into the hell that Robron is and I swore it wouldn't happen again... But you're really making me wanna watch Hollyoaks for James/Harry and I dunno how I feel about that. I literally know nothing about the show or characters, only that you're making me very curious. So if I go down this rabbit hole, I'll blame you
I feel you, I totally feel you. I swore I wouldn’t do that kind of misery to myself ever again. And here I am.
BUT I think I (and hopefully it’ll be the case for you too?) have learned from my previous mistake. I just got way too invested in Robron. So invested that I had this idea in my head about how the ship was and who the characters were. And when the writing and what was on screen didn’t match that, it made it this absolute misery. I saw Aaron as this precious little cupcake who could do no wrong (which he is but that’s beside the point) and Robert as the character I wanted to believe he was, not the one they actually showed he was. 
Jarry so far for me has been a completely different experience. Firstly, it’s HO which is a totally different beast than ED. HO is, the vast majority of the time, the trashiest of the trash soaps and remembering that allows it be a fun experience; you can watch, make fun of characters and their actions without getting too invested in absolutely everything. ED, on the other hand, I always saw it as this rather serious drama instead of what it actually is; a trash soap. So being able to acknowledge what the show is helps a lot. 
Secondly, like I mentioned before, I’d gotten these ideas in my head about Aaron and Robert, I kind of idealized them in my head because of the ~sometimes writing. Jarry hasn’t been like that; they’re both incredibly flawed characters and HO isn’t afraid to show that completely and consistently. I think one of the things that made Robron an absolute misery for me personally was that the relationship got set up as this “Aaron makes Robert a better person” thing and then the times when they’d break it, it just would ruin things for me, ruin what I had in my head. Jarry is completely different. They’re not the “so-and-so makes the other better”, they’re the “they love each other for who they are” relationship, which is SO much better. 
Thirdly, HO, despite the trash it can be, is actually fairly decent when it comes to “big” relationships? I mean, if you look at McDean and Stendan, two of their biggest, they actually did a really good job with them? One got the happy ever-after (twice) and the other got as happy as could be expected given the circumstances. Of course, if you’re on the show long enough, it’s a soap and they’ll mess things up spectacularly, which is something you have to keep in mind (I didn’t when I watched ED and it led to a lot of misery); the only endgame in soaps is if the characters leave. 
Lastly, Jarry hasn’t ever felt like it’s pandering to it’s audience. Robron, I’m gonna be honest, I really believe that was supposed to end after Katie’s death, and the fanbase had a big part in keeping it going, which is why there was a lot of uneveness in there. Jarry, on the other hand, it’s the show going against what used to be one of their biggest fanbases (and I’ll never understand why ugh). It doesn’t come from feeling like they need to appease people; it came naturally from the characters, after 2+ years of build up, might I add.
And… now I’ve written you a book which hopefully doesn’t seem like complete nonsense. lol. But yes, please do watch and freely blame me for it :D And then come talk to me about it; I’m also happy to answer any questions or give any backstory since I know starting in on a soap story can be really confusing when you know nothing about the show or characters haha
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Meet the Writer Tag Game
Tagged by @necros-writings! Love ya, dear! Rules: Answer the 10 questions, write 10 questions, then tag 10 people.
1. Your main character is designing their own Dream House. What does it look like?
They’re kinda minimalist (because of plot-induced things, otherwise, they’d go for extravagance), so it would probably be a two story, domed roof house. The roof would be made of glass, so that they could watch the sky for however long they wanted to. The hallways would have a slight protrusion about elbow height, each room would be marked with both a braille sign and a print one, two bathrooms, three bedrooms (two of which are workrooms), a spacious living room, but a cozy kitchen.And so many pillows on all the furniture. 
2. What is the weirdest thing that has ever inspired a WIP?
I am legitimately in love with the moon. So now, I’m writing something where my main character is in love with the moon.
3. Which character in your current WIP is the most fun to write, and why?
The main character, Cahya, is so much fun because she is the snarkiest piece of trash. Her and the traveling merchant, Jishna, are snarkfests together and it is always a treat to write them. 
4. Choose an 80s song for your main character(s) theme song!
Took me fucking half an hour and thirty songs I’d never heard before, but my man Stevie comin’ through where Phil, Freddy, David, Michael, and Billy unfortunately couldn’t. 
I just called to say I love you by Stevie Wonder
5. The characters in your current WIP are in high school. Who gets voted “Most Popular/Most Likely to End up In Jail/Friendliest” etc?
Cahya: Hardest to Piss Off Andena: Most Likely to Accidentally Break Their Bosses Spine Jishna: Most Likely to Talk Their Way Out of Every Speeding Ticket Demetria: Most Supportive Friend Ever Iris: Most Likely to Build a “Pride House” Out of Literal Rainbows Badru: Most Mysterious Person in Attendance
6. Tell us a place in the world that you desperately want to visit, and why.
Anywhere that is not 1). The United States, 2). Russia, and 3). Currently below 25 degrees Celcius
7. What is the absolute trashiest TV show that you’ve ever watched? 
Well, I did manage to get through two and a half seasons of Once Upon a Time...
8. Hollywood comes knocking, wanting to put your life story on the big screen. Who’s cast to play you? What about your nemesis/love interest? 
Diandra Forrest would be cast to play me Either Justin Timberlake or Robert Pattinson would be cast as my nemesis Probably Zendaya or Evanna Lynch as my best friend (I have some gorgeous friends, okay)
9. Favorite flower(s) and why?
Mm, cattails. They’re so fluffy and always remind me of when I was younger and freer without any worry. 
10. Is there a genre that you’d love to break into in the future?
Mystery. I’m so terrible at it, but I love mysteries and want to at least try.
New Questions! 1. What would your main character’s reaction be to being turned into a squid? 2. When coming up with a plan of action, which character is the strategist and which one just wants to go in swords blazin’? 3. How often do your main characters (from the same work) come into conflict with one another? 4. What’s your favorite technique for helping with writer’s block? 5. Five songs you listen to for getting pumped to write? 6. Have any WIPs taken a ridiculous turn you weren’t expecting? Care to share (if it’s not too much of a spoiler)? 7. Your main character’s reaction to finding out they are a fictional entity thought up by you? 8. How long have you been working on your oldest WIP? 9. Which main character prefers the heat? Which prefers the cold? 10. What is your ideal writing space?
@eternal-writes-oneshots @tiffanytheweirdo @alifeoflesbionage @mayslayer @softpluto @pizza-is-my-buziness @descendantswriter @descendantswrites @applewithapoisonedcore @ruffsficstuffplace
No pressure, and anyone else who wants to try totally go for it!
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@wisegirlandseaweedbrainforever @unsaddledlamb Well If You Insist~
Son of Gotham: here is the main one that actually inspired it
birds all sing (as if they knew): no joke this is what the entire story is actually about
my main Batcat song~: judge me if you want but idc~
Nightwing movie in which he has been BEATEN but he STANDS UP to FIGHT and is getting ready to get back Out There and Oracle is helping him prepare for the Final Countdown: DC is a coward and won’t hire me even though they KNOW i know best
if I was in charge of the Spoiler movie--Stephanie Brown deciding to become a vigilante and take down her dad; a sequence of scenes of her spying until it climaxes with her throwing a brick at Tim: No I Am Not Willing To Compromise On This
Gotham is On Fire and it’s Riddler’s fault: look i know Scarecrow is the Southern Country Boy but appreciate the soundtrack dissonance
Now This Just Came To Me: 12 year old bab Jason Todd looking around the manor and--jk it’s actually Jason and Bruce getting ready for a party and then play-by-play of the way Bruce acts like Brucie and them eventually going down to the cave and becoming BATMAN and ROBIN (okay summary is way cooler than the song but i like it)
Okay Back To Serious: Barbara Gordon’s Batgirl movie needs at least ONE (1) Nancy Sinatra song bc that 60′s feel
These are also Son of Gotham/Jason: i know i’ve been being facetious but i do have an entire jason playlist full of sad songs--this one is for his mum
and this one is for Alfred and Jason bc im trash
More Batcat: this plays when he sees her for the first time--a lithe shadow with diamonds in her slender yet artful hands--his thief~
and this one just added tonight
and finally the TRASHIEST, most GLORIOUS batcat song EVER
And That Concludes this Fine Mess, I Hope You Were Entertained and enjoyed some Classic Banging Tunes
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wellamarke · 6 years
Humans Fandom Meetup ❤ ❤
Hiiii everyone! I’m Joni, you have probably seen my URL clogging up the tag with things in the past... I just love this show soooooo much!!! And the fandom, too - I know we’re small but we do so much! I occasionally chuck out an idea for some kind of small fandom activity thing (like the @humanschallenge last year) and am always so impressed by what gets yelled back into the void by my lovely fellow synthies! **headbumps to you all**
Here are some pictures in which my face appears, and some other people as well!
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Hehe, this was from when I (somehow??) got to go to the series 2 launch in October 2016! I say ‘somehow’, it was a lottery and I managed to go as somebody’s plus one, like I do know the logical explanation for it but it still doesn’t seem like a real thing that can have happened...
I’ve never managed to catch the cast at Comic Con (even though I went to the London one the literal month in which the series 3 premiere took place come onnnn C4 don’t be like this) but I did go to see Ruth Bradley and Mark Bonnar at the BUILD talk with @markseposts the other month, which was fun!
I first watched Humans on the Monday morning after episode 1 was broadcast, so I’ve more or less been here since the beginning - needless to say, by week 2 I wasn’t able to wait until the next day to see the episode! I am not very good at articulating why I love Humans so much. I do love the AI exploration but I’ve never watched because of the real-world application/cautionary tale aspect. I like that that side of it exists (if only because cultural relevance might keep it getting renewed a little longer) but I watch for the surface story, the lives of the characters.
And what incredible characters they are!! Max is far and away my favourite, but there are very few that I don’t love. They are all so well crafted, beautifully written and beautifully acted. Special mentions to the rest of my top 5, Mattie, Karen, Mia and Niska. (I’ve had ‘the trashiest Karen trash’ as part of my tumblr bio for nearly 3 years, quoting from my friend Ryan (who was @humans-tvseries on here once upon a time) describing me. As you can guess the end of last week’s episode was not popular with me and did not, in any shape or form, in fact happen) 
I write the odd fanfiction oneshot on AO3 as ‘ottermo’ and I also co-host and edit @synthcast with Mark! In the early s1 days of the fandom I was really active on the Headcrackers United Facebook group set up by Queen Plume, aka @merlinsearsarebeloved, and in that group I made some amazing friends that I’m still in contact with even now - probably my longest-standing internet friends! A lot of us are still around on the group and also on the much newer discord server (also Plume’s creation) where we can often be found chatting about the show! It’s also where Humans Creativity Nights are held, so keep an eye out for the next announcement post about that...
I am not much of a romantic personally, so I am most interested in the platonic and familial relationships presented in Humans - favourite dynamics that spring to mind are Mattie and Max, Sophie and Niska, Mia and Laura, Max and Leo, Mia and Max and of course the barely-seen Max and Fred... but really, there are so many combinations of characters that need more (or even SOME) scenes together. This cast is magical, truly. 
In terms of romantic ships, I was swept up in the initial Leotilda craze of 2015, although at the time I thought it was one of those only-in-fandom ships that would never really happen. (One of my most popular fics, Away, is kind of that in a nutshell - Leotilda, after the dust settles). I’m very pleased that we are actually getting to see the ship happen, but in the meantime my preferences are perhaps with series flagship Nistrid and the beautiful, innocent, perfect, IMMORTAL Flash and Max. Aaaah, Flax, my darlings.... Also, I know I listed Mia and Laura in the previous section because their friendship is one of my favourites, but I’m also a sucker for #Miaura. And I can’t finish a ships list without a shoutout to my favourite non-canon just-for-fun pairing, Fred and Odi! Can you imagine?? 
Aaaanyway... this has probably gone on long enough so I’ll sign off by saying I love this fandom, I love every single gifmaker, ficwriter, post-liker, synth-walker, apricot-jam-taster, podcast-listener, every single Synthie and member of the #Elster Family Protection Squad. I hope you all have a wonderful episode 5! By all accounts it seems like it’s going to blow our minds.... twice?! 
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