#Antioch Peverell
Related a little to the elder wand, how do you think the Peverell brothers created it? We don't have much information about them (I don't entirely trust the tale of Beedle the Bard). I would very much like to hear your opinion about the Peverell brothers and their relationship with the deathly hallows.
P.S. I really like your theories, I hope I don't bother you!
Thank you! 😊
And you're not bothering me at all, I'm just slow to answer asks sometimes.
As for not trusting the tale, yeah, the world of HP as depicted in the books doesn't really seem to include god-like beings the way Death is portrayed in the story of the brothers. I talked a little bit about the Deathly Hallows, Death, and the Peverell brothers here, so this is essentially a sequel to that post with just as many speculations and headcanons on my part.
Deathly Hallows and the Peverells: Part 2
I want to note I also posited that the Peverell brothers are the same ones who created the veil that we see in the Department of Mysteries (I wrote in that original post the brothers were born around 1210s, but that information came from the movies behind the scenes, and is likely inaccurate. Since then I came up with a headcanon I like better, that they are the sons of William Peverell, and therefore were born likely around 1080s). It isn't super relevant to how the Deathly Hallows were made, but I wanted to note this here nonetheless.
Let's start with what we do know about the artifacts themselves:
All three hallows are incredibly sentient, like the sorting hat or the Book of Admintence and Quill of Acceptance.
They are uniquely powerful, but we do know of other powerful magical artifacts from the same time period and it's unclear how special they are, but I'd go on a limb and say the results are near impossible to replicate.
Then there are the unique abilities of each artifact:
The wand is like any wand, except more sentient and powerful (more on that here and here)
The stone, which I posed here can't really raise the dead and only imitates them based on the users' own memories of the deceased.
The cloak, which makes you more invisible than other cloaks, lasts longer than any cloak and might (as I mentioned in the first part) allow you to go into the veil without dying.
So, I want to talk about the sentience aspect that they all share first and then go into each one of them as their own artifact.
Sentient Magical Artifacts
Arthur Weasley says this regarding the Ginny using the diary:
“Ginny!” said Mr. Weasley, flabbergasted. “Haven’t I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain. Why didn’t you show the diary to me, or your mother? A suspicious object like that, it was clearly full of Dark Magic — ”
(CoS, 304)
This implies sentient magical artifacts aren't that unheard of and are likely still being made. We actually see quite a few of them, from portraits to the mirrors in the early books. The question is, how? how do you breathe life into an object?
We know wands are always sentient to a degree, and however that is accomplished should be similar in theory to how any item would be turned sentient with magic.
Like always, I'm going back to the three primas of Alchemy:
Salt - body - the item
Sulfur - soul - the actual sentient part
Mercury - spirit - life that binds the soul and the body.
So, we've got a body, that's the easy part, the harder part, as I discussed with Horcruxes, is literally everything else. So, I went to see how other artifacts can have a sentience, a mind, where does the soul come from?
So what I could find is this regarding the Sorting Hat, a known sentient magical item:
Legend has it that the hat once belonged to one of the four founders, Godric Gryffindor, and that it was jointly enchanted by all four founders to ensure that students would be sorted into their eponymous houses, which would be selected according to each founder’s particular preferences in students. The Sorting Hat is one of the cleverest enchanted objects most witches and wizards will ever meet. It literally contains the intelligence of the four founders...
(from Pottermore)
The four founders who enchanted the hat, literally placed their own intelligence into the hat, making it sound not so different from a Horcrux. The Mauraders Map is quite similar too, as an item enchanted by four people which includes their very essence in their enchantment. "Copies" of Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs... and it got me to thinking about magical portraits.
Because Magical Portraits, like these sentient items, capture the "soul" of a person at the time of painting. Their knowledge and personality at the moment, captured forever. Just like the hat which is a combined effort of all four founders, or the Marauders' Map which has the Maradaurs insulting Snape and even reacting to his specific words:
“Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.”
In response to Snape referring to himself as "Professor". It shows the map is much more sentient than we usually think. Just like the magical portraits we see.
So, the answer to how all these are made is likely the same one. If we figure out how you enchant a item sentient, we figure out the map, the hat, all wands, the hallows, and all magical portraits. So the question becomes how would you magically imbue your own soul (or another's for portraits and wands) into an object without using very dark magic to ritually kill yourself?
Unlike a Horcrux, you don't want to bind your actual soul, just create a mimicry of it. A portrait, something that looks and acts like you, but isn't. And for mimicry, you wouldn't need an actual part of your soul.
So, I thought, what irl examples can I look to try and figure out how you'd go about it, and then I thought about the Golem of Prague. I'm not going to go into the story, but basically, it's a legend in which a Jewish rabbi creates a clay golem to protect the Jewish community in Prague from antisemitic attacks and pogroms. In these stories, the body Is the clay, the "soul" is often a piece of writing inserted into the golem or written on its forehead (what's written on it differs between different legends) and the spirit comes from god. So, I took inspiration from that while thinking of something that'll be more in line with the world of Harry Potter.
How to manufacture a soul image:
The soul/sulfur in Alchemy refers to the combination of the two volatile aspects — air (the Selfconscious Mind) and fire (the Superconscious Mind). This would explain why sentience and intelligence require a soul, but the fact that it's a combination of air and water is what I want to focus on since I think the phrase I used earlier: "to breathe life into" is surprisingly accurate.
So, what you need to mimic a person's soul for a portrait, let's say, is their breath and something of them that is a stand-in for their entire person.
If we go with the golem stories, this could be a piece of parchment with their name on it, something that represents only them. Considering how sacred names are in Greek and Egyptian mythologies and how in northern European folklore true names are used to bind magical creatures, this seems fitting. The type of focus names have in the HP books, with the taboo on Voldemort's name, also indicates names having weight magically. We also know the Homonculous Charm the Marauders Map uses recognizes a person's name as a definite, magically recognised aspect of their being.
But then, we don't see little slips of parchment in any of these items, their soul is imbued into the body itself. So, I theorize that breath is used as the name. Instead of just capturing any random exhale of air, you request the person state their own name into the vial and capture their name on their breath.
(for wands it's different since it heavily depends on the core, but in the case of the Elder Wand, I believe this is how its sentience came about as I'll discuss more later in this post)
How to manufacture life:
The spirit is the bridge between the volatile aspects and the fixed aspects, as such, its a combination of Water (the Subconscious Mind) and air (the Selfconscious Mind).
I don't have a specific ritual in mind, but what you need to represent life, is liquid. You can use blood in it, but that would only be necessary if you desire to mimic a specific person. Basically, you make a potion to be the "life essence" or spirit of this item. I don't have the full ingredients list, but it's mostly water, a lot of alcohol (plant spirit), and something that represents the life of the sentience you are mimicking, be it blood or another material (like hair is used in Polyjuice potion to represent the body of the specific individual whose form you wish to take).
Combine everything together:
You'd need to release the breath of the person into the item as the item is soaked in the spirit and cast some spell to bind it all. Unlike with the Horcrux, you aren't really making any oath and it isn't an actual soul you're working with, just the mimicry of it.
So, what does all this have to do with the sentience of the Deathly Hallows?
Well, I think each hallow has the sentience of the brother who made it. As in, I think they used their own name and breath (and probably blood) to make each of their respective hallows. Antioch the wand, Cadmus the stone, and Ignotus the cloak.
Now, let's go into the specifics:
The Wand
I believe the Elder Wand is more sentient than other wands because it is Antioch's consciousness and "soul copy" in there. Most wands use their core as a "soul stand-in" and while this does create a sentient wooden stick (how sentient would depend greatly on the wood and core in question), a human sentience breathed into a wand like it would be into a portrait would make it appear much more sentient, since, well, it's a person (well, a mimicry of a person).
So, I believe Antioch placed his own knowledge and personality into the Elder Wand, explaining it being as picky and fickle as it is. Its unique power is likely a result of its materials and manufacturing. I don't think it's impossible to make another wand like that, which made me feel something is missing, some extra oomph that'll make how revered the wand is to make sense.
So, what could be this extra oomph?
I think the extra oomph comes from Antioch's "echo" in the wand. Harry is told wands don't just cast spells on their own after the Battle of the Seven Potters in book 7, I think that might be why the Elder Wand is so revered. It can cast magic on its own, and powerful magic at that.
Harry's holly wand had to go through some super rare magical gymnastics with Harry and Voldy's connection to get to a point where it was capable of casting magic on its own with intention. The intention part is important as there are plenty of wands that heat up or even explode when they're bored, but they aren't casting precise spells. It's more like a general show of displeasure.
So, my headcanon is that the Elder Wand, if it wants to, could cast proper spells like any wizard. It's probably the only wand that could kill a wizard without a caster using it, so it really does make it a "Deathstick".
(I headcanon the name came about after the Elder Wand killed someone without the caster actually casting anything. Said caster, being Antioch, who the wand liked, because I think he was the kind of guy who'd love to fuck his own clone)
The Stone
The stone, I believe shows figments based on memories, and not the actual dead, and it holds the sentience of Cadmus Peverell.
As such, what the stone does is some very complex Legilimency (not unlike the sorting hat that already existed when the stone was made). First, in looking into your memories, and second in showing you these representations of people. Harry knew all the people the stone showed him and knew they were dead (He saw Remus' corpse in the Great Hall right before he left for the forest). But this explanation feels lacking, it lacks that certain oomph.
So, I like to believe the stone does know who's alive and who's dead, I think it has that knowledge so it could never show you a manifestation of your memories of a living person. But how? And what stone is it?
Let's start with the stone. The tale says Death picked up a random pebble, but throughout the books, it isn't described as a random pebble:
It was large, rather clumsily made of what looked like gold, and was set with a heavy black stone that had cracked down the middle
The black stone with its jagged crack running down the center sat in the two halves of the Snitch. The Resurrection Stone had cracked down the vertical line representing the Elder Wand. The triangle and circle representing the Cloak and the stone were still discernible.
A pebble from a river shore is likely to be smooth and grey, not black and clunky with an engraved Deathly Hallows symbol on it. So, what stone is it likely to be?
I think it's a black obsidian. They symbolize inner reflection, revealing hidden truths, and letting go of emotional baggage, which is what the stone was meant to do, allowing Cadmus to move on from losing his wife by bringing her back. This inner reflection the stone is associated with would work well with how I think the figments it makes you see are reflections of your own memories of the deceased.
As for why it can tell who's dead and who isn't, I think it's an enchantment. I already mentioned the Homonculous Charm (used on the Marauders Map) that can show living people present in a certain area. I think, this speculated charm on the stone, is one of Cadmus' own making, and it works very much like a Homonculous Charm, in that it knows to recognize the names of everyone in the world, and so, tell if someone is dead or not. It sounds like a lot, honestly, but I think it is possible.
I do like to think Cadmus really was trying to bring people back from the dead. He used obsidian for its association with the hidden, like the afterlife. The Legilimency was so the stone could know who he was trying to bring back and the Homonculous-like Charm was to locate the descesed. Except, it ended up not really working and just gave a form to his memories of the dead and not the dead themselves.
The Cloak
The cloak makes one invisible, more invisible than other cloaks, and its enchantment seems ever-lasting. I also, believe the cloak is just as sentient as the other two hallows, carrying the knowledge and personality of Ignotus Peverell.
Now, most invisibility cloaks in the wizarding world are thought to be made from Demiguise hair, as a Demiguise can turn invisible at will. But I think this particular cloak is different. I think it is made from Thestral hair, the same as the core of the Elder Wand. Thestrals are associated with death, invisible to those who haven't seen death, so the ability to be completely invisible is present in the material.
I think the Thestral hair the cloak is made of is enchanted in a way that'll make it invisible to everyone, even those who've seen death, which would make the legend of the cloak: "hide from even death himself" make sense with the origin of how it was made.
So, essentially, the cloak is made from Thestral hair that was magically tricked into thinking no one has seen death (so it'll remain invisible) and has the knowledge and personality of Ignotus Peverell.
In Summary:
The Elder Wand is uniqly sentient having an image of Antioch Peverell's soul. It's special in being not only a powerful and picky wand but being able to actually cast spells, due to having a fully human sentience which wands do not generally have.
The Resurrection Stone like the wand, holds the sentience of Cadmus Peverell. It is made of obsidian and shows figments based on the memories of the user through Legilimency. The stone would never show a living person though, as it can tell who's alive through a variation of the Homonculous Charm.
The Invisibility Cloak holds the sentience of Ignotus Peverell and is made of Thestral hair tricked into thinking no one has seen death and like this: "hides even from death himself"
At least, these are my best guesses.
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The Veil of Death
So @artemisia-black​ asked me to write up a meta commentary, and I’m absolutely going to do so. 
The Veil of Death in the Ministry for Magic. A giant stone archway in the Death Chamber of the Department of Mysteries. When Harry and co. arrive to rescue Sirius from the Death Eaters, they encounter it. 
But more importantly, this stone archway had whispers emanate from it. Hermione couldn’t hear it. Harry could, whispering that he couldn’t quite make out, and Luna could as well. Luna says “there are people in there!” It’s curious that it’s Harry and Luna who hear the whispering — two individuals who had seen and understood death. Harry, who saw Cedric be murdered; and Luna, who saw her mother die. 
In the book, Harry "had the strangest feeling that there was someone standing right behind the veil on the other side of the archway... all that could be seen was the other side of the tattered black veil." (OoTP, Ch. 34). Harry’s instincts and deduction skills are usually very good. Look at his deduction in Chamber of Secrets when he works out how the students had gotten petrified. If he thinks there’s someone right behind the veil, there probably is. 
But where does the Archway come from? It’s said to predate the Ministry, that they built the Department of Mysteries around the Veil of Death. How could that be? Where would the Veil come from? 
Because it’s not just a veil. 
It’s a bridge. The bridge. 
In the story of the Three Brothers — Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus — the three of them were: 
“travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight. In time, the brothers reached a river, too deep to wade through, and too dangerous to swim across. However, these brothers were learned in the magical arts, and so they simply waved their wands, and made a bridge appear across the treacherous water. They were halfway across it, when they found their path blocked by a hooded figure, and it was Death. He was angry that he had been cheated out of three new victims, for travelers usually drowned in the river.” (The Tale of the Three Brothers)
Death was furious at the brothers and pretended to congratulate them. So why would he give them gifts, angry and frustrated as he was, and not ask for anything in return? 
I think he did. But first he gave them gifts that were from the river. The river that separated life from death. 
To Antioch, Death “crossed to an Elder Tree on the banks of the river” for the man who wanted an unbeatable wand. Elder trees in Celtic mythology, after all, symbolized regeneration; the end and the beginning. To Cadmus, he “picked up a stone from the riverbank” for the man who wanted to bring back those who died. A stone which had touched the waters that always killed. And for Ignotus, who wanted to be crafty and slip away from Death... he received a cloak. 
Something fluid and silvery gray went slithering to the floor where it lay in gleaming folds. Ron gasped. 
“I’ve heard of those,” he said in a hushed voice, dropping the box of Every Flavor Beans he’d gotten from Hermione. “If that’s what I think it is -- they’re really rare, and really valuable.” 
“What is it?” 
Harry picked up the shining, silvery cloth off the floor. It was strange to the touch, like water woven into the material.” (Philosopher’s Stone, Ch. 12)
The water of the river, which always killed the traveler, woven into the cloak. And that brings me back to the cloak and the veil. Death was angry at the brothers. They had cheated him of his due. The river always killed the traveler — and the brothers had cheated him. And Death is not the kind of entity who would let these three get the better of him: the braggart with the unbeatable wand, the obsessive who craved his loved ones beyond the veil, and the brother who wanted to hide away. 
So Death gave the brothers their gifts, their prize, in exchange for something. 
Antioch was killed by his own bravado. Cadmus died for his obsession. But Ignotus? How do you catch a man who can hide invisibly? 
You lure him, of course. You get him to cross a bridge. 
Death gave the brothers their gifts, yes, but he took something in return. The bridge that forded the chasm between life and death. The bridge the brothers had created out of stone. Death created an archway and placed as a veil the remains of the cloak he wore as a curtain. 
He would tempt them. Luna and Harry, after all, and seen and comprehended death. Luna saw her mother die. Harry saw Cedric murdered. They saw and understood death. And when they were near the veil, they heard the whispers of their loved ones. “There are people in there!” said Luna. 
Death would give the brothers Peverell a gift, yes — but he would never again be cheated his due. He would ensure he would never be cheated again. He would lure them to the bridge, to ensure he would never have to hunt for who he wanted for years. 
The bridge would lead always and forever lead to Death…
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hp-brainrot · 2 years
I spent the past hour trying to make heads or tails of the Potter-Peverell-Gaunt family tree and when they lived/died with only a few individuals as reference. I am proud of how it turned out on family echo though. I'm not sure how it'll help in my main books and hm era fics but whatever....
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cecenyss · 2 years
Maybe the reason witches and wizards from Harry Potter grow up to be so strange is because one of their children’s books growing up has two of the main three characters dying because of their own hubris and also because Death is a whiny little bitch who threw a hissy fit because three wizards crossed a river
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udaberriwrites · 2 years
Thank you for the ask!
One of my ideas for Febuwhump (if I finish on time) is a Hades/HP crossover centered on the Peverell brothers, so I'll go with that!
Antioch barked a laugh. He was drunk on the realization of how close he was to besting the greatest foe any man had ever bested.
"You, whatever sort of creature you are, you can't exist outside Death's realm, can you? I can see it, the way you are falling apart. Tell me, how long can you last before you are dragged back?"
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fic-ive-read · 2 years
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Link To The Fic
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longdeadwizard · 2 years
Antioch: Tell me, Ignotus, where have you been going recently? Visiting a girl? Ignotus, with flowers for Death hidden behind his back: Yes, yes, a very lovely girl.
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bloodpxct · 4 days
The fact Gellert and Albus exchanged letters in the dead of night implies they both have an owl; Albus's owl is named Antioch after one of the Peverell brothers, Gellert's owl is called Elder.
Albus would shorten Antioch to Antio to cause less confusion when talking of the brothers, which Gellert would take inspiration from when naming Antonio.
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Five Sentences Ficlet with a Dark High Lady Peverell (based on the theory that the 3 brothers also invented the 3 Unforgivables Antioch/Avada, Cadmus/Crucio, Ignotus/Imperio) ?
High Lady Harelda Peverell, Lady Harriet Potter to the idiots at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, bites back a smirk as the little Death Eater who escaped Azkaban and snuck into the school disguised as an old Auror pauses when it's her turn to go next.
"Potter?" he asks, his stolen magical eye whirling in his Polyjuiced head, seeking permission even though he knows what the outcome will be.
"I'm ready, Professor Moody," Harelda says, reassuring him that he has her permission to proceed.
Harelda smiles, darkly pleased as her classmates gawp as she doesn't obey a single command that follows, all unknowing that every magical directly descended from High Lord Ignotus Peverell is immune to the curse he created.
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fukae-flwr · 6 months
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Introducing Edgar Peverell
Psssh, I totally haven't started my 10th play of Hogwarts and accidentally created a new oc! ( ಡヮಡ)
...Ok I did...
Meet Edgar Peverell!!! (Did the pottermore test as Edgar. Turns out he is a ravenclaw woo!!)
•Edgar is related distantly to the great Antioch Peverell on his motherside.
•he was born out of wedlock from a muggle father, who left before he was born.
•His mother died of an illness when he was 6 years old.
•To save him from the killing curse from his mother's side of the family he lived with, for being a mudblood, his aunt dropped him off at an orphange in the muggle world where he couldn't be found. Edgar doesn't remember much aside from his mother
•Edgar met Edith and instantly both became close, thanks to their magic. They became family and did everything together.
•Edith helped Edgar learn how to survive the streets while Edgar helped Edith learn to read and write.
•Professor took both of them in and helped them become the wizards they are.
•Edgar is close friends with Gareth Weasley, Poppy Sweets, and Imelda Reyes
•Edgar refuses to acknowledge he is distantly related to Ominis, despite how similar relationships they have with their blood family
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sorenphelps · 1 year
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PIRATE AU! Marauders
I decided to revisit and expand my take on the magical pirate au concept I had for last year's @siriusblackfest. This will be an unreasonably long description of my ideas, so if you don't feel like reading it, I absolutely understand. (I'm an artist first anyway.) I’d really really appreciate if you further expand or actually write these ideas into a proper fic, I mean, YES PLEASE!
I will definitely do more art for this concept, so stay tuned! My other pirate au works are here, here and here, or refer to my pirate au tag.
🌊🏴‍☠️⚓pirate AU concept ideas⚓🏴‍☠️🌊
About the lore:
Wizards and witches are all descendants of the lost empires Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu:
The Atlantean mages were once the world's most powerful leaders, who could predict the future with their magical stones, created great underground palaces, conquered the entire world with their gilded ships, commanded sea monsters such as the Kraken, the Leviathan, sirens, hydras and other sea demons. They possessed an extremely high level of technical and spiritual knowledge, which they could use to rule over life and death.
The Lemurians were tall, noble wizards, who were able to turn invisible or into an animal whenever they wanted. They were talented in alchemy, they knew a lot about the magical properties of precious stones and metals, which was the basis of their magic. They were very friendly with non-magical people, who often took advantage of their hospitality and stole their treasure which got scattered all around the world.
According to their belief, the wizards of Mu are the direct descendants of god-like creatures coming from the Sirius constellation. In Mu, wizards were excellent architects and sailors who lived in luxurious homes. Their magic was based on starlight and they had exceptional knowledge of astronomy. With the help of their advanced magical rituals, they could achieve anything. Hence the exact way of performing such rituals was kept as a secret, which was passed down from generation to generation only to those who were deemed worthy of it.
As the power of the "sea wizards" was feared among ordinary people, the wizarding world was forced into hiding, and the islands were swallowed up by the sea, seemingly forever… until a powerful dark wizard named Voldemort began searching for hidden treasures (horcruxes) to bring Atlantis and their superior magical capabilities back to the surface.
According to the legends, each of the Four Founders and the Peverell brothers created a horcrux (seven in total) to perform the most powerful magic known to wizardkind, which managed to sink and forever hide the Islands. They had poured all their power into their respective horcrux, giving up their magic forever. To release the power from a horcrux, a dark, forbidden ritual must be performed: the one who performs it will gather their power in exchange of a piece of their soul. Each horcrux is unique in shape and nature, and the rituals to release their binding requires immerse energy which is the easiest sourced by slaying mythical creatures and sacrificing innocent lives. The one who gathers and releases all seven horcruxes, will break the magic sealing the Islands to the bottom of the oceans and ascend to become a new immortal being with infinite power. However, their soul will be lost forever, never to be repaired, stuck in limbo for all eternity.
The horcruxes made by the Founders are Gryffindor’s Sword, Slytherin’s locket, Hufflepuff’s Cup and Ravenclaw’s Diadem. The Peverell Brother's horcruxes are:
Antioch’s Astrolabe: made from metals as shiny as the stars, could predict the future. If used incorrectly, it could give its user a false sense of assurance of potential events happening, making them too reckless. Most users died young as the results were misinterpreted easily. It belongs to Mu.
Cadmus’ Coat of Arms: a gold ring inset with the Resurrection Stone, engraved with the power to recall people from death. It belongs to Atlantis.
Ignotus’ Crown of Invisibility, an invisible crown-like object resembling peryton antlers. It belongs to Lemuria.
About the characters:
James - The Captain. He is a fun, mischievous and charismatic wizard of Lemurian origins. He is always up to no good but has the necessary natural leadership skills to make the most critical decisions quickly even in the tensest situations. He owns the ship ‘The Marauder’, which can turn invisible upon his command. His ancestors had a strong connection to perytons (large stag-bird hybrids), could call them at will, and because these beasts had the shadow of a man, people thought they were shapeshifters. The antlers can be forged to the strongest of metals possessing great power and their fur and wings are said to be the key to achieve true invisibility able to conceal its wearers so absolutely that even death itself could not find them. As perytons were prophesied to lead to the downfall of Atlantis, they were hunted to extinction supposedly. According to legends, a wizard of James’ lineage will be able to summon them again. He originally started his journey to find and secure these mythical creatures. When conveying his magic, his aura slightly changes to resemble antler motifs, prompting his nickname as “Prongs”.
Sirius - The Navigator. He is the firstborn son of an ancient wizarding family from Mu, therefore he has very powerful magical abilities, expertise in the art of combat and superior astronomical knowledge. Even though he is James’ closest and most trusted mate, who clearly possesses the necessary skills to be Quartermaster or Master Gunner, the Crew voted him unfit for those positions because of his rebellious nature, recklessness, and short temper. (Before they started sailing together as a Crew, during a full moon he decided to settle his personal disagreement with Snape by locking him in the underwater cabin they prepared for Remus. James intervened, earning him his position as the Captain.) He is very skilled in map reading and excellent at calculating the exact latitude of the ship just by observing the stars, making him the perfect Sailing Master responsible for navigating and sailing the ship flawlessly. He also has several magical tattoos to further enhance his navigation prowess. He enjoys music and pranking his fellow crew members, who like him nevertheless as he is fiercely loyal and protective of them.
Remus - The Quartermaster. He is not a wizard, but a sea monster. His mother was a selkie, who gave up her sea life willingly for her lover. Fenrir Greyback, an evil maniac obsessed with sea monsters and driven mad by siren songs, attacked and stole the seal-skin of Remus’ mother. Remus’ father, in a desperate attempt at helping his lover, offered her the skin of their son. The ritual backfired, and Remus became a selkie himself, who transforms into a sea monster every full moon. His mother never recovered and eventually disappeared. Remus has joined James’ pirate crew to find his mother and seal-skin to reunite his family, but ended up finding a new one. He’s elected as the Quartermaster of ‘The Marauder’, responsible for coordinating the ship’s day-to-day operations and discipline, dividing the shares fairly, settling disputes and acting as a representative for the Crew members when presenting their wishes to the Captain. He is very intelligent and practical, enjoys researching and is quite skilled in map reading/drawing. He is fascinated by Sirius’ expertise in navigation.
Peter - The Cook & Cooper. He is a seemingly weak and clumsy man with no magical talent. He claims he lost his right hand in an accident; others suspect it was cut off because he was caught stealing, but the truth is that he willingly sacrificed it during a ritual to gain the ability to turn into a rat. He is very resourceful, always listening to whispers and gathering all information. He serves as the Cook and the Cooper on ‘The Marauder’, spending most of his time onboard in the kitchen and food chambers, taking care of the provisions, preparing meals and making and maintaining barrels. He never fights, even when teased with being a coward. He knows every secret on the ship, making him possibly one of the most dangerous crew members, yet he maintains his helpless façade so perfectly, no one really suspects anything about him.
Lily - The Surgeon. She is a curious young lady with a passion for medical science, which she could develop while observing her father during work. Her father was a doctor, who often visited an orphanage nearby to help the monks. She met and befriended Severus there, they collected herbs and other ingredients for fun. She discovered she had magical abilities when the potions she had brewed all somehow possessed healing properties. (Severus’ potions on the other hand usually turned out to be poisonous.) Lily joined ‘The Marauder’ as the Surgeon, after James’ multiple unsuccessful attempts at recruiting her. (He made his crew to stage very elaborate emergency scenarios, which theoretically required immediate medical assistance... until one time it was not theoretical anymore.)
Severus - The Boatswain. He is an intelligent and perceptive young man, with an extraordinary talent for alchemy. His father married his mother hoping the woman could make him the richest man alive as she was the descendant of known Alchemists. However, Severus’ mother only held the Book of Magick Moste Evile as a family heirloom which couldn’t turn anything to gold. Severus was sent to an orphanage after his father killed his mother, where he met with Lily. He had learned every bit of potion making and dark magic from his mother’s book in an attempt at impressing the girl, but the better he became, the more she estranged from him. He eventually ran away from the orphanage, and lived by his wits and magic. He served as a Powder Monkey and a Cabin Boy of famous pirate captains, where he gathered remarkable sailing experience too. On ‘The Marauder’, he was appointed as the Boatswain, responsible for the general maintenance of the ship and making sure all the supplies (including gunpowder, medicine, magical ingredients) were in order. The Crew somewhat respects his abilities but dislikes him as he has a grumpy and unpleasant personality and is scarily skilled in dark magic.
Marlene - The Master Gunner. She is a no-nonsense witch of Lemurian descent, in charge of the cannons, the gunpowder, the shots and weapons of ‘The Marauder’. She is the foremost expert in the art of combat and war strategy onboard. Her family was tasked to guard the Sword of Gryffindor for centuries, unaware that it was a horcrux. The sword was forged from pure silver and is inset with rubies, said to ignite great courage in the hearts of everyone wielding it and capable to defeat all enemies. Marlene wears a necklace decorated with a large and shiny ruby, representing her brave and combative personality. The stone also enhances her fighting abilities.
Dorcas - The Carpenter. She is an easygoing girl with ancestors from Mu. Despite being loosely related to Sirius, her magic differs a lot from his. She is a fortune teller (uses cards and not the stars to predict the possibility of events), and has a natural affinity for working with wood. (A magical tree is the symbol of the eastern side of Mu, which is also tattooed on Sirius’ neck.) She works as the Carpenter, responsible for the ship's maintenance and damage control, even during battle. Her job is to reconstruct entire sections of the ship and the sails. She designed and built the underwater cabin for Remus’ transformations. She also enjoys music and is in a relationship with Marlene.
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inastarlesssky · 7 months
For the ask game 📖✨: When the Day Loved the Night!
Hi! Thanks for the ask. C: Okay here's a snippet:
   “You won’t remember this, little love,” he whispers in words only she would hear if she were awake. “No matter how much I wish you would. You will learn one day that you are a witch, the last bloom of the two greatest bloodlines the wizarding world has ever known. The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black…” Isolde presses in beside him, leaning down to smile softly at her daughter.  "And the House of Peverell of the Hallows."
And a little bit about it...well it's a Dramione fic, a gift for one of my betas. I wanted to play around with the idea of Hermione being a pureblood, specifically the daughter of Regulus Black and Isolde Peverell (an OC I came up and decided would be a descendant of Antioch Peverell). It's working with the soulmate trope, something I haven't done before so I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.
Ooof tag as many people as I have WIPs. Hmm well actively I've got 3 WIPs, so I'll tag @madameindemnity @autumnweeen @charingfae. No pressure, ofc, only if you want to.
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artemisia-black · 2 years
This just came to me. And I need to vent to someone.
The Veil of Death in the Ministry. It's said to predate the Ministry, they built the Department of Mysteries around the Veil. Why? And in the book, Harry "had the strangest feeling that there was someone standing right behind the veil on the other side of the archway... all that could be seen was the other side of the tattered black veil."
A veil. A synonym for veil... is a cloak. A cloak of death. Now where have we heard that before?
Harry's cloak. The Invisibility Cloak.
With the Veil in the Ministry, it's said you can hear whispering. Voices you can't quite make out. Pulling you closer and closer until you cross. The second you cross it, you die. There's no coming back.
But where did it come from?
Well the Veil, with its curtains fluttering, was the bridge the Three Brothers created to cross the river — and summoned Death to them.
This was the bridge where the Three Brothers received their gifts.
In the story, Death was angry at the brothers. They cheated Death, after all, for travelers usually drowned in the river. And when he made the brothers their gifts, he made their gifts from objects around them.
Antioch received a wand crafted from an elder tree on the riverbanks.
Cadmus received a stone from the waters of the river.
So why would Ignotus receive a portion of Death’s cloak — but not something from the river? He was crafty and Death knew that. He wanted to catch Ignotus unaware. So how do you catch an unaware man?
The bridge. It was the bridge that Death touched.
He would give the brothers Peverell a gift, yes — but he would not be cheated his due. He would ensure he would never be cheated again.
The bridge would lead always and forever lead to Death…
Omg omg mind blown.
This is amazing and you should write it up in a meta.
Also as an aside, the fact there are rows of stone benches/ seats facing the veil makes me think it was an execution chamber at some point.
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duchessravenclaw · 1 year
House Peverell Family Properties
Peverell Castle in Inverness, Scotland Home for the Lord and his family. Used to protect Inverness in a former fiefdom. Abandoned but protected by magic, local town believes the castle to be lost by time. No one knows of the exact location, just somewhere out on the highlands. Rails Cottage in Nuremburg, Germany Former Hideaway for if things went bad. Likened to a bolt hole in todays terms. Hidden away outside of town, set up to be self sustaining with a small garden outside and a few farm animals. Elves have been maintaining things. Iggy House in Kidepo, Uganda This Home was built by Ignatius Peverell and where he lived a portion of the year. Very remote and was able to live without nonmagical interference. Did a lot of magical testing with potions and charm work. Cadmus Hole in Ogasawara, Japan This home was built by Cadmus Peverell. He had fallen in love with a Japanese wixen. He built this home to be near his loves family. He chose this sight for privacy. Luckily the wards have stood the test of time as even none of the magical military discovered the home during the battle of Iwo Jima. Antioch's Hideaway in Mount Greylock, Massachusetts's This is the home that was built by Antioch Peverell. The only one of the brothers that fled that far. When he built it he only had to hide it from the native magicals who used wild magic far to easily. Due to this it is still hidden to this day within preserve. The Families of old were particularly crafty and suspicious. Due to this they created intensive wards that were later adopted by the Hogwarts founders before being lost to time. Due to this all homes are in impeccable states being kept in good repair by the elves living on the property.
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robert-m-german · 2 years
The Dragon Prince/Harry Potter Parallels Dynamics
Callum, Claudia, and Viren are so much alike the characters in Harry Potter. 
Like in the Tale of the Three Brothers, the original owners of the Deathly Hallows. The Peverell Brothers. That’s it! 
Viren is Antioch Peverell, the one who died drunk with power.
Claudia is Cadmus Peverell, the one who died for love.
Callum is Ignotus Peverell, the one who greeted death like an friend.
It’s so extremely iconic and very vaguely familiar. And original.
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wanderingkreature · 22 days
MOD Harry is a pretty interesting idea
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I have a guilty pleasure for Master of Death Harry. The fanfics and fanart, the situations and implications. Well I always loved the trope of a child having ancient cosmic powers, like powers so great one will never believe that it comes from this tiny thing. Naruto and Danny Phantom being some examples. 
I know the fandom is pretty iffy about MOD Harry, which can’t blame them all too much with some of the fanfics being just some power wanks filled with plot holes. 
But for me I have this little dust bunny in my head that I use when my daydreaming turns on my HP nonsense. 
We never really get a clear answer on what it means to be Master of Death, neither in the books or the movies, to my knowledge. All we get is the fairytale from the beedle the bard book, some passive acknowledgement from Dumbledore, and a theory that the Hallows being somewhat credited to saving Harry’s life in the last book. Which is a bit frustrating but oh well; we move on and seize an opportunity instead.
In comes in my headcanon. 
I like to believe that Death was impress by Ignotus Peverell; surviving his Hallow which by all means was a trap set by Death. And that is what the Hallows are in my opinion, traps, curses. Each catered to a specific Peverell brother pairing hand and hand to their wish, a whole  “Be careful what you wish for” kinda scenario. Antioch was killed for power by Power, Cadmus died of grief by Grief, and if all went according to Death’s plan Ignotus would have died of fear for Fear; the cloak meant for hiding oneself from Death shows that he’s afraid, in some (wise) capacity, of Death. The way it was suppose to go was that the cloak was meant to give a slow death. It was meant to be hold on to possessively as the wearer realize their mistake of messing with Death with the deaths of the users of the other Hallows. They would of withered as their body succumbed to old age but never dying, loved ones and life passing by without them, driven mad with fear and paranoia awaiting Death to strike, to ultimately be too buried in their madness they let go of the cloak by mistake and finds Death waiting for them. 
Yet that didn’t happen. 
Ignotus lived a decent life, gave the Hallow to his son (which ties in my head canon that the Potters being mainly Gryffindors because their family knowing the importance of Bravery when they wield an artifact crafted specifically made to entice fear. Even if the knowledge of the cloak’s true identity was lost.), and willingly walks to Death and greets them like an old friend.
Going back to Harry I like to believe he's an incarnation of Ignotus Peverell. Death, curious about Ignotus's reaction on handling one of the Hallows decides to put him to a test. A set of trials that will test him against not only the concept behind the cloak but with the rest of the hallows. He’ll have to fight against the allure of power, of satisfying his grief and to once again confront his fear. And ironically enough he completes that in relative ease. Harry always had a quiet bravery to him that gradually grows louder through the story. While he does grieves deeply for those he lost (ie. The Mirror of Erised) he doesn’t let that grief consume him. And for power, Harry always wanted to be a normal boy, and while yes power would be nice to have to help protect his friends with, he never let power change him (and never to the extant of Voldemort).
With that he earns his title by taking the final step, he walks to his death and greets Death like an old friend once more. He didn’t go because he was confident he would return (Power), he didn’t lost his will to live (Grief), and he didn’t pray or bargain, or even run away (Fear): he walked with a calm expectance that this was the right thing and died.
He becomes Master of Death in the station and uses his powers for the first time to return back to the living after having a conversation with Death as they look like Dumbledore. 
The Master of Death title grants a few powers, the unlimited use of the Hallows (they’re no longer curses, will only listen to Harry and in some capacity to those he chooses, and are more powerful now that they have a kinda–immortal user), reincarnation into different worlds, a psychopomp, a Messenger of Death as well as a Champion of Death (he goes on mission for them) and the most defining of his powers, the Master of his own death.
Harry Potter has the power to choose when he dies and the way that he dies. Meaning he could live near indefinitely as long he has the intention of dying at some point as well as no longer being confine by fate, he gets to choose what he does now and no one (and I do mean no one) can stop him. 
Either way thats just an idea of mine. If anyone wants to use it feel free, just give me some credit and send a link so i can read it when you´re done, I´d love to see how it turns out!
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