#emon j
yozzers · 2 years
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2021-2022 sketchbook pages w/ song of time on it and then meme redraw that keeps going through my head as I read the current northwest group chapters (THEY HAVENT MET KONY YET. but he’s there bcs i like him)
under thread is ramble and like a 2021 drawing that i cant find a better qual of
ok so like emon and gloria i dont think will get me like how vyrut and seckor have been kicked around my head but they are so. fun. the appeal in a VERY confident prodigy engineer and her coworker-guild frnd she shares a title w/ whos just a little unaware and clueless but CARRIES the group
gloria is , a little mean and a little too overconfident sometimes but i think her giant ego and desire to prove herself as anything but weak and delicate is fun and it works with her story, ok i dont know if the translatoin meant chronic or terminal but she is described as easily falling ill and thats always been a trend since she was born and had only started getting better physically bcs of yuno’s help in the recent year(?) but like it works, esp w like half of the northwest cast coddling her freq 
emon j’s appeal is just that hes gap moe, silly and gloria’s guy best frnd. like listen he’s a chaacter i dont think can survive outside a group or at least the perception of one like if u put me in his pov i dont think id be that interested i like that h just does stupid shit and we dont rlly get clued in. gloria though? i need her pov asap, lets wrap it up rhea + yuno......
and valentines visai that disapeared from my ipad
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gmalaart · 3 months
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Me and @lord-emerson were having a discussion about gender expression and euphoria in the Neath… then this happened
Corset version below the cut
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taran-chan · 1 year
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JEON DO YEON in Emons' CF Making Video (8/2023)
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littleeyesofpallas · 6 months
Hello! I come from your 2019 post (that I found on a Google search while doing some research) where you "disect" bleach character's names. I also want to create a very meaningful name for my oc, but I have no clue on the language. Do you have any advice on how I could go about this? Google is no help ):
(Im so sorry i started up a draft for this what feels like forever ago and it never quite took solid form and just sat in limbo for a while. Anyway I have a samurai TTRPG campaign I'm trying to piece together and came back to the subject, so it seemed like a good time to try and finish this... )
Oh boy, so I don't really know if i'll actually be much help with this, as I'm not a native speaker so I don't have the ear for Japanese that lets me just intuit when things feel "off" or "unnatural", but I can sort of walk you through some common tropes:
One approach is to take a core word/kanji and work the name out of them, fiddling with suffixes or pronunciations until you get something that "sounds like a name." Given that a lot of anime characters don't actually have "real" names this gives you a lot of wiggle room, but also there are definitely some sensibilities that --again I'm not personally a good enough judge of-- that make certain non-names sound more or less passable than others. This can be a tricky thing to play with, but there are a few shortcuts that might help.
Several suffixes are extremely common in Japanese naming conventions and most of them are gendered. A handful of super common ones are things like....
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-ko[子]: "child" but typically denotes a girl's name
-me[女]: "woman/female"
-mi[美]: "beauty/beautiful"
-ne[音] "sound" but implicitly a pleasant one, like a chime or a musical note
-ka[香]: "scent/smell" but again implicitly a pleasant one like flowers, perfumes, or incense
...for girls. Or for boys, things like...
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-rou[郎]: "son"
-tarou[太郎]: "big/thick/fat son" (implying he's health/plump/robust, not obese)
-suke[佑]: "help(er)/assist(ant)" but more colloquially just denotes one who facilitates the appended thing.
-suke[助] actually a homonym/synonym for the above.
-maru[丸] lit. meaning "circle" or "whole/full/complete" (kind of functions as just "...one" in the English sense? Like the meaning "One who is XYZ" might comparably be rendered XYZmaru.)
-emon[衛門]: "defense gate" but it has a distinctly old-fashioned sound to it, and kind of evokes samurai or yakuza depending on the era.
Attached to these are a few other sort of commonalities. Ichiro[一郎], Jiro[二郎], Saburo[三郎], Shiro[四郎], Goro[五郎], etc... are common boys names that are just a # and "son" indicating order of birth...
[edit]: okay no I super underestimated how stupid long this post was gonna look in Tumblr format... Cutting here for length, more under the cut
...the -suke:"assistant" suffix is often appended to aspirational traits or values, sort of like how English Puritans had a habit of naming kids English words like, Charity, Temperance, Faith, Credence, Prudence, etc... albeit without the background radiation of the cultural baggage of the Puritans.
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But these suffixes are also often used to make unique fantasy names that are pretty distinctly not real names historically. In Shaman King, the ghost of a samurai named Amidamaru[阿弥陀丸] is just the suffix -maru[丸] slapped onto Amida[阿弥陀], the Japanese name for Amitabha[��मिताभ] the Buddha. This is absolutely not a name any real person has, but in the context of the manga you wouldn't expect to question it, although it sounds a tad silly. -maru specifically is also a common name-ifying suffix for nonhuman names, things like naval ships and swords often get names that are distinctly not human passing, but still very overtly "namey" names.
Incidentally it should be kept in mind that depending on the sort of characters and settings you're dealing with there are certain restrictions that you might want to consider. For example, the real world Japanese Ministry of Justice has maintained a list of Jinmeiyo kanji[人名用漢字] since the 1950s which dictate which kanji are permissible in the legal documenting of a person's name. For the most part this is to prevent weird or stupid rude or inauspicious names; you cannot for example name a newborn something with the kanji for death[死] or shit[糞]. But plenty of anime characters absolutely do not abide by this.
Otherwise there are some common conventions you can turn to with anime in particular, as again there is a certain affordance for nonsense.
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Names with obvious color associations are super common, often by proxy of Super Sentai as a franchise and derived tropes. This can apply to either given names or surnames, and often are worked in as puns rather than kanji specific readings.
aka[赤] red
ao[青] blue
ki[黄] yellow
ha/hakku/shiro[白] white
kuro[黒] black/dark
kin/kane[金] gold
gin/shirogane[銀] silver
momo[桃] pink, but literally "peach" as momoiro[桃色]: pink color(ed)" is literally "peach colored"
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which brings me to another point: Japanese names refer very heavily to plants and flowers specifically. Most common flowering plants, be they cultivated for lumber, decorative flowers, or food have some notable presence in Japanese naming conventions and can be pretty readily turned to. These tend to be predominantly girl's names either alone or as a root, but not exclusively,
sakura[桜] cherry
tsubaki[椿] camellia
azami[薊] thistle
ayame[菖蒲] iris
sumire[菫] violet
kiku[菊] chrysanthemum
etc... (although not all of these can function as names on their own without some appended suffix/prefix) But also a wide wide array of other regionally specific and seemingly more obtuse plant names pop up all the time. Also, while flowering/fruit bearing plants are very commonly evoked for their beauty as girls' names, there is also hanakotoba[花言葉] the japanese flower language, which can be a quick reference for what features might be evoked by specific flowers more generally, and for both boys and girls.
Oh and a few more general terms also show up in a lot of names, ha/ba/wa[葉]:"leaf" in names like futaba[双葉]: "Twin leaf"; [梢]: "Treetop/tip(of a branch)" [枝]: "Branch", [幹]:"(tree)trunk," etc... Not all plants as names or nonspecific plant related terms are as flashy or romantic as you might expect.
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Animals are also a popular motif, but I won't get into those because that's just an endless list of like every animal... You can probably think of some really obvious ones just off the top of your head though.
Typically they stick to very general types or families of animal and of course those most obviously native to Japan, or else those with names borrowed from Chinese, both for the real and the mythic. In fantasy settings these may be evoked directly, but more realistic settings may opt to reference more menacing or otherwise less dignified animals(vermin especially) only through puns/homophones.
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Domesticated animals or those with virtuous/valorous associations would be easier to accept at a glance, real or not, while those with overt negative characterizations might be a little campy. (I actually totally forgot but Hiruma[蛭魔] in Eyeshield doesn't actually "evoke" the word for leech phonetically, it just straight up IS the kanji for leech in his name. [蛭]:"Leech" + [魔]:"Demon/EvilSpirit" in fact. Like, for every test he ever took all middle/high school he just signed "LeechDemon" at the top. Neither of those are legally approved jinmeiyo kanji in the real world of course.)
Also worth noting as an extra layer in all these considerations, is that most common Japanese names will probably average 2 or 3 characters, maybe 4. A handful of names are single kanji and as you'd expect are thus very straight forward in their meaning. 5 or more kanji to a name certainly aren't impossible but they can be unusual, and I feel like they tend to appear as older, outdated, and samurai-esque names, if not just weird or ostentatiously silly.
(for example, in Bleach, Marechiyo's whole family shares the root Mare[希] and as each family member is introduced the names kind of escalate in silliness, until we get the younger son, Marejirousaburou[希次郎三郎] which even comically uses the -rou[郎]:"son" bit twice. His name literally reads as "Rare NextSon Third Son." It sounds very stupid and kind of pegs him as a spoiled rich kid. I guess in a way we sort of have a similar cliche in English about rich kids from stuffy old money having multiple middle names and "Jr." or some roman numeral tacked on.)
Rather famously there is just a random living businessman in Japanese whose given name is Taroukizaemonnoshoutokinori[太郎喜左衛門将時能] which might more readably be broken down as Tarou-kizaemon-no-shoutokinori. Written this way you might notice that basically each individual section could itself be a name by itself.
There is also supposedly some record of a meiji era citizen registered under the name Egawafujifumishigozaemon’nosuketarō[江川富士一二三四五左衛門助太郎], Egawa-fuji-i-fu-mi-shi-go-zaemon-no-suke-tarou. You may note that thoes are like 3 separate nameifying suffixes just slapped onto the end there(-zaemon, -suke, and -tarou) and the middle bit is just "1,2,3,4,5." So as I said the tendency for super long names is a distinctly silly tone.
Once again there is a distinctive kind of aesthetic or familiarity to long names that someone who knows better than me can definitely just kind of tell when a long assemblage of kanji and syllables just does not sound like a name. No advice for how to sus this out yourself, it's kind of just a matter of prolonged exposure.
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On the flip side of things, it's entirely possible to write names with no kanji at all. For example, despite the very obvious evocation of cherryblossoms in Sakura's name in Naruto, her name is just written SA-KU-RA[サクラ]. If you just like the way an existing name sounds and don't want to risk implying other meanings that picking a random existing kanji writing might, you can in fact just opt out of it. It'll still carry some connotations but it at least won't look like you were trying to hone in on one reading in particular.
In some cases I also think it's just a common practice for media aimed at elementary school kids, as it foregoes excluding anyone on the basis of their reading level, where as you're less likely to see this kind of thing in manga aimed at, say, young adults.
So after hacking our way through all that... the other approach is to take a real existing Japanese name's phonetics, and find kanji that can serve as a homonym to the more conventional root in the name.
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So, for example, the name Tanjirou is a real name, but it's written any of a few ways, including [丹士郎]: "Rust-Colored Samurai Son," [丹次郎]: "Rust-Colored Next Son," and [丹治郎]: "Rust-colored Peace(&order) Son," but in Demon Slayer the protagonist's name is Tanjirou[炭治郎]: "Charcoal Peace(&order) Son" alluding to his family's job as charcoal artisans and his affinity for the fire and sun elements by swapping in an unusual character with the same pronunciation. (the "peace and order" part probably referring to like a governor being a peace keeper which makes it a partial synonym with "samurai" as a part of the ruling class)
Does that all make sense? I can't tell how easy to follow any of this is for someone without a kind of cursory familiarity with this stuff...
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And then surnames... I don't want to get into this oneb bcause it's just too damn big. but they do tend to follow some pretty familiar conventions used in the west. Locational surnames are common, denoting landmarks:
yama[山]: Mountain
kawa/-gawa[川]: River
mori[森]: forest
tani[谷]: valley
ta/-da[田]: field
mura[村]: village
etc... Some also reference manmade landmarks like towers, temples, bridges, wells, marketplaces, etc... Or even more general elements like "stone" or "tree" without pointing to an actual singular and specific object in the landscape. These kinds of root words can then be modified by adjectives like colors, size/dimension, cardinal directions, (one of)twins, and very often eachother. (i.e. Yamada[山田], Yamamura[山村] Kawamura[川村], Yamagawa[山川], Tamura[田村], Kawada[川田], etc...) I don't really know how to cleanly or neatly break these kinds of things down into easily referenced categories... It's just kind of a broad range of things that can be applied, and that's just in regards to real names, the realm of fantasy settings, even mundane ones, opens things up substantially.
But unlike a lot of western languages, there aren't actually a whole lot of occupational surnames. i.e. things like Smith, Baker, Carpenter, Mason, Miller, etc...
(and... uh... I'm not getting into kira kira names... that's a whole other can of worms and a very modern/recent issue, and I dunno that I know enough to really comment on it meaningfully. you can google it though and you'll find stuff even in english discussing it in some detail.)
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Oh and of course the last "method" is just that some creators will just straight up lift their character names from other characters entirely. Like, in Naruto Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru are all just the names of the characters in the 19th century folktale Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari[報仇奇談自来也説話]. Like the names don't have any directly evoked meaning based on how they're written, they're just direct reference to the themes and motifs of preexisting characters. Same way Sasuke's name is just lifted from Sarutobi Sasuke[猿飛佐助], popular turn of the century fictional ninja hero.
I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of this one. It tends to feel flimsy and shitty. The only exception being those characters that are actual in-world evocations of historical characters/figures, like Ishikawa Goemon XIII, in Lupin III, just straight up being a descendent of the legendary Ishikawa Goemon. Although in Eyeshield 21 Takekura Gen has a cool one where the name Takekura[武蔵] is written the same as Musashi[武蔵], and so he's given it as a nickname and given a reputation and motif evoking the samurai Miyamoto Musashi.
Anyway that was a lot of blustering about just to get to the point now where I can say: This all is extremely incomplete/unexhaustive, and of questionable real practical use to anyone as a guide to actually making up new names for a sort of anime/manga type setting. This really turned out to be less of a guide and more like a laundry list of just loosely adjoined/adjacent observations: Less a guide to bowling and more just a pair of bumpers to put in the gutters to help guide otherwise still utterly untrained attempts at success. It's as much as I can really muster in this regard.
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piffany666 · 6 months
(I came up with this and now im making it everyone's problem)
Back when warden was working for the department and vega was their "patient"
Warden: Epiphany. By Inchoate.....W. I was not expecting this, this was so much more, you have stayed the hungry hunters, you have locked deaths door. For all your skulking, slinking, sneering, for all I was...fearing. I was not expecting this. For you to step into the light and reveal yourself. I see you. I see the lamb you hide under the wolfs skin i was- ahh!
Cutie: warden! What are you up to?
Warden: haha!...umm nothing! Notes! J-just umm going over some of our little friends downstairs' notes! C-can i help you?
Cutie: i thought id see how being isolated from everyone else in the department is treating you
Warden: oh? Thats...thats kind (?) Of you
Cutie: anything on your mind?
Warden: oh plenty; dealing with the fact that the place i work for imprisons my own kind, vega being....vega you know the usual. I was actually thinking about visiting aria but well...work and plus somtimes the d(a)emons there can be a bit-
Cutie: yeah thats great, anything els?
Warden: what...?
Cutie: oh come off it warden, i saw you in the brake room the other day
Warden: how do you mean...?
Cutie: look, every day we get thrown with the next mortal terror to deal with, were always being brushed off our feet! The other day me and sweetheart where stressing out about the next big disaster and you could hardly be bothered by any of it, you where just there, staring wistfully off into space while running your finger around the rim of your mug!
Warden: i was.....detracted
Cutie: you like somone!
Warden: WHA- I! T-thats! I-i mean i-i really don-
Cutie: called it! Sweetheart owes me a 5ver! So~ who is it~?
Warden: i dont have to tell you anything!
Cutie: is it the head of the department?! I know youve been talking about them a lot lately
Warden: i-is this an interrogation now?!
Cutie: so it IS the head of the department!
Warden: i-its no! I-its not the head of the department!
Cutie: alright alright! Were getting somewhere! I-its not agent is it? (Agent from the audio "a matter of urgenc" - the one with the southern accent) oh warden you could do better better i mean did you see what he was wearing the other day?
Warden: i-its not agent and I don't want to do this! OK? Now if you could just let me-
Cutie: sweethearts taken but that doesn't necessarily mean it's NOT sweetheart~
Warden: NO NO
Cutie: wait are you being so dodgy about this because it's one of us?
Cutie: laughs* IS it sweetheart? Is it!?
Warden: I'm literally begging you....
Cutie: realises* alright fine fine have it your way keep you precious secrets but between you and me can I at least offer you a bit of advice?
Warden: I get the feeling you're going to anyway
Cutie: look nobody's going to notice you if you don't notice yourself first
Cutie: OK look that came out wrong but what meant is take care of yourself because I know you Warden you will give yourself away until there's nothing left of you to love
Warden:......thats not fair.
Cutie: oh its true and you know it.
Cutie: look I'm telling you this as a friend just think about it OK? Whoever this is they'll see how great you are not because of what you have to give away but because of where you stand firm and after all of Well whatever the hells been happening here you deserve something for yourself
Warden: hey that- that really means a lot thanks i- I will think about it
Cutie: good alright well I'm gonna head out
Warden: take care of yourself too
Cutue: Always do~ pew! pew!
Warden:....right where was I? Oh yeah yeah OK.
I was not expecting this for the sharp pain of jaws to give way to you-
Cutie: Sorry, sorry! Hey... it's not me, is it~
Warden: Oh would you stop!?
Cutie: cos if it is you know~....dance cards open~
Warden: just go away! Just go away!
Cutie: just putting it out there! Alright, alright.
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whileiamdying · 7 months
A Lesser-Known Modernism Inspired by African-American Culture
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The Whitney Museum of American Art is presenting the career retrospective “Archibald Motley: Jazz Age Modernist,” which includes “Black Belt” (1934).Credit... Hampton University Museum, Hampton, Virginia, Valerie Gerrard Browne
By Holland Cotter Oct. 1, 2015
I don’t know how museums plot their seasons, but it was a good plan to have “Archibald Motley: Jazz Age Modernist” be the first career retrospective to appear at the Whitney Museum of American Art’s new home. Motley is an important but still understudied figure. The show itself is neither large nor hot off-the-shelf. (It originated at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University and has been traveling; this is the last stop.) But it has features that many bigger, sexier exhibitions lack: an affecting narrative, a distinctive atmosphere and a complicated political and moral tenor. It’s a tight, rich package. You take it away with you, complete.
And part of what you take away is an alternative version of the American modernism on which the Whitney is based. This other modernism developed outside of New York. It didn’t adopt abstraction as its defining advance style. It absorbed what was happening in Europe, but found its main power source in American culture, and specifically African-American culture. Archibald J. Motley Jr. — he used his full name professionally — was a primary player in this other tradition.
He was born in New Orleans in 1891 and three years later moved with his family to Chicago, which would become his permanent home. His African-born paternal grandmother, a former slave, came with them. There his father, a child of slaves, found work as a Pullman porter. His mother, of mixed racial descent, ran the house. When Motley’s teenage sister, Flossie, had a child, Willard, out of wedlock, the family raised him to believe that his mother and his uncle were his older siblings.
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“Portrait of My Grandmother” (1922). Credit... Collection of Mara Motley, MD, and Valerie Gerrard Browne
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“Portrait of Mrs. A.J. Motley, Jr.,” from 1930. Credit... Collection of Mara Motley, MD, and Valerie Gerrard Browne
Altogether, it was a household in which traditionally fixed categories of race and lineage were somewhat fluid. So was its relationship to class. The Motleys lived outside the so-called Black Belt of Chicago, the strictly demarcated African-American area also referred to as Bronzeville, on the city’s South Side. Their home was in a largely white immigrant neighborhood. Motley was one of the few black students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where he received classical, European-based training as a painter. He married a white woman, Edith Granzo, his high school sweetheart.
Calibration of racial and social status by color is an underlying theme in the early portraits that open the exhibition, organized by Richard J. Powell, an art historian at Duke, and Carter E. Foster of the Whitney. Motley believed that information about the biology of race was important for both whites and blacks to have in the interest of mutual understanding.
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“Nude (Portrait of My Wife)" (1930). Credit... Collection of Mara Motley, MD, and Valerie Gerrard Browne
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“Brown Girl After the Bath” (1931). Credit... Emon Hassan for The New York Times
In a 1924 picture, a dark-skinned older women dressed in a gingham dress and head scarf is identified as “Mammy.” A painting done a year later of a lighter-skinned young woman in a chic flapper cap is titled “The Octoroon Girl,” using a term once applied to someone with one-eighth black ancestry. In a 1930 nude portrait, Motley’s wife stands erect, arms down, face forward, glowing gold, as if posed for an epidermal inspection. A year later, in a more relaxed painting called “Brown Girl After Bath,” the glow remains, but gold has been exchanged for copper.
These images surround Motley’s own 1933 “Self-Portrait (Myself at Work),” which, ethnically speaking, gives little away. Dressed in a smock and beret, the artist, who by then had spent a year in Paris, looks neither distinctly black nor white, just seriously Continental. A neo-Classical statuette stands on his worktable. A crucifix hangs on the wall. (Motley was a practicing Roman Catholic.) He holds a big palette in one hand and conjures a nude model, Pygmalion-style, with his brush. He was at this point already nearing the peak of his professional success. The historian and activist W. E. B. Du Bois had publicly called him “a credit to the race,” though there is little of an obvious race man in the image here.
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“Self-Portrait (Myself at Work)" (1933). Credit... Collection of Mara Motley, MD, and Valerie Gerrard Browne
This doesn’t mean that he kept himself at a remove from black popular culture. His deep but controlled immersion in it — wading in, stepping back — is what the exhibition as a whole is about. From an early age he had been a regular visitor to the Black Belt entertainment strip of jazz clubs, theaters, cafes and gambling joints known as the Stroll. And a section of the exhibition called “Nights in Bronzeville” is a record, in paintings, of his time spent there. If his portraits are an effort to capture and codify variations in racial appearance, his Bronzeville scenes, and their Paris equivalents, which he produced from the late 1920s onward, are attempts to find visual correlatives for the sounds of black music and colloquial black speech.
“Saturday Night,” from 1935, is a club scene. It takes what Motley learned about figure painting, color and composition, pushes that through an Expressionist filter, and sets it to a sinuous, thumping jazz score. The room is soaked in vermilion light. The band is far in the background, but its rhythms pulse through in the body of a single dancer who sways between the tables.
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“Saturday Night” (1935).Credit...Howard University Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Valerie Gerrard Browne
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“Carnival” (1937).Credit...Howard University Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Valerie Gerrard Browne
The same energy fills the night in “Carnival” from 1937, only now the music comes, outdoors, from an accordion-playing minstrel-show figure regaling a crowd of fairgoers. The smartly dressed visitors chat and preen. Stars shine overhead. A fat man in a straw skimmer, looking oddly isolated, moves through the center of the scene.
That man, or his equivalent, shows up in many of Motley’s city pictures. He’s an outrageous racial caricature: round-faced, popeyed, thick-lipped, a cartoon. Mr. Powell, in the catalog, pegs him as Motley’s alter ego, his way of acknowledging a feeling of distance from blackness but also an investment so thorough as to allow him to play with it, mess with it from the inside, as well as from the outside, pre-emptively expressing the racist hostility that is an unabating condition of American life. It’s a tactic used by writers like Zora Neale Hurston in Motley’s time, and in our own by comedians like Richard Pryor and artists like Robert Colescott and Kara Walker.
Motley continued to explore this risky mode of depicting social realities for the rest of his career which, gradually, went into decline. After his wife’s death in 1948, he made extended trips to Mexico, where his nephew Willard, a successful novelist, lived. Back in Chicago, to support his mother, who had remarried after his father’s death, he took a job with a company designing shower curtains. In 1955, he was jailed for six months for assaulting her abusive husband. In 1963, in his 70s, he began his last painting.
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“The First One Hundred Years,” finished in 1972, was Archibald Motley’s final painting, and with its sweepingly topical content, it’s like no other picture he ever made. Credit... Collection of Mara Motley, MD, and Valerie Gerrard Browne
With its epic-length title — “The First One Hundred Years: He Amongst You Who Is Without Sin Shall Cast the First Stone; Forgive Them Father for They Know Not What They Do” — and sweepingly topical content, it’s like no other picture he ever made. Set in a twilight blue space, it has the mood of a composite-style nightmare to which new elements were added over time: an African mask paired with a human skull; a devil’s head and a peace dove; a Ku Klux Klan figure and the Statue of Liberty, and a “coloreds only” sign; a lynching and a crucifixion. And dead center is a man’s head in the format of a bust-length portrait, with the face blacked out.
This painting, hung on a wall by itself, ends the show, just as Motley’s confident 1933 studio self-portrait began it. When he finished “The First One Hundred Years” in 1972, he put his brushes down and painted nothing more in the remaining nine years of his life. His work ends in profound political anger and in unambiguous identification with African-American history. I would say that, behind his gracious portraits and his later, radical, jazz-scored scenes of black urban life, those feelings were in some measure ever-present. They help explain his art’s unforgettably puzzling texture and its surprising weight.
“Archibald Motley: Jazz Age Modernist” runs through Jan. 17 at the Whitney Museum of American Art; 212-570-3600, whitney­.org.
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5 + 1 Headcanons~!
Hehehehehe I was hoping and praying that someone would be foolish enough to tag me in this, and @zozo-01 and @ejunkiet activated my trap card lol thank you my darlings~
1. Alexis (and the Solaire Clan)
For some reason, I have had lots of thoughts about what kind of pets the Solaires like. Will is obviously a cat dude; we all love Bob Ross the cat. Sam is a dog kind of guy, because that makes it super funny he's dating a werewolf. Vincent seems like he'd like small, cuddly, fluffy animals like rabbits or hamsters to match his playful energy. In the isolated house Will gave her, on the edge of Solaire property, Alexis has a rescued parrot, because she can sympathize with a songbird that's been isolated from the rest of its flock. This is influenced by the my hc Alexis used to be a sonal energetic, wild parrots do actually fly about certain parts of Southern California, and Alexis would choose a pet with a long life span.
2. Love
My Love's name is Ariel! My thought process was that ETS, knowing that they wanted Love to go into the Meridian and that the only creatures who can directly interact with it are d(a)emons, would follow along with the d(a)emon naming convention. So Ariel is named after a star, albeit the artificial kind- an actual, British-American satellite that was launched in 1962.
3. Christian
Each and every one of you will have to drag surfer boy Christian out of my cold dead hands okay this is, like, one of the tenets of my heart Erik hasn't ripped out while it still beats From what I understand, both California and Australia are big on surfing, and I think the opportunity to make him an attractive, douchey, thinks-he's-hot-shit surfer dude was too good to pass up.
4. Cutie
Cutie is autistic and comes from a long family line of Telepaths. Cutie's relationship with telepathy, the way they use it, and their difficulty with not doing so reminds me a lot of my own struggle with autism and dating someone from a different cultural background than me. It's obvious their disregard for boundaries stems not from maliciousness or neglect but, I think, from a lifetime of communication issues that they've never needed to learn how to cope with properly.
5. Ollie
I've claimed Ollie for the asexuals, and anyone that tells me otherwise will be lovingly but harshly bitten (obviously /j)
+1. Enneagrams
This will probably be expanded into a full post sometime in the future (blame @romirola for enabling me), but I'll put down some of the tentative Types I've got down for the boys. Damien: thought we was a Type Six, I'm actually more convinced he's a One now. Sam: oh, the dictionary definition of a Type Eight. Geordi: Type Two but a healthy, developed Two. The work has been put in there. Lasko: Type Nine, specifically 9w1. Is that also my type? Who the fuck wants to know? /lh David: I thought, no brainer, that'd he'd be a Six but Type Three is very compelling. Asher: I'm not sure, but Asher is giving me 9w8 vibes which surprises me; I never thought I'd put him and Lasko so close on the circle, but it eats at me all the same.
Tagging: @dominimoonbeam @bratty-telepath @k9rage @horrorscoupes @angelnoodlesoup @gingerbreadmonsters @bicyclepainting @just-call-me-angel and you! If you want!
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libriaco · 11 months
Apri e chiudi
Giorni fa mia moglie ed io abbiamo comperato alcuni audiolibri su CD, al prezzo stracciatissimo di 1 euro ciascuno, per una nostra ex-giovane amica con problemi di salute e una difficoltà acclarata nell'uso di uno smartphone.
Editore di prestigio: la Emons - Feltrinelli; titolo ormai classico: Cecità di Saramago, lettore: Sergio Rubini.
La Emons Edizioni è una casa editrice italiana che, come attività principale, pubblica audiolibri di narrativa contemporanea italiana e straniera, classici, saggi, noir, poesia, epica, fantasy e audiolibri per bambini e ragazzi. Gli audiolibri sono letti dagli autori stessi o da attori. Ha ampliato la tipologia di pubblicazioni, aprendo alla carta nel 2014. La direttrice editoriale è Carla Fiorentino.
recita la pagina di Wikipedia.
Quando ho sentito l'incipit del primo Capitolo, letto da una voce femminile, ho però avuto un sobbalzo e mi si sono accartocciate le orecchie:
"Cecità, di José Saramago. Légge Sergio Rubini. Una produzione Émons Feltrinelli."
Ma come, pubblichi decine e decine di testi audio e non c'è neppure un editor che si sia accorto della mala pronuncia della signorina proprio nella prima frase che si ascolta? È vero, sono facilitato dall'essere toscano, ma, sant'iddio, non sapere la differenza tra le vocali chiuse e quelle aperte!!!
J. Saramago, [Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, 1995], Cecità, Milano, Emons - Feltrinelli, audiolibro, 2010 [Trad. R. Desti].
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
hi i am here to be distracting!! what’s your comfort show and is there a reason why? is it a different show from your favorite show? i hope you’re feeling better soon <333
aww, thank youu <333
omg- so I think my favourite show changes a lot, currently Bones, but anime favourite would be a three way tie hahaha~ (j/jk, b/sd, and d/emon slayer atm~)
Comfort show wise, I don't have a ton. Most often if I need comfort I watch G/ame Grumps monopoly videos haha~ It's my go-to comfort entertainment, and usually a sign that I'm feeling a bit stressed~ But I think I'd also say C/riminal Minds, despite how dark (and non-comforting) it can be! It's just been one I've watched for so long, the characters mean a lot to me, and I know all the plot points by heart already~
(though lately I've also been watching B/luey. Just so gentle and soft but with deep meanings and sometimes you just wanna be a kid for a bit ToT)
I'm more recently into anime, but B/ungo Stray Dogs Wan has been an absolute comfort I've been going back to recently. It's just silly, and easy, but with a few deeper moments too. It helps take me out of my own head a little~ (L/ife Lessons with U/ramichi O/niisan as well~ dives a little darker, but is still such a fun show!~)
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unknown-terrain · 2 years
I think the J*ime/C*rsei stans on Twitter have deluded themselves into believing their fav incest is somehow less incestuous than D*emon/Rh*enyra?? It’s things like that that make me love going to sleep every night knowing Martin hates C*rsei.
Stan twt: where brain cells go to die.
Incest is incest and it's all disgusting no matter who commits it.
GRRM isn't fond of Cersay and neither is like 99.999999% of the population. Her biggest stans are Dumb and Dumber and I sleep well at night knowing those dumb dumbs will remain a joke for the rest of their lives plus the fact they couldn't get people to root for Cersay or Twincest despite trying for years. No way is GRRM giving Cersay the same ending Dumb and Dumber pulled outta their stank asses.
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yozzers · 2 years
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my good friends vyrut and seckor....are on it!!!!!!!!!! ft. emon j and gloria bcs im excited abt them
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icharchivist · 2 years
i haven't started summer troupe act 2 yet (come to think of it, i actually need to get to one day princess first!) but. ive been periodically listening to a3 music lately and i swear every time i check the music page on the wiki to see song credits im reminded that i can literally never stray too far away from my vocaloid roots haha... i mean ig it makes sense its like. people who make music also work on. other music. but its still sooo funn to see! like wow. yuyoyuppe's done some of my favorite tracks on a3 and produces for babymetal AND is the originator of some of my fav vocaloid tracks... sasakure.uk worked on hisoka's character song! (that one i didnt even have to look up, i heard the first five seconds and went oh this is so much like little cry of the abyss aka one of my favorite songs of all time. highly recommend if u liked traumerei and void) anyways. its just. its nice. i was reminiscing abt the music i liked today and wanted to check the lyrics of MKDR since it's one of my fav deco27 songs and then boom credited for arrangement is emon(tes.) chikage and homare's chara songs are written by the guy who did the gsnk opening. hes credited on other a3 stuff too. i think what i'm realizing by this is just like. ...huh, i listen to a lot of j-music. still! every time i recognize another name or something clicks its so fun for me. like im carrying my own secret web of music
first of all, take your time as always, there's no rush, the archive isn't going anywhere ;D you'll get there
But as for the music, first of all, i feel you, bc the music is banger, which i don't need to tell you since you know it in way better details than i do
it's incredible that you could find this much references to things you've been into in the discography holy shit. Like yeah sure it makes sense music maker also made for good music producers but it's still two words that collide!! that's wild. I listened to a few Vocaloid when i was younger but their songs has always been good!! and it's funny bc when i was younger, saying of any J-music "it reminds me of Vocaloid" used to get you the stinky eye on the assumption people would make that just "yeah so you just think J-music is the same", which is! absolutely never what i would mean by that, but therefore i've kept for myself all this time "Hisoka's first solo really sounds like a Vocaloid's song" and the fact you, a pro, comes and tell me not only exactly that it's because it was composed by a Vocaloid composer, but that their musical style is shining through, is really gratifying. I'll definitely need to check out the Vocaloid songs he worked on, i really love traumerei and i would love to hear more by this artist.
And i'm losing my mind over the fact Chikage and Homare's songs were written by the guy who did the gnsk's opening???? I LOVE this song, it's been in my banger playlists in forever, and you're telling me the guy went to a3 and decided to write two others bangers? (two of my most listened solos at that??) that's so damn cool, worlds collide hard but in such a fun way.
Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your little secret with me, it was like opening the door to a whole lot of possibilities. It's one thing to know that most of the composers/arrangers worked on Vocaloid or various songs, it's another to point out to those specific songs and get a blast once you connect the two, and i appreciate you sharing that with me.
It's really so nice, thank you so much for sharing <33
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nahimnopur · 25 days
Soboi sundor jokhon ta hoy somane somane......mukhe ek r lalon koren arek..... Eta kmn na.... Bojapora somane somane howay valo kew dom atke mara jabe ar arekjon dekhew eriye jabe... Kharap kothai taw sundor. Sundorta kothai janis nopur... Toke shikheye dicche kivabe cup thaka jai...sathe aro onek kichu... Somoi holei bujhbiii... Tui nock dilei response korche etai jothestho er ceye beshi kokhonoi asha koris na.... Je manusta.... Thak... It's okay. Etai tor prappo....
Ami to koi karo sathe emon acoron kori nai.... Zate amar dara arekta manush kosto pak ba opomanitobodh koruk borong ami nijek choto kore dekhechi.... Manush ja kore tai tar jonno prostut thake ami kake emon korlam j amar sathe se emon kore.....jak ge.... Amar take birokto kora ucit na...
Moner tan thaklei na khobor nibe na thakle kmn....Ekhon ami neowa mane take jor kora hbe...... O ase jai etai valo..... Kinto amar emon odvut lage knooo.....amar vishon kharap lage tar emon acoron dekhle.... Ami je meye sohoje cokher pani ase na ei manushta asar por je kotobar j cokher pani jhoreche....se to pattai dei... Jar kache amar kharap lagar dam nai....sekhane amak mullayon ba gurutto dewa to durer boshoy borong se....... Bad......bad....kno aste holo evabe......se je poriman oniha dekhai Ekhon asolei nijer lojja lage.... Kinto pari koi.....nah parbo....ebar ontoto take ektu tar moto thakte dewa ucit amar.
Allah ami jeno tar biroktir karon na hoi....ami cai se valo thakuk hashikhushi thakuk...sob jaigai tar sorbottom morjada bojai Thakuk sob kharap dure jak....
Beshi lovi hoye gechi take dekhte icche kore, shunte icche kore.........na na na na cahida barano jabe na.... Kicchu cai na... Ami kicchu na mane kicchui na lagbe na tar theke kono prokar gurutto.....se amai kno gurutto dibe ami ki emon j....jak ge
Etaw sundor!!!
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esporaespazioa · 6 months
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Junko & Yves Junko 80ko hamarkadaren erdialdean noiseko nazioarteko eszenan zeresana ematen hasi zen artista japoniarra da. Hijokaidan taldeko kide izan zen, eta bertan muturreko performancea eta inprobisazio askea uztartzen zituen. 2002az geroztik, bakarka, bere ahotsean oinarritzen du bere lana, sormen-bitarteko gisa, mailarik gorenera eramateko. Oraingoan, 1988tik martxan dagoen Yves Botz gitarrista esperimental frantziarrak lagunduko dio. Junko es una artista japonesa que comenzó a dar qué hablar en la escena internacional de noise a mediados de los 80. Fue parte de la banda Hijokaidan, con quien combinaba performance extrema e improvisación libre. En solitario desde 2002, explora su voz como medio creativo al más intenso nivel. En esta ocasión le acompañará el guitarrista experimental francés Yves Botz, activo desde 1988. https://gerpfastkolektif.bandcamp.com/album/j-u-n-k-o
Mutilated Judge Arratiako haranetik, Grindcore plomsom bikote honek hamarkada bat darama astintzen du DIY metal-eszenako oilategia. Ezin konta ahala erreferentzia eta splittekin, aukera izan dute beren zuzeneko basatia Europan zehar behin baino gehiagotan erakusteko, baita Amerikan ere.
Desde el valle de Arratia, este dúo de Grindcore bien plomsom lleva agitando el gallinero de la escena metalera DIY durante una década. Con innumerables referencias y splits a sus espaldas, han tenido la ocasión de descargar su salvaje directo varias veces por Europa, saltando incluso el charco para tocar en América. https://mutilatedjudge.bandcamp.com/
Emankore Emankore Itziar Markiegik (aka Jana Jan) eta Garazi Gorostiagak osatutako bikotea da. Biak 2018an hasi ziren Miguel A. Garciak Larraskitu klubean antolatutako Gau Maltzurra jaialdian, bere tresna elektronikoekin eta DIYrekin garatutako noise proposamenarekin. Denbora baten ondoren eta Pansonic bezalako eraginekin, euren setean oinarri erritmikoak ere integratzea erabaki dute. Orain arte Euskal Herriko hainbat gaztetxe eta jaialditan jo dute (MEM, Mogambo, Zarata fest...) eta k7 autoeditatu bat argitaratu dute,, Portugaleten aurkeztuko duten EMAN PLAKTON (Hazi esporak 2023) cd-az gain.
Emankore es el dúo formado por Itziar Markiegi (aka Jana Jan) y Garazi Gorostiaga. Ambas comienzan en 2018 en el festival Gau Maltzurra organizado por Miguel A. Garcia en el club Larraskitu, con una propuesta noise desarrollada con sus instrumentos electrónicos y DIY. Después de un tiempo y con influencias como Pansonic, deciden integrar también bases rítmicas en su set. Hasta la fecha han tocado en diversos gaztetxes y festivales en Euskal Herria (MEM, Mogambo, Zarata fest...) y han publicado una k7 autoeditada además de EMAN PLAKTON (Hazi esporak 2023), cd que presentarán en Portugalete. https://haziesporak.bandcamp.com/album/emon-plakton
Louis Laurain Louis Laurain (1984) Parisen bizi den tronpeta-jotzailea da. Bere lana musika esperimentalaren, jazzaren, elektroakustikaren eta arte bisual eta performatiboen arteko mugetan koka daiteke. Besteak beste, Stephen O 'Malley (Sunn O)), Khanate...), Eliane Radigue, Axel Dorner, Guy One eta Mosin Kawarekin kolaboratu du.
Louis Laurain (1984) es un trompetista residente en París. Su trabajo se puede situar en los límites entre la música experimental, el jazz, la electroacústica, y las artes visuales y performativas. Ha colaborado, entre otres, con Stephen O' Malley (Sunn O))), Khanate…), Eliane Radigue, Axel Dorner, Guy One, o Mosin Kawa. https://www.louis-laurain.com/
Driellya SubRats taldeko bateria-jolearen bakarkako proiektua da Driellya, noisearen hainbat esparrutan murgiltzen dena, dronetik sludgera. Bi la argitaratu berri ditu, bata Útero Bitch-ekin, bestea Amphetamine Onanism-ekin. Driella es el proyecto en solitario de Hugo, batería de SubRats, el cual navega por diferentes ramas del noise, como el sludge y el drone. Acaba de publicar 2 referencias nuevas, una con Útero Bitch, y otra con Amphetamine Onanism. https://driellya.bandcamp.com/
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giyuwu-san · 4 years
social distancing. (smau!)
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✎ falling in love with your online classmate during quarantine wasn’t exactly your brightest idea. (smau!)
    pairing : kuroo tetsurou x f!reader (stem-major!au) (college!au)
    warnings : crackheadedness, fluff, angst, pining, slow burn, cursing, mentions of depression
tags : @hawkshousewaifu​ @kageyamas-writing-milk​​ @assortedanime​​ @mutantjournalist​​ @togasknifes​​ @dumbassbrigade​​ @allywritesimagines​​ @vventure​​ @kodzuken-pie​​ @bokutokoutarou​​ @gulfwanq​​ @thechloethings​​ @lydzisanerd​​ @keekee-732​​ @bubbleteagabi​​ @samkagi​​ @benewol​​ @tetsukuroos​​ @killlerqween​​ @kuroorooisbaby​​ @zoppzoop​​ @mx-minxx​​ @kiinokochii​​ @nerdyphantomlady​​ @hq-cuties​​ @kuraomi​​ @sugawsites​​ @shoutobabyboy​​ @ochacostrange​​ @visaintes​​ @invalideedhh​​ @callmekda​​ @a-sweet-little-fangirl​​ @kamillecayeeeee​​ @acehyacinth​​ @idiot-juice-enthusiast​​​ @tsutsukki​​​ @afuckingunicornn​​​ @heavenini​​​ @nervousfriendpeachcash​​​ @vermillionwaves​​​ @kefakiran​​​ @hihiq​​​ @kaikamikazi​​​  @bella-does-things​​​  @pixcldust​​​  @soyyoko​​​  @plantisnotplant​​​ @underoosjae​​​ @chokomoko​​​  @lulukolelouch​​​ @yasadisiruya​​​ @luna-barnes14​​​ @ysarayofsunshine​​​ @ladymartiini​​​ @dg010928​​​ @haikkeiji​​​ @koukamisblog​​​ @queen-emon​​​ @noodlenerd101​​​ @j-brielmalfoy​​​ @haikyuuopalite​​​ @krxstynnn​​​  @justacringewritter​​​ @lizzie-kins​​​ @sakusakymi​​​ @secondsonabrokenclock​​ @shady-mastermind​​ @adriloen​​ @haiq-trash​​ @astrrnmy​​ @basicallyberry​ ​ @seffuchan​ @jaegersblogh​ @noahsfag​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​ @pooofthechicken​ @whippedforhaikyuu​ @tanakax123​ @shouldahadavy8​ @roiana-mustang​ @zheira-chii​ @cuddlesslut​ @rienin​ @darling-aimo​ @plutoxxxword @tremendousglitterthing @daisukekanbesslut​ @levisackerwoman​ @momo-has-a-gun​ @din0saurpatrol​ @thing-to-read-lol @dumbass-claudia​ @buckturd​ @skeet-skeet-double-fckn-yeet​ @handsoffmyfriends​ @ushiwakaismybae​ @cruel-spider​ @bellinha-68​ @sophie-san​ @venusinrome @ravencacaww @why-am-i-here-right-now-pls-help  @kirby-boo @bokutonkatsu @nctxskzwhippedculture @mariachiii
(feel free to message/send an ask if you wish to be added to the taglist!)
y/n and friends + introduction  ⁠—  kuroo and friends + introduction
 - - -  *゚‘゚ ☽  ☼  ☾ *.:。 - - -
unit i
         01 - atoms
         02 - unstable elements 
         03 - probability formula
         04 - the nervous system
         05 - relapse
unit ii
         06 - gravitational pull
         07 - love chemicals
         08 - leucocytes
         09 - evolution
         10 - chemical reaction
         11 - body heat
         12 - adrenaline
         13 - the big bang
unit iii
         14 - solar eclipse
         15 - cyanide and petrol
         16 - shooting stars
         17 - hydrogen and helium
         18 - hydrogen oxide
epilogue - sigma bonds
—  (official posting schedule)
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
EDWARDSVILLE — Four people were charged with retaail theft in separate Madison County cases on Monday.
Ryan J. Scroggins, 21, of Wood River, was charged with retail theft under $300, a Class 4 felony. The case was presented by the East Alton Police Department.
According to court documents, on Sept. 10 Scroggins allegedly took merchandise at the East Alton Circle K. He was convicted of burglary in 2021. Bail was set at $20,000.
Jennifer L. Tucker, 44, of Alton, was charged with retail theft under $300, a Class 4 felony. The case was presented by the Madison County Sheriff's Department.
According to court documents, on Sept. 9 Tucker allegedly took food items from the Godfrey Walmart. Tucker was convicted of retail theft in 2001. Bail was set at $15,000.
Emon N. Shanklin, 59, of East St. Louis, was charged with retail theft under $300, a Class 4 felony. The case was presented by the Collinsville Police Department.
According to court documents, on Sept. 9, Shanklin allegedly took a pair of shoes and teeth whitening strips from the Collinsville Walmart. Bail was set at $15,000.
Shelley A. Steward, 37, of Collinsville, was charged with retail theft over $300, a Class 3 felony. The case was presented by the Collinsville Police Department.
According to court documents, on Sept. 11, Steward allegedly took bandanas, T-shirts, jewelry accessories, a backpack, Halloween decorations, birthday decorations, aquarium gravel and miscellaneous items from a store. Bail was set at $15,000.
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