#emotional support otp
kirsty--cotton · 3 months
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I hope they got their bookclub 🥺🤍
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jaypentaghast · 3 months
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if he evil why he just a lil guy
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SCREAMINGCRYINGTHROWINGUP @pointdotiozao did an INCREDIBLE job with this wedding portrait!!! the sparkles in her dress! the leopard orchid boutonniere! the glowing light! the yarmulke! the chuppah! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
this is moments before disaster in the second chapter of the sequel 😏 (still a wip so be nice)
"Bea," his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat again, "I love you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you performing your Maelstrom interpretive dance." Bea's eyes widened. "I agree with that guy, you do have a bangin' body," V continued. Bea looked horrified and V smirked. "When we kill people together, it feels like we share the same brain and body, like we're part of a single organism. That's how I feel even when we're not killing people together." Bea looked at V's side of the aisle of guests as some mercs cooed and wiped tears from their eyes. "I love you so fucking much, and there is no one I trust more in the world to have my back than you." Inelegant, but quintessentially V. Bea smiled and teared up and bit her lip. She didn't write anything. She knew if she did, she would fuck it up and overthink everything. She looked at the box with the matching gold band, then back at V. "I thought you were a fucking lunatic for enjoying my "Maelstrom interpretive dance." I didn't fall head over heels, that hasn't actually come yet at all," the crowd uncomfortably chuckled, but V's smirk widened. "I really just wanted to know what was wrong with you." Honey subtly nudged Bea in her back, "What are you doing?" she hissed. "Vincent fucking Guerra, you are the gonkest, most annoying, insufferable shithead I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You are also one of the bravest and kindest people I know. In both cyberspace and realspace, physically and metaphorically, you have broken down barriers I never thought would or could be broken." Bea paused for a moment and looked down. She closed her eyes, blinking a tear down her cheek. She looked at V again, "I am terrified everyday I wake up next to you. I am terrified I'll lose you. I'm terrified I'll lose myself." Bea stepped forward and put her hand on his face, Arnie, Greta and the Rabbi gasped. "Every fucking day I swallow my terror because I want to. Because I will endure anything to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life." Bea pressed their foreheads together, "Vincent Guerra, I fucking love you and that terrifies me more than anything in the world." She took the ring out of the box and took his left hand, placing it on his ring finger. Both of their hands shook. Arnie handed the Rabbi the ketubah who read it in the original Aramaic. He handed it to V, who then handed it to Bea. The Rabbi then recited the seven blessings over another cup of wine. Then, they kissed. Rat placed the wine glass wrapped in a white cloth in front of V. He held Bea's hand and they stepped forward. He lifted his foot. Bea felt the familiar sensation of metal ripping through flesh. Through her flesh. "Mazal tov" echoed distantly as she looked down at the broken glass under V's foot. Had a piece flown out and hurt her? The cheering stopped and she looked down at her legs, a red stain was blooming through her dress. V distantly called to her, "Bea? Fuck, Bea what happened!"
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whumpypepsigal · 5 months
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Fire Country s02e05: “We’re family. We always will be.”
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docdonnalove · 6 months
On bad days like today, I keep reminding myself that somewhere out there in our hearts and souls, Fourteen and Donna are living their best lives, together. Worry free and happy after all they’ve been through…
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phanb · 2 years
Can we… can we talk about how underrated Kakashi's relationship with Gai is by everyone?
I start my essay by stating that I have been visiting many pages about Kakashi (biography, psychological analysis, etc.) and many of them have disappointed me by barely mentioning the relationship these two have. Kakashi, at first, didn't like Gai much for his boisterous way of being, but over time they hit it off, enough that Gai, a fairly confident person who rarely expresses any negative sentiment, confesses to Kakashi the shame he has that his father is still a genin. One would expect, with Obito not yet dead, that Kakashi would mock or belittle Gai, but instead, he, the prodigy of his generation and a cold genius, tells Gai that his father is "the coolest shinobi out there." This is incredible knowing that he was a little shit with everyone.
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Changing the subject by mentioning Obito, can I also add a perspective that many people often confuse? Both boys considered themselves to be Kakashi's rivals, but for different reasons; Obito was constantly jealous and envious of his teammate's successes and even the attention he received from his crush (Rin), while Gai never felt anything like it towards Kakashi, rather seeing the boy as a personal ideal of a perfect shinobi that he wanted to achieve and surpass, without any animosity in between. Gai constantly cheered Kakashi up and always seemed happy to see him, while Obito, even though he cared for him (Kakashi), he always felt less than him, which made him very angry with his teammate.
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Making a timeskip after his and Rin's death, a rather significant scene of what Gai represents for Kakashi is when he is sent on a mission by Minato to protect him in case something happens to him. Minato is absolutely right since Kakashi, in the middle of the mission, has a panic attack that causes an enemy to almost kill him, being saved by Gai who soon comforts him. What can be taken for granted is that Gai somehow managed to calm him down, surprisingly.
When Minato and Kushina die, Kakashi is left alone and unappreciated in a rush to fibally die. At this point we know that they both have a good and strong relationship apart from fighting each other, so it's no surprise when the only one who still believes there's good in Kakashi is Gai, who tries his best to help him, to the point of begging the Hokage to let him into Ambu so he could help and protect Kakashi.
In an intense mission in which Gai watches as Kakashi kills with unwavering coldness, he knows that the best option to get Kakashi out of the black hole he's stuck in is to get him out of Ambu. He is so worried about Kakashi that he constantly makes demands to get him out, to the point where the Hokage, knowing that Kakashi is an invaluable asset in Ambu and an extraordinary ninja, grants his request.
How are there people who believe that these two are just "friends"? And I'm not talking in romantic terms (not now). I'm talking about them believing they don't have "a strong connection" or that Gai is just an "old friend or close acquaintance". It's almost insulting.
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Many believe that Gai is the only one who participates in the challenges and that Kakashi doesn't like them, but we know that they did more than a hundred challenges in the course of their lives. If Kakashi found them ridiculous or wanted Gai to leave him alone, he could. He was stronger than Gai, he could even disappear or manipulate him into leaving, but he accepted those challenges, he even keeps score! He likes them, he enjoys doing challenges; he is as into it as Gai.
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They both have fun together no matter what. The two talks, understand each other and know each other well. They are not just "rivals" or "just friends"; Gai is a very important part of Kakashi's life, he is the one who kept him away from death (by suicide or being murdered), he is the one with whom Kakashi feels safe enough to faint from exhaustion in the face of danger (the attack of Itachi) or to guide him when he is blind. Despite his attitude towards his friend, Kakashi knows that Gai is precious to him; many times he has protected him, encouraged him or cared for him, and not just because he is a ninja comrade.
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End of my essay. Talk to me if you want to continue discussing or talking about why Kakagai is so fascinating and amazing.
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sharoscylla · 11 months
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They 100% belong together
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months
at this point i rewatch episodes of cql almost exclusively to collect jpegs to play with like barbies later
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genocidalfetus · 1 year
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Vilem may be a tough-as-nails merc, but when he's off the clock, it's easy for him to get lost in his own head and begin to spiral, everything piling up on him, threatening to pull him under. Good thing he's got two rockerboys who keep him afloat with their cuddles and emotional support.
Also shoutout to @humberg for his cuddly pose pack! Perfect for these shots! Get them here!
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 7 months
Cut Ties
Surprise bitch, I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me! I actually wrote you two snippets! (And two songfics. Halp me.)
Branch nervously played with his puppet string bracelet. He couldn’t take the stupid thing off so it was a harmless outlet for him to avoid looking his girlfriend in the eye.
She was worried. Unsurprising as it was, it made everything harder. Why did she have to be so perfect? Every part of Branch except his brain wanted to hold her tight until her eyes relaxed. He wanted to sing a soft love song with her about overcoming anything together.
But that would be putting her in danger; his brain reminded him. The part of him that loved her enough to know what needed to be done. He had to make sure she wasn’t close enough for his parents to get anymore ideas for her than they already had. The last thing he wanted was a puppet string bracelet on her pretty pink wrist. Her eyes weren’t too far off Daffy’s. While Branch would notice the difference in a heartbeat, he’s not sure everyone else would.
“Branch, what is going on!?” Poppy finally asked.
Did he want to try to let her down gently, or rip the band-aid off?
“I think we should break-up.”
Band-aid it was. Probably the smart choice. One look at her face and Branch had to physically bite his tongue to keep from taking it back.
“Why?” she asked.
Branch shuddered at the sound. He hated it. He hated having to hear the woman he loved plead with him like that. He hated the heartbreak on her face. He hated the way the lie tasted in his mouth.
“Did I do something wrong!? Was it the glitter? The scrapbooks!?”
“No! No! Poppy, I love your scrapbooks!”
Branch resisted the urge to smack himself. He acted on impulse when he heard her voice start to shake. Stupid heartache, making it harder to protect her! He wished he could just peel his own flesh and stab his own eyes out instead. It would certainly hurt less than making her cry would!
“Then why!?” she begged.
Branch carefully took her paws into his own and squeezed as much comfort as he could.
“Let me rephrase: Can we take a break?”
He was being a coward and he knew it. The safest option would be to torch the whole relationship so thoroughly that she never cared about him again. That way he couldn’t be used as emotional leverage against her. He didn’t plan on helping his parents do anything to her, but there was a risk that they would break his resolve someday.
His brain screamed at him for it, but Branch’s heart was intent on taking that risk to spare her feelings a little bit.
“A break?” she asked.
Branch nodded.
“I was in that bunker for…. a while.” Branch said, squeezing her paws even tighter “I’m grateful that you helped me come out of my hole and start to trust people again, but I sort of jumped straight into being in love with you.”
Branch forced himself to let go and turn away.
“I just....Obviously wanderlust runs in my family and I didn't have much of a chance to try anything else out. I just want to make sure this is what I actually want. I don't want to hurt you down the road if I turn out to be the kind of guy that bails when he gets excited by something else!”
He chanced one more glance back at her.
“So....I think I need some time to explore myself and try other things.”
She was ugly crying.
Branch wanted to die.
“I’m sorry! I should’ve- I didn’t- I- I- I just- I-” she choked, with snot running down her face. “I don’t wanna break uuuuuup!!!”
Branch sighed. A mild guitar began to play and flowers with faces prepared to sing back-up.
“Oh I don’t want to cause you heartache. Though you are my best friend, I’m at my wits end!” Branch sang
He gestured to his heart.
“I swear my love is bonified!”
Poppy threw her arms out.
“But that don't coincide! With the things that you’re doing!” she sang
She took a step towards him and reached out.
“When I ask you to be nice. You say-”
Branch turned his back. He sang danced with his eyes closed.
“You gotta be cruel to be kind! In the right measure!”
Poppy tried to run to him, but the flowers blocked her.
“Cruel to be kind.” Branch continued
He finally turned around to face her, safely divided by the flowers.
“It's a very good sign. Cruel to be kind. Means that I love you baby!”
“You gotta be cruel” the flowers sang
“You gotta be cruel to be kind!” Branch sang, finishing the chorus.
He started to run away through the flowers with Poppy struggling to follow through the instrumental break.
“Well I do my best to understand dear!” Poppy sang as she maneuvered her way through the flowers.
She ran into a dead ends as the flowers bent and moved to block her from Branch at every turn.
“But you still mystify and I want to know why!”
She tried to climb a stalk to get to Branch who was easily walking on the leave and petals.
“I pick myself up off the ground.”
Branch shook the flower, sending her to the ground.
“To have you knock me back down!” she continued.
The pattern repeated a few times.
“Again and again!” She sang as she hit the ground a few more times montage style.
Poppy brushed herself off the best she could and took to shouting up towards Branch.
“When I ask you to explain! You say-”
Branch jumped down, landing close enough to knock Poppy down again.
“You gotta be cruel to be kind!” he sang.
He offered his hand to help her up. She took it and he continued.
“In the right measure.”
He sent her spinning away from him. She face planted into a flower stalk.
“Cruel to be kind. It's a very good sign.” He caught up to her with an almost worried expression.
Poppy was rubbing her sore head when Branch sweetly helped her back up again. He held both her hands and looked into her eyes lovingly.
“Cruel to be kind, means that I love you baby!”
“Baby!” the flowers added “You gotta be cruel!”
“You gotta be cruel to be kind” He gave her one smile before he took off away from her again.
“Ooooooooh!” the flowers sang while Poppy repeatedly tried and failed to catch up to Branch.
Every time she got close she was blocked by the flowers and he slipped away. She slowly gave up and sat down sadly as the music quieted for the bridge.
The flowers finally parted and she saw Branch. She didn’t run to him this time.
“Well you can do your best to understand dear. If you’re still mystified and want to know why. You pick yourself up off the ground, to have me knock you back down! Again and again!”
The flowers lifted Branch away from her.
“If you ask me to explain, I’ll say!”
Now that he was out of her sight, Branch looked down sadly at where he knew Poppy was.
“You gotta be cruel to be kind. In the right measure.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and willed himself not to cry.
“Cruel to be kind. It's a very good sign.”
He hugged himself tightly.
“Cruel to be kind. Means that I love you baby!”
“Baby!” the flowers were still going. “You gotta be cruel!”
“You gotta be cruel to be kind!” Branch continued painfully.
“Cruel to be kind”
“In the right measure.” Branch sang with his entire breaking heart.
“Cruel to be kind”
“Well it's a very, very, very good sign.” he assured himself
“Cruel to be kind”
“Means that Ilove you baby!” he belted
“Baby! You gotta be cruel!”
“Gotta be cruel to be kind.” Branch finished with a tear running down his face.
He forced himself not to listen to Poppy’s distant sobs as he ran back to his parents. He would tell them he broke up with Poppy and try to get them focused on leaving for the tour soon. Hopefully if he started to cooperate elsewhere, they would forget any Poppy related plans.
He did it. He saved her. She was crying and he felt like puking, but it was still an act of love.
"Cruel To Be Kind" by Letters To Cleo incase you couldn't tell. Yes, I did change some lyrics to make it work better, but all in all I think it was perfect for this vibe!
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A Cyberpunk 2077 OC x OC smut fic.
Bea gets tired of waiting for V to be done with the gig and takes matters into her own hands.
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Carefully, she climbed up to join him on the chair and lowered herself onto his lap. The suit's material was rubbery and thin enough that the warmth of his body radiated through. It felt a bit like skin, but smoother, and the hint of extra friction made her shiver as her own flesh pressed against it. Her hand slid from his waist up to the zip of the suit and pulled it down further, slowly, exposing more of his chest. She slipped one hand beneath the thin membrane of the suit, nails dragging across his chest, then up his neck. Soft shivers awoke her lips as she pressed them to the warm dip at the center of his exposed clavicle. She wondered what was going on behind those fluttering eyelids.
Thank you @totentnz for the original idea of "edging v while he's stuck netrunning".
This did not become the masterpiece it is without @luvwich. I had a lot of fun collaborating on this and learned so much from you!
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ishipthis · 1 year
I didn't see this coming - Chapter 6.
iDidn't see this coming (34547 words) by Ishipthis Chapters: 6/7 Fandom: iCarly Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Freddie Benson/Carly Shay Characters: Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Harper Raines (iCarly), Spencer Shay, Millicent Mitchell, Marissa Benson, Lewbert Sline Additional Tags: Fluff, Drunken Confessions, Love Confessions, Phone Sex, Friends to Lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Denial of Feelings, Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 1 of iDidn't see this coming Summary: An accidental text message sent while drunk leads to a situation Carly never saw coming. Or; Carly sends Freddie a Creddie Fan fic, and everything blows up.
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good-ol-lisa · 1 year
I will never stop being angry about Phoebe and Knox only getting together at the end of OOUIB because there was no other couple which went through so much development. We got to watch Knox like Phoebe from afar but never think that he was good enough for her, their friendship arise through pure care and liking of one another (and also Maeve), Phoebe start to notice things she liked about him and eventually kissing him on the rooftop, Phoebe pining for him while (we are left to assume) Knox does the exact same, both characters dying to finally be together, an argument, forgiveness, and ...
That's it?
Every couple got their happy ending. Phoebe and Knox however? They got a rushed moment on a rooftop which didn't even precisely tell us the nature of their relationship.
I want to see these two extremely wearied and hurt characters finally allow themselves the simple happiness of being together, I want to see the struggles of their early relationship as they try to get a hold on the feelings they've tried to suppress for so long, I want to see Phoebe navigate being in a relationship with someone she cares about more than she has any other boy, I want to see Knox battling his insecurities around Phoebe and his not feeling worthy enough, I want to see Phoebe opening up to Knox even though she's scared, I want to see Knox supporting her through all the horrible aftermath she is left to experience as well as the lasting trauma, I want to see Phoebe help Knox to see his own value, I want to see Knox finally accepting himself and that he deserves love, I want to see the couple who has gone through hell and back before even getting together finally be able to experience the trust and relief the other characters get to.
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ugh-my-back · 2 years
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Often afraid, but never alone ♡
📸: syphon
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
the season isn't over if I watch it again right now immediately
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gxtzeizm · 10 months
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okay quite a fun fact, number 2, 3 and 5 are literally some of the songs that i included in my lando/max f playlist that i created back on february this year tbh 🤭🤭
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