mogai-headcanons · 8 months
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Toko Fukawa from Danganronpa is a polygender nomagender neogirl girlby demigirl cleancoric xeminine lovecoric nixera catgender polyamorous merosexual emotuasexual bi lesbian with hyperromanticism who is pronounfluid between neopronouns and uses she/her auxiliary pronouns, is the host of a polyfaceted median traumagenic system with two cores, and is dating the other core of aer system, Genocide Jack!
Genocide Jack is an altersex angonadal floragenital genderqueer librafluid gurogender gorecoric berserkic chaoscoric skullgender gungender ambiamorous aplatonic nocturnalsexual queer person who uses it/its pronouns, and it is otherhearted and identifies with all plants!
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