xxstrawberrybunxx · 1 year
"If your system was really that complex, you wouldn't be able to function!"
Babygirl who says I'm functioning
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blue--orangeade · 2 months
Hey, did you know that i know how to sew? Never said it around here, but yeah, i do.
I actually do cosplay once in a while. Right now i am doing a t-shirt
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rin-and-jade · 2 months
Reflections Beyond One Could See: A Detailed Post on Subsystems
"Just like a mirror, capable of depicting a whole scene.. once shattered, it shows many other angles and views that also made the initial reflection less coherent and fragmented."
Before you proceed, this post is the continuation of the previous post , here we cover many other details and information that people had never talked about for these 4 types. If you had seen it, let's begin!
The purpose it has..
I will be talking about the type 1 and 3 first.
Subsystems can be said as a different variant, though a related form to splitting (where it popped a part off someone) which may or may not be related with the initial alter, usually more distinct/unrelated.
In general means, subsystem is emphasized as a form of splitting for the specific alter to cope from distress, or to keep functioning, that isn't involving the whole collective.
All about type 1 & 3..
A reminder that the frequency and severity of how many facets it can break off, or how easy it can create subsystems come from the alter's own stress tolerance; which means some can form them easier (like me), while some are still holding on and stable.
Type 1 - Polyfaceted Subsystem
This type happens to be inside an alter due to still having reasons of feeling intact or together, usually different sides of the same alter. This is made to understand that there might be conflict with some thoughts or views, or due to instability with no intention of rejecting its own sides of selves.. fragmenting to each facet one has, now more autonomous that makes it easier to organize/understand each facets.
(Selfmade name from Poly in Greek; and facette in French, means "many face")
The common obstacles found in this type:
Switches are not as noticeable, especially in lesser distinctions between each facets
Prone to be blurry, or struggle with communicating as the opinions are not synchronized
often causing confusion or disorientation in decision making, due to having many sides but one body trying to operate its own ways
Type 3 - Monodive Subsystem
This type happens when there has been a rejection of identity/trait, or no longer able to cope with the presence of the problem to the core, trouble moving on or trouble keeping other facets together,, so in order to adapt, it splits distinct alters that separates from the main in order to lessen the burden/symptoms. Now all independently autonomous, it may have a similar appearance or an incredibly different look along with it's personality.
(Selfmade name from Mono in Greek; and Divisus in latin, means "separated one")
The common problems found in this type:
Contrasting views and opinions, which creates difficulties finding the middle ground
Problems with gathering evidence due to compartmentalization of memories, or traits, as it is harder to identify or understand fully autonomous splits
May follow with memory loss or skill for the initial alter, if still existing, and foregoes a personality change which can be confusing/distressing
The other meaning..
Okay, now I'll talk about 2 and 4 here.
Subsystem can also be defined by a group of alters by any means, for the most frequent examples such as having the same set of roles, or origins.
Theyre different from polyfaceted and monodive as these two types of systems can extremely vary from one system to another, there is no 'general' rules or requirements and only by reason of grouping.
All about 2 & 4..
Type 2 - Tersynd Subsystem
This type is about a set of specific alters that can traverse out-of-reach innerworld regions with ease that most people couldn't access, or have a hard time reaching to the destination, even staying for a prolonged time, and especially if it needs that specific alter to bring others there. (Also knew from personal experience)
This can also be applied to communicational barriers as some can talk easier compared to others, as it might sound more distant or blurry or can't 'click' nor mediate.
(Selfmade name from Iter in latin; and Syndedemenos in greek, means "travel and connected")
How tersynd works:
It is based on the level of connectedness to a particular area of interest/origin, which is made to be a home or area for similar kinds of alters exclusively. Be it origin or roles
Other folks may not be able to enter or stay in an exclusive area due to a different purpose or off-synchronized with the intention of the area, as there is no personal significance to connect with
Barriers do not only exist in worlds, but also communication too. There might be ease of conversing with a similar group of alter than to the less connected ones as it might have different jobs/roles, thus lesser importance to interact (This can be practiced to build better communication, as the brain loves compartmentalizing and keeping alters separated for survival)
Type 4 - Neofamile Subsystem
This type is for those out there, who developed a connection, or a familiarity who all belonged from different origins,, for example, elves and vampires may not be directed by the same species but they have similarities that connects them together such as longevity and supernatural/fictional beings.
This one is rather self explanatory too.
(selfmade name from Extraneo in latin; and familia in latin, means "from outside but family")
Last words..
I hope that covers every part of what people rarely talk about in this topic, and has been informative from start to finish!
Also, what do you guys think of the names? Should we keep them or stick to "types" instead??
And thankyou for reading to the end, i tried my best to make it as compact as possible.. let me know your own subsystem experiences, or your thoughts on this topic,, i wish you all a good day <3
I can elaborate in a separate post on how to integrate subsystems for healing, just let me know
- j
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pluralpolls · 10 months
Poll suggestion: Are you polyplural at all (polymultiple, polyfrag., polyfaceted, etc.)?
Suggesting this because I remember there was a poll asking "Are you polyfragmented", and while we aren't polyfragmented (since we don't have a lot of fragments + don't fit a lot of the other things that are commonly part of polyfrag), we are polymultiple (have a lot of partitionary, non-fragment members (we're specifically at nearly 500 members as of this ask [positive])), so while we said "no" on the poll, it didn't exactly tell the full story, at least for us ;;
(Not intended as antagonistic to y'all! Just mentioning lol)
Could someone direct us to like a list of leave a list in the comments of all the types of polyplural? Specifically we need at max the nine most common types. Hard to make a poll without that.-🐍&🪻
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rusanya-does-edits · 4 months
Stimboard series on Rusanya's collective identities!
13. Polyplex
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Polyplex - A polyplex is a system that is made up of multiple sidesystems (and sometimes, subsystems) to create the collective. Polyplexes can be of any size. Despite sharing a prefix with terms like polyfragmented, polyfaceted, or polymultiple, those describe system count; polyplex describes function and structure.
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leonardalphachurch · 7 months
Meet the Alters
Just a short introductory post on the members of this system who are most active on here.
ghost - Host of the system. Most frequent fronter, most active poster on here. Church/Benry fictive. Polyfaceted. If you know us you know him. He doesn't actually have a name or pronouns, but if you have to refer to him you can call him ghost.
Chi - He/him. Church/Temple fictive. Kind of an asshole. He will talk to you about leftist politics. Signs off here with the tag #–chi. Has a blog: @communistmarktemple. Blog is 18+.
Echo - He/they. Co-host in terms of responsibility, not so much in fronting time. Epsilon fictive. Dating David. Has a subsystem of all the reds and blues, kind of. Check out their carrd here. They have a blog: @redandblueechoes.
Brightside/TK - He/him. Tucker fictive. Posts the most meta outside of ghost. Signs off here with the tag #~Brightside✨⚔️. Has a blog: @playboylagomorph. 18+.
Alley - Any pronouns. Info about them isn’t really public. Often bolds his text. Signs off here with the tag #–A.
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
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Toko Fukawa from Danganronpa is a polygender nomagender neogirl girlby demigirl cleancoric xeminine lovecoric nixera catgender polyamorous merosexual emotuasexual bi lesbian with hyperromanticism who is pronounfluid between neopronouns and uses she/her auxiliary pronouns, is the host of a polyfaceted median traumagenic system with two cores, and is dating the other core of aer system, Genocide Jack!
Genocide Jack is an altersex angonadal floragenital genderqueer librafluid gurogender gorecoric berserkic chaoscoric skullgender gungender ambiamorous aplatonic nocturnalsexual queer person who uses it/its pronouns, and it is otherhearted and identifies with all plants!
dni link
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What kinds of Polyfragumented systems are there?
Archaic polyfragmented describes polyfragmented, polyplural, polymultiple, or polyfaceted systems that have some form of internal ranking, government, or hierarchy.
Leveled polyfragmented describes polyfragmented, polyplural, polymultiple, or polyfaceted systems that have minimal internal ranking, government, or hierarchy or lack it completely.
Alloy Structured describes polyfragmented, polyplural, polymultiple, or polyfaceted systems that are a mix of archaic and leveled polyfragmented or lie somewhere between the two.
Cluster-oriented polyfragmented describes polyfragmented, polyplural, polymultiple, or polyfaceted systems that tend to have a group of members front at a time rather than one person.
Chimeric polyfragmented system is a polyfragmented, polyplural, polymultiple, or polyfaceted system that consists of distinct groups that may be viewed as their own systems due to size and/or complexity.
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
You Can be a Sysmed Without Being Anti-endogenic
And we know this because y'all smaller systems (and even larger systems like ours!!!) do this shit alllll if the time.
So: we absolutely loathe the idea that systems seem to spread (mostly unintentionally we think) that if your system is larger than maybe twenty people that you cannot have a stable sense of identity between your headmates/alters/parts/spirits/others/etc.
Because we have people come in and out. Constantly. We have no real stable host or system member count but we will have folks come up literally years later who still know who they are/what they are/what their preferences are/etc. and we will have the same thing for someone else who's only been gone for a month. Both of these people will be cofronting/coconscious with someone else that's brand new (weather the newest person knows much is pretty circumstantial for us).
None of this is distressing for us, and no, we do not want to hear the "extenuating circumstances," bullshit, because we have been completely outside of our "extenuating circumstances," for about three or so years now and this still holds true. It still held true while at university and we were actively escaping our "extenuating circumstances," and so if you count that, this would make seven, almost eight years that we have had to test y'alls ideas on polyfrag/polyplur/polymulti/polyfacet, polyplex/layered+ (which we might just call...poly+ now) systems and we Simply Do Not Fit. End of discussion.
Even other supposed pro-endos sit there and only ever try to explain large systems and Xive-heavy systems and non-human-heavy systems in the context of either trauma or spirituality. If you're lucky, maybe both!! But it's all so tired and exhausted and BORING and doing the work of assholes for them.
Like. Y'all. Please just say that your hearts are small and minds narrow. Or that y'all are hypocrites that like to stab the backs of folks the minute they harmlessly exist in a way you don't like (These are not always the same: you can intentionally be the latter without the former and continue anyways — what is traditionally a bigot; you can mean well and unintentionally be the former — still bigotry but in the way propaganda nakes normal citizens complacent.)
That way we don't have to deal with you. We do not want to talk to people again and again about how, in fact, they are being sysmedicalists
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stillflight · 2 years
Week 1 (October 17th)
Perception: Point of View
From the Sea: A filtered light. The aquamarine sun turned moonlight in the Water. A slip forward into a minute of Silence. A plunge downward into a Moment of frenzy. A catch in the talon, Teeth gripping the quarry. From the Sky: Black Feathers roused in the freezing wind, watching through the blizzard for a Chance. Watching the surface. Watching the Wolves. A gleaming Yellow eye and tearing through the fur for the meat. From the Soil: Claws searching in Sand. The nose seeking its Prey. Into the tunnels. Into the Leaf litter. A dim World. Antennae searching in Somewhere. A small other, a small Chance. Closing fast. From the Story: Challenge! Choice. A desperate pull to Fight. No choice. Be what they Need. The sword is a heavy Burden to bear, but it has Chosen. I cannot. I am a yet another wanderer in a world Vast and careless, and I am. The stars follow. The grave is not far Behind.
Polyfaceted; Complicated Paradox, Creature of Shapes and parts sewn Together, A monster, Or a cento?
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cluster-brains · 4 years
Poly- Terms
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An all encompassing term for polyfragmented, polymedian/faceted, and polymultiple; a (typically) large system with multiple layers and/or disruption in communication
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Polyfaceted / Polymedian
A (typically) large system that is primarily median
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Polymultiple / Polypartitionary
A (typically) large system that is primarily multiple
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dear-systems · 2 years
does anyone remember the word for when you have the structure of a polyfrag system but not the numbers
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plural-culture-is · 3 years
polyfaceted median culture is doing something you enjoy and suddenly hearing a "what u doing there?"... then wondering who the heck is was since there's 50-100+ potential headmates it could have been.
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plural-terms · 2 years
hello! i wanted to ask what the term for a system with around 200 members would be? and also if that's. valid i guess? i split a lot and not a lot of them leave (which i'm completely okay with!) but i just see most people have a lot fewer alters than i do...
First I would like to assure you, it is 100% valid to have that many members. There is no number of headmates where the system stops being valid, whether its 2 headmates or 20000. The system is still valid.
As for a term, there are a lot of terms that could fit! However for the interest of conciseness I will cover the main ones, some prefixes and stick links to others in the sources section at the base of the post under the cut.
Polymultiple - having 100+ fully formed members
Polyplural - the umbrella term that includes all forms of systems with 100+ members, ranging from polyfragmented to polymultiple
Polyfragmented - a system with a large amount of fragments (the exact number varies) however from what I can tell this is a closed term that is only avaliable to traumagenic systems
Poly (prefix) - used as a modifier to indicate systems of 100+ members
Have a question? Send us an ask!
Have we added the wrong information or would you like us to add some? Let us know!
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clioportraits · 4 years
I just read the biography of Anna Mitchell-Hedges and it may be the most impressive story I ever read about the most incredible and polyfacetic woman ever to exist!
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shitiunderline · 5 years
Jungians view the psyche not as a monarchy, as the ego would have it, or even as a central intelligence agency, but rather as an entity that is polyfaceted, polymorphous, polysemous, polytheistic. So there are many voices, many intimations, many directives, some heard, some not, but all persuasive. Which voice is mine? ego asks. All of them, Self insists. But I am looking for the Zen face I had before the world was made, ego implores. And yet does Self reincarnate anew, like Krishna and his many avatars. So we bring ourselves to relationship. With scant knowledge of ourselves, we seek our identity in the mirror of the Other, as we once did in Mom and Dad. With all the wounds of this perilous condition we seek a safe harbour in that Other who, alas, is seeking the same in us. With the thousand adaptive strategies derived from the fortuities of fated time, fated place, fated Others, we contaminate the frail present with the gems of the past. We bring the immensity of the cardinal's project, the yearning to merge with the Other, the one who will protect, nurture and save us.
James Hollis, The Eden Project: In search of the magical other
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