#empathy & vacation
badolmen · 1 year
hey you guys know that even if the people inside that submersible are rich billionaires, dying in that metal tube at the bottom of the ocean is a horrific way to die right. like. yeah stupid choices were made by the people in there signing off on a waiver that says the sub is not approved by anyone and they could die. but it’s the fault of OceanGate for knowingly putting people into a Home Depot DIY sub rigged up with an Xbox controller all to make a profit on people’s curiosity.
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cavennmalore · 2 months
question. if empaths take on the emotions of the person they’re reading and the sencens have incredibly strong abilities where they can feel strong emotions without touch, does that mean keefe and cassius are feeding off each others emotions when they fight? like cassius gets mad so keefe gets mad so cassius gets madder etc.?
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cattyscriptor · 4 months
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⤷ dividers/headers: @/cafekitsune ( 1 | 2 )
A million eyes are on you now.
➩ asks (mod) | asks (critters ; Survivors) ➩ art | storyline
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Welcome all to the official Empathy & Vacation blog! Unfamiliar with the AU ? Go to the main @lavendersartistry (specifically here) for intel!
So what is Empathy & Vacation you may ask? This particular AU is the alternate reality of Matron in the Playhouse storyline (a technical “rescue” AU). This AU delves into the rescue of the Bigger Bodies Initiative toys after the Hour of Joy and game events. This AU is set to be more lighthearted.
Disclaimer: This AU has a focus on all possible toy experiment survivors, including defects/scrapped toys!
Known defects in the AU have alterations: They do not include humans for creation! They are mainly going to be QPR-shipped, not the OG BBI experiments!
Synopsis on the AU:
It's been 20 years, now nothing but peace after the escape of the wretched Playtime Co. factory. August and Stella Greybur, siblings in arms, never felt so much happier to burn the heartache and pain of what the Initiative had done, much to Poppy's joy of freedom. No one, not one survivor, dared to look back, leaving all they known to be nothing but ash. They were free, they were going to a new home. The Greybur siblings formed a adoption organization: Toy Adoption Society. The organization gave all survivors a new home, to people who understood their desires to live like humans once again. Although some stayed with August or Stella, others went to a new life to experience what they once lost.
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Keep it wholesome! Lore-induced asks will be kept in inbox until specific lore is released! Please keep all asks SFW! Do not send in NSFW/suggestive asks, it will be deleted! Ships in this AU are QPRs for the sentient defects only! Do not expect romantic shipping! Keep all asks just civil! If you make any fanart or fanfics, please don’t hesitate to tag me! If I miss it, don’t hesitate to tag me in the comments or in a reblog!
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Nothing for now!
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pb-dot · 11 months
The Parents Problem
I have parts of this adult thing down at this point, but I still don't know what to do about my parents, as they keep being a drain on my energy in much the same ways as they always have. They don't actually communicate about their emotional states all that much, and they get emotionally wobbly when they drink more than they should, which is a too common occurrence. I don't want to tell them to figure their shit out, but if I have to spend one more day in their presence while they are "fighting but not fighting" I'll have to because that shit makes my teeth want to escape my skull.
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pa-pa-plasma · 6 months
i'm going to fucking kill someone. i got screamed at & called selfish & stupid for telling my mom to wear a mask. she gave me covid
#& you wanna know the kicker? she's going on a vacation. yeah. she's going on a plane right now while badly sick with covid#how do i communicate with people who are literally missing their brain?#it was my sister who screamed at me btw. she feels the need to play devil's advocate whenever i open my mouth#my mom did what she always does & coughed 17 times without covering her mouth & then sat down in the livingroom to doomscroll for 7 hours#what the actual fuck is it with parents & not covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze? they straight up just spray people with covi#& then laugh about it when you point it out as if spreading the fucking plague is funny#best part is that we're pretty sure her getting covid 5 times a year because she refuses to wear masks killed her husband#not joking about that btw. all she had to say oh ''ooh yeah that would explain it''#like ??????????????????????#i didn't get the chance to go grocery shopping either so now i dont have any fresh food#if i have to eat one more frozen or processed meal i'm gonna fucking kill someone. & now i cant do that because i have basic empathy#i don't even feel right ordering food cuz like. i have to interact with someone to do that (can't pay online)#i avoid covid for this long & then get it because ''people look at you weird if you wear masks. you wouldn't get it''#bitch i'm queer. i wear queer pins. i wear a queer jacket. you're telling ME i wouldn't get receiving weird looks???#god my sister wants to be oppressed so fucking bad. i'm sorry but bitch isn't a slur & you're a fucking coward for not wearing masks#i hope you cant fucking work for weeks because of this bullshit. bitch
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cryptid-crusader · 4 months
I'm definitely becoming evil.
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batshit-auspol · 7 months
I just spent some time scrolling through this blog and am suffering from sever laughter. Thanks so much for collating the countries craziest moments. One of my favourites is when Scott Morrison was in Hawaii while the bushfires where burning.
December 2019: As Australia's east coast is engulfed in the worst bushfires in living memory, rumours begin to circulate that Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison may have secretly fucked off for a holiday in Hawaii.
Keep in mind, this is what is going down in Australia at the time:
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The Hawaii rumour is initially written off as a fringe conspiracy, because surely nobody could be that fuckin tonedeaf, and it was quickly forgotten about... until an Australian man visiting Hawaii UPLOADED A SELFIE ON THE BEACH WITH THE PM THROWING A SHAKA.
At which point all hell broke loose.
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Overnight the formerly popular "Scomo" became the most despised man in all of Australia. Think "firefighters shouting out of their windows to news cameras" level of despised.
After about two days of radio silence and pretending like he was still at home running the country, the Prime Minister's handlers finally dragged him onto call with an Australian radio station, where he pinky promised to return to Australia as fast as he could in an attempt to calm things down.
Unfortunately Scott's empathy consultant (a real job) then had to watch Scott pour more gasoline on the dumpster fire by uttering the now famous phrase "Look I don't hold a hose mate" when asked by the radio interviewer why the fucking fuck the fuckhead wasn't fucking in Australia doing his fucking job during a massive fucking crisis.
Testing just how much worse things could get, Scomo then proceeded to NOT rush back to Australia as promised, instead attempting to complete the rest of his holiday, a fact that was exposed when a passerby snapped a picture of him still lounging on the beach two days later.
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Eventually, holiday complete, Morrison did reluctantly slink back to Australia, and in an attempt to calm things down, he decided to pay a visit to a small town that had been destroyed by the fires.
Which was a big mistake.
Scomo still had not registered how absolutely and totally he had screwed the poodle with his Hawaiian beach vacation, and he walks into what is now taught in PR classes as one of the greatest examples of "what not do do in a crisis" in all of history.
Scotty from Marketing, as he is now dubbed by the nation, spends a painfully cringe-inducing hour wandering around a burned down town with TV news cameras in tow, having to FORCE PEOPLE TO SHAKE HIS HAND in what is some of the most awkward footage you will ever see.
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At this point it's probably also worth mentioning that, before becoming Prime Minister, Scott Morrison's biggest claim to fame in politics was being the guy that was so far up the coal lobby's arse that he literally brought coal into parliament and waved it around, claiming it doesn't hurt people.
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So when a protest was organised it turned out to be one big national fuck you to the Prime Minister, the likes of which the world has never seen before or since.
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Needless to say, at this point Scomo's career was dead in the water, but thanks to the rules brought in to stop Australian political parties from knifing their leader every two weeks (a popular Aussie passtime) Morrison basically couldn't get fired until after the next election.
And so, when the election rolled around in 2022, we decided that was an opportune time to travel over to Hawaii to erect this bad boy tribute to the Prime Minister, on the very beach where Scomo had sat and drank margaritas that one fateful week in December as Australia burned (thanks to @chaser for funding the ticket)
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lustspren · 6 months
Ko Ko Bop ft Aespa. 1/2
length: 20.5k words ✦
Aespa & Male Reader
Sequel to Erinyes.
genres:  little bit bdsm, bi, voyeur, oral sex, daddy kink, overstimulation, blowjob, creampie, thighjob, party sex, squirt, pool sex, dirty talk
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After that experience you told yourself that it would never be repeated, it had been something too crazy and reckless on your part as well as that of Ryujin and the other girls, you enjoyed it like a bastard, being high and fucking that trio of beautiful girls inside a luxurious mansion, but it was a resounding no for you.
That morning you had woken up several hours later, around 6 or 7 in the morning, and since there was no type of authority visible to the people inside the party, the whole house became complete and utter chaos, in true style of some kind of X Project where luckily and thank god the police or some crazy person with a flamethrower didn’t showed up, but Ryujin (and some of her close friends within the party) had had to use her own money to cover repairs.
You had to stay practically all day with them, being in charge of sending all the people home one by one in the most kind and calm way you could, some guys behaved like dicks and refused to leave, but to at noon, only you, Ryujin, Minjeong and Ning were left in the house. They asked you to stay for lunch, and so you did, but as soon as you finished your meal you went straight back to the comfort of your home.
During the rest of winter break you had a few more encounters with the three of them, especially with Minjeong, whose somewhat cold attitude softened and transformed into something much warmer and affectionate, she was still an introverted little princess and still cold towards other people, but with you or the girls she always behaved with a sweetness that slowly dragged you to want more than a friendship with her, but your mindset was not the right one at that moment to try something.
Although your relationship with Ning and Minjeong had improved considerably after that winter vacation, physical contact during school days was rather little since your head could not be anywhere else but in your studies and in your grades, you talked by text message with both of them, more with Minjeong than with Ning, but every time one of them told you to go out and have a drink you politely refused. You only went out with Minjeong to the movies once, but you couldn't have any post-movie plans since you had to immediately go home to study. You felt very bad about it, but Minjeong understood it with a lot of maturity and empathy.
With Ryujin, however, things were much more different. You were college classmates and your schedules coincided 100% of the time, so you spent much more time together than you were used to months ago. You fucked, you fucked a lot. Normally there was no particular excuse to do it, you just did it whenever you had the chance, most of the time in your homes when it was 'study night', and the rest in public places which you were embarrassed to remember.
Despite all this, you somehow managed not to develop any kind of love interest in each other, everything had remained a simple friends-with-benefits relationship with which you were more than comfortable. You always opened up to each other and told each other your problems, especially on days of frustration and severe stress with university as the main culprit, but at the end of the day it all boiled down to a purely sexual attraction.
She and Minjeong were a great support to you throughout the semester, and you were looking forward to summer so you could finally spend time with them without having to worry about a damn exam next week. The first week you met Ning and Minjeong to go out to dinner, a fun night in which Ning got stupidly drunk and you had to take her to your apartment since she refused to go to hers that night, in the end Minjeong gave in to your plea to not leave you alone taking care of her, so the three of you slept together that night. You slept cuddling with Minjeong, and the tensions of the day led to a fuck in the middle of the night where you and her were still more asleep than awake. Ning never noticed.
You didn't meet Ryujin for a few days, but you talked a lot via text message. She seemed quite excited about something, but it was still a mystery to you what, it wasn't until the beginning of the second week of July when you found out. Another damn party at her house. Obviously it was a resounding no at first, but Ryujin had a great damn talent for sweetening your ear in such a way that any idea seemed brilliant and rational. Her pretext this time had been that there would be very few people, but you didn't believe a single word she said.
Yet there you were, in a taxi on the way to the damned house, dressed in white shorts, a baggy navy blue shirt, a white cap, and white sneakers. Every second you spent in the back seat of that car was a second in which you kept thinking that in a few hours you were going to regret the decision you had made, you would think differently, but you were so used to Ryujin lying to you that it was already too difficult to get out of that mindset.
When the taxi left you outside the house and you stepped out onto the sidewalk, you were surprised not to hear loud music coming from inside the villa. Your first thought was that surely not enough people had arrived yet, so you didn't get excited yet. You passed through the gate and you were also surprised to see absolutely no one at the windows or outside, when last time at that point the disaster was such that you could notice it without even entering, you thought that perhaps everyone would be gathered in the living room, so that didn't help you either.
You reached the door and rang the bell a couple of times, waiting patiently for someone to open, finally your best friend and spicy hostess appeared under the wide wooden frame, dressed in a white baseball t-shirt that covered her jean shorts and a small white top. She looked you up and down and smiled triumphantly knowing that, once again, you signed up as an accomplice in her plans.
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"Don't you dare say a single word, Shin Ryujin," you said, raising your finger to walk past her and enter inside.
"I was just going to say that you look very handsome!" she laughed.
"I always do, you don't need to remind me," you responded, walking with your back to her towards the living room near the piano, your friendship was already at a point of trust in which you walked around that house as if it were yours.
"Fuck, how humble," she followed you from behind, "Hey, why so serious?"
"Because you dragged me again to another party that's going to get out of hand," you passed through the kitchen and went up a couple steps, you could already see the piano that preceded one of the outdoor rooms.
"Uh? Why would that happen?" she was now walking beside you.
"When people start arriving you'll see," you finally passed the piano, passed through a small hallway with a wooden credenza on the left to finally reach your destination, getting a pleasant surprise.
"What people are you talking about?" Ryujin frowned, standing next to you while you looked at Minjeong, lying on the wide gray sofa, Ning, sitting at a small circular legless table, and a couple of girls you had never seen before.
"Where are the others?" You asked, frowning, upon hearing your voice, Ning and Minjeong (who's eyes lit up when she saw you), turned around at the same time. The two unknown girls also turned to look at you.
"Honey, did you take your schizophrenia pills today?" Ryujin placed the back of her hand on your neck. You turned to look at her.
"Are you telling me there's no one else here?" your disbelief made her laugh.
"Nope," she denied with a giggle, "did you think I was lying to you again?"
"You said it, again. It wouldn't have been the first time you do it."
"But this time I didn't. Look," she turned to the girls, who were still looking at you, "you know these two sluts already," she said, referring to Ning and Minjeong, but then took your hand to lead you towards one from the unknown girls, who was sitting in a chair in the corner, with her legs resting on a stool in front, "this is Jimin."
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"Uh... hello, my pleasure," Jimin, whose beauty had you perplexed from the beginning, lowered her legs from the stool and slightly bowed as a cordial greeting, a small shy smile on her face. She was wearing a long beach skirt with jean shorts underneath it, a bikini top with straps to the neck and two long sleeves, the same pattern as the top.
"Pleasure is mine," you smiled back, "nice hair," you said, looking at her long, black, slightly curly hair.
"Oh," she opened her mouth and made a cute shocked expression at your compliment, "thank you," another bow, and another little smile.
"Isn't she a sweetie?" Ryujin asked, rubbing Jimin's chin with her fingers, "she's a genius, she studies medicine and she kicks your butt academically."
"Huh? No way," you took that personally.
"What was your GPA this semester?" Jimin asked.
"4.0" (A+, the highest grade.)
"What?!" You yelled, "Wow, that's impressive."
"Well, I'm really passionate about my career," she laughed, playing modesty.
"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you do," Ryujin took your hand again and led you outside the room shadow, stopping next to the girl who was standing on the grass with a cigarette between her fingers. She was incredibly hot, her revealing outfit showed off a pair of long, fleshy legs, adorned with jean shorts that covered her belly, she was also wearing a cropped green cardigan, with a bikini top that left little to the imagination.
"Hey, what's up," the girl greeted before Ryujin introduced you. She was made of different wood, you could tell. She brought the cigarette to her mouth, took a drag, and blew the smoke to the side of her. You greeted her with a nod up.
"This is Giselle, our Japanese bad bitch," Ryujin said. She reached over and took the cigarette from Giselle's fingers to take a drag as well. She didn't seem to care, she just waited for her to return it.
"Giselle? You're not from around here, right?" you asked, as she analyzed you up and down.
"No, I wasn't born here, and from what I see you weren't either," another drag on the cigarette.
"England, you?" You said that in English.
"America, where from England?" she replied back in the same language.
“Birmingham,” your thick accent made her laugh. Ryujin just looked confused.
"Oh, like Peaky Blinders?" You heard that question so often that you didn't even care anymore.
"Yeah, just like the Peaky Blinders. Only without the part about being in a criminal organization."
"Well, that's a shame. I like bad boys," she brought the cigarette between her lips and took a long drag that ended up extinguishing all the tobacco inside it. She put the cigarette butt in one of her back pockets, winked at you and returned to the shadow of the living room with the other girls.
"You know this is the first time I've heard you speak English, right?" Ryujin said from beside you.
"Really?" you went back to Korean.
"Yeah," she nodded, "and I've known you for years."
"I suppose there was no need to do so."
"No, but I wish you had, you sound so sexy," Ryujin's hand went to your cheek and caressed it with her thumb, then leaned in to kiss it.
"Ryujin-ah!" Ning called from behind you. You both turned around at the same time, "where's the alcohol?" She asked, "And why don't you come here with us?" That last question was directed at you.
"I know you crave my attention darling, calm down," you joked, walking with Ryujin into the room. Ning stood up and rushed towards you with a tight hug. You hugged her back, looking at Minjeong. You winked at her.
"How can I not when I hardly saw you for all these months?" She pulled away from you, both hands on your shoulders. You looked into her eyes, as beautiful as ever, "who gave you permission to look so fucking hot today?"
"I can ask you the same thing," you looked at her lovely body from top to bottom. Her cropped see-through shirt and her short skirt were the same red color with small white spots. You could see her bikini under the shirt, and immediately her tits demanded your attention.
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"It's been really hot lately, actually," she took a small step back and took off her see-through tank top, leaving herself in her bikini top and miniskirt, "too hot."
"Indeed, too hot," you stated, looking at her tits.
"Aren't you going to say hello to me?" Minjeong's small, soft voice. You walked past Ning and went to her.
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"I have something better for you," you took her hands and made her stand in front of you. You wrapped your arms around her waist and pressed her against you. Minjeong placed her hands on your chest, and you leaned forward to crash your lips against hers.
You shared a kiss for a while that felt like mere seconds to you. You missed Minjeong's lips, small, soft and plump. Eyes were on the two of you, you could feel it, and you could also feel the confusion and shock in many of them. You didn't care about that. Months had passed since the last time you were able to hold her like that in your arms, filling her with the love that you had sworn to her unconditionally long ago. You separated when Minjeong spoke to you.
"Can I spend a few days with you at your house? You know, after today," her voice came as a whisper, you just nodded and gave her another peck.
"Are you guys done? You're going to make me vomit," Giselle interrupted. You turned to see her sitting on Jimin's lap, who had her arms around her waist. Jimin, on the other hand, looked at you with a small smirk.
"Fuck, you haven't seen anything yet," Ning said, sitting on the couch behind you, "they get unbearable sometimes."
"How long have you been together?" Jimin asked, both glowing eyes darting between you. The complicated question. You and Minjeong looked into each other's eyes, searching for the right words.
"Well... I mean," she began.
"We're not together, but, uhm..." you continued. Ning put a hand to her forehead, covering her gaze, Jimin raised both eyebrows attentive to your explanation, and Giselle was holding back her laughter.
"It's just… well, it's complicated," Minjeong concluded. Complicated, yes, that's what it was.
"So... you're not together but you just gave me a romantic scene worthy of a movie?" Jimin said that in a way that made you laugh.
"It's just that we're like... uh..." you never found the right way to call it, you only knew how to describe it in your head. 'Almost something.'
"Friends with benefits?" Giselle asked.
"Uh… not exactly," you denied, "by the way, where is Ryujin?" You had to change the topic quickly, you couldn't stand that uncomfortable situation anymore, and you hadn't seen Ryujin since you greeted Ning and Minjeong.
"Right here, fools!" She appeared on the upper floor, her belly leaning against the glass railing, something that was quite dangerous considering that she had around 6 different glass bottles hugged to her body.
"Don't fucking do that!" You scolded her, "the railing will collapse from the weight of your big ass and the bottles will be ruined," the height of the second floor wasn't exactly very high, but it was high enough to cause an unpleasant situation.
"God how boring you are!" She disappeared from your sight and reappeared going down the stairs to the right of the wide pivoting door that led to the front of the house. It was closed at that moment.
"No, he's right, your big ass would cushion the fall, but not the bottles," Giselle said, as Ryujin placed the bottles on the table where Ning was sitting.
“Wherever my big ass fell your face would be there to cushion the fall, bitch,” Ryujin gave her the middle finger and stood next to you and Minjeong, “hey, can you go get the cooler?” She asked you, "It's in the room on the left. I would do it, but my poor little arms can't handle that much weight."
"Sure, but go look for that speaker you keep in your room, we should start warming up the engines."
"But that's also very heavy!" she complained.
"Then ask one of the girls for help and stop being a crybaby," you pulled her ear, and she squealed. Her foot almost stuck in your butt, but you quickly dodged the kick and went to look for the cooler.
The room Ryujin was talking about was just a corner away once you went outside, it was closed by a large sliding glass. You slid it to the right, docking it with the other glass panel to enter the room. The space was rather small compared to the previous one, there was only a comfortable looking sofa, a sound system and a wall-mounted TV. It seemed like the perfect place to take a long nap, but the huge cooler parked between the sofa and the surround painfully separated you from that desire. You grabbed it by the handle and went outside, dragging it easily thanks to its little wheels.
When you came back neither Ryujin nor Giselle were there. Minjeong, Ning and Jimin were sitting together on the couch, Jimin in the middle while the other two tried to make her feel comfortable. You left the cooler in the corner of the room that was close to the grass and the wall and went with the girls.
"Hey, do you want me to make you a drink?" The question was directed at the three of them.
"Tequila!" Ning exclaimed.
"Absolutely not, you know how you get with tequila," Ning rolled her eyes and snorted.
"Ugh, make it vodka then."
"You?" You looked at Minjeong.
"Same thing, honey, with grenadine," you nodded, and finally saw Jimin.
"Uh… no thanks, I don't..." she began.
"Huh? How not?" Ning said.
"I don't know, I don't usually drink, since I usually don't go to parties."
"That doesn't mean you can't do it with us here and now," Ning looked at you, "make her a drink with juice, not so strong. Or maybe with sparkling water?"
"N-No! Juice is fine, orange," nodded Jimin, who smiled at you.
"Roger, on the way!" you finished, as if you were their personal waiter.
You got to work quickly. Inside the cooler buried in ice were all the non-alcoholic drinks you needed, first you made Ning's drink just the way she liked it, vodka (Belvedere, you didn't know the price of that specific bottle) and lemon soda. You were going to make Minjeong's, but among all the drinks that were in there, curiously there was no grenadine, you didn't give it much importance, there would surely be a bottle in the kitchen, so you made Jimin's drink next. You took as a reference the amount of vodka you poured into Ning and Minjeong's glass and poured less into it, filling the rest with orange juice. You took both drinks and went to the girls.
"Here you go ladies," you handed Jimin and Ning their glasses, and then looked at Minjeong, "Honey, I'll go to the kitchen to get the grenadine, okay?"
"It's okay babe," she nodded, legs crossed and a patient look. Jimin laughed and Ning just took a sip of her drink.
"Babe?" Jimin asked, "and you're not a couple? Incredible," you just ran away from there.
You left the girls and went back inside the not at all modest house, heading towards the not at all modest kitchen. You were with your head down looking at your phone, so you didn't really pay attention to what was in front of you at any time, it was the sound of a familiar moan that made you look up. You were already in the kitchen, and you really couldn't believe your eyes.
The kitchen was divided into two almost equal areas that were separated by a sliding glass window that went from wall to wall, Ryujin was on the other side, bent over the island that served as both a trough and a sink, with Giselle kneeling on the floor, eating her pussy from behind. Ryujin's shorts were around her heels, both of Giselle's hands on her ass as she moaned louder and louder. The speaker you were talking about was close to them, black, tall and rectangular like a futuristic skyscraper. The poor thing had been forgotten by the horniness of the two girls.
As much as you wanted to stay enjoying such a scene, you didn't want to be a weirdo and you focused on doing what you were going to do. You walked stealthily towards one of the refrigerators, you were close to the wall, avoiding at all costs to enter Ryujin's range of vision (which was quite complicated considering that she was looking in the opposite direction and with her eyes closed). You opened the refrigerator, and your eyes quickly traveled from here to there in search of the grenadine. In the end you found it on the tray anchored to the door, you took it, you closed the refrigerator and with a loud moan from Ryujin in the background you disappeared from the kitchen.
When you returned to the outdoor room the girls were still on the couch, Jimin and Minjeong looking at Ning's phone screen. Minjeong noticed your presence and her face lit up when she saw the bottle of grenadine in your hand.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
“Oh, looking at our photos together,” Ning replied, showing you the screen. You blushed when you saw that it was a photo of the three of you naked in your bed under the covers. Apparently Ning had taken it while the two of you were still asleep.
"And do you think it's appropriate to show her that specific one?" You wrinkled your face.
"You look very cute!" Jimin said, "Oh, and... you have a nice back," there was a small awkward silence, no one expected her to say that.
"Well... you have nice legs, that makes us even," you laughed, and a blushing Jimin was left speechless, "anyway, I'll make you your drink, honey," you said to Minjeong, who just gave you a small kiss in the air and nodded.
You made Minjeong's drink in a matter of seconds, and when you finished you made your own too, with vodka, pepsi, and a touch of lemon juice. With both drinks in hand you went to sit next to Minjeong, and at that moment Ryujin and Giselle appeared carrying the speaker. Both of them looked intact and immaculate, as if a few minutes ago one wasn't feasting on the other's pussy.
"I hope you take it back upstairs later!" Ryujin said looking at you, you laughed at her face frowning from the physical effort. Finally they left the speaker on the grass and turned it on.
"Alright, but you'll bring the cooler," you took a sip of your drink, and took your phone out of your pocket to connect to the speaker since you were always in charge of the music.
"By then the ice will be melted and the bottles empty, easy peasy."
"Knowing you, you'll ask me for help again," Giselle laughed, looked into her eyes for a few seconds and went to sit on the single couch by the fireplace. Ryujin just played dumb.
"Hey you, are you going to play music or not?" she said to you as you looked down at your phone.
"Give me a second and shut up," you responded, and then you played Drake's Madiba Riddim. Ryujin turned up the volume on the speaker, now the music was flooding your ears.
"Oh gosh, now I need to get in the pool," Ning said and then took a sip from her half-empty drink, slightly moving her body  to the rhythm of the music.
"Let's go then," Giselle said with a gesture toward the pool.
"Are you all coming?" Ning looked at you and then at Ryujin.
"Oh yeah, heat is starting to get unbearable," agreed Minjeong, who was drinking slowly and steadily.
"Well, I'm not a big fan of pools but I guess it will be fun," agreed Jimin, who had apparently loved her drink.
"I didn't even bring a swimsuit," you said with a sigh.
"Okay but are you an idiot or what?" Ning said.
"I didn't consider it necessary!"
"We are in the middle of summer, in a house with a pool and the sun above our heads, what the hell did you think was going to happen?"
"Well I'm sorry!"
"Sorry my ass, you're going to go in there with us naked if you have to!" Jimin raised both eyebrows and turned to look at Ning.
"In underwear."
"Deal!" Ning nodded with a smile, then looked at Ryujin, "what about you, bitch?"
"I sure could get inside naked, I bet you'd love that," she smiled, with nothing less than mischievous intentions, "Come on th-" her phone rang in her pocket and it interrupted her, it was a call which she reluctantly answered, "Hello mom... aha..." she entered the room and stared at nothing, "But I'm busy today! I told you a few days ago... can't Hyungmin go there?... Agh, fine, I'll go! I'll see you there... yeah, I love you too," she finally hung up, visibly angry.
"Everything is alright?" you asked worriedly.
"Yeah yeah," she nodded, put the phone in her pocket and took a few steps towards the hallway, "mom needs my help, checking the quality of the fabrics for this year's summer collection," you sighed.
"Rich people problems," you shook your head, "will you come back?"
"I honestly don't know," she scratched her temple, "but don't worry, no one will be coming here until next week," she took the house keys out of her pocket and handed them to you.
"Oh hell no, you can't leave me in charge of this whole place," you backed away, but she tossed the keys into your lap.
"Would you prefer that I leave Ning in charge?"
"Hey!" Ning claimed, and everyone but Ryujin and her laughed.
“Fuck, whatever,” you huffed.
"You already know this house, so I have my trust in you," she patted your cheek a few times, and then leaned over to give you a peck on the forehead, "have a good time and behave!" She started walking away, "Take good care of him, bitches, he's a diamond in the rough!" With that said, she disappeared from your sights without giving any of you time to say goodbye.
"Well, that was unexpected," Minjeong said.
"Aw, I wanted her to enter the pool naked," Ning lamented with a pout.
"What a slut..." Minjeong muttered.
"I wanted too..." Jimin murmured as well. You, Ning, and Minjeong looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What?"
"A diamond in the rough huh?" Giselle asked, seeing you, getting up to grab a bottle of gin and walk towards the cooler, "Why is that? Can anyone tell me?"
"Well... he's cute, very attractive in fact, and so handsome," Minjeong said. You played dumb as much as you could while watching your liked songs on Spotify. You played Troye Sivan's Rush.
"And he's very kind, and nice, he always takes care of us," Ning had already finished her drink, and she extended it to you as if wanting you to do it again.
"Nope, get up and do it yourself, you know how," you replied, and Ning frowned.
"... And he has a big, juicy fucking cock," once again, another dead silence that was broken by Giselle's laughter. You could feel your whole face hot, you knew she had said it just to embarrass you as revenge for not making her the drink. Minjeong tried to hide her laughter as best she could, and Jimin was blushing too. Ning stood up with a small triumphant smile, took off her skirt, and once in her bikini she walked towards the pool.
"So you've fucked her?" Giselle teased as she finished making herself a drink with gin and Nordic Mist Blue tonic water.
"The three of us, actually, being high," Minjeong admitted, and you were dying of embarrassment. Giselle laughed.
"You didn't need to say that..." you mumbled, sinking into the seat.
"Did you have a foursome being high? Damn, I'm jealous," Giselle took a sip of her drink, left it on the table and started giving you, Jimin and Minjeong a mini show. She started by taking off her green cardigan, throwing it on the couch where she was sitting. She then took off her jean shorts, but making sure to turn her back to you to bend forward and slowly lower them down her long, meaty legs. As expected, she had one of the most amazing asses you had ever seen, and she knew it very well.
Once in her bikini, which revealed a rather modest amount of buttocks but still looked incredibly sexy in her, she grabbed her drink, and with her high-heeled sandals still on she walked towards the pool, your gaze, Minjeong's and Jimin's placed on her while she swayed her hips with each step.
"Damn… she's hot… and so confident," Jimin said with a small sigh.
"Yes, she is," Minjeong nodded, turning to look at the dark-haired woman, "but you have nothing to envy of her, look at you," Jimin looked down at her own body, as if she wanted to validate something that, under her perspective was not like that, "you have beautiful legs, a nice waist... hell, your face it’s like a piece of art."
"I… really?" Jimin pouted and fiddled with her fingers, "well... I don't know..."
"And it looks like you have some nice tits too," you almost spit out your drink, not expecting such a comment. You refrained from affirming.
"Oh," Jimin looked down again and saw her breasts, "do you think so?" Minjeong nodded.
"Come on, undress and let us see that pretty body," Minjeong said in a gentle tone of voice.
"Right here and now?" Jimin asked, giving you glances.
"You have to build that confidence, cutie," Minjeong raised a hand and tucked a strand of Jimin’s hair behind her ear, "go ahead."
“Okay…” Jimin gave you one last small glance and stood in front of the two of you. She was visibly nervous, not really knowing where to start or what to do. She began by removing the two sleeves that covered her arms, and next was the beach skirt that surrounded her waist. Now only the jean shorts remained, "Uhm… ugh, I hate this part."
"Let me give you a hand," Minjeong brought a hand to Jimin's shorts and she alone unbuttoned them with one deft movement. You remained completely silent, watching as she took a somewhat more dominant role in relation to someone even more subby than her. It was strange for you to see, but you found it incredibly hot.
“Fuck…” Jimin gasped, and you looked at her, “I mean, uhm…” she cleared her throat, “thank you…”
Finally she began to take off her shorts, her gaze darting between the two of you as she reached her hands to the curb and pulled them down to her ankles. Her pair of glowing legs stole the show, long, pale and well toned, perfect for kissing for hours on end. When she took her shorts off her ankles, she turned around with her sandals still on and let you see the back of her bikini bottom, which was tied to her waist with two knots and exposed an amount of buttocks that made your mouth water.
"And if all that wasn't enough, you have a round pretty ass," Minjeong said, and Jimin turned around with blushing cheeks. She looked at you, as if she was seeking your approval, but your gaze going up and down her statuesque body wasn't enough, she wanted you to tell her.
"Yeah, you're fucking hot, Jiminie," you nodded, looking at her flat, pretty belly, and then looking into her eyes.
"Go to the pool with the girls, okay? I need a moment with him," Minjeong requested, and Jimin looked at you both before nodding.
"I'll wait for you guys there..." Jimin bit her own lip, and she gave you one last lascivious look up and down before turning her back on you and walking out.
"Would you be so kind as to explain to me what that was?" you asked Minjeong once Jimin had walked away.
"What are you talking about?"
"You looked like a restrained version of Ryujin just now," you laughed, "I've never seen you act like that."
"She needed someone to give her a little push to embolden herself, and Ryujin isn't here."
"Well, know that I'm proud of you, darling," you reached behind her and wrapped your arm around her waist, pulling her close to your body and giving her a soft kiss on the lips that she reciprocated with a small smirk. 
"Did you like me?" The mischief in her tone let you know that she was looking to tease you.
"Oh yeah, fucking hot," you gave her another kiss, looking into her eyes from very close up, "I almost called you mommy, in fact," she let out a small laugh.
"Stop joking, silly," she nudged your chest and gave you another kiss, "help me undress, will you?"
"Completely? Damn, I'd be delighted."
"No, dummy, just the part that isn't my bikini."
"How boring," you faked a yawn, earning another small push in your chest. You laughed and put your hands on her.
You started with the top, which only consisted of the blue long-sleeved sweater, cropped enough to only cover part of her bikini top: a semi-transparent piece attached to the neck that wore a black bra underneath. As you took off her sweater you moved on to her skirt, which had a small button behind it that you just had to undo so that it fell to the floor. With Minjeong already in just her bikini, your hands went straight to her small, tight waist, and you rubbed her pretty tummy with the palm of your hand a couple of times.
"Mmm… you obviously missed me, didn't you?" she teased, patiently unbuttoning your shirt.
"I didn't want it to be so noticeable. Is it new?" you asked, stretching one side of the hem of her bikini bottom and giving her waist a harmless little whip.
"Yup, it is, do you like it?" She took off your shirt, and holding it in her hand, she turned around so you could see her back. Your gaze went to her ass and her lower back, two parts of her that drove you crazy.
"Don't tease me here, Kim Minjeong," you gave her a little spank and turned her around, "go ahead, we agreed that I would go into the pool in my underwear," you pointed at your shorts with your eyes.
"Don't make me suck your cock here," she warned with a little smile, then she unzipped your shorts and got on her knees, pulling them down to your ankles. You took off your shoes, your socks and took your shorts off your feet.
"Well, it seems like you want to do it of your own free will," you looked down at her, and she put her hands on the sides of your thighs as she looked into your eyes, her face inches from your bulge.
"I want to do it, and I'm very tempted to do it right now," her fingers carefully gripped your thighs and her face moved closer to your crotch, "but you'll have to be patient until things get hotter over here..." She gave your cock a small kiss over the fabric, and with a mischievous smile she stood up, "good luck with that boner when you come with us."
You stood with your mouth half open, watching as Minjeong walked past you and went to the pool with the girls. Your bulge grew and grew, until you had a full boner which you painfully had to wait for to pass so you could go with them. They had all tied their hair in high buns, Ning was already inside the pool with Jimin and Giselle, the last two with their drinks in their hands and the water up to their chests. Minjeong was sitting on one of the steps in the shallow area of the pool, apparently waiting for you. Her drink was next to her, you were afraid she would accidentally spill it in the pool water, but you didn't say anything.
"Damn, I didn't know you were armed," Giselle said looking at your crotch, where the bulge from a moment ago still hadn't completely softened. You sighed, knowing you had a long day ahead of you. Ning didn't mind at all, she had seen you naked many times before, but Jimin's eyes, lacking discretion, didn't leave you for a second.
"And you haven't seen it hard," Ning laughed, sipping from Jimin's drink.
"Yet," Giselle said, you raised both eyebrows, turning to look at her.
"You sound very confident, mean girl," you sat next to Minjeong and took a sip of your drink, the ice had already melted, so it had slightly lost its flavor.
"I don't think it's wise to provoke her..." Minjeong murmured next to you, but you ignored it.
"Well you shouldn't challenge me," she began to speak to you in English, and everyone except Ning, who you knew had knowledge of the language, looked confused, "in fact, I would love to see it hard right now," Giselle said, looking at your eyes.
"I'm sorry but if you want that to happen you have to do something about it," you replied back in English, Giselle laughed.
"I'm not laying a single finger on you, Casanova," she moved back and leaned her back against the pool wall, leaving her glass on the edge of it.
"What are they saying?" you heard Jimin ask Minjeong.
"I have no idea," she replied.
"Then you'll just have to endure the urge," you were about to enter the water when Giselle played a dirty trick. She turned and put her hands on the edge of the pool, pushed herself up and purposely left her abdomen pressed against the edge to give you a perfect view of her fleshy wet body from behind, her ass and legs stealing all your attention.
"Uhh, you just killed him," Ning said, looking at your idiotic face as you looked at Giselle's ass, who was smiling from ear to ear.
"Well, that's definitely some bubble butt," Minjeong highlighted, also looking at Giselle's ass until she sat on the edge of the pool.
"So I'll have to endure the urge, huh?" Giselle asked, looking at your crotch. You looked down, finding a bulge harder than a rock, perfectly marked through the fabric of the boxer. All of them were looking at your cock, including Jimin, whose cheeks were red. She quickly tried to hide the look.
"Bloody hell..." you muttered to yourself, leaving your glass next to Minjeong and entering the water to hide your erection.
"Hey, wait for me!" Minjeong said behind your back, when you were already covered in water up to your chest. You turned to see how she left your glasses on the edge of the pool to get in with you.
"Ning wasn't wrong, that thing is massive," Giselle said a few meters away from you, as Ning swam towards you and Minjeong clung to your torso from behind. Jimin was now in a shallower area, calmly drinking the last of her drink. At that moment Scream & Shout by will.i.am and Britney Spears started playing.
"And you have no idea how it feels having him inside," Ning said, vibing to the music with her arms raised. You wanted to drown at that precise moment.
"If you want to fuck him you just have to go inside and get a room, you know?" Jimin said back in the pool, she was swimming on her back.
"Oh, why do you say that? Wanna join?" Ning teased with a giggle. Jimin made a small silence.
"Shut up," she finally said, and continued swimming.
"Can we stop talking about me for a second?" you asked, "anyone would think you were desperate for cock."
"If you only knew how long I haven't had a decent cock," Giselle said, returning to Korean.
"See? Now that's an interesting topic of conversation," you swam back and forth, Minjeong holding onto you.
"All the guys I've been with have been small-cocked losers," Giselle said, crossing one thigh over the other, "And I've laughed in each one of them’s face."
"No formal boyfriend huh?" you asked.
"Not really, just a couple, one went pretty well for about a year and the other cheated on me with a Malaysian whore."
"Fuck, that sucks," you looked at Ning, "and what about you?"
"I haven't had a formal boyfriend since high school, if that can be considered a formal boyfriend. It's too much of a commitment for me."
"What a weird way to say you're a slut," said Minjeong, who had her chin resting on your shoulder. Ning splashed water on her face with her fingers, and consequently on you too, so you two did the same to her.
"Ahhhh! My hair!" She screamed, turning her face away and covering herself with her hand.
"Minjeongie looks like a fairytale princess, I bet she had a lot of suitors," Giselle said, and Minjeong sighed.
"Fuck, I wish. I was very quiet and introverted, I hated parties and people. Nobody would want to be with a girl like that."
“You say it like something has changed,” Ning laughed, and Minjeong splashed more water on her.
"And what about you, cutie?" Jimin was so distracted in her own bubble that she didn't realize that Giselle was talking to her.
"Huh?" She stopped hanging around the pool and went to a not so deep area where the water reached below the chest and allowed everyone to see her more than considerable tits marked by the wet fabric, "Are you talking to me?"
"No, I'm actually talking to the pool tile," Giselle replied sarcastically.
"Uh... well, I never gave boys a second thought, honestly," she adjusted her bikini top, hypnotizing you with the weight of her tits, "I've been so focused on my career that I haven't even stopped to think about whether I like someone or I don't."
"But hasn't there been any guy who hit on you?" you asked.
"I have no idea, I don't pay attention to them," she bent her knees and covered herself in water up to her chest, "none have been charming enough to be worth my time."
"And what do you think of our little Peaky Blinder friend over there?" Giselle pointed at you with her gaze, "you haven't stopped seeing him all day," once again, Jimin's cheeks lit up like two emergency lights.
"Uh... I think I'll go inside, I'm thirsty," Jimin said, standing up to get out of the pool as quickly as she could. You laughed, as did Minjeong behind you.
"Me too! Wait for me!" Ning said, swimming towards the edge of the pool to get out.
"I'm fine here, but I don't want to be a third wheel," Giselle laughed, looking at you and Minjeong, then she stood up, walked around the pool and went with the girls, leaving you both alone.
"Fuck, you're a hunk, aren't you?" Minjeong teased you once Giselle walked away too, rubbing your chest with both hands. You turned around and found her small face inches from yours.
"I literally haven't done anything," you wrapped both arms around her body, and she raised her legs to wrap them around your torso, "it's not my fault I'm this handsome."
"Ahhh!" she screeched, "Oh my god, how arrogant!" She let out a few laughs, and hugged your neck with her arms.
"I don't see you denying it either."
"Of course not, I said it myself a few minutes ago," she began to give you small kisses on your cheeks, "I wish I didn't have to share you today..." more kisses, this time on your chin and neck.
"What are you talking about?" You caressed her lower back with both hands, and she pressed her thighs harder to the sides of your torso.
"Oh come on, let's be real," she looked into your eyes, "by the end of the day you'll have fucked us all, it's a matter of time."
"Giselle is a tough nut to crack, and Jimin... well, she doesn't seem like the one to take the initiative."
"Nonsense, they both want you, I see it in her eyes."
"How about you?" You gave her a small kiss, and began to return the kisses she had given you a few seconds ago, "do you want me?" you murmured in her ear, and she shuddered.
"I always want you..." she gasped while her neck was marked with kisses and hickeys, "and it's been a while since I felt you inside me."
"Well… no one's watching us," your hands went to her tight ass. She pressed her pelvis forward, rubbing your crotches, "and from there you can't see anything that happens under the water."
"Fuck..." Her fingers stroked the hair on the back of your neck as you continued kissing her neck and her right shoulder. Your two hands massaging her buttocks, "Are you crazy?"
"You didn't say the same thing when you put my cock inside you with Ning asleep next to us..." you put one of your hands inside her bikini bottom, you squeezed her buttock, ran your fingers down her butthole and reached her pussy to rub her folds. She moaned.
“It was different that time…” her fingers clutched at your scalp. You stuck your middle finger inside her, and she pursed her lips to stifle a louder moan.
"It wasn't different at all..." you brought your hand out from behind her to now shove it down the front of her bikini bottom, now rubbing your fingers along her slit "don't think too much, just tell me yes or no," you rubbed her clit in circles slowly, so she didn't manage to formulate a response until seconds later.
"I..." Her heavy gasps had her eyes closed and her fingers pulling at your hair, "Shit, yes. Fuck me, quick."
You wasted no time and quickly pulled your boxers down to mid-thighs, releasing your hard cock underwater. You put an arm around Minjeong's waist and lifted her just a little, using your free hand to push her bikini bottoms to the side. With her pussy now exposed you crashed your lips into hers, took your cock in your left hand and rubbed it a few times between her folds before pressing her down, taking the first few inches inside.
The loud moan Minjeong let out when she felt your cock halfway inside her was muffled against your lips. Her arms tightened around your neck, but her legs loosened on either side of your torso so you could move her easily. You were quite patient since there wasn't enough lubrication under the water, it took a few seconds, but you finally managed to get more than half of your cock inside her tight pussy, not completely like it used to be, but enough to make it pleasurable for both.
With two hands on her ass you began to move her up and down, your cock sliding more and more easily in and out of her. Her moans became harder to contain with each pump, but you realized that the music was so loud that any sound you made wouldn't reach the girl's ears, so you parted your lips and focused on her neck. The water didn't allow you to make her move as fast as you would have liked, but you did your best to manipulate her small body to your complete whim. Now Minjeong was moaning and whimpering just inches from your face, with free rein to do so thanks to Lil Wayne's voice in A Milli.
You squeezed both of her buttocks for a few seconds during which you bit and kissed her neck. She removed her arms from around your neck and cupped your face in her hands to kiss you again for a few short seconds. When you separated again you realized that her face was completely distorted by pleasure, mouth half open, cheeks red and eyebrows raised, anyone who saw her at that moment (if they hadn't already) was going to be able to catch you easily, so you resorted to a safe measure: turn your back on the house so you could cover her.
From that position you had one of the pool walls in front of you. You stopped moving her on your cock and took a few steps forward, the water covering you up to her shoulders and Minjeong up to her neck. You leaned her against her tiles, and grabbing the back of her knees you spread her legs wide open to start fucking her as fast as you could.
"Oh my fucking god how does this feel so good?!" she squealed, leaning her neck against the edge of the pool.
"Adrenaline maybe?" you teased, attacking her long, inviting neck with more kisses, your cock sliding smoothly in and out of Minjeong's increasingly tight pussy.
"I don't know but don't you dare stop!" Having said that, you took out your cock, let go of her legs and grabbed her waist to turn her around. She grabbed the edge of the pool with both hands and turned to look at you with a sexy look, and you grabbed the edge of her bikini bottom to lower it to her thighs. With her ass now completely exposed, you placed one hand on her waist and with the other guided your cock inside her once more, "Ohhh ffffuck!" she moaned when you started fucking her from behind.
From that position you made sure to feel Minjeong as much as possible, running your hands all over her tight, soft body as you pumped your hips back and forth. It was a pity that you couldn't grab and massage her tits at that moment, but you did run your hand over her flat abdomen multiple times, then move to her waist and from there lower your hands down her hips, reach her inner thighs, caress them for a moment before wrapping your left arm around her lower body and with your free hand rub her clit quickly. The song changed, now playing The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson. Good timing.
Minjeong soon began to shake in your arms, both stimuli taking her downhill in a snowball that led to an intense orgasm that made her bite her forearm between squeals and intense moans. Her pussy walls tightened around your cock, a sensation that also brought you to a pleasurable orgasm that shook every fiber of your body. You pushed forward hard, and with your face buried in Minjeong's neck your load began to shoot into her pussy. She turned her face and your lips met once more, muffled moans from each side as she continued to be gripped by her orgasm and you continued to pour out streams of cum one after the other. A few seconds passed before you stopped pumping your hips and her orgasm was over.
"It wasn't that bad huh?" You murmured in her ear, slowly pulling your cock out of her pussy to let your load spill out into the water.
"That was amazing..." she sighed, seeking your lips to share a brief kiss with you, "but please, next time let's do it with no one around who can see us," you turned your head to look towards the house. The girls weren't even remotely aware of what you were doing, they were playing around while talking, laughing and drinking.
"Believe me, they are in their own bubble, they don't care what we do," being a gentleman you pulled Minjeong's bikini bottoms back up. You also pulled up your boxers.
"But it makes me anxious, silly," she turned around, wrapped her arms around your neck and gave you another kiss, "can I say something cheesy?"
“You're going to say it anyway, so go ahead,” you nodded, and what was going to come out of Minjeong's mouth was going to completely blow you away.
"I love you," she said close to your lips, in a small voice that you could barely hear. Her pretty eyes looked at you nervously, like it was something she wasn't sure whether to say or not. You were paralyzed for a few seconds.
"Do you love me? I mean, are you serious?" You didn't mean to doubt her, but you had to make sure you hadn't heard wrong.
"Yeah, darling, I love you," she stated again with the same small, tender voice, only this time you did process the information.
"I... love you too," you stared into her eyes, two bright orbs full of affection towards you, "hell, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Minjeong smiled from ear to ear, and her cheeks turned red.
"That'd be cute," she nodded, and once again kissed you. This time your lips danced in sweet love harmony, Minjeong's hands cradling your face while her thumbs gently caressed your cheekbones. Your hands went to her waist, to press her body against yours and hug her tightly.
"Alright, too cheesy for now," you murmured after pulling away from her lips, and you both laughed, "come on, let's go out, I'm going to get too wrinkled."
She nodded and turned around to rest her hands on the edge of the pool, you helped her and pushed her up so she could get out easily. Once outside you followed her, and walked hand in hand back to the house, faces calm as if you hadn't left a stream of cum flowing freely through the pool.
"Damn, you're finally back!" Ning exclaimed as she saw you enter the shadow of the room. She was sitting cross-legged on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand. The three of them were still in only their bikini, now with their hair down and looking even hotter, "we were about to start a round of shots."
"Already?" you asked, looking everywhere for your shorts, "and where the fuck are my clothes?"
"I saved it for you, casanova," Giselle said, sitting on Jimin's lap, who was sitting on one of the single couches, "I don't think you're going to need it, are you? We're all half naked at this point, so that would not be supportive on your part."
"Fuck, they're really playing dirty with you," Minjeong laughed after letting go of your hand. She patted your shoulder and went to sit with Ning on the couch.
"You allowed this?" you looked at Jimin, who quickly avoided your gaze.
"She very much agreed," Ning said with a laugh, leaning down to grab a shot glass and fill it with vodka, "who will go first?" You noticed out of the corner of your eye how Giselle took the remote control of the speaker and turned up the music even more volume. Cash in Cash Out by Pharell Williams breaking down the bass.
"Give it to me," Minjeong leaned forward and took the shot glass from Ning's hand to drink the entire shot.
"Oh shit, it seems like someone is more cheerful than usual," Ning looked you up and down with a mischievous look, "you had work to do huh?" she laughed.
"I won't comment on it," you denied, sitting next to Minjeong.
"Alright, come here, Jiminie," Ning stood up with the small glass in one hand and the bottle in the other. She walked to stand next to Giselle and Jimin.
"Uh… don't you think that's too much for me?" Jimin asked with a worried tone as she looked at her.
"Do you feel dizzy right now? Even slightly different?"
"Well... my body feels hot, not exactly because of the heat, or because..."
"Say no more, you're perfect, drink," Ning poured the vodka into the glass and gently grabbed Jimin by the chin, "open that mouth, sweetie," Jimin did so, but instead of doing it like any other person would, she stuck out her tongue as if she were going to receive something else. You couldn't take your eyes off for a single second while Ning poured the vodka in a trickle on Jimin's tongue, and she swallowed every drop until there was no more left.
"Fuck girl, you're hotter than you think," Giselle said, also staring at Jimin, who close her mouth and wiped a few droplets of vodka off her chin with the back of her hand.
"So you think?" Jimin asked, looking at her.
"That tongue of yours is sexy as fuck," Giselle nodded, "I even want to taste it."
“Do it then,” Ning, you and Minjeong looked at each other with your eyebrows raised in shock. Now that was a big step. Even Giselle looked a little surprised.
"Are you sure?" Giselle asked.
"For God's sake, just kiss me," Giselle didn't hesitate twice to grab her face with both hands and do what she asked. The first thing that stood out from the beginning was the use of both tongues during the kiss, an incredibly hot scene that had the three of you surprised by how Jimin performed. It was obvious that Giselle was the one in control, but both tongues were entwined with equal passions.
"Mother of God," Ning put her hand over her mouth, incredulous at the intense make out session Jimin and Giselle were having. You had to look towards the pool to avoid getting another boner.
"Oh no, you're watching this with me," Minjeong said. She grabbed your chin and forced you to look back at the girls as they kissed. As expected, the lewd scene caused arousal to grow in you, and consequently, your cock to get hard under your boxers.
"You hate me, don't you?" You quickly took a cushion from behind your back and covered your crotch with it. Seconds later, Jimin and Giselle separated.
"Fuck," Giselle gasped, wiping some saliva off her chin with the back of her hand, "who knew you could kiss so well?"
"I do?" Jimin asked. Her genuine innocence made you exchange an incredulous look with Ning.
"Girl, it's one of the best kisses I've ever had in my life," Giselle looked at Ning, and then at you and Minjeong, "we gave you a good show huh?"
"He's covering his crotch with a cushion," Ning pointed out, "guess why," you looked at her, wanting to kick her ass.
"Rock hard again?" giggled Giselle.
"He's just a man, what do you expect," Minjeong said dismissively, but you knew she was just teasing you.
"Hey, we already gave you a show, why don't you give us a show?" Giselle said, raising an eyebrow.
"We're not going to fuck in front of you," you stepped forward.
"Three way kiss," Jimin interjected, and Giselle looked at her.
"You're not as innocent as you seem, are you?"
"I'm not going to comment on how many erotic books and manhwas I've read."
"I don't need to know either," Giselle now looked at you, "you heard our little nerd, kiss."
Ning, who subconsciously always sought your approval for everything, turned to look at you.
"Give her the shot first," you pointed your finger at the bottle, "and then me."
"If those are the conditions you're making it too easy for me boy," Giselle took the bottle from Ning's hand and brought it to her mouth to drink directly from it.
"You set the bar too low, what a fool," Minjeong said from beside you.
"Shut your mouth," you replied, watching as Giselle stood up with the bottle in her hand and walked straight towards you.
"Come on, pretty boy, have a drink," she shook the bottle in front of your nose. You reluctantly took it and in an imitation of Giselle you drank from it, "Thaaat's it," she took the bottle from you, "Alright, what are you waiting for?"
Ning didn't even have to ask your permission to walk over to you, remove the cushion from your crotch, and straddle your lap. The rubbing of your crotches over the thin fabrics made you hold your breath, as you could feel her folds pressing against you. You didn't even have time to think about it when Minjeong knelt to your left and put her face between the two of you, Ning did the same, and soon your lips were together.
Strangely, you had never tried to do something like that before, so it was a little difficult to find the rhythm and the right way to do it, but it was a matter of seconds before the three of you finally reached a point of comfort in which your lips crashed in perfect synchrony. Naturally the tongues got into the action, and so did the touching.
You surrounded the waists of both girls with your arms, and pressed them firmly towards your body to feel their heavy breathing and hot bodies. Unconsciously small moans were also present, and you could notice a subtle movement in Ning's hips above you.
"Unnie, make them stop, I'm getting..." you heard Jimin say.
"Are you kidding? This is only getting better," she replied.
"No, seriously, I need them to stop..."
"Ugh fine," Giselle gave Ning a little shake by the shoulder, "Hey, that's enough."
If it weren't for Giselle's intervention, the three of you would have continued to a point of no return. The bubble in which you were enclosed was so thick that when you separated from the kiss, the three of you were slightly disoriented, and of course, you had a painfully hard boner. 
"Honey, would you get off of me? I don't think it's time to fuck you yet," you told Ning, and she obeyed without saying a single word, knowing that sooner or later she'll have her piece of cake. She sat down next to you and crossed her legs immediately.
"I... I need to go to the bathroom, but this is my first time coming to this house," Jimin said, "could someone uh… come with me?"
"I'll go," you jumped in immediately, not willing to waste a clear shot. You glanced at Minjeong, who was trying to hide her proud little smile. Jimin looked surprised, she didn't expect you to be the first volunteer.
"O-okay," she nodded, and then stood up to wait for you in the hallway.
"Don't drain him too much!" Ning said to Jimin as you stood next to her. Jimin's cheeks flushed red, and you had to put your hand on her back to get her to walk forward.
"Don't pay attention to her, she usually makes those kinds of jokes," you said, walking side by side with Jimin.
"The jokes aren't the problem," she continued to avoid your gaze as much as possible, instead looking around her, "the problem is that..."
"Is that?" you asked, noticing that she didn't finish the sentence.
"Nothing, I'm not going to say it," she said, as you stopped in the middle of the living room adjacent to the kitchen. You stared at her, "what?"
"You don't really need to go to the bathroom, do you?" you asked, and noticed a hint of panic in her eyes.
"Huh? O-Of course I do!" She feigned annoyance, but your eyes didn't lie to you.
"Then explain that to me," you made a small gesture with your finger towards her crotch. Her bikini bottom had a small stain on it, one that she certainly hadn't realized was there judging by her shocked eyes.
"Oh my god!" she screamed, and was about to run away if you hadn't grabbed her wrist.
"Hey, just be honest with me."
"About what?" You pulled her towards you, planting her inches from your face but without making physical contact with her body.
"Tell me, you want me to help you with that, don't you?" Jimin remained silent at your sudden advance, but when she looked down and saw your bulge kept in your boxers, her face changed.
"Ever since I saw your boner in the pool I haven't stopped thinking about how I want to have you inside me," her lips parted and for the first time all day she held eye contact with you for more than five seconds.
"I know you're not a pure thoughts innocent girl, so say it," you murmured. Jimin was silent again for a few seconds, but in the midst of her silence she reached for her neck with her free hand and untied the knot that held her bikini top to it, thus releasing a pair of nice, big tits that made your mouth water.
"Fuck me daddy..." her tiny, seductive tone of voice vibrated in your ears, "grant me the privilege of being able to have that big, juicy cock inside my needy pussy."
The sudden change in her personality caused mixed feelings in you, on the one hand you didn't know if that side was natural for her or it was just due to the body heat that the alcohol caused in her, but on the other she was driving you completely crazy. You didn't even know where to start, so you just did what any decent man could do at the time. You kissed her with all your might.
Giselle wasn't wrong about her. She was an excellent kisser, you confirmed this as you wrapped your arms around her waist and moved your hands up and down her bare back. Her skin felt creamy and soft under your fingertips. You hugged her against you, her tits crushing against your chest and her pretty stomach pressed against yours. She wrapped her arms around your neck, but her hands didn't stay still for long either. Jimin cupped your face first, letting out small moans against your mouth as you squeezed her ass and held her waist tightly. Then her hands went down your chest, one of them stayed on your waist, and the other went down to your hard cock to massage it over your boxers.
You slowly pushed her back, resting her lower back against the edge of the long floating cabinet. With a small lift of her you sat her up on the polished wood of her, and you got between her wide open legs to separate yourself from her lips and concentrate now on her long neck. Jimin brought a hand to the back of your head and tangled her fingers in your hair, she leaned her head and shoulders against the wall, and with her free hand she groped your cock inside your boxers, small moans coming out of her mouth as you filled her neck with kisses and bites.
"Baby wants me to suck her tits or eat her pussy?" you said against her neck, then you moved your kisses up to her jaw, and then back down to her shoulders.
"Why not both, daddy?" Jimin asked amidst cute moans.
"Do you want both?" You went up to her lips and gave her little kisses, then to her cheeks and her chin.
"Yes daddy please..." she gasped, gently stroking your cock underneath your boxers, "and I want to suck your cock too, will you let me?"
"Are you needy for daddy's cock, baby?" You teased, you lowered your kisses again, this time to her collarbone and the space between her two tits.
"Yes daddy... very very needy," she responded with her breathing becoming more labored, "I'm a good girl, I promise."
"First let daddy spoil you, then you can show me what a good girl you are..." you moved a few inches to the left, and she held her breath before you took most part of her tit into your mouth.
Jimin moaned in a sweet tone to your ears, both of her hands now on your shoulders. You started with slow and sensual sucks on her nipple, adding licks in circles around it and kisses on her spongy flesh. You repeated the same thing on the other side, and in no time you became addicted to her pair of pretty breasts.
You spent a couple of minutes just on her tits, but it could have been more if it weren't for the need you had to also eat her pussy, so you gave her mounds a couple more licks and sucks before moving down with your mouth through her abdomen. Her tummy was pure perfection for you, it was slightly toned, but it still retained that fleshiness that drove you so crazy about a girl. Her skin was creamy soft, and despite having recently been in a pool there was still a faint scent of body cream left. You finally reached her lower abdomen, just inches from her pube.
"Daddy wants me to take it off for him?" Jimin asked with a moan as she looked down at you, gripping her fingers at both knots on either side of her hips.
"Go ahead baby, daddy wants to see that pretty pussy," you nodded, kneeling to place small kisses on the inside of her thighs. Jimin acted quickly, and within seconds she untied the knots. With her bikini bottom now loose from her hips she only had to lift her hips and yank it off.
"Do you like it, daddy? It's wet and warm for you…" Jimin's pussy was now exposed just inches from your face, she brought two fingers to it, rubbing them up and down across her glistening folds.
"I fucking love it sweetie," certainly her pussy was like a work of art, but in this case, more of a gourmet dish which you didn't think not to taste.
You placed both hands on the back of her thighs and pulled them back, holding her legs wide open to have her pussy at better disposal. You didn't think it was right to make her wait too long, so you avoided foreplay and went straight to the action. You brought your face closer slowly, eyes on her at all times, stuck out your tongue, and she held her breath as you planted it flat right between her folds. You slowly licked upwards, and Jimin finally let out a long moan that was music to your ears.
Her pussy was wetter than it appeared on the surface, adding a softness and flavor that was immediately addictive. You began to use your tongue calmly and gently, making sure she felt every tiny movement before you started eating her out like a hungry dog. You licked every fold of hers, her clit, and every corner of her slit. That was enough to surprisingly make her cum.
"I'm sorry, daddy!" she moaned, shaking between small moans, "I was so needy, but keep going, overstimulate me, I'll be a good girl!"
If she said so, you had no problem satisfying her desires. You didn't wait for her body to stop shuddering before you began to really eat her out, kissing, sucking and licking between her folds. Jimin squealed, sometimes more similar to a moan and other times more like a whimper, but she didn't stop shaking off of her at any time, you had to hold her by her waist so she wouldn't fall.
You focused on her clit, quick, sharp licks with the tip of your tongue. Jimin gripped the edge of the cabinet with weak fingers, her hips shaking like hell and her breathing extremely labored. Her fluids kept leaking between her folds, but you soaked up every little drop of it as if your life depended on it. You were grateful that where the girls were, the music was so loud that it was impossible to hear anything that was in another room, because you had rarely heard a girl moan as loudly as Jimin did at that moment.
It didn't take long for her to reach another orgasm, but that didn't stop you from continuing. Jimin writhed and trembled as if she were being exorcized. She really scared you for a few seconds, but after a few seconds you confirmed that she was just in a fierce tide of pleasure. No moans came out of her mouth, only muffled sounds and heavy gasps. Her eyes were blank, rolled back thanks to the impeccable work of your mouth. She closed her legs around your head, both of her creamy soft thighs pressed against your cheeks as you continued to eat her out furiously. At that point your jaw and your tongue were equally tired, and you could no longer double your efforts, but you could give one last effort to make her cum for the third time in a row.
"OH FUCKKKK!!!" Her primal scream echoed throughout the room and nearly burst your eardrums. Her hands went to your head, nails digging into your scalp in the midst of intense spasms. She had no idea how much force she used, so it was painful for you, but seeing the tears pool in her eyes and then fall from them down her cheeks made it totally worth it. Her pussy was dripping to the point of soaking her buttocks and the wood under her ass, and her body couldn't stop shaking and shuddering.
"Did my little baby enjoy it?" you asked, her trembling thighs still crushing your head.
"C-c..." her voice hung by a thread, so low that you could barely hear it, "C-cock... i-in m... my mouth..." she loosened her thighs, and now blood was circulating normally to your brain.
"You're completely destroyed and you still want to please daddy?" you asked, standing up again. She only nodded weakly, "You really are a very good girl..." as soon as you cupped her face she sought your lips, you noticed that it was difficult for her to move so you leaned forward to kiss her for a few long seconds, "Come on, let's find something more comfortable."
You grabbed Jimin by her waist and carefully lowered her from the cabinet. As expected she couldn't even stand up, so you had to carry her in your arms. You turned around and walked between two individual armchairs, having on your right the large white leather sofa that you would lay Jimin on. You placed one of the four cushions behind her head and another on her feet. Sunlight filtered in from the left thanks to the large sliding window that ran from wall to wall. You could just press a button and have all the blinds close, but knowing that the girls were only a few meters away and that they could see you at any moment if they went out to the pool gave you a certain shot of adrenaline that made everything more pleasant.
With Jimin now lying on the couch you stood next to her and pulled down your boxers, revealing your erect and throbbing cock just above her eyes, which shone like two sea pearls at the sight of your entire length.
"Oh god... it's so big," Jimin said, slowly catching her breath, "put it..." she had to pause, "put it in my mouth, please..."
You knelt down, your crotch now level with Jimin's face. You took your cock in one hand, Jimin turned her face towards you, and you slowly brought your tip closer to her parted lips. She thought you would put it inside right away, but her attractive lips made you first rub against them a few times, tracing the outline until you let her take you inside her mouth.
At first you had to help her with a hand on the back of her head since she was still a little weak, but less than a minute passed when she rolled onto her side, rested her elbow on the couch and started pumping her head back and forth. Her pretty lips felt like pure velvet on your cock, and to your not-so-surprising surprise, she knew how to use them more than well. You placed a hand on one of her tits and squeezed it gently, gasping at the continuous movement of her mouth which as the seconds passed took more of you inside her.
"You suck daddy's cock so well baby..." you gasped, caressing the side of her face with your hand and tucking her hair behind her ear. Her slurping sounds were driving you crazy, and if that weren't enough she showed she had a rather non-existent gag reflex that she took advantage of to take you straight down her throat. Her nose rested against your pubic bone, and her big, bright eyes looked up at you, "Oh my god! Ugh! How do you know how to do that?" you groaned.
"I'd rather not tell you daddy..." she grabbed your cock by the base and gave it a few long, sensual sucks, "just let your baby please you."
"You can do whatever you want with daddy's cock," you bit your lip, your breathing heavy thanks to the precise and pleasurable pumping of Jimin's head. She was not only excellent at kissing, but also at sucking cock, and you just wondered what other surprises that girl was hiding.
You let her continue doing her job, and she certainly did wonders for your piece of meat inside her mouth. The way she used her tongue on the back of your cock and her way of taking advantage of the softness of her lips was going to lead you to ruin soon, but you didn't want to cum yet, not before giving her what she craved so much, so you stopped her. She looked at you with worried eyes.
"I thought I was doing a good job daddy..." she said.
"Indeed you were, but daddy needs to be inside that pussy as soon as possible," Jimin's eyes lit up again, "do you feel okay to go?"
"Yeah!" she nodded immediately, "please fuck me daddy, I need it so much!"
"How do you want me to do it?" You gave her a kiss on her lips, then another on her forehead.
"Anyway you like, daddy," she kissed you back, "but I can't be up... you know why."
“No problem, daddy will take care of you,” the couch was thick enough for you both to fit comfortably, so you got to work.
You stood up and the first thing Jimin instinctively did was pick up her legs, holding them both with her arms behind her knees, pressing them against her body and already giving you a perfect position in which you could fuck her. You climbed onto the couch and knelt in front of her, your cock was already well lubricated by Jimin's saliva, so you only had to rub yourself between her folds a few times before pressing your hips forward, letting her pussy slowly engulf your length.
"Mmmmgh!" Jimin covered her mouth and stifled a scream against it (you didn't really understand why, natural instinct, you assumed), "Be careful daddy!" she moaned when your cock was halfway down.
"It hurts?" you asked, tempted to just push down and go all the way in.
"A little... I've never had something that big inside me," she admitted, you noticed a slight reddish blush on her cheeks.
"Not even a dildo?" You pushed as slowly as you could, each time gaining more inches.
"Impossible, I almost never have privacy at home... mmm fuck!!" Finally you took your entire cock inside her pussy, you gasped as you felt the warmth, and how her velvety walls made you shiver.
"Then relax and let daddy make you enjoy the experience..." once fully inside her you slumped forward between Jimin's legs. Her tits pressed against your chest, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around your body. You began to move slowly, attentive to every tiny twist in the girl's face. Your movements were long, slow and sensual, she loved that, you noticed it in how her eyebrows arched, her breathing became heavy and her eyes rolled back.
“Oh fuck daddy… just make love to me, please,” she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you into a loving kiss, filled with moans and heavy pants.
No more words left your mouth (it's not like she'd let you anyway), you just moved your hips back and forth, making sure every movement was as satisfying as possible for both her and you. Soon you stopped concentrating so much on doing well and just let yourself go. Your hands ran all over Jimin's body, her tits served as gripping points for long seconds, you squeezed, massaged and played with her nipples. Jimin’s thighs gripped your lats, flesh pressing against flesh from absolutely every inch. Jimin caressed your back, moan after moan muffled in a kiss you never wanted to get out of.
You didn't start moving faster, but you did start moving harder. Your cock slid all the way in and all the way out with each thrust, shaking Jimin's slightly sweaty body beneath you. She arched her back in pleasure and consequently separated from your lips, you took advantage of that to kiss her neck once again. While you left little marks on her pale skin she tangled her fingers between strands of your hair and gave you little tugs towards her. You exhaled your hot breath against her neck, and came up to moan into her ear. She filled the side of your face with kisses, and you sought her lips once more.
Inevitably your instincts led you to want to move faster, and so you did, but not wanting to fail to comply with her request, you did so in a moderate manner, maintaining the same level of force but slightly increasing the revolutions per second. Jimin's entire body appreciated this, her calves and heels digging into your back, and now more than ever you were as close as two bodies could be to each other.
"Daddy..." she gasped, her face red and her eyes weak, "I'm going to cum on your cock daddy... mmmgh!" As her moans reached her peak until now you raised your head a little to remove her arms from around it. You took her two hands and intertwined your fingers to put them on the armband behind her head.
"Cum for daddy then... one more time, come on," you stared at her, fucking her just the way she wanted to bring her to an imminent fourth orgasm. After a few seconds she finally exploded around your cock. You felt her pussy and your cock considerably wetter, and as she writhed between moans and spasms you noticed that she had squirted (also staining a sofa whose high price you were unaware of). Another surprise that came out of Pandora's box.
"Don't stop daddy... mmghhh! I want your cum!" she managed to say as her legs now loose from your torso trembled and her hips twitched.
"Will my baby let me cum on her pretty tongue?" you asked between gasps, beads of sweat falling down both sides of your temple.
"Finish wherever you please daddy..." she moaned, "my body is all yours, just use it however you want."
With that said you straightened your back and grabbed Jimin's legs behind her knees. She had already cum, and thanks to that you considered her request as satisfied, it was your turn to enjoy. The pumps became considerably faster, she began to scream, overstimulated in every possible way as her orgasm had not yet fully passed. Even though you would have liked to continue fucking her like that, all the pleasure previously built in you began to take its toll on you.
Jimin's flushed face and her bouncing tits made you take a deep breath as you felt tingles around your pubic area. Her whimpers were getting a little too loud for your ears, so instinctively your first reaction was to bring one of your hands to her neck. Through all the flailing you didn't realize how hard you were squeezing until you saw Jimin gasp for breath, you didn't know if she was really enjoying it, but judging by how her eyebrows furrowed and her toes wrinkled, you could have an idea of what the answer was.
After a few thrusts you felt on the edge. You let go of her neck and left her pussy to kneel on the floor next to her face. She stuck her tongue out, just like she had done a few minutes ago to drink the vodka, and you started jerking off as fast as you could with the tip of your cock pressed against her tongue. You made eye contact with her, and that was the icing on the cake to make you explode.
"Aghhhh fuck!!" you exclaimed, feeling your entire soul leaking out of your body as you shot your load onto Jimin's hot tongue. She let your cum form a pool in her mouth, and when she felt it was too much she began to swallow it as best she could without any retching to interrupt her. You continued emptying your balls for a few long seconds, but she continued swallowing every single drop as if it were an everyday task.
"That was delicious daddy..." Jimin said when the cum was no longer coming out of your cock and she had swallowed it all, "I... I'll give you my number, but right now I need to sleep."
"Do you want me to take you to my room?" you ask panting, cock still in hand.
"Do you have a room here?" she asked incredulously.
"I spend more time here than at home, so Ryujin gave me a room. Although now that I think about it, I never use it, I always sleep with her," she managed to laugh out of her weakness and lack of energy.
"Okay, take me to your room," she nodded, "I can't walk, so I'm sorry to make it so difficult for you."
"I'll take care of it, just relax."
You stood up and bent your knees to put one arm under her knees and the other under her back. You picked her up like a princess, and she snuggled into your chest. Wanting to avoid the girls you took an alternative route upstairs, slower but safer.
"What do you plan to tell the girls when they ask you about me?" She asked sleepily as you walked up the stairs.
"I don't know, maybe you were feeling bad?"
"Out of nowhere? I doubt they believe that."
"Do you have anything better?" You walked until you reached the door of your room, which you had to make a superhuman effort to open with Jimin in your arms.
"Not really, just say what you think is best then," she sighed.
Your room wasn't as big as Ryujin's, but it was already bigger than the one at home and you considered it comfortable enough for Jimin to rest well. You laid her down on one of her two pillows, she settled on her side, and you covered her with the blanket. You turned on the air conditioning, and turned off the lights.
"Rest well baby, I'll see you in a bit," you whispered in her ear, and then left the room.
Due to your chivalrous act you had not even realized that you were still naked, and in a house where most of the walls were made of glass that was something quite dangerous, especially when the window in front of you was the one that faced the street. You considered it useless to try to cover your crotch, so you just ran downstairs in search of your underwear. Arriving in the living room where you were a few minutes ago, you realized what a real mess you and Jimin had made, so you took a moment to organize everything again before putting on your underwear and putting away Jimin's bikini in one of the drawers of the floating cabinet where you ate her. There remained the small problem of the gigantic stain on the sofa, but that was a matter that you would take care of later.
When you returned to the eye of the hurricane you found things calmer than you thought, Ning on the couch jumping to the rhythm of There's Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendes with a drink in her hand, Minjeong calm and quiet as always, and Giselle smoking another cigarette while drinking on the single couch.
"Jimin died in the bathroom and you were burying her or what?" Giselle asked when she saw you arrive, she took a drag on her cigarette.
"Her stomach went bad thanks to the alcohol, she threw up in the bathroom and I was just taking care of her," you stood in front of her and motioned with your finger towards the cigarette box.
"Stop lying!" Ning exclaimed behind you, "you fucked her so hard you sent her to sleep!" You knew it was best to stay silent, but he who remains silent grants, so you were screwed either way.
"Did you fuck her?" Giselle asked before giving you the cigarette, only motioning her lips so that no one else would know.
"What do you think?" You shrugged, not wanting to say yes to be a gentleman. You took the cigarette from her hand with one agile movement, and turned around to grab the lighter from the table. You lit the cigarette, took a drag, and went to sit with Minjeong.
"How does she suck cock?" She asked as soon as you sat down next to her, you sighed, done with your existence.
"Better than you," you said just to annoy her, and took another drag on the cigarette.
"Well probably, but my pussy is and will remain the tightest you'll ever be inside," she leaned forward and took the cigarette from your fingers to take a drag, the Minjeong of a few months ago would have choked on the smoke, this one now swallowed it and expelled it without any problem. You took the cigarette back from her.
"Get your own cigarette, fool.”
"Hey! Aren't you guys hungry?" Giselle asked from across the room.
"He definitely isn't!" Ning said pointing at you, and burst into laughter. The alcohol was already affecting her a bit, since in the middle of her laughter she almost fell off the couch.
"Actually I am, do you girls want a barbecue?" you asked them, "I remember seeing some nice pieces in the freezer."
"Oh fuck yes," Giselle agreed, taking the last drag on her cigarette before putting it out and throwing the butt into a glass jar that was originally on a shelf.
"I haven't had a meal since yesterday, so I can eat anything right now!" Ning said, the song ending at that moment, and she stopped dancing to sit on your right.
"I can go help you season and prepare everything, honey," Minjeong said, placing her hand on yours.
"Thanks darling," you nodded, and then looked at Giselle, "you two can be helpful and set up the grill."
"And... how do you do that?" Ning asked.
"Simple, you just have to put charcoal under the grill. There's a bag outside right next to it I think," another drag on your cigarette, discarding the ashes in the jar.
"Aight, we'll look it up on YouTube, let's go," Giselle stood up, and Ning followed her.
"Looks like it's just you and me again," Minjeong giggled, now standing in front of you.
"As it should always be, right?" you smiled, and stood up with her.
"It should, yeah," she smiled back, took your hand and you gave her a kiss on the forehead before heading to the kitchen. On the way you passed by the scene of the incident, and you tried to do everything possible so that she did not look towards the sofa, but being the observant person that she was, she saw it, "and what is that?"
"Uh what are you talking about?" you made a fool of yourself.
"That big ass stain on the couch," she pointed at it, "what is it?"
"Well… not exactly."
"She damn squirted?" You remained silent, and with a lost look you took a drag on the cigarette, "holy mother of God, you destroyed her."
"Well, anyway, we have some food to prepare. Come on," you walked straight to the kitchen, and Minjeong followed you, laughing.
There was more to choose from in the freezer than you remembered. There were t-bones, beef and pork ribs, and wide beef tenderloins. You waited a while for everything to defrost, but when your patience ran out you simply used the microwave to do the job. There were several different cuts, so you seasoned each one in a different way. For the T-Bone you only used a layer of grain salt and pepper, and for the wide loin you used the same but adding a layer of olive oil. The ribs were the main attraction, so you put a little more effort into it. For the beef ribs you had to first prepare a BBQ sauce, and for the pork ribs you had to prepare a sauce based on various seasonings for a better flavor. When everything was ready, you loaded everything onto wide plates and went outside.
Giselle and Ning had done a better job than you thought, the grill was perfectly prepared, with a perfect amount of charcoal. The grill was quite large, so you had plenty of space to put the plates to the side and start making all the cuts little by little. After about 40 minutes everything was perfectly cooked and ready.
You had a quiet, alcohol-free meal, which was already an achievement considering who you were with. During the meal the chemistry between you, the girls and Giselle increased, you learned many things about her, among the most notable, that she was a student of Criminal Law in the United States, her father was an associate justice of the Supreme Court, and her mother was an architect. She also told you that she was on vacation here with her mother, and that she would be returning to the United States next week.
"Damn, those pork ribs were amazing, what the fuck," Giselle said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.
"Thank me, I'm a culinary genius," Minjeong smiled, as if you hadn't given her every instruction in great detail.
"You? You almost ruined a ramen once, a ramen!" Ning exclaimed, “You literally just boil water and put in the noodles!”
"I was high as fuck, and unlike you three I could stand up."
"Speaking of being high..." Giselle began, and she looked at the three of you, "are you up for it?"
"This house keeps more weed than Uncle Snoop's," you said, "you literally just have to say how you want it."
"That much?" She, incredulous, raised an eyebrow.
"Not really, I'm just exaggerating, but Ryujin has enough to survive 2 months."
"Does she have a bong?"
"Nah, that's too much for her. I can offer you blunts, she bought a pack recently."
"Where the fuck did she get a pack of blunts? Ready to smoke?"
"Yep. And I don't know, but it's certainly not legal."
"How ironic that the daughter of a supreme court judge would be interested in something like this," Minjeong laughed.
"Oh honey, my crime is child's play compared to all the shit that some people of my kind do," Giselle responded, you noticed some arrogance in her tone.
"I know, all Americans are rotten in absolutely every way, no wonder," Minjeong snapped back, cold as ice. There was an awkward silence, and Ning giggled to try to break it, but she only made it more awkward.
"Well, who's going to wash the dishes with me?" you asked after a few seconds, and Giselle stood up instantly.
"I'll go, I don't want to get into an argument with your pretty little girlfriend and ruin my opinion of her," Giselle didn't bother waiting for you and left the room.
"It was just a joke, honey! Don't get upset!" Minjeong exclaimed for her to hear, with a mocking giggle.
"Enough," you said, and she stayed silent as you stood up, "I don't think that was the most appropriate thing to say to her."
"Did I lie?"
"I don't care, just think things before you say them," that was the last thing you said to her before turning your back on the two of them, "Ning, get the blunts while we wash the dishes."
"Can I smoke one?!" You heard her say as you walked away from there.
"No!" you responded, and went to meet Giselle again. You heard the tap running before you arrived, she was already washing a couple of cutlery, and you approached from behind.
"Your girlfriend isn't usually tactful when saying things, is she?" She asked as she heard you arrive, now speaking in English. You stood behind her, your lower back leaning against the stove behind you.
"It's not like you didn't make it easy for her," you crossed your arms, not the least bit interested in moving since you had a front row view of her enormous ass from behind.
"It's one thing to make fun of myself and quite another to be made fun of," she reluctantly threw a piece of cutlery and the sponge into the dishwasher and turned around after closing the tap, catching you looking down, "did you come to help me or to see my ass?"
"The order of the factors doesn't alter the product, I was going to do it right now," you took another discreet glance at her fleshy thighs before meeting her eyes.
"Are you sure? I see you very comfortable there," she huffed, also crossing her arms to imitate you, but also to put her tits together and form an attractive cleavage.
"It's because you're using the dishwasher," she wanted you to see her tits, and you did that in small intervals of time.
"There's a free one literally to your right," she said, eyes trained on you.
"Well, you caught me, I just stood there to see your ass, so what?"
"Oh no, it's okay..." for the first time she looked down, straight at your boxers, you didn't need to follow her eyes to know what she was looking at, "tell me something, pretty boy..." she gave a slow step forward, then another, and that way until she was standing inches from you, "you love it, don't you? and you love my thighs too..." she placed her hands on the counter on either side of you, somehow imprisoning you.
"Mmm… not enough yet, they have to pass a quality test first," you stared into her eyes.
"And what quality test are we talking about?" You didn't respond with words, but with actions. Two hands right on the sides of her thighs, caressing them up and down. The smile on Giselle's face told you that your bold act pleased her.
"Do you have something in mind?" From her thighs you moved to her waist, pulling her towards you to press her body against yours.
"I have a lot of things on my mind right now, honey..." she left her hands on your chest, your lips a few centimeters away, "you know? today I feel generous... why not give you what you want?" Giselle pulled away and turned around, then pressed her ass against your bulging crotch, "come on, pull it down pretty boy..."
You didn't doubt it for a second. You grabbed Giselle's bikini bottom by the back curb and slowly folded it down to her knees. Her bare ass was even more tempting and eye-catching than you imagined, her soft, round, juicy buttocks pressed against you. Your cock hardened in a matter of seconds, and when you felt this you pulled your boxers down to your ankles in a single pull. You noticed a sly little smile on Giselle's face as the back of your cock rubbed against the space between her ass cheeks.
"I guess the dishes can wait..." you murmured close to her ear. You surrounded her delicious body with both arms, and she twisted her hips to knead your cock with her ass.
"Are you going to fuck me against the dishwasher, casanova?" She asked with her face half turned towards you, she brought one hand back to cradle your face.
"Not yet," you moved a hand up to her neck and then to her chin, you turned her face towards you and kissed her.
Her full, soft lips welcomed yours in a deep kiss, full of passion and a growing feeling of desire. She pressed her ass back, grinding your cock between her silky buttocks. You couldn't help but grab the front of her thighs, feeling the firm flesh between your fingers. You left one hand on her left thigh, and the other you took to her crotch, right to her plump pussy which you rubbed with your index and middle fingers, you did it gently, feeling like her folds gradually became wetter and wetter. She stifled a subtle moan against your lips, feeling arousal take over her body.
You now took the hand you had on her thigh between your bodies to grab your cock and rub it between her buttocks, your tip caressed her butthole, and lower down it met her wet pussy. She held her breath in the middle of your kiss, thinking that you were going to penetrate her, but what you did was put your cock between her thighs. Giselle pulled away from your lips and gave you a little smile, pressing her legs together to crush your boner between them.
"So you want a thighjob huh?" she teased with a giggle, "I don't blame you... they are perfect after all," she spit a considerable amount of saliva into her hand and brought it between her thighs to grab your cock, you moaned just from her touch, as she let your cock slippery between strokes, "go ahead, have fun."
With the green light to do whatever you wanted, the first thing you did was put your two hands on her waist, and without thinking twice you began to move slowly from back to front. Not even ten seconds passed when you already felt like you were in heaven, and you let her know that with the loud moans that came out of your mouth. Her thighs were the closest thing to perfection you had ever felt, a perfect balance between softness, firmness and fleshiness that hugged your cock in an overwhelming meat sandwich.
"Fuck it... they passed the quality test," you gasped, pumping your hips faster and faster, "they're perfect and I love them," she giggled and you buried your face in her neck to fill it with kisses and bites.
"Your cock isn't bad either..." she murmured in your ear as it slid smoothly between her thighs and also rubbed against her wet pussy from the top, "it feels thick and delicious between my thighs… I can't wait to know what it feels like inside this fat pussy."
"You're driving me crazy, Uchinaga, you better shut up..." you growled, using one hand to untie her bikini top and pull it off her chest, you couldn't get a view of what you had freed, but as you put both your hands there you came across a pair of surprisingly big tits. These were just the right size to fit in your hands, but they felt full, round and soft like two stress balls, "and you have two perfect tits too?" you asked, pumping your cock harder and harder, her ass slapping against your pelvis with each thrust between her thighs.
"Thank genetics..." she placed her hands on yours as you massaged and squeezed her tits, "hell, thank life I'm giving you the chance to have me, lucky motherfucker."
"You're the only one of the girls who hasn't called me daddy yet," you lowered one of your hands from her tits to her pussy, "what are you waiting for?" She tried to laugh, but you started rubbing her clit in quick circles.
"D-don't even fucking dream of it, asshole," she managed to say before a moan escaped her, "you're not even close to earning that privilege."
"We'll see that... bitch," you continued fucking her thighs and rubbing her pussy for a few long seconds in which your moans overlapped. Giselle was melting in your arms, thanks to how you rubbed your cock between her folds and how you moved your fingers over her clit, "I'm going to fuck you so hard that when I come out of you you'll feel like a part of you is missing."
"I want to see you try, mmh!" she pursed her lips in a slight squeal, "fuck me, you bastard! fuck me hard!"
That felt like a sudden change of chip for you, you put your hands on Giselle's shoulders and roughly pushed her forward. You pulled the boxers off your legs, and took a stride forward to push her again, this time she was leaning against the edge of the dishwasher, and you stood right behind her. She bent her back, her head right next to the faucet as you rubbed your cock against her pale buttocks. You were eager to give her what she deserved, so you brought one hand to her waist and with the other you guided your cock between her buttocks. Finding her pussy you rubbed your tip up and down for a few short seconds, she turned to look at you over her shoulder, and locking eyes with her you pressed forward, taking your cock inch by inch inside her.
You couldn't utter a word as your cock pushed its way between her plump folds and reached deep inside her hot and extremely wet pussy. Giselle bit her fist to stifle a moan, feeling every inch of you filling her. Her ass rested against your pelvis, and you could have spent hours watching her buttocks hide your shaft, but you had a clear mission to fulfill.
The pumps began, your hips moving back and forth slowly at first to feel in detail how your cock slid smoothly in and out of her. Within seconds Giselle's eyes were demanding more, and you were happy to give it to her. With two hands on her waist you increased your pace, little by little making her big ass bounce with each thrust. You raised both hands to her ribs and moved them to her back, you left them there for a few seconds, but then you raised them to her shoulders to bend her back upwards. She clung to the edge of the dishwasher, and with her head thrown back she began to moan shamelessly.
"Do you like it, you arrogant bitch?" you asked with your lips pursed, breathing like a raging bull as you made her body shake like a rag with each thrust.
"Do it harder!! Be fucking rude and destroy me!! FUCK!!" Her pleas made you smile between your gasps. You knew very well how to be tough, Ryujin had that side of you well trained and polished. Easy peasy.
You raised one hand and let it fall at full speed on one of her buttocks, your spank made a wave on her flesh and left the shape of your hand marked in red on her skin. Giselle squealed with pleasure, but it was a squeal that only meant she wanted more. You repeated the action a few times, giving her the hardest spanks you had ever given anyone until you left her ass a vibrant red.
Her buttocks were now squeezed and kneaded by your hands, you did it knowing that her skin was sensitive and that it was itching for her. A normal person would be bothered by that, but Giselle only became more turned on.
When you stopped kneading her buttocks you brought one hand to her right thigh and made her raise her knee to the marble edge. With one of her legs now lifted you began to fuck her just as hard but this time hitting deeper, so much that you felt like if you were a few centimeters bigger you would have pierced her endocervix. Giselle went crazy with high-pitched squeals, and you leaned forward to grab a generous handful of her hair, pulling it back and making her growl.
"So you like being mistreated huh?!!" You teased with a devilish grin on your face, roughly pulling her head back on purpose as you hammered into her pussy like a tireless machine.
"I fucking love it!!" she admitted with a cry, as your pelvis crashed again and again against her round buttocks, "don't stop da..."
"You could have at least warned me, damn it!" Ning's voice coming from an unknown place brought you out of your zen zone, just when it seemed like Giselle was going to say the word. You and Giselle turned around immediately, stopping what you were doing to see Ning standing with her arms crossed next to a trophy case.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to go get the damn blunts?" You exclaimed somewhat angry since you were still inside Giselle and your body demanded more pleasure.
"I already did! But I wanted to know what you were doing since you guys were taking so long!" She excused herself in the best way she could, "but I'm leaving, I'm sorry!"
"Oh hell no," you interrupted her, and Giselle looked at you confused, "you're going to stay here watching me destroy this kinky little bitch."
"Oh really?" Ning asked. You turned back to Giselle and picked up right where you left off, pulled her hair again, and continued pounding her pussy with all your might, "Well shit, that's a yes."
"Come on you damn bitch, say what you were going to say!!" You ordered Giselle, lowering her thigh from over the edge of the dishwasher and pulling her up to press her back against your chest. With her face now on the side of yours you brought one hand to her neck to squeeze it, and with the other you gave her a slap that you didn't care in the least how hard it was.
"MHGHHHHH!!!" Giselle squealed, feeling her pussy being destroyed by your throbbing cock at full speed, "DON'T STOP DADDY, DON'T YOU DARE STOP!!" Just then Ning stood next to you, her elbow leaning on a counter.
"Your cock is so magical that you managed to break even this bad bitch," Ning laughed, watching with fascinated eyes as you fucked her, "I'll have my turn, won't I?"
You didn't have the head to give Ning any attention at that moment, not when you had Giselle at your complete mercy and on the verge of breaking. One hand of yours went to her neck and the other went back to her pussy, you cut off her breath without thinking twice, and began to quickly rub her clit in between the thrusts.
"Cum, you fucking bitch, cum!!" You growled in her ear as her distorted face turned red. And almost as if by magic, a few seconds after saying that her body completely decompensated. Her entire body swayed and began to shake in your arms, her spasms made it difficult for you to keep her standing, and not caring that she was going through her orgasm you continued to thrust into her violently until you reached your limit as well.
You let go of Giselle's neck and brought your hands to her waist as you pumped slower, shooting thick jets of cum into her hot pussy. She continued to moan and squirm, even pulling her ass back trying to get you as deep inside her as possible. You moaned against her sweaty neck, giving her the last few thrusts before your orgasm passed and all your cum was dumped inside.
"I-I don't want a single word about this... understood?!" Giselle warned with wounded pride, looking out of the corner of her eye at Ning, who you hadn't realized was already completely naked.
"I'll be a coffin, woman, now, will you let me eat your pussy?" Ning asked without any shame.
"You don't think I'll let my man's cum fall to the floor, right?" Ning knelt next to you, waiting patiently for you to pull out of her pussy so she could start eating it.
"Oh fuck! Be careful, I'm still s-sensitive," Giselle sighed, her arms and thighs weak as Ning had both of her hands on her ass and her face buried between her buttocks. A few seconds passed as Ning pulled away from her slit, wiping her chin with the back of her hand.
"Mmmm… I missed this taste, how delicious," Ning said, standing up and staring at you, "well? What are you waiting for, daddy?"
Under other circumstances you would have flatly refused another consecutive fuck, but you were feeling especially energetic at the moment, and fortunately for Ning, you felt capable of one more round at full intensity.
You pounced on Ning like a fierce predator, smashing your lips against hers and wrapping your arms around her body. She reciprocated your kiss with a small moan, caressing the hair on the back of your neck with one hand and your chest with the other. You brought your hands to her legs, and she got the message immediately, jumping up to wrap her legs around your torso so you could carry her. She wrapped her arms around your neck and deepened the kiss even further, adding her tongue and gasping in the middle of it.
You walked a few steps forward with her in your arms and leaned her against a wall. You separated yourself from her lips and began to kiss, bite and suck on her neck for a few seconds, then you lowered yourself further down, and when you reached her pair of round tits you took one of them to your mouth. Ning pressed you against her chest with a louder moan, while you sucked and licked each nipple with utmost dedication. By having her pressed and held against her wall she had the freedom to release one hand from around your neck, she took advantage of this to reach your cock and grab it firmly. You being still sensitive, that was somewhat painful, but she noticed this and loosened her grip on it, moving her hand slowly and carefully.
After almost a minute just dedicating the well-deserved time that you always dedicated to her perfect tits, you felt your cock ready for action again.
“Spit on daddy's cock, baby,” you ordered Ning, and she immediately spit on her hand to lubricate your cock again, using the remainder to rub her pussy a few times, “put it in yourself," a new order, eyes fixed on hers.
"Yes daddy… whatever you say," she sighed, grabbing your cock and guiding it into her own pussy. You saw in great detail how her face distorted as she slowly impaled herself on your cock, and how her eyes closed when you were completely inside her.
"Subby weak fucking slut..." Giselle said behind you, mocking Ning's obedience.
"You're not in the best position to make fun of me," Ning managed to say between moans that grew louder as you began to move your cock in and out of her pussy.
"At least I was tough for him, I'm sure the first time you saw him you sucked his cock with those puppy eyes of yours," you grabbed Ning's thighs and spread his legs wide open, pinning her against the wall to start fucking her gradually faster.
"Mmmmgh!" Ning groaned, wrapping her arms around your neck and giving you a small kiss, "Almost, I gave him a lap dance and we almost fucked in the middle of a hallway," you couldn't help but smile at the memory.
"Mother of God!" Giselle exclaimed, "you are a whore through and through."
"I'm not just a whore, I'm his whore!" She emphasized, inadvertently letting out a little scream of pleasure while you pressed her thighs between your fingers and fucked her mercilessly against the wall.
"Say it again, I don't think she fully understood it, baby," you murmured in her ear, panting and sweat dripping down your body.
"I'm daddy's good little whore!" she moaned louder as you hammered into her pussy, "everything of me belongs to him, especially my slutty tight pussy! Fuck!!"
"Damn, you sure have them well trained, huh?" Giselle teased with a giggle, "I have no doubt that Jiminie ended up in the same situation."
"Even worse," you said, removing Ning from the wall and turning to now sit her on the corner of the kitchen island. She left her legs wide open, and let go of your neck to rest her hands on the warm surface behind her back.
"So you did fuck her?" Ning laughed mockingly, but then she continued moaning as if nothing had happened. You slapped her to shut her up, and she moaned louder.
"Of course he fucked her, Jimin's pussy has been dripping since she saw him earlier," Giselle said, "I don't think she made it difficult for him."
"And neither do you," you laughed, grabbing Ning by her waist and fucking her as fast as your motor would allow, her tits bouncing off of her and her face twisting with pleasure.
"Well… I at least..." Giselle tried to find an excuse in vain, she knew her pride was indefensible at that moment, "ugh, fuck you."
Ning let her back flat, and with Giselle now quiet you focused on giving your favorite Chinese woman all the pleasure she desired. You lifted her legs, bringing her ankles together in the air and holding them with one hand. Ning loved it when you fucked her like that, you knew it from how she always massaged her own tits and bit her fingers between whimpers.
"Mmmmm! Give it to me daddy!" she squealed, curling her toes at the side of your face, "don't stop daddy!!" You released her ankles and hugged her raised legs against your body, now giving her deeper and stronger thrusts.
“Be a good girl and cum for daddy, you little slut,” you ordered with a growl.
"Yes daddy!! Just don't stop, don't fucking stop please!!!" she squealed, writhing on the counter. She was quiet for a few short seconds in which only the sounds of your pelvis colliding against her buttocks could be heard, and with a guttural squeal she exploded around your cock.
Ning's orgasms were always forceful and intense, she truly channeled pleasure with absolutely every part of her body, and you had to make a superhuman effort to keep her from falling off the island. With a firm grip around her thighs she stayed still in place, her back arching and her throat emanating pure sounds of pleasure. You gave her slow thrusts, feeling close to another orgasm but not wanting to cum inside her.
"Uchinaga, come here," you ordered as Ning's body relaxed and her orgasm subsided.
"Don't fucking tell me what to d-"
"I said come here!" you ordered, this time more stern and with an imperative tone. The next thing you saw was Giselle kneeling next to you, "good fucking girl."
You pulled out of Ning's pussy, left her sprawled on the island, and turned to Giselle, your cock between her eyebrows. You didn't even have to give her a command before she took your cock in one hand and guided it directly into her mouth. She began to suck you hard, taking more than half of your cock in a matter of seconds with each pump. She spit in the middle of the blowjob to make it more slippery, saliva falling from the corner of her lips to the floor but also drenching you with it.
Soon she didn't need a hand to help herself, she brought them both to your thighs, digging her nails into them to now move her head fully back and forth, giving you mini deep throats with each movement. You didn't need much more to explode once again. Giselle didn't seem to like the fact that you didn't warn, but she still took every inch of your cock into her mouth as you shot one last thick load into her body.
“Just watch that bitch swallow all his cum,” Minjeong's voice and giggle behind you.
"Fuck, this is the last straw…" Giselle said once she had swallowed all your cum and she pulled it out of your mouth. Her chin, her thighs, and her floor were soaked with saliva. You turned around, and saw Minjeong standing right where Ning was before. With her was Jimin, dressed in one of your baggy hoodies that you didn't even know you had left in that house.
"He really hit the grand slam today, didn't he?" Jimin laughed too.
"Ask Ning that, she's literally dead there," Minjeong scoffed.
"God, shut your mouth, it's no big deal," Giselle huffed, standing up and wiping her chin with the back of her hand.
"Did you rest well?" you asked Jimin, hiding your cock behind the island.
"Perfectly, daddy," she nodded with a little smile and a tender look, "and I think I'm ready for more fun."
"Oh honey, you're not ready," Minjeong denied, pulling the pack of blunts from behind her back, "this is just the beginning."
SPREN NOTES: My biggest job to date? Yeah. My best work to date? I think so. Is this divided into two parts? Of course. Wait for it.
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prehistorictriforce · 2 years
i have one fucking incredible professor this semester that asks about our lives and how we’re doing and is okay w late work as long as we have a reason and we actually try and then my other professor literally has a section in her syllabus where she said that illness is never an excuse for being late or less detailed, and that we need to go to the doctor, maybe rest for a few hours, and then get our work done. she then says that if this stress causes us to be hospitalized that we need to contact the university to have ourselves removed from the class which, in that instance, we still lose all the money we spent to take the course in the first place. 
now take a wild guess which professor i feel more respect for and therefore feel more inclined to work harder to impress
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cheqorb · 1 month
OFF-SCRIPT ROMANCE ft. reo, sae, kaiser
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you’re both just in a fake relationship for both of your own benefits, nothing more is going on behind the scenes! and it’s definitely not actual love!
NOTES: made in mind with characters aged up to maybe around 20+ ish? i’ll continue working on mer-love requests. im even thinking of opening bnha requests since i’ve gotten back into it recently. can’t tell if kaiser is ooc or not, but i’m sure you guys are sick of my apologies so i’ll try to stop LMAOO
edit: wrote this before kaiser’s backstory and goddamn it.
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as the heir to the illustrious mikage corporation, REO knew, deep down, that the time would come when he'd have to step into his parents' shoes and take control of the company. and speaking of which, his parents seem to be growing increasingly more eager to see him settle down, constantly badgering him about finding a suitable partner whenever he visited them. however, his career of being a professional soccer player meant that he would probably only be able to see them if he played games in japan itself, which rarely happened anyway.
he wasn’t an idiot; maintaining a relationship with his schedule would be practically impossible, his s/o would certainly get tired of it after a few months, and he wasn’t keen on the idea of forcing them to travel with him to every single match.
the thought of starting a relationship under false pretenses, merely to appease his parents, left a bitter taste in his mouth. he wasn’t exactly the type of guy who wanted to break someone’s heart over this. reo was stuck wondering how on earth he could pull this off, until by some stroke of genius, you came into his mind.
though not close friends, your paths had crossed enough times for him to recognise your presence. considering your own status as the heir to your own family’s fortune, his parents would also approve of you. plus, you’re already familiar with the expectations such wealth brings, surely, the lifestyle of being his significant other wouldn’t be too different from the one you already had?
as reo stumbled over his words, his usually confident demeanor giving way to a palpable sense of unease, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy. despite his attempts to mask his nerves, it was clear that this request weighed heavily on him, even more so than his typical bravado could conceal.
“so, i was hoping you could consider—“
his tentative smile faltered as you swiftly interjected, a curt “yes” escaping your mouth before he could even finish his carefully rehearsed proposal. the relief in his eyes was unmistakable, though tinged with a hint of disbelief at your response. his expression softened, a mixture of surprise and relief evident in his features. “you…you don’t need to make your decision so quickly,” he stammered, clearly taken aback by your immediate acceptance. “i understand it’s a difficult thing to ask of you…”
reo couldn't help but feel nervous, in hindsight, the arrangement had fallen a little too seamlessly into place. your willingness to dive headfirst into a relationship without a moment's hesitation freaked him out slightly, but it did ultimately solve his problem! with you by his side, he could continue his career while still making his parents happy.
of course, he still had his doubts but you seemed perfectly happy to spend your days in comfort and go on luxurious vacations with your friends if he had matches coming up.
and as if his luck couldn’t get any better, you’re quite the lovely person yourself. even in the absence of his parents, you always go above and beyond to maintain appearances (he thinks that’s what your trying to do anyway?) and ensure he’s happy. whether it was a home-cooked meal awaiting him after a long day or your presence in the stands, cheering him on during matches, your seemingly genuine care for him truly warmed reo's heart.
in return, reo finds himself taking extra care of you, making sure you’ve got nice clothes to wear, randomly calling you in the middle of the night, a slip of the tongue petname here and there…
nagi could only only sigh (internally in his head, it’s too much work to actually sigh) as reo picked up his phone for the umpteenth time this hour. “maybe they’re just sleeping..?” he offers, though it doesn’t seem to help very much.
“they haven’t responded to any texts, they won’t even pick up the phone…” the man laments, sulking in the corner of the room, “my dear (name) could be in danger and i’m not there to help them-“
a quick ding from his phone soon shoots him upright from his misery, a hopeful look now on his face. he only seems more cheerful once he notices it’s a voice message too, he just loves listening to you speak! your voice is always so— ‘reo, please go to sleep, it’s late in (country) right now, isn’t it? call me back in the morning, don’t you dare think of staying up to text me.’
huh? does he really do that?
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SAE’s attitude and abrasive personality is definitely one of his manager’s least favourite qualities about him. the midfielder's dislike for interviews and meet-and-greets, coupled with his unabashed insults towards those he found irritating, posed a significant challenge for his public image. while some die-hard fans may have been drawn to his aloofness in the first place, it was hardly the ideal image for sponsorship deals or modeling contracts.
his manager entertained the idea of sae entering into a relationship. perhaps, he mused, the presence of a significant other could soften his rough edges and make him more approachable to the public. though he doubted sae would ever agree to such a scheme, he was a bit desperate now. can’t hurt to try, right?
as you sat outside the room, the tension hung heavy in the air. each candidate that emerged only served to heighten your nerves, leaving you questioning your decision to agree to this dumb offer in the first place. the obvious heartbroken expressions of the people leaving the room, along with the unmistakable voice of itoshi sae uttering the word "rejected," did little to ease the growing pit in your stomach.
finally, your name was called, and you entered the room with as little flair/flamboyance as you could, no need to embarrass yourself more than you already will. his bored expression did little to boost your confidence and you found yourself avoiding direct eye contact as you introduced yourself in a sheepish manner. “hello, uhm, it’s nice to meet you. i’m (l/n) (name).”
despite sae’s initial perception of you, there was something about your genuine yet unassuming nature that intrigued him. you spoke about yourself with an honesty that bordered on indifference, almost as if you had resigned yourself to an inevitable rejection so you didn’t care how genuinely insane the things you were saying were. (seriously, wdym in college you went to a skate park and came home with a horse…)
the words escape his mouth before he can even think of what he’s saying, “look up at me.”
his request caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but stammer out an apology before reluctantly meeting his gaze. under the intensity of his teal eyes, you felt a pang of self-consciousness but thankfully maintained your composure until the end. “but, uh. that’s all I can really say about myself. thanks for listening to me.”
you flash him a smile, before swiftly getting up and exiting through the door without even letting him get a word in. ‘finally, that’s over with…’ you do feel a little bad for sae though, hopefully he would take an interest in at least one of the candidates that came in after you.
you truly believed you had created a lasting impression of someone who was most definitely not a good fit for a prodigy like him (as well as a bit of a weirdo), so imagine your shock at the email sent to you the very next day by his manager. to make a long paragraph short, you got the position! well done..?
and now, his manager arranged for you and sae to meet together for a first date to truly make sure this relationship would, at the bare minimum, allow you to be cordial with one another. well, that’s what he was hoping for anyway. if you’ve got a person like sae on your hands, you learn to not expect things to turn positive.
his blunt remarks and stoic demeanor could’ve easily derailed the evening, but to your credit, you held your own with decent resilience considering how timid you seemed upon your first meeting. in spite of the occasional falter at his words, you continued to only show kindness towards him.
he’d never, ever, admit it out loud but he does feel a little guilty at how you just take his words without complaint. he had expected some form of resistance or annoyance from you, yet you only met his words with a laugh or simply ignoring it, leaving him feeling unexpectedly unsettled. also slightly questioning your self esteem.
just as he was contemplating bringing the date to a close, you suddenly bow your head with a smile on your face. one that really captivated sae because of the actual, sheer sincerity in it.
“thank-you, sae, i mean it. you’ve been very nice to me considering i’ve just been talking your ear off this whole time, so thanks for that. i liked today a lot.”
with your words hanging in the air, sae was at a loss for how to respond. what was he supposed to do after hearing that? not decide right there and then that he wanted to give you the entire world and more? (I’M SO SORRY I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME WRITE SAE WITHOUT HIM BEING EXTREMELY OOC)
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unlike the other two, KAISER’s situation can vary a little more. as in, his reasons for needing a pretend relationship can differ depending on anything. it could stem from dissatisfaction from his management, a desire to maintain his image, or simply on a whim. regardless of the reason, you’re stuck with him one way or another.
his overconfident demeanor can be jarring at times, even though you thought you had steeled yourself for it beforehand. it doesn’t seem to disappear even when the two of you are alone together; which by common sense, should be when you’re most comfortable with each other, no? yet, there are also instances when his bravado feels forced, the occasional slip in his facade.
for better or for worse, you hesitated to say anything; not wanting to overstep any boundaries. you weren’t his actual s/o, you were getting paid like the relationship was a career. besides, would someone as arrogant as to call themselves ’emperor’ even want help from you? if you’re the more compassionate type, you may just immediately cave in and try to help. well, even if you aren’t, you’ll find it increasingly difficult to ignore him, ultimately realising he definitely doesn’t plan on seeking help himself.
initially, he adamantly opposes any attempts from you, making it clear he preferred to deal with his troubles alone or that he didn’t need your help. your persistence is slightly alarming to kaiser, whose probably wondering if you’re trying to increase your allowance or something, but he still doesn’t give in (yet).
suppressing a sigh, you turn on your heel after placing a cup of water and a modest plate of food on the coffee table. staying where you're evidently not wanted seems pointless. "try to eat something before heading to bed, kaiser…need anything, just tell me, kay?" the words spill from your mouth almost automatically, probably since they’ve already been said countless times before.
as you take a step forward, a sudden tug on your arm sends you tumbling to the floor. "ow-"
kaiser remains silent, clutching your hand as if it were his lifeline. awkwardly, you place your hand on his shoulder, engaging him in small talk. though he doesn’t respond, he doesn't push you away either. it's progress of sorts, you suppose?
after that, there’s a gradual improvement in your relationship! kaiser appears to be coping better, even seeming happier than before. good for him, you think to yourself.
even so, you figured that your dynamic with each other still wouldn’t change all that much. you’d help him out whenever he needed you to, you’d both continue with your lives as usual. however, fate clearly had other plans.
for starters, he’s much more affectionate in private moments rather than it simply being for the public eye. gone are the days when displays of affection were reserved solely for public appearances. now, it’s like there isn't a day that passes without his presence: resting his head on your shoulder, intertwining fingers, or wrapping his arms around your waist. and then there’s also the random pet names he bestows upon you.
another change would be that kaiser genuinely cares if you’re around or not. attending his matches had become routine to you, necessary to maintain the image of being his supportive significant other but nothing more.
while you had no intention of not going, you couldn't help but notice kaiser's new habit of personally inviting you to his matches. with a smug grin, he would insist on you showing up, emphasising how he wanted you in the crowd, cheering him on. instead of receiving tickets through the usual channels (his manager, mostly), he even took it upon himself to hand-deliver them to you!
with the crowd roaring with excitement, signalling the start of the match was close by, kaiser's gaze finds its way to you. he takes a stride in your direction, his hand reaching out to gently lift your chin to face him.
you meet his eyes, a questioning expression flickering across your features, as he lets out a dramatic sigh. "how cold of you, (name). i mean, a supportive partner would offer a kiss for good luck, wouldn't they?" he says, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.
he’s ever so slightly more unbearable like this though. how awful!!
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dragongirlbunny · 4 months
Notification | It appears the young woman is back again, still complaining about being harassed.
Empathy | (Normal: Failure) She is becoming agitated for some reason, and has said something about your car exploding with hammers.
Logic | (Simple: Failure) Explosions? Hammers? This is a grave threat to your life!
Ban her again!
Logic | Crisis averted, well done.
Website | People seem to be upset about your reaction to the situation. They say you're being transmisogynistic.
>Rhetoric (Medium) : Convince them it was for your own safety.
Conceptualization (Challenging) : Consider your actions
Go back to your vacation (leave).
Rhetoric | (Medium: Failure) You try to explain that your life was in danger, and you had to ban her for threatening you. It doesn't work. People are making jokes about hammers and cars now.
Volition | (Easy: Failure) Ban them too. They're in on the threat. You need to stay safe.
Ban anyone posting about the incident.
Go back to your vacation (leave).
Website | You issue a swift series of bans for the pettiest and slightest reasons you can find.
Perception | (Challenging: Success) Remember the woman from earlier? She's still posting. On a different website.
Authority | (Trivial: Failure) This cannot stand. Show her who's in charge here.
>Interfacing (Medium) : Use her account information to prove you were right.
Volition (Easy) : Remember how we said "If you don't like it, leave"? We already won.
Interfacing | (Medium: Success) You use your access to account data to pull up all of her information and write a lengthy comeback about how she deserved her bans.
Authority | This will settle the matter.
Reaction Speed | (Challenging: Failure) Something is nagging at you. Something about data privacy laws?
Composure | (Trivial: Failure) Quick, delete the post! Maybe nobody saw it.
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loveemagicpeace · 8 months
🥃Astrological Things☁️🥥
🎨Fire signs are full of passion and life and everything they do involves passion. And they don't like being with people who are too serious and down to earth. They always say "okay lets do this". They love to do things and are there for all the drama and action and will always do crazy things with you.
🍬Mercury in Aries are very honest and straightforward. With them, you will always know where you are and what is happening. Everything you ask them, you will get a direct answer. They seem to me to be the most sincere and true with words.
🌙You will feel most comfortable and familiar with people with which you have 4th house synastry. With these you will feel the warmth and feel as if they will always be there for you. You'll feel like they've known you forever. You can feel this with your friends as if they were your brothers or sisters. It's home vibes so u two can be homies or family. Your family can look at them as part of the family. I think this is very beautiful synastry for relationships & friendships.
🫧Pluto in the 1st house - in the early period of your life you will face many trials. Many people may put you down or not treat you well. Many times I have noticed that they experience contempt from people or people humiliate them. Their early life can be quite difficult - they can attract many people who are jealous of them and wish them ill. You achieve strength later in life. But you transform yourself throughout your life and become an ever stronger person.
✨The difference between capricorn rising and scorpio rising is that capricorns will always get respect. What is one thing i have noticed that no matter what - they always get the respect of others and will always want to be respected. You will make an impression on other people with your silence. You're not going to do anything and you're just going to kill people with your looks. Your energy is very strong. Scorpios, however, want power, and with that they can go through anything to achieve it. Many times their energy can be too intense and tense. A lot of times they do something related to intimacy. Scoprio rising - intimate areas, sexuality..mc leo - sex, playfulness, visibility. Scorpio wants power & Capricorn wants respect.
🔥Mars in 1st house & Mars in 12th house - the difference is that someone who has Mars in the 1st house comes forward angry, aggressive, scary. But he is aware of his anger, which means that whatever he does, he is aware of his limits and how far he can go. Mars in the 12th house, on the other hand, hides its anger and anger manifests itself in many ways. These people can be much more scary and dangerous when someone makes them angry. Many times I notice that these people have at least one contact with weapons or they like it. They like guns. These people could have a collection of guns.
🌛Cancer & taurus moon are similar in that they both will leave if they don't feel the energy in the room of people or wherever they are and both moons don't like to go out with strangers or with really big group of people. They prefer to be with only one person. They both love food and movies. Both of them have a sense of security and always take care of the people around them.
🌱Cancer rising- you are more of an introverted person, prefer to keep back and do not like to be in the company of strangers. You need your own space and I have noticed many times that these people do not like to drive strangers in their car or go to the vacation with them. They don't like it when people invade their private space.
🌼Venus and Cancer - these people are enthusiastic about children, they have a good feeling for children. They immediately immerse themselves in the conversation with them. They are very family oriented.
🥥Capricorn moon people have a lot of empathy towards people. A very friendly moon, otherwise they can be too focused on work and the things they have, but they are very friendly.
🫐Virgo placements especially rising sign a lot of times they are insecure about their body and how they look like. Also a lot of times they don't like taking pictures of themselves for example : for the men -without shirt on it and for woman the body parts the chest or belly. Or any part of the body that is intimate. But a lot of times it's the upper part of the body. Many times they are also very critical of their bodies. I think they have a very beautiful body, but they are too critical of themselves about their appearance. And they look very sexy when they have messy hair!
☁️Taurus/ sagittarius/ virgo placements especially venuses will be very critical of the bodies of other person like they would see the details of the person's body. For example: you like someone's arms and fingers - and the person will gain weight in their arms and suddenly you won't like it anymore, or they will have a too thick neck or their legs will be too muscular - You will see certain flaws on the person's body that you will no longer like. Hard to explain, but there are little things that they notice. Also, if the person goes on beauty corrections or something similar, it can quickly turn them away from the person.
💕Libra placements can sometimes be a little too obsessed with being liked by everyone and having a lot of people around them. Sometimes I have the feeling that they are too obsessed with the fact that people have to love them. They need the love from others way to much. And I have a feeling that sometimes they can be even more obsessed with perfection than virgos. The difference between libras and leos are that libras need people's attention. While Leos need attention to themselves, to be seen for their talents. Or that one person they really love.
🎯Aries in the other hand will always be honest and direct. But people often find them selfish because they focus more on themselves than on the people around them. And yes they could be but also when they love you and they find a connection with you, they will give you a lot of their energy. The difference is that Aries will only give their energy to people they really like and suit them. While libras will give their energy to everyone.
🍿The general energy between fire signs and air signs is that air signs can get along with everyone and will give everyone the same energy. Fiery signs are picky when it comes to people and will only give their energy to those they really like and will find passion with.
🧊8th house synastry create an energy like you have to have this person to yourself. And if the person is not only yours, you can quickly start showing jealousy. You want it to be just your person and you don't want to share it with any other person. These two people, even if they want to, cannot alienate themselves from each other. You cannot let go of this person even if you try. I mean it's very hard to go if you have a powerful relationship with this person.
🧃Geminis are very comfortable talking on the phone in front of other people. They always don't care if someone is around or listening to them. Many times they talk about very personal topics and don't care if anyone is listening.
☁️It's actually the earth signs that hides the most pain in themselves because they never talk about feelings out loud. They don't want to bother other people with their emotions and feelings and all of it. They want to be strong for others especially Moon signs and that's why they never talk about feeling so openly because they always feel this pressure they they have to be strong.
⭐️The signs you have a love-hate relationship with are actually the signs that will give you the most love and growth. For ex.: you have leo in your 8th house and you just hate their energy sometimes or how they made you feel. And all the times characteristics that they have bothers you and they will say all the wrong things to you and you will be like” I just hate them so much”but you will find out that this signs will actually do the most sacrifice for you. They will be the most loyal to you & you will have with them the most deep relationship of all the people in your life.
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ilovejoostklein · 12 days
Bad Journalism
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You’re an annoying journalist trying to get a story out of Joost, but he knows that’s not what you really want // joost x fem!reader
nsfw: smut, one shot
The news that Joost was disqualified had sent shock waves through the entirety of the Eurovision. You heard the news first through whispers, not believing it at first until it was in every headline, plastered over every local news channel, and blowing up all your group chat messages. 
You felt bad for him more than anything. Your heart sunk for him, especially when some of your colleagues had not one bit of empathy for him, and were itching to corner him for a story. You’d passed him a few times in the hallway, smiling at him or waving, he was like a beam of sunshine in every room and captivated the audience with infectious excitement and charisma. You didn’t want to admit it, but you found him incredibly attractive. You found yourself scrolling through his socials late at night and never missed any of his rehearsals. It was clear he was the favorite, and it was all ruined for him now. 
It was the heat of the moment, tensions were at an all-time high. Everyone at Eurovision, both behind closed doors and in hushed voices out in the lounge areas, and everyone on social media who followed the competition talked about Joost. It was all in whispers, yet completely in your face at the same time. No one could avoid it, it was more than an elephant in the room at this point. 
As a journalist, it was like a mosquito constantly looming at your shoulder, irritating you that you could do nothing about it in good conscience. Your boss was hounding you and your colleagues for someone to get a word out of him, incentivizing you all to no end with bonuses, paid vacation time, or even a promotion. It didn’t help that journalists from other papers and countries all shared the same ambition, and some were far more aggressive and weren’t afraid to make it known. You wondered if those shared smiles meant anything at all, and if there was a chance he’d be more receptive to give you a statement rather than the other journalists who didn’t have the best intentions. 
You tried to formulate a plan to gently approach him and try to get even a sentence out of him. Your conscience wrestled with each other. Your boss zeroed in on all of you specifically soon. He complained that you and a few other colleagues in particular weren’t performing up to par, and he was threatening termination. 
“A lot of you are proving yourselves to be dead weight, you especially. You can show you deserve to be on this team by getting a story.”
You fell into a panicked state of anxiety for the next few days. You could barely sleep or eat knowing that your livelihood was now on the line. You’d been so excited that you secured a job at a top company, and now it was all in jeopardy over this nightmare of a situation. The journalists were now in their competition, and that alongside your boss’s threats gave you a new sense of determination.
You waited for the evening when you learned that Joost would be down for a mandatory meeting with members of the EBU. You gave false tips to other journalists who heard about the meeting as well, who believed you hesitantly, but you’d made yourself seem non-threatening and docile since the very beginning. In a way, it still held. It took everything inside of you to keep the shakiness of your voice hidden, and you concealed your nervous body language as harmless fidgeting. 
You noticed him come out, and it was as if it was a different person. The room filled with anxiety and anger, from the both of you. His face was concerning stern, he dressed in basic, dark colors instead of his usual fun, unique outfits that always drew attention. He was alone, and like the fox you were, you cornered him. 
“Hi, Joost.” You greeted him, immediately approaching him. “Did you just leave a meeting with the EBU?” 
You glanced over at you, his eyebrows knitting together as if there was some sort of betrayal. He vaguely recognized you from the fleeting glances in the hallway, a bit disappointed knowing that you were just like all the others. 
“I’m in a bit of a rush.” He mumbled, hoping that it would be enough to shut you down. “I’m sorry.”
You were so overcome with adrenaline you didn’t hear him, doubling down you continued to pester him. “Can you say anything about your disqualification?” You asked, seeing a blush immediately appear on the apples of his cheeks. “Is it true you assaulted someone?”
It was like a switch was flipped. You felt yourself grow cold immediately at the way he looked at you with deep offense. You’d jumped your questions prematurely, not giving him time to warm up to you, or even intelligently posing them. You’d made a complete mess of things and your failure plunged you into mania. There was no going back now, you’d either get a story out of him or make one. 
Joost ignored you, he had to unless he wanted to make matters worse for himself. If you were a man, and not a woman looming at his side, staring up at him with big doe eyes and a blush that rivaled his own he would’ve pushed you away. He desperately wanted to take your stupid phone and throw it across the room before telling you to fuck off, but he tried to keep himself level-headed. He repeated like a mantra that all he needed to do was get into the elevator and go to his room, then it would be over. If you followed him then he’d have good reason to call security to haul you away. 
He didn’t anticipate that you would use the fact he couldn’t hurt you to your advantage. You weren’t sure what came over you either, shocking yourself as much as you shocked Joost you yanked off his headphones from his neck and ran towards the elevator.
He chased after you without thinking, rushing past the closing silver doors as you desperately pushed the button to try to shut him out but your efforts were in vain. Your eyes shot open and you felt yourself move to the corner of the elevator, clutching the heavy, expensive headphones to your chest. Your breathing was erratic, you rendered yourself speechless as the man stood mere inches away from you. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” He questioned in a low tone that bubbled with anger. “Give it back.”
“Answer my questions.” The calmness of your voice shocked you, and you looked up at him like it was an implicit dare. You knew as well as he did that he had no intention to hurt you.
“Don’t do this.” He pleaded, his head falling to the side. Yet still, his tone was angry and his body language rigid. He held out his hand, “Just give it back, and we have no problems. Ok?”
“No.” You stood your ground, hearing the elevator ding open to his vacant floor. 
“No?” He laughed in disbelief. “Are you serious?”
You didn’t say anything, feeling yourself on the verge of tears from the intensity of the situation you left the elevator and walked down the hall aimlessly as he called after you in a hushed tone.  You knew it wasn’t out of gentleness, but because he didn’t want to cause a scene like you had. You felt like you completely lost sight of yourself, you’d played dirty and this was exactly the kind of journalism you abhorred. 
“Come here.” Joost began to approach you as if you were a wounded animal, “Just give it back, and I’ll answer three of your questions.”
“Really?” You asked, surprised by the easy defeat. He nodded, his face so genuine that you completely believed him. 
You handed the headphones back and he practically ripped them from you, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Now go away before I call the police on you.” He spat. “Verdomde eikel.” He mumbled under his breath as he turned to walk back to his room.
You were overcome by the same adrenaline that you felt when he walked out of the conference room. You followed him to his room, no matter how many times he told you to fuck off and slammed the door in your face you weren’t going away until he gave you what you wanted. 
You knocked on the door until your knuckles were raw and aching. Almost an hour went by, some people peering out of their rooms but ultimately paying you no mind. Joost finally opened the door, just enough to peer out with one of the locks to keep you two separated in case you tried another one of your stupid tricks. 
“I don’t want to call the police on you.” He seemed to have calmed down, the cigarettes and alcohol in his breath further indicating it. “Go away, you’re too pretty to be acting like this.”
You huffed in frustration, “I’m trying to help you.” you tried to make something up as you went, “The other journalists tried to wait for you, I told them a lie to get them to go away. If you give me a story you won’t have to worry about them as much.”
“Ah, well.” He shrugged, “I’ll take my chances. Goodnight now.”
You put your arm in the door, a last effort to prevent him from shutting you out again. “Please, Joost.” You said shamelessly, now feeling like you’d just had a dopamine crash and all that was left was shame. 
He looked at you for a moment, head coming to the side his head eyes narrowed almost inquisitively before he busted out in laughter. “Oh fuck, I hope you’re not who I think you are.” He said amid his mockery, burning tears immediately forming in your eyes, “What’s your name?” 
You mumbled your name pathetically, your head somewhat bowed to avoid eye contact before he howled in laughter, “No fucking way.” He repeated over and over, the mockery hitting you like nails and making you bleed with miserable shame all over him. “You’re the journalist, my friend told me about you.”
You realized why his reaction was so over the top, and if anything it was warranted. 
You recall when it was only the second day of the competition, everything was still in the very early and most exciting stages. You shared the elevator with a man from the Netherlands, tall, curly hair and dark skin. He complimented your shoes, you complimented his back and you two made small talk. He said that he was just an enthusiastic fan, something that you now knew was a white lie, and asked you about your job and what you thought of the performers. 
“I like your guy from the Netherlands.” You said, smiling at him. “I’d fuck him.”
His eyes widened, and he looked at you in disbelief for a second before smiling back. “Yeah.” He finally said. “Me too.” 
You didn’t know how you could be so clueless, and how you didn’t connect the dots that it was him in that costume performing alongside Joost all this time. He had captivated you so much, that you hardly paid any mind to the other performers, as talented as they were, much less his two friends at the side of the stage. 
“You just wanna fuck me, huh?” He questioned in a sarcastic, degrading tone. “Are you even a journalist?”
You stayed silent, knowing that whatever you said would just make everything a million times worse, or even make you completely break down. It was again, like everything you were doing at this point an empty effort. The tears fell on your face like pieces of hot coal, burning your skin in sorrow and embarrassment. Your chest constricted in quiet sobs, you didn’t understand why your feet felt sewn to the carpeted floors and your arms bound to the doorknob of his room. 
Joost expected this, he could tell from the way your once vibrantly pretty face lost all its color and your eyes became low and glossy that you had lost your strength. He knew someone like you was weak, hardly cut out of this type of journalism. He felt bad almost, knowing you would do much better tucked away in an office, away from people like himself whose personalities completely overpowered yours. He was a performer, after all, so he couldn’t blame you. Joost knew he was soft underneath this hard exterior, and no matter how badly you offended him he couldn’t bear to see you so upset at his expense. 
“Alright.” He relented, sighing and unlocking the door completely as a form of surrender. “I will make a deal with you.”
Your face was buried in your hands, trying to stop and wipe away the tears to the best of your ability, but you still managed to nod. 
“Either you come in here, I answer the three questions you asked about.” He offered, “Or, you come in here and I fuck you, and I don’t answer anything.”
If you couldn’t stand to look him in the eye before, you certainly couldn’t do it now. “The second one.” Your voice was strained, weighed down by your sobs it was nothing less than humiliating. 
You heard Joost’s chest jerk in laughter, and he didn’t have to verbalize how pathetic he thought you were. You were fully worn down now, accepting defeat and realizing that you were so deeply depraved to choose physical pleasure over your literal job. He let you in, shutting the door behind you heard nothing but the turning of bolts and his soft footsteps. There was no turning back now, even if you came to your senses, there was no way your body would allow it. 
“Wait for me in my bedroom.” He said all too casually, “I’m going to have a cigarette.”
The white hotel sheets were cold and uninviting under your warm skin. You began to undress down to your underwear, it was unassuming, the fact that it was black and matching was your only saving grace at sexiness. You found yourself waiting for several minutes, but as you clutched your knees to your chest and shivered from the notoriously harsh hotel air conditioning it felt like hours.
Joost seemed to be stringing you along, and enjoying every bit of it. He came back inside from the porch, walked into the bedroom, and paid you not even a glance before walking into the bathroom. You felt your humiliation plummet to new depths, especially when you heard him turn on the shower. The least he could do was say something, instead of walking past your almost naked body as if it was the least interesting thing in his room.
The excruciating wait ended once he left the bathroom, steaming and smelling of the freshest, most intoxicating body wash you’d ever smelled. It was perfectly masculine, eucalyptus and citruses you wanted to wrap yourself in it. 
Joost approached you, watching as you crawled to the edge of the bed, looking up at him with your raw, puffy eyes it was almost erotic. You’d put yourself through so many emotions just to get a word out of him for your pathetic little job, and now you were on his bed, desperate for his touch. 
He was always a man of his word, so naturally, he was a little ashamed that he tricked you earlier and wanted to make it up to you by not forcing you to beg for him. He unwrapped the towel, his cock springing loose in front of your face. Your face gave away your reaction, showing him that you weren’t used to his size and stroking his ego a little more. 
“Go ahead.” He encouraged, “I hope you’re better at this than you are at interviewing.”
You took him into your mouth eagerly. It was almost like a wish being fulfilled, or being in a dream your depraved mind had conjured up. He felt incredible in your mouth, the way your lips stretched over him and how the tip nudged at the back of your throat did nothing but excite you. You hummed and moaned against him in contentment, the vibrations on his cock driving him wild. Your mouth was perfect, and you had something to prove. This was exactly what you wanted, you weren’t sure who the winner here was. 
Joost couldn’t let you have the upper hand, not yet at least. He grabbed your head and held it into place before he began to fuck your mouth. He wasn’t relentless, even if he wished he could be as the reminder of how you pestered him sat at the back of his mind. His thrusts were deep but mostly gentle. You gagged against him but breathed carefully through your nose and braced yourself with the rhythm he’d set. Saliva dribbled down your chin, your mouth so wet and warm he couldn’t imagine how it would feel like to fuck you. 
The desire was too overwhelming, he was impatient and desperate now, withdrawing his cock from your mouth. Your eyes were watery again, this time for good reason. You coughed a bit, regaining a bit of composure before Joost grabbed a handful of your hair and brought you into a kiss. 
It was the sloppiest, least romantic kiss you ever had. He shoved his tongue into your mouth and held you in place like you were an animal threatening to escape. Your body was aching almost unbearably now, you straddled him and pressed your pussy against his bare thigh and began grinding down on him with such desperation it made him chuckle into the kiss. 
“Slut.” He muttered against your neck, you shuttered against him before you felt his teeth sink into your skin, just enough to make you gasp. “You like that?”
“Mhm.” You groaned, your hips still moving against him hardly getting what you needed. “Please fuck me, Joost.”
His hand returned to your hair, this time pulling it so that you’d face him. He smiled almost drunkenly, his eyes low and dazed, “Can I eat your pussy first?” He asked the smug look on his face anticipating your reaction.
He laid you down on your back. You were a bit glad he wanted to pay attention to you. You fully expected him to fuck you from behind and kick you out, it would’ve been understandable, especially from the way you were acting and the fact he probably had dozens of girls who would kill to be in your place.
You felt the power balance restored as he buried his face between your thighs. He was as eager as you had been, licking and sucking on your pussy as if you had made the deal with him. His thick mustache burned the tender skin between your thighs in the best way possible, a reminder of what he’d done for you that would last at least till the next day. You felt nothing but the warm, blanketing pleasure. It felt like you’d just had a drink, your nerves had settled and all that was on your mind was finishing all over his pretty mouth. 
Your hands tangled in his hair, your back arched as you felt yourself grow closer. A part of you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of your thighs closing against the side of his face and moans pouring from your lips, but it happened regardless. Your body almost convulsed from the intensity, the pleasure making your body surrender and melt into his hands so much that you began apologizing. 
“I’m sorry.” You muttered continuously, your orgasm coming at its peak and then rolling over you, “I’m sorry Joost.” 
He didn’t say anything at first as his mind was foggy, and he was lapping up your pussy, avoiding your clit now to give you a moment of calmness and for his pleasure. You tasted good, and it was intoxicating for him. 
“It’s ok, baby.” His tone had now sweetened with you, even if you knew it was mostly from the intimacy of the moment. “I know what you need.”
Joost was overtaken by how turned on you made him feel. He loved how he was putting you in your place, how he had softened the stone-like scowl on your face, the sharpness in your voice and movements to something so perfect. He kissed you again, this time just a few pecks before you felt him press the head of his cock against your pussy. 
He rubbed up and down, every time he passed over your sensitive clit you jerked up in overstimulation. He had condoms in the dresser, but you hadn’t brought up the matter so he decided to disregard it. If anything he’d give you some money for the morning-after pill, but that was the last thing he wanted to worry about. 
Joost groaned loudly, almost overly dramatic as he began to push himself inside of you. You trembled beneath him, letting out sounds of discomfort from how big he was, the sensation new to your body that you instinctively began to push him away with one hand and attempt to cover yourself with the other. 
“Move your hand, please.” He told you, “I promise I’ll stop if it hurts.” 
It was a bit of a struggle, he had to stop a few times to allow you to adjust yourself to his size before he was able to bottom you out. It was all worth it, the pestering and the headache to have you beneath him.  He fucked you slowly at first, pulling out until only the tip of him was inside of you before plunging himself back inside of you. Your pussy squelched and squeezed around him, your eyes screwed shut as you brought him into an embrace. 
Joost kissed you on the cheek, resting his face against you he picked up his pace until it was something almost punishing. The thoughts of what you had done before were now at the forefront of his mind, that horrible feeling intertwined with his passion for you. The sound of slapping skin filled the room, his grunts against your soft gasps. He hit the sweetest spot inside of you with every movement, the feeling so overwhelming you felt your orgasm building again. You tried to tell him, feeling as if hearing it would feel like a reward to him, but your body and mind were no longer one. The only thing that left your mouth was his name and desperate sounds of pleasure. 
Joost felt you come all over his cock, your pussy clenching around him as you cried out into his shoulder. He knew now he wasn’t going to last any longer, his movements becoming sloppy and the feeling of no friction, just how wet you were for him sending him over the edge. He would’ve loved to last longer, but he soon found himself pulling out and pumping himself over your body before coming undone all over your stomach. 
He marked your body, warm cum falling against your stomach and breasts as you were cooling down from the nearly out-of-body experience. Joost looked down at you, breathing heavily it was almost like he was admiring his work. He’d left bruises against your neck, your hair was disheveled, your face wet with tears, and the prettiest sight of all was that he’d finished all over you. 
He wiped down your body softly, kissing you when he was done before climbing under the sheets. He brought you into his arms this time, cuddling with you for a while before he spoke, 
“Are you hungry?” He asked in a whisper, you giggled in response and nodded. 
“Alright.” He nodded, “Maybe I’ll answer some of your questions after.”
hope you guys enjoyed :) this is a cross post from my ao3 if you wanted to check it out there
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slasherscream · 5 months
A/N: shout-out to @abominableghostface, who was my beta reader and co-conspirator as usual.
❥ we ride at dawn. try and survive ❥
Billy Loomis - The man with the plan. When he says morning he means we are going to be in the car and on the road by the time the sun rays begin to hit the earth. Granted, it's not a hectic morning by any means. He'll have made sure the two of you started packing days in advance. There’s no last minute rushing around. No wondering if you packed a toothbrush, or your favorite jacket. You double checked everything the night before, and then checked behind one another to make sure. But no matter how peaceful the waking, being dragged to your car at 4:30am will make you want to kill him. He passes you your favorite blanket that he threw in the dryer last minute, a cozy protection against the dewy chill of the night turning to morning. When he tells you to sleep until he finds somewhere decent to eat you hate him a little less.
Jordan Li - By nature Jordan is more of a night owl. Through pure necessity they’ve molded themself into something resembling a morning person. Sure, the way they don’t start smiling before 10am shows you it’s not at all a natural state of being, but they do it anyways. 
So used to starting the monotonous, average days bright and early they’re definitely not going to want to start a vacation late. They wake up to the sound of their alarm. They wake you up to soft kisses pressed into your skin. When you open your eyes, scowling at them anyways, they can’t help but laugh, “Yeah I know, I know, fuck off. But we gotta head out before traffic hits.” 
Knowing how you are in the mornings Jordan packed the car last night. When you roll over, intent on ignoring them they roll their eyes and shift, so that he can drag you from bed no matter how hard you try and make yourself dead weight. 
You’re still half asleep, leaned up against him beneath the spray of the shower, but wake up when he flicks water at your face.
“Fuck off.” You grumble. 
“Once we’re on the road I’ll fuck off for at least an hour. Then we’ll grab breakfast, yeah?” He pushes a loofah in your hand and grins once you take it. They shift again, nudging you out the way with her hip so you’re sharing the water instead of hogging it, “Wash my back so we can head out.” 
When they wake you up outside a diner two hours later instead of one you’re feeling much more agreeable, pulling them in for a kiss when they open your car door.
Sebastian Valmont - A chronic riser with the sun. It doesn’t matter what time he goes to sleep, he is going to wake up right as the sun rises. He has black out curtains and takes morning yoga classes. The bastard. His body simply enjoys being awake at six am. Thus, he sees absolutely no reason why leaving for your trip should come hours after that. He’s going to be the one driving anyways. The maids packed all your things, and the butler brought everything out to the car. All that’s left is to get you out of the house. Sebastian helps you put on your clothes, laughs at the way he has to push your arms into your shirt, and drag you to brush your teeth. When he tucks you into the passenger seat he knows you’ll be asleep again by the time he slides into the driver’s seat. He sneaks glances at you for the first few hours of the drive, quietly listening to music and the soft sound of your snoring, enjoying every second.
Stu Macher - Ball of energy that he is, Stu is awake bright and early, and does not need time to “wake up.” He unfortunately acts like this is a universal experience. The fact that he’s excited about the trip makes his typical lack of empathy towards night owls even more brutal than usual. You’re unceremoniously dragged from bed. He tickles you as you brush your teeth. If you seem a little extra groggy that morning he hops in the shower with you and turns it on cold to get your motor running. He acts completely baffled about why you’re still scowling by the time he’s back from his banishment of loading up the car while you try to dress yourself in peace. To make matters worse he wants to talk about anything and everything with you despite the fact that the sky is still that sleepy shade of blue that’s half night, half dawn. You stare at him hatefully from the corner of your eye, grunting answers at him until you pass a diner that’s open and you can get caffeine into your system. His excitement for the trip is cute once you’re awake.
Kevin Khatchadourian - Rises with the sun and is deeply irritated that you don’t. On a regular day he rarely let’s you sleep in. You’ll be lucky if he chooses to start his daily routine without you. On the mornings when he decides to practice archery, which is most, you’ll get an extra hour and a half. By the time he’s coming back inside he wants you both moving around one another, starting the rest of the routine. Brushing teeth, making food, the idle chatter of your voice. Considering he’s not fond of changing your routine, which is exactly what a vacation is, he doesn’t want to hear a single complaint about the hour he wakes you up to start the drive. He also doesn’t let you fall asleep when you get into the car, even though he’s the only one driving. You’re keeping him company no matter how tired you are.
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - While he maintains a strict schedule of waking up early unless hungover he is by no means a morning person. He’ll wake you up as gently as he’s capable of if the shrillness of the alarm didn’t do the trick, rocking you by the shoulder until your eyes blink open. The two of you packed the car last night so there wouldn’t be anything to do or communicate with one another upon first waking up. Two non-morning people trying to talk to each other upon first waking up was a recipe for disaster. Especially if it was the pair of you. Quietly you go about your morning. Brushing your teeth side by side, bumping against each other every now and then instead of speaking. Ben grabs the green smoothies that he made for the two of you the night before, something to tide you over until you found a place he was willing to eat at (which was always an unnecessarily complicated task.) It’s thirty minutes of driving and radio playing softly before you’re caught in a bit of traffic and you’re awake enough to be sweet. You lean across the cupholder to kiss his cheek and he gives you a small smile,  “Morning, L/N.” The two of you are experts at sharing your mornings by now.
❥ we leave sometime before noon ❥
Jason Dean/JD - Will never wake you up before he thinks you’ve gotten all the rest you need. His favorite hobby is turning off your morning alarms if he thinks you set them unreasonably early in comparison to when you fell asleep. He’s certainly not going to break that pattern for the start of a vacation, when you should be resting. You’ll wake whenever you naturally wake up, JD still wrapped around you. You’ll shower, drink some coffee, do one last check of the luggage and then he’ll haul everything out to the car for you, no matter how much you both packed. He likes you to not lift a finger during your trips and it starts before you ever leave the house. It certainly puts you into a vacation mindset.
David Mccall - David himself is an early riser but likes to let you sleep in whenever he can. The start of a vacation is certainly one of those times. He spends the hours before you wake taking care of last minute things. He checks all the bags again, makes sure everything you could possibly need is packed, then loads up the car. He makes sure the house is clean so there’s no mess to come back to that you’ll stress yourself out over. Closer to the time he knows you’ll get up he starts making breakfast for you. He’s so focused on the task he jumps when your arms loop around his waist and you start to press grateful sleepy kisses to his back. You’ll be on the road in an hour or two, he’s in no rush. He wants you relaxed and enjoying yourself every step of the way.
Josh Washington - Due to his insomnia he is not falling asleep any earlier than one am most nights. To ask him to get up at dawn would be like killing a puppy. You both sleep in, wake up sometime just before noon. You like to be realistic about your expectations for yourselves, so there’s no rush. A late start was factored into the plans from the beginning. You packed everything into the car the night before, so all there’s left to do is hop in. You wake yourselves up with some music to start. Barely twenty minutes on the road you see a cute diner and stop for late breakfast. You smile at each other as the afternoon sun shines on both your faces, sleepily discussing what you’re most excited about doing when you arrive at your destination.
❥ secret third worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan likes your journeys to begin in the dead of night. Whether it’s heading to the airport or hopping in the car to start a long drive, a 9pm start time is the sweet spot for him. He doesn’t like waking up early to start trips in the morning. Nor does he like being stuck in the claustrophobic traffic of other human bodies or cars during the afternoon. You’ll be dead tired by the time you get wherever you’re going but having a good beginning to vacations is important. Especially for Nathan. When you start at night his anxiety tends to be lower for the whole trip. The things we do for love.
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cepheustarot · 7 months
What new phase are you entering into?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur. You build your own life and destiny.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: Here you begin a new period in your life, changes are coming. Perhaps you are changing your place of residence, changing your job or field of activity, changing your place of study or specialty as well, but in any case, here I see that you will have a new team, a new social circle, new acquaintances. Or maybe you just take a vacation, start taking a break from the routine, go somewhere on a trip or vacation. I will assume that you are currently going through a difficult period in your life, which has physically and mentally exhausted you, so the next stage will be relatively calm for you, it will help you relax, it will be a kind of break. Because the next stage will help you feel happier, you will rejoice more often, relax, feel satisfied, there will be many pleasant moments, you will feel independent of finances, there will be a lot of fun and holidays around you, you will be satisfied with the current state of affairs. In general, this will be the most favorable period for you!
Pile 2: I dare to assume that the second pile was chosen by people who can behave coldly with people, in general you are seen as a detached person who is difficult to approach. Perhaps you are not very emotional, or you try not to show your emotions and because of this, people may think that you don't care about most things, you are indifferent to many things in life. It is also possible that you are too straightforward or speak out too harshly here in someone's address and people who do not know you well may take offense at you. In general, in the next stage of life there will be events that will change you and that will "teach" you not to be afraid to show your emotions, to open up to people. There may be an acquaintance with a person who will be very sympathetic to you and can become your partner, or it will be an acquaintance with a good friend with whom there will be a strong friendship. In any case, you will feel good with this person, you will feel comfortable, you will enjoy spending time with him, because next to him your mood rises and you really want to share everything with this person, in general it will be quite an emotional connection. It is also possible here that you will work with children with whom it is important to maintain an emotional connection, behave gently and this will also help you develop empathy. Of course, at first it will be hard and you will feel very uncomfortable, there will be a desire to retreat and close up more, but in any case it will be an experience for you, as you will get out of your habitual way.
Pile 3: As I see it, in your next period of life you will begin to close yourself in and distance yourself from people, stay in touch less, but this is because you have a change of priorities and you will devote more time to your self-development or gaining knowledge, preparing for studying or you will dive into work. Perhaps someone here will soon start important exams and therefore you are starting to prepare hard for them, or you are working hard to reach a career age, perhaps some of you want to start your own business, something like that. And in general, this stage will be difficult for you, it will be very exhausting, you will be nervous a lot, but I see you are confident here to achieve your goal, so keep your initial attitude, your motivation and, of course, do not forget to give yourself a rest. You will definitely succeed!
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback <3
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Oh my GOD, I just realized why Donnie acts so weird in Man vs. Sewer. I always thought his behavior was odd in that episode, particularly in his nonchalance towards finding and saving Raph - but I had the most random thought occur to me during work that TOTALLY explains it. I'm sure some people have probably pointed this stuff out already, but I wanted to put this out there anyway.
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The episode 'Man-vs-Sewer' is a personal favorite of mine. I love the episodes where the boys are just goofing off, and this episode is that plus some. We see get to see the boys having fun for a bit at the start of the episode, but it also adds a bit more depth to some of the turtles. We see a really surprising side to Raph's character with his fear of being alone, and Leo gets to shine a bit as a leader and hint at his true potential.
However, I was always a bit puzzled by the way Donnie and Mikey were written in this episode. As a rule, Rise is pretty good about keeping its characters, well, in character, so their behavior struck me as kind of strange, particularly Donnie's.
If there is one thing Rise NAILS about Donnie's character is showing that despite struggling with emotions and empathy, he is still NOT AN ASSHOLE. Donnie genuinely and deeply loves his family - he just has a hard time expressing it externally.
'Man-vs-Sewer' kind of stood out to me as an exception to that, however. At this point, Donnie's care for his brothers is an undisputed fact, so why does he seem so unconcerned about finding Raph after being separated? Even for Donnie, this seems like an ooc level of indifference towards the well-being of his brother (at least that's how I saw it).
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Except, it isn't. In fact, this episode only reinforces that Donnie does care for his family, it's just a *bit* harder to see here.
One thing many neurodivergent people struggle with is a sudden change in plans. When they expect to do something that day it can be very difficult for some neurodivergent people to deal with it emotionally and can lead to immense frustration or even shutdowns. Since Donnie is confirmed to be, at the very least, autistic coded, this would absolutely apply to him as well.
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The turtles planned to have a nice, relaxing day floating along New York's sewers and enjoying a small break from all the stress of finding the Dark Armor. No fighting, no mystic metal, no foot clan. Just a calm day of fun without a care in the world - only for it to be ruined by a bad pass and a lost brother.
I know if my plans were ruined like that, I would be in an absolutely FOUL mood. It can be hard to transition into a different mindset when the expectations for the day change like that, and it can make anyone frustrated, but Donnie doesn't appear to be that way. In fact, he's acting extremely casual.
Even though everything he was going to do today was upended and his brother is now missing in the New York sewers, why does Donnie seem so unconcerned about the whole situation?
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Answer: It's a coping mechanism.
It would be very easy for him to be a bit more annoyed and frustrated at the whole situation (I definitely would be), but he isn't. Instead, he avoids getting overwhelmed and emotional by continuing through the day as if nothing has really changed.
The whole time they are finding Raph, Donnie behaves as if they are still on a peaceful, carefree mini-vacation. He makes snide jokes and jabs toward Leo, enjoys the drinks he brought in his shell, and constantly reminds the others that it is his "day off." If he can act as though he's still relaxing, it becomes easier to adjust to unexpected alterations in his day. This isn't Donnie being willfully inconsiderate towards Raph being lost and alone, this is just him trying to manage with the sudden changes the best he can in that moment.
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If Donnie really was an uncaring asshole (as some may be inclined to believe given his apparent lack of empathy), he simply would have resumed their original plans, or been more vocally resistant to going after Raph. Instead, he joins his brothers in their search, and although he may not provide the best input for finding Raph because of his coping method (his brain is in "day off" mode which is why he keeps missing clues about Raph), he is still making an effort.
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In a way, the episode which I thought portrayed a slightly out-of-character version of Donnie actually provides yet another example of how Donnie really loves his brothers, despite how it may seem on the surface.
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(Actually, depending on the way you interpret his character, the same can be said for Mikey in this episode as well. Mikey is always a bit of a goofball in the show but in this episode, it is dialed up to 11. He also doesn't seem to much care or effort into finding Raph and acts like a child who managed to snag one of their parents' energy drinks. If we consider that maybe he is also struggling to adapt to the changes of the day, this could be him adopting a similar coping method to Donnie, it is just amplified because of his hyperactive behavior and personality.)
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